Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Green Regent - The Avatar of Life

Avatar of Life

"Despite war, chaos, and hate, life endures, and you will ensure that it never falters.

You are the incarnation of a god, mortal and immortal beings united in the same flesh. You exist for the purpose of battling your true godly self ’s foes in the mortal world, of providing inspiration and hope to all who worship your divine being, and just possibly to learn a few things about what it means to walk in the world you helped to shape at the dawn of time. At the same time, you are also the mortal persona you have been throughout your current life, and you are destined to become part of the god you have served so well.

Avatars represent many different aspects of the gods, but you specifically embody the vital principle, the animating spirit of your deity. All life is sacred to you, and you are its divine protector. Your time as an adventurer has taught you how precarious life can be, whether it is the life of a butterfly struggling to escape its cocoon or a civilization living on the edge of lands inhabited by orcs and goblins. You hate taking life, but you recognize that it is the nature of the world that you must sometimes kill or be killed.

As an avatar of life, you might be blessed with incredible longevity. Your calling could draw you to retire to a monastery or a temple to live in obscurity, protecting a small community from harm. You might be fated to heal some great sickness in the world, battling a magical plague or putting an end to some corruption or mockery of life that threatens the natural order. Or you might be compelled to venture across the planes, bringing an example of hope and healing wherever you go.
Divine Reunion: After you have completed your Destiny Quest and lived out the years appointed to you, you are called back to your true self. Lying down in a fair green meadow or forest clearing, you allow your body to crumble into dust, nourishing flowering vines and creepers. Your soul returns to your divine self, recalling the awesome power and understanding that comes with godhood. But some part of your mortal being still survives, since your memories, your cares, and your journeys are now your deity’s too.


    Life’s Wisdom (21st level): Your Constitution score and your Wisdom score both increase by 2.
    Unfettered Durability (21st level): When you roll a 20 on a saving throw, each ally within your line of sight can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.
    Vital Revival (24th level): The first time each day you begin your turn dying or dead, you revive. You regain hit points equal to your bloodied value, and each ally within 10 squares of you can spend a healing surge.
    Persistence of Life (30th level): You and any allies within 5 squares of you can use second wind as a minor action. If a character can already use second wind as a minor action, then the character can use it as a free action. When you or an ally within 5 squares of you uses second wind, twice the normal number of hit points are restored.

Avatar of Life Utility 26Font of Life

Forming a circle with your fingers, you bring forth a sphere of divine energy that helps you and your allies continuously recover from wounds.
Daily        DivineHealing
Minor Action      Close burst 2
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Each target gains regeneration equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier until the end of the encounter.

Published in Divine Power, page(s) 149.

Monday 25 May 2015

Session 85 RL24 24/8/1484 Fall of Gorath the Pit Fiend

Gorath, very briefly a Duke of Hell
Maxtorious, Godslayer Champion of Tiamat

While Paelias & Dunstan assist Liana Arunsen and High Priestess Amathea in dealing the mortal Ashmadai cultists in Waterdeep, Lirael Jareth Dhaunayane & the Green Regent Halvath Cormarrin enter Hell to defeat the Evil at source...

They meet a Dragonborn Godslayer sent by Tiamat and a Treachery Demon sent by Graz'zt to close the rift likewise, and despite the Treachery Demon's frequent treachery are able to cross the Fields of Fire, reach Gorath's lair, and defeat both him and two Balors sent by Orcus. As the rift closes the heroes flee just before the lair/temple of Asmodeus explodes, burying the last Balor - which then also explodes.

The group returns to Hallomak's portal and home.

Monsters defeated
8 Legion Devils min-21: 800x8=6400
2 War Devils brute-22: 4150x2=8300
2 Ice Devils soldier-20 2800x2=5600
2 Balor Demons Elite-27: 22,000x2=44,000
Gorath, Pit Fiend Duke of Hell Solo-26: 36000
Entropic Collapse Hazard +5,100
Total Combat XP:  105400/5=21080

Level 26 Major Quest Close the Hell Rift: 9000 each

Total: 30080 each
30080+279074 =309154 XP
Need 310,000 for Level 24

Blessing of Mielikki: Party > Level 24,  310.000 XP! :)

Need 375,000 for Level 25

Friday 22 May 2015

Max PC

Bluespawn Godslayer (Max) Level 23 Elite Brute
Huge natural humanoid (reptile) XP 10,200
HP 265; Bloodied 133
AC 36; Fortitude 37; Reflex 32; Will 34
Speed 8
Resist 15 lightning, 15 thunder
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Initiative +15
Perception +17
Low-Light Vision
The bluespawn godslayer deals +10 damage against dragons, dragonborn, and immortals including devils & demons.
Standard Actions
m Greatsword (lightning, weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 3; +28 vs. AC
Hit: 4d6 + 24 damage, plus 2d8 lightning damage; see also slayer.
M Awesome Blow (lightning, weapon) • At-Will
Effect: The godslayer makes a greatsword attack. If the attack hits, it makes a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: +29 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.
M Bite (lightning) • At-Will
Attack: Reach 2; +27 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + 21 damage, plus 2d8 lightning damage; see also slayer.
M Brutal Attack • Encounter
Effect: The Godslayer makes a Greatsword attack and a Bite attack.
Str 28 (+20) Dex 19 (+15) Wis 22 (+17)
Con 25 (+18) Int 10 (+11) Cha 16 (+14)
Alignment evil     Languages Draconic
Equipment heavy shield, greatsword

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Monday 18 May 2015

Session 84 23-24/8/1484 Stonefang Destroyed, Shar Captured

The heroes enter the Pit of Doom, where Stonefang is making short work of the Shadowed Chain Dwarves. In the fighting Serka and 8 other Shadowed Chain dwarves are killed, but Jareth overwhelms Stonefang, who recognises him as the Invincible Vanguard before being destroyed. Brikos Stoneshoulder comes through the portal and returns the group to Hallomakk's tower portal room in Waterdeep, where Hallomak is holding against an attempt by the Ashmadai Diabolists, allied with Thay, to open a Gate to the Nine Hells. He needs the heroes to enter Hell and defeat Gorath, Pit Fiend leader of the Ashmadai.

The group take a jacuzzi break and rest, while Brikos brings the Green Regent from the Fiery Spire, he restores Serka to life and she proposes to Dunstan - he accepts. They spend quality time together in Hallomak's Jacuzzi. Hallomak realises that Shar, Goddess of Night, has been captured by Szass Tamm, Archlich of Thay, using Tharkorsil's Seat. It's all going to kick off now...

Shar Goddess of Shadow has been captured by Szass Tamm and Orcus, bound in the artifact Tharkorsil's Seat. This gives them control of the Shadow Weave, the source of power for the Shadovar of Netheril, and a lot of control over most of the Shadowfell, except for the Gray Vale and High Forest around Karse due to the presence of Karsus the Failed God.

Then it is time to enter Hell...

Stonefang, Level 26 Solo: 41,500/4=10,375 each
Stonefang Defeated, Serka & Dunstan United, Level 26 Major Quest: 8300 each

Total: 18,675 +  260,399=  279074 XP
Need 310,000 for Level 24