Saturday, 19 September 2020

FA Interlude to 5/6/1359 DR

 In the goblin caves Percy can recover his marbles, and can fill his quiver with goblin arrows if he wants (or can take a light crossbow & a quiver of 12 quarrels).

Back at Fulscarp's Shrine of St Sollars a funeral service is held for Dawn Wintersmorn, and memorial for the now presumed eaten Innkeeper Manlius Irkell & his son Verden. Father Bolius invites Erasmus, Syrus & Percy to say a few words. It is attended by much of the village including Lady Aryn, who thanks the adventurers for their efforts in cleansing Fort Skulnar of evil. It looks like Rosana Irkell is now the landlady of the Silver Spoon.

Mirabelle Cumin takes the Moonsword back to her mentor Mother Aretha, who is not best pleased at the news that the ghost of Einar Ironwolf was laid to rest and his soul released rather than harvested. "I'll show that pretty one Syrus not to betray me!" the Hag mutters grimly.

During the long rest & training Tenday, Jyrdani of Jiyyd will be spending 50gp at the smithy to get herself made a chain bikini for AC 13 +2 DEX + 3 shield = AC 18. :) Tenho meanwhile leaves on private business, but returns on the tenth day (5/6) looking rather agitated...

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