Battle 8 cultists, Regdar the hug, Vexx the Cult Fanatic.
Kenny - Syrus:@Tim Awwww bless them kids! Good DM training for you ;)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Any more stuff you want to do in the downtime?
Erasmus:Erasmus would like to ask after any family the Lothrin may have left behind.
Simon N. (GM):Roll Investigation Erasmus
Erasmus Bos:Investigation (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Jelly & Christian!! :)
@GM Has the funeral taken place already at the church?
Jelly:Mirabelle would like to learn archery from someone!
Kenny - Syrus:@Jelly Tenho is the Killer Archer! ;)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Asking around, Erasmus finds out that when Lothrin was killed, Dawn hired Gus the Halfling to take word of his death to his father, the Baron of Trollmarsh!
GM: The funeral took place the day after your return from the caves.
Jelly:True but would be useful to be able to attack from a distance when out of spells.
Kenny - Syrus:@Jelly I was meaning you should learn from Tenho
Jelly:That's terribly ironic, now that Dawn is gone as well :-(
@Kenny oh i see, well guess I'll see what GM says.
Kenny - Syrus:@Team: there are sooooo many quests we can do - any preferences?
Jelly:I was just about to say lol
Christian L.:the troll one by the fishing town looked cool
Jelly:I was going to suggest the troll one.
Erasmus:"Mirabelle, do you think you can make use of these things of Dawn's? Her spellbook, choker and cape? I will send them to her father, if not."
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly in 5e you don't run out of spells, you can always cast fire bolt.
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy: "I am down for trolls, what about the rest of you?"
Thankyou, I would be honoured to take them on, in memory of Dawn!
Lol yes Simon but I'd like to have a bow as well :-)
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho: "With so many things happening, what would you recommend for us to look at?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho Isotalo comes through the door looking rather agitated. "Ah, good - you're all here! I have bad news I'm afraid!"
Jelly:Or Drow! Maybe Mirabelle will bump into Drizzt and romance ensue!
Syrus (Kenny):Turns to Erasmus "And you sir?"
Erasmus:Erasmus puts together a care package to be sent to Dawn’s father. He sends her 82gp along with 68gp of his own. "Let's see what is bothering Tenho. He looks concerned."
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus: "This is so thoughtful of you, can I add something?"
(to the care package)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sounds like I need another large glass of red before I hear this!
Tenho:Tenho sits down. "Bandits on the east road - or worse! You know the old toll bridge 6 miles east, beyond the Jagged Tower? Full of bandits! Lucky I spotted them in time... I got quite damp crossing the stream..."
Erasmus:"How many did you see?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus adds a piece of paper to the care package, with lyrics of the song he sang about Dawn at her funeral, of her bravery in face of adversity "Thank You Erasmus"
Tenho:"Six, seven at least - most had their faces masked! Sinister bunch, could well be cultists... they had a ballista set up, aimed at the toll bridge."
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho - A new tribe of Bandits? Not connected to the Bandit Queen?
Erasmus:Erasmus nods in appreciation and adds the song to the package. "Anyone else?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will take off her sapphire earrings and add to the package.
Tenho:Tenho looks at the package. "What's all that for?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):'May they remind the family of Dawn's lovely blue eyes.'
Erasmus:"A care package for Dawn's father."
"Could you determine these bandits' races?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I didn't know her long, but I should give something."
puts in 25gp Erasmus:"Thank you, to you and Mirabelle."
Tenho:turns to Erasmus "I only saw the face of one - big ugly thug of a fellow. Rest I saw were masked, but looked human."
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "Let's pass this Care Pacage to Gus the Halfling and sort out these pesky Bandits!"
@Tenho "Do you think we will get a reward for protecting the toll bridge from these new bandits?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle takes a large swig from her wine glass. 'No time to waste, the sooner we deal with these thugs, the sooner we can get back to the inn!'
Simon N. (GM):Rogvin the farmer speaks up from the corner table: "Probably based out of Whitestone Cave, Tenho. I were just up in the hills this mornin' chasing a cow... saw smoke coming out the cave! Bandits. I reckoned!"
Gus: "Delivery to Ravensburg, sir? Say, 1 gold?" he asks hopefully.
Tenho:looks to Syrus "Well, I doubt anyone knows of them yet - I certainly didn't."
looks to Rogvin: "Whitestone cave is 3 miles north of here, yes? The men I saw were at the toll bridge, 6 miles east."
Simon N. (GM):Rogvin shrugs and goes back to his drink.
Erasmus:Hands Gus a gold piece "Thank you, sir."
Simon N. (GM):Gus takes the coin. "I'll get right on it, sir!" Gus heads out to get his pony saddled for the trip.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "Let's get to the toll bridge!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Team, so, which way? North or East?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Right you are!
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus: "East for you too?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:puts hand on sword hilt & grins. "My sword Ironwolf craves some bloodletting."
Erasmus:"Six or seven bandits will not be as much of a pushover as six or seven goblins, but if we're smart, it should be doable."
Mirabelle (Jelly):I do like your new chainmail, Jyrdani! Very impressive!
Erasmus:Erasmus reddens, slightly Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho: please take us to the toll bridge!
Erasmus:"Uh... Indeed, Tenho. Lead the way."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:nods proudly to Mirabelle "Thank you."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus whispers to Erasmus "Prude"
winks You head east along the road...
Mirabelle (Jelly):Dopplegangers!
Erasmus:Back to Syrus "Not a prude by any stretch. I've just been trying very hard not to look, then Mirabelle has to go and mention it"
For a moment you have a vision of times past :p
Mirabelle (Jelly):That was very strange........there must be some magical source not far from here.....
Syrus (Kenny):@Mirabelle: Or your day-drinking is affecting us all!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC Baldur's Gate feels......
Simon N. (GM):GM: approaching the toll tower Tenho warns you to be stealthy...
Mirabelle (Jelly):You could be right, Syrus! I think I'd better have some more wine, to put things right again!
Simon N. (GM):GM: This page is on Dynamic Lighting, can you see your tokens ok bottom left?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC there seem to be big black marks on my screen?
Syrus (Kenny):@Team Yikes - I see the bandits ahead on a raised platform!
Mirabelle (Jelly):They look like huge black trees?
Erasmus:Yup. All good here.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I can see our tokens and x1 bandit on the bridge. Rest looks very weird lol
Erasmus:@Jelly it simulates line of sight.
Simon N. (GM):GM: There are standing stones to the east, two masked figures at it
If it's too weird I'll disable it
Mirabelle (Jelly):No I can manage I think
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jelly this is what Dynamic Lighting! The back blocks are what our vision cannot see - and what the bandits cannot see
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll try my best lol
Erasmus:Move around a little and you'll see they move
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Team shall we approach stealthily?
Simon N. (GM):GM: There are several figures at the bridge, and more at the ruined tollhouse beyond, where a ballista has been set up overlooking the bridge.
Kenny - Syrus:@Team I can see a guard around 70ft north of me - anyone else see that one?
Percy:straight into initiative?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes I can see him too.
Simon N. (GM):Probably best to go into initiative to track stealth yup
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle - are you being stealthy?? You are on the path!
Simon N. (GM):(moved her back)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I did that to test the Dynamic lighting
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani drags her back :D
Mirabelle (Jelly):Stealth roll DM?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesInitiative(+3) | {21} |
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +1
Mirabelle (Jelly):Stealth:
Hmmm prob failed!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Kenny - Syrus:OOC I seem to be having a wee bit of prob with Roll20 tonight - my page keeps crashing - in case you see me suddenly disappear...
Tenho:might be the lighting!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Kenny - Syrus:@Eramus - NICE ROLL!
Erasmus:I'd swap it with the stealth roll any day!!
Simon N. (GM):OK round 1, the enemy are currently unaware of you. #22 Erasmus your go!
Erasmus:"are we heading to the bridge or the stones?"
Kenny - Syrus:I say Bridge - I can see less ppl there?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Erasmus roll Stealth if sneaking.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes but there's more people just after the bridge on a raised mound?
Simon N. (GM):(Hide action)
Kenny - Syrus:OMG just saw where you are - I agree we should take out those first?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Also someone in the bushes close to Erasmus?
Simon N. (GM):ok, you'll need to reroll each round, and @everyone please only roll when I ask you to.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok so we're aiming for the one near Erasmus first?
@GM got it
Erasmus:@GM Happy to roll that one again!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC is it action for me or roll stealth?
Simon N. (GM):It's an action to Hide so you can eg Hide + Move and roll stealth.
Percy & Tenho can bonus action Hide
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Team do we plan to attack this round or just get into position?
Kenny - Syrus:OK I move then hide
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesStealth(+3) | {16} |
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani follows Erasmus over the road...
Kenny - Syrus:Have you taken out the lighting?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
#16 Mirabelle
Kenny - Syrus:OOC lighting not on now on my screen...
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Team so just hiding this round?
Simon N. (GM):(it's on Explorer Mode so it'll keep areas you've viewed)
Erasmus:@Mirabelle I can't do anything from range, so I need to get closer
Kenny - Syrus:I am getting into range for shooting
Mirabelle (Jelly):Well I can potentially get the guy on the bridge or the one nearest Erasmus?
Simon N. (GM):GM: for hiding, you'll want to end the round w cover from the guys on the bridge.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sorry guy just before bridge
Oh and that's an action........
In that case I'll just move and hide too.
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle crouches under the boughs of a chestnut tree.
Mirabelle (Jelly):I think I've put myself in the right place!
Simon N. (GM):Enemy seem oblivious...
#13 Percy
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC still getting used tot he dynamic lighting!
Percy:move, draw bow, (bonus) hide
hiding behind mirabelle
Simon N. (GM):As Tenho comes up beside Erasmus his red cap attracts attention from one of the men at the standing stones, he moves to alert his friend...
Erasmus you see this.
#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus takes a quick peek around the tree, hen moves behind a stone Simon N. (GM):The men are turning in your direction, drawing blades.
Erasmus:Seeing both are there, he moves south a little to draw hem out That's my turn
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can also Ready an attack if you wish?
or Hide behind the bush
Erasmus:Ok, if someone gets in range.
Simon N. (GM):ok you ready staff
Kenny - Syrus:Ok - the light crossbow has a range of 80ft, am I correct?
Kenny - Syrus:OK so Syrus will aim and shoot at this
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesCrossbow, Light | {18} |
Piercing Damage | 10 |
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC how do you do the arrow/line of sight thing?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @ Jelly look at the tool bar at top left corner, select the 4th icon down which is a ruler ;)
Simon N. (GM):despite 3/4 cover (+5 AC) Syrus pulls off a perfect shot, hitting a man in the head - he drops.
Then Syrus moves closer
End turn
Simon N. (GM):(will have to reload,VTT went screwy)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle goes gooey at Syrus' amazing shot!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC I think its the Dynamic Lighting...
Mirabelle (Jelly):@GM no prob
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani moves up and Readies.
her sword
#16 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):I think I can hit one of the ones in the standing stones from here?
Simon N. (GM):I've removed the dead one :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):I can move up slightly and still have cover from those on the bridge........
Oh sorry OK can I hit the other one?
Simon N. (GM):Can you draw a line on him?
looks like standing stone is in way
Mirabelle (Jelly):I think so but I'm not very dexterous with the arrow thingy
Simon N. (GM):ok yup you can shoot - just.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll use Fire Bolt
Simon N. (GM):86.8 feet :)
AC 17 w cover
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +5
No point hiding now, even if I could!
Simon N. (GM):hits the rock with a flash. You hear yells from the bridge.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sorry everyone! :-(
Simon N. (GM):The guy in the stones is also yelling. "Alert! Blasphemers!"
Simon N. (GM):He comes charging out straight into 2 readied actions...
Erasmus Bos:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+6
Takes 16 dmg & drops :)
Kenny - Syrus:WOW you BOTH!!!!
mindblown Kenny - Syrus:Sooo listen to this.....
(Looking at this map, I think it could be wise for us to now continue to stealth to far East then North, and maybe surprise the people in the tower from behind them from this side of the river with ranged weapon/spells?)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:You can hear yells from the tower. "The Ballista! Shoot them down!"
Kenny - Syrus:Shall we split into 2x groups - fighters to the bridge and casters to the North East?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Whatever you think Syrus, after that shot I'm not arguing with you"
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC are we able to do that without metagaming though?
OOC as in we'd need to shout at eachother, which would maybe give the game away?
Simon N. (GM):You could agree to split up, no talking to each other - hand gestures maybe. This is what the Message spell is for. :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):If only I had it!
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy sorry we interrupted you!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes sorry!
Simon N. (GM):"There's one! In the stones!"
(from the ballista)
Tenho:grimace "Clumsy today..."
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:I don't want to end up in the open, so I'll duck behind the bush
Sorry crashed
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC mine is being weird too.....can't use the arrow now.
Kenny - Syrus:Sorry how far have I just moved?
Simon N. (GM):20' looks like
Kenny - Syrus:OK I stay here and shoot at this one
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesCrossbow, Light | {13} |
Piercing Damage | 6 |
Simon N. (GM):OK, he's readying a shortbow when Syrus wounds him.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Jyrdani sneaks forward
#16 Mirabelle
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle you there? :)
Kenny - Syrus:Maybe she crashed? :-P
Simon N. (GM):OK can do #16 Enemy b4 #16 Mirabelle...
The wounded man shoots back at Syrus (who has cover +2 AC)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sorry laggy
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):Jelly you can go now
Kenny - Syrus:Go on Mirabelle finish him OFF!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC he's just vanished for me?
Simon N. (GM):you don't have LOS as he moved onto the bridge, the bridge walls hide him
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC oh I see thanks.
TBH I have a better chance at the other guy.......
I'll fire bolt him
Simon N. (GM):miss (+2 AC for cover as shooting through tree)
He shoots back at Mirabelle with a heavy x-bow as she breaks cover...
Mirabelle (Jelly):Right that's my go.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Simon N. (GM):miss - the bolt kicks up dirt behind her.
Guy to right shoots at Syrus (who has cover +2 AC from bush)
Kenny - Syrus:Yes, my AC is 14
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus flips him the bird
Simon N. (GM):The ballista on the cliff swings round and shoots down at 1-3 Syrus 4-6 Mirabelle...
Simon N. (GM):Massive bolt skims past him grazing his armour.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus saw his life rush past him Simon N. (GM):A woman appears on the clifftop, chanting...
"Followers of the Great One! Today we devour these wretched beasts!"
Her men cheer, feeling Blessed :)
She steps back out of sight.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Watch out, everyone, they have a spellcaster in their ranks!
With terrible dress sense, I might add!
Tenho:"The forces of Chaos are not known for their good taste."
Syrus (Kenny):OOO when is the Blessed ability? nothing on the compendium tab
Syrus (Kenny):OOO got it!
Who's next?
#13 Percy
Percy:move, dash, dash (bonus
Simon N. (GM):ok... Percy sprints...
Tenho sprints too - move dash dash
#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:GMQ Can we move through the tree line?
Simon N. (GM):difficult terrain so +5'
Erasmus:But it's also cover on this side?
Simon N. (GM):if you're close to it yes
Erasmus:Move and dash to stay out of the line of fire.
Syrus (Kenny):OK my turn right?
Syrus (Kenny):I dash to here
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:breaks cover and runs up towards Erasmus Simon N. (GM):#16 Mirabelle (& brb - afk)
Syrus (Kenny):This one is tricky, innit
Bloody Ballista!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes I think the key is to get behind cover!
Syrus (Kenny):I cannot wait to get to level 3 and 5!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):And I'm not sure we should be so spread out at this point?
Syrus (Kenny):I agree @Jelly but I wanna take out those 2 at the bridge without being shot at from the tower
Think it would be helpful for Erasmus and Jyrdani if I can take those two out ASAP
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'll try to take the nearest one out as well.
Syrus (Kenny):Once those two are gone I will try to get to 60 feet of other enemies
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok GM I'm shooting Firebolt again
Syrus (Kenny):GO ON MIRABELLE!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d10
Simon N. (GM):He cartwheels back and falls in a smoking heap.
#16 Enemy
Christian L.:sorry i have got to go, great time playing
Simon N. (GM):guy on right moves back upslope to get a shot at Jyrdani over the bushes (+2 AC > 20)
Syrus (Kenny):Ah see you soon Christian!
Simon N. (GM):bye Christian
Mirabelle (Jelly):Bye Christian!
Simon N. (GM):she catches it on her chain bikini :D
Mirabelle is a nice clear target for the ballista...
Mirabelle (Jelly):Shield up!
Actually I dont think it works?
Simon N. (GM):19 bounces off w Shield?
Mirabelle (Jelly):No sorry scratch that. I thought it was more than +5
In the spell
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'm still up, just!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC Jelly alway make sure Mirabelle is under cover before ending your turn!!!!
Simon N. (GM):bolt wings you for a mere 12 (avg is 17) :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC yes sorry I'm not actually at my best today (personal reasons)
Simon N. (GM):oh I forgot their bless die, darn it
they got a 19
they reload
An archer pops out and shoots at Mirabelle from the bridge.
@Jelly do you want to use a Shield spell to deflect the arrow?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I better had!
Simon N. (GM):OK, tick off a slot, it bounces off!
Simon N. (GM):The big thug angles left (your left) & shoots at Syrus (who has cover +2 AC)
heavy x-bow, d10 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Just hit, 6 dmg
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly what HP are u at
Who is next?
Simon N. (GM):(sorry was doing the priestess)
Percy goes to guard the rear...
Tenho tries to circle round unseen...
not rolled better than 5 on stealth all night!
#22 Erasmus
Mirabelle (Jelly):Does anyone have any healing potions?
Simon N. (GM):(Syrus has healing word AFAIK)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh yes, I'd forgotten! Thank heck for bards!
Erasmus:I'll wait until the others catch up
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus - sure? It could be a while...
Erasmus:It'll be even longer if there's a bunch of enemies I can't see right now.
Kenny - Syrus:@erasmus - OK, I am going to try take out Regdar...
OK GM...
First: Bonus Action: Healing word spell to Miravelle
Kenny - Syrus:Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Healing | 7 |
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thank you!
Kenny - Syrus:Then Action: Crossbow to Regdar
Mirabelle (Jelly):feels better Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesCrossbow, Light | {22} |
Piercing Damage | 7 |
sorry that was GM :)
Kenny - Syrus:Then Movement
End turn
Mirabelle (Jelly):Aaargh I've been taken over lol
Simon N. (GM):The big man yells back: "Just a scratch!"
Jyrdani pushes through the bushes, goes into RAGE, throws a javelin.
Kenny - Syrus:YES JYRDANI!!!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+3
"agh!" a cultist staggers on 1 hp
#16 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok Simon if you don't mind I just need to move her around first to check the cover before choosing position?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'd like to shoot from her and then take cover if i can.
Simon N. (GM):(they can still shoot at you from the clifftop though the tree stump gives cover. The priestess is too far back from the clifftop to target)
Roll20 VTT isn't much help with 3D terrain :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Could you place my mini please, sorry struggling a bit now.
Simon N. (GM):what are you trying to do?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Anyway think I hit?
Shoot the one on the bridge and then take cover.
Simon N. (GM):OK you move out, firebolt the one on the bridge, then duck behind the treestump... you hit her(?) for d10
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes rolled a 19 on attack
Simon N. (GM):roll dmg d10
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d10
My aim is getting better! Must be that new wine they have at the Spoon.......
Simon N. (GM):Ballista swings and shoots at Jyrdani...
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC chainmail bikini deflects all!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
they must be distracted!
Simon N. (GM):A cultist rushes at her.
The leader casts Hold Person on her...
Jyrdani shrugs it off like an arrow to her chain bikini. :)
Simon N. (GM):The one on the bridge shoots back at Mirabelle (cover +2 AC)
bowstring snaps :)
She snarls, drops bow, draws steel...
Simon N. (GM):The big man also moves forward across the stream & shoots at Mirabelle.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Come any closer and you're BBQ!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Kenny - Syrus:So the stream is not that deep??
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle feels a Targaryen moment coming on........
Simon N. (GM):Tenho told you he crossed it
Tenho has incredible hearing!
Tenho shoots at the one attacking Jyrdani
14, hit
Sneak att
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus hears the sound of battle through the bushes
Erasmus:Realising his allies are not moving up and hearing the racket over the way, he rushes through the tree line, over the river and... Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi there!"
"Let's kill these guys!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The cult priestess has a slight blue shimmmer over her.
Erasmus:Is that 20' to where I am?
Simon N. (GM):bushes are +5', stream is +5'.
so 25'?
Erasmus:Ok. I'll throw a dart at the priestess
Erasmus Bos:20ft./60ft.
Dart (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):hits right through her
Shield of Faith!
Simon N. (GM):Vexx: "Ah! You'll pay for that!"
Kenny - Syrus:OHHHHHH YESSSSSS!!!!
Erasmus:"My debt is only to St Sollars."
Erasmus:Ki Patient Defence
Kenny - Syrus:OK, Syrus will move, then case Dissonant Whispers at the big man
Kenny - Syrus:Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 11 |
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
fails save - 11 psychic dmg
Kenny - Syrus:Then he moves
Simon N. (GM):"Ah! You're doin' me 'ead in!"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus flips him a double bird Simon N. (GM):He runs away on his Reaction as per spell effect.
clutching his 'ead
Kenny - Syrus:Does he look "bloody" at all?
Simon N. (GM):he looks in a bad way yes
End turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"RAAAARRRRRR!"
reckless attack
Mirabelle (Jelly):Isn't it my turn?
"I'm on 21 sweetie" :p
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC sorry my round counter froze!
OOC so just going on my dodgy memory!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d8+6
Jyrdani hits Vexx for 10
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#16 Mirabelle!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I was one off lol
Kenny - Syrus:The Meat Shield ROCKS!!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'll Fire Bolt the one nearest me!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Fantastic!
Kenny - Syrus:Well done Mirabelle!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thankyou!
bats eyelids I thought that one was dead?
Moves v fast on 1 hp!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh I thought you meant only one left lol
Simon N. (GM):The cultist comes running up to Mirabelle (end of her turn).She has 1 hp left like i said...
Mirabelle (Jelly):As in had only 1 left
Simon N. (GM):The big man retreats towards the tower.
Vexx's men rush to aid her.
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC got to go very soon guys
Simon N. (GM):(we can stop end of this round?)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC if that's ok I'd appreciate it.
Simon N. (GM):3 attacks w advtg on reckless Jyrdani... 15+ to hit
all miss!
Simon N. (GM):Vexx is reconsidering her life choices...
Mirabelle (Jelly):And her outfit, hopefully!
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @ Mirabell!
Simon N. (GM):Vexx turns and flees, taking an opp att from Jyrdani
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+6
Vexx disappears into the bushes.
Regdar: "Mistress! Watit for me!"
Kenny - Syrus:I am thinking Loot anyone else ;)
Tenho:"aiee!" (sneak attack) - a cultist drops.
Simon N. (GM):"aiee" was the cultist :)
OK can stop there for tonight.
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Everyone!! How time flies!!
Simon N. (GM):Will resume Sunday 6pm
Mirabelle (Jelly):Fantastic, I feel a lot better about this already :-)
Mirabelle (Jelly):It's amazing the difference a round makes!
Kenny - Syrus:See Y'all then :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok thanks Simon for another nail-biting game!!
See everyone on Sunday!
Simon N. (GM):congrats not dying Jelly!
Erasmus:G'night all. Thanks Simon and everyone! :)
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