Monday 14 March 2022

Courana Family

 Courana Farm

"Well you'd have to ask them. I believe the Courana sisters have several brothers and cousins. I'm sure with the right offer, they'd be happy to help. Oh, and Courana Farm is mostly sheep, but the dell there is one of the few places in these parts sheltered enough to make growing wheat worthwhile, so they'll have the expertise you need." - Barbara D'Ashe to Goltho Bearchaser, 1360 DR

ca M10 1360 DR
A younger man with a half-elven look comes over. "Hail there!" Debek: "This is Gathil, one of my boys. He's a fine thresher." Debek: "Oh, and before you say it - his mother was a half-elf, bless her soul."
Tirie takes the flower, beaming. "Wow! Magic flower!" She looks up. "I want to be a Druid when I grow up - just like you!"
Bearchaser: "Oh, I'm afraid I am not a druid. That is about the extent of my magics, unfortunately. As for faith, that is a difficult question."
Debek's smile fades a little. "Ah. We're followers of the Old Faith here. Always have been, since my ancestors came up from the south, hundreds of years ago."
Gathil: "I reckon I'll go check in on Beverly and Geradile while we're up there - though I heard they moved to an Elf tower?"
Debek to Goltho: "You know my nieces?"
Korin: Say, let me introduce my wife, Maddis..." He calls over a dark-haired young woman, who nods in greeting. "She's from down Malthlyn way... terrible trouble down there - her family had to flee north, which is how I met her. I heard Ranger Queale sorted it, though."

1/9/1361 DR
On a patrol visit to Courana Farm south of D'Ashe Manor, Meryem finds young Tirie Courana holding an injured puppy. "Look what I found, Miss Meryem!"   
Meryem: "Oh poor thing. It has been hurt. Where did you find it Tirie?"
Tirie: "In the woods! I was following one of the sheep, Mavis - she's not very bright... The poor thing seems injured. Can you help, Miss Meryem?" Tirie gives Meryem a trusting look.
Meryem: "Here give it to me. He is a war dog breed. Someone has abandoned him. I will take him home and nurse him back. You are welcome to visit anytime to see how he is doing."
Tirie nods, and hands the puppy up to Meryem. "I gotta get back to the sheep! Grand'da will be cross if Mavis falls down a hole again!" She nods happily to Meryem and turns to run off.

Debek, Courana Patriarch, Rgr 4 (Hunter)
The D'Ashe region is mostly sheep farming, but there is some barley farming, plus turnips and other root vegetables, mostly for diet variety. 
Nestled in the sheltered woods four miles or so south of D'Ashe Manor, four miles from Dwarfstead, lie a small collection of farms surrounded by a rough palisade - the beginnings of a hamlet. Younger women and girls tend flocks of sheep, while sturdy men and boys bring in the last of the harvest.  Most of the people here are Couranas by birth or marriage, with the distinctive red hair of the family.  

M10 1360 DR (end): Draft Horse strawberry roan mare from Meryem 'Strawberry'. 
M5 1361 DR: Beverly Courana has a child by Prince Strohm (RIP). She calls him Strohm after his father.
1/9/1361 DR: Tirie Courana finds and gives Meryem a wounded puppy - 'Chaos'.
T1/M9 1361 DR: Patricia Pullen recruits Geradile & Lesley Courana for the new Gnomestead Festhall. 
M5 1362 DR: Harker Courana completes training as a full Priest (sc 3) of Lathander-Shamash under Aya. Gathil Courana completes training as a Horizon Walker Ranger under Queale of Dragonperch. He clearly has a crush on her.

Korin Courana, nephew of Debek, Rgr 2
Maddis Courana, wife of Korin. Drd sc 2 (Shepherd)

Gathil Courana, Rgr 3 Horizon Walker
Henrietta, Mother of Tirie

Tirie Courana, daughter of Henrietta & Anson, grand daughter of Debek. Drd sc 1

Harker, priest (sc-3) of Lathander (1362 DR) is the 3rd child of Debek Courana the family patriarch, uncle of young Tirie Courana, & the older brother of Lesley Courana of the Gnomestead Festhall. After spending time with Father Rondus of D'Ashe he decided to take holy orders and train as a priest of the Morninglord/Shamash.His father & his older brother Gathil are both Rangers, so it's not too huge a step to becoming a Lathander/Shamash priest. However his father Debek is a strict adherent of the Druidic Old Faith and it's thought disapproves of this departure from family tradition.
Courana farm, evening: Old Debek Courana shakes his head ruefully. "To think that a son of mine would turn Lathandish himself and reject the Auld Cause, that gave us our Freedom, Religion & Laws!"

Harker Courana, Lathander/Shamash, Priest sc3

Courana Festhall Girls

Beverly Courana of Solanna Bael, herbalist
Geradile Courana, ex of Solanna Bael, ex shepherdess, Gnomestead Festhall

Lesley Courana, daughter of Debek, Gnomestead Festhall

Friday 4 March 2022

DuLac & Ducaris Families


In northern Arcata lies the Barony duLac under Baron Brandis DuLac, father of Arifia DuLac and uncle of Barbara d'Ashe. The DuLac are allied with the DuCaris family across the river in Brandiar.

Lord Brandis DuLac - Brandis's estate lies at Ostra; ca M4 1359 DR his daughter Arifia travelled to visit her cousin Barbara d'Ashe (nee DuLac) in the south. During the war much of northern Arcata was occupied by the Witch-King, who raised soldiery from the territory. Lord Brandis DuLac shielded his family by permitting this levy and giving tribute, though he never took the field against King Virdin himself, or allowed Vaasan inhuman forces within Ostra's stout stone walls. Consequently the DuLac are not in good favour with some - but Duke William Hogarth of Arcata is himself known as a quisling following the Battle of Goliad, and prefers such men stay in power.

M10 1360 DR: Baron Brandis DuLac has six offspring, two sons and four daughters, all of whom live, five of whom are married, plus his niece Barbara, wife of Norrin. The five are well married to knights and ladies across the Barony DuLac centred on Ostra, and beyond across northern Arcata, creating a strong power base. 


In recent months (1359 DR) it's rumoured that Friar Dugald has been courting Jane Ducaris (Noble), a noble Lady of Goliad town & now Baroness Ducaris (though the Barony Ducaris itself in SW Brandiar is largely in ruins), with a view to marriage. While unrelated to the old Dukes of Brandiar, the Ducaris lineage is impeccable - Jane Ducaris is a distant cousin of Duke Gareth Dragonsbane himself! The Ducaris are also related to the noble Dulac family of Ostrav in Arcata.

Brandi Ducaris 1335-, Baroness Ducaris fr. 1361
Brandis DuLac, the Baron DuLac 1305-

Lady Maria DuLac (nee Ducaris) 1306-

Barbara D'Ashe-Norrin (nee DuLac) 1333-

Ages at end of 1360 DR
Brandis DuLac, the Baron DuLac 55
Maria DuLac, the Lady DuLac 54
Barbara D'Ashe-Norrin (nee DuLac), the Lady D'Ashe 27
Brandi Ducaris, the Baroness Ducaris 25
Arifia DuLac-Edercast, wife of Malied Edercast 22
Jane Ducaris, the Baroness Ducaris 26 RIP M2 1361 DR

Arifia DuLac-Edercast 1338-

Baroness Jane Ducaris 1334-1361