Saturday, 27 July 2013

Jonas Sylverman & Ilvanus Tarc, Level 8 (by Kimberly Pauley)

Jonas Sylverman (Lvl 8, Arcane Rituals to Level 6)

Age 27 in '80, Human, son of Syrah Widdershins (Lirael’s Aunt) and Jasper Sylverman, quite a bit more worldy than the rest of the family, has lived in Waterdeep and traveled the Sword Coast since he was 17. He has been studying magic in Waterdeep. While technically a "squishy" wizard, he's even traveled with merchant ships and helped fight off pirates and is known for his bravery in single handedly clearing out a small-ish goblin settlement from around Elfstree when he was only 19 on a visit home.
Late M6 1480: Jonas travels to Llorkh and takes service with Queen Esme as her Magist. 

Human Warcaster
Level 8 Controller
Medium natural humanoid
XP 350
HP 51; Bloodied 25
Healing Surges 7 Surge Value 12
AC 22; Fortitude 18; Reflex 20; Will 19
Speed 6
Initiative +8
Perception +5

Heroic Effort
Once per Encounter, may add+4 to a rolled attack or save
Standard Actions
m Quarterstaff (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: +13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage (crit 2d6+11)
M Shock Staff (lightning, weapon) • Encounter
Attack: +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + 9 lightning damage (crit 2d6+29), and the target is dazed until the end of the  warcaster’s next turn.
R Force Lure (force) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10; +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 7 force damage (crit 2d6+21), and the target slides 3 squares.
C Force Pulse (force) • Encounter
Attack: Close blast 5; +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 7 force damage (crit 2d6+23), and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is neither pushed nor knocked prone.
Skills Athletics +7, History +15, Diplomacy +12, Dungeoneering +10
Str 12 (+5)
Dex 14 (+6)
Wis 12 (+5)
Con 13 (+5)
Int 19 (+8)
Cha 16 (+7)
Alignment Unaligned     Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
Equipment robes, lvl 6 +2 magic quarterstaff, potion of healing

Ilvanus Tarc (Lvl 8, Arcane Rituals to Level 6)
Jonas had arrived in town with a companion, an Eladrin wizard, Ilvanus Tarc, in '80 he looks about 28 in human terms. He has no interest in traveling on to Llorkh and bids his friend farewell. Lirael introduces Ilvanus to Pealias  as he is also a follower of Selune...
23/6/1480 - Ilvanus turns down Pealias' offer of a job as spymaster.

Eladrin Twilight Incanter
Level 8 Controller
Medium fey humanoid (eladrin)
XP 350
HP 48; Bloodied 24
Healing Surges 6 Surge Value 12
AC 22; Fortitude 19; Reflex 21; Will 21
Speed 6
Saving Throws +5 against charm effects
Initiative +7
Perception +5
Low-Light Vision
Standard Actions
m Staff (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + 9 force damage (crit 2d6+15), and the target is Slowed until the end of the eladrin twilight incanter’s next turn.
R Binding Bolt • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + 9 force damage (crit 2d6+15), and the target is Immobilized until the end of the target’s next turn.
R Teleporting Bolt (teleportation) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10; +11 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 9 force damage (crit 2d6+23), and the target is teleported up to 3 squares. The target cannot be teleported into an unsafe space.
C Dazing Blast (radiant) • Encounter
Attack: Close blast 3; +11 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 9 radiant damage (crit 2d6+23), and the target is Dazed (save ends)
Move Actions
Fey Step (teleportation) • Encounter
Effect: The eladrin twilight incanter can teleport 5 squares.
Skills Arcana +16, History +16, Nature +10
Str 12 (+5)
Dex 16 (+7)
Wis 12 (+5)
Con 10 (+4)
Int 20 (+9)
Cha 16 (+7)
Alignment Unaligned     Languages Common, Elven, Draconic
Equipment robes, lvl 6 +2 magic quarterstaff, potion of healing

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