Chris T.:All good thanks :)
Hoping we can get a bit more light on the job this evening!
Kenny - Syrus:You mean in the game?
Kenny - Syrus:I doubt it - most DMs like their "dynamic lighting so we can't see what we are not meant to! LOL
Kenny - Syrus:...Talking of which - Hi Simon!! :)
Simon N. (GM):Hi chaps :)
Chris T.:I think we have both Keelia and James tonight too? :)
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhhh I have yet to meet Keelia and James properly - we overlapped on last Sat's game
Chris T.:Quick question, Simon... Do those with Dark Vision have things visible within their range?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes for Syrus
So you can see the rest of us blundering about? :D
Kenny - Syrus:Not unless I am near you - Dark Vision has a range also...
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Rich! :)
Simon N. (GM):Syrus has darkvision 60' and can see twice as far in low light yup
Chris T.:But within 60' it displays in shades of grey?
Simon N. (GM):I set it on grey tint I think
Hiya Geoff
Simon N. (GM):Hi James :)
Kenny - Syrus:@Chris Yes I think - now assuming that dungeons are always Grey!
Geoff L.:Hi Chris! Hi Simon!
Kenny - Syrus:Hi Geoff and good to see you again James - we kinda overlapped last Sat
Rich - Ulric:Hi Geoff and James
Simon N. (GM):@James check your token is ok
Chris T.:Evening Keelia ;)
Qiviel:Good evening, everyone :)
WhiteValyrian:Hello Everyone
damn full house XD
Simon N. (GM):Hi Keelia! Qiviel was in Chaney Manor that evening with Rip Tear when she heard
EVEN MORE evil needed vanquishing! Over at the Crypt of the Everflame in the Darkwood...
GM: I'll assume the group are taking a Short Rest after battle with skeletons
Syrus (Kenny):YES PLEASE!!!
Erasmus:It would probably be worth reconvening, yes.
WhiteValyrian:oh please do
so we roll a hitdie?
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus can sing a "Song of Rest" if anyone wants to spend their hit dace for an addition 1d6 healing?
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel & Rip Tear hear Syrus' Song of Rest emanating from within the Crypt, through a door up stairs on the left wall.
Chris T.:Can you heal 'Aid' HP with healing dice or are they now gone if you lost 'em?)
Syrus (Kenny):Yays to Mirabelle!!! :)
WhiteValyrian:hello Jelly
Simon N. (GM):You can heal Aid hp normallly but your Aid from last night has expired now.
Qiviel:Q follows her ears :)
Erasmus:Shall we head into the main room to ensure everyone benefits, Syrus?
Simon N. (GM):There are open dooors on each side
Syrus (Kenny):Lets follow Victoria!
OOC did not see where Victoria went!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Victoria went north
Jelly:Screen is just black for me, may have to reload :-(
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can u ping where Victoria went?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Greetings milady Qiviel. As you may recall I am Lady Victoria, Knight Paladin of the Golden Cup."
Riptear:try scrolling down
Victoria of the Golden Cup:go to bottom left
then up a wee bit
Jelly:Still not working, I'll reload.
Syrus (Kenny):AH ok we are back to main foyer!
Qiviel:Q bows slightly in response. "Greetings, Lady Victoria. I heard evil was afoot. I thought myself and my friend RipTear would come and assist."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sweet full health
Simon N. (GM):GM: can you all edit your tokens ok?
Kenny - Syrus:Hit Dice
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Jelly i think its because your token i think
Simon N. (GM):green for hp, red for hit dice, blue is AC
ah right
sorry too many players, I forgor Mirabelle!
Chris T.:"Diod any one find an exit from the warrwns?"
Jelly:It's still loading, think it might be my internet :-(
Qiviel:(Q is good to go for token and numbers)
Jelly:I will try on chrome.
Riptear:Rip tokens are good
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):its not you Jelly your token its not here right now
Jelly:Ok it's finally loaded phew!
Simon N. (GM):ok your token is down
cos I added it :)
Syrus (Kenny):@CHRIS Vicktoria spotted an exit to the North of the warrens
Chris T.:Jack will use a healing dice if we are short resting please.
Jelly:OOC can I just ask where we are now?
Jelly:Had training all day so didn't have a chance to look at the messageboard.
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+2
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc a crypt filled with undead apparently
Erasmus:OOC Did you all get your loot from the orc caves?
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle - the Everflame at Cumin Manor is fading, you have come to the Everflame Crypt as it's getting too dangerous for your sisters - if you could light a torch or lantern with the Everflame you could bring it back to Cumin Manor for another year...
Chris T.:I think we need as many light sources as we can get..
Jelly:Oooh fantastic, backstory quest!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will cast Light
Simon N. (GM):You are at Everflame Crypt east of Chaney manor. 11 adventurers tonight inc 2 NPCs, I pity the poor monsters!
Erasmus:"If someone can cast Light on my staff, that'll help me see in the dark."
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle's mage staff shines in the darkness.
Chris T.:Jack lights another torch after his rest
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus can you do Light on Erasmus?
Riptear:Rip just looks around, not needing the light
Chris T.:(Jack now 20/20HP, Simon)
Syrus (Kenny):@GM Syrus doesn't have light spell :-P
Syrus (Kenny):And the moon sword went back to The Hag :-(
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(Strohm 12/12HP)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle is not sure she recognises some of the people here.......
OOC can we do introductions?
Simon N. (GM):Chris can you edit Jack's token to raise his hp (green) to 20?
OOC yes you sure can :)
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "Would you like my candle? Thats all I can offer, my friend.."
Simon N. (GM):GM: There's a strange elf & a bald warrior in with several familiar (to Mirabelle) faces from last night's battle with the orcs.
GM: I've put yellow marks on those w torches or magic light
Syrus (Kenny):we have yet to loot the Orcs....!
Riptear:Dark vision ftw :P
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh newcomers always good to have extra help Strohm is my name what is yours"
approaching Mirrabelle Simon N. (GM):The orcs were definitely looted!
Rich - Ulric:@Mirabelle, Qiviel and Riptear "Ulric Iceshadow - Veteran of the Zhengyi Wars. At your service"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle: a human woman in her early thirties, with reddish-black hair and green eyes. She wears a blue velvet gown that at first glance looks impractical for adventuring. She has earrings, bracelet and necklace made of a mixture of semi-precious stones, and a wizard's staff. A large wine-skin hangs at her belt.
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhhh when you said Orcs you meant the caves, of course! :-P
Mirabelle (Jelly):A pleasure to meet you, master Iceshadow!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:looks bored Syrus (Kenny):While introductions were being made, Syrus offers a game of patty-cake with Jack Riptear:Rip looks at Jyrdani
Erasmus:Erasmus goes and sits next to Jyrdani. "Let's be bored together, huh?"
Riptear:@I can see the look on your face, lets get going"
Chris T.:The serious young man looks at the Bard like he's bonkers :D
Norrin (Geoff):The tall blond Northman steps forward. He's wearing plate armor, carries a longsword of ancient design, and a shield with an eagle crest. "Norrin, son of Thorrin," he says by ways of introduction.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Lady Mirabelle, we are most glad to have your assistance here, in the sacred vault of the Everflame, where your illustrious ancestor Sammael Chaney lies buried."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus rolls eyes at Jack and leaves Mirabelle (Jelly):I'm honoured, too! The more the merrier, I always say, especially when it comes to dungeons.....
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I fear that Evil has claimed this place... I only hope the Everflame itself is not corrupted!"
Chris T.:Jack is happy to play rear-guard
Erasmus:"I'll stay near you, if you don't mind. I can't see past my own nose in here."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus walks to his old companions and joins in the boredom Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmm, perhaps I can cast some light on your staff, Erasmus?
Qiviel:"Qiviel of the Golden Cup. My companion is RipTide," she motions to the half orc elsewhere. "Sir Jack, good to fight beside you again."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:smiles sidewise at Erasmus "There's a door in this room too...,"
Riptear:Rip nods at the others
Chris T.:"And you m'lady."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh so this crypt is not abandoned does that mean to we cannot take anything from this crypt i presume miss mirabelle"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus bows to Qiviel and Rip Erasmus:To Mirabelle: "You have Light on your staff. It's fine, I'll stay with Jyrdani. But thank you."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:opens door Erasmus:"Shall we? Ladies first."
Simon N. (GM):OOC hold up while I post some stuff
Syrus (Kenny):"Ulric and I broke 2 of those rusty Skellys in ere earlier"
Syrus (Kenny):"Oh I meant Norrin and I!!!"
Simon N. (GM):Entry: An archway of stone is set into the side of a small hill at the
bottom of the valley. Moss has overgrown many of the details,
but one is still quite clear. The keystone of the arch is carved
Simon N. (GM):with a flame symbol with a stylized rune in the middle. Beyond
the archway is a darkened tunnel that leads to a pair of massive
wooden doors, slightly ajar.
Pool: In the center of this room is a large pool of clear water, fed by
a fountain on the wall above it. The fountain has a stone statue
Simon N. (GM):of a weeping St Cecilia holding the slain body of Sammael Cumin.
Syrus (Kenny):"OH no it was Ulric"
Rich - Ulric:I was there didn't do much
Mirabelle (Jelly):To Strohm: Although I am the biggest magpie of them all, I would appreciate it if you didn't take anything, thankyou, Sir?....
Rich - Ulric:Hot 1 - little damage
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani enters the Room of Reflection, torch high.
Room of Reflection: A small stone bench sits in the center of this dusty chamber.
On the far wall is a mural depicting the hero Sammael Cumin
defeating the mercenaries at the entrance to this crypt, with
his blade piercing the chest of the mercenary leader. These
figures stand alone in the center of a scene of carnage, with
dead villagers and mercenaries all around them.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Sir Strohm at your service"
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I check for anything hidden in this mural?
Mirabelle (Jelly):A pleasure to meet you, Sir Strohm!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Quite tragic is it not"
Seeing the statues Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle says a prayer at the statue of St Cecilia.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus can roll Perception
as he searches the mural
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Erasmus:OOC How long do the Aid Hit Points last?
Simon N. (GM):It seems to be just a mural. Sammael Cumin in his shining plate armour, flaming longsword held high as he drives back the army of Asar Kessell, his one time friend turned bandit lord, into these very crypts.
Syrus (Kenny):"Nothing much but a bit of story telling here folks - I could do better myself!"
Simon N. (GM):The mural shows Sammael striking down Asar.
Aid lasts 8 hours so gone
Syrus (Kenny):"Shall we continue North?"
Simon N. (GM):this is about 24 hours since you got Aid to fight the orcs
Riptear:Rip pushes past the others eager to move on
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will move up to the mural and look wistfully at her heroic ancestor...
Simon N. (GM):The door opens
Stop guys
Syrus (Kenny):@TEAM" stay near the outer walls!!"
Simon N. (GM):Pit: A single pillar in the center of the room supports this wide,
domed chamber. The pillar is surrounded by a 20' pit, but a stone
bridge crosses the pit from the north.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Can we all move up, please?
Syrus (Kenny):@GM Can Syrus inspect the carving/writing?
Mirabelle (Jelly):It's a D and D conga line!
Chris T.:Just waiting for miss Goldencup :)
Simon N. (GM):GM:A Shadow detaches from the walll... roll init please!
Erasmus:Initiative (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus bows to Mirabelle Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Riptear:rolling 1d20+1
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20+1
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Mirabelle (Jelly):18 total
Simon N. (GM):& no moving tokens please
Riptear:Rip pushes past the others eager to move on
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Chris T.:I just moved without moving :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+2
GM: anyone not on the turn tracker?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc yeah dont see Riptear on the turn order
Victoria of the Golden Cup:init is a nightmare w so many
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc there you are
Simon N. (GM):GM ok everyone surprised as Spot DC was 20
Syrus (Kenny):OOC This IS the most players I have seen in a single session ;)
Simon N. (GM):Shadow reaches out for Norrin...
critical hit w advtg :(
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh dear
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6+2
19 Necrotic damage and STR drain
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holly shit
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d4
Simon N. (GM):STR drained 5 pts
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc that would one shot me
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC me too!
Simon N. (GM):Norrin STR drained 18 to 13
Norrin (Geoff):It's only a flesh wound
Simon N. (GM):The Shadow flits across the chamber and melts into the shadows on the far wall (bonus action hide)
DC 26 to locate!!!
2 20s in a row :-O
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc on who?
Qiviel:"Cursed darkness!" Q mutters to herself.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc nevermind
ooc i cant find them even with a 20 XD
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK round 2, Rip is the first to overcome his surprise. What do you do?
#19 Rip Tear
then #18 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Do I need to roll perception to locate or can I use magic?
I.e. Arcana check.
Simon N. (GM):well you can't see it.
Rich - Ulric:OOC Roll 20 is playing up so some people might be having issues
Riptear:Rip rages then charges the shadow
Simon N. (GM):Arcana skill won't detect it
Mirabelle (Jelly):Which skill will, if any?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll give it a try.
Riptear:Rip takes a swing
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 -1
No chance!
Simon N. (GM):Rip attacks empty air, Mirabelle looks around
#16 Ulric
Mirabelle (Jelly):Can I ready an action for if it shows up again?
Rich - Ulric:Move up and use perception to try and see it
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC can't remember if we're allowed in 5E....
no luck
Rich - Ulric:Just stand ready end turn
Simon N. (GM):Victoria dashes into room.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team we need to roll a 20 AND have +6 Perception bonus to find this "Shadow"....
Simon N. (GM):(searching w Perception roll is an Action BTW so you might not want to bother this round)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Or possibly lighting up the room somehow?
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle roll Arcana DC 12
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +5
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):remained in the room of relflection and end turn Simon N. (GM):Your Light spell sheds bright light but only within 20'
Mirabelle (Jelly):Darn. Can I use inspiration to roll again please?
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +5
Simon N. (GM):#13 Erasmus
Mirabelle (Jelly):There must be some way to bring more light,.......
Erasmus:Hearing the confused noises emanating from ahead, Erasmus squeezes past Jyrdani to assess...*
Glancing around, he sees nothing...
Simon N. (GM):that was about 50' move
Erasmus:He takes a defensive stance in anticipation Syrus (Kenny):Can Syrus holds his action please - trigger will be as soon as Shadow next re-appears? He will cast Vicious Mockery as soon as Shadow reappears
Syrus Readies, the words are on your lips!
Syrus (Kenny):(And the word could be "You C
Simon N. (GM):Sentry Gun icon for Readied Action - machinegin wit :)
Erasmus:(Defensive stance = Dodge action, btw)
Simon N. (GM):The Shadow appears
Syrus (Kenny):@GM oh so thats what that icon means!!!
(I saw that on some Orcs back in the cave!!)
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V
Vicious Mockery
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Erasmus:@Kenny I know, right?!
Simon N. (GM):It reaches for Rip... Syrus calls it a bad word...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh should have taken a dodge action as well
it clutches its shadowy head in pain!
Syrus (Kenny):YES! Shadow is his advantage on his next attack!!!
dis-advantage I meant!
Simon N. (GM):ok that cancels advtg of Rip not being aware of it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc looking up dodge only works if you can see your opponent
Simon N. (GM):The Shadow hides again in the shadows...
DC 8 to spot
You can all see it on Passive :D
Rip you can have an opp att on it
as it 'sneaks' off
Riptear:rolling 1d20+5
roll dmg
Riptear:rolling 1d12+5
Simon N. (GM):A chunk of shadow is sliced off it and melts away.
Riptear:Rip is a bit miffed about the lack of blood :/
Qiviel:She'll move over and take a stab at it.
Simon N. (GM):hit - she pokes a teeny hole in the shadows
Jyrdani raises torch and sword - it's now brightly lit & can no longer Hide as a bonus action
#4 Norrin
I'll let you squeeze into that far spot :)
left of the shadow
you attack at +4 now
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 4
Simon N. (GM):You could use Second Wind to recover d10+4 hp
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d10
wow rolls hate you
Erasmus:Glad to see it's not just Jack and I!
I think these online dice rollers always side with the monsters!
Chris T.:Jack wonders what the heck is going on up ahead... He makes a mental note to mention to the rest that whatever those pointy things on the pedestals on each corner of the pool are that they look to him like they twist around. He then takes the dash action to catch up.
#19 Rip
Riptear:once more for luck!
Simon N. (GM):more tiny fragments of darkness break off
#18 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle casts Firebolt
Simon N. (GM):AC 14 w cover
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +5
#16 Ulric
Mirabelle (Jelly):Dice don't like me tonight either!
Rich - Ulric:Hit it with longsword
Simon N. (GM):hit, bit of dmg
it's being slowly whittled by your mundane weapons
& mockery :
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria holds up her sword, it blazes with light (now +3 to hit) "Someone give me space, that I may smite it!"
#13 Strohm
#13 Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i can see the shadow?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:DC 13 from there
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay so i cast firebolt
Simon N. (GM):Your passive per is 11 so not until you move in
if you have move left
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh nevermind end turn
Simon N. (GM):if you can get past Jack you'd be able to see it sorry :
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc dont have move left
Erasmus:Seeing how ineffective mundane weapons appear to be, Erasmus has a burst of inspiration and strikes with the magic handaxe Simon N. (GM):#13 Erasmus
AC 12
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc its cool Simon
Simon N. (GM):HIT! With a silent scream, it disintegrates!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:looks vaguely disappointed Erasmus:"Thanks for the idea, Victoria!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria smiles back, mollified.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hey, no flirting with the monk! He's mine!"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin leans against the wall, gasping...
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:winks at Erasmus
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"You're wounded, Sir Norrin!"
Chris T.:"Here, Norrin. Take these gauntlets. They will give you great strength even following that attack."
Jack gives the Gauntlets of Ogre Power to the mighty fighter.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM Can Syrus inspects the inscription around the pit please?
Riptear:"I did most of the work!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:checks him "The Shadow Bane is temporary, if they are stopped in time. You should recover from the unnatural lassitude if you rest for an hour or so."
Norrin (Geoff):"No, Jack. You've earned those. I will be fine, after some rest. Or a cleric or two."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:GM: Norrin can rest for an hour to get STR back which is how long it takes to attune to the gauntlets :D
well it was just an idea :)
Simon N. (GM):Syrus inspects the inscription. It is ancient, in the old Narfell script.
It's basically Abyssal.
Erasmus:"Jyrdani, you're Nar right?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Once, bad men lived here. Once, but long ago."
"This is a Pit of Oblivion - they used it for human sacrifices."
Syrus (Kenny):"Ewwwww!!!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Mirabelle ancestor or someone else?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:shines torch down "I can see a body down there."
Erasmus:"How deep is it?"
Syrus (Kenny):"Is it carrying Gold???"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus w your darkvision you make out a corpse down the 20' pit, dressed in the same Cultist outfit as Vex's mob from the Toll bridge.
Chris T.:"Lower me down if you like?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):I doubt it would be anything to do with my bloodline!!
Riptear:Rip tosses him in without a rope
Chris T.:"I'll take a look."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"possibly unless they strip there sacrifice beforehand"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"This was an evil place once, but it was Cleansed in the holy light of St Cecilia! But now Evil has returned..."
looks troubled Syrus (Kenny):To Erasmus, Jelly and Jyrdani "Hey, that body down is is dressed as one of the Cultists we met back at the toll bridge!!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"interesting"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:ties rope round pillar Syrus (Kenny):"Did they sacrifice one of their own to their hideous toad god with the lazy eyes???"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Maybe..."
Simon N. (GM):Jack heads down the rope.
Chris T.:Jack slides down her rope.
Erasmus:"So the cult of Tsathoggua has taken to defiling sactified crypts, too. Our urgency to deal with them must be renewed."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmm, this doesn't sound good!
Chris T.:If he gets to the bottom safely he will hold up his torch to illuminate the scene
Mirabelle (Jelly):GM can Mirabelle do a religion check?
Rich - Ulric:Ulrics keeping n eye out in case anything else surprises us
Norrin (Geoff):"A ready supply of corpses to animate, I would be guessing."
Qiviel:Q leans over to watch Jack descend.
Simon N. (GM):GM: At the bottom of the pit Jack finds the dead body - human male, a few weeks dead, bit stinky. Under the cultist hood his face bears a horrified expression. He shows signs of stab wounds in his back prior to death in the pit fall.
Riptear:Rip shoves Chris in
Chris T.:And searches the cultist's body.
Erasmus:"How long would you say they'd been there?"
Syrus (Kenny):Shouts down to Jack "IS THERE ANY GOLD"
Riptear:"I'll throw down a ropeonce you've found something
Chris T.:Jack remembers why Orcs are his hated enemy :D
Simon N. (GM):>>Rip shoves Chris in<< no jokes please James, no voice tone in text chat!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Any treasure found here comes with 10% tax, payable to me!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lol
Simon N. (GM):He has a money pouch
Riptear:ooc k, nothing from
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
6 silver pieces!
brb drinks run
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus rolls eyes and back away Chris T.:Jack tosses this up. No documents or other identification?
Mirabelle (Jelly):That's usually Mirabelle's line! She takes a swig from her wine pouch.
Simon N. (GM):no documents
Chris T.:Whilst down there he searches around for secret exits.
Simon N. (GM):that's what he looks like
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhhh! haha
Chris T.:OOC Was he dead from a broken neck or weapon wounds?)
Simon N. (GM):GM Norrin completes a Short Rest - (you all can) & recovers STR, and can roll 'hit dice' to heal up. There are a couple doors out of the main room you open, but nnone in the pit
Chris T.:Jack takes 10 and climbs back upthe rope.
Simon N. (GM):@Geoff you have 4 'hit dice' you can use to self heal, once per long rest
Erasmus:"Shall we continue on?"
(To Jyrdani)
Syrus (Kenny):If anyone takes another hit dice, then Syrus can sing a Song of Rest for extra 1d6 heals?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"there is two paths do we split the group?"
Simon N. (GM):Norrin is on 22/40 and would recover d10+3 per hit die spent
If Syrus sings nicely he also gets a single bonus d6
Norrin (Geoff):Okay he'll use one.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus singsa wee song in Scottish accent "Oh Danny Boyyyyyyy..."
@NORRIN roll an extra 1d6 for additional HPs
I can roll it
ok back to full
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "OK shall we split into 2 groups?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's after midnight now
Erasmus you think you saw something big move down your tunnel
Chris T.:OOC Splitting the partyis rarely a good idea and will drive the DM bonkers :D
Erasmus:How big is 'big'?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh okay
Riptear:ooc When has plitting a party ever worked xD
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I can do one more hour GM til 8.30.
Chris T.:OOC Scooby Doo proves that every time :)
Qiviel:(splitting the party would make it too hard for Simon, no?)
(I think I have lag, suddenly got other messages :D )
Erasmus:"There is something ahead. I'm happy to bo and check it out, but I'll need light which will give me away. Any one that can see in the dark that can move quietly?"
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani puts down her expended torch, readies sword & shield
Riptear:I can see in the dark
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"unfortunately no as as my armour often makes noise"
Riptear:only +1 to stealth
Syrus (Kenny):I can stealth ahead with Strohm?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can stealth too
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabelle but you need light, right?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh I see, yes I do!
Simon N. (GM):Anyone stealthing will still have light behind them anyway
Erasmus:Go for it Syrus. Be sure to keep your distance and come back once you see anything"
Simon N. (GM):so they'll be nicely silhouetted
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i got disadvantage on stealth
Syrus (Kenny):OK unless we extinguish all lights, we may as well just pile down that tunnel?
Erasmus:Not if we move all the light sources from the door.
Syrus (Kenny):Unless all light sources pile down the previous tunnel?
Simon N. (GM):ok you could move all light sources & send Syrus down alone?
& shut door behind him? :D
Chris T.:"Would you like meto lookfor tracks? What ever it is must have gone down there recently."
"Perhaps I can guess what it is by its tracks?"
Erasmus:"move light sources into the tunnel on the right, Syrus sneak ahead, come back and report what you find. DO NOT go getting killed, friend."
Syrus (Kenny):To Erasmus "OK, if we do this, once you close the door behind me, I will knock softly 3 times on my return then you open door - if I BANG on the door this means get your weapons ready!!"
Chris T.:Jack shrugs and goes to hide his light.
Riptear:"What if we hear you scream...."
Erasmus:"Should be no need to close the door if the lights are extinguished or moved far enough away."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Victoria where are you going?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Riptear "If you hear me scream, hopefully you will come rushing with weapons ready, my friend..."
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC what could possibly go wrong lol
Erasmus:"Mirabelle, can you put your light out for now?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"To hide the light of my sword, Sir Strohm."
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "Good point - no light = no need to shut door"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes I'll extinguish it
Syrus (Kenny):@GM lemme know when all lights are out/hidden and if/when you want me to do a stealth check
Simon N. (GM):ok it's getting dark... Syrus you should be ok now to stealth
Chris T.:OOC I think mine has gone?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh i see for second i thought you went alone again dont want a lovely lady like you get ambushed again"
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "you may wanna close this door quietly now...."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Please don't trouble yourself on my account, Sir Strohm."
Syrus (Kenny):"The corridor ahead leads to a big room with pillars, and in the middle of it rests a GIANT beetle!!"
Erasmus:Closes door quietly "What did you see?"
Syrus (Kenny):"The corridor ahead leads to a big room with pillars, and in the middle of it rests a GIANT beetle!!"
Simon N. (GM):OOC what was your Stealth roll Syrus?
Syrus (Kenny):Yes Echo Chamber!
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):The beetle seemed oblivious
You can roll INT (Nature) Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):OOC soz you didn't say roll Stealth :-P
@Erasmus "Yes, all I could see was one - but I did not see the whole echo chamber so there could be others hidden away..."
"I think with so many of us, we can take it on though! Just need a plan..... maybe we can surprise it?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: It'll see the humans' light
Syrus (Kenny):"OR - we can lure it in this chamber and push it down the Pit!!"
Erasmus:"If ten of us can't handle a giant beetle, what hope do any of us have of dealing with the cultof Tsathoggua?"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC if we go with latter option we may even get inspiration points from the GM ;)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"how giant is the giant beetle?"
Riptear:"perhaps the ones taht cannot see can hold onto the ones that can until we start the battle?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Strohm "one square size"
Norrin (Geoff):"It might here us coming, even if it can't see us."
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's about horse size
much bigger than a fire beetle
Riptear:"Then maybe wake it up an draw it in here?"
Simon N. (GM):A big horse
Syrus (Kenny):"If I can lure it into this room and the rest of you hide on either side of the doorway, you lot may surprise it?
Erasmus:"Or those that can see take flanking positions before we bring the light in. Hopefully we'll be able to hae more opportunities to attack from multiple angles."
"We may be better off if we have a little more space than this cramped room"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin nods. "We can send someone with a torch in there to attract its attention, and lead it back here, where we can kill it."
Syrus (Kenny):"Why don't we being the Beetle to us here though? We can all ready an action and use it the minute it enters this room?"
@Norrin "Exactly!"
"And we won't get stuck in another tunnel!"
Erasmus:"I'm happy to go and draw it out with a torch, if that's the plan."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"sounds good"
readies sword Syrus (Kenny):"I can ready my bow and shoot it as soon as it enters"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Good plan!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can't Ready per se out of combat - but you may get Surprise on it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"now the question who is the bait?'
Erasmus:"Ok. Everyone get in position. melee to the front, casters and shooters to the rear. Leave me some space by the pillar."
Syrus (Kenny):"And we can Surprise it!!! May be good to hide out lights until someone shouts too"
Simon N. (GM):@Chris suggest you move back in!
You can dim lights a bit w cloaks etc
Erasmus:"I'll try to draw it to here."
Syrus (Kenny):To Mirabelle "Let's back up a bit m'Lady"
Norrin (Geoff):"A couple of us on either side of the door, the rest in a semi circle around to create the kill zone."
Syrus (Kenny):@Victoria "M'Lady, would you like to move up to the front?"
Erasmus:Ranged anywhere with good sight.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus puts hand up to Erasmus Simon N. (GM):Gm: The beetle is Large so you really need to leave a 2 square gap
that ok?
"Are we ready?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus readies his bow Syrus (Kenny):OOC this is kinda exciting!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK I think this is best handled w an Acrobatics check from Erasmus to time the in and out just right
Erasmus:Erasmus lights a torch and strolls into the chamber Acrobatics (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:OOC I got this! :)
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus hurriedly retreats as the beetle barrels after him...
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init, you have Surprise
no attack rolls yet
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Riptear:rolling 1d20+1
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Erasmus:Shall I wait till after surprise?
Simon N. (GM):you roll init now
Erasmus:Initiative (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):if your PC isn't linked to the Turn tracker tell me your roll
Chris T.:Jack on 5, Simon
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +1
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20
Norrin (Geoff):5 for Norrin
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:ok I have 11 adventurers on chart!!!
Simon N. (GM):#20 Mirabelle
Beetle is Surprised
Syrus (Kenny):Hopefully it may be dead before the turn gets to me ;)
Simon N. (GM):It's a big bugger, goood luck...
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'm not sure I can cast burning hands without singing allies?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll go for Firebolt then!
Simon N. (GM):you'll burn Jyrdani's bare behind!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Not again!
Simon N. (GM):firebolt misses
BTW Rip used his 2nd and last Rage earlier
Simon N. (GM):miss - AC 15
Simon N. (GM):No Long Rest since you raged vs the Orcs yesterday
Simon N. (GM):#19 Jyrdani
thinks about Raging Jyrdani of Jiyyd:decides not to hit!
#14 Rip
Riptear:rolling 1d20+5
miss i assume
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani moves back so eg Jack can get in
Rip's axe bounces off its carapace
#12 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast firebolt on the beetle Riptear:he moves back for Q
Simon N. (GM):slight singe!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sad end turn
back to +7
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 4
rem you can Action Surge once per short rest for an extra attack
Norrin (Geoff):Okay, I'll take another swipe at it.
Simon N. (GM):cheers Chris!
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Simon N. (GM):You got 2 hits Norrin!
roll 2d8+14 :)
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 2d8 + 14
Simon N. (GM):Norrin drives the Hero Sword deep into the beetle's hide. It waves its antenna angrily.
(bloodied, under half hp)
Norrin (Geoff):I think I made it angry.
Simon N. (GM):#11 beetle looks around,no longer surprised, can now use Reactions like opportunity attack.
#9 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Before initiative, I rolled a 23 hit with 4 piercing damage - would u like me to re-roll?
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):Dammit! :-(
Erasmus:Seeing the beetle beaten and bloodied, Erasmus brings the handaxe down on its head bounces off
Erasmus:Then punches at an eye Beetle antenna parries :)
Erasmus:Can I use movement to attempt to get behind it?
Simon N. (GM):(no it blocks the tunnel) #6 Victoria: "Huzzah!"
Erasmus:Up-and-over, dope-monk-shit-stylee?
Syrus (Kenny):Whats with our bad rolls on this encounter :-/
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+5
hit - smites!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Finally!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling 3d8+5
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Rich did you go on 19 like the init tracker says?
Simon N. (GM):I don't rem you rolling
Rich - Ulric:I did - I missed
ok Vicky hits for 14 with a Divine Smite - golden radiance blasts the beetle
Chris T.:"S'cuse me, Miss." Jack hands his torch to Mirabelle then moves in and whacks it with his great sword.
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Simon N. (GM):bounces off
#3 Qiviel - throw spear?
Spear (One-Handed) (+5)
Simon N. (GM):The spear slays it!!!!
Simon N. (GM):The poor 52 hp beetle collapses w/out getting a turn
Syrus (Kenny):Well Done team!!!
Qiviel:Q collects her spear.
Chris T.:"Thank you, Miss." Jack retrieves his torch
Simon N. (GM):out of combat - well done on the plan, I was worried that thing would chomp some PCs :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc thats quadruple my health
Simon N. (GM):2 minute break then I'll do XP for early leavers
Chris T.:I'll go grab a drink then, catch you all in 2 minutes :)
Norrin (Geoff):Let's drag the bug's corpse into the pit.
Syrus (Kenny):"Was just thinking exactly the same!"
Erasmus:"A good team effort."
Erasmus thinks to himself how fortunes may be looking up. Qiviel:"Indeed, such a determined group was bound to be victorious," she agrees.
"I will help you drag it from the door."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus offers a game of patty-cake to Mirabelle while they are waiting... Simon N. (GM):900/10 = 90 XP so far tonight
Riptear:Rip grrabs the carcus and starts dragging it to the pit
Syrus (Kenny):@Chris NICE!
Simon N. (GM):The beetle rolls into the pit - SPLAT
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Yay I levelled up!
Qiviel:(Right, that's it for me, nicely done guys and thanks for the game :) )
Chris T.:Well done Jelly!¬:)
Simon N. (GM):rem you need to train to level in this campaign
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle wonders if that was wise: another sacrifice to the Toad God?
Qiviel:(have a good rest of the game :) )
Syrus (Kenny):See you again soon @Qiviel! :)
Simon N. (GM):10 days or 5 w a mentor
Syrus (Kenny):You too Riptear! :)
Norrin (Geoff):See you later! Good game!
Chris T.:Catch you next week, Keelia :)
Erasmus:Thanks all, G'night if you're off...
Simon N. (GM):I can play on to 10pm for the rest of you
Mirabelle (Jelly):Guess it might be a good time to go now as well?
Rich - Ulric:I'm off as well. Thanks guys. Cheers GM. See you at the Sultan tomorrow
Mirabelle (Jelly):Got to go in 5 minutes, not sure can do much in that time!
Erasmus:(That was to Simon, not Jelly!)
Chris T.:I'm good 'till 10
Syrus (Kenny):See you Rich!
Rich - Ulric:See he rest of you soon
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly next time we meet Mirabelle will be on a new level! :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):night Rich and Jelly
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes super excited!
Mirabelle (Jelly):See you next time everyone, thanks for the game Simon!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:thx Jelly!
Syrus (Kenny):Have a lovely rest of weekend!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"North?"
Syrus (Kenny):"Let's go! Keep it on quiet side though!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i believe so as we kill the bettle"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus will stay rear
Chris T.:Jack offers to lead the way
Erasmus:Erasmus follows behind Jyrdani Syrus (Kenny):To Jack "After you, young Sir"
To Jack "After you, young Sir"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Flanked by stone warrior statues, steps lead down into the depths...
Chris T.:Loolks like Jaack is rear guard again :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"is this the path to the Everflame?"
Simon N. (GM):Keelia left - ok then. You few, you happy few, you band of brothers...
Erasmus:Erasmus would like to take alook a the statues Syrus (Kenny):Points what are those on either side of staircase??"
@GM Investigation check?
History (INT)
Simon N. (GM):statues of warriors :)
Erasmus:"Hmm... statues."
"Of warriors."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"hmm let me see"
Erasmus:"Presumably just generic."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I believe this is the way to the tomb of Sir Sammael and the Everflame..."
Simon N. (GM):Strohm reckons the statues are Damaran, ca 150-170 years old approx.
Probably here commemorating Sammael Cumin's victory over Asar Kessell and his wife Cecilia's lighting of the Everflame over his tomb.
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus is excited about seeing an ancient tomb - more sights to be made into great songs!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh a bit older than i am but other than what Victoria says its just a 150-170 year-old statue"
Simon N. (GM):Cecilia Cumin is, of course, the legendary St Cecilia, patron saint of fallen women redeemed!
Norrin (Geoff):Anything else in the room? Or shall we check out the staris?
Syrus (Kenny):"Oh Oh Oh can we go yet???"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You may descend the steps...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"ready a torch for a human friends is best"
Erasmus:"Carefully. Don't want anyone falling foul of any traps."
Simon N. (GM):I'll need to group your tokens
Syrus (Kenny):"There could be traps - can anyone detect traps??"
Chris T.:Jack is happy to gofirst. He has good eyes fortraps.
Syrus (Kenny):"Young Sir! Please do lead us!"
Syrus (Kenny):while we are transported... Simon N. (GM):GM You descend the steps (no traps) to a crossroads chamber
bottom right
Syrus (Kenny):OK the way to the east there looks like a cobweb....
Simon N. (GM):Crossroads: At the bottom of the stairs is a circular chamber with three
passageways leading from it. In the center is a small stone
Norrin (Geoff):Some to the north too.
Simon N. (GM):west you can see seeping water
Syrus (Kenny):ANything interesting about the pedestal? is it pointing to anywhere?
Simon N. (GM):and hear dripping that is almost a stream
Erasmus:"Not surprising, but let's hope they're not of abnormal size."
Simon N. (GM):The pedestal is bare, no not pointing
Syrus (Kenny):Where is stream sound coming from?
the water
Syrus (Kenny):"Which way, friends?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc what about east?
Erasmus:"Ser Jack, would you care to lead the way?"
Chris T.:I'm good with east
and yup, torch up (and pp16) Jack leads on.
Syrus (Kenny):Jyrdani runs off!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc imean whats at east?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus will be rear
Simon N. (GM):The corridor opens up into a winding catacomb. The walls are
skillfully carved with deep recesses where bodies might have
once lain. All that remains now are cobwebs, dust, and the
Simon N. (GM):tattered remains of ancient clothing.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"The Damarans must have buried their dead here - still a few bones..."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:opens door CREEEAK
Pool: A shallow reflecting pool divides this long chamber, running
from one end to the other. The water looks cloudy and
stagnant. What must have once been marvelous murals
covering both walls are now scorched and ruined, the original
subject lost in the destruction.
Erasmus:Can we see into the pool?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Not really, it's filthy. GM: anyone got PP 17?
Simon N. (GM):ok you are Surprised...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc what is PP?
Erasmus:Passive Perception
Syrus (Kenny):I KNEW IT!!!!
Simon N. (GM):yours is 11 -
Syrus (Kenny):Skellies can out of the last pool I look at!
Simon N. (GM):Hideous Ghouls rise out of the waters
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh i see
Simon N. (GM):yup, you are all Surprised
Erasmus:Initiative (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 2d20 + 2
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#13 ghouls attack
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
crit on Jyrdani!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy crap
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d4+2
Syrus (Kenny):This NEVER happens to her!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 CON save or paralysed
Syrus (Kenny):Shes gonna be MAD!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
hit as she is carrying torch
Jyrdani goes down beneath the slavering ghouls!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Dying & paralysed!
Simon N. (GM):#19 Jyrdani death save
save vs paralysis
Simon N. (GM):#18 Victoria
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Paladin coming through!"
30' to there - made it!
attacks ghoul
hit - smite!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Chops it in two!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hot damn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"For Ilmater!"
#16 Erasmus
Erasmus:"Syrus! Jyrdani needs your help!"
Leaping over the pool and standing over the prone Jyrdani, Erasmus lays into her assailant
Syrus (Kenny):Ole Vicky does not need her horse in this session for a change!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:LOL
Norrin (Geoff):How deep is the pool?
Simon N. (GM):Roll20 won't let me show it
Ghoul hisses & waves claws in pain
Simon N. (GM):AC 12 1 hit
Flurry of Blows
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul staggers back bloodied
#13 It attacks Erasmus
9 dmg & DC 10 CON save
Erasmus:Constitution Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus takes it without flinching
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):shit
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus is paralysed and knocked back into the pool!
Ghoul: slobber
#11 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Can I weave my way through the crowd to where Vic is (as movement) and do a Medicine check on Jyrdani (as main action)?
no room
Syrus (Kenny):Can I do medicine check here on J?
Simon N. (GM):took 20' so far
Kenny - Syrus:Medicine(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):ok if you make DC 8 Athletics first to grab her from the pool, which is raised
Kenny - Syrus:Athletics(+1)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):Hopefully stableised her?
Simon N. (GM):OK Syrus grabs her up as she is turning cold and gives her the kiss of life, her heart starts pumping again...
stable at 0 hp
Syrus (Kenny):I stay here!
Norrin (Geoff):Can Norrin squeeze by Vicky and attack?
Simon N. (GM):Syrus is granting advtg
yup Norrin can move up & attack
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast firebolt Simon N. (GM):AC 14 w cover
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):at least it hits
Chris T.:Jack moves up the eastern side of the pool and tries to drag Erasmus out.
Simon N. (GM):ok that's automatic s
as an action
Chris T.:Then uses the rest of his movement.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Die, undead fiend!"
It dies!
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus pours his potion of healing down Jyrdani Jyrdani of Jiyyd:eyes flutter open ~murmurs~ "My hero..."
Syrus (Kenny):"M'Lady, it was not me that saved you, it was Erasmus!!"
Points to him "but currently he cannot move!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Teach me to be a torchbearer, eh!"
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani nods gratefully to Erasmus. GM: Erasmus' paralysis soon wears off and you can catch your breath.
Erasmus | Erasmus Bos has no active conditions
Erasmus | Erasmus Bos is: Paralyzed
Erasmus | Erasmus Bos has no active conditions
Syrus (Kenny):Any coinage in the pool ;))
Erasmus:"Ngh... That wasn't pleasant."
Simon N. (GM):To the north a heavy portcullis bars further progress - looks like more catacombs beyond.
25 silver total on ghouls & in pool.
Syrus (Kenny):whispers to Erasmus "Told Lady J that you were the one that brought her back from the dead"
winks Erasmus:"Syrus! Jyrdani is down - help me get her back up... Oh..."
Syrus (Kenny):WHooop!!! thats 5sp for wach player!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:sploshes out of pool Chris T.:"Someone want to give me a hand lifting this or shalll we go back to the crossroads?"
Syrus (Kenny):to Victoria "Ugh we are all wet and now smell a bit swampy" *eyerolls
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Thanks, Erasmus. I owe you a lot."
looks serious Norrin (Geoff):"I'll help."
Erasmus:"Can't have you dying on me, Jyrdani"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:GM: Norrin & Jack squeeze in & try to lift the heavy portcullis - both roll Athletics
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 6
Simon N. (GM):It's not going to budge.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"who has the gauntlet maybe he should lift the portculis"
Chris T.:Back to the crossroads it is then? :D
"I do." Jack blushes a bit.
Simon N. (GM):There are chains going up to holes in the ceiling, looks like it is lifted elsewhere.
Syrus (Kenny):"Think Jyrdani could try this with Erasmus, maybe"
coughs Simon N. (GM):(further attempts use Passive Athletics)
Erasmus:"I'm quick, but not very strong."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus shouts "GIRL POWER!!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"No way am I lifting that."
(+5 Athletics so 15 on passive)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"unfortunate lets continue to explore the crypt
Syrus (Kenny):Can we see any switches that could operate this door thingy?
Chris T.:Back to the crossroads then
Simon N. (GM):no switches
Norrin (Geoff):"Wait, I have a potion. I say let's try the crossroads again, and if we can't get around it, we can try that."
Syrus (Kenny):"Let's go!"
"Which way?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"alright"
Erasmus:To Jyrdani: "How are you feeling? Should I take the torch for now?"
Syrus (Kenny)::Let's head north then :)
Chris T.:Jack will go firstr, torch held high. PP16
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:nods passes torch Syrus (Kenny):Syrus will go last again
Simon N. (GM):Font Chamber: The short passageway takes a bend before ending in a small
chamber dominated on the far side by a silver font holding perfectly clear water.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"This place has not yet been defiled... that is a holy font!"
Chris T.:"Looks like the Holy Water in the font back at the chaspel."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Indeed."
Chris T.:"Anyone got a container?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"does it have any healing properties?"
Erasmus:"My flask is full."
Simon N. (GM):GM: If you want any, there's enough holy water for 4 vials
Norrin (Geoff):The empty healing potion bottle, maybe?
Syrus (Kenny):Yes! Syrus will fill up his empty bottle, Thanks Norrin :)
Chris T.:"Looks like we're going west, folks?"
Erasmus:"Does anyone else have any potions of healing? Jyrdani could, I'm sure, benefit from another."
Norrin (Geoff):[i]The big Northman smiles and shrugs[/i]
Simon N. (GM):potion bottle is pretty small, could hold 2 vials worth
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Could do with a rest..."
sits on bench. Syrus (Kenny):Short rest here as this place is safe?
Norrin (Geoff):"Good place for it."
Chris T.:"I'll go keep watch at the crossroads while you rest."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Yes, you feel at ease here.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus again sings in his Scottish accent....
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i agree lets take a short rest"
Erasmus:"Sounds good. I certainly won't go turning one down."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc is this our third short rest?
Simon N. (GM):You rest and patch up. You can add +1 to any hd rolls in the font chamber.
Erasmus:Hit Dice (1d8+2)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):you can benefit 3 times per PC per abilitity per day
Syrus (Kenny):YAYS!!! So you get extra 1d6+1 in addition to your hit dice! :)))))
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh so i can still do 2 more as i didnt spend cool
Chris T.:Jack lights candles on the pedastel to conserve his torches during the rest
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling 2d12+6
ful hp!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Personally speaking, after tonight's session we may benefit from getting outta here and getting a long rest then come back fresher (with more spell slots and bardic inspiration slots back for Syrus)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:up to you guys :)
Chris T.:I think we'reclose to our goal
Erasmus:Hit Dice (1d8+2)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hopefully
Syrus (Kenny):@Chris - but we may all die :-P PLUS Jack you may be able to level up after tonight, and come back here 1 level up!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Jack, evil is close. I can feel it..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"yup"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:After SR you head out (about 2am!)
Chris T.:"Thank you m'lady. I shall be on guard.."
Erasmus:"I'm at full health, and Ki flows strongly through me now."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"LEAD THE WAY"
Simon N. (GM):The waters are getting deeeper, waist height
lucky no halflings in party :)
Chris T.:"Which way do you sense the wickedness?"
Simon N. (GM):A strange blue fungus covers the walls,
ceiling, and pillars of this waterlogged
chamber. Its wispy strands stretch out from
Simon N. (GM):the wall like roots dangling in the air, twitching
and swaying in an unseen breeze.
Syrus (Kenny):"Go on Lady J"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:uses Divine Sense "There! And there!"
Erasmus:"Stay away from the walls. I don't like to look of that."
Chris T.:Has Jack come across this fungius in the wild before?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:She raises her sword, uttering an incantation. It flares brightly.
Erasmus:OOC Where and where? sorry, wasn't looking!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Jack roll Nature or Religion
Syrus (Kenny):Can Victoria move token please, and Jyrdani?
Chris T.:eitherof them Wisdom?
orboth Int?
Is Syrus asking Vicky to move in?
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Simon N. (GM):Jack does not recognise the azure fungus
Chris T.:"I'll go first, m'lady."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:nods "Beware!"
Chris T.:He uses his torch to try keep any stray whisps away and cautiously advances.
Simon N. (GM):As Jack moves in past Victoria, undead corpses covered in the azure fungus rise from the waters...
I only want Jack & Erasmus init right now
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can Syrus see if water also flows from this door?
Erasmus:Initiative (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
#22 Erasmus you react fastest
Erasmus:Erasmus moves past Victoria and slams his axe into the zombie Simon N. (GM):The zombies are dressed in cultist garb & seem swollen with rot
Erasmus:Then a roundhouse kick to the head Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Zombie reaches for Erasmus...
zombie reaches for Jack...
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I hear combat going on in here?? If so can I open the door?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):miss (other PCs will roll init end of round)
but you can open your door Jack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc it seem your luck rrunout Simon XD
Chris T.:I don't see a door?
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Simon N. (GM):The water is difficult terrain BTW
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Die, zombie!"
Showering Vicky & Erasmus with azure fungus spores...
DC 11 CON save Erasmus
Erasmus:Constitution Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Victoria of the Golden Cup:you're ok
Vicky is immune to Disease so she's ok too!
#5 Jack
OOC getting tired, will take inits then do 1 round then end for night
Chris T.:Jackmakes sure he keeps the torch high out of the water then strikes at the Zombie with the long sword he took from the Orc cave.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc cool Simon
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+4
(No probs, Simon. Long session)
Simon N. (GM):ok those who've not rolled init roll now
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
staying close?
Chris T.:Notleaving its threat zone. Done
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
You all hear moaning and sloshing from the south...
Simon N. (GM):Another azure plague zombie hoves into view.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus elbows Strohm and Jyrdani "UNDEAD COMING FROM BEHIND"!!!
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus!
Erasmus:Erasmus moves to get a clear shot and throws a dart at the zombie Simon N. (GM):you can throw a 2nd dart offhand as bonus action but no DEX bonus to dmg
(as they are Light)
just 2dmg
#20 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast firebolt south
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:RAGE attack chop
"Wow you're a tough dead bastard!
#19 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin can't see what's going on south of him, so he'll attack the other zombie.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:It explodes! (had 3 hp)
Simon N. (GM):DC 11 CON saves Jack & Norrin
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
Simon N. (GM):Norrin yurs is +5
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 5
Simon N. (GM):Norrin feels the Azure Fungus settle in his lungs... 5 Necrotic damage & infected!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):occ BRB
Simon N. (GM):Another plague zombie staggers into view
Jyrdani has 2 on her
#14 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus moves and chucks holy water potion at Zom over Jyrdani's shoulder Syrus (Kenny):What do I roll?
Simon N. (GM):roll a DEX ranged attack so d20+4?
Syrus (Kenny):rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):+2 PB +2 DEX?
hit - 2d6 radiant
Syrus (Kenny):rolling 2d6
Simon N. (GM):zombie flesh hisses & burns
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+8
steps back taking opp att
"Your go, Jack!" smiles
#5 Jack
Chris T.:(I can't actuallysee an enemy on my display but assume it's in the western corridor?)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:round corner yup
Chris T.:Oh well against his better judgment but here goes..
end turn
Simon N. (GM):ok wil stop there tonight, lemmee see about xp...
Syrus (Kenny):Waaahhhh we can't leave this place now! :-(
(as in we cannot get a Long Rest...)
Simon N. (GM):You defeated the ghouls for 600/7 = 85 and +25 for exploration = 110 plus the 90 earlier = 200 each
No XP for plague zombies as fight is ongoing
will resume there next session - Wednesday
Syrus (Kenny):Thansk Everyone for tonight's game! :)
Chris T.:926/900 Jackat 3rd if he survives
Thanks Simon, guys. A great game :)
Erasmus:Nice. Thanks again Simon, and thanks for keeping Jyrdani alive! ;-P
Norrin (Geoff):Thanks everyone, that was a lot of fun.
Simon N. (GM):Survives & gets to train :)
Syrus (Kenny):Must apologies Syrus is not that much use without his Bardic Inspo and more spell slots... :-/
Erasmus:It's why we need the XP! :)
Simon N. (GM):You can go Long Rest when you want, bad guys will too of course :)
Chris T.:Everyone did their bit :)
Simon N. (GM):generally if you aim for 6-8 fights before a LR you are doing ok
Chris T.:I think wemust presson to the bitter end now..
Simon N. (GM):you do have a ton of pcs and hp!
Syrus (Kenny):Pending where we end in next session...
Chris T.:What time on Wednesday?
Simon N. (GM):7pm wednesday as i teach to 5pm then swimm
Erasmus:That's my thinking. As long as we can spread the damage around, we should be good for a while.
Chris T.:Cool. Thanks again everyone. Stay safe and see you on Wednesday.
Erasmus:7pm is cool. Thanks.
Syrus (Kenny):See you Weds 7pm to those that can make it :)
Simon N. (GM):thanks everyone :)
Norrin (Geoff):I might be able to make the last half of the session. I'm 6 hrs behind you.
Simon N. (GM):cool thx Geoff
Syrus (Kenny):Oh where are you Geoff??
Western Canada, Central time zone. GMT -6
Syrus (Kenny):WOW! Thanks for joining from Oh Canada! :)
Norrin (Geoff):Lol. Glad to game with you all!
Syrus (Kenny):See you Weds then hopefully, Night E'yone!
Norrin (Geoff):Good night!
Erasmus:I thought it was an all-UK group! Props for joining us, then! :) See y'all Wednesday.
G'night now!
Simon N. (GM):added your xp to blog
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