Battles 19/9, rest & train to 29/9.
Simon N. (GM):OK good luck everyone! Esp Syrus!
Muiz:were in the end game now
Chris T.:Good luck Kenny!
Malied:Here gpoes nothing
move up and burning hands
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Chris! o_O
Malied:Self (15-foot cone)
Burning Hands (+6)
Half damage
Dexterity Save
All Creatures within a 15 foot cone
Kenny - Syrus:(WOW, Nice Graphics, Simon!!)
Chris T.:Clean sweep! Yay!
Simon N. (GM):Three orcs scream and burn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Crom was a very good song
Malied:right, now to get the fuck out of dodge, misty step accross the river then movebehind a tree
end turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani, angry that the orcs keep hammering her friend, runs around to try to stabilise him. Malied:OOC I can hit the whole battlefied from afty over here ^^
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:MEDICINE (1)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):push him away from the orc first
Simon N. (GM):miss/Eagle Totem
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:She then stands over him and roars at the orc leader. Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani kneels down and works to stabilise Syrus. The orc boss gets opp att on her I rule while she's doing that
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:go for it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Like a mother bear protecting her young cub
Simon N. (GM):miss/eagle totem disad
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Can we say it's at advaantage?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i dont get it?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:bonus action, punch herself in the face?
Syrus is sleeping like a baby. Jyrdani feels calm & collected :p
Simon N. (GM):#Norrin - potion?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:A feeling of relief sweeps over Jyrdani and she calms. Geoff:Yes, he can't survive another shot from the orc leader
Simon N. (GM):OK you fend off orcs while quaffing potion, roll 8d4+8
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lets bring Norrin to buy potions next time
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Surrounded by Orcs Strohm shouted to the sky "THUUUNDAAAR" and cast Thunder wave
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Self (15-foot cube)
Simon N. (GM):which direction? You can get NW & W or NW & N
(cubes blast out from you)
ok :)
I'm used to 4e squares :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn two only half
End turn
Erasmus:Do they have the same CON as the Black Sun orcs?
Simon N. (GM):The orcs rock back from the blast, then return to the attack.
Malied:Aren't those regular orcs? the saves say black orcs
maybe I'm missing something
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):no they look like normal orcs
there are only two black orcs
Simon N. (GM):hum - yeah the normal orcs have a higher CON save :/ - should have been 5-14-14
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh damn
really hoping in killing one orc but thats a failure now i have 3 orcs attacking me
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Kiviel
Qiviel:Q, having taken stock of wtf is going on, downs her secret weapon :) the potion of hill giants strength and heads to help Norrin
Qiviel:with the goal to drag the group back to gather one by one until they stand together united again
Simon N. (GM):STR 21 (+5) for 1 hour
Sounds like a good plan
The orc makes two attacks with its maul or with its sling. Qiviel:(I've updated my character sheet to str 21 from 16 so my rolls hopefully update - will change back after)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):woooo
Simon N. (GM):AC 22, dents shield :)
On Jyrdani
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani laughs in his face as she parries the blows. Erasmus:Erasmus, watching his lover tend to his friend, smiles. He then charges the orc to the north. Erasmus Bos:13Bludgeoning Damage
5Bludgeoning Critical Damage
Darkwood Staff
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Oneshot
Erasmus:He then circles Fraener and unleashes a flurry of blows on the Black Sun orc. Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
The orc snarls and turns to face Erasmus
Erasmus:He can't take reactions until the end of my next turn
2 orcs attack Norrin
As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
Erasmus:*Erasmus moves away again.
AC 22, no dmg!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thank god Norrin is Tanky
Simon N. (GM):3 orcs attack Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):no wammies
1 hit
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):no shields anymore
Simon N. (GM):Orc charges Qiviel.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):really wish i killed one orc with that Thunderwave but it was for naught
Simon N. (GM):#Syrus sleeps peacefully at 0 hp (no turn)
Kenny - Syrus:Zzzzzz dreaming of a wedding....
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Fraener
Chris T.:Bonus action to use healing word on Syrus.
Kenny - Syrus:Wooooo THANK YOU!!!!!
Chris T.:action to Dodge. End turn.
Simon N. (GM):Syrus wakes up! Kenny you can reroll init if you like
Kenny - Syrus:No I stay low, Thanks! :)
Malied:right, another gamble
sleep at lv 2 centred over Norrin group
90 Foot, 20 Foot cone
plus 2d8
Simon N. (GM):that's your last level 2 slot?
Simon N. (GM):30 hp of sleep
Malied:i figure the orcs must be low
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):two orcs down pretty good
Simon N. (GM):Both regular orcs fall asleep, Norrin & orc boss are ok
Qiviel:(nice :) two sleeping is good!)
Malied:adv pon those 2 unless they are awoken
Simon N. (GM):(at level 1 would have got a 5 hp orc, failed to get 15 hp orc by 1 hp so worth boosting!)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani grabs Syrus and drags him as far away as she can get. 30' speed so can she go full with a dash?
Simon N. (GM):OK action to grab/pick up & STR 18 can carry him full speed I reckon 30'
Orc can't opp att apparently (Erasmus!) :p
Kenny - Syrus:(Thank You J!!!)
Geoff:"My turn," Norrin growls at the orc leader -- 2 attacks
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Norrin
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh nk\ice
Simon N. (GM):AC 14, 26 dmg!
Simon N. (GM):& I see the 'crit on 19' thing is working! :)
The orc is bleeding badly now
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Attack the weakest orc
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
Simon N. (GM):You cut him down
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cant chug a potion of healing so just end turn
Qiviel:Q will turn on her attacker
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+8)
2Dueling Style
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn the damage
Qiviel:I have a lovely potion and that :(
Simon N. (GM):Pallies are good at 5th once they get 2nd attack :)
Qiviel:(I'm waiting for it)
Simon N. (GM):The orc makes two attacks with its maul or with its sling. Orc w Norrin kicks his minions (1 dmg each if hit)
(In orc) "Wake up, sleepy-heads!"
Malied:well that was a bit a=of a waste :/
Simon N. (GM):The orcs are rudely awakened
Malied:turn order kinda screwed that up
Erasmus:He didn't attack Norrin, so not a waste.
Simon N. (GM):Orc attacks Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus dodges and parries the attacks. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice Eramus safe
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus has 16 hp BTW so could have gone badly...
Erasmus:...then spins the staff in a flourishing attack of his own Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):bounces off hide - oh ok :)
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:and follows up with a roundhouse kick. Erasmus:He then moves to covver Jyrdani and Syrus
end turn.
Erasmus Bos:While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
Erasmus:It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Simon N. (GM):>>Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the following Effects...<<
You didn't Flurry - not sure if you even have any Ki left
Erasmus:I used flurry of blows last turn, and it can't take reactions until the end of my next turn, which is this turn.
Erasmus:(I have 1 Ki left.)
(big thread on ENW on how Monks are so weak & underpowered LOL)
Erasmus:(I don't know what ENW is, but they're probably right!!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):orcs turn?
Simon N. (GM):yup just extending road
2 orcs on Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ohh
hit for 6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thank god low damage
I mean praise low rolls >.>
Simon N. (GM):2 orcs stand, giving Norrin an opp att - left or right?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Norrin
Simon N. (GM):miss (AC 13)
Orcs: "GARR!"
lefty hit for 13
Orc on Qiviel
Malied:not sure if it makes a difference but technically they dropped what they we're holding when they we're sleeped, so they'd have to pick up their weapons >.>
Simon N. (GM):Yes they object interacted w their weapons :)
Orc axes bounces off knight's plate
#Syrus, in the strong arms of Jyrdani
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus gets up (helped by Jyrdani)
“…my head HURTS!!! Ugh…”
Looks across and sees Strohm being attacked by 2x Orcs, draws his bow and fires are one of them (the South one)
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:BONUS: Healing Word on myself!
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Simon N. (GM):You just shoot into trees from there
Kenny - Syrus:Oh trees block way?
on 13 hp?
Kenny - Syrus:Well in that case I recon..?
Main action Cure Wounds on myself....?
Simon N. (GM):you can move up to 30' as J was carrying you
Kenny - Syrus:OK. I start again...
Simon N. (GM):shoot from there
Orc has cover
Kenny - Syrus:OK! Roll again
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 you stil hit
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
no I'm using your first rolls
Same Bonus action Healing Word (as first rolled)
Simon N. (GM):(orc on 1 hp now - you needed 15 to hit)
Kenny - Syrus:End turn, Thanks!
Simon N. (GM):you still have 20' move even!
Kenny - Syrus:(Happy to hide in trees)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im currently lagging so if you see me not answering be patient
Simon N. (GM):(the green tree fringes give cover, the black central trunks block sight & attacks)
Chris T.:Fraener taunts the big Orc in front of him whilst using his action to dodge. He will opp attack it with his hammer if it moves away. End turn.
Malied:you said that one of the two I sleept was weaker than ther other right? I'll firebolt that one
Simon N. (GM):clear shot!
Spins & drops, back smoking
(I assume she sheathed sword picking up Syrus)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani, feeling Syrus is relatively safe, draws Ironwolf and charges the black Sun Orc. 5'
Ironwolf (+7)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
+1 sword
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):he looks ropey now
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:She then drops back. Simon N. (GM):opp att now right?
miss (14)
Geoff:Norrin looks at the carnage around him and smiles evilly. One attack against the orc leader (let's see if this does the trick.)
Simon N. (GM):wounded, still up
Simon N. (GM):coughing blood
Simon N. (GM):turned by his hide armour
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack the weakest orc
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
Simon N. (GM):One left...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Qiviel:(lets try that again)
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+8)
2Dueling Style
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):should have smack talk the last orc but wouldnt want to push my luck
Nice Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):13 dmg, looks like that includes +2 for duellist
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):instakill
Simon N. (GM):5+5+2+1 it says
Qiviel:She'll move up then to the other side of the black sun orc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh so the orc is alive
Simon N. (GM):Roll 5, 5 STR, 5 duelist, 1 magic right?
opp att
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cause he have 2 hp
Simon N. (GM):no, your dmg thing is borked
Qiviel:(Oh, Muiz said it)
(Then she wouldn't move)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):it seems your macro has included +2
Simon N. (GM):bit late now!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):its supposed to killed it if the damage was 15 im sorry
im really sorry Keelia
that was my mistake to presume
Qiviel:(eh, it's not like it killed her :) )
Simon N. (GM):I guess I'd let you move back to orc when you realise he's still up, still -7 hp
Qiviel:(it's fine, it will come to her)
Simon N. (GM):I've edited Q's sheet to remove the Duelling Style as it's already factored into her damage
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool
Simon N. (GM):+8 currently
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Jyrdani opp att
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:5'
Ironwolf (+7)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
+1 sword
Simon N. (GM):12 dmg, it staggers but keeps going...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Damn the orc really want to kill Eramus
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Look out, Erasmus!"
Simon N. (GM):It's tempted to go for Syrus, but it REALLY hates the guy who stopped it opp atting for TWO rounds!
The orc makes two attacks with its maul or with its sling. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):hit for 9, E on 7 hp
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
Orc passes old school morale check...
Attacks Norrin
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):more dents but no dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Eramus
Simon N. (GM):#Erasmus vs bleeding staggering orc
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:The staff flourishes... Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):The mighty orc falls at last.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):1 boss down 1 more to go
Erasmus:...but the scorpion kick hits square between the eyes. Simon N. (GM):sad music for orc
Chris T.:(Phone callfor me, afk a couple of mins)
Erasmus:Erasmus moves and leans against a tree. Simon N. (GM):trr diff terrain :)
Erasmus:Ok, he leans agains a rock.
Simon N. (GM):Orc vs Strohm
Elf is bleeding badly (3 hp!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):barely standing
but theyre still fight left
Orc, Mountain:"Me put elf head on belt!"
2 Orcs on Norrin
AC 22 hard to get past!
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus rushes up to Strohm which getting out a scroll
Simon N. (GM):trees are diff terrain or block
Simon N. (GM):do it square by square
Kenny - Syrus:Where did I start?
hang on
Simon N. (GM):2nd diagonal is +1
Kenny - Syrus:Ok would you like to move me 30' to as close as STrohm?
Action - crossbow at Orc?
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Kenny - Syrus:Shouts to Strohm
"come to me, lemme heal ya!!" Kenny - Syrus:OK Healing Word on Strohm!
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
(Last 1st level slot)
Simon N. (GM):(I assume you did not draw scroll BTW as using xbow)
Strohm 8 hp
Kenny - Syrus:That was not scroll, that was spell slot :)
Chris T.:Fraener moves towards the surviving Black Sun Orc. Readies a hammer attack if it comes his way. Dodge.End turn.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"would have ask for a buxom songstress but many thanks friend Syrus"\
Simon N. (GM):Ready or Dodge?
Chris T.:Ready uses reaction?
If not, he will dodge. Done
Simon N. (GM):Ready & Dodge are Actions
Malied:Walking out of the trees, fire in his eyes and cloak billowing, Malied casts Firebolt at the Black Sun Orc
Simon N. (GM):clear shot - hit - he spins & drops!
Malied:blows the tip of his finger, ebnd turn
Simon N. (GM):The orc beside him looks round wildly, panicked
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani runs forward and throws a javelin at the nearest orc. Simon N. (GM):you drew sword last turn?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:30'/120'
Javelin (4) (+6)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):miss anyway
SW orc badly wounded
Simon N. (GM):still up :p
Geoff:Ok, one attack against dw
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack thyeorc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
"would have return the favor and put your head on my belt but the ladies wouldn't appreciate a rotting skull on me"
Strohm can have Inspiration :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):move to Syrus and end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Qiviel
Qiviel:5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+8)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
GM: I think that's it?!
Qiviel:She flicks the blood off her blade and looks around for anything else standing
Seeing nothing, she whistles for Rocco
Malied:Malied returns from accross the stream
Simon N. (GM):ok, out of combat!
Geoff:Norrin touches his fallen warhorse, saddened at the animals death. "I guess I'm walking now."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Sorry about your horse Syrus"
Malied:"Well, that was unpleasent"
Simon N. (GM):5 minute break
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):drink a potion of Healing
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus gets out of of his scrolls…
”I am sad I lost both horses now! But Good work with those Orcs, Strohm!” high fives Strohm as he casts Cure Wounds on him
Chris T.:"We should watch the trees for their pet ape."
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani looks around for Erasmus. As she doesn't see him, she heads back down the road. "Erasmus? Where are you?"
Qiviel:Who's desperate for healing? I'll lay some hands on
Malied:"I'm rather light, you can use my horse for now, I'll ride with Qiviel if she'll have me"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Potion of Healing (MercGuild)
Malied:"a heal wouldn't go a miss for me"
Qiviel:Q nods and waves Malied over.
Erasmus:"I'm here, my love. Just taking a weight off for a moment."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):now 18/36
Qiviel:"Rocco can carry two if we go slow"
Kenny - Syrus:@STROHM you have additional 5hp from my scroll too ;)
Malied:Malied pats the horse
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):GM: You catch your breath amongst the carnage... The orcs fought to the last... it seems none escaped.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus then rushes up to Erasmus, gets out another scroll
“Oh you don’t look so good yourself…”
…pinches Ras’s nose and casts Cure Wounds on him
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Qiviel:"Rocco is female."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):now 23/36
Qiviel:Take 12 Malied since you are squishy
Erasmus:"Ah, thanks Syrus. Was worried for a while back there."
Erasmus looks up at Jyrdani. "And thank you for getting him out of harm's way."
Qiviel:I've got 8 more for you Erasmus
Everyone else above 3/4?
Malied:Lets check them for any loot before we decide on what to do next, I am completely tapped out of magic"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus gives Jyrdani a kiss on her (blood soaked) hand
"Thank You M'Lady" Erasmus:"Thank you Qiviel. I'm feeling much better now."
Geoff:Norrin is 35/49, okay for now
Simon N. (GM):You get 425 XP each for that. :) The orcs have some coin and silver nuggets on them
Chris T.:Fraener has a 1st level and a 2nd levelslot left. But I thinki t wise he keeps a spare Healing Word for reviving fallen comrades on death throws?
Simon N. (GM):98 gp worth of silver & coin in all
Erasmus:Level 5, baby, YEAH!
Erasmus:Just need a break to get trained!
Chris T.:Congratulations!
Qiviel:(nice! congrats for lvl 5!)
Geoff:Way to go, Erasmus!
Qiviel:OK, last call out for anyone desperate otherwise, I'll save the spells for next battle
Erasmus:"Save your magics."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"a lot of silver these orcs have the mining business looks lucrative for these orcs, Fraener whenever you ready lets continue to meet up with your kin"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"That was a lot of Orcs."
Chris T.:"Aye, their pet demon may not prove so easy..." Says Freaner the cheerful
Malied:btw I'll need a short rest to recover some spell slots since i'm totally out at the mo :P
Geoff:"Hopefully there's an orcish clan somewhere that is severely weakened by what just happened here."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"They fight better than Pig Orcs, too..."
looks Erasmus & Syrus up and down "You two will have me dead from worry!"
Qiviel:(I assume we aren't going to run into trouble in the next in-game hour and I should set my str back to normal?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Simon can i inspect the black sun orcs?
Chris T.:"Come here pony!"
Erasmus:chuckles "I'll make it up to you when we get home."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Strohm inspects the Black Sun Orcs.
"You will!" winks
Chris T.:I wouldn't bet on it, Keelia! :D
Erasmus:12gp 2sp 5cp each from the coin.
Simon N. (GM):Apart from the silver nuggets, the orcs have black & silver war paint. Their crude hide armour decorated with a flaming Black Sun sigil
Simon N. (GM):Fraener can roll History DC 13
He knows his stuff
Simon N. (GM):They are associated with the Underdark, said to be able to see even in magical darkness but sensitive to bright sunlight.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"hmm are the tattoos magical that's why there strong or are they naturally strong
simon is it night time?
Simon N. (GM):They are highly religious fanatics, Black Sun Priestesses cut the hearts out of captives and anoint their champions.
No it's day time in the woods
It's unusual for Black Sun orcs to fight in daylight
Fraener can roll Religion
Chris T.:"We should push on before night time. Watch the trees for their demon ape."
Simon N. (GM):Can't remember any details of their cult
It's broad daylight currently
Erasmus:Would Erasmus have read anything in his time at the Monastery or at the abbey?
Geoff:"There must be some sinister reason why they would come out of their dark holes in the middle of the day like this...."
Simon N. (GM):You should be close to the Rockwood mine, do you want to press on to there, or short rest now?
ok Erasmus roll Religion
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lets press forward to Rockwood mine and rest there"
Qiviel:Can Q support the religion check?
If needed...
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus has heard of them - they revere Luthic, orc goddess of caves, pits & fertility.
Chris T.:Rest now or at the mines. I'm easy
Simon N. (GM):(was a pass)
Malied:I'd prefer a short rest here if you all don't mind, I need slots before we m,arch in
Malied:is everyone getting in on these religion/history checks? xD
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):alright short rest
Erasmus:"I have read that the Black Sun orcs revere Luthic, goddess of caves, pits and fertility."
sad bad roll
Simon N. (GM):More aggressive than most Luthic cultists, the cults emphasises torture & ritual sacrifice of captives to empower their champions and follow Gruumsh's command to bring all lands back to the domination of the Orc race.
Erasmus:"They're more aggressive than most Luthic cultists, the cults emphasises torture & ritual sacrifice of captives to empower their champions and follow Gruumsh's command to bring all lands back to the domination of the Orc race."
Simon N. (GM):Lairs are always subterranean as the sunlight burns the eyes of a devoted Black Sun cultist.
Chris T.:"Foul creatures."
Simon N. (GM):You stop a bit away from the fight for a short rest... encounter check...
of course
Malied:"right, after the short rest I should be more useful, 4/4 first lv slots and 1/3 second lv
Simon N. (GM):B4 you can complete a SR
Chris T.:There seems to be a creature in the trees to our right?
Erasmus:"They always have subterranean lairs as their eyes are burned by the sun. It would seem these captains were not as devoted as others."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"wouldnt want those orcs to rule the surface but sacrifices lets hope they didnt capture too many"
Simon N. (GM):move tokens over stream and remove any premature SR benefits :)
Erasmus:Would we be resting in the little clearing to the West?
Malied:easy enough, i can't cast anything other than can trips, easy to remember :P
Simon N. (GM):sure, good plan
rolling d6 for encounter severity, 6 = worse
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dice god why
Simon N. (GM):The deer browsing nearby suddenly scatter...
Qiviel:(OK, think of it as more xp - gets us closer to next level)
Simon N. (GM):rushing east
Erasmus:(Gotta survive to level up.)
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6
Malied:16 full siezed dragons....
Qiviel:(If it's that 16 dragons, we're hopping on the horses and fucking right off at a full out gallop :D )
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Malied i hope you recovered youre spells cause we have company"
Kenny - Syrus:Are we retreating??
Qiviel:"Stay together," Q says, readying her weapon
Malied:no, we didn't get our rest
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc that is preferable
Chris T.:"Aye, stay together."
Qiviel:"If they split us, we are vulnerable"
Chris T.:Oh here's their ape.
"Back to back!"
Malied:bet it has an aoe attack :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):wait Simon did we have short rest?
Geoff:I've got a bad feeling about this.
Simon N. (GM):You see Orcs moving towards you through the trees... then you spot the massive Ape-Thing, high in the branches.
Qiviel:(no, we did not get a short rest)
Simon N. (GM):You have NOT had a short rest Strohm!
Malied:have they spotted us?
Simon N. (GM):I did say TWICE :)
Geoff:Shh... maybe they won't see us.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dammnit 23/36
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus is checking how many scrolls he has left :-/
Chris T.:Syrus, you want to swapplace? My AC will be less vulnerable on the corner.
Erasmus:"If they surround us, we're all dead. We have got to go. Now"
Qiviel:Can Q sacred weapon before we engage?
Simon N. (GM):Yes they're aware of you & your horses are pretty obvioud
Geoff:"I think you're right, Erasmus."
Simon N. (GM):roll init pls
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:INITIATIVE (2)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):hm, you seem to have suddenly turned into a phalanx :D
all rolled?
Chris T.:Fraerner's fault. He called out back to back
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i beleive so
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Simon N. (GM):OK #Fraener
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Bugger. Speedy monk caught napping.
Qiviel:(this would have been a good time to be level 5 - the extra spells would have been nice)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the trees are diffucult terrain?
Malied:FIREBALL would be nice
Simon N. (GM):green is difficult, black trunk is impassable
Chris T.:unless you're an ape-demon :D
Malied:can I suggst that we just run?
Malied:on our horse and off the map to the south
Kenny - Syrus:I think retreating would be wise!
Malied:back the way we came
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc to the rockwood mines where the dwarves live?
Simon N. (GM):south is back to river, north is up to the dwarf hold
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dwarf hold sounds nice
Chris T.:My worry is if we brake formation they will overwhelm us.
Qiviel:(They get to go before most of us)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:+1 whatever is closest
Malied:whereever we go we need to go NOW
as in during the first round
Qiviel:(we're likely going to be engaged before we can retreat, so...are we running?)
Chris T.:Bonus action, Shield of Faith (last 1st level slot)
"Hold firm! If we break they willoverwhelm us!"
Erasmus:(Had I realised they were coming from the west, I wouldn't have suggested this clearing.
Kenny - Syrus:Everyone DASH!!!
Chris T.:Hold hammer attack. Done
Qiviel:(OK, so we're all on the same page - what are we doing? I've got dash and hold position)
Simon N. (GM):Ready hammer, ok
Malied:grab your horse if you can
Geoff:+1 for fleeing, but I don't have a horse.
(Rocco can support 2 humans at full speed BTW)
Chris T.:"Orcs move swiftly towards their foe!"
Kenny - Syrus:2 ppl can get on same horse - we share horses!
Qiviel:(Malied is light - he can get on Rocco with Q)
(we decided this earlier)
Malied:we run, we are currently outnumbers 18 to 8
Qiviel:(because she's an awesome horse :D )
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani looks around for some idea of what the plan is. "We should go, but I'm not leaving you here to die"
Qiviel:"Fall back to the horses. Double mount. Head north"
Simon N. (GM):She can toss E over her shoulder as an action :D
Qiviel:"Fetch the horse, Jyrdani, you can fight on horse back if needed
Chris T.:Well F on his pony, even if he could reach it before the wave breaks is unlikely to be fast enough to flee.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Can J make it to this horse with Erasmus?
Malied:can the pony double dash?
Qiviel:(How big is F - Jyrdani can double up?)
Chris T.:(at the same speed as the chasing Orcs)
Qiviel:(Pony will follow - also, you have never seen a pony sprint - those things move when they need to!)
Simon N. (GM):J could grab E, get to the nearest horse and put him on it, but not mount herself too
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:I guess she does that then.
Sorry folks!
Orc, Black Sun:"NHAAAGHH!"
As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
attacks Norrin, maul raised
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thank god youre tanky
Simon N. (GM):The ape demon bounds forward...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Simon N. (GM):Attacks Strohm
Qiviel:(are we sticking with the running plan?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yes run
Simon N. (GM):The barlgura makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its fists. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):goddamnit
bite Strohm for 9
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):drinking a potion is an action right?
Kenny - Syrus:CUTTING WORDS ON Strohm!!
Simon N. (GM):unless you had it in hand already
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im gonna risk it then
Qiviel:With Q having her str potion still active, can she pick someone(s) up and run with them full distance?
Kenny - Syrus:rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):object interaction to pick up
Simon N. (GM):20 still hits Strohm
Kenny - Syrus:Reducing damage roll, not hit roll?
2 back?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes pls, for Strohm
Kenny - Syrus:(now tapped out on Bardic Inspo)
Qiviel:Q is going to shoulder rush and get Malied over one shoulder and Fraener over the other in the same move and run for the horses - basically like a rugby scrum, they'll fold right over her shoulders hopefully :D
Simon N. (GM):You'd need to beat Fraener on Athletics roll
Chris T.:"I'll nbot leave Norrin and Strohm!"
Simon N. (GM):(counts as an attack)
Qiviel:"Hold on to me," she calls out
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+3
Qiviel:"You'll be better to bring them a horse!"
Simon N. (GM):OK Fraener is grappled & can be carried... or tossed :P
Qiviel:(No one tosses a ...)
Chris T.:"How dare you?!" Freaner is incandescent with rage
Malied:"trust me, you'll thank her later"
Qiviel:"Be angry later, bring them a horse to escape now!"
Kenny - Syrus:Am gonna dash and mount a horses!!!
Kenny - Syrus:Am on the lowest brown horse
Simon N. (GM):how much movement was that?
Kenny - Syrus:Dash - so 60'?
Simon N. (GM):OK so now on horse so can move another 30'
as horse move 60'
Simon N. (GM):you did action dash + move 30' including mounting, in 5e horse 60- your 30 gives you another 30
Kenny - Syrus:"COME ON!!!" Geoff:Dash toward the horses, and hop on one if he can. He'll either ride alone, or help someone lighter climb on behind him.
Qiviel:(Q whistles up Rocco as she runs :) )
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i suggest Malied
Simon N. (GM):Rocco Readies to Dash once Q mounts up
Qiviel:(Such a good horse
Simon N. (GM):2 opp atts on Norrin
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dice gods pls
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thank you
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:That is
very good. :)
Qiviel:Q is muttering prayers under her breath :D
Geoff:On a horse now? What else can he do?
Simon N. (GM):ok your horse can still go 45' Norrin
Geoff:Can he help Malied climb on?
Simon N. (GM):You used your dash to getto it then 15' to mount so it has 60-15=45' left
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i do object interaction shield dash and mount horse?
Qiviel:(He can drag Malied off Q's shoulder if he's got an action? )
(Or Fraener :D )
Simon N. (GM):@Norrin ok you can use 15' to pull Malied on
Qiviel:"Go!" Q shouts at them.
Simon N. (GM):gives you 30' left
Geoff:Use the other 30' to get out of town.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):go north
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i do object interaction shield dash and mount horse?
Simon N. (GM):"object interaction shield dash"?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):object interaction to equpeed a shield then dash
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):then mount the riding horse
Simon N. (GM):(a) shield is greyed out on your PC sheet (b) donning one is an action per RAW
So no
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay just dash and mount horse
Qiviel:(better off disengaging and running)
Erasmus:No need to disengage.
Malied:he needs to double dash
take the hit maybe?
Simon N. (GM):they already used reactions on Norrin
Chris T.:It's usedit's reaction OA on Norrin
Erasmus:Barlgura already used its reaction.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay disengage 3o feet and mount horse?
oh yeah
Simon N. (GM):Strohm
DASHES to the horse and mounts up - horse has 45' left
Malied:thetres an angry dwarf next to you :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dash like the wind ride the horse and head north
no action to carry unfortunately
Qiviel:(Q has the angry dwarf - it's ok )
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):and both Q and F are really tanky
Qiviel:(oh, no, the pony!)
(run, pony!)
Chris T.:"You pony murdering Orcgit!"
Simon N. (GM):orc attacks Jyrdani
javelin at Erasmus
Erasmus:Deflect missiles.
0dmg (1d10+8)
Qiviel:wasn't he the javelin?
Simon N. (GM):Javelin at E, has cover so +2 AC
PC screwed, must reload
Qiviel:(oh, does deflect missile count as a counter attack thing?)
Erasmus:yeah, it's a reaction. so only once.
Malied:if you reduce the damage low enough yoou can throw it back
Qiviel:(I mean do you have to roll to counter the difference in between your AC and the attack or the attack roll? Or just the damage?)
(I'll have to google it :) )
Erasmus:it just takes 1d10+lvlx2 off the damage.
Is the to hit the same for melee and ranged?
Simon N. (GM):+5 yes w javelin
as STR wpn
Erasmus:Ah, right. I thought range/thrown always used DEX. Good to know.
Malied:I can't move the horse myself can I?
Simon N. (GM):you're behind Norrin so no
Malied:K, hold firebolt for the first ugly mug I see
Simon N. (GM):he has control
Malied:unless its Fraener, i won't firebolt him >..
Erasmus:"Up you come!"
Erasmus pulls Jyrdani up behind him, then drives the horse away. Simon N. (GM):ok got 45' on first move then 60'
I'm being kind as Jyrd on mounting is trying to mount up
Simon N. (GM):You can exit the battle if you want? Or ready to exit?
Geoff:Would the pony naturally follow us?
Erasmus:Can I move so I'm out of range of the orcs?
Qiviel:(in real life, yes, the pony will follow the horses)
(in the game, that's up to Simon :) )
#Fraener in the arms of Qiviel
Chris T.:A fuming Fraener realises it's futile to struggle agin a giant strength Qiviel. He resigns himself to been treated like a sack of potatoes and hold his hammer attack for any enemies who may catch them. Done.
Qiviel:(technically over the shoulder, but :D )
Simon N. (GM):#Jyrdani on back of horse
Malied:He gets a lovely view of the hordes of orc and giant ape chasing them
Simon N. (GM):Black Sun Orc catches Strohm, attacks his horse
The orc makes two attacks with its maul or with its sling. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Qiviel:(if your horse falls, Syrus can pull you on on his)
Simon N. (GM):2nd blow fells horse, Strohm prone
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i do acrobatic check to stand on my feet?
Simon N. (GM):At the start of its turn, the barlgura can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.
The barlgura makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its fists. I'll let Strohm use Reaction DC 15 Acrobatics to land on feet
Simon N. (GM):Barlgura demon recklessly attacks Qiviel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im prone
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice none hit
Qiviel:She blocks with her shield desperately
Simon N. (GM):Yeah I'm allowing shield, maybe you fend hom off w Fraener :p
Simon N. (GM):Fraener you can use REadied att w advtg
Qiviel:Q gets to Rocco, chucks Fraener up, jumps up behind and whistles Rocco into a gallop
Qiviel:(once Fraener is done)
Chris T.:It attacked her from behind, the way F was pointing. Does he get his redied attack\/
Chris T.:advantage for reckless?
Simon N. (GM):I assume you were ready to the rear
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+4
11 magical blunt
Simon N. (GM):You give it a good whack
OK Q mounts up - opp att
Qiviel:"Syrus, will you get Strohm?"
Simon N. (GM):self & Fraener on horse uses 35'
Qiviel:"Like the wind, brave Rocco!"
Simon N. (GM):Roco can move 55'
Simon N. (GM):any idea why Rocco shows down 4 hp?
Qiviel:(No, I haven't touched her stats)
(I thought it was leftover from the part of the game I missed last week)
Simon N. (GM):OK I put it to full
#Syrus - Strohm is prone so getting him on horse would be a challenge
Kenny - Syrus:Can I move horse to Strohm, pick him up with me, then continue to full movement (Dash off the map?)?
What do I have to roll?
Simon N. (GM):Action, DC 10 Athletics, 5 or less you fall off horse
Kenny - Syrus:Athletics(+1)
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i give my inspiration?
Kenny - Syrus:Out of inspiration
I still have action right?
Simon N. (GM):Strohm Inspires you
that was your action
Erasmus:not Bardic, straight Inspiration
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Syrus i believe in you"
Kenny - Syrus:Oh OK! d6 inspo?
Qiviel:(Power of friendship!)
Kenny - Syrus:Oh yea DM inspo!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):reroll
Kenny - Syrus:I re-roll now
Syrus, Bard of Many Scrolls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"ride like the wind"
Simon N. (GM):Syrus pucks Strohm from the jaws of doom!
Kenny - Syrus:Can I dash off map?
Qiviel:(take the horse with you :) )
Simon N. (GM):60' is to there
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):plz say were out
damn it
Geoff:Full gallop after everyone, hopefully the pony will follow
Geoff:without leaving Malied behind
Simon N. (GM):you can go 120' Norrin
Malied:this is gonna be close...
Simon N. (GM):if you want to leave fight
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i push the horse forward
Simon N. (GM):you could leap on the pony though :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):is there a roll?
Simon N. (GM):no you can dismount get on pony & escape
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ahhh i stick with Syrus
Simon N. (GM):any action? ready anythin?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ready action firebolt
Qiviel:(Q is going to hold her shield - as in her actual shield not the dwarf - back over Rocco's hind quarters to protect from range attacks in her tail )
(Also, Please don't kill my horse)
OK orc attacks Qiviel
Qiviel:"Fraener, you may want to run for the pony if Rocco falls. Do not wait for me."
Qiviel:(Q has no problem taking the damage :) )
(if it saves her horse!)
Chris T.:"I'll notleave you to these monsters, Qiviel. I'm with you to the end."
Simon N. (GM):would have missed Rocco (AC 11) - you need to get that horse barding though!
Qiviel:(Armour is now on the to-do list :D)
(who had the readied fire?)
Malied:Stroham did I think
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):still havent fired
Qiviel:Q starts whispering prayers under her breath
Simon N. (GM):ok end of orcs turn - they mostly couldn't see you after 30' so had to Dash to get in range to BA charge you
gonna be a lot of axes & javelins next turn vs anyone hanging around :)
Erasmus:Erasmus looks back and yells "Everybody, RUN!!"
and spurs the horse on. Malied:go wide off the map man
can a horse disengage?
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel controls Rocco
Chris T.:Explodesin a fit of pique,DC12 Con saves for any orcs within 5' or 1d6 Radiant. Done
Simon N. (GM):ok 1 takes 5 dmg
Chris T.:He's not going quietly :D
Qiviel:Q braces her shield low to protect Rocco's flank
Simon N. (GM):I'll let Q defend Rocco again - so attacks vs Q
The orc makes two attacks with its maul or with its sling. Qiviel:Slam into her shield
Simon N. (GM):she fends him off w the knight's magic shield
Barl-lgura comes swinging through the trees, tries to gran Fraener off horse and rend him
Simon N. (GM):The barlgura makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its fists. Damage: 11 + 2 bludgeoning
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):28 total
Simon N. (GM):ouch, bad luck! Fraener is grabbed
Qiviel:(you still have 1 left!!!)
Simon N. (GM):28 dmg inc crit
Qiviel:Can Q hold on to him?
Giant's str ?
Because the second two were hits?
Simon N. (GM):No, you are busy w the orc
Simon N. (GM):rem you are down low defending vs the orc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):goddamnit
Chris T.:"Ride Qiviel! Save yourself!"
Qiviel:(what do we go guys?)
Simon N. (GM):#Qiviel your go now
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):were dead if we stay Strohm is leaving
Malied:"go, theres nothing else you can do"
Qiviel:She disengages to get out of the orc pack and looks desperately around to see where everyone is and her chances
Simon N. (GM):You can use opposed Athletics check to try to grab Fraener after sheathing sword
"Brace yourself, Rocco! And be prepared to fly like the wind. Gods have mercy on us."
Simon N. (GM):OK Rocco can still Disengage but you'll take a ton of opp atts on leaving then
Anyone have inspiration left?
Kenny - Syrus:NOOOOOooooOOO!!!
Simon N. (GM):anyone got Insp?
Chris T.:great time for a 1 :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sorry
Malied:Can I use one from a previous campaign >.>
Erasmus:Doesn't Strohm or Syrus have a spare?
Simon N. (GM):rem everyone who posted IC started last session w an extra one
oh well
Chris T.:I'mguessing unconcious F can't give his?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes! I still have another from taking part in the Forge!!! Qiviel you take mine!
Fingers crossed, prayers to the dice gods...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):RUN NOW
Qiviel:(thank you Kenny!)
Simon N. (GM):Q grabs him back
Qiviel:Q pulls Fraener and drags him onto her lap and defends Rocco's side with her shield as she kicks her into full speed - NE away from the group to circle around
Kenny - Syrus:No prob! :)
Simon N. (GM):OK you will now have 3 orc axes & a bar-lgura on you Q as Rocco speeds away
Qiviel:"Don't die, Dwarf," she encourages. "It's not your time to go to your ancestor's halls."
Simon N. (GM):oh and a maul too
Qiviel:Q will gladly take the blows
Qiviel:She curls her head down and lets her armour take the blows, slanting off
1 crit for 16
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):16 damn
Qiviel:She feels her armour give and the bruising blows land but she grits her teeth and carries on
holding onto the reins, her shield, and the dwarf
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel is wounded but hanging on for dear life as Rocco gallops away
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):disengage and run
Kenny - Syrus:We Disengage and Ride as fast as poss!!!
Qiviel:As soon as they are out of combat, she'll use a cure wounds on Fraener
Simon N. (GM):OK spurring your steeds on you gallop away down the track... out of combat
Qiviel:(I'm doing a celebratory dance that is doing nothing to help me fall asleep after this :D )
Simon N. (GM):FRaener roll 2 death saves pls
Simon N. (GM):don't get 1 1
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):OK you're ok
Chris T.:11/27 "Thanks Qiviel"
Malied:"that...was close..."
Simon N. (GM):5 minutes later you see the dwarf hold ahead where you could have had a nice safe short rest >:)
Qiviel:She leans over him, bleeding but smiling
Malied:"I'm sorry I suggested resting there ion stead of the Dwaof Hold :( "
Qiviel:"I'm going to need a bath and the dents pounded out of my armour," she murmurs. "And Rocco needs all the apples."
Chris T.:Shortrest sounds good
Simon N. (GM):A dwarf sentry at the gate cries out at your approach. "Who goes there?!"
Kenny - Syrus:We all having Short Rest (and spending Hit Dice?)
Qiviel:Q pats Rocco gratefully.
you need to get in first
Simon N. (GM):who wants to talk to the dwarves - Fraener?
Geoff:Yes, Fraener should speak for us.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"adventurers sent by Lady Mirna we here to deal with the demon ape but were ambushed"
Simon N. (GM):roll persuasion Strohm
Chris T.:"It is Fraener of the mountain! Orcs followon our heels with a demon!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sigh
Simon N. (GM):The dwarf eyes Strohm suspiciously.
Fraener roll Persuasion w advtg
Qiviel:Q moves Rocco up so they can see Fraener
Simon N. (GM):"Hail, forge priest! You all better come in."
The outer gates are open but the keep gate remains closed
Chris T.:"Thank you. Makefast the gate behind us.
Simon N. (GM):"Fetch Lord Rockwood!"
Geoff:Norrin beathes a sigh of relief, glad to be behind a pallisade.
Simon N. (GM):The dwarf closes the gates behind you.
Qiviel:(Are we likely to be done with combat ? I really should get to bed :D )
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im hoping we get a long rest and allow some charatcers to level up
Simon N. (GM):A couple minutes later a dozen dwarves emerge from the keep, led by their grizzled chief. He grins. "You lot don't look so good."
Chris T.:In Dwarf. "We were hunting your ape-demon , killed a good many Orcs, but more came. I am Fraener, Priest of Moradin. You must be lord Rockwood?£"
Qiviel:Q waits to offer her arm to help Fraener down off Rocco when he is ready to dismount
Chris T.:"Thank you, Lady Qiviel."
Simon N. (GM):"Aye, I'm Rockwood. This lady is Mistress Gundra, Priestess of the Brew. Finest brewer in Faerun!"
Chris T.:F bows low to the esteemed lady
Geoff:Norrin's ears perk up at the mention of beer...
Simon N. (GM):"Looks like the orcs were a bit much for ye, eh? Still, glad to have you with us."
Chris T.:and introduces his friends
Qiviel:Q dismounts slowly and sketches a bow when introduced.
Simon N. (GM):Gundra curtsies to Fraener
Chris T.:"There's about a score of the buggers dead behind us."
Qiviel:"A short rest and I will stand with your guards," Q offers.
Geoff:Norrin introduces himself. "Norrin, Son of Thorrin, Champion of D'Ashe, Slayer of the Ogre War-Chief Ulfe, Friend of the Yellow Rose."
Chris T.:"And I. This demon and his Orcs must fall."
Simon N. (GM):Rockwood: "They'll not attack here - not in daylight. Our bolts pierce demon flesh easy enough."
Chris T.:F grins. He likes Rockwood.
Simon N. (GM):"This place looks pretty small, eh? Well. come below..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sighs in relief Simon N. (GM):Rockwood leads you into the keep
& down stairs to the Halls below...
You get a Short Rest
Chris T.:"A fine hall you have here, Rockwood."
Simon N. (GM):As Flint gives you a tour of his Hall and the priestess hands out medicinal ale
Chris T.:two healing dice for F
Erasmus:Assume Syrus will sing for us?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will do a Song of Rest so everyone spending a Hit Dice gets an Extra 1d6!
Chris T.:and his last one
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 7bludgeoning + 14radiant The cleric drinks, or administers to an ally, one of the beer goddess' holy ales. For 1 minute, the drinker is immune to being frightened, gains 7 (2d6) temporary hp, and has advantage on ability checks based on Charisma. The creature can't benefit from Blessed Brew again until it finishes a short or long rest.
Geoff:Norrin will use one.
Chris T.:26/27HP 0 healing dice left
Kenny - Syrus:(Hopefully my
Song of REst will entertain Rockwood & Lady Gundra too!
Chris T.:Blessed |Brew?! Now there is a spell worth having!
Chris T.:rolling 1d6 # song of rest
Simon N. (GM):Not actually a spell!
Chris T.:27/27 0 healing dice left
Kenny - Syrus:rolling 2d8+4
Malied:it's weird not spending hit die, I either live, or I die, its very binary for me :P
Kenny - Syrus:rolling d6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):rolling 1d6
Qiviel:(do lay on hand regenerate with short rests?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):22/36
Chris T.:This place is like Dwarf Haven :)
Geoff:Norrin's at full HP now.
Simon N. (GM):(@K no) GM: I'll stop there for tonight & do meeting w the dwarves next week. Are you looking to get a long rest & level up for Erasmus ASAP?
Kenny - Syrus:I am hoping Syrus may just make it to next level as well?? hehe
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):prefer to equip with spell slots so yeah long rest
Erasmus:Erasmus (and Jyrdani) both say yes please!
Malied:any xp for operation mount up and run bravely away?
Qiviel:(I've got monty python in my head now...)
Malied:long rest would be nice
Erasmus:We need to get Qiviel a Holy Hand Grenade.
Qiviel:(thou shall count to three...)
Simon N. (GM):I'll work out some XP for your 'tactical withdrawal'
Geoff:Maybe Syrus can sing the Brave Sir Robin song.
Kenny - Syrus:Any opportunity for Syrus to sing he will! ;)
Malied:the last couple of battles would have been perfect for fireball...
Qiviel:(I've reset my str back to normal)
Erasmus:Would Malied choose to sit next to Erasmus? ;)
Chris T.:We were verylucky that Simon was in a kindly mood :)
Simon N. (GM):adjust sitting arrangements freely!
Qiviel:(are we taking a long rest then? If so, I'll quickly reset my spells)
Malied:sure....why would Esa prefer i didn't?
Chris T.:spend a week here?
Malied:I'm really sitting next to Qiviel :P
Simon N. (GM):suggest we could do meeting on the board & then I'll check to see if you can LR here b4 next game
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah getting our spell slots and level up
Erasmus:Not at all. He would prefer to sit next to his lover, but the incident in Khundrakar is water under the bridge.
Chris T.:Fraener is honoured to be seated next to Mistress Gundra
Qiviel:Ok, I'll leave my stuff as is until next game
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani comes to sit beside Erasmus
Chris T.:Sounds good, Simon.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus leans over and throws some glitter confetti over Erasmus and Jyrdani from behind... ;)
Qiviel:Q peels off her helmet, revealing bloody nose and bruises forming - "Did someone mention beer?"
Geoff:I won't be here next Saturday, but I'll be posting IC stuff on the board all week.
Simon N. (GM):Much beer is served... OK I'll log off now & work out some XP!
Erasmus:"Oh, by the Gods Syrus! You and your blasted glitter!"
Chris T.:You'll be missed Geoff
Simon N. (GM):bye for now!
Chris T.:Have a great week all!
Geoff:Thanks Chris. This damn having to work for a living gets old really fast.
Kenny - Syrus:"YES!! it's also in your beer" Qiviel:Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend/upcoming week :) And Thanks again, Simon!
Malied:thanks all, have a good week!
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Everyone for saving Syrus over the past 2 sessions! :))))
Chris T.:I gave it up a few years ago, Geoff. :D
Kenny - Syrus:Good night all!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):see everyone next week
Erasmus:That were stressful.
Kenny - Syrus:YES! BUT WE LIVED!!!
See y'all soon! :)
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