Asar Kessell
Sister Bronda
Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus casts Detect Magic https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Detect%20Magic#content
Chris T.:Jamesmay be joining us?
Simon N. (GM):maybe, & Geoff/Norrin may come later
Syrus (Kenny):Rest - hopefully 10mins has passed for the spell?
Yes not REst!
Simon N. (GM):Syrus can detect Jack's magic gauntlets, Erasmus' magic axe, his own magic shortsword & rope of climbing.
10 mins has passed & you are Concentrating on detect magic
Syrus (Kenny):So no gaps on doors that lit up?
(ie magic beyond the door?)
Simon N. (GM):From beyond the door you don't detect magic within 30' the spell range.
Chris T.:Jack looks at Lady Victoria... "Shall we?"
Syrus (Kenny):"OK Team, I can detect no magic within 30 feet of us - but that does not mean there is none - could be just beyond my reach..."
Erasmus:"Are we going to try drawing out whatever is in there?"
Syrus (Kenny):"Good to make a plan"
Chris T.:"They're killing the everflame, let's just get in there!"
Syrus (Kenny):"I would suggest we open doors to see what is beyond - if its a horde then it would be good to draw them out?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria frowns: "I think the thing mocking us is - was - Asar Kessell."
Erasmus:"Don't want to get surrounded"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:You can roll History DC 12 re Asar Kessell
Chris T.:"Well we don't know what's in there yet?"
Syrus (Kenny):TO Vics "Who is or was Asar"??
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2 #history
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Asar was Sammael Cumin's friend... turned enemy."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Asar was a famous mercenary commander of the previous century. Something of a tactical genius, by all accounts.
Syrus (Kenny):"Can I suggest we try drawing what where that is inside out - so we get a surprise on them exactly like we did with the beetle?"
"If it/they don't come out, then we go in?"
Simon N. (GM):Possibly even smarter than a beetle!
Chris T.:"But we don'tknow what's in there.."
"So how do we make a plan?"
Simon N. (GM):For those who got 15+: Everflame Crypt
Sammael Cumin was a crusader of Ilmater who came to serve the King of Damara in the year 1215 DR, 144 years ago. While he fought with distinction against the Soravian Nar, he soon realized that he wanted more from life and left the military to find his fortune elsewhere. His travels took him all over the region, and he decided to settle down in 1222 after a very profitable adventure. Using a sizable portion of his fortune, he set out to tame a small area east of the Darkwood. For the next 10 years, the manor, which was then known as Cumin’s Hold, grew and prospered. All that changed in 1233 DR when Asar Kessell came to Cumin’s Hold with a host of mercenaries under his command. Asar was an old companion of Sammael, and the two had traveled together for some time before splitting up just after Sammael’s last adventure. Over the years, Asar became sure that Sammael had cheated him after that adventure. Promising great wealth to his mercenaries, Asar raided the manor relentlessly for 2 months. Finally, the local folk managed to locate Asar’s camp in an ancient crypt deep in the Darkwood, and Sammael himself went out to deal with his old companion. The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few of Cumin's folk coming back to tell the tale to his grieving widow. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Sammael suffered a mortal wound. In honor of their beloved leader, the survivors buried Sammael Cumin in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Asar, his mercenaries, and the folk that lost their lives in the bitter struggle. His widow Cecilia Cumin - known after her death as St Cecilia the Redeemer - placed a miraculous Eternal Flame above Sammael’s final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness. Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history of Cumin Manor and the Cumin family. Sammael’s descendants view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of their noble history. Every year the descendants of Sammael Cumin make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a torch from the Flame and bring it back home, where it it shines in the Manor Hall all year, a symbol of hope and resilience.
Erasmus:"We're wasting time. Victoria, do you possess any spells which could buff the party?"
Syrus (Kenny):"OK, Lady Victoria you make the decision"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Victoria: "I will try to turn the unholy - and to use the last of my power to smite their leader."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"that siege was older than me and he is still alive now?"
Chris T.:Jack boots in the3 door
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Not ...alive."
Syrus (Kenny):"Here we go!"
Simon N. (GM):Jack kicks the doors open.
Beyond you see...
Chris T.:He turns with a big grin... "Want todraw these skeletons out or do we take the battle to them?"
Simon N. (GM):a vast crypt. The only light emanates from a torch mounted
above the crypt, flickering with a pale golden fire. Tall pillars
march across the chamber, ending at a dais on the far side, on
Simon N. (GM):which is set a large stone sarcophagus, the lid on the floor and an armoured body within.
Asar Kessell: A dry, mirthless laugh can be heard from the dark recesses of the tomb.
Simon N. (GM):“So, Sammael’s heroes have come to fight me again. You will make fine minions in my army of the dead. Come and meet your fate.”
From your raised elevation you can make out the figure in the tomb beneath the Everflame, clad in magnificent full plate armour and holding a shining sword.
Syrus (Kenny):To Jack "If there is a horde of Skellies, it would be good to draw them out"
Chris T.:"And how do we do that? I have no missile weapons.."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Sammael is as yet undefiled - and the Everflame still burns! We must end this Evil now..."
takes step forward.
Syrus (Kenny):To Jack "Lets swap places"
Erasmus:"Syrus and Strohm - Hit them from a distance and see if that draws them out."
Simon N. (GM):GM: roll init
Chris T.:Jack goes with her. "VICTORY! Or thrice martyred!"
Erasmus:Initiative (+3.16)
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"of course"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+1
Syrus (Kenny):Standing at the rear - Going Last!! LOL
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+2
#19 Victoria strides in, sword raised. readies strike
#15 Jack
Chris T.:Jack, relying on the light of others uses his action to prepare his shield moves 30' done.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"If you are sore assailed, friends, seek shelter 'neath the Everflame! It still burns!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#15 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc i supposed i cant shoot firebolt from here
Simon N. (GM):You can shoot that skelly
He has cover +2 AC
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool fires firebolt on the skelly
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 - slight singe!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:strikes hit
It shatters! "It was your fires that weakened it, Prince Strohm!"
Norrin (Geoff):Hi everyone!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Hi Geoff
Skeleton:Hi Geoff!
skellly waves :)
Syrus (Kenny):WOW Skeleton can type!!!
(Hi Geoff!!)
Chris T.:Hiya Geoff, right on time!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):18 hit
attacks Jack
Skeleton:a wicked-looking skeleton strides into
view wearing polished mail and brandishing a cruel sword.
Simon N. (GM):@Norrin roll init pls
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Syrus (Kenny):@GM does Erasmus and I not get a tuen?
Tracker now back to Vics
Simon N. (GM):GM: #13 Norrin feeling a bit better follows the others into the crypts and gets a turn before Erasmus on #8 :)
(have to reset it to add new character)
Norrin you enter the Antechamber: The vaulted ceiling of this vast chamber shows significant
signs of damage, with numerous cracks along its surface. In
Simon N. (GM):the center of the room, a 10-foot-wide bridge crosses a deep
chasm. On the other side, a pair of stone statues watch over the
end of the bridge in front of a set of grand brass double doors, now open.
Simon N. (GM):The statues depict warriors holding shields and spears.
Sounds of battle come through the doors.
ok unless Norrin action surges that's where he'll get to on a double move. OK? (you've had a short rest BTW so have action surge & 2nd wind)
#8 Erasmus
Syrus (Kenny):To Norrin "My Lord, do consider drawing them out or you will be surrounded!!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc wait so short rest recharges 2nd wind?
Simon N. (GM):A skeleton approaches the doors.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc so i can second wind Nice
Chris T.:(and action surge)
Simon N. (GM):He's only F1
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):only level unfortunately
Erasmus:Erasmus steps up to the doors and strikes at the skeleton with the dwarven handaxe Simon N. (GM):@Geoff battle is in top right of map BTW
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):YES
Syrus (Kenny):OMG!!! WAY TO GOOOOO!!!
Simon N. (GM):crit for 12?
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin will attack the skelly right beside him
"Norrin - help me block these doors"
Simon N. (GM):OK if Norrin action surges he can get there & attack once
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Simon N. (GM):Norrin's Hero Sword smashes the badly damaged skeleton to bits.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):NICE
Simon N. (GM):GM: Has Erasmus finished?
Erasmus:GM: are the spaces to the left and right of the stair considered in combat?
Simon N. (GM):That's a 10' drop so you'd need a reach weapon to melee attack down there
Erasmus:Cool. Erasmus is done.
Simon N. (GM):The skels only have short blades - which look to Erasmus a lot like the blades of the Chaos cultists at the toll bridge.
#5 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus moves next to Erasmus and shoots at this Skelly with his bow Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):WHoop! Over excited
End turn
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#19 Victoria holds up her shining sword. "Minions of Evil! Go back to your graves!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Most of the skeletons flinch back and turn to flee, but Asar Kessell just laughs. "Paladin! I'll enjoy re-animating your rotten corpse as my bride!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i fire bolt there?
Simon N. (GM):ok, AC 15 w cover
(no disad I'm ruling)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):and do Second wind
Chris T.:Seeing the enemies about to flee Jack takes the dodge action this round. Done.
Simon N. (GM):Skels turn to flee - Jack opp att?
Simon N. (GM):Strohm taking opp att?
as skels flee
Simon N. (GM):You see all but three of the skeletond have fled.
The three attack Victoria
Chris T.:Jack grins at Lady Victoria.. "Thanks!"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
highest 19 vs AC 20 - she fends them off and grins back at Jack, a lock of brown hair falling over her face quite fetchingly. :)
Asar moves up and slashes at Vicky with a sword that glitters with black fire.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Well you'll need to do
much better than that!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:winks at Jack Asar has gleaming black half-plate and shield
Chris T.:Jack looks at the half plate armour enviously :D
Norrin (Geoff):Aauuggh, i't snot letting me move
Simon N. (GM):lag I guess
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin attacks Asar
Simon N. (GM):The ancient sword cuts through Asar's armour! AC 20
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):Asar: "TIS BUT A SCRATCH!"
#8 Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):AC 20 0-o
Erasmus:Erasmus runs forward and drops off the side of the stairs, dashing forward at one of the skeletons Simon N. (GM):the one in front?
It staggers
Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):It shatters (bludgeoning dmg x2!_
#5 Syrus
Erasmus:"Bludgeoning works well!"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Gonna take a chance with this next move everyone!!
Syrus runs down the stairs next to Asar and casts Dissonant Whisper (Wisdom saving throw DC13)
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V
Dissonant Whispers
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Syrus (Kenny):(If this works, Asar has to run and we all get an opportunity attack on him!!)
Simon N. (GM):Asar groans. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!"
Syrus (Kenny):"Its time for you to return to HELL"
"Land your blow well, dear friends!!"
Chris T.:Reaction, opp attack
Simon N. (GM):Asar staggers back clutching his head... opp atts from most of you :)
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Kenny - Syrus:Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
8 +Piercing Damage
5 +Piercing Critical Damage
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+5
Victoria of the Golden Cup:13 dmg w magic blade! He gasps in pain.
Erasmus:Erasmus is impressed with the strength of Syrus's attack Simon N. (GM):GM: Norrin you can make a free attack on Asar too
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
roll a d20+7 Geoff :)
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus finishes with moving next to Erasmus to give him a high five Simon N. (GM):rolling 6d20
Erasmus:"Good work. How long does that last?"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 10d20
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus "Its gone! No longer in effect"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#19 Victoria
attacks Erasmus:"OK. He'll be back in a few seconds, then. Great strike, by the way!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Another skelly shatters
Simon N. (GM):Asar is limping away, badly wounded.
#15 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fires fire bolt on the boss skeleton
Simon N. (GM):You don't seem to have line of sight
Simon N. (GM):miss anyway :)
#15 Jack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah end turn
Chris T.:Jack will risk the oa from the skeleton and charge Asar, determined to finish him!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+4
Simon N. (GM):His necrotic hide resists the mighty blow - 5 dmg
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
You fend him off :)
A lot of skellies are coming back...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thanl god for boss skelly bad rools
4 to Jack
Syrus (Kenny):LOL @ Strohm
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Syrus (Kenny):Don't speak too soon!
Simon N. (GM):handy shield :)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
Chris T.:Strhm jinxed it :D
so 5 left
or did I miss something?
Simon N. (GM):I think you're right - 8 hp
Simon N. (GM):The skels on the left are coming in more cautiously this time, weapons Readied.
#13 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):"I'm coming, Jack!"
Attacks skeleton
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Syrus (Kenny):1) Action:
Syrus will fire an aroow at this Skelly Erasmus:Seeing how effective his fists were, Erasmus drops his torch and swaps the axe for his quarterstaff Simon N. (GM):you can't carry a staff & a torch & an axe
could be unarmed attack though - missed anyway
Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):hit for 4x2=8
#5 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):1) Action:
Syrus will fire an arrow at this Skelly Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 from there
hit :)
Syrus (Kenny):2) Movement:
Then he will back up on the stairs to get a bit of distance 3) End Turn
Simon N. (GM):Bolt in the chest, it staggers.
brb Pringles...
Syrus (Kenny):OOC we are doing OK - Keep it up team!!!!
Chris T.:OOC Maybe over that side is :D
Syrus (Kenny):@Chris - I got you if you fall!
Syrus (Kenny):(1x Healing Word left in spell slot saved for an Emergency)
Chris T.:(Possible 3extrashots on a downed foe would be dead anyway...)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:attacks The Skel shatters! "For Ilmater!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#15 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fires fire bolt at boss skelly
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Chris T.:Jack risks all on the throe of the dice. He knows he should be dodging the wicked, black flamed blade but instead he strikes at Asar.
Asar: "DIE! DIE! DIE!"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+5
Chris T.:Jack goesdown. 0
Simon N. (GM):2 Skels attack Jack as he falls...
14 & 20 - 1 hit, 2 failed death saves
Erasmus:"Syrus! Jack's down!"
Simon N. (GM):3 Skels attack Syrus
7 23 & 18
2 hits?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+4
10 dmg
A Skel moves in to stand over Jack
Attacks Vicky
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Jack! NO!!"
Simon N. (GM):Asar laughs.
#13 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):Attack skeleton standing over Jack.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
you might want to move up to keep the skels off him?
just move over him if so
#8 Erasmus
Norrin (Geoff):"Jack, you saved me when we fought Ostrikka, now I can return the favour."
Simon N. (GM):Kessell eyes the Nar hero sword in Norrin's hands. "AND SO, THE END IS NEAR..."
Chris T.:(Thanks Geoff :) )
Erasmus:Seeing his friend surrounded, Erasmus piles in on the skeletons 8Bludgeoning(One-Handed)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:No, with the quarterstaff.
>>Erasmus drops his torch and swaps the axe for his quarterstaff<<
Simon N. (GM):like I said you'd not be able to carry staff to hand as well as axe & torch, but you can hit them w unarmed or club attack
You had axe & torch in hand, I'm ruling you can't have a quarterstaff in your belt, sorry.
I did say earlier
10dmg to one directly below me
Simon N. (GM):it staggers
bonus attack?
Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Syrus (Kenny):Erasmus is well good with his bare fists!!!
Syrus (Kenny):1) Bonus Action:
Shouts over to Jack "I got you!!"
Casts Healing Word on Jack Erasmus:"Your turn, my friend!"
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:Thanks Kennyb :D
Syrus (Kenny):Last spell slot well spent!!
Chris T.:Jack... "Grrooaaannnn... what hit me?"
Syrus (Kenny):2) Main Action: 2 weapon strike at this Skelly
Kenny - Syrus:Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
9 +Piercing Damage
6 +Piercing Critical Damage
It shatters
Syrus (Kenny):Can I use the 2nd weapon on the other one?
Simon N. (GM):no you bonus action healing worded
Erasmus:Erasmus is twice as impressed with that hit! Syrus (Kenny):Oh yea! End turn
Simon N. (GM):You only get 1 bonus action max, yup
Victoria of the Golden Cup:attacks Skel Syrus (Kenny):Syrus nods with Thanks at Erasmus for defeating the other Skelly, while nervously looking at the remaining one Victoria of the Golden Cup:#15 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*fires fire bolt on the boss skeleton
damn end turn
Simon N. (GM):#15 Jack - you can't attack from between Norrin's legs w/out making both of you at disad, may want to Disengage & stand up behind him?
Chris T.:That soundsfair.
"Thank you my friends!" Done
Simon N. (GM):Asar: "DRAT! HE'S GETTING AWAY!"
attacks Norrin
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Simon N. (GM):Skels attack heavily armoured Norrin (AC 22!)
Simon N. (GM):Asar: "WE ARE OUTMATCHED!"
Syrus (Kenny):Norrin is Beefy!!! :-O
Norrin (Geoff):"I got this." Attack Asar
Simon N. (GM):(Norrin's been played since 2017, he deserves some beef) :)
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):The mighty blow shatters the undead mercenary's ribs and spine. He sinks to the ground and collapses, his head rolling across the floor as the evil light in his skull sockets finally dies.
His remaining warriors emit a dull keening noise.
Simon N. (GM):oh I forgot skel on Syrus
#8 Erasmus
Syrus (Kenny):You got there before me!
Erasmus:Erasmus throws a haymaker at the skeleton Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):14 damage shatters it!
Erasmus:Nods at Syrus, then heads toward the Everflame (End turn
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus sees a misty bearded figure is forming beneath the Everflame. It smiles benevolently at him.
#5 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus cleans the sweat off his nervous face, runs down stairs to here And tries to fires an arrow at this Skelly
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):It shatters!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+5
#15 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fir fire bolt a the skeleton
Victoria of the Golden Cup:AC 13
Victoria of the Golden Cup:miss
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):crap
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#15 Jack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Chris T.:Jack swings for the same skeleton
Erasmus:Hey Chris, the curse has been transferred!
it seems so :D
Syrus (Kenny):I love how his Boss is dead yet this Skelly is still fighting to his 'death' lol
Victoria of the Golden Cup:A skel attacks Jack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):that is one lucky skeleton
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+2
Chris T.:Jack's down again
Syrus (Kenny):Don't you dare!!!!!
Syrus (Kenny):Waaaahhhhh!!
Simon N. (GM):Another skel comes in & strikes at Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin attacks the newcomer skeleton
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):it staggers
#8 Erasmus
Erasmus:Seeing Jack fall again, Erasmus runs over to stem the bleeding Simon N. (GM):pass - stabilised
Chris T.:Phew! Thanks Tim.
Syrus fires another arrow at this Skelly
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 - hit - shatters!
Victoria of the Golden Cup:attacks last skelly hit :-O
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Bits of skel rain down... ok you're out of combat.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hopefully the last encounter until we get that one week break
Erasmus:"Good work everybody."
Simon N. (GM):Vicky kneels by Jack and kisses his forehead - he wakes on 1 hp.
Erasmus:Erasmus goes back to the Everflame to investigate Syrus (Kenny):"Now let's LOOT THIS PLACE!!!"
Chris T.:Jack's eyes flickeropen to see the glowing Paladin standing over him.. "Are.. are you an angel?"
1/20 :)
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus rushes after Erasmus Chris T.:"This is the tomb of a good man!"
Simon N. (GM):The ghostly form beneath the Everflame grows more visible - a powerful bearded man in armour matching the body in the tomb.
Chris T.:"It should not be desicrated.."
Syrus (Kenny):Shouts over to Vicky "M'Lady, M'Lady!!!"
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin begins examining (and looting) the remains of Asar Kessel.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus looks at Erasmus and shrugs Erasmus:"We're not here to loot, we simply wish to receive a blessing. The evil that pervaded this place is no more."
Chris T.:Jack helps, gloating over the half [plate.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:smiles fondly down at Jack "Just a woman, Jack. Just a woman."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Asar had +1 half plate, +1 longsword & a normal shield.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus whispers to Erasmus "If we are not looting, why are we here again??"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Sammael: "PLEASE, GATHER ROUND AND RECEIVE MY BOON."
Simon N. (GM):The ghost beckons you over.
Syrus (Kenny):Shouts over to rest of party "Oi Oi!!!"*
Erasmus:"We are here to rid the place of evil, Syrus. Mirabelle can now come and replenish the flame at Cumin Manor without fear."
Simon N. (GM):It reaches down and plucks steel scales from the skirt of its platemail, handing one to each of you.
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin bows
Simon N. (GM):GM: The scales gives you each a once only reroll on any die.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i thank you venerable spirit?"
bows Simon N. (GM):attack save or skill check - any d20
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc like an insperation?
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus bows because everyone else does, but secretly thinks "show me the money" Simon N. (GM):Sammael bows to Strohm. "AND I THANK YOU FOR LAYING TO REST THE EVIL THAT WAS WOKEN HERE."
OOC like an inspiration yes
Chris T.:"Rest in peace, great lord..."
Simon N. (GM):The ghost of Sammel Cumin smiles at Jack. "WITH THE EVERFLAME SECURE, I CAN REST ONCE MORE. GO IN PEACE."
He begins to fade away.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:watches open-mouthed Norrin (Geoff):"Thank you, milord," Norrin replies, bowing again.
Erasmus:"My Lord, may I ask a question before you go?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"YES?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"with that done lets go to the abbey for Norrin and Jyrndani"
Chris T.:Jack's thoughts turn to Kesselsstuff :D
Simon N. (GM):sorry that was Sammael :)
Chris T.:OOC anyone elseuse medium armour?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):chain mail on me
Syrus (Kenny):"I guess we should put the lid back on this tomb..?"
Erasmus:"The minions we fought here today were armed much the same as other cultists we have encountered. We believe they have reactivated the Shrine of Chaos here in Darkwood."
Chris T.:"Probably a good idea. I've seen enough risen deadfor one day." (Jack's next hated enemy has been decided this day)
Erasmus:What do you know of the Shrine, and the cult of Tsathoggua?"
Norrin (Geoff):"Some good stuff on Asar, there. Help yourself; there's no reason why we should leave empty handed."
Syrus (Kenny):@GM can I pickup all my arrows to refill my Quiver?
Chris T.:Jacksearches the villains tomb
Chris T.:Lighting a torch to do so
Simon N. (GM):@Kenny sure
Erasmus:"So they came here looking to raise you but were instead turned by Asar? Interesting."
Syrus (Kenny):On hearing Norrin saying theres good stuff on Asar, Syrus rushes over to have a look Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i see so the skeletons are the cultist"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The villains were buried by the Cumin villagers without their wealth, unsurprisingly - the only decent loot is Asar's armour & sword, unless you loot Sammael's tomb.
Erasmus:"One last thing, what would you have us do with the remains of Asar? I recall that he was a friend to you in times past"
Chris T.:Jack won't do that :)
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus would but know that the rest of the party will restrain and stop him
eyerolls Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"quite strage you have a tomb of your own enemy venerable spirit"
Simon N. (GM):The ghost points to the east-central tomb.
Syrus (Kenny):*Seeing theres nothing valuable here, Syrus turns to Jack and offers a game of patty-cake"
Simon N. (GM):Sammael fades away.
Chris T.:return him minus armour, sword and shield :)
Erasmus:Erasmus will do as directed, then helps to reseal both tombs. Simon N. (GM):GM: You may all have Inspiration as well as the boon.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):carries the boss skelly remains
Chris T.:Jack's bloody hands give him a high five :)
Simon N. (GM):Jack takes the +1 sword & +1 half plate?
Chris T.:"All my own blood that."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus now looks a Jack's blood on his own hand, makes a wretch sound and walks off Chris T.:He will carry it untilthe party decideshow weshallsplit it?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Thank you, everyone. We have done a good thing this day - this night."
Syrus (Kenny):To Erasmas "What now, friend?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:GM: 291 combat XP & 100 quest XP = 391 each :)
Erasmus:"I feel there is more to do here, but for now, I think we all need rest."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we need to send Norrin to the Abbey or his sickness continues"
Syrus (Kenny):@GM: so 391 XP plys 2x inspiration points each?
Chris T.:1,317 plenty for 3rd :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:(yup) GM: Eventually you leave the Crypt of the Everflame, just as dawn breaks over the eastern horizon.
Chris T.:Indeed, Norrin needs curing
Simon N. (GM):Roundup: You return to Chaney then on to St Cecilia's, Norrin now at 30/35 hp
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Jyrndani?
Chris T.:"Thanks again my friends. I didn't think I was coming out of that tomb alive.."
Syrus (Kenny):WHoooop! Hopefully Long Rest ahead! ;)
Simon N. (GM):The Abbess Mara calls upon St Cecilia and Restores him.
Erasmus:"Jack, we never willingly leave an ally behind."
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani is already resting in the Infirmary - weak as a kitten but very happy to see her friends :)
Chris T.:"It's good to know."
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin bows. "Many thanks, abbess."
Syrus (Kenny):To Jack "Young Sir, we can clearly see your mission to do good and your great enthusiam, but please do not be so hasty in meeting your own deadth again by rushing towards foes..."
Erasmus:Erasmus goes to Jyrdani Chris T.:Jack grins at the strange Bard :D
Erasmus:"It is good to see you again. Are you well?"
Simon N. (GM):Sister Judith: "Jyrdani is very weak - do not bother her for long."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus nudges Erasmus and whispers "Again we see the Sistas of Revealing Outfits"
@GM can Syrus sings a Song of Rest for Jyrdani?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins weakly up at Erasmus "A lot better with
you here!" She holds her arms out.
Erasmus:To Sister Judith: "'Weak' is not an adjective I would use to describe Jyrdani, but I understand your sentiment. Thank you for taking care of her."
Simon N. (GM):Judith nods.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"that dungeon made me a bit stronger than before i would like to train before we go adventure again but its up to the group"
Erasmus:*Erasmus leans down and hugs Jyrdani, gently."
Simon N. (GM):Abbess Mara comes in behind you. Victoria bows to her.
Chris T.:"I must return to my ordewr forinstruction too, Strohm."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:kisses Erasmus Chris T.:"I have learned much but would now seek out deeper secrets."
Victoria of the Golden Cup:reddens slightly as Jyrdani's kiss goes on a long time Erasmus:Erasmus wasn't expecting that and blushes. "..."
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus leans into Erasmus and Jyrdani" "Just a reminder I am still currently available to officiate Weddings - I have quite a few Great reviews on Yelp!"
Erasmus:Erasmus is entirely powerless to pull away. Victoria of the Golden Cup:to Mara "The Crypt is secure, and Sammael Cumin rests easy once more. We have a great task ahead - the Temple of Chaos must fall. But first, we must rest and prepare." Mara nods.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus coughs then walks away
To Mara "M'Lady, is it possible we rest here for a while as my companions and I need to restore our health (eg a Long Rest) and get ready for the next part of our quest?"
Erasmus:Out of the corner of his mouth, Erasmus says "Jyr... Youshould be resting..."
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "You have saved the Everflame, the sared relic of St Cecilia. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. And yes, Victoria, we must prepare for our next task - to drive Chaos from the Darkwood once more!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:eventually releases Erasmus grins
falls asleep
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "You are all welcome to rest here in our Hospital, for as long as you need."
Chris T.:Jack needs to visit the golden thorns to train.
Erasmus:Erasmus looks around, nervously. He pulls the covers over Jyrdani and gives her a kiss on the forehead "Rest well, we will have need of those arms in days to come."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Will move forward 10 days for next session to allow for long rest & training.
Chris T.:also OOC does anyone else use mediumarmour or long sword?
Syrus (Kenny):@GM I know we are in mid-session - how would you like us to do Long Rest now?
Simon N. (GM):I'll end session shortly - been 2h 40 min :)
Syrus (Kenny):Ah you just answered my question! YAYS HELLO SPELL SLOTS!!!!
Erasmus:Whispers to Syrus "That was... unexpected. Surprisingly soft..."
Simon N. (GM):The old woman in the bed beside Jyrdani's smiles as Erasmus ticks in Jyrdani. "You must love her very much."
Syrus (Kenny):whispers back to Syrus "Only because she ain't feelin 100%, otheriwse you would not have your mouth left!"
winks Syrus (Kenny):*I meant Erasmus, not Syrus!
Norrin (Geoff):OOC: Sorry, I had to take a phone call. I'm back now.
Simon N. (GM):Sister Judith tucks in Norrin (now out of his armour). "The Abbess has removed your infection - but you still need to rest."
Syrus (Kenny):@Norrin, next session you will have trained!
Erasmus:"Syrus, we've been through a lot. Call me Ras. My friends usually do."
Syrus (Kenny):"Sure thing, Ras"
Syrus bows and smiles Erasmus:"Ha! Don't bow to me, man!"
Syrus (Kenny):"Great to be considered as your friend"
Simon N. (GM):Mara: "When you're all feeling better, meet with me and we'll discuss events. And I'll send word to Prior Mordrin at Moravin Friary. For now, you
all need some rest!"
Erasmus:"Let's get a drink. They do have ale here, right?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"it is my pleasure my lady"
Syrus (Kenny):"Let's have a seat in the Guest Dining Hall, Ras!"
Simon N. (GM):Victoria bows to Mara. Mara smiles at Erasmus. "Yes - I shall have ale brought to the dining room - later, once you have slept and woken!"]
GM: You're all at 1 exhaustion level right now, not having slept in 30 hours. >:)
Erasmus:"I feel like I need a drink to take the edge off last night."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus roll Persuasion
Syrus (Kenny):"We Sleep once we are Drunk!!"
Chris T.:"It was quite the fight!"
Erasmus:Persuasion (+0)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Mara sighs. "Very well..."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus starts to tell the tale of their adventure to Mara (when she comes back)
Chris T.:"No need to mention all the times I was on my arse, Syrus." Jack blushes
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mara sends the Battle Sisters Bronda & Praetoria to you with large flagons of ale.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh my"
staring at sister Bronda Syrus (Kenny):How the party approached a chamber swamped with infected green waters Simon N. (GM):Bronda: "Here y'are boys - drink up!"
Erasmus:"We've all been there, Ser Jack."
Syrus (Kenny):While 70 Zombies and ghouls rised out of the water and flooded the chamber towards the party Erasmus:"Deeply appreciated, Sisters."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"greetings my lady may i know your name"
asking Siter Bronda Syrus (Kenny):And Lady Victoria in her shiny armour and religious sword single handed slained 40 of them!!! Simon N. (GM):Apparently under instructions to cater to you, Bronda & Praetoria listen to Syrus' not at all exaggerated account of events.
Erasmus:Erasmus gets rather drunk and falls asleep at the table, listening to Syrus's tall tale. Norrin (Geoff):"Thank you kindly," Norrin says, raising his mug.
Syrus (Kenny):The Blood of the Undead turning the green water purple with their blood!!! Simon N. (GM):Bronda looks at Strohm. "Bronda. You?"
Norrin (Geoff):"Undead have blood?" Norrin asks Jack, partially heckling Syrus.
Syrus (Kenny):Sir Norrin and the Brave Jyrdani got some of the infected water splashed on their faces while fighting the Ghouls hence they became unwell Turns to Norrin "Shhhhhh!!"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:leans in to talk to Jack "Im
Chris T.:"I didn't notice it past all mine, friend Norrin."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Strohm of Leth, ill b staying in this Abbey for a while so it would be an honour to get to know you during my stay Sister Bronda"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"I'm off to bed, Jack. See you soon..."
Syrus (Kenny):*Nevertheless, Jyrdani and Norrin continued their fight and each killed 50 Zombies!!!
Norrin (Geoff):nudges Jack Chris T.:"Good night,Lady Victoria.
Syrus (Kenny):The corpses of the Undead piled up so fast that they raised over the purple water
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Strohm you can roll Persuasion or Deception
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i roll seduction?
Syrus (Kenny):So we were all able to walk out of the flooded room onto into the Tomb of Whats-his-name!!! Chris T.:Jack's head is filled with the special skills he must learn from his order.
Simon N. (GM):No seduction skill in 5e AFAIK
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im gonna use the blessing
Simon N. (GM):You can spend Inspiration for a reroll if you like yup :D
Erasmus:OOC Wow. Clutch. Haha
Simon N. (GM):Bronda smiles a little coyly at Strohm, clearly impressed.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thank you Samael
Battle Sister Bronda:"Why don't I show you round this place...."
Syrus (Kenny):*On entering the final chamber, as brave Young Jack opened the huge double doors on his own, he sees 200 Skeletons lined up ready to fight!!"
Battle Sister Bronda:She invites Strohm for a private tour of the Abbey, the battlements, combat training areas et al...
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Sounds like a great battle!"
Chris T.:Jack warms to the tall tale as the ale works its magic :D
Syrus (Kenny):Armed with only a dagger and a bare fist, brave Young Jack rushed into the Skeleton Horde... Battle Sister Praetoria:eyes the departing Bronda & Strohm Syrus (Kenny):The rest of us followed the path of scattered bones as Young Jack shattered one foe after another! Chris T.:He looks at Victoria, who actually did all the work,helplessly.
Battle Sister Bronda:"So, this is our Training Hall - the Abbess' stud y is through there."
Syrus (Kenny):And Sir Norrin, with his strength and strong armour, could not be harmed as Multiply Skeletons decended upon him Battle Sister Bronda:"Let me show you the Battle Sister quarters - alway empty this time of day..."
leads Strohm upstairs
Syrus (Kenny):Their blows one after the other skattered on his armour Battle Sister Praetoria:"Wow!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"well that is convenient isnt it my Lady.."
Norrin (Geoff):"That's
Brave Sir Norrin, thank you," calls Norrin.
Syrus (Kenny):While brave Strohm fired one lighting bolt after another, shattering EVERY skeleton successfully with EVRY BOLT Here he winks
Battle Sister Bronda:unbuttons her top "Yep"
chainmail bustier falls to floor Syrus (Kenny):Talking of which, where did Strohm go?? Shrugs
Battle Sister Bronda:Drops skirt, revealing stockings -
topless nun closes in on Strohm ~fade to black~ :p
Syrus (Kenny):*ANYWAYS... as the skeletons clear, being defeated by our party, we see out final Skeleton Boss, in armour dark as midnight, surrounded by black clouds of smoke!!!
It was 15 feet talk, with red glowing eyes, and black smoke coming out of its mouth
The most hideous sight we ever EVER saw!!!
Brave Sir Norrin, Valiant Lady Victoria, and my dear friend Ras charged towards this monstrous entity
Victoria of the Golden Cup:listens amusedly to Syrus a little while, then heads into the woman's guesthall.
Syrus (Kenny):Ras with his bare fists packed every blow with maximum force, while the Virtuous Lady Victoria turned all the new skeletons rising up behind the head Boss against each other!!! Battle Sister Praetoria:"You should tell that story at the Inns! You'd make a fortune!"
Syrus (Kenny):Brave Sir Norrin continued to batter this Ultimate Foe, finally overwhelming him Syrus totally glossed over the bits where Jack died twice
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK will stop there - Strohm can have his Inspiration back for seduction success :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Syrus (Kenny):"To cut a looong story short (hem), we all barely made it out alive!!!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thanks GM
Simon N. (GM):Over the next 10 days you rest & train - although Strohm doesn't get much 'rest' as such...
Chris T.:Jackclapshis friend's tall tale
He then faceplants on the table again.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):level 2 Yayyy
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin also applauds Syrus' story.
Chris T.:Thanks for another fine game, Simon. And thanks you guys for saving Jack's bacon..TWICE!
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus bows to his audience, and cheers to those that is still up listening Good night everyone! Thanks for a great game - fab team work!!!
Have a Great rest of the weekend :)
Norrin (Geoff):Thanks for the great game, everyone. I probably won't be here next Saturday. Stupid work schedule. :(
Chris T.:Can we level up our sheets before next game, Simon?
I won't be able to make Wednesday but am free Friday and Satyrday
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thank you for the game Everyone
Erasmus:Thanks Simon. Good work everyone. I need 500XP to hit Lvl 4 so hopefully the next session will be productive, too! :)
Chris T.:You'll be missed Geoff.
Norrin (Geoff):Thanks Chris
Chris T.:G'night all. Stay safe untilnext time :)
Erasmus:Cheers. G'night All.
Norrin (Geoff):Good night!
Syrus (Kenny):@Tim me too! 600Xp till next level! :)
Good night friend! :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Night Everyone
Syrus (Kenny):*friendS (plural!!)
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