Thursday, 18 February 2021

Crafting Magic Armour (Prof: Smith's Tools)

Crafting Rates
Mundane: 10gp/day, Level 0
Uncommon: 50gp/day, Level 3
Rare: 100gp/day, Level 6
Very Rare: 200gp/day, Level 11
Legendary: 500gp/day, Level 17

Mithril armour (Uncommon): Mithril adds to the standard armour cost (half PHB list price). If the mithril is purchased on the market it costs +200gp for chain shirt or scale, +300gp for breastplate, +400gp for half plate or chainmail, +600gp for splint, +800gp for full plate., so eg mithril splinted for 100+600=700gp, mithril full plate for 750+800=1550gp. Divide total cost by 50 for crafting time.

Adamantine armour (Uncommon): Adamantine adds to the standard armour cost (half PHB list price). If the adamantine is purchased on the market it costs +300gp for chain shirt (total 325gp) or scale (total 325gp), +450gp for breastplate (total 650gp), +600gp for half plate (total 975gp) or chainmail (total 650gp), +900gp for splint (total 1000gp), +1200gp for full plate (total 1950gp). Divide total cost by 50 for crafting time.

Locating a source of Mithril or Adamantium enough for 1 suit of armour takes 1 week, 25gp, and a DC 15 Investigation check.

A 'work week' is 5 days, or half a tenday.

ArmorCost Standard
(Lvl 0, 10gp/day)
Cost +1 (Rare)
(Lvl 6, 100gp/day)
Cost +2 (Very Rare)
(Lvl 11, 200gp/day )
Cost +3 (Legendary)
(Lvl 17, 500 gp/day)
Light Armor
  Padded2.5 gp500gp5,000gp25,000gp8 lb.
  Leather5 gp750gp7,500gp37,500gp10 lb.
  Studded leather
22.5 gp1,000gp10,000gp50,000gp13 lb.
Medium Armor
  Hide5 gp750gp7,500gp37,500gp12 lb.
  Chain Shirt
25 gp1,000gp10,000gp50,000gp20 lb.
  Scale Mail
25 gp1,000gp10,000gp50,000gp45 lb.
  Breastplate200 gp2,000gp20,000gp100,000gp20 lb.
  Half Plate
375 gp3,000gp30,000gp150,000gp40 lb.
Heavy Armor
  Ring Mail
15 gp800gp8,000gp40,000gp40 lb.
  Chain Mail
37.5 gp1,500gp15,000gp
75,000gp55 lb.
  Splint100 gp2,000gp20,000gp
100,000gp60 lb.
  Plate750 gp4,000gp40,000gp
200,000gp65 lb.

Shield: 5 gp, 1 day
+1 Shield: 400 gp (lvl 3), 8 days 
+2 Shield: 4,000gp (lvl 6), 40 days
+3 Shield: 40,000gp (lvl 11), 200 days

Superior Rare/Very Rare/Legendary cost double to craft. Eg +1 Glamered Studded Leather is 2,000gp (and requires Arcana proficiency), +1 elfin chain shirt is 2,000gp, +1 adamantine half plate is 6,000gp, +1 adamantine full plate is 8,000gp.

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