On the dead Orcs are 9 gp and 208 sp.
On Orog - he has spiky chaos-themed full plate armour (AC 18, heavy), a shield, & a morningstar. His belt is made of silver, with a gold buckle (total value 160 gold pieces) and his morningstar has a 100 gold piece value emerald set in its hilt. In his purse are 8 gold pieces, 17 electrum pieces, and 5 silver pieces.
Orog's Chamber - There is an broken-lock chest supported on two human skeletons that holds exactly 500 gp and a strange magical silk rope - a rope of climbing. There is a copper bowl, finely wrought and chased with silver, under the throne. However, it is filled with orc poo and very tarnished. One of the skeletons has a rune-scribed hand axe embedded in its skull, between the eyes. On inspection this is an enchanted dwarven hand axe +1.
Simon N. (GM):GM; Washed, the pot is clearly very fine artwork worth 50gp
In the north cave Erasmus finds a bucket...
Kenny - Syrus:...full of orc poo??
Chris T.:anything below the rug just south of you, Kenny?
Simon N. (GM):A small table and two
chairs are In the middle of the room. There Is a wooden
chest to one side which holds a bow, a quiver of 20
arrows, 2 swords, and 2 daggers. Two shields are hung
on the south wall. There are only odds and ends other·
wise, except that in the southeast corner
Simon N. (GM):is an old bucket which is filled with black. stagnant water.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus turns over the rug (is it a flying carpet maybe ;) and also look at what this is...
Chris T.:Is everyone okay if Jack takes a sword and shield?
Simon N. (GM):That's the orc chief's throne, built with a hole so he could poo directly into the pot.
Simon N. (GM):The old bear rug by the fire is mangy & motheaten.
Chris T.:If so he'll inspect alland take the best.
Erasmus:"Can you use a morningstar, perhaps?"
Kenny - Syrus:OK is Jack taking shield, sword, poo bowl of Chapion Orc? (Fine with me) Anyone claiming the dwaven Axe? Can Syrus take rope of climbing?
Simon N. (GM):@Jack the weapons are serviceable if you want to take them.
Kenny - Syrus:Anything under bear rug?
Chris T.:Thanks. I have no issue with the rope. The axe would be nice but ifit'sa monk weapon I'm happy forit to go to Tim.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
nothing under rug, sorry.
Monks can use all simple weapons right?
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus what are you claiming?
Kenny - Syrus:Are we dividing gold 5 ways - were there 5 of us from previous session? If so, everyone gets 100gp (including Mirabelle)
Simon N. (GM):but it's not Finesse
But Monks can use all weapons as Finesse I think?
Chris T.:100GP seems fine. Wehave the plagte armour to sell too\/
GM: OK will move on now...
Kenny - Syrus:OK to save time, we should just take everything unclaimed and deal with dividing later?
Erasmus:How much are the morningstar, armour and shield worth?
Simon N. (GM):Back at the Abbey Abbess Mara thanks you for your efforts, and the nuns heal everyone back to full.
Kenny - Syrus:Whooop re healings!!!
Simon N. (GM):You can quick-sell mundane loot at 1/5 PHB value.
Kenny - Syrus:Are the Nuns able to grant us back spell slots too ;)
Simon N. (GM):(nope) :p After a night in the dormitories you head east to Chaney Manor where you can sell your well-gotten gains.
Kenny - Syrus:Did we get a short rest then as we stayed overnight?
You short rested
GM: After selling your loot to merchants at the Chaney Market (300gp if you want to sell the Orog plate armour) that afternoon you repair to the pub for a drink, where several interesting characters are in attendance...
Erasmus:What's the party we're splitting loot with?
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus just the 5x PCs
Simon N. (GM):Jack Syrus & Erasmus, but Syrus might want to save a share for Mirabelle?
Chris T.:another 60 each then?
Erasmus:Erasmus, Syrus, Jack, Mirabelle
Simon N. (GM):I'm assuming not the ones who left early/guarded the rear.
Erasmus:Who am I missing?
Chris T.:The Orc and the Paladin
Simon N. (GM):GM: Strohm & Ulric - rumours of rising evil in the Chaney Shire means opportunities for loot and experience...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):indeed
Chris T.:Jack is pleased to see Norrin looking so well rested and recovered.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus strides up to Strohm "Hello Elven comrade"
Simon N. (GM):Norrin - you and Lady Barbara D'Ashe have come to Chaney Manor partly for Barbara to seek the aid of dour Sir Randal Chaney, a distant cousin of hers, but he seems disinclined to help. Then you see Jack enter with his new friends...
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm "What brings you here, friend?"
Chris T.:Jack will shyly go see Lady D'Ash and the great warrior.
Norrin (Geoff):Not so great, Jack. Remember Ostrikka?
Simon N. (GM):GM:@Erasmus & Syrus - Jyrdani & Victoria slept through last night's adventure, but are fully recovered now. :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz) "my i do not expect see any of my kin this far how Strohm what is yours"
Chris T.:"I do. But you still walk this earth while she is under it."
Erasmus:OOC Ok - loot equates to 232gp 3sp 6cp for each of Erasmus, Syrus, Jack and Mirabelle and 116gp 1sp 8cp for the orc and the paladin (Simon, I presume you'll pass that on?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):strom is my Name*
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm "I am Syrus, what brings you here?"
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:"Welcome, Jack of Thorns! Very good to see you!"
smiles Chris T.:Jack smiles back.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Thanks Tim for splitting the dosh!
Chris T.:Yup thanks Tim. Is Erasmus taking the axe?
Norrin (Geoff):(laughing) That is true. Peace reigns under Sir Einar's rule, so other tasks demand our attention.
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:>>OOC Ok - loot equates to 232gp 3sp 6cp for each of Erasmus, Syrus, Jack and Mirabelle and 116gp 1sp 8cp for the orc and the paladin (Simon, I presume you'll pass that on?)<< If you post it in the Intro thread I will :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"just travelling i heard trouble was heard here so i see if i could earn some coin"
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm: "my friends and I just came back from an Orc cave, there definitely lots of coin around this region!"
Syrus waves to Tim and Jyrdani Erasmus:@Jack Erasmus has taken the axe.
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani and @Eramus "Come over friends, I found a kin!"
@Strohm "Here are my companions, Erasmus and Jyrdani, and over there is Jack... Who is the Gent next to you?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i would like introduced an acquitance as well"
introduce Ulric Simon N. (GM):GM: Over at the locals' table, you hear the local Smith talking. "When my niece Lina vanished, I had hope she'd just run off - she was always a bit flighty. But now that Jenny's gone too... " he sighs. "Cultists! Orcs! Evil is everywhere!"
Chris T.:Jack politely introduces Norrin and the Lady D'Ash
Rich:Name's Ulric - a pleasure
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:nods to Strohm "Hi there, Elf."
Kenny - Syrus:"Syrus nods" "M'Lord, great to make your acquaintance"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:turns to Ulric "Hi."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin appears as a tall blond Northman from the west, blue eyes and blond hair, dressed in plate mail and carries a longsword of ancient design.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus and Jyrdani: "New friend Strohm here says there could be MORE LOOT in this region!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Hello yourself my lady its a pleasure to meet a fine rose such as yourself"
Erasmus:"Well met. I am Erasmus"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The barmaid Kelli nods. "Chaney Shire is full of lost treasure - more ruins than living folk, we have!"
*looks Strohm up and down."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then i came to the right place"
Rich:Ulric nods in agreement
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Greetings, fellow adventurers. I am Victoria, a Paladin of the Golden Cup."
"I feel there is much evil here!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm/Ulric "..sooooo who do we speak to about where to loot, erm I meant help out next??"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Greetings Sir Paladin, Well my new friends why dont we help some common folk with their daughters on that table there"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I understand two Shepherd girls are missing from this village?"
Erasmus:"We need to go to the Shrine. Evil will continue to pervade this region if it is not dealt with."
Chris T.:Jack sitsquietly,unused to such grand and boistrous company
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus sneaks up @Jack and whispers "More treasures to be found in this region I hear, Friend!! Probably more Orc poo for you"
winks Victoria of the Golden Cup:The Smith approaches Strohm. "If you can help us, we'd be most grateful. Gods knows Sir Chaney is no use!"
Chris T.:Jack winces at the memory of washing that pot.
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Sir Chaney?
Simon N. (GM):(sorry I'm terrible about switching off NPCs after use) :)
Kenny - Syrus:OOC is Jack now proficient in Orc detection because he is very familiar with their poo smell??
Erasmus:@GM It's all good, we know what you mean!!
Chris T.:It can only help :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well i dont mind its an honour to save a damsel in distress but its up to my new companions as well if theyre up for it"
Simon N. (GM):Smith turns to Ulric. "Brocas is my name. Sir Randal Chaney is Lord of the Manor here, but he's little use, especially since his daughter ran off. Just sits on his throne drinking all day."
GM: @Norrin Drinking was indeed what Sir Chaney was doing earlier today when Barbara tried to get his help.
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Maybe he might pay to get his daughter back
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus' ears prick up on the word "pay" "Errrr who is paying for what??"
Erasmus:Erasmus signals the barkeep and orders drinks for himself and his companions (Syrus, Jack, Jyrdani & Victoria). He takes his and retires to near the fire to ruminate on the battle with Orog. Simon N. (GM):barman Rolf: "I hear his daughter Viola took up with a Druid down at Ramvira Manor - she ain't coming back!"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin speaks up. "Aye, we've tried to petition Sir Chaney for assistance in something, but he was somewhat less than helpful."
Chris T.:"Cheers. My turn next."
Simon N. (GM):Kelli
serves drinks (brb)
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Drag his daughter back and he could be more forthcoming with his help
Chris T.:Jack would happily search for the poor girl. No wonder her father is distraught
Kenny - Syrus:"Rescuing maiden for a Lord often means Gold!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i thought were rescuing shepherd daughters?"
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Lords pay more than shepherds
Chris T.:"Perhaps we can help them all? Were they taken in the same area?"
Kenny - Syrus:"Especially Drunk ones"
winks Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):;-)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"hmm true but if maidens are in trouble i would answer the call for help"
Chris T.:"And yoususpect they have been taken where?"
Simon N. (GM):>>Jack would happily search for the poor girl. No wonder her father is distraught<< She's living happily at Ramvira Manor with Kade Darra & co ::)
Chris T.:Oh,Jack doesn't pay too much attention some times.
He blushes a little
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"so where did you last see your daughter Mr.Brocas?"
Simon N. (GM):Rolf: "I heard Viola Chaney was accosted by Orcs, but rescued by Heroes led by Norrin, a great knight from the West!"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin ducks his head and blushes slightly. "A knight I'm not," he says quietly.
Simon N. (GM):Brocas turns to Strohm. "My niece - Lina - orphan. She tended the sheep on the south side fields, vanished from there two weeks back."
Rolf spots Norrin blush and duck. "Hey, yonder Knight in the shining armour - I reckon that's Norrin himself!"
Erasmus:Erasmus finishes his drink and his reflections and approaches Syrus and Jyrdani Simon N. (GM):Rolf: "He killed the evil High Priest of the Moathouse near Hommlet! Rescued Viola Chaney! Many other deeds, I'm sure!"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus whispers to Erasmus "Am a bit over excited and confused about possible treasures aheads, seems there's a lot going on..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"2 weeks the poor girl any idea to where her captors would go?""
Erasmus:Whispering to both "A moment in relative preivate, perhaps?"
and strides outside. Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Two weeks? Chances are she's dead
Simon N. (GM):Rolf: "They say the Shrine of Chaos in the Darkwood is open for business..."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus goes back in and drags Jyrdani outside Chris T.:"That rogue, Gurzon seemed to have a taste for taking innocents?"
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Ulric clutches his Amulet of Tyr and mutters, "Chaos..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"you heard a lot of news barkeeper"
Simon N. (GM):A big woodsman pushes forward. "I'm Daern, and I know these lands." He nods to Jack. "Lina may have been taken into the Darkwood - but Jenny wasn't! I traced her trail north - to Old Chaney Tor!"
Norrin (Geoff):"That is the least of Gurzun's crimes," Norrin replies to Jack. "And there will be an accounting of it all."
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "Whats up?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"What, Syrus?"
>>"you heard a lot of news barkeeper"<< Rolf nods happily. "Aye!"
Kenny - Syrus:whispers to Jyrdani " I think Erasmus may propose to you, Finally!"
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Ulric pulls his hood up, puts his head down and goes back to nursing his beer
Kenny - Syrus:"I may be officiating the wedding" ;)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins at Syrus Erasmus:"Syrus, Jyrdani. We know what we must do. Unless we go and close down that shrine, these people will continue to be taken. I don't want to mention the ritual in there with so many people we don't know."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:looks serious "Aye."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"So rescuing lady Lina first then?"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus reached round to check the tome is still in his bag Phew it is
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"There's a bunch of drunken sellswords in there likely up for assaulting a Chaos temple."
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "I guess we shouldn't mention anything to our new friends yet, right?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"And Victoria seems keen to get herself killed, too."
Erasmus:"You're a good judge of character, right Syrus? Who do you think could help? We've got the three of us, Victoria, and Ser Jack is, I believe, trustworthy."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well there goes my employer so Sir Paladin whats your thoughts of the missing girls?"
Kenny - Syrus:"Errrrmmmm"
Chris T.:"If evil is again rising in the Dark Wood itwill be from that wicked shrine."
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:>>Norrin (Geoff):"That is the least of Gurzun's crimes," Norrin replies to Jack. "And there will be an accounting of it all."<<
nods "I only hope so, Norrin! If only we could retake D'Ashe Manor, with your help I'm sure we could transform it."
Kenny - Syrus:"Seems like a lot of good fighters in here at the moment, mind you, looks can be deceiving - that Victoria with her super posh armour - did not deal one single damage - her horse did way more!!"
"I think we should take everyone with us - safety in numbers, who knows how many cultists are there when we reach the shrine!"
Erasmus:"I know how that feels, sadly. But that is no reason to discount her abilities."
Simon N. (GM):Daern nods to Jack. "Aye. But the skeletons who took Jenny took her north!"
Erasmus:"If you believe they can be trusted, let's do it."
Simon N. (GM):Brocas: "You heard the Ranger, Daern. We all know the Chaos Shrine's behind it all!"
Kenny - Syrus:"And currently I only have a couple of spells left until we have a long rest, the more meat shields we have with us the better"
looks at Jirdani "No offence Ma'am"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:scoffs "There's meat and there's meat, right?"
"I think that Elf likes me..." grins
Chris T.:"Ach! we are torn in too many directions. We must decide which will prove most urgent."
Kenny - Syrus:"Do you know where our new friends are heading next is the general same directiom as the Shrine?"
Erasmus:"Let's go back inside. Ser Jack looks like he knows at least one of these people. Perhaps he can advise."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well seem theyre in an intense discussion barmaid are you free tonight"
Chris T.:Jack feels bad sitting around boozing when there are innocent girls in peril.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:A Lady in shining armour approaches Jack & Norrin. "Good afternoon, Sir Knight, Sir Ranger. I am Victoria, Knight Paladin of the Golden Cup. We seek allies for our crusade against the Temple of Chaos..."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus shrugs at Jyrdani, then follows Erasmus back in Simon N. (GM):Strohm roll Persuasion please >:)
Chris T.:Jack stands and offers the ladfy his seat.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus says to Norrin" "And Lady Victoria here has an Amazing trampling horse!" winks at Erasmus and Jyrdani*
Erasmus:In hushed tones, Erasmus explains to Jack that his party has the means to deactivate the Shrine of Chaos and asks whether any of the new people are trustworthy. Norrin (Geoff):>>Chris T.:Jack feels bad sitting around boozing when there are innocent girls in peril.<< Norrin pats the ranger's hand. "All in good time, my friend. A battle is 95% planning and 5% action."
Simon N. (GM):The barmaid smiles at Strohm. "Well you never know your luck..."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:sits "Thank you most kindly."
Chris T.:"Lady Victoria, I can not speak for the others but my order is bound to yours and I would gladly join you."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well we see tonight then but for now it seems i will have a new job sooner than i thought"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:smiles at Jack "You are of the Golden Thorn. Brave Knights and fearless foes of evil!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"So have the group decide then what are we gonna tackle?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:turns to Strohm & Ulric "Will you warriors also aid us?"
Chris T.:He blushes a little. "Merely servants against the wicked m'lady."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well Sir Paladin it woulde be an honour"
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Ulric looks up, "I'm game"
Norrin (Geoff):@ Victoria "How convenient," Norrin replies. "Lady Barbara D'Ashe and I seek allies for our crusade against the the scallywags who have unlawfully seized lands from their owners, and have put young girls to work in a den of sin."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc 'we are at south chaney right?'
Kenny - Syrus:OOC is this same direction as the Shrine? Just wondering
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"We should also check that the Holy Crypt of the Everflame has not been defiled."
Simon N. (GM):You are at South Chaney Manor yup
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc seem the shrine of chaos is pass the holy crpyt
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Turns to Norrin. "If you will aid me in driving evil from the Chaney Shire, I will gladly aid your own quest."
Chris T.:"Well we should decide where tostart..."
Erasmus:"I feel we will need all of our strength before tackling the Shrine."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin trades glances with the attractive blonde woman at his side. "Of course," he says, bowing slightly.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"my lady why are you now with your friends?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:GM: It's about 4 miles to Everflame Crypt then 6 miles beyond that to the Shrine of Chaos.
Chris T.:That sounds like a plan?
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "I def need all my spells and bardic inspiration back first - VERY uninspired right now!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:@Strohm "Just taking a leak."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh my..."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:strides back in Simon N. (GM):GM: Do you all want to head into the woods right away?
Kenny - Syrus:@EVERYONE - BTW do you all donkeys or horses??
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"not at all"
Chris T.:Everflame Crypt then the Chaos Shrine?
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's rough terrain so best off leaving your mounts I think
Erasmus:"We would need a full rest for our Bard to recover his spells. I'm good to go, but are there are others of us that are at less than full strength, perhaps?"
Kenny - Syrus:OK we should leave our donkeys with the stable boys then
Chris T.:To build an alliance with the Golden Cup then clear Gurzon's forLady D'Ash. Keewping an eyte out fore the lost girls along the way?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"seem like a good idea two birds with one stone as they say"
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:to Victoria "We would be most grateful for your aid in restoring me my manor and defeating the black-guard, Gurzun."
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Tim prob no full rest until after this game - remember full rest + 1 week!
Chris T.:AllJack's spells areonce/ week but do we have time to loose?
Erasmus:OOC I know, but there's no reason why a full rest couldn't take 30 seconds, right GM?
Chris T.:(All..hehe, both!)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus whispers a bit loudly to everyone "Has anyone talked about rewards yet??"
Simon N. (GM):OOC Rem you're expected to be able to handle 6-8 encounters per Long Rest. No fun if you get to blast the monsters w spells every fight. :p
Kenny - Syrus:@GM??? Full rest in 30 seconds, yes?? ;)
Chris T.:"Service in a just cause is it's own reward."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"you really requesting gold from a bunch of shephers and woodsmen?"
Erasmus:OOC We're lvl 3. we don't
have that many spells!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Well said, Sir Jack!"
frowns at Syrus Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm "YUP!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well cant blame a man for knowing what he want i say"
Kenny - Syrus:@Strohm and @Victoria "I just hope loot is good where we are going then..!"
Chris T.:Jack tosses his purse with 200Gold Pieces in it on the table. "Here take this."
Erasmus:"Ending the curse of this Cult of Tsathoggua is the aim. Your passion for loot will have to be satiated from the corpses of our enemies."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin raises an eyebrow.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus pushes gold purse back to Jack "Now, now friend..."
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:hugs Norrin whispers "If we can get some of these warriors to aid us, things are looking up."
Chris T.:"The lives of young women are in our hands..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh bold words Erasmus cant say i dont like it"
Chris T.:(Jack is very young and naive)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus stands up and stretches "Are we ready to head off then?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You ready to depart. Barmaid Kelli smiles at Strohm. "I'll have something hot ready for ye open your return!"
Erasmus:"We will need potions, though. Coin is simply a convenient thing to carry, it has no real worth."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh youre thank you my lady"
Erasmus:GM can we get any healing potions here?
Norrin (Geoff):@Lady Barbara D'Ashe {i}I know Jack will help us. He owes me for those gauntlets." [/i]He smiles slightly.
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:"Be careful, Norrin."
quick kiss Chris T.:Jack tucks the purse back in his [pouch, pleased his friends arenotquiteso mercenary as he thought :D
Lady Barbara D'Ashe:>>GM can we get any healing potions here?<< doubt it >:)
Chris T.:Jack looks frosty.
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin grins back at Barbara. "Always," he replies.
Chris T.:"I will helpbecause it is the right thing to do."
Simon N. (GM):GM OK if I move you on to the wood now?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im ready
Erasmus:"Very well. Let us away."
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Crack on
Simon N. (GM):GM: South of the village the road crosses a stream at a wooden bridge, then winds into the dark depths of the Darkwood...
It's rough going through broken, forested hills, the trail often overgrown despite signs of recent activity.
Chris T.:(Jack will be wearing full armour and carrying a shield
Simon N. (GM):Even with Jack the Ranger guiding you, the sun is setting when you reach the narrow valley or gorge of the Everflame Crypt.
GM: check you can see your tokens at bottom of map.
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Yep
Simon N. (GM):It's set up for Dynamic Lighting which tends to go wrong :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"The Crypt doors are intact.... all seems in order?"
casts Light on her sword opens doors
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Waaahhh my Roll20 keeps crashing
Chris T.:Jack looks for unexpected tracks around the doorway
Simon N. (GM):Beyond you see a dark antechamber.
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):light a torch
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Stroming a keep at night not he most samrtest idea"
Simon N. (GM):Jack you can make out a
lot of recent activity - tracks, mostly human you think. Roll Survival.
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Simon N. (GM):It looks to Jack like a large group entered... and then a smaller group fled at great speed.
Probably two weeks or so ago?
Chris T.:The shy young man passes this information on to the rest.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"There's a skeleton on the ground here. It's old - brown..."
Geoff L.:Didn't like what they encountered, I'm guessing.
Simon N. (GM):On either side stairs lead up. There are a couple doors out.
Kenny - Syrus:@GM you switched off the lighting effect
Simon N. (GM):Victoria & Jyrdani move up to the doors.
Erasmus:Erasmus joins Jyrdani "What do you see?"
Simon N. (GM):(apparently me switching to Dynamic Lighting to remove door blocks turns it off?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"do we split up?'
Chris T.:With a last look around, Jack brings up the rear.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I see a chamber - a pool?" It's dark.
Erasmus:"Syrus - have a look in here, will you?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"maybe me and Syrus can look"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Anyone got a light?"
Kenny - Syrus:"WHY ME??!!"
Erasmus:"Because you can see in the dark."
Kenny - Syrus:@GM can I stealth pls
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we both can see throughtt the dark"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Syrus you may move & roll Stealth
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Syrus sneaks in quietly... roll Perception Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Syrus sees two skeletons lurking just under the water, clutching rusty blades.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus backs away
Simon N. (GM):rolling d2
Simon N. (GM):Victoria cries out: "Alert!"
Kenny - Syrus:"There are 2 skeletons just jumped up from the swimming pool, holding rusty blades"
Simon N. (GM):GM ok roll init pls,,,
Kenny - Syrus:"Does not look friendly"
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Sorry I always forget to click on my token FIRST before rolling initative!!
Simon N. (GM):@Geoff you have +2 so 10
Kenny - Syrus:OOC so Great to have you with us @Chris, @Rich @Geoff!!! :-D
Geoff L.:@Simon thanks, still getting used to 5e
Simon N. (GM):& I forget to clear token board :)
Simon N. (GM):ah, right :D
Syrus what is your init?
Kenny - Syrus:Yeah rolled a 20 and added +3!
Simon N. (GM):I see, the tie break thing confused me
GM: Two slimy skels are climbing from the pool while more are attacking Victoria in the east warren
#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:BTW dynamic lighting is off again
Erasmus:It seems ok for me
Simon N. (GM):I think that's just your PC?
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhh my benefit?? ;)
Syrus draws his bow and aim at this Skelly
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
7 +Piercing Damage
4 +Piercing Critical Damage
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Damn
Simon N. (GM):nearest Skel?
Kenny - Syrus:(Am not cheating I promise!)
yep nearest pls
Then I move (to enable others to get in)
Simon N. (GM):11 dmg? Arrow in the head. It shakes it head angrily
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc why i see green?
#14 Rich
#14 Ulric :)
& #14 Erasmus
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Cant see much from here
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc did Ulric teleport?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Your casters may want to use Light
Erasmus:Knowing he won't be able to see in the darkened room, Erasmus runs over to aid Victoria Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Prepare crossbow for when I can see something
Simon N. (GM):Victoria is shining nicely in the darkness :)
Erasmus:Swinging at the first skeleton with his new handaxe Simon N. (GM):Syrus I guess you're not Light emitting :(
Kenny - Syrus:I only have dark vision!
you can cast Light if you want?
Kenny - Syrus:The moon blade went back to Aretha...
Simon N. (GM):It staggers under E's blow
Erasmus:Following up with a punch to the jaw Erasmus:Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):It shatters!
Simon N. (GM):you should be able to move your token Geoff, you can move 30'/6 squares & attack, or move + Dash another 30', once per short rest (1 hour) you can take an Action Surge for an extra action eg extra attack or dash
You could Action Surge extra move to reach skels & attack?
Geoff L.:Something's not right here. The screen is still mostly black for me.
Kenny - Syrus:@Geoff if you are human, then you can't see in the dark...
Simon N. (GM):Evil Dynamic Lighting... I'm going to rule Jyrdani lights a torch...
Chris T.:(Jack has a torch lit but it doesn't seem to be illuminating a lot..)
Simon N. (GM):there's your torch Jack, was turned off
Geoff L.:Okay, Norrin will circle around and attack the skeleton on the far side.
Simon N. (GM):ok roll d20+7 to hit
If you click your character sheet you'll see your stats :)
Geoff L.:rolling 1d20 + 7
d8+7 dmg w the Hero Sword
(Characters icon is top right, above this chat box)
Geoff L.:rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):It shatters!
#10 Skels
The damaged one comes at Syrus...
Two attack Victoria, who uses reaction to fend off both
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
2 come at Syrus
Simon N. (GM):ouch, 2 hits
sorry Erasmus not Syrus!
9 dmg to E
Simon N. (GM):Another at Victoria
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"But a scratch!"
Erasmus:"Don't say that, it'll cost you an arm and a leg!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#8 Allies - Jyrdani was lightimg torch. now moves in w torch & sword in hand
Simon N. (GM):DC 13 WIS saves for skels
3 skels shrink back from the holy light.
#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can i shoot pass Eramus and attack the skeleton?
Simon N. (GM):what weapon/shield do you have in hand if any?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc ican cast firebolt
yes you can shoot at it
AC 13
Simon N. (GM):It is scorched
& turns in your direction, jaws clacking
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can i take out my sword and shield?
Simon N. (GM):sword but not shield
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay
Chris T.:Jack can see no enemies through the darkness but hears the name of his patron called from the west. He ventures that way hoping his torch will illuminate things for him.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz) unsheath his sword
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end of turn
Chris T.:alas it doesn't. End turn
#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus 2-weapon attacks the Skelly Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):ok rem no DEX dmg bonus 2nd attcj!
it's destroyed anyway!
Kenny - Syrus:Then moves to pool to investifgate again
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins "Seems like you don't need me any more!"
Simon N. (GM):The once holy pool is now slimy and befouled.
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani "One ALWAYS needs a meat Shield!"
End Turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Yeah, I think I just heard Erasmus cry in pain..."
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Move up to here
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#14 Ulric & #14 Erasmus
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Still cant see anything!!
Erasmus:Rising from his crouched position, Erasmus brings the handaxe up in a sweeping arc aiming for the blackened sternum Simon N. (GM):(the elevated walkways are about 5' high BTW)
Erasmus:then strikes a fist toward the same place Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):@Ulric you can use your action to light a torch?
hit - x2 dmg bludgeoning...
Chris T.:(Jack has one in the next square but can still see noything)
well the fighting is out of your sight
Erasmus:Erasmus steps back out around Strohm Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus' unarmed strikes are AWESOME!!
Simon N. (GM):skel opp att yes?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Erasmus:Erasmus is too quick Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll be kind & say Ulric can move in now?
say yes & I'll move you in to battle Rich >:)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Erasmus:OOC it's why I moved out!
Simon N. (GM):guess not so #11 Norrin
There are 2 doors to the north
Norrin rushes out
#10 Enemy
2 skels attack Victoria
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+2
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"A trifle!"
Simon N. (GM):turned skels flee...
Vicky just used her reaction vs flanking skels so no opp att
Victoria of the Golden Cup:attacks hit, finally!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d8+5
#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):taking out my shield i step forth
Victoria of the Golden Cup:ok donning shield uses an Action
Simon N. (GM):(5e hates shields)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hmmm
can i redo?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i cast firebolt on the skeleton from here?
no line of sight
I think
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):got it i don my shield and end my turn
#6 Jack
way is open for Jack!
Erasmus:(GM If you select his token and press Ctrl+L, you'll see what he sees)
Chris T.:Jack utters a prayer to Saint Sollarsto guid his hand in the darkness then with a leap of faith plunges forward.
Simon N. (GM):ok Strohm can see a tiny bit of skel :)
would be +5 AC
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh but its okay maybe next time
Simon N. (GM):Tim how do I undo that? It's stuck!
Chris T.:An enemy ois revealed
Simon N. (GM):ah it stopped
Erasmus:just click off anywhere
Chris T.:He strikes out at it with his sword
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Chris T.:Oh well.... done
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani "let's check out the noise from outside, hope the others are OK!"
@Norrin "Everything OK, Friend?"
Simon N. (GM):(the green light seems to be some shadow effect)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(seem so)
Erasmus:"Ulric? After you."
Simon N. (GM):there is space if Ulric wants to attack skel round corner :)
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Can I move through Strhm's square?:
Norrin (Geoff):@Syrus "All is well, not enough room for everyone in there."
skel AC 15 round corner
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Hit him
hit :)
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):rolling 1d8 + 3
Simon N. (GM):crunch - still up
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):End of turn
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Can I get through to here?
Simon N. (GM):yes but skel has opp att unless you disengage
Erasmus:And Jack is here, right?
Erasmus:I'll stay where I am
Simon N. (GM):you could disengage & use 40' of move to get there
Chris T.:(Soz, should have moved further but couldn't see where he was going.)
the warren is nasty w dynamic lighting!
Erasmus:Acually, yeah, can I disengage to get inside? SOZ
Norrin (Geoff):Not much for Norrin to do, so he'll just move to the stairs. End turn.
Simon N. (GM):that's 40' of move Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):Damaged skel turns on Jack...
Chris T.:That'll be a hit then :)
Simon N. (GM):cuts Jack for 5
Simon N. (GM):A 2nd attacks Vicky
#8 Vicky strikes
miss as usual
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi Syrus!"
#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i move through Jack and Ulric
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:disengage ?
Simon N. (GM):or take opp att?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack of oppurtunity
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Simon N. (GM):Skel hits Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+2
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
cast firebolt on it
Simon N. (GM):over Jack's shoulder...
AC 13
Simon N. (GM):It collapses in flames!
#6 Jack
Chris T.:"Saint Sollars! Part this gloom that I may smite your enemies!" Jack moves into the cloaking darkness, torch held high
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Thank you, noble elf knight!"
Chris T.:done (and no wiser)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows to Jyrdani "Well Hello M'Lady!"
Then moves to join Norrin on the stairs... ...and propose a game of patty-cake with him
End turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#14 Ulric
Erasmus:Erasmus will follow the small amount of light he can see and skirt around the pillar Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Cant get to him.
Move through Sticky Vicky
Simon N. (GM):don't think you can do that move Rich
you'd have to move through the Skel w a Bull Rush
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Cant do much with her in the way!
Simon N. (GM)::) Erasmus you can attack
Erasmus:Striking at the vertebrae in the neck apparently that works - have Inspiration - that you never spend :P
Kenny - Syrus:Wow, that Dwarven Axe proves useful!
Simon N. (GM):The skel staggers, skull wobbling
& unarmed strike?
Erasmus:Tries to punch the head off Erasmus:(Should have used that inspiration!)
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin plays one round of patty-cake with Syrus and moves into the room, weapon drawn.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Jack you hear sounds to the south of skels trying to claw through walls...
It seems more like a warren than a room, the pillars break it up into tiny chunks
Chris T.:He gives thanks for the guidance in the darkness. Making a bloody oath that henceforth his enemies shall not hide from him this way.
Simon N. (GM):Wobbly-head skel slashes at Erasmus
crit :(
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"No! Get away from him you - THING!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Erasmus on 4/24
miss as ever
pulls back
opp att
Kenny - Syrus:LOL "as ever"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+4
"Get it, Sir Norrin!"
#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):move pass sir norrin
Victoria of the Golden Cup:20' to reach Skel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):and cast firebolt
15' moved
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end of turn
Chris T.:Jack moves south towards the sounds, determined to find an enemy :)
Simon N. (GM):good luck :)
rem can Dash :)
best to use the cursors in this I think
Simon N. (GM):Jack finds a Turned skel :)
Chris T.:He strikes it with his sword (Unaware it was turned)
Simon N. (GM):so still Turned
#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus thought Norrin was a sore loser as he ran away from the game of Patty-cake and follows him into the room with weapon drawn Shouts "Erasmus are you OK??? Come to me!!!"
End turn
Simon N. (GM):Ulric (currently Squeezing w Norrin) :D
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Try to move South
Simon N. (GM):ok, moving through allies is +1 square and you can move 12 total w Dash
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Stay there
Erasmus:Erasmus goes again for the head of the skeleton Simon N. (GM):head flies off!
#11 Norrin
Erasmus:Erasmus tries to catch the skull Victoria of the Golden Cup:#8 Victoria touches herself... heals 12 hp
Norrin (Geoff):Not enough light in the room to see where they are!
Simon N. (GM):not sure why half the light sources don't work
should turn off the lighting
should I ?
Chris T.:(Having practiced as a lighting designer for 30 years I can assure you there's nothing dynamic about this lighting! :D )
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @Chris!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(LOL) JyrdanI: "Found one!"
Kenny - Syrus:Disadvantage on your next roll!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(lol)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):bonus action second wind
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:just a small gasp :)
Chris T.:Jack tries again.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"How do you fair Victoria"
end of turn
Chris T.:and now swears off the light for ever. Embracing the dark.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I am well, kind Sir - protected by Saint Sollars."
Erasmus:Looks like Erasmus's curse has been lifted, and fallen on Jack instead. Victoria of the Golden Cup:#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus moves and stumbles upon Erasmus, saw that he is in a bit of state, says "I see you have been very busy with that new axe!"
and lay his hand on his wounds and casts Cure Wounds on Erasmus Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
"Here you go friend" smiles
Then moves again
Erasmus:"Phew! Thank you, friend."
Erasmus 14/24
#14 Ulric & Erasmus
WhiteValyrian:(Simon you can skip my turn if im not back)
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Ulric continues blundering about in the dark
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Got one here!"
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Ooh hello. Hits him!
Erasmus:Hearing Jyrdani call out, Erasmus heads in her direction Simon N. (GM):Her voice helps lead Ulric to Mr Skellington
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):rolling 1d20 + 5
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):rolling 1d8 + 3
Simon N. (GM):The skel clacks angrily as the sword cleaves ribs
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):End turn
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Erasmus?
Simon N. (GM):erasmus can finish off yup if not done yet
Erasmus:I forgot I can throw darts. Can I RetCon my move back to here?
it has cover so AC 15
Erasmus:(Hope that didn't hit Jyrdani!)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
no but nearly hit Ulric!
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Oy!
Simon N. (GM):Ulric's skel attacks him
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):AC19
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Jack's skel runs away (opp att)
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Simon N. (GM):It staggers but keeps going, sees Syrus and jabs at him..
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+2
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Get away from him!
23 hits :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Without you Syrus who'd be there to write the song about me?"
grins #7 Strohm]
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani "Already started one!" *bows
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I see a door!"
Chris T.:Jack can see the battle to the east so goes and belts that one.
Simon N. (GM):(Maybe the green light is some weird evil effect of evil?) >:P
AC 15 Jack
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Simon N. (GM):Skel shatters!
Chris T.:Now he has embraced the darkness he's hitting!
Simon N. (GM):OK you are out of combat...
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):OOC Guys I'm going to have to shoot . Early start tomorrow
Erasmus:"Where is this door located, Victoria?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Yeah better stop
Kenny - Syrus:See you again soom Ulric/Rich!!
Simon N. (GM):Vicky pushes the ajar door
Norrin (Geoff):Good night!
Simon N. (GM):XP is 75 each
Ulric Iceshadow (Rich):Thanks guys. Great game DM
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks SImon - we playing this weekend?
Erasmus:Oh, OK. Thanks Simon and everyone. Good to meet you all! :)
Chris T.:Gosh that took some earning :D
Thanks for the game guys.
Simon N. (GM):Yes suggest this lot continue Saturday
Chris T.:See youon Saturday?
Simon N. (GM):unless you want to join Keelia & James on Friday
or make new PCs & do both :)
Erasmus:I can do Saturday (but wouldn't then be able to do Sunday).
Kenny - Syrus:Yes I should be able to join on Sat by 6pm if not 5.30pm, and also Sunday 6pm :)
Simon N. (GM):75 XP - 8 skels at 50 each, 25 for the Inn, 8 PCs & NPCs :)
Erasmus:6pm is better for me.
Chris T.:I can do Friday and Satuyrday
Simon N. (GM):Saturday 6pm good
OK Chris maybe intro your dwarf Cleric-1 on Friday?
Kenny - Syrus:@Chris (and Geoff?) Have a good game on Friday night and I see you Sat! :)
Simon N. (GM):cheers Kenny :)
Chris T.:I'll get something ready for Friday, sure thing. Look forward.
Erasmus:Right. G'night All.
Norrin (Geoff):Thanks Kenny, and thanks everyone for welcoming me!
Chris T.:Cheers all, thanks again.
Simon N. (GM):Thanks Geoff :)
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