Sunday 21 November 2021

5e Faerun Adventures Campaign Rules


D&D 5E Basic Rules:
Basic Rules HTML Version
5e Starter Set Characters - background descriptions will need adapting to the Damara 14th century DR setting - see notes below. Other official pregenerated characters.

Characters: Player's Handbook or Basic Rules; Multiclassing only where it makes sense in-universe. PCs usually start at level 2 or higher.
Attributes: 15 13 12 10 8 assign as desired to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA. Alternatively a player may use Point Buy as per the 5e Player's Handbook.

Permitted Sources: Player's Handbook, Xanathar's, Fizban's. 
Prohibited Sources: Tasha's, all setting-specific sources like Strixhaven.
Multiclassing is permitted as above, with a maximum of one spellcasting class per PC.
Feats are permitted. Polearm Master feat requires the polearm be used two-handed.
Maximum To-Hit Bonus and Save Bonus is +20. Maximum AC and Save DC is 30.

Permitted Races: all 5e PHB races except Dragonborn are permitted. There are no Dragonborn in Faerun at this time (1359 DR, ca 140 years before the official 5e time period).
Human: The most common race. Variant Human permitted.
Dwarf: Many Dwarves hail from Hillsafar Hall under Lord Garumbelly Hillsafar. Some Dwarves, descended from refugees fleeing the fall of Carak Nur (now Goblin Town), dwell in scattered mining and steading communities by the western mountains.
Half-Elf: Half-Elves are not too rare in human society.
Gnome: The reclusive Wenders gnome clan dwell by the Gnomarsh, near Hommlet.
Elf: The Wood Elves of Leth dwell deep in the Rawlinswood, ruled by a small Sun Elf nobility led by the Elf-Queen, Rylintara. The evil Drow are believed to dwell in the Lands of Deepearth, beneath south-western Damara. They are likely to be attacked on sight.
Halfling: Most Damaran Halflings hail from the Shire of Halfling Downs, in Carmathan.
Half-Orc: There are several Half-Orc dominated settlements around Damara, such as goodly Palischuk, and evil Goblin Town.
Tiefling. Tieflings have the blood of the ancient demon-haunted Empire of Narfell, and are much feared and hated by the common folk. They appear human, with one unusual or eye-catching feature such as mis-matched eye colours, an oddly coloured streak of hair, a cloven hoof, taloned fingernails, or even a small tail.
Other permitted races: Aasimar (Volo's), Goliath (from Giantspire Mountains), Firbolg (Volo's).

Classes: Any PHB class is permitted.
Barbarian - Most Damaran Barbarians are Nars from the wild forests and tundra of Soravia, or from the green depths of the Rawlinswood.
Bard - Bards are relatively common, and their entertainments are popular throughout Damara. Many goodly Bards are members of Spysong, a spy network in service to the Paladin-Duke Gareth Dragonsbane of Bloodstone. Evil Bards may be members of the Thieves' Guild, or even spy for the Citadel of Assassins.
Cleric - Most Clerics in Damara revere Ilmater, god of suffering and endurance, and one of His patron saints, such as St Sollars (protection), St Dionysus (wine, roistering) or St Cecilia (redemption).
Druid - While the Old Faith of the Druids still lingers across rural Damara, its great centre of worship is the Druids' Grove under Jaroo Ashstaff in the north-western Rawlinswood, near Tellerth.
Fighter - Many Damaran Fighters are soldiers, veterans of the long wars with Zhengyi the Witch King. With the wars finally at an end, some have turned to freelance adventuring. Other Fighters are noble knights determined to restore peace and order to their beleaguered land.
Monk - Monks are moderately common in Damara. They almost exclusively trained at the Monastery of the Yellow Rose dedicated to St Sollars, high in the Earthspur mountains.
Paladin - Most Damaran Paladins revere Ilmater, and belong to the chivalrous Order of the Golden Cup. Duke Dragonsbane of Bloodstone is a famous Knight of the Order.
Ranger - The Rangers of Damara divide into loose-knit followers of the Old Faith, and the Knights of the Golden Thorn, dedicated to Ilmater.
Rogue - Most Damaran Rogues are members of the Thieves' Guild of Heliogabalus. The new King Dimian is said to have close relations with the Guild. Some evil Rogue Assassins are agents of the Citadel of Assassins.
Sorcerer - Sorcerers are very rare in Damara, and often confused with Warlocks. Most claim draconic ancestry.
Warlock - Most Warlocks in Damara continue the dark traditions of ancient Narfell, dealing with the Demon Lords of the fell Abyss. Popular Warlock patrons include Graz'zt, Prince of Desire, and Fraz-Urb'luu, Prince of Deception. Warlocks, if they are wise keep their nature secret, often claiming to be Wizards or Clerics.
Wizard - Wizards in Damara are for the most part reclusive loners, who have studied for long years under a single master to master their craft. Powerful wizards include Sylvia the sinister Baroness of Ostel, Myrddin Viligoth the Twilight Rider, and Emelyn the Gray, one of the famed Heroes of Bloodstone.


Battle Sister of St Cecilia (Cleric) 
War Domain.
Starting Equipment: a Halberd or Glaive, a Chain Shirt, (a) 4 Javelins & a quiver or (b) any Simple weapon or (c) a Light Crossbow & 20 bolts or (d) 2 Shortswords or (e) a Longsword and a Shield, a Priest's Pack, a holy Symbol

Experience: Experience is awarded to surviving PCs at end of session. Training is needed for advancement - see below.

Level Tiers
2-4: I: Low Level - Novice or Local Hero
5-10: II: Mid Level - Hero
11-16: III: High Level - Paragon Hero
17-20: IV: Very High Level - Epic Hero

Typical Noncombat XP Awards by Achievement
Tier Minor/Major Award (per PC)
1       100/200
2       200/400
3       500/1000
4      1000/2000

XP awards tend to increase over time, as the scale of achievements increase.
Acquiring significant Treasure is usually worth some XP, as is rescuing prisoners, infiltrating a guarded keep, exploring a cavern network, etc. A typical session award for non-combat achievements might be 100 XP at Level 1-4, 200 XP at Level 5-10, 500 XP at level 11-16, 1000 XP at level 17-19.

Level   XP Needed & New PC Start Level
2               300 (+300)
3               900 (+600) - PC Start Level from July 2021.
           2,700 (+1,800) - PC Start level from November 2021.  
5             6,500 (+3,800) - PC start level from March 2022. 
          14,000 (+7,500)  - 
 PC start level from July 2023.
7           23,000 (+9,000) 
8           34,000 (+11,000) 
         48,000 (+14,000)  'Lord' level.
10         64,000 (+16,000)  
11         85,000 (+21,000)

The maximum level for Player Characters is 20. 

Highest PC Level/New PC Start Level
2 / 2
3-4 / 3
5-6 / 4 
7-8 / 5 
9-10 / 6 
11-12/ 7
13-14/ 8 
15-16/ 9
17-18/ 10 
19-20 / 11

The Chosen
A Level 20 Faerun PC may become the Chosen of their god. While Chosen, the PC typically receives the Boon of Immortality (you stop aging. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you can't die from old age)Chosen who undertake great deeds on behalf of their divine patron may receive an Epic Boon or a +2 attribute increase. This attribute increase also raises an attribute's cap by +2. An attribute may only have its cap raised in this way once.

Multiple Characters
It is permitted to have multiple Player Characters. This is useful when one character is unavailable, or to take part in a lower Tier adventure than suited to the player's highest level PC. Players should play only one PC in any one session, unless there are fewer than four players present. In that case some players may have two PCs to raise the total number of PCs to four.

NPC Characters
Most NPCs are unclassed. Most NPCs with a PC class (including classed NPC Followers) cap at Level 4 (top of Tier I), with 2700 XP. These characters may 'evolve' over time into a senior NPC type, eg a Cleric-4 may eventually become a Priest, a Fighter-4 may become a Veteran or Knight. Around 10% may progress on to Tier II (level 5-10), and even fewer on to Tiers III & IV.

House Rules

Long Rest:  a full Long Rest normally takes 1 week, and restores all Hit Dice. Typical adventurer upkeep/subsistence cost is 1gp/day, 7gp/week. Resting overnight for at least 8 hours may restore some hit points, typically 1 hp per level. Salubrious resting in quarters such as a comfortable private room for at least 12 hours may add +1 to this recovery rate, to 2 hp/level.
Typically, adventurers go on a 'delve' of up to 6-8 encounters in one day, then return to their base to rest and recuperate for about a week, before setting out again.

Short Rests take 1 hour, but any one short rest ability recovery (eg Second Wind or Ki points) is capped at 3 times per day.

Each player (not PC) can hand Inspiration out once each session to another player, normally for some cool bit of roleplay. Characters may have multiple Inspiration. It must be declared before the roll, to grant Advantage on the roll. It cannot affect a roll that already has Advantage.

Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained - Training Cost
2-4  20gp
5-10  40gp
11-16  60gp
17-20 80gp
Training without a mentor takes 2 work weeks and costs twice as much. Training with a mentor takes one week, and costs the listed amount (half on expenses, half on trainer fees).

Retraining on Level Up
When training to advance a level, a PC may change one element, eg:
Swap one class skill for another class skill
Change one known spell for a different permitted spell
Move up to 2 attribute points from one attribute to another. An attribute may be raised to a maximum of 13 plus any racial modifiers, eg maximum for a human for any attribute is 13+1 = 14, and a half-elf may increase Charisma to 13+2=15.

Proficiency, Language & Skill Training (adapted from XGTE).
This requires a mentor proficient in the relevant skill or proficiency, with at least a +6 bonus (attack bonus for weapons). Minimum training cost is 1gp/day or 5gp/work week; many mentors charge more, typically 5gp/day or 25gp/work week for high demand training.
Tool, single Weapon, or Language Proficiency training takes (10-INT bonus) work weeks. 
Acquiring a new skill proficiency takes 5 times as long, (10-INT bonus) x5 work weeks.
INT penalties do apply, so eg an INT 8 character takes 11 weeks to learn a new tool proficiency. 55 weeks to learn a new skill proficiency.
To acquire a new Skill proficiency a character must have at least a 13 in the relevant attribute.
A character must have at least STR 9 to acquire new STR simple weapon proficiencies, and DEX 9 to acquire new DEX simple weapon proficiencies. 
A character must have at least STR 13 to acquire new STR martial weapon proficiencies, and DEX 13 to acquire new DEX martial weapon proficiencies.
PC Trainers: A PC with at least +6 total in that Proficiency (or for Language proficiency, their INT bonus+PB) may offer training to others. They can train a number of characters at once equal to their skill or attack bonus (for language, INT bonus + PB) minus 4.

Initiative & Turns:  One side (or some members of one side) may automatically go first depending on circumstances, eg they succeeded at a Deception, Stealth or Sleight of Hand check, or opponents are initially Surprised

Quickdraw Weapons: Two blades (eg dagger, scimitar, shortsword) in scabbards, or javelins or darts in a quiver (maximum 4), may be drawn as a single object interaction. Fighters of Level 11+ may draw any number of such weapons as a single object interaction. 

Falling Damage
For firm, level ground such as a stone floor. Damage for soft ground such as a typical grass field is typically halved (1/2), or quartered (1/4) for muddy ground, or for falling through light tree branches. A very extreme case, such as falling into a deep snow drift, can reduce damage to 1/100 listed.
Tiny: 1/2 damage. Large: x2 damage. Huge: x4 damage. Gargantuan: x8 damage.

Distance Damage
10'      1d6   (3)
20'      3d6  (10)
30'      6d6  (20)
40'      10d6  (35)
50'      50 damage
+10'     +10 damage
1500'+    1500 damage (terminal velocity)

The Damaran Long Pike (21 lb, 6gp) is a Martial Heavy Two Handed weapon with 15' reach that does 1d10 damage, and has Disadvantage against adjacent opponents. Changing Facing with a Long Pike may only be done on the user's turn, and uses half the character's movement.

Mounted Combat rules 

You gain the mount's movement speed (horse 60'). Mounting or Dismounting uses half your own movement.

Using Different Speeds rules
If you have more than one speed, such as your walking speed and a flying speed, you can switch back and forth between your speeds during your move. Whenever you switch, subtract the distance you've already moved from the new speed. The result determines how much farther you can move. Ifthe result is 0 or less, you can't use the new speed during the current move.

Mounting Example: A Speed 30' character moves 10' then mounts (uses 15') a horse with Speed 60' . The mount can still move 60'-25' = 35'.

Dismounting Example: A Speed 30' character on a Speed 60' mount moves 40'. Dismounting would use 15' of their move, but the character has already moved more than half their own speed (more than 15') so they must use a Dash action if they wish to dismount this turn (using 15' to dismount, 15' left). 

As an action you can make the mount & yourself together Dash, Disengage, or Dodge. If you have a Warhorse you can use an action to have the mount make an Attack action.

Playing on Roll20

1. To make any kind of check, roll a d20. Type  /roll d20 or tap the d20 icon. To roll with advantage or disadvantage, /roll 2d20. To roll weapon or spell damage /roll the indicated type and number of dice, eg /roll d8+5 or /roll 3d6.
2. Outside of combat, players may move their character on the Virtual Tabletop a distance up to the PC's Speed, at any time. Wait for the GM to post before moving again.

Speed #Squares Distance
25'         5
30'         6
35'         7
40'         8

5e Jump Calculator

3. Text chat gaming: type your words and actions to speak and act. Use "" for spoken words. Use OOC for out of character speech. In the presence of NPCs please avoid using OOC speech to prevent the NPCs hearing you make plans! :)

Damaran Factions
Church of Ilmater & His Saints, notably St Sollars - Lawful/Good. Clerics, Paladins  of the Golden Cup. Rangers (Thorn Knights).
Followers of the Old Faith - Neutral/Good. Druids, Rangers, Barbarians.
Thieves' Guild of Heliogabalus - Neutral/Evil. Rogues.
Evil Factions
Cult of Loviatar - Evil. Crimson Monks, Half-Orcs of Goblin Town.
Demon Cults - Chaotic Evil. Warlocks of Vaasa.

Social status Income & Expenditure
Lower Class
Subsistence      1sp/day, 3gp/month Maid, Scullion, Slave
Poor                  2sp/day, 6gp/month Labourer, Cook, Infantry Soldier, Barmaid
Unassuming     3sp/day, 9gp/month Yeoman farmer, Corporal, Longbowman, Cavalry, Sailor
Decent             5sp/day  15gp/month Sergeant, Heavy cavalry, Tailor, Festhall Wench
Middle Class
Modest             1gp/day, 30gp/month Adventurer, Lieutenant, Innkeep, Reeve
Comfortable     2gp/day  60gp/month Armourer, Master Smith, Innkeep, Captain
Upper Class
Wealthy            4gp/day 120gp/month wealthy Merchant, Colonel, Manor Lord/Lady
Aristocratic      10gp/day 300gp/month High Priest, Baron, General
Noble               20gp/day 600gp/month Count, Duke
Royal               40gp/day 1200gp/month King
Imperial           80gp/day 2400gp/month Emperor

Shopping in Downtime

During Long Rests in civilised areas you can assume you can  meet with travelling merchants and exchange coinage into gold pieces up to 500gp without penalty. You can also sell treasure of listed values up to 500gp for list value, likewise. Higher value treasures may require a trip to a city like Ravensburg the capital of Camarthan Duchy to sell for value, this can usually be done during a downtime Long Rest likewise but let me know.
Likewise you can normally acquire non-magical equipment of value up to 500gp during the course of a long rest. Some Common magic items like potions of healing may also be available, but in restricted amounts, and may cost more than the list price. Non-magical equipment of value over 500gp (eg full plate armour) can generally be acquired in a city like Ravensburg.

Druids' Herb Garden
A 15'x15' (9 square yard) garden will take 50 gp of medicinal herbs to get started, then after a month could produce up to 5gp of herbs/day while being actively tended by Arian or another Druid with Nature skill.


A typical character may potentially recruit and retain a number of loyal retainers/henchmen equal to their CHA bonus+4 (eg 3 at CHA 8).  These Retainers must have no more hit dice than the recruiting character.
Some character classes may recruit additional retainers of a particular type, eg: 
Beastmaster Ranger may recruit a number of animal retainers equal to their CHA Bonus+4 in addition to their standard Retainers. 
Champion Fighter may recruit a number of warrior-type retainers of their own race/species equal to their CHA Bonus+4 in addition to their standard Retainers. 

Territory Development

When characters clear and rule territory around a stronghold (at least 10 miles radius in wilderness), they may receive a tax income of typically 3d3 or 6 silver pieces per inhabitant per month, including Resource income. High level Fighters, and some other classes, may also have a body of Followers come to serve them. A typical initial domain has 2-8 (2d4) hamlets, each with 101-400 (1d3x100 + 1d100) people. Politically this is, or is equivalent to, a minor Barony.

Typical Followers for PC Level 9+ ("Lord")

Warlord's Followers (roll d4 or choose)
(1). 20 light cavalry (9gp/m), ringmail & shield AC 16, longsword, hand axe, 3 javelins.
      100 heavy infantry (6gp/m), scale AC 15, halberd, club.
(2) 20 heavy infantry (6p/m), splint & shield AC 19, morningstar, hand axe.
      60 pike infantry (6gp/m), padded AC 12, long pike, short sword.
(3) 40 heavy crossbowmen (6gp/m), chain AC 16, heavy crossbow, shortsword
      20 light crossbowmen (6gp/m), chain AC 16, light crossbow, shortsword  
(4) 10 heavy cavalry (15gp/m), splint & shield AC 19, lance longsword & mace
      20 medium cavalry (12gp/m), scale & shield AC 17, lance longsword & mace
      30 light cavalry (9gp/m), studded & shield AC 15, lance & flail
Troops typically are veterans and use Mercenary stats (hp 16, ST+2 DE+1 CO+1), with adjustments for equipment as above.

Troop Commander (d4):
(1) Veteran, plate armour & shield AC 20, +2 longsword or +2 battle-axe
(2) Knight, plate armour & +1 shield AC 21, +1 longsword & +1 lance
(3) Veteran, +1 plate armour & shield AC 21, +1 longbow & +1 longsword
(4) Knight, +1 plate & +1 shield AC 22, +2 longsword or +2 battle-axe, barded heavy warhorse with horseshoes of speed.
Commander Upkeep: 60gp/month

Troop Lieutenant (d4)
(1)-(2) Fighter-2, splint & shield AC 19 
(3) Fighter-3, plate & shield AC 20
(4) Fighter-4, plate & shield AC 20, +1 longsword
The Lieutenant can advance to Fighter-4 in play. They may eventually become a Veteran or Knight.
Lieutenant Upkeep: 30gp/month
The Troop Lieutenant may be created by the Player or DM, using Standard Array attributes.

Alternate Followers
Rogue's Guild: 1d3 MM Spy, 2d3 MM Thug, 1d3 Rogue-1 (hp 10 DEX+3)
Wizard's Tower: 1d3 Wizard-1, 2d6 Mercenary (hp 16 ST+2)
Priest's Temple: 1 MM Priest, 2d3 MM Acolyte, 2d6 Mercenary (hp 16 ST+2), 1d3 Cleric-1 (hp 9 WIS+2)
Druid's Grove: 1d2 MM Druid sc4, 1d3 Druid-1 (hp 9 WIS+2)
Bard's Company: 1d2 VGTM Bard sc4, 1d3 MM Spy, 1d3 Bard-1 (hp 9  CHA+2)
Barbarian's Holdfast: 1d3 MM Berserker, 20d6 MM Tribal Warrior, 1d3 Barbarian-1 (hp 14 ST+3)
Other classes typically acquire 1d3 1st level followers of the character's own class, eg a Fighter Lord may acquire 1d3 Fighter-1 (hp 12 ST+3).

Elven Lord's Followers:
20 Elf Scout with longbow, shortsword & studded leather, 10 Elf Guard with splinted armour shield longsword & javelins, one Elf Knight with plate armour shield & magic longsword, one Elf Scout Veteran with mithril half plate, shortsword & magic longbow.

PC-class Followers may be created by the Player or DM, using Standard Array attributes.

Most strongholds will also attract an appropriate number of Commoners to serve the PC. A Wizard's Tower might have only 1d6, where a Warlord's fortress has 10d6 or more.
Losses of non-classed followers may typically be replaced at a rate of 5% of initial total per month, eg a force of 120 can replace 6/month.

Classed Followers
Classed followers may use a generic template as above, or may be created by the player using the standard PC rules (and may be played as a PC in lower level adventures). Classed followers are not replaced if lost, but every month there is a 10% chance to acquire one additional such follower. 
Charisma Limit: No character may ever have more classed followers (aka Henchmen) at once than their Charisma bonus +4 ; eg CHA 8 (-1) enables 3 such followers, while CHA 20 (+5) enables 9 such followers.

Realm Improvements

Magic Resources

Shrine (1 Acolyte sc1): 1,500gp & 5 weeks. Requires: Thorpe pop. 20
Church (1 Priest sc3, 1 Acolyte sc1): 4,500gp & 7 weeks. Requires: Hamlet pop.100 
Temple (1 Priest sc5, 2 Priest sc3, 4 Acolyte sc1): 15,000gp & 11 weeks. Requires: Village pop. 500 
Abbey (1 Abbott/Abbess sc5, 2 Senior Brother/Sister sc 3, 4 Monk/Nun sc 2, 8 Monk/Nun sc1): 50,000gp & 57 weeks. Requires: -
Cathedral (1 Bishop sc7, 2 Priest sc4, 4 Priest sc2, 8 Acolyte sc1):  42,000gp & 20 weeks. Requires: Small City pop. 6,000

Arcane Tower (1 Wizard sc3, 1 Apprentice Wizard sc1): 4,500gp & 8 weeks. Requires: -
Arcane School or Guild Hall (1 Wizard sc5, 2 Wizard sc3, 4 Apprentice Wizard sc1): 15,000gp & 14 weeks. Requires: Small Town pop. 1,500 
Arcane Academy (1 Mage sc9, 2 Wizard sc5, 4 Wizard sc3, 8 Apprentice Wizard sc1): 54,000gp & 31 weeks. Requires: Small City pop. 6,000

Mercantile & Administrative
Trading post (improves all Resource income by +10% in a 2 hex/20 mile radius): 5,000gp & 8 weeks. Requires: -
Guildhall (improves 1 Resource income by +20% in a 2 hex/20 mile radius): 5,000gp & 12 weeks. Requires Large Town pop. 3,000. 
Noble Estate with Manor, luxurious (improves Tax income by +10% in a 2 hex/20 mile radius): 25,000gp & 21 weeks. Requires: -
Imperial Palace (improves Tax income by +10% across entire dominion): 500,000gp & 3 years. Requires: -

Tower/Broch: 10,000gp & 12 weeks. Can hold 30 infantry.
Motte & Bailey: 20,000gp & 18 weeks. Can hold 60 infantry.
Small Castle: 40,000gp & 30 weeks. Can hold 125 infantry.
Large Castle: 80,000gp & 45 weeks. Can hold 250 infantry.
Fortress: 160,000gp & 60 weeks. Can hold 500 infantry.
Citadel: 320,000gp & 90 weeks. Can hold 1,000 infantry.
One light cavalry = 3 infantry. One medium or heavy cavalry = 4 infantry.

Castle Build Elements - Construction Cost
20' stone wall, 10' thick, per 20' section: 1000gp. 
30' stone wall, as above: 2000gp
40' stone wall, as above: 4000gp
Round Tower, 5' thick walls, 20' diameter, 30' high: 5000gp
Round Tower, 5' thick walls, 30' diameter, 40' high: 12000gp
Square Keep, 10' thick walls, 60'x60', 40' high: 40,000gp
Moat/Ditch, 20' wide, 10' deep, per 20' section: 80gp
Gatehouse 30'x20', 20' high, with portcullis: 6500gp
Dungeon Corridor, 10'x10', flagstone: 50gp
Stone building (2 story & attic, 30' peak, 120' of outer wall (typically 40'x20'), wooden doors, stairs, floors, roof, 1'-2' walls): 3000gp
Wooden Building (as above): 1000gp
Minimum time to build is 1 day per 500gp cost.

Manor Resource Improvements
At Manor Scale, 1 hex = 2 miles. For Baronial Scale (1 hex = 10 miles) multiply costs & incomes by x10.
25gp/month = 300gp/year. 50gp/month =600gp/year.
Mine (requires valuable minerals): cost 2d4x100gp, income +1d6x100gp/month. Population +2d4
Smelter (requires Mine): cost 1,000gp, income +2d4x10gp/month. Population +2d4
Logging Camp (requires Forest**): cost 1,000gp, income +1d4x10gp/month. Population +4d4
Sawmill (requires Logging Camp): cost 2,000gp, income +2d4x10gp/month. Population +2d4
Improved Farmland (requires Plains***): cost 2,000gp, income +2d4x10gp/m. Population +4d4
Fishing Ship (requires Sea): cost 2,000gp, income +2d4x10gp/m. Population +2d4

*Typically a 1 in 6 chance there is a mining resource per two mile hex. With one surveyor a survey takes 1 month (& a typical 30gp hireling cost) per 2 mile hex, requires a character with Miner's Tools Proficiency or equivalent and a successful proficiency (INT) check at a DC of 5+1d10 (1e: 4 in 6 chance of success).
If a resource is discovered, the GM rolls 1d6, or selects:
1: clay or stone quarry 100gp/m
2: lead or coal mine 200gp/m
3: copper or oil/tar mine 300gp/m
4: silver or tin mine 400gp/m
5: gold mine or marble quarry 500gp/m
6: platinum or gemstone mine 600gp/m

**One two mile hex, approx 3.5 sq m of forest.
***One square mile of arable land.

Baronial Domains

Resources per hex (Baronial Scale, 1 hex = 10 miles across, approx 85 sq m)
1: 1 resource
2-7: 2 resources
8-9: 3 resources
10: 4 resources

Resource Type
1-3 Animal (eg dairy, fish, fowl, furs, bees, horses, ivory, beef, pork)
4-8 Vegetable (eg farm produce, foodstuffs, oil, fodder, wood & timber, paper, wine)
9-10 Mineral (as above)

Baronial Income per 10 mile (85 sq mile) hex, a domain has 1+ hexes.
Animal Resource: 10 sp/person/month, max 1d4x1,000 (2,500) gp/month per hex.
Vegetable Resource: 5 sp/person/month, max 1d6x1,000 (3,500) gp/month per hex.
Mineral Resource: 15 sp/person/month, max 1d8x1,000gp (4,500) gp/month per hex.

The maximum resource income for a 10-mile domain hex thus varies from 1,000gp/month, to 32,000gp/month!

Towns & Cities: These generate 5 sp per person per month in taxes and tolls. 
Theocratic Domains generate an additional 2 sp per person per month in tithes.

10-mile Hex Population & Rate of Increase
Population will naturally increase through immigration and birth up to the limit of available resources. Eg an intensively farmed domain with 4 vegetable resources generating up to 140,000gp total could have a population of 28,000.
1-100:     +20/month
101-200: +20/month
201-300: +30/month
301-400: +30/month
401-500: +20/month
501-1000: +20/month
1001-2000: +10/month
2001-4000: +10/month
40001-8000: +10/month
8001-16000: +10/month
16001+: +10/month
An untaxed population increases by an additional +30/month, up to the resource limit of the domain.

Population centres begin to emerge when a hex population reaches 10,000. At this point 10% of the population may be considered urban, generating an additional 5sp/month per urban inhabitant. 

Typical Net Personal Income
After all reasonable expenses including military and infrastructure, as a rule of thumb a typical dominion including sub-dominions generates 0.5 sp per person per month (or 5sp/person/year) as personal wealth to the ruler, which can be spent however he or she desires.
Dominion Status: net Income per month (x10 for per Year)
1. Wretched: 0.1 sp, 1 gp per 100 people
2. Poor: 0.2 sp, 1gp per 50 people
3. Unassuming: 0.3 sp 
4. Modest: 0.4 sp
5. Typical: 0.5 sp, 1 gp per 20 people
6. Comfortable: 0.6 sp
7. Wealthy: 0.8 sp
8. Rich: 1 sp, 1 gp per 10 people

Example 1: Damara in 1360 DR is overall a Poor Dominion, with an incorporated population of some 750,000 generating (750,000/50)= net 15,000gp per month for King Dimian I Ree Banacath.
Example 2: Impiltur in 1360 DR is overall a Typical Dominion, with an incorporated population of 1,100,000 generating net 55,000gp per month for the Crown - nominally the Queen Regent, in fact the Lords of Imphras II.

Tactical Mass Combat: Diaz Freeform Rules

Strategic Mass Combat - War Machine


10 (Challenge 0 - 10 xp) eg Commoners, Lemures
25 (Challenge 1/8 - 25 xp) eg Tribal Warriors, Bandits, Kobolds, Cultists, Manes, Dust Goblins
50 (Challenge 1/4 - 50 xp) eg Drow, Great Goblins, Human Guards, Kenku, Dretch, Zombies, Troglodytes, Grey & Pig Orcs
75 (Challenge 1/2 - 100 xp) eg Gnolls, Hobgoblins, Lizardfolk, Mountain Orcs, Thugs, Scouts, Dwarves, Elves, Worgs
100 (Challenge 1 - 200 xp) eg Bugbears, Gnoll Hunters, Ghouls, Thri-Keen, Elf Scouts, Elf Guards
125 (Challenge 2 - 450 xp) eg Berserkers, Cult Fanatics, Druids, Ogres, Ghasts, Spined Devils, Centaurs
150 (Challenge 3 - 700 xp) eg Knights, Veterans, Minotaurs, Bearded Devils, Wights
160 - Challenge 4 - 1100 XP eg Ettins, Shadow Demons, Succubi
180 - Challenge 5 - 1800 XP eg Hill Giants, Trolls, Drow Elite Warriors, Elementals, Barbed Devils, Barlgura, Vampire Spawn, Unicorns, Umber Hulks
190 - Challenge 6 - 2300 XP eg Chasme, Cyclops, Vrock
200 - Challenge 7 - 2900 XP eg Stone Giants
210 - Challenge 8 - 3900 XP eg Frost Giants, Chain Devils, Hezrou
220 - Challenge 9 - 5000 XP eg Cloud Giants, Fire Giants, Bone Devils, Glabrezu, Treants
230 - Challenge 10 - 5900 XP eg Yochlol
+10 - +1 Challenge....
430 - Challenge 30 - 155,000 XP eg Tarrasque