Tuesday 19 April 2016

Session 96 RL 27 6/4/1485 Guardians at the Gate

Lirael meets Mielikki in the forest. Back in Loudwater, a rather tired looking Lady Moonfire discusses making her ruler of the Gray Vale - or the Shining Vale once more. Hallomak Stromm summons her to Waterdeep, where she is sent to join the others in the Gloomdeep Caverns on their quest for the Tomb of Sartine and a secret backdoor to the Pillars of Night, where Shar is held captive by Orcus in Thakorsil's Seat.

The party trek through the caverns to the doors of Sartine's Tomb, guarded by powerful golems, gargoyles, and a gibbering abomination. Much fighting ensues... At last the victorious band open the gates, seeing a short corridor beyond, and discuss making camp.

Lirael Conversation with Moonfire 11,000
2 Golems Level 27 Elite 44,000
2 Nabassu Gargoyles Level 28 26,000
Gibbering Abomination Level 28 13,000
Floor Trap etc Level 27 Obstacle 11,000
Enter Sartine's Tomb 11,000
Total 116000/4=29000

550,000 for Level 27
675,000 for Level 28

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