Tuesday 31 March 2020

Session 15 account XP 99+1 = 100/120 Lvl 10>11

The ale was flowing and the tales were tall in Red Larch. The local villagers watched out of the corners of their eyes as Alani and Ralph made toasts to each other. The feats performed at Rivergard became more elaborate with each “Cheers!” At the bar, a pretty young barmaid was making doe eyes at Alani.
Sudden shouting from outside got everyone’s attention. Ralph downed the last of his pint and headed for the door, great axe already in his hand. Seraphus is right behind, his flaming sword sparking to life.
"You! What are you doing?! Stop!!" It sounded like one of the Constable's men.
Dagny got to her feet and rumbled to the door, Rhennya draining down the last of her drink beside her.
"Just when I was getting lucky with the ladies!" grumbled Alani, wiping a bit of foam from his lip. He rushed towards a window to get a better view of the street outside, making sure to flex a bicep as he made his way past the barmaid, who was gawping at him in the commotion.
Seraphus burst through the door. “What’s going on here,” he demanded. Kasumi, silent as a shadow, was at his side.
Several strangely dressed people stood in the street, wearing swirling blue-green robes. One who looked like a priest chanted aloud as the others opened a large box engraved with a recurring elemental symbol. Inside, a magical orb resembling a crystal ball pulsed and thrummed with power. The priest held the orb aloft and continued to chant while the others knelt before it.
“Oh no,” said Seraphus, visibly wilting.
“Here we go again,” said Ralph, the smile not leaving his face.
Dagny, catching a glimpse of the orb, called out to the villagers milling around in confusion, “Run and take cover! Let us handle this!”
Kasumi, always the ready one, takes a running leap and vaults over the astounded cultists and lands beside the priest holding aloft the devastation orb. Kasumi cut at the priest decisively, slicing into the chain shirt he wore under his robe. Using her ki energy, the priest is stunned.
“More blood for the red dragon!” she screams in his shocked face.
Dagny sighed and mentally readied a spell of healing. She had a feeling Kasumi would be needing her skills soon.
Kasumi knees the priest in his tender parts. He doubles over in pain, his chant forgotten. Small tentacles erupt from his mouth, curling. The few villagers still watching nearby recoil in disgust.
Rhennya rushes past her companions to cast Ice Storm upon the entire group, Kasumi included. Five of the cultists drop dead immediately, the other left standing there shivering and alone, next to the priest, who is barely holding on. Kasumi, blood lust in her eyes, shakes off the cold. Shards of ice pound down upon the square. Villagers scramble away in fear.
Dagny yelled out to the remaining two cultists: "Your gods will not help you now! See how little they cherish you!"
Alani took aim from the window and fired an arrow deadly and true. It hits the priest squarely in the chest. He staggered back and fell to the ground, dropping the still pulsing crystal orb. It rolled away from Kasumi along the muddy, ice-ridden ground.
Another arrow followed the first, striking the last remaining cultist in the gut. He sank to his knees in mortal pain.
For a moment, everyone held their breath. Then the orb exploded with a low WHOMP. A blast of wet air rolled over the crossroads. Thunder rolled overhead and a heavy, unrelenting rain began to fall, plastering Kasumi’s blood-spattered kimono to her skin as she stood there amid a field of corpses. A half-hearted cheer arose from the villagers, as they fled from the sudden onslaught of rain.
“How badly are you hurt, Kasumi? Do you need assistance?” asked Dagny.
“A large cup of sake would not go amiss,” said Kasumi, pushing her wet hair out of her face. The guard who raised the alarm rushed over to wrap his cloak chivalrously about her shoulders. Dagny laid her hands upon Kasumi, avoiding any blood spatters and cast Cure Wounds.
Seraphus and Rhennya searched the bodies for anything useful. There wasn’t much. They seemed to have brought minimal gear with them, likely not expecting to return giving that they had carried a devastation orb with them. But the last man shot by Alani still lived, slumped on the ground with blood still bubbling slowly around the arrow lodged in his stomach.
"We should question the wretch," said Dagny, noting his slow, laboured breathing.
He glared silently and defiantly up at her as the rain drenched him. She pulled out a healing potion and showed it to the man. "If you tell us what you know, perhaps this can be yours."
Kasumi was more direct. She poked him with her sword to rouse him. “Oi, you! To whom do you hold allegiance?”
The sword proved mightier. The cultist flinched fearfully at Kasumi. "Fire Warrior! No!"
He gasped. "I... I serve Gar Shatterkeel, Prophet of the Crushing Wave."
“And my blade burns hotter than any flame, you shall see. Talk! What exactly was your purpose here?”
The cultist gasped in pain. "First... potion..." he reached for Dagny's vial.
Dagny held the potion just out of his reach. It rankled her as a healer, but... "You must give us reason beyond that to save you. Can this rain be stopped?"
The cultist glared at Dagny. "We - we were sent to punish this town, for harbouring you. Vengeance for the destruction you wrought at Rivergard."
Rhennya stood nearby, staring at the clouds and trying to determine their nature, but ready to step in if help was needed.
Kasumi looked thoughtful. “Well, vengeance I can understand....But it only really applies if you actually manage to carry it out....”
Dagny took another look at the ever-darker sky. "I fear their vengeance falls with this rain." She dangled the healing potion tantalizingly over his head. "I ask you again, can it be stopped? How long will it go on for?"
"Stopped... nothing can stop the Rain!” The cultist groaned aloud in pain.
"Anything begun can be ended, including your life." Dagny stepped closer to the cultist. Now, perhaps, was a time for the hammer over the healing hand.
Seraphus, who had remained quiet until now, stepped up to the cultist and placed his flaming sword near his exposed neck. “Hello, there,” he said with a grin that clearly said he didn’t mind getting a little more blood on his weapon. He had, after all, missed out getting in a lick in the earlier battle.
The cultist looked horrified at the flaming blade before his eyes. "No! Please! Not the Accursed Flame!" He looked down, sobbing.
The dragonborn looked pleased. “Bow down to Tiamat, fool.”
"The rain cannot be stopped! It will destroy your crops! Turn your roads to trackless mud! It is the will of Great Olyhydra!"
Kasumi, Seraphus, Dagny, Ralph and Rhenny looked at each other, confused. Who was this Olyhydra?
“Perhaps a taste of steel will loosen his tongue,” said Ralph.
"Be careful, his wounds have already bled a great deal," said Dagny. “And I am reluctant to place my hands upon him.”
“Why do we care? If he can't stop the rain, might as well mount his head on the wall,” grumbled Ralph.
The cultist groaned, eyes closed against the pain and blood pooling below him. "Olyhdra - great Prince of the Waters! The Crushing Wave!" The cultist opened his red-rimmed eyes, glaring hard at Dagny. "Soon the Prophet will open the Elemental Portal! Olhydra will rise from the Deep! All this land will fall to the Eternal Waters of the Crushing Wave!"
“Where is this prophet?” Ralph demanded.
The cultist spit on the muddy ground, his spittle mixing with his blood.
“Where is he?” Seraphus pressed his flaming sword closer to the man’s neck. Dagny quietly murmurs a thaumaturgy cantrip and the flames burn ever brighter. The cultist flinches back, his brief show of bravado forgotten.
"He is... he is below the dwarven city. In the Elemental Node, where the Drow Archmage left the Weapon of Power for the True Prophet, so long ago! There he prepares for the coming of Great Olyhdra! You cannot stop the Crushing Wave!"
Dagny turned to the others left outside, her hair dripping with rain. "I am loathe to waste a healing potion on this...man. But he has given us some information. What say you?"
Ralph grunted. “Give him the potion...then kill him.”
Dagny grimaced and turned to the cultist. "Is there any more you can tell us about the location of the Elemental Node below the Dwarven city?"
"Only the Priests and the Prophet may venture to the Most Holy." The man is barely whispering now.
Constable Harburk, better late than never, turned up with his two of his men. He nodded to the cloakless fellow standing near Kasumi, shivering in the cold rain. "This one is the last survivor? They'll pay for this damn rain, eh?!" He grinned through his bushy blond moustache.
Dagny nodded to the Constable. "We shall depart forthwith, but this rain may not stop for days. It would be best if you get the word out to tell the villagers to protect their crops and hay." She tossed the potion to the prisoner. “I am a dwarf of my word,” she said. The cultist miserably caught the vial, opened it and gulped it down, grinning as the arrow eases out of his stomach and the bleeding stopped. "You have served Olyhdra well by saving his humble servant!" he says, approvingly. She turns away, disgusted.
Meanwhile, inside the pub, Alani had retreated from the window and made his way back to the bar. He cast a reassuring look at the barmaid, who had barely moved from her spot. The girl smiled back at Alani, somewhat starry-eyed. "You did it! You defeated them!" She looked down shyly. "I'm Ghileeda Irkell, niece to Kaylessa Irkell, the Innkeeper."
“Delighted to meet you, fair Ghileeda!”
Ghileeda gazed up at Alani. "And you too, Alani! I've heard so much about your adventures! You must tell me more!" She glances up as her aunt Kaylessa emerged from the kitchen.
"What happened?! What's all that noise?"
"Just a squirmish with some damn cultists outside,” said Alani.
Kaylessa looked out the open double doors, at the dead cultists and rain pouring down. "That's no natural rain!"
"What do you mean? Have you seen this before?" Alani leaned forward encouragingly.
"Aunt, Alani here killed the priest! He saved us! Can I serve him a free drink?" Kaylessa looked hard at her niece, her eyes twinkling slightly and she nodded. "Aye, of course. The Tethyran mead." She turned back to Alani. "I can tell! You know I have a sense of things!"
Ghileeda places a mug full to the brim of a sweet-smelling amber liquid in front of Alani.
"Thank you so much, lady Kaylessa!" Alani said, hoping that Tethyran mead was not a waitress codeword for laxative. The twinkle in her eye had unmanned him.
He whispered to Ghileeda, “How does she know that it was unnatural? Is your auntie a druidess?"
"Oh, she's always claiming to have feelings about this and that. Said she could feel the Necromancer outside of town, a few months back. Some say she's touched by the gods. I dunno." She shrugged, putting an arm around Alani and pressing against him. "Perhaps we could talk further in my room, tonight?"
"I am sure we have a lot of things to share" He said with a grin.
She smiled up at him, arms tightening around his waist. "I'm sure we have lots in common!"
Kaylessa had taken to swabbing the bar and muttering to herself.  "Fogs that persist in the Sumber Hills even in bright sunlight! Sudden gusts of hot wind sweeping west out of the hills where breezes have always been cold! Sudden bolts of lightning stabbing up from the hills into a clear sky. Earth tremours! Terrible rains! None of it natural, not at all..."
Rhennya, having had enough of the rain outside, returns inside. She harrumphed at Kaylessa in agreement. "Weird, this rain! Unnatural!"
Kaylessa nodded affably to a kindred spirit. "Aye! I was just saying so!" She sets a mug down in front of Rhennya. "Mudslides next, probably, judging by this rain!"
Rhennya said, "What do you think is behind it all?"
“I can only guess,” said the Innkeeper, turning a watchful eye to her niece.
Ghileeda tossed Alani a last kiss and turned away, a swagger in her hips as she goes to serve three old men clustered near the taproom fire.
The rest return inside, as Harburk drags the cultist away through the rain.
“We may not have much time,” said Dagny. “My man Bruldenthar at Sacred Stone knows all there is to be known about Tyar Besil. I suggest we consult him before venturing below.”
Sighing but nodding in agreement, Rhennya and Alani quickly quaff the last of their drinks and as one they go to see Iraun, the one-eyed stablemaster.
"You back off to Sacred Stone, mistress Dagny?"
“We all are,” she said. “Please take care. These are dark and stormy days."
Iraun nods, rubbing the long scar across his eye socket and cheek. "Aye." He nods to Rhennya.  "Your horses are behind the partition, milady Rhennya, they get skittish with the hippogriffs about..."
Dagny and Kasumi quickly mounted their hippogrifs, Edna and Usagi, and launched into the sky, shielding themselves as best they could from the rain. The rest followed behind on their horses and arrived some hours later and were ushered in to dry off and take some refreshment in front of a fire that had been prepared for them.
Dagny had already learned as much as she could from Bruldenthar. The old dwarf sage had little urgency about him.
"I was just having an interesting conversation with the Lich, Renwick Caradoon - fascinating fellow... Tyar Besil, you say? Yes, a long term interest of mine..." He poured himself some tea strengthened with something from a flask he kept in his vest pocket.
"I hope he is well...well, as well as a Lich can be. Did he have any knowledge about Tyar Besil?" Dagny prodded gently.
“He's sadly lacking in interest in our glorious dwarven heritage, as best I can ascertain. He kept asking me to seek out the Knights of Samular and fetch him his brother's mortal remains. I politely ... was non-committal."
"You can reassure him that I am on that...as soon as it is feasible to do so." She took a sip of her own, non-doctored tea. "I do wish to stay on his good side."
Bruldenthar nodded, stroking his fine grey beard. "Aye, I used words to that effect. Lady Dagny is right on it, I said! As soon as circumstances allow."
“Bruldenthar, have you any advice for us regarding what we will find below?" Dagny cleared her throat. "The cultist mentioned an Elemental Node...?"
Bruldenthar frowned. "Hmm. Legends speak of nodes of power across Faerun... the Life Node, the Earth node, the Death Node, the Fire node... and yes, Tyar Besil sits atop a confluence of Elemental power."
"Do the nodes correspond in any way to the temples they sit below? Such as the Sacred Stone being over, perhaps, the Earth Node?"
"Hmm. It is a little more complex than that. You see, Tyar Besil was divided into four quadrants, each associated with an elemental power. The Foundries atop the Fire Node, for instance. Centuries after she fell, human adventurers built castles above the entrances to each quadrant... castles that in time, and ruin, became known as the Haunted Keeps." He took another large swig of his tea. "I believe Sacred Stone, Feathergale, Scarlet Moon Hall, and likely Rivergard, are the Four Keeps. And that each guards an entry to the part of Tyar Besil corresponding to their Element."
"I would suppose, then, that we must make our way down to the node below Rivergard?"
The sage nodded sagely.
“Can we get there from here, or is it faster to go to Rivergard?” she asked. “I know the tunnels interconnect but perhaps the distance is too great?”
She nodded to Alani, who had entered the room. He nodded back, looking uncomfortable. “I am not too keen to travel by tunnels.”
"I believe the most direct way to the Node of Water is likely via Rivergard,” said Bruldenthar. “But yes, it might be quicker to descend from here into the Earth Quadrant of Tyar Besil... were it not that the Cult of Black Earth still holds those halls!" He gingerly rubbed his neck, slit by the Black Earth Abbess Hellenrae.
Dagny patted the old dwarf’s shoulder. “Is there any other advice you can give us regarding what we might find down below? Once we reach the Water Node?”
"My suspicion is that each of the four Elemental Cults occupied their own quadrant of Tyar-Besil, and fortified it with allied creatures. Some of the ancient dwarven defences may also yet endure. It will be a perilous place indeed!"
Dagny sighed. "As I suspected. Please pray for us, Brother Bruldenthar."
"I shall pray to the Allfather Moradin for you, My Lady. And for your companions."
"Regarding any remains of the ancient dwarven defences, is there anything in particular we should keep an eye out for?" She took another sip, wishing she could steal a bit from the sage’s flask. "Markings, perhaps? Something only a dwarven eye might appreciate?"
"Hm... subtle markings in archaic runes, perhaps?"
Rhennya entered the room with the rest and made her way towards the fire. Alani turned to her. “Do we have any magical ways to breathe underwater if the need arises?"
“I have recently learned how to cast water breathing. It will last up to a day. It should suffice,” said Rhennya. Seraphus nodded, pleased.
Bruldenthar, lost in thought, and almost muttering to himself, said, “Tyar Besil fell long ago - to the Orcs, they say. But perhaps also ...darker... forces... some say the Drow were involved."
"The Drow?" Dagny gulped, trying not to look worried. "Do the tunnels tie into the Underdark?"
Bruldenthar nodded, gazing into the fire.
Kasumi, standing in the doorway, said, “In that case, we must keep our blades sharp and our wits sharper.” She did not look displeased. Ralph silently took out his great axe and began sharpening it.
"Little or nothing has been heard of the Drow in these parts, since the Spellplague collapsed their dark-gleaming cities. But 'tis best to beware." Bruldenthar nodded to himself, nearly dozing. “And, of course if Olhydra does enter the Material Plane, his host of Kraken won't be far behind..."
They all looked at each other silently. Rivergard it was. There was no time to waste.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Session 15 T2/M9/1491 DR - Release the Water Orb! XP 96+3=99/100, Lvl 10

Ghileeda Irkel

Jelly:Great thanks Simon
Dagny:So we're in Red Larch and well rested
Simon N. (GM):I'm going to start a week later, you just finished a LR and are having lunch at the inn at Red Larch.
Ralph:I've gone and recharged my wings
Jelly:Can I just check: we are still level 10?
Simon N. (GM):A few villagers in for lunch are gawking surreptitiously at the 'great heroes' over their flagons of ale. At the bar a pretty young barmaid casts shy glances at Alani of Loudwater. Suddenly you hear yelling from the crossroads outside...
Alani:96 XPs, I believe...
Simon N. (GM):yup as per blog title
Ralph:Go outside and check it out
seraphus:I take out my sword
Simon N. (GM):"You! What are you doing?! Stop!!" It sounds like one of the Constable's men.
Alani:"Just when I get lucky with the ladies!" grumbles Alani... :-(
Dagny:I will follow behind at a safe distance.
Rhennya:I drain my drink
seraphus:*I scream whats going on here
Alani:I grab my bow and try to find a window that can show me the action outside...
Jelly:Kasumi does not draw her sword but follows swiftly and silently behind.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Ralf and Seraphus grab their weapons and head for the door, followed by Dagny, while Alani heads to a window overlookihg the street.
Ralph:I finish my pint
seraphus:do they respond
Simon N. (GM):Several strangely dressed people stand in the street. One who looks like a priest chants as the others open a large box engraved with a recurring elemental symbol. Inside, a magical orb resembling a crystal ball pulses and thrums with power. The priest holds the orb aloft and continues to chant while the others kneel before it...
seraphus:oh no
not another one
Ralph:here we go again.
Simon N. (GM):Looking at their swirling blue-green robes, they look like Crushing Wave...
seraphus:devastation orb?
Simon N. (GM):yup
Dagny:I still have the box from the last one.
I should use my acrobactics to grab it
Ralph:Time to attack
seraphus:as swiftly as possible
Dagny:I call out to all the people/civilians standing around to run and take cover. Let us handle this!
Simon N. (GM):you can all roll init
Rhennya:I get to the door
rolling 1d20
rolling 2d20kh1+2 intitative
rolling d20
rolling d20
rolling 2d20kh1+2 intitative
Jelly:Sorry, i just need to get the hang of this!
rolling d20 + 10
seraphus:my initiative is 3
Dagny:Oh, I forgot to do the initiative bonus thing, hang on.
rolling 1d20-1
seraphus:for my +2
rolling 1d20 =5
Rhennya:mine is plus 3, sorry, so 20
rolling d20+2
rolling 1d20 +5
seraphus:Its still 3
Jelly:Sorry, finally got it! 23
Dagny:huh. Well, Simon, if you want to take my first roll where I didn't have the init added, it would be 3...the second roll with it added in wound up being 19. Which is very uncharacteristic.
Rhennya:should I roll again with the added bonus?
or just calculate what I rolled (17 +3)
Simon N. (GM):brb
calc w dex
Rhennya:so 20
Dagny:I'll do that first roll (which is more normal) -- so 3 for me
Simon N. (GM):ok got my lunch
20 Rhenya 9 Ralf 3 Dagny.
Jelly:23 Kasumi
Simon N. (GM):3 seraphus 23 kasumi
Alani:Alani: 19
Simon N. (GM):19 alani
rolling d20
rolling d20+2
OK Kasumi you can get to the door with 20' move and the nearest cultists are 20' away, the priest is 30' away and encircled by the cultists.
Jelly:my movement is now 50 feet: If I do a running leap can I try and decapitate the leader?
Simon N. (GM):There are 6 cultists, one is holding the box, one opened it.
seraphus:try to close box
and kill holder
Simon N. (GM):You can try to leap over the guards, DC 20 Acrobatics I'd say depending on what powers you use.
Rhennya:but also get out after
Jelly:I can spend a Ki point to use step of the wind, which means my jump distance is doubled for the turn?
As long as a use a bonus action at the end to Dash or Disengage
Simon N. (GM):OK that makes it DC 10 Acrobatics
Jelly:I automatically pass as my modifier is +9
Simon N. (GM):OK Kasumi leaps over the astounded cultists and lands beside the priest holding aloft the devastation orb...
Jelly:+5 Dex and +4 Proficiency bonus
Dagny:(Dagny looks on open-mouthed as Kasumi hurtles past her)
rolling 1d20+9
Simon N. (GM):AC 13
Jelly:I have a second attack if that didn't work!
rolling 1d20 + 9
Simon N. (GM):hit!
rolling 1d10 +5
Alani:Where is the like button when you need one? :-)
Jelly:That's damange
Rhennya:remember to get out!
seraphus:alani under profile pics
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi cuts at the priest, slicing into the chain shirt under his robe.
You've moved 50' so far and taken an attack action.
Jelly:I'll spend a Ki point to use stunning strike and try to stop him chanting.
Simon N. (GM):ok
CON save
rolling d20+2
he's stunned!
Jelly:Ki save is DC16
Jelly:Ok so I'll take the disengage action now as a bonus action to move back?
Simon N. (GM):You don't have any more move unless you Dash. Right?
Dagny:Dagny lets out a very un-cleric-like roar of approval
Jelly:Correct, I only have 50ft total
Simon N. (GM):In which case you'll take 3 opp atts
Kasumi laughs in the face of death!
Ralph:Dagny, get ready to save her
Jelly:More blood for the red dragon!
Simon N. (GM):You could always use your bonus action to unarmed strike remember
doesn't cost ki. or 1 ki for 2 strikes
Jelly:That's true. If I can't escape I might as well.
Dagny:Dagny sighs and mentally goes through her spells of healing
Jelly:ok, 1 ki for 2.
Rhennya:you must escape, though!
Simon N. (GM):you have advtg vs the priest
rolling 1d20 +9
Argh one away!
Simon N. (GM):roll twice vs priest
Alani:Alani sings "Ki... for 2...and 2... for me" :-)
rolling 1d20 + 9
Simon N. (GM):hit
rolling 1d6 +5
Rhennya:great, Kasumi!
Simon N. (GM):bonk
Roll 2nd attack, 2 rolls as advtg
Jelly:I have another one? I thought I missed on the first unarmed strike?
Simon N. (GM):there is some way to do advtg rolls but you may just want to /roll 2d20 then add bonus
you had advtg
Jelly:oh right, of course.
rolling 1d20 + 9
rolling 1d6 +5
Another 6!!
Ralph:the command is "/r 2d20kh1 + 9" "kh1" means keep highest 1
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi knees the priest in his tender parts, he doubles over in pain. Small tentacles erupt from his mouth, curling.
Jelly:Thanks, that's useful!
Simon N. (GM):cheers Ralph :)
Jelly:This is getting more Japanese by the second!
Dagny:Dagny vows to never eat seafood again
Ralph:kl1 means keep lowest one
Jelly:Whilst Kasumi actually starts feeling rather hungry
Rhennya:me too!
seraphus:save some for me!
Simon N. (GM):#20 Rhenya you stand, putting down your ale, and reach the doorway (25' of move used).
Rhennya:oh, I went to the door earlier.. but never mind
Simon N. (GM):no, not before I said roll init :p
Rhennya:I push to the front row of my comrades (another 5? I have 35)
and cast a Cone of Cold onto the group
Simon N. (GM):You can step out, and cast Cone of Cold - you get all of them inc Kasumi in the middle?
Rhennya:A blast of cold air erupts from my hands
I thought Kasumi moved
Simon N. (GM):no
Rhennya:Kasumi, whyyyyyyyyy????
Simon N. (GM):LOL
I think you should roll that damage :D
Rhennya:Well, it's a Con save 16
rolling 8d8
Jelly:I didn't have any movement left!
Simon N. (GM):priest save
rolling d20+2
rolling 1d20+1
Oh dear!
Simon N. (GM):fail, 35 dmg , he had 28 and keels over, frozen.
rolling 1d4
Rhennya:Yay for priest, and sorry Jelly
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi takes an icy blast for 35 dmg
Jelly:Kasumi is shivering, but still up.
Simon N. (GM):Reaver cultist saves
Rhennya:Hope that the Orb is frozen too!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 6d20
CON +1 so one save.
Rhennya:one save, 17 dmg
Simon N. (GM):5 of them drop dead;one still stands, shivering.
Dagny:frozen sushi
Rhennya:I'm done for now
Dagny:Is the orb still pulsing?
Simon N. (GM):BTW I don't see Cone of Cold on Druid spell list?
it's still pulsing
Rhennya:5th level evocation
Simon N. (GM):PHB pg 208 it's not under Druid level 5 spells
you do have ice storm
Ilet me get the book
Simon N. (GM):It's in the PHB not XGE
seraphus:can someone shout evacuate
Dagny:I did that earlier to all the onlookers / crowd
Rhennya:sorry I had a printout... Do you want me to use another spell?
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus yells "can someone shout evacuate" :)
make it Ice Storm
seraphus:visible facepalm
Rhennya:but at l 5
seraphus:I dodnt know i could shout
Simon N. (GM):we'll keep rolls, but it is DEX save now!
Jelly you rolled a 2
I'll roll dmg
rolling 2d8+4d6
24 dmg if fail, 12 if pass
Rhennya:3d8 for l5
Jelly:I fail
But take less damage!
Simon N. (GM):ok you have Evasion so 12 dmg
The priest is battered but still just alive
Rhennya:one extra d8 please
Jelly:Oh brilliant, yes I forgot about that! Never had to use it before!
Rhennya:cast at level 5
Simon N. (GM):ok :D
rolling d8
Priest is on 1 hp
Simon N. (GM):Jelly you take 27/2 = 13 dmg
Jelly:I'll discreetly poke him with the katana as a free action :-)
Simon N. (GM)::D
5 cultists fall dead, 1 takes 27/2 = 13
Jelly:Pretty good so far!
Simon N. (GM):So the stunned priest & a cultist reaver are still up
The crowd are scurrying back as the ice pounds down on the town square.
Dagny:Dagny yells "Your gods will not help you now! See how little they cherish you!"
Simon N. (GM):#19 Alani you are watching from the window, bow ready.
Alani:Do I have a shot from there?
Jelly:Wow, Dagny's on fire today!
Simon N. (GM):yup, the priest has cover from Kasumi +2 AC
Jelly:Blast! Sorry.
Alani:Fair enough I'll take the shot...
I use my bow
rolling d20+11
Damage if it hits:
rolling d8+5
Simon N. (GM):you have advtg vs him
Jelly:I'll breathe in....
Simon N. (GM):You hit him in the chest, he staggers back and finally falls, dropping the crystal orb. It rolls away from Kasumi across the muddy ground.
Alani:Next arrow at the guy still standing up?
Simon N. (GM):ok
Simon N. (GM):AC 14
Alani:I use my bow
rolling d20+11
Damage if it hits:
rolling d8+5
Simon N. (GM):Arrow in the gut - he staggers back at 0 hp and sinks to his knees, incapacitated and in pain.
Alani:I love macros for using weapons! :-)
Simon N. (GM):Ok dead priest's go. On a 1 the orb detonates...
rolling d6
Simon N. (GM):BOOM!!!
Ralph:Good thing I stayed to finish the pint
Simon N. (GM):A blast of wet air rolls over the crossroads. Above you thunder rolls.
It begins to rain heavily.
Jelly:It's Kasumi's worst nightmare again!
Rhennya:better get the brolly
Simon N. (GM):Plastering Kasumi's kimono to her skin as she stands amid a field of corpses.
Jelly:Rather like my profile pic!
Simon N. (GM):(I got my Luis Royo art book out today) :D
Simon N. (GM):You're out of combat.
Rhennya:is it a colouring book? ;)
Dagny:Dagny: "How badly hurt are you, Kasumi? Do you need assistance?"
seraphus:wheres bill
Simon N. (GM):The locals raise a half-hearted cheer at your 'victory', glancing fearfully at the dark and roiling sky.
Bill is with his mom.
Jelly:Thankyou, Dagny! A large cup of sake would not go amiss.....
Dagny:Dagny: "Would anyone like to search the...corpses...while I tend to Kasumi?"
Jelly:But failing that, some healing would be much appreciated!
seraphus:I would
Rhennya:we can have alook
Simon N. (GM):The guard who raised the alarm rushes over to Kasumi to wrap his cloak chivalrously about her shoulders.
Dagny:Dagny lays hands upon Kasumi, avoiding any blood spatters and casts Cure Wounds.
Simon N. (GM):Inside the bar, the young barmaid makes a sign to ward off evil. "By Ilmater!"
Alani:I go and pick up my arrows and make sure that all items S and R find are brought back to the Inn for counting.... ;-)
rolling 1d8+10
Rhennya:Excuse me!
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi is just hail-battered
Jelly:BTW, I'm listening to a very relevant song at the moment by a band called Temperance. The song is Start Another Round.
Dagny:(So, Kasumi, take back 18 HP)
Jelly:It's a shame we can't have the juke box on!
My thanks, Dagny. My sword is yours, as always.
Dagny:I'm listening to the Witcher soundtrack :-)
Jelly:Back to full.
Dagny fantastic!
Alani:When I come back to the Inn. I cast a reassuring glance at the shy waitress...;-)
Rhennya:What did we find?
Alani:OOC: (Having a slice of Jelena sponge cake, wishing you all were there to share the goodness) :-)
Simon N. (GM):The girl smiles back at Alani, somewhat starry-eyed. "You did it! You defeated them!" She looks down shyly. "I'm Ghileeda Irkell, niece to Kaylessa Irkell the Innkeeper."
Ralph:why do I have 2 cards?
Simon N. (GM):Looting the bodies does not turn up much - they seem to have brought minimal gear with them, likely not expecting to return. But the last man shot by Alani still lives, slumped on the ground with blood bubbling slowly around the arrow in his stomach.
seraphus:mine now
Dagny:Dagny: "We should question the wretch."
Simon N. (GM):He glares silently at Dagny as the drenching rain pours down.
Alani:Delighted to meet you, fair Ghileeda!
Dagny:She pulls out a healing potion and shows it to the man. "If you tell us what you know, perhaps this can be yours."
Jelly:I agree, and poke him with my sword to rouse him. Oi, you! To whom do you hold alleigance?
Good cop bad cop I suppose!
Simon N. (GM):Ghileeda gazes up at Alani. "And you too, Alani! I've heard so much about your adventures! You must tell me more!"
OK Dagny roll Persusasion, Kasumi roll Intimidate.
Jelly:It's like and action game and a romance sim bundled into one! :-)
rolling 1d20+5
rolling 1d20 +3
Simon N. (GM):The cultist flinches fearfully at Kasumi. "Fire Warrior! No!"
He gasps. "I... I serve Gar Shatterkeel, Prophet of the Crushing Wave."
Jelly:And my blade burns hotter than any flame, you shall see. Talk!
And what exactly was your purpose here?
Simon N. (GM):Ghileeda glances up as her aunt Kaylessa emerges from the kitchen.
Simon N. (GM):Kaylessa: "What happened?! What's all that noise?"
Ghileeda ducks behind the bar!
The cultist gasps.
"First... potion..." he reaches for Dagny's vial.
Alani:I tell the auntie that everyhting is under control.
"Just a squirmish with these damn cultists outside"
Simon N. (GM):Kaylessa looks out the open double doors, at the dead cultists and rain pouring down.
K: "That's no natural rain!"
Dagny:Dagny holds the potion just out of his reach. It rankles her as a healer, but... "You must give us reason beyond that to save you."
Alani:"What do you mean? Have you seen this before?"
Jelly:A squirmish! I love it! Especially with the tentacles!
Dagny:"Can this rain be stopped?"
Simon N. (GM):Ghileeda emerges from behind the bar. "Aunt, Alani here killed the priest! He saved us! Can I serve him a free drink?" Kaylessa looks hard at her niece, her eyes twinkle slightly and she nods. "Aye, of course. The Tethyran mead."
Alani:has a big smile on his face...
Ralph:Beware the mead
Awful specific
Simon N. (GM):Kaylessa to Alani: "I can tell! You know I have a sense of things!" His mead is served. Outside, the cultist glares at Dagny. "We - we were sent to punish this town, for harbouring you. Vengeance for the destruction you wrought at Rivergard."
Rhennya:Rhennya is still outside, staring at the clouds and trying to determine their nature
Alani:"Thank you so much, lady Kaylessa!" (says Alani, hoping that Tethyran mead is not a waitress codeword for laxative)
Jelly:Well, vengeance I can understand....
But it only really applies if you actually manage to carry it out....
Dagny:"I fear their vengeance falls with this rain."
Alani:Yep. :-(
Dagny:"I ask you again, can it be stopped? How long will it go on for?"
She dangles the healing potion above him.
Jelly:I shall credit you with that phrase in the book of haiku I am compiling, Lady Dagny.
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya you can roll Nature
Cultist: "Stopped... nothing can stop the Rain! groan"
rolling 4d20
Simon N. (GM):Alani's honey mead is delicious.
Rhennya:ops, sorry
rolling d20 + 4
Jelly:I thought Rhennya just got annoyed with this cultist and decided to cast a massive spell on him!
seraphus:let me try
Rhennya:OK that's a Nature ooops!
seraphus:wait no
Dagny:"Anything begun can be ended, including your life." She steps closer to the cultist.
Ralph:seraphus, show the flaming sword
i walk closer and say Hello there and take my sword and point it at his neck
Alani:If I didn't know that Dagny is a good bluffer, I would say she turned totally dark! :-)
Simon N. (GM):The torrential rain definitely isn't natural, even for the time of year (start of autumn). Much of Red Larch's crops have already been harvested, but the hay bales drying in the fields are sure to be ruined.
Jelly:Yes, a different side is coming out on roll20!
Dagny:Keyboard warrior...
Jelly:I wonder if Kim is a secret troller and firestarter on forums and boards.....
seraphus:did my sword do anything
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus roll Intimidate
rolling d20
Ralph:well done
it wasnt a 1
Simon N. (GM):The cultist looks horrified at the flaming blade before his eyes. "No! Please! Not the Accursed Flame!"
He looks down, sobbing.
Alani:I try to ask G about K: "how does she knows that it was unnatural. Is your auntie a druidess?"
seraphus:bow down to tiamat fool i say
(bill would be proud)
Simon N. (GM):"The rain cannot be stopped! It will destroy your crops! Turn your roads to trackless mud! It is the will of Great Olyhydra!"
Ralph:how do we stop the $%$%%^ rain or I swear my friend will fry you from the inside out
Jelly:Olyhydra? Is that something to do with the tentacles?
seraphus:I tell him to look at the sword again
Rhennya:Maybe it's time for some Hydra sushi!
Ralph:Maybe a small taste of the steal
to show we mean buisness
steel/ business
Dagny:"Be careful, his wounds have already bled a great deal."
Simon N. (GM):Alani takes Ghiileeda aside. G: "Oh, she's always claiming to have feelings about this and that. Said she could feel the Necromancer outside of town, a few months back. Some say she's touched by the gods. I dunno." She shrugs, puts an arm around Alani. "Perhaps we could talk further in my room, tonight?"
Dagny:And I am reluctant to place my hands upon him.
Ralph:Why do we care. If he can't stopp the rain, might as well mount his head on the wall
Simon N. (GM):The cultist groans. "Olyhdra - great Prince of the Waters! The Crushing Wave!"
brb tea break :)
Alani:"I am sure we have a lot of things to share" I say, knowingly. (nudge nudge wink wink) Alani and his 8 charisma is smooth!
The barbarian is bloodthirsty today.
Jelly:The cultist is going for a tea break?
Alani:How long is the break? Shall we reconvene at 15:45?
Jelly:Sounds good to me!
Simon N. (GM):The cultist opens his red-rimmed eyes, glaring hard at Dagny. "Soon the Prophet will open the Elemental Portal! Olhydra will rise from the Deep! All this land will fall to the Eternal Waters of the Crushing Wave!"
Simon N. (GM):got my tea :) feel free to get yours :D
Ralph:where is this prophet?
seraphus:oh wow thank you sooooooooo much I tell him
Simon N. (GM):Ghileeda presses in to Alani, smiling up at him, arms round his waist. "I'm sure we have lots in common!"
Ralph roll Intimidate
seraphus:my das in the kitchen
give him amin
r/ 1d20
rolling 1d20
Simon N. (GM):He spits on the muddy ground.
Alani:I am a bit suspicious about the keenness of Ghileeda, but I am not too bright so I am only too happy to have a bit of fun in this cruel world.
seraphus:where is he i say as I put my sword closer to his neck
Alani:I think the fire is a good, non lethal way to get him to talk. Keep it up!
(as long as we don;t set him on fire, that is)
seraphus:roll intimadate?
Ralph:Lets play a game of "burn and save" over and over "burn and save"
Dagny:I use Thaumaturgy to make the flames of Seraphus' sword flicker even brighter.
Simon N. (GM):Kaylessa: is muttering to herself at the bar: "Fogs that persist in the Sumber Hills even in bright sunlight! Sudden gusts of hot wind sweeping west out of the hills where breezes have always been cold! Sudden bolts of lightning stabbing up from the hills into a clear sky. Earth tremours! Terrible rains! None of it natural, not at all..."
seraphus:oh no
Simon N. (GM):OK roll Intimidate Seraphus
rolling d20
any bonus
so 19
Jelly:just taking a quick call
Simon N. (GM):(check your sheet for bonuses) The cultist flinche back from the flames.
Alani:I ask auntie K: "What other bad omens do you feel as imminent?"
Simon N. (GM):"He is... he is below the dwarven city. In the Elemental Node, where the Drow Archmage left the Weapon of Power for the True Prophet, so long ago! There he prepares for the coming of Great Olyhdra! You cannot stop the Crushing Wave!"
Rhennya:Rhennya comes back to the bar, harrumphs at Kaylessa "wierd, this rain! Unnatural!"
seraphus:ok then
Simon N. (GM):Kaylessa nods affably to Rhennya. "Aye! I was just saying so!"
Kaylessa looks to Alani. "Mudslides, probably, judging by this rain!"
Dagny:Dagny turns to the others left outside, her hair dripping with rain. "I am loathe to waste a healing potion on this...man. But he has given us some information. What say you?"
Dagny:(she wonders why the Dragonborn is apparently speaking in tongues)
Ralph:keep our word
Ralph:give him th epotion...then kill him
Alani:What more do you want to get from him? Do you think he is high ranking enough to tell us who created that orb so we could stop the rain?
thats a waste
give him a drop the
Alani:... or where we could find the Olyhdra
seraphus:first end his life
Dagny:Dagny turns to the cultist. "Is there any more you can tell us about the location of the Elemental Node below the Dwarven city?"
(I see why our ranger is taken with the bar maid)
Rhennya:Alani's got a giiirlfrieeeeend, Alani's got a giiirlfrieeend!
seraphus:I start laughing
Rhennya:to Kaylessa "What do you think is behind it all?"
Ralph:where is the dwarven city?
Simon N. (GM):Cultist: "Only the Priests and the Prophet may venture to the Most Holy."
Dagny:The ancient dwarves city below
Ralph:below where...
Dagny:Below the keeps we have been fighting to reclaim
The tunnels below lead to it.
It has been abandoned for years (and somewhere in my notes are details about it...)
Alani:Oh good! So I think we can put our prisoner out of his misery or we give him to the watch to have a fair trial.
Simon N. (GM):GM: BTW Rem Dagny has a dwarf sage retainer at Sacred Stone who is an expert on Tyar-Besil, too.
shall we go to sacred stone
Dagny:That's it! Couldn't remember how to spell it! But, yes, Tyar-Besil
Ralph:and take the prisoner
Simon N. (GM):Constable Harburk has now turned up with his two of his men. He nods to the cloakless fellow standing near Kasumi, shivering in the cold rain.
Harburk takes a brief report from the watchman, then turns to those of you outside.
"This one is the last survivor? They'll pay for this damn rain, eh?!" He grins through his bushy blond moustache.
Alani:"Constable Harburk" we have somebody for you to take in custody. Take good care of him: he could be a good hostage exchange.
Dagny:Dagny, to Harburk: "We shall depart forthwith, but this rain may not stop for days. It would be best if you get the word out to tell the villagers to protect their crops and hay."
Simon N. (GM):Alani disentangles from Ghileeda and steps outside, addresses Harburk. Harburk nods to Dagny. "As you say, ma'am." He nods to Alani. "Aye, we'll guard him well."
Jelly:Kasumi has been in a strange, meditative trance amongst the slain, but finally snaps out of it....
Simon N. (GM):GM: are you giving him that potion? He needs at least to be stabilised or may die.
Dagny:Dagny tosses the potion at the prisoner.
I am a dwarf of my word.
Simon N. (GM):The cultist miserably catches the vial, opens it and gulps it down, grinning as the arrow eases out of his stomach and the bleeding stops. "You have served Olyhdra well by saving his humble servant!" he says, approvingly.
Dagny:Also, she lays but a single finger on his forehead and casts Spare the Dying.
And then wipes her hand upon her vestments.
Alani:Alani casts a kiss at Ghileeda and mouths "See you soon!" as he walks away towards his companions of adventure. A world needs saving... Duty calls!
Simon N. (GM):(potion does already stabilise, as does any magic healing)
Dagny:It's a free cantrip :-)
And I wished to show my disgust
Simon N. (GM):Ghileeda tosses Alani a kiss too then turns away, a swagger in her hips as she goes to serve three old men clustered near the taproom fire.
Dagny:She looks like she'll jingle as she walks
Simon N. (GM):Vanilla, cherry, strawberry cordial :D
seraphus:ummmm ok?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Moving on - the rain continues pouring down, ever harder it seems. You have a short rest (1 hr). Are you heading out now, or next day ...?
Dagny:I'm good to go now
Jelly:Let's go.
Dagny:Shall we stop by Sacred Stone first to get more information from my retainer?
Simon N. (GM):To Sacred Stone?
Alani:Sure you don;t want to go next day? no reason... ;-)
Dagny:We should be able to gain entry to the tunnels below there as well
Ralph:sacred stone asap
Rhennya:LOL Alani, is the laxative starting to work?
Ralph:sorry alani
Alani::-D no... I mean YES
Simon N. (GM):The one-eyed stablemaster at the Swinging Sword, Iraun Thelder (male Tethyrian human), is a grizzled onetime mercenary warrior, he has been taking good care of Dagny's sturdy hippogriff and Kasumi's lighter one.
Ralph:shall we fly?
Dagny:Like the wind!
But damply, I guess. Is it safe to fly?
Simon N. (GM):Iraun: "Nice beasts, they are - I just keep em partitioned from the horses..."
Ralph:we all have horses as well
Simon N. (GM):"You back off to Sacred Stone, mistress Dagny?"
Dagny:"Yes, Iraun. Please take care. These are dark and stormy days."
Rhennya:Yes, what happened to our horses?
Simon N. (GM):OOC been running POTA over a year & all these NPCs I never got to play :D
Dagny:We're not homebodies....
Simon N. (GM):Iraun nods, rubbing the long scar across his eye socket and cheek. "Aye."
Alani:OOC: "Let's make a note to come back to him when we have regenerate powers"
Simon N. (GM):Iraun: "Your horses are behind the partition milady Rhennya, they get skittish with the hippogriffs about..."
GM: Dagny & Kasumi get their Feathergale hippogriffs, the rest of you mount up on mundane steeds?
Rhennya:Can a Great Eagle fly in this unnatural rain?
Dagny:Dagny looks to the sky and to Edna. "Girl, do you feel safe to fly in this?"
Simon N. (GM):Edna squawks agreeably.
Alani:I guess. Ralpth and I have just one charge on our flying suits and I'd like to keep mine as an ejector seat in case we desperately need to escape pronto.
Dagny:I give her a sliver of something red and juicy kept in a bag at my waist.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Yes, they won't maneuver so well with wet feathers but they can fly ok. Long as no lightning.
Alani:Or did I have time to recharge?
Dagny:We had a week, so you could have. But horses might be safer?
Simon N. (GM):You recharged at Sighing Valley during the LR
Alani:Oh cool! Sorry.
Dagny:What is the speed difference between horses and Edna?
Simon N. (GM):(you said you recharged at the start today!) :)
Ralph:I recharged but happy to play safe
Jelly:I agree that horses would be a lot safer.
Ralph:Alani, think you missed that
seraphus:Im riding my horse, pencil
Rhennya:I'll keep with the others on a horseback then
Ralph:horse sit is. At pace.
seraphus:anyone want to name theirs pen
Alani:Good to me!
Simon N. (GM):Hippogriffs are about twice as fast flying as horses go on land.
Dagny:Hm, perhaps Dagny should go on ahead and talk with the priest?
And see what supplies she can prepare there?
Alani:We could use the hippgriffs to scout in front of the horses...
Jelly:I can come with you.
Ralph:Good plan. Nice knowing you.
Dagny:As they would have been making healing potions too, as directed
We won't go below, just to the Sacred Stone Monastery
I've got all my followers there, so should...be safe.
Simon N. (GM):It's about 20 miles to Sacred Stone as the Hippogriff flies, less than 2 hours of lazy flight. By land it's a half day's ride.
seraphus:how long has it been since we left to see the the water area
near womford
Simon N. (GM):8 days
Alani:Does the storm feel like it's gonna go all lightning and thunder?
Dagny:So, Kasumi, shall we go ahead?
Simon N. (GM):No lightning since the intial thunder roll. Just heavy rain.
Jelly:Yes, let's make haste.
(From Dagny): does my history expert retainer have a name already?
(From Dagny): otherwise, I shall call him... Chert Boulderwort.
Alani:My horse is called Radish!
seraphus:mine is pencil
Dagny:I give Edna one last pat and mount up, ascending with caution into the dark, cloudy sky.
Ralph:mine is Dammit
Simon N. (GM):GM: He's Bruldenthar
Ralph:git over here Dammit
Simon N. (GM)::)
Jelly:My hippogriff's name is Usagi (rabbit)
(From Dagny): Bruldenthar it is
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head east from Red Larch on the Cairn Road, soon heading off road through wild country. The rain stopped abruptly about a mile out of town, and a cool dry breeze is blowing down from the hills.
rolling d6
Alani:I looks anxiously at the hippogriffs climbing towards the meaning clouds, feeling the rain pouring on my face... godspeed my companions!
Ralph:is 1 bad or is 6 bad
Ralph:last time 1 was bad
Simon N. (GM):5 hours later the earth-bound riders arrive at Sacred Stone Keep, where Dagny is already meeting with Bruldenthar.
Dagny:How many weeks has it been since we were last here?
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar: "I was just having an interesting conversation with the Lich, Renwick Caradoon - fascinating fellow... Tyar Besil, you say? Yes, a long term interest of mine..."
Dagny:They can make 2 healing potions per week, I believe.
Alani:Glad to see the crappy weather is only a microclimate.
Dagny:"I hope he is well...well, as well as a Lich can be. Did he have any knowledge about Tyar Besil?"
Ralph:OOC: Looks like the wind/rain may be headed to GX
Ralph:Gerrard's Cross
Simon N. (GM):I expect Dagny was here within the last week since it's only 2 hours flight to Red Larch & less than that to Feathergale Spire.
Dagny:Ok, so I have two potions to distribute then, if anyone needs one (I gave the evil cultist one of my stash)
Simon N. (GM):You've just had a 1 week LR so can pick up 2 potions.
Ralph:I have 2
Rhennya:Thanks, I still have 3
Alani:By the way: I don't remember if we ever managed to bring to Renwick his brother's ashes? That was his condition to make a nice shiny armour for me.
Jelly:I would like one if nobody else would please?
Dagny:No, we're still far from that
Sure, Jelly. You can take one
Jelly:Thank you!
Alani:I still have 2 potions, so I'm fine.
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar: "He's sadly lacking in interest in our glorious dwarven heritage, as best I can ascertain. He kept asking me to seek out the Knights of Samular and fetch him his brother's mortal remains. I politely ... was non-committal."
Dagny:"You can reassure him that I am on that...as soon as it is feasible to do so."
"I do wish to stay on his good side."
Alani:"Yep" I add, dreaming of a beautiful enchanted armour...
Jelly:Oh actually it looks like I still have two, so please keep both of the new ones Dagny.
Dagny:Ok, anyone yell if they do need one later
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar nods, stroking his fine grey beard. "Aye, I used words to that effect. Lady Dagny is right on it, I said! As soon as circmstances allow."
Dagny:"Bruldenthar, have you any advice for us regarding what we will find below?"
"The cultist mentioned an Elemental Node...?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The rest of you arrive at Sacred Stone, where Dagny's followers have erected stables in the gargoyle garden for your steeds.
Dagny:(I also asked some other retainers to prepare them a nice repast after their journey)
(set up in front of a fireplace)
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar frowns. "Hmm. Legends speak of nodes of power across Faerun... the Life Node, the Earth node, the Death Node, the Fire node... and yes, Tyar Besil sits atop a confluence of Elemental power."
Dagny:(where I am quizzing Bruldenthar over some tea)
Rhennya:Great, Rhennya grooms her horse as they have a bond
Dagny:"Do the nodes correspond in any way to the temples they sit below? Such as the Sacred Stone being over, perhaps, the Earth Node?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Servants escort you all to guest quarters, Kasumi getting special respect as another Knight of Feathergale.
Bruldenthar. "Hmm. It is a little more complex than that. You see, Tyar Besil was divided into four quadrants, each associated with an elemental power. The Foundries atop the Fire Node, for instance. Centuries after she fell, human adventurers built castles above the entrances to each quadrant... castles that in time, and ruin, became known as the Haunted Keeps."
"I believe Sacred Stone, Feathergale, Scarlet Moon Hall, and likely Rivergard, are the Four Keeps. And that each guards an entry to the part of Tyar Besil corresponding to their Element."
seraphus:scarlet moon hall is easy to get to
Dagny:"I would suppose, then, that we must make our way down to the node below Rivergard?"
Rhennya:So does it mean we have to go the Water Node? We have seen the entrance in River guard
Simon N. (GM):The sage nods sagely.
Dagny:Can we get there from here, or is it faster to go to Rivergard?
I know the tunnels interconnect
but perhaps the distance is too great
Alani:Alani nods as if he understood something from this conversation.
Alani:I am not too keen to travel by tunnels.
Simon N. (GM):"I believe the most direct way to the Node of Water is likely via Rivergard. But yes, it might be quicker to descend from here into the Earth Quadrant of Tyar Besil... were it not that the Cult of Black Earth still holds those halls!" He gingerly rubs his neck, slit by the Black Earth Abbess Hellenrae.
Alani:Unless the surface is really treacherous.
Dagny:Is there any other advice you can give us regarding what we might find down below?
Once we reach the Water Node?
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar: "My suspicion is that each of the four Elemental Cults occupied their own quadrant of Tyar-Besil, and fortified it with allied creatures. Some of the ancient dwarven defences may also yet endure. It will be a perilous place indeed!"
Dagny:Dagny sighs. "As I suspected. Please pray for us, Brother Bruldenthar."
Simon N. (GM):"I shall pray to the Allfather Moradin for you, My Lady. And for your companions."
Dagny:"Regarding any remains of the ancient dwarves defences, is there anything in particular we should keep an eye out for?"
"Markings, perhaps?"
"Something only a dwarves eye might appreciate?"
(stupid autocorrect)
Alani:asks Dagny and Rhenya: "Do we have any magical ways to breathe underwater if the need arises?"
Simon N. (GM):"Hm... subtle markings in archaic runes, perhaps?"
Dagny:"Alani, I have no such knowledge, I am afraid."
Simon N. (GM):"Tyar Besil fell long ago - to the Orcs, they say. But perhaps also ...darker... forces... some say the Drow were involved."
Rhennya:I have Water Breathing for up to 10 pple
Upt to 24 hours
Alani:Sweet! (sigh of relief in anticipation)
Dagny:"The Drow?"
"Do the tunnels tie into the Underdark?"
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar nods.
Jelly:In that case, we must keep our blades sharp;and our wits sharper.
Alani:Great! Now spiders!
Dagny:I do not like spiders. They seem unnatural creatures, with their many legs and eyes.
Simon N. (GM):"Little or nothing has been heard of the Drow in these parts, since the Spellplague collapsed their dark-gleaming cities. But 'tis best to beware."
seraphus:D: DD: DDDDD:
Dagny:I have heard tales from my aunts.
Simon N. (GM):brb more tea :)
seraphus:oh wait more enemies to kill
Dagny:oh didn't realise Tony was away on a call (we're in different rooms)
can we give him a min?
Simon N. (GM):OOC suggest we stop about 5pm and resume next week? I get tired easy w no swimming.
Rhennya:Sounds good, Simon
Jelly:Sounds good to me!
Simon N. (GM):Suggest then you fix a plan now, so we can start with it next week.
Jelly:Sunday 5th April at 2pm again?
Simon N. (GM):Bruldenthar thinks the Black Earth will have fortified the halls of Tyar Besil below Sacred Stone, so you are likely to face stiff resistance that way.
Jelly:I suggest we make a plan to try the RiverGuard entrance first.
Simon N. (GM):yup Sunday 2pm - and I should have Bill, if he wants to play.
Dagny:Dagny wasn't there for that session -- is there anything I need to know?
Jelly:Especially as we have the means, with Rhennya's water breathing spell.
Dagny:(she was seasick and had food poisoning...)
Simon N. (GM):Being fairly generous I count 3 XP for today, so if someone does an account that would get you to 11th level!
Rhennya:Great, thanks!
Simon N. (GM):They found a subterranean dock & river below Rivergard, upstream going west up into the hills.
Jelly:Thanks Simon!
Rhennya:Did Alani take over Rivergard as a stronghold?
Ralph:I'd like to buy a ring of warmth before hand. I have 750 gp. May need another 250 or so. Or I can sell some things. Is that possible Simon?
Simon N. (GM):No you just trashed it & left.
seraphus:dont buy that
i have an everlasting flaming ssword
im dum
Simon N. (GM):Alani does have ambition to rule it though AIR
Dagny:I can lend you the 250
If there is time/place to get it
Ralph:Any XP today?
Alani:Yes. I thought Ralph and I left some henchmen in a stronghold but I don;t remeber which one...
Jelly:Yes it was x3 XP for today.
Simon N. (GM):"20. Ring of Warmth - 2000gp" - if you have 2000gp you can have got one.
Jelly:Wow, that's steep!
Dagny:Pricey bit of jewellery, that
Ralph:We should get one folks.
Dagny:What does it do exactly?
Alani::-D at seruphus!
Ralph:While wearing this ring, you have Resistance to cold damage. In addition, you and everything you wear and carry are unharmed by temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.
seraphus:1xp off
Simon N. (GM):For unlisted items availability is listed, eg Uncommons 15%, Legendary 0.12% :D
Simon N. (GM):I said earlier, if someone does an account etc group gets +1 XP & levels
Your choice. Level 10 is fun, right? :D
Dagny:I should be able to do one :-)
Dagny:At least there's a chat log!
Rhennya:No worries, I'm sure Kim will do it ;)
Jelly:I do hear that it's all downhill from level 10!
Rhennya:LOL Kimberly, I knew you would volunteer!
Dagny:well, I am stuck at home...
Simon N. (GM):It takes a month or so to establish a stronghold & begin attacting followers. You could possibly do that, obviously the cults will be doing stuff too.
Ralph:Alani, all over to you. I'm a loner...
Simon N. (GM):Currently Seraphus & Dagny have strongholds.
Dagny:you don't want any followers?
Alani:Yeah! I'd like to do that. It;s a really nice piece of land and city. Ralph you want in too?
Ralph:Happy to help.
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus sharing w Sharatu
Ralph:OK we could od something similar
Simon N. (GM):@Scarlet Moon Hall
Dagny:Can I ask Bruldenthar or the Lich if they have any advice about what types of foul water beasts we may find?
Alani:With the port, we could tranform this into the "Venice of the Dessarin Valley"
Simon N. (GM):Their cultists tried to occupy the fire cult zone below the Hall but were driven out by guerilla attacks from the cult remnants, who have reorganised somewhat, recently.
Bruldenthar thinks you might meet that Dragon Turtle again!
Alani:Turtle soup!
Jelly:Just what I was thinking!
Simon N. (GM):"Of course if Olhydra does enter the Material Plane, his host of Kraken won't be far behind..."
Dagny:We shall feed all of the valley...
Alani:Kraken? Now we are going Japanese!
Dagny:Oh no! Simon's dying to say "Release the Kraken!" I bet
Rhennya:Grilled tentacles are also delicious!
Simon N. (GM)::D
seraphus:give me a bit and ill cook you soup of any water creature we kill
Simon N. (GM):A Kraken 'mini' arrrived for me from Hong Kong a few weeks back. He's v cute. :D
seraphus:or just cut them into sashimi
Alani:I never tjhought I would read Kraken and cute in the same sentence but that's the magic of DnD! :-)
Simon N. (GM):yup!
seraphus:if I cut anything after its death it becomes 'cooked meat' if I leave it burning for a little bit
Simon N. (GM):OK I'll copy/paste the chat log to the blog now.
Dagny:Is it worth seeing if we can figure out how to use the map bit with tokens?
Alani:Seraphus The Chargriller!
Ralph:Do we need to upgrade?
seraphus:if I cut anything after its death it becomes 'cooked meat' if I leave it burning for a little bit
more like 'cooked' 'meat'