Tuesday 26 July 2016

Session 101 8-9/4/1485 Glyphimor

2 Vrock Warwings level 27 - 11,000 x2 = 22,000
Glyphimor the Balor, level 27 solo - 55,000
2 Glabrezu (not defeated) with corrupted statues, level 23 elite 20,400/2 = 10,200
1 allied Lolth's Reaver destroyed
Group flee back to the battlements, killing Glyphimor when he pursues.
Jareth battles vrocks & ghouls off-camera.
After destruction of Glyphimor, Dhaunayene Nasadra opens Portal back to Ched Nasad, group retreat to rest overnight. A gargantuan dracolich settles atop the central Pillar of Night.
Total: 87,200/3.5= 24,914 each

24,914+725,535= 750.449
825,000 XP for Level 29

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