Monday, 10 August 2020

Faerun Adventures - 5e D&D Game (1359-62 DR)

Blog Page NSFW/Age 15+ (UK)

A D&D open campaign set in the 1e AD&D Forgotten Realms, using 5e D&D rules. D&D Beyond.

Faerun Adventures PC Groups
Start Level: 6
1. 'Barrowmazers' (level 10-12) - Mac, Liam, Glendor, Droghall, Spartigus
2. 'Faerun Seven' (level 7-8) - Nathia, Gorlock, Eamon, Greeba, Joell, Blurb, Wisteria finis end M5 2023

Chronology from August/M8 2022
Real Life M8 2022 = In Game M2 1361 (-6 months)
M12 2022 = M6 1361
M3 2023 = M9 1361
Chronology from April/M4 2023 
M4 2023/M10 1361: 6 month time jump over winter 1361-62 (M10 61-M3 62) to -0 months
M4 2023 = M4 1362

Zoomable Map of Toril

Map of Faerun.

Map of the Bloodstone Lands
3e era Realms (to ca 1372 DR)

Game Tone

For this game I'll be going for a relatively old school, sandbox, low power tone overall, with a good deal of magical and mundane loot to be found in dungeons and ruins. Player and player group choice is a priority - this won't be a railroady or linear game. If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry about it - welcome to Dungeons & Dragons! :)

Permitted Player Sources: Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Nothing from Tasha's. Some Volo's PC races are permitted.

Dungeon Master's Guide Variant Rules in Effect
1 Week Long Rest - Page 267. Overnight rest restores 1 hp/level & 1 Exhaustion level.
Training to Level - Page 131 - see below.

Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained -Training Expense
2-4   - 20gp
5-10 - 40gp
11-16 - 60gp
17-20  - 80gp
Training may be done during a Long Rest. with a Mentor takes 1 work week. Training without a mentor takes 2 work weeks, but typically costs the same total amount.

Major Changes to PHB Rules
Standing from prone provokes Opportunity Attack. 
Picking up an object from the ground counts as standing from prone - half move & provokes opp att.
Berserker Barbarian may recover 1 level of Rage exhaustion with a Short Rest.
Eldritch Knight Fighter may Attune to a magic Bonded weapon, and use it as their Spell Focus.
Beastmaster Ranger: a Beast Companion may roll initiative and act on its own turn. It may also use its Reaction to follow orders given by the Beastmaster on his/her turn. It does not always stay and fight - if feeling outmatched it might Disengage and flee, or even Dash away.
Maximum AC & Save DC is 30. Skill DCs are not capped (but DC 30 is 'nearly impossible').

PC Start Level
PCs start at half the level of the highest level PC in the campaign (rounded down). Players may have multiple PCs, but may only play one PC in any one game session.
Level 5 start from start March 2022.

PCs Starting at Higher Level
PC Level: Starting Gold (10% of starting XP)
PCs begin with class & background equipment and gold, plus the following:
2:         30gp
3:         90gp
4:      270gp
5:      650gp
6:   1,400gp
7:   2,300gp
8:   3,400gp
9:   4,800gp
10: 6,400gp

New PCs may use starting gold to purchase PHB equipment at listed prices. 

New PCs (only) may also purchase the following items:
Any Common item from the Common Items list here, price as listed
Potion of Greater Healing (250gp), Oil of Slipperiness (250gp), Philter of Love (250gp), Potion of Animal Friendship (250gp), Potion of Hill Giant Strength (250gp), Potion of Growth (250gp), Potion of Poison (250gp), Potion of Resistance (250gp), Potion of Water Breathing (250gp), Spell Scroll (Level 2 Spell) 500gp.

New PCs (only) of level 6-10 may purchase items from the following list at a cost of 1,000gp each, or as stated: 
Amulet of Proof against Detection & Location, Bag of Holding, Boots of Elvenkind, Boots of the Winterlands, Bracers of Archery (2,000gp), Brooch of Shielding, Cloak of Elvenkind, Cloak of Protection, Cloak of the Manta Ray, Efficient Quiver, Eyes of Minute Seeing, Gauntlets of Ogre Power (2,000gp), Gloves of Missile Snaring, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, Goggles of Night, Headband of Intellect (2,000gp), Helm of Comprehending Languages, Helm of Telepathy, Immovable Rod, Keoghtom’s Ointment (maximum doses), Lantern of Revealing, Medallion of Thoughts, Mithral Full Plate (3,000gp), Mithral Half Plate (1,500gp), Periapt of Wound Closure, Ring of Mind Shielding, Ring of Swimming, Ring of Water Walking, Ring of Warmth, Rod of the Pact Keeper +1, Shield +1, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Spell Scroll (Level 3 spell), Wand of Magic Detection, Wand of Secrets, Wand of the War Mage +1, Weapon +1.

Making Magic Items - eg level 1 Scroll 25gp & 1 day, level 2 scroll 250gp & 3 days
Crafting Magic Weapons - eg +1 warhammer 200gp 
Crafting Magic Armour - a +1 shield costs 400gp 
Downtime  (DMG) inc running a business, building, training to level
Downtime revisited (XGTE) inc crafting, carousing, crime, gambling, training tool profs
Downtime - Sacred Rites: (house rule): This grants 1 indefinite Inspiration, once per Downtime.

Notes on Running a Business
Acquiring a typical business costs 5,000gp. Standard daily Maintenance Cost is 2gp, or 60gp per month. Comfortable lifestyle expenses are included.

Running a Business. Roll at end of Month (d20)
d20 + PC Work Weeks (0-4)Result
1–4You must pay one and a half times the business’s maintenance cost for the month, standard 90gp.
5-6You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost for the month, standard 60gp.
7-8You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost for the month, standard 30gp. Income covers the other half.
9-12The business covers its own maintenance cost for the month.
13-16The business covers its own maintenance cost for the month. It earns a profit of 1d6 × 5 gp.
17-18The business covers its own maintenance cost for the month. It earns a profit of 2d8 × 5 gp.
19 or higherThe business covers its own maintenance cost for the month. It earns a profit of 3d10 × 5 gp.

Mundane Crafting Rates
PB+2: 10gp per work day, 50gp per week
PB+3: ", 50gp per work day for item worth 100gp+, 250gp per week
PB+4: " ", 100gp per work day for item worth 200gp+, 500gp per week
PB+5: " " ", 200gp per work day for item worth 400gp+, 1000gp per week
PB+6: " " " ", 500gp per work day for item worth 1000gp+, 2500gp per week

Damaran-Impilturan Calendar
Each month is 30 days, made up of three Tendays, with 5 festival days between the months (listed as Day 31).
Month Common Name
 1 (January) Deepwinter
 2 (February) Latewinter or Claw of Winter. Last month of Winter.
 3 (March) Sunrise. First month of Spring.
Annual holiday: Spring Equinox 31/3 Greengrass. Sunrise 6am/Sunset 6pm
 4 (April) Stormsend
 5 (May) Melting. The mountain passes typically become navigable in this month.
(21/5-30/5 Spring Fair at D'Ashe Manor, Barony of Norrin)
 6 (June) Flowers. First month of Summer.
Annual holiday: 31/6 Midsummer. Sunrise 4am/Sunset 8pm (Midsummer Ball in Ravensburg, Carmathan)
 7 (July) Flamerule. Usually the hottest month of the year.
 8 (August) Highsun
 9 (September) Fading. The beginning of Autumn.
Annual holiday: 31/9 Autumn Equinox Highharvestide. Sunrise 6am/Sunset 6pm
10 (October) Leaffall
11 (November) Rotting
Annual holiday: 31/11 The Feast of the Moon. Sunrise 7.20am/Sunset 4.40pm
12 (December) Nightfall. The beginning of Winter.
Annual holiday: 31/12 Midwinter. Sunrise 8am/Sunset 4pm

Rebecca RamviraHuman female Wizard-5 XP 6,500  AC 12/15 HP 22 P-PER 11. Widow of Sir John Ramvira. One child, Princess Ramvira,  by Prince Strohm of Leth. From M9 1361 DR Rebecca is romantically involved with the adventuring wizard Wendle the Tomb-Delver, who was rescued from the Barrowmaze gargoyles by Droghall & co.

Rebecca Ramvira

Hugo, Human male Fighter-4 (Champion)  AC 18 HP 40
Ilyria, Nar Human female Ranger-5 (Beastmaster) AC 15 HP 44 P-PER 15
Swift, Ilyria's male Panther AC 15 HP 20 P-PER 17

Ilyria of Malthlyn

Faerun Adventures Timeline (1e & 5e) from 14/3/1359 to 3/8/1359 DR.

1359 DR
3/11/59: Defeat at Mistwood Mine, Erasmus & Quillax lost.
17/11: Encounter with Rot-Tusk's orcs (12 total) in forest, Ted slain & Gentle Reposed, Jyrdani leaves. Acquire insect repellent. Travel to Dwarfstead.
24/11: News - Carrion Moths attacking Malthlyn cause havoc with their droning, but are driven off by the defenders. Fraener raises Ted.
25/11: Group travels to Helix, talks with Hendon the Miller, overnight at the Brazen Strumpet.
26/11: West into Moonfog Hills in heavy rain, battle 2 trolls and 7 worgs, overnight at Barnaby Farm.
27/11: i. Sunny day. North into woods, find ransacked Arcatan camp, Queale gets fur slippers. ii. Find sinister cave, & battle Carrion Moths, destroy a sinister obelisk then defeat its mind-bending Mind Flayer guardian in a terrible battle. Flee aberrant hordes, and return to Malthlyn for long rest and training (30 days).
27/12: resume - party meets up at Malthlyn, Fraener makes rope ladders. The orc insect repellent seems to be protecting the village from the carrion moths.
28/12: i. North to the Carrion Moth caves, in a great battle kill 9 carrion moths & 12 carrion crawlers. A second obelisk proves to be an illusion created by an Aboleth, which takes control of Shivers the Rogue, then Norrin. ii. Group escape the aboleth, returning to find it seemingly absent. Discover the mindflayer's lair and much treasure, including the ethereal diadem. Defeat an ambush by 6 carrion crawlers. iii. With great difficulty, a sanity-blasted Queale uses the ethereal diadem to close down the Heteroclite Portal, ending the Moonfog and destroying remaining carrion moths. The Crawler egg sacs and grubs are destroyed. 
1360 DR
M1/T1: Queale is taken to the High Druid of Leth for healing & recuperation. Ted experiments with Leth pipeweed (just say no to pipeweed, kids).
M1/T3: Ted leads the party in slaying the giant vultures of Dead Man's Hill and recovering Manu's legendary dwarven thrower, along with some remains. The group returns to D'Ashe Manor to plan an expedition to the Fallen Halls of Khundrakar. Fraener IDs the hammer as the Hammer of Cirdan Man-friend.
19/2: Rebecca Ramvira is brought by Sister Bronda to D'Ashe Manor.
20/2: Dara & Viola arrive at D'Ashe Manor.
21/2: Fraener leads expedition to reclaim the Fallen Halls of Khundrakar. They rest overnight in the Mountain Door, then 
22/2: destroy a succubus, before descending to the Black Lake where they kill the dragon Nightscale and seize the riches of Khundrakar, returning to D'Ashe Manor late that night.
4/3: Wymar Goodin reports that bugbears have attacked Forestedge and taken his wife Marissa, daughter Iva and maid, killing 2 of his workers (his 2 young sons survived). Queale brilliantly tracks the bugbears all the way to Usurper's Tower, rest & then sneak up.
5/3: 3pm Party attacks Usurper's Tower; Malied kills the goblin warlord Skorg while Dara slays the mighty ogre Gragmir, rescuing Marissa & Iva. Strohm recognises a serving wench as Lina Smith of Chaney Manor, a former Chaos cultist. Overnight 5/3 and 6/3, home 7/3. Forestedge pledges allegiance. Rest and train to 28/3. Norrin invited to Valls.
29/3: Travel to Feycircle. Epic battle with the Worm Host of Qorgeth. Destroy Malakbel.
Rest & train to 4/6. Norrin knighted, Ted gets a maid Mavis from Goblin Town.
4/6: Hunting bugbears - kill all but one, which escapes.
11/6: Find and kill the white dragon Razing-Death. Barbara D'Ashe is about 3 months pregnant - probably the night Forestedge pledged allegiance.
18/6: Strohm claims Solanna Bael
8/7: Explore Stonehell, landwhales cats & steam golems oh my!
9/7-15/7: rest 12/7: Ted assassinates Sir Thomas Blackraven and his sister Zuzana, 3 days before Thomas' wedding.
16/7: Travel to Karvolia, 17/7: arrive at the Red Mausoleum and destroy Sister Alkava & her minions. Rewarded by villagers. 19/7: arrive home.
20/7-9/8: Rest and train. Tenho tells Queale the slaver lord Jerron Vaine is hiding out at Windward Tor near Ravensburg.
10/8: travel to Ravensburg 11/8: Assault the tower, killing Jerron Vaine & all his men as he tries to flee.
12-21/8: Rest and train, Glendor to 5th. Strohm visits Hag Aretha. Tenho gives Queale 500pp from the Duchess.
22/8: Kill 2 owlbears, wipe out the 8 hill giants at Giants' Cave.
23/8-12/9: Rest and train, Malied to 8th, Gruffyd to 5th. Lord Fraener & Lady Mirna betrothed (to marry 1/10). Norrin to marry 30/9>15/10. Rondus appointed Lathander priest of D'Ashe Manor; Jilla Kallent appointed priestess of Ramvira Manor.
13/9: Travel to Khundrakar. 14/9: Assault Old Mine. Kill Warlord Khain, Orcs, Ettins. 15/9 home. 
16/9-25/9: Goltho the Goliath trains under Norrin to 5th.
1/10: Wedding of King Fraener & Lady Mirna at Khundrakar. Prince Vili Durgeddin & Princess Torvilda Snowbeard betrothed.
2/10: Kingdom of Dwarfhome under King Fraener ap-Durgeddin proclaimed at Khundrakar.
4/10: Norrin's Band slay the croc demons on the riverbank then stay at Khain's End. 
5/10: Clear the Ogre-Caves, slaying the brother-chiefs and their retinues. Rest & train.
13/10-14/10: Malied makes whoopee with Arifia DuLac.
15/10: Wedding of Sir Norrin & Lady Barbara D'Ashe. Attendees include Barbara's uncle Baron Brandis DuLac, his daughter Arifia DuLac, Brandi & Jane Ducaris, Sir Palador DeVir, Rexx Vartal & Gwendolyn, Baroness Liria Beaumaris et al.
16/10: War Council - the lords offer support to Norrin. Stag hunt. That evening Malied proposes to Arifia, and is accepted.
17/10: Departures
18/10 Kevan performs at Mercellin Estate
19/10 Queale returns from Ravensburg to D'Ashe.
20/10: Clear Den's Cave of kobolds & imp.
21/10: Drive the ettins from Whiterush Claim; defeated Boss Grutt-Luk claims Strohm is one of the ancient elven heroes returned. Back to D'Ashe.
22/10: Norrin & co explore Raganni's Redoubt, nearly free Takhisis. Fidelstix scolds Malied. Late return to D'Ashe. In Ravensburg Kevan completes his Bard training, reaches 5th level.
23/10 Strohm Queale & Rondus travel with Malied & Arifia to Ravensburg. Kevan encounters Malied. Tania & Geradil Mercellin date. Strohm trains at merc guild 24/10-3/11 to 9th level, Queale with Sir Veritas to 8th. 
24/10-3/11 Malied & Arifia DuLac decide to stay on in Ravensburg, and open a school there. Arifia uses her rented Royal Pink jewelry set to wow society. Lothorin & Gudrun decide to stay on at Solanna Bael as Lady Rebecca's apprentices.
25/10-2/11 Kevan away from Ravensburg on a secret mission, returns evening of 2/10.
3/11 Bearchaser & Meryem deliver horse to Nathia at Fort Skulnar. Kevan (with Tod & Queale) entertains the Duchess Malla at a 'private function' in Ravensbvurg. Norrin visits Fidelstix & Kaern's Claim. 
4/11 Norrin visits Elmo at Hommlet, and addresses the crowd at the Welcome Wench. Queale Rondus & Kevan complete training and return from Ravensburg to D'Ashe. Strohm visits Greeba at Fort Skulnar to enquire about Flametongue blade. 
5/11: Strohm returns to Solanna Bael empty handed. Strohm uses Contact Other Plane to contact Gina the Gynosphinx.
6/11 Strohm reviews his newly arrived followers. Patrols are organised etc. Gruffyd stops by for a surprise visit to Solanna Bael. 
7/11 Strohm heads for Valls to meet with Duke William. Evening - meets with Vizier Slytherin & Princess Renee Hogarth.
8/11 Morning in Valls - Strohm named a Knight of Arcata, and Lord of the Manor of Solanna Bael. 
9/11 War Council at D'Ashe Manor, decide to investigate Moonfog Hills.
10/11 Visit Malthlyn & Mathen Manor, fight Gray Renders, find Tsathoggua shrine in the manor. Wipe out the Mathens & Co'Nurgal, the Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua. Brother Eamon & Kevan are killed in the battle but revivified by King Fraener. Prince Strohm however is lost, his body destroyed by Co'Nurgal. 
25/11 Norrin to be made Baron D'Ashe.
26/11 Barbara D'Ashe gives birth, a baby girl, Teela D'Ashe Norrinsdottir.
4/12 Training completed, the party re-assembles.  5/12 Travel to Valls. 6/12 Norrin made Baron in Valls. 7/12 leave Valls for Justicar's Rest. 8/12 fight frost giants, reach Justicar's Rest, defeat Wolf Reavers and Ringmage. Fraener Gruffyd & Eamon leave.
(13/8/22 IRL) 9/12: Snow storm. Reach Stormcaller Tor and attack. Vuitt & Sol killed. Outmatched party flees the Tor, survivors returning to D'Ashe. finis for now.
1361 DR
M5: Duke William grants the western mountains and the valley of the Sidewinder to Lord Norrin. Dwarves of Khundrakar vanish; Alice Cooper leaves keys of Khundrakar to Ted. Ted later brings the Mongrelmen of Barrowmaze to Khundrakar.
21-30/5: Spring Fair at D'Ashe Manor.
11/8 (11/02 & 25/02 IRL): Expedition to Robden. Norrin's Band battle Dust Goblins, Chaos Goblins, Giant Rats. Lay to rest the Drowned Maiden, and end the curse upon Robden.
12/9 (12/03 IRL): Norrin's Band attack Skorg's Cave in the Stoneheart Vale, wiping out Feninva and her gnoll pack, then rescue the slave girl Jana Hawkins from Orc worg-riders. Jana goes with Moxy to Ravensburg and finds work at Moxy's baths alongside Viola Chaney.
26/9 (26/3-23/4/23 IRL): Assault on the  Bugbear lair, Stoneheart Vale. A great battle ensues. Aided by Aya's fireballs Norrin's band triumph at last, capturing the bugbear chief and rescuing prisoners, Bragador the half-dwarf miner and several women brought from other worlds by Miles Freeman. They also meet Felf, an escaped Elf Wizard.The rest of her party including Lazarus the Lizardman were killed by bugbears.
1362 DR
10/5/62 Ravensburg - Norrin offends Duchess Malla & Steward Dahnim.
16/5/62 Marriage of Geradil Mercellin and Tania at Ravensburg Cathedral.
21/5/62 Start of the Spring Fair at D'Ashe. News of an impending orc invasion reaches D'Ashe. Queale begins organising an evacuation (end of Norrins Band campaign group). Meryem & Bearchaser take what they can, and flee south with their horses. Lord Norrin reaches Valls and requests aid. Norrin is instructed to remain at Valls while preparations are made.
25/5/62 Rebecca Ramvira arrives at Khundrakar. Arcatan forces are gathering at Valls under Princess Renee Hogarth. Lady Barbara is with her family at Ostra, along with her daughter Teela and the D'Ashe treasury, brought north by her guards.
28/5/62 The Orc army under Vigguz reaches D'Ashe Manor to find it burning, fired by Queale. Norrin hears from Renee that his wife Lady Barbara has petitioned the Church for an annulment, and that he is to be arrested for 'gross dereliction of duty'. With Princess Renee's help he flees Valls, disappearing from the history books. In later years some will report a mercenary matching his description, guarding caravans on the Sword Coast.
29-31/5/62 Orcs spread out throughout Norrins Barony, burning and pillaging. Carmathan readies her defences. In the south, Norrins forces that have not fled are mustering at Malthlyn to defend the village. Hugo of D'Ashe and the Ranger Ilyria lead the defenders.
Rebecca Ramvira leads a small group of refugees to Khundrakar, joining Missy & Sister Cella.
1/6/62 An Orc force approaches Helix...

D'Ashe Manor.

D'Ashe Village ca 1361-62 DR (by Geoff)
Market Day at D'Ashe, ca late 1361 DR

D'Ashe Manor ca 1360 DR

Gurzun's Hall/D'Ashe Manor ca 1358-59 DR

Mind Flayer of the Carrion Moth Caves



Rumours with obvious extreme danger are marked in red.

Rumours M10 1361 DR
1. Grave news from the Southlands. The Heroes of Bloodstone could not save the gold dwarf citadel of the Great Rift (Eartheart) from the worms of Qorgeth. The Heroes are gathering the free peoples of the South to resist the incursion of Chaos. 

Rumours M9 1361 DR (March 2023)
1. The Heroes of Bloodstone have been called away from the scouring of Naratyar by news of another demonic incursion, this time in the far Southlands - the Demon Lord Qorgeth has manifested within the Great Rift! A veil of corruption is spreading across the Shaar. Luckily Duke Dragonsbane was already forewarned by a mute child brought to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose by a band of adventurers, led by Norrin of Waterdeep, long ago. And so the Heroes are well prepared to face this new and terrible threat. While they are gone, Damara must look to others for her protection.
2. The bleak hills east of ruined Robden have become the lair of giant vultures that oft prey upon lone travellers. It's said that there are ancient Narish tombs amongst the hills, and even rumours of a hidden Wizard laboratory dedicated to examination of the Ley Lines.
3. At the Argus toll bridge, merchants report that the Old Mine south of Khundrakar is being mined by strange but affable small creatures known as Mongrelmen. The Mongrelmen report that their liege is Lord Ted of Khundrakar, the brother of Lord Mac, who led them from the Barrowmaze to their new home some months ago. 
4. Ravensburg - the merchant prince Geradil Mercellin is engaged to marry the Nar warrior Tania, former bodyguard to Arifia DuLac, despite some Mercellin family disapproval.

Rumours M8 1361 DR (February 2023)
The Heroes of Bloodstone are purging the demon realm of Naratyar beneath the Giantspire Mountains. It's said that the demon princess Soneilon fled, rather than face them in battle.

Rumours M4 1361 DR (October 2022)
The Heroes of Bloodstone, angered by the maraudings of the frost giants, have returned from the demon realm of Naratyar beneath the Giantspires and attacked the giants, killing many. It is said they assaulted the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, and that Gareth Dragonsbane slew Jarl Gungnir himself. Soldiers of Mulmaster were found amidst the giants. The Heroes then attacked the fire giants building a lava road across the mountains, scattering them.

Rumours M1-2 1361 DR (to end August 2022)
1. Frost giants emerging from the winter storms are ravaging northern Arcata. One group reached Hommlet and found it abandoned, but flattened several houses in their rampage. They then headed east into Carmathan, but at St Celia's Abbey were driven back by strong Carmathan forces under Sir Palador deVir, now Knight Commander of Carmathan. Several giants were killed, the survivors retreated. The defences of Valls led by the Wallaki Twins also held firm against a giant probing attack; a rain of fireballs and ballista bolts sent them off to seek easier prey. The main giant force has entered northern Carmathan and sacked Castle Beaumaris, then crossed the frozen river to sack Castle Ducaris. Baroness Liria Beaumaris and Baroness Jane Ducaris are both reported lost. Update M3/61: According to reports of the battle at St Celia's Abbey, it was a 'strong force' of giants - perhaps even 10 or more - and 'several' were killed by the Carmathan defenders under Commander DeVir, who included the wizard Myrddin Viligoth & his Twilight Riders, as well as Lord Einar, and Brandi Ducaris. Surviving giants retreated to north of Hommlet, cloaked by the winter storms. There are reports of goblins & pig orcs moving out of Stoneheart Vale and raids on outlying farms, Sir Einar has returned to Ramvira to bolster the defences there. Norrin's Band has been kept busy dealing with goblin & pig orc raiders.
2. The Heroes of Bloodstone are battling a major threat uniting the hobgoblin, bugbear, ogre and hill giant clans of the Giantspire Mountains, apparently in coordination with the Warlock Knights of Vaasa. Some say that Orcus has returned, for there are rumours of a demonic realm, Naratyar, beneath the mountains! Hopefully the Heroes will soon return to deal with the frost giants.

Rumours M12 1360 DR (July 2022)
1.Small numbers of Tsathoggua cultists are suspected to be again active kidnapping travellers on the King's Road, likely driven from the Darkwood by Sir Palador deVir. Afrafa of the Yellow Rose is investigating. Update M1 1361: Small group of cultists slain beneath the Crimson Monk Abbey by the Faerun 7.
2. Storms again swirl around Stormcaller Tor - how long until the frost giants march upon Damara?
3. Duke William Hogarth of Arcata is appointing a new Baron, Sir Norrin of D'Ashe Manor, to better secure his lands between Valls and the South Moors. Norrin is said to be a strong ally of the self-proclaimed Dwarf-King Fraener of Khundrakar, the 'King Under the Mountain'.
4. A strange and deadly dungeon, Stonehell, is said to lie under Narcissa's Inn at Ramvira Manor.
5. Following the loss of Prince Strohm at Mathen Manor, Solanna Bael is governed by a Council comprising Sir Adran of the Sunlight Sentinels, Anastrianna of the Green Wardens, and Lady Rebecca Ramvira, Headmistress of the School of Magic.

Rumours M11 1360 DR
King Dimian has issued a Writ of Tolerance: that there is to be no persecution of those who adhere to the Doctrine of the Conjoined Godhead - the belief that Ilmater and Loviatar are of One Flesh. This Writ is likely to sit ill with many among the Church of Ilmater, for whom the Doctrine has long been regarded as a grave Heresy, and is widely rumoured to be at the will of Baroness Sylvia of Ostel, widely believed to be an adherent of the Doctrine.

Rumours M10 1360 DR
Mirna, Reeve of Karvolia
On a visit to Karvolia in western Ostel, Baroness Sylvia has appointed Mirna as her new Reeve, above the town's Council of Elders (Tanner Grimm, Olan Forn, & 'Lady' Bestin). Sylvia was reportedly impressed by the young woman's courage and spirit, perhaps seeing in her a kindred soul. Karvolia is to pay taxes to the Order of the Crimson Monks as they establish a new Monastery of the Dual Deity (Ilmater-Loviatar) at the former Blood Vaults of corrupt Sister Alkava, and work to defend the borderland from the vampires and ghouls of the Karvoli Forest. Baroness Sylvia has complained about Carmathan's continued failure to deal with the Karvoli undead, and asserted her own 'Responsibilty to Protect'. 

Baroness Sylvia of Ostel

Rumours M9 1360 DR
1. 1/9: Commander Mykros, captain of the Arcata Ducal Guard, has been slain in a palace duel by the red half-dragon Kiril Walaki. Duke William has appointed Kiril the new Ducal Guard Commander, and his twin sister Jasna the Ducal Magist. Many of Arcata's Ducal Guard have deserted in protest. 6/9: Palador deVir has taken 40 knights, and headed for Carmathan. Update 25/9: Palador has sworn to cleanse the evil infesting Chaney Shire, beginning with the Ogres of Darkwood. Sir Randal has granted Sir Palador the old Chaney Tor as his base of operations. Speculation that Sir Palador seeks to make Chaney Shire his Barony.
2. The Heroes of Bloodstone have assaulted the hidden Citadel of Assassins, high in the Galenas Mountains. Most of the Assassins were slain, including the Grandfather Timoshenko and the High Cleric Banak, but Archmage Knellict is said to have fled.
3. A warlord 'empress' of Mulmaster has been carving out an empire across the Vast and the Dalelands. Impiltur is in a heightened state of readiness.

Rumours M7-8 1360 DR
1. Horrible Ettins have descended from the mountains, taken Whiterush Claim, killed Dirk and his miners, and are extorting tribute from the terrified villagers of Whiterush. Update M10/60: Ettins driven out by Norrin's Band, survivors returning to the mountains. Update M12/60: Arcata has occupied the mithril mines.
2. Orc War Chief Khain has abandoned Glen Orcy, along with most of his followers. Update: Khain slain by Norrin's Band at Old Mine M9 1360 DR. The Dwarves now occupy Old Mine.
3. Sister Alkava of Karvolia is dead (17/7), to the relief of her subjects. Baroness Sylvia has granted the Red Mausoleum to the Order of the Crimson Monks.

Rumours M6 1360 DR
1. Sir Thomas Blackraven's marriage to Rebecca Ramvira has been annulled. He is to marry Louisa Cumin of Cumin Manor on 15/7. Thomas's brother Edmund is courting Louisa's sister Pruella. Update 12/7: Sir Thomas & his sister Zuzana have been murdered, the manor tower set aflame!
2. Baron Solkar Grimstead is expecting his first child by Lady Samantha ca M10/60.

Rumours M4 1360 DR
1. A green dragon has been spotted flying over Skullen Wood in Ironwolf Manor, near the Waterkeep Ruin. Update: dragon killed 27/5 by Faerun 7.
2. The Hornhold Crypt in Ironwolf Manor holds the Hammer of Dwarf-King Boran. Its twin the Hammer of Dwarf-King Cirdan is held by Fraener, lord of Khundrakar. Update M7/60: Hammer claimed by Gruffyd ap-Durgeddin.
3. Kitchen staff at Cumin Manor recently discovered a mysterious door. Update: Arkin's Workshop cleared 14/5 by Faerun 7.

Rumours M3 1360 DR
1. The Heroes of Bloodstone led by Gareth Dragonsbane have returned at last with an Orb of Dragonkind, and are using it to cleanse northern Damara of evil dragons. Rumour has it they gained the Orb by defeating another aspect of Tiamat, known as Takhisis, on the faraway world of Krynn.
2. The corruption at Feycircle is spreading. Update 27/3 Feycircle Portal closed by Norrin's Band, only a pit remains.
3. Slave raiders from Goblin Town are becoming more active. Some say Old Vigguz is losing his grip on power.
4. The Church of Ilmater has sent a priest Father Michael and an acolyte Sister Noella to the new church at Ironwolf Manor.

Rumours M2 1360 DR.
1. Frost giants have been raiding into Arcata from the White Wyrm Glacier, emerging from the winter storms to wreak havoc.
2. Knights of Arcata sent by Duke William to deal with Stormcaller Tor have not returned.

Rumours M12 1359 DR
1. Grey Orc raiders from Glen Orcy have attacked Helix's Brazen Strumpet, but were defeated by the heroic defenders, led by Manu the Stable Boy. Manu & his companions next day ventured onto the Barrowmoor in Hendon the Miller's boat, but did not return. Update M1 1360 DR: Manu's brother Ted has led an expedition that recovered Manu's remains from the giant vultures of Dead Man's Hill.
2. Disaster at Spurs' Edge! Worm-Things from Feycircle Tor have destroyed the village, and devoured or carried off her defenders, including Thane Rufus & Mage Burne of Hommlet, and the Snow Elf warrior princess Nevamira. Survivors have fled north to Hommlet and Valls. A band of heroes from Carmarthan, led by handsome Gorlock the Warlock and his trusty sidekick Greeba, have answered the call to save the land from the Worms of Qorgeth. Update M12 1359 DR: The assault on the Carrion Shrine below Feycircle Tor failed, though one prisoner, Klegg, was rescued. The Tower has now collapsed, burying dozens of Goblins. Worm-things have been spotted among the ruins.
3. Malthlyn village remains hard pressed by aberrant monsters descending from the Moonfog Hills, but at least the burning of a strange repellent concoction seems to be deterring the Carrion Moths and their Carrion Crawler brood. Brave Sir Norrin of D'Ashe Manor leads the defence, aided by a band of heroes including the elven prince Strohm, the wizard Malied, and Fraener the dwarven forge-priest. Update M1 1360 DR: Ranger Queale has closed the Aberrant Portal, saving the land from the hideous monsters.

Rumours M10 1359 DR
1. Dust Goblins from Feycircle Tor have been stealing livestock from Spurs' Edge. Update: Children too have been taken.
2. Raiding giants and orcs have made the Moonfog Hills a dangerous place. Many farms around Malthlyn have been abandoned. Update: The evil seemed centred on the abandoned mine, ruled by a mad Sorceress. 
3. Prospectors in Hiddenglen report that the wizard's tower known as Raganni's Redoubt appears abandoned. Update: Adventurers destroyed Raganni's undead corpse & slew his crazed lover.
4. The Priests of Talos at Stormcaller Tor have been sending fierce autumn storms across central Arcata. Update M2 1360: Knights of Arcata sent to deal with Stormcaller Tor have not returned.
5. A powerful band of veteran mercenaries, the Sons of the Dragon, have taken up residence at Rough Run tower. They have been demanding tribute from the local villages. Some say their leaders are in fact dragons! Update T3/M2/1360: An attack on Rough Run led by Greeba & Gorlock of Ironwolf Manor has failed; the Bard Trystan was lost. T1/M3 The Carmathan emissary Tenho Isotalo has persuaded the half dragons to leave Rough Run. They were last seen flying NW towards Valls.

Rumours, M9 1359 DR
1. Egilmont offers 300 gold for anyone who will slay the troll of Egilmarsh. Update 16/9/59: Troll slain by Norrin's Band after killing Sir Rodney Carlin.
2. Bandits are again preying on travellers along the road east of Fulscarp Manor. Lady Aryn in Fulscarp offers 200 gold for their elimination; the Baron Solkar of Grimstead offers to match this with 200 gold of his own. Update 2/10/59: The Bandits have been captured by Sir Thibault, the new lord of Fort Skulnar, and pressed into service.
3. A white dragon has claimed the territory between D'Ashe Manor and the mountains for his own - this includes the vital mining trail to Hiddenglen.

Rumours, M8 1359 DR
1. Ogre & Orc raiders have attacked a Mercellin mine caravan near William's Claim, kidnapping Summata Mercellin. Geradil Mercellin offers 1000 gold for his sister's safe return, 500 for her corpse. Update: Sumata has been rescued by Brave Sir Norrin, who slew the Great Ulfe!

Rumours, M7 1359 DR
1. Crimson-robed Monks have tried to recruit Patrick of the Roadhouse Inn, former Monk of the Yellow Rose. A martial-arts fight broke out, and he sent them away battered and swearing vengeance.
2. Den's Cave silver mine is infested with kobolds, led by a poison-tailed demon imp. Attempts to reclaim the mine have failed.
3. A flight of dragons from Castle Perilous attacked Bloodstone Pass, forcing many folk to flee for shelter in the Bloodstone Mines. They were driven off by the combined efforts of the Heroes of Bloodstone & their companions led by the Dragonsbane, though Celedon Kierney was killed by a green dragon's breath and had to be Revivifed by Friar Dugald. The Heroes are now preparing for a quest to find and defeat the controlling intelligence behind the dragons; the Wizard Emelyn the Gray suspects one of Tiamat's consorts.

Rumours, M6 1359 DR
1. Several young women of marriageable age have vanished in the region of Darkwood - no doubt the Cult of Chaos is responsible! Update M7 1359: Heroes have vanquished the Chaos cult. The Paladin Victoria fell in the battle, and was buried at St Cecilia's Abbey.
2. Two shepherdesses have gone missing from Chaney Manor on separate occasions - Lina Smith, the niece of Chaney Manor's Smith Brocas (3/6), and now (14/6) Jenny Jenson of North Farm. Fathers now keep their daughters locked up tight. Update 17/6: Jenny has been rescued from undead Sir Lorgas Chaney at Chaney Tor. Update M7: Lina Smith has returned to Chaney Manor.
3. The aggressive new Duchess of Camarthan, Malla I Devlin, has laid claim to Arcatan teritory! Shall war result?

Rumours, M5 1359 DR
1. A hideous Troll has taken up residence in the Egilmarsh and has eaten several peasants. Sir Rodney Carlin of Egilmont offers two hundred gold for its demise. Update: Troll slain after killing Sir Rodney.
2. The Shrine of Chaos in the Darkwood, long ago cast down by Amaul the King's Champion wielding the Sword of the Sorcerer, has again become active (ca 1/5). Cultists have been seen abroad - how long until travellers are again being abducted for horrible sacrifice? Worse, some say the temple has a new Master, a renegade Moravin Friar who now serves the dark gods! Update M7 1359: The Shrine has been cast down and the dark priest Odric slain. Strohm, elven hero of Leth, has claimed the Sorcerer's Sword.
3. Something evil dwells within the old Chaney Tor, sacked by Bullywugs years ago. Locals wisely avoid the place. Update 17/6: The Undead Skeleton of Sir Lorgas Chaney has been returned to rest.
4. Drow - dark elves - have been seen abroad, near Hommlet. It's suspected they come from the Whistling Cave, infested with vile Ettercaps.
5. The Crimson Monks of Loviatar, long thought destroyed by the Monks of the Yellow Rose, have returned! Scarlet-robed figures have been seen near Roadhouse Inn, likely heading for their ruined monastery, now held by the Bullywugs of the Frogmarsh. 
6. The ruined dwarf-fast known as the Fallen Halls holds an enchanted dwarf-forge, and many magical weapons crafted by the great dwarven smiths.

Jane Poole

Jane Poole of Bognor Regis

Jane Poole with Lorius Vex

Jane Poole Human female Fighter-5 (Champion) XP 9,558/14,000 AC 18 HP 44


Avery of Al-Amo, Deva & Celestial Patron to Gorlock the Warlock


D'Ashe Manor (from M8 1359 DR)

Head of Razing-Death, white dragon, M6 1360 DR
Head of Nightscale, black dragon, mounted in taproom M3 1360 DR

Courana Farm - the Courana Family (burned end M5 1362)

Gnomestead  (burned end M5 1362)

Gnomestead Bizness by Tod/Jack
Formerly Dwarfstead (pop 200) abandoned by the dwarves M5 1361 DR. Tod the Gnome has been appointed to restore the village. M9 1361 he recruited Patricia from Kaern's Claim to run the festhall/tavern there. Patricia recruits Geradile & Lesley Courana to assist.

M5 1362 Kevan Blackguard established the Bard school Vartr Skafje at Gnomestead. Patricia Pullen Brd-1/Ftr-1 is his first student, along with Stacy Caravagio Brd-1. Syrus the Bard takes a position as lecturer. It didn't last long.

End M5 1362: Tod & Patricia flee the approaching Orc horde, heading off for pastures new.

Patricia, ex of Kaern's Claim Festhall, Fighter-1/Bard-1

Geradile Courana, ex of Solanna Bael, ex shepherdess.

Lesley Courana, ex shepherdess.

Solanna Bael - Arcane Tower

M12 1360 DR: Following the loss of Prince Strohm at Mathen Manor, Solanna Bael was briefly governed by a Council comprising Sir Adran of the Sunlight Sentinels, Anastrianna of the Green Wardens, and Lady Rebecca Ramvira, Headmistress of the School of Magic. In M5 1361 DR the elves departed to return to Rawlinswood, leaving Rebecca Ramvira in charge as Chatelaine. She was later courted by Wendle, a travelling Wizard rescued from the Barrowmaze , and they have been together since M9 1361.

Solanna Bael School of Magic & Learning
M11 1360 DR: Lady Rebecca Ramvira initiates a school inspired by Malied's conception, where Solanna Bael is used as a small college of wizardry for adults, while the staff can also visit the nearby villages to teach children basic stuff like literacy. 

Senior Staff
Lady Rebecca Ramvira (Wizard) - Arcana, History, Religion
Wendle (Wizard) - Arcana
Beverly Courana - Herbalism, Nature

Postgraduate Student/Teaching Assistants
Lothorin (Wizard)
Gudrun (Wizard)

Students (1362 DR) include
Mavis, Geradile, & Akemi, formerly of Strohm's harem - literacy
Marissa & Iva Goodin - literacy

The Children of Prince Strohm of Leth (6)
M8 1360/born M5 1361: Rebecca Ramvira (son), Princess Akemi (son), Mavis (daughter), Beverly Courana (son)
10/M10 1360/born M7 1361: Marissa Goodin (daughter), Iva Goodin (son)

Gudrun, Junior Wizard
Lothorin, Junior Wizard

Lothorin and Gudrun explain how they studied wizardry for some two years under Okonios Exacalus, the 'Mad Conjurer' of Valls, and Okonios' assistant Celia Faversham. Following some bad experiences they both were amenable to Brandi's suggestion to seek a new master wizard (Malied) to complete their studies under, while also putting their acquired skills to good use. They have command of cantrips & 1st level spells only, as yet.

A good sized farming & forester village on the edge of the woods between D'Ashe Manor and Ramvira Tor, in Arcata near the Carmathan border. Headman is Wymar Goodin. He has a shapely wife Marissa, a pretty teenage daughter Iva, and two young sons. M3 1360 DR: after an attack by bugbear slave raiders that wounded him, sacked his farmstead, killed his labourers and kidnapped his wife daughter and maid, Wymar pledged Forestedge's allegiance to Lady Barbara D'Ashe in return for her promise of protection.  
ca 10/10 1360 DR: Both Marissa & Iva pregnant by Prince Strohm after a luxury weekend at D'Ashe Hall.
Wymar Goodin

Marissa Goodin

Iva Goodin

Kaern's Claim

ca 1360 DR: Norrin reaches the rough palisade of Kaern's Claim a little before nightfall. The path leads past the palisade down to a jetty on the river, the Stone Stream, where a flat-bottomed mine barge is moored by a rowboat. Across the river is a smaller mooring post, currently empty. It looks like his horse would have to wade/swim the stream here to cross. Two fur clad crossbowmen guard the gate and give him a curious look. "What's your name and business here, stranger?"

This is a well defended silver mine and fortified hamlet, the stout spiked stockade surmounted by many orc, gnoll and goblin heads & skulls. Kaern is a big, aggressive - if generally cheerful - fellow; nevertheless he trades with Goblin Town merchants frequently enough, trading rich silver for slave girls, weapons, and other luxuries rarely brought by human traders. Some of Kaern's men are half-orcs themselves.
Kaern regularly ships silver down the Stone Stream by barge via Ramvira & Fulscarp Manors to the market at Ravensburg, and is said to be very wealthy.  He tends to accompany the silver barges himself, clad in plate steel, his great axe in hand. Few dare contest his passage.
Kaern's deputy Otis of Hommlet (1314-)  is the brother of Elmo the Ranger, and a skilled adventurer-miner in his own right. Otis minds the fort when Kaern is away. Otis also oversees the running of the Kaern's Hall & Festhall, extracting silver back from the roistering miners. Festhall wenches include PatriciaAtesia & Kim.

Kaern of Kaern's Claim, dispatching undead ex-miners

1360 DR: Otis nods (to Norrin) and taps his own nose. "Right ye are then. Well I'm a man of influence in these parts - if you're stayin' the night I'll make sure ye get the best bed in the Hall - and Patricia there's the warmest bed-companion!" He nods at the shamrock wench as she brings over Norrin's ale and stew. Patricia catches this and smiles wryly. "Always with the silver tongue, eh Otis?"

M9/61 DR: Norrin is escorted into the Kaern's Hall where a warm fire crackles in the great hearth, and is greeted warmly by Kaern & Otis. Kaern: "How you doing, Norrin  - I mean, Milord?" he grins. Otis nods affably. Norrin notices Bearchaser and Tod - Tod is sat on the lap of Patricia the festhall wench, who is petting his head and giggling.

Otis of Hommlet



Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Champion
pop. 1200+ humanoids, ca 200 humans & demi-humans, mostly slaves.
Ruler: Vigguz, Lord of Goblin Town, Half-Orc war priest of Loviatar.
Others:  Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Champion. Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc War Chief. Ostrikka, Half-Orc. Miles Freeman, Human Conjurer.
More than a mere fortress, the repurposed dwarf-hold of Carak Nur on the southern slope of North Peak is now known as Goblin Town. She is in truth a fortified fortress-city, and a major trade centre for both the humanoid races and unscrupulous human merchants and slavers, for the Orcs' appetite for nubile human females is said to be insatiable. Despite the name, Orcs are almost as common as Goblins and Goblin-Orcs here, but the true rulers of Goblin-Town are the Man-Orcs, and the place is a major attraction for Half Orcs scorned across Damara and beyond.
Carak Nur fell about 400 years ago, before the modern Kingdom of Damara was founded - at the time the land was inhabited by Nar barbarians, goblinoids, and some Impilturan invaders at Raven Rock, now Ravensburg. Survivors under Durgeddin the Black went to Khundrakar (now the Fallen Halls) to carry on the fight.
During the Damaran wars Goblin Town prospered greatly, but with the rise of Gareth Dragonsbane the activities of slavers and raiders have had to be curtailed, and raiders are forbidden from operating directly out of the city. There are rumours that Goblin Town's subterranean chambers holds a planar portal giving access to other worlds, and that the human Mage Miles Freeman has mastered its use. This may explain the strange trinkets and treasures sometimes found in the region. Some say that Freeman himself is not native to Faerun.
Vigguz, Boss of Goblin Town
Goblin Town has been ruled for many years by the cunning and cautious Half-Orc Vigguz, a Cleric of Loviatar. But he is aging now, and several of his many children have begun jostling to succeed him. While his daughter Hagra the Skull-Splitter is widely regarded as the greatest warrior in Goblin Town, his hot-headed son Boltar is a master of the twin hand axes, and has the advantage of his sex. A wild card was his daughter Ostrikka, a Fighter-Assassin who has for years preferred to adventure in the lands of civilised Men. She is rumoured to favour her half-sister Hagra as Vigguz's successor. Ostrikka killed by Afrafa 7/5/1359 DR after wounding Norrin.
Beneath Goblin Town's lower halls, a little-travelled tunnel leads down to the Underdark region of Deepearth known as the Cathedral Caverns. Vigguz occasionally employs the small band of renegade male Drow dwelling there, trading human slave girls, Damaran gold, wine, and even foodstuffs for their services. The drow liaison Voz T'urden (don't joke about his House name within earshot) can often be found at Goblin Town, enjoying the pleasures of Vigguz' hall.

Orc's Nest Tavern
Orc's Nest Tavern

Boltar Two-Axe
Voz T'Urden

Miles Freeman


Sir Randal Chaney
Chaney Manor

"News from the Chaney Shire is that Sir Palador's crusade proceeds well, much evil has been cleansed from the land. He is restoring the old Chaney Tor as his base of operations. Perhaps Duchess Malla will make him a Baron, in good time. Of course it would help his claim to the Shire if Viola Chaney would be his bride, but alas, it seems, she's nowhere to be found." - Narcissa, end M11 1360 DR

Between Grimstead and the King's Road lies 
Chaney Shire, a largely wild region near the Arcatan border notable for Chaney Manor and the four mile expanse of Froggy Lake. Chaney Shire is home to St Cecilia's Abbey under the half-elven Sister Superior Mara Aloitius. Chaney Manor is the only village in the Shire. Ruled by dour Sir Randal Chaney; he acknowledges as superiors only the Duke in Ravensburg and the King in Heliogabalus. Chaney Tower on Froggy Lake was built by the Chaneys in an effort to claim Baronial status, but was sacked 
by Bullywugs years ago, and today is an abandoned shell. Sir Randal's three sons by Lady Lanis fell in the Vaasan War, as did Lanis herself (in 1354), his only daughter Viola Chaney was said to be very beautiful, but was sad in heart, for Randal kept her under close watch and has forbidden her to wed. In 1359 DR Viola fled the manor following a beating, she had been caught kissing a boy from the village. Rumour has it she now follows the Druid Kade.

Fulscarp Manor
This wealthy manor is ruled by strong-willed Lady Aryn Blackthorn. She is a widow with three two adult sons, rarely home these days; her eldest son Sir Jorah Blackthorn is himself a capable Ranger of the Golden Thorns, presently with the Paladins of the Golden Cup at the Vaasan Gate. He survived the terrible Dragonraid on Bloodstone Village in mid 1359, acquitting himself honourably. Her youngest son Sir Jacklyn (PC) was also a Ranger of the Golden Thorn, he fell in battle against Gurzun's men east of D'Ashe Manor, M8 1359 DR. The Order buried him in their crypts at Ravensburg, and returned his effects to Fulscarp.
There is occasional conflict with the grasping Baron Solkar of Grimstead. The jagged tower of the hag Aretha is visible on a ridgeline east of the manor; the villagers prefer to ignore it, but it's said that sometimes a villager in dire need will visit Aretha to seek a boon - for a price. Some even say that once, years ago, Lady Aryn did so herself.  Aryn's guards are commanded by Corporal Vendle (Guard Corporal)
Fulscarp has one tavern, the Silver Spoon, with only common boarding available in the taproom. The Silver Spoon is run by young Rosana Irkell since both her father & brother, Manlius & Verden Irkell, disappeared recently on a provisioning trip to Ravensburg; victims of the evil emanating from within Fort Skulnar, former hold of the Ironwolf family, now often known as the Shadowed Keep.
Rosana Irkell of the Silver Spoon

Lady Aryn Blackthorn
Sir Jorah Blackthorn
Aretha, the Hag of Jagged Tower

Firaen the 'Bandit Queen', deceased.

Fort Skulnar - The Shadowed Keep
The name itself dates back more than 300 years, to when the men of Raven Rock first built a fort here against demon-following barbarians - the Skull-Nar. Most recently Fort Skulnar was held and rebuilt by the adventurer Valentin Ironwolf and his family, but has now lain in ruin for more than forty years. 
In recent weeks (M5 1359 DR)  travellers in the region have been disappearing. Local  rumour blames bandits, in service to the renegade outlaw knight Firean - or worse things. But all agree that the ruins of Fort Skulnar are the centre of the growing threat.
Fort Skulnar - the Shadowed Keep

Mary, Serving Wench

Cumin Inn

A large coaching inn and surrounding hamlet on the King's Road, paying fealty to Cumin Manor. The Inn is run by Ostler Canton, aided by his niece Lina. Ostler is unmarried, but has quite an eye for the ladies.

Ostler Canton
Rosey, Serving Wench

Lina Canton

Joriun Whitefeather
Margrethe of the King's Road

Cumin Inn

Cumin Manor

A little under two miles south of Cumin Inn, Cumin Manor stands atop a small hill, surrounded by the associated hamlet. The Cumins are an old family of gentry. Since the death of her husband Marechal at the Ford of Goliad disaster in 1357, following the loss of her only son Gilbert the previous year (1356) Lady Vera Cumin has become increasingly withdrawn and infirm, the Manor is now largely run by her eldest daughter Angelica. Angelica's siblings, the twins Louisa and Pruella, don't help very much - although they do like to gossip. Angelica's youngest sister Mirabelle (PC) is something of a wild child, even having been sent to St Cecilia's at one point.
The small force of Cumin men-at-arms (currently seven men) are commanded by the competent but cautious Serjeant Stahlen, an old family retainer and survivor of the Goliad. 

Mirabelle Cumin (PC)

Angelica Cumin

Sergeant Stahlen

Pruella Cumin

Louisa Cumin

Everflame Crypt

Sammael Cumin was a crusader of Ilmater who came to serve the King of Damara in the year 1215 DR, 144 years ago. While he fought with distinction against the Soravian Nar, he soon realized that he wanted more from life and left the military to find his fortune elsewhere. His travels took him all over the region, and he decided to settle down in 1222 after a very profitable adventure. Using a sizable portion of his fortune, he set out to tame a small area east of the Darkwood. For the next 10 years, the manor, which was then known as Cumin’s Hold, grew and prospered. All that changed in 1233 DR when Asar Kessell came to Cumin’s Hold with a host of mercenaries under his command. Asar was an old companion of Sammael, and the two had traveled together for some time before splitting up just after Sammael’s last adventure. Over the years, Asar became sure that Sammael had cheated him after that adventure. Promising great wealth to his mercenaries, Asar raided the manor relentlessly for 2 months. Finally, the local folk managed to locate Asar’s camp in an ancient crypt deep in the Darkwood, and Sammael himself went out to deal with his old companion. The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few of Cumin's folk coming back to tell the tale to his grieving widow. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Sammael suffered a mortal wound. In honor of their beloved leader, the survivors buried Sammael Cumin in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Asar, his mercenaries, and the folk that lost their lives in the bitter struggle. His widow Cecilia Cumin - known after her death as St Cecilia the Redeemer - placed a miraculous Eternal Flame above Sammael’s final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness. Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history of Cumin Manor and the Cumin family. Sammael’s descendants view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of their noble history. Every year the descendants of Sammael Cumin make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a torch from the Flame and bring it back home, where it it shines in the Manor Hall all year, a symbol of hope and resilience.

A village on the King's Road, on the border of Ravenshire.  Kingspike is the manor of Sir Brillum 'Greywolf' Verkaes, a doughty Knight and a hero of both the first and second Battles of Goliad. On the Night of Long Knives in 1357 DR he slew an assassin sent to murder him - his half-elven wife Ashara Verkaes (nee Aloitius), sister of St Cecilia's Abbess Mara (born Lavive) Aloitius, did not survive the encounter.  
Sir Brillum's only daughter Cristina is in training as an Armiger Paladin of the Golden Cup at the Vaasan Gate, and only occasionally visits Kingspike. His elder son Jonathan did not survive First Goliad. His younger son Pirior (born 1349 DR) is a pageboy at the Ducal Castle in Ravensburg.

Sir Brillum Verkaes 
Pirior Verkaes

Cristina Verkaes

The Darkwood
Darkwood Ogre
The Darkwood has a sinister reputation, site of the ancient Temple of Chaos cast down by Amaul, the King's Champion, more than a century ago. Ogres and other evil things lurk in the depths. 
However the woods are watched over by Fiorina, the benevolent and seemingly ageless Lady of the Woods, who commands the animals of the forest, and is said to guard against the return of evil to the ruins. Some say she must be a dryad, nymph, or similar such woods spirit.

Fiorina, Lady of the Woods

Monastery of the Crimson Monks (ruin) (Chaney Shire)
That's a Crimson Monk of Loviatar. We thought them extinct these past fifty years, since the Monks of the Yellow Rose defeated them and sacked their dark Monastery. It seems they have returned. - Jilla Kallent 

Decades ago the Crimson Monks of Loviatar warred against the Monks of the Yellow Rose dedicated to Ilmater and St Sollars. The Crimson Monks were decisively defeated when the Yellow Rose under Grand Master Poke & Master Teminische finally assaulted the Crimson Monastery, killed their Grand Master, and slew or scattered the Crimson Monks. For decades the Monastery has been an abandoned ruin, infested with Bullywugs, and slowly sinking into Froggy Marsh. However it is rumoured that the magically sealed chambers beneath the Monastery still hold dark secrets - and much treasure. Recently, mysterious crimson-robed figures have been seen in the area once more...

The Roadhouse Inn, King's Road (Carmath Shire)

Patrick of the Roadhouse Inn, Monk
This renowned Inn on the King's Road is perhaps the most famous Festhall in all Damara. Its proprietor, Patrick, was once Patrick of the Yellow Rose, a Master of Dragons. Always something of a loose trebuchet, he left the Order under a cloud following a clash with Master Kane, but he retains all the fighting skills of a Monk. His festhall girls are said to be the comeliest, and the elf-girl Tiria the finest dancer in Carmathan, if not all Damara.

Tiria the Elven Dancer

Sir Thomas Blackraven

They say he has killed every man he ever fought. 
Blackraven is a large fortified hamlet & manor of some 400 souls, ruled by Sir Thomas Blackraven, a powerful knight . The son of Sir Malby Blackraven who fell at Goliad, Sir Thomas is unmarried; a lustful and ambitious fellow, he is determined to tame the Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Tower, and bring Ramvira Manor into his demesne - and the Duchy of Camarthan. He is known to be supported in this ambition by his immediate liege, the Baron of Grimstead.
Sir Edmund Blackraven is Sir Thomas' younger brother, was the less-than-competent Magist to Solkar the Baron Grimstead. On the death of his siblings he inherited the Manor.
Zuzanna Blackraven is Sir Thomas' sister, though it's rumoured she is in truth a bastard, born to a kitchen wench. A known Thief and Spy, she often acts as her half (?) brother's emissary and agent. Was with Einar (PC) of Ramvira some months from M5 1359 DR.
M7 1360 DR: Thomas & Zuzana assassinated by Ted shortly before Thomas' planned wedding to Louisa Cumin, leaving Sir Edmund to inherit the Manor.
Blackraven Manor, showing moat house & Scarlet Stocking Inn/tavern

Chaney Manor - Part of Barony of Chaney Shire
Sir Randal Chaney

Sir Palador DeVir, Baron of Chaney Shire.
Sir Palador

Chaney Manor is the only village in the Chaney Shire. Ruled by dour Sir Randal Chaney (lesser knight); he acknowledges as superiors only the Duke in Ravensburg and the King in Heliogabalus. Chaney Tower on Froggy Lake was built by the Chaneys in an effort to claim Baronial status, but was sacked by Bullywugs years ago, and today is an abandoned shell. Sir Randal's three sons by the adventurer & Druid-friend Lady Lanis fell in the Vaasan War, as did Lanis herself (in 1354). His only daughter Viola Chaney was trained by Lanis as a warrior but is said to be a runaway who has since (M5 1359) taken up with the wandering Druid Kade.
Chaney Manor has one Inn, the Frogsmouth Inn, owned by the Abbey of St Cecilia and run by hired staff. Sir Randal is known to dislike the name, a reminder of his family's misfortune. The Frogsmouth is run by Kelli & Rolf, a brother and sister team, both unmarried. They share a stablemaster with the Chaney Manor House across the street.

Abbess Mara


A nunnery for the matron saint of 'Fallen Women Redeemed', many middle and upper class Damarans send their wayward daughters here to experience hard discipline and learn virtue. The most talented Sisters become Clerics of St Cecilia, receiving miraculous power through the blessing of Ilmater.
Most Sisters are Sisters Penitent, but Sister Superior the Abbess Mara (formerly Lavive Aloitius) is a powerful Priestess.

Battle Sister Praetoria, a Carlin
Battle Sister Bronda


Prior Mordrin

Leader: Prior Mordrin
This Priory is the home of the Moravin Friars, a male religious order dedicated to St Sollars the Twice-Martyred. Once a fierce warrior knight of Camarthan, their leader Prior Mordrin retired before the Vaasan Wars to a religious vocation, eventually rising to head the Order.

Sir Rodney Carlin
Lady Daetha Carlin

Egilmont Manor

Leader: Sir Rodney Carlin (lesser knight)
The lost Paladin Dagny Carlin was the eldest daughter of Sir Rodney Carlin, the Lord of Egilmont Manor, now aging, but still a bluff and vigorous old knight.The Carlins have no love for their immediate liege, the Baron Grimstead. Dagny had a serious rift with her sister Samantha, Baron Skolnar's new bride, and did not attend the wedding ceremony at Castle Grimstead.
Sir Rodney is married to Lady Daetha, a sensible woman originally from Ostel. Sir Rodney's once-wayward youngest daughter Laverne Carlin is now Battle Sister Praetoria at St Cecilia's Abbey. 
Update late 1359 DR: Sir Rodney was slain by the Troll of Egilmarsh. His widow Daetha now rules the manor.

Dwarfstead (now Gnomestead M9 1361+)
Fraener swiftly receives back an invitation from Mirna Norsdottir to visit Dwarfstead.
Arriving with his men, Fraener finds it to be a rough and ready farming village of 200 or so, with a ditch and wood palisade atop square-cut stone. Mirna's longhouse is a humble hall by dwarf standards, the axe of Moradin surmounted by the silver rings of Berronar Truesilver above the entryway.
After a substantial feast of lamb, rabbit and deer with turnip mash, Mirna gets down to business.
"Son of Durgeddin, who wears Durgeddin's steel. Know that my people are those who fled Carak Nur when it fell. Who would not follow Durgeddin the Black into the mountains once more. What we have we hold - but we are done with holy wars."

Castle Grimstead

Baron Solkar Grimstead

The corpulent and grasping Baron Solkar Grimstead is known as a cruel and vicious ruler, like many such who survived the purges of Zhengyi's assassins, inheriting from his murdered brother, Baron Jonas Grimstead. He professes loyalty to the Duchess of Camarthan, but rules his personal demesne as a private kingdom. He is rumoured to have some sinister dealing with the Hag, Aretha. Baron Solkar is recently (M2 1359 DR) married to the Lady Samantha (nee Carlin) of Egilmont, the younger sister of the lost paladin Lady Dagny Carlin. Samantha is beautiful, but regarded as something of a black sheep of the noble Carlin family. They have no offspring as yet.

Samantha Grimstead (nee Carlin)

Samantha, the Lady Grimstead

Grimstead Village:
A village of several hundred lies beneath the castle walls. There is a traveller's Inn, the Slaughtered Lamb.
It is owned and run by the tattooed dwarf Dilgar and his human wife Monika.
Dilgar, Dwarf Landlord of the Slaughtered Lamb

Monika Dilgar's-wife

Old Tul the Healer

Old Tul
Tul the Healer lives in a hut by the south bank of the Stone Stream, across the river from Moravin Priory. There he tends his herb garden, fishes in the Stream, and feuds with his old rival Argyn upriver. A crochety old fellow, he is undoubtedly a master of the herbal arts, and will train others (albeit under protest). Some say he was once a Moravin Friar himself; in any case he has long since given up the travelling life. Tul denies having any great powers of magic, but certainly nothing seems to threaten his peaceful abode.


Ruler: Dimian I Ree Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov. From 18/4/1359 DR; coronation 21/6/1359.
pop. 734,000 (estimated, 1359 DR) + Duchy of Vaasa (unincorporated, ca  250,000 including humanoids) = 984,000
Modern civilisation in Damara dates back only to the 11th century DR. However ancient ruins are occasionally unearthed believed to date back more than two thousand years, to the time of Ancient Narfell, from the founding of Dun-Tharos by Thargaun in -970 DR through to its destruction in -150 DR by Raumathar, the ancestor of Rashemen and Thay. These demon-haunted relics of a past best forgotten are avoided by all sensible folk.

Dimian Ree, King of Damara 1359-

In the early 9th century DR the climate warmed, and southern colonists moving up from then-kingless Impiltur began to wrest what is now Damara from the western Nar barbarians. The original Damaran capital was Ravensberg (now Ravensburg), founded by the semi-legendary Impilturan warlord Damar Banacath as a fortress against the Skul-Nar, around 850 DR.  

Over the next two centuries Ravensburg grew into a powerful frontier city, capital of a rapidly expanding realm, and her rulers claimed the title 'King of Damara'. Following a great victory over the Bloodfeathers Nar tribe in 1075 DR, Damara's new capital Heliogabalus was founded by Heldrin Banacath - he took the name 'Bloodfeathers', even marrying a native princess of the defeated tribe - the first acknowledged 'King of All Damara'. 

For almost 300 years Damara had a long line of Banacath monarchs, continuing a slower expansion north and north-east into Brandiar and Soravia, until the death of King Virdin Banacath in M6 1357 DR at the Ford of Goliad was followed by the brief accession of the Thayan Lich Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa. With Zhengyi's destruction in late 1358 DR, the ancient line was restored with the accession of King Dimian Ree Banacath in M4 1359 DR.

Damara thrives on foreign trade, particularly through caravans to Ilmwatch in Impiltur and to the settlements on the Moonsea, through the gap between Rawlinswood and the Earthspur Mountains known as Merchants' Run. Shipments of bloodstone are made throughout Traders Bay, and in Sarshel. In more peaceful times trade is also made through the Bloodstone Pass in the Galena Mountains, through sparsely populated Vaasa, and through Garumn's Climb and the Ride to Zhentil Keep and the Moonsea.

Realms of Damara 
Excludes the minor baronies within the Duchies, eg Grimstead in Camarthan.
Damara's national colours are black & red (sable & crimson), descending from the coat of arms of Heldrin Bloodfeathers, first King of Damara.

Duchy of Arcata

Ruler: Duke William 'the Lazy' of House Hogarth, 8th Duke of Arcata
Ruling House: Hogarth
Family Crest: Diving Dagger and Mountains Three
Province Sigil: Pick & Hammer 
William was rumoured virtual captive of the Ducal Guard under Commander Mykros. Vizier Severus Slytherin. Bishop Gilpin at the Cathedral of St Sollars in Valls. Princess Renee Hogarth. Renee's companion Lady Susan Valls. Renee's Chaplain Aedina. Okonios Exacalus the 'Mad Conjurer' and his assistant Celia Faversham.
1/9/60: Commander Mykros, captain of the Arcata Ducal Guard, has been slain in a palace duel by the red half-dragon Kiril Walaki. Duke William has appointed Kiril the new Ducal Guard Commander, and his twin sister Jasna the Ducal Magist. Many of Arcata's Ducal Guard have deserted in protest - including the renowned Knight Lieutenant Palador deVir.
Population: 150,000
Capital: Valls (6,300)
Towns: Ostrav (2000), Tomrav (1450), Sudrav (1600)
Arcata includes the mineral-rich northern Earthspur mountains, and such famed resorts as D'Ashe Manor and the Inn of the Welcome Wench at Hommlet. Despite her wealth, much of the territory is not very tactically defensible from Valls, and the local manors and townships must often look to their own defences.
Perhaps Arcata is most famous for the Monastery of the Yellow Rose high in the northern Earthspur mountains overlooking the White Worm Glacier. More than a thousand years ago around 320 DR, when the White Worm was still part of the Great Glacier, extending south across Vaasa and the Galenas Mountains to the shores of the Moonsea, the Monks of St Sollars crossed the ice to found their remote monastery devoted to the Twice-Martyred.
In northern Arcata lies the Barony duLac under Baron Brandis DuLac, father of Arifia DuLac and uncle of Barbara d'Ashe. The DuLac are allied with the DuCaris family across the river in Brandiar.

Lord Brandis DuLac - Brandis's estate lies at Ostra; ca M4 1359 DR his daughter Arifia travelled to visit her cousin Barbara d'Ashe (nee DuLac) in the south. During the war much of northern Arcata was occupied by the Witch-King, who raised soldiery from the territory. Lord Brandis DuLac shielded his family by permitting this levy and giving tribute, though he never took the field against King Virdin himself, or allowed Vaasan inhuman forces within Ostra's stout stone walls. Consequently the DuLac are not in good favour with some - but Duke William Hogarth of Arcata is himself known as a quisling following the Battle of Goliad, and prefers such men stay in power.

Lady Barbara D'Ashe (nee duLac), widow of Sir Brandon D'Ashe and ex-wife of Lord Norrin Human female Rogue-4 (Mastermind) XP 2700/max AC 14 (mithral chain shirt) HP 23 STR 6 (-2) INT 14 (+2) WIS 9 (-1) CON 11 (+0) DEX 12 (+1) CHA 18 (+4) P-PER 9 P-INV 14 P-INS 11. M11 1360 DR day 26 she has a Baby Girl, Teela D'Ashe NorrinsdottirM5 1362 Barbara leaves Norrin and returns to her family with her daughter TeelaSgt Ischa, half the D'Ashe Hall Guard, and piles of silver.


Monastery of the Yellow Rose

Duke William Hogarth 'the Lazy' of Arcata

Princess Renee Hogarth, & Lady Susan Valls

Valls, 18/9/61. For once things seem quiet at the Exacalus School of Conjuration and Wizardry. A skimpily clad maidservant escorts Kevan to the wood-panelled office of Master Exacalus. The greybeard wizard nods affably. "Welcome! Please sit. How may I assist?"

Antony Caravagio, Merchant of Valls
Stacy Caravagio, novice Bard

Miss Celia Faversham, mage of Valls

Okonios Exacalus, Wizard of Valls


Duchess Malla Devlin, Rogue 3 Inquisitive

Duchy of Carmathan

Ruler: Duchess Malla Devlin, was Duke Helmont Devlin (impostor, fled start of M5 1359 DR)
Devlin Crest: Bloodied Scythe
Provincial Sigil: Wheat Sheaf gold on Field green
Population: 200,000
Capital: Ravensburg (ca 25,000) sigil: Raven scarlet on Field black.
Ducal Income ca 15,000 gp/month (at 20% of 6 sp/person).
Often called the Breadbasket of Damara, Carmathan is poor in mineral wealth but rich in arable lands, especially towards the east of the Duchy. The Monks of the Yellow Rose recently made a shocking discovery as to the identity of the true Heir to Carmathan, a humble Festhall wench - bringing her to Ravensburg and installing her as Duchess.

Political Divisions of Carmathan.
1. The Raven Shire - Territory in the personal hold of the Duke of Carmathan, directly administered from Ravensburg by the Steward of Ravensburg, currently Sir Arthur Dahnim 
2. South Moors - wild, unincorporated territory presently inhabited only by a few hardy farmsteaders and prospectors, some dwarven.
3. Grimstead Barony under corpulent Baron Solkar , which itself holds the Priory of the Moravin Friars under Prior Mordrin. Settlements:
i.  Castle Grimstead pop. 843 - Baron Solkar Grimstead
ii. Moravin Priory pop. 294 - Prior Mordrin 
iii. Blackraven Manor pop. 395 - Sir Thomas > Sir Edmund Blackraven 
iv. Fulscarp Manor pop. 239 - Lady Aryn Blackthorn 
v. Egilmont Manor pop. 324 - Sir Rodney Carlin  > Lady Daetha Carlin
vi. Southmoor Manor pop. 368 - Sir Leofrey Gallant 
vii. Helix Manor pop. 632 - Sir Kell Ironguard (matrilineal cousin of Baron Solkar Grimstead) > Krothos Ironguard
Total 3,095 in manors.
The independent manor of Ramvira (pop. ca 200) lies just west of Grimstead on the Arcatan border.
4. In far northern Carmathan lies the Barony of Beaumaris. Though Castle Beaumaris itself never fell to Zhengyi, none of the Beaumaris menfolk survived Goliad and the Night of Long Knives. Today the Baroness Beaumaris is Lady Liria Beaumaris, a young and rather naive Cleric of the Yellow Rose fresh from the Seminary (Church School) in Heliogabalus. The Beaumaris of Carmathan are cousins to House Belmaris of Polten. M4 1361: Donlevy Belmaris inherits the Barony, assigning a Steward to administer it.
5. Bucolic Greenfields Barony under Lord Simon of Calloway, a veteran warrior knight and survivor of the Battle of Goliad. Sinister Castle Ostel is a looming presence on the Greenfields border with Ostel.
6. The wealthy halfling farming Shire of Halfling Downs, under Sheriff Samwise Tallfellow.
7. The Carmath Shire north of the King's Road around Castle Carmath, under the Sheriff Sir Robert Fitzlion. A skilled warrior and survivor of the Battle of Goliad, Robert is said to be competent but arrogant, with little regard for his nominal overlord the Duke (now Duchess) in Ravensburg. Since Goliad in 1357 and the murder of his liege Duke Helmont XIII & almost the entire Devlin family, Robert runs the Shire almost as an independent fiefdom.
8. Between Grimstead and the King's Road lies Chaney Shire, a largely wild region near the Arcatan border notable for Chaney Manor and the four mile expanse of Froggy Lake. Chaney Shire is home to St Cecilia's Abbey under the half-elven Sister Superior Mara Aloitius. Chaney Manor is the only village in the Shire. Ruled by dour Sir Randal Chaney; he acknowledges as superiors only the Duke in Ravensburg and the King in Heliogabalus. Chaney Tower on Froggy Lake was built by the Chaneys in an effort to claim Baronial status, but was sacked by Bullywugs years ago, and today is an abandoned shell. Sir Randal's three sons by Lady Lanis fell in the Vaasan War, as did Lanis herself (in 1354). His one daughter Viola is said to be a runaway. M3 1361: Palador DeVir will likely be made Baron of Chaneyshire.
9. North of Halfling Downs lies the small Barony of Trollmarsh under Baron Uther Torgrim, 11th Baron Trollmarsh.


Moxy's bath house is a popular place of relaxation fr. 1361 DR. Bath attendants (from M9 1361) include Jana Hawkins of CUNY, and Viola Chaney of Chaney Shire. 
Attendees include Geradil Mercellin & his fiancee Tania

Viola Chaney former apprentice to Kade the Druid, Human female Fighter/Druid.

Jana Hawkins of CUNY
Viola Chaney, Ftr/Drd

The Order of the Golden Thorn is an all-male order of Ranger Knights dedicated to Saint Sollars, and no female servants live at the House of the Golden Thorn in Ravensburg. There has been some debate about admitting female members, since the Monks of the Yellow Rose began doing so a couple decades ago. The Order is very closely affiliated with the Paladin Order the Companions of the Noble Heart, who have a national chapter house at Heliogabolus, to the extent that some consider it a sub-order. They are commanded by the Ranger Lord Sir Veritas

Sir Veritas
Sir Veritas of the Golden Thorn, Ravensburg:
Armor Class 18 (+1 breastplate, defense style)/AC 21 with shield +1 Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
Saves: STR +6 DEX +6
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5* Stealth +5* Survival +4* *Advantage in Forest. Passive Perception 15/20
Languages Common
PB +3 XPV 1100 (CR 4)
Hunter's Mark. As a bonus action, Veritas can add 1d10 to his next damage roll.
Fighting Style: Defence: +1 AC in armour.
Multiattack: Veritas makes two attacks with his longbow or longsword.
+2 Longword "Truth". Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 9/10 (1d8+5/1d10+5) slashing damage.
+1 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 150/600 ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.
Magic Gear: 3 potions of healing 2d4+2, +2 longsword 'Truth', +1 longbow, +1 breastplate.

Rangers of the Golden Thorn
Veritas usually has 40 men at the House of the Golden Thorn in 4 squads, with a similar number of Rangers spread throughout Damara.
A typical 10 man Ranger squad averages Ranger-2 (20 total levels: 1 Ranger 4, 1 Ranger 3, 5 Ranger 2, 3 Ranger 1). 
Sir Veritas' personal squad averages Ranger-3 (32 total levels: 2 Ranger 4, 8 Ranger 3).

Ranger SergeantRanger 4 (Hunter*) AC 16 (breastplate, DEX +2) HP 36 
STR +3 DEX +3 CON +2 INT +0 WIS +2 CHA +0 Saves STR +5 DEX +5
Longbow #att 1 or 2* ATT +7 (DEX +3, Archery Style) dam 1d8+3+d6 (Hunter's Mark) or 1d8+3, Moontouched Longsword #att 1 or 2* ATT +5 dam 1d8/1d10+3+1d6  (Hunter's Mark) or 1d8/1d10+3
*Horde Breaker. Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon. Spells (3) Save DC 12: Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Entangle

Senior RangerRanger 3  (Hunter*) AC 16 (breastplate, DEX +2) HP 28 
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +2 INT +0 WIS +2 CHA +0 Saves STR +4 DEX +4
Longbow #att1 or 2* ATT +6 (DEX, Archery Style) dam 1d8+2+d6 (Hunter's Mark) or 1d8+2, Moontouched Longsword #att 1 or 2* ATT +4 dam 1d8/1d10+2+1d6  (Hunter's Mark) or 1d8/1d10+2
*Horde Breaker. Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon. Spells (3) Save DC 12Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds, Entangle

Typical Ranger:  Ranger 2 AC 15 (chain shirt, DEX +2) HP 20 
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +2 INT +0 WIS +2 CHA +0 Saves STR +4 DEX +4
Longbow FR 1 ATT +6 (DEX, Archery Style) dam 1d8+2+d6 (Hunter's Mark), Longsword ATT +4 dam 1d8+2+1d6  (Hunter's Mark). Spells (2) Save DC 12: Hunter's Mark, Cure Wounds

Novice RangerRanger 1 AC 15 (chain shirt, DEX +2) HP 12 
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +2 INT +0 WIS +2 CHA +0 Saves STR +4 DEX +4
Longbow FR 1 ATT +4 (DEX) dam 1d8+2, Longsword ATT +4 dam 1d8+2

Malied's School: The half-elf Malied (Wizard-8, ex-PC) was setting up a school in Ravensburg from start of M11 1360 DR, assisted by his fiancee Arifia DuLac. In late 1360 DR at Arifia's urging they moved to Heliogabalus to found a school there, marrying Spring 1361 DR.

Arifia DuLac, wife of Malied (betrothed M10 1360, married Spring 1361)

NPCs in Ravensburg

Jyrdani, Barbarian 5
Jyrdani of Jiyyd, Sergeant of the Ravensburg Castle Guard (NPC) Human female Barbarian-5 (Eagle Totem) XP 11,998/14,000 AC 21 (16 half plate +1, +2 DEX, +3 shield +1) HP 50 STR 18 CON 14; P-PER 13 P-INV 10 P-INS 11 MI: +1 longsword 'Ironwolf' ATT+8 dam 1d8+5 (+7), +1 Darkwood shield, Jack's +1 half plate. Retired from adventuring, she takes a position as palace guard sergeant in Ravensburg, and has a son, Erasmus, 1/6/1360 DR.
Sergeant Jyrdani of Jiyyd
A Nar of the eastern plains, Jyrdani grew up on a smallholding near the Narfell trade town of Jiyyd. When she was sixteen, bandit raiders attacked the farm, raped her and killed her family. As she lay dying, the Eagle Spirit appeared to her and promised her revenge. She awoke healed, empowered, and determined.
M12 1359 DR: 4 months pregnant, Jyrdani turns to her friend Tenho Isotalo (as well as to Syrus) for support; Tenho has the ear of Duchess Malla Devlin of Carmathan, and he gets Jyrdani a safe sinecure as a Sergeant in Ravensburg's palace guard.
1/6/1360 DR: Retired from adventuring, Sgt Jyrdani gives birth to a son, Erasmus - named after his heroic lost father. 

Tenho Isotalo
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue 5
, 'Merchant Extraordinaire'
Human male Rogue (Assassin) 5
Mysterious Tenho Isotalo is known to have studied under the Sage Hardby of Praka, and to have a great interest in historical relics, especially of the magical variety. He also seems to know a lot of different people, including the Duchess Malla of Carmathan. And he's very handy in a fight.

Syrus (ex-PC Kenny), Half-Elf male Bard-5 (LoreXP: 9,934/14,000 AC 15 (studded & DEX+3) HP 38 (10+7/lvl) P-PER 14 P-INV 13 P-INS 14. MI: +1 shortsword 'Victrix', rope of climbingGurzun's +1 greatsword, lantern of revealing, Cloak of Billowing

Trade Costers

These 'corporations' tend to dominate the mining interests, often running their own mines in the western mountain. They export precious metals from Arcata east to Ravensburg and beyond, or south to Impiltur via Sudrav.

Silver Standard Coster 

Ravenflame Coster - Georgio Ravenflame

Mercellin Coster  - Sumata Mercellin, younger brother Geradil Mercellin. Their stout father Gerard Mercellin commanded a detachment of Ravensburg Pike at the Goliad, and died there M6 1357 DR. Geradil is engaged (ca M8 1361) to Tania, former bodyguard to Arifia DuLac, despite some family disapproval - brought together by Kevan Blackguard. ca 15/9/61 Geradil invites Moxy to perform at the wedding reception. Marry 16/5/1362 DR.

Geradil Mercellin, Rogue 4 Merchant
Barbara Norrin-D'Ashe, early M5 1362: "The Mercellins have a bank. I'm sure Sumata would be happy to take our silver... Oh that reminds me! Not long now until Geradil and Tania's wedding! I must come with you to Ravensburg - you can help me pick out a suitable gown!"

Sumata Mercellin, Rogue 3 Merchant

Tania Mercellin (fr. 16/5/62), Fighter 5 Champion


Barony of Bloodstone & the Duchy of Vaasa
Ruler: Duke Gareth Dragonsbane, Steward Tranth of Bloodstone, Lady Christine Dragonsbane.
Sigil: Cup Or on field Ver with tears Scarlet
Population: 12,000 + (Bloodstone Barony); est. 250,000 (Duchy of Vaasa) - ca 140,000 human & demi-human, ca 110,000 humanoid (Orc, Goblin Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Gnoll etc).
Capital: Bloodstone Town (7,500)
Bloodstone is Duke Gareth Dragonsbane's capital, and his personal demesne. He is charged by King Dimian I Banacath with bringing the wild taiga forests, boglands and tundra of Vaasa under Damaran Law.
The Wild Men of Vaasa are believed to descend directly from the Nars of Old Narfell, by way of migration from Damara, then West Narfell, during the "Retreat of the Ice" in the 6th-11th centuries DR. Unlike their eastern kin, most Vaasan Nar have not abandoned their old allegiance to the Demon Lords of the Great Abyss, including Orcus, Lolth, Kostchtchie, Fraz-Urb'luu, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy, and Graz'zt. The sinister Warlock Knights of Vaasa are all powerful Demonists, each with a patron Demon Prince or Lord - Kostchtchie is particularly popular among those tribes bordering the Great Glacier, while southern Demonists tend to favour Graz'zt or Fraz'Urb'luu. Even their tribal Shamans combine Clerical & Demonic magics. 
Vaasans do of course acknowledge more benevolent deities also, such as the Great Mother (Chauntea) and her daughter Sune, Goddess of Love, who is wed to Tempus, Lord of Battle. Fair-fortuned Tymora, Auril the Frostmaiden and Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, are also popular goddesses. Loviatar's husband Bane is revered by the chiefs of the less Chaotic Vaasan tribes, and some Banite clerics from Zhentil Keep proselytise here, with mixed results.
South Vaasan Noble
Many southern Vaasan nobles dwell in timber long houses, ride small tough horses into battle, carry lances, and garb in iron mail or plate. The bulk of their warriors, though, are the Bearsarks (Berserkers), the Hunters (shortbow archers), and other tribal light infantry. Vaasan culture often makes little distinction between Human, Humanoid, and even Ogre or Giant clans - all are Vaasan, equally fierce, cruel and proud.
The taiga, bog and tundra of Vaasa is too poor for much agriculture; when not raiding or marching to war the Vaasans typically herd goats, reindeer, and shaggy long-horned cattle. Barley is grown in sheltered spots in the southern woods. Vaasan animals and crops are usually tended by miserable thralls (slaves). But many Vaasan clans, especially in the tundra bordering the Great Glacier, retain the nomadic ways of their ancestors, following the semi-wild reindeer herds across the barren wastes.

Lady Jane, Baroness Ducaris, with bracers.
Duchy of Brandiar
Ruler: None/Steward Dormythyrr 
Sigil: Destrier Argent on field Ver
Population: 80,000 (pre-war 160,000+)
Capital: Goliad (4,900)
Brandiar includes the new Cathedral of St Dionysus the Sozzled at Goliad, under the famed Friar-Patriarch Dugald, a Hero of Bloodstone. 
Once a powerful realm known for its heavy cavalry formations, the birthplace and home to Gareth Dragonsbane, Brandiar has been much devastated by the recent wars. The old noble line of Brandiar was entirely extinguished during the 1347-57 DR Vaasan War. It is rumoured that Duke Dragonsbane of Bloodstone & Vaasa and Duke Olwen of Soravia both favour the appointment of their friend Friar-Patriarch Dugald as the new Duke of Brandiar. 
The Friars of St Dionysus are not forbidden the pleasures of the flesh. In recent months (1359 DR) it's rumoured that Friar Dugald has been courting Jane Ducaris (Noble), a noble Lady of Goliad town & now Baroness Ducaris (though the Barony Ducaris itself is largely in ruins), with a view to marriage. While unrelated to the old Dukes of Brandiar, the Ducaris lineage is impeccable - Jane Ducaris is a distant cousin of Duke Gareth Dragonsbane himself! The Ducaris are also related to the noble Dulac family of Ostrav in Arcata.

The Crownland
Ruler: Sir Lucan Vernithrax, Steward for King Dimian I Banacath
Province Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of House Banacath & the Kingdom of Damara)
Population: 25,000
Unincorporated but strategically important territory between Morov, Brandiar and Ostel, this territory is traditionally the personal demesne of whichever monarch sits on the Damaran throne. In M4 1359 DR King Dimian I appointed Sir Lucan Vernithrax, a senior knight of Morov, as Steward to govern the Crownland and repair its defences. The Vernithrax are a famous old Morovian family. Two centuries ago their progenitor Sir Halstan Vernithrax took the name when he slew a mighty green dragon in the Rawlinswood.

Barony of Morov
Ruling House: Banacath
Family Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of the Kingdom of Damara)
Ruler: KinDimian I Ree of House Banacath, King of Damara, 27th Prince-Baron of Morov, Mayor of Heliogabalus, Presider of the Market, Overlord of the King's Road
Province Sigil: Feather scarlet on field gold
Population: 88,000+
Capital: Heliogabalus (35,000)
The seat of royal power in Damara, founded by Heldrin Bloodfeathers almost 300 years ago. Heliogabalus is a true citadel, the royal castle rock towering over the city below. Even Zhengyi the Witch King feared to assault Heliogabalus. The city's only real defensive weakness is the open docks looking onto the lakeside. The Barony of Morov expanded greatly when King Dimian granted himself the former Soravian territories between Morov and the Galenas, at the same time as naming Olwen Forest-Friend Duke of Soravia, in his first proclamations, M4 1359 DR. North Morov even extends to claim formerly independent mining holds in the northern Galenas.

Sylvia of Praka, the Baroness Ostel
Barony of Ostel 
Ruler: Baroness Sylvia of House Praka
Sigil: Ship Or on field Azure
Population: 106,000
Capital: Praka (16,000)
Ostel is a rich lakeshore Barony with an important strategic location.  Castle Ostel is a strong fortress on the Praka-Carmathan border. The beautiful but sinister sorceress ruler of Ostel, the Baroness Sylvia, resides there, when not at the royal court in Heliogabalus, or her palace in Praka city. Castle Ostel is a good place to conduct her more questionable affairs, with little fear of prying eyes from Spysong and the like. Sylvia is accounted perhaps the third most mighty Magic-User in all Damara, after Emelyn the Gray, and Knellict of the Assassins. She is widely considered to have great influence over King Dimian, having been instrumental in placing him upon the Damaran throne despite widespread preference for Gareth Dragonsbane among the smallfolk.

Hernic, Knight Commander of Ostel
Among Sylvia's greatest knights is her Champion, the feared Knight Commander Sir Hernic of Zarich (half-elf), said to have slain a hundred foes during the Vaasan Wars - not all of them Vaasan.

Praka is also known for the Great Library, perhaps the greatest repository of knowledge in Damara. Such luminaries as Queale the Ranger and Tenho Isotalo studied there.

Symbol of the Crimson Order, ca 1360 DR

Kisreth Soun, Crimson Priestess 

Kovar Fith, Master of the Crimson Monks

Praka Palace, M12 1361 DR
A red-robed priestess speaks up. "Pleasure and Pain, Suffering and Endurance, these are two sides of the same divine and eternal principle. Loviatar and Ilmatar, falsely sundered in the beliefs of the masses, are truly One - the Conjoined Godhead." She looks Moxy up and down. "I am Kisreth Soun, Priestess of the Godhead. Would you like to know more? We may ...speak... further, in private."
Moxy: "Hmmm I try to avoid gods where I can and the whole suffering and endurance? Not my style..."
Kisreth regards Moxy through lidded eyes. "There is also ...pleasure..."
Moxy smirks at that, "Now that is something I'm interested in, what does your Godhead have to say about that?"
She makes no move to get up from her cosy seat, watching the priestess as she sips her wine.
Kisreth: "Pleasure and pain... the same... turning the dial of destiny..."
"And which of the two do you prefer, Kisreth?" Moxy drains her glass and stands, walking over to the priestess.
Kisreth Soun smiles a little salaciously, looking down at the shorter woman. "To be true to the Godhead, I must experience both, equally."
"Hmmm you must, huh?" She grins mischievously up at her.
"Is that why you guys don't fancy the monks in yellow? Not enough pleasure for you there?"
"Indeed. Shall we go?" Kisreth gestures towards the door.
"Lead the way.." Moxy gets up and follows her...
Some time later...
Moxy can learn a lot from Kisreth Soun about the Red Monks, the Yellow Monks, the vampires and Sylvia herself.
The Crimson Monks were driven from Damara long ago by the Monks of the Yellow Rose who revere St Sollars. In exile in Thay (where Soun was born) a faction under Kovar Fith came to realise the truth of the Doctrine of the Conjoined Godhead, which had been suppressed centuries ago. The Yellow Monks are hostile to the Doctrine, preferring continued strife, and refusing to recognise that in their own desire for self-inflicted suffering they in truth worship Loviatar as much as Ilmatar.
The vampires and their leader the Bloodreaver by contrast revere Loviatar purely in her aspect as the inflicter of suffering on others, and seek to corrupt the Crimson Order. They corrupted Sister Alkava of Karvolia, turning the Red Mausoleum there to a place of evil, before it was purified by Kovar Fith & Kisreth Soun and made the new base of their Order.
Kisreth shows Moxy the red & white ying-yang symbol of the Conjoined Godhead. "In light there is darkness, in darkness light. To deny either is to be only half a man or woman."
"Baroness Sylvia always publicly proclaimed herself a follower of St Sollars and Ilmatar, but in truth she was adrift, a lost soul. That was why Zhengyi the Witch King thought her a suitable puppet. But now through the Conjoined Godhead she has come to know Truth, Peace, and Enlightenment."
"The Yellow Monks fear the Darkness, seeing only the Light. The vampires are creatures only of Darkness, without Light. You see, there is good and evil in all of us. Including you, Moxy. We must all learn to accept this, and become whole."
Moxy idly traces her fingers over the ying-yang symbol.
"So who puppets the Baroness now? Or is she truly, finally her own person?"
Kisreth smiles wryly. Lying in bed with Moxy, she idly strokes the other woman's flank. "She is her own, complete. Of course she does listen to the wise advice of Master Fith, and myself."
Moxy: "Of course.. I mean, who wouldn't especially if he's as persuasive as you." She gives a cheeky grin and rolls onto her front.
"So how do you find your balance between the two sides? Not what your doctrine says but what works for you, Kisreth."
Kisreth considers for a long moment. "Thay is a place of darkness, where they say The Strong Do As They Will, And The Weak Suffer As They Must. I was raised there, in the darkness. If not for Master Fith, I might still be lost in the Darkness, just as many in Damara are blinded in the Light. My parents parents are still in Darkness. Hm..." she looks down for a moment. "...I'm not answering your question. How about..." she reaches for the well-used riding crop on the bedside table. "This. It is a tool of discipline, and an instrument of both pain and pleasure. I am like this. When you ...discipline... me with it, when you manacle me to those bedposts... I experience both the suffering of Ilmatar, and the pleasure of Loviatar. There is a transcendent sensation, where I seem to see my own body, but through your eyes." She looks into Moxy's eyes. "Does that make sense to you?"

Barony of Polten
Ruler: Donlevy the Young of House BelMaris
Symbol: Tears Scarlet on field Or
Population: 174,000
Capital: Trailsend (12,000)
Closer to a Duchy than a traditional Barony, Polten bestrides the Merchants' Run to Impiltur, and is the oldest and possibly richest territory in all Damara. Damara normally maintains neutral to friendly relations with Impiltur, but the wild Nar - and worse things - dwelling in the Rawlinswood provide challenge enough for any Polten Baron. The far-travelled Belmaris hail originally from Impilitur and are related to the Beaumaris of northern Carmathan, and to the Belmaris nobles of Lyrabar.

Duchy of Soravia (created by Zhengyi)
Nar Shield-Maid of Soravia
Ruler: Duke Olwen Forest-Friend of the Heroes of Bloodstone.
Symbol: Bear Bruin on field Argent
Population: 44,000+
Capital: Kinbrace (4,500)
Taiga pine forest gives way to cold plains and (in the far north) frozen tundra, on Damara's northern frontier. Soravia's population includes Damaran settlers alongside many nomadic Nar tribes. Olwen Forest Friend is working to bring all together in his new realm. However the Soravian forest still holds fragments of Zhengyi's defeated army, including Orcs and worse.

Knights of Damara

Elf Queen Rylintara
The Leth
The Rawlinswood Nar are divided into evil human tribes ruled by half-demons that still serve the Nentyarch, and more neutral tribes led by the Druids of Leth, including their High Druid and Jaroo Ashstaff the famous 'Druid of the Grove'. The Leth Druids occupied Dun-Tharos itself for a time during the absence of Rheligaun, only to be driven out again by the Nentyarch & his demonic legion the Scaled Horde upon his return in 725 DR. The Leth Druids maintain some contact with the wood elves of Lethyr, to the south across the Great Dale. 
A few reclusive Wood Elf clans (the Elves of Leth, ca 900 in all) and their Sun & Moon Elf nobility (ca 200) remain in the northwestern Rawlinswood, where it rises to meet the Giantspire Mountains. These are ruled wisely by the Elf Queen Rylintara, a powerful Enchantress.

Former Followers of Strohm
After completing his training Strohm returns to Solanna Bael where a small troop of armed elves is waiting for him, there was the Elf Knight Adran leading 10 Elven Guards and a Veteran Scout Anastrianna with 20 Elven Scouts. Elf Knight Adran is a member of the Sunlight Sentinels, an order of Knights consisting of only the Sun Elf nobility of Leth, and once a squire to Strohm before Strohm left the Kingdom of Leth. The guards under Elf Knight Adran are minor sun elf nobility who are trained to guard the walls of the Kingdom of Leth. Veteran Scout Anastrianna and the other Elven scouts are members of the Green Wardens, a group of Wood Elf Rangers loyal to the ruling family of Leth. Strohm knew the Adran and the Guards as they were friends since childhood within the walls of the Kingdom of Leth but Strohm knew little of the Wood Elves other than that they are loyal to the Royal Family. What surprised Strohm even more is that all Elven Scouts are women. The small troop of Elves arrived at Solanna Bael to pledge their loyalty to Strohm as his heroic deeds had reached the ears of the Elven court of Leth and recognized him as a hero worthy of carrying the pride of Sun Elf Nobility. Strohm organised his new followers, He placed the Elven Guards to guard the Palisade below Solanna Bael and would be commanded by Elven Knight Adran. The 20 Elven Scouts into 5 groups of 4 tasking them to patrol the forest surrounding Solanna Bael and hunting game/foraging wild berries for food. Anastrianna would be commanding the Elven Scouts.
Where the Elven guards are tasked with guarding the palisade below the tower, scouts are organised into 5 groups consisting of 4 scouts, tasked to patrol the forest and procure food for the inhabitants of the tower. The five groups of scouts are called Unicorn squad, Panther Squad, Wolf Squad, Bear Squad and Fox Squad.
Knight Adran of the Sunlight Sentinels
Anastrianna of the Green Wardens

Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove

Tanwen Whitefire

The Snow Elves
A single isolated snow elf clan of ca 300 dwell in two small villages the western mountains bordering the White Worm Glacier. They are allies of the powerful 'white witch' Tanwen Whitefire, whose tower of ice rises from the western edge of the glacier, and enemies of the terrible frost and fire giants. Some say Tanwen is actually an immortal spirit, a Lady of the Fey. The Snow Elf leader Prince Loftar is father of the famous archer, Princess Nevamira (RIP M12 1359 - she fell to the Malakbel Demon at the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth).
The High Druid of Leth

Tanwen likes her elven liquers

The Snow Queen, Fey Lady Iyraclea, mother of Tanwen & Ydris, Mistress of the Northern Ice

The Princess of Frost, the Fey Lady Ydris, sister of Tanwen & daughter of Queen Iyraclea

Glacier Ecology
In summertime a kind of rainbow coloured algae grows in a thin layer of meltwater atop the ice, eaten by herbivores - especially a kind of arctic rothe like musk oxen - which in turn support predators, including remorhaz and white bears.

The Dwarves
More than 14,500 dwarves still inhabit Vaasa and Damara, living primarily in that stretch of the Galenas noted for rich lodes of bloodstone. The Dwarves claim to have been practically the first settlers in the Bloodstone Lands, alongside the ancient elven kingdom of Lethyr. A number of the bearded folk earn a fine living as craftsmen in the cities of Damara, primarily in Heliogabalus and Trailsend. Armor brings a high price in a land so wrought with danger, and even the least skilled dwarves easily sell their services to those who can afford their inflated prices. However, most dwarves are miners, wealthy miners. The largest clan, called Hillsafar, operates in the Sunderland, on the Vaasan side of the Galenas. Numbering 2,000 warriors (6,000 dwarves total), these mountain dwarves take mounds of bloodstone and copper
from their mines, bringing most through Bloodstone Pass to Damara. They also move a fair amount through the Earthspurs to points west. Their leader, Garumbelly Hillsafar, is better known as Grumble. King Grumble is probably the most powerful individual in all of Vaasa at the present. Duke Gareth Dragonsbane is allied with King Grumble as the Duke develops his plans for taming the land. 
The region's only hill dwarves are those of Clan Orothiar of Bloodstone. Led by tribal chief Tokan, an 8th level fighter, this clan has perfected the art of taking and shaping the chalcedony bars, Orothiar's numbers shrank to under 500 when the duergar closed the Bloodstone Mines. Now that the mines have been reopened, many of Clan Orothiar who wandered away are returning. The community is back to a healthy and prosperous 800 dwarves.
There are smaller, lesser-known clans of dwarves as well. A third clan of the bearded folk operates the great forges of Ironspur (pop 1000, with 600 dwarves), a rugged city in Soravia, on the southeastern edge of the Galenas. A fourth group (the Snowbeards, pop. 450 dwarves) works in the Earthspurs west of the Arcatan town of Tomrav (ca 150 dwarves, mostly Snowbeards), in the unclaimed region beyond the Damaran border. 
On the flip side, evil duergar are known to tunnel beneath the Galenas. Uncounted but certainly numerous, these gray dwarves remain a constant threat to those who work the rich
Bloodstone Mines. 
The storm god Talos is revered by a group of anti-human dwarf radicals, the Wolf Reavers, who have allied with the frost giants. The Wolf Reavers were once a special ranger force serving Hillsafar Hall, noted for wiping out whole clans of Vaasan 'humanoids' - Orcs, Goblins, Humans... they went renegade when King Grumble agreed to Gareth Dragonsbane's efforts to pacify rather than exterminate the Vaasan human Nar tribes. The Talos cult is centred at Stormcaller Tor in the mountains north-west of Valls; they have defeated several Damaran expeditions, including one by Norrin's Band.

Population: 1,600+
Sudrav is the southernmost Damaran city. Formally located in the Duchy of Arcata,
the city has stronger ties to Impiltur than to Damara. The hardy iron miners of Sudrav are generally disgusted with the events of Damara. Effigies of Duke William have been openly burned in the city streets, and the miners distrust the petty nobles as well. Unrest is such that it's rumoured the council of Sudrav sent a formal request to the Impilturian rulers, asking them to annex the city into that kingdom. In the interest of good relations with Damara, the Lords of Imphras II refused that request. However, they did promise aid if the lesser nobles of Arcata or Carmathan oppressed the people.
Notables: Reeve Jhekyn, representative of Duke Willliam. 
Town Council: 1. Widow Loras, Rusty Anvil Innkeep. 2. Kramskoi the Woodsman. 3. Borag the Bear, leader of the militia. 4. Araunil Halfelven, priestess of St Sollars. 5. Bombur the dwarf Smith. 6. Rexx Vartal of Luskan, a Ranger. 7. Gurfang the Miner.
Farmers: Old Rakesh, a farmer north of Sudrav. Jirian of Stone Farm ca 1.5 miles north east of Sudrav. 
Places: Rusty Anvil Inn. Bee & Bonnet tavern. Church of St Sollars. Bombur's Smithy.
Resources: Silver, Electrum, some Gold. Furs fom Earthwood.
Sudrav has one real merchants' Inn, the Rusty Anvil, situated just off the Lake Icemelt Quayside. The former town smithy's great anvil still takes pride of place in the taproom. For half the year she bustles with visiting merchants. From autumn until spring only a few fur trappers, wealthier miners, and the occasional adventurer are generally seen here. The Anvil is owned and run by the widow Loras, an Impilturan. Her husband John died in 1552, slain in battle by the cyclops Grom the Devourer (slain 1359 DR by the Bloodstone Heroes Celedon & Riordan) along with five other men. She is aided ably by her barmaids - Rexx Vartal's wife Gwendolyn of Olostin's Hold, the young dwarfess Mikkeli, and Mary, daughter of Gurfang, a local miner & councilman, rumoured to have Orcish blood.

Population: 1,450+
Resources: Electrum, Gold, Gems
Tomrav is a lonely mining settlement high up in the Earthspur Mountains of southwestern
Arcata. The secret of this town's success is its ability to coexist with its various neighbors. Tomrav finds it natural to host the monks of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, but the city also maintains good relationships with neighboring goblinoid tribes! Tomrav's population is a mixture of humans, dwarves, and half-orcs. The half orcs act as liaisons between the townsfolk and the nearby goblin tribes. This relationship has been good for all, with only minor skirmishes between the miners and the goblins. In one such battle, one goblin tribe actually came to the aid of the town in its struggle against a second goblin tribe!

Snowbeard Hold
The mountain dwarf clan in the mountains to the west are known as the Snowbeards, they are believed to number around 450 within the clan hold. The Snowbeards are a small dwarf hold, isolated except for the route to Tomrav. Their name comes from the high peaks where they labour and mine. Many Snowbeards live in Tomrav, and they share the pragmatic Tomrav attitude, sometimes allying with one Orc or Goblin tribe against another.

Sheltered in a pocket of the Earthspur Mountains is Earthwood, a small, thick forest of evergreens and birch. The soil of Earthwood is stony and rocky, broken and hilly, yet the trees grow thickly. There seems no end to the fertility of the soil, for land cleared by woodsmen just a few years ago is already springing with new life, promising groves of trees even thicker than their predecessors. Legends say that the land under Earthwood was enchanted by a great Druid centuries ago, in defiance of the frozen tundra which then covered the land. The trees prospered in spite of the onslaught of ice. Legend predicts that the forest will thrive in the face of any hardship. Few people live here, though some woodcutters have made a fine profit.

Population: 3,100+ 
Dunfee is one of Impiltur's most important mining towns. Located in the southeastern corner of the Earthspurs, Dunfee is barely a stone's throw from the Damaran border. The people of Dunfee have close ties with their neighbors: their fellow miners in Sudrav and the Carmathan nobles and farmers of Ravenshire. Dunfee's proximity to Damara brings watchful eyes and ears into the town. One or more of the Lords of Imphras II are almost always present. If not one of them, then their Heralds are here. They watch the continuing political struggle in the north and patiently gather information.
Resources: Silver, Electrum, Gold

The Giantspire Mountains
On the border between Damara and Narfell, the Giantspire Mountains are the least populated range in the region  -unless you count the hobgoblin population! The Giantspires would seem to be an appealing hunting ground for prospectors. There are fewer natural barriers and more usable trails than the other nearby ranges, and the Giantspires are reputedly rich in precious minerals and gemstones. But the mountain range is a veritable breeding ground for hobgoblins. The hooting and hollering of savage tribes echoes off every mountain wall and resounds through every pass. In more prosperous days, the King of Damara tried working with the Lords of Impiltur to sweep the Giantspires clean of vermin. Politics interfered when the wild Nars (Human and Goliath) wanted no part of the invasion. The tribes even warned their more civilized neighbors not to violate Narfell's borders.
The most optimistic of generals yielded to the litany of difficulties, shuddering at the likelihood of disaster. In the end, the Giantspires remained unconquered, and may remain so for some time. Even though he hopes to forge an alliance with the eastern Nars, Gareth Dragonsbane shies away from questions about the Giantspires. He would like to be able to exploit the riches of the mountains, but it seems unlikely that he alone could commit the vast army needed to pacify the massive hobgoblin population. More likely, any reasonable assault on the Giantspires would have to be a joint effort, uniting forces from Damara, Impiltur, and Narfell. Even if that were managed, it's likely the hobgoblins would remain numerous. If the nations want the wealth of the Giantspires, then miners will have to seek out inconspicuous and defensible positions in spite of the dangers.  At present, there are only two working mines in the range, struggling on in the corner of Soravia.
The Goliath of the Giantspires revere Aurgelmivir the Mountain Peak, a Mountain Giant - a creature of demi-godlike power who wakes occasionally through the centuries, and has led the Goliath in battle against their many Hobgoblin & Hill Giant enemies.


Across the rushing waters of the Sidewinder Rivers sits Damara's most important neighbor, Impiltur. Not a large nation, Impiltur is bordered by the Earthspurs and Damara on the north, the Sea of Fallen Stars to the south; it stretches from the Earthfasts on the west, east to the Easting Reach.
The kingdom of Old Impiltur predates Dale Reckoning, having been founded in the Year of Enchanted Hearts, −72 DR. Written history of the realm's early years are scarce, but accounts of the waning years of the Durlarven Dynasty were recorded with clarity. Impiltur was overrun by the Scaled Horde in the Year of the Dowager Lady, 726 DR and the monstrous King Agrosh the Scaled seized the throne. In response, the churches of Ilmater, Torm and Tyr rallied their forces from across Faerûn and marched upon Impiltur in a great holy war that came to be known as the Triad Crusade. The Demon Wars broke out across the nation, and the courageous paladin Sarshel Elethlim emerged victorious, defeating the balor Ndulu at the Citadel of Conjurers in the Year of the Visions, 731 DR. The following year, Sarshel was crowned King of Impiltur. He went on to found the Order of the Triad and began a royal lineage that continued for nearly 200 years. The great Elethlim Dynasty ended in the Year of the Fearless Peasant, 926 DR with the death of Princess Aliia. This marked the beginning of the Kingless Years, which continued for well over a century. During this time the Order of the Triad maintained the traditions of Old Impiltur, but waned as their ranks were gradually diminished by the demons and terrors that roamed across the realm.
Some two-and-a-half centuries ago (1095 DR), the independent Impilturan city-states were invaded by hordes of hobgoblins rolling out of the Giantspire Mountains. The largest of the four cities took the boldest action. Imphras, War-Captain of Lyrabar, called up an army from all the city-states. When the dust cleared, the hobgoblins were smashed and Imphras was a hero. Seeing firsthand the value of working together, the four city-states re-united, re-forming Impiltur in 1097 DR with its seat of power in Lyrabar. Today the crest of Impiltur - crossed sword and wand on a dun field trimmed in flaming scarlet - is a standard to be reckoned with. Impiltur is a land of  some 1,000,000 citizens, more than 97% human. Only scattered groups of halflings and dwarves thrive in the nation.
Queen Sambryl, Queen Regent of Impiltur,  MM Mage
Impiltur maintains a strong militia, and each of its four primary cities is a veritable fortress. The Citadel IImwatch also houses more than 500 battle-ready troops. The kingdom is ruled by Queen Sambryl, a magic-user (5e Mage) who gained her position by marrying the great, great-grandson of Imphras, Imphras IV. Queen Sambryl has no taste for the duties of rule. She is a lover of knowledge and finds the tedium of day-to-day politics and formal engagements an absolute bore. Nevertheless, Impiltur is well-ruled. Sambryl willingly acts as a figurehead,
relinquishing her power to the council, the Lords of Imphras II. War-Captains all, each one is known to be of good alignment and all are high level paladins. Their leader is Kyrlraun, who advises the Queen on every matter. The Lords of Imphras II disperse to oversee events throughout the nation. With Kyrlraun are three other War-Captains: Rilimbraun, Limbrar, and Haelimbrar. Haelimbrar normally spends his time in the town of Laviguer, between the Earthspurs and the Earthfasts. His responsibility is to secure the western and northern borders of Impiltur. The city of Sarshel is home base to Silaunbrar and Rilaunyr. The cities of Hlammach and Dilpur are home to three paladins each: Imbra, Silmgar, and Lashilaun guard Hlammach. Imbraun, Soargilm, and Sambrar watch over Dilpur.
Impiltur's wealth lies in trade, for all its major cities are seaports. Before the days of unity, the four cities had close ties with Procampur, Sembia, and with their fellow Chondathancity-states along the Sea of Fallen Stars. Now the ships all sail under the Impilturian banner, and the traders manipulate the market quite to their own advantage. Furthermore, Impiltur has become the gateway between east and south. The nation acts as liaison between the Bloodstone Lands and the powers of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Ashanath, Narfell, and Rashemen beyond the Great Dale also conduct much business through Impiltur. The strange goods that flow into Impiltur from these lands can bring high prices.

-10400 DR: Dark Elves found the city of Narathmault (Dun-Tharos) in the Forest of Riildath.
-9750 DR: Elven Kingdom of Riildath established by elves fleeing Shantel Othreier. They cleanse the forests of the Dark Elves and their Demons.
-3830 DR: Founding of the human Empire of Netheril. To the east, Dwarf and Elf realms rule in what is now Damara.
-3000 DR: Founding of the dwarf realm of Carak Nur.
-2465 DR: The Elves use High Magic to defend Riildath from the advancing Great Glacier.
-2460 DR: Ancient Nar tribes begin incursions into Riildath.
-1020 DR: Much of the Elven Kingdom of Riildath falls to the Nar barbarians, and the advancing cold. A remnant survives in the Forest of Lethyr.
-1015 DR: Nar Warlord Tharos Crell discovers the ruins of Narathmault.
-970 Dun-Tharos is founded on the ruins of Narathmault by Thargaum Crell, son of Tharos.
-339 DR: Fall of the Empire of Netheril in Karsus' Folly.
-150 DR: Fall of the Demon Empire of Narfell, and destruction of Dun-Tharos by Raumathar
-72 DR: Old Impiltur founded by Chondathan colonists.
352 DR: Founding of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, the Citadel of the White Worm.
726 DR The Scaled Horde conquers Impiltur.
732 DR The Paladin Sarshel crowned King of Impiltur.
ca 800 DR: The climate warms, human colonists move up from Impiltur.
850 DR: Impilturan warlord Damar Banacath founds the fortress of Ravens' Berg (Ravensburg), and claims the title of King Damar.
926 DR: Death of Princess Aliaa Elethlim of Impiltur, beginning of the Kingless Years.
1035 DR: Fall of the Dwarf Realm of Carak Nur to the Orcs.
1045 DR: Durgeddin the Black founds Khundrakar, the Forge of Fury.
1075 DR: Heldrin I 'Bloodfeathers' Banacath defeats the Nar tribes and founds the modern Kingdom of Damara, with its capital at Heliogabalus.
1097 DR: War Captain Imphras re-founds the Kingdom of Impiltur.
1147 DR: Khundrakar falls to the Orcs.
1200 DR: Creation of the Duchy of Arcata. Created by King Heldrin IV Banacath of Damara to claim the mineral-rich western mountains, and to prevent his cousin Duke Helmont Devlin of Carmathan from becoming more powerful than the King. 
1347 DR: Zhengyi the Witch King invades Damara.
1357 DR: M6 Death of King Virdin Banacath at the Ford of Goliad. Tyranny of the Witch King.
1358 DR: The Heroes of Bloodstone defeat Zhengyi and Orcus.
1359 DR: Coronation of King Dimian Ree Banacath.
1360 DR: Kingdom of Dwarf Home established under King Fraener, centred on Khundrakar.
1361 DR: M5 The Dwarves of Khundrakar vanish, their lands are granted to Baron Norrin of Arcata.

IMPILTUR & Damara recent history

1347 DRZhengyi of Vaasa attacks Damara. Impiltur's Council the Lords of Imphras II are divided on whether to respond. The country remains neutral, but some of the Lords are thought to secretly aid Damara.
1351 DR: 14 year old King Soarimbrar of Impiltur and his retinue are slain by unknown Assassins (some suspect Zhengyi of Vaasa, or even the Nentyarch of Dun-Tharos) outside Lyrabar. His infant nephew is crowned Imphras V, the widowed 30-year-old Queen Sambryl remaining as Queen-Regent until Imphras shall come of age. She vows to maintain Impiltur's neutrality.
1357 DR: 20/6: The Vaasan-Damaran war ends with Vaasa's victory at the Ford of Goliad, with the death of King Virdin Banacath at the hands of Felix the Traitor, and the subsequent Night of Long Knives as Zhengyi's Assassins decapitate the remaining Damaran leadership. 30/9: Valls - Monsters break free from Dr Trundle's Circus. Gareth Dragonsbane rescues the carni Alice Cooper from a rampaging bulette. Heroes of Bloodstone join and defeat the Bandit Army. Felix the Assassin, murderer of King Virdin,  is believed slain.
1358 DRThe Bloodstone Wars rage. M11 1358 Zhengyi is overthrown and destroyed by the hero Gareth Dragonsbane, Baron of Bloodstone and later Duke of Vaasa. 21/12/58 The White Tree is planted in Bloodstone Pass, guarding Bloodstone from demonic incursion.
1359 DR 18/4: Dimian I Ree Banacath proclaimed King of Damara, with coronation 21/6. 1/5: Duke Helmont XIII Devlin of Carmathan is exposed as an impostor, later replaced by Duchess Malla Devlin, a former festhall wench and a grandchild of Duke Devlin XII. 26/5: In Impiltur the Queen-Regent Sambryl celebrates her 39th birthday. Late that year a Dragonflight from Castle Perilous attacks Bloodstone Village, then disperses to plague northern Damara. The Tuigan Horde under Yamun Khahan breaches the Dragonwall and invades Shou Lung. Frost giants raid Arcata.
1360 DR M2: The dwarf forge priest Fraener Ap-Durgeddin reclaims the Halls of Khundrakar. The Heroes of Bloodstone defeat the dragon goddess Takhisis of Krynn, and seize the Orb of Dragonkind. M3-6: The Heroes of Bloodstone use the Orb of Dragonkind to clear the evil dragons from northern Damara. M10: Kingdom of Dwarfhome proclaimed in the Southern Galenas. It proves short lived, as in 1361 DR Dwarf King Fraener leads his people through a gateway Elsewhere, beyond the Veil.
1361 DR: M1-4 The start of the year is marked by major frost giant raids into Damara, with two baronies sacked and the Baronesses slain. Meanwhile the Heroes of Damara crusade against the newly discovered demon realm of Naratyar beneath the Giantspires, ruled by Demon Queen Soneillon. M4 The Heroes of Bloodstone attack the frost giants, Gareth killing Jarl Gungnir, then scatter the fire giants building a lava road over the mountains.
1362 DR: The Heroes of Bloodstone are in the Shaar & Great Rift region, battling the Worm Host of Qorgeth in an epic struggle for the future of Faerun.

The Heroes of Bloodstone - in the Southlands 1362 DR
1. Duke Gareth Dragonsbane of Bloodstone & Vaasa, Paladin 20 of the Golden Cup
2. Friar Dugald of St Dionysus, Bishop of Goliad, Cleric 20 (Life) of St Dionysus
3. Kane, Grandmaster Emeritus of the Yellow Rose, Monk 20
4. Celedon Kierney of Spysong, Half-Elf Rogue 20 (Arcane Trickster)
5. Riordan Parnell, Half-Elf Bard 20, leader of Spysong
6. Emelyn the Gray Wizard 20, leader of the Twilight Riders
7. Duke Olwen Forest-Friend, Ranger 20 (Hunter), Duke of Soravia

Citadel of Assassins (destroyed)
Banak of the Assassins, Cleric 15 of Bhaal
Timoshenko, Grandfather of the Assassins, Fighter 15
Cat One-Eye, Rogue (Assassin) 14

Local & Damaran elites include

Adorabe of Narfell, Barbarian 20
Hedweck of Vaasa, Barbarian 14

Bard (informal ranking)
Riordan Parnell (m) half-elf Bard 20 (Valour), Hero of Bloodstone
Moxy (f) (ex-PC) Tiefling Bard 11 (Swords)
Joriun Whitefeather (m), human Bard 4/Fighter 4, of Ravensburg
Kevan Blackguard (m) (ex-PC) half-elf Bard 7 (Lore) of Impiltur
Margrethe (f) human Bard 5 (Glamour), of the King's Road
Syrus 'of the Glitter' (m) (ex-PC) half-elf Bard 5 (Lore) 
Roxanne Bard (f) half-elf Bard sc4, travelling
Stacy Caravagio (f) human Bard 1, of Valls
Patricia Pullen (f), human Bard 1/Fighter 1, ex of Gnomestead

Kisreth Soun (f), sc9 War Priest, Crimson Priestess of the Conjoined Godhead
Zhigad Istin (m), sc9 War Priest, Crimson Priest of the Conjoined Godhead
Bishop Gilpin (m) of Valls, sc5 Priest of St Sollars
Bishop Odratus (m) of Ravensburg, sc5 Priest of St Sollars - 'small & plump'
Prior Mordrin (m) of Moravin Friary sc5 of St Sollars
Brother Othar of Helix (m), sc5 Priest of St Sollars
Abbess Mara (f) of St Cecilia's Abbey, Priest sc5 of St Cecilia
Shukura (f), Cleric-4 (below) of Nephtys, Ramvira
The High Druid of Leth (m), Druid (Land) 10
Jaroo Ashstaff (m), the Druid of the Grove, Druid (Wildfire) 7 (POTA)
Lady Christine Dragonsbane (f) of Bloodstone, sc4 MM Druid 

In Damara
Sir Hernic LeFay (m), Champion of Ostel, VGTM Champion (22)
Hiriuf (m), Weapon Master of the Ravensburg Mercenaries' Guild, MM Gladiator (15)
Kyril Walaki of Valls, Red Half-Dragon (14)
Sir Robert Fitzlion (m), Sheriff of Carmath Shire, MM Knight (8)
Sir Palador deVir, the Baron Chaney, Fighter (Cavalier) 7+

Cantoule (m), the Grand Master of Flowers, Master Monk (12) (POTA)
Temminische (m), Master Monk (12) (POTA), venerable Master of Spring of the Yellow Rose
Kovar Fith (m), Master of the Crimson Order, Master Monk (12) (POTA) 
Afrafa (f), VGTM Martial Arts Adept (11), Mistress of the South Wind of the Yellow Rose, advisor to Duchess Malla in Ravensburg
Patrick (m), VGTM Martial Arts Adept (11), former Monk (Master of Dragons), owner of Roadhouse Inn

Kyrlraun of Lyrabar, Leader of the Lords of Imphras II, Paladin 15
Haelimbrar, a War Captain of Impiltur, Paladin 12

Sir Veritas (m) of the Golden Thorn, Ravensburg (10- below)
Ilyria of Malthlyn (f), Ranger-5
Elmo (m), the Ranger of Hommlet, & Otis (m) of Kaern's Claim, his twin brother, Ranger-4 (below)
Sir Jorah Blackthorn (m), Ranger-4

Tarkos Ree (m), Thief, Heliogabolus Guildmaster of Thieves, CC Thief Lord   
Tenho Isotalo (m), Rogue-5 (Assassin), Carmarthan
Fulnok of Ferd (m), Rogue-4 (Thief) (below), Ramvira
Lady Barbara D'Ashe (f), Rogue-4 (Mastermind), Arcata

Wizard & Sorcerer
Rheligaun the Horned (m), MM Cambion Lich Arch-Druid Demonist sc20
Tanwen Whitefire (f), half-elf female MM Archmage sc18
Knellict, once of the Assassins (m), MM Archmage sc18
Myrrdin Viligoth (m), VGTM Diviner sc 15?
Sylvia of Praka (f), the Baroness Ostel, human Wizard (Enchantress) 14
Rylintara (f), Elf Queen of Leth, Sun Elf Enchanter sc13
Okonios Exacalus (m), the Wizard of Valls, human VGTM Conjurer sc9
Jasna Walaki (f), red Half Dragon sc 9
Mazzahs of Helix (m), human Mage sc 9?
Wendle the Wizard (m), Solanna Bael, human Wizard 6
Rebecca Ramvira (f) of Solanna Bael, human Wizard 5
Brandi Ducaris (f), Divine Soul Sorcerer 5, Baroness Ducaris
Aretha (f), the Hag of Jagged Tower, Green Hag, sc5+ 
Celia Faversham (f) of Exacalus Academy, Mage sc4
Grunhilda (f) of Exacalus Academy, Mage sc4
Johannes (m) of Exacalus Academy, Mage sc3

Archmage Knellict
8/11/60, Valls: Strohm notices that the blue sapphire of Celia's mage staff glows with elemental energy - an Elemental Gem?

Damaran Coinage

Gold Bar: This is a large 10 lb bar of pure gold (24 karat), worth 1000 gold sovereigns (gp). Normally a unit of account and storage, also used for tax payments.

Gold Pound: This is a large 1 lb coin or ingot of pure gold (24 karat), worth 100 gold sovereigns. Normally a unit of account, also used for tax payments.

Silver Pound: This is a 1lb ingot of pure silver worth 10 gold sovereigns or 100 silver shillings. Mostly used in trade.

Gold Piece (Sovereign): weight 1/50 lb. Purity 50% gold (12 karat), alloyed with copper & zinc. The standard coin of wealthy merchants, successful adventurers and nobles, one Sovereign is worth 10 Silver Shillings & 100 Copper Pennies.

Silver Piece (Shilling): weight 1/50 lb. Purity 50% silver (12 karat), alloyed with copper & zinc. The standard middle class coin, and the one most often found in general circulation, one shilling can buy a day's poor food in most areas. Two silver shillings is a typical basic wage. 10 silvers are worth 1 gold.

Copper Piece (Penny): weight 1/50 lb. Purity N/A. The 'copper' penny is actually Brass (Copper/Zinc alloy), at a value of ten to the silver shilling. The standard commoners' coin, although most nominal 'copper' transactions are actually via barter. The ancient Nar did not use copper coinage, so these are rarely found in old treasure hoards.

Copper Farthing: Coppers are sometimes divided into four Farthings (1/200 lb). When issued as separate coins the farthing weighs 1/200 lb.

Selling Goods
PHB prices reflect the sums typically paid by adventurers, and reflect a near-maximum.
PHB goods may typically be sold by adventurers at 1/5 listed price, eg plate armour 300gp.
Merchants typically purchase at 1/5 to 1/2 listed price, and sell at 1/2 to full listed price.
Producers typically sell at 1/3 (wholesale to merchant) to full (special commission) listed price.

Hommlet & Ramvira NPCs, 5e Rules

Einar human male Wizard (Invoker) 5 (ex-Bob PC) 
Fulnok of Ferd human male Rogue (Thief) 4 XP 2700 AC 16 HP 31
Jilla Kallent, Priestess of Ramvira Manor human female Cleric (Light) 2 AC 15 HP 19 (11+8/level)
Narcissa daughter of Rheligaun Tiefling female  Fighter-9 (Eldritch Knight) 
Shukura of Rauthil Human female Cleric (Life) 4 (max) XP 2,700 AC 17 HP 23

Elmo Ranger-4, the Steward of Hommlet. 



Fulnok 'the Gambler', of Ferd human male, Damaran (from Barony of Ostel). Steward of Ramvira (from M8 1359 DR). 
Rogue-4 (Thief). XP 2700
AC 17 (12 studded leather, +5 DEX) HP: 35 ST 8 (-1) IN 15 (+2) WI 11 (+0) DE 20 (+5) CO 16 (+3) CH 14 (+2)  E: studded leather armour, scroll of protection from magicPick of Ineffable Escape +10 to open locks, short sword, +1 dagger wpn #1: +1 dagger ATT +7 dam 1d4+5 wpn #2: shortsword ATT +6 dam 1d6+2 Sneak Attack +2d6 Wealth: 37 10gp gems total value 370gp, 38.3 gp, vial of holy water. loaded knucklebones (win advtg), cards *Shukura reaches in to Narcissa's right inner thigh, down the stocking-top, and draws forth an ivory lockpick, inscribed with tiny Nar runes. She hands it to Fulnok. SA: Sneak Attack, Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action - Bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Roguish Archetype (Thief) - Fast Hands, Second Storey Work.


Shukura of Nephtys, goddess of luck and wealth, guardian of the dead. human female, Mulhorandi (from city of Rauthil) 
Cleric-4 (Life) PB +2 
XP: 2700
AC 17 (half plate) > 19 SoF HP: 23
STR 8 (-1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 11 (+0) INT 13 (+1) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 15 (+2). Saves WIS +6 CHA +4
Proficient Skills: Insight +6, Religion +3, Medicine +6, Arcana +3
wpn: Ankh Staff-Sling melee ATT +1 dam 1d8-1, sling bullet (10) ATT +4 dam 1d8+2 minimum range 30', range 60'/180', loading. 
Spell Save DC 14 Spell Attack +6
Spells Prepared: 6 + Domain Spells:
1stBlessCure Wounds (1d8+6 or 2d8+7)
3rdLesser RestorationSpiritual Weapon
Default Spell Selection: (1) Command, Healing Word (BA rng 60' heal 1d4+6 or 2d4+7), Shield of Faith +2 AC (2) Hold Person WIS DC 13, Aid +5 hp to 3 people for 8 hours, Zone of Truth
Cantrips: 3 (light, sacred flame DEX DC 13/1d8 radiant, thaumaturgy)
Spell slots: lvl 1: 4 lvl 2: 3
SA: Channel Divinity 1/SR (Turn Undead, Preserve Life +15hp, no creature to over half max hp)
Wealth: 403 gp, vial of holy water
With a slight shock, Kam recognises her - the Priestess Shukura, who was banished from the Temple of Nephtys, Goddess of Luck and Guardian of the Dead, in Rauthil city, less than a year ago. The official story is she was caught embezzling funds intended for the paupers' burials, but Kam's brother is a temple guard there, and passed on a rumour that her true crime was to resist the amorous advances of Ethnestus Horvus, the obese Precept (appointed ruler) of Rauthil, a Priest of Horus-Re.
Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to Restore Hit Points to a creature, the creature regains additional Hit Points equal to 2 + the spell’s level (so level 1 +3 hp, level 2 +4 hp).
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life  You can use your Channel Divinity to heal the badly injured. As an action, you present your holy Symbol and evoke Healing energy that can restore a number of Hit Points equal to five times your Cleric level (15 hp). Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those Hit Points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this feature on an Undead or a Construct.

M6 1360 DR: Shukura: "I too will help, as best I may. The money was my idea - it is only right I should see my plan through." She turns to Norrin. "If you agree to this milord, when the Manor is restored to Lady Rebecca, I pledge to leave Einar's service and serve you as your Chaplain." She bows deeply to Norrin.

Elmo, the Ranger of Hommlet: Ranger-4 PB +2 XP 2700 (max) h-m  

AC 20 (14 chain shirt +1, +2 DEX +4 shield +2), AC 16 without shield      
Speed 30' HD 4 (d10+3) 
HP 44 (14+10x3)
ST 18 (+4) IN 15 (+2) WI 16 (+3) DE 16 (+3) CO 18 (+4) CH 12 (+1). 
Prof Saves STR +6 DEX +5
Prof Skills: Stealth +5 Perception +5 Survival +5 Nature +4
SA: Favoured Enemy (Orcs, Bugbears) - advtg on tracking & knowledge, speaks Orc
Natural Explorer - Forest. Fighting Style: Dueling, +2 dmg 1hw. Archetype - Hunter
Primeval Awareness
Spells Known: 3 1st (cure wounds, detect magic, hunter's mark) Spell Slots: 3 1st
Gear: Explorer's pack, +1 chain shirt +2 dwarven shield, 
+1 Battleaxe (rh) ATT +7 dam 1d8+7 
Longbow ATT +5 dam 1d8+3   
+2 Dagger (rh) ATT +8 dam 1d4+8
Treasure: 6 100gp gems 10 pp 81 gp 200 sp. vial of holy water, emerald ring v 700gp. 
Elmo is clearly a highly experienced Ranger; he turns out in gleaming mail armour, a dwarf-crafted shield, longbow, carrying a gleaming battle axe, and with a deadly-looking dirk at his belt.
Elmo grins at the surprised looks.
"Ah? Yeah, my gear's all magic - 'cept for the bow. Found the shield years ago in the ruins of an old dwarf hold, up in the mountains - the Fallen Halls, they call it. Nasty things up there. Ogres, and worse."
Rumours: Elmo knows about the Orc Tunnel in the Fallen Halls (Khundrakar) that leads into the caves of the Glitterhame (area 21), avoiding the Ogre clan that holds the Mountain Door. He & his party used it to enter the Glitterhame and the lower halls many years ago, where he found his enchanted dwarven shield - the former owner had no further use for it. The party wizard, Idanus, insisted on staying when the others left, to continue his researches. "He was always a bit mad, that one."

The old party, ca 1337 DR: Elmo (Ranger), Jaroo Ashstaff (Druid), Idanus (Wizard, remained at Khundrakar 1337), Lanis (Fighter, RIP 1354 DR as Lady Lanis Chaney, mother of Viola Chaney).

Campaigns & PC Groups start of May 2023.

Norrin's Band (finis)

1. Moxy (Claire), female Tiefling Bard-11 (Swords) AC 20 HP 69 (3+6/level) MI: Dagger of VenomHalf Plate +1Demonic Helm +1 AC, Cloak of Protection, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Longsword +1
2. Lord Norrin (Geoff)Knight of Arcata, the Baron D'Ashe, Son of Thorin, Father of Teela D'Ashe NorrinsdottirHuman male Fighter-9 (Champion) PB+4 AC 24 (plate +1 & shield +2, cloak) HP 85 (4+9/level) MI: +2 longsword+1 plate armour+2 shield, cloak of protection (a). Henchman: Rondus Clr-5
Followers: 100 heavy infantry, 20 light cavalry, Fighter-4 Lieutenant, Veteran Captain FarrellBugbear Chief Vakrog & 2 bugbears
3. Queale (Keelia) Half-Elf female Horizon Walker Ranger-9 AC 18 (mithril half plateHP 85 (4+9/level) P-PER 17 P-INV 14 P-INS 17 MI: rabbit fur slippers of elvenkind, +1 arrows, ethereal diadem (in pack, a), +1 longbow, Oathbow (a)+1 Durgeddin Rapier. 
4. Goltho 'Bearchaser' (Tim), Goliath male Fighter-7 (Arcane Archer) AC 18 (Glamered Half Plate +1HP 74 (4+10/lvl) P-PER 14 P-INV 11 P-INS 11 MI: Yew Greatbow +1, Longsword +1, Goggles of Night, Glamered Half Plate +1
5. Kevan Blackguard (Jack) Half-Elf male Bard-7 (Lore)  AC 17 (+2 studded) HP 52 (4+7/lvl) P-PER 14 P-INS 12 MI: JAODAR’S TOME OF ENCHANTMENT (a) (+1 to Enchantment Save DC),  Studded Leather +2, Medallion of Thoughts, +1 Shortsword, Immovable Rod, Wand of Arcane Lock 
6. Leocadie "Caddie" Shrannostellen (Judith) Rock Gnome female Wizard-5 (Invocation) AC 12 HP 37 (2+7/level)

Secondary PCs
Ly-am the Wolf (with Meryem)Grey Wolf male AC 15 HP 16 P-PER 15 I+2 ATT +6/2d4+4 & STR sv DC 13 or prone.
Rondus (Geoff) Lathander Priest at D'Ashe Manor from M9 1360 DR  human male Cleric-5 (Light) AC 19 HP 38
Tod Bindwood (Jack) Forest Gnome male Ranger-5 (Hunter) AC 17/19 (+2 studded), HP 44  (4+8/lvl) P-PER 12 MI: +2 studded leather, +1 shortbow, boots of striding and springing (a), cloak of elvenkind (a). Steward of Gnomestead (renamed from Dwarfstead) from M8 1361 DR.

Norrin's Barony (destroyed M5 1362 DR)

Estimated total population 2320 in 1362 DR (including 130 soldiers), including D'Ashe, Courana Farm, Forestedge, Huldaken, Woostead, Hommlet & Malthlyn. Annual growth ca 5%. Around 200 village levy militia (50 archer & 150 spear), plus ca 300 marginal combatants.

M9 1361 DR:
20 halberdiers Rockwood Mine
20 halberdiers Thorfin Mine
20 halberdiers & 10 light cavalry at Argus tollhouse
20 halberdiers Hommlet
20 halberdiers at D'Ashe (plus the 10 Hall Guard under Sgt Ischa)
10 light cavalry patrol the north, based out of Hommlet

Norrins Barony Unit Stats
20 Light Cavalry: Move 60' AC 16 HP 16 Longsword Att +4 Dam 6, Javelin Att +4 dam 5 rng 30'/120'. Squad UHP 160/80 UDam 60/30 or 50/25
100 Halberdier: Move 30' AC 15 HP 16 Halberd Attack +4 Damage 7 (10) reach 10'. Squad UHP 160/80 UDam 100/50 
50 Militia Archer: Move 30' AC 13 HP 11 Shortbow/Shortsword  Att +3 Dam 4 rng 80'/320' Squad UHP 110/55 UDam 40/20
150 Militia Spear: Move 30' AC 15 HP 11 Spear Attack +3 Damage 4 reach 5' Squad UHP 110/55 UDam 40/20


Prince Strohm of Leth, Lord of Solanna Bael (Muiz) Sun Elf male Fighter-9 (Eldritch Knight) XP 51,044/64,000 AC 22 (orog plate, shield +1, defence styleHP 85 (13+9/lvl) P-PER 12 P-INV 12 P-INS 9. MI: +2 Scimitar of Speed (a)+2 Greatsword - Excruciator, the Sword of Amaul, aka the Sword of the Sorcerer (sheds light as per spell on command), shield +1
Trystan, the Bard of Leth (Jelly) Half-Elf male Bard-4 XP 2,700/2,700 AC 15 HP 31 P-PER 10 P-INV  11 P-INS 10
Errol Deepcut (Phil) Halfling male Rogue-4 (Swashbuckler) XP 4,772/6,500 AC 15 HP 31 (10+7/lvl) P-PER 13 P-INV 10 P-INS 9 MI: +1 Dagger of Double Venom (4d10 poison)
Xarius Janeuss (Max) Half-Elf male Wild Sorcerer-4 XP 5,926/6,500 AC 12 HP 26 (8+6/level) P-PER 10 P-INV 10 P-INS 12 
Erasmus Bos (Tim), Human male Monk-5 (Open Hand) XP: 13,325/14000  AC 16 (WIS+3 DEX+3) HP 38 (10+7/lvl) P-PER 15 P-INV 14 P-INS 15 MI: +1 Darkwood quarterstaff
Qiviel (Keelia) Human female Paladin-5 (Oath of DevotionXP 11,527/14000 AC 22 (plate, shield +1ring of protection HP 44 (12+8/lvl) P-PER 11 P-INV 11 P-INS 14. MI: ruby ring of protection attuned, knight's shield +1, Jack's +1 longsword.  Retainers 1/7 (Rocco the Hench-horse) 
Thibault of Brandiar (Philippe) Half-Elf male, Knight of the Golden Cup. Paladin-4 XP 5726/6500 AC 18 (chain, shield) HP 36 (12+8/level), +1 longsword P-PER 12 P-INV 9 P-INS 10 Retainers 1/8 (Frank)
Arian (Kimberly) Moon Elf female Moon Druid-4 XP 5042/6500 AC 16 HP 31 (10+7/lvl) P-PER 14 P-INV 11 P-INS 12. Retainers 2/3 (Shaggy, Lyssa Brown)
Jack o’Thorns (Chris) Sir Jacklyne Blackthorn of Fulscarp Manor, Human male Ranger-4 (Gloomstalker) XP 3475/6500 AC 18/20 (+1 half plate, defence style, +1 DEX, shield HP 36 (CON 14) P-PER 16 P-INV 12 P-INS 14 MI: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, +1 half plate, +1 longsword. Killed by one of Gurzun's men on the heath east of Gurzun's Hall.
Eldred (Matt) Half-Elf male Fighter-1 XP 310>900/300 AC 15 chain shirt HP 12 P-PER 13 P-INV 13 P-INS 11 killed by the last Orc at the Mountain Door.
Bryn (Kimberly) High Elf female, formerly of Leth. Rogue-2 XP 456/900 AC 14 HP 13 P-PER 15 P-INV 14 P-INS 13 killed by ghast under Cumin Inn 14/8/1359.
Rip Tear (James) Half Orc male Barbarian-1 XP 150/300 AC 14 HP 15 P-PER 13 P-INV 9 P-INS 11 killed by demon Imp 29/6/1359 DR

Victoria (NPC) Human female Paladin-4 XP 2700/2700 (capped) AC 20 HP 36 P-PER 12 P-INV 10 P-INS 12 Killed at Shrine of Chaos 2/7/1359 DR
Dawn Wintersmorn (NPC) killed by demon imp T3/M5/1359 DR. Dawn had family in Ravensburg (artisan class, her father Johorin Wintersmorn a successful cutlery maker) and was training in magic under the Ravensburg  'hedge mage' Hagra.
Lothrin of the Golden Thorn (NPC) killed by goblins T2/M5/1359 DR Lothrin was 
a younger son of the 12th Baron of Trollmarsh, Uther Torgrim.

Group 2 'Faerun Seven' (Eamon & co) formed at Cumin Inn, 3/8/1359 DR
Group 1 (Erasmus Syrus & co) formed at Silver Spoon, Fulscarp, 11/5/1359 DR
Group 0 PBP (Norrin & co) formed at Inn of the Welcome Wench, Hommlet 23/3/1359 DR

Inactive/Retired PCs - Hall of Fame
Meryem Bloodletter of Reghed (Roxy) Human female Berserker Barbarian-8 AC 20 (15 half plate +2 DEX +3 shield +1HP 93 (5+11/level) P-PER 10 P-INV 10 P-INS 10. MI: +1 Duergar greatsword, +3 battleaxe of Durgeddin, +1 shield, Belt of Hill Giant Strength
Aya of Shamash (Judith), female Aasimar Cleric 9 (Light) AC 21 (Black Dragonscale Armour +1, Shield +1, Dex +2, Cloak of Protection); HP 71  P-Per 19, P-Ins 15; P-Inv 10.  Magic Items: Black Dragonscale Armour (A); Cloak of Protection (A); Ring of Spell Storing (A); Shield +1Dagger +1 (with symbol of Shamash on the pommel).
Malied Edicast (James) Half-Elf male Wizard-8 XP 46,329/48,000 AC 16 (elven chain)  HP 34 (6+4/lvl) P-PER 14 P-INV 18 P-INS 11. Blessing: +2 INT from Gina the Gynosphinx. Helm of Comprehending Languages, Ring of Spell Storing (a), hat of wizardry (a), +1 elven chain shirt
Shivers of the Shadow Hand (Rich), Human male Assassin Rogue-4 XP 4,699 (max) AC 16

 (+1 elfin chain) HP 29 (9+6/lvl, rolled 8 hp for 4th) P-PER 13 P-INV 13 P-INS 11, MI:  +0 crossbow, +1 elven chain shirt P-PER 13
Dara Huntinghawk of Elven Court (Roxy) Wood Elf female Beastmaster Ranger 4 XP 3,027 (max) AC 17 HP 40 (13+9/lvl) P-PER 15 MI: elven light chain as +1 studded leather, +2 Mace
Kade, the Wandering Druid (Roxy) Human Druid 4 

Quagg Wenders (Chris) Forest Gnome male Rogue-2>3 XP 305>1205/2700 AC 14 HP 17 (10+7/lvl) MI Quaal's Feather Token - Fan (1/LR) Gear: 2 Thayan cigars!
Torgin of Hillsafar (Matt) Mountain (Shield) Dwarf male Fighter-3 (Battle Master) XP 1486/2700 AC 18 HP 31 P-PER 13 P-INV 9 P-INS 11
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly) Halfling female, Cumin Inn wench. Ranger-2 XP 684/900 AC 14 HP 20 P-PER 14 P-INV 10 P-INS 12
Percy Hollowwood (Christian) Halfling male Rogue-2 XP 689/900 AC 14 HP 15 P-PER 16 P-INV 9 P-INS 12
Sergor Ivorskof (Jake) Human male Rogue-1 XP: 158/300 HD: 1/1 AC 16* HP 8 PP 10
MI: *Glamoured +1 Studded Leather armour

Takhisis, Kyrnn's Aspect of Tiamat held at Raganni's Redoubt

Ilyria of Malthlyn


  1. Khundrakar, M5 1362 DR. Priestess Cella is soon settling in well, preaching enthusiastically to the Mongrelmen about Ilmatar & St Sollars as they listen avidly, singing along enthusiastically to the hymnals. Chief Crab-Claw approaches Mac. "Mac, what would you like us to do with all the extra gold? We try - we make stuff, we spend it - but we can't spend it all!" He shows Mac the gold room, currently holding 1600gp of bullion, and accumulating at a rate of 400gp/month.
    Crab-Claw fingers his heavy gold necklace nervously, wondering if he might have done something wrong. He tugs at a gold ear ring, his gold bracelets clinking.

  2. Over the winter 61-62, Gathil Courana is ready to level up (Ranger 2>Ranger 3) and he seeks out Queale of Dragonperch Farm. He offers the standard training rate, which would give her a 10gp net profit for one week's training. "It's either you, or my dad, or Tod, Miss Queale. And you're top of my list!" He grins, slightly ruefully.
    Q quirks a smile in response and invites the junior ranger inside. “Then let’s get started.”
    Gathil braces his shoulders back and with a deep breath, follows Queale into the Dragonperch Farm.
    She motions to the tea and snacks on the table. “Sit, you can tell me what your interests are, and if you are hungry, help yourself - you’ll need the energy since there is much to learn and few enough hours of daylight at this time of year.”
    Gathil explains he's a keen Ranger, but has some tension with his father Debek, and while Tod is a friendly fellow, he feels a bit uncomfortable at Gnomestead Festhall when his sister Lesley is 'performing' there. "And I want to learn to do what you do, Miss Queale. Not just normal Ranger stuff. I want to be a Horizon Walker."
    "And, er, if I may be forward - you're a Half-Elf, like me. It's good to spend a little time with my own kind." He gives Queale an admiring look.

  3. 10/5/62, Ravensburg Keep. Sir Arthur looks sad. "My wife died some years ago, in the Night of Long Knives after the Goliad. An assassin's knife found her heart." He looks into his glass. "When the servants found the three of us, lying drenched in our own blood, only I still lived, by Ilmatar's grace."
