Tuesday 22 May 2012

Session 17 episode summary. Reach level 7.

S17 25/9/1479 DR
Vale runs out of the tunnel, sees Lirael & Dru-Arael, and bluffs Lirael into going into the tunnel to assist her friends.  Vale flees north towards Llorkh, where it's rumoured there is a portal to the Zhentarim fortress of Darkhold.
Lirael enters the tunnel, heading south, and joins the main group past the site of the battle with stirges & spiders. They head south through the tunnel for nearly 15 miles (ca 6 hours) to the enormous stone slab that bars the tunnel. Entering the gatehouse, Lirael is menaced by traps, iron cobras, & hammerer automatons, but they defeat the ancient defenses and Arya uses the Lever Automaton, a huge dwarf-shaped golem, to pull the lever that raises the slab. Orcs rush in; Arya drops the slab and crushes 6. On the gatehouse steps a bitter battle ensues; the three Zhent soldiers are killed but Lirael, Arya and Valeris' Royal Guard Karvol defeat the orcs, taking a strange magic stone hand from their leader's corpse.

Monday 21 May 2012

Session 16 Episode Summary

S16 25/9/1479 DR
The party are attacked by hippogriffs, one is killed. Karvol the Royal Guard is knocked into the river by archer fish, but Shawna distracts them by pushing the dead hippogriff into the river, and he is able to reach the shore.
The party reach the north entrance of the Stonefang Tunnel; Lirael and Arael/Dru scout dwarven patrol footprints heading west, while the others enter the tunnel. Some distance into the tunnel the party battle stirges, then a small earthquake opens a cleft from which pours spiders.  During the fighting the Zhent Black Sun Adept (Cyricist) Vale tries to kill Arya, but in turn is attacked by the other three Zhents, Banites. He blasts them with the power of the Black Sun and flees south, back down the tunnel.

Sessions 1-15 are here.