Erasmus:HI Simon. Just trying to triangulate our position in the city. Roughly whereaouts are we?
Simon N. (GM):New Town NE of the cathedral
(I've marked on the city map)
Simon N. (GM):just moved your square :)
Erasmus:Oh, cool. Thanks! :)
Is it possible for us to work on downtime? I've done a post saying I'm looking for work, but I don't even know if you allow it!!
Simon N. (GM):Well the rules say that usually just lets you maintain a better lifestyle - or for a Monk do more good works I guess :)
Erasmus:Well, as a monk of the Yellow Rose, I gotta keep busy!
Simon N. (GM):There are Yellow Rose monks in Ravensburg guarding the new Duchess, who they basically installed
Old Master Temminische who defeated the Scarlet Monks 50 years ago, young Mistress Afrafa, and some junior monks.
Erasmus:Erasmus will take some shifts, if it means he doesn't have to face Jyrdani!!
hold on...
It's a hard life in the Yellow Rose :D
Simon N. (GM):Ravensburg Throne Hall - the original seat of power of the Damaran kings
Erasmus:Erasmus is hob-nobbin' it now! XD
Simon N. (GM):Temminische introduces you to Sir Arthur Dahnim, the Ducal Steward, often seen as the power behind the throne
Dahnim: "We are most grateful for your efforts in rescuing Sumata Mercellin - and all your good works in the region, Brother Erasmus."
Erasmus:"It is my duty to serve. We have done everything we could to aid in the emancipation of captives and in shutting down the Cult of Chaos that was active within the Darkwood."
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim nods. "Indeed - your assistance to Prior Mordrin in dealing with that renegade was an example to us all! Now let me introduce you to the Duchess..."
The newly installed Duchess Malla Devlin greets Erasmus warmly; she still seems slightly bewildered at her newly elevated position.
Duchess Malla: "You know Norrin & Einar, Brother Erasmus? Please send them my greetings. You are always welcome to visit us here at court."
Erasmus:OOC I presume Erasmus would know how to address a duchess?
Simon N. (GM):Your Highness is good :)
Erasmus:Erasmus bows deeply. "Yes, Your Highness. I have met Lord Einar, and Norrin is a member of our little adventuring party. It is indeed an honour to serve."
Simon N. (GM):Sir Arthur takes Erasmus aside. "On the matter of Gurzun's Hall - you understand that it lies in Arcata, and Carmathan cannot be seen to intervene. Off the record, the Duchess and myself would be pleased to see the Hall returned to Lady D'Ashe, provided that the ...wenches... remain well taken care of."
Afrafa:"I think Gurzun is a nasty piece of work - he's been dealing with the slavers of Goblin Town! He may be a favourite of the Arcatan court, but I doubt Duke William will lift a hand to protect him."
Erasmus:"Our party hail from all over. Our involvement will not imply intervention from Camarth."
Afrafa:Dahnim: "Yes, indeed. And if Lady Barbara were to marry the dauntless Sir Norrin, that would be all to the good. Our western border needs securing - you've seen the growing evil for yourself..."
Erasmus:Erasmus rubs the now healed wound on his chest. "Indeed, I have."
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "And with the Heroes of Bloodsone off chasing dragons, Damara is particularly vulnerable at present."
Erasmus:"I heard rumours of dragons. I wasn't sure wheather to believe them or not."
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Oh yes! A whole army of them attacked Bloodstone Pass! Wanting revenge for Dragonsbane's slaying of Tiamat, most likely."
Dahnim: "A tough fight, even for Grand Master Kane and the Heroes of Bloodstone."
(Kane is the greatest Yellow Rose Monk)
Erasmus:"This is indeed troubling news. Well, I hope the Heroes of Bloodstone are up to the task, as I doubt there are many others capable of dealing with a whole flight of dragons. Our party would struggl with a wyrmling!"
Afrafa:smiles "We were all there once. You'll soon be Riding the Remorhaz as a Master of Dragons, Brother."
OOC: to reach level 6 a Yellow Rose Monk must literally ride a remorhaz. :)
Erasmus:"Ha ha. That may be a long way off, Misttress Afrafa. But I am a long way from the day I was taken in by the monastery, too."
Simon N. (GM):Dahnim nods cordially. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must circulate..." he heads down the steps to talk with Sumata & some other Mercellins.
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Afrafa here was our youngest ever to ride the Remorhaz! And the first female Master of Dragons! Commendable!" Afrafa blushes slightly.
Afrafa:"Thank you, Master."
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Brother Erasmus, we are always here if you need us - with the threats faced by our new Duchess, I fear it will be a long time before we can return to the Monastery.... and it is rather warmer here in the winter!" he chuckles.
OOC: better go make lunch :)
Erasmus:Cool. Will pick up later, perhaps. I'm at work too, so dipping in and out!!
"An impressive achievement, Mistress. May I follow in your footsteps soon."
“Master Temminische? You are the wisest man I have ever known. May I ask your advice on a, um…” Erasmus casts an eye toward Afrafa then lowers his tone. “sensitive matter?”
Simon N. (GM):Temminische: "Walk with me...." he bows to the Duchess & leads Erasmus down the side steps to a secluded corner.
Erasmus:“I am conflicted. As you are aware, I do not know what happened to my wife after the attack on the village. I know you told me there were only two other survivors that you could find, and no-one matching her description among the dead. I can only surmise that she was taken captive by the orcs that attacked us. At first, I simply took that to mean certain death and so had resigned myself to the life of a widower. But now? Now I am not so sure.”
Simon N. (GM):Temminische nods. "It is possible.... It is possible she was taken by the slavers of Goblin Town."
Erasmus:“In the past 3 months, our party has rescued and returned about ten people from various captors. Who is to say that another adventuring party had not succeeded similarly after Isawyn was taken? Do you think me foolish for clutching too tightly to the past?”
Simon N. (GM):"If others had succeeded in rescuing Isawyn, I am certain we would have heard of it. Many heroes have been lost in the attempt to rescue captives taken to the Stoneheart Vale."
Temminische sighs.
"I do not think you foolish, Brother Erasmus. But it has been a long time."
Erasmus:"Thank you, Master. I will contemplate on your words."
Erasmus will continue his duty at the castle as long as he is needed, then return to the Inn for the evening.
Cheers Simon! I'll probably do something in the thread later. I presume most of my days will now be spent at the castle?
Simon N. (GM):at you wish
Erasmus:Saves me having to come up with what I've been doing all day!!
Simon N. (GM):Temminische is happy to put you to work on geneological research
Simon N. (GM):& legal research on supporting the claim that only Malla is the legitimate Duchess of Carmathan
Erasmus:Is that is question?
Simon N. (GM):as not everyone is convinced and the Baroness of Ostel had been threatening to move in following the flight of the impostor Duke Helmont
Malla was born to the previous Duke's renegade daughter after she eloped with an adventurer
Erasmus:Ok, Erasmus will do some research while he's here.
Simon N. (GM):The rules allow for female line succession in extremis but there has never been anything like this - and Malla was raised in poverty, after her mother's death by the Sisters of St Cecilia
So basically Temminische wants precedents to buttress her case.
Erasmus:"I will do what I can."
Erasmus Bos
"I haven't found anything yet, unfortunately."
Erasmus:Shall I roll for every day, to see whether I'm actually of any use?!!
Simon N. (GM):Repeated efforts use passive score so 13
Simon N. (GM):you'll dig up some useful stuff eventually :)
Erasmus:But I'm on it all week, right?
Erasmus:I think it's a good plan. It'll go to shit like all plans, but I think it at least starts out as a good plan!
Oh, and I hope I got the bit right about finding the evidence re Malla! I can edit if I'm way off.
Simon N. (GM):That's fine, you found evidence of cognatic primogeniture in the Devlin wine, well done. :) I see from XGTE Downtime rules they now owe you a favour. :)
Erasmus:Ooo... Hmm, now then... What form can a favour take?
Simon N. (GM):checked plan & posted for Babs - sounds good.
Simon N. (GM):Gurzun sticking an extra love shack in the interior yard makes the climb to Alokoth's window easy!
I have the Hall tokens set up for the evening currently so looks like lots of rearranging to do! :)
Erasmus:Depends when Ted decides to go in first.
I presume the favour will be of a political persuasion?
Simon N. (GM):Something that benefits you & costs them little or nothing seems likeliest. :)
Erasmus:Ok, thanks. I'll think on it. Ta!
Man, I can't wait for tomorrow! :)
hi Geoff :)
Simon N. (GM):Hi chaps :)
Muiz:Hi Simon, Hi Kenny and Hi Geoof
Hi Chris
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Team!
Muiz:cool we still at Ravenburg
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Let's all gather round now and have a mass debate."
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Muiz:Hi Chris, Hi Matt and Hi Keelia
Kenny - Syrus:(testing connection)
Simon N. (GM):Hi all players, v prompt!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"debate? i thought we have Ted scout and follow up after that?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Do you need to do more talking or are you setting out for Gurzun's Hall? The Mercellin are happy to provide horses to those without.
Chris T.:I can't see Jack on the map?
Simon N. (GM):he's great at hiding!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Chris T.:The plan is we sneak in through the cellar entrance, up the back stairs and do in Gurzon?
Simon N. (GM):he's at the House of Golden Thorn on top right map
you can move him back to inn
Erasmus:I think we're all good to go, right? has everyone seen the thread in the forum?
Malied:Malied will do a quick marking session of the chilrens homework
Kenny - Syrus:Let's get going ;)
Simon N. (GM):The city kids seem a lot less keen on homework
Qiviel:I'm having issues with my connection - not sure what's happening as it doesn't seem to be an issue with my internet or my computer
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Malied were not in the village"
Chris T.:(Mine too, Keelia. I think it's a roll20 issue?)
Simon N. (GM):Malied has managed to teach the dwarf innkeep's daughter Granita Goodrock some arithmetic.
Malied:I moved this week and only got my comp up and running a few days ago and i've spent everyday unpacking
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh but you seem to found one student tho"
Simon N. (GM):"Two rocks plus two rocks = four rocks"
Erasmus:My connection keeps getting interupted apparently.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Keelia seem have connection problem
Need a restart. back in a bit. I hope.
Simon N. (GM):@Strohm are you taking the Couranas with you? And the carriage? If you want to leave your horses, carriage & harem behind 10gp should cover it for 5 days
Qiviel:So, it's not just me having issues....
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Simon "seeing this is a dangerous i suggest both of you stay here at Ravensburg until we claimed the Hall back i will write leeter when is safe you both and ride the carriage back to the hall"
leaving 190 Silver to the Courana sisters Chris T.:Are we all still here?
Kenny - Syrus:I am here :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc im still good
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc roll20 is okay where im at
Simon N. (GM):The sisters seem very pleased with the large pile of silver and promise to be good while Strohm is away being heroic.
Simon N. (GM):Granita: "Bye bye Mr Malied!"
Erasmus:Dexterity (+4)
Erasmus Bos
Dexterity (+4)
Erasmus Bos
Malied:Malied smiles and pats her on the head
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK any last supplies etc before you leave Ravensburg?
Chris T.:Allgood here I think
Malied:any scrolls or potions for sale?
Simon N. (GM):What are you looking for Malied?
Geoff:What weapons does Barbara have?
Geoff:OK, can she have some darts or something?
Erasmus:Can she use Tenho's old rapier?
Malied:healing pot, some level 1-2 spell scrolls
Geoff:I know she won't be a front-line fighter, I'm thinking more of a support role.
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Investigation twice Malied
Simon N. (GM):Sadly the potion sellers seem to be out of stock, but you find a good source of level 1 spell scrolls, a stout old lady turns out to be a 'hedge mage' she can do you 50gp spell scrolls - charm person, sleep, comprehend languages, mage armour, magic missile
Her name is Hagra - you may want to note this contact for future reference.
Malied:gah, unless we got loot i didn;'t added from last week I can't afford any of them :(
Simon N. (GM):you got a bunch of loot
you just don't read the threads :)
Erasmus:You got about 200gp
Simon N. (GM):222 I believe
ok then, I'd like to buy charm person, sleep and comprehend language
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh Sleep seem promising wish i have the gold for it spend too much for it unfortunately"
(I'm gonna try to save it to add to my book ;)
Chris T.:Jack ishappy to give Strohm the money
Simon N. (GM):I was going to say, you may want to add them to your book.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc its okay chris thanks for the offer tho :D
Malied:strait off? cool :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's a bright and sunny morning when you leave Ravensburg, riding forth on your heroic quest/assassination mission. :)
It's over 60 miles to Gurzun's Hall, a long day's ride, but the horses are fresh, the ground is firm, and you have around 14 hours of daylight this time of year.
Malied:Don't most quests start out as heroic then trun to assassination?
Ted:this is like my first heroic assassination quest
Simon N. (GM):>>Malied:strait off? cool :)<< Well obviously you have to pay the money for the ink per RAW
Malied:spelling no good, money paid for the ink :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc really scared of Gurzun tho as he fought with a literal dragon slayer
Simon N. (GM):>>For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.<<
Ted:Hey Norrin I only have like 1 of these mantraps, they're really heavy dude.
Simon N. (GM):So if you have 50gp left you can add 1 spell to your book
Malied:k, i had the remaing spells she had to offer anyway
Simon N. (GM):>>A Wizard spell on a spell scroll can be copied just as Spells in spellbooks can be copied. When a spell is copied from a spell scroll, the copier must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. If the check succeeds, the spell is successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.<<
So DC 11 Arcana check & the scroll is destroyed. If Strohm has Arcana trained he can Help you (give advtg) on the check.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc unfortunately Strohm is not trained on Arcana
Malied:fuck, thats one wasted
Simon N. (GM):& neither is Syrus. Anyone?
Erasmus:Syrus is though, right?
Malied:k, thats charm person wasted, i'll try language next
just sleep left
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon - I swapped over my proficiency a while ago in order to be proficent in Arcana, hence I can create scrolls?
Simon N. (GM):OK thanks Kenny. So w advtg 1st one succeeds. Deduct the extra 50gp per scroll copied.
so thats Charm person, all adv now right?
thats sleep
Kenny - Syrus:WHoooop! :)
Simon N. (GM):OK so you can copy them if you have the 50gp per scroll + 50gp per copying
You got 222 from the Mercellin reward plus whatever from the Mountain Door looting
Erasmus:121 from Mountain door
Malied:I had 90 gp from brefore those sessions
So you started w 90 + 121 +222, no upkeep costs as the Mercellin put you up in their Inn for a Tenday
Malied:aw man, that last one failed by 1 -.-
Simon N. (GM):Even w advtg? (anyone else who didn't check the threads, rem to add 222+121 to your gp total).
Malied:rolled a 10 and a 7
Qiviel:That gives Q a good chunk of coin now - she can start looking for slightly better armour and weapons :)
Simon N. (GM):You have the best armour already Q :)
& DC 11, I see
Ted:Ted considers old sack and dirty leather armour and looks sad.
Qiviel:Then a better sword is in the cards ;)
Simon N. (GM):ride ride ride...
Geoff:As the group travels, Norrin tells them about how Gurzun wrested ownership of D'Ashe Manor from Barbara and kept her around until she outlived her usefulness to him, and sold her to slavers. While enroute to elsewhere, Norrin, Jack, Einar and others encountered Barbara in the clutches of the half-orc slaver Ostrikka of Goblin Town, and about how in an attempt at subterfuge, he tried bartering for her freedom -- which failed miserably. In the ensuing fight, Norrin was almost killed, and Barbara nursed him back to health in Ramvira Tower. The two quickly fell in love and Norrin vowed to return her to her rightful place.
Ted:Whoah, thats like really romantic dude
Qiviel:Rocco has a lovely smooth gait and Q scans their surroundings continuously
Chris T.:Jack explains about the secret tunnel
Simon N. (GM):eventually as night falls you reach the woods where Barbara suggests you set camp, a few miles east of the Hall.
Chris T.:Happy to lead us through the desne forest.
Erasmus:Erasmus rides alongside Jyrdani. Just chatting.
Malied:when are find a suitable spot to camp Malied will light up a bonefire with a firebolt
Ted:mumbles to himself trying to keep up on foot, eating the riders dust and carrying a heavy old tool sack Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "cough - I suggest no fires tonight."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus tries to eavesdrop on the convo between 'Ras and Jyrdani
Malied:Malied quickly smothers it with mage hand
Ted:slumps to the ground looking exhausted Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"no worries Ted once the mission succedd youll be swimming in loot"
Erasmus:OOC Didn't we all get horses?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Yays so we get to control our own horse?? :))))
sweet rise dude
Simon N. (GM):yes you all have your own or borrowed horses
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool
Simon N. (GM):Ted would be on a couple exhaustion levels after a 60 mile hike I think :)
Qiviel:Q carefully brushes down Rocco's coat with a currycomb and picks burrs from her tail and checks her hooves to ensure she is comfortable after the day
Simon N. (GM):Rocco whinnies happily :)
Ted:hefts tool sack onto horse, then pets horse Nice horsey, thanks dude.
Kenny - Syrus:(Can't move/select my own horse yet)
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly you see something very big pass over you, above the treetops
Malied:Malied has been massage his horse the whole was with mage hand
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"is that a bird?"
Ted:what was that
hides behind a tree Kenny - Syrus:Is it a plane?
Simon N. (GM):Jack roll Survival please to see how well the camp is hidden from the white dragon...
Erasmus:beat me to it Kenny!!
Kenny - Syrus:I mean "airship"?
Qiviel:Q frowns and draws her weapons. She waves at the others sharply to ensure everyone is on guard
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Kenny lol you noticed
So did Tim
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Kenny - Syrus:Where is your mingey cat @Ted?
Erasmus:Ras is proficient in survival, if that helps?
Ted:Barcats in the bar dude
Simon N. (GM):OK Erasmus roll too
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+8
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn even better
Simon N. (GM):You are in a well covered dell... luckily the horses don't notice & panic as the dragon passes overhead, heading south.
Chris T.:(Woods are Jack's favoured terrain)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Eyes Widen Kenny - Syrus:Dragon steak is Syrus' favorite meal
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"werent the dragon spotted in the north why are they this far in the south?"
Simon N. (GM):Was DC 15 (dragion passive PER 16, darkvision 120' so no disad in low light)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well at least its target is not us now focus on the task in hand are we on go tonight to sneak in the festhall?"
Chris T.:"Maybe, the noise of the evening crowd should cover our entrance up the stairs?"
Chris T.:"And should we fail, I can lead us back out through the secret passage and through the dark woods back here to our horsdes?"
Geoff:"Gurzun and his cronies sleep during the day, so if we do it in the early evening, we may still be able to catch them unawares."
Chris T.:"Well, the survivors..." He adds with a smile
Simon N. (GM):It's about 7.45pm, sunset was ca 7pm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i see so we rest tonight then?"
Qiviel:"Dawn would be the best bet then, or just before," Q comments, still watching the sky.
Chris T.:Unless we go now?
Simon N. (GM):You're about 3-4 miles west of the Hall.
There's a couple miles of open heath between here and the Hall.
Geoff:"No, I think we should have a scouting mission first, just so we know what we're facing."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is Ted heading on for his scout?
Chris T.:"We'll only get one chance to use the secret entrance.." Cautions Jack
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus offers to talk magic with Malied Malied:If had known that I'd have had disguise self prep'd :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i see so who should senak some of us are at a disadavantage"
Erasmus:"Ted goes in, posing as a ratcatcher to scout the level and location of sentry.
Ted:OOC Happy to pop in and check it out if thats possible without taking others gmae time up.
Chris T.:"And if Gurzon's folk spot us skulking?"
Simon N. (GM):Barbara approaches Ted. "Are you ready?"
Qiviel:(Q definitely is at a disadvantage with sneak in her armour :D )
Ted:shakes a gnarly staff with rat tails
Geoff:"Then we take them out, Jack," Norrin replies, grinning fiercly.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i wish you luck Ted"
Erasmus:Once we know that, we go throuigh the tunnel. some go up to Alokoth's room via the open yard, rest up to Gurzon's room."
Barbara D'Ashe:"Then good luck, Ted. Be as quick as you can. We plan to attack at dawn."
Chris T.:Fair do's Jack will try get some rest if we're attacking at dawn.
Simon N. (GM):Ted heads west...
Erasmus:"Time will be of the essence. we will have less than 10 minutes from when the alarm is raised before Gurzun and Alokoth are armoured."
Simon N. (GM):Ted: After a mile or so you leave woodland for open moor, two miles further on across the darkling plain you see ahead the warm lights of a large fortified manor house, a quarter mile off. An outer stone wall surrounds manor house, stable, barn and smithy.
Are you on foot?
Ted:Approach waggling the rat pole Hi Dudes I'm Ted the rat catchers*
(yep on foot)
Mercenary:"And we're expecting you?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lol
Mercenary:frowns "Okay, well... try not to scare the clients. Got some fancy merchants in tonight."
opens gates
Ted:sure thing guard dude
Mercenary:"You better talk to Will. He'll be in the main hall."
(can you control token ok Matt?)
hi dwarf dude is this the main hall?
Mercenary:Lots of trade wagons.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC OMG I have my own horse now!!!
Simon N. (GM):approach the heavy oak front doors of the manor up three stone steps, there's a bell chain.
Simon N. (GM):(I made the Riding Horses controllable by all PCs)
After a short delay the doors open, you see two buxom underdressed lasses.
Simon N. (GM):"Is the bell broken?"
Ted:oh the chain, um i did want to break it
Simon N. (GM):"I'm Alice, er.... "
looks Ted over Ted:hi im Ted the rat catcher the gaurd said i should talk to Will?
Simon N. (GM):"Ah! Right, this way..."
opens doors to main hall Simon N. (GM):"Follow mw.
Simon N. (GM):Alice leads Ted past the throngs of miners, drovers and merchant guards to the bar.
Simon N. (GM):"Yes, we have lots of merchants in tonight - they're making a deal with Torag the Dwarf... here's Will."
A weaselly looking man steps forward, eyeing Ted. "Aye?"
Ted:well thank you Alice you are a lovely
Hello Mr Will I'm ratcatcher Ted, the guard said you have work for me?
Simon N. (GM):Ted roll Deception please
Ted:looks around nice place you have here
"The best."
Ted:do i have to declare ispiration before i roll?
Simon N. (GM):I'll allow reroll, so no
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooo nice
Simon N. (GM):Will brightens: "Ah, yeah! Terrible rat problem of late. Alice, take him to the cellar."
Simon N. (GM):Alice: "Do I have to? It's dark down there - nd the rats..."
Will jerks a finger at the man on the balcony. "You want to tell that to Alokoth?"
Alice sighs, gives Ted a faint smile. "This way..."
Simon N. (GM):She opens the kitchen door.
A harried looking lass is rushing around tending the bubbling cauldrons while chopping veggies
Alice: "Hi Gila."
Gila: "I could use some help here..."
Alice: "Sorry - busy. This way Sir..."
She opens the north door to a landing and descends the steps
Ted:quietly Alkoth's a heavy dude huh Alice?
Simon N. (GM):"You don't want to get on his bad side."
Ted:sorry to hear that alice
Simon N. (GM):You enter the dimly lit cellar (over to right).
Simon N. (GM):A lone sentry is being entertained by a nice looking lass without much on.
Both look startled by your arrival.
Guard: "Hey! No entry!"
He's sitting on a large chest; she's sitting on him. :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc damn theres a sentinal in the cellar?
Ted:er sorry to bother you
Chris T.:just one last time
Simon N. (GM):Alice: "Oh, hi Lisa... excuse me"
withdraws Geoff:OOC: I thought there might be.
Simon N. (GM):Lisa hurriedly Disengages :)
Ted:sorry to kill your romance vibe dude
Will sent me to sort out the rats
Simon N. (GM):The guard's face reddens. "Only authorised personnel here ... the rats? Oh. "
roll Deception w advtg
Simon N. (GM):He doesn't look too happy.
"I suppose you best get on with it then. Here..."
Ted:shrugs gets man trap out Simon N. (GM):He hands over a large iron key. "They're worst in the food stores."
ooh there one!
Simon N. (GM):Ted spots a rat :)
Simon N. (GM):Lisa: "Eeek!" jumps onto table.
The guard goes left, pulling the crates back
Ted:Mighty rat pole I summon thee!
Simon N. (GM):The rat goes right
GM: attack roll I guess?
Simon N. (GM):Ted deftly snares his rat!
Lisa: "My hero!"
Ted:thanks gaurd dude you totally help out there man
Simon N. (GM):The guard looks annoyed. "Hey! Yeah, I helped!"
beams Lisa: "Listen, if you guys are busy, I best get on..."
Ted:bye lisa nice to meet you
grins Simon N. (GM):Lisa gives Ted a smile & wave and sashays upstairs
Simon N. (GM):Guard: "I'm Norbert, by the bye"
offers hand Ted:Norbert pleased to meet you I'm ratcatcher Ted
shakes Ted:its still alive huh tough rat
Simon N. (GM):Norbert goes back to sitting on the chest. "Aye, we have the best rats here - we beat em against the walls till they stop squeakin'."
Ted:Norbet i'm gonna put the trap by the stairs so the rats dont go up ok?
Simon N. (GM):"anyway, I'll let you get on with it... good idea."
Ted:starts crawling around on hands and knees looking for rats
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Ted is puttering around doing ratcatchy stuff. Roll WIS (ratcatcher tools or Survival)
Simon N. (GM):Norbert: "No luck, eh? I'm on shift down here til midnight. Might as well have some beer, eh?"
Simon N. (GM):He indicates the huge barrels, fishing a couple mugs out of the chest.
Ted:the rats must be getting in here from somewhere
cant find it thogh
Simon N. (GM):"Drives old Will crazy when there's beer missing - he thinks the merchants are shorting him..."
roll insight Ted
Ted:OK mums the word Norbert
Simon N. (GM):Norbert glances to the middle of the north wall, where Ted makes out a well concealed clasp.
nice ale
Simon N. (GM):"Ah, don't worry about that. Rats is rats. Come far?"
Ted:and catching them is my business
up the road from Ravensburg
Simon N. (GM):GM: Ted notices a hidden keyhole by the clasp; it matches the key he's been given.
"Wow - Will must be getting desperate, hiring a Ravensburg Guild Catcher! I hear you lot are the best!"
Norbert drains his mug. "Ah... nectar of life!"
Ted:Ah haven't got my full license yet, but a few moreprivate jobs should get me the money for it
Malied:ooc I'm gonna go start dinner since not much seems to have happened
Simon N. (GM):Norbert nods affably.
Malied:message me iff needed#
Simon N. (GM):OOC I guess Matt let me know plans & can prob rap up shortly
Ted:OOC am I meant to take Norbert out? If so I missed that thread.
Simon N. (GM):no one told you to take Norbert out.
You were supposed to scout & come back
Ted:OK well rats catched Ted will leave
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i believe its a scouting mission and report back
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Norbert looks quite drunk now (& rolled 3 on Int check)
Ted:yep thats what i thought the key through me
Simon N. (GM):"Great work fella!"
GM: are you palming the key? Sleight of Hand w advtg
Ted:Cheers Norbert, hey can we sneak one more ale together before i go?
Simon N. (GM):"One more for the road...
hic Simon N. (GM):Ted palms the key while Norbert is pouring ale; he seems to have forgotten you've not given it back (that was the Int check)
GM: It's about 10pm now
Ted:thanks for your help Bert
Simon N. (GM):"Anytime, young fella! Hey, if you see Lisa, send her down, right?"
winks Simon N. (GM):heading up?
heading up and heading out
rat in sak squealing
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc hopefully with a cage of rats
Simon N. (GM):GM: Ted departs without incident, the gate guard letting him out, Mr Rat still squeaking furiously.
Ted:once hes out of sight of the gate gaurds
leg it back to camp as fast as he can
Simon N. (GM):A swift yomp over the plain & a little after midnight he returns to camp
Ted:breathlessly makes a report
Chris T.:"Well done, Ted."
Barbara D'Ashe:beams "Excellent! More than I hoped for."
Simon N. (GM):Malied appears to be in afk trance :)
Ted:2 guards and a heavy dude called alkoth in the hall
Chris T.:"My Lady, does the key work from the outside too?"W
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus is currently sleep on his horse, drooling a little Geoff:Norrin looks at Barbara accusingly. 'Rats? You have rats?" There's a twinkle in his eye, showing he's not serious.
Barbara D'Ashe:"I don't know Jack - when they took me through the door I was blindfolded."
Ted:the cellar guard is pretty drunk
Chris T.:"And he changes at middnight?"
Ted:supposed to, might have fallen asleep
Chris T.:"I'm sure his replacement willwake him.."!
What time is it now please, Simon?
Barbara D'Ashe:Coming up to 12.30
Chris T.:so a dawn attackit is?
Ted:i'm gonna get some shut eye then
Erasmus:"If that's when they're most likely to be in their chambers, yes."
Ted:hey mister rat off you go
releases sack rat Geoff:"How many other guards on the main floor?" Norrin asks.
Ted:2 in the hall and alkoth
1 in the cellar
1 on the gate
1 in the towers
Chris T.:"Any sign of Gurzon?£"
no dude
lots of dwarfs, some dude called torag
Barbara D'Ashe:"It doesn't sound as if he's increased security."
Ted:dwarfs and what looked liked drovers and a whole lot of naked ladies. Strohm you'll love it.
Barbara D'Ashe:"Torag, chief of Torag's Hold. A miner. Friendly with Gurzun - and a powerful warrior."
Geoff:"Are the guards heavily armoured, like elites? Or just mercs?"
Erasmus:"That could be a complication."
Barbara D'Ashe:they had chainmail swords & heavy x-bows
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Oh my"
Ted:Um like regular guards i guess
the girls a real scarred of Alkoth though
mean looking dude
Geoff:"Won't be an easy fight, then, but if we catch them by surprise, we'll have the advantage. Take out the head, and the body will follow."
Erasmus:"Ok, so we move under cover of darkness to the mouth of the tunnel, then we wait for dawn to attack?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"ready as i ever be"
Geoff:"Yes. Anyone who bares steel against us is an enemy."
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK dawn is 5am, so you want to be there about 3am?
Ted:the staff seem pretty scared of this alkoth dude, dont think they will get in the way
Qiviel:Q snoozes until they are ready to leave
Chris T.:Yes,that sounds good.
Simon N. (GM):You'll be much harder to spot approaching on foot to the secret entry
Kenny - Syrus:OOC can our token sit on top of our horses pls?
Chris T.:Dowe have any super stealthy folks among us?
Chris T.:(Leave the horses in the forest?)
Simon N. (GM):leave horses here & head over the plain on foot?
Kenny - Syrus:I can be sneaky with +5 on stealth?
Chris T.:That will be sneakier
Simon N. (GM):It's the safest for not being spotted but gives up fast exit if fleeing
Chris T.:"We don't want to blow surprise by blundering in. Perhaps one of our stealthy folk could sneak inand see if the key fits and if there is any sound beyond the door?"
Erasmus:As Syrus is asleep on his hose, Erasmus gives him a slap on the arse to wake him. *horse
Kenny - Syrus:"Waaaaaaa ...psppstt??"
Chris T.:I vote we leave the horses.
for the sake of stealth
Simon N. (GM):ok after a short nap for most of you, Jack leads you out of the woods and across the heathland, circling round to approach on foot from the north.
Kenny - Syrus:"Are we moving??"
Erasmus:OOC Haha. just seen the name of the music track!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh my
Chris T.:Are we going to send a scout to check the lock?
Malied:this was in the conan film i think
Simon N. (GM):ooc can't get the paste to work
right before orgy massacre :)
Simon N. (GM):ok will need to add tokens manually, will be a few mins
Qiviel:(I've got to wrap up shortly, I'm starting with a new team in the morning, so I need to be rested :) )
Simon N. (GM):ok Q can guard the rear
Chris T.:(Good luck,Keelia!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh sleep wull Keelia
Erasmus:Yeah, good luck for tomorrow!
Kenny - Syrus:see you next week Keelia! :)
Qiviel:Thanks guys :) If you need to use Q's sword or spells, feel free! Night all and stay safe!
Simon N. (GM):ok check secret entrance area top right on hall map
do I have all your tokens?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):seeing Qiviel guarding the rear for now Strohm unsummon his greatsword and equipped himself with a sword and shield Chris T.:So are we scouting to checkthe lock? If so who should go?
Erasmus:"The quiestest of us. Tenho, perhaps?
Chris T.:We just need to know if the key fits the lock and if there are any sounds beyond.
and dio it in darkness
Erasmus:"Ah, good point."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The door to the secret tunnel creaks open into pitch blackness.
Ted going in alone?
Ted:check around for recent tracks
Chris T.:Well two+ means more chances of failing stealth?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc nevermind im sticking with my greatsword
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh shit
Chris T.:My suggestion would then be to send a stealthy hit team once we know we can get past the lock, kill the guard and bring in the rest.
Simon N. (GM):Ted sees no tracks :)
Simon N. (GM):Ted sneaking down the tunnel?
Ted:Ted slips into the darkness of the tunnel
Simon N. (GM):The tunnel is about 500' long... roll Stealth Ted.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus has +5 in stealth, and can possible "suggest" the guard to let us all in?
Chris T.:If the key doesn'twork,that's a great idea, Kenny
Simon N. (GM):Ted reaches the door, it's v solid. he spots a keyhole that matches his key.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Kenny maybe when we encounter a guard
Ted:OOC whos coming with?
Chris T.:So weare reasonably sure we can get in.
Simon N. (GM):Ted is alone
Kenny - Syrus:Sure! Hopefully the guard that we will meet will not be very "wise"
Chris T.:So n9ow, Syrus,Jack and Ted can try take out the guard?
Then the others can come up?
Ted:OOC Im level 1 so this is hit or miss
Simon N. (GM):Is Ted going back?
Chris T.:Jackcan hopefully get an 'ambush' attack in and drop him.
And with Syrus to suggest if not
Ted:no DM. Ted waits at the door listening
can he hear anything?
Chris T.:Ted has taken plenty of risks.Time forothers to..
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc should Ted check if there is an active guard?
Chris T.:It was suggested
listening maybe?
Simon N. (GM):Ted roll Perception
Erasmus:Just listening, then come back.
Simon N. (GM):He doesn't hear anything (inc w Passive 15)
Chris T.:Jack has good perception. No worries.
Jack and Syrus then?
Ted:OK Dm Ted returns to the party. Hey what are you guys doing?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Jack has the best stealth and perception i believe?
Kenny - Syrus:Are we rolling perception?
Ted:come thers nothing to be scared off
Ted slips ackinto the darkness
Chris T.:"C'mon Syrus. Our turn."
Simon N. (GM):OK are Ted Syrus & Jack all going back in w no light?
Ted:Hold my had if you cant see
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc did Ted unlocked the door ?\
Ted:(or are scared of the dark)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus has darkvision, Jack can hold onto me as I lead him to door?
Simon N. (GM):ok Ted Syrus Jack roll Stealth
Simon N. (GM):Jack has Darkvision]
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+5)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:Jack has darkvision. I've done a rubbish job playing him if no one has noticed? :D
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @ Chris!
Simon N. (GM):You sneak up to the door
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
Simon N. (GM):no sound from beyond
Simon N. (GM):If you're listening at door can roll Perception
Ted:i'll open the door you guys dash in and restrain the gaurd dude
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):OK Jack hears quiet breathing :)
Chris T.:Hopefully he can guage where from with the 20?
Simon N. (GM):Sounds like one man, not asleep. A slight chink of chain as his arms shift maybe?
10' past door
Chris T.:His intent is to quietly turn the lock then try a 'dread ambush'
Simon N. (GM):(was DC 20 BTW w extra for 25) :)
ok that is Sleight of Hand
Chris T.:Shield on back and sword two handed.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Kenny - Syrus:Hey Jack, do you need a boost of inspiration??
Chris T.:"It can't harm, my charming friend."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus give Jack a Bardic Inspo!
Chris T.:Jack slowly turns the key..
Ted:thats some pat on the back
Kenny - Syrus:(add d6 for any dice roll apart from damage)
Chris T.:Thanks, Kenny :)
Let's hope it helps!
Simon N. (GM):ok roll SoH
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
Chris T.:yup, best laid plans
Simon N. (GM):Jack has trouble with the lock
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus readies an action - 2 hand fighting if within melee of guard
Simon N. (GM):not spending inspo?
Chris T.:He shrugs, looking at Ted, maybe he can get the bloody thing open?
Jack is prepared to pounce
Ted:you can have my inspo jack
Chris T.:not on a roll of 4, Simon :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Ok you get the lock open, the guard heard you and is reaching for his x-bow...
roll init you 3 (selecting token first!"
Chris T.:Bugger, Jack leaps on him. Init +6
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+4.16)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:(I ythink you'll have to add manually, Sim9on?)
he's at +6 now
Simon N. (GM):ok #17 Syrus
Chris T.:only showing 1 on his character sheet
Simon N. (GM):want to spend inspo Jack?
Ted:(oh hard cheers Chris lol)
Chris T.:again, not on that roll thanks, Simon
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lets go Syrus
Chris T.:(I'll let you know when )
Kenny - Syrus:OK we starting?
Syrus moves, 2-weapon attack on guard
Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):#17 Syrus means #it's your go
Kenny - Syrus:Dagger ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):Syrus stabs the guard in an unarmoured arm
#17 Ted
Malied:ooc guys I need to drop, thanks for the game
Simon N. (GM):Guard: "Ah!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Ted
Kenny - Syrus:(See you next week James!)
Ted:DM is the gaurd Bert?
It's the night guard
Ted:an he is alive still?
Ted:i will shoot him with my short bow
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nigth james hope we get to see action next week
Simon N. (GM):bounces off his armour
(end turn)
Keeping an eye on the stairs
Mercenary:"Alert! Alert!" disengages
Ted:ooh hes by the mantrap
Mercenary:races for the stairs
rat trap?
Chris T.:Jack dashes from the shadows. He adds 10' to his movement on the first round.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc s
hearing the action should we act now?
Mercenary:Not done yet d6 on 6 he steps on trap
Mercenary:object interaction opens door
runs through door yelling
Chris T.:Bonus action Hunter's Mark on him. Action 'ambush' attack
Jackleapsover the trap
Mercenary:DC 10 Athletics to treat stairs as not difficult terrain
nice jump dude
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):ok you catch him!
Simon N. (GM):(just - that was 30')
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:second,important attack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Sigh
Simon N. (GM):you need new dice
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+1d8+1d6+5
Simon N. (GM):Jack cuts him down.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Holy
ooc do we storm in
Chris T.:Jack drags him back 5' and object inter=action, vcloses the door
Kenny - Syrus:"Jack Jack! Shall I put on his armour and pretend to be a guard, screaming because I was afraid of rats as I saw 3 of them??"
Geoff:Any sign of alert from above?
Simon N. (GM):you're out of move Jack
was 30' to there
Erasmus:(We probably can't hear)
Chris T.:+10'in the 1st round
Kenny - Syrus:"We need to be quick!!!" Give me his armour!!"
Simon N. (GM):grabbing him, pulling him & closing door is not 1 object interaction
Chris T.:Did jack hear any commotion from above?
Okay Simon.
Simon N. (GM):but I'll allow grab + pull 5', door still open
Just whatever he can do
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Jack doesn't hear anything
#17 Syrus
Chris T.:"Get the others" Hisses Jack. Done
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus goes up to guard, strips him and dones his armour
Hopefully it all fits?
Ted:Just stick the helmet on and blag it dude. it'll take age to put thte chaimmail on.
Simon N. (GM):that's about 10 minutes work as Geoff explained
Kenny - Syrus:Once this is done he will move ahead to see if there is anyone coming
Oh ok....
Simon N. (GM):Syrus looks nothing like a hall guar in his Bard outfit
Kenny - Syrus:Then instead Syrus will head out back to the party and ask them to quietly follow us in?
Simon N. (GM):OK it'll take a minute to get back to the party
1 mins is fine
Simon N. (GM):yup - it's over 500'
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):600' per minute dashing
Kenny - Syrus:We need help so Syrus will dash
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Tedshould remove the mantraop before it hurts anybody
Erasmus:How far away would he be for us to hear him coming?
Simon N. (GM):Jack is pulling the body back into the room
Erasmus:Bearing in mind we are listening out.
Simon N. (GM):Unless he's yelling, not far
Ted:sorry connection prob
Simon N. (GM):& you're only a few hundred feet from the walls
Ted:Ted will head up the stairs
Kenny - Syrus:And Syrus would be running flapping around in his outfit waving his hands (but not shouting)
Simon N. (GM):OK the door is open
Simon N. (GM):Ted you see OK the door is still open. A girl (Gila) appears at the top of the stairs...
Ted:hide at the bottom of the stairs
she sees you and opens her mouth to scream
Ted:Hi Gila, cor the rats
hey hows your shift tonight?
Simon N. (GM):She can see Jack & the dead guy behind you... roll Deception or Persuasion
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Sigh
Ted:tries to push the body back with his heel Simon N. (GM):if you have insp, may want to use it now
"He's drunk!"
Chris T.:"Been at the ale."
Simon N. (GM):(end of Ted's turn) "AIEEEE!"
Ted:Hes dead drunk gimme a hand Gila
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):You hear yelling from the main hall
Chris T.:Well that's blown it :D
Geoff:Drunk and fell on Jack's sword. Repeatedly.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc one down 19 mercenaries to go
Chris T.:Just weighing up options...
Jack ai'nt going to hold this door for the 20 rounds we need and can't fight Gurzun on his own. so... "C'mon Ted, we've fucked up royaly.Let's get the hellout of here."
Simon N. (GM):Ted runs up tunnel?
Chris T.:he steps carefully over the man trap then dashes after Syrus
Simon N. (GM):if you are all fleeing I'll put you out of combat now
Ted:OOC seriously are we running?
Chris T.:Sorry guys, we messed that up :(
OOC - unless you want to fight 20 rounds?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Sigh I should've tried
suggestion on the guard but I did not expect he would be so hardy - sorry!
Simon N. (GM):(needed a good Sleight of Hand guy to get the door open silently & Surprise guard.)
Chris T.:There will only be two of us to hold the door for 2 minutes
Ted:OOC well if the guys are leaving i will too
Chris T.:(With the key I wasn't expecting a SOH and the rolls undid us. Lady luck was not with us.)
Jack holds his hand up. The fuck up was on him.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC also on hindsight we should have asked the rest of the party follow us maybe 60' behind as I did not realise we were 500' away!
Simon N. (GM):I did tell you
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah that was bad
Simon N. (GM):Or check the map top right
Kenny - Syrus:But Chris you/we could not have expected such a bad dice roll, so not really your fault!
Chris T.:Jacdk will let more experienced heads plan the next move
Geoff:No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
Simon N. (GM):A minute later by the time the fleers exit the tunnel, the Hall blazes with light as it comes alert.
Chris T.:"Let's getthe heck out of Dodge."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sigh
Erasmus:"Back to the horses."
Geoff:"We won't be able to use the tunnel again," Norrin says. "They will secure it even better, and with more guards."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"are we running back to Ravenburg?"
Erasmus:"Then we find another way in."
Kenny - Syrus:That could be a good time - Guards diverted to the secret entrance, away from other posts maybe??
Chris T.:"They will. We had one chance. I'm afraid Lady Barbara will be sleeping on the couch a bit longer."
Tenho Isotalo:"Let's talk while we run - unless you want to wait and see if they chase us? We could make a stand here..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"is this Festhall only for pivate guess could we enter as a guess?"
Barbara D'Ashe:"Anyone may enter, if the gate guards allows - not beggars and such."
Kenny - Syrus:"Ohhhhh Tenho!!!! drawing them out - can we hide and take them out long range with bows??"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"no lets run to the horses Jack could you erase our tracks?"
Chris T.:"They know severalof us now. But the oytthers could?"
Barbara D'Ashe:GM: There's no immediate sign of pursuit.
Chris T.:WellI had my go, so happytodo what ever you guys want now.
Kenny - Syrus:"They only seen Jack and Ted, I ran out before anyone else saw us..."
Chris T.:"They know sir Norrin."
Ted:lets like stop the dithering and stick to a plan dudes. If we are fleeing let us flee!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You start heading east - Jack can't erase tracks while running
Geoff:nodding "I've been here before too."
Chris T.:Jack is pretty safe in the dark, he will take time to erase the tracks.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:OK Jack can follow behind erasing tracks while the rest run back to the woods.
Kenny - Syrus:"If we need a good entry through the front, maybe I can offer one of my epic songs to perform. and maybe a couple of you can be my bodyguards or music accompaniment??"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani looks sad at no fight. :(
Chris T.:Jack too, but the God's were agin us
Erasmus:"There'll be opportunities to bloody your blade soon enough."
"Shit! Where are the horses?!"
Kenny - Syrus:As if by magic....
Erasmus:"wow! Super sneaky - should've sent them in! ;)"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Theyre hidden of course:)"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:It's full daylight by the time you get back to camp horses, Jack you are on your own as the sun comes up on the moor
Simon N. (GM):Jack roll Survival please
Ted:where to? Ravensburg?
Geoff:"Jack, remember when we took Ramvira tower? We all --me included -- scaled the wall and attacked. Do you think we could do that here?"
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Kenny - Syrus:You still have bardic inspo!!!
Chris T.:"I'm willing to try, Norrin."
Chris T.:story of my night their :D
Simon N. (GM):Jack sees two riders...
You can roll Stealth w disad to hide
behind a small rock
Chris T.:He stickshis swordin the earth, leaning his shield against it for easy access and draws his long bow.
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init
They see you and spur their horses forward
Chris T.:If he's going down, he's going down fighting. Not skulking behind a rock
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Damnit Jack
Kenny - Syrus:@SIMON - can we see this happening, hearing noises etc??
Simon N. (GM):it's on the moor 1.5 miles west of your position
Simon N. (GM):They draw swords (they have shields) and spur their horses forward
I have initiative 14
Which gives me first go?
always forget the +5(?)
Simon N. (GM):You can add the +5 yourself I think on the tracker
select init then make it 5 more
#14 Jack
Chris T.:He drops his bow, useless at this range. Bonus action to transfer hunter's mark to the firstone. Then grabbing his sword in both hands he charges 40' and attacks if that is in range?
Simon N. (GM):The ground rumbles as the horses close in
second attack
ah well... nice knowing you guys :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):come on dice give Chris a break imean really
my god
He has the scale
Chris T.:The scale from the tomb, the armour
Chris T.:He'll re-roll the 1
Not my night
AC18 without shield
Simon N. (GM):those were 2 hit rolls
1 hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+2
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn veteran mercenary alright +4 strenght bonus
Simon N. (GM):+2 STR +2 prof
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh those are attacks
Chris T.:Conc rollDC10 for Hunter's Mark
Simon N. (GM):Init bonus = WIS mod BTW, not w Prof
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh my god
Chris T.:Jackstrikes at the marked one again
Simon N. (GM):(WIS 18 I see) :)
Kenny - Syrus:@SIMON should we be worried that Jack has not returned to the camp yet?
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
He was following you erasing tracks
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+1d6+5
Simon N. (GM):He topples from his horse
2nd man strikes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):adavantage on the second attack as the rider is prone?
conc roll
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn tanky mercenaries
Simon N. (GM):I thought Jack killed the rider
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
all good
Chris T.:He strikes the surviving merc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Chris T.:good.He attack,again
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):goddamnit
Ted:come Chris Chris Chris Chris
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):come on comeback
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+1d6+5
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):is it enough?
Mercenary:"agh...now you die!"
Kenny - Syrus:Take his horse and gallop back to us!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):phew
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):coem on Chris
Chris T.:Summoning everything he has,Jackplunges his blade upwards
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):really?
Mercenary:& Jack knows no more
Chris T.:Can't argue with dice like that
Kenny - Syrus:He just never came back to us :-((((
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"is Jack taking too long to comeback to us should we go check up on him?"
Ted:do you think the ranger dudes been captured?
Kenny - Syrus:I am really sorry Chris
Geoff:nodding "Let's go."
Tenho Isotalo:"I think, perhaps, we should move on."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Taht is the wrose case"
"to where Tenho?"
Chris T.:No worries,Kenny, but thank you. My characters tend not to last long in Simon's games. It's part of the fun :D
Kenny - Syrus:We are hoping you will be captured not killed!
Ted:Norrin dude I'll ride with you to check it out, think i rember the way
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):well good news 18 mercenaries are left
Simon N. (GM):GM: Your weary & depleted group flees back eastwards, Barbara looking bitterly disappointed that her long planned retaking of the hall has so utterly failed.
Kenny - Syrus:"I am coming!"
Chris T.:I'll set to wortk on a replacement,just in case ;)
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'm going to stop for tonight but if you are going back to look for Jack can resume there next week.
Chris T.:Thanks for the game as always, Simon. Cherers all!
Kenny - Syrus:YEA WE DO!!!
Geoff:Norrin and Jack have a long history together; he doesn't want to abandon his friend without knowing his fate.
Chris T.:Stay safe untilnext week
Ted:I totally up for rescue Jack the Ranger next week
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Simon and everyone for their patience tonight!
Simon N. (GM):Tenho reluctantly agrees to go back
Muiz:thanks for the game everyone hopefully nextweek well do better
Simon N. (GM):music is a hint :)
Erasmus:Tough break tonight, but that Dungeons & Dragons!!
Ted:thx for the game all, and of course thx DM
Kenny - Syrus:Put it this way - Loot will be SWEET when we get to it! ;)
Simon N. (GM):thx all, commiserations
Geoff:Good game, everyone. See you all next week!
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