Session #24
Simon N. (GM):Hi all :)
Chris T.:Thunderwave is a 15' cube ahead of you. I should be okay depending where you place it
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Simon N. (GM):#21 1st (south) Rogue shoots at Jyrdani, no sdvtg & she has cover so AC 20
Malied:I'm still on 1 hp from last week :(
Simon N. (GM):2nd has advtg & no cover
18+5=23, hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+3+2d6
15/2 = 7 dmg
Jyrdani on 9/32 hp
Erasmus:Gotta love a raging barbarian!
Chris T.:Gotta get those assassins out of the picture
Cuts down a cultist
Simon N. (GM):opp att on Jyrdani w disad due to eagle totem
#13 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:moves forward and strike a cultist with her halberd
Battle Sister Bronda:crap
end turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:disengage #11 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):slashes at the cultist
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:miss
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Muiz:gonna get the bad rolls off HAHAHA....
Malied:dunn why it rolled twice :/
Malied:move back end turn]
Simon N. (GM):@James your mini says he has 10 hp
not 1 hp?
Malied:yea, i can't get the token to update
I WISH is had 10 hp :P
Simon N. (GM):ok have put on 1 hp :)
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus sees the 3x Cultists ganging up on him and Ugly Jack, stamps his foot heavily on the floor to cast “Thunderwave” in attempt to push them all 10ft back
Components: V, S
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
Kenny - Syrus:(Which Cultist saved?)
2) Shouting “Come on Jack!” and runs up the corridor and turns left next to Sir Norrin
Simon N. (GM):One is killed, one flung back
#6 Orc-Jack
Kenny - Syrus:3) Bonus action: casts Healing word on himself
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):can't do 2 spells in one turn
unless one a cantrip
Chris T.:Jack, free from the cultists turns and charges the Dark Cleric
Kenny - Syrus:Even on Bonus? OK
End tuen!
Simon N. (GM):If you cast a bonus action spell you can only do cantrips or not-spells for your action
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yessss
Chris T.:rolling 2d8+5
Simon N. (GM):The orc fells the fleeing priest!
Dark Cleric uses Sacred Flame on Jyrdani
DEX save w bbn advtg
20, save
2 cultists attack Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
1 hit
E on 15 hp
Simon N. (GM):2 cultists attack Jyrdani
1 hit
4/2 = 2 dmg
1 on Strohm
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Cultist attacks Jack
#4 Erasmus
Erasmus:How're the two cultists next to me looking?
Erasmus:Erasmus swings the axe at the cultist closest him down he goes
Erasmus:Then swings the same hand at the cultist to his right in an unarmed backhand strike. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc (an another one bite the dust)
Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):He staggers, ribs cracking
Erasmus:Erasmus steps closer and ends his turn Battle Sister Praetoria:Drops halberd, draws shortswords and moves into melee
off hand attack
Battle Sister Praetoria:rolling d20+4
Battle Sister Praetoria:grins The priest & rogues are looking worried now
Erasmus:Sister Praetoria: kicking ass and taking names since 1359!
Qiviel:Whoo! Go Sister! :)
Q moves up and attacks
10 dmg?
Qiviel:Yes, I think that's how to read that
Chris T.:"Thanks Norrin!"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Kenny - Syrus:@Norrin you on 6hp?
Simon N. (GM):#21 both Rogues have advtg shots on J
(no he's on 39. the cultist had 6 & took 8 dmg)
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
20 & 21, 2 hits on J
Simon N. (GM):rolling 1d8+2+2d6
7 dmg
J goes down 0 hp from 1st shot, 2nd puts down Praetoria too
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
what I miss?
Chris T.:The assassins putdown one of the nuns and our barrbarian lady
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:death save pass
#13 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:uses last spell slot to use cure wounds on Praetoria
end turn
Bronda can have inspiration for playing her Bond to fellow Nun :):
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Thanks, Sister!"
Battle Sister Bronda:Noted
"you would do the same Sister" with a smile
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Lays on hands 1 pt to heal Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):The Rogues are upset by this blatant cheating :)
Battle Sister Bronda:slashes at the last cultist
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Slashes at the cultist
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Malied:move out, and fire bolt agagin on last cultiest
Simon N. (GM):You blow a scorched hole in his chest (rem it's a crit so 2d10 dmg)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus moves up to the remaining Cultist
Kenny - Syrus:2) Wielding Victrix, he strikes at the Cultist
Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
End turn
Simon N. (GM):you know you could off hand attack too?
Kenny - Syrus:Oh yea! I do that !
Dagger ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):bonus action w dagger or shortsword, no dmg bonus
4 dmg, you stab him in the eye as he parries your main blade
Kenny - Syrus:"Take That!"
"and "Pray"! ;)
Chris T.:Oinking like a tuckpig, the Orc flees 60' towards the rogues
"OINK!" Done
Simon N. (GM):#5 The dark cleric casts sacred flame on Victoria
dodges the purple haze
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Erasmus:Seeing Victoria heal Jyrdani, Erasmus focuses his fury on the rogues, running forward and unleashing two darts at the closest one. Simon N. (GM):off hand hits, no bonus so 3 dmg
Battle Sister Praetoria:stands up
picks up halberd
#2 Qiviel
Q follows Eramus
Can she throw her spear?
At that rogue?
Battle Sister Praetoria:yup
Spear (One-Handed) (+5)
2Dueling Style
Qiviel:Throwing the spear...darn
end turn
Norrin (Geoff):"Come back & die, orc scum!"
Norrin (Geoff):Rogue ducks behind pillar
Kenny - Syrus:(LOL @ Jack)
Norrin (Geoff):rolling d20+7
Norrin (Geoff):GM: I'm going to give disad on hide check
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
pops round pillar & shoots at Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):Q goes down!
Simon N. (GM):2nd rogue tries to hide on stairs & shoot at E, again disad on roll
10, fail, no advtg or SA
Erasmus:Deflect Missiles (1d10 +3 + 3)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):E's hit, on 9 hp
ok, no dmg
Simon N. (GM):The Rogue blinks :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:stands up
"Ow, that hurt"
Jyrdani looks pretty unsteady as she advances towards the foe.
Battle Sister Bronda:occ (can i stabilize Qiviel cause i dont have any healing spells left?)
Simon N. (GM):medicine check DC 10
Battle Sister Bronda:moves to Qiviel and tries to stabilizes her
Simon N. (GM):Q is unconscious but stable.
Qiviel:Q's unconscious form thanks you :)
Battle Sister Bronda:"no one dies on my watch"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves forward and cast firebolt to the unhidden rouge
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):BTW they always cease to be hidden after attacking
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh gotcha
Malied:Moves out and firebolts the southern rogue
Malied:hides around the corner again
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus dashes into the main room
2) On the shocking sight of Jyrdani looking rough, Syrus casts “Healing Word” on her as Bonus Action
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi Syrus!"
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:"M'Lady!!!!"
3) Syrus smiles to himself on seeing Jyrdani next to ‘Ras again, checks his pockets to see if he can still find some confetti to throw at them. End Turn!!!
Simon N. (GM)::) nice roll
Chris T.:The squealing Orc moves 30' towards the southern rogue. Uses his bonus action to wreath his black, fiery blade in the black thorns of his conclave (ensnaring strike) then lashes out.
hmmm token won'tmove there?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Jack can see the cleric down the stairs, other PCs are too far back to see him
Simon N. (GM):Rogue: "Ach!"
Chris T.:and a DC14 Strength saving throw please
or restrained
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Chris T.:(That was my last spell guys!) End turn
Simon N. (GM):He screams as the thorny vines enfold him.
Cleric: "That orc is a druid! Kill it!"
Simon N. (GM):Cleric casts Sacred Flame on Jack, DEX save DC 11
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+3
Chris T.:(The rogue takes a d6 damage at the start of his turn)
Qiviel:(if people start screaming "kill the druid", you know you are doing it right!)
Erasmus:Seeing Qiviel unconscious, Jyrdani looking battered, and feeling rather rough himself, Erasmus is entirely conflicted. He calls out "Someone help Qiviel!"
then turns to Jyrdani and hands her his last potion of healing. "Take this."
Simon N. (GM):you can administer it as your action?
Erasmus:GM: Action/bonus ation ruling, please!
Just giving the vial to her
Chris T.:That's Jack buggered then
Simon N. (GM):ok reckon that's an object interaction + her reaction to take it
Erasmus:So a full action?
w kenny 15/34
Simon N. (GM):no you can still move & attack
Erasmus:Cool. Going after the rogues
Any benefit if target is restrained?
Simon N. (GM):south one is covered in vines taking dmg, grants advtg
they may well kill him
Chris T.:"I have this one! Kill the other!"
"before he escapes and starts firing again!Q"
Erasmus:Erasmus swings the axe at the free rogue he parries w his xbow, which breaks
Erasmus:Erasmus takes the opportunity while the rogue parries to punch him in the face Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):nose bone enters brain :)
Erasmus:Erasmus turn toward the ensnared rogue and chuckles, menacingly. Simon N. (GM):You hear the priest yelling in Abyssal.
Simon N. (GM):through the doors ahead of him to right
Praetoria advances, but looks pretty nervous
Qiviel snores gently :)
Norrin moves up
Rogue takes d6
DC14 strength and an action to break free
Simon N. (GM):OK he tries to break free
still held
Chris T.:"Oh no you don't!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Chris which spell is the vines??
Chris T.:Ensnaring Strike, Level 1 Ranger spell
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi there!"
stabby stab stab
Chris T.:(Jack's signiature spell, thanbks :) )
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#13 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:ooc (can i take the health potion and administer it to Qiviel?)
Simon N. (GM):The one Jyrdani has?
Battle Sister Bronda:oh nevermind
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I'll attend to Qiviiel!"
Battle Sister Bronda:nodded she follow the group "i leave her in your care"
end turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Helps Q to her feet while healing her to 1 hp
Qiviel:"Ah," Q mutters. "My thanks."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"We're winning!"
Qiviel:"Are we?" Q looks down at the blood on her armour. "Excellent."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#11 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i dash an open the door?
Simon N. (GM):open what door?
you can try yup
The doors open easily revealing a luxurious bedchamber
a wardrobe is inset in the east wall.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):I think you've moved 50' so could do 10
Malied:so we'rre all just moving on then?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):its okay i stick to here
Simon N. (GM):The girl nods to Malied
Malied:Double move puts be there i think
then end turn
Malied:I assume she double moved with me
Simon N. (GM):rem occupied squares count +5'
Kenny - Syrus:On seeing Mary, Syrus smiles and nods "Please stay back a little as it is still dangerous"
1) MOVEMENT: Syrus follows Jyrdani and ‘Was (happy to be reunited alongside with his mates again to fight) while taking out a scroll from his bag
2) ACTION: Reads from scroll to cast “Healing Word” at Jyrdani again to boost her health knowing more danger lies ahead!
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
smiles You guys must really like me!"
Kenny - Syrus:3) BONUS ACTION: Reaches his arm far out to throw some confetti over Jyrdani and Erasmus
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:J is on 14 hp now
Erasmus:Rolls eyes at Syrus. Chris T.:Jack double moves up to the dark cleric
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a cult barracks through the doors
The Cleric disengages and runs into the chamber, yelling in Abyssal
Erasmus:"What are doing here, guys?"
Chris T.:"Let's get this fellow before he brings down the rest of the temple on us!"
Erasmus:"I don't want to go in alone, but..."
Erasmus chases after the cleric
Chris T.:"I'm right behind you!"
Erasmus:Calls out "SHIT! There's more in here!"
Simon N. (GM):You see several cultists and orcs hurrying up through the southern doors
Likely in answer to the priest's yells.
A buxom semi-clad wench carrying foaming beer mugs is moving out of the way.
The area is well lit
#2 Qiviel
Qiviel:She'll stick with Mary and guard their backs, with 1hp she's a liability...
Maybe she'll poke around the dead and look for potions
Kenny - Syrus:GREAT idea on potions!! Especially the dead priests!!
Battle Sister Bronda:She dashes to keep up with the group
end turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:shakes Qiviiel "We have to keep moving! Pain is just weakness, leaving the body!"
lay on hands for +5 hp to Q Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Kenny - Syrus:She is HARSH
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Strohm
Qiviel:Q straightens herself and nods to Victoria, she motions for Mary to stay close.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dashes and action sugre to attack the Dark Cleric
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):"To me, minions of Chaos!"
turns "Agh!"
He staggers, badly wounded
#10 Malied
Malied:moves up the corridor to follow the others
double move, so end turn ther
Kenny - Syrus:1) Dashes through the corridor, holding another scroll in his hand
2) Says “OINK!” to Jack and poke him in the piggy nose - END TURN
Chris T.:Just finding a route through the crowds
Simon N. (GM):OOC they've blocked you! :-O
Simon N. (GM):OOC make a DC 10 Athletics check to push through :)
Chris T.:He'll wiggle through and jump on the bed.
Simon N. (GM):if you roll a 10+ on Athletics you can jump onto the bed left of the priest & attack
Simon N. (GM):30' to there yup
you can still dash
Simon N. (GM):The cleric disengages again
Cleric: "Kill that orc!" points at Jack
Simon N. (GM):Cleric: "Kill that orc!"
points at Jack The orcs throw javelins at Jack
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
Simon N. (GM):The orcs look unsure - roll Deception Jack
Simon N. (GM):They think you're an orc but don't much care.
The cultists advance and ready attacks w their blades
Erasmus:Seeing the cultists preparing their blade, Erasmus runs around them and attacks the cleric. Simon N. (GM):looks good :)
Simon N. (GM):he parries w his staff
Erasmus:Then Spartan-kicks him, hoping to send him tripping over the chest behind him. Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):He staggers but doesn't hit the chest :)
#2 Qiviel
Qiviel:Heartened by Victoria, she follows
Keeping Mary near her
Double move to catch up, end turn
Norrin (Geoff):eyes up the cultists "You boys really ought to run back home."
Simon N. (GM):readied attack on N
Norrin (Geoff):rolling d20+7
Norrin wounds a cultist, but he still stands.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+6
Battle Sister Bronda:moves and cast sacred flame on the dark cleric
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+1
he ducks (sorry that was his save)
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
ooc finishing at 7.30
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves and fire a fire bolt the Dark cleric
Simon N. (GM):has cover but is hit in the back
Simon N. (GM):He staggers and falls!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
#10 Malied
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"that was one tough cultist"
Erasmus:Erasmus flinches as the flames burst in front of him. Malied:cross the doorway and firebolt the closest cultestt
Kenny - Syrus:1) Deeply bows to Quivel “Thanks for looking after Mary during this dangerous time!”
2) Dashes through into the room, and stands on the hard bed and looks for a good vantage point in the room to shoot his bow, putting away his scroll and instead draws his bow - END TURN
Simon N. (GM):Jack - the orcs look unsteady
Chris T.:Jack charges them
Simon N. (GM):AC 16 w ringmail & shield
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
The orcs raise swords & attack Jack
(highest 12)
The cultists turn & attack Erasmus for his blasphemous assault on the priest
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
22 & 15
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
11 dmg!
Kenny - Syrus:HANG ON!!!!
REACTION!!!! Syrus uses “Cutting Words” to lessen the damage
(that was my last Bardic Inspo slot)
Simon N. (GM):+6 to erasmus?
Kenny - Syrus:Yep - but take off the damage instead
Erasmus:Erasmus staggers from the two hits, but is instantly bolstered by Syrus's words. Simon N. (GM):E is on 10 hp
Erasmus:Erasmus attempts to put his axe through the first cultist's face Simon N. (GM):sorry for missing Erasmis
Kenny - Syrus:(The Cultists were keen to attach him!)
Simon N. (GM):You hack him down
He's a Monk of the Yellow Rose, bad news to demon cultists!
Erasmus:He then roundhouse kicks the next one in the temple Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:"temple" no pun intended??
Erasmus:In the temple, in the temple.
Simon N. (GM):The cultist staggers back
Kenny - Syrus:at the bad pun?
Kenny - Syrus:in their own gaff?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You hear more footsteps approaching from beyond the south doors
Qiviel:"Stay in the hall, by Malied" she instructs Mary,
and she moves forward to back up Victoria
Norrin (Geoff):attacks orc miss
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:attacks orc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ice
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Oink!" says the orc
AC 16
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves and strike the orc with her halberd
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"evening my lady"
cast firebolt on the cultist Simon N. (GM):Wench: "Hi there! Thank you for rescuing me!" she seems cheerful.
cultist: "Agh! It burns!"
Simon N. (GM):He staggers and falls.
#10 Malied
Erasmus:Erasmus pats his beard as the blast singes the ends. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lets get intimate after this"
Malied:walk paws the doorway and firebolt nearest eneemy
Simon N. (GM):roll persuasion Strohm :)
Simon N. (GM):Malied snipes an orc, it spins and drops
Malied:blows his finger barrel
Simon N. (GM):The wench smiles at Malied. "I'm Lina - the smith's daughter!"
#6 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:1) Leaps from bed to bed
Malied:Mailed winks at her
Kenny - Syrus:2) Shouts to naked lady ahead, “M’Lady, no time for hanky-panky!!! Throw those beers and hit any Cultists you see!!”
3) Readies an action to shoot at any enemies that comes through the South doors!
End Turn
Chris T.:Jack tries to brain the heartless Orc
Simon N. (GM):(will end after this turn)
The orc staggers back, bleeding
Kenny - Syrus:@DM I gave Syrus a ready icon
Simon N. (GM):feel free to shoot
Kenny - Syrus:REACTION! Syrus shoots?
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
The orcs decide the smart thing to do is throw javelins at Victoria
(From Strohm of Leth (Muiz)): (The wench smiles at Malied. "I'm Lina - the smith's daughter!") did i not pass?
Simon N. (GM):3 at short range
(you passed)
Simon N. (GM):all bounce off
1 at long range
7, misss
Jack's orc disengages
Erasmus:Erasmus sees the orc making a break for it and attempts to stop it in its tracks. Leaping off the bed, he brings the axe down at the orc.
Simon N. (GM):its skull cracks
Erasmus:Erasmus then backs up to form a 'firing line'. Battle Sister Praetoria:Sacred Flame on lead orc
Qiviel:Hm, she'll move up closer and ready and attack for any that get near her
Simon N. (GM):OK stopping there for tonight
Feel free to discuss strategy :)
Kenny - Syrus:GREAT SESSION TONIGHT Everyone!!! We are working well as a team!!! :)))
Qiviel:Thanks for keeping Q alive :)
Chris T.:wow! Hectic fight! Gladwe'rerid of those blinking assassins!
Simon N. (GM):There are certainly piles of dead bad guys :)
Chris T.:Thanks Simon, everyone.
Malied:We've now got 2 fred hostages with us :P
Kenny - Syrus:UNLOOTED Bad Guys!!!! :-/
Qiviel:Thanks guys, have a great rest of the weekend :)
We'll try to get to the looting ASAP @Kenny :)
Erasmus:Hoo hoo! Good game tonight. We'll be having fun looting when all is said and done.
Chris T.:and the dead ones aren't going anywhere :D
Kenny - Syrus:@Quivel - Yes please! :)
Muiz:we could take a short rest after locking up this dorm cause i think we rescued all the hostages
Malied:Thanks for the game all, have a good week ^^
Kenny - Syrus:You too Malied - have a good weekend everyone!
Chris T.:Have a good week all!
Muiz:thanks for the game everyone
Erasmus:Thanks Simon. This is a great map, so far. A short rest would be very beneficial. I only have a single ki point left and I'm kinda having to hold on to it because I get a sneaking suspicion something big is waiting for us!
Kenny - Syrus:Tim, Simon's gone!
You will have to do a message in the thread....
Erasmus:Oh well. Maybe he'll see it next time he logs in.
Kenny - Syrus:Sure! Great game tonight, see you next week!
Erasmus:Thanks for that cutting words - I was down to 4HP!
Kenny - Syrus:Pleasure! First time I used Cutting Words ever!! Syrus v happy seeing 'Ras and Jyrdani standing together at that one point!
Erasmus:There's gonna be a bunch of XP for this!
Kenny - Syrus:I do hope so! :)
Erasmus:Ras is happy Jyr is back on form. Not sure he appreciates Syrus's insinuations, but Tim does!! :D
Kenny - Syrus:LOL Syrus is such a wind-up merchant. He will do it more if he knows it would wind up people (eg Erasmus)
Erasmus:It's why he let's Syrus stick around ;P
Kenny - Syrus:LOL! Anyways, dinner time! I miss our role-playing, BUT happy to still be able to squeeze in a line or two during battles!
Erasmus:Indeed. Tying takes a bit away, but it does have its benefits. Have a good week, see you Friday.
Kenny - Syrus:You too! :) See ya next week
Norrin (Geoff):Hello good people!
Hairy session last week!
Norrin (Geoff):Yes, I was reading the chat log
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Friends :)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesConstitution Save(+2) | {11} |
(Just testing roll connecrtion)
Welcome back to Sir Norrin too!
Ready to crack some skulls, people?
Kenny - Syrus:Hi Tim! YES
Are you still gonna try to request a short rest?
Erasmus:I don't think we'll get one because there could be just too much down here, but it would be nice.
Evenin' Simon.
Simon N. (GM):Hi Tim Kenny Chris James & I reckon Geoff? (Geoff is blank) :)
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Simon! :)
Chris T.:A few of us are pretty badly beaten up and I think all the healing was used?
Simon N. (GM):Just need Keelia & Muiz?
Chris T.:Muiz senrt a message he'd be late I think?
Simon N. (GM):yup just saw it
Simon N. (GM):OK Muiz will be late so I'll NPC Strohm until then
Keelia even :)
Simon N. (GM):Round 14 - the orcs that appeared in the cult barracks doorway look unsteady at the sight of you lot covered in their allies' blood, & the piles of corpses.
#22 Norrin - the only live orc beside you is Disguised Jack :)
Chris T.:"They have come to save us, brothers!"v In Orcish
"Wew are free from the priests, join us!"
Norrin (Geoff):in orcish "Flee while you can!" at the orcs
Malied:Can you speak orcish? the spell doesn't let you speak another language me thinks
Simon N. (GM):Jack oinks at the orcs. #22 Norrin yells at them (Norrin can roll Intimidate)
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin speaks orcish
Chris T.:Jack gives Norrin the look.."Oink?"
Simon N. (GM):roll a d20 Norrin, need 11+
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20
Simon N. (GM):The Orcs turn to flee - are you all letting them go?
Kenny - Syrus:Kenny is thinking experience points! ;)
Norrin (Geoff):I don't think we can handle much more, cam we?
Simon N. (GM):(you'll get full XP either way) :)
Chris T.:"They'll be off to loot all the good stuff, Syrus."
Kenny - Syrus:NOOOOOooooooOOOOO!!!
(Too Late!)
Malied:I don't know if you've noticed the resst of you team are pretty beat up
Chris T.:"If we are to rest it should be by the steps that brought us down here.."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The orcs flee west up a flight of steps
ok you're out of combat
Erasmus:"Can we not barricade these doors? Would that not be safer?"
Chris T.:"For if our enemies escape, they can bring back the powerful forces that lay in ambush for us above."
Norrin (Geoff):"Hopefully we'll be long gone when that happens."
Chris T.:"We should make sure none can flee. Now."£
Erasmus:"That's true. Perhaps those of us that need to rest wait here and those that can head out and stop them."
Kenny - Syrus:"If we take short rest, Shall we bring everyone in the room and pile the beds behind each set of doors?
Malied:"We . Need . To . Rest."
Simon N. (GM):Malied you move into room?
Chris T.:"We will have no rest if those fleeingh Orcs bring back their friends and we are holed up like rats in a trap."
Simon N. (GM):Everyone you bar doors & short rest?
Erasmus:"On the plus side, this should be a fairly easily defensible position."
Malied:Malied sits down, begins casting detect magic as a rit
Chris T.:Jack is highly lawful and will go with the majority but his dire warning stands.
Kenny - Syrus:AND if ppl are using their hit dice, Syrus will perform a "Song of Rest" to add 1d6 to their hit points :)
Malied:if he doesn't find anything then he'll lay down and spend some hit die
Kenny - Syrus:rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):GM: The orcs escape. You can Short Rest and spend hit dice, with each of you rolling a bonus d6 for the song of rest
Kenny - Syrus:Soz! Please add 1hp to those spending hit dice
Simon N. (GM):They can roll their own d6s :)
Chris T.:Short rest it is then. The Orc will morph back into Jack as we rest.
Kenny - Syrus:(Lack of singing in taverns means less effective songs :P)
Erasmus:What will this do to Aid?
Malied:I'll also use Arcane recovery to get my spell slot back (I only used one)
Qiviel:Q will quickly go check the bodies before a short rest
Kenny - Syrus:COOL! You each roll d6 and add to your HP!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"many of our fighters are injured and couple were brought down to the brink of death if we fight let it be when we are rested and ready"
Malied:Did detect magic find anything?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani 3d12+6+d6
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d12+6+d6
Chris T.:rolling 2d10+1d6+4
Simon N. (GM):GM: There are two massive magic sources nearby
Norrin (Geoff):4 dice for Norrin
Chris T.:28/28 1 dice remasining.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc (Simon will my bonus health expire after the short rest?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Hello Chris
Malied:"Just a heads up all, there are two massive magic sources nearby tthey are
Simon N. (GM):(you'll still have a few minutes left on health bonus)Victoria 4d10+8+d6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice Keelia
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d10+8+d6
Malied:(what school type of magic smn?
Kenny - Syrus:...Still no more Bardic Inspiration slots for me until a Long Rest :(
Simon N. (GM):Conjuration
Kenny - Syrus:@QIVIEL - don't forget to add 1d6 to you HP because of my Song of Rest ;)
(Oh you just did!)
Malied:"Feels like they are trying to conjure something....thats not good...."
Qiviel:I did, thanks Kenny - it brought me up to full
Simon N. (GM):GM: Both are over 30' away Malied but so powerful you still detect the auras.
Chris T.:"We have a ceremony to stop?"
Battle Sister Praetoria:rolling 3d8+3+d6
Malied:"whatever nthey are they are POWERFUL, they are at the limits of a reach nut I still feel them"
Chris T.:"Which direction, sir wizard?"
Erasmus:"We do, Jack. But we won't succeed in stopping them if we die. This rest is imperative."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"they need a sacrifice which we have so they still need to go through us to complete the ceremony i beileve"
Battle Sister Bronda:Sources are SSW and ESE of you
Chris T.:"And if the ambushing forces return?"
Malied:"The sources are SSW and ESE of us
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malied roll Arcana please DC 12
Erasmus:"As Norrin say, hopefully we'll be long gone before that becomes a problem."
Chris T.:Jack worries but says nothing.
Norrin (Geoff):"The wise warrior knows when it's best to fight, and when it's best to retreat."
Simon N. (GM):Malied you can tell the source to the SE is pulsing and growing in power. You think a conjuration ritual is nearing its climax.
Erasmus:Erasmus would like to check these footlockers for anything which may be useful. Simon N. (GM):GM: The lockers contain cult robes and meagre personal effects.
126 silver pieces.
Chris T.:Jack's warning words unheaded he will go wait by the south door and keep an ear open.
Malied:"The one to the SE is growing in power, it feel like a ritual is comming to its climax!"
Simon N. (GM):Jack through the door you hear distant chanting.
Chris T.:OOC -could you unOrc me please, Simon :)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus to Jack "Oink!"
Chris T.:"Chanting! The ceremony is at hand!"
Malied:"We should make haste to that one first and see if we can prevent its conclusion"
Kenny - Syrus:"Ohhhh! You look much better now Jack!"
Erasmus:"Should we disguise ourselves in these robes? It may allow us to get a little closer before the shit hits the fan."
Simon N. (GM):What is Jack's current hp?
Qiviel:"Hang on, cult robes?"
Simon N. (GM):20 sets of robes
Qiviel:"If there are enough, we could get close to the ceremony with less difficulty..."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus is always up for dressing up, so he would love to disguise as a Cultist!
Erasmus:(Presumably Mary and Lina are now clothed.)
Simon N. (GM):They have those snazzy hoods with eye slits so great disguise :)
Chris T.:"Cultists who have holed themselves up in their bedroom for an hour?"
Kenny - Syrus:If Mary can be dressed in Cultist robes then Syrus would like his Billowing Cloak back please!
Malied:Malied clicks his fingers casting disguise self as a cultist (then uses his otherslot for Mage armour
"lets go while we still have time"
Simon N. (GM):Lina is chatting animatedly with Strohm. Mary whispers to Malied: "She's one of them - a cultist!"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus is LOVING the snazzy Cultists robes!!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Ms Smith we are heading to danger so i suggest to stick close by and be prepared to defend yourself so iask you do you know how to use a croosbow?"
Kenny - Syrus:(He also helps others to put them on correctly)
Malied:"bring the hostages with us, it'll look more realistic"
Simon N. (GM):Lina: "Crossbow? he he!"
Qiviel:Q throws one on over her armour to hide the shine and hopefully give some advantage later.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):felt creep out from Lina laugh but kept it to himself Simon N. (GM):GM: You only have a bit over a minute so suggest you get going south/east...
Chris T.:Is the chanting continuing as we dress up? Any virgin-like screams?
Malied:"out the door now!"
Kenny - Syrus:"LET'S GO!!!"
Erasmus:Erasmus dons a robe and heads out. Norrin (Geoff):Norrin will also don a cultist robe and follow the others.
Malied:Malied leaves the room briskly
Simon N. (GM):Chanting is from the east
Erasmus:"Let's try being quiet, yeah?"
Kenny - Syrus:Do we all have robes on now??
Simon N. (GM):GM: You all have robes on
Chris T.:Kaystar Saru?! EEK!
Malied:we are lyal cutiest, no need to be quiet
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc cool
Qiviel:(That's Q out then if we're expected to be quiet - armour doesnt help with that :D )
Malied:I have disgiuse self up
Simon N. (GM):GM: Purple haze glimmers in the summoning chamber.
Kenny - Syrus:"Errrrr the least tankiest of us all just headed in!!!"
Simon N. (GM):A captive girl, drugged or unconscious, is chained in the centre of a red-glowing summoning circle.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"im ready to charge in"
Kenny - Syrus:"We can surprise them if we are clever!"
Malied:Malied will walk into the room sd if hr hr id s culirdt
Simon N. (GM):Around her chant the elites of the Chaos cult, including two Orogs in plate, a black armoured knight, and the high priest, Odric, renegade friar of Moravin priory.
Simon N. (GM):Four dark clerics at the perimeter tend bubbling bowls from which the purple haze rises.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc damn really elite
Simon N. (GM):All are chanting in unison in Abyssal.
Erasmus:Erasmus goes with Malied Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i suggest long range to take out the mages while the fighter hold off the champions
Malied:give smn a sec guys
Chris T.:"Isn't Lina one of them?" Hisses Jack quietly to the nuns
Simon N. (GM):GM: As you enter the nearest cleric turns to you and waves you away with an irritated look.
Kenny - Syrus:We needa break their spell ASAP!
Simon N. (GM):(the nuns are focused on stopping the ritual)
Jack keeps an eye on Lina, making sure she does no mischief
Malied:Malied nods at the cleric, he then turns to the others
"I'll hit the one on the left, hif we can occupy at least two hopefully that will be enough to break the ritual
Simon N. (GM):GM: Anyone speak Abyssal?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc nope
Kenny - Syrus:whispers "out of the 4 Elite, who is the strongest??"
Kenny - Syrus:OR if we kill the Captive, then the spell will def fail??
Chris T.:The innocewnt captive we are here to rescue? :D
Kenny - Syrus:(I know its not the best option)
Malied:I can understand what they are chanting :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"it will hasten the sspell and killing an innocent we will not"
Kenny - Syrus:Are they summoning the big toad god??
Malied:we'll find out in a min
Erasmus:whispers to Syrus "I don't know, but stopping the ritual is paramount."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The dark knight holds a massive glowing greatsword - Excruciator, the fabled Sword of Amaul.
Kenny - Syrus:Please can u ping "Dark Knight"?
Errrr we needa do something NOW!!!
Simon N. (GM):Malied they seem to be calling forth the "Spawn of Tsathoggua"
Kenny - Syrus:The Toad God!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You have 54 seconds left... would you like to roll init?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will get out his scroll, read from it and cast Dissonant Whispers at the Dark Knight
Kenny - Syrus:Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 7 |
Erasmus:GM: Do the figures in the centre seem involved in the ritual, or are the clerics the ones doing all the work?
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5 # Jack initiative
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Malied:"They are trying to summon Tsathoggua, we've got to stop this ritual"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesInitiative(+3.15) | {11.15} |
Malied:@smn do I know enough as to how stop the rit?
Chris T.:Barrel them over if nothing else comes to mind. Disrupt them any way we can. Killing them suits best of course :)
Simon N. (GM):@Malied disrupting the concentration of any of the main four participants should do it.
Kenny - Syrus:whispers to ERASMUS: do you still have the tomb that can spoil the ritual from your monk friend?
Erasmus:@James (OOC) I have a tome which contains a ritual to deactivate the shrine.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Malied:"Keep the clerics off balance, that will stop the ritual"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"whats stopping me from grabbing the girl?"
Battle Sister Praetoria:rolling d20+2
Erasmus:Erasmus BosInitiative(+3.16) | {19.16} |
Battle Sister Praetoria:The girl is shackled by wrists and ankles in the middle of the circle
Simon N. (GM):GM: anyone not on the init chart yet?
Kenny - Syrus:Is it because they are concentrating on the ritual ;)
Orog:GM: OK end of round 9 the ritual completes, this is round 1.
Simon N. (GM):#24 Jack your go
Chris T.:"We outnumber them,take them down! Stop the ritual!" Jack keeps a weather eye on Lina until there is space for him to get into the main chamber.
Malied:Malied unleashes a volley of firebolts on the northern cleric
Simon N. (GM):AC 14, the chain shirt under his robes protects him. The priests finally realise you are intruders :) - they are all Surprised though
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):charge at the west cultist and attack
any adavantages fromsurprise?
Simon N. (GM):not for you no
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):he raises his staff & parries you
BTW rem you get short rest powers back - action surge, second wind, ki points
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):#19 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus sees the firebolt dissipate and rushes at the same cleric, avoiding the purple haze. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc saving that action surge for emergency
Erasmus:He swings with the axe... Erasmus BosHandaxe, +1 | {9} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Simon N. (GM):GM: I assume your cult robes go flying as you attack
Erasmus:He then attempts a headabutt... Erasmus:Erasmus BosUnarmed Strike | {25} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):NICE
Unarmed Strike (Erasmus Bos)Bludgeoning Damage | 7 |
Bludgeoning Critical Damage | 3 |
Erasmus:(it was the extra 'a'!)
he staggers
Erasmus:He then circles behind the cleric. end turn
Norrin (Geoff):Did Norrin get any healing during the rest? I was AFK so i might have missed it....
Simon N. (GM):rem you can use action surge for an extra 30' dash if you want
You could spend hit dice
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i think you should roll your hit die for norrin
Simon N. (GM):roll 2d10+6+d6 Norrin
for 2 hit dice of wound-tending & song of rest
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 2d10+6+d6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):ok you cap at 50 hp (40 + 10 from Aid)
(you still have 2 more hd you can spend later)
Norrin (Geoff):Okay, he'll surge and fight the nearest Orog
Simon N. (GM):The hideous brute turns to face Norrin, raising axe & shield
They look very Peter Jackson Uruk Hai :)
AC 20 full plate & shield
you get 1 attack
Norrin (Geoff):OOC: I think in 2e they were an orc/ogre hybrid
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Simon N. (GM):It parries w shield
Simon N. (GM):Cleric surprise wears off, they all yell: "Blasphemers!" "Intruders!" "The Dark Lord Take You!"
#11 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus takes out the scroll from his bag and reads from it as he casts “Dissonant Whispers” at the Dark Knight, hoping to interrupt his ritual!
Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 12 |
Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Description | You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save. At Higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. |
Simon N. (GM):knight save
He shrugs it off
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Kenny - Syrus:Still takes half damage
Simon N. (GM):concentration save
Malied:I don't supose yiou have a spare one of those scrolls ;)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Ritual still going
Kenny - Syrus:Hang on - spell is Wisdom save?
Erasmus:GM: Please could you describe the font things in front of the clerics?
Qiviel:Let's see if we can disrupt it :) Q heads down to help out Strohm
Simon N. (GM):Glowing bubbling fonts from which purple gas rises
Simon N. (GM):AC 14, miss
#7 Bronda (Muiz)
Erasmus:And what of the construction?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap not a good first round
Simon N. (GM):They are stone, might be topple-able
Battle Sister Bronda:move and cast sacred flame on the orog with Norrin
Simon N. (GM):>>Kenny - Syrus:Hang on - spell is Wisdom save?<< He passed WIS save, took damage so he had to make a CON save or lose concentration on the ritual
Battle Sister Bronda:damn
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks SImon for explaining!
Orog:The dark knight manages to keep chanting while uttering a deep booming laugh that gives Jack a strange sense of deja vu (deja hear?).
(just a bit!0
Orog:OOC Reincarnation of Kaystar Saru vs reincarnation of Moffett Manglemaimer :D
Battle Sister Praetoria:Sacred Flame on Orog
still chanting
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
ooc victoria is not on the turn order?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Rage (her final rage) & throws javelin at cleric
Kenny - Syrus:OOC does anyone have a spell that makes enermies have disadvantage on ability checks??
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(thx Vicky got a 5 AIR)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:dashes in
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):OK the enemy are all now alert, they can fight & keep ritual up as long as they maintain Concentration.
#24 Jack - Lina gives him an innocent look.
Chris T.:Can Jack try insight as to her real motives?
Simon N. (GM):Insight is WIS
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
Simon N. (GM):She seems sly
Moves up to the others, tells Mary to stay within sight.
Simon N. (GM):Lina legs it... #20 Malied
@smn can I see and hit the chains holding the girl in place with a firebolt?
Simon N. (GM):Firebolt would need a '10' to melt the iron enough to sever chain
Malied:lets give it go then!
Simon N. (GM):ok, AC 15 - hits
roll dmg
Simon N. (GM):It just scorches
ignore second....
retreast back
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack the cultist
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
for god fucking sake
Simon N. (GM):miss wildly!
#19 Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i use the blessing from seducing Bronda for a reroll
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):bad luck on crit die - 7 dmg?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah but thats how the dice roll
Erasmus:Erasmus tries to take out the cleric with an axe blow to the neck. Erasmus BosHandaxe, +1 | {24} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Handaxe, +1 (Erasmus Bos)Slashing Damage | 10 |
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):He goes down, gurgling blood
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):first blood
Erasmus:Erasmus then charges at Odric (Assuming I recognise him from the description given)
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus recognises the inverted symbol of St Sollars at the corrupt friar's throat.
Erasmus:"Odric! This is for St Sollars!"
Simon N. (GM):yup - looks like the guy Prior Mordrin told you about, only more red-glowing in the eyes :)
Erasmus BosUnarmed Strike | {20} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Simon N. (GM):Hit (he's AC 15, half plate, no DEX bonus)
Unarmed Strike (Erasmus Bos)Bludgeoning Damage | 7 |
DEX save please
Simon N. (GM):Odric: "Ah!"
for what? got 15
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):youre on a roll Eramus
Erasmus:Erasmus BosUnarmed Strike | {12} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Simon N. (GM):2nd blow bounces off his armour
Odric concentration save...
Kenny - Syrus:YASSSSS!!!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):Fail! He loses focus on the ritual!
Simon N. (GM):The coalescing fog swirls over the circle for a moment into the form of a great Hezrou toad demon, then dissipates.
Simon N. (GM):Odric: "Kill them! Kill them all!"
#18 Norrin
Erasmus:"Spill the fonts!"
End turn
Norrin (Geoff):Heartened by the arrival of Vicky, Norrin continues to attack the orog. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
GM: Two Dark Clerics bring profane purple flame down on Erasmus - 2 DEX saves DC 11
Erasmus:Erasmus BosDexterity Save(+5) | {10} |
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8
Erasmus:Erasmus BosDexterity Save(+5) | {20} |
Erasmus:"Grr. It clashes with my robes!"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus moves, then fires an arrow at this Dark Cleric
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesCrossbow, Light | {23} |
Piercing Damage | 8 |
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):keep it up team
Simon N. (GM):The west cleric Disengages
sorry which one Kenny?
ok, he yells in pain
Kenny - Syrus:East Cleric pls!
Bonus Action: Kicks over font?
Simon N. (GM):It's too heavy (would be Object Interaction not Bonus Action - bonus action is a special power not a routine thing)
Kenny - Syrus:Shouts to Erasmus "I tried but the font is too heavy for me!"
(Over to you Keela! :)
Qiviel:She'll join Victoria and hope that she can do some damage!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast sacred flame on teh Orog
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Battle Sister Bronda:damn
Simon N. (GM):Odric: "Kaystar! Aid me!" The dark knight Kaystar raises his terrible sword & advances on Erasmus...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+5
Simon N. (GM):2nd attack...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+5
Odric: "Spirits of the Abyss! Aid me now!"
Casts spirit guardians - formless demonic wraithes flit around him, tearing & biting at everyone not a cultist including the unfortunate captive...
You call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you to a distance of 15 feet for the duration. If you are good or neutral, their spectral form appears angelic or fey (your choice). If you are evil, they appear fiendish. When you cast this spell, you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. An affected creature’s speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 radiant damage (if you are good or neutral) or 3d8 necrotic damage (if you are evil). On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.
Save DC 13
Erasmus:Erasmus BosWisdom Save(+2) | {10} |
Erasmus BosWisdom Save(+2) | {21} |
Simon N. (GM):only roll on your turn
Captive girl is on 0
#5 Victoria - WIS save
11/2 = 5 necrotic
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Vicky heads for Odric, taking an opp att from the Orog
misses her
That's exactly 30' by my count!
(move into the zone is x2) attacks Odric.
Has Sacred Weapon up
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Her sword shines brightly as she raises it...
& misses!
Battle Sister Praetoria:Sacred Flame on Odric
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
miss (just)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Javelin at cleric
west Orog attacks Vicky
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+6
attacks Erasmus
E goes down
Erasmus:Erasmus crumples to the ground. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):goddamnit
Orog:The Orog steps over him and swings at Vicky
bounces off her full plate breastplate
The girl is killed by the demon spirits
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):FRICK
Simon N. (GM):Odric: "You have failed! Soon you will join her!"
#24 Jack
Kenny - Syrus:Well at least we spoiled their ritual...
Chris T.:Jack, races around the northern perimeter, sheathing his sword and shouldering his shield as he goes, ready to draw his bow next round.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc should we picked up Eramus and flee?
Malied:Malied moves into the room and see the girls corpse, he then looks at Odric and his swirling demons
Chris T.:(Not sure how as much as we would like to Muiz?)
Malied: In Abyssal you pig faced arsehole!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm - no we fight! We just need to "will" Odric a fail on the next Con save to dispel Spirit Guardians!
Simon N. (GM):OK that hits even w superior cover (AC 20!)
Chris T.:(Yup, forcing Odric to failconc is our only chance)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Kenny - Syrus:YASSSSS!!!!
Simon N. (GM):The demons vanish!
Odric: "No! Curse you!"
#20 Strohm
alternate diagonals +5' as per PF/3e
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves allowing attack of oppurtunity byt the cultist
Simon N. (GM):sorry if I have map set up wrong
You could step on the dead girl
ok 30' to there
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):move and attack Odric
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):action surge?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):action surge
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):He staggers as the blade stabs into his flank, dark blood welling
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):#19 Erasmus death save
Norrin (Geoff):turning his attention to Kaystar "Tempus!" he cries.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar: "Ah... a worthy foe, at last!"
Kaystar: "Priests - on this oaf!"
The 3 dark clerics bring purple flames down on Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):"I scraped worse offal from my boots than you!" Norrin retorts.
Simon N. (GM):3 DEX saves Norrin (d20+2)
need 11+ on each
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 3d20 + 2
10 radiant dmg
They also use Healing Words
(Norrin on 40)
Simon N. (GM):Odric recovers 11 hp >:)
Odric: "Flee, pathetic fools!"
#11 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:OK, firstly, BONUS ACTION: Healing Word on Erasmus!!
Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation(Cast at 2nd Level) |
Range | 60ft. |
Cast at | 2nd Level |
Components: | V |
Healing | 8 |
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus wakes up on 8 hp
Kenny - Syrus:Then another arrow at the Dark Cleric in the East!!
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesCrossbow, Light | {10} |
Piercing Damage | 5 |
Kenny - Syrus:(Forgot to move, sorry!)
Qiviel:Q will attack the Orog and pray for a hit
Simon N. (GM):hit! 9 dmg?
Yes, 9 dmg
Does a longsword crit on 19?
Simon N. (GM):no, in 5e all wpns crit on 20
unless you are a Champion Fighter
Battle Sister Bronda:moves and attack Orog with halberd
Simon N. (GM):bounces off
Battle Sister Bronda:damnit
Simon N. (GM):They are very armour-y
#6 Kaystar attacks Norrin
no effect
Kenny - Syrus:(We need Magic Missiles!!! lol)
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is very armour-y as well, lol
Simon N. (GM):Odric: "Leave the armoured ones to last! Kill the squishies!"
Malied:yea, i used up my two slots after we rested >.>
Kenny - Syrus:Waaahhh! :-/
Simon N. (GM):Odric casts cure wounds on himself
Malied:mage armour + disguiise self >.<
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d8+3
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):Odric's wounds vanish.
"Know the power of the Toad, and Despair!" he mocks.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Oh shut up."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:hit
hits him for 9
Battle Sister Praetoria:Sacred Flame on Odric
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Battle Sister Praetoria:"St Cecilia stamps on your toad!"
Jyrdani takes opp att fr cleric
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc guys brb Simon take over for me
Battle Sister Praetoria:I'll take a tea break end of this round
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:attacks Odric :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d8+6
The enchanted blade pierces Odric through, he gasps and falls.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:He's dying - not dead yet though!
Orog:west Orog doesn't see anyone squishy near so attacks Vicky
AC 20 - shield edge crumpled, but Vicky unharmed
Kenny - Syrus:SHe is one TAK!
Orog:2nd Orog swings flail at Syrus...
Kenny - Syrus:Ouch - you will pay for this!!!
(for messing up my hair!!)
Orog:OK going to get tea then can play another 40 minutes if that's ok?
Chris T.:Jack drops his bow and sprints towards Odric, no time to bring his shield to bear he swings his long sword two handed.
sure thing :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc okay im back what happen?
Kenny - Syrus:I am imaginig Jack paused in mid air, cultist robes flowing!
Erasmus:Is that tea 'tea', or dinner 'tea'
Kenny - Syrus:tea as in kettle (quick drink top up!)
#24 Jack goes for Odric (advtg as prone & unconscious, AC 15 for armour)
any hit is a crit
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Jack?
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+7
Simon N. (GM):GM: Jack if you can hit him for 27 dmg (inc al crit dice) you kill him right off, otherwise a hit is 2 failed death saves
Erasmus:(probably waiting for the kettle)
Chris T.:rolling 2d10+4
Malied:With flame in his eyes and Abyssal on his toungue....
"I'm going to give you a taste of the firey hell that you are going to...."
Malied Firebolts Odric again
no advtg
as ranged attack vs prone
Chris T.:Go Muiz! Finish the rotter!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):seeing Odric is down hetries to finish the job
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):Odric's head rolls across the stones
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):my critical is bad
Kenny - Syrus:'RAS IS UP!!!! :)))
Simon N. (GM):BTW I assume that was your last healing word Syrus?
#19 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:Nope - 2 scrolls! ;)
My poor bad guys!
Simon N. (GM):Need to do some CDGs :p
Kenny - Syrus:(And a few spell slots left! I have been careful!)
Simon N. (GM):coup de gras
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc those Orog ae tanky tho
Erasmus:Erasmus clambers to his feet, looks down at the decapitated body of the former priest of St Sollars and mutters a quiet prayer for him under his breath. He then turns to Kaystar and attempts to return the favour. Erasmus BosHandaxe, +1 | {16} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Erasmus:He then disengages and backs off to grab a breath. Step of the Wind
end turn
Kaystar was going to kill you :)
#18 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):"You're not very good at this, are you?" Norrin sneers at Kaystar. "Have you thought about joining a cult?"
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar laughs his deep booming laugh.
Simon N. (GM):#14 Dark Clerics use Healing Word on Kaystar
& 3 flames on Norrin
Kenny - Syrus:(We needa take out those clerics!)
Simon N. (GM):3 DC 11 DEX saves Norrin
Chris T.:(I'll get right on it :) )
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 3d20 + 2
Kaystar: "Tch"
#11 Syrus
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin laughs.
Kenny - Syrus:OK hope this will work….
Syrus digs out his last scroll of “Dissonant Whispers” and cast it at the Orog next to him!!
Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 14 |
fingers crossed
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Opportunity attacks from Everyone around the Orog!!!
As he rushes away from us!!!
Simon N. (GM):It moves away w its reaction?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes immediately
Simon N. (GM):ok Syrus Norrin Vicky opp atts
Kenny - Syrus:Oppo attack from me, Sir Norrin and Vicky!
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesShortsword, +1 | {21} |
Piercing Damage | 5 |
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+8
AC 20
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Kenny - Syrus:I hit! Whoop!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):again those orog are tanky
Victoria of the Golden Cup:5 from Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:I will move
#8 Qiviel
Qiviel:Attacking the orog again
And sliding along so others have better line of sight
#7 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:attack the orog with her halberd
using her inspiration to have an advantage
Battle Sister Bronda:fucking low rolll damage
Simon N. (GM):need another d10
Battle Sister Bronda:its already added
6 damage
Simon N. (GM):it says it rolled a 4 on d10
then +2 for STR
Battle Sister Bronda:rolling 1d10
Simon N. (GM):oh sorry :\
Thx Tim
6 dmg indeed
Battle Sister Bronda:yeah the 2 is a crit
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar is in the valley of the tanky adventurers
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc my damage rolls could be better
Simon N. (GM):He decides to go for Vicky w her glowy sword
Erasmus:Why couldn't he roll like that against me?!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Victoria of the Golden Cup:parries grins "Not good enough!"
(Odric goes in the waste bin)
attacks Kaystar
Battle Sister Praetoria:sacred flame on Kaystar
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:reckless attack Kaystar
15, miss
Orog:Left orog attacks Norrin
then Vicky
Other Orog swings at Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus parries the blow hith his palm. Chris T.:Jack will attack the cleric nearest to him, still two handed.
Simon N. (GM):Reckon one more round then need to stop
AC 14
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+5
Simon N. (GM):You cut him down
#20 Malied
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):focusing on Kaystar
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):(Jamees can roll if he comes back)
#19 Erasmus
Malied:My as well make this one quick
on Keystar
you may want to move round for a clearer shot Malied
Malied:I'll stay where i am
Erasmus:Erasmus, after parrying the orog's strikes, brings the axe round, aiming for a gap in its armour... Erasmus BosHandaxe, +1 | {21} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Handaxe, +1 (Erasmus Bos)Slashing Damage | 8 |
Erasmus:Wrenching the axe free, Erasmus brings a roundhouse kick to the side of its head... Erasmus BosUnarmed Strike | {10} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Erasmus:but is slightly off balance. end
Norrin (Geoff):"My blade is half a millennium old," Norrin mocks, "and has bathed in the blood of better men than you!"
Erasmus:"which makes it slippy."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is just a bit full of himself....
Simon N. (GM):2 dark clerics sacred flame on Vicky
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):shit
Simon N. (GM):Vicky staggers as the purple radiance blasts her!
Kaystar: "Good work, priests!"
#11 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus runs up behind his mate ‘Ras, with his own back against the wall...
and lays his hand on his shoulder and casts “Cure Wounds” on him
“Please be careful, dear friend…”
(now out of Lvl 2 spell slots)
Cure Wounds (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation(Cast at 2nd Level) |
Range | Touch |
Cast at | 2nd Level |
Components: | V, S |
Healing | 16 |
Kenny - Syrus:Then moves back a bit, shouting to Jyrdani "COME HELP ERASMUS, M'LADY!!!!"
Erasmus:"Oh shit! Thank you, my friend."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus on 24 hp!
#8 Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):then #7 Bronda
Qiviel:Attacking the Orog again
Battle Sister Bronda:attack orog with her halberd
Qiviel:(too bad I can't put these virtual dice in the corner - they've been had all night!)
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar attacks the wounded Vicky
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+5
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):While wielding a shield and a creature you can see attacks a target other than you within 5 ft., you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
Simon N. (GM):you're not within 5' of Vicky
she goes down
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh damn
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar attacks her to finish her (advtg, AC 18 no shield)
Simon N. (GM):2 failed death saves
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#5 Vicky death save
Battle Sister Praetoria:halberd on Orog
Kenny - Syrus:GO JYRDANI!!!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Uses
eagle totem to give Kaystar disad on opp att
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:reckless
17 - miss
Kenny - Syrus::-P But she is there!!! :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:NE Orog 1 Erasmus 2 Jyrdani
15 & crit
8/2 = 4 dmg, she still has 28 :)
Orog:west Orog tries to finish Vicky
She's killed
Kenny - Syrus:WAHHHHH!!!!!
Chris T.:Poor Victoria :(
Orog:2nd attack is on 1 Norrin 2 Qiviel 3 Strohm
misses him
OK must stop there
Poor Vicky!
Chris T.:Wow! Exciting session. Thanks Simon,everyone :)
Kenny - Syrus:OK, Thank You Simon, Thank You Everyone!!! Sad end to tonight's ession as ole Vicky dies :-((
Muiz:were dropping like flies XD
Norrin (Geoff):Good game, everyone!
Chris T.:Are we playing next week?
Qiviel:Thanks Simon thanks guys, see you next weekend! Keep safe and have a good rest of your weekend!
Kenny - Syrus:We must persever!!! We can do this!!!
Erasmus:Smashing. What are we going to tell the sisters at the abbey? ;(
Simon N. (GM):Next session should be the last until the new year
yes next game next Saturday then break
Chris T.:Stay safe all and see you next week.
Kenny - Syrus:The Sisters may be able to bring her back if they are powerful enough?
Muiz:thanks everyone hopefully luck be on our side next week
Simon N. (GM):They are not level 9 no
Erasmus:Thanks Simon. G'night all. Have a good weekend/week.
Norrin (Geoff):See you all next time.

Chris T.:Evenin' Tim
Chris T.:How was your week?
Chris T.:Yeah, smashing thanks ;)
Muiz:hello Chris and hello Eramus
Chris T.:Hiya Muiz, Simon
Hi Simon
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Everyone! Last game of 2020!
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Erasmus:Hey Kenny, Geoff.
Kenny - Syrus:Hi Muiz, Tim, Chris, Geoff and SImon!
Dagger ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
(just checking connection)
Erasmus:Last Faerun game of 2020, Kenny. I've got a bunch Dernder still to go before the year is out!
Kenny - Syrus:What are Dernders??
Muiz:Hello Geoff i dont know why but i cant see our name
and Keelia!v :)
Kenny - Syrus:@Geoff think you may need to fo Settings and put your name in?
Muiz:Hello Keelia and James
Norrin (Geoff):@Kenny Got it. It used to be in there, not sure how it got changed.
Simon N. (GM):OK to continue fight?
Chris T.:Jack charges the nearest cleric and slashes at him.
Can't get him tomove..
#20 Malied
Malied:Firebolt on the one Jack just attacked
Malied:continuing my tradition of high hit then crap damage :P
end turn
#20 Muiz :)
Muiz:slashes at the black knihtin in front of Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):woooo good start
Simon N. (GM):The blow finds a gap in Kaystar's plate harness,he grunts in pain.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):#19 Erasmus
Erasmus:With his back against the wall and the orog looming in front of him, Erasmus digs deep into the well of inspiration granted by the healing from his half-elf friend and the raw power of his barbarian ally... He lunges with the axe, hoping to strike true...
Simon N. (GM):AC 20 - orog's armour holds
Kenny - Syrus:Roll high on damage!!!
Erasmus:The axe grates across the armour, but Erasmus notices a small chink under the arm. He punches. Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:But the gap isn't as large as it looked. Norrin (Geoff):Norrin continues to wave his sword ineffectively at Kaystar....
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar parries
#14 Dark Clerics - one throws open the doors; both bring purple radiance down on Jack.
2 DEX saves DC 11 Jack
Chris T.:rolling 2d20 # at +3
Jack dodges, nimbly aside
Kenny - Syrus:(OMG I thought we were at the end of the map!!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc there was a door there 0-o
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus shoots short bow at the remaining dark cleric left
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
End turn
Simon N. (GM):he has cover BTW
#8 Qiviel
Qiviel:Q will also give chase
Simon N. (GM):opp att fr Orog
bounces off :)
Qiviel:ah, I thought he was dead :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):occ those Orog are tank as hell XD
Qiviel:(Thanks for the spacing fix)
Simon N. (GM):that's 30' :)
you still have your action to eg Dash or throw a javelin
Qiviel:I'll throw a javelin
Spear (One-Handed) (+5)
2Dueling Style
just winged him
#7 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:attack the Orog with her halberd
Sigh end turn
Simon N. (GM):parried w shield
Kaystar Saru turns on Strohm, chuckling evilly as he raises the Sword of the Sorcerer...
Simon N. (GM):parried & missed completely :)
Battle Sister Bronda:ooc glad the cultist have bad rolls too
Simon N. (GM):sacred flame on Orog attacking Erasmus
It ducks
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:again, reckless attack on the Orog. "Get away from him you!"
Erasmus:OOC If Jyrdani could step up, it might offer advantage to Erasmus at some point...
Malied:Shame no brutal critical yet ;)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Orog's helmeted head flies across the hall. Slowly the armoured body topples...
Erasmus smiles weakly at Jyrdani through the spattering of ichor.
Simon N. (GM):Remaining Orog attacks Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ac 18
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
one hit
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+4
still above max hp :p
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thankful for the sisters blessing
Simon N. (GM):Round 7, #24 Jack
I can move you if necessary - could try reloading after this turn
Chris T.:Jack will try again. Swinging the black blade savagely.
Kenny - Syrus:(OOC - which one is stronger/harder hit atm - Orog or Kaystar?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Orog
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+5
Simon N. (GM):Both are wounded; Orog has higher AC as shield
Jack impales the foul priest
Chris T.:Then move 30' after the fleeing cleric
Kenny - Syrus:(OOC who hits us harder atm - Orog or KayStar)
Malied:OOC o yea, split the party even more -.-
Malied:Firebolt on the Orog
Fart, end turn
Simon N. (GM):splashes on plate
#20 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):slashes at Kaystar
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Sigh end turn
Simon N. (GM):#19 Erasmus
Erasmus:Hmm... Kaystar or try to stop the fleeing cleric?
Chris T.:I have the cleric
Erasmus:Erasmus chases after the fleeing cleric, desperate not to have anyone else be alerted to join the fray. (Inc. dash)
Norrin (Geoff):Getting frustrated at his lack of success, Norrin continues to battle Kaystar...
Simon N. (GM):#14 Last Cleric runs - Jack & Erasmus get opp atts
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+5
Simon N. (GM):He dpesn't get too far,
Chris T.:Jack grins at Erasmus. "Job done!"
Erasmus:"Glad that worked!"
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus moves (high fives Jyrdani on his way “Great work M’Lady on that for Orog!!”)
Kenny - Syrus:2) Casts Vicious Mockery at Kaystar! “Oi you useless piece of crap wrapped in metal!”
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:(Lets see if he makes the save first tho)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Chris T.:(I struggle to make sense of those read outs.It's my age :D )
Qiviel:Hearing that the others seem to have been successful, Q heads back up to the group to attack the Orog.
The tide is turning?
Simon N. (GM):hit for 8! The Orog staggers, shoulder rent
#7 Bronda
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast sacred flame on the Orog
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Battle Sister Bronda:2 radiant damage
Qiviel:(Don't jinx it, Chris!) (@Kenny - was that directed to me?)
Simon N. (GM):Strohm opp att on Kaystar
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Chris T.:(I've waited 11 years to see kaystar Saru put in his place!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Simon N. (GM):Norrin opp att on Kaystar
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):YEESSSS
Kenny - Syrus:(errr wheres Kaystar going??)
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy shit
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar attacks Bronda
Norrin (Geoff):"Tempus!" Norrin cries.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh crap
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+5
2nd attack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck hit again
Simon N. (GM):She goes down
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damnit
Battle Sister Praetoria:Tries to stabilise Bronda
Erasmus:OOC Are the sisters not clerics?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):we run out of spells
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Reckless attacks Orog
19 - miss (just)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Erasmus:Spare the Dying is a cantrip
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#2 Orog turns on Jyrdani (attacks w advtg)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):it seem that none of the clerics have those XD
While wielding a shield and a creature you can see attacks a target other than you within 5 ft., you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
one of the attack is normal
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+6
orog crits :(
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):god fucking damnit
9 dmg
21 hits
4 dmg
Chris T.:Jack sprints back towards the battle. Seeing Kaystar he moves toiwards him (double move)
Malied Edicast (James):Is Kaystar in melee range?
Malied Edicast (James):damn
move around orog just out f his range
end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i charge Kaystar
Simon N. (GM):you can reach him w an opp att from orog
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sure
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+4
Kaystar: chuckles
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):refuse to let the cultist who harm his woman, Strohm chase and attack Kaystar
damn im lagging
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
#19 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:these guys are tough to hit!!! Strohm of Leth (Muiz):will use second wind
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Strohm
heal 3
Simon N. (GM):4 I think, you still have it on d10+1
Kenny - Syrus:OOC btw is Bronda still down on 0 HP?? Simon N. (GM):Bronda is down
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):no its already added
check it Muiz, it says d10+1
& that it rolled a 2+1 = 3
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hover the 3 i rolled a 2
Simon N. (GM):so healed 4 as you are F2
#19 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus, conscious of the other enemies still standing, runs back into the ritual chamber. Erasmus:Noticing the orog surrounded and Kaystar apparently fleeing, he meads toward the dark knight. Norrin (Geoff):Seeing his companions running after Kaystar, Norrin turns his attention to the orog.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):The enchanted blade cuts into plate & the orog finally falls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):YESSSS
Malied Edicast (James):yay
Kenny - Syrus:1) BONUS ACTION: Syrus cast Healing Word on Sister Bronda
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Battle Sister Bronda:cough Kenny - Syrus:2) Syrus tries Vicious Mockery on Kaystar “You look like a hamster wrapped in tin foil!!!”
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc thanks Kenny
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Kenny - Syrus:YES HE FAILED!!!!
Kenny - Syrus:He is Disadvantaged on his next attack!!!
#8 Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):clang clang
Kenny - Syrus:YES!!!!! QIVIEL!!!! Simon N. (GM):16 is a miss sadly
Kenny - Syrus:But 25 because KayStar is flanked, no?
Qiviel:"Fiend, you will go no further."
Simon N. (GM):Bronda stands up (15' move)
Battle Sister Bronda:cast sacred flame on Kaystar
Kenny - Syrus:And 25 is a Crit?
Erasmus:@Kenny - he can turn as a reaction
Simon N. (GM):she did not have advtg
Simon N. (GM):Kaystar DEX save
Battle Sister Bronda:ooc sorry my internet spped is really slow right now
Erasmus:@Kenny So if Strohm had a turn before Kaystar's next turn,
he would have advantage.
"Stay down, bitch!"
opp att for Qiviel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):While wielding a shield and a creature you can see attacks a target other than you within 5 ft., you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
Simon N. (GM):he already has disad on 1st attack, do that on his 2nd?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Qiviel:"Speak not to her in such a manner!"
Kenny - Syrus:HE IS FLEEING Simon N. (GM):opp atts Strohm & Bronda
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i wont let you get away
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Simon N. (GM):Mary legs it (readied action) :)
Kenny - Syrus:(OOC where did that topless barmaid lady go??)
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Sacred Flame!"
Kaystar: "Aiee!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Kenny ran away while we were fighting
Battle Sister Praetoria:His smoking corpse collapses.
Chris T.:YAY! Waited a lot of years to seethat!
Simon N. (GM):You're out of combat I reckon?
Malied Edicast (James):"well, that was interresting!"
Kenny - Syrus:OMGGGGG I thought that would never end!!!
Malied Edicast (James):yep
Simon N. (GM):Well done :)
Qiviel:Q goes over and stabs him with a spear to check
Q goes over and stabs him with a spear to be sure
Kenny - Syrus:Lets get everyone in here safe and heal up for a bit??
Chris T.:Jack makes hi way to the southern doors to listen for any signs of enemy approach.
Malied Edicast (James):do i still have detect magic up? does the other power source feel the same?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Simon can i take Kaystar sword?
Simon N. (GM):Q gives him a good stab
Strohm takes Excruciator, Sword of Amaul, aka Sword of the Sorcerer.
Qiviel:She nods to herself and goes to pray over Victoria's body
Simon N. (GM):They were in the process of ritually defiling it but it's still ok - +2 greatsword
Kenny - Syrus:SYRUS TO MARY: "Come in my dear, it is currently safe!!"
Simon N. (GM):There's no sign of further enemies.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"damn a great sword but still a trophy"
Malied Edicast (James):detect magic rit if its warn off
Erasmus:GM: Can we tell that the ritual being completed her was indeed the summoning ritual?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus looks mournfully at Lady Vic's body
Simon N. (GM):GM: They were in the process of summoning a demon, yes.
Malied Edicast (James):I want to know the state of the other ritual and what this one was
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"are you okay Bronda?"
Simon N. (GM):They were about to summon a Hezrou demon.
Kenny - Syrus:"Can anyone do anything to bring back Lady Vic pleaseeeee??"
Battle Sister Bronda:lights up a cigar "Yeah"
winks Kenny - Syrus:TURNS TO BRONS TURNS TO BRONDA "What you can bring Lady Vic back???
Battle Sister Bronda:"Animate Dead?"
Qiviel:"My faith and my strength, such as it is, is at your command if there is aught I can do to help."
Kenny - Syrus:scratches his head "She won't come back as a Zombie, will her, cause that would be Ironic...."
Erasmus:"Can none of you Revivify?"
Battle Sister Praetoria:shakes head "We will see she's buried with full honours. Her soul has joined Ilmater's heavenly host."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin goes about checking out the bodies of the dead foes to see if there's anything interesting or valuable. Kenny - Syrus:"She will frighten herself when she uses Channel Divinity: Turn Undead..."
Malied Edicast (James):ooc I thought she was stablised?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"such a spell is beyond any magic caster that we know of"
Kenny - Syrus:@Malied: Bronda was stablised, but Lady Vic dies proper with 3x failed death saves....
sad face Battle Sister Praetoria:Kaystar had a Scroll of Protection (undead) (rare, dmg 199)
Malied Edicast (James):ah, k
Qiviel:"My meager magics are nothing against death." She tucks her prayer book into Victoria's armour.
Kenny - Syrus:@SIS PRAETORIA: Is there someone senior at the Abbey that can bring her back?? I can sing a song of valour to help??
Malied Edicast (James):"I don't mean to rush you all, this is a terrible lose, but there is another summoning ritual nearby, it's not as far along as this one but it still neds to be stopped
Simon N. (GM):Odric had a pouch with 40 gp, Jasper (40 gp), Sardonyx (50 gp), Star rose quartz (60 gp), Zircon (50 gp) & a Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)
Kenny - Syrus:"I can even write an album of songs of her victories in battle for the god??"
Erasmus:"The fates have spoken today."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus throws a fit and walks off to sulk Qiviel:"Let us scour this temple for any other evils in her name."
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Even the Abbess cannot raise the dead."
Erasmus:OOC Give any coin and gp value items to Erasmus and he will share them out once we arrive back at town/manor etc.
Malied Edicast (James):@Smn, the other source is to the west now right?
Chris T.:There is sure to be more wickedness ahead and the best tribute we can give to Lady Victoria is to killit.
Qiviel:"In Victoria's name, we must continue onward."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"should we rest this battle took a heavy toll on all of us"
Chris T.:(Jack stillon full HP so happy to go up front)
Simon N. (GM):@Erasmus @Syrus the book (Liber Damnatis) has the ritual to deconsecrate the summoning circle.
Erasmus:"Malied, here is the tome which contains the ritual to deactivate the shrine. Would you mind having a read to determine whether we are in the correct location to perform it, please?"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is very close to full, so he needs no healing.
Chris T.:"The longer we wait,the more prepared our enemies shall be."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):OOC that means we can disrupt the summoning from a distance?
Simon N. (GM):GM: The ritual would take 10 minutes
Malied Edicast (James):Malied take the tome studies it breifly
Kenny - Syrus:Notice how Erasmus does not trust his pal Syrus to read from that stooopid tome of his in case he messes it all up
eyeroll Simon N. (GM):You can disrupt this circle. Malied you can do an Arcana check DC 12
Malied Edicast (James):This will take about 10 minutes for me to complete, you should begin clear the way west, I will join you when I am done
Malied Edicast (James):rolling 1d20+5
oo, close
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malied senses a link between the 2 circles
Possibly disrupting this one would disrupt the other too.
Erasmus:"Syrus, While Malied is dealing with the ritual, I'd like a word, please."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus shouts "Any one else coming? Jack is currently on his own!!"
Malied Edicast (James):"hmm, they seem to be link, if I can disrupt this circle it may disturpt the other also"
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Suggest I stay here to guard Malied"
Kenny - Syrus:"OI!! THOSE THAT WANT TO COME, WE NEED TO GO!!!! Strohm of Leth (Muiz):could we go to he second ritual through the south pathwa?
Malied Edicast (James):Malied sits down on the floor just north of the circle places the tome down adn begins the ritual
Simon N. (GM):Jack can see the fiery glow in the cavern to the west
Smells like Orc in there
Chris T.:"Orcs.... Not what we are after. Let me go take a look?"
Kenny - Syrus:"Stealthy Stealth!!"
Malied Edicast (James):I'll assume that Malied will not be joining combat until he has finished the ritual
Qiviel:Q nods and holds a hand up to signal the others approach quietly
Chris T.:(Syrus is properly stealthy? Would he like to take a peek?)
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani & Praetoria guard Malied
Chris T.:or Jack is happy to try
Kenny - Syrus:OK let go together Jack? Or just me??
Chris T.:Jack gets disadv
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Malied Edicast (James):is Tim joining your attack?
Chris T.:rolling 2d20 # +3
Kenny - Syrus:(OOC lol you are better!)
(Whispers to Jack) looks like North leads back to where we were
Simon N. (GM):Looks & smells like this place was an Orc lair.
Chris T.:(Which direction did Mailed detect the 2nd ritual from?)
Kenny - Syrus:Lemme tell the others it is save to this point
"Come you guys, but be quiet"
Qiviel:Q waves the others forward
Chris T.:"Shall we go north-west and see if a second temple mirrors the first?"
Kenny - Syrus:@Jack we continue to stealth ahead?
Chris T.:"Or push on through this Orc lair?"
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:"Through the Orc lair it would seem..."
Erasmus:"Let's check for valuables while we go."
Kenny - Syrus:"Still West?"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 6d6
Chris T.:"We can come back for valuables?"
Simon N. (GM):Rooting through the furs etc Erasmus finds 10gp worth of trinkets
Erasmus:"It won't take long."
Simon N. (GM):The caves here are rough.
Kenny - Syrus:"Jack shall we continue West?"
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Dripping water to west]
A dank cave with a faint acrid smell.
Kenny - Syrus:"Dead end?"
Kenny - Syrus:"South back where we were?"
Simon N. (GM):A hideous slimy THING bursts out of the water!
Simon N. (GM):move tokens back please
Erasmus:"We're in caves here. We should head back to the temple complex and search in there."
Kenny - Syrus:"WATCH OUT!!!"
Simon N. (GM):It lunges at Jack
Simon N. (GM):It seeks to engulf Jack
DEX save DC 15
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+3
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Oh no
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):Jack leaps back (just as well)
OK you can roll init :)
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Erasmus Bos
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 2
Woops, wrong die
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Simon N. (GM):slime beast
Kenny - Syrus:Thats good, cause thats 1 nat 20 wasted! ;)
Kenny - Syrus:Erasmus is first, no?
Simon N. (GM):sorry #23 Erasmus
Erasmus:Seeing the beast lunge at Chris, Erasmus runs up and tries to carve it with the axe. Simon N. (GM):acid splash!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Oh No
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus takres 10 acid slime dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):This is bad
Erasmus:"Gah! It burns! hitt it from a distance!"
Move away.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6+2
Simon N. (GM):7 bludgeon + 8 acid
Simon N. (GM):roll a DC 14 CON save
Erasmus:Constitution Save(+2)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):for fuck sake
Simon N. (GM):you're dying & also paralysed
Erasmus:"this is why I.i........."
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus backs up a bit
Simon N. (GM):The slimy beast rears up, semi-amorphous, as it looks to make a meal out of Monk.
Kenny - Syrus:2) casts Vicious Mockery at the Slimey
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
...hopefully it is not very Wise??
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20-2
Kenny - Syrus:Yep its dumb!
Disad on his next attack :)))
Simon N. (GM):it ripples in mental anguish :)
Kenny - Syrus:3) Bonus Action “Healing Word” on Erasmus (last spell slot!!)
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
4) “Errrrrmmm - Is it wise for us to just leave here? Do we NEED to fight this thing??”
Erasmus | Erasmus Bos is: Paralyzed
Qiviel:"Anyone have any oil? Or anything flammable?"
Simon N. (GM):The slime beast slimes over Erasmus - DC 15 DEX save Erasmus
Erasmus:Auto fail as paralysed
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):when it rains it pours
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
can't breathe, & restrained
#15 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:cast sacred flame
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20-1
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Erasmus:All the ones now!
Qiviel:Q grabs a torch and hurries forward
Norrin (Geoff):Hoping his enchanted armour protects him, Norrin strides forward and attacks.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
Qiviel:"Once we drive it back, somebody run back and get a body for this thing to eat and let's get ourselves out of here."
Simon N. (GM):the acid splash seems to drip (wriggle?) through armour - 8 dmg to N
Simon N. (GM):15 to slime beast :)
Chris T.:Jack will not leave his friend to an horrid death. He hacks at the foul thing, black flames licking along the edge of his enchanted blade (taking the attack action in his first round of combat he get's an additional attack)
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 3d8+10
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6
Simon N. (GM):Jack takes 14 acid spray dmg, it takes 25
huge rents appear in its flesh, the acrid stench much stronger now
#4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fires a fire bolt on the slime beast
Simon N. (GM):It catches fire!
Simon N. (GM):Burning merrily, a terrible stench rises
Erasmus you get a CON save vs paralysis
Erasmus:Constitution Save(+2)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:'Tis not meant to be. :(
Battle Sister Bronda:"Better get him out of there!"
Qiviel:"Is the water safe? Can we wash the acid off with it?"
Battle Sister Bronda:GM: You haul Erasmus free of the burning slime beast
Kenny - Syrus:OOC is Paralysis a time effect that will wear off?
Simon N. (GM):& wash off the slime in the clear water
Chris T.:Jack dips a finger into the water to test the PH
Simon N. (GM):The paralysis wears off after a minute
the water is fine
Kenny - Syrus:"Lets drag 'Ras away from these waters in case there is another Slimey in there!"
Chris T.:"I'll check ahead, make sure it's safe."
Simon N. (GM):100 XP to PCs
Malied Edicast (James):even Malied?
Simon N. (GM):Yeah, I'll give him a +100 bonus as he brings down the circle :)
Malied Edicast (James):nice, 200 :)
Erasmus | Erasmus Bos has no active conditions
Erasmus:"Gah! I wasn't expecting that! What happened?"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus digs out the last scroll of healing from his bag, lays his hands on Erasmus, and casts “Healing Word” on him
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):(100 total M) Plus you all get 550 for the last several sessions, so 650
total Kenny - Syrus:To his mate "Ras: “This is all I have my friend - please be extra careful”
Malied Edicast (James):ah, k, cool, thanks smn
Battle Sister Praetoria:"The Circle is down!"
Chris T.:"We must decide if we push on south. We are all injured but I think it imperative we rescue this last girl if we can."
Erasmus:"Thank you again, Syrus. Careful is good. I will bear that in mind."
Malied Edicast (James):"Ah finally, let us catch up with the others"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malied you sense the other circle is still up
Malied Edicast (James):Malied keeps the tome
Qiviel:"Then let us proceed with haste and care."
Malied Edicast (James):"Indeed"
let us move forward
Simon N. (GM):(I'll move you)
Kenny - Syrus:@Jack Stealthy Stealth?
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Erasmus:"We should check the complex."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi there Qiviel!"
Malied Edicast (James):ooc thxs smn
Chris T.:rolling 2d20 # +3
Jack admires Quviel's can-do attitude :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Syrus the tunnel to the south extends into a large network of natural caves, uninhabited
Qiviel:"Hail and well met again Jyrdani."
Kenny - Syrus:Are we onto another map? o_O
Simon N. (GM):(that was GM speak for 'off the map') :)
Malied Edicast (James):the other to the west, not the south myy "2friend"
Kenny - Syrus:"Everyone, Circle is not to the SOuth"
scratches head Erasmus:Whispering to Syrus and Jack: "Jyrdani doesn't need to know about my little mishap back there, okay?"
Chris T.:Follows Mailed's directions
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Lead the way Malied"
Kenny - Syrus:to ERasmus "Absolutely not!"
winks Simon N. (GM):Malied you sense it due north
Erasmus:"It'll be somewhere in the temple complex. This way!"
Kenny - Syrus:Says to Malied "BE CAREFUL!!"
Simon N. (GM):close, you think
Malied Edicast (James):It's north
Chris T.:PP16 forconcealed doors? If not he'll begin to search
Simon N. (GM):no way north from the slime cave though
You search a few minutes, find nothing
Malied Edicast (James):hmm, not this way
but north of us
Chris T.:Back to the entrance and south from there?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc we need to back to the hall ways
Kenny - Syrus:"WAIT EVERYONE!!! I recalling seeing a froggy statue when I first met Jack as an Orc!!"
Kenny - Syrus:"DOORS!!!!"
This way!!
Erasmus:"We'll come back for those doors, Syrus."
Simon N. (GM):The long stairs lead up past the cult barracks
Malied Edicast (James):ah, i see now
Kenny - Syrus:"Do we have a plan??"
Chris T.:"Kill anything wicked."
Malied Edicast (James):Ok, itss this way, not far
Simon N. (GM):A Sphinx lounges in a crackling blue circle,
Shark fins break the surface of the pools as they circle endlessly.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"uhhh i dont think we are ready for this"
Chris T.:"Which way now, Mailed?"
Erasmus:GM Would Erasmus have read anything about sphinx in the books at the priory?
Malied Edicast (James):What does Malied know about Sphinx's?
Simon N. (GM):The Sphinx raises a lazy paw, licks the back of it, and looks at you with a flick of her long lustrous hair. "Hi there."
Kenny - Syrus:Whispers to Everyone "Shall we try draw her out of here into a corridor??"
Simon N. (GM):"I'm Gina. Would you be the ones who disabled this Circle?"
Qiviel:"Perhaps we should simply speak to her?" Q whispers back.
Malied Edicast (James):"Hello there"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus scratches his head I can play her a song?
Simon N. (GM):Gina regards Malied. "It was you, wasn't it? I can see the sparkles!"
Malied you sense the blue circle is fading.
Norrin (Geoff):Whispers to Syrus "She might like that."
Malied Edicast (James):"I am afraid so"
Kenny - Syrus:TO GINA: "M'Lady, are you a friend?"
Simon N. (GM):Gina smiles. "Great! The evil ones were going to draw out my life essence to create an artifact!"
Gina regards Syrus slyly. "Why? You looking for a friend?"
Kenny - Syrus:whispers to party she sounds friendly??
TO GINA "M'lady I was wondering if you are on the side of the Cultists"
Simon N. (GM):Gina tests the boundary of the circle. Blue sparks fly. "Hm... nearly."
Qiviel:"I think not if they were going to drain her life."
Malied Edicast (James):"ah good, I would hate to see a creature such as yourself destroyed"
Kenny - Syrus:"Did the Evils cage you in this blue circle?"
Simon N. (GM):Gina glares at Syrus. "They put me in this circle! They were going to turn me into a sword or something!"
Malied Edicast (James):"Now that the ritual has been broken will you recover?"
Simon N. (GM):With a grunt, Gina pushes through the weakening circle.
She looms over you. She's very large.
Chris T.:"Will your book dispelthe flames? Mailed"
Kenny - Syrus:"Is there anything else we can help you with M'Lady?"
Simon N. (GM):"I'll be fine. Now, let me see..."
Gina reaches out and pats Malied on the head. "I grant you the Boon of Knowledge."
Qiviel:"If we all move to one side of the hall, she should be able to pass us."
Kenny - Syrus:"Can you grant us any aid?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malied you feel a lot smarter - +2 INT
Malied Edicast (James):"My Word! You honour me mistress!
Kenny - Syrus:"M'Lady a few of my friends are very wounded from battle, anything you can help us with healing?"
Chris T.:Nice boon, James ;)
Simon N. (GM):She glances at Syrus. "Yes - any of you, call upon me by name when you seek wisdom and I shall grant you a mystic audience, Only once though - it gets boring."
"Wounded? Yes, there is a tasty scent of blood in the air..." Gina licks her lips, looking very catlike "...and I AM very hungry. "
Chris T.:Jack offers her a wound to lick
Erasmus:"You're... joking... right?"
Chris T.:"If you're very hungry,I have a little to spare."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"wait whatnare you sane Jack?"
Simon N. (GM):She looks hungrily at Jack then collects herself. "...But it would be rude to eat you right after you freed me."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):insane*
Kenny - Syrus:"Thank You Lady Gina for granting us your wisdom - but errrr - by wounded I was asking if you have power to HEAL us"
Norrin (Geoff):"Most of us endeavour to keep our blood inside our bodies, Jack...."
Malied Edicast (James):"we have left a bloody trait of corpses of those who wronged you"
Chris T.:"You areas gracious as you arebeautiful, Lady Gina." Jack bows low
Malied Edicast (James):"will they satisfy your hunger"
Simon N. (GM):"Corpses? Orcs are too fatty, but I can certainly dine... "
Chris T.:Jack winks at Norrin
Simon N. (GM):"... on human flesh."
Erasmus:"Indeed. There are many fallen here. But if you would allow us some time to ensure nothing of value is left before you dine?"
Chris T.:I'd like to see that git get eaten
Kenny - Syrus:"There are PLENTY of freshly slain cultist humans behind us too, M'Lady"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well there is a lot of human cultist you can enjoy"
Chris T.:(Love the shark infested pools by the way. Every villain's lair should have one!)
Simon N. (GM):then strolls off to find some cultists to eat.
Norrin (Geoff):"I hope that won't come back to bite us in the ass later," Norrin says.
Simon N. (GM):(she's ignoring the rest of your queries)
Chris T.:anything up here, Simon?
Erasmus:GM If there are no other threats, can we assume we go and loot every corpse before Gina eats them all?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"it seem we completed our task lets get a long rest and return to civilization"
Simon N. (GM):The narrow tunnel leads back to the library
Chris T.:Aye, now is the time to loot the place rotten :D
Maybe detect magic on all those books?
Kenny - Syrus:Whispers to Qiviel and Norrin - "So glad I did not waste a song on HER! Wouldn't even heal us up!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hm, chest under this bed..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"what did you find"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:leaps back, drawing her sword Kenny - Syrus:@DM are there magic scrolls in the library??
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"There's a monster under the bed!"
Chris T.:(Strill some doors to explore too)
Malied Edicast (James):M will take a look through the library and look for anything interesting to read
Qiviel:Q shrugs at Syrus, "Such creatures are prone to be flightly."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):takes out the two handed sorcerer sword"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:A hideous ghoul crawls out from under the 4-poster bed, hissing.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:ok roll init
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5
Simon N. (GM):I'll do Strohm first #20 then Syrus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):move an attack the Ghoul
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (+6)
Strohm gives it a mighty blow
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):ok Jack & Syrus pls
Chris T.:Jack adds 10' on the first round so should be able to jump onto the bed and whack the ghoul a couple of times?
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 3d8+10
Simon N. (GM):The ghoul is swiftly hacked down
Chris T.:Jack retires to make space for the searchers
Simon N. (GM):GM: The monster was guarding Odric's treasure chest beneath his bed
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"good sword"
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhhh CHEST!!!
Chris T.:Jack nods at Strohm. "Very good!"
Simon N. (GM):Odric's Hoard: 190 cp, 1190 sp, 40 gp, and hanging on the wall is an enchanted shield once wielded by a noble knight of Damara - +1 shield
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"a magnificient shield any takers Qiviel you interested?"
Qiviel:If no one else needs the shield, I would indeed be interested
Erasmus:Erasmus is not interested in the shield, but will hold onto the coin to divvy up later.
Chris T.:All yours Keelia :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"you can take it Qiviel"
Kenny - Syrus:"This way everyone!!" Simon N. (GM):Finishing off now - searching the complex, you find a second unguarded treasure chest in the north bedchamber; this was Kaystar's hoard. It holds 23 cp, 200 sp, 173 gp, Small Bag of Spices (29 gp), Pewter Pin (20 gp), Polished Stone Holy Symbol (of Umberlee) (29 gp), gold braid & Leather Pouch (22 gp), and a Bead of Force (rare, dmg 154)
Chris T.:(Though Jack would dearly love a shout on the next magical shield we find?)
3 suits of plate from the big orcs and Kaystar too?
Kenny - Syrus:COOL! Thanks Everyone for a successful session!!! We all lived though this one!!!
Chris T.:We did! We'lllive to fight on into another year :D
except poor Lady Victoria :(
Qiviel:If there is any good armour going spare, Q wouldn't mind a look :)
Erasmus:Again, Erasmus takes the coin but will let anyone else take other stuff if of any particular interest. If not , and it's just going to get sold, Erasmus will pocket that too.
Kenny - Syrus:YES!!! See you all again in 2021!!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can we stop at at the nearest town i would really like to stop some where we can recover and level up"
Chris T.:Keepanything magical until we have a chance to see what it does..
Malied Edicast (James):indeed
Kenny - Syrus:(Syrus just wants his spell slots back atm lol)
Norrin (Geoff):There's still the doorway north of the frog statue
Kenny - Syrus:Yeah - that room looks important (because of frog statue)
Erasmus:Perhaps Simon can give us the lowdown on anything magical in the forum during downtime?
Qiviel:"If we investigate, we should do this as a group"
Qiviel:Also, Q is ready to level, so she will do that during the down time :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: The foul blood drenched statue of Tsathhoggua can be deconsecrated using the ritual in the Liber Damnatis.
Chris T.:@ Simon, will you be posting updated XP scores after the game?
Kenny - Syrus:"Let's move away from those bed barracks though, in case the Sphinx sees us and want to eat us!!"
Simon N. (GM):To the north is a lightning trap room you may want to avoid. :)
Malied Edicast (James):Another job fot Malied ;)
Simon N. (GM):Yes I'll update your XP
Simon N. (GM):GM: Malied & Syrus can best work together to deconsecrate it
Yes, finally :)
Gina returns to wherever Sphinxes live.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Huzzah
Chris T.:Well done everyone!
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will gladly support Malied with a bit of singing...? ;)
Simon N. (GM):Eventually you return to the Abbey, where Victoria is buried with full honours.
Malied Edicast (James):Awesome all!
Erasmus:"I wonder what happened to Lina..."
Kenny - Syrus:Lina with the beers!
Malied Edicast (James):Your singing puts Malied off and the spells goes in reverse
Simon N. (GM):Word of the fallen hero is sent to Duke Dragonsbane at the Vaasan Gate.
Kenny - Syrus:Did Mary become another Sister of the Weird Outfits Order?? ;)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"either return to the Smiths Eramus or somewhere else"
Kenny - Syrus:@Malied Haha and Malied becomes the next Slimey Toad God!!!
Chris T.:Jack willoffer to takethe bad news.It's best coming from a friend?
Simon N. (GM):Mary is escorted back to her family by the Sisters. While you are resting up and some of you training to level, you hear Lina Smith apparently returned to her family with a tearful tale of having been kidnapped by the evil cultists.
Malied Edicast (James):yea...i'm gonna call bullshit on that story :P
Simon N. (GM):>>Jack willoffer to takethe bad news.It's best coming from a friend?<< The news of Vicky's death?
Erasmus:"Don't forget to pick up your armour, Strohm."
Simon N. (GM):Strohm gets his full plate
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"might visit Lina while im at it too Eramus"
Erasmus:"You may be able to negotiate a discount, having freed the smith's daughter!"
Simon N. (GM):You can sell the three suits of captured plate to have Qiviel fitted with a new suit of plate, or cash them in for 900go
Chris T.:Happy for Qiviel to get her stuff
Erasmus:Let Qiviel take that.
Simon N. (GM):Q will be AC 22 then, up there w Norrin!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):splitting all the gold among us equally how much gold does each PC got?
Qiviel:Good for a meat shield :)
Erasmus:I'll deal with the coin. I have a note of it all, will sell gems etc to gat a total, then I'll put it in the forum.
Simon N. (GM):I'll give another 50 wrap-up XP, so 700 total overall
Kenny - Syrus:@SIMON will you post in the forum how much XPs we will get too?
Oh you just sid! 700XP total! :)
Chris T.:oooo that will be close to 4th for Jack, I think?
Erasmus:I'll split among 10
The gold, that is.
Erasmus:Erasmus will train for lvl4
Kenny - Syrus:Yea Syrus just qualifies for Level 4!
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll pick up game in new year about a month later after you have trained & Jack has returned from the Vaasan Gate. Duke Gareth Dragonsbane thanks him and encourages him to make these lands his ward.
Kenny - Syrus:Ace! Roughly which date will that be?
Chris T.:Did Jack make 4th?
Norrin (Geoff):I won't be available Jan 2. My turn to work again. :(
Chris T.:Thanks for a grand game as always, Simon. And thanks again everyone for making things a lot of fun. Stay safe and have a great holiday!
Simon N. (GM):Jack is just off 4th
Simon N. (GM):Malied you can go straight to 3rd
Erasmus:Keep in touch through the Forum! :)
Kenny - Syrus:Indeed! See y'all again soon in the New Year - stay safe and well Everyone! :)
Simon N. (GM):Prob Jan 9th restart, no earlier anyway
Erasmus:Simon, Can you remind on the training cost, please?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Simon for my martial archtype can i go to eldritch knight?
Simon N. (GM):Training is 20gp
@Muiz yes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Sweet
Qiviel:Thank you everyone! Happy Holidays :)
Erasmus:Does it go up at 5th?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):what is training cost for?
Simon N. (GM):Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained - Training Time (with mentor) - Training Cost
2-4 - 10 (5) days - 20gp
5-10 - 20 (10) days - 40gp
11-16 - 30 (15) days - 60gp
17-20 - 40 (20) days - 80gp
Malied Edicast (James)::)
Qiviel:Q has taken the 20gp off for training.
Erasmus:Ah yeah. Cool, thanks.
Simon N. (GM):Thanks all - happy Xmas, peaceful New Year!
Bye now!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn 20 gold off my list
Simon N. (GM):40gp for Malied
Erasmus:Have a great break all. Thanks for a really enjoyable adventure, Simon. Looking forward to the next in the new year.
Malied Edicast (James):coolio, thanks smn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thanks for the game Simon
Erasmus:James - you'll be getting way more than 40gp from the loot, I'm sure!
Malied Edicast (James)::)
Qiviel:By 3rd level, the divine magic flowing through you makes you immune to disease.
Erasmus:Paladins are cool.
Qiviel:Once they get to higher levels - I have 3 spells now instead of 2 but mostly just building up AC so I can be a meat shield :)
Erasmus:Have you guys been playing long?
Qiviel:A few years - I started with Simon, built my Druid, Quillax, up from level 1 to 20+8 epic boons.
Erasmus:Sweet. I imagine druids are hard to get going with.
Qiviel:Actually, they are easy to get going with, hard to keep up at the higher levels. Mostly meat shield since they can shape change a lot
Malied Edicast (James):lv 3-20 with my original barb with Simon, died with his firey exploding sword slaughting off storm giant, then i started playing his pissed off wife
Malied Edicast (James):my barb was a force to be reckoned with
Qiviel:Indeed, only sheer bad luck and a nasty RuneLord with a grudge and disintegrate stopped him in the end
Malied Edicast (James):ah, the blade Goravk how i miss you...
Erasmus:My first game was a one-shot for my birthday in August (b'day is March, but COVID!). Since then, I joined Simon for this, I play a Wildemount campaign on Roll20 and Discord, plus I'm DMing for my son and some of his mates.
I love D&D!!
Malied Edicast (James):Im played for a year before joing Simons game, we ran a bunch of stuff including Curse of Strad
we we're a bit over leveled of it, so the stuff that was meant to require sacrifice we generally just powered our way through
Qiviel:Gentlemen, I shall leave you to chat. It's midnight here and I have work in the morning :)
Have a good rest of your weekend and happy holidays!
Erasmus:Oh snap! No worries. G'Night and merry Christmas!
Qiviel:Merry Christmas :)
Malied Edicast (James):right night all, merry Chrisman and a happy new year!