Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Purchasing Magic Items (5e D&D)

 Purchasing Magic Items

This can be attempted in Downtime and takes 1 work week (5 work days), one item per character searching. The N/PC chooses an item to search for, spends 25gp, then rolls an Investigation check against the listed DC. Assistance may give Advantage on the roll. Acquiring the Formula for an item has the listed Investigation DC+5. 

1. Bag of Holding DC 23 - 2000gp
2. Boots of Striding and Springing DC 21 - 1000gp
3. Cloak of Elvenkind DC 22 - 1500gp
4. Gauntlets of Ogre Power DC 25 - 4000gp
5. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing DC 21 - 1000gp
6. Goggles of Night DC 21 - 1000gp
7. Headband of Intellect DC 25 - 4000gp
8. Keoghtom’s Ointment (5 doses) DC 19 - 500gp
9. Wand of Magic Detection DC 21 - 1000gp
10. Wand of the War Mage +1 DC 21 - 1000gp
11.  +1 shield DC 21 - 1,500gp 
12. Potion of Climbing  DC 12 (1d4) - 50gp each
13. Potion of Healing DC 10 (2d4+) - 50gp each
14. Cloak of Billowing DC 16 - 200gp
15. Potion of Growth DC 17 - 250gp
16. Potion of hill giant strength DC 17 - 250gp
17. Ring of mind shielding DC 23 - 2,000gp
18. Ring of swimming DC 23 - 2,000gp
19. Perfume of Bewitchment DC 12 (1d4)  - 50gp each
20. Ring of Warmth DC 23 - 2,000gp
21.  +1 studded leather (light) or +1 hide (medium) DC 24 - 3,000gp
22.  +1 elven chain shirt (medium/special) DC 25 - 4,000gp
23. +1 breastplate (medium) DC 25 - 5,000gp
24. +1 half plate (medium) DC 25 - 6,000gp
25. +1 full plate (heavy) DC 26  - 8,000gp
26. Cloak of Protection DC 21 - 1,500gp
27. Ring of Protection DC 24 - 5,000gp
28. +1 simple weapon DC 21 - 800gp
29. +1 martial weapon DC 20 - 1,000gp
30. +2 shield DC 26 - 8,000gp
31. Bracers of Defense DC 28 - 8,000gp
32. +2 simple weapon DC 24 - 4,000gp
33. +2 martial weapon DC 23 - 6,000gp
34. Potion of Greater Healing (1d3) DC 15 - 200gp
35. Potion of Superior Healing (1d2) DC 20 - 2,000gp
36. Potion of Supreme Healing (1) DC 25 - 12,000gp
37. Scroll Level 1 (1-4) DC 12 - 50gp each
38. Scroll Level 2 (1-4) DC 17 - 500gp each
39. Scroll Level 3 (1-4) DC 22 - 1,000gp each
40. Scroll Level 4 (1-4) DC 27 - 5,000gp each
41. Scroll Level 5 (1-2) DC 30 - 10,000gp each
42. Wand of the War Mage +2 DC 28 - 8,000gp
43. Dragonscale armour (white, black) DC 26 - 10,000gp
44. Dragonscale armour (green, blue) DC 27 - 11,000gp
45. Dragonscale armour (red) DC 28 - 12,000gp
46. Armour of Resistance (Studded, Breastplate, Half Plate or Plate) DC 25 - 6,000gp
47. Ring of Resistance (any) DC 25 - 6,000gp
48. Mithral Breastplate DC 20 1000gp
49. Mithral Half Plate DC 21 1550gp
50. Mithral Full Plate DC 22 3100gp
51. Adamantine Breastplate DC 21 1300gp
52. Adamantine Half Plate DC 22 1950gp
53. Adamantine Full Plate DC 23 3900gp

Common Items
1 Armor of Gleaming Armor Common  medium or heavy xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp + base armour cost
2 Cast-Off Armor Armor Common  light, medium, or heavy xge 136 DC 18 - 400gp + base armour cost
3 Shield of Expression Armor Common  shield xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp 
4 Smoldering Armor Armor Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp + base armour cost
5 Potion of Climbing Potion Common   dmg 187 DC 12 (1d4), 50gp each
6 Potion of Healing Potion Common   dmg 187 DC 10 (2d4) - 50gp each
7 Spell Scroll, 1st Level Scroll Common   dmg 200 DC 12 50gp 
8 Spell Scroll, Cantrip Scroll Common   dmg 200 DC 12 (1d4), 25gp each
9 Staff of Adornment Staff Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp 
10 Staff of Birdcalls Staff Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp
11 Staff of Flowers Staff Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp
12 Wand of Conducting Wand Common   xge 140 DC 16 - 200gp
13 Wand of Pyrotechnics Wand Common   xge 140 DC 16 - 200gp
14 Wand of Scowls Wand Common   xge 140 DC 16 - 200gp
15 Wand of Smiles Wand Common   xge 140 DC 16 - 200gp
16 Moon-Touched Sword Weapon Common  any sword xge 138 DC 17 - 250gp
17 Unbreakable Arrow Weapon Common  arrow xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp 
18 Walloping Ammunition Weapon Common  any ammunition xge 139 DC 12 (1d4), 50gp each
19 Bead of Nourishment Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 12 (1d4), 50gp each
20 Bead of Refreshment Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 12 (1d4), 50gp each
21 Boots of False Tracks Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp
22 Candle of the Deep Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp
23 Charlatan's Die Wondrous Item Common yes  xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp
24 Cloak of Billowing Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp
25 Cloak of Many Fashions Wondrous Item Common   xge 136 DC 16 - 200gp
26 Clockwork Amulet Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
27 Clothes of Mending Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
28 Dark Shard Amulet Wondrous Item Common yes warlock xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
29 Dread Helm Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
30 Ear Horn of Hearing Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
31 Enduring Spellbook Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
32 Ersatz Eye Wondrous Item Common yes  xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
33 Hat of Vermin Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
34 Hat of Wizardry Wondrous Item Common yes wizard xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
35 Heward's Handy Spice Pouch Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
36 Horn of Silent Alarm Wondrous Item Common   xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
37 Instrument of Illusions Wondrous Item Common yes  xge 137 DC 16 - 200gp
38 Instrument of Scribing Wondrous Item Common yes  xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
39 Lock of Trickery Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
40 Mystery Key Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 10 - 50gp
41 Orb of Direction Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
42 Orb of Time Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
43 Perfume of Bewitching Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 12 (1d4) - 50gp each
44 Pipe of Smoke Monsters Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
45 Pole of Angling Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
46 Pole of Collapsing Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
47 Pot of Awakening Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
48 Rope of Mending Wondrous Item Common   xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
49 Ruby of the War Mage Wondrous Item Common yes spellcaster xge 138 DC 16 - 200gp
50 Talking Doll Wondrous Item Common yes  xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp
51 Tankard of Sobriety Wondrous Item Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp
52 Veteran's Cane Wondrous Item Common   xge 139 DC 16 - 200gp

Bargaining - Optional Persuasion Check (d20)
9 or lower: Seller is offended, and will not sell at any price.
10-14: Seller is offended and will only sell at +50%.
15-19: Seller refuses offer, but will sell at list price.
20-24: Seller will lower price to 90% listed.
25-29: Seller will lower price to 80% listed.
30-34: Seller will lower price to 70% listed.
35-39: Seller will lower price to 60% listed.
40+: Seller will lower price to 50% listed.

Buying Random Items 

Use the rules here to see what's for sale. This is only for random stuff, often sold by adventurers looking for a quick buck.
RarityAsking Price 
Common3d6 x 20 gp 
Uncommon3d6 x 100 gp 
Rare3d6 × 1,000 gp, Superior 4d6 x 1,000 gp 
Very rare3d6 × 5,000 gp, Superior 4d6 x 5,000 gp 
Legendary2d6 × 25,000 gp, Superior 3d6 x 25,000 gp

Commissioned Items
In some cases (not all) it may be possible to locate a crafter who knows an item formula, and is willing to create the item on commission. For such items, the PC can spend 100gp & roll an Investigation check once per week to locate such a crafter. 

Item Rarity Typical DC to locate crafter - minimum Crafter Level
Common        15 - 3+
Uncommon    20 - 3+
Rare               25 - 6+
Rare - Superior 27 - 8+
Very Rare      30 - 11+

Commissioned Items Base Purchase Prices
Common - 200 gp, requires level 3 crafter & 1 week
Uncommon - 1,000 gp, requires level 3 crafter & 2 weeks
Rare - 8,000 gp, requires level 6 crafter & 10 weeks
Rare, Superior - 16,000gp, requires level 8 crafter & 20 weeks
Very Rare - 40,000 gp, requires level 11 crafter & 25 weeks
Very Rare, Superior - 80,000 gp, requires level 14 crafter & 50 weeks
Legendary - 200,000 gp, requires level 17 crafter & 50 weeks
Legendary, Superior - 400,000 gp, requires level 20 crafter & 100 weeks

The Commissioning PC may also need to make a Persuasion check.

Persuasion Check DC
Craft Item at x2 Base Purchase Price: DC 10 (Common, Uncommon) DC 15 (Rare) DC 20 (Very Rare-Legendary)
Craft Item at Base Purchase Price: DC 15 (Common, Uncommon) DC 20 (Rare) DC 25 (Very Rare-Legendary)

Selling Magic Items (adapted from XGTE)

Selling a Magic Item

Selling a magic item is by no means an easy task. Con artists and thieves are always looking out for an easy score, and there’s no guarantee that a character will receive a good offer even if a legitimate buyer is found.

Resources. A character can find a buyer for one magic item by spending one workweek and 25 gp, which is used to spread word of the desired sale. A character must pick one item at a time to sell.

House Rule: In many areas Common & Uncommon items may always be sold at half base price, without needing to spend a workweek or 25gp.

Resolution. A character who wants to sell an item must make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to determine what kind of offer comes in. The character can always opt not to sell, instead forfeiting the workweek of effort and trying again later. Use the Magic Item Base Prices and Magic Item Offer tables to determine the sale price.

Magic Item Base Prices

RarityBase Price
Common100 gp (consumable 50gp)
Uncommon400 gp (consumable 200gp)
Rare4,000 gp (consumable 1,000gp*)
Very rare20,000 gp (consumable 5,000gp*)
Legendary100,000 gp (consumable 25,000gp*)
*change from XGTE.
These prices are indicative only. Item prices may vary within a rarity bracket, eg magic padded armour +1 will likely sell for less than magic plate armour +1.

Magic Item Offer (Persuasion Check)

For Superior items, the offer is one category higher. Eg for a Very Rare-Superior the minimum offer on a roll 5 or less is 5,000gp, and on a roll of 25-29 the offer is 40,000gp. 
Check TotalOffer
5 or less
No buyer
25% of base price (Very Rare 5,000gp)
50% of base price (Very Rare 10,000gp)
75% of base price (Very Rare 15,000gp)
100% of base price (Very Rare 20,000gp)
30 or higher

150% of base price (Very Rare 30,000gp)
200% of base price (Very Rare 40,000gp)
On a roll of 30+ the offer for a Superior item is 250% of base price (Very Rare 50,000gp)


  1. Ooh I can sell the extra potion of healing with this

  2. Very helpful for my party
