"Heroes of Loudwater" - The PCs (at Party Level)
Major Retired PCs
See Gray Vale Page
1. Lirael Widdershins-Sirocco, Knight of the Vale and Warden of the North, Ranger, (S)
2. Sir Paelias, Eladrin Ranger (S)
3. Jareth of Orlbar, Slayer, Guard Commander (S)
Major Retired PCs
1. Halvath Cormarrin the Green Regent, Cleric - Shrine of Mielikki, Brownstone (24)
2. Queen Esmerelda the Iron Queen, known as The Bane Child, Bard - Royal Palace, Llorkh (L18)
3. Sir Dolf Dragonheart, Paladin - Dragonheart Seminary of Torm & Bahamut, Erstlin (D14)
4. Ashara of Akanul, Firesoul Genasi Wizard - Fiery Spire Wizards' Tower, DeTrevani (C18)
5. Shawna Carter of Mars, Deva Paladin - Battling Evil across the Multiverse (D19)
6. Dru-Arael, Black Dog Clan Uthgardt half-elf Druidess - central High Forest (C10)
7. Quinn Eventide (L), Bard, Wielder of Nightbringer,Marshall of Sorrow - Shadowfell Guardian of the Temple of Karsus, Karse (24)
8. Arya, former Red Wizard, Lightning Primordial - Elemental Chaos (C22)
Loudwater Area NPCs6. Dru-Arael, Black Dog Clan Uthgardt half-elf Druidess - central High Forest (C10)
7. Quinn Eventide (L), Bard, Wielder of Nightbringer,
8. Arya, former Red Wizard, Lightning Primordial - Elemental Chaos (C22)
"Elf-blooded" refers to persons, common in the Gray Vale, of partly Elven descent but lacking in the clear Elfin features of first-generation Half Elves. They tend to be slender and long-lived. Their ears may be unpointed or slightly pointed, often lobeless. Most conform to Half Elf norms in terms of low-light vision etc.
In Town
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Moonfire Family Sigil |

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Sir Jorah Blackthorn, Steward of Travys Manor |
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Eclara Travys |
Edmund: Lady Moonfire's elderly (1405-), skinny human factotum, low born, always very neatly dressed in Moonfire livery. Rather fussy, seems to dislike Esmerelda of Waterdeep. Edmund has ambitious plans for the Vale - M2 1480 DR persuaded Lady Moonfire to seek a new Warden of the North in Lirael Widdershins-Sirocco. M3 1480 he had Lirael 'buy out' Eclara Travys's Wardship of the North.
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Curuvar the Brazen |
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Brother Griffon, Priest of Silvanus |
Brother Griffon (L7): (1440-) Fearsome-looking, burly Uthgardt human foundling priest of the Temple of Silvanus, the patron deity of Loudwater. Sells Healing potions, knows Religious, Nature & Healing rituals to 7th level. Update 21/6/1480: At the 1480 Midsummer Ball Curuvar and Griffon came out as 'life partners'.
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Tanara Cothwick |
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Calla Maran |
Garwan: Elderly (1410-), affable, white-bearded human owner of Garwan’s Curiousity Shop. Uncle of Zark the Half-Dwarf (RIP).
Darden, Dred & Drer: Garwan’s nephews, owners of the Loudwater Stable (#7). Cousins of Zark (RIP).
Sunsteen Urbeth: Balding, rather unattractive human tailor, in his late thirties (1442-), with a withered & shrunken right leg, rumoured to be from a Spellscar – he uses a cane to walk. Something of a barfly, in '79 Sunsteen had been hanging round the Burning Hand at the Green Tankard since they rescued his niece Penny Tavistock from the Zelbross Bandits. In 1480 he was trying the same with Quinn Eventide.
The Green Regent Tavern (formerly Green Tankard)

27/6/1480: Marsh Laval sold the Green Tankard for 4,000gp to Tammy Hill, acting on behalf of Quinn & Pealias, and left Loudwater on their return from the Shadowfell, end M7 1480. The new owners renamed it The Green Regent, commissioning a painting of Halvath from Tammy Hill as the new sign.
Current average net profit is +15gp/month, +180gp/year.

27/6/1480: Marsh Laval sold the Green Tankard for 4,000gp to Tammy Hill, acting on behalf of Quinn & Pealias, and left Loudwater on their return from the Shadowfell, end M7 1480. The new owners renamed it The Green Regent, commissioning a painting of Halvath from Tammy Hill as the new sign.
Current average net profit is +15gp/month, +180gp/year.
Senior Staff
Anywyn Pyro (qv below): Lady Lirael's sister manages the Green Regent from end M7 1480 onwards, and also acts as head cook and chief brewer for the Dragon's Milk Beer export business. Anwyn is assisted by her eldest daughters Breton and Bessye as kitchen cooks.
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Anwyn Pyro, Manager-Cook of the Green Regent |
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Kazon Kul, Barman of the Green Regent |
Kazon Kul (L6 Brute, ST +4, Athletics +5, & +3 arm wrestling focus=+15): Heavily muscled and tattooed dwarf ex-dockworker and arm-wrestler. M7 1480 Kazon Kul was hired by Pealias, Dunstan & co as barman and security for the Green Regent tavern.
Kazon Pre M7 1480: When he's not porting
cargo at the wharfs, the fierce-looking Kazon Kul is rarely absent from the Fisher's Friend; drinking, arm-wrestling, and generally carrying on. Somewhat protective of the Festhall girls, at least when it offers the promise of a freebie... A good mate to Algrim Thane, Kazon is particularly close to the Festhall girl Pamela Bardew - he likes a girl with some meat on her bones. Friendly with the dwarf knight Dunstan Ironforge (PC), the only person Kazon knows who can beat him in an arm-wrestle.
Serving Girls
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Rose Urbeth, Serving girl |
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Penny Tavistock, Serving girl |
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Holly, Serving girl |
2. Penny Tavistock: Attractive blonde human girl, rescued from the Zelbross Bandits (M7 1479). Niece of Sunsteen Urbeth the tailor, works as a barmaid at the Green Tankard since shortly after her return.
3. Rose Urbeth: Another relative of the Spellscarred tailor Sunsteen Urbeth, a bubbly younger cousin (1462-). She was hired by Marsh Laval as a new serving girl on Shieldmeet 31/6/1480. The tavern had been short staffed since losing Pamela Bardew to Algrim Thane, M5 1480 DR.
Fisher's Friend Tavern/Festhall
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Algrim 'Al' Thane |
Right Bed: Algrim Thane
Reception couch: Quinn Eventide (if not at Tanara's, or Northwood Manor)
Algrim 'Al' Thane: Human owner/Manager of the Fisher's Friend tavern/festhall at the docks. Algrim is unmarried; he's assisted downstairs by two homely serving women, his stout sister Brigit Thane and their thinner cousin, Alice Thane. Algrim's younger sister Vera recently (M8 1479 DR) married Bartolomew Strong, the Innkeeper of the White Wolf Tavern in Tavysburg (qv).
Upstairs Kathy Brooke, Maggie Arkwright, and Pamela Bardew (fr. M5 1480) are the 'Fest Hall' workers. Tammy of Hill Farm (qv) was one also, but left M5 1480 DR after a windfall from Pealias. Algrim typically sleeps in one of the large upstairs rooms with one of the girls, unless she's entertaining a client overnight. The other girls have the other room (Pamela had been trying to edge out Kathy, M5-6 1480). Algrim is rumoured to have a good deal of wealth amassed from the Festhall, but spends little. Reveres Waukeen, although his grasp on coin doubtless pleases Tiamat also...
The Festhall Girls:
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Kathy Brooke |
2. Maggie Arkwight: (1454-) slim redhead, quiet, pleasant half-elf, a former river-bargee girl who claims she survived a river-pirate attack on her family barge (ca M3 1477 DR) by jumping into the water and swimming ashore. After she reached Loudwater hungry, wet and destitute, Algrim Thane helped her out, and she entered his service as a Festhall girl - she's now the longest serving at the Fisher's Friend. Reveres Selune and Tymora, occasionally Sharess.
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Maggie Arkwright |
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Pamela Bardew |
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Pamela's Cormyran court dress |
27/6/1480: Pamela was taken by Warlord Delderosh in the Sack of Rensard Manor by Kitana & Delderosh, one day after taking a place as a maid there to spy on Lady Jaela Rensard for Quinn Eventide. Queen Esme forced Delderosh to hand Pamela over upon their arrival in Llorkh, evening 28/6/1480, and appointed Pamela her Ambassadress back to Lady Moonfire in Loudwater.
Equipment: grey silk Cormyrean Royal Court dress, 1478 DR season - too short. and tight on top, but not bad. Pammy's Theme
Formerly: Chastity Blair (dec'd): Former 'Festhall' Madam at the Fisher's Friend tavern. Also an agent of Najara and Snaketongue cultist, a serpent-tainted follower of Zehir. Did not survive interrogation by Lady Moonfire, M2 1480 DR.
22/6/1480: Quinn Eventide becomes Festhall Manager at Fisher's Friend for 20% of the take, plus 50% for any gentlemen callers she entertains herself. And he gets to watch when Quinn & Tanara Cothwick make out...

Barstomun Thane: Algrim Thane's older and meaner brother (also brother to Brigit Thane and Vera Strong-Thane) runs Loudwater's premier moneychanging, jewelry, storage and secured-loan business from a fortified stone warehouse in the docks district. He is assisted by numerous members of the extended Thane clan, including his wife, four sons, and two daughters, and also by two fearsome dwarf mercenary brothers, Herrik & Derrik (L8 Brute). 23/6/1480 Barstomun hired Ilvanus Tarc the Eladrin Wizard (L8, qv) as his Magist, to provide magical security to the warehouse. Barstomum can typically change up to 30PP, 3,000gp, or 30,000sp, at 2% commission, or buy goods up to 3,000gp value. Barstomun has a reputation as ruthless but honest; he never lends without collateral.
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Tammy, as only Pealias sees her now |
In M5 1480 DR Tammy left Algrim's service after being given 2,000gp by Pealias the Eladrin (PC). She bought herself a small but nicely appointed villa near the Moonfire estate, where she could only see who she pleased. M5-6 1480 DR was a frequent visitor to the Green Tankard tavern, where she could consort with rich merchants and suchlike though she'd much rather have a single special man... Tammy reveres Tymora (good luck). Along with the house, Tammy acquired a hatchet-faced elderly maid/housekeeper in black livery, Dora (1415-). Dora is disapproving (especially of Quinn) but efficient. Tammy's hall has a painting depicting the goddess Tymora rolling dice, in the company of a hazy but clearly elflike figure. She painted it herself - she's quite a talented artist; with training she might be very good. 21/6/1480: Tammy took Pealias home after the Midsummer Ball, and appears much in love - and lust - with him. Pealias gave her a 1,500gp gold and diamonds necklace for the Ball - selling it she would not need to 'work' again... 23/6/1480: Tammy asked Pealias if he'd move in with her - he said yes. In 1481 DR Tammy is establishing a reputation as one of Loudwater's best artists, rivalled only by Brandini Covere, and is friendly with the dwarven sculptor Brikos Stoneshoulder.
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Old Tom the Beggar |
Captain Viylir't'thin Harrowleaf (L6/M12): Wood Elf, veteran head of the Loudwater patrol. Brother of Captain Quen Harrowleaf, leader of the elven Rangers of the Nine in the High Forest. A terrible archer for an elf! Harrowleaf remembers the time before the Spellplague, when the woods around Travys Manor were cultivated fields.
Deanna 'Starra' Star: human female knife shop owner, dusky middle-aged Tethyran.
Rivermaster Sarl: Efficient elderly human overseer of Loudwater's dock district.
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Megana Nistral, Master Smith |
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Dendry Nistral, Northwood Smith |
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Ilvanus Tarc, Eladrin Wizard |
Kally the docks urchin, errand-girl.
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Brikos |
Brikos Stoneshoulder (Lvl 12):
This noted dwarven sculptor, architect and wizard was attracted to the
Gray Vale (arriving 24/6/1480 DR) by news that things are on the move again around Loudwater. Called on Lady Moonfire 28/6/1480, once she had recovered from her Portal-making exertions. Soon friendly
with the small coterie of artists and sculptors in Loudwater (Lady Moonfire, Brandini Covere, etc), he initially plans
to create a statue commemorating the defeat of the green dragon Emerald Dawn, with the Warden of the North Lirael Widdershins standing atop the beast's severed head - a life-size sculpture of her triumphant upon the head of the green dragon. Following discussions, it was unveiled 19/6/1481 in Loudwater Town Square - as a statue of Quinn Eventide atop the dragon's head.
Ultimately Brikos seeks funding for his life’s ambition – the rebuilding of the mighty Stoneshoulder Bridge that was created by his ancestor Iirikos Stoneshoulder in the time of Eaerlann and Ammarindar (149 DR). The kernel from which Loudwater sprung, it spanned the River Shining (now Grayflow) until its collapse during the Spellplague (1385 DR). If he can do that, his next plan is to rebuild the fallen Daggerford bridge on the Tradeway, likewise! Brikos can use battle-magic competently to defend himself if necessary (L12 Artillery) but his main talents are with the ancient Rituals of Crafting. As of 1481 Brikos is looking to acquire 50,000gp worth of arcane reagants to begin reconstruction of the bridge.
Ultimately Brikos seeks funding for his life’s ambition – the rebuilding of the mighty Stoneshoulder Bridge that was created by his ancestor Iirikos Stoneshoulder in the time of Eaerlann and Ammarindar (149 DR). The kernel from which Loudwater sprung, it spanned the River Shining (now Grayflow) until its collapse during the Spellplague (1385 DR). If he can do that, his next plan is to rebuild the fallen Daggerford bridge on the Tradeway, likewise! Brikos can use battle-magic competently to defend himself if necessary (L12 Artillery) but his main talents are with the ancient Rituals of Crafting. As of 1481 Brikos is looking to acquire 50,000gp worth of arcane reagants to begin reconstruction of the bridge.
Northwood Manor, formerly Travys Manor
Lirael's Family (from ca 1479 DR)
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Lirael's mother Levana Sirocco, elf |
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Lirael's brother Arvis, half-elf |
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Lirael's half-sister Anwyn Pyro |
Syrah married Jasper Sylverman (H) and produced two children: Jonas (gone to Waterdeep) and Bevra (now working at Tavys Manor as general housekeeping/maid service and glad of the work as she was doing something similar in a rather grand house with a glad-handed boss).
Ulster’s first wife was Viveca Riverdale (H), who died in childbirth with Anwyn. Ulster remarried some years later to Levana Sirocco (E), having two more children: Lirael and Arvis. Levana is currently visiting her family and has not been heard from for a number of months.
Anwyn married Berl Pyro and produced 7 children in fairly rapid succession, as if to distance herself from the tragedy of her own mother’s death. They are: Breton (13, working at Tavys Manor as a scullery maid), the twins Bessye and Cullen (11), Abbella (9), Devra (7), Ethel (5), and Frist (1). Anwyn left Berl after a botched kidnapping attempt wherein Berl’s “associates” were trying to extract money and other items from Lirael during the days of the Burning Hand. Anwyn formerly worked for a kindly old man named Corm at a tavern in Elfstree, but now runs the kitchen with an iron hand at Tavys Manor.
Vetch married Adina (E) and had two sons, Vail and Rhenn. Vetch is a salubrious and talkative sort, prone to too much drink, but other than that is quite industrious and friendly. He has a way with horses and runs the stables at Tavys Manor. He’d had a livery business in Elfstree and has transferred those horses to the Manor for keeping, though he still rents them out at times to travelers.
Adina, a Moon Elf, is a frail specimen and spindly (in direct contrast to the robust Vetch). She has knowledge of herbs and potions and is happiest when gardening. She is teaching the twins, Bessye and Cullen, her herb lore.Willard is currently unmarried and is a prosperous farmer in Elfstree. He was the youngest of Gavin’s four children and is avidly looking for a wife.
"Lirael's sister (half-sister, actually) Anwyn Pyro is the expert at making ale and likely mead as well. She used to run a tavern. She has six kids (er, maybe 7 now), but she's left herhusband Berl (because he was an idiot and got her kidnapped while she was last pregnant).. Oldest daughter is named Breton. Anwyn was one of Lirael's family that was hired as cook. Breton's old enough to help out in the kitchen too. Anwyn's signature brew is a wicked ale called Dragon's Milk with a higher than normal alcohol content. She won't tell how she does it, though... She is in the market for a new husband...
Lirael has helped Anwyn establish a growing export market for Dragon's Milk, Bargemaster Tollun is a frequent customer.
From late 1480 DR Anywn is manager of the Green Regent Inn at Loudwater.
Arvis Widdershins (8/8/1461-): half-elf, younger brother of Lirael, son of Ulster Widdershins (human) and Levana Sirrocco (Elf). While he often first appears quiet and introspective (like Lirael), those who get to know him well realize he has a cunning and wicked sense of humor. A talented woodsman, he spends a great deal of time in the forests of the Gray Vale. His favored weapon is the bow, but he also carries a number of small knives that he secretes about his person (always be prepared, he says, with a gleam in his eye) and is never far from his guitar, which his elven mother had given him when he was eleven. M6 1480: Arvis has been taking instruction in Ranger skills from Pealias and Sir Jorah Blackthorn. He's considering joining Halvath's new corps of 'Needles', Rangers of Mielikki.
M9-12 1480: Arvis accompanied Pealias on his trip through the wilderness to Evereska, seeing many wonders. He returned much matured. Since his return he had been spending rather a lot of time with the Manor's new cook-housekeeper, Milla Strong - as soon as big sister Lirael caught on she assigned Arvis to extensive forest scouting duties. Milla subsequently married Dendry Nistral the Northwood smith.
1482 DR: As Arvis has matured and grown into a fine young man, he has attracted a lot of attention from the young ladies of the Vale. At the 1482 DR Midsummer Ball he danced with all three of the Covere sisters, and young Alice Amainas.
Minor Noble Families
1. Covere Family & Hartsfont (pop 510)
Sir Brandini Covere (L5) (1432-, half-elf), is the widower lord of Hartsfont, four miles north-east of Loudwater. Sir Brandini is a man of refined, artistic taste and non-martial disposition. Brandini's aunt Dame Aryn Blackthorn (1418-, nee Covere) is Reeve of Travys Manor (qv), making her three sons his first cousins, but they have different temperaments and are not close.
Brandini's eldest daughter Carlia Covere (1454-) is the elegant elf-blooded Lady-in-Waiting to Lady Moonfire, rescued from Zark’s barrels M7 1479. Her father, Carlia's human mother Gloria was bedridden and in poor health, passing away during Clenderi's terrible winter of M1 1483 DR. Carlia has three teenage siblings: Agnes (1460-), flirtatious, , Louisa (1462-), moody, and baby brother Marco (12/2/1464-). Sir Brandini is said to be interested in finding good husbands for his daughters. He is unhappy that at the 1480 Midsummer Ball, Halvath the Green Regent foiled his plan to match one of his girls with Sir Joran Amainas, by introducing Joran to Amanda Brooke of Brownstone. Brandini considers himself the most accomplished artist in Loudwater demesne, and is a rival of Tammy Hill.
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Sir Brandini Covere |
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Marco Covere |
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Carlia Covere |
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Louisa Covere |
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Agnes Covere |
2. Brownstone Village (pop 650), Home of the Green Regent
NPCs in Brownstone
1. Halvath Cormarrin, the Green Regent (ex-PC)
2. Sir Halvard Brooke (invalid), lord of Brooke Manor.
3. Amanda Amainas-Brooke, Forestarm of the Regent. In 1481 she can employ 3rd level Religious/Healing/Nature rituals.
4. Sir Joran Amainas, Shadoweir of the Regent. Husband of Amanda, Steward of Brooke Manor
5. Halvath Amainas (1481-), the baby son of Sir Joran & Amanda.
6. Ser 'Trapper' John, Chief of Needles
7. Ser Diora Falthis of Malt, Shadoweir, Guardian of the Shrine
Brownstone village was occupied by the Darkhold Zhentarim M2 1480 DR, but liberated by the Heroes of Loudwater upon their return from Waterdeep. As the location of the Green Regent and headquarters of the Regent's three Orders of Forestarms, Shadoweirs & Needles, Brownstone has been growing rapidly since mid-1480 DR.
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Sir Halvard Brooke of Brownstone |
Raltar Cormarrin was the married human Master of Hounds to
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Amanda Amainas-Brooke, Forestarm |
M4-5 1480 DR: With word of the Green Regent (Halvath Cormarrin) spreading throughout the Vale, Halvath's shrine at Brownstone became a place of pilgrimage and the centre of the Regent's growing faith. The Regent institutes a tripartite brotherhood to protect the Gray Vale - the Forestarms (spiritual followers, priests), the Needles (Rangers), and the Shadoweirs (forest knights, martial warriors). Amanda Brooke asked to become a Forestarm and tend the Shrine, and was accepted. On 21/6/1480 with the Regent's blessing Amanda engaged to marry Sir Joran Amainas, Shadoweir of the Green Regent, wedding on 1/8/80. On 3/5/1481 DR Amanda & Sir Joran's son was born, named Halvath Amainas.
Halvath Cormarrin the Green Regent (M9 1437-) Halvath was priest of Mielikki for the village of Brownstone, west of Loudwater town. A big, well-muscled man clad in furs and steel, his brown beard is now greying. Halvath's family, the Cormarrin, were once a well-regarded family of Zelbross, and provided many men as temple guards at the Temple of Tyr there. When the World-Ash trembled at the Spellplague and Tyr fell in battle with the Hell-Hound Garmr, the fortunes of the Cormarrin and Zelbross declined. Eventually, around forty years ago (1440 DR) the dying town was abandoned, and Halvath's father Joachim Cormarrin sought his fortune to the east, in Loudwater demesne, taking his wife Vira and infant sons. Joachim became Ranger of Brownstone. In time his elder son Raltar became Master of Hounds to Sir Halvard Brooke, also marrying and having several children, while Halvath became the village Priest, serving Mielikki and the spirits of the Vale. Fifteen years ago, (1465 DR) Joachim made the mistake of following a stray cow into the Southwood, and not returning before nightfall. He never came back. Vira died in the hard winter of 1477 DR. Meanwhile Halvath had been growing a little bored with his comfortable life. In early 1480 DR during a river journey to Waterdeep, Halvath received a vision from Mielikki and became the Green Regent, the first in a hundred years. When he returned to Brownstone he found it under Zhent occupation, and with his companions destroyed the Zhentarim and avenged the death of his brother Raltar.
Under the Regent's influence the Gray Vale flourishes, and the Faith of Mielikki is renewed throughout the Vale.
Trapper John, 'Chief of Needles' (L6): Old (1416-), battle-scarred, white-bearded but elf-blooded hunter/trapper of the Southwood, frequently brings packages back to Lady Moonfire. A tough old coot, he investigated the breach of the Empress Cairn M1 1480 DR, and narrowly escaped the Boneshard Skeleton guards - he has the scars to prove it on face and body. Friendly with Lirael, who recommends him (M6 1480) to Halvath as the trainer of Halvath's new "Needles" - the Rangers of Mielikki - based at Brownstone.
Sir Joran Amainas, Shadoweir & Steward of Brownstone (Lvl 11, 1454-). Joran is a brave knight, the only son of Sir Rory Amainas of Sunstone. He was said to be keen to take revenge on the Goblins of Korzzbad for their raiding, but Sir Rory forbade another expedition after the 1468 disaster. Joran was seeking a wife to produce heirs to the Amainas name (1479-80). On 21/6/1480 with the blessing of the Green Regent, Sir Joran became a Shadoweir and engaged to Amanda Brooke of Brownstone, novice Forestarm of the Regent, marrying 1/8/1480, with their son Halvath Amainas born nine months later. With his father in law Sir Halvard Brooke now infirm, Sir Joran increasingly manages the Brooke estate.
Ser Diora Falthis of Malt, Shadoweir, Guardian of the Shrine (L10) (b. 1457) takes after her Viklunder warrior mother, and is a noted beauty and skilled fighter. She is unmarried. On 21/6/1480 Diora pledged as a Shadoweir, a holy warrior of the Green Regent. On 22/6 she bid farewell to her family and travelled to Brownstone to become Guardian of the Shrine.
Trapper John, 'Chief of Needles' (L6): Old (1416-), battle-scarred, white-bearded but elf-blooded hunter/trapper of the Southwood, frequently brings packages back to Lady Moonfire. A tough old coot, he investigated the breach of the Empress Cairn M1 1480 DR, and narrowly escaped the Boneshard Skeleton guards - he has the scars to prove it on face and body. Friendly with Lirael, who recommends him (M6 1480) to Halvath as the trainer of Halvath's new "Needles" - the Rangers of Mielikki - based at Brownstone.
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Sir Joran Amainas, Shadoweir |
Sir Joran Amainas, Shadoweir & Steward of Brownstone (Lvl 11, 1454-). Joran is a brave knight, the only son of Sir Rory Amainas of Sunstone. He was said to be keen to take revenge on the Goblins of Korzzbad for their raiding, but Sir Rory forbade another expedition after the 1468 disaster. Joran was seeking a wife to produce heirs to the Amainas name (1479-80). On 21/6/1480 with the blessing of the Green Regent, Sir Joran became a Shadoweir and engaged to Amanda Brooke of Brownstone, novice Forestarm of the Regent, marrying 1/8/1480, with their son Halvath Amainas born nine months later. With his father in law Sir Halvard Brooke now infirm, Sir Joran increasingly manages the Brooke estate.
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Diora Falthis, Shadoweir |
3. Amainas Family & Sunstone Village (pop 575)
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Sir Rory Amainas, Shadoweir |
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Agatha Amainas-Nistral |
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Alice Amainas |
4. Virdan Village & Jameson Family &(pop 360)
1. Sir Cottel Jameson (1408-1483)
2. Lady Lana Jameson-Greenvale (1455-)
3. Cottel Jameson Jnr (1/11/1480-)
4. Sylvia, old maid
2. Lady Lana Jameson-Greenvale (1455-)
3. Cottel Jameson Jnr (1/11/1480-)
4. Sylvia, old maid
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Sir Cottel Jameson, Shadoweir |
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Lana Jameson, on family boat |
On 1/11/1480 DR Lana gave birth to a son, Cottel Junior. The timing and lack of paternal resemblance has led to speculation of a Zhentarim father.
In M10 1482 DR Sir Cottel lay upon his deathbed, passing away peacefully early in 1484.
5. deTrevani Barony & Kiris Manor: Kiris-deTrevani
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Amara deTrevani |
Amara's Raven Mask, as worn at the '79 Masqued Ball |
While out riding one day, Amara was kidnapped from deTrevani Manor on the river east of Loudwater by river pirates (ca M6 1479) led by Vilkar One-eye. She was sold to the Zelbross slavers led by 'Humungus', but then rescued by the Burning Hand (M7 1479). Ambitious to reclaim the ruins of orc-infested Castle deTrevani north of the Grayflow (fallen to Orcs in 1472) and re-establish the deTrevani estates, she learnt the secrets of Fire Magic as apprentice to Ashara of the Burning Hand (PC), a Genasi fire wizard of Akanul. She was slain by agents of the Hand of Naarash, but raised by Treona alongside Esme, and like Ashara she now reveres Kelemvor. M2 1480 DR: After defeating a demonic incursion in Loudwater town square with the aid of Lirael & co, Ashara of Akanul and Amara deTrevani headed east to Trevann to raise a force and take back Castle deTrevani from the orcs with fire and sword. In the smoking ruins of the castle they planned to establish a Conclave and train a new generation of Fire Wizards, now at the Fiery Spire. Amara is first cousin to Dame Aryn Blackthorn (nee Covere). She considers Lady Lirael a good friend and confidante.
As of M11 1480 DR Amara deTrevani was engaged to marry the noble Sir Dolf Dragonheart (D14 in 1484) of Erstlin, a Paladin of Bahamut and former Hero of the Burning Hand, they having first met at the 1479 Loudwater Summer Ball, and been reintroduced by Lady Lirael at Northwood Manor M9 1480. Their respective lieges Lady Moonfire & Queen Valeris approved the match; they married 21/3/1481. Their daughter Ashara Dragonheart-deTrevani was born 24/1/1482 DR.
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Kiris Alkirk, dec'd 1480 |
Kiris Manor (abandoned)
The last known member of the Kiris bloodline aside from Amara is Kiris Hoyt, a wererat who lurks in the goblin-infested ruins of Kiris Dahn.
6. Falthis Familt & Malt
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Sir Otto Falthis |
Of all the Falthis progeny, the third-born daughter Diora Falthis (qv) (Lvl 9, b. 1457) takes most after her mother, and is a noted beauty and skilled fighter. She is unmarried. On 21/6/1480 Diora pledged as a Shadoweir, a holy warrior of the Green Regent. On 22/6 she bid farewell to her family and travelled to Brownstone to become Guardian of the Shrine of Mielikki.
7. Vanegold Family & Jelt
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Lisania Vanegold, Cleric of Amaunator |
Lisania has rebuffed intimations from Sir Harvarr Quortath that she should marry one of his sons. Although there does seem to be a sort of friendly rivalry between the two knights... In 1481 DR some rumours even speak of secret trysts between the pair...
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Sir Harvarr Quortath, Paladin of Bahamut |
8. Quortath Family & Oakbank
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Ehlissa Quortath |
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Dame Vigda Coles |
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Sikil Nalambar |
In M1 1483 Erstlin was sacked by marauding giants, and Sir Harvarr's three sons fell defending the seminary, leaving him bereft.
In M8 1484 Dame Vigda Coles passed away.
9. Rensard Family & Alwyck (sacked 28/6/1480 3am)
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Jaela Rensard |
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Lord Myuni the Warlock |
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Lady Thaya Rensard |
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Symbol of the Red Wizards |
Myuni's Account: He was born to a Shou princess and a Thayan Red Wizard father. During the Thayan Civil War he rose high in the service of the new Zulkir of Invocation, Valas Kul. When the remaining Zulkirs re-invaded Thay in 1478 from their hold in Aglarond's Wizard's Reach, they were crushed. Myuni fled west to the Shou enclave of Nathlan, south of Cormyr. It was there in the Visitor's Quarter of Nathlekh City that he met Lady Jaela, who had come there seeking the Wisdom of the East...
23-24/6/1480: Arya visited Lord Myuni (taking Jareth) & Jaela Rensard. They discussed the Red Comet, the location of the Death Cyst, the fate of Thay, and Myuni showed Arya some familiar looking Ammarindar plates, which she was able to interpret, concerning the original cyst breach 1500 years ago. Myuni disappeared soon afterwards, using a ritual to travel through the Feydark to Phaervorul and attempt to warn Matron Urlvrain of the impending breach of the Death Cyst. Before leaving for Phaervorul Quinn sent Pamela Bardew to spy on Rensard Manor.
28/6/1480, dawn, ca 3.30am: Kitana & Delderosh led the Goblins of Korzzbad in the sacking of Rensard Manor and capture of Alwyck. The villagers were permitted to live, the manor staff killed or enslaved - Delderosh took the maid Pamela Bardew for himself. Jaela was stripped, bound, and taken 34 miles east to Llorkh to face the Bane Child's justice, subsequently (evening 28/6) thrown in the Llorkh palace dungeon, subsequently made to serve as a wizard's assistant.
M7 1480 DR: Lady Moonfire called Thaya Rensard back from Waterdeep to replace Jaela as Lady of the Rensard Manor, stripping Jaela of her title.
River Folk
Bargemaster Tollun (1437-): Big middle-aged man with blond hair and moustache. A native of Daggerford, Tollun's five-man barge trades up and down the Grayflow, from Daggerford to Llorkh. Often sells Amnian wine to Orlbar. Tollun is well known to Lirael and her friends, Tollun likes to boast about how he helped defeat a Zhent ambush in the ruins of Zelbross... (ca M2 1480 DR)
Bolchana Arkwright (1435-): Since M2 1477 DR this very fat, coarse featured woman has been the leader of the Arkwright family of River-Bargees, the river folk who ply the Grayflow with entire families living on their large boats. Since succeeding her husband, the half-elf Verdus Arkwright (dec'd M2 1477), Bolchana and her four sons (1460-, 1461- x2 (twins), 1463-), her three sisters, and their husbands, have acquired a considerable reputation for ruthlessness. Usually they take convicted criminals from Loudwater to work their sentences in the iron mines around Llorkh, but they are also rumoured to have traded women as harem slaves to the Bandit King Boris, when he ruled Llorkh until his overthrow by Queen Esme (late 1479 DR).
Red Bart of the Pale Minnow - see Eastern Gray Vale
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Gail Bottomley, concubine of Delderosh |
Warlord Ser Delderosh of Korzzbad, "Knight of the Fingers of Bane", vassal of the Bane Child Queen Esmerelda of Llorkh
1482 M9 Ser Kitana of Llorkh reports from Korzzbad to her Queen, Esmerelda. Ser Delderosh's campaign against the Urshani hobgoblins in the west, now in its second year, continues to go slowly. After initial heavy losses he adopted a more cautious approach, and has recently cleared out several Urshani lairs, taking the survivors for Korzzbad and killing those who won't yield. As long as Boris' gold (probably in fact mostly Lady Moonfire's gold) keeps flowing, Delderosh is happy to continue the campaign.
Of more possible concern, Yuan-ti merchants from Najara recently visited Korzzbad. They purchased all the human women taken at the sack of Rensard manor except for Delderosh's own concubine, and expressed great interest in acquiring more. Delderosh offered them hobgoblin females taken from the Urshani, but they were uninterested. Delderosh would dearly like to strike against the soft Loudwater territories to the north, but rightly fears Queen Esme and Bane. More prosaically he also doesn't want to lose the flow of Moonfire gold. Delderosh would like to know if some kind of trading arrangement could be set up; if not Loudwater then surely Llorkh or the Mountain King must have spare females to trade?
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Delderosh, Hobgoblin Warlord of Korzzbad |
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