Simon N. (GM):Hi all :)
Erasmus:Couple of questions before we get started, if I may?
Chris T.:looks like you chaps found some Hill Giants?
Erasmus:1) Would anyone in our party know to harvest anything from the giants?
Erasmus can roll Herbalism skill :)
Erasmus:2) Erasmus heard a noise - can you clarify whether that was inside the collapsed entrance, or around the other side of the hill?
Malied:I've got nature trained if thats any use
Kenny - Syrus:I have proficency with Herbalism! :)
Chris T.:and is Fraerner with them?
Simon N. (GM):Fraener turns up :)
Qiviel:Q has alchemy prof - she would know about harvesting some ingredients.
Simon N. (GM):OK Qiviel can roll
Erasmus:I was thinking whether being trained in herbalism might give a character knowledge that perhaps the player wouldn't.
Muiz:damn roll20 is a bit laggy
Simon N. (GM):>>Erasmus heard a noise - can you clarify whether that was inside the collapsed entrance, or around the other side of the hill?<< I don't know what this refers to
Seriously. A 1.
Simon N. (GM):Q has no idea
Qiviel:These online dice do not like me.
Kenny - Syrus:I think Tim meant as Syrus is proficient with Herbalism, would he know that collecting Giant nails can help making potion of Giabt Strength...? @Simon
Simon N. (GM):Roll Herbalism Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:What is that roll: d20 +?
my priciency bonus is +3, so is that d20_3?
Simon N. (GM):There's no herbalism kit prof on your sheet BTW, can you not add it?
Kenny - Syrus:I roll from DDB - all info is on DDB...
Simon N. (GM):Yeah I looked at your DDB sheet just now. Anyway that looks like a fail.
(INT +0)
Kenny - Syrus:Nevermind, let's start the game if everyone's ready! :)
So - my question 2 was referring to this from last time out:
Simon N. (GM):You hear something from round the corner, just past the covered entrance
Sounds like something big just moved
yeah there
Erasmus:Can you remind where "there" is, please?
Simon N. (GM):The trolls round the back of the collapsed rear mine entry
yeah there, past the cookfire
Erasmus:Ok, cool. Thanks.
Chris T.:"hello everyone."
Ilyria:"Hello, Forge-Father"
"We're just finishing off some trolls..."
Ilyria:smiles "Please do! Syrus' magic defeated the hill giants."
Chris T.:"He is a clever fellow."
Ilyria:"With help from Malied"
grin Erasmus:"Shh... They're just beyond the cookfire, around the rise of the hill."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The trolls seem to be lurking out of sight round the hill, past the collapsed mine entry.
Erasmus:Erasmus creeps back to where he was, checking around the corner again. Simon N. (GM):roll strealth E
Simon N. (GM):v silent... roll per
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Erasmus Bos:Perception(+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):You don't hear them
Erasmus:He wants to try and get an eye on the trolls without being seen. Seeing the coast is clear just here, he will signal the others to move up before creeping a little further on. Qiviel:(How close do you want them? - Q isn't so quiet...)
Erasmus:(How much cover does the collapsed entrance provide in terms of rubble etc? is it a fairly gradual slope, or are there bouldery type bits?
Simon N. (GM):It's packed boulders, steep
Erasmus:So if I move here, for example, I could be behind a boulder?
Erasmus edges closer...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm follows Qiviel quietly behind Simon N. (GM):The steep slope above the entrance is bare grass, no cover
Malied:Malied moves upto the other quitly
Erasmus:Same in cover from a boulder?
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus glimpses a troll peering round the corner... E roll strealth
Simon N. (GM):It doesn't spot him, but it's aware of the noisy folks behind him
Erasmus:Is it moving, at all? or just waiting?
Chris T.:"Well....If they know we're here?"
Simon N. (GM):It's waiting
E hears Fraener talking, so does the troll
It perks up
Qiviel:Q creeps up to try to get line of sight on E to see if he's ok.
Erasmus:Erasmus readies his staff Chris T.:F casts Shield of Faith
Simon N. (GM):Q can't see E from there
Simon N. (GM):OK as F strides forward the trolls rush out, stop moving & roll init
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Qiviel:(man, these dice...)
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Erasmus:Erasmus was hoping to try and trip the second troll as it went past. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dont forget to click on your token before rolling initiative
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative(+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):I'll say 3 in 6 chance of an opp att for E per troll
OK you can attack the 2nd one E
Erasmus:Is a trip a special type of attack? I'm hoping to knock it prone to slow it down
Simon N. (GM):Opposed Athletics check, it has advtg as much bigger
Erasmus:But I'm hidden...?
(does that help?)
Simon N. (GM):Doesn't give advtg on athletics/grapple rolls no
But you only get to roll at all because you're hidden
Erasmus:In that case, I'll give it a go.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Size matters i guess
Erasmus:(It's not how big it is, it's how you use it! ;P
Simon N. (GM):E trips the troll w his staff
OK #18 Jyrdani
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Seeing the troll rush up to Fraener and Qiviel, and having no idea where Erasmus is, Jyrdani will run up and attack twice... Ironwolf ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Ironwolf ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):slashes for 19
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):charge at the troll and attack twice
Malied:"well this will be amusing"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
end turn
Simon N. (GM):slash for 22
Kenny - Syrus:FIREEEE!!!!
Simon N. (GM):hit, it burns & screams
Malied:bah, good hit crap damage again >:(
end turn
Erasmus:Doesn't matter about the damage - what's important is that you're stopping it regenerate.
Simon N. (GM):#14 Trolls - the burning troll does not regen yup
It attacks Strohm who hurt it most
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn it even with shield i cant block that
yeah i take the full damge
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus' troll 3 in 6 stands up
Stands up, E already used Reaction tripping it. It attacks him
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh crasp
Erasmus:But that was as they ran past before the combat started?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):phew
Erasmus:(That was the intention, at least)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Dice gods watch over Eramus this session
Erasmus:(Don't say that, Muiz!)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus shouts at the nearest troll…
“What is the difference between a Nerd and a Troll?”
”Trolls were once Nerds too before they went over to the Dork side!!!”
(Vicious Mockery)
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Kenny - Syrus:WHooop! Disad on it's next attack! :)
Simon N. (GM):Troll feels bad.
Malied:o god...Malied takes 90 damage from that
Kenny - Syrus:lol re Malied! ;)
Erasmus:As the troll stands, Erasmus is left looking up its nose as it towers over him. "Er, I might need some help, guys!!"
Two strikes with the staff...
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 6
Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):another hit for 6 (AC 15)
Or be knocked prone
(Open Hand technique)
Troll goes down again
Chris T.:He runs to help Erasmus (disadvantage on AoO from Mockery?AC23 His magical hammer bursting into flames (searing smite) as a bonus action,he smashes the thing in the knee caps.
with adv v prone?
lucky had disad!
Erasmus:no opp attack if you go there...
attack with adv and searing smite
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+1d6+5 # d6 is fire
Chris T.:DC12 Con save each round following or remain on fire
end turn
Erasmus:Oooo! That's dope!
Simon N. (GM):cool :) or hot >:)
Ilyria:moves up, BA hunter's mark on troll, shoots
Longbow (+7)
90 feet
Hunter's Mark
17 dmg, not bad for lvl 2 :)
Qiviel:Q shifts around the Troll to attack from the side and to be able to go help Erasmus if he or Fraener get into trouble
Then she attacks twice
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Qiviel:She uses the rest of her move to to to the other troll
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):troll is dead?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani runs up to the prone troll and plunges her blade into it's prone form. Simon N. (GM):Its wounds are closing
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ironwolf ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Ironwolf ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):J hacks at the troll
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):so my troll is currently regenerating?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):malied is next turn so i can leave it to him, so Strohm moves up to help finnish the prone one
attack twice
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Simon N. (GM):hack it for 24
Simon N. (GM):disad from there
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh no
still Nice
Malied:is it still alive?
Simon N. (GM):No, it ignites
Malied:sweet, move up 30 feet
end turn
Simon N. (GM):BTW your firebolt crit should be 4d10 not 3d10 Malied
Chris T.:DC12 con or 1d6 fire damage. It is alite
alight even :)
Simon N. (GM):troll fire save
3 fire and still burning
Simon N. (GM):The angry troll tries to grab Fraener and pull him down - F roll Athletics or Acrobatics
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
"Bah! Hands off, Troll!"
Simon N. (GM):It claws at Erasmus (w disad)
Simon N. (GM):& finally bites at Erasmus' ankle (disad)
Erasmus:"Oh no you don't!"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus moves up next to Malied, and gets out a scroll…
…and casts Dissonant Whisper at the Troll!
Components: V
Dissonant Whispers
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Malied:thank god, i thought it was another jpoke!
Kenny - Syrus:(fingers crossed)
Simon N. (GM):any effect?
Chris T.:(happy to have it prone and on fire in front of us)
Erasmus:half damage and doesn't run, I believe.
Simon N. (GM):I'll take off 3 hp
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon, yes, half damage on a save
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i really dont like this we taking a lot of damage and were not even in the cave yet XD
Kenny - Syrus:So 3 damage?
Erasmus:Erasmus, reeling from the slaw, smack the troll with his staff. Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):The burning troll stops moving
Erasmus:Erasmus gives it a kick. Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Chris T.:Wellplayed guys!
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike ()
Erasmus Bos
7 +Bludgeoning Damage
4 +Bludgeoning Critical Damage
Simon N. (GM):Past the trolls' corner the ledge ends
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus gets out another scroll to cast Cure Wounds on Erasmus
Malied:well, once you get the fire going they are a piece of cake
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
(rolling low, soz)
Chris T.:any sign of a nest?
Erasmus:"Thank you, Syrus,."
Simon N. (GM):Looks like they were camped round the fire
Malied:I have a potion of healing if anyone needs it?
Chris T.:any sacks around or are they carrying anything?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus then gets out another Cure Wounds scroll and casts on Strohm (1 left after this one)
Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Qiviel:Is it worth me blowing one of my level 2s for a prayer of healing?
It restores health to multiple ppl
Erasmus:E is 21/38 wth 5 Hit dice.
Qiviel:saves the healing potions and whatnot
Kenny - Syrus:@Qiviel - YES - it takes 10 mins, right?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well that was a surprised facinng off multiple giants and trolls this early of the day, do we continue to venture into the cave?"
Erasmus:only two of us are injured, i think.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Investigating the scene, it looks as if the large round stones blocking the mine entry were placed here deliberately, likely by the giants.
Qiviel:Yes, takes 10 minutes. Alternatively, I'e got a pair of cure wounds left
Malied:"I think we should Muiz, if we come back tomorrow there'll be something else guarding that we'd have to clear
Kenny - Syrus:@STROHM did you add 8 HP?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm drinks a potion of healing
not yet Syrus
Chris T.:F (stone cunning) investigates with Guidance to see if the boulders can be safely moved?
Erasmus:Are there any gaps in the rocks we could see through?
Kenny - Syrus:Cool, pls add 8hp back to your health too :)
Simon N. (GM):If you have darkvision you can try to look through a crack (roll Per)
Qiviel:OK, Q will cast cure wounds on E
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool i heal with 16 then
5 hp to E
Simon N. (GM):@Fraener The rocks look v heavy, Athletics DC 20 to move
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1d4+4
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):from 24 back to 40
Erasmus:"Thank you, Lady Qiviel. I feel much better now."
Qiviel:How about Fraener? He need a cure wounds?
Chris T.:"I could guide myself if one of you helps?"
F is on fullthanks Keelia
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I can help."
Chris T.:"Thanks Jyrdani."
Qiviel:OK, who needs the last cure wounds?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Ayonetaking a look inside before we open this up?"
Qiviel:I still have healing hands but saving those for actual fights when I need more control
Chris T.:Fraener plants himself firmly and with Maradin's guidance and J's help, his muscles cord and he heaves...
Simon N. (GM):What a dwarf!
The boulders roll aside (Fraener have inspiration)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Indeed
Simon N. (GM):Beyond is the foul smelly troll nest
Chris T.:(Thanks up to 3 again )
Qiviel:"Did anyone search these trolls?" Q asks
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i dont believe so..."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"We're waiting for them to stop smouldering."
Chris T.:F willpoke around in the stinking nest.
Simon N. (GM):Within the dank chamber beyond are
several piles of rank animal skins and the creatures’ individual
treasures in small piles. At the rear of the cavern is
what was once a mineshaft, now completely filled with
rubble from some mining accident that resulted in a major cavein. There are four treasure sacks
Four rotting sacks contain 100 gp each, as well
Simon N. (GM):as some rotten pieces of humanoid flesh, a pouch full of teeth,
and a 5-gallon jug of whiskey. A gleaming runscribed mace lies in a
corner, used to prop up a cook pot.
So 400gp, 5 gallons of whisky, anyone taking the mace?
Chris T.:Ritual identify on the mace
Erasmus:What are the teeth? Are they human?
Simon N. (GM):Fraener takes the mace & 10 minutes to cast ID
Variety of teeth - human, orc, dwarf and a lot of animal teeth
The mace is a +2 mace
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn 0-0
Chris T.:anyone use it? If not F would be very grateful.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i you want it keep it it would be a secondary weapon for me
Chris T.:So long as everyone is okay with that?
Kenny - Syrus:No objections from me!
Malied:its not like i can use it :P
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I
could use it, but I like the feel of my blade. It looks good on you."
Chris T.:Fraener grins at his generous friends. "Thank you!"
Qiviel:Q pokes at the smoldering corpses to see if there is anything else.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"its not Maul so i wont need it better with you Fraener since you can pair it with your shield you can make full use of it"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"alright as we clear these trolls and its treasures we ready to continue?"
Erasmus:"Do you have any coin left over from before, Fraener?!
Chris T.:"Plenty my friend."
"And lead on Strohm!"
Erasmus:(I mean from the previous lootings that didn't get shared out, unless you are pocketing it?
Chris T.:(I have quite a stack of my own loot.)
Erasmus:(I'm cool either way, by the way!)
Chris T.:He hasn't taken a penny from this lot.)
Qiviel:"Do we wish to circle around and make sure nothing else may follow us in? Or just double back and hope the corpses warn off other enemies?)
Malied:lets circle arou8nd quickly
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:inspects collapsed hole "Don't think we're getting in this way. Back to main entry?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i am good circling around"
"yes Jyrdani we go back to their main entrance"
Chris T.:"Looks like just a ledge?"
Simon N. (GM):Like I said, the ledge ends ahead, sheer cliffs
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"it seems so"
"nevermind lets go the other way" embarresed of his lack of awareness
Qiviel:Q nods and follows
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
all is quiet currently. A light cold rain starts falling
Malied:Malied smiles smugly as he walks past the fireball giants
Simon N. (GM):GM: Suggest you arrange into a marching order for going in mine, then I can move you in?
Q and F front rank?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"seems the giants remains are the same and no creatures has come out from the cave safe to say we didnt alarm any creatures inside"
Simon N. (GM):Prob 2 abreast is best
Malied:sounds good, anyone want to take the rear so your squishy wizards does get merc'd?
Qiviel:Q's happy to be wherever. Put her up front if no one else wants to be there or in the back as rear guard.
Erasmus:Erasmus and Jyrdani will be unable to see, so won't be at the front.
Malied:60 feet darkvisin here
Qiviel:Q uses channel divinity, sacred weapon for light.
Simon N. (GM):You may want a light source yup!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):two heavy tanks at the front i dont mind being in the middle
Kenny - Syrus:@ERamus: Syrus gives over his Lantern of Revealing, to keep ;)
Simon N. (GM):Q's sword blazes out - for 1 minute yes?
Qiviel:Yes, but she'll continually recast as needed
Malied:i'll stand next to Muiz
Simon N. (GM):Where are E & J tokens?
Kenny - Syrus:Where is my token? lol
Erasmus:"Thanks, Syrus. This'll be really useful"
(Sorry - think I may have deleted them in error.
Chris T.:(Paladin channel divinity is at will not once per short rest?)
Kenny - Syrus:Winks @ Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):pretty sure it's SR Chris
Kenny - Syrus:"Come on Old man, get next to yo Baby Mama!"
Chris T.:I thoght sotoo...
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus lights the lantern of revealing?
OK moving you over to mines map to right
Erasmus:I guess so. Can't see without it, but just a shame to announce our arrival.
Simon N. (GM):The mine entrance is dark, with a damp smell exuding
from its depths. The walls of the mine are rough-cut, following
along where the ore veins once lined the walls. The
mineshaft descends gradually at a level of about 2 feet for
every 10 feet of distance traveled; a dwarf or someone with
(mining) tools skill notices this descent immediately.
Simon N. (GM):The handcart tracks run for about 30 feet into the mine
before finally ending.
Erasmus:"Keep an eye out for tripwires and the like."
Qiviel:(Hm, channel divinity doesn't say it needs a recharge on my sheet, just that it takes an action and lasts 1 minute - I think I'll have to find the full details online and see if it will let me update the sheet, if it needs a SR recharge.)
Chris T.:PP12 here... advantage for been flose to the ground? :D
(it only stuck in my mind as I used it a lot in Runelords,Keelia)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
2 Alcoves some 20' into the mine
Anyone got P-PER 16+?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nope here
and darkvision
thats AC >.>
14 pp
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):12pp
Simon N. (GM):Strange rubbery critters are hidden up in the ceiling and lash out with their extending arms... chokers!
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):OK roll init, you start surprised & unaware
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative(+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Qiviel:(I had to read a bunch of different pages to find one that finally told me 1x per SR or LR until higher levels. This seems like important information that shouldn't take so much googling :-/)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"what the hell are these things"
Erasmus:Aww, look at that. E and J going together. :)
Malied:"things that need to die"
Simon N. (GM):OK one tries to grab Fraener (advtg, 2 atts)
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Erasmus:(Ilyria's not on init again)
17 & 20 vs Fraener, he fends it off
1 grabs for Jyrdani
6 & 16, miss
Simon N. (GM):1 grabs Qiviel
13 & 19, fended off
1 grabs for Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):23 & 18, 2 hits, he is whisked up into the air, grappled & restrained
Erasmus Bos is: Grappled, Restrained
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh crap
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d4+2d6+6
& 21 dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh no this is bad
ooc they high up?
Simon N. (GM):Yes 10' up OK Ilyria recovers from surprise, step s forward, hunters mark on the grabber & shoots it
AC 18 inc cover from Erasmus
Longbow (+7)
Malied:GM can Malied hit them with firebolt without hurting his friends?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc this will be diffucult
Saving you Es
Simon N. (GM):they don't have cover except the one holding Erasmus - but you miss
end turn
Erasmus:Erasmus will attempt to break the grapple Athlestics?
Simon N. (GM):I believe Athletics or Acrobatics for slipping free
Erasmus:Sweet. I'll take acro.
Erasmus Bos:Acrobatics(+7)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
It holds you
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Simon N. (GM):You can use your 2nd attack to try again
Erasmus:Ok, I'll try again.
Erasmus Bos:Acrobatics(+7)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Erasmus:Well, I guess that's it.
Simon N. (GM):AFAIK those count as attacks so you could use BA unarmed strike
w disad
Erasmus:Oh, ok. I'll try punching it in the face.
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike ()
Erasmus Bos
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Shit! Come back down here!"
Jyrdani will try to pull Erasmus free, if she can?
Simon N. (GM):I'd say she can reach his ankles yes :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Athletics(+7)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Jyrdani pulls Erasmus free and catches him in her strong arms :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:She tries to put him out of reach. Could she reach with her sword?
Simon N. (GM):ok she can run out w him?
will take opp att
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Or move is good.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):It grabs Jyrdani!
7 dmg
on the bright side, now she is in range to sword it :)
Qiviel:(Buddy system! Hold on to each other!)
Erasmus:Erasmus bundles to the ground, panting heavily. Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani stabs at it. Simon N. (GM):can make 1 sword att w disad, or try to break free
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ironwolf ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):she slashes it, green blood spurts
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus fires an arrow at the Choker that got Jyrdani!!
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Simon N. (GM):AC 18 - HIT!
Kenny - Syrus:BA Healing Word on Erasmus
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Simon N. (GM):It drops, dropping Jyrdani
she takes 3 dmg
Kenny - Syrus:"Stop panting Old Man, Get up - Baby Mama needs you!"
Simon N. (GM):(she could stand up but would take another opp att)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fire a fire bolt at the creature next ot Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):AC 16 - hit
It screeches
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thats it for now end turn
Simon N. (GM):#Qiviel - they're out of sword range, clinging to the ceiling above
Qiviel:Is Q carrying her lance or is that with Rocco?
She'll have a spear at least. She can use that as a longer range stabby-tool
Simon N. (GM):ok I'll let you attack w spear
Spear (1-handed melee) (+6)
Spear (1-handed melee) (+6)
22 hits
It drops - they seem pretty fragile
Qiviel:She moves over to Jyrdani and plants herself above her.
Simon N. (GM):The survivors use their Aberrant Quickness power to take an extra multiattack action - so 4 atts each...
1 on Fraener
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
1 hit, he's grabbed & hoisted
restrained & 11 dmg
Simon N. (GM):1 on Ilyria
3 hits...
at 0 after 2 attacks, then 2 failed death saves
Simon N. (GM):It strangles her limp form
Chris T.:Fraener can't see the young lass die. With his bonus action he sends Moradin's healing word to revive her. Then attempts to break the grapple.
rolling 1d4+2 # healing word on Ilyria
Simon N. (GM):Ilyria gasps and awakes
Chris T.:he asks for Moradin to give him inspiration on his escape roll
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+4
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Fraener breaks free and falls to earth (no dmg)
Ilyria also tries to break free
It holds her tight
Malied:going for the one that has IIyria
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice one shot
Simon N. (GM):It drops dead; she falls d6 dmg
1 hp left :)
end turn
Malied:"someone needs to get her out of there"
Erasmus:Ok. Seeing these things falling pretty easily, Erasmus will throw two darts at the choker on the ceiling. Erasmus Bos:20ft./60ft.
Dart ()
Erasmus Bos
Dart ()
Erasmus Bos
Ilyria:famous last words :)
Erasmus:The pain in his ribs is a little off putting. Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani will stand, then move to Ilyria to protect her. Simon N. (GM):OK she can ready to slash if it reaches for her or Ilyria
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:She'll ready her sword icase it lunges at her. Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will move through his pals, and shoot an arrow at remaining Choker
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fire firebolt at the last choker
Simon N. (GM):just singed it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn crap damage
end turn
Qiviel:Q will cross over and use her spear
Spear (1-handed melee) (+6)
Spear (1-handed melee) (+6)
Simon N. (GM):Q stabs & badly wounds it
It hisses and reaches for Fraener again
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
F on 1 hp!
Erasmus:Does that put it in range for Jyrdani?
F on 14
Simon N. (GM):it said you had 15, did you not add some earlier?
maybe after troll fight?
He didn'tloose any to the Troll
Simon N. (GM):wonder why your token was on 15 then
Chris T.:The token has F starting on 26
Erasmus:Maybe Roll20 wasn't updated after the last session?
Chris T.:nothis 39 @ 4th level
Simon N. (GM):if player adds hp to PC sheet it goes to token
Chris T.:(I've never updated his sheet since 1st level.)
Simon N. (GM):No the token says 1/39
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):more likely F didnt heal last session
Simon N. (GM):hm ok so you're not tracking his hp at all & I have to do it all manually, ok!
Chris T.:He wasn't here last session
Simon N. (GM):I mean not tracking on Roll20
Chris T.:I have never used the roll20 thing.
Simon N. (GM):(OK F on 15) Ilyria Disengages & legs it out
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Does the attack put it in range for Jyrdani?
Simon N. (GM):no, that's why it went for F
Malied:If this kills it, then everything goes into slowmo as the firebolt streecks towards it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice damage
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Chris T.:"Bloody things!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Nnnnniiiiicccceeee
Simon N. (GM):F lands heavily - 5 dmg
Malied:glad I'm not in the slash range ^^
Qiviel:OK, everyone that is injured please come towards Q so you are in range
He looks a bit dented :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:What's the marker on my token for, please?
Chris T.:F cosy's up to Q
Everyone gets 6 hp because they hate me
Simon N. (GM):No idea, I thought you did that Tim! :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"anybody want a potion of healing?"
Kenny - Syrus:This may be a good time for Prayer of Healing @Qiviel?
6 hp for everyone
I can do one more
Ilyria:"I don't feel so good... I think I better wait outside."
rubs red mark on neck Kenny - Syrus:Oh yea! If anyone want a short rest for hit Dice, Syrus can do a Song of Rest?
Qiviel:That's better. Everyone gets another 13
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Nope. it went on when I got grappled. I was worried it meant I took damage at the start of my turn or something. Very pleased that's not the case!!
Malied:hmm, quick medicine check on the red mark
Qiviel:Who's still desperate ?
Malied:I wanna make sure theres no lingering problems
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Qiviel!
Chris T.:28/39 Thanlks Keelia!
Anything about the mark that is cause for concern?
Chris T.:Fraerner will take a step back in the marching order but is otherwise okay
we have fighters I think?
Qiviel:Is anyone still desperate ?
for hp?
Ilyria:Lesion where the choker was strangling her, mix of blunt & piercing trauma from spiny growths on arm-tentacles
Kenny - Syrus:A love bite from a Choker!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I feel great now, Qiviel! Thanks you."
Ilyria:"Thanks Qiviel, I feel much better... but I still think I should guard the rear."
wan smile Malied:hmm, but no poissons? nothing that might affect J?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):back to full health
Ilyria:M does not detect poison
Erasmus:"I'm feeling much better too. My thanks indeed."
Malied:coolio, just checking
Chris T.:any previous victimsorsigns of nests?
Erasmus:(Sorry James - the marker was on Erasmus - I forgot to change my Speaking As)
Malied:cool, no worries :)
Ilyria:Well the chokers had small individual alcoves in the ceiling; one has the remains of a halfling in studded leather jammed into it
Chris T.:"Can any one reach?"
Qiviel:Q uses her spear to try to wriggle it out
Erasmus:J could give E a bunk up?
Malied:Malied stands by with a firebolt incase there another choiker hidding in there
Simon N. (GM):J gives E a bunk up, with their help Q wiggles the dead & mangled halfling out of the hole, the corpse crashes to the ground. Its money pouch splits and coins roll about.
Malied:Malied will do a quick identify on the armour
by quick i mean 10 min rit if we have time
Erasmus:Collects the coinage Chris T.:F gathers up the3 coins and gives them to E
Simon N. (GM):The armour does not radiate magic though it is quite nice
GM: You gather up 126gp
Malied:"hmm, nothing special, still in the bag it goes"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):gave a short laugh "well after this adventure we can safely say we got our moneys worth"
Erasmus:Erasmus casts his eye over the armour. "Nice enough, I guess. Not as good as a Bos one..."
Kenny - Syrus:"Shinies, Whoop!!!" Malied:"sounds good, onwards! and watch the ceilings ofc...."
Malied:Malied will stay at the rear
risky i know but hopefully he'll be safer there
Simon N. (GM):Q sees ahead a large patch of brown mold growing on the floor
Kenny - Syrus:"Come on 'Ras!!" Qiviel:She stops a good distance away
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:J goes near the front, with E behind
Qiviel:and eyes the mold warily.
rolled a 2
anyone else any good with nature?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"should we burn it away?"
Qiviel:"Is it alive or dangerous?" she murmurs warily
Malied:"hmm, I'm a little worried about the fums
Simon N. (GM):It's very cold near it
Qiviel:"Is it like the stuff from before where burning it releases poison into the air?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"It's mold. What's to worry about?"
Malied:"screw it, let burn it and find out
Chris T.:Does |Fknow about it, living underground as he does?
(I do)
Qiviel:"Hold," Q murmurs.
Qiviel:"No fire yet. Does anyone else recognize it?"
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2 # nature
"Don't get fire near it!"
Kenny - Syrus:Nature(+1)
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Qiviel:"Is it a trap?" Q demands
Simon N. (GM):Fraener knows it feeds on heat, sucking up all heat from the surrounds
Chris T.:"Killit with cold. Fire makes it grow!"
Move back...
Malied:yea, cold isn't really my thing...
Qiviel:"I assume it will suck out our body heat then."
Chris T.:"If we get close enough..."
Qiviel:"Is it like a clump? Can we push it? with weapons?"
Erasmus:Erasmus swaps places with Jyrdani to get a look. How much is there here?
Simon N. (GM):It's a matt of mold on the ground. it does not look cohesive
Qiviel:"Or can we throw those bodies on top and step over it?"
Erasmus:So it's about a 5x5 patch? None further in?
Simon N. (GM):The strands are about 2" high and golden brown
Yes looks like only the one patch
Chris T.:Fraerner too is not equiped to deal with it but knows that getting within close range will cause us harm and it to grow.
Malied:ok, is there are wood around that we could place over the top of it?
Erasmus:"How close is too close?
Simon N. (GM):BRB putting dinner in
Qiviel:"Perhaps from the damaged rails?"
Chris T.:"Syrus,you got any cold magic?"
Kenny - Syrus:"No I don't..."
Chris T.:"We must keepour distance and keep fire away at all cost."
Kenny - Syrus:Would fire not burn it away?
Qiviel:"Right. If we can't use the rail track behind, Let's go get a troll body and throw it on top and walk over it."
(It thrives on fire, gets bigger so fire it out.)
Kenny - Syrus:Or shall we chop up a Giant from outside and through the remains at it?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sigh "well this is a connundrum seeing it will cause harm if we get close to it and its weakness is cold should we go back to the outpost and find another way to deal with the mold?"
Malied:Its worth a shot Q
Chris T.:"You need tokeep more distance than that"
Qiviel:"More than a troll body? We could use one of the ogres..."
Chris T.:"It will freeze the marrow inn your bones from a distance and youir body heat will make it grow."
Simon N. (GM):I'm a bit tired (too much marking!) so plan to end early about 8.30 tonight
Chris T.:"Wwwithout cold magic to kill it we can go no further."
Qiviel:"Giants, rather. They're dead and cold, surely..."
Chris T.:(Simon with 20 can I share what I know rather than F?)
Qiviel:(Worse thing is I had a choice between searing strike and freezing strike when I upgraded and I went for fire...)
Chris T.:"Just getting within 5'of it is deadly!"
Malied:I took shocking grasp last level -.-
Erasmus:"Can we not just go over it? Jump it?"
Chris T.:Fraener looks at Erasmus then at his ownshort, armoured legs...
Malied:the ogre corpses are huge
How high is the roof here please?
Malied:you'd need to jump 15" to clear the mold and the effected area
Simon N. (GM):over 15', so 16'
Erasmus:What determines how far one can jump?
Chris T.:Ceiling height for one..
Qiviel:"So, let's build a 5' tall platform. We'll use the broken rail cart tracks and we can build a long platform and we can just push it over it and then crawl along the platform?
Simon N. (GM):Mine tunnel is only 8' high (the choker alcoves were higher)
Qiviel:That gives us 3' to crawl
Simon N. (GM):Long jump = your STR score
Chris T.:F is happyto try building a framework out of rails but that will take time..
Qiviel:Q wanders back to look at the rails.
Erasmus:Oh. Ok.Even Erasmus couldn't make it!
Malied:lets get to work building this framework then
Chris T.:The rails are laid on wooden sleepers?
Malied:seems to be our only option
Erasmus:"Ilyria, Is there anyone back in Malthlyn that could potentially deal with this?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Q looks at the rails. The mine cart that used them could likely roll safely over the mold ok, but building your own....
Ilyria:"We could fetch a cart from Malthlyn? Or maybe the Mathens have one."
Malied:hmm, can we tear up the existing trracks and move them up?
Chris T.:We could pile sleepersinto a make shift ramp, counterlever over more using lengths of railthen lay rail tracks between them?
ventures F
Ilyria:The rails themselves are hard wood on softer wooden sleepers
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will give help action to anyone - and also has Mage Hand to do any lightweight work...
Ilyria:GM: Anyone have carpenters tools prof?
Erasmus:And did we see a cart anywhere around outside the mine?
Qiviel:"That's what I was thinking. If we can lay the rails across, then we could crawl over them.
Chris T.:"And Moradin help us if we have to leave in a hurry..."
Chris T.:No carpenters tools here...soz
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is Qiviel's idea to build a cliimbing frame near the ceiling to clamber across?
Malied:how would it react to force damage?
Qiviel:Yes, that's Q's idea
Chris T.:(I think only colddamages it but can't swear to it.)
Simon N. (GM):Seems doable with carpenters' tools but will likely take a couple days' work as you have to work on the central bit while lying horizontal on the frame over the mold
Qiviel:(kind of like a ladder lain across the wooden sleepers piled up to over 5' tall which they can crawl over. Would have to build as they went probably)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc my idea was leave for now and take a week off and try switching some spells for cold damage
Qiviel:(the one other alternative is to try to roll boulders or something over it... or to try to sweep it with long branches tied to a spear for distance)
Chris T.:I like Muiz's idea better
Malied:I've got nothing for cold
Erasmus:If switching spells is a possibility, that would be a good idea. We don't know how much more of this stuff there is.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"We could bury it? Something that insulates... but a rest sounds good too."
Chris T.:Though as a forge cleric,I'm stumpped.
Qiviel:Q goes out to get some of the bushes from outside.
Malied:a localized cave in :P
Malied will follow Q and find a branch that Mage hand can hold and bring it inside
Qiviel:She then ties those to the end of her spear tightly like a broom.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can we switch spells during a week rest Simon?
Malied:he tries to do the same as Q and brush the mold to one side
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Wizards & Clerics can
Qiviel:After, she returns and goes to poke at the mold with the branches at the end of the spear, keeping herself well back to see what the mold does - if she can sweep it to the side
Simon N. (GM):Depends on the class
Malied:hmm, I can misty step over
see if there is anything useful on the other side?
if not I can come back
Kenny - Syrus:Usually after a long rest, Druids, Clerics and Wizards/Sorcerers/Warlocks can swaps spells right?
Malied:that will blow both my lv 2 spells
Chris T.:ifyou're comfortable?
Qiviel:That only helps if we have any ice spells to swap to...
Malied:screw it, i'll do it
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel just reaches the edge of the mold with her broom. The leaves on the branches freeze as she sweeps. She breaks up a few fronds of mold, sweeping them to the side.
Malied:misty step 30" to be beypond the mold
Erasmus:If we then go back to rest, it won't matter that you've used the spells. But if there's someting over there, then what?
Qiviel:She eyes the dead leaf matter with disappointment. "I need a shovel then," she mutters to herself. Anyone have a shovel in their bag?"
Simon N. (GM):Malied teleports over the mold
Malied:he'll proceed steathly to the corner ahead
Simon N. (GM):The tunnel turns right & M sees debris on the ground
Malied:then peer around it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"dontgo to far Malied we cant help ypu if you dive in too deep"
Simon N. (GM):roll stealth M
Erasmus:"Where'd Malied go?"
Simon N. (GM):The long corridor of the mineshaft ends in an elbow curve,
with a bricked-up wall that faces to the northeast. On the ground are several
pickaxes and other miners’ tools, as well as an arm bone and
pieces of backbone amongst the debris from a shattered mine
Chris T.:"Even if you brush it aside, any one passing within 5' of it will freeze..."
Qiviel:(is there a shovel or some other metal and a bucket?)
(in the miners' tools?)
Kenny - Syrus:Maybe Malied can lead an enemy to walk into the mold, killing 2 birds with one stone? We can then walk over the body...?
Chris T.:We have to keep5' of it,Kenny
Malied:i'll grab the miner tools and investigate
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"this is ridiculous we slain giants and trolls but are stumped due this brown mold"
Qiviel:(or a flattish piece of metal?)
Simon N. (GM):The bricked-up wall looks hastily constructed. The mine cart is in ruins but could conceivably be repaired with carpenters tools - certainly easier than building a climbing frame
Qiviel:"If we can find flat piece of metal and a metal like bucket, we could use mage hand to scoop it up and simply move it..."
Malied:how heavy does the cart look?
Simon N. (GM):M does find a bucket, 2 pick axes and a shovel
Qiviel:"It would take a while as we could only do a bit at a time..."
Simon N. (GM):It looks designed to be pushed by hand while laden with silver ore
Chris T.:"That's workable"
Malied:k, anychance that Malied can move it?
Chris T.:"So long as weare allwell out of the way..."
Qiviel:"We could also just move it a bit at a time on a shovel using mage hand as long as we're all out of the way of it. Again, a bit time consuming but it's something..."
Chris T.:F nods at this plan
Kenny - Syrus:My Mage hand can prob carry out the full bucket and toss it over edge of hill - therefore no one needs to touch the bucket of mold...?
Simon N. (GM):The cart would need to be put back together before being wheeled, but you could collect parts of it
Chris T.:Repeated trips shou;ld doit?
Qiviel:Yes, repeated trips should also do it if we can't find a bucket
Malied:k, would Malied even know what parts are needed?
Chris T.:Mage hand carries bucket close. Mage hand uses shovel to fill bucket. Mage hand removes it to a safe place. Rince and repeat?
Simon N. (GM):M found bucket :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"so be it lets clear this mold one bucket at a time"
Erasmus:Do we have two Mage Hands between us?
Chris T.:So long as the Mage Hander doesn't get it or us within 5'?
cantrip conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V S
Duration: 1 minute
Simon N. (GM):Classes: Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
The hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"See any buckets & shovels down there, wizard?!"
Qiviel:(yep! I guess in theory we don't even need a bucket - we could scoop handfuls of mage hand each time and simply carry it out...)
Malied:@gm is there even a way forward down this tunnel?
Kenny - Syrus:Everyone can move to the Choker caves while Mage Hand and I do the back-and-forth? Have a Short Rest!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:@Malied the tunnel has been bricked up. Looks quickly done, no mortar.
Malied grabs all of the tools, heads back and misty steps back to the other
Simon N. (GM):Malied returns with his treasures
Malied:He tell them what is on ther other side
Chris T.:F surveys the tunnel to make sure there is plenty of clearance :D
and marks out a central line for the buckets to follow
Simon N. (GM):Using the shovel, bucket and mage hand. Syrus starts scooping up mold into the bucket and dumping it outside
Erasmus:"While Syrus is clearing this path, who want's to check out the rest of the hill? Never know, there might be another way in up there."
Malied:"right, so did you guys come up with a plan while I was over there?"
Malied:I'll go out and take a look, or I can swap places with Syrus
Simon N. (GM):The mold scrapes up easilty into the bucket. You need to hover the bucket high overhead to move it safely past
Chris T.:F would like to try a short rest as hisn HP are low
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you can Short Rest - it takes about an hour to clear the mold anyway
encounter check
Qiviel:Q gets out of the way where she can stand watch
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Chris T.:F spends a healing dice
Simon N. (GM):You have a safe wander round the hill outside in the rain
Malied:Malied takes a rest too then and will regain a lv 2 and 1 spell slots
Kenny - Syrus:YAYS! Molds are gone!
@SIMON can I do a SOng of Rest still?
Erasmus:Anything of interest on the hill?
Simon N. (GM):At 1D 1D: The Ledges
This connecting series of rock ledges leads to the top of the hill. The
four cliffs leading to each ledge are very steep and look tricky to climb.
feel free to Song of Rest :)
Kenny - Syrus:YAYS! Syrus sings a Song of Rest as he sits down after the nold has gone...
Chris T.:extra d6 for s of r?
Kenny - Syrus:Those that are spending Hit Dice gets an extra 1d6!
Simon N. (GM):OK as I said I need to stop early tonight so do your SR paperwork & can resume here next week :)
Kenny - Syrus:All Cool! :)
Malied:coolio, thanks for the game all#
Simon N. (GM):After an hour the mold has been cleared!!!
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks SImon and Everyone! Have a lovely weekend :)
Chris T.:Thanks for the game, Simon, everyone!
Malied:night all have a nice week
Simon N. (GM):thanks all :)
Erasmus:Thanks all. Have a good weekend and see you all next week!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool thanks for the game Simon hope to see everyone again next weeek
Chris T.:Note to selffor next game. 39/39 HP 3x level 1 slots used.
G'night and have a great week ;)
Simon N. (GM):Monster XP 2 trolls 1800x2=3600, 4 chokers 200x4=800. TotaL 4400/8= 550. +100 exploration = 650 each
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