Simon N. (GM):GM: OK have you decided on a plan for today? If not Lady D'Ashe will take a vote.
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):(Ischa & her men seem to be coming on well, Norrin)
Chris T.:Fraener has said his piece
Simon N. (GM):(She has a fairly OTT Passive Per 19 so good for spotting threats to the Hall!)
Geoff:(Good, He'll still worry about it. That's his nature.)
Malied:Malied and Q are happy to vote
Simon N. (GM):Barbara: "I propose an expedition to reclaim the Fallen Halls and their wealth. All those in favour say Aye."
Erasmus:Erasmus feels the Fallen Halls is the next step. If we can liberate them and return the dwarves, that will be a great boon for the area.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Aye"
Ted:Sure dude, um I mean aye ma'am
Simon N. (GM):"That is a majority, then. I'll mind the fort while you're gone!" She smiles at Norrin. "Be safe out there."
Geoff:He smiles back. "Always."
Ted:Lady Barbara could I borrow your magic rope for the expedition? It could come in handy
Erasmus:(Taking a step back, Jyrdani might be a little disgruntled. Erasmus rolled a 7 for performance!)
Chris T.:"My huscarls will be here to help."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will go where 'Ras and Jyrdani go
Simon N. (GM):(LOL @Erasmus). Barbata: "Thank you Fraener, they will surely prevent any trouble here!" GM: Dawn, the morning after the feast. You ready your steeds for the next adventure.
Qiviel:(hi everyone, sorry for the delay, r20 was being naughty and not letting me in)
Ted:Keelia Q nice to see you
Chris T.:Glad you made it,Keelia
Simon N. (GM):It's a bright sunny morning, but there is a slight but definite chill in the morning air - an early presage of the coming winter.
Simon N. (GM):Ted roll Persuasion DC 15
Ted:I thought Yaay! was a bit OOC
Barbara D'Ashe:"Why certainly, Ted. It's the least I can do, after all your efforts."
Simon N. (GM):ok add on the rope :)
You mount up and leave the hall, riding west through the September morn...
Ted:Thank you Lady Barbara. Hey can I take a couple of barrel's of ale for the dwarf holds? Thought I'd promote the hall's new management.
Simon N. (GM):(they used IRL months in the early Bloodstone advemtures, so I reckon I can too) :p
(the hall imports ale from the dwarf holds!)
Chris T.:James,Your speakers are generasting a lot of feedback
Simon N. (GM):GM: Four miles west of the Hall, you are riding through light woodland. It's about 9am.
Simon N. (GM):ok could you all do me a favour & put your tokens w your horses (or pony)
near or on track is good
Ted:I'm gonna call my horse Champion
Chris T.:Can't see a dwarf pony?
Malied:stupid page refresh :P
Simon N. (GM):ok. You are riding west.
Everyone happy w position?
Ted:I love this time of year
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im good
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh shit
Simon N. (GM):You crest a ridge and see ahead a small human farmhold... and the large White Dragon on the cliff above it, looking like the cat that's about to get the cream.
Chris T.:That does look a bit dragony
Simon N. (GM):The shepherds in the field to the north have already seen it and are running back towards the house, screaming.
Kenny - Syrus:What's the speed of our horses again?
Simon N. (GM):"DRAGON!!!! DRAGON!!!"
60 horse 40 pony
ok could you click your token THEN roll init please :)
Erasmus Bos
Malied:need to refresh page. everything has shuffled over
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:Sorry mine froze!
@Simon please can you add me?
Erasmus:(Jyrdani wasn't on there.
Simon N. (GM):Roll for Jyrdani pls Tim. ok any failures (people who can't click on a token b4 rolling) will go on 0.
Malied:mine seems to be missing too
Kenny - Syrus:(Sorry Simon)
Qiviel:For some reason it gave my horse my initiative :D
Kenny - Syrus:I will fix it!
Simon N. (GM):I'll use your first roll James 21. In future please use your sheet to roll
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:(Entered my first roll in the init order)
#21 Erasmus
The cliff is about 18
18' at highest, but gradual slope at the ends
Erasmus:Seeing the dragon, and knowing he can't do anything from so far away, Erasmus spurs to the south west Simon N. (GM):The farm is single story, roof peak about 12'
Erasmus:(with dash, getts me there)
Simon N. (GM):The dragon currently has cover from those below it (+2 AC)
Erasmus:"Try to spread out and surround it!"
Malied:If theres on thing Malied knows, is that Ice melts when exposed to fire >:)
I'll move closer if i have to, to account for the cliff hieght
Simon N. (GM):19 to hit - hits!
Simon N. (GM):move 10' closer to be in range
Malied:pull back 10 feet i think?
Simon N. (GM):then pull back 20' is ok :)
"...I may have made it mad guys"
Erasmus:Do you want me to run her, or are you doing it?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani knows she's in the same boat as the monk and rides after him "You don't get away from me that easy Erasmus!"
A girl comes out of the farmhouse, screams and runs back inside. "Mummy! A dragon!"
assumes guard position
Ted:I wanna ride south 60' then get off Champion BA hide then shoot. Is that possible?
dismount would take up a dash action
or half of it anyway
BA dash
Simon N. (GM):You can move 60' BA dash off horse & action HIde
end turn
Simon N. (GM):roll stealth
Shh Champion
Simon N. (GM):Ted vanishes into the trees
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus rides his horse Jyrda’mus to the side of the house (50 feet)
2) Hidden from view he shouts loudly at the Dragon: ”I want to make a really really long, bad lizard joke…"
”But I don’t want to let it drag-on!!!”
…and casts “Vicious Mockery”
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:DC14 Wisdom Save....
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Rolls eyes Simon N. (GM):You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range
Simon N. (GM):You peek round the edge of the house?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes - He is elevated, right?
Simon N. (GM):Yes. You see a Large dragon. :)
3) Rides back towards the road (remaining 10 feet)
Simon N. (GM):The dragon regards Syrus disdainfully.
The shepherd runs into the house, screaming.
Rocco should be on Qiviel's init
Qiviel:Rocco is Q - it took my init under the horse's name...
Simon N. (GM):Are you playing the horse & Q is your sidekick? ok
Qiviel:Today, it seems to - roll20 is out to get me :D
Simon N. (GM):#Rocco & rider
Qiviel:Rocco dances around impatiently and Q sits up and shouts at the dragon - "Go away, dragon. This is not a place for you."
She'll ready her lance because if Malied pissed it off enough, it will come to them.
Simon N. (GM):DC 28 Intimidate :)
Not a chance even on a nat20 :D
Simon N. (GM):The dragon flaps its wings and lands on the roof.
The roof takes 15 dmg from the impact & begins to collapse. People inside scream.
The dragon raises up and breathes a stream of freezing death over Syrus, his horse, the boy, his dog.
The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh fuck
Simon N. (GM):rolling 10d8
Simon N. (GM):Boy & dog are killed instantly.
Kenny - Syrus:Unconscious!
Simon N. (GM):roll CON save Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Constitution Save(+2)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh shit
Kenny - Syrus:(Its not a Death save yet though)
Ted:this dragon isn't a fan of comedy
The horse goes down w Syrus. Syrus takes a failed Death Save from the fall.
Kenny - Syrus:Poor Jyrda'mus :-P
1 failed Death Save! :-/
Simon N. (GM):The dragon moves back out of sight of those of you to N & E
Malied:"Everyone get out of that house before it collpses!"#]
Simon N. (GM):Old woman: "Turned out nice again, hasn't it?"
Malied:Ok, I'm gonna burn the house down
Geoff:Norrin keeps his range, but still will try to flank the dragon.
Malied:in the fine tradition of all good D&D players everywhere
Geoff:OOC: A wise DM once told me Do Not Burn Down The Inn
Simon N. (GM):end turn? Ready action?
Qiviel:(usually it's an inn or pub not a house, but yay fire?)
Chris T.:"Moradin! Dwarvatter! Hold not his terrible jokes against him! Raise up Syrus!"
Bonus action, Healing Word
Simon N. (GM):Your pony whinnies in terror
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks @CHRIS!
Ted:Syrus is making a come back
End turn
Simon N. (GM):Syrus wakes up partly under his dead horse.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cant ride a horse into the house right?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):is the door closed?
front door is open
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dismount is half my movement right?
so you could dismount + move 15' as an action
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):actions surge and help Syrus get up
"get out of the house now"
Simon N. (GM):OK, you can also move him 10' if you like
I'd let you throw him on your horse w DC 10 Athletics check
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay i do that
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck why now
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Thank You Muiz!!
Erasmus:Erasmus rides toward the rise Simon N. (GM):You want to leap off the clifftop onto the dragon? :)
Erasmus:Dash action and dismount
Erasmus:Bonus action Step of the Wind
Simon N. (GM):You're above the dragon & can see it clearly.
Erasmus:Run and jump the gap to land on the dragon's back
Chris T.:(James and now Tim, Keelia! :D )
Ted:whoah crazy monk thats cool
Simon N. (GM):ok it'll be Acrobatics
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:(that was so nearly a 5!!)
Just holding on for dear life now!
Young White Dragon:"Woot?!"
Qiviel:(we do have that issue with dragons and jumping on them :D )
Young White Dragon:turns head to look at Monk on back grrrr
Erasmus:"Just want to talk..."
Young White Dragon:#Malied
Malied:Well, the monk being on the dragon makes my next move a little awkward :/
Knowing that he probably won't get a good hit on it again, Malied does the only other thing he can think of that might work, he targets the roof directly under the dragon with a firebolt to ignite it
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Nooo! Get away from it! It'll kill you!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy fuck the civilians
Malied:I told them to get out :P
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Malied shoots the roof (can't see the dragon)
roll dmg
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The wooden shingles burn merrily.
cool, move a bit to sread out]
She's gonna want to get on it too
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Erasmus, you old fool!!"
something strang is happening with the horse token
Simon N. (GM):(I set house to be a token to track roof hp)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Rides to the edge of the house, stands in the saddle and pulls herself up. Simon N. (GM):Action DC 12 Athletics pls
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Athletics (+4)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):Bufalina legs it as J clambers onto the roof.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I. Would like. To RAGE!"
Simon N. (GM):No point now, it will end end of your turn
as you did not attack or take dmg
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Oh, yeah, climbing up was an action. Sorry, missed that.
Malied:I WOULD LIKE TO be angry
Simon N. (GM):I'll be kind & say J did it w her shield ready
so full AC
Old Woman: "Run along dear. Don't mind me."
Qiviel:(that old lady is a dragon in disguise? Otherwise she's very senile...)
Simon N. (GM):Screaming crying girl flees house.
(she just may have saved her grand daughter)
Mastiff tries to leap onto roof, DC 20 STR
Good Boy! I'll give him an attack for that!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
The sheepdog tries to herd the very big white sheep.
Ted:notes wind direction then shoots at the dragon Simon N. (GM):you need to move to get LOS
west to the next tree would do it
Simon N. (GM):ok you hit, sneak attack, 9 dmg?
Simon N. (GM):Ted shoots on the run then dives into a tree
Ted:oop sorry advantage still on take the first?
Simon N. (GM):The dragon regards him superciliously (8. yup. DC 17!)
Kenny - Syrus:1) BONUS ACTION: Syrus get’s out a scroll, and casts Cure Wounds (Lvl 1) on himself
Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):not a BA! Object Interaction
I keep telling you that. :)
OI + Action
Kenny - Syrus:Oh yea sorry - Can I cast Healing Word as BA from a scroll?
OI then BA?
Simon N. (GM):yes if not casting a spell as Action
Kenny - Syrus:Cool, then I cast Healing Word from Scroll as BA
Simon N. (GM):could do Healing Word + move + dash
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Can I do Healing Word, then move then Action?
As Healing Word is a BA spell?
Simon N. (GM):what's your hp now?
Kenny - Syrus:Just 5 that Chris gave me
Kenny - Syrus:2) MOVEMENT: Seeing that Strohm wanted him to get on his horse, he will mount it
Simon N. (GM):you still have your movement & your action
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool
Kenny - Syrus:3) ACTION: He turns and looks back at the dragon, undefeated he shouts at it again (Casts Cantrip)….
Simon N. (GM):ok can ride horse another 45'
Kenny - Syrus:”Why are dragons so SHIT at making music??” ”Because they really don’t know the scales!!”
Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):you can't actually see it but I'll give it a chance, save w advtg
& you can move 45'
Simon N. (GM):moving or end turn?
Kenny - Syrus:3) Then Syrus turns back to Strohm’s horse and holds tight - eager for it to gallop away…!! (Should wait for Strohm, though, right??
Simon N. (GM):ok can wait
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"get out and stay out of range Syrus"
Kenny - Syrus:(OOC Sorry I took a bit of time everyone!)
Simon N. (GM):The farmers flee the house
Grandma Shepherd has a nice cup of Thayan tea.
Malied:she is clearly the big bad, we must KILL HER
Simon N. (GM):#Rocco & rider
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):brb
Qiviel:Sorry - messages all came through in a block.
Q will ride a bit closer then dismount and finish approaching on foot
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):back
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh come on
Kenny - Syrus:Oh shit. Breath back!
Simon N. (GM):The dragon moves over to the side w Erasmus on its back, grinning.
The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel Syrus & Strohm roll DC 15 CON save
Kenny - Syrus:Constitution Save(+2)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):oh Mastiff got op att
2 dmg!
Kenny - Syrus:Brave dog!!
Cold horse!!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 10d8
Kenny - Syrus:No that may have been for the horse I am on!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy fuck
Kenny - Syrus:Haha Syrus is back down.....
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im barely stood that'
Malied:.....I'm so glad that I m over here
Simon N. (GM):OK 31 dmg killed horse, Syrus goes down again (should have galloped off!). Q & Strohm on 5 hp
Malied:although its coming after me in a minute >.<
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus thought it would be disrespectful to gallop off with someone's horse that tried to save him... :-/
Simon N. (GM):Dragon backs away from the edge out of sight of most of you
Sometimes Syrus isn't the brightest. :p
Kenny - Syrus:Indeed!! :-P
sorry caps
Geoff:Norrin will climb onto his saddle and on to the roof the same as Jyrdani.
Simon N. (GM):OK DC 12 Athletics action
Geoff:And give his horse a kick so it runs away.
Simon N. (GM):Action Surge to attack?
Geoff:Absolutely. "Here I come to save the day!"
Muiz:ooc Fraener i will help Syrus back up dont need to use your spellslot
Chris T.:(If you're sure, Muiz?)
Simon N. (GM):hopefully system knows you crit on a 19
Muiz:ooc yeah got a couple of potions
Pale blood flows from the mighty blows.
The ice dragon was having fun. It does not seem so much fun any more.
Geoff:"I think that got its attention."
Chris T.:Can F see the dragon?
You'd need to be SW of it to see it
Chris T.:Spurs his pony 40' SW to start with then.
Malied:I was NE when we started the battle :/
Simon N. (GM):No you need to be west of due south of it
due to the shape of the house
Chris T.:another 40' then. End turn after that
Simon N. (GM):it's adjacent to the SW corner
Simon N. (GM):OK you see it now, w Erasmus riding it :)
Ted:Yeah Norrin take it down!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):rolling 1d2
gives Syrus one of Beverly potions
Simon N. (GM):BRB wine run
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Potion of Healing (Beverly)
Kenny - Syrus:WOW, Thanks Muiz/Strohm!!!
Syrus chokes a little from being force fed a potion, ”Thank You so much for keeping me alive Strohm - sorry am not very useful so far against this white lizard!!” and rolls his eyes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well i dont think were ready fighting a dragon anyway"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm proceed to carry Syrus away fromt the battle
end turn
Erasmus:Erasmus shimmies up the dragon's back toward its head. "What are you doing here? Looking for food? Take some of the horses, but let the people go, please?"
Simon N. (GM):roll Persuasion
DC 13
Erasmus Bos
Malied:maybe punching it in the face while you try to persude it isn't the best idea
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:fingers crossed YASSSS!
Young White Dragon:"NO. YOU WILL..."
Geoff:Awww.... Norrin so wanted a dragon tooth necklace. :(
Young White Dragon:GM: OK Norrin & Jyrdani & all are you lowering your weapons, standing down?
Kenny - Syrus:NICE move Erasmus!
Malied:its more likely that you'd have got q aface full of ice breath
Kenny - Syrus:"Erasmus the Dragon Tamer??"
Young White Dragon:If you are all standing down I'll go out of init
Qiviel:Q whistles up Rocco and remounts on her turn
Chris T.:(Fraener was already mentally measuring up how many suits of armour he could get from the skin)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):were sacrificing our horses?
Malied:yea, turning off fire starter....
Geoff:It can take the dead ones.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):only the dead ones
Kenny - Syrus:As there are no horses Syrus will try to climb onto Strohm's back.... >.<
Simon N. (GM):GM: It only seems to expect to be left the dead horses.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lol
Malied:That roof is still on fire right?
or did my attempt not succed :P
Simon N. (GM):(no it went out after a few secs). The villagers take their dead son & mother and flee, weeping.
Geoff:Can we keep the hero dog?
Simon N. (GM):Granny to Erasmus on roof: "Thank you, dear. Terrible trouble with our roof."
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Have to go now - Tim now has control of Syrus - THANK YOU for saving his life twice so far!!!! See y’all next week!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):approach the family and hand over 20 gold
Erasmus:Cheers Kenny. Have a good one, bud.
Chris T.:Have a great week, Kenny
Kenny - Syrus:You too Everyone!
Simon N. (GM):Norrin you can roll Animal Handling DC 12 to get the dog :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):see ya next time Kenny
Simon N. (GM):OK Norrin calms the dog & persuades it not to leap on the dragon, although it still snarls at it.
Erasmus:"Head to D'Ashe Manor. It may not be appropriate for the young ones, but you can rest there. Tell the lady of the house what has happened here and that Erasmus sent you."
Geoff:Can Norrin see his horse from the roof?
Erasmus:*Erasmus looks to Norrin for validation that he hasn't overstepped his rights."
Qiviel:Q needs a short rest to heal up
Geoff:Norrin sees no problem with Erasmus' plans. After all, they desire to be a force of good in the region.
Simon N. (GM):Grandma: "Yes, dear."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani scolds Erasmus for being so irrational and acting so recklessly "I'm supposed to be the reckless one!"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho thinks
I should probably have rolled init :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm is just gonna take a breather
Malied:"Sigh, all so eager to jump into the mouth of danger"
Simon N. (GM):GM: I've added Hero Dog to your journal Norrin. With training he can level up to Hero Dog 2nd level. :)
Malied:"its much more civilized to simple BURN THEM ALL TO HELL"
Erasmus:"I'm sorry my dear. Can you forgive me enough to let me ride with you?"
Malied:"ahem, as I was saying, civilized"
Geoff:Norrin will name the dog Ranger (in honour of an awesome IRL dog I have also named Ranger).
Simon N. (GM):GM: The dragon stays on the roof eyeing you all for signs of foul play. Are you heading on or back home?
Malied:Malied was noticable ..burny during that fitght
Malied:maybe head on then rest when we are clear of the dragon
Chris T.:oops, meant, I'm back. F is for heading onto Khundrakar
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i beleive we should continue to the dwarven town and rest there
Ted:er..ok i'll wait outside
Erasmus:*Erasmus & Jyrdani clamber down of the roof. We could rest up in this house for now. The dragon will leave us be, I believe."
Qiviel:if it's not far, then yes, onwards - better than hanging around while the dragon eats the horses
Young White Dragon b:To Erasmus: "Tell them, this is my territory now. Between here and the mountains, those who pass on this road must bring me tribute - meat."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):seeing the burning and collapse roof next to a dragon "im taking my chances at the dwarf town"
Young White Dragon b:The dragon is waiting for you to leave so he can eat the horses in peace.
Erasmus:"Don't white dragons prefer mountainous lairs?"
Young White Dragon:"My lair is none of your concern. This is my
hunting ground."
Erasmus:"And what do we call you?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Sir Norrin can i ride with you as ive lost my horse"
Young White Dragon:"I am Razing-Death."
Malied:"Ah, a very original name"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Thanks"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Come on, Erasmus. Let's go before it..."
reaches down
Geoff:"Tell the dragon to tread lightly, or we will revisit this encounter. Keep its hunting limited to wildlife."
Erasmus:"Very well, Razing-Death. We will warn everyone we meet. However, this news will take time to disseminate. You have meat now, do not hurt anyone again. There is wildlife around, make do with that for the present."
Young White Dragon:"I have much to eat, yes. Your steeds will fill me. Pity they took the dead youngling."
"Now. go before I feel the need to ...exhale."
Erasmus:"We're leaving.."
Malied:Next time we see that thing I'm bringing a couple of fireballs :P
Young White Dragon:ok you going?
Geoff:"Let's go, Ranger."
Simon N. (GM):GM: You ride on.
Ranger trots along beside Norrin's steed.
Erasmus:Erasmus breathes again for the first time in too long. Simon N. (GM):Once clear of the dragon you can slow to a walk (3mph) & Short Rest while riding
Erasmus:"That was too close, guys. Perhaps we should avoid this road for a while."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus plays a Song of Rest as they ride. Chris T.:"He will not be a good neighbour. He will have to be dealt with sooner or later."
Simon N. (GM):A couple miles brings you past Torag's hold, a palisaded dwarf village - you could (except Ted) ask to rest there, but you can just complete short rest while riding.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc short rest usess a hit die right?
Qiviel:if we can do short rest while riding that's fine for me
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):a full rest is a week?
Syrus (Kenny):rolling 1d8+1d6
Simon N. (GM):Short Rest you can spend as many hit dice as you like
Syrus (Kenny):rolling 1d8
Simon N. (GM):But you need a Long Rest to recover hit dice
Ted:oh man its gonna be hectic having a dragon as a neighbour. Hope it doesnt get much bigger
Simon N. (GM):You all get 255 XP (inc Jyrdani, but not Tenho as he 'froze') :)
Simon N. (GM):Yeah dragons never get
bigger :D
Malied:gah, still short of lv 4
Syrus (Kenny):Only get 1d6 from Song of rest.
Simon N. (GM):GM: 10 miles west of D'Ashe Manor the trail climbs steeply into the mountains. Without Jack to guide you, the going is slow now.
i recall
Chris T.:very close then James!
Malied:can I go kill a few rabbits on my own plz?
Syrus (Kenny):+17 HP for Syrus. Dunno what that puts him at.
You're not camping yet
Malied:they breed like...well rabbits so they repopulate quickly ^^
Simon N. (GM):(was @Malied)
also they are worth 0 XP :p
11am at the mountains
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):so were not staying in the dwarven town?
Chris T.:Fraerner is somewhat tearful to finally see the mountains of his homeland.
(They wouldn't let Ted in,Muiz.)
Simon N. (GM):With a short break for lunch (no rabbits) it's 5pm when you approach Khundrakar, the beginning to lower over the mountains.
Ted:im ok waiting outside
shrugs Simon N. (GM):No smoke now
You passed by Torag's Hold hours ago
Ted:so this is the place Eldred lost his head huh
Syrus (Kenny):"I'm afraid so."
Simon N. (GM):Are you passing the Dark Mere & going to the Orc Tunnel again?
no smoke now from the hold chimney
Chris T.:What does Tenho suggest?
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Yes, of course. The Orc Tunnel."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):back to full health
Chris T.:"Then let us be off. I shall at last set foot in the halls of my ancestors."
Erasmus:Wow. It's now the nineties!
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"Battlebeast - Hero's Quest. A favourite of the youth in Praka."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Into the darkness we go"
Erasmus:"Tenho, turn your walkman down as we go."
Simon N. (GM):ok suggest you set up a marching order
Ted:i'll scout the tunnel
Malied:rear ofc i'm squsy
Simon N. (GM):ok Ted roll stealth
Chris T.:F is happy to go in the middle somewhere :D
Geoff:Norrin suggest he takes the front rank
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i prefer in the middle
Erasmus:"Don't go too far ahead, Ted."
Malied:i expect we'll get back attack now that i've said that
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):its laagy for me so i cant seem to control my token
Simon N. (GM):Ted finds the caves at the end of the tunnel unoccupied - just as well, since he sent a loose stone skittering.
Qiviel:Q is front-middle if/when we go in as a group - she's noisy in armour so not front but wants to be up where she can protect ppl if needed
Simon N. (GM):The bodies of the trogs & bear they told him of are gone. Lots of tracks.
Malied:anyone unable to see?
Erasmus:Erasmus will follow close behind Jyrdani, who in turn is behind Syrus to guide them in the dark.
Qiviel:(Q can't - saving up for dark goggles)
Simon N. (GM):Ted you are 500' from the others, are you heading back?
Geoff:Norrin can't see in the dark
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i cant seem to move my token
Simon N. (GM):OK Ted reports plenty of Trog tracks but no trogs at the end of the tunnel.
Ted:DM FYI I'm not going to scot ahead of the party more than 60' unless i say so
Simon N. (GM):try new token Muiz
Ted:com on dudes no ones home
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeaj new token works fine
Geoff:Norrin will tell Ranger to stay and guard the horses.
Simon N. (GM):Geoff you can move Ranger, or have him 'heard' the horses.
ok :)
Simon N. (GM):Ranger wags his tail happily.
Geoff:"Good boy. Too bad no dragon bones for you."
Erasmus:"Not today, Norrin. But maybe soon. I can't imagine Barbara being too happy with me inviting a dragon to move in next door."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"shouldt we go west?"
Ted:scours the ground for tracks
Simon N. (GM):Roll Survival Ted
Chris T.:Fraener fondles the stone lovingly as we pass.
Geoff:"No, she will not. Let's hope its an honourable dragon, but from what I know about whites, they are anything but."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"The map says east to the Foundry."
Erasmus:"Before we go deeper, Fraener, there is a dwarven door above which you may wish to take a look at."
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:No sign of tracks.
Ted:theres more tunnels this way
Chris T.:"The Foundry...." He says with great reverence
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh so were not going to that trepped dwarven door well lts hope the foundry arent booby trap"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:21. Orc Tunnel
Several passages branch away from this large, high-ceilinged cavern. To the north, a carved, square-mouthed tunnel shows that someone has been at work in these caves. A gate of rough-hewn timber blocks a small passage to the northeast. Three other passageways wind off toward the south.
Ted:creeps down te pasage Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"The Dwarf Door is a trap for killing Orcs...
sigh... I doubt there's even anything behind it."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"wait really"
Ted:(Ranger is a great name fr a dog)
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:22. Fungus Cavern
A trickle of water seeping down from the hillside above reaches this irregular cavern, nourishing a profusion of fungus—weird puffballs, tall caps, and patches of fuzzy mold in a variety of colors.
Ted:whats this mushrooms?
ted grins in the dark
Malied:have a taste, you'll get high ;)
Ted:I like shrooms man
sas ted to himself Erasmus:"Is Ted still here? I can't hear him. Should we move?"
Simon N. (GM):A golden-brown carpet of mold covers an old skeleton in rusted mail in the southern part of the room, and a narrow passageway leads to another small room beyond this one. A surprisingly bright sword gleams in the skeleton’s bony grasp.
(my tying sheesh)
Simon N. (GM):2 skeletons
Ted:Wats thats covering the skele?
Simon N. (GM):Roll Survival Ted
Malied:"hmm, maybe we could head in the direction he went"
Simon N. (GM):Could be mold.
Ted:teds thinin about shrooms Erasmus:"Yeah, we don't want him getting into trouble too far ahead."
Comon guys
Ted:i found some dead dudes
Simon N. (GM):Dwarf skel w sword, looked like a human skel in the south chamber
Ted:hey Fraenar ones a dwarf
Malied:"...what are these mushrooms?"
Chris T.:"It could be an acestor, Ted.."
Malied:nature check for Malied?
Simon N. (GM):The dwarf skel had a bright sword. The human skel had a steel helm chased w silver.
ok Malied
Geoff:"I have a bad feeling about this...."
Simon N. (GM):Yellow Mold, highly toxic
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i suggest not messing with fungus the corpses is a bad sign"
Simon N. (GM):It ejects clouds of poison spores when touched.
Malied:"the mushrooms are deadly!"
Erasmus:"If it's a mold, perhaps it will burn away. Malied, can you ignite it from a distance?"
Chris T.:"Perhaps the radiance of the Forge will burn it?"
Ted:oh wait hang on i have an idea
Simon N. (GM):AoE fire like Burning Hands might destroy it; fire bolt wil just make a scorch mark.
Ted:wait a mo dude please
Chris T.:"I can calldown the Dwarvatter's power."
Ted:Ted gets the magic rope out
Simon N. (GM):Flame On... Malied burns away the mold from both skels, & clears a path through to them.
Malied:cool effect smn ;)
Chris T.:nice spell effect
Simon N. (GM):The other fungi char & pop - they smell delicious!
Malied:shlot marked off btw
Chris T.:F can ritual detect magic/evil and identify
If we have time?
Simon N. (GM):Anyone recovering the gear?
Ted:the sword and helmet look nice F
yeah once the fires burned out
I'll send in the rope
Chris T.:Maybe detects first?
Simon N. (GM):It burns down after a minute
Geoff:"Let's get those and get out of here, and make sure we don't disturb what's left."
Simon N. (GM):10 minutes to detect magic?
Malied:I rit cast identify so we get them both some simaltaniously if we want to wait 10 mins
Simon N. (GM):You can ID both then
for D/Magic
+1minute detect evil
+ 10 minutes identify
Simon N. (GM):The longsword is an enchanted +1 longsword, the helm is non-magical but v nice and worth 110gp.
Ted:Dmagic first then Identify if its maic
Simon N. (GM):The sword bears Durgeddin's smith mark
Chris T.:"My grandsire's mark!"
you should take the sword dude
and the lid
Chris T.:"Moradin does not allow it, but it will be fine in the hands of one of you!"
Malied:lets not be so hasrty, automaticlly giving gear to one person isn't fair on ther other players
Simon N. (GM):The tunnel slopes down gently to the south
Ted:no need to be hectic dude it was just a suggestion
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"I could take care of it? I know a buyer will pay five, maybe six hundred gold..."
Syrus (Kenny):"I rarely use my sword, but a longsword is better than the short one I currently have. If you're sure you can't use it?"
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:"To be split equally, of course."
Malied:I'm sure someone like Qiviel could use it
Chris T.:"I would be honoured to seeit used so."
Ted:pads off down the tunnel muttering i could have just picked it up for myself mutter mutter
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:Syrus you have STR 10 & are a Bard!
Chris T.:Quivel has a magical sword I think?
Qiviel:(yes, Q has the +1 longsword from the last session)
Simon N. (GM):@Ted the tunnel opens out ahead, you can hear rushing water a ways off. A slight breeze.
Syrus (Kenny):(Character sheet says prof with longsword, so i just assumed. Dunno if it's finesse?)
Ted:creep forward channelling the inner smeagol
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well if noone interested can i stake a xalim on the +1 longsword?"
Malied:its not, daggers and shortswords are
Syrus (Kenny):(Ah, then nevermind)
Malied:but if everyone else is happy go for it
Geoff:Norrin already has the +1 Nar Hero Sword, so he has no use for another one.
Chris T.:Sure thing Muiz. My character can't use it.
Simon N. (GM):24. The Glitterhame
This great cavern glimmers with a faint phosphorescence. The ceiling is almost fifty feet overhead, and bright flecks and gleaming stone formations are visible in the distance. Patches of strange fungi dot the floor, including capped stalks standing as tall as a human and glowing puffballs almost a yard wide.
hey be careful dudes more shrooms
Simon N. (GM):High ledges rise fifteen to twenty feet above the floor on the north, south, and west walls. Narrow passageways lead off to the north and the south, and a flight of carved stone stairs descends from the western ledge to a path that meanders through the center of the chamber toward a small iron door in the eastern wall. Audible throughout the entire chamber is the sigh of a soft, cool breeze that rises toward the surface far above.
Something moves - slithers - towards you through the fungus.
Ted:and by the way i could use a good blade if no one is taking it?
Chris T.:(I'm cool with whoever)
Ted:whats... hey theres somthin down here
Simon N. (GM):Ted can't Sneak Att w longsword though
Chris T.:"What doyou see?"
let the warriors in
Syrus (Kenny):(OOC Can characters without darkvision see in this chamber?)
Simon N. (GM):The squid-snake things are moving towards you
ok roll init
Ted:(can ted get back behind the warriors?)
Erasmus:Initiative (+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative (+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Erasmus Bos
Malied:? my int isn't on the list
Simon N. (GM):my screen is borked have to reload
do I need to roll my init again?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):click your token and roll again then change it on the turn order
Erasmus:You need to roll on your character sheet to add it, unless you have set up a macro button.
Simon N. (GM):giving Malied 23 but next time GO TO YOUR SHEET :p
#24 Erasmus
Erasmus:Can we see in the chamber?
Simon N. (GM):yes, it's dimly lit by the phosphoresence
(From Ted): lovely map, nice detail good colour.
Simon N. (GM):plus you have light sources w you otherwise humans blind :)
Malied:Don't worry, i'm about to light shit up ;)
Erasmus:Erasmus hears Ted's warnings and pushes past the others, gently squeezing Jyrdani's bum as he goes. Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hey!"
winks Erasmus:He holds his staff ready for anything to come in range. Ted:flattens himself against the tunnel and giggles as E passes Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc it takes an action to make excrutiator to cast light?
Simon N. (GM):no strohm, it's free
Malied:Then ram the sphere into the closest Grick
Simon N. (GM):ok you have control
Simon N. (GM):but not LOS!!
move token tom LOS of grick pls
& range
btw does that set more mushrooms on fire?
Malied:cos we are all get REALLY high at this rate
it scorches but not sets fire
they are damp
Ted:breathes in so much shroom his smoke eyes cross 6 dmg base but only 3 as Grick is Resistant
#18 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast fire bolt
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):bonus action cast light with Excrutiator
Simon N. (GM):dunno why 2
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lgging
end turn
yup miss with 6
Simon N. (GM):OK bright light 20' radius
reveals the hidden Grick :D
(this aura thing is more useful than I thought!)
Qiviel:Q moves up to help defend the others and uses her action to channel divinity into her weapon to make it sacred and a giant light source :) (it's gone midnight here so I have to hand over so I can get some sleep for work tomorrow)
Malied:the sphere was aready doing that, not to steal your thunder :P
Chris T.:(G'night Keelia, be well)
Simon N. (GM):OK Qiviel glows too
Simon N. (GM):The sphere is down in the shrooms
Qiviel:it also gives her weapon extra dmg for a minute - so if something does come up, she does a bit more :)
night guys, keep safe! gg
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:G'night Keelia.
Chris T.:Fraener realises his short legs will not get him through the crowd and into the battle so he will keep a careful watch on the two passages behind us. Hold action, Sacred Flame. Done
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani moves up next to Erasmus, draws her sword and readies a strike. Simon N. (GM):"No problem, sir Ted."
non-magic right?
Ted:right and should have unticked sneak apols
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Use your magic blades, my friends! Smite them! Smite the Grick!"
Ted:yeah magic blades are handy eh Tenho
Simon N. (GM):"Indeed yes!"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus steps forward to see the creature. "Yo' mamma was a snowblower!" (I ain't no bard!)
Casts Vicious Mockery Erasmus:Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Wise are the Grick.
Syrus (Kenny):Sees Jyrdani & Erasmus standing together and confettibombs them. Steps back to make way for others.
Simon N. (GM):readied atts
Darkwood Staff: to hit
Erasmus Bos
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Longsword, +1 (+7)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):The grick makes one attack with its tentacles. If that attack hits, the grick can make one beak attack against the same target.
goes for J
she fends it off
goes for Strohm
Strohm AC 19 plate + defence?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast shield
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ac 24
Simon N. (GM):OK it slides off your Shield (deduct slot)
miss too (9)
Lots of Gricks :)
Erasmus:Erasmus bats the tentacles away with the staff. Geoff:Not much more he can do, except maybe throw some javelins?
Simon N. (GM):action surge to get through?
wounded grick in front of J
The Hero Sword cuts deep into its leathery carapace
Erasmus:Seeing Norrin slash through the creature in front of Jyrdani, Erasmus is fairly confident she'll be able to deal with it. He turns his attention to the right.
Darkwood Staff: damage
Erasmus Bos
Abjuration Cantrip
Components: V, S, M
11 dmg
Erasmus:He strikes the grick, pushing its head to the ground, then stamps on it. But it slithers away.
Simon N. (GM):it wriggles out from under his boot. "REEEEE!!"
Ted:reminds me of an old goblin town girlfriend
ted says to tenho Simon N. (GM):Tenho guffaws
Malied:ram sphere into nasty bastard
Simon N. (GM):"You must tell me later, Ted!"
Malied:then firebolt the nasty bastard
Malied:move back and end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):slashes at the worm
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):wait can i move for ward?
Simon N. (GM):yes via Norrin route
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay and end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sure
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):2nd opp att
miss too :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):double nice
Malied:Not much troom to join the fray, Q will watch the rear
Simon N. (GM):#Qiviel/James
Chris T.:Seeing the log jam ease, he will dash forward, ready to roast them next round.
Simon N. (GM):was that a DAsh?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani roars with rage, then slashes at the grick in front of her. :D
nice work
maybe she should go Reckless more
Erasmus:"Am I distracting you, honey/"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Grr..."
Ted:pretty hectic down there
have i got LOS?
Simon N. (GM):Yes but 3/4 cover AC 19 unless you move up behind Fraener
& rest bow on his head :p
end turn
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus moves up and tries his Vicious Mockery again. "Why can't gricks hit us? BEAK-cause they're rubbish!"
Erasmus:Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ol nice
Malied:we all take 1d20 pyhic dmage
Simon N. (GM):Wise is the Grick
falls back so as not to be in the way.
Simon N. (GM):however Syrus can have Inspiration for the terrible pun.
Simon N. (GM):OK Gricks, starting on the right vs Erasmus
The grick makes one attack with its tentacles. If that attack hits, the grick can make one beak attack against the same target.
Syrus (Kenny):Oh, BA Bardic Inspiration on Erasmus.
Simon N. (GM):at least a beak misses
Smelling blood 3rd grick goes for Erasmus too
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh no
last grick goes for Norrin
scrabbles off his armour
Malied:at the end of their turn the two at the bottom take 2d6 from the sphere
DEX save half right
A grick burns & dies
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Geoff:Attack the one in front of Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):had 15 hp - dead!
Simon N. (GM):2nd attack to NW?
Simon N. (GM):Norrin badly wounds it.
#24 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus flinches as he is sprayed with grick-or and nods to Norrin. "Thanks!"
He turns to the remaining grick by his side "That hurt."
Darkwood Staff: damage
Erasmus Bos
Unarmed Strike: damage
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):2 dmg from boot - not magic yet right?
Erasmus:Not magic feet yet, no.
Malied:have I got LOS on this one?
Simon N. (GM):Norrin you ended turn by flaming sphere...
Norrin DC 14 DEX save pls
Simon N. (GM):yup LOS on lefty
2 fire to Norrin
Malied:k, firebolt him then
I hit for 1 damage, ignore it
anywayz, move the sphere back so it won't keep hearting the team
Simon N. (GM):(have dedicted 1 hp fr Grick :p)
Simon N. (GM):Tenho
cocks X-bow dramatically #Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack the grick
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):wait i can action surge i believe after the long rest
short rest
go on Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):action surge and attack the grick
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+7)
chopped through it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice end turn
Chris T.:Fraener brings down, Moradin's radiant hammer on the remaining enemy. DC12 Dex
Simon N. (GM):#Raging Jyrdani
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani moves between Norrin and Erasmus and slashes at the grick attacking her man. #Ted
Ted:Tenho may I borrow your rapier?
Simon N. (GM):"Sure thing, friend!"
object interaction to there?
ooh snea
Simon N. (GM):You have destroyed the Gricks!
Chris T.:"The Glitterhame!"
Simon N. (GM):Stopping shortly
Ted:thank you Tenho, it is a fine blade
Simon N. (GM):Should I give XP to everyone? Or just those who did stuff?
Chris T.:"That I should return in my lifetime."
Malied:to everyone i think
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Are you ok? You took a few good hits back there."
Chris T.:yeah, share it between everyone
Simon N. (GM):"You... wield it better than me. How about you keep it, pay me 500 gold when you have it?"
Malied:that was a difficult place to fight through because of the tight quyarters
Ted:Ok Tenho you got yourself a deal!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im cool with sharing XP to everyone
Erasmus:"I'm fine. might just pop one of these, though!"
Erasmus pulls out a potion of healing. Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:smiles "Excellent! Now don't die before you pay me!"
(Ted adds +1 rapier)
Erasmus:Potion of Healing(2d4 + 2)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):guys i gotta go now see you all next week
Erasmus:"Ah, that's a bit better."
Tenho Isotalo, Rogue:180 XP for the Gricks +50 for the magic sword = 230 each
Erasmus:Thanks Simon. I guess we now know why it's called Dungeons and Dragons! My first ever dragon fight, and I didn't die! Woop!!
Chris T.:935/900 - 3rd level! :D
Running the dragon was great fun. >:)
Erasmus:Will you do Jyrdani's XP as I can't?
Chris T.:Moradin feels him coming home
Simon N. (GM):I like to make them extra evil!
Bill (my son) was lambasting me for killing the boy & his dog but no PCs
Chris T.:We're going to have to deal with that dragon sooner rather than later..
Geoff:Norrin still thinks that they could have taken it.
Chris T.:Next time,Geoff :)
Simon N. (GM):I was agonising about killing Fraener before he got a turn, then turned out dragon breath was only 30' so out of range!
Chris T.:I tried keeping him a fair distance :D
Erasmus:If Syrus hadn't have gone down twice, I would have fought, but I didn't want him to die.
Simon N. (GM):I suspect you could have won but might have had PCs killed.
Chris T.:As Fraener gets closer to the Foundry, he feels his power growing
Geoff:@Simon, I'm going to send you a photo of my dog Ranger who sadly passed away 11 years ago. You can use that for his token. And Norrin will commission Erasmus to make some leather armour for the dog, when they have time.
Ted:indeed. Everyone's alive...for now
Simon N. (GM):High dmg breath & failed save = insta kill on almost all PCs
Chris T.:awwww, sorry to hear that, Geoff :(
Simon N. (GM):OK Geoff sounds cool :)
Erasmus:Erasmus would be honoured to make the armour for Ranger. No cost to you.
Simon N. (GM):Don't be angry if I kill 'your
dog though!
Geoff:No problem. I'm more worried about Norrin! lol
Chris T.:I better get off. Thanks for another exciting session, Simon. Cheers all and see you next week.
Simon N. (GM):Norrin has 49 hp & AC 22, you should worry about the rest of the PCs! :D
Geoff:Every party needs a thug.
Ted:lots of exits from this cavern dudes
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"What am I Norrin - chopped liver?!"
Erasmus:I won't be here next week, but Kenny will take over running Erasmus.
He played a tabaxi monk in a one-shot as practice!!
Erasmus:See you in a fortnight, chaps.
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