Wednesday 30 September 2020

FA #12 Day 36-37 16/6/1359 DR (to 7pm) - 110 XP - Prior Mordrin, Victoria, Fiorina & co

 Reach Chaney Manor 5pm, St Cecilia's Abbey ca 7pm

Simon N. (GM):GM: Erasmus has spent the past week or so studying at Moravin Priory, with particular attention to the Chaos Cult of Tsathoggua.
He has been getting the impression there's something troubling Prior Mordin, the head of the Moravin Friars. Something he's not telling Erasmus...
Late morning: Erasmus looks up from his books to see Mordrin approach: "Brother Erasmus, may I..."
At that moment the church door opens and a Friar announces: "More Visitors, Prior!"
Erasmus:"Of course, Father Prior."
gestures for the Prior to take a seat
Simon N. (GM):He ushers in Syrus & Jyrdani, who looks around with interest at the cool colunned interior of the church of St Sollars.
Mordrin turns to the newcomers. "Welcome, my friends."
"How may I assist you?"
Erasmus:"Ah! Syrus, Jyrdani! A pleasure to see you again. Father Prior, these are the companions I mentioned."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows
Erasmus:Erasms goes and greets his friends
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin is a lean, well muscled man in late middle age, built more like a warrior than a contemplative priest.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus whispers to Jyrdani "M'Lady you may be exposing too much skin in this church" winks
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin smiles. "Syrus - Jyrdani - the Peace of St Sollats and Ilmater be with you."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus puts his hand on his chest and bows to Priest
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani rolls her eyes at Syrus. "Well that's his problem!" In truth Mordrin does not seem bothered by her outfit, though the Friar who ushered her in is looking a bit hot under the collar.
Erasmus:"You'll excuse me - I was in the middle of an interesting passge..."
Erasmus returns to the tome he was reading
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "Brother Erasus is getting to be our resident expert on the Toad cult!" he smiles.
Erasmus:"Humbly, I only know what I am gleaning from your tomes and our discussions, Father."
Simon N. (GM):"Your timing is excellent, friends. I was just about to discuss a certain matter with Erasmus. All of you, please come with me..." he ushers you towards his study.
Erasmus:"Lead on."
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin opens the door and leads you inside, pouring wine from the cabinet.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus is "casing the joint" in case there is anything valuable in sight
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus notices an entire bookcase of tomes he's not been privy to yet... several seem to be chained to the case & locked.
Syrus notes the good quality crystal wine glasses, a nice Lyrabar red wine, and the books of course.
"Please, sit."
Erasmus:Internally "Hmm... I wonder what knowledge is locked away in those."
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin sits.
Erasmus:Erasmus takes a seat
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus thinks "Ohhhhh books locked up" could be worth $$$$
Erasmus:"What is on your mind, Father?"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "Brother Erasmus, I expect in your resarch you've come across reference to the Liber Damnatis..."
"A sinister tome, scribed by the Mad Warlock Al-Azar."
Erasmus:"I have come across various citations, though not the volume itself"
Simon N. (GM):Morrdrin sighs. "Indeed. Well, there was until recently a copy here.. in the restricted collection." he indicates an empty spot on the book case.
Erasmus:"I don't believe the name of the author was mentioned at all, though."
"Hmm. Stolen, you think? Who has access to this library?"
Kenny - Syrus:"Maybe the cultists stole it to try to summon the Big Frog!!"
"Big Furry Frog!!"
Simon N. (GM):"Indeed... Well, not long ago, one of my senior Friars, Brother Odric, seemed to develop an unhealthy obsession with certain parts of the text - parts pertaining to Tsathoggua the Devourer. I had to prohibit him from consulting it. The book disappeared the same day he did."
Erasmus:"Interesting. And when was this?"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin steeples his hands on the table. "Just over a month ago. The text, I believe, contains information that would enable devotees of toad god to restore its Shrine and thus channel blood energy to their Master - in return for whatever boons the demon may provide."
Mordrin sighs: "I would ask you all to keep this confidential. I fear Odric has fallen to Chaos... that he has restored the Shrine, and begun attracting the insane and damned to a reborn cult. If so, he must be stopped."
"I understand that in the ruins of Skulnar, you encountered a minor demon? If so, it may well have been Summoned at the shrine."
Erasmus:"We shall not speak of this outside this room, other than to glean information that will help us locate Brother Odrin. We will, of course, be discrete."
Kenny - Syrus:"Father Mordin, can you share details on what Odric looks like, and if he has any weaknesses that he cannot resist other than giant frogs (ie cookies, ice-cream)?"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin nods gratefully to Erasmus. "Then you shall have my sincerest thanks, and such Aid as I can provide." He looks to Syrus.
Erasmus:"The imp was being attended to by a goblin horde. The cultists we encountered on the road were humanoid. Do you really think these could be related?"
Simon N. (GM):"Odric is a man of middle years, a little younger than myself, balding, a little over medium height. Recently he had become pale and gaunt, eating and sleeping little, his eyes red-rimmed."
Mordrin nods to Erasmus. "Chaos is ...erratic. Random demon summoning is not unexpected."
Kenny - Syrus:whispers to Jyrdami "Sounds like Odric is developing lazy eyes like the Giant Frog itself - I wonder if all its followers had lazy eyes"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"You want us to kill this Odric?"
Erasmus:"So the imp could have simply been an opportunist, piggy-backing off another ritual?"
Simon N. (GM):To Erasmus: "Yes." To Jyrdani: "If I am right, he must be stopped - one way or another."
Erasmus:"Hmm. I fear we will be facing more than our fair share of imps, demons and fiends if this is the case."
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin sips his wine. "By the way, a Paladin of the Golden Cup arrived last night, on her way to St Cecilia's Abbey with the nun she's escorting. It's possible she may be willing to aid you."
Erasmus:"We will search for Brother Odric, we will do what we must to stop him and this cult, and we will banish as many demons as we can along the way."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Golden Cup is an order of LG Paladins dedicated to defending the innocent, revering St Sollars.
Erasmus:"The assistance of one so divinely-touched as a paladin would certainly be welcomed."
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin nods. "If you are heading into Darkwood, I can call upon St Sollars' Aid to empower you - but the invocation lasts for only eight hours, so you must be swift."
You hear a bell. Mordrin looks up. "Ah, the mid day service. I am needed elsewhere, if you'll excuse me?"
Kenny - Syrus:"I am sure Jyrdani here already has itchy feet to get going and slaughter more imps.."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins "Yep!"
Erasmus:"Thank you, Father. May we stay in this study to discuss for a few minutes?"
Kenny - Syrus:"Oh, and where is this lady paladin?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Mordrin stands. "Of course, Brother Erasmus. Again, may I express my deepest gratitude for your aid - and your discretion." He looks to Syrus. "That door leads to the guest quarters."
Erasmus:"Thank you."
Simon N. (GM):"Now, please excuse me. We'll talk again soon."
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "we forgot to discuss dough!!"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin opens the north door and heads into the church.
Erasmus:As soon as Prior Mordrin leaves, Erasmus is ALL OVER the bookcase
Kenny - Syrus:whispers to Jyrdani "once a nerd, always a nerd"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani: "Demons? Priests? Sounds a bit like a suicide mission... but plenty of loot." She grins.
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani "wanna come join to checkout this Paladin lady"?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Erasmus reviews the tomes - diabolism, deviltry, druidism...
Simon N. (GM):And that's just the Ds.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus knocks on the door
Erasmus:OOC Is there anything else that may be of use hidden in these tomes?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Paladin lady? Okay..."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus you can roll Investigation
Erasmus Bos:
Investigation (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM)::)
Kenny - Syrus:Is there money hidden in the pages???
Or a magic scroll??
Simon N. (GM):There's a well thumbed text on the demonic rituals of Ancient Narfell and the Raumathari counter-spells.
Enough for a Ritualist caster to de-power a Nar demon altar.
(Bards get Ritual Casting) :)
Kenny - Syrus::))))
Syrus can sing it ;)
Erasmus:OOC You don't know what I've found... ;)
Kenny - Syrus:to Erasmus' beat-boxing perhaps?
*eyeroll ;)
Simon N. (GM):The tome is locked, but on a 23 you find the little key in a crevice behind the book case :)
Erasmus:OOC Would Erasmus know whether the tome would be needed, or would a transcription suffice?
Kenny - Syrus:Erasmus will OF COURSE try the key in every lock he sees ;)
Simon N. (GM):OOC it's very complex so a transcription would take a week or two or likely too sloppy to work.
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Kenny - Syrus:OOC take the whole thing!
Or tear out the pages ;)
Simon N. (GM):GM: The key seems to only unlock this book from the wall chain.
Erasmus:"Syrus, I may need you to do some sweet talking for me."
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "What for? Want me to help chatting up Jyrdani for you?" winks
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolls eyes
Erasmus:"Maybe late... er... No... I... er..."
Kenny - Syrus:rolls eyes
Erasmus:"No, I mean we need to take this book. It was locked, so I probably shouldn't have been looking but, you know how it is, right?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:You can hear the friars singing "Oh Blinding Light" through the north door.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus" ohhhh, you mean to ask if we can "borrow" it for the Greater Good? winks
Erasmus:"It details a ritual that could possibly deactivate the shrines."
This could make the mission infinitely easier."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani: "But this Odric knows how to reactivate them, right? So we need to kill him too."
Kenny - Syrus:"Sure, will do once their service is over _ I tell you, these church-ios need some singing lessons" looking at where the song came from and scratches his eyes
"Am gonna see if I can find the Paladin lady - you coming or doing more of this nerd stuff?"
Simon N. (GM):Prior Mordrin is now giving the Benediction.
A few minutes before the short service concludes and the Friars likely make lunch.
Kenny - Syrus:"I think the Mondrin is about to make Eggs Benedict*
Erasmus:"I was never one for religion before... well, before I was taken in by the monastery. I prefer knowledge granted by my own experience and that of others."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus knocks on the door again, wondering if anyone is in
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Enter?"
Erasmus:*Erasmus closes the book and places it on the table. The key is laid next to it and Erasmus stands between it and the door.
Kenny - Syrus:"Oh Hello M'Lady, Sister, Good day to you both!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Syrus sees a lady knight in shining armour, and a Sister of St Cecilia, patron saint of sinners redeemed.
"My apologies good Sir - Sister Cecily was just helping me don my thigh guards. How may I assist you?"
Kenny - Syrus:"What beautiful and shint armour you are wearing, I am Syrus, at your service" bows
Simon N. (GM):She has an upper class accent of Heliogabalus, the national capital. She smiles at the compliment.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Thank you good sir."
Cecily winks at Syrus. "Hi there!"]
Kenny - Syrus:Prior Mondrin mentions that you arrived last night. What brings you here?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I am pledged to escort Sister Cecily safely back to her Abbey. The roads of late grow too dangerous for a lone traveller."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus acknowledges the er-hm usual nun's habits she may be wearing
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"We plan to lunch here then depart, to reach the Abbey in Chaney Shire by nightfall. The path leads past Darkwood and should not be traversed after dusk."
Sister Cecily smiles at Syrus, a hand on her hip. "A Bard! I love songs!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolls eyes
Kenny - Syrus:"I see, I think we may be able to accompany you towards Darkwood, as I think we also are heading towards that direction. Can I introduce you to my companions?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Most certainly!" she gives Jyrdani a polite smiles as the barbarian strides in.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Jyrdani. Reaver. Killer."
Kenny - Syrus:This is Jyrdani, the most powerful fighter I have ever met!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Oh... I am Victoria, Knight Paladin of the Golden Cup."
Simon N. (GM):Cecily waves. "And I'm Sister Cecily!"
Kenny - Syrus:"Can I introduce you both to our nerdy friend Erasmus studying next door?"
Simon N. (GM):Cecily: "I was delivering a message from Abbess Mara to the Archbishop in Heliogabalus, when Lady Victoria offered to take me home!" she offers Syrus her hand.
Erasmus:Over his shoulder, without taking his eyes off the door "Greetings."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"A student of books? Most commendable!" she smiles.
The noon service has ended, you hear the Friars heading off to ready for lunch.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus takes Cecily's hand "certainly Sister"
Walks her to the study
Simon N. (GM):Cecily sashays daintily with Syrus.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "Here is Lady Victoria, Knight Paladin of the Golden Cup, and Sister Cecily"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"The Sisters of St Cecilia are an ...unusual... order."
Erasmus:Still keeping his eyes on the door "A pleasure."
Kenny - Syrus:They are planning to head towards Darkwood after having lunch here. I suggested we could escort them as we are all going the same direction?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:(to Erasmus) "Good noon, Brother."
Erasmus:Raises a hand in acknowledgement to Lady Victoria
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Erasmus hears Mordrin's footsteps approaching the door.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus taking the tomb on the table and bringing it closer to his face "Did you hear what I just said?" smiles
Erasmus:Stands to alert
Kenny - Syrus:"Ah! Prior Mondrin!"
Simon N. (GM):The door opens and you see Mordrin. He smiles affably. "Ah, I see you've all met. You are all invited to lunch, of course."
Erasmus:“Forgive me Father Prior, I feel I may have abused your hospitality.”
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Thank you, Prior."
Kenny - Syrus:"I was going to say 'speaking of the Devil', but that would be inappropriate here...!"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin gives Syrus a faint smile, and turns to Erasmus. "Oh?"
Erasmus:“Having been presented with such a display gestures at the bookshelf my interest was piqued and I simply could not resist the promise of additional knowledge. I can certainly see why this is the restricted section of your library.”
Simon N. (GM):"Indeed."
Kenny - Syrus:"While the studious Erasmus was pouring over the tomes, he found an interesting volume here that is ALSO unlocked!"
"You must take better care of these treasures, Prior!"
Simon N. (GM):"Mm?"
Erasmus:"I may have… um… stumbled across… a key to a particular volume"
Simon N. (GM):"I see."
Kenny - Syrus:rolls eyes
Anyways, Prior...
"Anyways, Prior..."
While the studious Erasmus poured over this tome, he stumbled upon an incredible spell that can break up the new shrine"
Simon N. (GM):Cecily wanders towards the door, attracted by the aroma of roast pork from the refectory.
Kenny - Syrus:"And an ritual that can most probably dispel the whole summoning all together!"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "Ah... but the Brothers of the Yellow Rose are not Ritual casters."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus feels his cloak is about to billow...
Simon N. (GM):Cecily: "Scuse me..."
Erasmus:"Indeed we are not. But this is why I travel with companions."
Kenny - Syrus:"Prior, I must admit that I myself is an incredible Ritual caster!"
Erasmus:"It is important to surround oneself with those that can balance one's own weaknesses."
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin smiles. "Ah. I begin to understand."
Kenny - Syrus:"I myself was solely responsible in banishing the imp in the Skulnar Castle with one click of my fingers!"
Syrus' cloak begins to billow
Simon N. (GM):(he has a bit of an Ian McKellen Gandalf accent going)
Mordrin coughs: "Your cloak is, er..."
Kenny - Syrus:"Thou Shall Not Pass!!" I said!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Prior, they want to borrow your book to disable the demon altars."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus continues to exaggerate every detail, totally glossed over the important bits about Dawn (god rest her soul), and made himself the hero of this scenario
at Jyrdani "shhhhh - I was just getting to that!"
Erasmus:Rolls eyes
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin brightens. "Aha! Yes, I see. Well of course - if you have the expertise... but that tome must not fall into the wrong hands."
Kenny - Syrus:"Anyways, Prior..."
Syrus' cloak starts to settle as he feels robbed from the limelight
Erasmus:"Of course not, Father. It shall be protected with our lives."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"It sounds as if you are set upon a most noble and virtuous quest!"
Erasmus:"We could perhaps do with some form of enchantment that may disguise it's true purpose. Just in case, of course."
Kenny - Syrus:turns to Victoria "M'Lady, once you have finished your quest, would you consider joining us on this noble quest?"
Simon N. (GM):"Illusion magic is not our forte, I fear. Perhaps a bag?"
Kenny - Syrus:"A leather backpack could suffice... maybe?"
Erasmus:"I fear a bag would not hide the true nature of the book."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria bows deeply to Syrus. "I am sworn to protect the innocent and oppose Evil. I must accept!"
Kenny - Syrus:"Whooop!!!"
Erasmus:"Unless the bag itself was enchanted, perhaps? Do you know of anywhere we may be able to acquire such a thing, Father?"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin smiles: "Excellent! Now, let us lunch." He indicates the door to the garden, and the refectory beyond.
Kenny - Syrus:"Let's celebrate with a hearty lunch before leaving this sacred establishment!" Syrus closes the book in front of Erasmus, takes it (knowing Erasmus will follow), and heads towards the kitchen
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "A magic bag? Only in legends, ha ha!"
Kenny - Syrus:"Lets eat!!!" looks for eggs benedict
Simon N. (GM):You take your places for lunch - Sister Cecily is chatting animatedly with the Friars.
Mordrin says grace and the meal is served - roast beef, roast pork, bread turnips and boiled cabbages. No eggs benedict.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:eats enough for several men
Victoria of the Golden Cup:eats delicately, as befits her station
Erasmus:Erasmus, used to the hearty provisions by now, eats calmly and carefully. He does not wish to overfill before an excursion.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus chomps
Victoria of the Golden Cup:There's a lot of conversation among the Friars & Cecilia about the new Duchess in Ravensburg - a former Festhall Wench, Cecilia says! And the rising threat of Chaos. Two shepherdesses have vanished from near Chaney Manor to the north.
Simon N. (GM):Eventually the meal ends, Mordrin bids you farewell. "Remember, if you return here before entering the Darkwood I can invoke the Aid of Sollars, but only for 8 hours. For now, Ilmater's Grace be upon you."
Erasmus:"Thank you Father."
Simon N. (GM):GM: At the stables Victoria has a fine warhorse, Sister Cecilia rides side saddle on a donkey.
Kenny - Syrus:@Prior "Thank You indeed Father, for your knowledge and hospitality" Syrus bows
"Are there any horses that we can 'borrow' as well for this quest"?
Erasmus:To the party: "Should we head out now? It is not too far to the Darkwood, we could perhaps reconnoitre before committing to our plan?"
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "The Friars do not ride horses. But you are welcome to borrow some of our asses." You take the track just west of the Darkwood north towards Chaney Manor and the Abbey of St Cecilia beyond
Kenny - Syrus:@Team: "perhaps Victoria should lead the way?"
OOC definitely the maps for this week's section are more cartoon-y ;)
Oh I see we have a fallen tree - a big one!
Simon N. (GM):GM: sorry for the delay.. :)
Erasmus:"This doesn't look natural to me. I fear an ambush may be awaiting us. Sister Cecily, to the centre."
Simon N. (GM):do you know how hard it is to find donkeys at short notice?
Simon N. (GM):Sister Cecily hurries up beside Erasmus - - just in time, as around you in the bushes, sinister porcine figures rise up...
Kenny - Syrus:At least Donkeys were available on VTT - unlike the fish fingers!
Simon N. (GM):Orcs!
Erasmus:I don't fancy an ass sandwich, though.
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @ TIM!
Looks like we may become sandwiches soon!
Simon N. (GM):The donkeys whinny in fear as the foul stench of the pig-orcs reaches their nostrils.
Victoria draws her bright blade as the monsters raise axes, spears and maces to attack...
Kenny - Syrus:And we just had a big yummy lunch!
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init please :)
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Always after Erasmus - a reassuring position to be!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
rolling d20
OK the NPCs did well...
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani leaps from her ass, RAGES and attacks the biggest orc...
rolling d20+6
rolling d8+6
It staggers back on 1 hp
(From Erasmus): How would you like Erasmus to react to orcs, given his history?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria wheels her horse and attacks the orc leader
Simon N. (GM):(no preference Tim)
rolling d8+5
it ducks her blow.
rolling d20+5
yup, missed :)
Simon N. (GM):Cecily slips off donkey and takes Dodge action
#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus vaults from his mount and strides to the orc to the rear
"This is for my family!"
Erasmus Bos:
Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):hit for 4
The Orc oinks angrily.
Erasmus Bos:
Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):crunch it goes down, neck shattered.
Erasmus:Erasmus turns to the next...
GM How much movement does dismounting take?
Simon N. (GM):half your speed
Erasmus:Then that's my turn.
Simon N. (GM):Syrus roll off (d20) vs the orcs
rolling d20
Kenny - Syrus:
rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):The orcs surge forward to attack... sudden;y someone steps out of the bushes to the north..
The orcs on the north side turn as a woman of indescribable unearthly beauty emerges from the trees... then they scream...
4 orcs DC 15 CON save vs Blindness
rolling 4d20
3 are blinded, the last one saves and lunges at her, spear raised.
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):hit
rolling d6+1
just a scratch
Syrus an orc slashes its scimitar at you.
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):The big orc swings its greataxe at Jyrdani
rolling d20+5
parried by her shield
Two scramble onto the tree to attack Jyrdani
rolling d20+3
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):miss
2 asses canter down the track.
#13 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Is my donkey scared?
Simon N. (GM):Yes
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus dismounts the donkey, and strikes back at the pig orc with 2 weapon attack
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Shortsword, +1{23}
Piercing Damage6
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage4
Simon N. (GM):"ugh" - it staggers 1 hp left
actually 3 left as you don't add DEX to off hand dmg
Round 2
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani attacks the orc leader: "Die!"
rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):He dies
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus screams "Girl Power!!!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria wheels and attacks orc on tree.
rolling d20+5
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Just try harder, dear!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Hmph"
Simon N. (GM):Cecily cowers (Dodge)
A long vine reaches out to wrap round an orc on the tree...
Kenny - Syrus:(Is that Grasping Vine spell?)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Kenny - Syrus:SHES A DRUID!!!
Simon N. (GM):the orc shakes it off (DC 14)
The strange woman sighs and bonks the nearest orc on the head with a length of wood.
rolling d20+2
rolling d4
The orc grunts
Simon N. (GM):The strange woman calls out to you: "I can't hold them for long! You must flee!"
#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:"I will not flee from these animals"
Simon N. (GM):you have advtg vs the blind orc
Erasmus Bos:
Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):miss
Erasmus Bos:
Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):AC 16 in scale & shield
Erasmus Bos:
Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):kick for 4
rem you have Ki too :)
Erasmus:Sorry - the unarmed was supposed to be the advantage on the first strike but I clicked the wrong box
so with Adv, still missed.
Simon N. (GM):well you have 2 missed staff so staff misses
can roll twice for unarmed, & do you Flurry for 2 unarmed attacks?
Erasmus Bos:
Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:Ok, so unarmed was the same.
Then flurry of blows:
Simon N. (GM):ok 1 hit for 4
rolling 2d20
Simon N. (GM):flurry 2nd blow 14 miss
rolling 2d20
Simon N. (GM):you only get 1 extra attack not 2 sorry
3 total, I staff & 2 unarmed
Erasmus:Yeah. BA is one unarmed, or two Flurry of Blows. Sorry - confuddled!
Simon N. (GM):If you have speed left can move away from blind orc w no opp att
#13 orcs
1 orc attacks weird lady
rolling d20+3
Kenny - Syrus:"weird lady" LOL!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6+1
1 orc vs Victoria
rolling d20+3
1 vs Jyrdani
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):hit
rolling d6+1
1 dmg!
1 vs Syrus
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):The orc attacking weird lady saves vs blindness...
rolling d20+1
3 blind orcs stagger around & save vs blindness
rolling 3d20
2 recover - and are now averting their eyes from weird lady.
Simon N. (GM):You hear their oinking cries: "Fiorina! No lookee!"
"No look!"
#13 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will 2-weapon attack again. Main attack the one that had a go at him
Simon N. (GM):AC 16
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Shortsword, +1{21}
Piercing Damage8
Simon N. (GM):urgh
it goes down, throat pierced
Kenny - Syrus:Can the other 3 orcs not hidden, no cover?
Simon N. (GM):?
Kenny - Syrus:I can see them clearly?
The Orcs are not hidden in tree?
Simon N. (GM):The ones to the north have Cover so +2 AC (AC 18) vs you
Kenny - Syrus:OK in that case for my second attack I will through dagger at this orc
that ok?
Simon N. (GM):move there for clear throw :)
Kenny - Syrus:OK!
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage6
Simon N. (GM):miss - also no DEX bonus to dmg off hand
Kenny - Syrus:OK end turn
Simon N. (GM):Fiorina Dodges
A vine lashes out again
rolling d20
grabs a screaming orc and drags him into the bushes
Jyrdani attacks
rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):Victoria attacks
rolling d20+5
no hits yet!
Kenny - Syrus:No wonder her armour is do shiny - she has yet to fight anyone!!! ;)
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:OOC btw I love the dagger lying on the ground!
Erasmus:Erasmus storms up to the nearest orc and strikes with the quarterstaff
Erasmus Bos:
Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:Then goes for a kick to the knee
Erasmus Bos:
Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):end?
The orc fends off Erasmus
Erasmus:Patient Defence
Simon N. (GM):isn't that a bonus action?
you used your BA on unarmed attack
Erasmus:Oh, ok.
Simon N. (GM):#13 Orcs
Erasmus orc swings
rolling d20+3
A second pushes through the trees to attack Erasmus.
Erasmus:Ducks back, Matrix-stylee
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+3
w hatchet
rolling d6+1
Erasmus:then stand up straight into a sword
Simon N. (GM):orc oinks happily
rolling d20+1
The vine wrapped orc screams as it goes blind
rolling 2d20
The other 2 stagger, still blind
Orc attacks Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+3
rolling d6+1
3 dmg
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"ow"
Simon N. (GM):Asses wander off the map
#13 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Stabby this one!
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Shortsword, +1{16}
Piercing Damage5
Simon N. (GM):hit
Kenny - Syrus:Bonus action: Bardic inspiration to Erasmus!
Simon N. (GM):+d6 on a roll?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes for his choice to use!
then end of turn
Erasmus:OOC Oo, sweet! Ta very much!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Fiorina's vines drag an orc off the tree
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Come back!"
rolling 2d20
21 hits
rolling d8+6
Victoria spurs her horse over the log and uses a trampling charge attack on the vined orc
Kenny - Syrus:WIll she hit???
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(horse attacks)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d20
Kenny - Syrus:The irony is that the horse crits and Vicky cannot hit anyone ;)
Simon N. (GM):The horse stomps the poor orc into the dirt.
#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Reeling from the orc's strike, Erasmus swings the staff in a rising arc
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):hit!
Kenny - Syrus:Whooop!
rolling d8+3
Simon N. (GM):orc staggers, still up...
Kenny - Syrus:Is it that one?
Simon N. (GM):(do you like seeing their hp?)
Erasmus:then follows up with a gut punch
Kenny - Syrus:(Oh yea I can see the green bar)
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):hit!
rolling d4+3
Simon N. (GM):The orc doubles over, insides ruptured, spewing green goo.
Erasmus:*Then steps into place behind the orc facing Syrus
Simon N. (GM):OK you move behind it
(it remains facing Syrus)
#13 Orcs
5 of them down, only 4 still stand, 3 blind
The unblind one hacks at Syrus
rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):miss
rolling 2d6
It turns and runs - opp atts for Erasmus & Syrus
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):hit
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Shortsword, +1{11}
Piercing Damage7
rolling d8+3
Simon N. (GM):The orc staggers and drops dead.
blind orcs save
rolling 3d20
all still blind! They oink plaintively.
The asses start grazing.
#13 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:LOL! At least they are now calm!
Draws bow at this one
Adv because he is blind?
Simon N. (GM):ac 18 w tree cover, you have advtg yup
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Crossbow, Light{10}
Piercing Damage9
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Crossbow, Light{6}
Piercing Damage9
Simon N. (GM):hits a branch
rolling 2d20
Kenny - Syrus:Sorry can I move closer
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d8+6
Kenny - Syrus:Bonus action "Hello"
Simon N. (GM):The unearthly beauty smiles at Syrus. "Hello!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:trample
rolling 2d20
crit again by horsey
rolling 4d6+4
Kenny - Syrus:omg THE IRONY!!!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:splat
rolling d20
The last orc screams as the vines drag him into the bush
#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Again, swinging the quarterstaff...
Victoria of the Golden Cup:w advtg
rolling 2d20+5
Simon N. (GM):17 hits
rolling d8+3
Simon N. (GM):killed!
Have Inspiration for that Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:That was good! Well Done Team!!
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Silence descends on the forest once more
Erasmus:Erasmus brings the quarterstaff down twice more on the corpse
Simon N. (GM):The strange lady winces slightly as orc blood splatters.
Kenny - Syrus:@Florina: "Thanks so much for your help and support, fair maiden!"
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani & Cecily go after the asses
Kenny - Syrus:"Excuse me while I try to get our donkeys back - be right back!!"
Simon N. (GM):Fiorina smiles winsomely at Syrus. "I am Fionrina, protector of these woods..."
Erasmus:Erasmus is just staring at the bloodied corpse at his feet
Simon N. (GM):Syrus gets his ass under control.
A deer emerges from the woods and nuzzles Fiorina, who strokes it.
Kenny - Syrus:On the map Erasmus is definitely staring at Fionrina! ;)
Simon N. (GM):Fiorina: "I must go now... be wary, for great evil lurks deep within the woods!"
Kenny - Syrus:@GM is my wee donkey doing ok after grazing on the grass? Can I collect my dagger as well pls?
Simon N. (GM):As she strides off she seems to vanish among the trees.
Kenny - Syrus:Are there any valuables from the bloody corpses?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria looks after Fiorina, eyebrow raised. "Clearly a woods spirit of some kind, perhaps a nymph by the blinding effect..."
Simon N. (GM):You loot...
rolling 24d6
rolling 3d6
Kenny - Syrus:9 magic potions??
Simon N. (GM):87 silver plus 9 gold on the leader.
Kenny - Syrus:87 healing potions??
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Well that was a fun workout. Suggest we move before their friends turn up!"
Erasmus:"Huh? Sorry, what?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Cecily: "You're injured ma'am. Here let me..."
Erasmus:Erasmus shakes himself from his distracted trance
Kenny - Syrus:17 silver each, and 2 gold each (Syrus takes 1 gold only)
Simon N. (GM):Cecily casts cure wounds on Jyrdani
rolling d8+1
same on Erasmus
rolling d8+1
Erasmus on 23
Erasmus:"Oh, thank you. I hadn't realised I needed that."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus trying to steer his donkey to face the right direction
typical he gets the awks one, rolls eyes
@Team "I agree with Jyrdani, let's get outta here!"
Simon N. (GM):"Blessing of St Cecilia on you, Brother!"
Erasmus:"Oh, ass!"
Simon N. (GM):You should now have control of donkey token Kenny
GM: You mount up & ready to depart.
Erasmus:"Which way did they go?"
Simon N. (GM):I'll stop there - 110 XP each this time
Erasmus:Sweet. Thanks Simon!
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhhh YES!
Thanks for XP!
Can I spin the donkey to face the right way? If so, how?
Erasmus:Next game next Wednesday, right?
Simon N. (GM):It's about 5pm when you reach Chaney Manor
there should be a blue tag at the back end when you select it
select the tag to spin it
do you see blue squares round it when selected?
Kenny - Syrus:Oh yes I see what you mean!
Simon N. (GM):yaay :)
Kenny - Syrus:Small pleasures for me!!
I love that you had a spare stash of donkeys hidden somewhere ;)
@Erasmus "ass"
Simon N. (GM):I had one donkey, Get Along - he got cloned :D
Kenny - Syrus:Ahhhh so thats why "Get Along" was there!
Erasmus:That's awesome.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus - don't you just love controling that donkey!!!
Kenny - Syrus::))))
@Simon sorry we are loving the donkeys and
and just want to move them above! haha
So next game is next Weds, right?
Simon N. (GM):yup
no game Sunday
Erasmus:Thanks for both the Bardic Inspiration (I didn't need in the end) and the GM Inspiration (which I still have from previously, but nevermind).
Kenny - Syrus:Looking forward! Hopefully we will have a couple of new players joining us too! :)
Simon N. (GM):best to use it!
Kenny - Syrus:Erasmus inspires the donkey to be as fast as a horse??
Erasmus:I had advantage on most of the attacks as soon as I had decided I was going to use it!
Simon N. (GM):I think will start at the Frogsmouth Inn in Chaney Manor next day after you drop Cecily off at the Abbey
chance to maybe get more recruits
Erasmus:So after a short rest?
Kenny - Syrus:Cool, so we should bide farewell to the unusually dressed nun that is Cecily??
Simon N. (GM):yes and your hp will be restored for free
All the Abbey nuns dress like that >:)
Kenny - Syrus:Yays, and Syrus gets the inspiration back!
Erasmus:oh yeah, it's 1HP per level on a SR, right?
Simon N. (GM):1 HP per level overnight. St Cecilia is the patron saint of Fallen Women Redeemed. Mirabelle spent some time at the nunnery!
They may not all be totally redeemed...
Erasmus:Ah, only overnight. I get it.
Simon N. (GM):But they don't seem to go crazy and worship Tsathoggua much either
Kenny - Syrus:Can I sing Song of Rest too? its 1d6 addition HP to your hit dice?
Simon N. (GM):if you spend a HD it gives the bnus
not if you keep all your HD
Erasmus:Don't need it. I was only down 1 after the Cure Wounds. But thanks!
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani will be to full too after a nice quiet night at the nunnery
Kenny - Syrus:Cool!
BTW Erasmus and Syrus use flanking?
during this combat?
Simon N. (GM):Victoria is ridiculously tough AC 20, 36 hp - but looks like she needs to leave killing things to her horse
Erasmus:If the orc hadn't run, yes.
Kenny - Syrus:What does flanking do?
Simon N. (GM):no flanking rule in 5e but I give advtg for rear attacks
Kenny - Syrus:OK!
Simon N. (GM):advtg just for flanking is OP but I think it's ok to suck up Reactions and get advtg if enough of you
Kenny - Syrus:I am fascinated by Jyrdani's abilities - is it possible you can share her character sheet in the thread? I would like to learn!
Erasmus:I agree, it works well.
Simon N. (GM):barbarians are great!
Kenny - Syrus:OP?
Erasmus:"Abilities"? Riiight!!
over powered
Kenny - Syrus:Got it!
So much detail! love it!
Simon N. (GM)::)
goodnight now!
Kenny - Syrus:Yes, Thank You - see you both next Weds 7pm! :)
Erasmus:Cool. G'night chaps. See you in a