Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus your go!
Erasmus:Am I allowed to stand here?
the tree is difficult terrrain +1 square
as per the white triangles
Erasmus:Erasmus vaults over the log and strikes with his staff
Simon N. (GM):The cultist turns to face Erasmus
Erasmus Bos:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
down he goes
Erasmus:After taking out the first, Erasmus nips around the other and takes an unarmed strike.
Simon N. (GM):ok bonus attack
he'll turn to face you (reaction)
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):He staggers, and now grants advtg vs Jyrdani behind him
#21 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus says to the Cultist in front of him "Can you see your Priestess and the Big Man running away from us? I am giving you a chance to run away (on your wee 1hp)"
Simon N. (GM):Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Kenny - Syrus:@Simon was that for me or are you replying to a whisper?
Oh I see what you are doing!
Mirabelle (Jelly):He clearly believes his gods will save him!
Kenny - Syrus:Can I still do an action?
Simon N. (GM):That was for Syrus. I gave him a save vs your attempt to persuade him to flee (Intimidate probably) - he ignores you. That was an action but you might have a bonus action.
Kenny - Syrus:I have 2 weapon ability - can I strike him as bonus action?
(armed strike)
Simon N. (GM):no, read up on TWF
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I thought speech was a free action?
Kenny - Syrus:Can I do an unarmed strike then?
Simon N. (GM):yes but an Intimidate attempt is an action
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC fair enough!
Simon N. (GM):>>Can I do an unarmed strike then?<< nope. You could cast a bonus action spell if you had one
Simon N. (GM):#21 Jyrdani attacks from behind
16 damage :D
She pretty much hacks him in two.
Erasmus:Erasmus is very impressed Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani winks at Erasmus as she runs past. #16 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ok I'll attempt to BBQ the devoted cultist!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Darn, knew I should have just used my quarterstaff!
Simon N. (GM):misses. had disad anyway
Cultist attacks Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ouch! That's a hit :-(
Simon N. (GM):slashes w scimitar
Mirabelle (Jelly):Could have been worse!
Simon N. (GM):just a scratch & rent in your nice dress :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes and Mirabelle is now bloodied!
7HP left.
Simon N. (GM):The big guy flees north down the road.
Tenho: "The enemy flee! Let us give chase, for my dander is up!"
#22 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus you still with us?
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I just saw his token vanish?
Erasmus:OOC Sorry, I wan't on select!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+1
Erasmus:"I can't see any of them. They've fled"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "There's one!" he points over the cliff to the one still fighting Mirabelle & Syrus.
Kenny - Syrus:I guess its my turn?
2-handed weapon attack on the Cultist
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesShortsword | {21} |
Piercing Damage | 3 |
Hopefully that did it...?
Simon N. (GM):yes, he goes down
Kenny - Syrus:Can we loots all the cultists bodies?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you start looting...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6
9 silver Syrus, 11 silver Mirabelle
11 silver Erasmus
#16 Enemy...
Vexx & Regdar stride out of the bushes looking very healed up, glistening from the magical ointment they've been oiling up with...
Simon N. (GM):Vexx grins and charges at Syrus, magic shortsword raised...
11 & 8, 2 misses?
Simon N. (GM):Regdar also charges Syrus w mace raised - 2 attacks w Pack Tactics advtg
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
& 23
2 hits?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+4
14 dmg!
on 3
Kenny - Syrus:still standing
Kenny - Syrus:Looking forward to my turn
Simon N. (GM):Tenho steps round, shoots hand x bow at Vexx
miss, raises sword and engages her
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC can he do two action on one go Simon?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6
yes he can bonus attack w off-hand weapon
same as anyone
7 dmg
if both weapons are Light, which hand x-bow is
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC lol actually I didn't know everyone could do that: thought just monks and rogues!
Simon N. (GM):#22 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:OOC what is Tenho's HP atm
Erasmus:Erasmus moves up and throws a dart at Vexx
Erasmus Bos:20ft./60ft.
Dart (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 w cover fr Syrus, still a good hit
Erasmus:Can I throw another dart?
Simon N. (GM):yes off hand, no DEX bonus to dmg
just the d4
Simon N. (GM):assuming you dropped your staff...
Erasmus:Yeah. That was at Regdar
But I missd
Kenny - Syrus:OK, Syrus uses Bonus Action first: 1) casts healing word on himself
Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Healing | 7 |
2) Syrus cases Thunderclap with 5' radius
Thunderclap (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Evocation Cantrip |
Range | 5ft. |
Components: | S |
Save | Constitution DC 13 |
Thunder Damage | 3 |
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "ow!"
Tenho CON save:
Tenho takes 3
Kenny - Syrus:3) Then Syrus runs towards the Batista
Simon N. (GM):2 opp atts...
Kenny - Syrus:unconscious
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
hit, 2 failed death saves
Simon N. (GM):any more damage Syrus is an ex-Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Let's see how my final dice roll is ;)
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: bonus action Rage
Reckless attack on Vexx
21 hits
12 dmg to Vexx
Simon N. (GM):#16 Mirabelle
Mirabelle (Jelly):Can I see anything from where I am now Simon?
Still struggling with the dynamic lighting1
Simon N. (GM):not really, you need to get over the bridge
or wade the stream
Mirabelle (Jelly):In that case I'll double move this turn, think that's all i can do.
Simon N. (GM):ok #16 Regar attacks Jyrdani
(bushes are +1 square, stream is +1 square twice)
23 & 14, 1 hit
Jyrdani laughs at the 1 hp dmg
Simon N. (GM):Vexx bonus action casts Spiritual Weapon
A spectral blade appears behind Tenho, he turns (reaction) as it attacks him
Vexx attacks Tenho w advtg
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
20, hits
Tenho: "agh"
Tenho attacks her w sword
bonus action draws dagger & attacks
miss :(
#22 Erasmus your go
Erasmus:Erasmus grabs Syrus's ankle and tries to stabilise him Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani fends off the enemy so no opp att on Erasmus, he stabilises Syrus, staunching bleeding
Syrus stable on 0 hp
Kenny - Syrus:YASSSS! Erasmus AGAIN saves Syrus' life!!!
Erasmus:Can I move him away?
Simon N. (GM):what's your STR Erasmus?
Simon N. (GM):ok you can move him another square
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani Reckless Attacks Vexx
Erasmus:I'll stand over him to protect him.
Simon N. (GM):12 - miss! :-O
#16 Mirabelle
Erasmus:GM: can I move a space to the left so not adjacent to the spiritual weapon, please?
Mirabelle (Jelly):I'd quite like to cast Burning Hands but not sure if I can avoid friendly fire?
It's a 15 foot cone, FF
Simon N. (GM):if you could flank them on the left it's possible in theory
not enough move to get there this round though
Mirabelle (Jelly):Opposite Erasmus is as far as i can get.
Ok in that case, this round I'll attempt to fire bolt Vexx.
Simon N. (GM):yup and w the cliff you're not in sight
I can move you to somwhere you can see her to firebolt
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thanks, sorry struggling a bit.
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 2d10
Simon N. (GM):2d10 dmg on Vexx
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle can aim when it counts lol
Simon N. (GM):Vexx's headless corpse falls, the neck stump smoking >:)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ha! That's what you get for terrible clothes!
Simon N. (GM):Gems and magic items pour forth (from her pouch not the stump) :p
Syrus thinks he can smell healing oil ;)
Simon N. (GM):Regdar turns and flees again - opp att from Jyrdani
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oooh, shinies!
Simon N. (GM):Tenho runs after him
Erasmus:*Erasmus grabs his staff and follows with Tenho
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus comes back to consciousness and moans a bit... opens his eyes and see Erasmus again "Dear Sir, again you bring me back from the dark side"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Kenny - Syrus:Erasmus totally ignores Syrus' heartfelt sentiments and runs off - Syrus wonders if he had somehow offended him LOL
Simon N. (GM):GM: Can Erasmus spend Ki to bonus dash & catch Regdar?
Simon N. (GM):Or otherwise move faster than 60'?
Mirabelle (Jelly):'Syrus! What did that bitch do to you? She won't hurt you anymore!'
Simon N. (GM):otherwise you can't catch him
ok Erasmus runs like the wind (bonus action) reaches Regdar & can can attack unarmed
Kenny - Syrus:To Mirabelle: "M'Lady, tis good to see you"
Erasmus:Does Step of the Wind not get me there?
Simon N. (GM):I just said it did
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:Rather exciting!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Tenho & Erasmus catch Regdar on the Ravensburg road.
Erasmus:OOC Grabbing the staff would have been an action, I presume?
Simon N. (GM):half your move I house rule
(so would not catch him)
Jyrdani chases but can't catch
Erasmus:My speed is 40', so half is 20' + Step of the Wind 40@ = 60@ which is what I needed to catch, right?
Simon N. (GM):ok I did ask if you were faster than 30'
in that case you could grab staff & reach him
you can roll dmg again
Erasmus Bos:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle I assume stays to tend to Syrus, she finds a jar of healing ointment on Vexx, 2 doses remaining
Regdar attacks Tenho: "Just. Die!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes and I'll also (next round I assume) check the other items that fell from Vexx' pouch.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2
Tenho is smahed in the head and drops.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Kenny - Syrus:WHAAAAAA???!!!
Simon N. (GM):Tenho death save
#22 Erasmus
Erasmus:Seeing the thug take out his friend, a red mist descends and Erasmus throws caution to the wind... Quarterstaff (Two-Handed) (+5)
Regdar staggers
"The Toad God will take you all! he curses.
Erasmus Bos:Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):kick hits, Regdar goes down - you win...
Kenny - Syrus:FINALLY!!! LOL
Erasmus:Just 3dmg (no mod
Mirabelle (Jelly):That was tense!
Simon N. (GM):(Monks do DEX bonus dmg w bonus unarmed strike) Jyrdani tries to stabilise Tenho
Regdar had 12 gp on him, leather jacket & mace
Kenny - Syrus:Did Syrus smell some healing oil??
Erasmus:"Are there any healing potions available here?"
Simon N. (GM):Meanwhile Mirabelle has looted Vexx...
T: 67 gp, 2 x Azurite (10 gp), Banded agate (10 gp), Blue quartz (8 gp), Eye agate (12 gp), Lapis lazuli (12 gp), Moss agate (10 gp), Rhodochrosite (9 gp), Tiger eye (13 gp), Turquoise (15 gp), Spell Scroll (Enthrall) (uncommon, dmg 200), 2 doses Keoghtom's Ointment (uncommon, dmg 179), +1 Shortsword 'Victrix' (uncommon) (used by Vexx)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes I had also put some healing oil on Syrus last turn I believe Simon?
Simon N. (GM):ok roll 2d8+2 Jelly for the healing
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 2d8 +2
Simon N. (GM):Syrus wakes on 7 hp
1 dose left
Mirabelle (Jelly):Not great, sorry!
I take all the shinies!
Erasmus:"Tenho could do with a boost"
Kenny - Syrus:Mirabelle: "I appreciate you bringing me back to life too"
Mirabelle (Jelly):The shortsword also looks very interesting: anybody here want?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "He took a nasty whack to the head."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus puts his hand up on the sword Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will share out the GP:
67 divided by 3?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You each get 175 XP BTW so several level-ups...
Mirabelle (Jelly):But she's a magpie so will keep her paws on the jewels (sorry).
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle you need to roll 2d8+2 to heal Tenho ;)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ah sorry I didn't see that.
Simon N. (GM):Tenho wakes, smiles then groans. "Ow my head... I should know better than to play the hero."
Kenny - Syrus:@Jelly so Syrus gets Victrix sword - if thats OK with you Erasmus?
Erasmus:OOC With the silver, works out as equivalent of 15gp 14sp 2cp for each the five
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Hm, a rather pitiful haul."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Nice thanks Erasmus.
Erasmus:"I don't use a sword,so you're welcome to it. I got a leather jacket and a mace from the brute, if they are of use?"
Kenny - Syrus:@Jelly that scroll for Mirabelle sounds powerful??!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes looks good doesn't it!
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus grabs the Victrix sword with gratitude Erasmus:"Sorry for running off, Syrus. Didn't want to lose him."
Mirabelle (Jelly):And as far as I can see, it's from the School of Enchantment.......
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Simon can you add Victrix to my character sheet on DnD Beyond please? As you know how to do the bonus stuff...
Mirabelle (Jelly):With that and my new shiny necklace I'll have made, nothing can stop me!
Erasmus:*GM is this a tower we're next to?
Simon N. (GM):yup, ruined tower
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, now standing up pushed with his new sword, bows deeply to Erasmus, to show his gratitude in saving his life Simon N. (GM):steps go down to a bare earth cellar.
Erasmus:Erasmus returns the bow. "Today was not your day either, friend."
"Let's investigate this tower, it may offer some cover in which to rest up."
(From Mirabelle (Jelly)): I will have to leave today at 8.30, if that's ok?
Kenny - Syrus:"Rest is good"
Simon N. (GM):There's debris in the tower (which has holes in the roof) and in the cellar. A large sack lies near the bottom of the steps.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes, we could all use some beauty sleep!
Simon N. (GM):(You can Short Rest)
Kenny - Syrus:OOC don't forget the 175 XP - Syrus ready now for level 3!
Simon N. (GM):@Kenny you can add a +1 shortsword to your PC on D&D Beyond surely?
it should calc the stats
Kenny - Syrus:If we short rest, Syrus can ply "Song of Rest" so we all get an extra 1d6
Mirabelle (Jelly):Do we roll that or does Syrus?
Simon N. (GM):There seems to be coins in the sack
you each roll d6
Erasmus:Erasmus rummages through whatever containers there are. Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle gets back 16 counting her CON bonus on each hd
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Simon, just added!
Mirabelle (Jelly):More than I needed but not complaining!
Simon N. (GM):The sack at the bottom of the steps holds hundreds of silver coins.
@Kenny well done :)
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC we apply our level ups next session Simon?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC hit dice for half-elf, is that 1d8?
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly prob stop at 8.30; you must train to level which takes 10 days or 5 w a mentor - Aretha for Mirabelle - & 10gp
1d8 for Bards Kenny
Kenny - Syrus:rolling 1d8
Erasmus:Erasmus shares out the coin Kenny - Syrus:rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):Counting the silver in the sack it's 531 sp
(plus CON bonus on each hit die Kenny)
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Simon Syrus spends 1x HD plus song of rest, now back to 16hp yays!
Simon N. (GM):106 sp each
Kenny - Syrus:OOC oh in that case back to full hp!
Erasmus:(107 for Erasmus) ;)
Kenny - Syrus:Whooop for 106 silver pieces!!!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+2+d6
Kenny - Syrus:Does short rest restores any spell slots??
Simon N. (GM):you can add your song of rest die to your hit die roll
>>s:Does short rest restores any spell slots??<< depends on your class
Mirabelle (Jelly):Only if you're a wizard I think?
Warlocks recover all on Short Rest
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Simon can I learn Enthrall whilst on short rest?#
Simon N. (GM):Wizards recover a bit, via Arcane Recovery
Kenny - Syrus:OOC just realised I casted the wrong spell before I dies last time - meant to be ThunderWAVE (to push them back) bot ThunderCLAP *eyeroll
Erasmus:And I get my Ki back! :D
Simon N. (GM):>>:@Simon can I learn Enthrall whilst on short rest?#<< No, it's a level 2 spell. Until you hit 3rd you could only cast it straight from the scroll.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thanks, will keep it safe then!
Simon N. (GM):>>OOC just realised I casted the wrong spell before I dies last time - meant to be ThunderWAVE (to push them back) bot ThunderCLAP *eyeroll<< I thought you did a bonus action healing word, so could only use a cantrip.
OOC could I not have done: 1) Bonus with healing word 2) Thunderwave to push everyone back 3) Move?
2) as "Action"
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly: "Copying a Spell into the Book: When you find a Wizard spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your Spellbook if it is of a Spell Level you can prepare and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.
Copying that spell into your Spellbook involves reproducing the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique system of notation used by the Wizard who wrote it. You must practice the spell until you understand the sounds or gestures required, then transcribe it into your Spellbook using your own notation.
For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material Components you expend as you experiment with the spell to Master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other Spells."
>>OOC could I not have done: 1) Bonus with healing word 2) Thunderwave to push everyone back 3) Move?
Simon N. (GM):2) as "Action"<< No, the rules say if you use a Bonus Action to cast a spell, you may not cast a spell as your Action, except for cantrips.
Erasmus:"Once we're rested, we should head back to Fulscarp. We can inform Lady Aryn of our exploits and see if she can arrange a watch to be placed here to prevent the same thing happening again.I would also like to investigate the stone circle, before we leave."
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Simon, did not know that! So if I 1) Move 2) Action "Thunderwave" spell 3) I cannot cast Healing Word as Bonus?
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly so you could add the spell to your book when 3rd level but will take 4 hours and cost 100gp(!) in inks etc.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus: Sure - where is the stone circle?
Simon N. (GM):@Kenny correct
Jyrdani: "Looks like an old Nar ritual place..."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Might still be worth it, although probably cheaper and easier to add it as a choice when I level up anyway?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani heads down to look at the stones
Yes you can add for free on level up
Erasmus:"So it would be of significance to you?"
Simon N. (GM):& keep the scroll for a one off bonus spell
Erasmus move token down to stones
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Simon sounds like a more sensible option!
100gp can buy so many shinies!
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani looks to Erasmus. "My people once worshipped the spirits of nature... then they turned to Demon Lords. They built a great empire... and lost it in a terrible war."
You see fresh blood on the altar stone.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmmm, some kind of arcane ritual?
Simon N. (GM):"I expect those cultists were re-desecrating the stones to their toad god."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle follows the others.
Erasmus:"Syrus, would you do the honours and check the cultists we dealt with down this way? Jyrdani, is there something that could be done to cleanse this place?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle will do an arcana check
Simon N. (GM):Tenho follows you all
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +5
Tenho:"Sick of wet feet, using damn bridge
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle finds the river is helpful in washing the blood and gore from her dress.
Kenny - Syrus:*Syrus is imagining a Giant Toad God featuring in his next song about his adventures with the party, and a priestess that wears terrible clashing coloured robes"
Tenho:Mirabelle yes there are fresh ritual markings on altar stone and the standing stones. You recognise symbols of the toad demon Tsathoggua.
Simon N. (GM):(sorry that was GM)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmmm, more signs of those demon froggies......
I'm not sure we should linger here.....
@GM can I tell if the ritual has been completed?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "If any of you have some holy water..."
Mirabelle roll Religion
Erasmus:"I do. I carry it everywhere."
Mirabelle (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +3
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Cleansing the altar stone with it might be a good idea."
Mirabelle (Jelly):doesn't know :)
Erasmus:Offers the flask of holy water to Jyrdani "Would you like to do it?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Very well. Forest spirits, take back this place. The Evil is cleansed!"
pours out water over altar stone Simon N. (GM):You all feel blessed, whether by Jyrdani's forest gods or another force - have Inspiration everyone
Mirabelle (Jelly):Ah, that feels much better!
Erasmus:Erasmus offers a silent prayer to St Sollars, too Kenny - Syrus:YAYS Inspiration! :)
Simon N. (GM):Inspiration v handy on those death saves! :)
Kenny - Syrus:I was def gonna spend my current one one that last death save!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Back to Fulscarp?
Kenny - Syrus:Yep, we have 30mins left to banther there!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Definitely! I'm in sore need of a drink and a change of clothes!
Erasmus:Was there anything extra on the two cultist we killed by the circle?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6
10 sp
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle lets out a contented sigh.
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "I would like to accompany you to speak with the Lady"
Erasmus:2sp each. It'll buy a drink, at least."
Simon N. (GM):Back at the Silver Spoon, Rogvin is moaning to Rosana Irkell about his lost cow.
Erasmus:"Very well. Mirabelle, would you care to join us, too?"
Kenny - Syrus:We wave to Percy! Simon N. (GM):"I ain't goin' down in Whitestone Dell fer it, not with bandits about! Heroes, that's what we need!"
Percy:burps, waves back, tucks into 3rd luncheon Mirabelle (Jelly):It's too soon for Mirabelle to leave the tavern!
Ah, excuse me? A lost cow?
Percy:Rogvin: "Ah, time was, brave knights would think nothin' of facin' danger to rescue a man's cow.... why yes milady! "
Mirabelle (Jelly):Mirabelle overhears as she buys another carafe of elvish red.
Percy:He smiles at Mirabelle.
Erasmus:"We can wait, or we can go to see Lady Aryn while you recouperate?"
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus Let us go visit the Lady
Simon N. (GM):Rogvin: "It's in Whitestone Dell by the cave, three miles north of here."
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes, don't wait on my account!
Simon N. (GM):"Bandits'll probably eat her!"
Erasmus:OOC and see how good Simon is at holding multiple NPC conversations! :D
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh so she's not lost, but kidnapped!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC do you think the Cow/Bandit thing is a quick job? (Prob not)
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hmmm, that's a slightly more time-sensitive situation"
Kenny - Syrus:I would like to level up before another major fight!
Simon N. (GM):"She were eating grass down by the pool, last I saw..."
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC I think we can do it in 30mins if we hurry?
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle - prob not....
Simon N. (GM):GM: Let me know if you knock on the manor door
Erasmus:OOC was waiting on the cow decision. Not doable?
Mirabelle (Jelly):@GM what do you think?
Simon N. (GM):up to you guys
Kenny - Syrus:OOC text combat takes a bit of time...
Mirabelle (Jelly):lol 'was waiting on the cow decision' . The kind of novel sentence you only hear in D&D!
Kenny - Syrus:LOL!!!! haha True dat
Erasmus:Erasmus knocks on the manor door Kenny - Syrus:I think we should spend time here, do all the convos, level up for next week, then head out
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC good idea.
Simon N. (GM):The maid opens the doors (with surprising difficulty!)
"Welcome sirs. Is Lady Aryn expecting you?"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus eyerolls at the maid Erasmus:"We request an audience with Lady Aryn, if she is available."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Sirs and Madam."
Kenny - Syrus:"We bear very urgent news about safety!"
Simon N. (GM):The maid nods and asks you to wait.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus drags Tenho into the mansion, as he was the first one to discover bandits Simon N. (GM):"Lady Aryn will see you now."
Lady Aryn smiles graciously. "Welcome. Martha, some refreshments for our guests."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows seeing Erasmus prepares to speak Erasmus:Erasmus bows to Lady Aryn, and offers a nod to Vendle Simon N. (GM):Vendle nods back. "Welcome, friends."
Aryn: "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Erasmus:"Thank you for agreeing to see us unannounced like this. We have news regarding the bridge on the road to Ravensberg (?)"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Brigands were at the old toll tower!"
Erasmus:"Not just brigands, but cultists."
Simon N. (GM):Aryn sighs: "So many such, these days. And our forces so depleted."
Vendle: "Cultists! So the rumours are true!"
Aryn looks worried.
Kenny - Syrus:"M'Lady, these cultists were about to summon a Giant Frog God into this domain!!"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "A frog?!"
Erasmus:"We believe they were performing rituals at the Nar stone circle"
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus's Cloak of Billowing flaps about as he talks Simon N. (GM):Syrus roll Persuasion w advtg for the billowing.
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPersuasion(+4) | {15} |
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPersuasion(+4) | {5} |
Simon N. (GM):Arun looks pale. "If the demon cult has returned, we must tell Prior Mordrin!"
Kenny - Syrus:"And there was a sacrifical stone COVERED in fresh blood - we just got there in time and slained close to 50 Cultists!!"
Erasmus:"Jyrdani here cleansed the altar, but I fear they will not stop if this is indeed their goal."
Simon N. (GM):Vendle: "I hope the Moravin Friars can aid us, milady. And we should send word to Ravensburg, the new Duchess."
Kenny - Syrus:"Our dear Tenho here nearly died - we had to save him!!"
totally edits out he himself nearly died Simon N. (GM):Aryn looks to you, listens to your tale. "Have you heard the legend of the Shrine of Chaos, deep in the Darkwood? Of how the cult raided the lands around for sacrifices to their demon god?"
Mirabelle (Jelly):OOC lol
Erasmus:"We killed a priestess, a number of cultists and what I can only describe as a thuggish devotee."
Kenny - Syrus:*nudges Erasmus "We killed over 50 Cultuists, and their priestess who wore really BAAADDDD clothes!!"
rolls eyes Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "The people cried out to the King for aid. He sent only his Champion, Amaul, bearing the Sword of the Sorcerer. He rallied the people and the Temple was cast down - but Amaul died in the assault and the Sword was lost."
Kenny - Syrus:"Appartently they worship a Giant Toad Demon God with many eyes called Tsathoggua?? Does that sound familiar?"
Erasmus:Whispers to Syrus "Bless you."
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "Yes. I fear the rumours are true, that they have returned to their ancient shrine, and seek to feed their god, they call the Devourer."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus eyes brightened on hearing another enchanted sword Syrus winks back as Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "The land is still in Chaos. We must look to our defences. Vendle, raise the militia." Vendle nods.
Aryn: "And send word to Prior Mordrin and the Moravin Friars at once."
Vendle: "Yes, ma'am. And Baron Solkar?"
Aryn shrugs.
Erasmus:"I would like to know more about this Tsathoggua. Is there somewhere that would allow research into such an entity?"
Kenny - Syrus:"I am sure as we have today killed around 100 Cultists, we will be able to help you to depend this territory"
Erasmus:Whispers to Syrus "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: Don't exaggerate." ;)
Kenny - Syrus:"Did we mention that these cultists had a big Crossbow on wheels thingy that shot out javelins of toad poison at us too?"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn smiles at Syrus. "That is excellent news." She looks to Erasmus. "Hm... I believe St Cecilia's Abbey may have the best records. Abbess Mara or Prior Mordrin at Moravin Friary could help you, I think."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus nudges Erasmus in the ribs, whispers "Gold!"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn to Syrus: "Astounding!"
The maids bring drinks & sandwiches.
Erasmus:"I am unfamiliar with this Abbey. Could you point us to it, please?"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "If you are willing to aid me against the Cult, I would be happy to provide you with guest quarters here. More comfortable than the Inn's bedrolls, yes?"
Erasmus:Bowing to the maids "Much obliged."
Kenny - Syrus:"M'Lady, would you be looking for extra protection for this territory, in exchange for some kind of financial reward?"
Simon N. (GM):Vendle: "The Friary is just 8 miles upriver from here."
Kenny - Syrus:"We also have a fantastic mage currently celebrating our win of killing 150 Cultists today"
Simon N. (GM):Vendle coughs and whispers in Aryn's ear.
Kenny - Syrus:"We are a very powerful and protective party"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "Oh! Of course! Some gold for your reward!"
Erasmus:Erasmus steps on Syrus's foot "You're over egging it, now."
Simon N. (GM):Vendle goes to fetch some gold.
Kenny - Syrus:"Lady Jyrdani behind me beheaded 5 Cultists with one swipe of her sword today!"
Syrus pokes Erasmus in the ribs with his elbow, whispers "Gold is coming!!"
Simon N. (GM):Vendle returns with a money pouch. He passes it to Lady Aryn, who passes it to Syrus.
"There you are. A small token of our gratitude."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows very deeply to Lady Aryn "You are most generous M'lady"
"Our services and loyalty lies with you and this beautiful land"
Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "I only wish we could afford more."
Kenny - Syrus:"Your generous offer of staying here in the Manor and the offer of unlimited meals are Greatly appreciated"
Syrus bows again Simon N. (GM):Vendle: "The cult of course loots far and wide - I expect those who battle against them will soon be rich men."
Erasmus:Erasmus ignores Syrus's nudge "Lady Aryn, we would have to discuss with the whole party of course, but these cultists sound like a threat greater than the petty squabbles of bandits and landowners. If you will allow it, I would like to investigate the cult before rushing headlong into the toad's neast, as it were."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Pouch holds 80 gp.
Aryn nods gravely to Erasmus. "Yes of course, Brother of St Sollars."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus eyes widened as he looks inside the pouch glittered with bright gold Simon N. (GM):Aryn: "Now, please do stay for dinner, and we'll have rooms made ready."
Erasmus:Erasmus bows deeply. Kenny - Syrus:Syrus turns to everyone "Let's get ready to move all our things here into the manor!" *winks at Erasmus
Tenho:"Actually, I need to be going, my friends. But no doubt we'll meet again soon!"
Kenny - Syrus:"We must not disappoint Lady Aryn!!"
@Tenho: we should all walk out together
Tenho:80/4 = 20 gp each, or 16gp each if cutting in Mirabelle
Erasmus:"Your hospitality is much appreciated. We will do what we can as soon as we are able."
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus bows again, and winks at Lady Aryn Tenho:GM: I'll wind up there - are you resting & training?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Would like to train in Archery if poss.
Kenny - Syrus:YES PLEASE SIMON!!! 80 gp between 5 of us - whats that?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Hopefully Syrus can give me lessons :-)
@Kenny 16gp each.
Simon N. (GM):>>Would like to train in Archery if poss.<< I don't think it's possible under the rules?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Yes and thanks for awesome game as always!
Kenny - Syrus:16 gp each!!
Mirabelle (Jelly):Oh you mean for Wizards?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sad face :-(
Nevermind, Mirabelle will just have to get better with her quarterstaff!
Simon N. (GM):Maybe there's some Downtime rules we could use... if you'd rather learn archery than level up :p
Erasmus:Would it be possible for Erasmus to train, and go to the Abbey to research the cult in the same rest?
Kenny - Syrus:I nned to re-read the imp dialogue between Erasmus and Lady Aryn as I was too busy trying to be Syrus :-P
Simon N. (GM):Yes you can train & research
Mirabelle (Jelly):She's also going to have a necklace, bracelet and earring set made of the all the jewels she got from the battle today.
Mirabelle (Jelly):Not sure how much that would cost or if there's a jeweller around who can do it?#
Kenny - Syrus:@Jelly you join us on Weds?
Mirabelle (Jelly):Sorry only if I'm not well enough to head to my other class.
Erasmus:Great. Erasmus will sell the mace and and use the leather jacked to fashion Mirabelle a holster for her spellbooks, if possible.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Travelling merchants come through every tenday or so, I'd say you can have a set of jewelry made for say 2gp if silver, 20gp if gold, using your gems
Mirabelle (Jelly):@Erasmus very cool!
Kenny - Syrus:Ah ok, for your health hopefully we won't see you on Wednesday then!
Mirabelle (Jelly):I think she'll go for silver.
Lol thanks!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can have a bonus +10 XP for Lady Aryn chat
Mirabelle (Jelly):What's the total XP again please?
Kenny - Syrus:How much would it be to buy studded leather armor?
Kenny - Syrus:Whoooop! Syrus will buy studded leather for next game!
Kenny - Syrus:THANKS EVERYONE for another Great game tonight, and for bring Syrus back to life yet again!!!
Erasmus:Is it still 10gp to train to lvl3?
Simon N. (GM):(yes 10gp) Tenho heads off but Jyrdani is sticking with you. "Reckon you need me!"
Mirabelle (Jelly):Thanks all, got to go but great game!
Erasmus:"Glad to hear you'll be sticking around."
Simon N. (GM):Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained - Training Time (with mentor) - Training Cost
2-4 - 10 (5) days - 20gp
5-10 - 20 (10) days - 40gp
11-16 - 30 (15) days - 60gp
17-20 - 40 (20) days - 80gp
Erasmus:Thanks Jelly, I'll have that holster ready in a week!
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus wants to bid a fond farewell to Tenho, and express his admiration for his archery skills!
Kenny - Syrus:See you in a couple of SUnday's time Jelly!
@Simon, just equipped the new studded armour on Syrus - why did his AC not go up?
Tenho:"Keep yourself safe, Syrus - I have great plans for our future endeavours!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Tenho "Looking forward to next time, my friend"
Tenho:studded 12, DEX +2 = 14. maybe you already had studded?
Simon N. (GM):from a bandit I think?
Kenny - Syrus:Could that be from the leather armour with 2x daggers?
Simon N. (GM):yes if it was studded
Kenny - Syrus:Oh OK, then I won't buy the studded armour then!
Kenny - Syrus:Will a helmet add +1 AC ;)
Simon N. (GM):Father Bolius has a healing potion for sale for 50 gp if you're flush :)
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhhh YES!!! Is that OK with Erasmus?
Erasmus:I will certainly replenish my holy water 25gp, correct?
Fine by me
Erasmus:And how much for the mace? 5gp?
Kenny - Syrus:Great! Then I buy a potion of healing from Father Bolius at 50 gp
Simon N. (GM):GM: While training you hear rumours people have been going missing near the Darkwood.
5gp for mace yup
Kenny - Syrus:Darkwood is new to our list of rumours, right?
Simon N. (GM):Bolius smiles: "Bless you, my son."
Kenny - Syrus:And Darkwood is what Lady Aryn was talking about?
Simon N. (GM):New that people have gone missing. Especially the more attractive sort of farmer's daughter appears to be in dire peril; Farmer Brown is keeping Lyssa Brown locked up tight.
Erasmus:Erasmus would stop by the shrine before leaving for Moravin Priory.
Simon N. (GM):yes, Darkwood is where the old Shrine of Chaos lies.
Bolius blesses Brother Erasmus.
I'd like to play out the meeting w Prior Mordrin next session, ok?
Erasmus:Ok, that works for me. I'll have a think about what I want to ask. :)
Kenny - Syrus:Nice! Thanks both! Hopefully Christian will join us next week
I mean on Weds
Kenny - Syrus:Night both!
Erasmus:Thanks again. G'night.
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