Erasmus:Is Geoff joining us?
Simon N. (GM):I'm assuming no Geoff unless he shows :)
You must be right re token Kenny
Do you recall your init number?
Want me to re-roll?
Kenny - Syrus:@ERASMUS how did you remember that??!!
Erasmus:I mean
Erasmus is really wise and remembers everything. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Chris T.:Ready when you guys are.
GM: #22 Erasmus
Erasmus:Can you remind me how the zombie up front is looking, please?
Erasmus:It has cover, right?
Simon N. (GM):w 3 in front, superior cover so AC 13
as base 8
Erasmus:Erasmus draws two darts and flings them at the zombie 20ft./60ft.
Dart (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):A dart sticks out of its rotten chest.
Erasmus:I can see the full map, by the way
Simon N. (GM):(well the Dynamic Lighting is on!) #20 Jyrdani attacks the one in front w Ironwolf
It explodes, showering her in blue gunk.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Just one more in here!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can i firefirebolt at around the corner?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:you'd be adjacent to it so better off making melee attack
Simon N. (GM):avoid disad
AC 8 > 10 w cover
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*slashes with longsword
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Norrin (Geoff):isn't feeling well #16 Zombie attacks Jyrdani
Norrin (Geoff):Jack hears more sloshing sounds from the right...
Simon N. (GM):(that was me Chris) :D
Chris T.:"Pull back,kill them with missiles if you can! Avoid their spores."
(oh, soz Simon :D )
Simon N. (GM):3 attacks on Jack, AC 17 & 19x2
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
1 hit
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy shit
Kenny - Syrus:Moves into room and shouts "Fall back!! Lead them out of this room just like we did with that beetle, we can shoot them from afar as they follow us, LEAVE NOW"
Then raise long bow at this one
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Kenny - Syrus:Moves 1 more
Simon N. (GM):arrow in head. It waves its head annoyedly
Kenny - Syrus:"LEAVE NOW!!!"
end turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Pull back Jack! Let me handle them!" She raises her sword. "Back, monsters!"
Turns Undead Only 1 Turned - "The Evil of this place is shielding them!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy theres 6
Victoria of the Golden Cup:They had advtg on Turn saves
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc ohhh so 3 then
Victoria of the Golden Cup:3 that could hear her :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh shit lol
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Pull back! I'm immune to their disease!"
"Let me handle them, Jack!"
Kenny - Syrus:"Yes PULL BACK!!!
Syrus chirps in*
Chris T.:Jack doesn't need telling twice. He dashes back through the difficult terrain risking the opportunity attacks and wishing he'd written the darts from his 1st edition character sheet onto his 5th edition one :D Done.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Disengage?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:OK will do opp atts...
Simon N. (GM):just 2 as 1 Turned
Chris T.:I need to dash to bget the distance in difficult going
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):AC 17 & 19, both miss :)
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus, feeling the battle needs to be brought onto more level terms, throws two more darts then moves to the side to await their approach Simon N. (GM):OOC if you throw dart from right behind Vicky zpmbie is AC 8
1 pt
Erasmus:1 point? out of 8? WTF!
Simon N. (GM):Your macro doesn't do off hand dmg
Simon N. (GM):You don't add your DEX bonus to off hand bonus action dmg, only to Monk unarmed strike
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh yeah
"I think this one is gonna pop soon, Elf. You might not want to be close..."
#20 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"thanks for the heads up Red i will retreat for now"
end turn
Norrin (Geoff):groans - he's starting to look a bit blue
Simon N. (GM):#16 Zombies
vs Victoria
vs Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+1
3/2 RAGE = 1 dmg
#14 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus moves back, turns to Jack "would you move up to the corner and keep watch on how Jyrdani and Strohm are doing, and if more Zombies are coming that way to here? Worried in case they flank us!"
Syrus then aims his bow to this one
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Victoria of the Golden Cup:attacks Chris T.:Jack suggests we follow Lady Victoria's orders and get the heckout :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+5
It pops, showering her w blue gunk
"We can defeat them!"
#5 Jack
Kenny - Syrus:@GM Norrin and Jyrdani affected atm, no one else?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:no
Chris T.:Jack moves back and holds his action in case any come fromthe south. Done.
Simon N. (GM):Ready a sword strike?
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:Guessing that the tunnel behind him is filling up, Erasmus moves behind Victoria again and throws another dart Simon N. (GM):how many darts do you have?!
Kenny - Syrus:@GM will Medicine check help to make Norrin "dis-infected"?
Simon N. (GM):no, but it could tell you how the disease works
It explodes; Strohm is out of range of the blue gunk :)
#20 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*unsure what to do Strohm goes to the others to see how they fair
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:past Syrus it's difficult terrain
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can i fire a firebolt?
Simon N. (GM):reckon so - AC 13
Simon N. (GM):hm, was about to say AC 10 from there - hit :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):Zombie burns green for a bit
The zombies move in, trying to push Victoria back - they get 1 Athletics roll w advtg as aided, she rolls Athletics to resist
Erasmus:Can I assist as I'm behind her?
If you had Readied that as your Action :D
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+3
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus turns to Strohm "Brother, good to have your help!"
Then turns back to pull his bow back again at this disgusting being
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
7 +Piercing Damage
8 +Piercing Critical Damage
Simon N. (GM):Blue gunk showers down on Erasmus... DC 11 CON save please
Erasmus:Constitution Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):5 Necrotic damage and infected
Kenny - Syrus:Waaaahhhh!!! SORRY!!! :-P
Then moves back to the corner in shame
Victoria of the Golden Cup:grimaces #5 Jack
Chris T.:Jack is frustrated he can do nothing to help. He thought we were all pulling back? No shame in fighting them on terrain that suits us after all. He steps back but keeps an eye out in case any pass northwards behind Strohm. Done.
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:As he's already infected, Erasmus shrugs at the risk of further damage and lashes at the zombie with the axe Simon N. (GM):crit - explodes
Simon N. (GM):Silence falls...
Erasmus:Constitution Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):no further damage
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus rushes to Erasmus "Friend, I am so sorry - are you OK?"
Simon N. (GM):out of combat
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus tries Medicine check on Erasmus Chris T.:Jack moves back up.
Erasmus:Erasmus leans forward and breathes heavily, feeling nauseous. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):'my lady Victoria Jryndani is affected can you help her?"
Kenny - Syrus:@GM can I do Medic check on Eras pls?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:closes eyes "May the Grace of Ilmater heal this, your loyal servant" *lays hands on Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus is cured of the infection - but still on 19 hp
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
cough Any more of that going?"
Erasmus:"Thank you. That feels much better."
Kenny - Syrus:"WOW!!!"
Syrus rushes to Norrin and help him towards Vicky for healing too Simon N. (GM):yes Syrus roll Medicine
Kenny - Syrus:Medicine(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Tears well in her eyes as she looks at Norrin and Jyrdani. "I'm so sorry! I was selfish - earlier I used Ilmater's power to heal myself! Now I no longer have enough for you..."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus, you can tell this is a progressive necrotic fungal infection. Without treatment, death is inevitable.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"what of the holy water from before can that help them in any away"
Syrus (Kenny):Kinda like Athlete's foot!
Simon N. (GM):They'll lose 5 from max hp each day until death at 0.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"There is one chance - a powerful Priest channelling Ilmater's grace may be able to cure you, if you can reach them in time. Prior Mordrin... or Abbess Mara."
Chris T.:"We must get those infected to the Abbey of St. Cecillia."
Erasmus:"Then we return to the Priory or the Abbey."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani nods. "
cough Sounds good to me!"
Syrus (Kenny):"I agree - its time to go!!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then we retreat from this crpyt then?"
Syrus (Kenny):"We come back stronger!!"
Erasmus:"We go now. We an return another day."
Chris T.:"We can notriskour friends meeting this terrible fate."
"The dead will wait."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"My work here is not done. I must stay and face the evil that lurks here, before it takes more lives."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"alone my lady??"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"If necessary, yes."
Chris T.:"Then I will stay with you but our friends must get to safety and healing."
Erasmus:"We will end the evil here, but let us remove the blight from our friends first, so that way may all assist."
Syrus (Kenny):@Vicky "But M'lady, there is strength in numbers - on both sides!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
cough I can still fight... I'll finish things here first."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"there are others from before ca they accompanny the infected tot he abbess while we stay?"
Syrus (Kenny):"I agree with Jack, let's get the infected to the Sisters, perhaps some of them will come back with us to help!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Good plan, Strohm. Norrin, get our rear guard to take you to the Abbey. We'll join you as soon as we may."
Erasmus:GM 5HP drops each day - how many HP do they each have currently?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Norrin max 40, Jyrdani max 23
Chris T.:So we have a few days to finish this?
Chris T.:and still get them to safety?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc its not even a day travel i believe to the town
Simon N. (GM):It's 12 miles to the Abbey
Chris T.:"Then let's finish this?"
Erasmus:"I say you return to the Abbey with the others. Once you're cured, meet us back here - nless we see you first."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus roll Persuasion vs Jyrdani
Erasmus:Persuasion (+0)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap could we assit to make advantage?
Syrus (Kenny):"I agree with Erasmus - the infected should not endure anymore wounds!!"
Erasmus:Can I have advantage coz she's sweet on me?!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins "You need me here to keep you alive, Monk!"
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I roll persuation too?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Disadvantage more like!
Chris T.:Jack is now convinced we should press on and finish this.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I roll persuation too?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I am grateful for you company, friends - but please be careful, and stay well back."
Erasmus:"I don't want you to be sick. Go and get cured, it's not worth the risk."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Now, let's see where these plague zombies were coming from..."
Erasmus:Can I try to recover some darts, please?
Syrus (Kenny):"Well next door, there are 3 caskets and another door that seems to lead to this small room?"
Chris T.:"The cup and the Thorn were ever entwined my lady. I am with you to the end."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"looks empty"
Syrus (Kenny):Ohhhh and Syrus needs to pull some arrows too!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"The last zombie!"
Syrus (Kenny):"This door to the South leads back to the chamber which should now be empty"
Can I shoot an arrow?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Portcullis Wheel: This large chamber is partially flooded, with the far end just
barely rising out of the stagnant water. A large wheel is set
into the floor of the dry area, attached to painted chains that rise up
Victoria of the Golden Cup:into the ceiling. A thick layer of slick, black mold covers the
carvings on the walls of this chamber.
Simon N. (GM):The zombie groans
You can roll init again :)
Erasmus:Initiative (+3.16)
Erasmus Bos
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
everyone on tracker?
#21 Erasmus
Erasmus:Being unable to get close, Erasmus backs up to allow space for ranged attackers. Simon N. (GM):You can move through allies
10' per square
#20 Jack
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Ware! Stay back from it!"
Chris T.:Jack is again frustrated by the darkness. Lost in a small pool of torchlight he has no idea what is happening to his friends. He holds a sword attack action incase something comes close. Done.
Kenny - Syrus:Shoots an arrow at the remaining Zombie
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*fires firebolt
it stannds burning
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:wades through the shallow water and attacks zombie staggers
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Something in the corner!"
Simon N. (GM):Zombie attacks Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul leaps at Victoria as she turns following Jyrdani's alert.
she fends it off!
#21 Erasmus
Erasmus:Hearing Jyrdani's cry, Erasmus moves forward to assess... GM How far can I throw holy water?
Simon N. (GM):GM: 20'/60'
area from 2nd alcove not difficult terrain btw
as shallow
Throwing Holy water
Simon N. (GM):use DEX + Prof
& 2d6 radiant if hit
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus applauds Erasmus Jyrdani of Jiyyd:wipes off blue mucus "Gee, thanks Erasmus!"
grins warmly #13 Syrus
Chris T.:Can Jack tell if his friends are north or south?
Erasmus:"I wasn't sure what best to do. Sorry!"
Simon N. (GM):Yes you can hear them to the north,
#14 Strohm
Chris T.:Then he heads north and will attack anything that comes into range with his sword.
Simon N. (GM):some reason it put Syrus 13.15 ahead of Strohm on 14!!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC no - Strohm is ahead on my turn table...
Chris T.:I couldn't see anything on the board. It was blind faith where I ended up :D
Simon N. (GM):I moved him ahead just now
Simon N. (GM):Strohm & Syrus post any actions, then I'll go to Vicky
Kenny - Syrus:Then fires an arrow
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*fires firebolt on the zombie
Kenny - Syrus:Then move outta way from Strohm
AC 12 then
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul: "Gaaah!"
shakes "It burns!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Your foulness ends here!"
Simon N. (GM):The ghoul staggers
misses :(
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul: "My turn!"
attacks Jyrdani Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh no
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:staggers (1 hp left)
paralysis save
keels over
#21 Erasmus
Erasmus:"Oh no you don't!"
Erasmus darts forward and slams the axe toward the ghoul's neck Simon N. (GM):The axe sinks into the monster's neck, nigh decapitating it! It falls!
Erasmus:Erasmus dashes straight to Jyrdani's side to see what he can do to help Kenny - Syrus:Can Syrus do Medicine check on Jyrdani pls?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:picks up Jyrdani "Your battle is over for now, friend"
Simon N. (GM):Erasmius can tell that Jyrdani clearly needs mouth to mouth resuscitation :)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus coughs and walks away Simon N. (GM):Actually she got lucky, and is already stirring as Victoria passes her over to Erasmus
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
eugh don't feel so good."
Chris T.:"What is this?" Jack investigates the wheel.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus notices the wheel "This must be what will lift that heavy portal on the other side"
Erasmus:Erasmus takes Jyrdani and supports her. Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I agree - the Portcullis!"
Chris T.:"Someone help me."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):seeing Jyrdani is being taken care of "wait is this it wheres the fire?"
Chris T.:"I'll try and lift it."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yes i will assisst
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Perhaps we should bind our wounds and ready ourselves before we turn this wheel?"
Chris T.:(advantage on Athletics roll, Simon?)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:yup
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc we have advantage then?
Chris T.:Jack waits until the healing is done. Short rest?
Simon N. (GM):good idea :)
GM: You take an hour to short rest - must be nearly dawn outside!
You escort Jyrdani upstairs, bind wounds (spend any remaining hd)
Chris T.:2nd and final healing dice...... Gard song?
Simon N. (GM):Song of rest +d6 yes Syrus?
Kenny - Syrus:YES! Lalala!!!
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+1d6+2
Nice tune :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Vicky has 1 spell slot & 3 points of healing left in case anyone goes down or she sees a nice Smite target
Chris T.:Jack is out of spells, healing dice and probablyy torches?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows at Jack "Young Sir, wait until you hear one of my renowned performances at the inn!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: After taking a short rest, Strohm & Jack approach the great wheel
You start w 10 torches in 5e :)
Kenny - Syrus:Red Cloak begins to billow Victoria of the Golden Cup:nods "It's time"
Chris T.:Jack grasps the wheel with his gauntleted hands.
and heaves!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:roll athletics w advtg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Hoooo
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +6
Simon N. (GM):The great wheel turns... the chains move... in the distance you hear a grinding sound...
Chris T.:Phew. First useful thing Jack's done all evening :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"That's it then. Let's go."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"To Where?"
Kenny - Syrus:@ Victoria "M'Lady!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"To the portcullis - and what lies beyond."
Chris T.:Back east to where the portcullis was.
Kenny - Syrus:"There is a room in the South with 3 caskets, shall we explore?"
Erasmus:"I don't see why not."
Kenny - Syrus:"Go on, friend"
"We should not split up - let's come back"
Simon N. (GM):(GM sorry you would have explored that in short rest - empty, the bodies missing)
Kenny - Syrus:"Over here to the East first"
Simon N. (GM):sorry VERY laggy
need to reload
or maybe not
Beyond the raised portcullis are more catacombs...
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will guard rear
Simon N. (GM):Just dust and a few bones here
exit to SW
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Its close..."
Erasmus:Erasmus follows Victoria Kenny - Syrus:A bit concerned we didn't look at the room we just passed...
Erasmus:Can we open the door?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Antechamber: The vaulted ceiling of this vast chamber shows significant
signs of damage, with numerous cracks along its surface. In
the center of the room, a 10-foot-wide bridge crosses a deep
Victoria of the Golden Cup:chasm. On the other side, a pair of stone statues watch over the
end of the bridge in front of a set of grand brass double doors.
The statues depict warriors holding shields and spears.
Chris T.:once more Jack is lost in the gloom. He swears an oath to the twice martyred that the darkness shall confound him no more!
Erasmus:Are the statues the same as the ones earlier?
Kenny - Syrus:Perception check?
Simon N. (GM):(yes, Damaran) GM: There is faint light from under the north doors.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"A golden light - the Everflame itself?"
(ok Syrus)
Kenny - Syrus:Can Syrus do a ritual casting of "Detect Magic" spell?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:takes 10 mins
And also a perception check
Simon N. (GM):(my dad should be here soon, will need to stop then)
Erasmus:While he's doing that, can Erasmus peer into the chasm?
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):OK - the pits are about 15' deep
Kenny - Syrus:Whoops it was an 18 then rolled over LOL
Simon N. (GM):Syrus is in a room :p
Kenny - Syrus:Just wait for Detect magic?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:touches statue "Guardian of the Everflame... We are here to defend your charge."
Simon N. (GM):GM: You wait while Syrus starts casting... then you hear scraping sounds and mocking laughter from beyond the doors. "HA HA HA - I HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY, YOU KNOW!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i dont like the sound of that"
Simon N. (GM):You hear what sounds like crypt lids crashing to the floor... steel banging on stone...
Chris T.:"Let's finish this. For glory or thrice martyred!"
Simon N. (GM):..eerie voices chant "HI! HI! HI!"
GM: and my dad's here!
OK stopping there for tonight :)
Erasmus:"When those doors open, shit is going down. What are the chances we can draw out whatever is in there and deal with it on our own terms?"
Chris T.:Hi Mr. Newman! :D
Simon N. (GM):can continue 6pm Saturday
Syrus (Kenny):This could be a good thing as on Sat we have may more PCs LOL!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn see everyon then
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus Yes - espesh if its got minions!
Chris T.:Saturday at 6 it is. Thanks for the game, Simon, guys :)
Syrus (Kenny):Thanks everyone - good night!
Chris T.:Stay safe all,g'night
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):for exp whatdo we have this session?
Chris T.:Probs find out at the end of next session, Muiz?
If we survive :)
Erasmus:Cool, no worries. See you all on Saturday.
Chris T.:See you all on Saturday
WhiteValyrian:oh cool see you all on saturday then
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