Dagny (Kimberly):Sure
HEy Simon!
Simon N. (GM):could you roll init guys?
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
OOC I won't join the phone chat just yet as battling a headache! Hopefully it will go away soon.
Dagny (Kimberly):hope you feel better!
Rhennya:OOC welcome to the club, Jelly! Me too :(
Alani (Phil):I blame the weather.
sharatu:ill use inspiration for that
Alani (Phil):I think we'll have to spread rapidly in the cave or we will be spellcasted like sitting ducks...
Dagny (Kimberly):yep, maybe can take positions behind pillars
Simon N. (GM):ok I have the inits recorded
Rhennya:Well it's going to be some time before I can run... or do anything...
Simon N. (GM):Right now you have Surprise - do you want to attack?
Simon N. (GM):The cavern: This colossal cavern is an alien landscape filled with soaring stone buttresses, weirdly twisting columns, and gargantuan shards of glowing crystal. A long path of steps is cut into the uneven floor and wends its way between the mighty stone pillars to the cavern's core. There, the steps climb to the base of a stone monolith that is constantly changing its shape, filling the great cavern with a thunderous grinding noise.
ok #25 Alani
Alani (Phil):I am not sure if I am in the line of sight of the BEGuard?
Dagny (Kimberly):Are things that are not steps rough terrain?
Alani (Phil):If not, I'll move a bit to be, shoot and then finish my move action?
Simon N. (GM):No the cavern floor isn't Difficult Terrain. If you can see target w dynamic lighting on you must have Line of Sight :)
Alani (Phil):Brillaint! Yes, it makes sense...
OK, I shoot 3 arrows...
Simon N. (GM):bounces off...
he turns
Alani (Phil):OK, I'll action point. We need to take that guy offf
Dagny (Kimberly):How is everyone's health, btw?
Simon N. (GM):29 dmg - had 26 - he drops!
#23 Kasumi
Alani (Phil):Now I run my ass off! towards the pillar...
ok move Alani
Kasumi:OOC has anyone got recent link to the blog so I can catch up on what happened last session?
Dagny (Kimberly):Tony, you're at the start of the group? At the opening of the tunnel?
Tony:yep, just don't see anyone else
Alani (Phil):I should be behind the pillar with 30' move. Correct me if I am wrong Simon.
Simon N. (GM):I think that was the previous session?
Dagny (Kimberly):Weird, we're all right behind you, except Alani who's now in the room
looks good Alani :)
Rhennya:Ah, that was the last POTA blog that I found
Sorry Kasumi!
Rhennya:Ralph, don't you have eagle eyes?
Simon N. (GM):Tony what's the issue w your PC?
Kasumi:OOC that's Ok, we're basically after the Stone Cult I think?
Tony:Odd, I can only see Seraphus
Simon N. (GM):You've reached the Prophet of Earth trying to summon Ogremoch
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, basically, we survived and now we're about to battle Ogremach
Simon N. (GM):try reloading I guess Tony
that sounds like a sign stuff didn't load in
#23 Kasumi
Kasumi:What is that mini in front of me?
Simon N. (GM):A rescued dwarf smith
Alani (Phil):Well, if we are quick enough to overwhelm the monsters, then we should be able to prevent Ogremoch to arrive on earth!
Otherwise, I am not sure if we can get out of this alive...
Kasumi:Ok and the one in front of Rhennya is a baddie?
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya is at the back with Seraphus?
Rhennya:No, I'm in the back
Simon N. (GM):baddies to the right Kasumi :)
Kasumi:Ok sorry some of the artwork has changed!
Seraphus:I sould be towards the frony
Rhennya:Jokers to the left of me...
Seraphus:Im at nearly full hp
Dagny (Kimberly):Gargoyles, Black Earth Guards, Ogremoch, O My
Kasumi:OOC sorry dynamic lighting doing my head in lol
Simon N. (GM):Big giant cavern.
Kasumi:I'm going to take a shot with my bow at the BEF
Simon N. (GM):Giant grinding monolith at far end
Simon N. (GM):move in so he has no cover?
Kasumi:Think that's better?
Simon N. (GM):ok AC 18 from there :)
Alani (Phil):The Notorious B.E.G. ! :-)
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +11
18 damage total
(d4 was for Kensei's Shot)
Simon N. (GM):He grunts in pain
Simon N. (GM):You get 2 shots?
Kasumi:Did everyone miss me lol!
Rhennya:Of course Kasumi!
Dagny (Kimberly):of course
Kasumi:Oh ok I forgot two attacks with bow as well.
Another 8 damage, not so impressive!
He's bloodied
Simon N. (GM):#22 Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):He's on his way
Simon N. (GM):your go Seraphus
bad guys to the right :)
Kasumi:OOC sorry lol I thought Serphus was a baddie!
Looks like a mad earth cult unicorn!
Simon N. (GM):end turn Seraphus?
Simon N. (GM):#20 surprised gargoyles squawk
#18 Dagny
so no one needed healing, right?
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll use sacred flame on the wounded guard then
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
8 dmg
#16 Surprised Marlos turns: "Blasphemers! Fall before the feet of Ogremoch!"
Dagny (Kimberly):And that'll be me. "I shall follow behind you, Alani!"
Simon N. (GM):#15 Sharatu
sharatu:i cast fire storm
Alani (Phil):"Let's go Dagny! For Moradin!"
Dagny (Kimberly):"For Moradin!"
Simon N. (GM):A raging Fire Storm sweeps over Marlos & his nearby guards
Dagny (Kimberly):"Burn them all, and let Moradin sort them out later."
sharatu:"bow before the might of Tiamats flames and weep for those will be the last tears you shed"
i use empower and heighten
Kasumi:(and I'm so glad I've been doing my pyrophobia training with Sharatu!)
sharatu:i get to reroll the ones and twos
Dagny (Kimberly):Er, that'd be an OOC Woot...
Dagny (Kimberly):I don't think Dagny would "Woot"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Alani (Phil):Nice and crispy!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
sharatu:they also have disavantage on the save
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
As the flames die away, only Marlos still stands among the flaming ruin.
Simon N. (GM):(Marlos used Legendary Resistance)
Alani (Phil):Alani leaves an admirative whistling noise escaping his lips.
sharatu:"there is no mercy for the infidels"
can you move it to BEG?
Simon N. (GM):there you go
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Simon N. (GM):Ralph cuts him down
Dagny (Kimberly):Sashimi Black Guard
Tony:can I move as far in as possible
Simon N. (GM):back in tunnel?
Tony:no closer to the baddies
Simon N. (GM):there you go
thats is for me
I'm done
Simon N. (GM):#13 Black Earth guards go in the bin without getting a turn
Dagny (Kimberly):I can't say I'm sad
Simon N. (GM):Marlos is still chanting in between yelling - 9 rounds to Ogremoch
#8 Rhennya
Alani (Phil):Nice sweeping, Barbarian!
Rhennya:I'm too far from the action, so I dash in
which is my action for this turn
Dagny (Kimberly):Is Rhundorth in the lineup?
Kasumi:OOC Simon you could always teleport the 652 skeletons from the mini 6 game?
Simon N. (GM):No, I just moved him & he'll obey Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, thx!
Kasumi:OOC guys you should have seen it!
Marlos Urnrayle:"Kill the Wizard!"
Dagny (Kimberly):He's very squishy, so he needs to hang back anyway!
Alani (Phil):I am gonna shoot at a Gargoyle.
Marlos Urnrayle:that one?
Alani (Phil):Is Marlos too far from my arrows?
Yes, this one.
Alani (Phil):Looks like I could have a go at deconcentrating Marlos
Simon N. (GM):90' to gargoyle 115' to Marlos
But he's not actually Concentrating
Alani (Phil):Perfect I'm still under my 150' limit for my longbow!
Never mind, I'll still piss him off a bit! :-)
Simon N. (GM):You'd need to kill him to sever the link to Ogremoch
Alani (Phil):OK. Understood.
three arrows
15 dmg
Alani (Phil):That's my turn. Thanks!
Kasumi:Ok just getting bearings
I'll take cover here for now.
Simon N. (GM):#22 Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):Are the purple glow-y bits crystals?
Simon N. (GM):If you dash can move 60'.
Simon N. (GM):Yes the purple glows are from crystals
Seraphus:it was glitvhing out]
Dagny (Kimberly):Can you move it or do you need me to move you?
Dagny (Kimberly):you have no distance stuff do you?
Simon N. (GM):#20 Gargoyles flap up
A gargoyle lands beside Rhennya and claws gores bites at her
2 crits!
Rhennya:Shocked and bothered!
Simon N. (GM):14 dmg to Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya on 67 looks like as was down a bit already
Rhennya:that's still 2/3 of my max HP
Alani (Phil):I'm at 96/118
Simon N. (GM):A gargoyle lands beside Seraphus & attacks
Seraphus AC?
Simon N. (GM):ok 1 hit (22)
8 dmg!!!
I'm using green circle for hp
Another lands beside Kasumi
Kasumi AC & hp?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
sigh highest 14
HP 96 (full)
That's a lot of 1's!
I do a Legolas :-)
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi easily parries the clumsy stone brute.
Tony:dont antagonise the DM
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I move and cast Mass Healing Word, which will get everyone
Everyone take 9
Alani (Phil):Sweet! Thanks Dagny!
Dagny (Kimberly):but I get 9+5
oh wait, sorry, everyone gets the extra 5
Life Clerics eh
Dagny (Kimberly):yep, exactly!
Simon N. (GM):#16 Marlos retreats round
Kasumi:Do those count as temp HP if I'm on full HP?
they are healing
#15 Sharatu
i use two sorcery points to quicken a fire ball and cast it through ogremochs legs
Simon N. (GM):Ogremoch's not corporeal yet, so fireball goes through him and detonates behind
sharatu:"you can run but you can't hide"
Simon N. (GM):Marlos' hidden rear guard give earthy screams as Sharatu blasts both them & Marlos :)
Marlos save
1 saved!
is it 80 ft
Simon N. (GM):40' + attack
can reach the gargoyle on Seraphus?
or dash 80', no attack
Ralph moves up, icy axe raised...
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
raging fyi
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Simon N. (GM):is that 11 dmg?
end of turn
Simon N. (GM):28 dmg - it staggers
For the Black Earth, this giant cavern is the worst idea ever :)
slow, no ranged, bad DEX...
Kasumi:I wouldn't think rock people are the smartest, tbh!
Simon N. (GM):Two plate armoured earth elementals wielding steel mauls come into view advancing on you
40 seconds to Ogremoch...
Rhennya:how high is the ceiling in this colossal cavern?
#8 Rhennya
Rhennya:is the adjacent gargoyle weakened?
Simon N. (GM):it's down 28 hp
Rhennya:rolling 1d20+10
I shillelagh it
Simon N. (GM):You bonk it on the head
Rhennya:and it cracks...? [hopeful]
Your WIS is +4?
Simon N. (GM):8 dmg then - update your macro :)
Alani (Phil):OK, one arrow on the gargoyle closest to me.
Alani (Phil):Another one...
Simon N. (GM):still up, v cracked
Rhennya:very resilient, this one!
Simon N. (GM):It shatters!
Alani (Phil):That's me done. Thx!
Kasumi:Kasumi will slash at the one in front of her.
Second attack:
15 dmg?
Kasumi:No +6 for the damage.
Kasumi:I'll use a ki point and do flurry of blows as well.
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +11
Second flurry:
bounced off
Kasumi:Never mind! End turn.
Simon N. (GM):#22 Seraphus
Seraphus:i attack with flambe
whats ac
Simon N. (GM):3 hits, 40 dmg
AC 15
Rhennya:Great work Seraphus!
Dagny (Kimberly):how's that gargoyle looking?
Simon N. (GM):badly damaged
#20 gargoyles
Gargoyle attacks Kasumi
1 hit vs AC 18
Simon N. (GM):2nd gargoyle remembers it's supposed to kill Sharatu...
Kasumi:Not too bad! Tis but a scratch :-)
4 hits inc a crit
Simon N. (GM):rolling 5d6+8
32 dmg
#18 Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):How are you feeling, Sharatu?
sharatu:im on 82 out of 121
healing would be nice
sharatu:though i can survive
sharatu:but the BBEG might target me
im on 99
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, I'm done
Simon N. (GM):#15 Sharatu
sharatu:i will move two squares to the right then cast sunbeam
Simon N. (GM):GM vetoes as would get 2 PCS :)
sharatu:fine i cast it on the myrmidon
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, please don't give Jelly and Max a sunburn...
Tony:I'm still fighting the one near me yes
Simon N. (GM):no it's dead
I still can tmove...
can I go as far south as possibel and still hit it
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Kasumi:Good to see you Ralph!
Simon N. (GM):it shatters
Tony:all right then as far east as possble please
all done thx
Simon N. (GM):Myrmidons advance and ready their mauls
7 rounds to Ogremoch
Dagny (Kimberly):What is that icon? It looks like a dabbing Transfomer
Sentry Gun - Readied :)
Rhennya:OK, is Ogremoch in a non-corporeal form?
Rhennya:Nothing yet would actually have any effect on him?
sharatu:no nothing i advise using magic on earth elemental
Rhennya:OK I attack the bottom elemental
Rhennya:wall of stone around it
DEX save 18
sharatu:they can just phase through rock so i don't advise it
sharatu:damage like moon beam is probably best
2RadiantHigher Level Cast
at level 3 should be 3 dice
Kasumi:OOC sorry to ask but what time are we finishing (no rush just need to know for dinner)?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed in ghostly flames that cause searing pain, and it must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
no effect yet
#25 Alani
sharatu:kill the gargoyle on me please
Alani (Phil):I'll start by shooting at the Sentry and make a disarming attack so that their arms at the ready fails.
(on the myrmidon)
Simon N. (GM):magic or mundane?
Alani (Phil):I don't have any more amgic.
Now he gets an additional
Alani (Phil):And needs to save STR vs DC 18
or he drops his weapon.
Simon N. (GM):I'm giving it advtg for 2 handed maul
passed on both :)
Alani (Phil):OK I try again.
Kasumi:OOC can I just check is the mage still up? I can't see him but Simon says 7 rounds til Ogremoch?
Alani (Phil):rolling 1d10
Simon N. (GM):save vs disarm
sharatu:but the cult leader is still up and hiding
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
fail - drops maul
Kasumi:Oh i see, I know he's squishy so just assumed mage :-)
Tony:squishy = good target
Alani (Phil):Last arrow I give it to the BEG
sharatu:seraphus can you kill the gargoyle please
Simon N. (GM):Marlos has more hp than any of you! (except Raging Ralph)
Simon N. (GM):to the myrnidon Alani?
Alani (Phil):Sorry the Gargoyle
Simon N. (GM):it staggers
still up
Alani (Phil):That's me done. Tanks!
Kasumi:May I move up and make a perception check to try and see where Marlos has hidden?
Kasumi:I'll stop here for the moment and check.
sharatu:he is behind ogramoch
Yes but Kasumi doesn't know that!
sharatu:remember when he retreated behind him
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi hears chanting from behind the pyramid
sharatu:you would have seen
Kasumi:I think Kasumi was too far back to see that?
Simon N. (GM):#22 Serpahus
Kasumi:Wait simon can I use ki point to do step of the wind and dash please?
Kasumi:To where chanting is coming from.
Seraphus:attacking gargoyle
Simon N. (GM):gargoyle disintegrates
Simon N. (GM):it had 1 hp
Rhennya:Well done Seraphus
Kasumi:Kasumi grins widely at Marlos!
Dagny (Kimberly):shards of broken gargoyle litter the ground...like kitty litter
Simon N. (GM):Marlos the Male Medusa turns to face Kasumi...
Marlos Urnrayle:"You'll make a pretty statue..."
Kasumi:Eek! Hopefully I'm allowed a save.......
Alani (Phil):Anybody got a mirror? Not the newspaper? :-D
Dagny (Kimberly):crap, Dagny's not the kind of dwarf to carry a mirror around
Marlos Urnrayle:He had gaze attack Readied so roll a CON save
DC 14
Kasumi:Does it count as a charm spell (clutching at straws here)?
If you have Inspiration worth using... it's not a spell
Kasumi:Can end an effect causing me to be charmed or frightened as an action (Stillness of Mind)
Kasumi:No inspiration unfortunately!
Here goes nothing....
Simon N. (GM):Well done! Have Inspiration :)
Kasumi:Kasumi's medidation mornings have been paying off.......
Kasumi:You should know, nothing scares me anymore.......especially not death!!
You'll wish you turned me to stone, priest.......
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll give you the perception check for free
so can you reach & attack him?
Kasumi:Oh ok thanks! That's my full move with Dash but can potentially shoot him?
Kasumi:With step of the wind i mean.
Simon N. (GM):AC 19 - hit
17 total.
Second arrow
Simon N. (GM):bounces off
Seraphus as you killed gargoyle on 1 hit you have 2 left vs disarmed myrmidon
I'll let you roll em
if you move up
Simon N. (GM):Meanwhile #18 Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):he just went to the loo
says dad
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll do it for him
Simon N. (GM):OK well he can roll when back
last attac
27 total
Seraphus Oldblood:how is it looking?
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus attacks elemental myrmidon for 27, it's battered
#18 Dagny
Seraphus Oldblood:ok, I think that's him done, now me...
Dagny (Kimberly):Simon, how do I do spiritual weapon here on Roll20?
Simon N. (GM):tell me you cast it
Simon N. (GM):and pont location
Dagny (Kimberly):60 feet
Spiritual Weapon (+9)
right next to Seraphus, attacking the Mrmydon rock man
Here, I put the drift globe there
Simon N. (GM):there you go - it's under your control
AC 18 - bounces off
Dagny (Kimberly):ok. And I moved
Marlos Urnrayle:snarls "Die, Monk!"
2 attacks w Ironfang the war pick
Marlos Urnrayle:rolling d20+9
Two hits!
Dagny (Kimberly):oh just realised I can double move as the spiritual weapon is a bonus thing, right? so I'll go another 25 feet
33 dmg to Kasumi inc Thunder damage
sharatu:hey dadny can you be a about 2 squares down
Dagny (Kimberly):Headed towards the commotion, with the cleric-y feeling I may be needed soon
Marlos Urnrayle:His head snakes bite at her
Kasumi:Your snakes are no match for a dragon!!
Marlos Urnrayle:falls back Kasumi gets an opp att
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi can make a free attack
#15 Sharatu
sharatu:"good good let the dragon flow through you"
i move then use my action to use re-use sunbeam
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Kasumi:Sorry missed that post!
Kasumi:Is that an attack with my bow then Simon as I'm still not next to him?
Simon N. (GM):oh you had no sword out
Simon N. (GM):so no opp att sorry :\
sharatu:i use two sorcery points to quicken a fireball with my remaining level 5 spell slot
sharatu:rolling 10d6 + 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Dagny (Kimberly):Remind me not to get on Sharatu's bad side
Simon N. (GM):uses last legendary resistance to save - 20 dmg
Tony:He cant get incandescent
sharatu:"you can never beat the fires of my lady Tiamat"
Tony:over to the baddie to the right
Rhennya:don't get into the moonbeam, maybe
Earth Elemental Myrmidon:"Come on then if you think you're 'ard enough!"
(in Terran)
Kasumi:OOC I don't think I've ever heard a teenager use word 'quicken' lol
Earth Elemental Myrmidon:It was Readied - swings maul at Ralph
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Earth Elemental Myrmidon:rolling d20+7
22 vs Ralph
Earth Elemental Myrmidon:rolling 2d6+4
7 dmg :(
Rage up? > 3
Earth Elemental Myrmidon:Ralph hits for 19
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Simon N. (GM):2nd attack?
hit for 18
Simon N. (GM):It staggers
Myrmidon south takes Moonbeam dmg
roll Rhennya pls
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
failed, 10 dmg
Rhennya:and he was already staggering...
Simon N. (GM):2 attacks on Ralph
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Simon N. (GM):miss & 16 - 1 hit
11/2 = 5
Simon N. (GM):crappy dmg on these things :(
Dagny (Kimberly):we don't mind
Simon N. (GM):oh it has a power
Tony:I fart in your general direction...
Simon N. (GM):Thunderous Strike (Recharge 6). it deals an extra 16 (3d10) thunder damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):10 thunder (>5) & DC 14 STR save Ralph
Simon N. (GM):(you had advtg raging BTW)
north one is blind & no maul
Simon N. (GM):(net 5 thunder w halving Ralph) Normally could just pick up maul, but blind
Simon N. (GM):I already deducted it Tony - 122 hp
Blind myrmidon swings fists at Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):He's AC 20
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
11 - miss
10 dmg Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):I subtracted it for him
Simon N. (GM):30 seconds...
Dagny (Kimberly):OOC he's back in the toilet again. Too much sriracha I think
Dagny (Kimberly):He ate an entire spoonful by itself at lunch
Marlos Urnrayle:"Come, great Ogremoch! Crush the defilers!"
Alani (Phil):BTW, 30 seconds seem so much scarier than 6 rounds for some reason... ;-O
Tony:he's dumb and he's an ass ... dumbass
Rhennya:and move Moonbeam across to the myrmidon
behind him so that it doesn't touch Ralph
Tony:That's a Red quote...best character ever
Marlos Urnrayle:#25 Alani
Dagny (Kimberly):you guys are staying back there?
Alani (Phil):I will move a bit to see both myrmidons...
And now I shoot at the one next to Seraphus.
No the other one.
Marlos Urnrayle:you have advtg vs blind one
Alani (Phil):150/600
Simon N. (GM):miss anyway
bounces off
Alani (Phil):150/600
Simon N. (GM):misses the one on Ralph
AC 18 & no advtg
Alani (Phil):Sorry you misunderstood. I want to see both but I keep shooting at the one at the top (serphus')
Simon N. (GM):You wrote "No the other one" :)
ok then - 2nd shot hits
roll dmg
Alani (Phil):That was when you were measuring the distance between me and the south one. Sorry.
(it's above)
Alani (Phil):Awesome! Now my last arrow goes to the south myrmidon, please.
Normal arrows by the way. No magic.
If you survive this your bow becomes +0 magical BTW :)
Simon N. (GM):(yup) #23 Kasumi
Kasumi:Moving in for the kill....
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi DC 14 CON save....
Tony:Kasumi, cut its throat
He's still looking at you
you have Insp now though
Kasumi:Can't I cast my eyes downwards this time lol!
& attack w disad
Rhennya:look at his shoes!
Kasumi:Tbh I think i'd rather do that, if i turn to stone I won't have any more goes.
Simon N. (GM):OK you can avoid looking at him & atack w disad
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +11
Simon N. (GM):I agree - 15 bounces off tjhough
Dagny (Kimberly):Not me, mine is on mute. Max didn't join the call
Kasumi:Can I use my inspiration to canel out the disadvantage or not?
Kasumi:OOC I can't hear anything?
Simon N. (GM):no you can't roll dice then take back
Kasumi:Can I use a ki point to attack again with flurry of blows as bonus?
Kasumi:Oh ok sorry second attack first
Simon N. (GM):you have 2nd attack & flurry yup
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +11
Tony I think you can't specify where you attack in 5E unfortunately :-(
Simon N. (GM):roll again for disad
Kasumi:Ok so a miss on the 2nd attack.
Tony:just avoid the face...anywhere but the face
Kasumi:Flurry of blows first attack.
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +11
second attack
Kasumi:What's his AC again?
Kasumi:Ok better luck next time!
Simon N. (GM):#22 Seraphus
Simon N. (GM):you can reach the myrmidon to south
Dagny (Kimberly):It's by Ralph
AC 18 so crit & hit
Simon N. (GM):seems to be all 1s... still, 27 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Had 26, you did 27 - shatters!
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, I move the spiritual weapon
and myself
Marlos Urnrayle:"You, at least, I take with me to Hell!"
Dagny (Kimberly):Do I have any glimpse of him at all? I know he's right by Kasumi, and I can see a bit of her, right?
Marlos Urnrayle:(you can move the token Kimberly) #16 Marlos
Dagny (Kimberly):I want to cast Flame Strike
Marlos Urnrayle:if you don't see him on dynamic lighting he's not in LOS
Rhennya:don't look at him, Dagny!
Dagny (Kimberly):But so that it won't hit Kasumi
Marlos Urnrayle:but you can still bring down a Flame Strike
just mark the centre
Dagny (Kimberly):it hits any creature in a 10 foot radius, and I see a bit of Kasumi, so I want to position it 11 feet away from her
Marlos Urnrayle:direction?
Dagny (Kimberly):South of her
due south? ok
Dagny (Kimberly):So a 40 foot high cylinder of holy divine fire rains down
Marlos Urnrayle:like that?
Dagny (Kimberly):yes, sorry Kasumi for the close by fire
Marlos Urnrayle:ok that misses Marlos :\
Dagny (Kimberly):what??? ugh! how??
Marlos Urnrayle:#15 Sharatu
Dagny (Kimberly):Wasn't he attcking her?
Marlos Urnrayle:yes but not where you thought
I can see the tokens :)
Dagny (Kimberly):There's only a narrow cone I can't see. Ah, darn it.
Well, I hope the light hurt all the little snake-y eyes
Marlos Urnrayle:#15 Ralph
sharatu:i spend 2 sorcery points
agnars scorcher
sharatu:rolling 3d8 + 5
final sorcery point on empower
Tony:whats the closest baddie I can reach
Dagny (Kimberly):I think Marlos is the only one left
Simon N. (GM):only one left
Alani (Phil):I think the priest is th eonly one left, no?
Kasumi:Does Kasumi need to make a Pyrophobia save Simon?
Simon N. (GM):reckon Kasumi
Tony:ok I am now an easy target. Looking at my shoes
Simon N. (GM):Marlos is burned for 11
Dagny (Kimberly):Well, if you have to run, hopefully you'll have the presence of mind to run in my direction :-)
Kasumi:I guess it's a con sav?
Simon N. (GM):Ralph runs up... end turn
WIS save DC 11 Kasumi
Kasumi:rolling 1d30 +3
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +3
Kasumi:Kasumi manages to hold her nerve as the flames roar past........
Simon N. (GM):then #25 Alani
sharatu:it would be cooler if we let kusumi behaead him
Rhennya:i move and I move moonbeam into the general direction of the medusa
Dagny (Kimberly):I would just like him to die. I don't much care how.
Rhennya:however, isn't it a good time to stop?
Rhennya:sorry, I'm really not feeling great
let's kill it them
Alani (Phil):Wowowo! I didn't had the time to move!
Simon N. (GM):Please finish him :)
sharatu:kill him kill him now
Alani (Phil):I double move... and then it's #23
Simon N. (GM):(move up Alani)
Kasumi:Ok should I risk looking at him everyone?
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny mutters a prayer to Moradin
Kasumi:And spend an inspiration?
Let's do it!
Con save Simon:
Oh dear :-(
Dagny (Kimberly):Blessed be, Moradin, protect Kasumi in her time of need. Please guide her eyes truly
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi makes a lovely statue
Kasumi:That serves me right for that crit earlier lol
Dagny (Kimberly):Does Lesser Restoration fix that?
Or Dispel Magic?
Simon N. (GM):#22 Seraphus
Kasumi:Sorry everyone :-(
sharatu:its 5th level cleric spell we can bring her back easy
Dagny (Kimberly):Revivify?
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu is researching greater restoration
Dagny (Kimberly):I have Raise Dead and Revivy
Simon N. (GM):I'll assume Seraphus moves up
sharatu:"kill him before he shatters her"
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, I move
Does Raise Dead or Revivify work?
Simon N. (GM):It's Greater Restoration apparently
I try to banish him to another plane
Tony:we'll have to carry around a heavy statue in the meantime
sharatu:its only 5th leve; and clerics can swap out spells on a long rest so everything is fine and dandy
Simon N. (GM):bonus action attack w hammer?
Kasumi:I feel like such an idiot lol
Dagny (Kimberly):Banishment
abjuration 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature that you can see within range
Components: V, S, M (An item distasteful to the target)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
You attempt to send one creature that you can see within range to another plane of existence. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be banished. If the target is native to the plane of existence you’re on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you’re on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane. If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target doesn’t return.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 4th.
Alani (Phil):I can imagine the regular rolls to make sure she doesn't end up like a greek statue of Nike.
Without arms or legs.
Kasumi:I don't feel like a Medusa has much Charisma so we should be in luck!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Alani (Phil):While we tranport her. :-)
Simon N. (GM):he's Banished
The Portal closes
Alani (Phil):Congrats Dagny!
Simon N. (GM):Marlos is away for 10 rounds so move p
sharatu:can i kill him when he returns
Dagny (Kimberly):Let's drag Kasumi away
Kasumi:Well done Dagny!!!!
Dagny (Kimberly):He's only banished for 10 rounds
Simon N. (GM):you only have a a minute
Dagny (Kimberly):then he comes back. We can all get here and get Kasumi away
Simon N. (GM):OK I assume you Ready actions for when he comes back...
sharatu:i can do enough quite a bit of damage
Kasumi:Just prop me up in the corner somewhere :-)
sharatu:i ready flaming hands and breath attack as one
Tony:ready a rage battle axe
Simon N. (GM):Marlos reappears
you can all roll an attack or spell, AC 19
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
sharatu:rolling 8d6 + 5
Alani (Phil):Rhenia is staying behind next to me.
Tony:do it again...this is fun
Simon N. (GM):Marlos goes down beneath Sharatu's burning, Seraphus's blow, Ralph's strike, Dagny's swing...
Simon N. (GM):As he dies he turns to mud and collapses into a pool.
Dagny (Kimberly):I wanted to make sure to get Kasumi far enough away so he couldn't shatter her
poor new statue
Simon N. (GM):OK you get 6 XP and reach level 14. Kasumi is very heavy but you can drag her out
Kasumi:That was so satisfying to watch!! Thanks guys :-)
at will
Simon N. (GM):You'll need to long rest to get Greater Restoration & bring her back - can do that start of next session
Dagny (Kimberly):Using my dwarven ingenuity, I use Stone Shape and make some wheels so we can roll her out :-)
night folks
Dagny (Kimberly):Banishing worked ok!
for once!
Dagny (Kimberly):Thanks for the game
Alani (Phil):Thanks everyone. That was a great battle!
Simon N. (GM):Thurl Merosska is outraged at the petrification of his lover and swears terrible revenge on all earthy things!
Dagny (Kimberly):Well, he can donate the diamond dust I need for the spell
:-) If he really wants to be helpful
Kasumi:Yes he can totally donate that, he has enough bling lol
sharatu:i collect the cult leader goo
Kasumi:Got to go but thankyou so much Simon!!! It was nailbiting!
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, and we can take Rhundorth with us
sharatu:"hey rhundoth wanna join me"
Dagny (Kimberly):who will hopefully be grateful and donate some armour to us :-)
Rhundorth:"I'm more with Lady Dagny, fella."
sharatu:well im the one who saved you
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny tells him a joke in dwarven that only dwarves would understand
Soemthing to do with rocks rolling into a bar
OOC ok need to stop now
Simon N. (GM):See you next week :)
Dagny (Kimberly):yep :-) Thanks for the game!
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