Thursday, 3 September 2020

FA#6 Day 3-13 T2-T3/M5/1359 DR - 85 XP - Goblin Disaster; Erasmus & Syrus >lvl2

Rosana Irkell is sad you weren't able to find her father and brother, and that Lothrin was lost in the attempt, but thanks you for trying. Looks like she may have inherited the tavern... While Erasmus Bos & Syrus rest and train, Dawn Wintersmorn hangs around the Fulscarp tavern, listening dreamily to Syrus's ballads. Tenho Isotalo heads off on some business but promises to return in 10 days - he is still very keen to find the Ironwolf's notes on the lost dwarf hold of Hadramkath, rumoured to still lie within Fort Skulnar.

At the Jagged Tower, Hag Aretha scolds Mirabelle Cumin for not collecting enough bat poo, but brightens when Mirabelle mentions the Bard Syrus and the moon-touched sword.

Aretha to Mirabelle: "Make sure the pretty Bard kills the Ghost, and brings me back the Sword! Aretha needs it, I does!"

Back at Cumin Manor, Mirabelle's elder sister Angelica listens patiently to Mirabelle's tales of adventure.

"It sounds as if these adventurers have dealt with the bandits who've been preying on the King's Road. That's something, at least. But Goblins? How horrible!"

Simon N. (GM):GM: Erasmus & Syrus, you & your party have just rounded the rocky outcrop and are collecting yourselves when the croc, attracted by your light and movement, rushes forward... Mirabelle as you approach the pool you see a huge albino crocodile heading across the pool! Do you want to attack it before it eats whoever's out of sight to your right?
OOC which token pic do you want Jelly?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Just spent a few moments catching up on the chat tonight so far
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC The one that's set as my profile pic please: it's in the journal already.
I have a twin lol!
Yes I'll attack!
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus: you mentioned you had a plan for the croc?
Simon N. (GM):ok that should do it
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC thanks very much Simon
I'll use Thunderwave.
Kenny - Syrus:@Team I guess we are gonna kill the croc now!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Mirabelle steps forward and a sonic wave lances out at the croc as it lunges for Lothrin...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Aye, if we head away... Gah!! Who's there?!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Con saving throw of 13 for the croc.
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+1
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ha!
Take that, scales!
rolling 2d8
Simon N. (GM):The croc goes spinning away through the water!
rolling 2d6
Kenny - Syrus:@Team What is happening, I can hear splashes and commotion - cannot see much from where I can
Mirabelle (Jelly):Did someone shout? Hello?
Simon N. (GM):Angry and frightened,the blasted croc swims away south.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle splashes rather ungracefully through the water in her shiny dress, ripped at the sides to help with movement.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"There's somebody else down here, and they just blasted the croc I was suggesting we distract. That may well have done the trck!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The rest of you see a stunning vision of loveliness appear on the neighbouring promontory, having saved you from the crocodile :)
Syrus (Kenny):@Team - shame the croc got away - I think albino croc skin will worth quite a bit in the market!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The water at the edge between you looks about 4' deep, just wadable.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus looks at Dawn to see the reaction on her face as new lady approaches
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Shall we cross while the croc is away? We can deal with introductions once we are safely away from the water."
Simon N. (GM):Dawn sees Mirabelle. "A Wizard!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Greetings!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can move your tokens, in water half rate so 3 squares if wading.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team we need to be where this new Wizard is!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ah, a party of adventurers? You don't have a wineskin amongst you, by any chance? Guano hunting is thirsty work!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mirabelle - a handsome warrior steps into the water.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Let us make our way across, quickly now."
Simon N. (GM):"I am Lothrin - we are adventurers, seeking men captured by goblins."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle thinks she probably doesn't need the wine after all, all these handsome men are making her feel quite giddy!
Syrus (Kenny):As Syrus passed Greeting M'Lady.
Simon N. (GM):(so you can wade 3 squares in between me posting)
Syrus (Kenny):@Team There is a bit of a chasm to the North eyeroll
Simon N. (GM):Dawn, a young mage: "Hello! I'm Dawn! You must be a Wizard?!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC is the eyeroll an in joke?
Simon N. (GM):The halfling's lantern goes out as he enters the water.
Syrus (Kenny):OOC no, Syrus seems to eyeroll often eyeroll
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hello there! Well, yes, I'm an apprentice at least....I wouldn't call myself a fully fledged wizard just yet!
OOC Oh I see ok lol
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I'm a Mage! We're sort of like Wizards!"
She emerges drenched from the water. "brrrr!"
Percy is swimming manfully.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):I'd like to peek around the corner to see if I can see or hear anything after the noise of the Thunderwave.
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn and @Mirabelle M'Ladies, quick before anyone else spots us!!
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Will you join us, milady?"
GM: The eastern cave looks empty, there's a still pool in the SE corner.
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "have we been this way to the East yet?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Well, how could I refuse! I was getting rather bored traipsing around here looking for poo, to be honest!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Poo? Really?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):What exactly are all of you down here for? Not much treasure to be had, I'm afraid!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @DM - did we come this way last week?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC No
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus & Erasmus you detect a faint animal smell from the north.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Spell ingredients, to be precise. It's the ammonia in the poo that I'm after.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Any sound?
Simon N. (GM):You can roll Perception Erasmus
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+2
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus you hear a faint grunt
Syrus (Kenny):@Team, shall we get to know this kind lady who helped us ward off the croc before moving on?
@Team I kinda feel a lil rude...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):whispering "Quiet. There is something to the north. Let's be sure we're safe before chatting."
Simon N. (GM):Percy the halfling to Mirabelle: "After you ma'am"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Why, thankyou!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Can I creep ahead as far as my sight will allow?
Simon N. (GM):OK Erasmus, roll Stealth
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh there'll be plenty of time, hopefully over lots of good red wine, later I'm sure!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+3
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle smiles at Syrus :-)
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus do you have dark vision? I have and I can try to stealth ahead?
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus you see a 4' high wall of debris ahead. Beyond it, grunts in the darkness.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):To Syrus: "Either follow behind a little way, or head up infornt. I can't see in the dark"
Simon N. (GM):Something big is moving towards you...
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus then let me come join you - should I ask the others to follow or wait for our signal?
Simon N. (GM):"Ogga! Oagh!" you hear, and a thumping sound. The animal stench is stronger now.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Something is coming. Let's fall back so we can get a better look at it together"
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabella - M'lady, will you join us - we may need your assistance again very VERY soon!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Of course! Anything I can do to help :-)
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Take positions in this chamber..."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly OOC come move your token to join us :)
Simon N. (GM):(rem you can move up to your movement each time I post)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I'm trying but a bit lost!
Simon N. (GM):click on Mirabelle then move yup
Syrus (Kenny):Waves
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Ah ok
Syrus (Kenny):whispers M'lady, lets go by Erasmus where we can hide better - something is approaching!
Simon N. (GM):The creatures ahead seem to have moved back a bit?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Lothrin with me, casters at the rear.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can we hear anything? Can I do a check?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Yuck, smells nasty!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle is happy to be hiding next to the handsome bard.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus nods at Mirabelle and smiles
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC how do I do italics?
Simon N. (GM):You can stop & listen, if so roll Perception
use * for italics
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC thanks
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC use * before and after
Syrus (Kenny):put an asterix at the beginning and end of the sentence you want to do italics
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Syrus, you can hear deep grunts.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I've got the battle music from POI on spotify playing right on cue!
Simon N. (GM):A good way off to the north. Sounds like they want to be heard.
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabelle "accompanying this nasty smell may be some nasty poo too?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Careful, everyone! There's a lot of nasty things in these caves....
OOC would Mirabelle know of what the creature might be with a History check?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You shelter in the cave for a few minutes, but nothing enters. Nature check not History sorry.
Syrus (Kenny):@TEam, OK whats the plan - nasties ahead - let's fight?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Or Nature though I'm untrained.
rolling 1d30 +3
OOps sorry
Simon N. (GM):d20 pls
Erasmus Bos (Tim):To GM: If Percy were to stealth ahead (with his +7) would the fact he needs a light disadvantage him?
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 +3
Simon N. (GM):His light would mean no stealth possible
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC Bugger.
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle you are reminded of animals making a threat display.
Syrus (Kenny):@Lothrin - "are you ready to draw that sword?"
Simon N. (GM):Percy currently has no light anyway, lantern & torches soaked.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Syrus, are you able to see in the dark?"
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin nods grimly to Syrus.
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "I have +2 stealth, want me to try?
Mirabelle (Jelly):We'd better proceed with caution, whatever it is up ahead is feeling threatened by something; potentially not us!
I can cast Light on my staff but it will ruin our element of surprise.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"I'd prefer to know what we're facing before rushing headlong into a fight."
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn "M'lady, do you have any invisibility spells that may help with my sneaky ways?"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Maybe one day, Syrus. Maybe one day!"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus smiles at Dawn
@GM, OK I will try stealthing ahead please
Simon N. (GM):Dawn smiles back at Syrus, reaching shyly to hold his hand (OOC so romantic!) :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle narrows her eyes at Dawn
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Syrus move up & roll Stealth
Syrus (Kenny):Can I inspire myself??
Simon N. (GM):Dawn seems oblivious to Mirabelle's annoyance.
Bardic Insp?
Syrus (Kenny):(Bardic inspiration)
Simon N. (GM):" you use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to choose one creature other than yourself "
Syrus (Kenny):eyeroll
OK I will go ahead, rolling stealth now
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):Oops
Simon N. (GM):Syrus creeps north...
Syrus (Kenny):@Team: OK, theres a White Ape ahead!
Syrus sneaks right back after see the 2x apes!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Two of them??
Simon N. (GM):GM: The apes appear to be guarding the north tunnel. The ape dung stench indicates a lair.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Interesting. First an albino crocodile and now two albino apes?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "Yep, there are 2 directly ahead at the end, there is an opening to the East to the other side of this wall, but the Apes will see us
whispers to Mirabelle pretty sure theres some nasty ape poo ahead
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Are the apes working with the goblins? Or an independent faction?"
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"We're looking for goblins. I don't think this is the way to our quarry. Perhaps we should head the other way first and come back here later?"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "You mean, get wet again?"
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"The goblins we encountered were to the south in the tunnels."
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus: The big risk is if we head East, the Apes will probably see us unless we all stealth successfully
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "I'm wet and cold and I'd really like to get this over with, sigh"
Syrus (Kenny):Can I check out this pool?
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "With our light, they must know we're here."
Mirabelle (Jelly):You're looking for Goblins?
Simon N. (GM):The pool is about 3' deep and clear. There are some tracks around the edge.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC has Mirabelle seen any?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Yes. We believe they have captives that we are intent on rescuing."
Simon N. (GM):OOC no, just the giant bats
Mirabelle (Jelly):That's a strange quarry? What are you hunting them for?
Ah, I see!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn follows Syrus, gazing intently into the pool.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"We have been tasked with finding the family of the innkeeper in Fulscarp."
Syrus (Kenny):@GM do I do investigation check?
Simon N. (GM):@Syrus sure
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC do I know the innkeep? Mirabelle knows most of the inns and taverns around!
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):or Survival
The tracks look small, like Goblins
As if they've come here for water?
Syrus (Kenny):@GM where do the track come from/lead to?
Simon N. (GM):Maybe they don't want to get too close to the croc?
Roll Survival w advtg Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Mirabelle (Jelly):Nice!
Simon N. (GM):The tracks come from the north
Syrus (Kenny):@GM leading to the Apes direction?
(generally speaking?)
Simon N. (GM):I've marked them w dots
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "Dawn and I just looked at the pool down there, there seems to be globlin tracks leading to the North in the general dierction of the Apes??!!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmm, so we may have to get past those apes somehow..........
Syrus (Kenny):@GM cannot see dots on my map?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can try and put them under a sleep spell?
OOC very small black dots Kenny
Syrus (Kenny):OOC oh yea I see - like pigeon footprints in the snow!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Ok, So there are goblins this way? Then that settles it. Unless they're intelligent, we seem to be heading for combat."
Simon N. (GM):I've put them on both Token & Map layers now so no excuse unless your IRL PP is 8 or lower! :p
Syrus (Kenny):@Team: I think Mirabella's idea is great, to put them to sleep. I too have a scroll with sleep spell on it. Can I suggest I try stealthing ahead and cast the spell from the scroll?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I got shiny new glasses next week, so all good!
Simon N. (GM):BRB drinks run
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Good time for us to discuss a plan
So what do you think?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I think that's a good idea Kenny, then if you get at least one of them to sleep I can aim for the other one.
If the scroll fails, we have another shot.
Syrus (Kenny):If I fail on the stealth to cast the spell, then they notice us I come running back or shout out for help and you can come to my aid and fight these Mofos?
Simon N. (GM):(back)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Good plan"
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus @Percy @Lothrin @Dawn - you guys agree too?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can stealth ahead with Syrus to cast Sleep if necessary. I'm trained in Stealth.
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabelle "then you and I should go ahead"
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin nods determinedly, Dawn nods nervously.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC and even if we only get one to sleep, gives us better odds against the remaining one!
Simon N. (GM):OOC Mirabelle you can't see in the dark, though. :)
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I agree - Tim you happy?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Of course Syrus!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Agreed. This sounds like it could work."
Mirabelle (Jelly):That's alright she'll hold Syrus' hand :-)
Syrus (Kenny):@GM: OK Mirabella and Syrus will stealth ahead and try to cast sleep on the apes
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "Syrus, give me your light spell"
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"You'll need to see your target to cast the spell though, won't you?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus hands Lothrin his Moontouched sword "Here you go, friend"
Mirabelle (Jelly):It's an area effect so not sure?
Simon N. (GM):"Thanks"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jelly whats the range of Sleep spell?
Mirabelle (Jelly):90ft
Syrus (Kenny):OOC hang on
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK only the sword is emitting light now
Mirabelle (Jelly):With 20ft area.
Simon N. (GM):OOC I suspect Mirabelle won't be seeing much if she goes north...
Syrus (Kenny):@Team OK, so update the plan. Mirabelle and I only need to stealth once then we are in range for the spell. Are you happy to cast when I squeeze you hand as we should not even be whispering?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC if Syrus' scroll fails, I can cast light on my staff and then Sleep on the apes.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Sleep spell does not need you to see target point,yup
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle is very happy at the prospect of holding hands with Syrus
Yes, yes, very happy!
Simon N. (GM):OK, Syrus & Mirabelle move out holding hands...
Mirabelle (Jelly):she smiles triumphantly at Dawn
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus takes a deep breath and hold out his hand to Mirabelle, and whispers "OK here we go!"
@GM we both stealth, rolling now
Simon N. (GM):ok
roll now
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 +3
Syrus (Kenny):OOC WHOOOP!!
Simon N. (GM):You creep silently on...
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus squeeses Mirabell's hand
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC help can't see where I am!
Simon N. (GM):OOC I'll just keep you beside Syrus
Erasmus Bos (Tim):while waiting, I insight check (Passive 16) Dawn's reactions to Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thanks!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC you are with me, we are holding hands - I just squeezed!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Mirabelle can't see and neither can I lol"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn seems in awe of Mirabelle, a True Wizard. BTW how does Erasmus have Expertise in Insight?
Syrus (Kenny):OOC you don't need to see - you can just cast the spell ;)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC all good!
Mirabelle whispers to Syrus:
Simon N. (GM):Syrus the apes clearly can't see you in the dark, but grunt suspiciously as your smell reaches them.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Alright, we must act quickly now! You first!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC can I just add that Syrus ALWAYS smell good!
Simon N. (GM):Syrus if you cast Sleep between the apes, roll 5d8.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM, OK I unroll the scroll that the Hag gave me, and cast Sleep!
rolling 5d8
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d2
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC wohooo!
Simon N. (GM):The ape on the right yawns, then settles down and falls asleep!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):GM Monk proficiency plus my extra proficiency as a human. I have Prof in Acrobatics, Investigation and Survival and expertise in insight.
Simon N. (GM):You can't stack Proficiencies though.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus keep on holding Mirabell's hand, and we sneak back to group as quick as poss
Simon N. (GM):You only get Expertise if specifically granted.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Isn't Mirabelle going to cast Sleep as well, or is one ape down enough?
Simon N. (GM):Is Mirabelle casting Sleep too?
If so, state range & direction :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC totally up to the group, happy with either. I only have one spell slot left.
Syrus (Kenny):@TEAM: everyone: the spell worked!! The 2x Apes are asleep - we should follow the Gobbo's tracks as quick as possible and VERY QUIETLY
Simon N. (GM):ONE ape is asleep...
Syrus (Kenny):OOC FFS! *eyeroll
Simon N. (GM):(did Mirabelle cast Mage Armour already?)
Mirabelle (Jelly):No, not yet.
Simon N. (GM):So you have 2 spell slots right?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yup, used Thunderwave for one.
Simon N. (GM):ah of course!
sorry :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):No problem!
Syrus (Kenny):Soooooo I squeezed her hand!
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Team so what does everyone think? Shall I save my final spell slot or not?
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I think Mirabelle should safe her last spell
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can't talk to the team but you can whisper to Syrus, Mirabelle
Syrus (Kenny):OOC in which case I think we backup to kill the other ape
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ah sorry, in that case I meant OOC
@Syrus, very impressive! I've only one spell left, so perhaps we should save it for the goblins?
Simon N. (GM):>>3. Type your words and actions to speak and act. Use "" for spoken words. Use OOC for out of character speech. In the presence of NPCs please avoid using OOC speech to prevent the NPCs hearing you make plans! :)<< :)
Erasmus Bos (Tim):GM Ah, I didn't realise. Adjusted for proficiency in Medicine instead.
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+3
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC noted GM!
Simon N. (GM):The awake ape moves over to its sleeping comrade.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC oh dear.
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabelle "Yes you should safe your last spell, let's move back As quick as poss!"
Simon N. (GM):"Ooga? Ooga ugha?"
He starts to shake the other ape.
Syrus (Kenny):We stealth back
Simon N. (GM):"Oohgha ughh?" "Booga!"
Sounds like both are awake again.
Syrus (Kenny):@TEAM - we need to fight them - get ready NOW!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):I might be needing that Sleep spell sooner than we thought!
Simon N. (GM):The apes don't seem to be approaching you.
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabell "M'Lady, please fall back and keep save, rest of us will do our best to lead us all to safety"
@Team: I think we all need to stealth through now - no other way
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin: "We must act! If the apes stand between us and our goal..."
Syrus (Kenny):SO heres the plan
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Ok. We need to get past them. Let's head that way and see what transpires."
Simon N. (GM):he puts hand on longsword hilt.
Syrus (Kenny):Let me know what you think
Simon N. (GM):GM: stealth is pretty pointless if you have light so humans & halfling can see.
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can be stealthy too! How do you think I've been getting through these caves?
Syrus (Kenny):We move one behind each other with our weapons drawn in the dark - Lothrin, I will take back the sword
Guys don't move yet
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin hands it over/GM edits light settings...
Syrus (Kenny):I will lead the way in the dark, we make have to hold onto one another to stay together
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC so apes are here:
Syrus (Kenny):if we all pass quickly, then we need not fight
Simon N. (GM):You want to try creeping blind?
blind except Syrus?
Syrus (Kenny):If for any reason we are discovered, I will unsheath my moon blade and we can all see and fight - how's that?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):GM Can we hug the wall and follow it round?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Good plan! If we all hold onto eachother we can creep blind, I believe.
Simon N. (GM):(I can move tokens for the blind folk)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Or hug the wall, good idea.
Simon N. (GM):OK are you all nicely blind now except Syrus? :)
Syrus (Kenny):we should do guy, girl, guy, girl, guy - so the ladies are protected if the apes discover us at any point?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"As long as Syrus can see, and we can feel the wall, we should be fine."
Mirabelle (Jelly):brb
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Syrus, do you check anywhere down the passage to the east?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Syrus move your token & I'll string the others behind you
Erasmus Bos (Tim):*did
Simon N. (GM):hold up
Syrus (Kenny):OK I hold now
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Should we all roll stealth?
Simon N. (GM):The goblin that has been watching you from behind eastern rubble pops up and takes a bow shot at Syrus.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus whispers to Lothrin "Gobbo ahead! Shhhhhh!!"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d20
rolling 2d6+2
Syrus takes an arrow in the chest for 9 dmg.
Syrus (Kenny):LOL I fall unconscious
I don't get a reaction do I?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC shit
Simon N. (GM):nope
Syrus (Kenny):*eyeroll
Simon N. (GM):The rest of you hear Syrus grunt and hear goblin snickering.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle gasps in shock
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Light! Now!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle casts light on her staff
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6
Mirabelle lights up, causing annoyed grunts from the apes to the north. The goblin blinks as he pops up and sends a shot at Lothrin
rolling d20+4
misses (lost advtg due to sudden light I ruled)
Goblin pulls back.
Syrus roll death save
Syrus (Kenny):OOC which button is that on DDB?
Simon N. (GM):roll d20
Syrus (Kenny):
rolling d20
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Tell us when we can go and I'll do medicine.
Syrus (Kenny):GAAAAAHHH!!
Simon N. (GM):failed death save. Erasmus hurries over to tend to Syrus - roll medicine
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus plugs the wound with some cloth - Syrus is stable on 0 hp.
To the north you hear the apes: "Oooga! Ooga!" they beat their chests.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will attempt to cast Sleep on the apes
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I am gutted that I am missing this fight!!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Let's move on." pours potion of healing down Syrus's throat.
rolling 2d4+2
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle if you move within 40' you can see apes
Syrus (Kenny):OOC THANKS TIM!!!!]
Simon N. (GM):Syrus wakes up as the green brew takes effect.
Mirabelle (Jelly):How many squares is that Simon?
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus wakes "wah, wah??!!"
Simon N. (GM):The apes snarl at Mirabelle... (8 squares) she casts Sleep on them... roll 5d8
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 5d8
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d2
The right hand ape falls asleep again.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Come on now, everyone, kill the other one before he wakes his friend again!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jelly you fell for the GM's trick!! You should have stayed where you were!
@GM do we need to roll for initative?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Mirabelle! Curses - we'd better deal with this now."
Simon N. (GM):Dawn moves up as the second ape moves to wake his comrade. "SLEEP!"
rolling 5d8
It falls asleep too!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I'd rather not be flanked by apes and a gobbo!
Good work!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Both apes are snoring.
Dawn: "That was my last spell too..."
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC Where's Sergor when you need him!!
Syrus (Kenny):whispers to Dawn/Mirabelle "Great work ladies - lets go East now!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I thought we were going North??
Syrus (Kenny):mutters to himself "wait till who I find out shot me!!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Syrus - can you sneak ahead and check what we're heading into?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Daw/Mirabelle - we have to move NOW before the apes wake!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):They won't wake unless someone actively wakes them up.
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy "Come on!"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn hurries up to Syrus. "I did it!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn "Well Done M'Lady, come quickly"
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC so we are going East then? Thought gobbo tracks led norht?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Let's not signal our arrival to the goblins with light. They know we're here, but I want to know what's ahead."
Simon N. (GM):Dawn casts Light
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirebelle - they led north then East
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Oh now I see sorry, couldn't see them before on the map!
Syrus (Kenny):@TEAM "Keep quiet - giant beetle ahead to the north, we are heading south"
Simon N. (GM):Syrus - a giant fire beetle is grazing on mushrooms 20' to your left.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM Can I draw moon blade to light everyone?
@TEAM - lots of Gobbos ahead!
Simon N. (GM):(done) An army of goblins wait with drawn bows to the south... a Syrus lights up they snicker and draw their bows...
(hold up now)
GM: OK the goblins were well ready for you so go first.
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I have told you all there are Gobbos ahead so you are all ready, right?
Simon N. (GM):The cave gives Syrus Cover so +2 AC
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC yup ready!
Simon N. (GM):4 arrow shots on Syrus at AC 16
2 warriors:
rolling 2d20
12 & 9 - miss
2 minions
rolling 2d20
Simon N. (GM):highest is a 15 - hits Syrus' armour but does not penetrate
OK your goes, Syrus first please
Syrus (Kenny):hang on
OK I cast Vicious Mockery at the Warrior Gobbo
"Ooh stick you, your mama too, and your daddy!!!"
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20-1
Kenny - Syrus:
Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)
SourceEnchantment Cantrip
SaveWisdom DC 13
Psychic Damage1
Simon N. (GM):The goblin looks sad
Syrus (Kenny):OOC LOL 1 hit is better than none :-P
OK I move back out of arrow's range
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC he just isn't a vibrant enough shade of green!
Syrus (Kenny):Ends my turn
Simon N. (GM):Lothrin moves up, sword & shield ready
Dawn races up
Percy guards the fire beetle :)
Mirabelle your go
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'll move up and cast Fire Bolt cantrip.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):*Erasmus darts over behind the wall and throws a dart at the goblin in front of Lothrin
Mirabelle (Jelly):At the nearest one I can see?
Simon N. (GM):OK goblin minion has cover so AC 15 to hit
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 +5
Oh dear :-(
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle blasts the cave wall
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):cover so AC 15, Erasmus just misses
Dart (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC Whoops!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC our dice roll not Great tonight :-P
Simon N. (GM):Goblin turn
4 goblin archers draw blades and attack Lothrin
rolling 2d20
13 & 19, 1 hit
rolling d4+1
Simon N. (GM):2 warriors
rolling 2d20
rolling 3d6+4
Lothrin goes down...
As the archers fall back, 2 gobboes w blades and shield move up to finish him...
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d20
rolling 2d20
The goblins cackle gleefully as they plunge their steely knives into Lothrin again and again...
Syrus (Kenny):OOC is he dead dead??
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I'm afraid so, it's a coup de grace :-(
Simon N. (GM):took 2 failed death saves
Syrus (Kenny):OOC :-O GAAAHHHHH!!!! :-((((
Simon N. (GM):start of your turn he rolls a death save
rolling d20
dead dead, yup
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Oh I didn't realise there was still a chance, even though he missed it. Good to know!
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus will write a song in honour of his brave handsome fighter friend
Simon N. (GM):(one gobbo missed so he was on 2/3 failed death saves)
your turn
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus moves then do Vicious Mockery again on Warrior Gobbo
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok, Mirabelle is very angry now! There aren't nearly enough handsome men to go around, and one of them has just been stabbed to death by ugly gobbos!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Seeing Lothrin fall, Erasmus swoops round at the nearest goblin, leaps in the air and brings his staff down at the goblin's head
Kenny - Syrus:
Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)
SourceEnchantment Cantrip
SaveWisdom DC 13
Psychic Damage3
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will cast Fire Bolt again at the nearest in range:
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20-1
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling 2d20+5
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 +5
Aargh, seriously??
Simon N. (GM):Syrus mocks the goblin warrior for 3
Erasmus Bos (Tim):GM Just used my inspiration.
For bugger all.
Simon N. (GM):13 - goblin parries Erasmus' blow w its shield
Mirabelle chews up the scenery
Dawn moves up & shoots fire bolt at warrior
rolling d20+4
Erasmus Bos (Tim):I use the momentum and perform a roundhouse kick
Simon N. (GM):miss :(
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):miss
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC what is going on with the dice tonight lol
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC They should change the name of this app to RollShitty
Simon N. (GM):All gone?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):That's my turn done.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC laughs
Simon N. (GM):The goblin warrior dances around Erasmus and attacks Dawn...
rolling d20+4
Syrus (Kenny):OOC perhaps we needed Jake back for luck!!! And Christian!!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Yeah, can't Persy have done something?
Simon N. (GM):Minion moves round Erasmus & attacks him
NPC Percy is fleeing, looks like (does not count as part of your group, earns no session XP - sorry)
rolling d20+3
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Bugger. Could have done with the help!
Simon N. (GM):2 warriors (no shields) attack Erasmus. I've not done greatt tracking vicious mockery so will give both disad
rolling 2d20
rolling 2d20
& 9
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC TFFT!!
15 is AC
Simon N. (GM):OOC trying to use the token tracker but it's really sucky
rolling d6+2
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC thank fudge for that!
Simon N. (GM):8 dmg to Erasmus
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Falls back, unconscious
Syrus (Kenny):OOC FCK!
Simon N. (GM):last goblin 1-3 CDGS Erasmus
rolling d6
rolling 2d20
19 hits
Mirabelle (Jelly):Shit
Syrus (Kenny):whats CDGS?
Simon N. (GM):2 failed death saves Erasmus
Coup de Gras-es
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Yup
Simon N. (GM):OK your goes... Erasmus roll Death Save
Death Saving Throw
Erasmus Bos
Syrus (Kenny):Can I inspire him?
Simon N. (GM):pass (just)
Mirabelle (Jelly):So tense!!!
Simon N. (GM):no need Kenny
he looks dead to casual glance so gobs will ignore him now unless he stands up
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC if I get hit again, I'm out.
Simon N. (GM):Dawn screams, disengages and flees
Syrus & Mirabelle your goes
Syrus (Kenny):I go first
I cast Thunderwave (scroll from Hag)
Simon N. (GM):nice :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Good call!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Wish me luck!
Kenny - Syrus:
Thunderwave (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)
Source1st Level Evocation
Components:V, S
SaveConstitution DC 13
Thunder Damage11
Simon N. (GM):I'll be kind & rule you can aim high to avoid Erasmus!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC YES PLS!!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC I am only a foot tall at the moment!!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Syrus (Kenny):OOC and prob too heavy to be pushed back by the spell too ;)
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Syrus (Kenny):("dead weight")
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20
Several goblins are splattered against the far wall and killed, 2 are battered but still stand.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes!!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC quickly, is Erasmus safe? whats the status?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):One fail away from dead.
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus is on 2 failed death saves, next turn he rolls a death save, 9 or less he dies
Syrus (Kenny):If I cast Healing Word as bonus action, does that help?
Simon N. (GM):you can't
can only do cantrip as main action if spell as bonus action
Syrus (Kenny):OK can I inspire Erasmus?
Simon N. (GM):yes
"Erasmus! Don't leave me!"
Syrus (Kenny):OK I will use Bardic inspiration on Erasmus
"Help! I need somebody, not just anybody, Help!!" (The Beatles Stylee)
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle you've not acted yet?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Can I hear him?
Mirabelle (Jelly):No I'm about to cast firebolt again on the warrior.
Simon N. (GM):yes so Erasmus can have +d6 on death save
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 +5
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle you have terrible aim :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Roller is broken :-(
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Tim, yes you can hear me - you now have 1d6 for your next save ;)
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Thanks
Syrus (Kenny):@GM is there one Gobbo left? The Warrior one?
Simon N. (GM):2 left
rolling 2d6
They pass a morale check and advance to finish you off...
(bonus action disengage past Syrus)
stab Mirabelle...
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jelly its just you and me now - LET'S DO THIS!!!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+3
Warrior slashes at Syrus
rolling d20+4
rolling d6+2
Simon N. (GM):5 dmg
disengages and falls back
Syrus (Kenny):Do I get a opportunity attack because it disengaged?
Simon N. (GM):no
goblin power to bonus action Disengage
Mirabelle (Jelly):Tricksy lil buggers!
Syrus (Kenny):ah OK, normally I do, right?
Simon N. (GM):Disengage = no opp atts
yes normally if enemy breaks contact
Mirabelle (Jelly):All this blood is making me thirsty for wine!!!!
Syrus (Kenny):OK my go?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Die, you little shits!
Simon N. (GM):ok your goes, Erasmus roll death save
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+d6
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes!
Simon N. (GM):passed w/out needing Bardic Insp die so save it
Syrus (Kenny):YESSS!!! No inspiration needed!!
Simon N. (GM):2 pass 2 fail
Mirabelle (Jelly):One more pass and you're through!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn shoots at the goblin on Mirabelle...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC Does that mean I can use it again next time, too?
Syrus (Kenny):STill have Bardic inspiration!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d20+4
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh she's back?
Simon N. (GM):misses
she just retreated 30'
Syrus (Kenny):Is it my go?
Simon N. (GM):yes
Syrus (Kenny):OK
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle & Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus move to that FCKIN Gobbo
And uses "two weapon fighting"
Simon N. (GM):ok
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'll smack the one on me with my staff..........
Simon N. (GM):ok
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage5
Simon N. (GM):AC 13
Syrus (Kenny):that was first one
Kenny - Syrus:
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Piercing Damage8
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 so missed
Mirabelle (Jelly):Darn :-(
Simon N. (GM):also off hand attack no DEX bonus dmg
Syrus (Kenny):Bonus action, can I cast Healing word on myself?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll go two handed with my quarterstaff.
Simon N. (GM):you used your ba for 2nd attack Syrus
Mirabelle (Jelly):
rolling 1d20 + 2
Oh come on!!!!
Syrus (Kenny):Bonus action, can I cast Healing word on myself?
Simon N. (GM):no
you used your bonus action to make an off hand attack
Syrus (Kenny):As in the 2nd attack?
Simon N. (GM):yes
Syrus (Kenny):Oh I see
(still learning)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Unless you have a feat for that you use up bonus action with off-hand attack.
Simon N. (GM):Their go - Syrus' goblin stabs up at him
rolling d20+4
rolling d6+2
6 dmg, down?
Syrus (Kenny):LOl Yes I am unconscious
Simon N. (GM):It then retreats
Mirabelle's goblin circles her and stabs at Dawn
rolling d20+3
rolling d4+1
Dawn: "Ow!" (on 5/8)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Not as bad as it could be!
Simon N. (GM):your goes... Erasmus and Syrus roll death saves
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+d6
Syrus (Kenny):
rolling d20
@Erasmus YOU MADE IT!!! And I passed my first one!!! :-O
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus you wake up on 1 hp at start of your turn as rolled 20+
Syrus you pass
Erasmus & Mirabelle can act
Mirabelle (Jelly):Well done you two!
Ok I'll smack at greenie again!
rolling 1d20 +2
Simon N. (GM):miss
Mirabelle (Jelly):They're too bloody small to hit!!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn also tries to whack it w her staff
rolling d20+2
Erasmus Bos (Tim):I shake awake and, seeing Syrus next to me, reach over and do a medicine check
Simon N. (GM):ok
Erasmus Bos (Tim):
rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):Syrus is stabilised
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Thank You AGAIN Tim!!!
Simon N. (GM):Goblin turn
Syrus (Kenny):@GM let me know when I can do somethinG ASAP pls!
Simon N. (GM):Seeing it's outnumbered, the goblin BA disengages and sprints south
There seems to be firelight to the south. You hear a deep, weirdly infernal voice yelling in Goblin.
Anyone speak Goblin?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Alas no!
Syrus (Kenny):Not Syrus
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Common, Deep Speech, Sylvan, Undercommon. Pretty much anything but!!
Syrus (Kenny):I think Dawn read Goblin last time - the Sigils on the wall?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC I think Simon may have fallen asleep on his keyboard!!
Simon N. (GM):via comp languages ritual Kenny
Syrus (Kenny):Can she do it again?
Simon N. (GM):takes 10 minutes, but yes :)
Dawn: Grabs Mirabelle's sleeve. "We have to fall back!" she looks panicky.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Why? What is it saying?
Simon N. (GM):tell me your actions - Syrus unconscious.
Syrus (Kenny):Me first!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "That sounds like a demon!"
Syrus (Kenny):OK I cast Healing Word on myself (last of the Hag scrolls)
Simon N. (GM):you are unconscious Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:
Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)
Source1st Level Evocation
Simon N. (GM):cannot act
Syrus (Kenny):D'oh!
I am just lying there then
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll run down and help Erasmus pull Syrus back towards Dawn.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):I get up and, heeding Dawn's warning, I pick Syrus up in a fireman carry
Simon N. (GM):GM: Are you retreating?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes
Simon N. (GM):GM: You fall back, leaving the piled dead behind you...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Ooh. before we go, can we grab the stuff off Lothrin?
Simon N. (GM):On a 6 the croc is back...
rolling d6
Croc still hiding
Mirabelle (Jelly):Finally some luck on the dice!
Simon N. (GM):Do you want to just grab an object off Lothrin, or take a few minutes to search him Erasmus?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Just grab a few bits. Weapon, coin purse#
Simon N. (GM):if you drop staff can grab 2 things
Or you can rifle through his stuff putting it away.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Well, I'm carrying Syrus so someone else would need to grab anything.
Simon N. (GM):ok forget it then
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Ah well
Simon N. (GM):You would only have got yourself killed by goblins anyway...
As you reach the poolside you hear a second wave of goblins enter the battle cave
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Let's go."
Simon N. (GM):The deep voice comes again: "KALGAZ! UNTAR DEM! CRUSZ DEM ALKA!"
GM: Wading through the pool you reach the far side...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"This way"
Simon N. (GM):You take the north passage and reach the steps up
Finally you stumble out into daylight...
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"To the tower."
Simon N. (GM):A man in a red hat (Tenho) emerges from the tower and waves. "Everything go well? You seem a little ...depleted."
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"There were many goblins, and Dawn believes a demon, too."
Simon N. (GM):He bows to Mirabelle. "I am Tenho, Merchant Extraordinaire. You I recognise as Mirabelle, of the Cumins, yes?"
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"We need to heal, but I don't know how long we have."
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "We have to get out of here! They killed Lothrin! They'll kill us too!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):"Yes, that's me! Forgive me if I can't remember us meeting before...?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho smiles. "I've had some dealings with your Mistress."
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I have to go by 9.30 as tired (very under the weather today).
"Ah, I see! And what dealings would those be, if you don't mind me asking?"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC really think we need to take a "Long Rest" to recoup - I know this means 1 week of game time.... we should go back to the inn where it is safe, and take the Bandits with us
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Let's head to the tower for now. How are our "guets"?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll award XP now. You get 85 each plus Mirabelle got 100 for scaring off the croc at the start so is on 185/300.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Sweet
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhhhh do we get to level up??
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Sadly they tried to escape. Sergor was forced to slay them."
W training you can level up if over 300 XP
Simon N. (GM):10 days per DMG or 5 w mentor
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Do they have any healing potions on them?
Syrus (Kenny):"10 days per DMG"?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho shakes his head. "Personally I suggest we withdraw from this position. You all look beaten up."
10 days training per the Dungeon Master's Guide
Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained - Training Time (with mentor) - Training Cost
2-4 - 10 (5) days - 20gp
5-10 - 20 (10) days - 40gp
Simon N. (GM):11-16 - 30 (15) days - 60gp
17-20 - 40 (20) days - 80gp
Characters must pay their normal upkeep costs in addition to training costs. Training with a mentor takes half as long, but typically costs the same total amount.
Until a character can train, their XP is capped at the minimum needed for the second level up - eg a level 1 character's XP total caps at 900 until trained. A level 2 character's XP total caps at 2700 until trained.
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Shall we all head back to the inn and take a "Long Rest" - then we all replenish all our spell slots, my bardic inspirations, and hopefully back to full hit point?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC yes sounds like a plan!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"We should, but I'm not carrying you all the way!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle's dress is filthy!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @DM when do I get 1hp?
So I can walk?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus wakes on 1 hp after an hour and you can help him back to Fulscarp Manor?
Syrus (Kenny):can we fast forward 1hr pls?
Simon N. (GM):Sergor seems to have departed.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Does the merchant have a healing potion he can give us?
Simon N. (GM):no
Syrus (Kenny):OK! I am awake! Lemme do stuff first!!!
Simon N. (GM):GM: If you have cash or treasure you can go to Aretha to trade
Syrus (Kenny):1) I give Erasmus my healing potion (from Hag)
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Thank you, Syrus."
Syrus (Kenny):2) I start walking back to Inn with everyone
@Erasmus "My friend, you saved my life twice today, there is no need to Thank me for this potion" Syrus smiles
Mirabelle (Jelly):I definitely think we earned a drink!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Tim I wanted to give you the potion when you recovered at 1hp, but I was still unconscious and cannot say anything (eg search me for the potion)!!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"It was not your time today. Nor was it mine, clearly."
Mirabelle (Jelly):The first round is on me!
Syrus (Kenny):Soooo @DM question!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC got to go everyone but that was so much fun, I really thought we were in for a TPK!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Tues 8th good for next game?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Simon please keep me posted on when next game is?
Yes that should be fine for me!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):*th should be fine for me.
Syrus (Kenny):Tuesdays not good for me in general... how about Wednesdays?
Simon N. (GM):Wednesday good yup
Erasmus Bos (Tim):I can't do the 9th (two birthdays - my dad's and my son's)
Feel free to go ahead without me, though.
Syrus (Kenny):How about next Thursday for everyone?
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Thursday I can do.
Simon N. (GM):I have a court hearing Thursday, may not be good to GM
child custody for my son
Syrus (Kenny):Gosh OK.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thursdays better for me: I'd only be able to attend occassional wednesdays.
Syrus (Kenny):Why don't you all go ahead on Tuesday, am happy to sit out
Simon N. (GM):I can pencil in Thursday then cancel if in no state to GM?
Syrus (Kenny):Feel free to use my Bardic Inspiration and sing yourselves to victory!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Up to you Simon, happy with either Tuesday or Thursdau.
Simon N. (GM):GM: That evening the weary party reach Fulscarp Manor
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Tuesday or Thursday.
Simon N. (GM):OOC if you hadn't used 3 Sleep spells on the apes I think you could have won that.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Completely my fault, sorry!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Yes I agree - no idea the horde of Gobbos were so near
Mirabelle (Jelly):I didn't notice those bloody footprints, thought we were still aiming north.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Nevermind. Live and learn.
Simon N. (GM):The apes were on guard vs the gobboes...
Mirabelle (Jelly):It makes sense now lol
Syrus (Kenny):I would NOT have guessed that at all!
Simon N. (GM):The apes weren't hostile so you blowing your spells on them doomed the mission, sadly
Mirabelle (Jelly):I blame my cold and Mirabelle's chronic lack of wisdom lol
Syrus (Kenny):Question!!
SO IF we take a week off game time at the inn ("Long Rest") can we take extra 3 days off to make 10 days for training, and spent 20gp to level up?? ;)
Simon N. (GM):yes?
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus - did you hear that??!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):I was wondering if Mirabelle could ask Syrus to train her in archery? Having a ranged weapon would be handy for when spells run out.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Sounds like a plan.
Syrus (Kenny):We will be level 2 on our return to next game - full spell slots, full HPs!!
Simon N. (GM):you can take 10 days to train, will be 20gp to level up & 5 gp for poor inn accommodation = 25 total
if you have 25gp each
Syrus (Kenny):OK I spent the money now - only 10 gps left in mu purse
(Wheres Percy the Accountant when we need him :-P)
Simon N. (GM):ok you can level up for next session, will start it 10 days later
Say you agree to meet at the Inn in 10 days time?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Is that all of us Simon? I have 25gp but will empty my purse.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Ok. I'll go ahead and do that before we play next. Gotta go now. Thanks again Simon, and good to meet you Jelly! :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thanks Tim, see you next time!
Simon N. (GM):You can't train Mirabelle
Syrus (Kenny):"Yes please" from Syrus. We will wait to hear from you about Tuesday or Thursday?
Simon N. (GM):Thursday
will do Thursday
Syrus (Kenny):Looking forward to seeing everyone next time!!!
Simon N. (GM):as you can all play then
Syrus (Kenny):Bye Simon, Jelly! :)
Simon N. (GM):Bad luck guys, but well done not dying :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Bye, see everyone then!
Syrus (Kenny):Thanks for not FPK this week ;)
Simon N. (GM):Bye now!

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