Sunday, 21 August 2011

Eastern Gray Vale

Eastern Gray Vale was dominated by three petty kingdoms: Orlbar, Llorkh, and the realm of the Mountain King centred on his fortress at Ogremouth. In M1 1483 DR an invasion of frost giants in service to the Fey Clenderi 'Queen of Cold' ravaged the eastern Gray Vale. The Realm of the Mountain King was crushed and Queen Valeris of Orlbar perished in battle. In the aftermath the expanded Queendom of Llorkh dominates the eastern Vale, with Queen Esmerelda now ruling the former Mountain King and southern Valeris territories, while the Light of the Sun Order under Mistresss Emesha controls a rump territory around Orlbar.


Pop. 1400.  Ruler: Mistress Emesha (1437-) (Ritual Caster Lvl 10), leader of the Light of the Sun.  Queen Valeris (1450-M1 1483) (L16)
Forces ca. 250
Dominion Confidence Level: Average (+0%)
Other Characters: Toruvas (L10), Warden of Castle Valeris, Eladrin Twilight Incanter.
Early in 1474 DR the warrior-woman Valeris and her companions, the Silver Swords, overthrew the Temple of Bane-Iyacthu, and freed the small town of Orlbar from their tyranny.  The surviving Banites fled far north, into the wastelands along the Delimbiyr River known as the Black March.  Valeris cleared out the Temple, refortified it and named it Castle Valeris, then proclaimed herself Queen and carved out a dominion incorporating several settlements along the eastern Grayflow River.  Her realm currently includes Erstlin, Brightwater, Malwych, Greystone and Redar, with a total population around 5,500. Valeris has proven a strong and aggressive ruler, and has won several skirmishes against the rival forces of the Mountain King and the Bandits of Llorkh.  In 1476 DR she personally slew the Bandit King Gulthog Half-Hand on the banks of the Grayflow.  Gulthog’s successor King Boris proved much more amenable: though neither ruler trusted the other, they allied to keep trade flowing and curb the expansionist desires of the Mountain King.
The greatest of Valeris’ companions was Jaryn (1445-1479), a holy Paladin of the Sun God, Amaunator, and founder of the
Light of the Sun Temple Knight
Amaunite Order called The Light of the Sun, which has their main temple in Orlbar.  However, recently Orlbar’s northern borders were again troubled by Banite fanatics known as The Hand of Naarash. In 1478 DR Jaryn led four of the Light of the Sun's best warriors north against the Cult's hidden fortress, the Pillars of Night.  None returned. Two more strike teams failed, but on 24/8/1479 the Burning Hand adventurers penetrated the temple of Naarash, slew the cult leader - revealed to now be Jaryn himself - and destroyed Naarash, ending the threat.
Valeris' master crafters can produce level 6 (+2) masterwork armour, weapons and implements, using Irondawn steel and local Darkwood.  Valeris is commonly accompanied by two heavily armoured elite Royal Guards equipped with masterwork plate armour and glaives.  Valeris has a Sword Coast accent, and bears a noticeable resemblance to the bard Esmerelda of Waterdeep, Queen of Llorkh, her half-sister by the same Viklund pirate chief.
In M1 1483 frost giants invaded the Gray Vale, Valeris was killed battling a giant riding a Nyfellar Mammoth.
1. The current (l479+ DR) leader of the Light of the Sun is Mistress Emesha, a female Cleric of Amaunator (slim, dark haired, greying in 1483).  She is regarded as fairly competent, though not very powerful. She knows Religious/Healing rituals to 10th level.
2. Toruvas, an Eladrin Twilight Incanter from Evereska, is now the last remaining other member of Valeris' old adventuring party the Silver Swords, and acts as warden of Castle Valeris. He knows Arcane rituals to his level, probably 10th.
3. Mikos Kessel (1423-), very fat, balding. Mikos is the owner of the Orlbar One, Orlbar's only real Inn. He has a large family with six buxom daughters and is the father of Alauna Kessel (see Timbervale), although his wife Mira (1428-) is oddly skinny. She tends to stay in the kitchen.


Erstlin pop: 300 (was 500). SACKED BY GIANTS M1 1483 DR. Now part of the Barony of DeTrevani, vassal to Loudwater.
During summer and autumn the Delimbiyr just north-east of Erstlin runs across gravel beds about 4' deep, and can be forded.
Ruler: Sir Dolf Dragonheart (E10?), Paladin of Torm. Married to the Lady Amara deTrevani late 1481.
Other Characters: Father Orien (E4), Priest of Bahamut, was killed by frost giants M1 1483 DR.
Erstlin is a newly-palisaded (M8-12 1479 DR) village on the western frontier of Orlbar territory, 18 miles from Castle Valeris and close to the eastern border of Loudwater's demesne. Much troubled by raiders from the Hand of Naarash, at the end of M8 1479 DR the paladin of Torm Dolf Dragonheart accepted the entreaties of the people of Erstlin to become their liege, to protect and continue rebuilding the village. With permission from Queen Valeris of Orlbar, Dolf became Sir Dragonheart of Erstlin, to build a manor there, and in time he and the Bahamut Cleric Orien founded a temple-monastery dedicated to both Torm and Bahamut, to train a new generation of heroes against the darkness. Sir Dolf's first act was to settle two dozen refugees he had escorted from the Black March in some of Erstlin's abandoned farmsteads. By mid 1480 the Seminary is training almost a score of Clerics & Paladins dedicated to Torm and Bahamut, including the sons of Sir Harvarr Quortath whose manor lies to the west of Erstlin in Loudwater Domain.
In M1 1483 DR Erstlin was sacked by a force of giants, killing Fr Orien and the sons of Sir Harvarr among many others. At the time Dolf was with his wife and daughter at Castle deTrevani. After the war Dolf set about rebuilding the shattered village and seminary.




The Army of Llorkh, would like to announce its intention to puts itself out to Tender. We are now a mercenary band of warriors, with training and ferocity beyond that of anything else you will find. Consisting of mainly goblins, we will work for precious metals only, no local currency accepted.

Bands of 50 – 2000 available to hire.

The Iron Queen. - Published M9 1480 DR
Bane Symbol
Another day in Llorkh
Pop. 1200 in 1481.
Ruler: The 'Iron Queen', Esmerelda - theme (E15), was King Boris before 23/10/1479 DR.
Forces ca. 375 (150 Banite, 150 ex-Bandit, 75 Timbervale militia)
Dominion Confidence Level: Steady (+2%)
1. Queen Esmerelda (E15+)

2. Prince Consort Ser Galtos Sevrym (L9)

3. Princess Sevilla Sevrym, Lady in Waiting to Queen Esmerelda
4. Ser Kitana (E16+), Boris' daughter, leader of the Banite Cadre. Knighted by Esme as Ser Kitana, Grand Measter of the Fingers of Bane on 28/6/1480.
5. Vilkar (E?), best warrior among the non-Banite 'Bandits' forces
6. Jonas Sylverman (L8/R10), Lirael's Magist, the "Wizard of Llorkh", cousin of Lirael.
7. Lady Jaela Rensard of Alwyck (L?) - delivered by Kitana and bound captive in Esme's dungeons from 28/6/1480. "Throw her in a cell, preferably the darkest, dampest one we have."- Queen Esme - subsequently assigned to aid Jonas Sylverman, her lead collar preventing spellcasting.
8. Ser Dajani the Darkblade (E16+), Tiefling
Vilkar the Archer, Leader of 'Bandits'

On 23/10/1479 Esmerelda of Waterdeep, believed to be the prophesied 'Bane Child' who will usher in the 'Age of Bane', lead the Banites under Kitana (1458-), Boris' daughter, to overthrow Boris' rule and install herself as Queen Esme of Llorkh. While Boris ultimately survived, Esme has used the Banites to eliminate the Severed Eye Orc outposts to the south and aid the Glintshield Dwarves, and the Royal Treasury to embark on a major program of building works. Esme quickly took young Sir Galtos, the son of Lord Sevrym of Timbervale, as her prince-consort.
Jonas Sylverman, Esme's Wizard
1480 DR: Kitana and her elite Banite cadre have won many great victories for Esmerelda against seemingly impossible odds, attracting many more Banites to serve, and offering further evidence that Esme is truly the prophesied Bane Child. Meanwhile Esme has put her people hard to work rebuilding Llorkh. Notably, she has reopened the iron foundries, allowing for the export of smelted iron ingots rather than than bulk ore. This and her iron-fisted rule has earned her the moniker 'The Iron Queen'.
23/8/1480 DR Queen Esme gives birth to healthy twins, a boy and a girl. She names them - Boy : Quartermain Tirios (Marsh). Girl : Lirael (Valeris) Arya. 
M1 1483 DR: A large army of frost, hill and stone giants under the direction of Clenderi Queen of Cold crushed the Mountain King and attacked Llorkh, but was defeated by the defenders under the leadership of Ser Kitana, leaving many dead before the walls. Kitana subsequently led the army of Llorkh joining with the Tigerclaws under Konn and the Army of Loudwater under her father Boris to a great victory over the giants. After the war the Queendom expanded greatly, incorporating the Mountain King territories and former Orlbar territory south of the Grayflow.

1. Lord Sevrym of Timbervale's daughter the Princess Sevilla Sevrym (1457-) serves Esme as lady-in-
Princess Sevilla
waiting.  She is very shy and retiring. She is learning flute-playing, drums, and Bardic rituals (level 1) from Queen Esme.
2. Her brother the Prince Consort Sir Galtos Sevrym (1460-) is a bold young knight, he fell in love with and is Prince-Consort to Queen Esmerelda of Llorkh from M10 1479.
3. Currently (ca M6 1480 DR) the best warrior among Esme's non-Banite bandit-types is the handsome one-eyed archer Vilkar. A roguish type, Vilkar was a bandit and river pirate in the central Gray Vale ca 1477-1479, before he joined Esme's forces M3 1480. He claims he lost his eye to the Cyricist priest Vale 'in an argument over a girl'. Kitana doesn't trust him.
4. 23/6/1480 Jonas Sylverman, 27, a Human Wizard cousin of Lirael who has been studying in Waterdeep and traveling the Sword Coast for the last 10 years, enters Esmerelda's service as her Magist.
Kitana, scrubbed up & with makeup
5. Ser Kitana, daughter of King Boris, Esme's right hand. Kitana is a very powerful warrior, and leader of the fifty-strong Banite Cadre. On morning 24/6/1480 Kitana left Llorkh with a squad of Banites, on a mission, returning evening 28/6/1480 after gaining the Goblins of Korzzbad and sacking Rensard Manor! M1 1483 DR Kitana led the successful defence of the walls of Llorkh against the attacking frost, hill and stone giants, killing several personally.
6. Lady Jaela Rensard, captive. L12 Warlock from 28/6/1480 - see Loudwater NPCs
Esme assigned her to assist Jonas Sylverman in the Vlakos Tower, still shackled with manacles and a lead-lined collar that suppresses her spellcasting but still allows Ritual usage. Jonas found her a white shift to wear. 
Lady Jaela Rensard, prisoner of Llorkh

7.  Red Bart of the Pale Minnow: This unscrupulous red-bearded river merchant got his start in Orlbar, when it was ruled by the Temple of Bane-Iyacthu (to 1474 DR). He traded in slaves with the River Pirates, the Bargees, and others such as Zark the Half-Dwarf, often selling mine-slaves and harem girls to the Bandit Kings of Llorkh, first Golthog Half-Hand (to 1476 DR) and then King Boris (1476-1479). In 1477 DR the Bargee chief Bolchana Arkwright tried to sell her stepdaughter Maggie to him. In mid 1479 DR the Burning Hand caught him loading Zark’s barrel-slaves at Loudwater Docks – he had more slaves on board, bound for Zelbross.  He was captured after a fight, found guilty of accessory to kidnap, and sentenced by Lady Moonfire to 10 years’ servitude in the Llorkh Iron Mines, but King Boris soon found out and freed him. He laid low in Llorkh awhile, until Esme the Usurper seized power there (she being one of those who had captured him), then resumed his trade as a river merchant, with a new Pale Minnow. He now avoids Loudwater, where he’s subject to arrest to serve out the remainder of his gaol sentence. Rumour has it he’s now dabbling in piracy along with some of Vilkar One-Eye’s old crew.
Dajani, 'The Darkblade'
8. Dajani: Tiefling Darkblade, fanatical Banite, Jaryn's former Lieutenant in the Amaunite Light of the Sun, and then fellow convert to the Hand of Naarash.  Last seen 1479 DR at the Pillars of Night on the steps of the Temple of Naarash, where he alerted the cult to the presence of the Burning Hand, who then destroyed Naarash. That winter he had, he claimed, a vision of Bane as he lay near death in a cave on the Black March. In early 1480 DR he served the Mountain King, Oro Loroth.
On 2/7/1480 he pledged allegiance to the Bane Child, Queen Esmerelda of Llorkh. M1 1483 Dajani aided Kitana in driving back the giant army from the walls of Llorkh.

Marsh's Place - Tavern in Llorkh
Marsh Laval
Marsh Laval arrived in Llorkh with his cousins early M8 1480 DR to open a new tavern in the newly restored city, based on the old Green Regent in Loudwater but adapted to the new clientele.
Marsh Laval: Middle-aged Halfling, former proprietor of the Green Tankard tavern, clearly very fond of Queen Esmerelda of Waterdeep.
Brenda & Wanda Laval: Marsh Laval's cousins, these sturdy, middle-aged Halfling sisters are the cooks at Marsh's Place. Their 'human style' food is greasy but tasty.

Llorkh Pre 23/10/1479:
After decades of misrule much of the once-large town of Llorkh now lies in ruins, but the city retains its importance in commanding what is now the only bridge over the Grayflow River.  The Bandit Kings of Llorkh extract a heavy toll on trade flowing along the Dawn Road.  King Boris however has somewhat curbed his followers' tendency to raid and pillage.  A powerful warrior who reveres both Tempus and Bane, he has pretensions to being a legitimate ruler, but is concerned by the expanding power of the Mountain King.  Boris is rumoured to have Zhentarim connections, some say that a functioning Portal to the Zhentarim stronghold of Darkhold still exists in Llorkh, and that Zhent Black Sun Adepts have been seen in the city. In M9 1479 Boris purged the Zhentarim Cyricists, but one Black Sun Adept, Vale, escaped back through the Portal in the ruined temple of Bane. Boris' magist Olaris Vlakos sealed the portal prior to his death at the hands of the undead ogre king Koptila in the catacombs beneath Llorkh (M10 1479).

Ancient Llorkh: During the time of Ammarindar (-4100 to 882 DR), modern Llorkh was a dwarven town named Grayford, commanding the river crossing as it does today. For millenia the dwarves buried their dead in the catacombs here. Before even the dwarves, their ancient records say that an Ogre Kingdom flourished here, vassal with many other giant races to the Primordial Earth Titan, Stonefang.

Pop. 800.  Rulers: Town Council.
Irondawn is a large, fortified human village on the Dawn Road, known for the very high quality of the iron ore in the nearby mines, which can be used for the finest weapons and armour, though the local blacksmiths can make few such.  Irondawn pays occasional tribute to the Bandit Kings of Llorkh.  In recent years the Mountain King has also sought to demand tribute, rumour has it that the free men of Irondawn have been paying off both masters.
M4 1480: Kitana and the Banites of Llorkh rescued the blind daughter of the headman of Irondawn from Grell kidnappers in the Tomb of the Blind God, cementing Esme's influence over Irondawn.
M1 1483: Irondawn has fallen to the invading frost giants of Clenderi, Queen of Cold, who wiped out the inhabitants.

Lord Tirios Sevrym of Timbervale
Pop. 700 (25% dwarf, 74% human), plus 75 militia with Prince Galtos at Llorkh.
Resources: market (trade via Stonefang Tunnel to Clan Glintshield), timber, pig herding, local mines, mostly copper and some gold.
Ruler: Lord Tirios (L5, DR 1420-) & Lady Sevilla Sevrym (DR 1428-), aging human aristocrats. Their daughter Princess Sevilla (DR 1457-) and son the Prince Consort Sir Galtos (DR 1460-) (both supra) are now in Llorkh at the court of Queen Esmerelda since late 1479 DR as the Queen's husband and lady-in-waiting, along with 75 Timbervale militia known as the Pig Guard. Esme pays the Pig Guard well, and this money has helped enrich Timbervale as much as has the renewed trade through Stonefang Tunnel.
A small community of loggers, farmers and miners eight miles by road from Llorkh, Timbervale was once a wealthy small town through trade through Stonefang Tunnel with the Glintshield dwarf clan, the guardians of the Vale of Naurogloth (Bleached Bones Pass) which of old marked the southern limit of Ammarindar. A century ago the Glintshields fell into disastrous civil war, some say a madness induced by the Spellplague. Since then Timbervale had declined. Timbervale's lord pays tribute to the kings of Llorkh. The small (ca 25 strong) Jozan dwarf clan mine for gold two miles north of Timbervale. Being short of dwarf-wives, some of the Jozan males have married human women, and the current generation includes several half-dwarves.
Alauna Kessel
In M10 1479 the new Queen Esme of Llorkh took Sir Galtos of Timbervale as her consort, and with the re-opening of the Stonefang Tunnel to Bleached Bones Pass and the Glintshield Dwarves, Timbervale's fortunes look set to improve. In M3 1480 DR the newly refurbished Timbervale Inn was reopened under the ownership of the enterprising Alauna Kessel, and soon enjoyed a thriving trade.
Timbervale Notable NPCs
1. Alauna Kessel (1453-), buxom, raven-haired. Owner of the Timbervale Inn from M3 1480. An enterprising Innkeeper's daughter from Orlbar, she saw an opportunity when news reached Orlbar that the Stonefang Tunnel was open to trade once more. Alauna is assisted by three equally buxom local tavern wenches who cook and serve. She is rumoured to be seeking a husband to assist her in running the Inn, and seems to have a liking for Dwarf men.
M1 1483: The Shadowed Chain commander Serka led the Glintshield Dwarves and local men in successful defence of Timbervale against a zombie horde, aided by Dunstan Ironforge.

The Mountain King - Ogremouth
Town Pop. 630? Ruler: The Mountain King, Oro Loroth (reveres Abbathor, Exarch of Bane).
M7 1480 DR the Mountain King allied with Queen Esme of Llorkh. Vassal to Esme from M1 1483 DR.
Forces ca. 150 600
Dominion Confidence Level: Healthy (+4%)
The Mountain King
From his fortress at Ogremouth, the sinister dwarf warlord Oro Loroth, known as the Mountain King, commands forces of Orcs, Gnolls and other evil humanoids.  He has enslaved all the farming communities along the River Loagrann, the humans and halflings now labour to produce grain and meat for the hungry gullets of the Mountain King's monstrous troops.  The Mountain King also has small numbers of tough Loroth Clan dwarven warriors, as black-hearted as their liege, and mercenaries of many other races.  The ancient fortress of Ogremouth itself was built by the Ammarindar dwarves, but was sacked by the Tanarukk demon orcs of Hellgate Keep, and lay in ruins for centuries. Reoccupied and rebuilt by the Loroth, a band of evil dwarves, about fifty years ago (ca 1430 DR), it is now a haven of scum and villainy that puts Llorkh to shame.
The Mountain King is also rumoured to be associated with a cabal of evil dwarven warlocks known as The Nameless, who once numbered the fell Draighdurroch amongst their number.  
1. Lord Ablair Loroth: spiky red-dyed hair and beard, fat, weird look. The King's first cousin, one of the Nameless Cabal, the loquacious Lord Ablair is an inventor, alchemist, warlock and emissary for his liege.
2. Nightshade: Adult black dragon, former leader of the 'Poisoned Shadows' Shadar-Kai assassins, who murdered the Vice-Patriarch of Bahamut in Waterdeep at the behest of the Ashmadai. In 1479 DR Nightshade slew two heroes of Bahamut and the warrior Karvol in the sewers beneath Llorkh, then took the Ammarindar Plates to the Mountain King, subsequently entering his service.

In M1 1483 DR the Mountain King's realm was overrun by invading frost giants from the north under the leadership of Clenderi, the Fey 'Queen of Cold'. Survivors fled or submitted to the invaders. Stone Cult traitors opened the gates of Ogremouth to the attackers. King Loroth and Lord Ablair escaped via a secret exit and fled south to seek sanctuary with Queen Esme in Llorkh. Nightshade joined with the Heroes of Loudwater in a raid which killed Clenderi in her ice tower atop Ogremouth, ending the war.


Pop. 408 in 1483  Rulers: Town Council.
Forces: 70 militia
Characters: Glasur (E1), Dwarf 'Moon Boat' pilot
The bright twin of Ogremouth, the citadel of Adakmi lies at the Shining Falls, a great waterfall on the Delimbiyr, where it exits the northern Graypeaks.  She was built long ago by Ammarindar (-4100 to 882 DR) dwarves in partnership with the wood elves of Eaerlann, and shows the influence of both races.  Adakmi once marked the southern edge of the wood elf Kingdom of Eaerlann (-4700 to 882 DR). Sacked by demon orcs during the Hellgate War (882 DR), much declined and partially ruined, the citadel still serves as a haven and local trade centre for the goodly races, with a mixed population of several hundred dwarves, halflings, humans, elves and half-elves. In recent years Adakmi stood fast against the Banite raiders of The Hand of Naarash. In M5 1481 an earthquake opened a rift to the Splendarmorrn vaults, allowing something evil into the town.
Glasur (E1): Dwarf river-boat captain, based in Adakmi.  His craft, the last 'Moon Boat' of ancient Eaerlann, is called Blacksnake.  Pulled by giant pike, it plies the rough waters of the northern Delimbiyr river above the Shining Falls.  Glasur is heavily muscled, he always wears a flat cap. 

The Black March
From Adakmi on the Shining Falls, the trail known as the Black March runs for over a hundred miles north through rough upland territory just east of the upper Delimbiyr river, to the Moonsfall Mountains - a spur of the northern Graypeaks south-west of the Far Forest.  There the Hand of Naarash had their lair, in an ancient temple known as the Pillars of Night.

Ruins & Dungeons

The lost dwarven forge of Tannheim is only legend.  Possibly a surviving dwarf-hold of Ammarindar, some say the Tannheim dwarves allied with demonic forces, and were destroyed by such centuries ago. From 1479 DR Tannheim is occupied by forces of the Mountain King.

Wyvern Mountain
This wyvern-haunted peak lies on the Smugglers’ Road between Ogremouth and the mining village of Hali, in Mountain King territory.  Some say it was once the lair of a great white dragon; others that a red dragon can sometimes be seen flying over the peaks.

The Tomb of the Blind God
Rangers from Irondawn speak in hushed tones of a sinister cave complex set in a high cliff six miles from the town.  A palpable sense of evil permeates the area.  Carvings of hideous and alien design decorate the entrance, while none who have ventured further had ever returned until it was successfully penetrated by Kitana and the Banites of Esmerelda, who rescued the blind daughter of Irondawn's Headman from Grell in M4 1480 DR.

Serka, Vice-Commander of the Shadowed Chain
The Glintshield Dwarves
Stonefang TunnelVale of Naurogloth, Bleached Bones Pass & Citadel Yaunaroth
Dominion Confidence Level: Healthy (+4%)
Population ca 800
Forces ca 300 (many young)
The ancient giant-built Stonefang Tunnel runs some 25 miles south beneath Mount Stonefang to the ruined dwarf citadel of  Yaunaroth, which sits on the stony northern slopes of the Vale of Naurogloth, known latterly as Bleached Bones Pass, which runs from the north-eastern High Moor up into the southern Greypeaks and over the mountains into the Fallen Lands at Dekanter, an ancient Netherese mine-complex.
Stonefang Tunnel, northern mouth
According to legend, mighty Yaunoroth was built around -1000 DR to defend the southern approaches of Ammarindar from the perils of the High Moor, and at her peak had a population of 5,000 dwarves, including 2,000 warriors. In the end she formed her peoples' last defense against the Tanarukk demon orcs which had destroyed Eaerlann and overrun Ammarindar from the north. Princess Olmma led the defense of Yaunaroth in 883 DR, her sister Queen Helmma having fallen at Adakmi on the Shining Falls in 882, and she held the fortress long enough for most of the dwarven refugees to escape to southern climes - the bones of the stragglers and last defenders give the pass its name. Naurogloth Vale then lay empty and orc-infested for some three centuries, until the Glintshield dwarf clan re-occupied and refortified Citadel Yaunaroth ca 1180 DR.  They thrived until about a century ago, driving back the orc clans, but then the Spellplague brought madness and civil war, and fresh dwarf bones soon littered the Pass. The survivors retreated to their deep delves high in the mountains above the Vale.
Harvak, the Thane Glintshield
Yaunaroth, North Gate
Recently the Glintshield dwarves have re-emerged and again attempted to re-occupy part of Citadel Yaunaroth and re-open the Stonefang Tunnel. They faced bitter opposition from the orcs, including the powerful Severed Eye clan (1479) but as of 1480 DR have re-established control of Yaunaroth and Stonefang mountain; the Severed Eyes (ca 1,800) have been driven south.
27/6/1480: Queen Esme sent a polite letter to Thane Harvak, calling off the meeting that would have created an alliance between Llorkh, Orlbar and the Glintshields at Shieldmeet 31/6/1480.
Notable Glintshield Clan Dwarves:
1. Thane Harvak: (1182-) ancient Leader of Clan Glintshield, white beard
2. Grunhild (f): Harvak's elderly First Wife, white beard
3. Beryl (f): Harvak's younger Second Wife, brown beard, grey streaked
4. Prince Thorvil: (1295-) Harvak's son by Grunhild, elderly with grey beard
5. Rangrim (1390-) Son of Prince Thorvil, Grandson of Thane Harvak: black beard, grey streaked.
6. Commander Duggin: (1402-) tenacious new (1479) leader of the Shadowed Chain cult, succeeding Gwendar (RIP 1479). Bushy red beard
7. Vice-Commander Serka (f): (1450-) Serious young Deputy Leader of the Shadowed Chain. Blonde, beardless. Serka's men (3): Oin, Thoin, Glori, all new (1479) recruits. Oin at least has a great liking for human women.

The Shadowed Chain
Dwarves of the Shadowed Chain wear grey cloaks. Their skin is tattooed (not normally visible). They are required to remain unmarried, though not chaste.
Standard disposition: 20 at full strength. 4 at Timbervale Inn, to keep an eye on local events. 2 sentries at north mouth of Stonefang Tunnel, with alarm horn.  8 at the Gate House just north of the great stone gate, 12.5 miles into the tunnel. 4 at hidden locale south of the Gate. 2 sentries at south tunnel mouth above Citadel Yaunaroth, who alternate their 8-hour watch with 2 sets of Glintshield clan dwarves.

Severed Eye Orcs:
1. Queen Msuga (f): Supreme Warlord of the Severed Eye, Bloodspear Clan
2. Rohka the Blood Witch (f): Msuga's Twin Sister and High Shaman of the Severed Eye
3. Sub-Chief Hyrkzag Dragonskull, leader of the Severed Eye Dragon Clan, who are pacted with Icefang the White Dragon. In 1479 Hyrkzag survived battle with the Burning Hand adventurers.
M5 1480 DR: The Severed Eye Orcs sustained heavy losses in battle with the Glintshield Dwarves and Esme's Banites under Kitana. In 1480 DR the Glintshields then joined with the Shadovar of Prince Melagaunt to root out the remaining orcs. Orcs fleeing west from the Vale of Naurogloth were intercepted by the Korzzbad goblins of Delderosh. By end M9 1480 DR the Severed Eye orcs were believed extinct. Delderosh sent Esme the severed heads of Msuga & Rohka as a naming-day present for her children.

The Ironforge clan were once famous smiths and armourers in the ancient Shield Dwarf kingdom of Ammarindar, which ruled the Graypeak Mountains for millenia until swept aside by the Tanarukk Demon Orcs of Hellgate Keep, six hundred years ago (882-3 DR). Many Ironforge Defenders perished in the great battles against the Tanarukk - at Adakmi, the last citadel of dying Eaerlann, and then at Yaunaroth, guarding the Retreat of the Dwarves through Bleached Bones Pass. According to family legend, the Ironforge banner was the last dwarven standard seen upon the walls of Citadel Yaunaroth before it fell. The survivors fled south with the other clans, skirting the Marsh of Chelmber. They received some aid from Evereska in their bitter trek, eventually reaching Scornubel where they scattered to seek what fortune they could. The Ironforge moved east to the Kingdom of Cormyr, resuming their trade of smithcraft, but never forgetting the glories of Ammarindar...

Graypeak Mountains
This eastern mountain range separates the Fallen Lands from the Gray Vale. The range is named for the tribes of gray skinned stone giants who dwell here. Most of its mineral wealth was removed thousands of years past during the Kingdom of Ammarindar. The easternmost mountains of the Interior are known to offer the richest concentration of griffons in all Faerûn. Cloud giant castles are sometimes seen drifting over these eastern peaks, and every so often, dragons are seen in full, magnificent flight among the clouds, winging their lone and splendid ways into or out of the most remote peaks. Travelers in this region should beware of attacks from orcs, bugbears, goblins, monsters of all sorts, barbarians, and large expeditions mounted  by the Cult of the Dragon to seek dragons and their treasures in the high valleys. Large groups of travelers should never camp without at least a triple watch. Fires should be doused, for their light calls death from miles away. Lone travelers are advised to break their scent by crossing water several times, and to sleep on a rocky height, or better, on a ledge sheltered from above.
Bleached Bones Pass 
This pass once connected Dekanter with the Vale of Naurogloth, Citadel Yaunaroth, and Illefarn far to the west, but few use it now. The pass draws its name from piles of sun whitened dwarf and orc 
bones that line the trail. Numerous small, crude orc strongholds dot the slopes of the pass, warring constantly with one another. Recently (1479-80 DR) the Glintshield Dwarves have re-established control of much of the Pass.

Dawntreader Gap

This pass toward Llorkh through the Greypeak Mountains is steeper and more demanding than Bleached Bones Pass to the south, but easier to defend. 

Dekanter - eastern slopes of Greypeak mountains, eastern terminus of Bleached Bones Pass, just north-west of the edge of Evereska-patrolled territory.

Emissary Gerin Legatus
Shadovar Knight Lucinius Tyrex
More correctly, these are the Mines of Dekanter, ruins of lost Netheril. In ancient days, the mines of Dekanter provided the realm with adamantine. As the mines were worked out, Netherese mages used them for research, to isolate the effects of new spells, and to store magical paraphernalia. When Netheril fell, all was abandoned, and the mines became an extensive crumbling ruin surrounded by low hills (talus piles from the mines). Above the hills, gaping holes and hidden entrances open on the dark mysteries within. The magic that once filled Dekanter is long depleted, and it now serves as home to goblins, gargoyles, and others. A tribe of 500 goblins and 50 gargoyles live in the mines, known minions of the Beast Lord. The Beast Lord is an illithilich who has created a variety of unnatural monsters to do his bidding, and ha’s managed to take over the surrounding area.
M5 1480 DR: Illithilich is waging a losing war against the Shadovar forces of Returned Netheril under the Shade Prince Melagaunt Tanthul, who are seeking to secure the mines. Melagaunt commands Melagaunt's Legion of Shadovar & Shade Knights, Netherese infantry, and a small cadre of Shadar-Kai scouts and spies. At full strength the Legion musters 3,000 strong.
M6 1480 DR: Having destroyed the Illithilich and secured the Mines of Dekanter, Melagaunt turns to aiding the Glintshield Dwarves in destroying the Severed Eye Orcs and securing the Vale of Naurogloth.
Melagaunt Tanthul, Prince of Shade

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