Simon N. (GM):From what Greeba can gather, Braltak's group didn't actually go very far into Underhall. In a chamber west of the entry chamber they found a Death Dog worrying a dead Crimson Monk, killed it after a tough fight and found some treasure in the lair. There were signs more death dogs lived there & they thought they heard something approaching, so left hurriedly.
we're just going to have dinner b4 game
Arian (Kimberly):We just ordered pizza :-)
I signed in early to a) check out my horse and b) hopefully avoid some of the connection issues!
Gorlock (Tony):So I've managed to craft a nice necklace. And am now poor...
I'll hold onto it until we com e across some wealthy folks
Next level I can get Revivify, I'll need a nice diamond then, maybe a trade...
Arian (Kimberly):Anyone rich been hanging out in the Cumin Inn lately?
Gorlock (Tony):OOC I miss my Drow Elf Antipaladin, sort of the opposite of Thib
Arian (Kimberly):You just like to be evil
Gorlock (Tony):its the true me :)
Gorlock (Tony):It has to come out somewhere, best here
what's the deal with Bob the dragonette
Greeba (Jelena):Bob is becoming Greeba's pet
Jelly:That necklace sounds shiny!! What sort of style is it (Wisteria might be interested).
Gorlock (Tony):Holy cow 70 messages...
Greeba (Jelena):Wisteria, I think it's expensive! Gorlock is trying to earn big money
Gorlock (Tony):100GP, lovely gold orbs
We need 300 GP diamond... trying to build up
Jelly:Yup, little out of Wisteria's price range atm! But will definitely trade for any gold or diamond she finds.
Simon N. (GM):hi all, just sat down
Dragonking1million :evening Matt
Gorlock (Tony):Bandits sound like a good start, warm up
Simon N. (GM):>>Anyone rich been hanging out in the Cumin Inn lately?<< Just Mirabelle Cumin
Jelly:That is very true! Big dilemma for me, having to choose between my characters lol
But Simon if you reckon Mirabelle has the cash then it would make sense that she gets first dibs!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I vote for Bandits, too. Especially as it doesn't seem to have an emergency with the monks in Underhold, is there?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oooh, what a pretty piece! Such workmanship!
Ted:all good Bill. Torgin feels much calmer having been underground for a good while
Gorlock (Tony):Hey, Mirabelle, I've got something shiney
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock roll Persuasion
Mirabelle (Jelly):With advantage surely? Half elves and elves are Mirabelle's weakness!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Gorlock, you need to build a narrative for this piece.... who did it belong to?
Arian (Kimberly):He crafted it himself!
With his long-fingered half-elven hands!
Ted:hey where's Linda and Variette?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle doesn't really mind, she just wants to rip it off him, along with other things....
Simon N. (GM):Ted look SE
Gorlock (Tony):I made it myself, crafted from the treasure stolen from horrible creatures
Mirabelle (Jelly):My my, how brave!
bats eyelids Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle thinks it's got to be worth at least 150gp...
Gorlock (Tony):I've been saving it for a worthy recipient
Mirabelle (Jelly):What price would you be asking for this lovely bauble?
Gorlock (Tony):Much more,
but for you I could do a deal at 150
Gorlock (Tony):Your like family and all
Mirabelle (Jelly):Such a bargain! I can at least buy you a carafe of wine to make up for the rest?
Gorlock (Tony):That would be wonderful. Deal
Arian (Kimberly):Mirabelle's got the hair for it
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle hands over a pouch of gold.
Gorlock (Tony):Thanks me lady
Torgin:whistles while he works cleaning flagons, moving barrel's Margrethe:"Hey Gorlock honey! Who's your friend?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Won't you help me put it on?
Gorlock (Tony):I think you owe me a barrel...
Margrethe:looks MIrabelle up and down Arian (Kimberly):Arian watches the transaction from across the bar, fascinated not only by the jewellery (she's never owned any) but the flirting (never having done that either)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle narrows her eyes at Margrethe, as if to say, 'paws off!'
Gorlock (Tony):there is enough to o around ladies
Margrethe:Roll Intimidate Mirabelle
Simon N. (GM):Roll Persuasion Gorlock :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yikes my character sheet for Mirabelle is empty atm Simon!
Margrethe:"sounds good to me..."
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can't remember her stats!
Arian (Kimberly):Arian takes notes
Margrethe:(yeah I saw that, just rem'd why)
Gorlock (Tony):hide the gold
Mirabelle (Jelly):I suppose if I got drunk enough........
Gorlock (Tony):alrighty then
bandits, i remember bandits
Arian (Kimberly):"Greeba, should we extract him from his...situation?"
Gorlock (Tony):To the rest of the party, I'll be back in a bit
Greeba (Jelena):Ahem shouldn't we be going off to adventure
Simon N. (GM):I just re-activated Mistle & Mirabelle on D&D Beyond so you can use those versions Jelly
Greeba (Jelena):"I can grab him, if Thib takes his other elbow
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can do that.
Gorlock (Tony):Greeba, you owe me...
Arian (Kimberly):Arian: "I'm not sure of the protocol in situations like this. Perhaps it's best left alone? He looks happy enough..."
"But the day is getting on."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Come on Gorlock, you'll likely to get more tired before even hitting the road.
Torgin:burst out laughing at Gorlock The sound is like a very old toilet flushing
Mirabelle (Jelly):I think Mirabelle has succumbed to the idea of sharing Gorlock as long as there's copious amounts of elven wine involved.
Torgin:Torgin's ready
grabs pack Gorlock (Tony):Sorry ladies, must do a rain check///
Greeba (Jelena):"They'll wait
Gorlock (Tony):+5 persuasion
Mirabelle (Jelly):Well if you're going down a dungeon, you'd better bring me another pretty necklace!
Mirabelle pouts will do my love
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Margrethe's gonna want one too, at that rate
Sirondar Altur Banacath:To Gorlock: "Come on old chap. A different kind of adventure awaits!"
Gorlock (Tony):here here!!
run away
Margrethe:"Catch you later, Gorlock honey."
waves Gorlock (Tony):bye sweetie!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Everybody OK with the idea of a Bandit Bashing adventure?
Gorlock (Tony):whisper - let's go before I change my mind
Simon N. (GM):GM: Are you heading south towards the rumours of bandits?
Greeba (Jelena):Just point me towards any bashing
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle downs the carafe of wine she was going to share Torgin:Hi V, Hi L i'm off adventuring again. hope it works out this time.
blows a kiss Simon N. (GM):The other adventurer party are heading out now.
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll gladly help to crack some skulls!
Arian (Kimberly):"Yes, this time, let's not any of us die."
Gorlock (Tony):no promises
Simon N. (GM):Braltak to Greeba: "I shall think of you as I cut a bloody swathe through our foes!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:So romantic!
Greeba (Jelena):"How romantic!
Timo:to Wisteria "And I'll think of you, babe."
winks Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I legit can't remember Timo?
Timo:You were very drunk :p
Wisteria of Skullspire:lol
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):He's the dad of your children!
Arian (Kimberly):Arian is getting an education.
Arian (Kimberly):She watches all of this, wide-eyed.
The wilds of the mountains have nothing on the wild life of the city.
Simon N. (GM):OOC I love it that Arian thinks Cumin Manor is a big city :D
Arian (Kimberly):OOC She would!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ah yes, of course, dear Timo, and I you?
Gorlock (Tony):you should have seen where I grew up...
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Arian was, like, literally raised by wolves ;-)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria makes a mental note not to drink any more of Arian's moonshine so hastily Greeba (Jelena):pets Bob on the head before leaving the Inn Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Come friends - let us find and smite these wicked brigands!"
Gorlock (Tony):alright, off we go, where are those bandits? How do we get hired?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Let's head South, my Friends!
Gorlock (Tony):south it is!
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Lady Aryn in Fulscarp offers 200 gold for their elimination; the Baron Solkar of Grimstead offers to match this with 200 gold of his own.
OOC I don't know who we actually heard it from.
Gorlock (Tony):nice, we can eat again
Greeba (Jelena):Are we following the other group of adventurers?
Simon N. (GM):Bob makes a kind of purring crackling sound like fresh logs on a tavern fire
they seem to be going the right way
Arian (Kimberly):Arian offers Barcat a bit of catnip on the way out, since he looks lonely.
Simon N. (GM):Barcat eats his due tribute
Torgin:Grimstead are past Skul Peak. Torgin, thats me wants to go to Skul Peal
mutters something about mords being fuddled
Simon N. (GM):You see the other adventurers peel off to head towards Darkwood.
Arian (Kimberly):OOC at least we're not head after the same thing
Gorlock (Tony):adventuring we will go, adventuring we will go, high ho the dairy ho adventuring we wil go...
Torgin:Im eager to make some cash this time
Arian (Kimberly):Do we need to check in with Lady Aryn on the way there?
Simon N. (GM):Taking the road south, you pass the Cumin Manor house a couple miles south of the Inn. Farms and fields give way to light woodland.
Arian (Kimberly):Arian will keep an eye out for any herbs or plants worth collecting
Simon N. (GM):You have been this way before skirting the Darkwood to reach the Midnight Tree.
in the bushes...
Arian (Kimberly):So if I see any of those berries that Starkfeather likes, I'll collect them :-)
Greeba (Jelena):No ravens, I hope!
Torgin:i can see sister Cecily's Ass
Gorlock (Tony):suspicous donwed tree ahead
Arian (Kimberly):Can I be all druid-y and do a survival check
about this suspiciously downed tree across the path?
Simon N. (GM):In response to Gorlock's call, an albino white ravenfolk emerges from the bush. It flutters its hands nervously. "Caaw..."
Gorlock (Tony):We see someone ahead... Hello good friend
Simon N. (GM):(Arian you collect 5 sp worth of berries & herbs)
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I've been training with Starkfeather, has she imparted any general kenku wisdom to me?
Simon N. (GM):Arian roll History
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOC sorry guys, can you cut off the music on Messenger, the sound is quite bad on the other end of the pipe. :-(
Simon N. (GM):pass - she mentioned Snowbeak, the albino kenku who acts as an emissary/agent for Chief Kreeak
Gorlock (Tony):Kreeak again
Simon N. (GM):music ended
Gorlock (Tony):that music was ok
Arian (Kimberly):Arian whispers this to the rest
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Music itsefl was good.
Gorlock (Tony):it was being repeated in messenger
Arian (Kimberly):I went on mute, it might've been me
Ravenfolk, Scout:"Gr-greetings! Caaw!"
Gorlock (Tony):it was Arian...
Greeba (Jelena):tightens her grip on the warhammer Torgin:Dwarf! Skirmish formation!
Torgins barrels for cover shield overhead Ravenfolk, Scout:"I am s-Snowbeak..."
Gorlock (Tony):Snowbeak...I am Gorlock
Arian (Kimberly):"We know who you are," Arian manages to say.
Gorlock (Tony):This are my companions
Arian (Kimberly):"You work for Kreeak."
Ravenfolk, Scout:He looks at Gorlock. "The Great Chief Kreeak wishes peace..."
Gorlock (Tony):never mind their manners
Peace, of course...
Greeba (Jelena):"Oh does he, now!"
Gorlock (Tony):why would we expect otherwise
Torgin:creeps through the forest CLANK Ravenfolk, Scout:looks nervously at Greeba Gorlock (Tony):We have heard nothing but good things
Ravenfolk, Scout:"Chief Kreeak proposes that human and Ravenfolk no longer battle, but live together in - in harmony..."
Arian (Kimberly):OOC to be fair to Kreeak, we keep going to him
"What of the kidnapping?"
Greeba (Jelena):OOC he started kidnapping people
Gorlock (Tony):What kind of bargain does he propose?
Torgin:scans the trees fro threats Ravenfolk, Scout:"Chief Kreeak says there will be no more human-nappings. And the traitor Starkfeather will be permitted to live among your kind with you at your fortress."
Arian (Kimberly):squirrel drops an acorn near Torgin's head Ravenfolk, Scout:Torgin sees nothing
Torgin:narrows eyes at squirrel Gorlock (Tony):How do we know he means it
Wisteria of Skullspire:And in return for what, I wonder...?
Peace never comes without a price. Name it.
Arian (Kimberly):"What of his plans that Starkfeather spoke of? Has he given them up?"
Gorlock (Tony):OOC watch out for the squirrel...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):A squirrel ? Retreat Retreat!
Gorlock (Tony):mad squirrel
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Squirrel!
Arian chitters to the squirrel, reassuring it.
Ravenfolk, Scout:"Chief Kreeak asks nothing in return for peace. Of course if you refuse, he will have no choice but to burn down your castle."
Gorlock (Tony):I wish I had a castle...
Torgin:crumbles some a dwarven cookie for the squirrel Arian (Kimberly):Arian snorts to herself. Castle? What castle?
Simon N. (GM):The squirrel comes over and starts picking up & eating the crumbs.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Is he micxing us up for somebody else?
My good sir, you must have us confused
Torgin:They'll be talking for ages have some more
crumbles another cookie Gorlock (Tony):we have no castle
Arian (Kimberly):Arian whispers in dwarven to Greeba -- we can reassure him for now, but if he breaks HIS word...
Torgin:(deducting a days rations)
Simon N. (GM):The squirrel chitters happily.
Gorlock (Tony):damn squirrel
Greeba (Jelena):"I agree, we owe him a battle... but not yet
Simon N. (GM):Snowbeak: "Your fortress - your Inn - the great pile by the human road north of the woods."
Gorlock (Tony):I think we can strike a bargain
Wisteria of Skullspire:Well, I suppose we shall find out the true price later. For now, I agree.
Simon N. (GM):Squirrel scampers off.
Gorlock (Tony):we agree a truce....for now... but only if you keep your word
Torgin:D,dddd did he just threaten to burn down the inn!
Greeba (Jelena):shouts to Torgin "We agree!
Gorlock (Tony):bandits sorted...
Simon N. (GM):Snowbeak nods. "I shall tell Chief Kreeak you have agreed to his proposal. He warns you that further aggression will be met with extreme... violence... against any humans near his woods."
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I don't think they were the bandits
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I think we just keep annoying the kenku
Torgin:mutters that crow tree is gettin chopped down mark my words threaten to burn down ma pub the kookoo m... Simon N. (GM):Snowbeak glances back nervously at Torgin and sidles into the bushes
Greeba (Jelena):"He better keep his part of the bargain, too!
Gorlock (Tony):must be dealt with eventually
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, in one fell swoop.
Simon N. (GM):GM: You carry on?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes please
Simon N. (GM):You've been walking 3 hours, it's about 2pm
Torgin:Well Im for burning the crows outa that tree
Greeba (Jelena):"We all are for it, Torgin, just not yet
Arian (Kimberly):Indeed, I have no love for them at all. But before I ever return to that cursed place, I want to know I will survive it.
Torgin:burn down the pub will they well you just wait and see you mangy pigeon footed feather bat
Simon N. (GM):6 miles/2 hours later it's 4pm when you reach a crossroads.
Arian (Kimberly):No one bury anything
Simon N. (GM):1 trail leads west to Moravin Priory, another south to Skul Peak
Torgin:the hornhold is here abouts
A pub would be helpful
Simon N. (GM):Supposedly bandits are on the road east of Blackthorn manor
Torgin:bandits might use the crypt for lair eh?
Simon N. (GM):The very Skully Skul Peak rises to the south
Arian (Kimberly):Do we need to check in with Lady Aryn, do you think?
Simon N. (GM):@Torgin you know Hornhold Crypt is on the west face of Skul Peak
Torgin:which is east of the manor eh?
Shall we uses the Proiry as a base to scout the region?
you've friedns there eh?
Simon N. (GM):Priory is about 8 miles west
Arian (Kimberly):Should we not check in with someone around Fulscarp?
Or Grimstead? As they are the ones seeking respite?
Greeba (Jelena):it was near Fulscarp, I believe
Simon N. (GM):To reach Fulscarp, either the Skul Peak trail then west on the bandit road, or west to Moravin Priory then south.
Arian (Kimberly):OOC er, "west on the bandit road" sounds quite promising
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC agreed, let's do that.
Simon N. (GM):OK you head south into rugged woods on the north flank of Skul Peak.
Torgin:shoulders a javelin and marches Arian (Kimberly):BTW OOC I took "pass without a trace" as a level 2 spell
Torgin:beautiful country side
Arian (Kimberly):Should Tiff explore for us, perhaps, Gorlock?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC maybe we need that, Greeba has disad on stealth
Arian (Kimberly):OOC It lasts for an hour
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - up ahead I hear R_E_S_P_E_C_T over and over
Simon N. (GM):Going is a bit slower. It's about 5.30pm & 4 miles later when you see a stone fort rising from the woods not far east of the trail - maybe 1/4 mile.
Torgin:you should get some mithral Greebs, make yourself a fine suit of halfplate
Simon N. (GM):Fort Skulnar!
well i'll be a bearded gnome
Simon N. (GM):Even from here it has a grim and sinister aspect.
Gorlock (Tony):OOC-She needs spiked armour, berserker...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):T o Torgin: I would love to find some Mithryl
Arian (Kimberly):Arian slows to a stop.
Torgin:it has that elan no other armour can beat
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Can I do a survival check? Anything suspicious?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ahh, Mithril! The armour of the gods, indeed..........
Simon N. (GM):yup roll Arian
Arian (Kimberly):And can I tell the others about my new spell, asking them if they'd like me to cast it
Torgin:watches with admiration Simon N. (GM):There are a lot of recent tracks on the trail, they head off the main trail to & from the fort direction.
Simon N. (GM):The gait is.... not quite human, though man-sized.
Arian (Kimberly):But definitely not kenku?
Simon N. (GM):Can roll Nature
Simon N. (GM):not Kenku, too heavy
Simon N. (GM):Orcs, just as Torgin surmised!
Arian (Kimberly):OOC look at me being all druid-y
Pass without Trace
Abjuration 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V, S, M (Ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe and a sprig of spruce)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 hour
A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.
Would now be a good time for this?
It lasts for an hour
Torgin:sets jaw scowls careful folks
Simon N. (GM):Not the great Mountain Orcs; more likely around here is likely Pig Orcs - not so strong, but better armoured & disciplined.
Greeba (Jelena):"Orcs, ay? My dad is an Orc. Not a Pig Orc, I don't think!
Torgin:beware of ambushcade
casts eyes about warily
Gorlock (Tony):ah, perhaps the spell after all
Simon N. (GM):Greeba's nose is very un-Miss Piggy-ish :)
Torgin:which way are the tracks headed?
Simon N. (GM):Simon N. (GM):There are a lot of recent tracks on the trail, they head off the main trail to & from the fort direction.
Simon N. (GM):Looks like on the trail most head south, but the most recent tracks are back to the fort
Probably around 4am today
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe we should avoid the fort and keep to the trail, with Arian's spell
Arian (Kimberly):How far away (in time) is the fort?
Torgin:a patrol returning perhaps
Simon N. (GM):a few minutes to the fort, 10 max
Torgin:we should scout the fort with your druid magic concealin us
find a bolt hole if we can
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):To Gorlock: Can we send your very agile Fairy?
Arian (Kimberly):Arian nods. "Though I have the power to cast at that level only twice and the spell lasts for just an hour."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Of course he can, silly!"
Arian (Kimberly):So if you think the timing is now, I am ready.
Torgin:maybe wait until we have a clearer plan?
Torgin:is there somewhere we can hide of the trail while Tiff scouts?
Arian (Kimberly):Can I look for a place?
Arian (Kimberly):Survival?
Torgin:I'll help you Arian
Gorlock (Tony):Yes sprite.. Tiff...
Torgin:Torgin is army trained in survival
OOC - definite piggy
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: Yes you can hunker down off the trail and send Tiff to scout. "Do you want me to go in to buildings? I might get squiffed..."
Greeba (Jelena):Er, no - Greeba is in her youth, I'll let you know!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC cute either way!!
Gorlock (Tony):Tiiff if you can go safely
Arian (Kimberly):So Survival check not necessary?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And good at finding Truffle either way too! ;-)
Torgin:look out for gaurds and ways in and out wee faire
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Sure thing!"
Gorlock (Tony):dammit she's a spite!
a spite sprite
Greeba (Jelena):"Truffle? Only if it's got drumsticks or haunches"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Tiffany flies off towards the fort, turning invisible.
Torgin:mutters pretty little fairy
Gorlock (Tony):I love her stealth rolls
wish I was so stealthy..
Torgin:want a cookie Gorlock
munch munch Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:12 minutes later she reappears. "OK! I did it! You may not like it..."
Gorlock (Tony):I make up for it in good looks
What did you find
any baddies?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Good news - the gate house is ruined, there's an old tower by it with just a couple wolves..."
wolves, we can handle that
Torgin:aye dwarf rum and raisin field rations
Gorlock (Tony):Nice, Torgin, thanks
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Bad news, there's a big keep with lots of tracks to it, including - well I looked in a window and saw OGRE!!!"
Arian (Kimberly):An ogre? Or an orc?
Wisteria of Skullspire:No need to shout!
Gorlock (Tony):I knew bandits was too good to be true
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"OGRE! I also looked in other windows and saw orcs... one or two each room, but seemed like lots!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:What are these creatures like, Arian? You must have encountered one in the wilds, I'm sure?
Greeba (Jelena):suddenly looks greener in face Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"They seem to be sleepy right now - not getty-up time yet."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm sure we can take an Orgre as long as we take it by surprise! And we could as now we know where he is...
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I lived mostly in the mountains. Have I come across one before?
let let them go nighty night...
Arian (Kimberly):Well, if these are the bandits, wouldn't we want to attack while they sleep?
Gorlock (Tony):pro plan for Tiff
Torgin:Aye Arian good idea
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Oh, and there was a big half orc upstairs in a bed - quite dishy looking! But there was a girl lying at the foot of the bed with almost no clothes..."
Torgin:murder the buggers while they sleep
simles gleefully Arian (Kimberly):We could use the Pass without trace to get in position
And then boom
Gorlock (Tony):no need if they are sleepy
Torgin:claps hands effeminately Yes!
Arian (Kimberly):Were there none on guard, Tiffany?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Greeba. Are you ok with killing an half-orc?
Greeba (Jelena):"dishy, hey? "
suddenly perks up Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK I get my answer...
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"There weren't any sentries on the walls or roofs that I could see... just the wolves."
Gorlock (Tony):OOC- I love the girly half orc
Arian (Kimberly):OOC If I'm in wolf form, can I talk to the wolves?
Torgin:Arian can you ask the wolves to go away?
Arian (Kimberly):OOC Or maybe lead them away?
haha great minds
Torgin:or help? can you do that as well?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:you'd need a spell to talk, but you could communicate a bit
Arian (Kimberly):No, I mean, when I'm shapeshifted, can I talk to them in wolf?
Gorlock (Tony):or transform into a squirrel and run
Arian (Kimberly):That seems like a good way to get eaten
Gorlock (Tony):run like hell
Torgin:if your a girl wolf and they are boy wolves you could ...oh forget it
Arian (Kimberly):If they're regular wolves, they're probably smaller than me
Gorlock (Tony):intimidation...
Arian (Kimberly):Actually, I was wondering that.
Simon N. (GM):There is no Wolf language
Greeba (Jelena):OOC wild shape is a good thing in many, many ways :)
Simon N. (GM):You'd need a Speak w Animals spell
Arian (Kimberly):They are pack animals
Simon N. (GM):But you can point & wag your tail & sniff bottoms :)
Gorlock (Tony):have you ever seen a dog catch a squirrel? only in their dreams
I can only shift 2, hate to waste one on a squirrel
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC awww poor Marley! I'm sure he's tried!
Gorlock (Tony):fair enough
Arian (Kimberly):He's definitely tried
Ok, so should I try to lead them away?
Torgin:how many wolves are there fai..Tiffany and are they big ones of normal sized?
Gorlock (Tony):caught a squirrel or his dreams
Arian (Kimberly):Or should we make a trap and then I'll try and lead them away? I have trapping equipment
Torgin:moves hand up and down can we shoot the wolves?
Arian (Kimberly):Better to lead them out and then attack them, if they are attack-y
Torgin:okay ambushcade it is
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, how big?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Just little wolves!"
Gorlock (Tony):Arian's going to flirt with some wolves...
Torgin:looks around for something to hide behind Arian (Kimberly):So, Simon, as an outlander, I have trapping equipment. Can we set up a trap, then I'll shapeshift and try to lead the wolves out.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The only issue with the ambush is that we'll probably wake up the Ors and Ogre insiude?
Arian (Kimberly):I mean, I could try and get them on our side
Gorlock (Tony):just kill then, not worth the hassle
Arian (Kimberly):but I can't actually speak with them
Gorlock (Tony):they are little ones
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:A trap to trap wolves? A big ask!
Gorlock (Tony):let's get on with it
Arian (Kimberly):It just says "hunting trap"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:good for rabbits
Arian (Kimberly):Ok, I'll attempt to lead them out
Torgin:stick the 'honey trap' next to the tree over there
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Arian turns into a wolf and heads for the fort
Arian (Kimberly):Can I turn into a wolf in heat? Then they'll maybe definitely follow me? ;-)
Simon N. (GM):see your token?
Simon N. (GM):roll a 6 on d6 I'll allow it
Arian (Kimberly):rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):You're not on heat (unlike Greeba) :P
Arian (Kimberly):Ok, I'll just make sure my fur is really fluffy
Gorlock (Tony):rip out their throats
just sayin
Arian (Kimberly):You guys get ready. I'm gonna hopefully lead 'em out
Simon N. (GM):You see ahead the ruined gatehouse, high walls rising to either side
Arian (Kimberly):Do I smell anything?
with my wolf-y senses?
Simon N. (GM):You smell wolves, and orcs
Gorlock (Tony):hey you guys
Arian (Kimberly):Not a good smell
Simon N. (GM):Lots of tracks through the gatehouse
Arian (Kimberly):fog of war is not disappearing as I approach...
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC it's so tense!!!
Arian (Kimberly):I listen carefully, ears at full attention
Simon N. (GM):roll Perception
Gorlock (Tony):double crap
Arian (Kimberly):hahahahaha
I used my normal sheet and not the wolf one hang on
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Our rolls are inversely proportional to the tension of the situation!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I saw a D20 the other day with a F&*k on it where the 1 is!
Simon N. (GM):Two wolves pad into sight
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC it'll be fun to roll actual dice again :-)
Simon N. (GM):Their hackles raised
Gorlock (Tony):you were bteer off before
eat them
Simon N. (GM):You can see & smell em :)
Arian (Kimberly):I lower my head and stare at them
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Jelly, yes! I miss actual dice!
Gorlock (Tony):I want bthat die
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC so many shinies!
Arian (Kimberly):gutteral growl from back of throat I am a big fluffy wolf
eat them
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC what the hell! You're twice their size, how can you not intimidate lol
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Too cute!
Wolf:We have her outnumbered!
Gorlock (Tony):lots of protien
Arian (Kimberly):makes an insulting gesture in wolf Wisteria of Skullspire:DM surely Arian would have advantage?
Arian (Kimberly):I'm trying to lead them out! I don't wanna make a lot of noise here!
Gorlock (Tony):run away and get the chase on
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe if you run away they'll come after you
Arian (Kimberly):Yep, I half turn and shake my wolf hinny at them
Wolf:If you run 'in fear' that is a Deception check
Gorlock (Tony):then lots of missles
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I prepare a Javelin....
Wolf:They only follow as far as the gatehouse exit, where they stop and howl.
Gorlock (Tony):eldritch blast
Arian (Kimberly):I howl back
Wolf:You guys are off in the trees. You hear the howling
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Let's charge!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC hmmm, well plan B I guess?
Gorlock (Tony):just close enough to kill wolves
Simon N. (GM):You hear angry orc-yells from the fort.
Gorlock (Tony):nice, tripped alarm
Simon N. (GM):Does Arian speak Orc?
Gorlock (Tony):there's only one door....
Arian (Kimberly):OOC they haven't heard anything but howling yet. If they just see me, maybe they'll think it's just wildlife
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Well, that was tripped when the wolves owled
Arian (Kimberly):I'll hover at the edge of the trees
Greeba (Jelena):CAn I hear what they're shouting?
Simon N. (GM):(No G) Gorlock is heading through the trees to the fort, everyone else following?
The undergrowth at the edge is dense, blocking LOS until you're close
Gorlock (Tony):I wantt o stay on the edge of the trees covered
Arian (Kimberly):pacing back and forth, whipping tail Torgin:shoulda tried squirrel
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will keep to cover as well. Do we need to roll Stealth checks?
Simon N. (GM):The wolves keep howling. Angry curses from the Orcs. Greeba hears "Knock it off you mangy curs!"
Gorlock (Tony):should Tiff go annoy them>?
Torgin:shake your tail feather at the honey
laughs Arian (Kimberly):keeps pacing, going in and out of trees, wagging tail Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Let's wait to see if they take action or maybe they are used to these false alarms from the wolves?
Simon N. (GM):OK you reach the treeline
Arian (Kimberly):like I'm teasing them Greeba (Jelena):whispering loudly "They don't know we're here! Keep quiet"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I stay within the tree line like the rest of the party.
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock you see a wolf at the entrance
Arian (Kimberly):stars unblinkingly at whichever wolf is biggest Simon N. (GM):You see your tokens?
Arian (Kimberly):bares teeth Gorlock (Tony):shall we eldritch blast?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Gorlock (Tony):60ft out of 150
Arian (Kimberly):trying to keep wolves' attention more pacing low growl
Simon N. (GM):The wolves still howling
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe we could wait until the Orcs are back in their rooms.
Simon N. (GM):Definitely all attention on Arian
Gorlock (Tony):let them see Arian and go away
could shoot to kill...
distracted and all
any other srachers
Arian (Kimberly):I'm gonna keep moving
Torgin:whispers could creep along the wall?
Simon N. (GM):Orcs coming up
Gorlock (Tony):down the right hand side?
Arian (Kimberly):goes into the trees Greeba (Jelena):readying javelin
Gorlock (Tony):get cover Aria
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ambush mode everyone! :-)
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"There's a bit of wall looks crumbly over there"
points to red rectangle :)
Arian (Kimberly):pretty sure wolves can still see me Gorlock (Tony):Lets go there
Gorlock (Tony):crumbly bit
quickly, quietly
Greeba (Jelena):going towards the crumbly bit
Arian (Kimberly):Do I see any small animals near me?
Torgin:draw them into the woods
Arian (Kimberly):Like squirrels or rabbits?
Torgin:take them out in the woods
Gorlock (Tony):anyone else following?
Arian (Kimberly):If I see any, will try and flush a rabbit out of the treeline
so it runs into the open
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:no small animals
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'll follow Gorlock to the crumbly bits.
Simon N. (GM):Orcs ready X-bows
Get cover Arian
Arian (Kimberly):I'm in the trees
Simon N. (GM):roll init everyone
Torgin:how deep do the trees go south?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
I forgot to select
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Torgin:i selected but it didnt work?
Gorlock (Tony):consistent...
Arian (Kimberly):OOC I can howl and draw their attention my direction
Arian (Kimberly):I'm still in the trees
Gorlock (Tony):Torgin didn't register
oops he did
Simon N. (GM):I added a Torgin roll
Greeba (Jelena):I have no LOS of the gate any more, right? I run towards the crumbly bit
Simon N. (GM):ok the woods are difficult terrain
clear area is normal
Greeba (Jelena):are there windows on this side of the fort?
Simon N. (GM):yes, the brown rectangles mark upper floor windows
Gorlock (Tony):bloody wolves
Simon N. (GM):they are quite smal but not slits
Greeba (Jelena):OK, 60' total
Arian (Kimberly):How tall are those rock outcroppings?
tall enough for cover?
Torgin:is the black at the south all trees?
Simon N. (GM):rocks are a few feet, cover fr ground but not fr fort walls
yes T
Arian (Kimberly):I can draw them West
or try to
Simon N. (GM):(I have upper floor maps down there)
Greeba (Jelena):still in woods, cover (difficult is double, right?)
Greeba (Jelena):OK, end turn
(javelin readied)
Arian (Kimberly):Ok, I'm gonna try and either a) convince them it was only a wolf or b) get them to go after me to the West
I pop out of the woods, run a bit to the West and then go back in, all while howling
Gorlock (Tony):howwwwllll
Arian (Kimberly):ARRrrooooooooooo Oh, and pretending to limp
Torgin:(got to go to the loo aroo Torgin will creep through the trees after tothers on his go)
Arian (Kimberly):Making sure anyone at the gatehouse could see me, but moving pretty quickly
But going back into the cover of the trees after
Arian (Kimberly):Arrooooooooo Arian (Kimberly):sounds of cracking brush Wisteria of Skullspire:I will move up to where Greeba is and ready my Longbow.
Simon N. (GM):doubt you can ready a shot
but you can move up w bow
(15' move in wood)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh
Gorlock (Tony):He is away said to move up
to Greeba
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Double move towards greeba
That's me ddone.
Gorlock (Tony):Double time
stay in wood
Simon N. (GM):wolves Ready
Eamon (Bill):ill move up next to torgin
Torgin:whispers come on mother come on X
Simon N. (GM):that was Sirondar
Simon N. (GM):Orcs are now Readied
Gorlock (Tony):keep hwoling
to the west
Arian (Kimberly):Yep, that's my plan.
I'm being a noisy wolf in the woods
Gorlock (Tony):can Tiff scout the crumbly bits?
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - so English
snapping branches
Arian (Kimberly):Aroooooooo Simon N. (GM):OK roll Deception DC 17 Arian
Arian (Kimberly):I HAVE NO CHARISMA
Gorlock (Tony):not convinced
Arian (Kimberly):Well, hopefully I'm at least holding their attention
Greeba (Jelena):Running to the crumbly bit, going through (or over?)
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff any recon?
Simon N. (GM):It's stil intact, just water damaged
DC 15 Athletics action to climb
Greeba (Jelena):this is 20', so can I climb over?
Simon N. (GM):if you make the roll
rope donw for use losers
Simon N. (GM):Greeba climbs up onto the battlements
Greeba (Jelena):What do i see?
Arian (Kimberly):Arrooorrrrrrrrooooo woof woof Simon N. (GM):The keep is 35' to the top of its battlements
Greeba (Jelena):And can I drop a rope at this stage?
Simon N. (GM):You hear a deep dull roar from past the open doors
Greeba (Jelena):For the others
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I never know if Greeba is a barbarian or a proper rogue: she is the half-orc Conan!
Greeba (Jelena):OK, I do that
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - arrre yooou readdy tooo rummmble
Greeba (Jelena):Open doors? The gate?
Simon N. (GM):Greeba lowers a rope (but no time to tie it off yet)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC yikes, here we go!
Simon N. (GM):the open doors to keep
Arian (Kimberly):I limp out of the tree line, howling
Simon N. (GM):ok, readied shots...
Arian (Kimberly):and run back in
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
the orcs are terrible shots & all miss you!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Phew!
Arian (Kimberly):I keep making lots of noise
Torgin:(Orc stormtroopers)
Arian (Kimberly):Arrooooo Gorlock (Tony):ppphew pphew
Arian (Kimberly):yip yip yip Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok at this point can I ready my bow?
Gorlock (Tony):from there?
you can only see 1 orc though & that's Greeba :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Lol! Is there any way I can get any closer?
Simon N. (GM):She's just letting down a rope
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can I move up to Thib?
Wisteria of Skullspire:End turn thanks.
Gorlock (Tony):Goldilocks gets the girl
Torgin:move and dash (5 squares) end turn thx
Gorlock (Tony):go out of the trees and back in, more mvmnt
Torgin:keeping an eye on the windows Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I move to the rope laid by Greeba!
Simon N. (GM):the windows seem dark and empty
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I climb the rope?
If I double move?
Simon N. (GM):Athletiics DC 5
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Athletics(+3)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Simon N. (GM):You're stuck on the rope
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Trombone music
Arian (Kimberly):whomp whomp whomp Simon N. (GM):You drop off, falling 3'.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):It's like gym classes as a kid all over again! :-(
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Go on nerd, show the jock how to climb a rope!
Simon N. (GM):DC 5 - Gorlock climbs up to the battlements
Gorlock (Tony):looking back pitifuly at Thib
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Grumble....
I loosened the rope for your Sirondar
Simon N. (GM):ATHLETICS (5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Gorlock (Tony):OOC- seriously you needed a 2...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I know!!!
Gorlock (Tony):Pretty boys...
Eamon (Bill):i use a dash action to move up to beside torgin
grins at eamon
Max:I can only dash up to here
Simon N. (GM):An x-bow bolt is fired at Gorlock from an upper window of the keep.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Simon N. (GM):missing by a mile :)
Simon N. (GM):You hear Orc yelling from the Keep. @Greeba "THey on wall! To arms!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC eep!
Torgin:can you get into the south east tower?
Arian (Kimberly):I don't speak Orc, but I don't like the sound of this
Simon N. (GM):3 orcs shoot at Gorlock
Greeba (Jelena):"we've been discovered!"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d8
16 dmg!
Arian (Kimberly):you have your mage armour on?
yes mage armour always on
Torgin:yes but his underpants arent clean anymore
Gorlock (Tony):2 hits no?
Simon N. (GM):(2 hits, 1 was crit) 3 more orcs shoot at Gorlock
Torgin:take cover in the tower
Greeba (Jelena):Can I tie off the rope and shoot my javelin?
Gorlock (Tony):feel like a pin cushion
Simon N. (GM):roll DC 7 DEX (climbers tools) to do that Greeba
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Get in the tower asap or we'll be dead by bolts.
Simon N. (GM):no takes her an action to tie off rope
so no javelin
Greeba (Jelena):is a window accessible?
to get through
as my move
Simon N. (GM):Needs Acrobatics or Athletics Action to climb through so no -
it is about 4' above you just off the walkway so could do if had an action (DC 10)
Gorlock (Tony):forgot, always use meat shields
Greeba (Jelena):then can I give the rope to Sirdarin to deal with and I try to climb?
Simon N. (GM):You tried to tie it off, that used your action
Gorlock (Tony):fair enough
Simon N. (GM):you can still move if you want
Gorlock (Tony):meat shield, over here
Greeba (Jelena):Ok then, I move down
Simon N. (GM):OK you can lower yourself down or jump & take 1d6 dmg
Torgin:thats it forward keeping moving forward!
Greeba (Jelena):Are the wooden planks some kind of cover?
Simon N. (GM):yes the ruined buildings are 1 storey w collapsed roofs but walls block LOS
Arian (Kimberly):I stop howling and pretending to limp and run towards the wolves, seeing as how the pig orcs have turned away. Low and fast to the ground.
Arian (Kimberly):Kind of veering off to the left so orcs don't have a great LOS
Simon N. (GM):move token Kim
Arian (Kimberly):It won't let me move
it's like I'm stuck in the woods
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):ok the wolves attack you (readied)
Eamon (Bill):"hey Torgin if the enemy already know we're here why don't we leave the shrubbery and go at like double the speed we're going now" sorry matt i have no clue how to respond or send private messages
Arian (Kimberly):Private messages take a slash w for whisper
Simon N. (GM):The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Torgin:lets help the druid
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - everything is so hard...
Arian (Kimberly):bad doggies
21 & 10, 1 hit
7 dmg
DC 11 STR save
Simon N. (GM):Arian goes down - so roll your attack w disadvantage
Arian (Kimberly):If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):She stil rips a wolf apart!
had 11 hp
Arian (Kimberly):I'm like twice their size! I should!
Bad doggy!
Arian (Kimberly):I bare my teeth at the other one, bloody jaws
Gorlock (Tony):intimidate
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
I'll cast healing word on Gorlock.
Simon N. (GM):The surviving wolf whimpers
roll the heal die
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll use a second level spell slot
Arian (Kimberly):blood drips from fangs Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 2d4+2
Arian (Kimberly):you weren't intimidated before, but you better be now Simon N. (GM):W still has action & move
Gorlock (Tony):its all still black, can we see anything?
Wisteria of Skullspire:If I go up onto the platform will I be in LOS?
Behind Sirondar?
Simon N. (GM):LOS of who?
Wisteria of Skullspire:It's hard to tell because of the blacked-out bits.
The pig orcs
Simon N. (GM):The big tower is blacked out inside
they can't shoot through the tower
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can I get to Greeba on my turn?
Simon N. (GM):THey are at ground level
DC 5 Athletics to climb rope (after putting bow away)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ah ok so not on this turn?
Simon N. (GM):yes on this turn
you have not taken an action
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok sorry, bit slow tonight!
I'll do that then.
I meant down on the ground next to her?
Simon N. (GM):YOu can drop, will take d6 dmg & land prone
otherwise no
Gorlock (Tony):better than the alternative
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm. I think i'll risk it and take the d6 in that case. I thoguht I could get to next to Greeba on the ground this turn :-(
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Wisteria of Skullspire:Not too bad!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):easy peasy!
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria lands by Greeba
#13 Torgin
Gorlock (Tony):lemon squeezy
Torgin:bugger this hiding in the bushes, i'm fer the front door
huff puff shapely but short legs pump hard but he doesn't make much ground Simon N. (GM):prone means missiles have disad to hit :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nice!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I climb up the wall wit hte rope.
Arian (Kimberly):Arian's sharp ears hear the pitty-patt footsteps of the dwarf her feral grin grows larger
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Athletics(+3)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Torgin:CLANK CLUNK bastard trees
missing the fight
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I shift three sqaures north to be able to land behind the barracks.
Simon N. (GM):Thibault scales the battlements
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I jump
Thib takes 6 dmg & prone
Eamon (Bill):Thibault acrobat extraordinaire
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar lowers himself down and drops the last few feet by Thibault
Gorlock (Tony):ldritch blast ogre then jump
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Great fun, eh? Now let's kill some orcs!"
Gorlock (Tony):Lower down not jump
Simon N. (GM):The ogre roars as Gorlock blasts it
Gorlock (Tony):first tim eever
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nive!
Arian (Kimberly):I want to imagine you jumping and blasting it mid-air
All Yippee-ki-yay
Gorlock (Tony):that was the plan, for all the ladies
all in style points
Simon N. (GM):wolf disengages Arian and flees
Arian (Kimberly):Chicken!
Arian (Kimberly):Yeah, except now the Pig Orcs might look this way
Eamon (Bill):i dash towards torgin stopping 10 feeet in front of him
Simon N. (GM):#Xarius (& BRB)
Torgin:mutters long legged goldilocks
Eamon (Bill):"i'm sorry torgin"
Torgin:dont be mother you have a lovely stride
Eamon (Bill):"i only want to protect you"
Torgin:lets save the druid
Gorlock (Tony):wierder by the day...
Arian (Kimberly):He's stuck on the rope
Simon N. (GM):2 orcs close on Arian - one reaches her and slashes w scimitar
Torgin:got tangled in it (sorry max)
hits her for 8
Gorlock (Tony):poor wolf thing
Gorlock (Tony):wolf like pperson
Greeba (Jelena):Do Pig orcs also have pack advantage?
Simon N. (GM):2 orcs shoot at Greeba (cover round building, so AC 19)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I have to go at 9pm, if Wisteria hasn't been slaughtered by then lol
Wisteria of Skullspire:Lucky!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC that looks suitably menacing!
Simon N. (GM):You hear ogre aproach
Arian (Kimberly):I think he's too fat
Simon N. (GM):shot fr upper window at prone Wisteria
hit! 5 dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yup that hit!
Arian (Kimberly):How many did Tiff see before??
Gorlock (Tony):tiff how many are in the window?
Greeba (Jelena):Raging and frenzy
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I can fly up there and check?"
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Sure thing! Just be a wee while!"
Greeba whacks it for 9
Greeba (Jelena):(and frenzy starts from next turn?)
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:You're a Berserker?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Gree-Ba! Gree-Ba!
Simon N. (GM):OK yes, Bonus Action Rage this turn, can Bonus Action Frenzy fr next round
Greeba (Jelena):OK, end turn
Arian (Kimberly):Stand up, Bite piggy
Arian (Kimberly):If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Arian (Kimberly):oh I had disadvantage still on urgh
Simon N. (GM):ringmail armour
you were prone so disad
YOu can stand & take an opp att?
Arian (Kimberly):Yes, I need to stand up
Arian (Kimberly):whiff whiff
Simon N. (GM):Arian arises in might, knocking aside the blade
Gorlock (Tony):rip its throat out
Arian (Kimberly):If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nice!
Simon N. (GM):er you already rolled an attack
that missed
Wisteria of Skullspire::-(
Arian (Kimberly):Ah yeah, oops, I'd meant to stand first but messed it up
I will just grown threateningly
roughly in the vicinity of the Pig Orc's belly
Simon N. (GM):even w/out disad your attack missed - 13
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC this will have to be my last turn. Happy for you to take over Wisteria Simon, or Bill if he'd like to?
Does anyone need healing?
Simon N. (GM):we'll stop end of this round
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok
Gorlock (Tony):I'm at 18/27
Simon N. (GM):rem you are prone BTW Wist
Eamon (Bill):speak for yourself tony my max is only 21
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ah yes, well in that case I'll stand up and cast healing word as a bonus action, and toll the dead as my main spell.
Gorlock (Tony):I'm beefcake warlock
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d4 +2
6 back for you Gorlock
Gorlock (Tony):I love you
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can I see one of the pig orcs from where I am?
Or is Greeba too tall?
Simon N. (GM):you see an orc Greeba whacked
& one behind it
Gorlock (Tony):sparkly wink in your direction
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok Toll the Dead on that one.
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Wisteria of Skullspire:It had advantage?
no, just take 1st number
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok never mind, it's a cantrip anyway luckily!
Arian (Kimberly):These are not your average pig orcs
Torgin:Torgin continues his circumnavigation of the ruins, muttering climb over the crumbly bit, we'll sneak through the trees, be quite torgin they said..
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok got to go but see everyone next week!
Thanks for another great game Simon!
Gorlock (Tony):quite torgin indeed
Arian (Kimberly):Bye Jelly!
Greeba (Jelena):Bye Jelly!
Simon N. (GM):LOL @Torgin
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I get up (I was prone) and I cast Shield of Faith on myself.
Shield of Faith
1st Level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60ft.
Components: V, S, M (a small parchment with a bit of holy text written on it)
Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes
A shimmering field appears and surrounds a creature of your choice within range, granting it a +2 bonus to AC for the duration. I imagine I am out of move?
Simon N. (GM):half move to stand
& that was a bonus action
Gorlock (Tony):shall we fart in their general direction :)
Simon N. (GM):so you have 15' move + an action left
Ogre has a Readied javelin...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I move one square further without being whacked?
Gorlock (Tony):Thanks meat shield :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If it's a javelin, I can just get there and throw my own javelin.
22! Come on!
Simon N. (GM):hit you for 7, near min dmg
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Javelin: damage
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Simon N. (GM):don't add Duelist bonus to ranged atts!
9 I reckon
Gorlock (Tony):7 our father 6 hail marys
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I don;t know, it's DnDBeyond who did this...
Lemme check.
Simon N. (GM):you would get the +2 dmg in melee
Gorlock (Tony):jump up shoot and jump back
Simon N. (GM):from where?
Torgin:red faced, dripping with sweat, hands on knees torgin says Hi
clear shot
Arian (Kimberly):Arian wolf doggy grins at Torgin, tongue lolling Simon N. (GM):Longsword (One-Handed) (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Arian (Kimberly):(probably not so friendly looking considering the blood of the wolf I killed, but hey)
Gorlock (Tony):Thinking back to the Cumin Inn...I left that for this...
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar steps back, takes an opp att
Simon N. (GM):oh AC 18 - miss!
Torgin:looks at Arian Mother wont be happy he's gonna kick there porky ass
Arian (Kimberly):We need to start praying to the whole pantheon
Gorlock (Tony):Gorlock is contemplating life choices
run wolf run
Eamon (Bill):i run towards torgin
i ready an attack
Arian (Kimberly):Please feel free to whack an orc
like whack a mole
Eamon (Bill):no i don't think i will
Torgin:ooh mother they have kept you fit in the monastery, all you young men together
Max:And go down the other side
Simon N. (GM):drop will be d6 dmg
Im lowering
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
next turn to lower self down
Arian (Kimberly):he's taking the 2 dmg to drop
Orcs attack Arian
hit for 3
Simon N. (GM):5 orcs on Greeba
Gorlock (Tony):hulk angry
2 dmg!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):This is weird: On DnDBeyond, the Javelin is of Attack Type "Melee" and Property "Thrown". I can't use it like a range attack...
That's why I had that +5 instead of the +2 bonus damage.
Arian (Kimberly):Greeba laughs at the puny Pig Orcs
Gorlock (Tony):saw an errant crit
Simon N. (GM):Ogre swings its great club at Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Miss!
Does he have adv?
Simon N. (GM):well, roll your Concentration check for when you got hit last round
you never rolled it for Shield of Faith
DC 10 CON save
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Constitution Save(+2)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of the Golden Cup
Arian (Kimberly):We need to go to our respective temples if we survive this and pray to the gods
Simon N. (GM):AC 18 so you're hit for 11
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba is not very religious at all
nighty night?
Arian (Kimberly):That's the end of the round, right?
Torgin:of course it is I'm just in position to attack
Gorlock (Tony):84 turns later...
Greeba (Jelena):Torgin, you would have already been in the midst of it had you gone our way!
Simon N. (GM):ok Greeba sees a dashing and gorgeously handsome half orc brigand chief strut out of the castle
Arian (Kimberly):Give him a wink, Greeba
Eamon (Bill):matt how dare you want to attack even once the entire game smh
Simon N. (GM):He winks at Greeba as he brandishes his cutlass.
Greeba (Jelena):Still raging, me!
Gorlock (Tony):dreamy orc
Arian (Kimberly):Hey, the only one he can see is Greeba
and me
Simon N. (GM):Veizz: "Who is that magnificent creature? Have her stripped, scrubbedv and brought to my quarters!"
Gorlock (Tony):Greeba says Hayyyay
Simon N. (GM):The long suffering pig orcs roll their eyes and oink.
Greeba (Jelena):"HA, HA, HA!"
roaring Arian (Kimberly):Arrooooooo (translation: you're going to regret that)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Come on my bed spread.... It's real velours...
Greeba (Jelena):brandishing warhammer Torgin:looks to Eamon and wolf Arian is that...oinking?
Arian (Kimberly):nod pant pant Eamon (Bill):"piggie gonna pig"
Simon N. (GM):ok stopping there
Gorlock (Tony):night folks
thanks Simon
Arian (Kimberly):Goodnight all! We're not dead yet!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Bye Bye! Thanks Simon!
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Simon! Right on time!
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