The Midnight Tree - Part 3
The Midnight Tree was as big as she remembered. No, even bigger. It towered over them. Arian couldn’t believe they were here again, but the others had sworn to empty it of evil. She hoped they were ready. They had a plan and it all hinged on Gorlock’s newly summoned imp.
The creature, Limpy, had flown just above the warlock’s head all the way to the tree with no problems but now that they were there, something seemed to be wrong with it. It was tearing at it’s own skin and whirling around in the air like it was trying to get away from itself.
Suddenly, an ethereally beautiful but strangely translucent woman was sitting on a tree root right next to them. She gleamed. She shook a disapproving finger at Gorlock.
“No summoning demons and devils, m'kay? The big boss is kinda cross!”
“Master?” The warlock sounded both awed and cowed. “Mistress Avery?”
“We're giving you something more appropriate.”
Out of the imp emerged a small angelic figure, Limpy’s skin falling away and vanishing in a small puff of smoke. “Yoohoo! Hi there!” said the sprite, her voice like a tinkling bell.
“An angel…?” asked Greeba.
“Tiffany is much better at hiding and sneaking around. No poison stinger tail, but you can't have everything, right?” Avery, Gorlock’s pact mistress, looked fondly at the tiny sprite shimmering this way and that.
“Hi, Tiffany,” said Gorlock, sounding resigned.
“Can this sprite carry the rope over the branch?” asked Greeba.
Tiffany did circles around the half-orc’s head. “Sure I can! I can go invisible, too! And I'm sneaky!”
“Can you annoy people?” asked Xarius. “I mean, to distract them.”
“I can be very annoying!” As if to prove the point, Tiffany flew right up to the sorcerer’s nose and flicked the tip of it. Xarius nodded and backed up.
The angelic woman was fading away. She gave a parting wave to Gorlock and then was gone, back to whatever celestial realm she had stepped out of.
Thibault let out a low whistle. “Does Avery have a sister?”
"I must say, Paladin, that you are not at all what I thought a paladin would be." Arian cleared her throat. "I mean, from the stories." She’d always thought they were very…chaste. But Thibault was the first she had ever met. Perhaps all men were like this. She hoped she hadn’t offended him with the question.
“I am a funny Paladin,” said Thibault with a smile and a small bow.
"Oh! Oh! And the best thing!" Tiffany was positively buzzing as she careened off to circle around Gorlock’s head.
“Yes, Tiffany,” he said, sounding even more resigned.
"The Big Boss made it so that when icky stuff happens, you can resummon me for free!" she beamed. "You just need a short rest to refresh the power!"
That brought a rare smile to the warlock’s face. “Excellent,” he said, clapping his hands together.
“It’s an honour to meet a celestial being,” said Eamon, in Tiffany’s own tongue. Arian started. She hadn’t realised the monk spoke celestial too.
She joined him in greeting the sprite. “Pleased to meet you, Tiffany,” she said, but in the common tongue.
“You too, Arian! Now, about this rope…” She took hold of an end of the rope. “I can fly up there invisible, but I can't make the rope invisible! I'll do my best, but if icky stuff happens before I can get it over the branch... please don't be cross!”
“No problem, Tiffany,” said Gorlock. “Just be…quiet, okay?”
Arian whispered to Xarius, "The sprite is surprisingly adorable." Torgin giggled, Arian wasn’t sure at what – the sprite’s good nature or her comment.
Tiffany took the end of the rope and flew upwards on gossamer wings, turning invisible as she ascended.
“Good luck, Tiff,” whispered Gorlock after her.
“You don’t see that every day,” said Torgin, still beaming.
Tiffany looped the rope around a great branch on the ceremonial platform above them and flew back down to join them. “Made it!” she chirruped. Greeba tugged the end of the rope. It didn’t budge.
“Thank you, Tiffany! Well done!”
Arian had the sudden urge to give the sprite a cookie and had to stop herself from dipping her hand into her bag.
“There's just one nasty crow-thing up there! It didn't see me!”
“Well done, Tiff,” said Gorlock. Arian wondered if he felt the urge to give her a cookie too.
They had a brief but spirited discussion about who should go up first and with what weapon readied. Torgin volunteered, attempted to hold his shield in his teeth to prove his readiness, and then dropped it on his toe. Greeba pushed him gently out of the way and began climbing, leaving the dwarf to hold the rope steady. Thibault followed her up the robe, moving slowly so as not to clank too severely. He barely made the climb, while Greeba shimmied up the rope with both stealth and grace.
Arian took the rope from Torgin so he could climb up next.
Above, Greeba found herself on an oval platform built directly on one of the tree’s massive branches. A large wicker chair, decorated with glossy black feathers and beadwork, sat at the far end of the platform. A pair of unlit cast iron braziers flanked it. A single kenku sentry patrolled the platform. He turned, his beak dropping open in surprise at Greeba’s sudden appearance.
Greeba threw her javelin at the guard. Tiffany, sent by Gorlock, suddenly appeared over the guard’s head, distracting him even further.
Down below, Gorlock whispered, “Stay alive, Tiff, be careful.”
“Eamon, do you wish to follow the dwarf, or shall I?” asked Arian.
“I’ll do it. Got to keep Torgin safe,” said the monk, and began climbing after the dwarf. Arian nodded, wondering at the strange but wonderful relationship between the monk and dwarf.
And Torgin looked to need the help, as he suddenly stopped climbing and clung to the rope, perhaps struck with a sudden bout of vertigo. Arian tried to keep the rope as steady as she could, but it swayed a bit under the weight of the dwarf and monk.
"Torgin, are you okay?" she whisper-hissed, seeing Torgin stalled half way. “Eamon, perhaps you can give him a boost? Is he afraid of heights, perchance?"
Red-faced, the dwarf muttered a dwarvish curse and waved a hand at them.
“Don’t worry, Torgin, I’ll catch you if you fall,” said Eamon, though Arian wasn’t sure how he’d accomplish that when they were both clinging to the rope.
“Er, thank you, mother, but hopefully it won’t come to that,” said Torgin.
Above, Thibault had reached the platform as well. He rushed at the kenku with his sword swinging, taking it down with one blow.
“Yes!” Greeba whispered, fist pumping. She looked around. Everything seemed quiet. No other guards came running and there wasn’t a sound other than the whistles and chirps of the birds that lived in the tree. Greeba went to the edge of the platform and motioned for the rest of them to climb up. With that bit of encouragement, Torgin made it, followed by everyone else.
Arian inspected the dead kenku guard. He wore just a motley collection of ill-fitting rags, though the feathers underneath were soft and sleek. It carried only a short blade, but she took it, and the small amount of coin in a money pouch to share with the others later.
She followed as Greeba and Thibault led them down the steps and into the tree. They soon came to an intersection, with a tunnel to the left winding up and the main one descending down.
“I think it's better to go up, strategically, what do you say, Torgin?” asked Thibault.
“Erm…” Torgin looked from the paladin to the berserker. “Aye, boss.” He shrugged. “I usually do below ground work.”
They clustered in the hall, debating about which way would be better to go – down, and closer to a possible exit should the need for one arise, or up, as they had only gone up just a fraction of the height of the tree. Finally, Gorlock sent an invisible Tiffany to scout. She turned invisible and first went down. She came back and popped into visibility with a sparkle. “Ok, lots of nasty bird things that way! At least five! What now?”
“Are they sleeping?” Greeba sounded hopeful.
“They’re awake! Guards!” said Tiffany.
“Hmmm,” said the half-orc. “Can the sprite scout up now, please?”
Tiffany’s wings shimmered and shook just a bit. Torgin squinted at her. “I think the fairy is a wee bit worried.”
“I just hate it when I get all crumply-dumply!” said Tiffany with big eyes. Torgin cocked his head, confused.
“Don’t get crumply!” said Gorlock.
“And being re-summoned gives me motion sickness!”
Arian was confused too. “Crumply-dumply? Is that a type of dessert?”
Tiffany flew over to her. “You know—crumpled! And dumpled!”
“Stay invisible and go slowly,” said Gorlock patiently.
“I’ll check the up-way now?” The sprite still looked a bit concerned, but went, and returned to them even quicker this time. “A big one!” she said. “He nearly detected me!” She was shaking just the tiniest bit. “For a moment he was crooking his head like he thought he saw something….”
“He’s bound to be smarter than the others,” said Arian.
“He looked like he was guarding two doors! And he had a big glowy spear!”
Thibault nodded. “Let’s attack him first and somebody can guard the doors in case the other guards come up?”
Tiffany had calmed down now and perched herself on Gorlock’s shoulder. “One of the doors was very nice! All kinds of carvings! I bet these rotters didn’t make them!”
“Can the wee faerie keep watch while we attack?” asked Torgin.
“Certainly,” said Gorlock, and give Tiff a tiny pat on the back. She grinned and saluted.
Arian couldn’t help herself. She took a sugar cube from her bag and handed it to the sprite.
“Yummy!” said Tiff, popping the whole thing in her mouth and crunching it. “This Plane isn’t so bad!”
“Oh, sugar? Rather than meat?” Greeba raised an eyebrow, like she couldn’t imagine any such thing.
"She's so sweet, I assumed she must sup upon dew and sugar."
"You should see my real form up in Heaven though! I'm like a giant burning wheel across the sky!"
They all just nodded, wordlessly, except for Wisteria. “Sounds glorious and powerful!” said the elf.
“Well, I am sweet too, yet I almost exclusively sup on bloody slabs of meat,” said Greeba. None of the rest of them argued this point.
On they went, but the ravenfolk guards had sharp ears as they tried to sneak by. “Intruders!” shouted one. Torgin, who had somewhat anticipated this as soon as he’d heard his armour go clank, rushed at the kenku, trying to use the table as cover. He swung, but missed.
Thibault used a javelin, striking one kenku. Gorlock attempted to blast the same one, but it dodged. Arian cast frostbite upon the kenku closest to the dwarf, hoping to both distract and injure it.
“Heehee,” giggled Torgin, “Are you cold, crow?”
Thibault wondered at the dwarf. How could he laugh, when he was surrounded? Indeed, the kenku had collected themselves and they all stabbed at the dwarf, most of them managing to find their mark. Torgin fell to his knees and then flat upon his face, half-rolling under the table.
“Torgin! Noooo! Not again!” cried Eamon. The monk practically flew across the room to launch his attack and Greeba joined him, taking down one of the kenku with a mighty blow from her Warhammer.
“Wisteria!” cried Arian, “The dwarf is down!”
Wisteria grimaced. “If he's so keen to walk down Myrkul's halls, who am I to stop him? I'll stabilise him, but this is the last time I'm stepping in.” She cast Spare the Dying upon the dwarf and Torgin slipped into a restful slumber. Then she cast Toll the Dead and the low clang of a bell rang out, but the kenku shrugged it off.
Xarius cast magic missile, three balls of energy flying out, each one finding their mark on a different kenku. One dropped immediately, the others cawed angrily.
Gorlock cast healing light upon the snoring dwarf and then blasted the kenku closest to Thibault. Torgin awoke with a start, staring bewildered at the table above him and wondering exactly how he came to be on the floor under a table without any drink in him.
Arian took the opportunity to cast infestation on the kenku crouched between Eamon and Thibault. The bird-creature suddenly found himself infested with fleas and jumped to the side, scratching frantically.
Thibault grinned at the sight, but it was the kenku’s turn to strike and one of them landed a blow squarely upon Eamon. The monk immediately responded in kind, taking down the kenku that had struck him.
Xarius cast magic missile again and brought down another kenku, leaving just one standing. Torgin, underneath the table, grabbed the bird’s feet and pulled him to the ground, surprised. They wrestled on the ground, the kenku trying unsuccessfully to stab the dwarf.
Eamon, freshly healed by Thibault, leaped into the fray, punching the last kenku until its skull fractured and it collapsed. They all took a breath, only to be interrupted by a shrill warning from Tiffany: “Incoming!! They heard it! The guard is knocking on the fancy door behind him!”
They only had a small bit of time to get in a little healing and to ready themselves when two large kenkus burst into sight for those closest to the tunnel. Greeba immediately threw a javelin, but was unable to distract the leader, Chief Keeak from casting Insect Plague. Nearly everyone was suddenly caught in a flurry of biting bloodthirsty insects as they crept and flew to fill a space twenty foot around. They crawled upon their victims, biting and tearing at everyone’s flesh. Even those that had the presence of mind to swat at the swarm, were badly wounded.
Thibault, Wisteria and Gorlock fell immediately while Arian, Xarius, Greeba and Torgin were hanging by a thread. Only Eamon had been missed by the attack, and the monk looked on with both horror and revulsion. The room was black with insects; the walls looked like they were moving.
Eamon grabbed Gorlock and got him out of the swarm. He opened a door to a room off the side, happily empty of kenku, and ran inside. Greeba, on the other side of the swarm, bodily picked up Thibault and made for the ceremonial platform. Arian swept off some of the insects, cast healing word upon Gorlock, then dragged Wisteria into the room with Eamon, cursing in elvish all the while, and hoping to be forgiven for the foul language later. A hatred burned within her for the kenku. How evil they were!
Gorlock, revived a bit after some healing and his head clear after being pulled out of the swarm, runs to Wisteria and casts cure wounds upon the cleric. She woke, feeling at least half herself.
“Unngghhh, I was, walking with Myrkul...” she mumbled.
There was a loud CAWWW! “There is no escape! Surrender and we shall be merciful!”
“How merciful?” called Eamon.
Arian shook her head. She did not believe these foul creatures knew the meaning of the word.
“A fair ransom!” called the kenku back.
“RUNNNNNNNN,” bellowed Greeba, making herself heard over the insistent buzz of the insects still crawling everywhere.
“How much is the ransom? I’m willing to negotiate,” said Eamon.
Arian stared at him. “Eamon, you have your health & perhaps some gold -- I have neither.”
“We will assess ransom based on your value!” called the Chief. His caw was mocking.
“I will pay you all of my money and a promise that as long as I live I will never return. You have my word,” said Eamon.
“We already have your money! CAAW!” Was the kenku laughing? “Surrender or die now!”
Outside, Greeba slung Thibault over her shoulder and began abseiling down the rope. Torgin went after them and, unlike his hesitation on the way up, he practically flew down. A kenku chased after him. Eamon ran as fast as the wind, not even bothering with the rope.
Inside, they all began to run South and down. Arian cast a bit of healing on herself first, sure she would fall if she didn’t. As they ran, the Chief dispelled the remnants of the swarm, but they didn’t even look back to see. They just ran. But ahead of them, two kenku guards appeared, blades raised.
Xarius blasted one of them into oblivion with his last magic missiles. The smell of burning feathers filled the air.
Arian had had enough. A growl began in the back of her throat and grew into a rumble as she shapeshifted for the first time in battle to a large, shaggy white arctic wolf. She sprang for the remaining kenku, not even flinching as the blade he had readied pierced her. She bit at him, shaking her head from side to side, trying to rend his flesh from his bones.
The sharp tang of blood filled her mouth. She finally stopped when no more sound came from him. She dropped his body, feathers and blood dripping from her mouth. She turned to see the Chief enter the room. She glared at him and bared her teeth, spitting out a bloody feather. She wanted nothing more than to rip the nasty kenku apart.
Simon N. (GM):Something seems to be wrong with Gorlock's imp. It's tearing at its own skin.
Dragonking1million :hey kimberly did you not do a session acount or am i just not seeing it
Arian (Kimberly):I did one!
It's under the Faerun Seven or Eight
Greeba (Jelena):Hi everyone!
Arian (Kimberly):Hi Jelena!
where are we? I seem to be at the Inn
Gorlock (Tony):what? whats wrong with Limpy?
Arian (Kimberly):Oh, I see us now. Hey, is there more than one giant tree??
Simon N. (GM):GM: Something seems to be wrong with Gorlock's imp. It's tearing at its own skin. Suddenly you see a beautiful, translucent female figure sitting on a tree root. She shakes a disapproving finger at Gorlock.
Avery: "No summoning demons and devils, m'kay? The big boss is kinda cross!"
Simon N. (GM):"We're giving you something more appropriate."
Out of the imp tears a small angelic figure.
Gorlock (Tony):Service is intermittent for all of us
the imp
Greeba (Jelena):An angel...?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Yoohoo! Hi there!"
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Tiffany
OOC heehee
Gorlock (Tony):Its not a real imp...
celestial imp
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Would you say it's an Imp-oster?
Avery the Deva:"Tiffany is much better at hiding and sneaking around. No poison stinger tail, but you can't have everything, right?"
We're having connection problems.
big lag
Hi Tiffany
Avery the Deva:(it's Roll20, it's been crap for several days. If you leave it it should settle down eventually. I left it open for 90 minutes pre-game to avoid this.)
Greeba (Jelena):Can this sprite carry the rope over the branch?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Sure I can! I can go invisible, too! And I'm sneaky!"
Avery the Deva is fading away again.
Max:Can you annoy peopl;e?
or distract
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):At Gorlock: "Does Avery has a sister?" ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):humming Jai guru deva ommmm
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I can be very annoying!"
Arian (Kimberly):"I must say, Paladin, that you are not at all what I thought a paladin would be."
Arian clears her throat. "I mean, from the stories."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am a funny Paladin.
Greeba (Jelena):"I agree, he seems very... young"
Dragonking1million :"isn't that a little blasphemous of you"
Ted:evening all. Sorry I'm late, sys reboot
Gorlock (Tony):Who Goldilocks?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Oh! Oh! And the best thing!"
puts hand up Gorlock (Tony):Yes Tiffany
Greeba (Jelena):lifts eyebrow Arian (Kimberly):"Young?" Arian looks doubtful. "I suppose that could be it...I am not wise in the ways of the...young, I suppose."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"The Big Boss made it so that when icky stuff happens, you can resummon me
for free!" she beams. "You just need a short rest to refresh the power!"
Arian (Kimberly):OOC My Name is Ted and one day I'll be dead Yo Yo
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:@Matt change your "As" to Torgin thx
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Sorry, I am a child of the 80's
Gorlock (Tony):no hour long spell
Arian (Kimberly):Arian turns to Tiffany and bows her head. "Pleased to meet you, Tiffany."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"You too Arian! So, this rope..."
Eamon (Bill):"it's an honor to meet a celestial being" i say in celestial
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I've got a new token for Wisteria, can you please change it for me Simon? Not sure I can as a player?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I can fly up there invisible, but I can't make the rope invisible! I'll do my best, but if icky stuff happens before I can get it over the branch... please don't be cross!
Gorlock (Tony):No problem Tiffany
Greeba (Jelena):handing rope to Tiffany Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:beams at Eamon ~in celestial~ "Hi there!"
Gorlock (Tony):Just be QUIET...
Arian (Kimberly):Arian whispers to Xarius, "The sprite is surprisingly adorable."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:(OOC Bill: "I hate her already")
Torgin:giggles holding tummy Gorlock (Tony):OOC, does the sprite still cost a spell slot, or actually free?
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Nah, Eamon hates no man
OOC Bill, on the other hand...
Eamon (Bill):Eamon doesn't but i dislike the sprite
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: You can resummon her for free at the end of a Short Rest, no slot used.
Eamon (Bill):ooc it reminds me of navi from the legend of zelda
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:(I've added her to your account Tony so you can see her under Journal tab).
Simon N. (GM):Tiffany takes the end of the rope and flies upwards on gossamer wings, turning invisible as she ascends.
Gorlock (Tony):Good luck Tiff
Greeba (Jelena):Can we see any windows/openings overlooking us?
Torgin:you don't see that everyday
The rope is looped around the great branch of the Ceremonial Platform.
Greeba (Jelena):tugs end of rope Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Tiffany reappears. "Made it!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks you Tiffany! Well done!
Arian (Kimberly):OOC She makes me want to give her a cookie
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"There's just one nasty crow-thing up there! It didn't see me!"
Gorlock (Tony):Well done Tiff
How high is it?
Greeba (Jelena):(anybody with a range weapon that can ride on my shoulders?)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I have a bow?
Eamon (Bill):"i have a longbow"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:If you climb up as far as you can on sloping tree trunk, it's 15' vertical to the bottom of the 15' thick branch.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Prob better if it's Eamon as he has better Dex?
Torgin:puts axe in teeth, trys to put shield in teeth, drops axe Gorlock (Tony):If needed, I can teleport 30'
Greeba (Jelena):"An elf will be easier to carry, bearing in mind the rope strength
Arian (Kimberly):I do not think you wish to be the first up there, Warlock
Arian (Kimberly):I have a spear, but no bow
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC much better than mine at 12!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe it's a good idea to send Grolocl: he could appear in the back of the crow and push him over the edge
Greeba (Jelena):"Gorlock, can you climb 15' and target the raven person whilst I climb the rope?
Arian (Kimberly):OOC And Dex 15
Gorlock (Tony):I can teleport all the way using Misty Step
Torgin:i'll follow you up Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):"But stay out if the field of vision of the raven
out OF
Gorlock (Tony):I'll the the meat shields go first
Greeba (Jelena):"So you can't zap him from below?
Torgin:meat shield is he talking about us?
Greeba (Jelena):"Or any other spellcaster?
Gorlock (Tony):I could teleport and push
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes please.
Gorlock (Tony):2 turns though
Torgin:*looks to Greeba and Thiabault
Greeba (Jelena):to Torgin I cannot say, my dwarven friend.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And in case something goes wrong, Greeba would be just behind you on the rope, ready to pounce!
Gorlock (Tony):Yes, all you beefy types
Greeba (Jelena):"OK, I'm climbing the tree, first 15'
Arian (Kimberly):How many can be on the rope at one time, Simon?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:2 safely
Greeba (Jelena):(do I see the raven from half way up?)
Gorlock (Tony):Another rope?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):So I'll climb with Greeba and get ready to pounce!
Simon N. (GM):Greeba heads up the tree until it turns vertical.
Simon N. (GM):Climbing up the rope you are under the platform & obviously can't see anyone on top.
Greeba (Jelena):(Even so close to the tree trunk?
Gorlock (Tony):Can Tiff go scout ahead
Simon N. (GM):Greeba & Thibault climb the swaying rope...
Greeba (Jelena):OK, climbing up the rope
Simon N. (GM):roll athletics both of you.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Athletics (+3)
Thibault of Brandiar
Torgin:hold the bottom of the rope to help them Arian (Kimberly):The Half-Orc of Gymnastics!
Gorlock (Tony):While your familiar is within 100 feet of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. Additionally, as an action, you can see through your familiar’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the familiar has. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.
Simon N. (GM):(just, Thibault. Amazing, Greeba.) W Torgin stabilising the rope you succeed).
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Pfffewww!
Arian (Kimberly):I take the rope from Torgin so that he can climb next
Simon N. (GM):(see ceremonial platform map bottom of screen)
Torgin:Thank you Arian
bows Arian (Kimberly):Arian nods, somewhat stiffly, not sure if she should be formal or not
Greeba (Jelena):CAn I throw my javelin at the Kenku?
Simon N. (GM):GM: An oval platform is built
on one of the tree’s massive branches. A large wicker
chair, decorated with glossy, black feathers, painted
beads, and furs sits at the far end of the platform. A
pair of unlit cast-iron braziers flanks it.
Simon N. (GM):A single kenku sentry turns in your direction - Greeba because you were so successful you have Surprise on the kenku.
Simon N. (GM):as you clamber onto the platform.
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff...use provide helping hand for Greeba
Simon N. (GM):(actions, Greeba)
Greeba (Jelena):I throw javelin
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC brb
Simon N. (GM):Tiffany appears and flutters around the kenku, giving you advtg Greeba
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Who is climbing after Torgin? Eamon?
Simon N. (GM):so roll d20 pls Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):ok regular hit for 5 dmg
Gorlock (Tony):Stay invisible Tiff, stay alive..
(she can't stay invis AND distract people!)
Simon N. (GM):(Help action needs to be an action in-world)
Arian (Kimberly):"Eamon, do you wish to follow the dwarf, or shall I?"
Eamon (Bill):"i'll do it got to keep torgin safe"
Simon N. (GM):roll init Thibault & Greeba. Roll Athletics Torgin (shield on back)
Greeba (Jelena):(can I move behind the throne, or is my move finished?)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative (+1)
Thibault of Brandiar
Arian (Kimberly):Arian nods, still wondering at the strange but wonderful relationship between the monk and dwarf.
Torgin:Torgin climbs more squirrel than monkey C'omon mother he calls over his shoulder
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry Simon, I forgot to click on my token when rolling. Do you want me to reroll?
Gorlock (Tony):Shall I teleport up, or do you have this?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Simon!
Gorlock (Tony):Would rather keep the Cure Wounds if I can
Simon N. (GM):Torgin is stuck on the rope
Gorlock (Tony):Poor Torgin
Arian (Kimberly):Arian keeps the rope steady for Eamon.
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault you reach the top.
Greeba (Jelena):(Gorlock save your slots for healing)
Arian (Kimberly):"Torgin, are you okay?" she whisper-hisses, seeing the dwarf has stalled half way.
Gorlock (Tony):I have 4 healing lights, each 1d6 no spell
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I rush to the Kenku
Arian (Kimberly):"Eamon, perhaps you can give him a boost? Is he afraid of heights, perchance?"
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault your go
Torgin:muttered curses then a red faced Torgin grins and waves Gorlock (Tony):Slit its throat
Eamon (Bill):"torgin i'll catch you if you fall don't worry"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Attack with the sword.
Max:ill uh.. burn the monster maybe idk
Gorlock (Tony):Max you can't see it
Torgin:thank you mother hopefully it wont come to that
huff puff Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Longsword (+5)
Thibault of Brandiar
Simon N. (GM):(@Gorlock I think you can only teleport to a surface you can see?)
2-handed as shield on back.
Gorlock (Tony):yes. I keep forgetting, can't see
Simon N. (GM):It had 8 hp and crumples.
Arian (Kimberly):Can't you see through Tiffany's eyes?
(that was whispered)
Max:how high up are they?
Arian (Kimberly):"Was that a thud I heard? I hope it was a...good thud."
Gorlock (Tony):15' to bottom of 15' thick branch that we can't see over
Simon N. (GM):They are about 50' above ground level, 30' from where the trunk turns vertical.
Greeba (Jelena):(do we see anyone coming to the door opening?)
Simon N. (GM):no, all seems quiet. Steps lead down into the trunk.
Gorlock (Tony):Meat shields, pull us up
Wisteria of Skullspire:Time for the rest of us to climb up?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can all climb up now.
Greeba (Jelena):We tie and throw down extra roles
Wisteria of Skullspire:Is it an acrobatics roll?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I move towards the door and put my ear to it?
Torgin:Thib, Greeba great work
Simon N. (GM):(you can auto succeed w no time pressure)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Great, phew!
Arian (Kimberly):Arian climbs up after Eamon
Greeba (Jelena):winks at Torgin Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Simon I have a new token but not sure how to put it on the game board?
Arian (Kimberly):Can I inspect the dead Kenku
Torgin:listen at the opening Simon N. (GM):@Jelly click on your character & drag over to board
Torgin:looks up and Thib and Greeba and smiles Simon N. (GM):Kenku wear ill-fitting cloaks, robes, and rags. These garments cover the soft, sleek feathers of their bodies, shrouding their bare arms and legs.
It had a short blade
Arian (Kimberly):I'll take the blade and a feather, pocketing both.
Gorlock (Tony):Cant find my token
Simon N. (GM):also 5gp and 10sp
Gorlock (Tony):Wisteria, you need to move token
Greeba (Jelena):We sneak down the steps
Arian (Kimberly):Will take the coin as well, and split with everyone later.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC yikes sorry!
Gorlock (Tony):You now have 3 tokens?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I have now my shield at the ready.
Arian (Kimberly):Provided I am still alive.
Simon N. (GM):GM: The steps come to an intersection - a tunnel to left winds up, while the main one descends
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC sorry everyone! Was trying to drag across the one with new pic but not working it seems!
Arian (Kimberly):There has been a glitch in the Matrix
Greeba (Jelena):(up or down?)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC thanks Simon!
Sorry again I'm not sure what happened, I was dragging the one with the new artwork.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think it's better to go up, strategically, what do you say Torgin?
Arian (Kimberly):How much taller is the tree from where we are at?
looks at Thib and Greeba Aye boss
Gorlock (Tony):OOC, I have to say, I like the new artwork :)
Arian (Kimberly):If there doesn't look to be too much more tree up, then should we go down?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC it's Wisteria's battle-form!
Torgin:I usually do below ground work
Greeba (Jelena):(Maybe it' s better to down, so we can escape through the front door, not that we would need it!)
Simon N. (GM):ok token sorted Jelly (heroic GM effort!)
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Yay Simon!
Gorlock (Tony):Inspiration:)
Wisteria of Skullspire:(OOC lol thanks Simon!)
Torgin:Oh yeah good idea
nods vigorously Arian (Kimberly):NO Don't give the GM Advantage...
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I agree we should be able to award our GM inspiration
Gorlock (Tony):or cookies
Arian (Kimberly):I can bake cookies :-)
Simon N. (GM):The tree is about 300' to the tips of the tallest branches
Greeba (Jelena):or chocolate...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yup, back in the day would have been treats and booze!
Gorlock (Tony):That's awful high, we've come only 30
Arian (Kimberly):But surely not all 300' is habitable, right?
There's gotta be the crown of the tree
Gorlock (Tony):Shall we ask Tiff to scout up?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Great idea!
Greeba (Jelena):better down
Simon N. (GM):trunk is about 150', the thick portion ca 100'
Arian (Kimberly):Using my foresy-y druid knowledge, do I have any ideas on how much more tree there is above us?
Greeba (Jelena):Let's secure the ground floor
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can Wisteria do a Religion check on the ceremonial platform?
To find out if it's the highest inhabited point of the tree?
Torgin:Nice faerie
waves at faerie Greeba (Jelena):Can Tiff check out the ground floor, invisibly, please
Simon N. (GM):The Raven Eerie is ca 40' higher
ok Tiff goes invisible and scouts down
Arian (Kimberly):Where they keep the giant ravens they ride on?
Gorlock (Tony):Godspeed Tiff
Wisteria of Skullspire:I assume so, yes.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Probably thorugh some stairs, Torgin.
looks nervous
Greeba (Jelena):probably downstairs first
Wisteria of Skullspire:The kenku can fly though?
Greeba (Jelena):no, their clothes is in the way
Simon N. (GM):ok look top centre
Torgin:seems to be a stair case half way along
Greeba (Jelena):Looks like 5 kenkus
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:to Gorlock ~ok, lots of nasty bird things here! What now?~
Arian (Kimberly):Do any of them look tougher than the one we just killed?
Gorlock (Tony):How many sweetie?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Five!"
Gorlock (Tony):Get to safety
Torgin:we have to pass them to go down or up
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: You might be able to sneak past them to head up
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yeah but I am a bit concerned not to be able to secure a retreat...
Greeba (Jelena):are they sleeping?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"They're awake - guards!"
Greeba (Jelena):can Tiff scout the 3rd floor please?
Torgin:sounds like the faire is worried
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I just hate it when I get all crumply-dumply!"
Greeba (Jelena):does she need a rest? food?
Gorlock (Tony):Don't get crumply!!!
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"And being resummoned gives me motion sickness!"
Arian (Kimberly):"Crumply-dumply?"
"Is that a type of dessert?"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"You know - crumpled! And dumpled!"
Gorlock (Tony):Stay invisible and go slowly
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I'll check the up-way now?"
Gorlock (Tony):yes please
Greeba (Jelena):"I have a few drumsticks, Tiff, want one?
Torgin:shakes head confused Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:bottom left now
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff can roll
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"A big one!"
Gorlock (Tony):Come back sweetie
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:returns Greeba (Jelena):Maybe we attack him, on his own
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"He nearly detected me!"
Greeba (Jelena):Though he might run away on a big raven
Gorlock (Tony):Is there a way without engaging theohters?
the others
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"For a moment he was crooking his head like he thought he saw something..."
Arian (Kimberly):"He's bound to be smarter than the others."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:OOC tied - stealth 15 vs passive per 15
"He looked like he was guarding two doors."
"He had a big glowey spear!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Let's attack him first and somebody can guard the doors in case the guards go up?
Greeba (Jelena):Guarding the doors? More prisoners?
Or guarding Kreeack?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I mean gurading the passage where we came from.
Arian (Kimberly):Certainly possible. They like the shiny, don't they?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"One of the doors was very nice! All kinds of carvings! I bet these rotters didn't make them!"
Torgin:Can the faerie keep watch of the guards while we hit the penthouse
Greeba (Jelena):Good idea, Torgin!
Tiff, can you keep watch
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Sure!"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:(Eamon has nodded off!)
Arian (Kimberly):Arian hands Tiffany a sugar cube
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:munch munch "Yummy!"
"This Plane is not so bad!" smiles
Greeba (Jelena):"Oh, sugar rather than meat?
Arian (Kimberly):"She's so sweet, I assumed she must sup upon dew and sugar."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"You should see my real form up in Heaven though! I'm like a giant burning wheel across the sky!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I lead the group upstairs. Trying not to make too much nose with my chainmail...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sounds glorious, and powerful!
Greeba (Jelena):""Well I am sweet too, yet I almost exclusively sup on bloody slabs of meat
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: OK it's a DC 8 stealth check to pass the guardroom. You have advtg but Thibault & Torgin(?) has disad for armour cancelling that out.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Greeba's real form in heaven is a barbecue !
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:LOL
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d20 +1
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Torgin, btw, what are you? I have had a brain fart and can't remember
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:The ravenfolk immediately hear you guys.
Gorlock (Tony):Kim go again
Torgin:(Torgin is a dwarf fighter L2)
OOC Thx, Torgin. I knew you were stabby
Greeba (Jelena):Majority passed?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Simon I don't believe I get advantage as Wisteria has scale mail?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Stealth (+1)
Thibault of Brandiar
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:you all had to make it - I gave them disad & you advtg
Torgin:i prefer more choppy but stabby will do in a pinch
Arian (Kimberly):With advantage I passed
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:you only get advtg if armour does not give stealth disad
Greeba (Jelena):so they spotted us?
looks around sheepishly Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Torgin & Wisteria failed
Ravenfolk (Kenku):"Intruders!"
Greeba (Jelena):rage, can I?
Ravenfolk (Kenku):CLICK TOKEN & roll your inits :)
(on your turn Greeba)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative (+1)
Thibault of Brandiar
Greeba (Jelena):(thanks Simon)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry forgot to click my token!
Arian (Kimberly):What kind of initiative is that??
Arian (Kimberly):A very anxious dwarf?
Greeba (Jelena):(it's a setting to solve ties)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):@kim: it;s setting to decide ebtween identical inits.
Torgin:Happy, I'm about to CHARGE!
Ravenfolk (Kenku):missing one
Gorlock (Tony):Max needs to click token
Ravenfolk (Kenku):0 for Zarius
Gorlock (Tony):Rolled a 15
Ravenfolk (Kenku):#Torgin your go
Torgin:Charge and use the table as cover
Ravenfolk (Kenku):(Tiff goes on Gorlock turn)
(no action surge Torgin?)
Torgin:oh yeah thank you DM
action surge
hit the crow
Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
tables, stools, and chairs, carved from the living wood
of the tree, are spread throughout the room.
The Kenku leaps back from the stroke, cawing.
#20 Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That's as far as I can go.
Torgin:thats odd
torgin admires the carpentry putting him off his stroke Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Now I will use a javelin to hit the raven.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Just a sec. I am on the wrong character sheet!
Gorlock (Tony):Phil decided to start over, tired of goldilocks
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Javelin
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry, ignore the sword. I am fumbling
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, keep a lookout on the big guy
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Just use the javelin result.
Gorlock (Tony):Can I get through the crowd
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The first result was the damage
Gorlock (Tony):16 to hit, 9 dmg
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes that's correct
Simon N. (GM):ok you hit it
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks!
Gorlock (Tony):Aim at same bird
I'm done
Arian (Kimberly):DC12
No damage
Constitution Save
On the Kenku next to Torgin
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature that you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 cold damage, and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Torgin:ooh good one Arian
Greeba (Jelena):(has he croaked?)
Torgin:heehee are you cold crow
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Look at Torgin with horror!
Simon N. (GM):wounded kenku
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin's gonna die. again...and again...and again
Eamon (Bill):"torgin be more careful"
Arian (Kimberly):That'll be me
Simon N. (GM):missed thanks to chilly
Simon N. (GM):rest of kenku, from bottom clockwise
Greeba (Jelena):frozen fingers!
Gorlock (Tony):2 20's in a ro
Arian (Kimberly):I fear Torgin is in trouble again.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+3
9 dmg
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin's gonna die
2 more
oops + sneak
Simon N. (GM):rolling 1d6
Eamon (Bill):"torgin noooo not again"
Simon N. (GM):misses Thibault
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin's going to owe me all of his gold for life...
Simon N. (GM):Torgin goes down beneath the rain of blades ( 0 hp)
Eamon (Bill):i use a key point to use step of the wind
i attack
"for torgin"
Arian (Kimberly):Arian wonders if the dwarf has a death wish or if it is simply how all dwarves behave. She's known very few in her short life.
Gorlock (Tony):A few short one's in her life
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d10 + 3
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Eamon (Bill):i then punch
oh wait i can't
Simon N. (GM):step of wind is BA yup
Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
Greeba (Jelena):sorry fiorgot to take off adv
Simon N. (GM):didn't declare Reckless
7 dmg
Greeba (Jelena):Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
yes didn't mean to
can I do now, though?
Simon N. (GM):You killed it
Simon N. (GM):You have to declare Reckless on your turn before attacking
worked out well anyway :)
Greeba (Jelena):OK, will do
Arian (Kimberly):"Wisteria! The dwarf is down!"
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin, gave all his gold away. Not much to save him for... :)
Eamon (Bill):"now please save my torgin"
Wisteria of Skullspire:If he's so keen to walk down Myrkul's halls, who am I to stop hm. I'll stabilise him, but this is the last time I'm stepping in.
Simon N. (GM):spare the dying?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC that means I'll cast spare the dying but no more healing for Torgin sorry
Spare the Dying
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: Bonus action
Range: 30ft
Target: A living creature that has 0 hit points
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cast at a living creature that has 0 hit points. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
Simon N. (GM):Torgin sleeps comfortably
Wisteria of Skullspire:(Spare the dying is a cantrip)
Simon N. (GM):can you get within 30' Wisteria?
Gorlock (Tony):Matt, join the call
Simon N. (GM):that was a BA
must be w/in 30' range
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh sorry I thought it was
Simon N. (GM):1 square = 5'
(that's 25' so ok)
Torgin:(No you'll tell me off for being stoopid :-P)
Gorlock (Tony):hop scotch
Simon N. (GM):you moved over 30' right so dash action?
Wisteria of Skullspire:No I'll try to cast another spell on the nearest JKenku
Simon N. (GM):Bill says you didn't need to dash
I'll allow it
Wisteria of Skullspire:If I can cast 2 cantrips in one turn?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Toll the Dead
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Simon N. (GM):wounded one?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok yes that would make sense
DC 12 Wis save
shrugs it off
#Xarius your go
Max:I wish to hit all kenkus
Max:I wish to hit the three closest ones
The wounded one drops
2 more have feather s ruffled & caaaw angrily
Torgin snores
Torgin:feathers ruffled haha
Torgin:Torgin spits a feather Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Hits the one in front of me...
13Slashing(One-Handed) Damage
6Slashing(Two-Handed) Damage
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
13Total One-Handed Damage
6Total Two-Handed Damage
Gorlock (Tony):OOC I've never played a squishy character before. So different
Gorlock (Tony):BA Healing light
attckon in front of Thib
Torgin:ooch sorry, thank you gorlock
Gorlock (Tony):Big barrel of hooch is owed
aye aye
for sure
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff see anything?
Torgin:btw i didnt get ma paid for the last gig just so ya know aye
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
No reaction from upstairs yet
Arian (Kimberly):Ok, my go?
Gorlock (Tony):I move back
Simon N. (GM):Torgin is cionscious but prone under table
Arian (Kimberly):I cast infestation on Kenku inbetween Eamon and Thibault
No damage, no movement
Constitution Save
Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S, M (A living fleaa)
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to appear momentarily on one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it takes 1d6 poison damage and moves 5 feet in a random direction if it can move and its speed is at least 5 feet. Roll a d4 for the direction: 1, north; 2, south; 3, east; or 4, west. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and if the direction rolled is blocked, the target doesn’t move. The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3016), and 17th level (4d6).
Arian (Kimberly):rolling 1d4
oh ssorry
Arian (Kimberly):it's 1d4 for the direction?
Arian (Kimberly):He takes 6 poison and then moves west, right?
Ravenfolk (Kenku):"Ow! Ow! Nasty bugs!"
Arian (Kimberly):Feather fleas
He's got the itchies
Ravenfolk (Kenku):end turn?
Arian (Kimberly):That's me done
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Looks amused at the sight of the Kenku scratching himself ! :-D
Ravenfolk (Kenku):attacks on Eamon
Arian (Kimberly):Arian scritches her fingers at the Kenku like she is cursing them with the itches
9 dmg
Gorlock (Tony):How is a 6 a hit?
Kenku are outraged at such a doubt
Ravenfolk (Kenku):3rd on Eamon
Eamon 5/21
Eamon (Bill):"i'll die defending you torgin don't worru"
Torgin:no mother your too young
Torgin:get away safe mother
Eamon (Bill):i turn around and slash the kenju behind me
i use bonus action to punch
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Lovely work Eamon!
Torgin:great team work guys
Arian (Kimberly):All quiet with Tiff, I hope
Torgin:bum wiggles beneath the table Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Like one of the three little piggies
Greeba (Jelena):Reckless attack on one s of Eamon
Simon N. (GM):(the tree is quite noisy)
Greeba (Jelena):(that one on top of the dead one is still alive?)
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
Greeba (Jelena):well, it was a miss
Torgin:(yeah all the branches creaking of course)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll cast Toll the Dead on remaining kenku
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Simon N. (GM):there are 2
Arian (Kimberly):Deadly cleric. You really need to read The Abhorsen :-)
Simon N. (GM):I'll assume wounded one
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry to me there just looks like one?
Arian (Kimberly):Where's the other live one?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I see one 12 o clock to Torgin?
Greeba (Jelena):below Eamon
Gorlock (Tony):Live one on top of dead one
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh I see that's why I got confused! Thanks
Gorlock (Tony):9 oclock to Torgin
Arian (Kimberly):He's in the toilet...
Arian (Kimberly):one second
Gorlock (Tony):stomp stomp stomp
Arian (Kimberly):He's running
But he did wash his hands, so there's that
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Did you wash your hands?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good man!
Max:I'm going to do magic missile again
Arian (Kimberly):KILL THE KENKU
Greeba (Jelena):altogether
Simon N. (GM):all on one?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Everybody's Kenku Fighin' dadadad dada dada !
Wisteria of Skullspire:LOL
Max:theres only one kenku right?
Arian (Kimberly):There's two, but one is hidden under the token of a dead one
Gorlock (Tony):9 oclock to Torgin
Gorlock (Tony):Play dead Torgin
Greeba (Jelena):good advice!
lying under table
Arian (Kimberly):You could drool a little
Torgin:chop the crows feet
Simon N. (GM):disad fr prone
Eamon (Bill):"torgin grab their feet"
Torgin:pull the crow down then
Eamon (Bill):"they have weak bones"
Simon N. (GM):roll athletics
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Heroic!
Eamon (Bill):"great job torgin"
Simon N. (GM):you bring the bird down.
it's prone now
Simon N. (GM):#20 Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm gonna play it safe...
Simon N. (GM):advtg in melee
Torgin:ill have the wing you take the leg
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I heal Eamon.
Gorlock (Tony):Ive got him
Greeba (Jelena):"Save me the drumstick!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Cure Wounds: heal
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I move next to him
Eamon (Bill):"appreciated"
Gorlock (Tony):do I have a shot?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Anytime good sir!
Gorlock (Tony):Healing Light
Evocation Cantrip
At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your warlock level.
As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total.
Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Sacred Flame
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60ft
Components: V, S, M
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)
Simon N. (GM):AC 20 from there G
Sacred Flame
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60ft
Components: V, S, M
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)
Sacred flame
Simon N. (GM):who healing?
Simon N. (GM):who healing?
healing who?
Gorlock (Tony):I didn't mean to hit that
Arian (Kimberly):Frostbite on the remaining kenku
No damage
Constitution Save
Simon N. (GM):brr flaps it off
Greeba (Jelena):no disad?
Gorlock (Tony):pluck him one feather at a time
Torgin:defrosted the chicken
Simon N. (GM):not on saves no
Arian (Kimberly):a lone snowflake rises on the air Gorlock (Tony):Greeba will cleave him
Simon N. (GM):Kenku rolls around on the ground stabbing Torgrim
Torgin:1/4 or 1/2 crispy duck?
Gorlock (Tony):grim he is
Eamon (Bill):"no longer shall you torment torgin die"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Incoming!"
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 5
Torgin:Im not the kenku plucker I'm the kenku pluckers son
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"They heard it! The guard is knocking on the door behind him!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Run inside and I'll pull back towards the top!
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d10 + 3
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:wounds him
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:hit
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d4 + 3
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:The kenku goes limp, skull fractured
Eamon (Bill):"there we go blimey birds surviving stabs threw the chest"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:#Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):or run? it's double?
Simon N. (GM):dash is another move yup
Greeba (Jelena):no, readying action
Simon N. (GM):to melee attack?
Simon N. (GM):ok your Rage ends
(you can't Reckless off your turn)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Are we moving up towards the third floor?
Greeba (Jelena):(so readying action breaks Rage? if I ran further would we still be in battle?)
Simon N. (GM):not attacking or taking dmg ends rage
Eamon (Bill):"mabye we should form a chockehold at the junction"
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll heal Eamon
"torgin fall back your wounded be the rear guard and protect the casters in case of a rear attack"
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Arian (Kimberly):who else is wounded?
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d4 +4
Eamon (Bill):torgin is wounded
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin has gotten into the naughty list
Arian (Kimberly):Really? No way! ( ;-) )
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry not 7, 5 total
Arian (Kimberly):I do have healing word now
Wisteria of Skullspire:Eamon I'm no longer healing Torgin as he seems to keen to join Myrkul.
Gorlock (Tony):also known as the dumbass list
Arian (Kimberly):I happily have not used any spells thus far (only cantrips) so I have a few slots to use for healing
sorry lag
second wind
Eamon (Bill):"ok fall back to the junction" i help up torgin
My diversion worked!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I ready an action (Javelin)
Greeba (Jelena):Good one, dwarf!
roars with laughter Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria rolls her eyes
Can I see through Tiff's eyes and get the lay out
Simon N. (GM):yeah look at the map
bottom left
Gorlock (Tony):No one other than the big guy?
Simon N. (GM):he's knocking on the door & cawing
Gorlock (Tony):Guy's let's get him.
I hide in the back
Torgin:he's trying to release the dove from above
Arian (Kimberly):Squishy squish squish
Alive and squishy
Torgin:you know i said save your good stuff for the named critters
Greeba (Jelena):Fly, Tiff!
Gorlock (Tony):sorry Tiff, I need you to be annoying
Gorlock (Tony):Advantage to Greeba
Simon N. (GM):Tiff (invisible) retreats
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"They have long spears! That glow!!"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"The Ravens!"
Eamon (Bill):i ready to move next to torgin in case and enemy gets near him
Torgin:You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:#Greeba
Torgin:sorry another mistake
Greeba (Jelena):Can I change the readied weapon to javelin?
good idea
Greeba (Jelena):Ok, readied and waiting
Simon N. (GM):their spears have 10' reach
Torgin:draw them in to the wider area where more of us can get at them
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll ready an action to cast Toll the Dead on the first one that gets hit and wounded.
Simon N. (GM):#Xarius your turn
Max:I ready magic missile
Simon N. (GM):Is that your last slot?
Simon N. (GM):(oh if you burn a level 2 slot you get 4 missiles)
(also you need to track your resources)
Max:Ill ready it at lvl 2 (I have 2 more level one spell slots)
Torgin:want me to move up
Arian (Kimberly):how wounded are you, Torgin?
Torgin:just a scratch really
Torgin:a kenku shortsword is sticking out of his arse Gorlock (Tony):merely a flesh wound
Simon N. (GM):readying anything?
Torgin:turns around looking over his shoulder truing to see the sword ready axe chop DM thank you
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Just moving one square towards greeba and readying my javelin like earlier...
Torgin:ah i'll take the dodge action (if I still can)
Gorlock (Tony):stay readied
Greeba (Jelena):(gorlock maybe send Tiff downstairs to scout)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The suspense is killing me!
Ravenfolk, Warrior:"CAAWWWW!!!!"
Greeba (Jelena):(not as much as their spears will!)
Ravenfolk, Warrior:Greeba & Thibault can throw javelins at the kenku
AC 15
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Javelin: damage
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Javelin: to hit
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Greeba (Jelena):Can I rage?
Ravenfolk, Warrior:(it's a bonus action on your turn)
Greeba (Jelena):sorry for adv, but first ons should count?
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Ravenfolk, Warrior:you're not in LOS Wisteria
neither is Xarius
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry!
Ravenfolk, Warrior:lead Ravenfolk Readies runespear
Wisteria of Skullspire:Still waiting then.
Ravenfolk, Warrior:Chief Keeak casts Blight on you
Ravenfolk, Warrior:sorry Insect PLague
Insect Plague
5 conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet
Components: V S M (A few grains of sugar, some kernels of grain, and a smear of fat)
Ravenfolk, Warrior:Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Classes: Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer
Swarming, biting locusts fill a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. The sphere spreads around corners. The sphere remains for the duration, and its area is lightly obscured. The sphere’s area is difficult terrain. When the area appears, each creature in it must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.
Gorlock (Tony):I have Eldrich blast readied, nt sure I said
Wisteria of Skullspire:Where is is centred DM?
Gorlock (Tony):I have Eldrich Blast readied, not sure I said in chat
Greeba (Jelena):So missed? ;-)
Gorlock (Tony):Squishy, I stay well away of the Meat Shields
Ravenfolk, Warrior:DC 14 CON save everyone but Eamon
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Constitution Save(+2)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Ravenfolk, Warrior:rolling 4d10
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d20 +2
Ravenfolk, Warrior:28 dmg or 14 on a save
Arian (Kimberly):I swat them away, well used to dealing with bugs after bedding down in wolf dens
Gorlock (Tony):Were centred?
Wisteria of Skullspire:DM is there minus damage in 5E I can't remember?
Arian (Kimberly):It hits you, Gorlock. The only one it missed is Eamon
Wisteria of Skullspire:Or is it down to zero first and then can be killed on a coup de gras?
Arian (Kimberly):So, the question is, who
isn't dead?
I am on 3
and that's with saving
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba's at 4 HP
Gorlock (Tony):I'm more than 20 ft away from Greeba and Thibault. How does it hit me?
Ravenfolk, Warrior:It's centred on the black dot
Arian (Kimberly):It's from where it was centered
Ravenfolk, Warrior:now an X
Ravenfolk, Warrior:DC 14 CON save pass, 14 dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think I'm only just alive (ie not dead dead).
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Eww, gross! Crumple!"
vanishes Arian (Kimberly):So, I'm on 3, Xarius is on 3, Torgin is on 1, EAmon is up
Wisteria of Skullspire:15HP total (was on max). Subtract 28 = -13.
Arian (Kimberly):And Greeba on 4 but everyone else is at 0?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Thibault Wisteria & Gorlock go down
Insects crawling over them & biting (more damage on your turns)
Arian (Kimberly):in a plague of itchies
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Keeak: "CAAAW!"
Simon N. (GM):Keeak concentrates on the spell
Gorlock (Tony):Eamon, grab me and run...
Simon N. (GM):on a 1-4 Gorlock has a body part poutside swarm
Eamon (Bill):ill try and hook gorlock with the hilt of my sword
could i use the stool mabye
Gorlock (Tony):Thanks Eamon, I saved son 4 times
Simon N. (GM):DC 5 Athletics
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 2
"run torgin"
i try to unlock the door
Torgin:Aye mother - good luck!
Simon N. (GM):opens into bedroom
" follow me"
Simon N. (GM):it's lit by beetle glands
Several beds and hammocks line the walls of this room.
you'll take dmg if you end turn in swarm
Greeba (Jelena):it's difficult terrain?
Greeba (Jelena):(half speed?)
Gorlock (Tony):Greeba run for now
Greeba (Jelena):I grab Thib and pull him with me towards the platform
as far as poss
end turn
Greeba (Jelena):(I bow to the wisdom of the group)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Death save?
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d20
Phew, just!
Greeba (Jelena):(LOL Torgin)
Simon N. (GM):end turn damage
DC 14 CON save Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d20 +2
I think I'm dead dead :-(
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d10
RIP Wisteria, held in the sweer arms of Myrkul.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::'-(
Simon N. (GM):Still Readied Xarius?
Gorlock (Tony):No just knocked out
Simon N. (GM):35' to there
Greeba (Jelena):(anybody have a healing potion?)
Arian (Kimberly):Why am I not in the turn order?
Torgin:as far as i can (end turn)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Arian's turn?
Gorlock (Tony):Kim is no longer inthe list
Arian (Kimberly):I'm still up
Simon N. (GM):what was it?
dunno why it removed you :/
Arian (Kimberly):er....let me page up and see if I can find the initiate
Simon N. (GM):ahead of Wisteria?
Greeba (Jelena):before Gorlock even
Simon N. (GM):I'll wait since it may mean keeping W alive
Arian (Kimberly):I think I was before Gorlock
Arian (Kimberly):Well, my plan was to cast healing word on Gorlock, bonus action to shapeshift to an arctic wolf, then grab on Wisteria and drag here towards the room with Eamon
Simon N. (GM):ok let's do your turn w W alive
that's 2 bonus actions
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Where there is life there is hope my friends!
Simon N. (GM):you only ever get 1
Arian (Kimberly):oh so maybe just drag her and not shapeshft then
that's the healing word
then I grab her and Arian drags with all her strength
Cursing in elvish the entire time
Simon N. (GM):OK A drags W into the room after healing Gorlock conscious
Arian (Kimberly):Especially their mothers, who are no better than turkey vultures
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock your go
Gorlock (Tony):who has what damaeg that I can see?
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria is dying
through the open door
Gorlock (Tony):Run to room cure wounds
Greeba (Jelena):Thib is on 0hp but you can't see him
Anyone with a healing potion?
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Simon N. (GM):you can stand 15' + move 15'
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d8+5
Simon N. (GM):just a bad dream W - you wake on 11 hp
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yeepee!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Unngghhh, I was, walking with Myrkul....
Gorlock (Tony):healing light on me
sorry, cure wounds was 2nd level another 1d8
Wisteria another 4
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'm at 15HP (max, yay!)
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria 15/15?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thank you Gorlock!
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock 9/27?
Simon N. (GM):Kenku: "There is no escape! Surrender and we shall be merciful!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC sorry everyone I have to go shortly, eek!
No idea what we should do?
Gorlock (Tony):eat us quickly
Simon N. (GM):you all hear them
Eamon (Bill):"how merciful"
Gorlock (Tony):bar the door
Wisteria of Skullspire:Perhaps we had better just surrender for now?
Simon N. (GM):"A fair ransom!"
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Ransom? Who would pay for us?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault is gonna work the streets to pay for the ransom...
Greeba (Jelena):"RUUUNNNN"
bellowing through the buzz of insects Eamon (Bill):"how much is the ransom i'm willing to nogotiate"
Arian (Kimberly):What is South?
Simon N. (GM):hard to say :)
looks like tunnel to south descends
prob to the entry level
Arian (Kimberly):"Eamon, you have your health & perhaps some gold -- I have neither."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Time to run that way, I think?
Simon N. (GM):"We will assess ransom based on your value!"
(stopping at 9.30 BTW)
Arian (Kimberly):currently feeling worthless Greeba (Jelena):(how are we off the list, are we off the tree?)
Eamon (Bill):"i will pay you all of my money and a promise that as long as i live i will never return you have my word"
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I think you and Torgin and Thibault are on the platform now
Eamon (Bill):"i am a man of my god so i must upkeep my word"
Simon N. (GM):"We already have your money! CAAW!"
"Surrender or die now!"
#Thibault death save
Eamon (Bill):"I'm willing to surrender on terms"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
custom: roll
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC sorry Simon I really have to go as dinner is about to burn! Wisteria chooses to head down south and try to escape that way but will go with whatever majority decides.
Arian (Kimberly):Bye, Jelly!
Greeba (Jelena):"Torgin, any healing potion or fighter's skills to save the paladin's life?"
try to stopp the belldin?
Gorlock (Tony):All healers in a room....
Wisteria of Skullspire:Goodnight everyone! I have two spell slots left , I think Simon can access my character sheet if necessary? I'm on full HP.
Greeba (Jelena):grab the body and start abseiling down the tree
I am doing it, I mean
Simon N. (GM):you carry Thibault (still dying) to the rope
#Xarius your go
oh wait
I can dash
Im in the dark?
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria heads south
you can dash
Gorlock (Tony):all the squishies
going south
Simon N. (GM):I think that's 60'?
Torgin:can i catch up to Greeba and help, maybe stabailse Thib?
25' move short legs
Arian (Kimberly):He's on the platform, right?
Arian (Kimberly):Ok, I'll healing word myself as an action and then leg it South
Simon N. (GM):bonus action
Arian (Kimberly):So I'm on 9 hp
Gorlock (Tony):run then healing light x2
Greeba (Jelena):I'm on 4 and Thib on 0
Save some for us! :)
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 2d6
Gorlock (Tony):yes please
Simon N. (GM):Kenku dispel swarm
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If you heal me then, I'll have shitloads of healing for you! Sound investment! :-D
Gorlock (Tony):on my way Thib
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):God bless you Gorlock, I say in a dream!
Simon N. (GM):Torgrim you see a Kenku Warrior chasing you
Arian (Kimberly):Run, Torgin, Run!
Simon N. (GM):Chief Keeak is right outside the door
Eamon (Bill):i'll be very quite
Simon N. (GM):This is like a Terminator movie
Run Sarah Run!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D LOL
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Kom vith me if you want to liv!
Arian (Kimberly):But we won't be back!
You're the humans Kim!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Perfect music!
Arian (Kimberly):I mean, can we please go fight somewhere out in the open if we make it out of this??
Arian (Kimberly):This is the Tree of Death
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 5
Eamon (Bill):i use insperation
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Woot!
Arian (Kimberly):The monk prays fervently and receives some last minute inspiration from his god Simon N. (GM):#Thibault death save
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
custom: roll
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):1 vs 1
Simon N. (GM):rappel down or try to stabilise Thib?
Greeba (Jelena):hoisting Thibault's body over one shoulder, climbing down the rope
how to stabilise him?
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 Medicine check
Greeba (Jelena):down first
Simon N. (GM):ok DC 5 Athletics check
Arian (Kimberly):oh thank goodness
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I feel like a feather in the arms of my protectoress!
Simon N. (GM):Greeba reaches the ground w Thib's body
Greeba (Jelena):good, can I stabilise him now or next turn?
climb & medicine both actions
Greeba (Jelena):OK end turn
Arian (Kimberly):So Wisteria legs it down to where the jail cells were?
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria reaches the ground level yup
Max:I go to the first floor
Gorlock (Tony):Max goes next to Wysteria
apols Max
Simon N. (GM):moved him up
Simon N. (GM):the fire beetles are still in their cages
Arian (Kimberly):Arian will follow after Wisteria and Xarius
Cursing the day she ever heard of kenku
heading down?
Arian (Kimberly):Are fire beetles dangerous if released from their cages?
Simon N. (GM):2 kenku appear round the corner, blades raised
Greeba (Jelena):(is it Torg'n or Tor-jin?)
Simon N. (GM):they are mildly dangerous
The Kenku Ready their blades and do the Keanu hand gesture.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):LOL
Arian (Kimberly):the Keanu? Like, the "Whoa?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The Bruce Lee gesture in enter the dragon
Arian (Kimberly):"Boards don't hit back."
Gorlock (Tony):sneak attack
Eamon (Bill):i mad dash sprint out using a key point to do the step of the wind thing
Gorlock (Tony):down the rope
Greeba (Jelena):there are no more bugs
Arian (Kimberly):Wait, is Eamon behind us or going down the platform?
Simon N. (GM):He's fleeing for the platform
Greeba (Jelena):to go down he'd have to pass Kreaack
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault death save
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
custom: roll
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Greeba (Jelena):(are we in front of the door?)
Arian (Kimberly):Give 'im the breath of life
Greeba (Jelena):I try to stabilise Thibault
Simon N. (GM):You're round to the NW & remember door is sealed now
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 Medicine
Simon N. (GM):ok will stop there
Arian (Kimberly):Greeba is better at bashing than healing ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):and the door is South?
Gorlock (Tony):Beat the life into him
Arian (Kimberly):I think you guys are right outside the door
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):NOOOO!
Arian (Kimberly):but it's shut
Simon N. (GM):actually Max if you want to take a turn now?
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer defibrillator
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Gorlock (Tony):last magic missle
Max:do i have the mgic missile readied
Simon N. (GM):(I'll be rerolling init for next session BTW!)
Max:Ill just use a level 1
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Defibrillator != meat tenderiser
Simon N. (GM):yes seems ok
Light Crossbow (+4)
Light Crossbow (+4)
I use it on the kenkus
Simon N. (GM):you can release it (level 2 you said so roll another d4+1)
Gorlock (Tony):on the left?
both kenkus
Simon N. (GM):4 missiles blows away a Kenku!
Max:can i hit both kenkus
Simon N. (GM):don't do that :)
Arian (Kimberly):the smell of burning feathers fills the air Simon N. (GM):(they get tons more dmg when they have allies)
Greeba (Jelena):can Wisteria kill a kenku?
Simon N. (GM):ok she Tolls
Gorlock (Tony):Go wisteria
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8
Simon N. (GM):5 dmg to Kenku
Matt I'll let you go
Simon N. (GM):otherwise you'll prob die & make Bill sad
Greeba (Jelena):down the rope
aye down help Thib
Simon N. (GM):DC 5 Athletics on rope
Simon N. (GM):or drop & take 1d6 dmg
Simon N. (GM):ok you reach the ground (can't help Tib)
Arian (Kimberly):The dwarf executes a neat pirouette on the way down Simon N. (GM):guess we'll keep going...
Gorlock (Tony):slides down, like Tom Cruise
Torgin:much to his own suprise
(think we can finish this)
Arian (Kimberly):Being righteously pissed off, Arian shapeshifts as a bonus action into a white arctic wolf
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Woooah!
Arian (Kimberly):And runs to attack the remaining kenku
Arian (Kimberly):(with 50 movement)
Arian (Kimberly):OOC how do I get my other token?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Poor Kenku: he is TOATS
TOATS dammit!
Greeba (Jelena):we forgive you, you're dead
Gorlock (Tony):Speelcheck...
Arian (Kimberly):If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):screaming in Kenku Arian (Kimberly):Arian bites the kenku, growling deep in her throat
Simon N. (GM):Kenku ripped apart
Arian (Kimberly):feathers and gore drip from her jaws Simon N. (GM):Gorlock you see the door ahead, heavily barred on your side
I'm done
Arian (Kimberly):Arian turns her head to see Kreeack enter the room and bares her teeth
spits out a feather
Simon N. (GM):Kenku warrior on the ceremonial platform switches to longbow, cawwing grimly.
Gorlock (Tony):drag out of sitght
Greeba (Jelena):push him off!
Eamon (Bill):ki point dash
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Arian (Kimberly):ARe you going off the side??
Eamon (Bill):i then use my action to dash
Simon N. (GM):he jumped over the side, took 3 dmg & prine
Eamon (Bill):i stand infront of torgin
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault death save
Arian (Kimberly):This is Arian's first time shapeshifting. The sharp tang of blood fills her mouth and she is filled with both rage and a strange sense of peace. And the desire to rip apart any kenku.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
custom: roll
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Simon N. (GM):Brandiar rises again!
(have inspiration Thibault)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Simon!
Greeba (Jelena):smash the door
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I think Arian is going to hate birds from here on out...
Simon N. (GM):you can Dash round to the door
Greeba (Jelena):(on the side image it looks like we're on the same side)
Simon N. (GM):Xarius can run up too
Simon N. (GM):ok definitely stopping now!
Arian (Kimberly):We're not all dead!
At the moment...
Gorlock (Tony):Thanks Simon. For no TPK,....yet
Simon N. (GM):will reroll inits next time but looking more hopeful now
Greeba (Jelena):LOL! Thanks Simon!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Simon! Most gripping session possibly ever!
Arian (Kimberly):Night, everyone
Greeba (Jelena):Night all!
Simon N. (GM):thx Philippe :)
bye all!
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