Monday 29 March 2021

FA2 20/9-1/10/59 Recruiting Frank; the Ducal Court - Thibault is Knighted (again)

22/9 return to fort with stonemasons.

23/9-1/10: Training to level 4.

Sir Arthur Dahnim, Steward of Ravensburg

Arian's accounting:

After the bodies of the toad followers had been taken care of, things at the Fort settled into a quiet rhythm. The arrival of Thibault’s servants brought with them the ring of hammers and slowly but steadily repairs were being made. They all helped clearing out the rubbish, though Greeba spent much of her time at her makeshift forge. Gorlock’s room was also filled with the sound of snips and infrequent swears as he worked on some jewellery pieces, including a lovely moonstone one for Wisteria.


Arian, for her part, spent a part of each day collecting plants to make healing potions and in training Shaggy. He was an apt pupil and had already learned many non-verbal commands—sit, stay, attack, shake paw and her favourite, howl. It was bloodcurdling if you weren’t expecting it.


But soon, Eamon returned from his time with the monks and it was time to make their way to Ravensburg and for Thibault to officially align himself with the Duchess in the hopes of making the fort their permanent home. Home. Arian wondered at the strange thrill the word gave her. She’d never really had a permanent place to call a home; certainly nothing so solidly built of stone and definitely never a place full of so many other people.


She had, in fact, found a small quiet clearing nearby where she spent a fair amount of time. It was a great location to train Shaggy and also had a goodly supply of berries. She was there when she received another sending from Jaroo, stressing the urgency of her mission.


She ran back to the Fort to speak with the others. They were already talking about what needed to be done with the Duchess. It was something that could not be put off for much longer.


“Everyone, I had another sending from Jaroo. He says the situation is critical. Can we take a look there after we sort out things with the Duchess?”


That started a flurry of discussion, but they soon arrived at a plan. Duchess first, while they were fresh and presentable. And then on to Feycircle Tor to see if they could sort out what was happening with the ley lines. Arian wished Jaroo had been more specific – things were bad…how? She kept her sending back to him equally simple: "Will make way there asap, have one thing to clear up to secure our future first."


They set off on the horses towards Ravensburg, following the main road and crossing the old toll bridge. They left Sirondar, Elia, Thib’s servants and Shaggy behind to hold down the fort. It would not do for some evil to recapture it so soon after they had released it from the clutches of the orcs or the invading Tsathoggua cultists. Arian made sure that everyone staying behind knew not to open any of the barred doors and that Shaggy had a good supply of rat jerky. They really didn’t want any more rats or a drake wreaking havoc – or worse.


It was an overcast, drizzly day as they rode, which put a damper on conversation. Not much was said until they came upon the old toll bridge. It was supposed to be abandoned but it was clear as soon as they approached that someone had set up camp there – a lot of them, actually. They were a rag-tag group of mostly bearded men, obviously led by the one in slightly better armour. Or, at least, cleaner armour.


“I do believe that’s Frank…” Thibault muttered to himself. He dismounted from his horse and strode purposely forward, clanking.


“Stand back, Thibault!” called Eamon, but the paladin ignored him.


Frank, seeing him approach, snarled, “Oi! This is a toll bridge!” He pointed up the ridge. “That there is a 16 lb ballista, the most powerful spear chucker in the world... it can take yer 'ead clean off!”


Thibault didn’t react to this news and kept on going. “Oi! Frank! Remember me? What happened to you after the battle? Did you get lost or something?”


“Er.. Yeah!” Frank seemed slightly taken aback. He glanced at the ranks of men behind him and cleared his throat. “Anyway, nows the time to pay the toll! Rich folks like you, 10 gold each should be nothing!”


Thibault shook his head. “You look lost indeed. What are you doing with these friends of yours? I thought you were one of the good ones!”


Arian whispered to those closest to her, “He certainly couldn't fire a ballista if we were close to him. They aren't that exact!” She moved quietly forward, but off to the side. It wouldn’t do to make themselves easy targets.


“I have a different deal for you,” said Thibault, standing straight and tall. The wind whipped through his hair. “You stop being a brigand and I will not bring you to the authorities for high treason. And your little friends stay alive…or most of them...”


Frank seemed to consider a moment, perhaps thinking back to his days of fighting alongside Thibault or maybe just mulling over the paladin’s confident tone. “Alright, alright!” The rest of the men milled about, suddenly confused and scared.


Thibault smiled smugly and crossed the bridge, his footsteps echoing on the wood. He went right up to Frank. Wisteria shifted on her horse, looking impressed.


“On yer way then... I mean, on yer way then, Sir.”


Thibault leaned over to whisper in Frank’s ear. “Frank, you know my nature is forgiveness: would you like to come with us and we can forget about your past life?”

“Er. You got honest work fer us? With pay and such?”


Eamon spoke up, moving his horse forwards. “We're on our way to get a land grant for a local fort. We already have the approval of the church.” He had already spotted that a few of them wore saint symbols around their necks: one St. Sollars, the twice martyred, and another of St. Cecilia.


Thibault turned back to his companions. “If I keep an eye on them, I think we can trust them. What say you?”


Arian squinted at Frank, considering. He looked upstanding enough, she supposed. Oh, wait! A red-tailed squirrel! She missed everyone else’s nods.


Thibault looked Frank in the eye and waved his hands at the rest of the men. “Would you pledge allegiance to me? You seem to be men of good spirit and soul! In exchange, I will give you lodging in my Fort, protection and a decent pay without having to sell your soul.”


“If you join us,” added Eamon, “you will be in much better standing with the law and the church.”


“If you accept, I will write a laisser passer for my friend Sirondar, who is at the fort at the moment.”


"Sirondar? That Banacath princeling?” Frank nodded. “Yeah, I remember he always treated us decent like...Lemme talk with the boys.” The gang conferred for a few minutes, then Frank turned back to Thibault. “Alright Captain, we're yer boys!” He grinned, showing off a surprisingly healthy mouth full of teeth.


Arian bowed politely to Frank and the boys while Thibault discussed their pay. She suddenly felt better about having left the Fort so empty-handed. If these men could truly be trusted, then surely their new home would be safe. She couldn’t stop herself from interrupting the discussion: “And are there any among you skilled in tradecraft? Because we are fixing up the fort after ridding it of the orc infestation that had been there.”


A few of the men spoke up, saying they were handy with a saw and nails. Arian smiled. “Good honest work! When you arrive, be sure to report to Dove Tailjoint.”


“And keep in mind that the main population of the settlement will soon be refugees. They might be a bit rowdy since they're under a lot of stress, so guards would be good,” said Eamon.


Frank nodded. At least he seemed to be on top of things and quick to grasp the situation. Arian handed him a few rat jerky treats. “And give this to Shaggy, if you want to be friends. And trust me, you want to be friends.”


Frank took it. “Shaggy? A dog?”


Arian grinned wolfishly at him. “Something like that.” If he wasn’t trustworthy, Shaggy would certainly sniff him out.


“Congratulations, all of you! You have chosen the righteous path!” declared Thibault grandly, as he handed over an installment on their monthly pay.


“Loads more where this came from! Captain Thibault here's a right fine geezer, didn't I always say?!” Frank looked much happier than when they had ridden up, as did the rest of the men.


Thibault penned a quick letter to Sirondar explaining the situation and signed it with his noble sigil, passing it to Frank along with instructions.


“And,” said Arian, thinking back to the stench of the well full of dead bodies, “if you can sort out the well before we get back, I shall give you a bottle of my finest homebrew.” She looked at the river and noticed a boat. “Frank, if that boat is fit, perhaps you could take the ballista along with you and install it on the tower at the fort? Because certainly we don't want it left here for any brigands to come upon it.” She blinked innocently at him.


“Er, good idea, miss!” Frank directed a few of his men to dismantling the ballista to take with them.


“Good luck in your Journey, Frank, and glad you have made the right decision today! See you in a few days!” Thibault hopped back on his horse, a definite spring in his step.


“Cheers Sir Thibault, Sir!” Frank smiled and saluted. Don't worry about this lot, I'll get 'em shaved and shipshape when ye see em next!”


Bidding the new recruits farewell, they continued on. Riding on east, they arrived in the large village of Hodges Rock in time for a late lunch and by that afternoon, they could see the high walls of Ravensburg ahead of them.


The massive fortress of Ravensberg Castle loomed on its mount at the east side of the city.

Passing through the West Gate without incident, they joined the afternoon crowds as they headed through town.


“Oh, so big and grand,” said Arian, awed at the sights and smells. And the people! So many!


Greeba put a close eye to any weaponry upon the citizenry, trying to see if there were anything she’d like to make herself.


“Beautiful place, ain’t it?” asked Eamon.


“I swear I have never seen it's like,” said Arian.


Gorlock seemed to be checking out anything in a skirt as they passed by, though Xarius seemed almost oblivious to the crowd.


High on the Holy Bridge span, the cold westerly wind down from the glacier whipped at their cloaks. The vast indomitable fortress loomed high above them - once seat of the legendary first kings of Damara, before Heldrin conquered the Bloodfeathers Nar and founded the new capital of Heliogabalus. It still held royal grandeur.


“Such opulence...,” said Wisteria. “Skullspire is a little more austere than St Sollers!

This is very impressive!”


They headed on to the castle and, after a brief consultation with the guards, were escorted into an antechamber to freshen up. Arian removed a few twigs from her hair. Gorlock swished his robes about, ridding them of dust. Greeba spit in her hands and then tidied Thibault’s hair, momentarily taming his blonde ringlets.


“Thank you so much Greeba!... I guess...”


A page boy came to inform them that Master Temminische and Steward Dahnim would meet with them in the Courtroom and led them there.


“Good luck, Thib,” whispered Gorlock as they went. Thibault gulped and nodded.


The Ravensburg Ducal Court was truly awe inspiring, rivalling the royal seats at Heliogabolus & Lyrabar. Thick red carpet covered the floor. Two elderly fellows left off chatting with a group of bigwigs to greet them. Eamon recognised Master Temminische of the Yellow Rose and Sir Arthur Dahnim, Steward of Ravensburg. Thibault bowed low to them.


“Welcome, welcome!” said Dahnim, beaming.


Thibault gave an answering smile. “Master Temminische and Sir Arthur. This is an immense pleasure to meet you today in this magnificent place!”


Behind them, the rest of the group was gawking. Arian whispered excitedly to Wisteria, “Is that Joriun Whitefeather??” The legendary bard was indeed handsome.


“Hmmm, it could be! He's rather handsome, isn't he?” Wisteria rubbed her hands together, almost as if she were forming a plan of attack.


“The pleasure is ours, Sir Thibault. Some wine?” He waved to a passing servant girl and wine arrived nearly before he had finished his sentence. “So, please do tell us of your plans...”


“Oh, thank you for the wine,” said Thibault, taking a sip to calm himself. “My companions and myself have recently freed the Fort of Skullnar...and we would love to bring that beautiful piece of history back to its former glory. The glory of good, obviously!”


Greeba gave Thibault a jaunty thumbs up.


Dahnim nodded. “Ah yes! That ruin has been a sore point for some time. Ever since the Orcs sacked it and wiped out the Ironwolfs…as a garrison point, it no longer has the strategic importance to warrant Ducal forces... but with restoration it could make an excellent castle for an enterprising knight!”


Eamon cleared his throat. “We've already acquired some guards for the fort while removing the bandits from the ruined toll tower.”


“Therefore, I came here to request the great honour of becoming the steward--with my companions--of the fort and bring that territory back under the Duchess dominion,” said Thibault.


“An estimable notion!” said Dahnim. He looked to Master Temminische, who nodded in agreement.


Temminishce waved an imperious hand in the air. “Sir Thibault, perhaps Brother Eamon has mentioned the refugee issue? Many Brandiarans who fled the ruin of war now languish in poverty - in Arcata, in Carmathan and elsewhere throughout Damara...”


“I have,” interrupted Eamon, “and that is why we have hired some veterans to guard the fort so the refugees feel welcome and safe.”


Gorlock repressed a snort. The masters might not find those veterans such a good idea if they knew that they had very recently been the bandits preying upon Fulscarp Road.


“Aboslutely... and I would engage my word to host them and provide them with asylum!” declared Thibault, taking another sip of his wine. It was a very good vintage.


“We can help rebuild the community and bring some prosperity to the area,” said Gorlock.


Dahnim said, “We shall see about directing folk to your new manor, once you have had the chance to make it ready for them. Now, shall I introduce you to her Grace, the Duchess?”


The conversation had turned to taxes and tax breaks and upkeep and resources. Arian looked around to see if she could find anyone interesting. She wandered towards a wealthy but interesting merchant near Wisteria. There was something about him that made him look like the type of man who knew things. Or, at least, where to find them.


The red-hatted man bowed to Arian. “Hello there, milady! An excellent gathering today, eh?”


Arian firmly repressed the giggle that threatened to come out. M’lady? Heavens. “Good day, kind sir. I must admit I have never seen the like.” She bowed. “My name is Arian. And you, good sir?” She hoped he didn’t have a title that she was supposed to use.


He doffed his hat. “Tenho Isotalo, Merchant Sage and Chronicler, at your service Milady!”


Oh, he did sound intriguing! A man of letters! She attempted a curtsy that somehow wound up more like another bow. “Well met! I confess I am but a simple druid.”


“Ah! A Druidess! Have you met Jaroo, the Ashstaff?”


Arian’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Why, yes, he is the one who sent me this way. I am investigating the ley lines.” She sidled closer. Have you heard anything about that in your travels?”


The others, meanwhile, were approaching the Duchess…and the handsome bard that hovered near her elbow. Arian noticed them moving that way, but stayed where she was. Perhaps she could learn something useful! Besides, Gorlock certainly didn’t need her cramping his style and Thibault looked to be doing well enough on his own with Eamon to prod him. Greeba was looking a bit bored, but Arian hardly blamed her. There was nothing to bash in this room.


“I consulted with Jaroo in regards to his delving into the ruins of Khundrakar, the Forge of Fury... most useful preparation for my own expedition! I am but lately returned from my second adventure in those fell halls...” Tenho threw his shoulders back, as if imagining himself back in the ruins.


Enthralled, Arian leaned forward to listen closely and slightly stumbled, trying to catch herself before she had to grab on to Tenho. He put out an arm to catch her, smiling. "And the ley lines... I've heard a little of such things, yes.”


“I would appreciate greatly any advice you have,” said Arian earnestly. “We are headed that way after this, we hope, barring any unexpected problems. Jaroo said it is urgent.”


“Hmm... Perhaps we can talk of this later, milady? In private?”


“Certainly, kind sir! I should very much like to introduce you to my companions as well.” Arian didn’t notice Tenho’s slight twitch at the mention of her companions.


Tenho cleared his throat. “I was with the party who rescued our new Duchess from Gurzun's Hall, you know?”


Arian leaned closer, eyes wide. A very brave man, indeed! “I had heard whispers of that daring rescue, but I know little of the details.” Tenho seemed to relax a bit and let out a chuckle. “This is the closest I have ever been to a duchess.” Arian whispered, Is she a kind woman?” She hoped so. She could see her friends up ahead, smiles plastered to their faces.


“The Duchess is a kind soul, yes... And wise enough to closely follow Sir Dahnim's advice.”


“And what of Sir Dahnim? Is he a wise man?” The man had seemed nice enough, but had, probably rightly, taken no notice of her. She hoped he was a good man, as they were tying themselves to him and to the Duchess.


“Oh yes, very wise indeed! Wise enough to survive Zhengyi's Assassins in the Night of Long Knives... to depose the Impostor Duke Helmont, and to place Malla there on the throne before Sylvia of Ostel could seize it!”


“He sounds a most distinguished man, then,” said Arian. She hadn’t understand even a quarter of any of that, but it all sounded very impressive.


Her ears perked up as she heard Greeba loudly thanking Eamon for some apparent advice. Poking? Asking? Arian wasn’t sure what was going on up there. She listened as the half-orc loudly but cheerfully stage whispered to Dahnim, “Sorry for poking you earlier, I didn't mean to be rude!”


It was best to stay out of it, that was for certain. She turned back to Tenho. “Is there somewhere we could perhaps meet up with you after this, to, if you forgive me my phraseology, pick your brains? I wish to prepare myself however I can for the coming trials and any knowledge you have would be much appreciated.”


“Why certainly, milady! I don't think I've ever met an elf of such radiant fair countenance before, I would be delighted to spend more time in your company...”


There he went again with the m’lady talk. Radiance? Maybe it was her silver hair. It did gleam in the light sometimes. But surely it was no match for the hair of that bard upon the dais…or Thibault’s, for that matter. She supposed he was being polite and surely she should respond somehow in kind? Not sure what to do, she simply bowed again.


The room suddenly went quiet and Arian wasn’t sure why at first, until she heard the Duchess’ clear voice ring out: “Then kneel once more, Sir Thibault, that I may knight thee a Ducal Knight of Carmathan.”


She watched as Thibault knelt. The Duchess stood and swept up to him, her heavy gown sweeping the floor. Bishop Odratus hurried over and uttered a short blessing in a nasally high voice, “In the name of St Sollars, Lord Ilmater, and the Creator who is above all, may this knight's heart be true to his cause.”


“Oh!” said Arian and clapped excitedly, stopping quickly once she realised no one else was clapping.


Greeba, at least, waved happily at her. She waved back.


“It looks like we have something to celebrate tonight!” Arian said to Tenho, smiling as she watched Thibault turn to wink at Greeba.


Sir Dahnim handed the Duchess a slender rapier, with which she tapped Thibault lightly on both shoulders. “Arise, Sir Thibault - of Carmathan!” she proclaimed grandly.


There was a smattering of applause from the courtiers below. Arian hurriedly joined in. Thibault turned to the crowd and bowed low in gratitude. He was positively shining.


The brief ceremony was over. The Duchess handed the rapier off to a servant. “And you must all dine with us tonight!”


Arian smiled uncertainly. That sounded like something a lot of people would be at. The very fine people that filled the hall. She turned to the merchant. “I hope you will join us, Sir Tenho? I confess I would like to see a friendly face.”


“Oh yes, I'm sure we can sit together...”


“That would be most kind!” She smiled at him, then noticed another twig in her hair. She plucked it out and would have dropped it, but thought better of it and pocketed it instead. “Wisteria! Xarius! Come meet my new friend!” They would certainly like him.


That evening, they dined in splendor, albeit at the far end of the dining hall away from the Duchess and her advisors. But true to his word, Tenho sat with them. Arian excitedly introduced him to everyone, extolling his virtues. They seemed not terribly impressed, but maybe it was the fast-flowing wine.


Eamon soon wandered off to see if he could find any members of the church and Gorlock had attached himself to Trystan, the handsome bard. They were apparently commiserating over stories of tavern wenches.


Arian had already had two full glasses by the time the conversation turned to a possible loan from a merchant to help with repairs on the fort. She tried to follow the back and forth between Eamon and Gorlock and the rest, but had trouble concentrating. They needed security? What kind of security? They had Frank and his boys…was that not security enough?


She only snapped out of it when Greeba clapped her soundly upon the back. She had dozed off somehow, an empty wineglass in each hand. It was definitely a very fine vintage. Elven. Red. Deep red.


“Er, perhaps you’ll come visit us, Master Tenho?” she said, but drifted off again before she heard his answer.   

Gorlock (Tony):I have a nice moonstone necklace. I hope you like it. Forgot to ask your budget....
rookie mistake
Simon N. (GM):Hi all
Gorlock (Tony):Place looks a lot nicer :)
Well done simon
Jelly:Tony well I think as I remember I already paid for the moonstones when we got the big treasure haul, so it would just be labour?
Gorlock (Tony):what is holding them together?
Jelly:(Yes I paid 50gp for the moonstones)
Let's say a silver necklace of some kind?
Dragonking1million :brb
Simon N. (GM):Say 5gp for the silver
Gorlock (Tony):Lovely, normally I can do 5gp a day, for you half.. 25 GP. so 30 with materials?
Jelly:That's a real bargain, thanks Tony!
Simon N. (GM):Thanks Gorlock! :D
Gorlock (Tony):In character...flirt flirt..
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria's eyes sparkle as she sees the beautiful necklace and uncharacteristically flings her arms around Gorlock to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Gorlock (Tony):nice!
Dragonking1million :i'm back
Greeba (Jelena):Hi everyone!
Wisteria of Skullspire:'So beautiful.....we were never allowed jewellery at the temple. Too frivolous, the priests said.'
OOC hi Jelena!
Gorlock (Tony):Glad you like it. Suits you
Max:my connection is awful
Arian:Hey Bill, make sure you write down that you got the 4 masterwork arrows in the quiver
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK the necklace median value is about 100gp, Wisteria paid 80 total.
Dragonking1million :thanks
Gorlock (Tony):I'm a sucker for the ladies
Arian:Who wound up with the potion of resist lightening?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Your long rest completed and work 0n the fort progressing; Eamon has recently returned from Ravensburg after meeting with the Master Monks his superiors at the Ducal Court.
Gorlock (Tony):We need to get the property rights sorted
Arian:"Everyone, I had another sending from Jaroo. He says the situation is critical. Can we take a look there after we sort out things with the Duchess?"
Gorlock (Tony):Sounds like a plan. Duchess you say ;)
Arian:OOC Simon, it's a couple days West to get there, right?
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe Duchess first, then the other task?
Simon N. (GM):Yes probably, although you do have fast horses now thanks to the kindly donation of the Tsathoggua cult.
Gorlock (Tony):Put on our best non-bloodied gear...
Arian:Did we wind up inviting Braltak and his remaining friends to come here to recuperate?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, the duchess first is the best because we would be on our best appearance.
Max:tell me when you see this
Gorlock (Tony):Max see you
Simon N. (GM):This time of year (September) on a road/path the horses can go 60 miles in a day, though you'd want to rest them a day afterwards.
Gorlock (Tony):cool, how far do we need to go
Simon N. (GM):With spare horses you might even push that to 90 miles if desperate (but exhaustion checks).
Arian:Arian wouldn't push the horses that hard...
Unless it were a dire emergency
Gorlock (Tony):horse meat
Eamon (Bill):"Thibault the church supports you in becoming the lord of this fort as long as you have an advisor from the church(me) and you take the refugees from brandiar and have them be loyal to you"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We have 12 horses so we could go quite far...
Arian:"Gorlock, cease your talk of eating the horses. They understand more than you think. That stallion there has taken a dislike to you, I can tell."
Gorlock (Tony):geez, ok...
Church always taxing
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I can't find Ravensburg on the map?
Gorlock (Tony):see the injustice inherent in the system
Greeba (Jelena):What is the scale of this map?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC loving the music btw thanks Simon!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Eamon, that sounds like a wonderful plan. Would you like to be my advisor?
Arian:"We would welcome any refugees, I'm sure."
Eamon (Bill):"yes"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You have a couple options for getting from here to Ravensburg; the longer safer-ish way is south to the old toll bridge then east on the Fulscarp Road. There is also a little used trail running south east through the woods in the right direction.
Arian:Isn't Fulscarp Road where the bandits have been hanging out?
Greeba (Jelena):The trail sounds interesting!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC found it, sorry lol
Arian:Oh, and Arian will send back to Jaroo: "Will make way there asap, have one thing to clear up to secure our future first."
OOC Too bad Ravensburg is the wrong way!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Arian would surely be able to take us quickly through the forest?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):In that case, Eamon, I would be honoured to have you as my advisor! Thanks!
Gorlock (Tony):Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP, HELP, I'M BEING REPRESSED!
Eamon (Bill):"down fullscarp RD there's some bandits i was able to avoid them while on my way back"
Arian:"It is easier for one to evade than many. But are Sirondar and Elia staying here at the Fort or are they coming with us?"
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - we need a watery tart
Arian:OOC with a sword
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC lol
Simon N. (GM):GM map scale is 2 miles/hex
Eamon (Bill):"gorlock the church reunited the country from it's once tattered ruins after the witch kings many assassinations and wars most of the good lords were killed so the isolationist church had to step in and they did and it worked"
Greeba (Jelena):20 miles as the crow flies?
Gorlock (Tony):Our primary weapon is fear...
Easy ride then
Simon N. (GM):So it's 24 miles to Ravensburg by the old toll bridge, 20 miles cross country yup
Greeba (Jelena):Or 32
Simon N. (GM):(maybe 25 by the bridge)
Arian:"Wisteria, as a Wanderer, I do admit to some skill with maps and traveling through nature. But would we be able to take the horses through the forest trail?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC hmmm it does say bandit trail there lol
I wonder if we're meant to take that literally?
Eamon (Bill):"to help our claims on the area we should remove those bandits"
Gorlock (Tony):Maybe easy way to duchess, stay clean, then bandits
Greeba (Jelena):I agree with the Monk!
Gorlock (Tony):or go with bandit heads
nice necklace
Wisteria of Skullspire:It might be a little slower on the horses, through the forest, but I believe they will be sure-footed through the trails.
Arian:"So long as we can travel on to check the ley lines as soon as possible before things grow worse."
Eamon (Bill):"bandit heads are fine just make sure you don't attack without provocation"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The horses could take the SE trail but it's a rougher ride on the forested hill track so might not save any time.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Perhaps the main road then, and 'kill two birds with one stone?'
And a few bandits, of course!
Gorlock (Tony):agreed
Eamon (Bill):"yes"
Arian gives Shaggy some pats and hands some treats to Thib's servants for him while she is away.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC not being antisocial guys but not on call tonight because still recovering from corona jab on Friday! Brain can only handle one medium tonight lol
Gorlock (Tony):My corona
Everyone I know who has had it has felt horrible for a day or so
Max this is a test
Greeba (Jelena):OOC not me! Just a bit sore
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Friday night experience.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC But I hope you feel better soon, Jelly
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - lethargy seems to be an understatement
Arian:OOC Well, this is the first day I haven't yet had to take anything stronger than paracetamol so I'm hopeful (and more awake)
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"I was going to go with you to smooth things with Steward Dahnim, but it sounds as if Brother Eamon has things well in hand!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC thanks guys! Already much better but very sleepy. Luckily I'm a student now so it's part of the job description!
Elia :"Sirondar and I can mind the Fort while you guys go do the diplomacy stuff."
Eamon (Bill):"it's best if you come too all the support for the claim we can get will be good"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Indeed, but you are welcome to come with us, my friend"..
Wisteria of Skullspire:But then who will hold the fort?
Eamon (Bill):"if you wish you can stay though"
Gorlock (Tony):probably best
Arian:"Thib, can you please stress to your servants not to mess with the doors we have barred? For their own safety?"
Arian tells Shaggy to keep an eye out of rats and to be a good boy.
Gorlock (Tony):to the duchess...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, good idea: I tell my servants not to fiddle with the barrend door and tell then they have some really bad things behind and they will be safe as long as they don't touch them.
Eamon (Bill):"m'lord i think that will just scare them"
Elia :GM: You didn't recruit Braltak & co yet, though you may want to try that at some point. You may also want to get some men at arms if possible.
./em is how to type orange
Eamon (Bill):"best just use your authority and prohibit them"
Max /em
Simon N. (GM):(sorry that was GM)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC that's what I was thinking, I'm not sure any of your servants are particularly soldiers, Philippe?
Arian:"I think Greeba should speak to Braltak when she can. He seemed a sturdy sort."
Wisteria of Skullspire:And of course he'd do anything for Greeba I'm sure!
Greeba (Jelena):"Happy to do so! He has proven himself sturdy indeed!"
Simon N. (GM):LOL
Arian:OOC is there any such thing as a postal service in Faerun at this time?
OOC If we ever want to send an actual letter?
Gorlock (Tony):ravens
Max:where are we on the map again I lost the spot
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK so the 7 PCs will mount up & take the road south, leaving Sirondar & Elia w the servants at the fort. OK?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I leave the keys in front of all the servants and people staying behind: "Sirondar, I leave you in charge of the Fort and its security"
Arian:Arian studiously does not ask Greeba how she knows that.
Simon N. (GM):You are at Fort Skulnar where Greeba's face is
Max:nvm found it
Sirondar Altur Banacath:smiles determinedly "I'll not let you down."
Gorlock (Tony):Half orc now "face" of the party
Sirondar Altur Banacath:
rolling d8
Wisteria of Skullspire:lol
Gorlock (Tony):diversity and inclusion
Eamon (Bill):i'm the only human
Arian:OOC Greeba is the intimidating face of the party ;-)
Simon N. (GM):It's an overcast drizzly dawn as you ride out of Fort Skulnar and take the south trail round the east slopes of Skul Peak.
Greeba (Jelena)::-D with tusks
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Gorlock (Tony):I hate when Simon rolls...
Simon N. (GM):After 5 miles you enter woodland and the path meets the Fulscarp Rd - west to Fulscarp Manor, east to Ravensburg.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon's dice rolls are the sound of impending doom!
Gorlock (Tony):usually
Simon N. (GM):You turn east and another mile or so brings you to the old toll bridge and the ruined tower beyond
Gorlock (Tony):I always imagine lightning, thunder
careful over the bridge
Arian:OOC I keep reading that as "troll bridge"
Gorlock (Tony):feels like a trap
Greeba (Jelena):Aretha's Tower?
Gorlock (Tony):Franklin
Greeba (Jelena):Baba Yaga
Simon N. (GM):No you went east, the tollbridge tower is just a wee ruin
Greeba (Jelena):OK
Gorlock (Tony):all black?
Simon N. (GM):There seems to be activity at the bridge & ruins
hold up
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think we've had our fair share of trolls already (it was an ogre, but still!)
Gorlock (Tony):yay
Max:More murder for me `yay
Arian:His name is FRANK
Simon N. (GM):Can you put your tokens along the south side if you are approaching the tower
Arian:Frank the Bandit
Gorlock (Tony):where are the tokens?
Simon N. (GM):Thibault you recognise the leader as Frank, a deserter from your company during the war.
Gorlock (Tony):can see the map but no tokens
Arian:Under the Images tab
Drag yourself over
Willing or unwilling
Simon N. (GM):You can drag your token from Journal to map
Gorlock (Tony):images tab??
Simon N. (GM):no Journal
Arian:Sorry, I meant the Journal
Wisteria of Skullspire:Go into journal, find token and drag and drop
Obmi:All done?
Wisteria of Skullspire:yup!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I start walking up the bridge...
Eamon (Bill):"stand back thibault"
Simon N. (GM):Frank sees Thibault come striding up. He snarls. "Oi! This is a toll bridge!"
He points up on the ridge. "That there is a 16 lb ballista, the most powerful spear chucker in the world... it can take yer 'ead clean off!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Oi! Frank! Remember me? What happened to you after the battle? Did you get lost or something?"
Simon N. (GM):"Er.. Yeah! "
"Now, time to pay the toll! Rich folks like you, 10 gold each should be nothing!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"You look lost indeed. What are you ding with these firends of yours? I though you were one of the good ones!"
Arian:Arian whispers to those closest to her "He certainly couldn't fire a ballista if we were close to him. They aren't that exact!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC brb
Simon N. (GM):Most of the men have shortbows; 3 man the ballista and Frank has a big maul.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"I have a different deal for you: you stop being a brigant and I will not bring you to the authorities for high treason. and your little firends stay alive for most of them..."
Eamon (Bill):simons computers being slow currently
Arian:OOC how high is the ridge?
Simon N. (GM):Ridge is about 12'. climb DC 12
Thibault roll Intimidate DC 18
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Greeba (Jelena):Scary!
Gorlock (Tony):blodie snarl
Simon N. (GM):Frank sighs. "Alright, alright!"
Gorlock (Tony):blondie
Arian:cheers silently
Simon N. (GM):They step back, looking scared.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I smugly walk across the bridge.
Frank:"On yer way then... I mean, on yer way then, Sir."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I wisper to frank: "Frank, you know my nature is forgiveness: would you like to come with us and we can forget about your past life?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria looks impressed: she didn't know Tihbault had it in him!
Frank:"Er. You got honest work fer us? With pay and such?"
Arian:OOC OOOOh hmmmm
Wisteria of Skullspire:(OOC they can man the fort?)
Eamon (Bill):"we're on our way to get a land grant for a local fort"
Greeba (Jelena):OOC indeed! Can we trust them?
Eamon (Bill):"we already have approval of the church"
Arian:Can I roll Insight to see if he seems sincere?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"If I keep an eye on them, I think we can trust them"
Eamon (Bill):can i see any religious symbols
Frank:OK Arian roll Insight
Eamon (Bill):
Simon N. (GM):Eamon Perception
Arian thinks Frank looks like an upstanding fellow...oh look, a squirrel.
Simon N. (GM):Eamon sees a couple of saint symbols on them, one St Sollars, one St Cecilia
Arian:OOC To be fair, Arian has little knowledge of man. She's better with animals.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Would you pledge allegiance to me? You seem to be men of good spirit and soul!"
Arian:OOC Would Frank know Sirondar?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"In exchange I will give you lodging in my Fort, protection and a decent pay without having to sell your soul"
Eamon (Bill):"if you join us you will be in much better standing with the law and the church"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"I f you accept, I will write a paisser passer for my friend Sirondar who is at the fort at the moment"
Eamon (Bill):also daddy went downstairs
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"laisser passer"
(more like a recommendation letter actually)
Frank:"Sirondar? That Banacath princeling? Yeah, I remember he always treated us decent like..."
"Lemme talk with the boys."
Greeba (Jelena):(OOC can Greeba overhear them?)
Frank:The gang confer for a few minutes then Frank turns back to Thibault. "Alright Captain, we're yer boys!" grins
Arian:OOC If they join us, can they bring the ballista to the fort...? In case any more toadies come back?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Good idea!
Simon N. (GM):GM: They were discussing whether to take up the offer. You'd need to use horses or a cart to transport the ballisa.
Arian:Arian bows politely to Frank and the boys
Frank:Frank: "So, pay... how much were ye thinking?"
"Double pay for the Sergeant, right?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Wonderful news, Frank! Sure! It;s the beginning so I can't offer mch but it will increase over time"
Frank:GM: A standard rate is 2 sp/day with deductions for food etc from that
Gorlock (Tony):done deal
Eamon (Bill):"sounds affordable"
Greeba (Jelena):Sounds good
Arian:"And are there any among you skilled in tradecraft?"
Gorlock (Tony):26 per day then
Simon N. (GM):GM: So garrison rate is 6gp/man/month; campaigning is double, combat pay either monthly per day or looting rights
Arian:"Because we are fixing up the fort after ridding it of the orc infestation that had been there."
Eamon (Bill):28 silver a day actually
Gorlock (Tony):missed on
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"That sound perfect for us. Shall we shake on it and for the people who are faithful, I would need you to make an oath to me that you will be good to the people in the fort for as long as I pay you"
Simon N. (GM):A couple men speak up and say they're handy with saws & nails
Gorlock (Tony):one
Frank:"Aye aye captain!"
Arian:"Good honest work! When you arrive, be sure to report to Dove Tailjoint."
Eamon (Bill):"the main population of the settlement will be refugees so they will be a bit rowdy since they're under alot of stress so guards would be good"
Frank:"Will do - and we get paid when you get back?"
Arian hands Frank a rat jerky treat. "And give this to Shaggy, if you want to be friends. And trust me, you want to be friends."
Eamon (Bill):"yes"
Frank:"Shaggy? A dog?"
Eamon (Bill):i'll pay one day in advance though"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I give Frank 5 Gold "Here is 5 gold for you and your men to cover you journey to the Fort. When we come back, I will pay you your monthly allowance in full?"
Eamon (Bill):i hand out 28 silver
Arian:Arian grins wolfishly "Something like that."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Does that soulnd good to you"
Frank:Frank nods, grinning, takes the 7.8gp. "Here we are boys - first honest pay in a while!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Congratulations, all of you! You have chosen the righeous path!"
Frank:"Loads more where this came from! Captain Thibault here's a right fine geezer, didn't I always say?!"
Gorlock (Tony):84GP per month
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I write a quick letter to Sirondar to explain the situation and sign with my noble sigil.
Eamon (Bill):that's fine we just need to make more in a month
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And give the letter to Frank.
Frank:"Do you want me to leave men here to mind the ballista? Then ye could pick it up on the way back?"
Eamon (Bill):"good ii
Gorlock (Tony):owe them 76.2 when we get back
Arian:OOC Maybe we should make them shave ;-)
Eamon (Bill):it won't be a month
Gorlock (Tony):that's the rest of the monthly allowance we just promised
Frank:GM: PP 13+ you notice the boat
Arian:"If you can sort out the well before we get back, I shall give you a bottle of my finest homebrew."
Gorlock (Tony):11
Arian:"Oh look, a boat! Is it river-worthy?"
Simon N. (GM):You could in theory pack up the ballista in the boat & row it upstream nearly to the fort :)
Greeba (Jelena):Not Greeba either at 10
Simon N. (GM):It looks old but stream-worthy
Gorlock (Tony):You mean they could...
Greeba (Jelena):Anything salvageable at the old tower?
Arian:"Frank, if that boat is fit, perhaps you could take the ballista along with you and install it on the tower at the fort? Because certainly we don't want it left here for any brigands to come upon it."
Gorlock (Tony):another fixer upper? Warlock tower
Eamon (Bill):he already said he'd leave men here for the way back and to watch the ballista
Simon N. (GM):The tower looks very decreipt with chunks of wall collapsed. It only has a thin walll, not a real defensive tower.
Gorlock (Tony):never mind, sad face
Arian:bats eyelashes innocently when mentioning brigands
Simon N. (GM):Arian roll Persuasion DC 5
Simon N. (GM):"Good idea Miss!"
Arian:OOC Considering my charisma, that was amazing
Gorlock (Tony) the duchess...
Simon N. (GM):Frank sets the men to work dismantling the ballista and packing it in the boat.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Indeed, Arian! I clap!
Simon N. (GM):The tower just has some piles of hay and a dirt cellar, it seems to have often been squatted in by various ne'er-do-wells.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Good luck in your Journey Frank, and glad you have made the right decision today! See you in a few days!"
Arian:OOC Can we rename them all something starting with B? Bob, Blade, Billy, Boo, Brace...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Arian:OOC Frank and the Boys
Gorlock (Tony):bane, blight, bloat
Frank:"Cheers Sir Thibault Sir!" smiles "Don't worry about this lot, I'll get 'em shaved and shipshape when ye see em next!"
Gorlock (Tony):bile
Arian:Bevel, Bone, Bracken, Brest
Borage, Boven
Gorlock (Tony):beetlejuice
Simon N. (GM):GM: Bidding the new recruits farewell, you mount up and continue on...
Max says WELL OK
Simon N. (GM):yes he does
Gorlock (Tony):per usual diplomace XP
Simon N. (GM):(sorry that was an answer to an old query)
Arian:OOC Well, we do need henchmen
Greeba (Jelena):OOC This was a win-win!
Arian:We hope!
Simon N. (GM):Riding on east, you arrive in the large village of Hodges Rock in time for a late lunch.
Greeba (Jelena):Good!
Gorlock (Tony):bloody peasants
Eamon (Bill):"aren't you a peasont"
Gorlock (Tony):piss ant
Simon N. (GM):In the valley of the White Worm river the land becomes more settled, with many bucolic farmsteads. Leaving Hodges after fine if rustic dining, that afternoon you see ahead the high walls of Ravensburg...
Gorlock (Tony):phew
Simon N. (GM):(map on right of page)
Arian:"Oh, so big and grand!" says Arian
Simon N. (GM):The massive fortress of Ravensberg Castle looms on its mount at the east side of the city.
Passing through the West Gate without incident, you join the afternoon crowds as you head through town.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Wow. Thibaulkt is impressed. I don;t think I have seen that big yet.
Gorlock (Tony):I'm guessing we mosey up to the great keep
Arian:goggles at all the people
Simon N. (GM):There the magnificent edifice of the Cathedral of St Sollars. Beyond the high span of Holy Bridge crosses the river to Raven Rock.
Greeba (Jelena):checks out the weaponry fashions
Eamon (Bill):"beautiful place ain't it"
Arian:"I swear I have never seen it's like."
Gorlock (Tony):Remember Xarius and Gorlock have insane Charisma
Arian:Meanwhile, Arian can handle anything with fleas
Greeba (Jelena):"Eh... it's big!"
Gorlock (Tony):full on flirtation with the duchess
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):(Thibault is trying to remember his pageantry training and how to address a duchess: Your Grace it seems)
Arian:OOC Remember the Duchess is rumoured to be attached to her bard
Simon N. (GM):High on the Holy Bridge span, the cold westerly wind down from the glacier whips at your cloaks.
Arian:"That feels like home!"
Simon N. (GM):The vast indomitable fortress looms high above you now - once seat of the legendary first kings of Damara, before Heldrin conquered the Bloodfeathers Nar and founded the new capital of Heliogabalus, it still has royal grandeur.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Such opulence........Skullspire is a little more austere than St Sollers!
Even more impressive!
Simon N. (GM):GM: If you're quick you may be able to get an audience this afternoon, you approach the keep?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, please!
Gorlock (Tony):indeed
Arian:dusts off the travel dust
Greeba (Jelena):Not everyone of us is just gawking around
Arian:removes twigs from hair
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Does my hiar look right?" :-)
Simon N. (GM):GM: After brief questioning the guards escort you in to the castle. You are taken to an antechamber to freshen up after your ride.
Greeba (Jelena):spits in hand, tidies Thib's hair
Simon N. (GM):A couple stout maids fuss around you dusting you off.
Arian:stands uncomfortably still
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Thank you so much Greeba!... I guess..."
Simon N. (GM):Then a page boy comes to inform you that Master Temminische and Steward Dahnim will meet with you in the Courtroom...
Gorlock (Tony):Good luck Thieb
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Gorlock!
Simon N. (GM):The Ravensburg Ducal Court is truly awe inspiring, rivalling the royal seats at Heliogabolus & Lyrabar.
Eamon (Bill):should i go too
Arian:Arian does her best to blend into the background
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am completely star-struck!
Yes please Eamon. You are my advisor!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You are escorted up the red carpet to the Ducal Court - can you put your tokens on the 1st set of stairs or on the green circle w the statues
Two elderly fellws leave off chatting with a group of bigwigs to greet you.
Eamon (Bill):"arian let thibault go first we need good impressions for him"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I bow to them "Salutations, noble men"
Simon N. (GM):Eamon you recognise Master Temminische of the Yellow Rose and Sir Arthur Dahnim, Steward of Ravensburg.
Eamon (Bill):"thibault should be in front"
Arian:OOC I'm guessing Arian recognises no one, right?
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "Welcome, welcome!"
Gorlock (Tony):there must be something in the water int his place...
Simon N. (GM):You may recognise the famous bard Joriun Whitefeather among the crowd
Gorlock (Tony):I recognise a few ladies for the pub :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Master Temminische and Sir Arthur. This is an immense pleasure to meet you today in this magnificent place!"
Greeba (Jelena):Any barbarians around?
Arian:*whispers excitedly to Wisteria: "Is that Joriun Whitefeather??"
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Welcome! Brother Eamon speaks most highly of you all!"
Arian:OOC The royal court is remarkably well endowed and contains lots of personality
Gorlock (Tony):I try to make eye contact but I need to look up
Eamon (Bill):"greetings Master Temminische"
Wisteria of Skullspire:To Arian: Hmmm, it could be! He's rather handsome, isn't he?
Eamon (Bill):"salutations sir Arthur"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Master Eamon is too kind!"
Eamon (Bill):"brother Eamon not master"
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "The pleasure is ours, Sir Thibault. Some wine? So, please do tell us of your plans..."
A shapely maid brings wine :)
Gorlock (Tony):flirt flirt
wink wink
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Oh thank you for the wine" I take a sip to calm down " My companions and myself have recently freed the Fort of Skullnar"
"...and we would love to bring that beautifu piece of history back to its former glory"
"The glory of good, obvioulsy!"
Greeba (Jelena):gives Thibault a thumbs up
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "Ah yes! That ruin has been a sore point for some time. Ever since the Orcs sacked it and wiped out the Ironwolfs..."
Eamon (Bill):"we've already acquired some guards for the fort while removing the bandits from the ruined toll tower"
Simon N. (GM):"As a garrison point, it no longer has the strategic importance to warrant Ducal forces... but with restoration it could make an excellent castle for an enterprising knight!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Therefore, I came here to request the great honour of becoming the temporary stewart (with my companions) of the fort and bring that territory back under the Duchess dominion"
Arian:OOC Temporary?
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "An estimable notion!" He looks to Master Temminische, who nods.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOC temproary as in "until we show we can keep it"
Gorlock (Tony):we have invested considerable effort in good faith
to bring it up to your expectations
with a small upkeep tax we could restore it to its former glory
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Sir Thibault, perhaps Brother Eamon has mentioned the refugee issue? Many Brandiarans who fled the ruin of war now languish in poverty - in Arcata, in Carmathan and elsewhere throughout Damara..."
Eamon (Bill):"I have and that is preciously why we have hired some veterans to guard the fort so the refugees feel welcome and safe"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Aboslutely... and I would engage my word to host them and provide them with asylum!"
Arian:OOC BTW, Mysterious Tenho Isotalo is known to have studied under the Sage Hardby of Praka, and to have a great interest in historical relics, especially of the magical variety. He also seems to know a lot of different people. And he's very handy in a fight.
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim nods: "And in return your new subjects will doubtless labour honestly to support your new manor and provide those 'taxes' your friend spoke of."
Eamon (Bill):"don't mind him"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Yes, that and the riches we could also bring from our adventures, I suppose we could be self-sufficient rapidly"
Gorlock (Tony):we can help rebuild the community and bring some prosperity
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "We shall see about directing folk to your new manor, once you have had the chance to make it ready for them. Now, shall I introduce you to her Grace, the Duchess?"
Eamon (Bill):"now since the keep is in need of heavy repair we were hoping for a small loan or if you prefer a small tax break as you know the cost of a settlement is high"
Arian:Arian wanders closer to a wealthy but interesting looking merchant who looks to be a man that knows things
Simon N. (GM):GM: Arian sidles up to Tenho Isotalo.
Arian:BTW Tony's browser just spontaneously shut down
He'll be back soon
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:bows to Arian "Hello there, milady! An excellent gathering today, eh?"
Gorlock (Tony):your Grace
Eamon (Bill):"once we are established we will pay back the debt or the owed taxes"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"I would be immensely honoured. In the meantime, could you do me another immense favour and introduce my frined Wisteria to Joriun Whitefeather? She is a massive fanatic of his work"
Arian:"Good day, kind sir. I must admit I have never seen the like." bows "My name is Arian. And you, good sir?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Eamon roll Persuasion
Gorlock (Tony):Deep eye stare
Eamon (Bill):
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I try to chip in Emaon's sales speech?
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:doffs hat "Tenho Isotalo, Merchant Sage and Chronicler, at your service Milady!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I can't remember Wisteria meeting Joriun?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Eaxtly!
Arian:shyly attempts a curtsy that comes out more like a bow "Well met! I confess I am but a simple druid."
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC oh i see lol. Nice one!
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim: "Ah yes, tax break... I was thinking a 10 year exemption on Ducal taxes, mm?"
Arian:OOC 10 year tax break sounds good!
Eamon (Bill):"sounds excellent Lord Arthur"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I just noticed Trystan up near the throne!
Eamon (Bill):"i am most gracious"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"We were more thinking of something more immediate just to absorb the refection costs"
Eamon (Bill):grateful*
Simon N. (GM):The Duchess is chatting animatedly with a handsome half elven Bard...
Arian:"You seem a worldy man, Sir Tenho. I wonder if you have heard anything of import lately? I have been mostly in the wilds and I fear I know little of recent news."
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:>>shyly attempts a curtsy that comes out more like a bow "Well met! I confess I am but a simple druid."<< "Ah! A Druidess! Have you met Jaroo, the Ashstaff?"
Arian:OOC perhaps a one time grant, Thib?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOC yes that's what I am hoping for...
Arian:starts in surprise "Why, yes, he is the one who sent me this way. I am investigating the ley lines." sidles closer "Have you heard anything about that in your travels?"
Eamon (Bill):i whisper to thibualt " ten years tax exempt is better then we could have imagined"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Sir Dahnim, so you think the Duchess would see a one time grant with a benevolent eye?"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:Tenho: "I consulted with Jaroo in regards to his delving into the ruins of Khundrakar, the Forge of Fury... most useful preparation for my own expedition! I am but lately returned from my second adventure in those fell halls..."
Arian:leans forward to listen closely, slightly stumbles, but catches herself before she has to grab on to Tenho
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim eyes Thibault coolly. "You understand that the coffers are exceedingly strained at present. The Duchess spends much to keep the common folk from starvation..."
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan...eye roll
Eamon (Bill):"and yet in your bountiful generosity you give us a tax break i am truly grateful"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Flirt Battle is on!
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:Tenho puts out an arm to catch Arian, smiling. "The ley lines... I've heard a little of such things, yes."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"I understand. I am already extremely happy at the prospect you have so generously offered and I will accept them with the most infinite gratitude!"
Gorlock (Tony):Batting eyelashes at the duchess and her companions
Arian:earnestly "I would appreciate greatly any advice you have. We are headed that way after this, we hope, barring any unexpected problems. Jaroo said it is urgent."
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I can roleplay Trystan if you like Simon?
Arian:OOC Tony does have the longest eyelashes in this house
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:considers "Hmm... Perhaps we can talk of this later, milady? In private?"
OOC thanks Jelly yes please!
Gorlock (Tony):Oh god..
Arian:"Certainly, kind sir. I should very much like to introduce you to my companions as well."
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC will do my best, although if there's any backstory I should know, please whisper it to me?
And if you could give me control of Trystan's token?
Arian:OOC Trystan's hair rivals Thib's
Wisteria of Skullspire:They could be brothers lol
Possible story arc?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Separated at birth!
Simon N. (GM):(OOC done Jelly) GM: Sir Dahnim escorts Thibault Eamon & those of you who wish to meet the Duchess up the next flight of steps... Duchess Malla & her lady in waiting seem quite garishly clad for such high nobility.
Gorlock (Tony):shwing
Eamon (Bill):"gorlock i think it's best you stay down here and converse with others"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:to Arian "I was with the party who rescued our new Duchess from Gurzun's Hall, you know?"
Arian:OOC Yeah, that's gonna happen, W
Gorlock (Tony):Really...
get yourself to a nunery
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC thanks Simon, can't seem to find him on the dropdown menu for the chatbox though?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I respectfully climb the stairs. Sporting a big smile....
Arian:rapt, eyes wide "I had heard whispers of that daring rescue, but I know little of the details."
Eamon (Bill):"i fear you might try and swoo the queen and it might come off badly"
Gorlock (Tony):I'll hang back, with a pouty face
Eamon (Bill):"thanks"
Gorlock (Tony):Well, maybe not
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Is she a Queen or a Duchess?
Eamon (Bill):"Duchees"
Gorlock (Tony):like moths to a flame
Eamon (Bill):"remember to get her title right"
(To Wisteria of Skullspire): Trystan helped extract festhall wench Malla & her friend Lucy from Gurzun's Festhall & escorted them to Ravensburg where she was installed as the True Heir. In gratitude Malla made him court bard, and they became v friendly...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yep.
Arian:OOC Gorlock ready to sweep in with his smile and charisam
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):My pageantry tutor was jornalist at the BBC.
(From Wisteria of Skullspire): thanks Simon, I remember now! (Sorry the recent bereavement wiped a lot of stuff from my brain!)
Gorlock (Tony):Eamon has a knife to my throat
Eamon (Bill):damn right i do
(From Wisteria of Skullspire): I still can't seem to find Trystan in the chat box?
Gorlock (Tony):doing my soulful look
Arian:OOC He's afraid you're going to start talking about horsemeat
Wisteria of Skullspire:Trystan notices the dashing Thib, it's almost like looking in a mirror!
Gorlock (Tony):ha
Greeba (Jelena):following half-interestedly
Eamon (Bill):"you can stay if you can not attempt to sway the duchess or be rude to the nobles"
Wisteria of Skullspire:He gives the paladin a wink and a wry smile, and lifts his glass to him
Gorlock (Tony):sweet no competition
Simon N. (GM):OK made Trystan a character, no pic yet sorry
Arian:to Tenho "This is the closest I have ever been to a duchess." whispers "Is she a kind woman?"
Simon N. (GM):brb
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):(Thib notices the cheeky Trystan and resits winking back)
Arian:"After that terrible experience being held captive?"
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, can you go invisible and see if you hear anything useful?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I might have to reload, my laptop didn't like that, now everything frozen my end lol
Gorlock (Tony):yep, crazy roll20 day
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I can't move Trystan's token or see him in the dropdown chat options.
Arian:OOC Also crazy Marley. Sorry if you guys hear that, I have mine on mute but he's upset about something. Probably an imaginary squirrel.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Awww
Gorlock (Tony):Come on Thieb, take one for the team
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
I feel so objectified!
Riding Horse:Riding Horse will be Trystan for now, because in many ways he is one lol
Well well, who is this handsome band before us, Duchess?
Simon N. (GM):OOC Jelly if you reload I expect you'll be able to do Trystan stuff
Riding Horse:Ok back shortly
Gorlock (Tony):here we go...
Simon N. (GM):Duchess Malla smiles graciously at you all. "Welcome, Sir Thibault, Brother Eamon, friends." She has a rather common accent.
Greeba (Jelena):pokes Dahnim in the shoulder "Say, do you ever get barbarians in this court?"
Simon N. (GM):Although she has clearly been working on her elocution.
Arian:"Tenho, knowing the duchess as you do, is there anything that she needs given that she is so new to her position? I imagine it has been very hard on her."
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim eyes Greeba: "Rarely."
Greeba (Jelena):"Hm"
Arian:OOC rofl Greeba-style courtly manners
Eamon (Bill):"greeba don't be rude he's a very generous and noble man" i whisper
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I stay at the usual distance for a courtsy and take a knee: "Duchess Malla of Camarthen, I remain Your Grace’s most obedient servant"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"The Duchess is a kind soul, yes... And wise enough to closely follow Sir Dahnim's advice."
Arian:to Tenho "And what of Sir Dahnim? Is he a wise man?"
Simon N. (GM):Malla smiles down at Thibault. "Please rise and approach the throne."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I do stand up again and walk slowly towards the thorne. Big smile!
Greeba (Jelena):"Rude?" surprised face "Not at all!"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Oh yes, very wise indeed! Wise enough to survive Zhengyi's Assassins in the Night of Long Knives... to depose the Impostor Duke Helmont, and to place Malla there on the throne before Sylvia of Ostel could seize it!"
Eamon (Bill):"may not be rude in your culture but in noble society it is considered rude"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I nod at Trystan as well to show him I am not ignoring him
Gorlock (Tony):Eamon's a party pooper
Riding Horse:Trystan nods back and smiles
Gorlock (Tony):I smile wryly
Arian:duly impressed "He sounds a most distinguished man, then."
Simon N. (GM):Malla: "Sir Thibault, we are delighted at the news of your quest to restore Ironwolf Manor to its former glory. We are minded to grant you the unclaimed lands up to 2 leagues distant from the castle in every direction, in return for your vows of fealty."
Greeba (Jelena):slaps Eamon on the back "Thank you, friend, for your good advice! And what exactly was rude, poking or asking?"
Eamon (Bill):"poking your question was fine if ill timed"
Gorlock (Tony):stabhim
Simon N. (GM):Sir Dahnim: "In return, Sir Thibault, you will bear a considerable burden of responsibility - these are dark times, and many enemies threaten Carmathan. Are you ready for such responsibility?"
Arian:to Tenho Is there somewhere we could perhaps meet up with you after this, to, if you forgive me my phraseology, pick your brains? I wish to prepare myself however I can for the coming trials and any knowledge you have would be much appreciated."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Your Grace, I am overjoyed by your most generous offer and will accept it wholeheartedly. Please accept in return my vow of fealty and the acknowledgemet of my status as your devoted vassal."
Gorlock (Tony):opp attach :)
Greeba (Jelena):stage whispers to Dahnim "Sorry for poking you earlier, I didn't mean to be rude!"
Riding Horse:Trystan stifles a laugh
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Why certainly, milady! I don't think I've ever met an elf of such radiant fair countenance before, I would be delighted to spend more time in your company..."
Eamon (Bill):"very good greeba"
Greeba (Jelena):grins happily
Riding Horse:To Greeba: I'm sure our dear Sir Danhim doesn't get poked nearly enough, you did him a service, dear lady!
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:Malla: "Then kneel once more, Sir Thibault, that I may knight thee a Ducal Knight of Carmathan."
Arian:blushes, looks around in a fair panic, decides on a slight bow
Simon N. (GM):(sorry!) :)
Riding Horse:OOC I could see that a mile off lol. Is Tenho getting friend-zoned?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"The times are indeed very dark, and this is for that very reason that I have undertaken the Fort restauration: to take a stand and stop the evil forces to destroy our faith, our livelihoods and our rich heritage"
I take a knee again ...
Arian:OOC Arian is, like, completely unaware of anything
Simon N. (GM):Duchess Malla: "Then kneel once more, Sir Thibault, that I may knight thee a Ducal Knight of Carmathan."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):(done)
Riding Horse:OOC yay!! Well done Phil!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Duchess stands. BIshop Odratus is called to utter a short blessing.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thank you Wisteria!
Arian:Arian notices the bowing and knighting "Oh!" claps excitedly, notices no one else is clapping, stops
Simon N. (GM):Odratus: "In the name of St Sollars, Lord Ilmater, and the Creator who is above all, may this knight's heart be true to his cause."
Greeba (Jelena):waves at Arian happilly
Arian:to Tenho "It looks like we have something to celebrate tonight!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I turn around and wink at Greeba like Han Solo at Leia at the final scene of Episode 4.
Simon N. (GM):Sir Dahnim hands the Duchess a slender rapier, with which she taps Thibault lightly on both shoulders.
Riding Horse:To Greeba: Lady...Greeba, is it? May I offer you some wine? It's a very fine vintage!
Simon N. (GM):Malla: "Arise, Sir Thibault - of Carmathan!"
Riding Horse:OOC sorry that comment will be after the ceremony
Simon N. (GM):There is a round of applause from the courtiers below.
Riding Horse:OOC during the party
Greeba (Jelena):"Thank you, but do you have any ale? I'm no lady!" guffaws
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"I stand up again, tall and proud, chest pumped. And I bow to the audience in gratitude for the cheering"
Arian:Arian claps again when the courtiers clap
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:indicates Thibault "Your friend there seems like a fine fellow! Reminds me a little of Sir Norrin."
Riding Horse:Of course! Trystan snaps his fingers for a maid. A pint of finest ale for my new companion!
Arian:"I do not know Sir Norrin, but Sir Thibault is a brave and true gentleman."
Simon N. (GM):The crowd clap louder when Thibault bows to them.
Gorlock (Tony):As the maid goes by whisper, "I can't believe he snapped at you..."
"how rude"
Simon N. (GM):Malla: "And you must all dine with us tonight."
Maid to Gorlock: "Yes, sir?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"We would be delighted to be your humble guests"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malla sits back down, Sir Dahnim escorts you back down the steps to the crowd below.
Gorlock (Tony):I hope to see you later ...
Arian:"I hope you will join us, Sir Tenho? I confess I would like to see a friendly face."
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock can roll Persuasion :)
Gorlock (Tony):
Arian:OOC It's the beret.
Riding Horse:OOC right?
Simon N. (GM):Maid, coolly "Yes Sir"
Gorlock (Tony):sweet
Arian:OOC And Arian wouldn't understand somebody flirting at her even if they said they were.
Gorlock (Tony):Wine, did I hear wine
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Oh yes, I'm sure we can sit together..."
Arian:smiles "That would be most kind!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Thank you so much, Sir Arthur Danhim. I am most obliged by your introduction to the Duchess."
Riding Horse:Yes! We have the finest vintage here in Ravensburg. Why so glum, my handsome friend?
Gorlock (Tony):Get me away form Eamon...he's weirding out
Arian:finds another darn twig, takes it out of her hair, almost drops it on floor and instead pockets it
Greeba (Jelena):"Cheers, bard!" *tips jug to Trystan
Riding Horse:Trystan hands Gorlock a glass. This'll make you feel better, guaranteed.
Gorlock (Tony):Thank you much
I mean sip
Arian:OOC It feels like some kind of weird The Dude dream considering it's a horse handing him a drink
Eamon (Bill):"how am i weirding out"
Riding Horse:(Trystan whispers to Gorlock: and trust me, you're not missing much with that one!)
Gorlock (Tony):hmm
Riding Horse:I can introduce you to some much lovelier ladies! Slaps Gorlock on back.
Simon N. (GM):(I see now the Trystan character crashed as I was editing)
Gorlock (Tony):Now we're talking. Some more wine please
Arian:"Wisteria! Xarius! Come meet my new friend!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You hobnob with the court for a while before being shown to guest quarters.
Arian:realises she shouted, blushes
Riding Horse:OOC yup sorry Simon i have no control over Trystan atm (I barely do anyway lol!)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-)
Arian:introduces Tenho to Wisteria and Xarius
Simon N. (GM):That evening you dine in splendour, albeit at the far end of the dining hall from the Duchess and her closest advisors.
Gorlock (Tony):I drink as long as I can with Trystan, before being escorted off
Riding Horse:Certainly, my friend, certainly! Tell me, what are the ladies like where you are from?
Gorlock (Tony):Not nearly as lovely as in this fair court
Simon N. (GM):Tenho though is sat near you.
Riding Horse:Ahh can do wonders, I tell you!
Gorlock (Tony):ha!
Arian:excitedly introduces Tenho to everyone, extolling his adventures
Gorlock (Tony):I thought as much!
Arian:"...and he helped rescue the duchess!"
Riding Horse:I miss the natural beauty of an honest inn wench......
Gorlock (Tony):I'm sure we could sort that out...
Eamon (Bill):i'll go talk to any members of the church i can find
Riding Horse:Rosy cheeks and easy giggles......ah well.
Eamon (Bill):brb
Gorlock (Tony):tell me, you sound trapped
Riding Horse:Really? Hmmm, and I haven't got my lute out for a while so that could be fun....of which inn do you speak?
Gorlock (Tony):surely you can find a bar maid
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Hello my friends! I do recall seeing some of you at the Cumin Inn, some time back. The night of the singing contest between Margrethe and Joriun Whitefeather, hm?"
Arian:"...And Tenho, is there anyone else here you would recommend me talk to before we leave? Given that we now have a territory to recover and expand? Not to mention the ley lines to investigate..." sighs, slightly drunk on two glasses of wine
Gorlock (Tony):The good old days
Riding Horse:None of the maids here are from the countryside though, all sophisticated city girls!
Arian:we that is, not me
Gorlock (Tony):city yes, sophisticated //// :)
Riding Horse:The Cumin....hmmmm, I know the place rather well. I haven't had time to go troubadouring for a while, mind you.
Gorlock (Tony):perhaps it is time?
Riding Horse:It's tempting, I must say!
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:Tenho: "Hm, well, not here as such, but you should pay your regards to Lady Aryn Blackthorn at Fulscarp Manor. I knew her son Sir Jacklyne, a great warrior. Sadly he fell in battle with the forces of Gurzun Half-Orc..."
Gorlock (Tony):ah, come on. It would be a good diversion
Arian:"Oh! Yes, we do need to talk to her. We sorted the bandit issue on Fulscarp Road on the way here."
Riding Horse:OOC if people like I could play Trystan next week!
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:OOC sure Jelly :)
Riding Horse:OOC I might be able to manage both characters, unless that screws up the balance?
Arian:"...though, if what Jaroo says is true, we'd best not tarry."
Riding Horse:OOC not constantly obvs but just for a game or two.
Eamon (Bill):i'm back
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan my friend, we shall have an excellent adventure
Riding Horse:Huzzah! To us and our future frolicks! Pours more wine for both of them.
Gorlock (Tony):There may be a few diversions along the way...
Greeba (Jelena):"Arian, I think you're right, and we should go there next! Where exactly are ley lines?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOC I try to imagine Gorlock and Trystan on a bender and I get scared by my own mental images#... :-D
Gorlock (Tony)::)
Eamon (Bill):i ask the merchant if he is willing to loan money
Simon N. (GM):OOC ok Jelly have sorted Trystan, in your journal now
Riding Horse:OOC brilliant thanks Simon!
Simon N. (GM):Random Merchant to Eamon: "Always interested to hear an investment proposition!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Trystan and Gorlock at the Cummin Inn:
Eamon (Bill):"great let me just talk to my Knight"
Simon N. (GM):(Jelly if you want to stat up Trystan as a 3rd level Bard PC that's fine with me)
Trystan:Thanks Simon, I'll try to do that this week.
OOC good to have the NPC stat block to fall back on as well though.
Simon N. (GM):(I think he's a Bard NPC type currently, that's ok too)
Eamon (Bill):to thibault "i think we can get a lone from this merchant it'll be a good startup if your interested M'lord"
Trystan:OOC what time are we finishing tonight?
Simon N. (GM):9pm?
Trystan:OOC sounds good.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Sounds great! let's negotiate the rate. I also need to know how much we need to borrow to start the repairs"
Simon N. (GM):Merchant Goodluck: "So, what would be the security on the loan?"
Eamon (Bill):"we have a ring of land spanning 2 leagues from the middle and a run down fort we are planning to repair using said loan"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The security would be the word of a Knight of Camarthan. Would tha be sufficient?
Simon N. (GM):Goodluck: "Well... You understand, I do not doubt your word. But the Fates are fickle... what if you do not live to repay? The land is held in fealty to the Duchess, not yours to give nor mine to claim."
(that last to Eamon)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, The Pauley's have losst all internet connection.
Trystan:OOC the Pauley's internet just died
Simon N. (GM):ok
Gorlock (Tony):How much do we need?
sorry internet went down for whole house
on hotspot
do we need a loan?
we can tax, owe no taxes...
I'm back via hotspot
Gorlock (Tony):no other ocnnection
Eamon (Bill):"thibualt any idea what we have that we can use for security"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The loan would help us start the repairs very quickly so the people can live in the fort and also start building around.
Simon N. (GM):GM: If you want a stonemason to repair the gatehouse that's around 300gp at least
Eamon (Bill):"the merchant is smart he isn't going to give a loan that has a chance he loses money we need to think what we have"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, so let's start with a 1000GP loan and see how it goes. Like my trusted advisor told you, we can put the pro-rata of fort and the land as a guarantee for that amount.
Eamon (Bill):"he already said we can't use the land as security"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry I didn't see it.
Eamon (Bill):"it's technically the duchesses"
Gorlock (Tony):We have little else...
Eamon (Bill):"what about exclusive trade with our settlement once it's up and runnning"
Gorlock (Tony):Greeba could flirt
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Same thing, if we default, he has nothing"
Simon N. (GM):Merchant: "I'm sorry, I have to go speak with Sumata Mercellin. Please excuse me..."
Wisteria of Skullspire:If only we still had those diamonds!
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba's not a player!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Well, if they won't give us gold, it seems we'll have to hunt for more.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Never mind, we'll go for an adventure where we get some loot and it should sort us out?
Wisteria of Skullspire:That Nar ruin seemed a likely place......
Eamon (Bill):"have a good day goodluck please talking with you"
Simon N. (GM):"The pleasure was all mine."
Gorlock (Tony):I Have 300 GP, can start with that but we have to pay wages
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Did you mention a Nar ruin?"
Greeba (Jelena):Yes, there were some goblins there the last we heard
Eamon (Bill):i have 150 gp so i can pay wages if you pay the repair
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I have 200GP so I can add that too for the wages.
ANd the gate
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"I know persons very interested in Narish relics... happy to pay more than market rate for such."
Gorlock (Tony):no we are talking, hate loan sharks
Greeba (Jelena):"Interesting...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm........
Gorlock (Tony):how many are we now?
Wisteria of Skullspire:That seems better to me than trusting money-lenders.......
Eamon (Bill):"we could go to underhall that should seem to be a good place to get treasure"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):What's underhall?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC is that the same place as the Nar ruin? Where the red monks were?
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Well if you find anything interesting, do please bring it to me. I can offer a very good price."
Greeba (Jelena):"Ruin from the Narfell Demon empire?"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:OOC yes
Gorlock (Tony):=300/7 = 43. do we all have 43?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thank you Tenho, we will remember your offer.
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK want to start wrapping up now. Next day you plan to return to the fort, then are you going west on Arian's mission?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC yes Tony, but we should add the wages too
Eamon (Bill):i think we shoild go to underhall didn't they say there was treasure there
Greeba (Jelena):Where exactly is Arian mission? Maybe we need that treasure first!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes but Arian's mission is time-sensitive.
Arian:"Tenho, I do hope you will visit us."
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think?
Gorlock (Tony):what was the number for wages? 70 something
Arian:OOC We do have that one dagger that Wisteria has that's a Narfell thing
Simon N. (GM):Arian's mission is at the ruins of Feycircle Tor, by the western mountains
Arian:OOC If you want to try and sell it. Sorry, I'm on my phone hotspot, but it's in and out.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes but I'm not willing to part with that, sorry.
Eamon (Bill):yeah but also last time the druid guy saw her she was level 1 so he's probably sending a message to every druid in a book of druids hoping to get some people
Gorlock (Tony):76.2+300 = 376.2/7=54
Simon N. (GM):Underhall is north of Ft Skulnar near the Cumin Inn
Wisteria of Skullspire:54 silver or gold?
Eamon (Bill):gold
Gorlock (Tony):gold
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok shall we each just take off our sheets now then?
Eamon (Bill):monthly salary plus repairs
Gorlock (Tony):54.73
Eamon (Bill):54gp 7sp 3cp
Gorlock (Tony):I think os, just deduct and be odne with it
Arian:But, Eamon, Arian would feel responsible no matter what. His last sending sounded urgent
Simon N. (GM):GM: You want to hire a Stonemason & crew in Ravensburg & take them back to the fort now?
Eamon (Bill):how long is it to get there
Wisteria of Skullspire:How may silver in one gold?
Simon N. (GM):10
Gorlock (Tony):just paid my part, poorer now
Eamon (Bill):i paid my part
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Me too. I just have 56GP left. :-(
Thank you everyone for contributing in our Fort!
Eamon (Bill):jelly i said the exact amount earlier 54gp 7sp 3cp
Wisteria of Skullspire:And copper to silver? I'm so broke lol this will clean me out I think
Arian:Feycircle Tor is pretty far West
Greeba (Jelena):Done, money's out
Wisteria of Skullspire:I know but I only have 42 gold, 108 silver and 275 copper
And my maths is terrible!
Simon N. (GM):10: 1 Jelly
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think I can just about afford it?
Eamon (Bill):oh well you have yeaj you have just enough
Greeba (Jelena):Let's get the workers for our Fort, then continue on to Feycircle
Gorlock (Tony):need taxes or treasure soon
or revolt
Eamon (Bill):you'll have 1 silver 72 copper left
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK next day Steward Dahnim recommends you a reliable stonemason & asks them to go with you right away on this urgent repair job...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thanks Bill!
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim will also be sending settlers your way once he hears you are ready for them
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Brilliant!
Greeba (Jelena):"So... Is there a Mrs Dahnim?"
Simon N. (GM):"Sadly, no."
"Not for a long time."
Gorlock (Tony):poor wisteria...happy to help out a friend in need, just let me know
Wisteria of Skullspire:(OOC suddenly Trystan's earlier comment seems horribly cruel :-(
Greeba (Jelena):winks emphatically at Dahnim
Simon N. (GM):"Carmathan is my bride now."
OOC You know Dahnim is about 70?
Arian:Sorry, how much do you need from me? I can give some.
If I reload, I get a batch of messages at once
Simon N. (GM):He looks a bit fragile for Greeba!
Eamon (Bill):54 gp 7 sp 3cp
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That's perfect, we are golddigging!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thank you Gorlock! That means more than a dragon's hoard of gold ever will.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC at least he didn't fall over when she poked him in the back!
Simon N. (GM):True, he was a great knight once!
Gorlock (Tony):onc3
Arian:Ok, I give the 54 gp et al
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Simon is there any way to get the music outside of roll20, it's really relaxing and would be great for study.
Simon N. (GM):GM: ok stopping there for this week... Next day you escort the builders back to the Fort
Gorlock (Tony):thanks guys!
thanks Simon
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Simon, and everyone! Diplomatic victory today!
Gorlock (Tony):have we leveled up...
Simon N. (GM):OOC It's Roll20 music "Middle Earth: Dawn" by Tabletop Audio
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thanks!
Simon N. (GM):Looks like 150 XP so no level up unless someone does an account
(50 for bandits 100 for royal court)
Gorlock (Tony):Kim will do it :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Kim! :-)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think Kim and I still have a while before level 4 though?
Simon N. (GM):yup
Wisteria of Skullspire:I've got Wisteria after today's XP at 1808?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks a lot for the game Simon! It was really cool RPGing!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes I really enjoyed that we had a full on diplomacy game, nice change of pace, thank you!
Simon N. (GM):Also rem level up needs training so more delay, though that would give you time to oversee the workmen & train the new recruits
Wisteria of Skullspire:That's true
Got to go now but see everyone next week!
Greeba (Jelena):We're 2642 at the mo!
Simon N. (GM):Full session account is 75...
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe we should go to the Feycircle Tor and then level up... With the time it takes.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):True.
Simon N. (GM):OK bye now!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Bye Simon!
Greeba (Jelena):Bye, thanks!