Monday, 12 April 2021

FA2 3/10/59 Underhall (310 XP)


Greeba's Account

Greeba had already lost one javelin to the rust-making ooze, but she hefted another one to her shoulder cheerfully, as it was destined to pierce the two-headed death dog coming out of the left passage.  Underhall was a dark and smelly place, neither of which bothered her, really, as long as there was some treasure to be found, and foes to be felled.  The snarling beasts emerging ahead were much more alive, and therefore easier to kill, than the slime that had oozed out of the murky underground pool.

The new guy Trystan, the bard that bonded with Gorlock, spelled the beasts with a piercing sound that made one bleed from the ears.  The warlock quickly hexed it with another spell, and Wisteria followed the curse with necromancy, probably, and killed one of the dogs.  Greeba didn’t really understand spells, except that it was better to have them cast by your side than by the enemy.  Thibault, the paladin, rushed in to attack the second death dog with a glowing sword, and young Arian made a skilful crossbow shot that seriously wounded the beast.  Greeba’s javelin flew wide off the mark, as she was still too far away - anyway, she always preferred to get up close and personal to the enemy and smash them with her warhammer.  Maybe she should have just dashed closer to the dog, like Eamon and the youthful wild magician Xarius.

Sirondar approached the death dog and attacked with a rusty sword and again with handaxe, earning himself a bite wound in return.  Elia, Trystan and Gorlock attacked with enchantments again and finished off the snarly two-headed animal.  Greeba picked up her javelin and followed the others into the corridor.  It opened into another passageway with a bigger room off of it, containing a glowy pool of water and dead bodies of two mastiffs and a human, seemingly mauled by the death dogs.  There was a coin pouch, a glass trinket that Wisteria liked, and two short swords that Greeba picked up to reforge back at the fort.  Arian was checking out the pool and Greeba continued up the corridor, where another passage crossed and she came face to face with a couple of goblins.  A few.  And there seemed to be more coming.

Greeba smiled, adjusted  the grip on her warhammer and bellowed out: “GOBLINNZ”.  As if shaken by her echoing voice, five giant wolf spiders dropped from the ceiling, surrounding her.  An unseemly shriek escaped her - ever since being bitten by a poisonous giant centipede she hated bugs.  The spiders swarmed over her, luckily only one found an inch of exposed green skin to bite - her scale armour was too thick for even giant mandibles.

“Get off me, eight-legged freaks!” she shouted, just as one of the goblins fumbled his javelin and rushed her with a scimitar.  In the distance, she could hear the others calling in response, but also the rough double-bark of a death dog.  Not all were slain, then.

She did a hip twist move to dodge the little guy’s attack, then another goblin shot her in the thigh with a crossbow. Greeba’s blood began to boil as she pulled out the bolt tip. She felt her friends’ presence behind her as Gorlock tried to hex a spider and Thibault slashed another with his mighty sword.  Shouts and beastly howls were coming from somewhere beyond the other side of the corridor.  She felt possessed by the same anger she’d first felt at seeing her village raised to the ground a long time ago, and smashed the wounded spider to pulp with her trusty warhammer.  Another couple of goblins, lined up along the corridor, tried to shoot her with their crossbows, but most of them missed and she only felt a little scratch.

Both elven maidens approached too, Arian first murmuring a mystical word that knit some of Greeba’s ripped skin back together, then hitting a spider with a well-aimed crossbow bolt.  Wisteria, the dark cleric, offered more healing to Greeba, which helped her reflexes when another couple of goblins tried their luck with crossbows.  She could see more goblins streaming down the other corridor, followed by shouts, cheers and the smell of burning.  Whatever was going on down there sounded almost as much fun as they was having here!

Gorlock hexed another spider, smashing it to pieces, and the other giant longlegs went on the attack again, a couple of them trying their luck with Thibault too.  Both Greeba and the charismatic warlock suffered a poisonous bite each, but the paladin’s chainmail was too tough.  The arachnid poison only fanned Greeba’s rage to a veritable frenzy, and she rapidly slammed her warhammer into a spider and then a goblin, cracking carapace and bones. “A mighty blow”, muttered Arian.

The goblin leader slashed Greeba’s side with his scimitar, then legged it as far away as possible, following the few other rag-tag survivors who were running for their lives.  The two wings of adventurers met again around a Moonbeam held in place by the druid, checking each other’s wounds while still managing to cut off all escape routes for the goblin boss. Several goblin corpses and a two-headed dog carcass were littering the ground.  Lots of magical healing took place - Greeba was grateful that a good few of her comrades dabbled in the healing arts.  As she was gulping big breaths trying to come down from her rage high, the humble monk Eamon offered mercy to the goblins if they would surrender their weapons and any treasure.  The small humanoid was eager to accept, dropping his scimitar and handing a key to Wisteria.  Greeba didn’t mind.  She was not one to hold grudges; if they are not attacking or even weaponless, they are no longer the enemy.  Wisteria, however, was not happy with Eamon’s clemency, and the two of them had a heated discussion behind the goblin, whose hands Greeba had secured with rope just in case.

On the way to the lair, Greeba and Arian found a chest which only contained dried humanoid ears, one of them still decorated with a silver stud earring.  Arian recognised it as the one worn by Debbie the Sorcerer, the fallen adventurer from Braltak’s group.

“Maybe I should return it to Braltak”, mused Greeba.

“Er, do you really think he'd want it, Greeba?" said Arian. "How many ears are in there??"

"Not the ear, Arian, just the earring!", Greeba was removing the silver stud and putting it in her pocket, closing the chest.

“Oh, thank goodness!”

Thibault rejoined them, having examined another room where a fleeing goblin had met his end. “Be careful, everyone!  There are still death dogs about!” The captured goblin leader, Roxx, banged on a locked door, and shouted what Eamon translated as “Open up, it’s friends”.  They did open up, and the adventurers found four goblins ready to drop their weapons to Eamon’s bidding.  There was also a chest, and a fire pit on which, Greeba realised, the corpse of Sister Laura, another of Braltak’s fallen comrades, was roasting.  Wisteria’s key fit into the locked chest, and revealed a treasure of coins and gems, as well as 3 healing potions, which were all very welcome to the adventurers.


Greeba then approached the fire pit and removed the body from the spit, laying it reverently on the pyre in a hero’s funeral.  She was going to get the chest of ears and shake it onto the fire as well.   At the same time, Arian was checking another glowing pool they had passed, and discovered an artefact that Eamon immediately recognised.  It looked like a simple metal tube to Greeba, but the monk claimed that its value to the church would be more than money.  The others wanted to think more about it before deciding what to do with the Chime of Opening, as well as the fate of the goblins - leave them, deliver them to a local ruler, or kill them were some of the ideas flying around.  Politics, like religion, was of little interest to Greeba; she knew the worth of metal and gems, smithing and fighting.  She had a feeling that before they left Underhall there would be more fighting, and she was looking forward to it.

Simon N. (GM):Two hideous slavering two headed beasts appear in the west tunnel, jaws dripping foaming black saliva
Jelly:Finally! Sorry Simon it was stuck loading!
Simon N. (GM):(I just stayed logged in all day - the problem is loading it up, it's fine when you're in)
Arian:...they sound like charmers
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan's go
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelly!
Gorlock (Tony):ooc- I think we have too much content...
It all downloads
Greeba (Jelena):(Except loading used to take 5 minutes, no wit's more than 10 before it stabilises)
Simon N. (GM):OK can maybe move Thibault down the init order when Phil logs in
Jelly:Isn't it Thib's go
Gorlock (Tony):Thib's not here
Simon N. (GM):#Trystan
Jelly:Oh ok now it's changed, sorry!
Evocation 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A point of your choice within range
Components: V, S, M (A chip of mica)
Duration: Instantaneous
A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of your choice within range. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw. A nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried also takes the damage if it’s in the spell’s area.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
I'll cast Shatter on the Death dogs
Simon N. (GM):OK the sound booms through the ancient halls..
roll dmg
rolling 3d8
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Ability: 4
Death Dog
Ability: 21
Trystan:(OOC I just said to the others Simon that I am probably a 'Fool of a Took' now lol
Simon N. (GM)::D
20 dmg to 1st, 10 to 2nd
(hopefully worth it)
Simon N. (GM):The first one
's ears are bleeding
Trystan:(OOC don't try to make me feel sorry for it lol)
Gorlock (Tony):
Eldritch Blast (+6)
Simon N. (GM):end turn?
Trystan:Yes please
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm back. Hi everyone! :-)
Simon N. (GM):3/4 cover so +5 AC from there, AC 12 so stlll hits, 8 dmg. HI P!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'll play at the end of the round. No problem!
Gorlock (Tony):
Enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Components: V, S, M (petrified eye of newt)
Duration: Concentration Up to one hour
You place a curse on a creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. Also, choose one ability when you cast the spell. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.

If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to curse a new creature.

A Remove Curse cast on the target ends this spell early.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.
rolling 1d6
int save
Simon N. (GM):of course you were supposed to cast that before you hit it :)
Gorlock (Tony):ah
next time...
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I move 30 feet to the entrance of the corridor and hit the one in front of me.
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Longsword with Channel Divinity{26}
Roll DamagesClick
Longsword with Channel Divinity (Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen)
Slashing Damage6
Simon N. (GM):You hit it for 6
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Rolled a 1 on the damage... :-(
Greeba (Jelena):
Warhammer (Two-Handed) (+6)
Gorlock (Tony):oops
Simon N. (GM):Jelly?
Gorlock (Tony):We've lost her
just disappeared
Simon N. (GM):ok #Arian
Gorlock (Tony):Jelly's here
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelly
Gorlock (Tony):chaos monday
Trystan:Sorry was longer than expected
Simon N. (GM):#Wisteria #Arian
Gorlock (Tony):Wisteria's go
Wisteria of Skullspire:Is anyobe badly wounded? Don't think so?
Gorlock (Tony):nope
Arian:I think we're all good
Greeba (Jelena):Not a scratch!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok Toll the Dead on D Dog
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Ability: 7
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good
Wisteria of Skullspire:
rolling 1d12
Gorlock (Tony):sweet
Wisteria of Skullspire:Good.....good (rubs hands). Minions for Myrkul.........
Greeba (Jelena)::D
Simon N. (GM):It keels over
Wisteria of Skullspire:Muahahahahaha
Simon N. (GM):#Arian
Gorlock (Tony):hard to hit down that corridor
Arian:I use my crossbow, after I move
Simon N. (GM):the pillar is in the way
Gorlock (Tony):Arian can get a view though
Arian:Can I yell for Thibault to duck first?
Simon N. (GM):ok just T giving it +2 AC
AC 14
Light Crossbow (+4)
6 + 2Piercing
Greeba (Jelena):Sweet!
Arian:"Take that, evil mutt!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I hear a swwooosh sound next to my ear...
Arian:"You don't deserve to lick Shaggy's paws!"
oh yeah it doesn't look like it did all the crit damage
Gorlock (Tony):shouldn't it be 2d8
rolling 1d8
Simon N. (GM):
120 ft
Chill Touch (+5)
A ghostly hand claws the dog for 4
Gorlock (Tony):?
Dragonking1million :i run inside
action to dash
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"It's Eamon! Huzzah!
Eamon (Bill):end turn
Gorlock (Tony):sorry, It did the crit, it was ok 8 not 11
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Eamon! So good to see you!
Sirondar Altur Banacath:#Eamon
Simon N. (GM):#Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):Sorry, what is the range of a javelin?
Simon N. (GM):30' short
120 long
Gorlock (Tony):too many people in the way?
Greeba (Jelena):ah, and long with disad?
Javelin (+6)
Simon N. (GM):disad and cover yes you miss
Greeba (Jelena):looks like a miss!
end turn
Sirondar Altur Banacath:drops corroded sword, draws hand axe
Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):OOC If Greeba has that short sword that Arian gave her, she could give it to poor Sirondar
Sirondar Altur Banacath:11 dmg
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Why does the Handaxe have corrosion too?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC sorry, it's hanging in the Skulnar forge!
Sirondar Altur Banacath:it doesn't
hence 11 dmg, no -2
action surge
Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
miss :(
The death dog lunges...
Sirondar Altur Banacath:
Death Dog
The dog makes two bite attacks.
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Attack: 16
Death Dog
Attack: 24
AC 18, 1 crit
rolling 2d6+2
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured.
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Arian:yikes, good job Sirondar
Greeba (Jelena):Good job!
Simon N. (GM):He shrugs off the diseased bite
rolling d20+4
Gorlock (Tony):can't see him
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):can't reach anything
will just double move up
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, can you scout to the east?
Wisteria of Skullspire:
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Aye aye sir!" salutes
Trystan:Casting on the remaining Death Dog.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:you need line of sight
Trystan:'Mangy, useless cur!'
Oh darn yes I didn't see. Literally.
Can I get it if I move?
Simon N. (GM):move & see :)
that was 35 right?
Trystan:I don't have dynamic lighting on mine I don't think?
Simon N. (GM):but you can see it from there
Trystan:I find it hard to tell with the speed!
Yup just in range. i have 30 speed.
Simon N. (GM):no dynamic lighting, just use the range line thingy
Trystan:Oh which is that?
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Ability: 8
The Snap one
Gorlock (Tony):looks like a comb, 4th down
Arian:The one that looks like a comb on a circle
Simon N. (GM):You mock it
Trystan:I've been using that but can't where if it tells you stuff is in range or not?
In LOS sorry
Arian:It does look like a comb! What is it supposed to be, anyway??
Simon N. (GM):You draw the line & if it hits a wall it's not in line of sight :)
anyway roll dmg
rolling 1d4
Simon N. (GM):It whimpers
Gorlock (Tony):disadvantage as well
move hex to the new guy
Eldritch Blast (+6)
rolling 1d6
12 total
Simon N. (GM):AC 19, still hits - it drops dead.
Greeba (Jelena):Yay!
Gorlock (Tony):OMG I killed something
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Gorlock the Amazing!
Gorlock (Tony)::)
Simon N. (GM):ok you're out of combat
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):My sword stops glowing bright.
Arian:If we go to the start of the tunnels, can we see anything?
like the one to the right?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:move up & see
"Might I trouble you for some healing, Sir Gorlock?"
Gorlock (Tony):dead dogs?
Greeba (Jelena):and a dead person?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:There's a half eaten human male & 2 similarly mangled mastiffs
Arian peeks down tunnel to the right
Gorlock (Tony):gruesome
Arian:OOC anything in his bloody pockets?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Too dark to see!"
Trystan:Wisteria will examine the dead and make a medicine check.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:They appear to have been mauled to death by death dogs.
Arian:Arian would like to examine the water pool in the second room
rolling 1d20 +4
Arian:OOC how close do I have to get?
Gorlock (Tony):thanks Tiff
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:He has tattered studded leather & a coin pouch
Trystan:Including the dead dogs? All mauled by Death Dogs?
Greeba (Jelena):Anything I can see in the crossing tunnels?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:The water looks green & slimy, to look in you have to go over to beside it
@T yes
Gorlock (Tony):careful...
Brewer's Supplies (2+0+2)
oops wrong thing
Ah, well, it's yucky water
Simon N. (GM):Arian detects a faint green glow from the water, defiinitely magic
Gorlock (Tony):unholy water...
Arian:Is it possible to scoop some up into one of the flasks I have but NOT touch any of it?
Simon N. (GM):The dead adventurer also has something in his backpack, & 2 shortswords
>>Is it possible to scoop some up into one of the flasks I have but NOT touch any of it?<< DC 10 DEX (sleight of hand)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll check the backpack
Arian:Oh what the heck. She's a curious, not very smart druid
Simon N. (GM):Opening it W sees a painted Glass Statuette (of an Elf Sorceress). Very nice if a bit tacky :)
Greeba (Jelena):Is there another tunnel crossing in the N?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria strangely quite likes it, so will pocket it. Might be good to barter with Trystan later!
Gorlock (Tony):I cast light on a match and hand it to Tiff. Will this help?
if You find anything drop it and run
Simon N. (GM):OK Arian collects some water. in the flask it's still glowing.
Arian carefully stoppers the flask
Arian:and hopes she can find some way to identify it later
OOC None of us have Identify or even Detect Magic??
Simon N. (GM):Greeba strides down & gets shot at by goblins
Gorlock (Tony):indling
Greeba (Jelena):"GOBLINNNZ"
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff goo scout with the ligh
Simon N. (GM):no one move
Gorlock (Tony):go scout with the light
Simon N. (GM):
Skill: 25
Giant Wolf Spider
Skill: 18
Greeba is surprised by goblins & by the spiders that drop on her
Greeba (Jelena):"EEEK!"
Arian:Simon, before I forget, how much was in the coin pouch we grabbed?
Simon N. (GM):everyone roll init, you are all surprised
Greeba (Jelena):
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Simon N. (GM):14gp in pouch A
Gorlock (Tony):
Wisteria of Skullspire:
Ability: 19 | 22
Gorlock (Tony):woops double clicked
Wisteria of Skullspire:That was Trystan's roll
Gorlock (Tony):should be 17
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
Simon N. (GM):
Goblin Boss
Ability: 7
Trystan:22 total initiative
17 for Wisteria
Gorlock (Tony):gotta click his token
Trystan that is
Simon N. (GM):
Initiative: 3
Trystan:I don't think Trystan automatically goes on the tracker because he's still an NPC?
Simon N. (GM):more likely not clicked token Jelly, it works for my NPCs
Trystan:i definitely clicked him!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
Bend Luck
Class: Wild Magic
Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate using your wild magic. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend 2 sorcery points to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.
oh sorry!
Gorlock (Tony):try again Trystan?
Simon N. (GM):
Attack: 12
I put T on
Greeba (Jelena):miss :)
Trystan:Ah I didn't see the initiative button so clicked his Dex instead. That's why it didn't add it :-(
Greeba (Jelena):(if it was attacking me)
Initiative: 3
Not so good this time!
Simon N. (GM):keep the 19 I put on the tracker
Trystan:Thanks Simon
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Initiative: 18
Somewhere a death dog howls...
Initiative: 6
Initiative: 9
Arian howls back, wolfishly
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):No way to locate the sound of the DD? Even roughly?
Simon N. (GM):
Attack:20 | 10
Damage: 5 piercing
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):On Greeba?
Simon N. (GM):OK goblin shoots Greeba 20 - 5 dmg
Greeba (Jelena):OK, what was the 12 attack earlier?
Gorlock (Tony):2nd goblin
Simon N. (GM):Goblin Boss throws a javelin
(1st part of its att w advtg G)
Greeba (Jelena):ah, because we're surprised
Gorlock (Tony):jeez, scream for help
Simon N. (GM):
Javelin (Ranged)
Goblin Boss
Attack:8 | 8
Damage: 3 piercing
Greeba (Jelena):miss
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Xarius?
Or is this still surprise round?
Simon N. (GM):surprise round yup, the gobboes revealed themselves by shooting, G failed PP so Surprised
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Okey dokey
Simon N. (GM):Goblin boss attacks w scimitar
Goblin Boss
Attack:6 | 15
Damage: 8 slashing
Goblin Boss
Attack:21 | 12
Damage: 6 slashing
6 & 12 - 2nd attack has disad - miss
Greeba (Jelena):phew!
Simon N. (GM):
Attack:15 | 23
Damage: 6 piercing
2nd gobbo shoots for 15, miss
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Fire bolt at Death Dog
120 feet
Fire Bolt (+6)
Simon N. (GM):scorchio
Eamon (Bill):
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):And then move
Trystan:Simon Trystan seems to have disappeared at 19?
Simon N. (GM):yup!
(must do spider then) #19 Trystan
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 6
lands behind Greeba
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 6
Simon N. (GM):
Giant Wolf Spider
Initiative: 16
Greeba (Jelena):I still don't like bugs! (OOC I know, but Greeba doesn't)
Simon N. (GM):#19 Trystan
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Healing Word on Sirondar
rolling 1d4+2
Simon N. (GM):"Cheers!"
anything else?
Gorlock (Tony):Greeba needs some meat shields of her own
Trystan:I can't do two bonus actions can I?
Simon N. (GM):no
Gorlock (Tony)::)
Trystan:Even if I've not done any big actions?
In that case end turn!
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d3
death dog goes for Trystan
OOC in future always say "I Dodge" when you have nothing better to do :p
Death Dog
The dog makes two bite attacks.
Death Dog
Attack: 9
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan normally slays the ladies with his looks
Trystan:Oh I see sorry lol
Simon N. (GM):
Death Dog
Attack: 16
Gorlock (Tony):oops
Trystan:Yup hit on 2nd
AC 15
Gorlock (Tony):ouch
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d6+2
3 dmg & CON save vs diseased bite
Arian:OOC I kinda want to dump something in the yucky water to see what happens to them
Gorlock (Tony):wait
rolling 1d20+1
Gorlock (Tony):not now
Simon N. (GM):yup
Trystan:Trystan is a hangover master so he can't really be poisioned!
Simon N. (GM)::)
Gorlock (Tony):liver of steeel
Simon N. (GM):#Eamon
Eamon (Bill):i go up to the death dog and slashh it
Gorlock (Tony):I love your indirect speaking there Eamon
Eamon (Bill):bonus action punch
5 ft.
Gorlock (Tony):nice
Arian:I love it when you punch things ka-pow
Eamon (Bill):
rolling 1d4 + 3
Arian:I feel like there should be sound effects
Gorlock (Tony):noooooo
Greeba (Jelena):Every little helps!
Simon N. (GM):#Gorlock
Gorlock (Tony):let's see
attack spider
Simon N. (GM):ok
Gorlock (Tony):hex spider
Eldritch Blast (+6)
spider lair
poor Greeba.
Simon N. (GM):The swarm of wolf spiders attacks Greeba
Gorlock (Tony):anybody have fireball
Greeba (Jelena):"Get' em off me!!!!"
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan
Simon N. (GM):
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 4
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 22
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 17
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 8
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack: 4
Greeba (Jelena):1 hit
Simon N. (GM):Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage
The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
rolling 3d6+1
roll CON save DC 11
Greeba (Jelena):
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes!
Hold on tight Greeba!
Simon N. (GM):6 bite dmg & 10/2 = 5 poison, 11 total
Gorlock (Tony):pierced meat shield... :(
Simon N. (GM):2 wolf-sized spiders are on the walls, 2 behind her.
Gorlock (Tony):we are too scattered
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I hit the spider right behind Greeba.
West fo her
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Roll DamagesClick
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen

Longsword: damage
Simon N. (GM):hit for 7
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Is it still alive?
Simon N. (GM):yup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I will add one of my strike
Simon N. (GM):er you declare that before rolling dmg
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):No Divine smite can be done afterthe roll. I believe.
Simon N. (GM):after the attack roll
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ah ok. Fair enough
Greeba (Jelena):Raging and frenzy!
Arian:Greeba's getting her greeb on
Greeba (Jelena):The same spider that's wounded
Simon N. (GM):>>Divine Smite
Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage.<<
Greeba (Jelena):
Warhammer RA (+6)
Simon N. (GM):you BA rage
killing it
Greeba (Jelena):SMASH
Simon N. (GM):BA frenzy next round
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):NICE!
Greeba (Jelena):waving warhammer
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Elia uses chill touch on the DD
120 ft
Chill Touch (+5)
ghostly hand grasps its throat
Arian:death dog feels the chill
Simon N. (GM):goblin boss slashes at Greeba, snarling
Goblin Boss
The goblin makes two attacks with its scimitar. The second attack has disadvantage.
Goblin Boss
Attack:19 | 20
Damage: 5 slashing
Goblin Boss
Attack:9 | 20
Damage: 5 slashing
5/2 = 2 dmg
Greeba (Jelena):only 2 damage, though
Gorlock (Tony):thick skinned
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar attacks
Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
The dog staggers
Gorlock (Tony):rusty scimitar, tetenus check
Simon N. (GM):#Arian
Arian:hearing Greeba's shouts of pain and "It had to be Spider, dammit!" and "Freaking Goblins!", Arian rushes forwards
Gorlock (Tony):oh forgot, swithc ed to axe
Arian:Bonus action to cast Healing Word on Greeba
60 feet
Healing Word
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks, Arian!
Gorlock (Tony):Simon, I lost track, which spider did I attack last time,or can I just move my hex next turn?
Arian:And then I'll attack a spider
Simon N. (GM):GM: hm, looks like Sirondar needs light
Light Crossbow (+4)
Simon N. (GM):everyone else sees in dark
Arian:Gorlock lit something for Tiffany earlier
Gorlock (Tony):I gave Tiff a light, can she hover over him
Simon N. (GM):You Lit Tiff?
that's fine then
Gorlock (Tony):I gave her a lit object
piece of kindling
Simon N. (GM):not a light spell? jeez
Gorlock (Tony):cast light on it
Simon N. (GM):ok not just a piece of flaming wood :)
Arian:Didja get Arian's hit on the spider?
If so, that's me done.
Gorlock (Tony):no, she'd burn up for sure
Simon N. (GM):Arian hits - which one?
ok far left
Arian:The farthest back one?
because the othre has cover, right? from the corner?
Simon N. (GM):you hit & wound it
Gorlock (Tony):kiiilll, kiiiilll!
Trystan:I'm going to double move and cast Healing Word as B action
Simon N. (GM):(taking drink run break after goblins)
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Simon N. (GM):ok
Trystan:Casting at Level 2
rolling 2d4 +2
On Greeba
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria heals G 7
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Wisteria!
Simon N. (GM):goblin shoots up at Greeba
Attack:14 | 7
Damage: 5 piercing
Greeba (Jelena):AC 18
I love corridors
stand them up, knock them down
Trystan:Goblin Conga
Arian:It's just a step to the left and then a...
Trystan:Can Trystan have insp for that lol?
Simon N. (GM):goblins shoot at Greeba - further back ones are at penalty
Attack:9 | 8
Damage: 3 piercing
Attack:15 | 5
Damage: 8 piercing
Attack:19 | 21
Damage: 4 piercing
AC 20 vs that last one - no hits
This is what we need
Greeba (Jelena)::D
Simon N. (GM):
rolling 2d2
2 goblins shoot at Eamon
Attack:9 | 11
Damage: 5 piercing
Attack:24 | 12
Damage: 3 + 1 piercing
Eamon (Bill):i use reaction to catch the arrow
rolling 1d10 + 6
i slice the arrow in half
Simon N. (GM):ok Eamon catches it
slices it
Greeba (Jelena):Nice one!
Simon N. (GM):brb
back - #20 Xarius
The goblins come streaming in, shooting their little bows and yelling
Gorlock (Tony):need to try the domino effect, push the one in front
Gorlock (Tony):dex save for the rest
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Burning Hands!
Gorlock (Tony):imagine it
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
Self (15-foot cone)
Burning Hands
Burning Hands
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Target: Self (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
oooooh FIRE!
Greeba (Jelena):smoky!
Simon N. (GM):roll dmg
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
rolling 3d6
ha yes
Gorlock (Tony):nice
Simon N. (GM):
Ability: 16 | 19
Ability: 11 | 16
Ability: 9 | 11
Gorlock (Tony):still think you should push it
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):And then have one square of movement left, so will move back one
Simon N. (GM):ok
1st gob in scorched but alive
Xarius Jaunesse (Max) fist pump
Gorlock (Tony):Sirondar can see now
bon fire
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Well done Xarius!!!
Simon N. (GM):#Trystan
Trystan:I'll slash at the DD with my rapier, take that!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Do I need to roll for Wild Magic?
Attack:9 | 23
Damage: 5 piercing
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):It was a level 1 spell
Simon N. (GM):miss
yes please - any slot level 1+
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
rolling 1d20
Trystan:End turn :-(
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d3
attacks Eamon
Death Dog
Attack:18 | 10
Damage: 6 piercing
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every 24 hours that elapse, the creature must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5, 1d10, on a failure. This reduction lasts until the disease is cured. The creature dies if the disease reduces its hit point maximum to 0
Death Dog
Attack:5 | 18
Damage: 7 piercing
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every 24 hours that elapse, the creature must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5, 1d10, on a failure. This reduction lasts until the disease is cured. The creature dies if the disease reduces its hit point maximum to 0
Eamon (Bill):
rolling 1d20 + 1
Simon N. (GM):pass!
Arian:Eamon shakes it off!
Eamon (Bill):i slash the dog
i punch the dog as a bonus action
5 ft.
rolling 1d4 + 3
Arian:OOC I'm sorry, but seriously, the punching kinda cracks me up every time.
OOC I love it. I punch you POW
Simon N. (GM):#17 Gorlock
Gorlock (Tony):Is the one I hexed still alive
Simon N. (GM):no
Gorlock (Tony):ah
Eldritch Blast (+6)
Simon N. (GM):you just broke ciontact w a spider - opp att
Gorlock (Tony):
rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack:15 | 17
Damage: 2 piercing + 9 poison
The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Gorlock (Tony):who
Simon N. (GM):You kill one but another bites you first
Gorlock (Tony):?
Arian:They have reach?
Simon N. (GM):you moved up the tunnel then left
so no longer adjacent to spider
Gorlock (Tony):ah
Trystan:Can't go diagonally?
Simon N. (GM):DC 11 CON save
Gorlock (Tony):
Simon N. (GM):(no, and that would make no difference Jelly)
11 dmg
Gorlock (Tony):did you take it off?
Simon N. (GM):yup
Gorlock (Tony):ok
Simon N. (GM):
rolling d2
rolling d3
1 spider attacks Thibault
Gorlock (Tony):bonus action healing light
rolling 1d6
rolling 1d6
2 back
Simon N. (GM):(roll the dice together in future pls)
Gorlock (Tony):oops 6 back, didn't think I did the d
Simon N. (GM):ok
thought you wre rolling 2
Gorlock (Tony):just one, just can't read
Simon N. (GM)::)
spider vs Thib
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack:15 | 14
Damage: 5 piercing + 8 poison
The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Arian:"Stand strong, Sir Thib!"
Simon N. (GM):chomps on chain
2 on Greeba
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack:11 | 16
Damage: 2 piercing + 7 poison
The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Giant Wolf Spider
Attack:21 | 7
Damage: 4 piercing + 6 poison
The target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
CON save Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Damn!
Greeba (Jelena)::-(
Simon N. (GM):4/2=2 piercing +6 poison
#14 Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I move next to Greeba and attack the spider north of her
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Roll DamagesClick
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Divine smite! :-)
Simon N. (GM):ok
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Divine Smite(2d8){6}
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen

Longsword: damage
Simon N. (GM):dead :)
Greeba (Jelena):Yippee!
Simon N. (GM):#Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):Spider S of Thib
Warhammer RA (+6)
13 + 4Bludgeoning
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOOOh!
Greeba (Jelena):crit :)
Arian:"A mighty blow!"
Simon N. (GM):Spider bits splatter everywhere
Greeba (Jelena):also frenzy: on Rox
Goblin Boss:"No!"
Greeba (Jelena):
Warhammer RA (+6)
(does that include rage? )
Gorlock (Tony):I htink you hit it
Greeba (Jelena):(12 damage is incl. rage)
Goblin Boss:He staggers from the mighty blow
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Me looking at Greeba's massacre:
Greeba (Jelena)::D
Take that, goblin!
end tturn
Xarius Jaunesse (Max) glad to see someone else feeling very squishy
Goblin Boss:
Higher Level Cast
90 ft
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Wait, was that Elia casting it?
Trystan:Is that Elia Simon?
Goblin Boss:Elia cast Sleep, 3 goblins collapse
Greeba (Jelena):Great!
Simon N. (GM):
Goblin Boss
Attack:24 | 23
Damage: 8 + 5 slashing
Rox slashes Greeba for 13/2 = 6
Nimble Escape
The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
He legs it
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Coward! Come back!
Simon N. (GM):
Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Kills it!
Greeba (Jelena):Yes!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Yay Sirondar!
Simon N. (GM):#Arian
Greeba (Jelena):The dog is dead!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Cast Moonbeam!
on the Goblin at the crossroads
Constitution Save
120 feet
Evocation 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Target: A 5-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range
Components: V, S, M (Several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent feldspar)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
A silvery beam of pale light shines down in a 5-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range. Until the spell ends, dim light fills the cylinder. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed in ghostly flames that cause searing pain, and it must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A shapechanger makes its saving throw with disadvantage. If it fails, it also instantly reverts to its original form and can’t assume a different form until it leaves the spell’s light. On each of your turns after you cast this spell, you can use an action to move the beam up to 60 feet in any direction.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd.
Simon N. (GM):like that?
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):And bonus action to cast Healing Word on Greeba
Arian:Yes, that's good! Sorry forgot to switch to Arian
60 feet
Healing Word
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Arian!
Simon N. (GM):24/41?
Greeba (Jelena):yes
Arian:Not a lot, but every bit counts!
Simon N. (GM):#Wisteria
Greeba (Jelena):Exactly!
Trystan:Casting Cure Wounds at 2nd level on Greeba
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A creature you touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
rolling 2d8+2
Simon N. (GM):30/41
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Wisteria!
Trystan:B action Healing word as that was terrible!
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Simon N. (GM):only 1 spell
Trystan:Oh ok sorryt
Simon N. (GM):per turn unless 1 is a cantrip
Trystan:In that case Toll the Dead on a gobbo?
Simon N. (GM):OK 3 sleeping goblins will wake up in searing pain
roll d8
rolling 1d8
Simon N. (GM):
Ability: 10 | 3
Arian:Do you mean the damage for Moonbeam?
Simon N. (GM):Moonbeam CON saves now
Arian:I'd rolled 16 on the damage (2D10)
Simon N. (GM):
Ability: 19 | 13
Ability: 2 | 3
Ability: 1 | 2
Arian:16 Radiant
Simon N. (GM):ok yes
all die anyway :)
Greeba (Jelena):YAY!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Love the BIG X
Greeba (Jelena):The others better run away! Growls
Arian:Arian will keep it up though -- concentration spell
Simon N. (GM):1 goblin BA disengages from Sirondar
& dashes away
rolling 2d6
Remaining goblins are fleeing
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):All of those goblins are dead, right?
Simon N. (GM):X'd ones are dead
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):If move to just under the moonbeam, can I see the Goblin Boss?
Simon N. (GM):you never know till you try
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):I stand on a squishy goblin
Simon N. (GM):nope
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Darn
Arian:Can I drop the moonbeam?
Simon N. (GM):yup
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):
120 feet
Fire Bolt (+6)
Simon N. (GM):he ducks
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):oh well
Simon N. (GM):#Trystan
Arian:He was short. Aimed too high.
Simon N. (GM):corners
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Vicious mockery on the spider.
Gorlock (Tony):my favourite
Trystan:It's legs are feeble and unelegant!
Simon N. (GM):
Giant Wolf Spider
Ability: 17 | 14
Trystan:Passed :-(
Simon N. (GM):#Eamon
Eamon (Bill):i move up
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Nasty goblin! Get away!"
Eamon (Bill):surrender or die you men have fled
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Intimidate
Eamon (Bill):i will
Gorlock (Tony):she' scary
Eamon (Bill):
rolling 1d20 + 2
Simon N. (GM):DC 9 still fail :)
Eamon (Bill):i attack
Simon N. (GM):Goblin hisses and dodges
Arian:We need to get Eamon a better weapon
Simon N. (GM):#Gorlock
Greeba (Jelena):Burn the spider!
Gorlock (Tony):hex the spider
Simon N. (GM):(Greeba could reforge it +1)
Gorlock (Tony):
Eldritch Blast (+6)
Greeba (Jelena):(Happy to!)
Gorlock (Tony):
rolling 1d6
Greeba (Jelena):Sweet!
Gorlock (Tony):str check
Simon N. (GM):Spider bits rain down
Gorlock (Tony):I move up
Simon N. (GM):#Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I dash to the corridor of the goblin to block his secape
Simon N. (GM):Big chamber w smelly goblin refuse pile
Arian:Sounds like something to examine with our noses covered later
Simon N. (GM):#Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):I dash to block the other way out
Simon N. (GM):Elia uses chill touch vs fleeing goblin
120 ft
Chill Touch (+5)
goblin on 1 hp :)
Elia :"drat"
rolling 2d6
Gorlock (Tony):just
Elia :Goblin boss throws down his scimitar & puts hands up. "No hurt meee!"
Gorlock (Tony):kill him
Goblin Boss:"Me surrender!"
Eamon (Bill):"ok"
"i accept your surrender"
Greeba (Jelena):"Tell us how many more of you are there"
Arian:Where's Sirondar off to?
Gorlock (Tony):really??? feels like dragon turtle again
Goblin Boss:#Arian
Arian:Ok, I'll move forward
Gorlock (Tony):enslave goblin horde?
Arian:But I heard Eamon say something about surrender
Eamon (Bill):not enslave "put to work"
Gorlock (Tony):tomato tomaatoa
Arian:so I guess...I'll just move forward again and say "Tell any of, goblins, to lay down their weapons!"
Eamon (Bill):"i will not allow people who have surrendered to be harmed"
Greeba (Jelena):(or we can deliver them to a Duchess or someone and get a monetary reward, maybe?)
Goblin Boss :"We s'render!"
Arian:"Or we WILL kill them."
Goblin Boss :#Wisteria
Arian:I better hear a clatter of weapons hitting the ground
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I gesture towards the Gobs in the corridor and order them to move back in the room
"Hear your boss?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Where's your gold, little pixies?
Eamon (Bill):"no arian that'd be dishonorable"
Goblin Boss :GM: OK you're out of combat
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The gobbies are buggering off!
Arian:"I said, if they don't surrender, Eamon."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Will Rox answer Wisteria?
Eamon (Bill):"ok but they did surrender"
Arian:"If they don't throw their weapons down, did they truly?"
Simon N. (GM):Roxx looks terrified. "No hurt me! Me s'render!"
Eamon (Bill):"don't worry i won't let anyone hurt you"
Wisteria of Skullspire:I asked you where your gold and treasure is?
Greeba (Jelena):"just lead us to your treasure"
Eamon (Bill):"as long as you don't act violently"
Simon N. (GM):Roxx hands Wisteria a J-shaped key
Wisteria of Skullspire:Myrkul smile upon you. What does this open?
Goblin Boss :"Treasure in big room! You kill gobboes, you take! Not kill Roxx!"
Roxx points east the way the goblins fled
Eamon (Bill):"can you just convince your men to lay down their weapons instead"
Arian:"Er...did you just tell us to kill your own people to lay our hands on the treasure?"
Gorlock (Tony):ok then
Goblin Boss :"In there! Bad gobboes! You kill, yes!"
Greeba (Jelena):"let's go get it, then!"
Gorlock (Tony):kill the goblin
Arian:"They aren't YOUR tribe?"
OOC Greeba, don't you need more healing first?
Goblin Boss :"Bad gobboes kill venturers! Not like Roxx! Roxx love venturers!" big winsome smile
Greeba (Jelena):OOC I could do with some more healing, yes
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC it sounds a bit like a trap?
Arian:Does he seem sincere?
Goblin Boss :In the distance to the SE you hear a sudden scream - sounds like a goblin.
Eamon (Bill):"we'll tale the boss with us"
Goblin Boss :Roll Insight Arian
Greeba (Jelena):Scream of pain, or of rage?
Goblin Boss :You can take Roxx's claim to love adventurers with a pinch of salt
Arian:Kinda figured ;-)
Goblin Boss :death scream
Arian:OOC Let's tie his hands
Wait, Death scream??
Did somebody stab him?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe one of them fell into a booby trap?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Something got that last goblin we were chasing"
Greeba (Jelena):Somebody's come to lend us a hand?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Couldn't see what"
Arian:oh so it wasn't the Goblin Boss that had a death scream?
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, can you check out the SE corridor with your light?
Eamon (Bill):"probably a death dog or something"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"But I don't want to get crumpled, Arian!"
Greeba (Jelena):"I thought they were friendly with the death dogs!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If I look at the SE corridor, what do I see?
Arian:"Wasn't me who said it, Tiff!"
"You're just a wee thing!"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Sorry!"
Gorlock (Tony):never mind, Thib's ther ealreayd
Simon N. (GM):GM: Thibault sees the goblin lying dead, its mouth seems caked with sand...
Arian:"Eamon, how about you tie up your Goblin friend so that he does not attempt escape for now?"
Eamon (Bill):"ok"
"only hands"
Arian:"What's going on down there, Gorlock??"
Simon N. (GM):Two very realistic gargoyle statues flank descending steps to the north; there are exits to E & S
Eamon (Bill):"i'll take him with me"
Gorlock (Tony):sand....I guess no one shall pass
Simon N. (GM):You tie Roxx
Greeba (Jelena):"But where is the big room, Rox?"
Goblin Boss :"Me no point! Me hands tied!"
Arian:"Use your words, please."
"To the right, down this corridor?"
Arian:If we're still not in combat, can I quickly examine the pile of goblin stuff?
Goblin Boss :Greeba enters a large chamber w dried blood on the floor. 3 gargoyle statues & the smashed remains of a 4th. Heavy door across the room.
Gorlock (Tony):Lots of gargoyles
Goblin Boss :Arian examines the rubbish pile
She gets very stinky
Arian:holding nose
Goblin Boss :Some human bones in there - no skulls
Arian:s'ok smells a bit like Shaggy after he eats
Gorlock (Tony):headless
Goblin Boss :Bones seem chewed on
Arian:"What is the purple thing down the hallway to the north?"
Goblin Boss :"Me throne!"
Arian:"Rox, do you eat human flesh?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):These gargoyles are definitely traps or sentry
Greeba (Jelena):"Are these gargoyles some kind of trap?"
Arian:"Tell us about the gargoyles, Rox. Do you control them?"
Goblin Boss :"er... no, me sworn off human flesh! Me good goblin!"
Goblin Boss :"Gargoyles? Yes! If me die, gargoyles come to life & kill whoever kill me!"
Arian:grudgingly believes him, mostly because the alternative is bad
(about the eating human flesh thing)
Gorlock (Tony):We're getting tired of this.
Greeba (Jelena):Lets check out the throne room
Gorlock (Tony):
Arian:"Hey, I think there's something in there next to the throne."
Greeba (Jelena):What's in the box?
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a chest
Eamon (Bill):ooc well since druids can talk to cows it shows they have rudimentary intelligence but humans and other humanoids still eat them so why can a goblin not eat a human that invaded their home
Greeba (Jelena):OOC because meat-eaters are not succulent
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will head up with the key
Gorlock (Tony):Ok Goblin. tell us what's going on or your toast
Simon N. (GM):Greeba opens the chest - it holds suspicious looking dried meats
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh ok not for that one then!
Arian:suspicious meat?
Greeba (Jelena):Eeew
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Who likes eyeballs?
Greeba (Jelena):I do, just not human ones!
Gorlock (Tony):Orc?
Simon N. (GM):One of the dried ears has a silver stud earring (1 sp)
Arian:"Er, Greeba, you can have it..."
Greeba (Jelena):can we tell whose ears they were?
Gorlock (Tony):OK Eamon, we tried to be fair. He's playing us.
Greeba (Jelena):carefully picks out the silver stud
Simon N. (GM):Greeba can roll Investigation
Greeba (Jelena):
Gorlock (Tony):nice
Simon N. (GM):nope
Arian:Can I look? If you hold it up, Greeba?
Greeba (Jelena):Anyway, I'm keeping the silver!
Greeba (Jelena):holding up the dried ear for Arian
Simon N. (GM):GM: Arian - Debbie the Sorceress in Braltak's group had an ear ring like that.
Greeba (Jelena):Ouch!
Gorlock (Tony):at least not tpk
Arian:"By the Forest Father! I think it's Debbie's ear!"
Gorlock (Tony):poor gal
Arian:retches a bit
"Eamon! Sirondar! He's got Debbie's ear in his chest!"
Greeba (Jelena):I might give it to Braltak as a memento...
Eamon (Bill):"and"
Gorlock (Tony):Ok jerk, what's to the east?
Arian:"Er, do you really think he'd want it, Greeba?"
"How many ears are in there??"
Greeba (Jelena):"Not the ear, Arian, just the earring!"
Arian:"Oh, thank goodness."
Goblin Boss :"East - bad gobboes iz roasting last venturer!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:A disgusting thing, no respect for the dead!!
Eamon (Bill):"it's not like they are raiding villages"
Gorlock (Tony):let's get 'em
Arian:"Do you mean to say someone may still be alive??"
Goblin Boss :"You kill em and take my treasure with key!"
Gorlock (Tony):goblin, you first
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe there's a prisoner still alive?
Goblin Boss :"No, she dead!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I honestly think he's lying
Eamon (Bill):"their home was invaded and they defended it"
Greeba (Jelena):drops dried ears and closes chest
Wisteria of Skullspire:And then ate the dead..........
Eamon (Bill):"and you've never eaten any meat ever"
Gorlock (Tony):alrighty goblin trash
let's go, you first
Wisteria of Skullspire:Who's side exactly are you on, monk?
Eamon (Bill):"the side of justice and fairness"
Gorlock (Tony):
Goblin Boss :yells at door in Goblin
Arian:"I've never eaten any that TALKS, Eamon. How about you?"
Gorlock (Tony):I love meat
Eamon (Bill):i understand goblin
Gorlock (Tony):and...
Goblin Boss :"Open up boys! They friendly! No hurt you!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Why doesn't Eamon go first? I'm sure the sweet, innocent goblins will do nothing to harm him.......
Gorlock (Tony):I agree
Eamon (Bill):"he said "Open up boys! They friendly! No hurt you!" "
Goblin Boss :You hear the door being unbolted, then it opens
Eamon (Bill):"hello we come in peace" in goblin
Gorlock (Tony):more ears in the NE
Simon N. (GM):You see several goblins and a pile of human skulls. Further in, a corpse is roasting in a fire pit
Wisteria of Skullspire:You'll leave in pieces, though........
Simon N. (GM):There are piles of straw and a chest to the NE
Arian:"Tell them to lay down their weapons."
Eamon (Bill):"surrender and no harm will come to you" in goblin
Greeba (Jelena):That's a LOT of skulls!
Eamon (Bill):"lay down your weapons" in goblin
Simon N. (GM):The goblins look uncertain. Roxx: "Do what big man says!"
Arian eyes Gargoyles -- have they moved at all?
Simon N. (GM):The 4 goblins lower their bows & swords.
Wisteria of Skullspire:I thought you said this was their home, Eamon? Shoudn't we be surrenduring? And turning into dinner?
Arian:OOC If there's anything left of Debbie, we can give her a proper burial
Simon N. (GM):Arian feels as if the gargoyles are watching her.
Greeba (Jelena):tying the goblins hands with rope
Arian:in a Doctor Who kind of evil statue way?
Eamon (Bill):"we didn't lose
Simon N. (GM):Sister Debbie's body looks mostly intact
on the roasting spit
Sister Laura
Arian:Who is Sister Laura? Was she in Braltak's group too?
Greeba (Jelena):or one of the Crimson monks?
Simon N. (GM):(sorry Kim confused me - they ate Debbie & Valos already)
She was in Braltak's group
Arian:ok :-)
Simon N. (GM):Greeba has the J key?
Greeba (Jelena):Anything better in this chest?
Wisteria of Skullspire:But according to you, we didn't win either as we should never have invaded in the first place? I don't understand you monks sometimes, Eamon.
Greeba (Jelena):no, that's Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:I have the key
Simon N. (GM):The chest is v solid & locked
Greeba (Jelena):"come, Wisteria, this chest is locked - maybe your key will work"
Arian:"Rox, can you tell me of the pool of green water? Do you know what it is?"
Goblin Boss :"Nasty slimes in water! Eat goblins who go close!"
Arian:pulls out flask
it's glowing
Eamon (Bill):"all i'm saying is that they are allowed to eat people they killed since it's not cannibalism and they're not going out murdering people"
Goblin Boss :"Oh! Magic water!"
shrugs "Magic"
Arian:"Yes," patiently "But you don't know what kind of magic?"
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - my token has dusappeared
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ha! I see you haven't met enough goblins........
Goblin Boss :(you can drag & drop a new token from Journal T)
Eamon (Bill):"these goblins haven't most do"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC got to go shortly.
Goblin Boss :W - looks like key fits lock
Greeba (Jelena):Go on, Wisteria, try the key!" impatiently
Eamon (Bill):"but these goblins are only killing adventures who come in not innocents"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm, now let's see..........
Gorlock (Tony):mage hand on the chest?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will gingerly lift chest open
Gorlock (Tony):
Mage Hand
Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Target: A point you choose within range
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again. You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. The hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
Simon N. (GM):The key fits, the lock clicks
Gorlock (Tony):back up
Simon N. (GM):the chest is too heavy for mage hand
W opens the lid
Gorlock (Tony):ok
Wisteria of Skullspire:Greeba can you help me?
Greeba (Jelena):Sure
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thank you!
Simon N. (GM):Inside is 2200 cp, 1000 sp, 50 gp, 7 50gp gems - 2 x Carnelian (50 gp), Chalcedony (50 gp), Chrysoprase (50 gp), Moonstone (50 gp), Quartz (50 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp), Star rose quartz (50 gp), and 3 x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187).
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wonderful!
Simon N. (GM):OK suggest your treasurer compile the loot & we stop there for tonight
Gorlock (Tony):sweet. I make jewelry, lots of lovely items
Simon N. (GM):might want to divvy up the potions
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I Heal Greeba for 11 HPs.
Greeba (Jelena):Up to full health, thanks!
Gorlock (Tony):Capture the goblins and take them home?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Star rose quartz sounds interesting!
Simon N. (GM):(you can Short Rest)
Arian:I wrote it all down
Gorlock (Tony):nice
Arian:Is there anything in the pile of bones?
Also, can we put out the fire under Sister Laura?
Gorlock (Tony):cats cure wounds on me then short rest
Arian:Or build it up into a proper bonfire?
Simon N. (GM):The skulls seem picked clean, no treasure
Gorlock (Tony):
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A creature you touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher LevelsWhen you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Arian:And cremate her?
Greeba (Jelena):I get rid of my exhaustion with a SR?
Gorlock (Tony):
rolling 2d8+6
Simon N. (GM):yes
Gorlock (Tony):full health
Arian:Can I inspect the water near where the wolf spiders were?
Greeba (Jelena):I remove the body from the spit and lay it on the fire, in a warrior's funeral
Simon N. (GM):ok
There is 3' of water then muck Arian
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll say some words over the body and speed it to the keeping of Myrkul
Simon N. (GM):You can search the muck if you like? You'll get wet
Wisteria of Skullspire:Bye everyone, see you next time! Thanks for another nail-biter, Simon!
Arian:Hm. Oh, why not. I already smell from searching the goblin yuck
Bye Jelly!
Gorlock (Tony):night
thanks all
Simon N. (GM):OK Laura has a Jedi style cremation :)
Greeba (Jelena):Bye Jelly!
Eamon (Bill):night everyone
Greeba (Jelena):Bye Bill!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Bye Bill!
Arian:But before I do, I'll yell, "Hey, I'm going to look in here, can anyone spot me?"
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Simon, and all!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Arian's hands close on the chimes concealed in the muck...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I will spot you!
Simon N. (GM):She pulls out incredibly ornate sacred chimes
Eamon (Bill):
Kensei Shot
Class: monk 3
as bonus action add 1d4 damage to bow attack
Simon N. (GM):Eamon recognises them as chimes of opening
Gorlock (Tony):ok
Arian:"Can you believe that they threw such a precious thing in the muck?"
Simon N. (GM):Eamon roll History
Eamon (Bill):
rolling 1d20
Simon N. (GM):Eamon recalls the old tale that the last Crimson Monks hid the sacred chimes of their Abbey somewhere in Underhall...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Wow"
Gorlock (Tony):hmmmmmm
Greeba (Jelena):Interesting.... goes above Greeba's head
Arian:I wonder if this is why those monks were here last time we were here
Eamon (Bill):oh it's an old item sacred to the enemy of the yellow rose
Gorlock (Tony):Same. Gorlock's dumb as a post
Arian:cleans them off with a cloth and wraps them up
Arian really wants a bath
Eamon (Bill):if you donated it to the church you could curry a lot of favour
Greeba (Jelena):is it worth money. though?
Arian:"But aren't the Crimson Monks...bad?"
Gorlock (Tony):Prestidigitation...You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
Eamon (Bill):"no the yellow rose monks to curry favor"
Simon N. (GM):>>Chime of Opening
This hollow metal tube measures about 1 foot long and weighs 1 pound. You can strike it as an action, pointing it at an object within 120 feet of you that can be opened, such as a door, lid, or lock. The chime issues a clear tone, and one lock or latch on the object opens unless the sound can't reach the object. If no locks or latches remain, the object itself opens.<<
Eamon (Bill):"the crimson monks hid it so we would not find it"
Arian:"I think we might want to keep it."
"At least for now."
Greeba (Jelena):"So... are the yellow monks a rich order?"
Gorlock (Tony):yep
Eamon (Bill):"it would be a massive blow to them if the church reclaimed the chimes and may reward handsomely"
Greeba (Jelena):Nods
Simon N. (GM):OK goodnight all!
Gorlock (Tony):or we keep the " master key"
Arian:"They are not my church though. Would it help the Forest Father? I know not."
Eamon (Bill):"the yellow rose effectively runs the country"
"it's mostly a sacred item not much use tom your masster"
Greeba (Jelena):"and we may get some coin... why not?"
Gorlock (Tony):opens any lock
Eamon (Bill):"though i would be willing to help you and your master if you gave the chimes to the yellow rose church"
Arian:"But perhaps useful to us to open things. We'll have to weigh that against the coin it could bring us."
Greeba (Jelena):"But do yo have to be a monk to use it?"
Arian:OOC I think whoever is holding it, from the description
Eamon (Bill):"also the favor of the church(which runs the country we live in) is worth more then any open door"
Arian:OOC Can open things from 120 feet away
Greeba (Jelena):OOC don't we have any spells that open doors? I mean the spellcasters in the group?
Eamon (Bill):"it also breaks if you use it even a bit"
"just ten times and it shatters"
Greeba (Jelena):"Let us decide later"
"first, we clean this place!"
Arian:"Agreed. Now is not the time."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Yes, let's decide when all the group is present and vote"
Arian:puts wrapped up chimes in rucksack
careful not to knock against flask of strange green water
Eamon (Bill):"also as thibault is an aspiring lord more favor with the church would b a great boost for him"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Fair enough. I think it's the right option but I want everyone to agree.
Greeba (Jelena):Next week! Bye for now!
Bye, all!
Eamon (Bill):bye everyone
Arian:Have a great week :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Goodbye everyone!
Thank you so much for the great battle Simon!
Arian:That was a veritable horde of goblins ;-)
Simon N. (GM):XP spiders 300+goblins & d

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