Thursday 27 August 2020

FA#5 Day 3 (to 2pm) T2/M5/1359 - 72 XP - Into the Dungeon (Sergor 30 XP)

Guarding prisoners in Bandit Tower: Tenho, Sergor. 
Exploring caves, at cave pool: Dawn, Lothrin, Percy, Syrus, Erasmus 

Syrus (Kenny):@Tim excited to hear how it all goes - the boys will have such a Great time, so will you! :)
@Team: did we establish whether there is a basement in this tower?
And did we check what are in the barrels next to the carpet?
Simon N. (GM):GM: No basement in this tower. The barrels hold specialty strong ales from the Finnris Brewery, Ravensburg.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM do we know if Jake will be joining us tonight?
Simon N. (GM):Kirla: "Found those on that wagon I told you about..."
Syrus (Kenny):@Lothrin: When it is time to move, Brother will you help me to carry this carpet back? I think it is worth a good bit of money!
Simon N. (GM):OOC Just checked - Jake didn't respond to my request to change the day. Guessing prob won't play.
Lothrin pitched the dead bandits down the hole last night, they smothered the fire below and make a rather horrible corpse pile.
7am: You arise and breakfast. Lothrin nods to Syrus. "Aye."
Erasmus:Erasmus spends the first 10 minutes after waking deep in meditation. Once he finishes, he packs his gear and joins the group.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team - what shall we do - I am still out of spells :-P
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "So, we shall take these brigands to Fulscarp,hand them over to Lady Aryn?"
Tenho looks to Syrus: "I'm sure the Hag has some spell scrolls she can trade you."
Erasmus:"Morning. That would be good, but we have not yet found our quarry."
@GM how far away was Arethea's tower?
Bit under 6 miles, 2 hours on the trail.
Erasmus:@GM and did any of us notice any comings and goings from the keep overnight?
Simon N. (GM):No, although with your human eyesight that's not too surprising. The bandit sentry Gall didn't notice anything either. :)
Syrus (Kenny):@Team - OK shall we make a move to Aretha's place? Or back to the inn? Can anyone take any ale with them - shame to waste the good stuff!
@Percy - what do you think?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Cumin would also pay a bounty for these brigands, I've heard - Cumin Tor is 16 miles north, near the King's Road."
Tenho: "But Fulscarp is only 10 miles, and the Hag's Tor is on the way."
Percy (Christian):i understand that you need to regain spells but in one week it is very possible that the people we intended to rescue will be dead
Erasmus:"Back to Aretha's to see if she can do anything about Syrus's spells, then back here to at least check on the Innkeeper?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You could roll beer barrels down the road but they might not survive the journey & v slow. Really you need a wagon I'd say.
Dawn nods: "I agree with Erasmus."
Syrus (Kenny):OK, then I suggest we go see Aretha shudders then onto Fulscarp?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Hm, then some of us should stay here to guard the prisoners - and this tower."
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn - M'Lady, would you come join us?
Percy (Christian):"it is probably worth going to aretha's but i don't think there is any point going back to fulscarp unless we intend stay there"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I vote just see the Hag then right back here. If there is any hope of rescue, we must be quick." Lothrin nods.
Percy (Christian):"i agrre"
Syrus (Kenny):Then let's go!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn nods to Syrus, smiling. "I've never seen a Hag before!"
Erasmus:"Who's atying, and who's going?
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn - do you have a transformation spell that can transform me into someone else?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dawn Erasmus & Syrus are going. Sergor?
Percy (Christian):"sergor can stay and possibly either lothrin or tenho"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I only have Sleep..."
Percy (Christian):"i will come"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "I think I'll stay." Lothrin: "I'll stay." Sergor: "Me too."
Erasmus:To Lothrin & Tenho: "Keep an eye on Sergor. I don't want him getting... twitchy."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The party head outside...
Percy (Christian):"that setles it then, we best be going"
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus do you still have the bandit queen's sword?
Syrus (Kenny):Great!
Percy (Christian) inspects the statue in the centre
Simon N. (GM):GM: At the front door you notice fresh small tracks, and there are fresh scratches on the mouldy wood of the door.
The statue is of a dragon-like beast, now covered in moss.
Erasmus:Which way are the tracks going?
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I check the tracks?
Simon N. (GM):Percy can roll Nature. If checking tracks roll Survival.
Erasmus Bos
Percy (Christian):
skill check
Nature 5
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a half dozen goblin tracks to Erasmus. They go from Keep to Tower then back. Looks like they were trying to get the door open!
Percy doesn't recognise the dragon beast.
Erasmus:Ah, so the tracks were to the tower door, not the gatehouse?
Simon N. (GM):Looks like, yes. No fresh tracks through the gatehouse.
"Doesn't look like any of the goblins left during the night."
Simon N. (GM):You head south to Hag's Tower?
Percy (Christian):yes
Erasmus:"We will deal with the green ones when we return."
Syrus (Kenny):Shudders at the thought of the hag
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head through the trees to the road and hike south & west round Skul Peak. Two hours later...
You approach the Jagged Tower of the Hag, Aretha.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM is there any singing?
Simon N. (GM):Reaching the ruins, you hear singing as you look through the broken walls and see Aretha, cooking a large rat over a fire.
"Fallen, fallen are the mighty rats...."
Erasmus:"Mother? May we approach, mother?"
Simon N. (GM):"Their whiskers clipped, their throats are red!"
(you can move your minis up).
Aretha looks up and cackles merrily, waving you forward.
Dawn: "gulp"
Dawn reaches out to take Syrus' hand for comfort as Aretha grins broadly. "Welcome! Welcome back!"
Erasmus:"Greetings, mother. We have returned from Skulnar."
Simon N. (GM):Aretha's boar appears behind Dawn and snuffles. She whimpers and scoots forward.
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn (whispers) be watchful...!
Simon N. (GM):"Good, good! And did you kill the ghost with my magic sword?"
Dawn nods to Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha - M'lady Aretha, we have yet to encounter the ghost - did you have any trouble with the Bandit Queen in the past?
Erasmus:"No ghosts yet, I'm afraid. We had a run in with some bandits and we are a little weakened."
Simon N. (GM):Aretha leers at Syrus. "My pretty one! I see you have another pretty!" Dawn whimpers again.
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha: We made a new friend who is helping us on our quest for peace
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "Well you're in luck - just brewed up a fresh cauldron of healing juice! As if I knew you were coming!" she giggles.
Hi Jake!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Hi Jake!
Christian L.:Hello jake
Simon N. (GM):We can say Sergor decided to go to Aretha's Tower too?
Jake C.:I am terribly sorry, something came up at work, and it took a bit longer to close up.
yeah, we can
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha your sword did provide us with much needed light on our journey
Simon N. (GM):Aretha steps forward, leering up at Syrus. "You'll soon be needing one of my lust potions, eh? Very popular brew!"
Syrus (Kenny):And if we knew rats were an incredible part of the healing potion, then we would have come bearing gifts of giant rats for you!
Erasmus:"Healing potions will be useful. Right now, though, Syrus is low on spells. We are pressed for time and cannot delay a week to enable him to recover. Is there anything you could do to assist?"
Simon N. (GM):Sergor arrives :)
Aretha nods. "Oh yes! I have scrolls! But what have you to trade?"
Sergor (Jake):Lazily strolls up to the group, having taken his time on the way.
Percy (Christian):"we have presents in return for your commodities" Percy hands her a small bag of incense
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha - how do you feel about the Bandit Queen?
Simon N. (GM):Aretha sniffs it. "Nice!" She looks to Syrus. "Everybody comes to Aretha. Everybody dies. She did both."
Syrus (Kenny):...Would her sword be a useful trade to you?
Simon N. (GM):Aretha pockets the incense. "Present for my pretty!" She hands Syrus a scroll made of some strange knobbily hide.
Syrus roll Persuasion
Syrus (Kenny):(Whispers to Percy) Thank You again, friend
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):"Mm, yes! Memento Mori! A second scroll for you!"
She passes Syrus a second scroll.
"I only have one more you can use. What can you give me?"
Erasmus:"I have a potion here, too. Will this be a worthy trade?
Syrus (Kenny):bows to Aretha "Thank You M'Lady"
Simon N. (GM):GM: which potion?
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "Ah yes, one of mine! Trade two of those for one healing."
Syrus (Kenny):How about this beautiful earring shows the one traded with Dawn
Erasmus:I hand over the two perfumes and, begrudgingly, the greatsword
Simon N. (GM):Aretha scoops a flask of green heal potion from her cauldron and gives it to Erasmus, taking the 2 perfume.
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "Thank You. friend"
Simon N. (GM):Aretha cackles as she hangs the sword on her wall.
Syrus roll Persuasion
Percy (Christian):"aretha may i ask what the scrolls do which you have handed syrus"
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "That ear ring and another nice thing for my last scroll!"
Erasmus:@GM what potion is it? standard healing?
Simon N. (GM):yes
Syrus (Kenny):@GM and the 3x scrolls?
Simon N. (GM):You don't know yet Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):OOC :-P
Percy (Christian):"aretha may i ask what the scrolls do which you have handed syrus"
Simon N. (GM):"Healing Word, Sleep... My last is called Thunderwave. Very powerful!"
Erasmus:"Do you have any additional healing potions, perchance?"
Simon N. (GM):"I have a whole cauldron of healing potion! How many do you want?"
Erasmus:"Sergor, do you have anything to trade for potions? Or are we spending gold?"
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "I like gold. Buys me pretty sweetmeats... like you, Dawn Wintersmorn!" She cackles uproariously as Dawn goes pale.
Aretha: "Don't worry! Aretha won't eat you - not today! he he he!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha: M'Lady, I have this scroll, Tenser's Floating Disk - would you be interested in trading it for healing potions?
Percy (Christian):"or another scroll"
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "I tell you what, Syrus my pretty - give me a kiss, and promise me you'll bring me back the sword after you kill the ghost with it, and I'll give you the last scroll!"
Syrus (Kenny):Nervously looks at rest of the team :-O
Simon N. (GM):"And for the ear ring and your scroll, I'll give you a healing potion. Very generous, old Aretha is!"
Percy (Christian):Percy giggles under his breathe
Syrus (Kenny):takes a deep breathe, and tries to rattle his brain for a song of courage
Sergor (Jake):Roots through his bag, before turning to Erasmus: "I don't have anything she might want."
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha - Lady Aretha, you have been most generous to us...
"And I did promise you a kiss from our last visit, so I here it is" Syrus leans forward awkwardly to plant a kiss on the hag's face...
Erasmus:"We have gold, though. I think an extra potion or two couldn't hurt."
"Aretha, how much gold would a potion set us back?"
Simon N. (GM):Aretha grabs Syrus in iron-hard grip and plants a swampy kiss firmly on his lips.
Aretha: "mmmmm"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus defining feels like he needs a shower now
Simon N. (GM):Aretha finally releases Syrus. "50 gold a potion!"
"And you must promise me, Syrus! Promise me now!"
She sounds quite urgent.
Syrus (Kenny):@Aretha - to return the sword after slaying the Ghost?
Simon N. (GM):"Promise to kill the ghost and bring me back the blade!"
Syrus (Kenny):"I will give you my word of promise - to aid us in this endeavour, is there additional properties you can add to the blade?"
Simon N. (GM):"Don't push your luck, dearie!"
Aretha follows Syrus round and round the fire. :)
Syrus (Kenny):Whispers to others "Think its time we go..."
Simon N. (GM):"Promise now! Or no scroll for you!"
Erasmus:To Sergor, Percy and Dawn: "I have some gold, but not enough for a potion. If we pool our resources, how many can we get?"
Simon N. (GM):"Say it!"
Syrus (Kenny):"I promise you I will bring back the sword after we have slayed the ghost"
Sergor (Jake):to erasmus "I've got thirty-four gold."
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus I can contribute towards the potion
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I have 10..."
Percy (Christian):"i think we have enough for now we don't want to spend it all at once"
Sergor (Jake):"I'd rather hang on to my gold for now."
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "Say 'I promise to kill the ghost with the sword and bring it back!"
Syrus (Kenny):'I promise to kill the ghost with the sword and bring it back'
Simon N. (GM):"That's my boy!" She grins broadly, her long green tongue flicking in and out, and hands Syrus the last scroll.
GM: Syrus you now have 1 use scrolls of Healing Word, Sleep & Thunderwave. Use your own casting stats when using them.
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Thanks @GM
Simon N. (GM):Aretha: "Time for lunch... bye-die-bye!"
She waves you goodbye as she tears off a chunk of roast rat and munches.
Erasmus:"Thank you mother."
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head off...
Syrus (Kenny):@Team we going back now?
to the bandit towers?
Sergor (Jake):To the towers? Yes, that would be good
Percy (Christian):"ye i think we should head back to the tower"
Simon N. (GM):The 2 hours back passes swiftly, a brisk wind whipping through the trees and your capes. You return to Fort Skulnar a little before noon.
Lothrin greets you. "All quiet here. Tenho is watching the prisoners."
Syrus (Kenny):@Team are we heading down to the Gobblin lair?
Sergor (Jake):@Team We should send the prisoners down first
Syrus (Kenny):BUT there is 1x room in the ruined tower we have not explored?
Percy (Christian):"sounds like a good plan"
"oh yes we should clear that out first"
Syrus (Kenny):The tower that Percy heard noises from last night?
Is everyone coming?
Sergor (Jake):we should check that out, yes.
Syrus (Kenny):@Lothrin I know you are desperate to swing that sword of yours, would you like to lead the way to that last room?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Also you only explored 1 room of the Keep's main tower. It had 3 doors off it.
Percy (Christian):"syrus save your scrolls for the goblins"
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Sure."
Syrus (Kenny):nods to Percy
Percy (Christian) draws his rapier
Syrus (Kenny):@GM which 3 doors to Keep's main tower?
Simon N. (GM):The Keep seems much as you left it. You quietly approach the door.
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhh the 1st floor??
Simon N. (GM):Scroll down bottom left for upper floor of main tower map
Syrus (Kenny):@Team after this last room, shall we clear the 1st floor before heading down to see the Gobboes?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin opens the door...
Sergor (Jake):Might as well. I imagine it'll be quick
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I love how we are all lined up like dominoes!
Simon N. (GM):A pile of smashed and rotten furniture stands against the south wall.
The remains of a collapsed chest jut forth.
An angry and very large snake rises up...
Syrus (Kenny):Shouts down the corridor "Don't forget to check for traps!"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+3
The snake got 19 on stealth check & attacks w surprise (you can go after it)
rolling d5
It lunges at Erasmus.
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):it bites at his leg.
rolling d4+1
3 piercing dmg & roll DC 12 CON save...
Erasmus Bos
Constitution Save(+2){18}
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6
3/2 = 1 poison dmg, so 4 total.
Your goes, you can post your actions now, Syrus last as at back
Erasmus:Strike with my quarterstaff
Percy (Christian):OOC is snake here
Simon N. (GM):(yes) Lothrin steps up, longsword raised, and strikes at its head.
Erasmus roll attacks pls
Erasmus Bos
Bludgeoning Damage8
Simon N. (GM):miss
Erasmus Bos
Unarmed Strike{6}
Bludgeoning Damage7
Simon N. (GM):miss
dice seem to hate you!
Percy (Christian):
Rapier attack
I attack with my rapier 8
Advantage or disadvantage 21
I do 5 damage
Sneak attack? 5
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+6
Percy misses w 8. Lothrin hits w 22.
rolling d8+2
He just nicks it
Sergor (Jake):I attackw ith both of my shortswords
rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):Dawn yelps and swings at it w her staff
(it's AC 12)
rolling d20+1
Syrus can you save the day?!
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus casts Vicious Mockery "You are nothing but a piece of string!!"
Simon N. (GM):LOL
rolling d20+1
Kenny - Syrus:
Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)
SourceEnchantment Cantrip
SaveWisdom DC 13
Psychic Damage4
Simon N. (GM):The snake hisses sadly, all too aware of its shortcomings.
rolling d5
Sergor roll your bonus attack
Sergor (Jake):
rolling d20
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I need to get hold of a bow and arrows whenever I see one!!
Simon N. (GM):(2nd sword uses your bonus action) - miss :\
Sergor (Jake):OOC a nat one. wow.
Simon N. (GM):The snake bites at Sergor this time.
rolling d20+3
Syrus (Kenny):OOC WTH??!!!!
Simon N. (GM):It bites his tender parts...
rolling 2d4+1
6 piercing dmg & roll a DC 12 CON save
Jake C.:OOC the game just booted me out of the VTT?
OOC weird
Simon N. (GM):I can see you Jake
Sergor (Jake):
rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d6
Sergor (Jake):Yeah, but it just kicked me back to the "launch game" screen. weird.
Simon N. (GM):9/2 = 4 poison damage, so 10 total - Sergor goes white, staggers back and collapses.
The snake rises again, looking for more victims...
hold up forgot the disad!
rolling d20+3
That was all a bad dream!!
Thanks to the vicious mockery, the snake misses and Sergor's privates remain unbitten!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jake you are still alive!!! :)
Jake C.:OOC somehow
Simon N. (GM):Bard power!
OK your goes, post action & roll dice
Percy (Christian):
Rapier attack
I attack with my rapier 25
Advantage or disadvantage 14
I do 9 damage
Sneak attack? 6
Sergor (Jake):I once again slash at the snake with my two swords
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):Percy just ran it through :)
15 damage - he spits its head to the floor
Syrus (Kenny):"Yes Percy! "
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus also hit it :)
Syrus (Kenny):"Snake Soup anyone?"
Erasmus:I just stamped on it!
Simon N. (GM):brb 3 mins
Syrus (Kenny):"I can see a chest - whats inside??!!"
Percy (Christian):OOC chest?
Syrus (Kenny):Did Simon not describe a "Collaspsed chest" in the room?
"Remains of a collapsed chest in the room"
Percy (Christian):OOC yes he did
Syrus (Kenny):Loot, loot, LOOT!!!
Percy (Christian):or snake eggs
Syrus (Kenny)::-O
And is there something else in the corner - the 2x blacked out boxes??
Simon N. (GM):There's a lot of mould and gunge and debris
Syrus do you search the broken chest?
Syrus (Kenny):I am outside... so maybe one of the friends inside?
Simon N. (GM):You could be brave and go in :p
Lothrin: "I'll search it..."
He moves forward to search the debris...
Erasmus:OOC I was gonna say what happened to Lothrin!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+5
The baby snake hiding in the nest lunges at his hand...
rolling 2d20
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy You were RIGHT!!
Percy (Christian):OOC i sead there would be eggs
Simon N. (GM):It gets 15... he brings his shield up and deflects it away!
Lothrin: "Grrr!"
rolling d20+6
rolling d8+2
Percy (Christian):OOC we could have a baby pet snake
Simon N. (GM):He draws steel and cuts it in two.
Percy (Christian):OOC or not
Erasmus:OOC you could carry it!
Syrus (Kenny):I am hoping after baby snake there is actually some loot in there *eyeroll
Sergor (Jake):OOC, sorry guys, hate having to say this but I gotta go.
Syrus (Kenny):OOc @Jake hope all is OK?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Searching the nest and the rest of the debris for several minutes, you find nothing of value. Apparently snakes are not big treasure collectors.
OOC Bye Jake
Sergor (Jake):OOC Taking care of my granda, and she needs help with something. SHe's probably okay, but I can't really say no to her
Percy (Christian):Bey Jake
Sergor (Jake):I'll check roll20 to see when the next session is
Simon N. (GM):Sergor goes to check on Tenho and the prisoners.
Sergor (Jake):Sorry guys!
Syrus (Kenny):@Jake OK take care yourself too - see you soon!
Percy (Christian):*bye
Simon N. (GM):Should be next Thursday 6.30pm
Sergor (Jake):Alright, Noted that down. Not sure if I can make it, but I;ll let you know if I can't.
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "No treasure... but at least we have defeated these Beasts of Evil."
Dawn: "Mm."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @GM no Sunday night game this weekend?
Simon N. (GM):Can't do Sunday, no - am at family's house
Percy (Christian):OOc i am not going to be available next Thursday
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "OK, shall we venture upstairs or downstairs?"
Percy (Christian):"i say Down"
Simon N. (GM):(I can only do Thurs or Fri next week)
Erasmus:While we're not too beat up, down is better.
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin nods. "aye."
Percy (Christian):OOC i can do Friday
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Friday night I cannot do.... maybe next Sunday?
Simon N. (GM):I have games Sat & Sun, my regular schedule is resuming.
My preference is Thursday if we have 2+ players
Syrus (Kenny):OOC let's discuss at the end?
Percy (Christian):OOC good idea
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head down the stairs to the dungeons below... spooky
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus draws out Moon-touched sword to shed light above Erasmus
Erasmus:"We should go quietly."
Syrus (Kenny):YES! Stealthy stealthing!! :-P
Simon N. (GM):OK, hopefully the dynamic lighting is working...
Syrus & Dawn are the only ones lit up I think
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus looks at the sword Aretha gave him, shakes it a bit...
Percy (Christian):OOC everything is black for me
Syrus (Kenny):"I think Aretha's sword is a bit faulty"
Erasmus:Check the settings. You may need to give those of us with nightvision the status.
Simon N. (GM):OK Syrus sword shines into life!
Erasmus:As Syrus is carrying the sword, perhaps set his token to emit light.
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhhhh!
Erasmus:I see nothing.
Syrus (Kenny):Can I do an investigation check?
Percy (Christian):working for me
Syrus (Kenny):@GM if I hold the sword high above me, can the whole party still not see?
Erasmus:There we go.
Simon N. (GM):ok can you all see now?
Not sure why half the tokens reverted
This is my first ever attempt w dynamic lighting!
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus - Tim look - its that lighting effect!!
Simon N. (GM):You are in a large cavern, fungi growing around the walls.
Simon N. (GM):You can hear rushing water and a waterfall in the distance.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM which direction for the water sound?
Simon N. (GM):east
Syrus (Kenny):@Team - which direction shall we go?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I think there's an exit on this side..."
"Anything to south Syrus?"
GM: There seems to be a worked stone archway to the south.
Syrus (Kenny):"There are openings to South, North East, East and South East from where I am
What is this bundle of stuff by me?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "I see a tunnel, opens into a cave... some kind of statue?"
Big mushrooms by Syrus.
They grow in the wet cavern.
Syrus (Kenny):Creatures to the South I think
Simon N. (GM):Syrus sees the south cave, water pools, something at the south pool.
A giant beetle, neck glands glowing redly.
And another beside it.
Syrus (Kenny):Do we feel like fighting some giant beetles?
We can try Stealth stealth surprise?
Simon N. (GM):They appear to be nibbling mushrooms from around the pool.
No cover AFAICS so no stealth
Syrus (Kenny):whispers to Dawn "M'Lady this way..."
Simon N. (GM):Besides, they must have noticed your light already.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM what is AFAICS?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn grumbles to Syrus: "But I like this tunnel better... " she tags along.
as far as I can see
Dawn: "oo! Beetles!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn what makes you think that would be a better route?
Simon N. (GM):"I found it!"
Simon N. (GM):"Also, less beetles."
Syrus (Kenny):chuckles
@Lothrin "ready to slice some beetles?"
Simon N. (GM):The statues face away from you. Man sized & winged, some kind of angel?
Lothrin nods grimly, draws his sword.
Erasmus:"Let's try giving them a wide berth. Perhaps they won't bother us."
Simon N. (GM):He heads in, pauses at Eras' words.
Lothrin: "Very well."
rolling 2d6
Percy (Christian) draws short bow ready to fire if beetles attack
Simon N. (GM):As Lothrin approaches a beetle backs away a bit
Lothrin: "Tunnel here."
Syrus (Kenny):Looks like dead end ahead...
Erasmus:"And one to the East, it appears.
Percy (Christian):"there is one over there as well"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Yup"
Syrus (Kenny):whispers I think we should head East
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "OK Syrus..." she smiles, flicking her hair at the handsome bard. :)
Erasmus:"This opens up. I can't see without the light, but there may be more further in."
Simon N. (GM):Some more worked stone to the east.
And a rift in the cave floor.
Syrus you head south?
no? ok
rolling 2d20
Percy (Christian):can percy get out his lantern and light it with his tinder box then walk along with lantern in one hand and the rapier in the other
Simon N. (GM):yup
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus - where did the others go?
Simon N. (GM):Percy lights up!
Erasmus:"East, I guess."
"Perhaps we should find them."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus & Syrus wander the tunnels...
rolling d6
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus Yes we should!
Simon N. (GM):oops
hold on
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Holding!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+6
Syrus (Kenny):OOC BALLS
Simon N. (GM):As Syrus and Erasmus are heading back 2 goblins have sneaked up behind them!
Now they charge forward, wicked blades raised (they go first)
rolling d20+3
11 vs Syrus, miss
rolling d20+4
13 v Erasmus, miss (just)
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus & Syrus can act, then the others
Erasmus:Attacking the one in front of me.
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):The goblins hiss in Goblin
Percy (Christian):OOC just want to say i am shedding 30ft light when my lantern only sheds 30ft (not that much of a big deal just wanted to let you know)
Simon N. (GM):AC 15
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus would like to attack with dadder and shortsword - thats 2x attack rolls, right?
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus misses. Syrus your go
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage3
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage6
Simon N. (GM):Syrus stabs his goblin dead!
Percy (Christian):can i hear the fighting if so which direction
Simon N. (GM):Yes you hear sounds from behind you/west
Dawn: "This way!"
Dawn runs up (her go)
Lothrin runs up (his go)
Percy (Christian):i dashed (my go)
Simon N. (GM):(Percy dashes up). The goblin snarls and stabs at Syrus.
rolling d20+4
It stabs his flank.
rolling d6+2
w a nasty rusty shortsword - 6 dmg,
Simon N. (GM):Still up?
Syrus (Kenny):Yep, I have 10 hp, now 4 :-P
Simon N. (GM):Then it uses Goblin Power to bonus action Disengage, and races back.
Syrus (Kenny):"Cowrda"
Simon N. (GM):Your goes, Erasmus & Syrus first
Syrus (Kenny):"Coward"
Erasmus:"I think we need to stop it. What do you think?"
Syrus (Kenny):"Sorry Team, we should not have split up like that, my bad...."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus discusses whether to stop it...
Syrus (Kenny):@Eramus I agree, lets follow it back
Simon N. (GM):Syrus apologises
ok you are out of combat
Erasmus:Shit. I thought we were going to chase it down!
Simon N. (GM):You stopped to discuss it
>>Erasmus:"I think we need to stop it. What do you think?"
Syrus (Kenny):"Sorry Team, we should not have split up like that, my bad...."<< >:)
Syrus (Kenny):It only went one way though (South) we can go that way?
Simon N. (GM):yup
move up one move 5-6 squares at a time
Erasmus:"Syrus, do you need to heal?"
Syrus (Kenny):Before we head off, can we loot Gobboe?
Simon N. (GM):yup - Syrus you rifle the goblin
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus Yes I do! after checking whats on this foe
Simon N. (GM):It has 16 silver on it
Erasmus:"You heal, I'lll look>"
Ok, beat me to it.
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "This tunnel keeps going, bends right..."
Syrus (Kenny):OK I drink a healing potion
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin waves Percy forward.
Percy (Christian):"lets wait for the others"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn nods to Percy, looking nervous.
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus give 16sp to Erasmus "Here you go, Friend"
Simon N. (GM):Syrus roll 2d4+2 hp for potion
Syrus (Kenny):
rolling 2d4+2
Erasmus:"Thank you. I'll put it to good use."
Syrus (Kenny):HP back up to 8!
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "A cave..."
Syrus (Kenny):"Lets catchup with the others!"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Smells horrible!"
rolling d20+6
Goblin gets 21 on stealth and leaps out of the darkness!
Syrus (Kenny):"Let's capture this Gobbo!"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 1d2
Attacks Percy (w advtg)
rolling 2d20
got 15
Percy (Christian):my AC is 14
Simon N. (GM):stabs through Percy's soft leather vest...
rolling d6+2
5 dmg
your goes, Percy first
Percy (Christian):still standing
Rapier attack
I attack with my rapier 19
Advantage or disadvantage 13
I do 11 damage
Sneak attack? 1
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin snarls and swings down at it... but hits only empty air, for it is already dropping dead, run through by the heroic hobbit!
(out of combat)
Percy (Christian):"sorry syrus i just stabbed instinctively"
Simon N. (GM):The cave does smell foul, goblin urine & poo
Erasmus:OOC Can we pass through allies?
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy - check what that Gobbo has on it ;)
Percy (Christian):i will search the goblin
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin grins at Percy: "Glad to have you on my side, friend."
OOC yes, but in combat costs +1 square to move through ally
Erasmus:Ok, ta.
Simon N. (GM):This goblin has a heavy pouch with bird skulls, feathers, a knobbly twig... and 13 sp 17 cp 6 gp!
Lothrin: "The hobbit deserves the gold!"
Percy (Christian):i will give everyone 1gp, 2sp and 3cp kepping 2gp, 3sp and 2 cp my self
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy "Can I take the bird skulls, feather and twig?"
Erasmus:"Thank you."
Percy (Christian):"help your self"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Thanks Percy! You're much nicer than that other Thief... I mean Rogue... I mean Person!" She blushes.
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy Thank You - and your accounting skills strike again!
Simon N. (GM):@Syrus you can roll Investigate or Arcana
Erasmus:To Dawn: "Rogues gonna rogue."
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):LOL!
Erasmus:To Percy: "Present company, and all that."
Syrus (Kenny):"Its a dead end here, let's back up then to the East? Beware of those Beetles though!"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
(rolled for Syrus, nat 20)
Syrus, the debris has been loosely stuck together into a vaguely humanoid winged figure
There are notches on the body/twig as if it had been repeatedly stabbed with a blade tip.
It looks like a fetish doll used to curse people.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team - Look! This thing the Goblin was carrying looks like a voodoo doll thing - this winged figure kinda looked like the statues we walked past before seeing the beetles!
"Lets move back up!"
Percy (Christian):"what about down here
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy I think it doubles back on itself
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Looks like a dead end"
rolling d6
Percy (Christian):"oh! so it does"
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus do we have evryone?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn runs up to Syrus
Erasmus:"I cannot see without the light."
Simon N. (GM):You come out into a big cavern. The roar of water is close by to the north.
Dawn: "Mind the big hole!"
Erasmus:"That's what she said."
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin to Syrus: "Which way?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Team shall we head towards the water?
Simon N. (GM):You see water
Erasmus:Is it clear water?
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can we cross it?
Simon N. (GM):The sound of waterfall to the north. A cave grotto - an amazing sight!
Syrus (Kenny):We need a Selfie ;)
Simon N. (GM):It looks quite deep, but certainly swimmable.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team I don't fancy getting that wet though...
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+2
Erasmus:Nothing unusual about the water?
Simon N. (GM):PP 14+ notices something big swimming in the water...
very big
Syrus (Kenny):@Team back up team, looks like there is something in the water!
Percy (Christian):can i do knowledge nature to determine what it is?
Simon N. (GM):Percy you see it
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn "M'Lady pls step back!"
Percy (Christian):*just nature i am thinking of pathfinder
Simon N. (GM):You'll need to move north-east to get a better look
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy do you mean do a nature check to see if you know what it is?
Percy (Christian):where abouts is this creature?
Simon N. (GM):east of the central rock
a dark shape in the water, not moviing, but the colour's not right.
A croc!
A big one
Lucky the water is crystal clear :)
The croc is almost white, near albino.
Simon N. (GM):It could easily grab anyone in the water.
Dawn: "oo! I see it!"
Erasmus:And there's no way around without going in the water?
Simon N. (GM):GM; when pointed out by Percy, PP 9+ sees it
STR 20+ could jump over the water :)
Syrus (Kenny):Wooooo I see it too!
Simon N. (GM):need to clear a 10' jump from standing start.
Percy (Christian):could we not run up?
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus roll Survival
& Percy
rolling d20+4
Percy (Christian):
skill check
Survival 19
Syrus (Kenny):OOC fat chance Syrus would make that jump, his STR is 10 :-P
Percy (Christian):OOC same
Simon N. (GM):can't run jump east, but yes you could jump west & go round the banks like that
Dawn only has STR 8 though so would get feet wet!
Lothrin: "I'll go first"
He leaps, landing on the far side on dry land.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team so we are doing this then! :-P
Erasmus:"I'll go next"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Hm.. Syrus could you catch me on the far side?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn: "I will try M'Lady"
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus crosses
Dawn: "Thanks!"
Erasmus:"Don't worry, we'll catch Syrus, first!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus - Haha! True tho
Percy (Christian):@GM what was that survival check foe?
Syrus (Kenny):I will go next -
Simon N. (GM):To work out the banks were stable & shallow enough to do this
Percy (Christian):ok
Simon N. (GM):Dawn takes a deep breath...
Erasmus:I reach and pull Dawn out
Simon N. (GM):She sploshes into the water, Syrus & Erasmus grab her and haul her ashore
rolling d6
Percy (Christian) will jump
Percy (Christian):roll?
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn "Well Done M'lady, your shoes will dry - better to be wet than by scorched by fire?"
Simon N. (GM):Percy leaps over
(In 5e you just running jump your STR in feet)
Percy (Christian):ok
Simon N. (GM):DC 5 Acrobatics or Athletics to get round the promontory w/out going in water.
Syrus (Kenny):@TEam we may have to fight this Albino croc you know....
Erasmus:My Acro is +5
Syrus (Kenny):@GM what do we roll?
Simon N. (GM):OK Erasmus can get round it
Erasmus:Can't see bugger all though.
Simon N. (GM):& give advtg to those following (help action)
Percy (Christian):i also have+ 5 acrobatics
Simon N. (GM):Dawn...
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d20
Erasmus:I'll haul Dawn in
Simon N. (GM):Dawn gets round w E's help
so does Syrus
Percy (Christian):is the dc high if holding lantern in 1 hand?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin can easily do it alone
that would give disad Percy
Erasmus:Pass the lantern round
Simon N. (GM):so cancel advtg
or do that :)
Percy (Christian):but he has +5 acrobatics anyway
Simon N. (GM):The croc seems curious about all the activity & light, lazily swimming closer.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team lets walk quickly!!
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Long tunnel ahead"
Syrus (Kenny):Waves to Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "This looks familiar..."
Dawn: "Back where we started!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Team looks like we need to cross the river proper - where that Croc was...
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Percy (Christian):"well that is good to know"
"lets head back then"
Simon N. (GM):GM: I need to finish shortly - you head back to the pool & I'lll leave it there for tonight
Erasmus:"Is it worth trying to lure the croc one way or the other to make the crossing safer?
Syrus (Kenny):Ok no problems!
Kenny - Syrus:With regards to next session, I am happy for you all to go ahead next Friday night if majority can make it?
Erasmus:I can't do Friday, but agree, happy for you to go ahead.
As long as Sergor doesn't kill the innkeeper by accident.
Kenny - Syrus:Innkeeper is Rosana, right??
Christian L.:ye
Simon N. (GM):Who can do Thursday?
Erasmus:She's the innkeeper's daughter.
Simon N. (GM):Rosana Irkell yup
Erasmus:I can
Kenny - Syrus:I can do Thursday
Christian L.:no sorry
Simon N. (GM):ok Thurs is best bet
Kenny - Syrus:@Christian are you OK with that?
Erasmus:What about Monday or Tuesdays?
Christian L.:ok i might be able to do thursday but most likely not
i am ok for it to happen without me
Simon N. (GM):Tuesday I am travelling in the am, could do a game that evening but will be tired
Erasmus:Ok, scrap that then.
Kenny - Syrus:(Tuesday in general not great night for me...)
Simon N. (GM):If Tues not good for 4/4 then better do Thurs & hope Sergor can make it :)
Kenny - Syrus:@Christian we will keep good loot for Percy!
Christian L.:i will message if i will be able to make it
Kenny - Syrus:Percy could be the best accountant amongst us tho...
Fingers cross you can join us next Thursday!
Erasmus:muttering under breath "I am an actual accountant."
Simon N. (GM):37 monster xp, 10 Aretha xp and 25 exploration = 72 each
Kenny - Syrus:@Tim - I LOVE that! hahahaha!!!
Whooop 72 xp each!
Soooooo a week's IRL time is also a week in game time, right?? ;)))
Simon N. (GM):I'm being a bit generous w xp because I am a kind and loving DM. >:)
Christian L.:so close to level 2!!!
Kenny - Syrus:less than 50XP to lvl2!!!
Erasmus:Only 22 for me! :)
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon are you also generous to give us a long rest between now and next game?? :))))
Erasmus:I'm not spending a week sleeping in a crocodile and goblin infested cave.
Kenny - Syrus::-/
Simon N. (GM):No you can't rest a week in the cave!
Christian L.:plus i don't think goblins do air BnB
Simon N. (GM):Syrus has loads of scrolls and you hopefully have some healing potions...
Kenny - Syrus:Air GnG??
Simon N. (GM):LOL @goblin AirBNB
Erasmus:This is AirDnD
Kenny - Syrus:LOVE Air D&D ;) - OK guess hopefully I will see all of you next Thurs 6.30pm then?
Christian L.:hopefully
Erasmus:Cool. Looking forward to it. :)
Christian L.:bye for now
Kenny - Syrus:Fingers crossed for you @Christian
Simon N. (GM):Scheduled for Thursday 6.30pm. OK I need to sign out now, thx for fun game all!
Kenny - Syrus:@Tim have a lovely game this weekend with the kids! :)
Erasmus:Thanks again chaps.
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Simon - have a GREAT week ahead!
Simon N. (GM):Cheers :)