Hi Kimberly Jelena Max & Tony :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Hi Simon & everyone!
Simon N. (GM):Check that you can see your PCs (near bottom of screen) ok
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, and the driftglobe
Alani (Phil):Hello Simon! :-)
Hello Dear Fellow Adventurers!
Simon N. (GM):The rough walls of this cavern rise to a vaulted ceiling hung with stalactites and clumps of slender, luminous crystals that bathe the cavern in a soft, violet light. Passages lead east and west. To the east, the tunnel ascends. The western passage is flanked by a pair of twenty-foot tall stone statues of rough-hewn humanoids, their faces grim masks of forbiddance. Hi Bill :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK ready when you are. :) Last session you defeated 2 guards & 2 earth elementals at the entrance to the Black Geode.
Dagny (Kimberly):Hey Bill
Simon N. (GM):Hopefully you have loads of time before the cult summons Ogremoch...
Dagny (Kimberly):When I look at the statues, what can I see?
Or tell about them with my stonecunning?
Simon N. (GM):Outside combat you can move your tokens up to your Speed at any time, but wait for me to post something before moving again.
Aaargh, not the tokens lol
Seraphus:i look you in the eyeball
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelly! GM: The statues look to be carved roughy from the rock, embodying strength and power of the Black Earth.
Dagny (Kimberly):What do I know about the Black Earth from my dwarven history?
Simon N. (GM):The Black Earth cult are the enemies of the Shadowed Chain led by Serka Glintshield. Not long ago great heroes led by Sir Dunstan Ironforge defeated them and destroyed Stonefang, Ogremoch's avatar/child, but it seems they are back along with 3 other elemental cults.
Dagny (Kimberly):Just seeing the statues makes my hackles rise. I grit my teeth as I approach them.
Simon N. (GM):It's said Queen Lirael of Loudwater provided Dunstan some assistance. :)
Rhennya:Phil's PC is restarting, otherwise he's be gloating
Simon N. (GM):GM: You may move your tokens at will if moving onward.
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I keep my eye on the statues as I approach.
Simon N. (GM):They don't move
Ahead the tunnel turns north
You can move up to the tunnel bend.
There's a dim purplish light from crystals embedded in the walls.
.Ahead: The walls of this circular chamber are thick with glowing crystals. In the middle of the room is a fat, egg-shaped creature with three arms, three legs, heavy-lidded eyes, and a wide mouth atop its stony ovoid body. Casually dropping gemstones into the creature's gaping mouth is a creepy-looking earth cultist.
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, that's ugly
Simon N. (GM):He looks up as your light falls into the chamber and straightens. "Welcome, supplicants!"
Dagny (Kimberly):the violet coloured gemstomes?
Dagny (Kimberly):The cultist, or the egg-shaped creature?
Rhennya:Yes, that;s who we are
Alani (Phil):Finally back in the game! :-O
Simon N. (GM):"I am Keltar. This is Gorx. Do you bring an offering?"
Kasumi holds out the two stone eyes she acquired a while ago.
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Then place your offerings into the maw of Gorx, that they may make their way to Prince Ogremoch!"
(move your tokens up please)
Rhennya:I wonder what is the mechanism by which the offerings reach him...
Kasumi:Kasumi heads to the maw and reverently places the stones inside.
Simon N. (GM):If you're talking to Keltar
chomp chomp
Dagny (Kimberly):I ask Keltar, Have many more arrived before us?
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Ogremoch requires gems to the value of 500 gold."
Alani (Phil):Oh I see you are a fine amateur of the finer things... :-)
Dagny (Kimberly):I whisper to the others -- I have but one, what would you have me do?
Simon N. (GM):>>I wonder what is the mechanism by which the offerings reach him...<< Keltar: "Ours is not to concern ourselves with such matters." Gorx: "
Kasumi:What is the fastest way to Ogremoch, that we may worship in person?
Simon N. (GM):Roll persuasion Kasumi
or Deception
Kasumi:Both just as bad lol
I'll try persuasion
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "To prove your worthiness in the eyes of Ogrmoch, take the right hand passage" - he points right/east.
Simon N. (GM):"There you will be trialled, and the weak winnowed."
Tony:do we each need 500 gem or 1 for the party?
Kasumi:OOC Simon is Keltar saying we need to give 500gp worth before we can move forward?
sharatu:i go down the right passage
Dagny (Kimberly):What does Gorx do as Sharatu heads down the passage?
Simon N. (GM):OOC game is very laggy today, I've turned down the dynamic lighting
Rhennya:Rhennya can donate some very valuable leaves if necessary
Simon N. (GM):The Xorn follows Sharatu and taps him on the shoulder.
Who speaks Terran/Primordial?
Kasumi:I can understand anything!
Kasumi:Tongue of Sun and Moon fewat
Simon N. (GM):It's saying "Give me gems to eat!"
Dagny (Kimberly):I pull out a diamond and hold it aloft
I come with tribute, I say
Simon N. (GM):The Xorn walks back towards Dagny eagerly.
Dagny (Kimberly):I somewhat sadly but resignedly give it to the Xorn
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Good stuff! Prince Ogremoch is pleased at your devotion."
Alani (Phil):Biting my tongue. "I am NOT deviter to Ogremock..."
Rhennya:shall we just recover our (and all previous) gems?
Alani (Phil):This guy needs a gastric band!
Simon N. (GM):Keltar to Dagny: "Now I shall tell you how to pass safely to the Inner Sanctum... and the Pass Phrase..."
Rhennya:"So Keltar, what's on the left hand side?"
Dagny (Kimberly):"I thank you"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Keltar missed the conversation between Alani & Rhennya. :)
Dagny (Kimberly):(they were whispering)
Tony:What is the pass phrase?
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "The pass phrase to cross the stone bridge safely is "We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!"
Dagny (Kimberly):"To the right?"
Simon N. (GM):"And of course for those whose devotion is already undoubted, the left path, avoiding near-certain death, is best."
Dagny (Kimberly):We shall take the left then. I thank you.
Simon N. (GM):Keltar nods happily.
Simon N. (GM):There is a dull roar from the left tunnel like rushing water, but more viscous.
Seraphus, Ralph you see ahead the passage opens up.
Mudflow Falls
The dull roar of splashing, churning mud fills this cavern, the walls and ceiling of which are streaked with glittering veins of glowing violet crystal. A stream of mud pours through a gash in the roof, cascades down until it crashes onto a ten-foot-high ledge, then tumbles over the ledge into a thin river of mud that flows out through a hole in the northeast corner. A stone staircase climbs up to the ledge, where a passage leads north. A tunnel on the lower level leads south.
Simon N. (GM)::) The mud river is 6 feet wide at narrowest.
The ledge to the west is 10' above the main cavern.
Dagny (Kimberly):Can I tell anything with my stonecutting? Or are their footprints in the mud?
Or can we hear anything over the splash of. the mud river?
Tony:OOC, is the pier looking thing the staircase?
Simon N. (GM):It flows into a submerged tunnel to the west, descending steeply Dagny. Your Stoncunning tells you going in the mud would be bad unless you want a good pummeling but the stairs up to the ledge look solid.
Dagny (Kimberly):But the stairs are across the river, aren't they?
Simon N. (GM):yes, but you could running jump it easy enough
sharatu:i do a running jump across the river
Alani (Phil):Cool! I jump across !
Tony:I run like hell and jump
Dagny (Kimberly):Okay, I shall follow the lead of the others and gather myself to do the running jump
Kasumi:I can move across liquids without falling: Unarmoured Movement.
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi just walks across :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Would it be safe to scoop up some of the mud in a jar that I have?
Simon N. (GM):You can try Dagny
Rhennya:I've jumped as well
Simon N. (GM):The mud seems lukewarm
Dagny (Kimberly):Eh, I'll scrape up any that has splashed up
But I am careful not to touch it with my hands
Simon N. (GM):Ascending the stone steps, Rhennya you see a tunnel to the north and a steeply descending tunnel to the SW
Dagny (Kimberly):I seal the jar
Are there any footsteps in either tunnel showing traffic?
Simon N. (GM):@Ralph This cave is a forest of glowing crystals, which grow like foliage on slender stone columns that make it difficult to gauge the chamber's true size. Slumped against one of the columns is a dead man wearing a stone breastplate.
do we recognise the breastplate?
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a Black Earth guard breastplate.
sharatu:"are we sure we want to go in there"
Dagny (Kimberly):Are these the same crystals we saw earlier?
Or different?
Simon N. (GM):The crystals are much denser here.
Dagny (Kimberly):I find the arrows suspicious
Kasumi:I agree. A trap, perhaps?
Simon N. (GM):Alani your brain feels fuzzy...
Alani (Phil):I go back a few steps...
Simon N. (GM):Alani roll a WIS save
Rhennya:I grab Alani and pull him back
Alani (Phil):"I don;t feel so good my friends " I try to shout...
That's Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):OK Alani have advtg on save as Rhennya grabs you
Simon N. (GM):6 is a fail... Alani is Confused
This assaults and twists creatures' minds, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled Actions...
Alani (Phil):"Let me stay guys... I really like these purple gems... they look like violet sweets like when I was a kid"
Dagny (Kimberly):Does it count as poisoning?
Simon N. (GM):Alani stands there
Alani (Phil):Oh way! I have INDOMITABLE!
Can I reroll?
Dagny (Kimberly):So that I can use Lesser Restoration on him?
Simon N. (GM):It's an Enchantment
Dagny do you want to use Lesser Restoration?
Alani (Phil):Can I reroll with INDOMITABLE?
ok Alani you can use Indomitable
Simon N. (GM):8 is still a fail
(no advtg now)
Dagny (Kimberly):So you were ok with me using Lesser Restoration?
Dagny (Kimberly):Or were you saying it wouldn't work?
Ok, then I lay my hands upon him
as we pull him back from the tunnel
Simon N. (GM):You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. So no effect
Alani roll another save
Simon N. (GM):Alani recovers naturally :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Let us avoid that tunnel
sharatu:lets go the other way
Alani (Phil):Wow! Where was I? I had a nice dream!
Simon N. (GM):Alani can have Inspiration :)
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu moves north (on his screen anyway - mine is incredibly laggy)
The passage opens onto a smooth stone bridge flanked by boulders. The bridge is five feet wide, has no railings, and spans a wide cavern that echoes with strange clacking noises.
The boulder beside Alani unfurls...
sharatu:i think its spotted us probably can't move more
without init
Simon N. (GM):roll init please
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Dagny (Kimberly):I shout out in my best cultist voice, We walk in the Shadow of Ogremoch!
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Was there any response to my shouting out the passphrase`?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Dagny (Kimberly):So the passphrase didn't do anything?
Dagny on my map you are nowhere near the bridge, but on Bill's I see you are. :\
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, I was behind Ralph and Sharatu originally
And I shouted :-) in my booming dwarven voice
Simon N. (GM):now you're giant sized and I can't alter
excuse me while I log off & on again!
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm wee again!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Galeb Duhr hears Dagny yell and takes a step back, lowering its red glowing eyes & standing down.
Simon N. (GM):(OK now I know not to stay logged into game for hours pre game!)
Dagny (Kimberly):I stand tall and proud, how I imagine a crazy earth cultist might
Kasumi:(that's why Dagny suddenly grew in size)
Simon N. (GM):From below you come the eager clacks of the Hook Horrors.
Dagny (Kimberly):I take a step towards the bridge
Keeping an eye on all the baddies
Simon N. (GM):The galeb duhr lets Dagny pass
Dagny (Kimberly):If they don't do anything, I'll wave Ralph, etc. or whoever on, as I want to be in the middle...
Simon N. (GM):You can move onto the bridge.
Rhennya:I move up and say the words
"We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!
Simon N. (GM):You can move over the bridge - 40 feet long and sturdy.
The galeb duhr on the far side steps back to let you cross.
Rhennya:another fork in the path
sharatu:ooc can we hear chanting yet?
Rhennya:mysterious arrow again!
Dagny (Kimberly):I nod in an earth culty fashion to it
Simon N. (GM):arrows are 20' descent
Dagny (Kimberly):Anything we can hear?
Simon N. (GM):roll perception Dagny
Simon N. (GM):You hear something large moving to the north.
West is quiet
Simon N. (GM):North: *Bulette Kennels
Boulders have been used to build crude, roofless enclosures similar to pens—three to the north and three to the south. Odd saddles and harnesses are piled in the middle of the cave, while spears and goads lean against the walls.*
Rhennya:some new pets for sharatu?
Simon N. (GM):10' high walls enclose the bullette kennelss.
They are sleeping - one of them stirs in its sleep, the noise you heard earlier.
Kasumi:Can I do a history check on the bulettes?
Rhennya:we sneak past without being noticed?
Kasumi:We were wondering as a group if we could ride them?
OK Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya - they are known as Land Sharks, fierce predators who love halflings (tasty!)
Simon N. (GM):The Black Earth has been known to domesticate & ride them.
Kasumi:OOC what sort of checks would we need to make to be successful in using them as mounts?
Simon N. (GM):Animal Handling, pretty high DC from a cold start :)
Rhennya:I have it trained, but all of us individually?
Simon N. (GM):Ralph roll Stealth
Rhennya:or several per beast?
Kasumi:Would we all need to succeed or just a few?
Simon N. (GM):The light sleeping bullette wakens and hisses.
(was DC 11)
The others are coming awake now too
Dagny (Kimberly):Is there any feed obvious about?
Kasumi:Just like horses, I'm sure this will be fine!
Rhennya:I try to calm them down
Simon N. (GM):GM: No - they're carnovores
Kasumi:Kasumi will attempt as well.
Dagny (Kimberly):Eh, so no cages of random creatures to feed them with then, darn it
Simon N. (GM):OK You can roll DC 20 Animal Handling Rhennya & Kasumi (only) to pet the bullette and calm it down
Kasumi:I'll use my inspiration to perform animal handling on one of them.
Dagny (Kimberly):I picture Ralph doing his best Chris Pratt and backing away with his hands out
Oh dear :-(
Simon N. (GM):3 fails... the Bulette decides you are food.
Kasumi:Hmmm, not as friendly as horses after all!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK roll init please everyone
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Dagny (Kimberly):The pens are open? Are there any whips or anything like that in the supplies that looks like they were trained with?
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Dagny (Kimberly):Is one of the spears or goads leaning on the walls near me?
sharatu:"you guys deal with the ones at the top ill stop the bottom three"
Simon N. (GM):@Dagny yes you can grab a goad on your init
Simon N. (GM):The pens are walls of rubble 10' high, the bullettes can clamber over or through them
The bulettes start to scramble out of their pens, looking for dinner... #27 Alani your turn.
OOC they are really more like kennels than pens :)
Alani (Phil):I move north to be able to take a shot... or three.
Kasumi:Are there any goads on our side Simon?
Simon N. (GM):@Kasumi yes
Alani (Phil):Can I see the one on the right?
Kasumi:Ok in that case I will try the same on my turn.
Simon N. (GM):@Alani no LOS from there due to the rubble walls]
You can see the openings in the pens
Alani (Phil):Where do I need to move. Closer to the entrance of the pens?
Simon N. (GM):You need a LOS through opening to bulette. Or ready & wait while they climb out :)
You do have LOS to bottom right
Alani (Phil):I shoot bottom right.
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):Just on hit.
Simon N. (GM):took 17 dmg, looks annoyed :)
#24 Kasumi
Alani (Phil):They have -5 dmg reduction?
Kasumi:I will move to the wall, grab a goad and attempt to intimidate/animal handling the Bulette into submission.
I can pick up goad as bonus action I'm assuming?
Simon N. (GM):Object interaction :)
Is that always free?
Simon N. (GM):OK roll to hit AC 17, if you hit can roll animal handling
You get 1 OI per turn
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Simon N. (GM):You poke it... rroll AH or Intim
It was AH and i only got a 9 :-(
Simon N. (GM):DC 9 WIS save for Bulette
Simon N. (GM):It retreats back into pen!
Kasumi:Back! Back! I shout in primordial.
Simon N. (GM):#23 Rhennya
Kasumi:And then 'who's a good boy!'
Dagny (Kimberly):Any effect on the others?
Rhennya:Can I do the same as Kasumi with the next (middle) bullette?
Simon N. (GM):@Rhennya yes
Rhennya:grab the goad them AH
Simon N. (GM):OK Rhennya roll to hit AC 17
bad luck
any bonus action?
Rhennya:a bat, to fly off
I cannot turn into one of them, can I - they are not natural animals?
Simon N. (GM):it's a Monstrosity yup
Bulette Opp Att snaps at bat... I'll give it +5 AC = 17
it misses the bat!
Simon N. (GM):bat-Rhennya move to desired point
Dagny (Kimberly):...some guano falls on it's head...
Rhennya:sorry went too far
Simon N. (GM):(the animal stats are very silly - bats AC 12 & speed 30'?)
Simon N. (GM):OOC anyone know Seraphus init?
Rhennya:hanging down from the ceiling
Simon N. (GM):#18 Dagny next
Dagny (Kimberly):checking...
Alernative bulette pic
Seraphus:i forgot to roll
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I grab a goad and stride forcefully to the pen, shouting in primordial "Get Back! In your pen or no dinner for any of you!"
to the nearest pen
Simon N. (GM):OK Dagny roll to hit AC 17
sharatu:"dagny i have those three coverd please exit the pen
Dagny (Kimberly):rolling 1d20+8
Alani (Phil):I am not riding these bareback... is all I have to say! :-)
sharatu:"exscuse me but please leave"
Simon N. (GM):Dagny roll Intimidate or Animal Handling
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll move back out after,
sharatu:"thank you dagny"
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I back out of the pen, keeping the goad pointed at it
Simon N. (GM):It snaps at Dagny
Kasumi:OOC Oh sorry I meant this one:
Simon N. (GM):30 dmg on opp att (hit AC 20)
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
sharatu:i cast wall of fire to get them to move back because all animals are afraid of fire
Rhennya:even monstrosities?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
GM: They shrink back from the flames...
#12 Ralph
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
raging by the wayt
31 dmg?
sharatu:remember ralph were just getting them back in their pen not killing them
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
plus 3
19 again
Simon N. (GM):ok 38 total
Simon N. (GM):Ralph hacks at the monster, forcing it back
#12 Bulettes...
The three to the south shrink back
away from the flames
Ralph's one bites at him
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Simon N. (GM):bites for 30 dmg
The one in the next cell leaps over the wall onto Ralph...
Simon N. (GM):DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone and take 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half the damage, isn't knocked prone, and is pushed 5 feet out of the bulette's space into an unoccupied space of the creature's choice. If no unoccupied space is within range, the creature instead falls prone in the bulette's space.
Alani (Phil):I'll come and help you Ralph!
Simon N. (GM):ok 28/2 = 14 dmg/2 rage = 7 dmg
sharatu:"remember ralph don't kill them just get them back in the pen"
Simon N. (GM):& knocked back
The bulette snaps at Ralph
hit for 30/2 = 15
103 hp
Simon N. (GM):#10 Seraphus
sharatu:"seraphus frighten them use your lightning that'll push them back into a state of fear"
makes sense
Simon N. (GM):GM: Bat-Rhennya something is coming down your tunnel...
Dagny (Kimberly):He's looking up dragon breath range
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus have you finished your turn?
sharatu:the dragon breath attack
Rhennya:can I echo-locate what that is?
Simon N. (GM):@Rhennya no
Seraphus:im gonna shoot to the left of dad
Seraphus:i dont need to roll dmg as i purposefully miss
Dagny (Kimberly):oh now I see it!
Simon N. (GM):OK You explode the ground in front of the bulette
Roll Intimidate
Dagny (Kimberly):I was so confused at first, you guys were saying Cool and I had no idea why :-) It was laggy
Simon N. (GM):It shrinks back
Dagny (Kimberly):but that was cool
Alani (Phil):Like fireworks!
Simon N. (GM):(no lightning effect sadly)
Dagny (Kimberly):Maybe he has bad dragon breath ;-)
Seraphus:i tamed one by being mean yay
Simon N. (GM):Next round #27 Alani
sharatu:max its not tamed its frightend back into its pen we might be able to use them later
Simon N. (GM):1 is trying to eat Ralph, others are intimidated
Rhennya roll Nature
Alani (Phil):I'll move westwards to get a LOS
Simon N. (GM):Could be a bulette Rhennya?
Simon N. (GM):You ignore all cover Alani?
Simon N. (GM):Mean bulette AC 17 + 5 for 3/4 cover = 22
Alani (Phil):I ignore 3/4
Simon N. (GM):3 hits to gaps in its platinf
it's badly wounded
Alani (Phil):Can I action point?
Simon N. (GM):2 hits, it's in single digits :)
Alani (Phil):It's me done
Rhennya:let's leave it to lick its wounds
Kasumi:How many are there left to subdue?
Rhennya:do we really have to kill it?
just run now?
Kasumi:I'm wonderiing if we can start leaving?
Simon N. (GM):there's 1 badly wounded 1 left
Kasumi:Ok I'll put it out of its misery.
Simon N. (GM):OK Kasumi you can run up the stone wall to hit it
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
sharatu:"no don't kill it
Kasumi:Miss. Second attack
Simon N. (GM):AC 17 - bounces off
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Kasumi:I'll use my bonus action to do flurry of blows.
sharatu:"sign from Tiamat to stop"
sharatu:"there like rock dragons without wings"
"we can get the riders to join us and in tandem the Bullets"
Simon N. (GM):#23 Bat-Rhennya
Kasumi:Maybe roll persuasion Bill?
Kasumi:Then if successful Kasumi will try to initimidate instead.
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
Simon N. (GM):i23 vs Kasumo
Kasumi:Is that an opposed roll Simon?
Simon N. (GM):Thulsa Sharatu is very persuasive
OK roll a CHA save Kasumi
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 -1
Ok you've persuaded me!
Kasumi:I'll try to animal handling the bulette instead.
Simon N. (GM):#23 Bat Rhennya
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +3
sharatu:"remember murder of animals is wrong"
Rhennya:they are monstrosities
Kasumi:Darn, that would have been a good roll!
Rhennya:and have you heard about the Circle of Life, Sharatu?
Simon N. (GM):Bonus actions don't work like that
sharatu:"yes but they must die in their natural time"
Simon N. (GM):They're bonuses you get... as a bonus :)
Bat Rhennya can't talk
Rhennya:LOL, sorry, of course!
what can a bat do, except fly and listen by radar?
can i scout the tunnel?
Alani (Phil):What can you do, right off the bat?
@Alani GROAN
Rhennya:what do I roll to scout the tunnel
Simon N. (GM):OK Rhennya scouts down the tunnel & echo-locates an approaching Black Earth knight in stone plate riding a bulette coming down it
Seraphus:i smell fresh blood
Rhennya:OK, I have to turn back to wood elf to let the others know?
you go back?
Rhennya:but I fly back as a bat first
sharatu:i can explain the situation with my great persuasion
Alani (Phil):For next time we need to agree on a special dance (like bees), so your bat can explain the situation to us without transforming back to human! :-)
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya reappears!
sharatu:"what is happening rhenya"
Rhennya:a black knight is coming!
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya can make a warnning, that's end of her turn
Rhennya:on a bulette! get ready!
sharatu:"pardon me a black knight"
Rhennya:black EARTH knight
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I'll move towards the last angry bulette
sharatu:"dont kill it dagny"
" peace is always an option"
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll cast the Sacred Flame cantrip directly in front of it at it's feet
Simon N. (GM):hm. ok Intimidate with disadvantage as not very impressive
Simon N. (GM):DC 8 WIS save
It ignores ot
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
i shout "back to your pens now" very aggressively
i dash
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu roars at it - Intimidate w disad
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
I'm only allowing this bcos it's on 8 hp :)
It leaves off biting Ralph and shrinks back
sharatu:" see thats how you resolve a conflict without immediate killing"
wheres the black earth knight
Rhennya:down the other tunnel, leading down?
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya points to the NE tunnel
no further north
Rhennya:I said that's where the knight is coming from
Tony:I'm avoiding that tunnel
Dagny (Kimberly):I think we're trying to go down a tunnel that he's not in
Alani (Phil):You guys go and I'll cover us with my arrows.
or her
Dagny (Kimberly):Do we want to talk the tunnel to the north or the one to the East?
take, not talk
sharatu:"hello fine knight of stone"
Simon N. (GM):Bulete rider comes thundering round the corner & leaps at Rhennya
Dagny (Kimberly):I shout out the passphrase again
Rhennya:and me not a bat any more...
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya DC 16 STR or DEX save
Dagny (Kimberly):We walk in the Shadow of Ogremach!!
Dagny (Kimberly):How dare you attack us??
Simon N. (GM):"You're no Black Earth!"
sharatu:"as you can see your bulletes were being roudy and we got them back to their pens"
"we walk in the shadow of ogrimoc"
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya is knocked aside (14 dmg)
Dagny (Kimberly):You're training is pitiable, look how badly they have behaved
Simon N. (GM):OK Sharatu & Dagny roll DC 22 Deception
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
Dagny (Kimberly):OOC
sigh I am an honest dwarf
Simon N. (GM):He ignores you and strikes down at Rhennya with his lance
"We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
3 hits
sharatu:"were helping with your training problem and this is how you thank us"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d12+12
38 dmg to Rhennya
sharatu:" i want to speak with your commander this behavior is utterly ridiculous"
Simon N. (GM):He has lance & shield & stone plate
LOL @Sharatu
You're not dressed in cultist gear & this guy is not a moron...
#10 Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, he's readying a spell
im going to use melfs acid arrow
Simon N. (GM):The bulettes have all retreated to their kennels.
would it have
stone plate & shield
idk what i should do so im ddone
Alani (Phil):OK, 3 shots. Not using sharpshooter.
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 6
"Ha! A pinprick!"
Alani (Phil):Did some poor rolls.
Alani (Phil):Looking fierce!
Kasumi:Try to attack the rider, maybe a running jump attack?
Acrobatics check?
Simon N. (GM):OK... Kasumi leaps off the stone wall sword swinging... no check needed
roll to hit :)
Kasumi:I'm going to use Sharpen the Blade to up my rolls by x3 ki points.
sharatu:"we were out on a spy mission only to return to this greeting theirs a reason were not wearing our proper garments"
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +12
second attack:
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +12
Ok damage twice
Kasumi:rolling 1d10 +8
So 30 total
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi cuts through his stone armour, he snarls in pain.
any bonus action?
Kasumi:Sharpen the Blade uses bonus action
Unfortunately :-(
#23 Rhennya
Rhennya:I cast Blight onto the knight
Con save 18
Simon N. (GM):(if you type BA - Sharpen Blade I'll know)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Rhennya:sorry, spell was lagging so I just rolled directly
so full damage
Simon N. (GM):he takes 40 dmg and screams in agony.
Rhennya:if i moved away, would I get an opportunity attack from both rider and mount?
Rhennya:so I'm not moving
But add another 2 on to that.
Everyone can take 20 HP
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm done now
Simon N. (GM):GM: You hear angry yells from beyond Sharatu's Wall of Fire
Alani (Phil):I am turning around, ready for an attack from the south
Simon N. (GM):Wall of Fire blocks line of sight >:)
Alani (Phil):Fair enough, it's just in case something erupts from there...
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
sharatu:im gonna do whats called a pro gamer move
i cast fireball at just behind the wall of fire
i dont see them that dosent mean their not there
Rhennya:what about the knight???
Simon N. (GM):show the point you're aiming on the wall
Sharatu aims into a tunnel he spotted earlier]
Fire explodes from the WoF
sharatu:do i hear screaming
Simon N. (GM):Screams erupt as he got a whole bunch of guys...
roll dmg
Alani (Phil):That's what I call play by ear...
sharatu:rolling 8d6 + 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
#12 Ralph
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Simon N. (GM):roll 1 at a time :0
AC 20
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Alani (Phil):Stone plate or something insane like that...
Simon N. (GM):rolled 2 & &
Bulette bites at Rhennya
Alani (Phil):You look tasty that's why!
Simon N. (GM):chomps for 30
Simon N. (GM):Knight attacks Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d12+4
apparently you have 24 hp :)
but still alive and kicking!
Simon N. (GM):A guy in stone splint steps through the Wall of Fire...
Screaming and chanting
sharatu:stop right there criminal scum
sharatu:rolling 5d8 + 5
dc 18
Simon N. (GM):"Erupting Cult!"
"Of Earth! YARR!"
A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts
Alani (Phil):I scream in Earth: "Come and fight me, scum of the earth!"
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu Seraphus Alani & Dagny are caught
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d12
38 DMG/ 19 ON SAVE
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh I have to roll for Max
hang on
Simon N. (GM):"Feel the POWER of EARTH!!"
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 9
i use inspiration on my spell concentration save
Simon N. (GM):WoF goes down!
Alani (Phil):Hey! Mud Pie thrower! Come and make some real damage for a change!
Tony:pause until next time?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You see a Burroeshark leap onto his Bulette...
A Black Earth Guard dashes towards Alani...
& the blind Monk Hellenrae, Abbess of Stone, races towards Sharatu...
Alani (Phil):OK I was joking about the mud pie!
Dagny (Kimberly):There's trouble, right here in River City with a capital T
Simon N. (GM):Hellenrae has 50' speed so can reach Sharatu & attack...
She wears brown robes a gargoyle mask w no eye holes...
sharatu:no this isn't how your supposed to play the game
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
sharatu:Tiamat protects me
Simon N. (GM):she somehow misses w all 3 attacks :-O
Kasumi:She is blind.........
Kasumi:But no less able (I say quickly)
Simon N. (GM):#10 Seraphus then we better break
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, we're using my laptop
He's going to move to attack the blind monk lady
and get out of the broken earth
Dagny (Kimberly):what's her AC? How is she looking?
Simon N. (GM):she parries 1st attack but is hit twice
AC 16 or 19 w Reaction parry
42 dmg?
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm action surging
crit dmg + d8 + d6?
sharatu:seraphus needs to get out of there preparing a chemichal attack
Simon N. (GM):I can't make head nor tail of your macro :)
Dagny (Kimberly):it did the d8+d6
Simon N. (GM):ok 22 total
Dagny (Kimberly):64 dmg i think\
Simon N. (GM):She staggers back but is stlll up, 64 below max yup!
Dagny (Kimberly):I have more movement but can i move
she's used her Reaction so no opp satt
sharatu:im going to use a big spell next round so it would be helpful is seraphus moved away
Simon N. (GM):rem area in purple square is Difficult Terrain
cost +1 squate/square
Dagny (Kimberly):25 metres
still in aoe
Simon N. (GM):stopping there
Seraphus Oldblood:bill draw where should i go
Seraphus Oldblood:wait why back into broken earth
sharatu:one blovk back from wwhere you were originally
Seraphus Oldblood:shiratu thats you
youre red\
sharatu:its for the aoe of cloudkill prefectly planned
yes im red
Alani (Phil):Djeesus! How am I gonna wait until next time! Too much cliffhanger!
Seraphus Oldblood:do you want me to go left
sharatu:no just beside me
Seraphus Oldblood:should i go to my left
how about this
Alani (Phil):Bye bye! Thanks a lot Simon!
Seraphus Oldblood:see you everyone
Simon N. (GM):thanks guys!
Kasumi:Great game Simon, thank you!
Simon N. (GM):Looking forward to next time!
Dagny (Kimberly):Thanks! Bye!
Hi Kimberly Jelena Max & Tony :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Hi Simon & everyone!
Simon N. (GM):Check that you can see your PCs (near bottom of screen) ok
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, and the driftglobe
Alani (Phil):Hello Simon! :-)
Hello Dear Fellow Adventurers!
Simon N. (GM):The rough walls of this cavern rise to a vaulted ceiling hung with stalactites and clumps of slender, luminous crystals that bathe the cavern in a soft, violet light. Passages lead east and west. To the east, the tunnel ascends. The western passage is flanked by a pair of twenty-foot tall stone statues of rough-hewn humanoids, their faces grim masks of forbiddance. Hi Bill :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK ready when you are. :) Last session you defeated 2 guards & 2 earth elementals at the entrance to the Black Geode.
Dagny (Kimberly):Hey Bill
Simon N. (GM):Hopefully you have loads of time before the cult summons Ogremoch...
Dagny (Kimberly):When I look at the statues, what can I see?
Or tell about them with my stonecunning?
Simon N. (GM):Outside combat you can move your tokens up to your Speed at any time, but wait for me to post something before moving again.
Aaargh, not the tokens lol
Seraphus:i look you in the eyeball
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelly! GM: The statues look to be carved roughy from the rock, embodying strength and power of the Black Earth.
Dagny (Kimberly):What do I know about the Black Earth from my dwarven history?
Simon N. (GM):The Black Earth cult are the enemies of the Shadowed Chain led by Serka Glintshield. Not long ago great heroes led by Sir Dunstan Ironforge defeated them and destroyed Stonefang, Ogremoch's avatar/child, but it seems they are back along with 3 other elemental cults.
Dagny (Kimberly):Just seeing the statues makes my hackles rise. I grit my teeth as I approach them.
Simon N. (GM):It's said Queen Lirael of Loudwater provided Dunstan some assistance. :)
Rhennya:Phil's PC is restarting, otherwise he's be gloating
Simon N. (GM):GM: You may move your tokens at will if moving onward.
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I keep my eye on the statues as I approach.
Simon N. (GM):They don't move
Ahead the tunnel turns north
You can move up to the tunnel bend.
There's a dim purplish light from crystals embedded in the walls.
.Ahead: The walls of this circular chamber are thick with glowing crystals. In the middle of the room is a fat, egg-shaped creature with three arms, three legs, heavy-lidded eyes, and a wide mouth atop its stony ovoid body. Casually dropping gemstones into the creature's gaping mouth is a creepy-looking earth cultist.
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, that's ugly
Simon N. (GM):He looks up as your light falls into the chamber and straightens. "Welcome, supplicants!"
Dagny (Kimberly):the violet coloured gemstomes?
Dagny (Kimberly):The cultist, or the egg-shaped creature?
Rhennya:Yes, that;s who we are
Alani (Phil):Finally back in the game! :-O
Simon N. (GM):"I am Keltar. This is Gorx. Do you bring an offering?"
Kasumi holds out the two stone eyes she acquired a while ago.
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Then place your offerings into the maw of Gorx, that they may make their way to Prince Ogremoch!"
(move your tokens up please)
Rhennya:I wonder what is the mechanism by which the offerings reach him...
Kasumi:Kasumi heads to the maw and reverently places the stones inside.
Simon N. (GM):If you're talking to Keltar
chomp chomp
Dagny (Kimberly):I ask Keltar, Have many more arrived before us?
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Ogremoch requires gems to the value of 500 gold."
Alani (Phil):Oh I see you are a fine amateur of the finer things... :-)
Dagny (Kimberly):I whisper to the others -- I have but one, what would you have me do?
Simon N. (GM):>>I wonder what is the mechanism by which the offerings reach him...<< Keltar: "Ours is not to concern ourselves with such matters." Gorx: "
Kasumi:What is the fastest way to Ogremoch, that we may worship in person?
Simon N. (GM):Roll persuasion Kasumi
or Deception
Kasumi:Both just as bad lol
I'll try persuasion
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "To prove your worthiness in the eyes of Ogrmoch, take the right hand passage" - he points right/east.
Simon N. (GM):"There you will be trialled, and the weak winnowed."
Tony:do we each need 500 gem or 1 for the party?
Kasumi:OOC Simon is Keltar saying we need to give 500gp worth before we can move forward?
sharatu:i go down the right passage
Dagny (Kimberly):What does Gorx do as Sharatu heads down the passage?
Simon N. (GM):OOC game is very laggy today, I've turned down the dynamic lighting
Rhennya:Rhennya can donate some very valuable leaves if necessary
Simon N. (GM):The Xorn follows Sharatu and taps him on the shoulder.
Who speaks Terran/Primordial?
Kasumi:I can understand anything!
Kasumi:Tongue of Sun and Moon fewat
Simon N. (GM):It's saying "Give me gems to eat!"
Dagny (Kimberly):I pull out a diamond and hold it aloft
I come with tribute, I say
Simon N. (GM):The Xorn walks back towards Dagny eagerly.
Dagny (Kimberly):I somewhat sadly but resignedly give it to the Xorn
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "Good stuff! Prince Ogremoch is pleased at your devotion."
Alani (Phil):Biting my tongue. "I am NOT deviter to Ogremock..."
Rhennya:shall we just recover our (and all previous) gems?
Alani (Phil):This guy needs a gastric band!
Simon N. (GM):Keltar to Dagny: "Now I shall tell you how to pass safely to the Inner Sanctum... and the Pass Phrase..."
Rhennya:"So Keltar, what's on the left hand side?"
Dagny (Kimberly):"I thank you"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Keltar missed the conversation between Alani & Rhennya. :)
Dagny (Kimberly):(they were whispering)
Tony:What is the pass phrase?
Simon N. (GM):Keltar: "The pass phrase to cross the stone bridge safely is "We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!"
Dagny (Kimberly):"To the right?"
Simon N. (GM):"And of course for those whose devotion is already undoubted, the left path, avoiding near-certain death, is best."
Dagny (Kimberly):We shall take the left then. I thank you.
Simon N. (GM):Keltar nods happily.
Simon N. (GM):There is a dull roar from the left tunnel like rushing water, but more viscous.
Seraphus, Ralph you see ahead the passage opens up.
Mudflow Falls
The dull roar of splashing, churning mud fills this cavern, the walls and ceiling of which are streaked with glittering veins of glowing violet crystal. A stream of mud pours through a gash in the roof, cascades down until it crashes onto a ten-foot-high ledge, then tumbles over the ledge into a thin river of mud that flows out through a hole in the northeast corner. A stone staircase climbs up to the ledge, where a passage leads north. A tunnel on the lower level leads south.
Simon N. (GM)::) The mud river is 6 feet wide at narrowest.
The ledge to the west is 10' above the main cavern.
Dagny (Kimberly):Can I tell anything with my stonecutting? Or are their footprints in the mud?
Or can we hear anything over the splash of. the mud river?
Tony:OOC, is the pier looking thing the staircase?
Simon N. (GM):It flows into a submerged tunnel to the west, descending steeply Dagny. Your Stoncunning tells you going in the mud would be bad unless you want a good pummeling but the stairs up to the ledge look solid.
Dagny (Kimberly):But the stairs are across the river, aren't they?
Simon N. (GM):yes, but you could running jump it easy enough
sharatu:i do a running jump across the river
Alani (Phil):Cool! I jump across !
Tony:I run like hell and jump
Dagny (Kimberly):Okay, I shall follow the lead of the others and gather myself to do the running jump
Kasumi:I can move across liquids without falling: Unarmoured Movement.
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi just walks across :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Would it be safe to scoop up some of the mud in a jar that I have?
Simon N. (GM):You can try Dagny
Rhennya:I've jumped as well
Simon N. (GM):The mud seems lukewarm
Dagny (Kimberly):Eh, I'll scrape up any that has splashed up
But I am careful not to touch it with my hands
Simon N. (GM):Ascending the stone steps, Rhennya you see a tunnel to the north and a steeply descending tunnel to the SW
Dagny (Kimberly):I seal the jar
Are there any footsteps in either tunnel showing traffic?
Simon N. (GM):@Ralph This cave is a forest of glowing crystals, which grow like foliage on slender stone columns that make it difficult to gauge the chamber's true size. Slumped against one of the columns is a dead man wearing a stone breastplate.
do we recognise the breastplate?
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a Black Earth guard breastplate.
sharatu:"are we sure we want to go in there"
Dagny (Kimberly):Are these the same crystals we saw earlier?
Or different?
Simon N. (GM):The crystals are much denser here.
Dagny (Kimberly):I find the arrows suspicious
Kasumi:I agree. A trap, perhaps?
Simon N. (GM):Alani your brain feels fuzzy...
Alani (Phil):I go back a few steps...
Simon N. (GM):Alani roll a WIS save
Rhennya:I grab Alani and pull him back
Alani (Phil):"I don;t feel so good my friends " I try to shout...
That's Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):OK Alani have advtg on save as Rhennya grabs you
Simon N. (GM):6 is a fail... Alani is Confused
This assaults and twists creatures' minds, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled Actions...
Alani (Phil):"Let me stay guys... I really like these purple gems... they look like violet sweets like when I was a kid"
Dagny (Kimberly):Does it count as poisoning?
Simon N. (GM):Alani stands there
Alani (Phil):Oh way! I have INDOMITABLE!
Can I reroll?
Dagny (Kimberly):So that I can use Lesser Restoration on him?
Simon N. (GM):It's an Enchantment
Dagny do you want to use Lesser Restoration?
Alani (Phil):Can I reroll with INDOMITABLE?
ok Alani you can use Indomitable
Simon N. (GM):8 is still a fail
(no advtg now)
Dagny (Kimberly):So you were ok with me using Lesser Restoration?
Dagny (Kimberly):Or were you saying it wouldn't work?
Ok, then I lay my hands upon him
as we pull him back from the tunnel
Simon N. (GM):You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. So no effect
Alani roll another save
Simon N. (GM):Alani recovers naturally :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Let us avoid that tunnel
sharatu:lets go the other way
Alani (Phil):Wow! Where was I? I had a nice dream!
Simon N. (GM):Alani can have Inspiration :)
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu moves north (on his screen anyway - mine is incredibly laggy)
The passage opens onto a smooth stone bridge flanked by boulders. The bridge is five feet wide, has no railings, and spans a wide cavern that echoes with strange clacking noises.
The boulder beside Alani unfurls...
sharatu:i think its spotted us probably can't move more
without init
Simon N. (GM):roll init please
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Dagny (Kimberly):I shout out in my best cultist voice, We walk in the Shadow of Ogremoch!
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Was there any response to my shouting out the passphrase`?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
Dagny (Kimberly):So the passphrase didn't do anything?
Dagny on my map you are nowhere near the bridge, but on Bill's I see you are. :\
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, I was behind Ralph and Sharatu originally
And I shouted :-) in my booming dwarven voice
Simon N. (GM):now you're giant sized and I can't alter
excuse me while I log off & on again!
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm wee again!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Galeb Duhr hears Dagny yell and takes a step back, lowering its red glowing eyes & standing down.
Simon N. (GM):(OK now I know not to stay logged into game for hours pre game!)
Dagny (Kimberly):I stand tall and proud, how I imagine a crazy earth cultist might
Kasumi:(that's why Dagny suddenly grew in size)
Simon N. (GM):From below you come the eager clacks of the Hook Horrors.
Dagny (Kimberly):I take a step towards the bridge
Keeping an eye on all the baddies
Simon N. (GM):The galeb duhr lets Dagny pass
Dagny (Kimberly):If they don't do anything, I'll wave Ralph, etc. or whoever on, as I want to be in the middle...
Simon N. (GM):You can move onto the bridge.
Rhennya:I move up and say the words
"We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!
Simon N. (GM):You can move over the bridge - 40 feet long and sturdy.
The galeb duhr on the far side steps back to let you cross.
Rhennya:another fork in the path
sharatu:ooc can we hear chanting yet?
Rhennya:mysterious arrow again!
Dagny (Kimberly):I nod in an earth culty fashion to it
Simon N. (GM):arrows are 20' descent
Dagny (Kimberly):Anything we can hear?
Simon N. (GM):roll perception Dagny
Simon N. (GM):You hear something large moving to the north.
West is quiet
Simon N. (GM):North: *Bulette Kennels
Boulders have been used to build crude, roofless enclosures similar to pens—three to the north and three to the south. Odd saddles and harnesses are piled in the middle of the cave, while spears and goads lean against the walls.*
Rhennya:some new pets for sharatu?
Simon N. (GM):10' high walls enclose the bullette kennelss.
They are sleeping - one of them stirs in its sleep, the noise you heard earlier.
Kasumi:Can I do a history check on the bulettes?
Rhennya:we sneak past without being noticed?
Kasumi:We were wondering as a group if we could ride them?
OK Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya - they are known as Land Sharks, fierce predators who love halflings (tasty!)
Simon N. (GM):The Black Earth has been known to domesticate & ride them.
Kasumi:OOC what sort of checks would we need to make to be successful in using them as mounts?
Simon N. (GM):Animal Handling, pretty high DC from a cold start :)
Rhennya:I have it trained, but all of us individually?
Simon N. (GM):Ralph roll Stealth
Rhennya:or several per beast?
Kasumi:Would we all need to succeed or just a few?
Simon N. (GM):The light sleeping bullette wakens and hisses.
(was DC 11)
The others are coming awake now too
Dagny (Kimberly):Is there any feed obvious about?
Kasumi:Just like horses, I'm sure this will be fine!
Rhennya:I try to calm them down
Simon N. (GM):GM: No - they're carnovores
Kasumi:Kasumi will attempt as well.
Dagny (Kimberly):Eh, so no cages of random creatures to feed them with then, darn it
Simon N. (GM):OK You can roll DC 20 Animal Handling Rhennya & Kasumi (only) to pet the bullette and calm it down
Kasumi:I'll use my inspiration to perform animal handling on one of them.
Dagny (Kimberly):I picture Ralph doing his best Chris Pratt and backing away with his hands out
Oh dear :-(
Simon N. (GM):3 fails... the Bulette decides you are food.
Kasumi:Hmmm, not as friendly as horses after all!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK roll init please everyone
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Dagny (Kimberly):The pens are open? Are there any whips or anything like that in the supplies that looks like they were trained with?
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Dagny (Kimberly):Is one of the spears or goads leaning on the walls near me?
sharatu:"you guys deal with the ones at the top ill stop the bottom three"
Simon N. (GM):@Dagny yes you can grab a goad on your init
Simon N. (GM):The pens are walls of rubble 10' high, the bullettes can clamber over or through them
The bulettes start to scramble out of their pens, looking for dinner... #27 Alani your turn.
OOC they are really more like kennels than pens :)
Alani (Phil):I move north to be able to take a shot... or three.
Kasumi:Are there any goads on our side Simon?
Simon N. (GM):@Kasumi yes
Alani (Phil):Can I see the one on the right?
Kasumi:Ok in that case I will try the same on my turn.
Simon N. (GM):@Alani no LOS from there due to the rubble walls]
You can see the openings in the pens
Alani (Phil):Where do I need to move. Closer to the entrance of the pens?
Simon N. (GM):You need a LOS through opening to bulette. Or ready & wait while they climb out :)
You do have LOS to bottom right
Alani (Phil):I shoot bottom right.
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):Just on hit.
Simon N. (GM):took 17 dmg, looks annoyed :)
#24 Kasumi
Alani (Phil):They have -5 dmg reduction?
Kasumi:I will move to the wall, grab a goad and attempt to intimidate/animal handling the Bulette into submission.
I can pick up goad as bonus action I'm assuming?
Simon N. (GM):Object interaction :)
Is that always free?
Simon N. (GM):OK roll to hit AC 17, if you hit can roll animal handling
You get 1 OI per turn
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Simon N. (GM):You poke it... rroll AH or Intim
It was AH and i only got a 9 :-(
Simon N. (GM):DC 9 WIS save for Bulette
Simon N. (GM):It retreats back into pen!
Kasumi:Back! Back! I shout in primordial.
Simon N. (GM):#23 Rhennya
Kasumi:And then 'who's a good boy!'
Dagny (Kimberly):Any effect on the others?
Rhennya:Can I do the same as Kasumi with the next (middle) bullette?
Simon N. (GM):@Rhennya yes
Rhennya:grab the goad them AH
Simon N. (GM):OK Rhennya roll to hit AC 17
bad luck
any bonus action?
Rhennya:a bat, to fly off
I cannot turn into one of them, can I - they are not natural animals?
Simon N. (GM):it's a Monstrosity yup
Bulette Opp Att snaps at bat... I'll give it +5 AC = 17
it misses the bat!
Simon N. (GM):bat-Rhennya move to desired point
Dagny (Kimberly):...some guano falls on it's head...
Rhennya:sorry went too far
Simon N. (GM):(the animal stats are very silly - bats AC 12 & speed 30'?)
Simon N. (GM):OOC anyone know Seraphus init?
Rhennya:hanging down from the ceiling
Simon N. (GM):#18 Dagny next
Dagny (Kimberly):checking...
Alernative bulette pic
Seraphus:i forgot to roll
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I grab a goad and stride forcefully to the pen, shouting in primordial "Get Back! In your pen or no dinner for any of you!"
to the nearest pen
Simon N. (GM):OK Dagny roll to hit AC 17
sharatu:"dagny i have those three coverd please exit the pen
Dagny (Kimberly):rolling 1d20+8
Alani (Phil):I am not riding these bareback... is all I have to say! :-)
sharatu:"exscuse me but please leave"
Simon N. (GM):Dagny roll Intimidate or Animal Handling
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll move back out after,
sharatu:"thank you dagny"
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I back out of the pen, keeping the goad pointed at it
Simon N. (GM):It snaps at Dagny
Kasumi:OOC Oh sorry I meant this one:
Simon N. (GM):30 dmg on opp att (hit AC 20)
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
sharatu:i cast wall of fire to get them to move back because all animals are afraid of fire
Rhennya:even monstrosities?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
GM: They shrink back from the flames...
#12 Ralph
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
raging by the wayt
31 dmg?
sharatu:remember ralph were just getting them back in their pen not killing them
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
plus 3
19 again
Simon N. (GM):ok 38 total
Simon N. (GM):Ralph hacks at the monster, forcing it back
#12 Bulettes...
The three to the south shrink back
away from the flames
Ralph's one bites at him
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Simon N. (GM):bites for 30 dmg
The one in the next cell leaps over the wall onto Ralph...
Simon N. (GM):DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone and take 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half the damage, isn't knocked prone, and is pushed 5 feet out of the bulette's space into an unoccupied space of the creature's choice. If no unoccupied space is within range, the creature instead falls prone in the bulette's space.
Alani (Phil):I'll come and help you Ralph!
Simon N. (GM):ok 28/2 = 14 dmg/2 rage = 7 dmg
sharatu:"remember ralph don't kill them just get them back in the pen"
Simon N. (GM):& knocked back
The bulette snaps at Ralph
hit for 30/2 = 15
103 hp
Simon N. (GM):#10 Seraphus
sharatu:"seraphus frighten them use your lightning that'll push them back into a state of fear"
makes sense
Simon N. (GM):GM: Bat-Rhennya something is coming down your tunnel...
Dagny (Kimberly):He's looking up dragon breath range
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus have you finished your turn?
sharatu:the dragon breath attack
Rhennya:can I echo-locate what that is?
Simon N. (GM):@Rhennya no
Seraphus:im gonna shoot to the left of dad
Seraphus:i dont need to roll dmg as i purposefully miss
Dagny (Kimberly):oh now I see it!
Simon N. (GM):OK You explode the ground in front of the bulette
Roll Intimidate
Dagny (Kimberly):I was so confused at first, you guys were saying Cool and I had no idea why :-) It was laggy
Simon N. (GM):It shrinks back
Dagny (Kimberly):but that was cool
Alani (Phil):Like fireworks!
Simon N. (GM):(no lightning effect sadly)
Dagny (Kimberly):Maybe he has bad dragon breath ;-)
Seraphus:i tamed one by being mean yay
Simon N. (GM):Next round #27 Alani
sharatu:max its not tamed its frightend back into its pen we might be able to use them later
Simon N. (GM):1 is trying to eat Ralph, others are intimidated
Rhennya roll Nature
Alani (Phil):I'll move westwards to get a LOS
Simon N. (GM):Could be a bulette Rhennya?
Simon N. (GM):You ignore all cover Alani?
Simon N. (GM):Mean bulette AC 17 + 5 for 3/4 cover = 22
Alani (Phil):I ignore 3/4
Simon N. (GM):3 hits to gaps in its platinf
it's badly wounded
Alani (Phil):Can I action point?
Simon N. (GM):2 hits, it's in single digits :)
Alani (Phil):It's me done
Rhennya:let's leave it to lick its wounds
Kasumi:How many are there left to subdue?
Rhennya:do we really have to kill it?
just run now?
Kasumi:I'm wonderiing if we can start leaving?
Simon N. (GM):there's 1 badly wounded 1 left
Kasumi:Ok I'll put it out of its misery.
Simon N. (GM):OK Kasumi you can run up the stone wall to hit it
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
sharatu:"no don't kill it
Kasumi:Miss. Second attack
Simon N. (GM):AC 17 - bounces off
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Kasumi:I'll use my bonus action to do flurry of blows.
sharatu:"sign from Tiamat to stop"
sharatu:"there like rock dragons without wings"
"we can get the riders to join us and in tandem the Bullets"
Simon N. (GM):#23 Bat-Rhennya
Kasumi:Maybe roll persuasion Bill?
Kasumi:Then if successful Kasumi will try to initimidate instead.
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
Simon N. (GM):i23 vs Kasumo
Kasumi:Is that an opposed roll Simon?
Simon N. (GM):Thulsa Sharatu is very persuasive
OK roll a CHA save Kasumi
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 -1
Ok you've persuaded me!
Kasumi:I'll try to animal handling the bulette instead.
Simon N. (GM):#23 Bat Rhennya
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +3
sharatu:"remember murder of animals is wrong"
Rhennya:they are monstrosities
Kasumi:Darn, that would have been a good roll!
Rhennya:and have you heard about the Circle of Life, Sharatu?
Simon N. (GM):Bonus actions don't work like that
sharatu:"yes but they must die in their natural time"
Simon N. (GM):They're bonuses you get... as a bonus :)
Bat Rhennya can't talk
Rhennya:LOL, sorry, of course!
what can a bat do, except fly and listen by radar?
can i scout the tunnel?
Alani (Phil):What can you do, right off the bat?
@Alani GROAN
Rhennya:what do I roll to scout the tunnel
Simon N. (GM):OK Rhennya scouts down the tunnel & echo-locates an approaching Black Earth knight in stone plate riding a bulette coming down it
Seraphus:i smell fresh blood
Rhennya:OK, I have to turn back to wood elf to let the others know?
you go back?
Rhennya:but I fly back as a bat first
sharatu:i can explain the situation with my great persuasion
Alani (Phil):For next time we need to agree on a special dance (like bees), so your bat can explain the situation to us without transforming back to human! :-)
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya reappears!
sharatu:"what is happening rhenya"
Rhennya:a black knight is coming!
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya can make a warnning, that's end of her turn
Rhennya:on a bulette! get ready!
sharatu:"pardon me a black knight"
Rhennya:black EARTH knight
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I'll move towards the last angry bulette
sharatu:"dont kill it dagny"
" peace is always an option"
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll cast the Sacred Flame cantrip directly in front of it at it's feet
Simon N. (GM):hm. ok Intimidate with disadvantage as not very impressive
Simon N. (GM):DC 8 WIS save
It ignores ot
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
i shout "back to your pens now" very aggressively
i dash
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu roars at it - Intimidate w disad
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
I'm only allowing this bcos it's on 8 hp :)
It leaves off biting Ralph and shrinks back
sharatu:" see thats how you resolve a conflict without immediate killing"
wheres the black earth knight
Rhennya:down the other tunnel, leading down?
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya points to the NE tunnel
no further north
Rhennya:I said that's where the knight is coming from
Tony:I'm avoiding that tunnel
Dagny (Kimberly):I think we're trying to go down a tunnel that he's not in
Alani (Phil):You guys go and I'll cover us with my arrows.
or her
Dagny (Kimberly):Do we want to talk the tunnel to the north or the one to the East?
take, not talk
sharatu:"hello fine knight of stone"
Simon N. (GM):Bulete rider comes thundering round the corner & leaps at Rhennya
Dagny (Kimberly):I shout out the passphrase again
Rhennya:and me not a bat any more...
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya DC 16 STR or DEX save
Dagny (Kimberly):We walk in the Shadow of Ogremach!!
Dagny (Kimberly):How dare you attack us??
Simon N. (GM):"You're no Black Earth!"
sharatu:"as you can see your bulletes were being roudy and we got them back to their pens"
"we walk in the shadow of ogrimoc"
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya is knocked aside (14 dmg)
Dagny (Kimberly):You're training is pitiable, look how badly they have behaved
Simon N. (GM):OK Sharatu & Dagny roll DC 22 Deception
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
Dagny (Kimberly):OOC
sigh I am an honest dwarf
Simon N. (GM):He ignores you and strikes down at Rhennya with his lance
"We walk in the shadow of Ogrémoch!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
3 hits
sharatu:"were helping with your training problem and this is how you thank us"
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d12+12
38 dmg to Rhennya
sharatu:" i want to speak with your commander this behavior is utterly ridiculous"
Simon N. (GM):He has lance & shield & stone plate
LOL @Sharatu
You're not dressed in cultist gear & this guy is not a moron...
#10 Seraphus
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, he's readying a spell
im going to use melfs acid arrow
Simon N. (GM):The bulettes have all retreated to their kennels.
would it have
stone plate & shield
idk what i should do so im ddone
Alani (Phil):OK, 3 shots. Not using sharpshooter.
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 6
"Ha! A pinprick!"
Alani (Phil):Did some poor rolls.
Alani (Phil):Looking fierce!
Kasumi:Try to attack the rider, maybe a running jump attack?
Acrobatics check?
Simon N. (GM):OK... Kasumi leaps off the stone wall sword swinging... no check needed
roll to hit :)
Kasumi:I'm going to use Sharpen the Blade to up my rolls by x3 ki points.
sharatu:"we were out on a spy mission only to return to this greeting theirs a reason were not wearing our proper garments"
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +12
second attack:
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +12
Ok damage twice
Kasumi:rolling 1d10 +8
So 30 total
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi cuts through his stone armour, he snarls in pain.
any bonus action?
Kasumi:Sharpen the Blade uses bonus action
Unfortunately :-(
#23 Rhennya
Rhennya:I cast Blight onto the knight
Con save 18
Simon N. (GM):(if you type BA - Sharpen Blade I'll know)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Rhennya:sorry, spell was lagging so I just rolled directly
so full damage
Simon N. (GM):he takes 40 dmg and screams in agony.
Rhennya:if i moved away, would I get an opportunity attack from both rider and mount?
Rhennya:so I'm not moving
But add another 2 on to that.
Everyone can take 20 HP
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm done now
Simon N. (GM):GM: You hear angry yells from beyond Sharatu's Wall of Fire
Alani (Phil):I am turning around, ready for an attack from the south
Simon N. (GM):Wall of Fire blocks line of sight >:)
Alani (Phil):Fair enough, it's just in case something erupts from there...
Simon N. (GM):#14 Sharatu
sharatu:im gonna do whats called a pro gamer move
i cast fireball at just behind the wall of fire
i dont see them that dosent mean their not there
Rhennya:what about the knight???
Simon N. (GM):show the point you're aiming on the wall
Sharatu aims into a tunnel he spotted earlier]
Fire explodes from the WoF
sharatu:do i hear screaming
Simon N. (GM):Screams erupt as he got a whole bunch of guys...
roll dmg
Alani (Phil):That's what I call play by ear...
sharatu:rolling 8d6 + 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
#12 Ralph
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Simon N. (GM):roll 1 at a time :0
AC 20
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+11)
Alani (Phil):Stone plate or something insane like that...
Simon N. (GM):rolled 2 & &
Bulette bites at Rhennya
Alani (Phil):You look tasty that's why!
Simon N. (GM):chomps for 30
Simon N. (GM):Knight attacks Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Simon N. (GM):rolling d12+4
apparently you have 24 hp :)
but still alive and kicking!
Simon N. (GM):A guy in stone splint steps through the Wall of Fire...
Screaming and chanting
sharatu:stop right there criminal scum
sharatu:rolling 5d8 + 5
dc 18
Simon N. (GM):"Erupting Cult!"
"Of Earth! YARR!"
A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts
Alani (Phil):I scream in Earth: "Come and fight me, scum of the earth!"
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu Seraphus Alani & Dagny are caught
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d12
38 DMG/ 19 ON SAVE
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh I have to roll for Max
hang on
Simon N. (GM):"Feel the POWER of EARTH!!"
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 9
i use inspiration on my spell concentration save
Simon N. (GM):WoF goes down!
Alani (Phil):Hey! Mud Pie thrower! Come and make some real damage for a change!
Tony:pause until next time?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You see a Burroeshark leap onto his Bulette...
A Black Earth Guard dashes towards Alani...
& the blind Monk Hellenrae, Abbess of Stone, races towards Sharatu...
Alani (Phil):OK I was joking about the mud pie!
Dagny (Kimberly):There's trouble, right here in River City with a capital T
Simon N. (GM):Hellenrae has 50' speed so can reach Sharatu & attack...
She wears brown robes a gargoyle mask w no eye holes...
sharatu:no this isn't how your supposed to play the game
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
sharatu:Tiamat protects me
Simon N. (GM):she somehow misses w all 3 attacks :-O
Kasumi:She is blind.........
Kasumi:But no less able (I say quickly)
Simon N. (GM):#10 Seraphus then we better break
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, we're using my laptop
He's going to move to attack the blind monk lady
and get out of the broken earth
Dagny (Kimberly):what's her AC? How is she looking?
Simon N. (GM):she parries 1st attack but is hit twice
AC 16 or 19 w Reaction parry
42 dmg?
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm action surging
crit dmg + d8 + d6?
sharatu:seraphus needs to get out of there preparing a chemichal attack
Simon N. (GM):I can't make head nor tail of your macro :)
Dagny (Kimberly):it did the d8+d6
Simon N. (GM):ok 22 total
Dagny (Kimberly):64 dmg i think\
Simon N. (GM):She staggers back but is stlll up, 64 below max yup!
Dagny (Kimberly):I have more movement but can i move
she's used her Reaction so no opp satt
sharatu:im going to use a big spell next round so it would be helpful is seraphus moved away
Simon N. (GM):rem area in purple square is Difficult Terrain
cost +1 squate/square
Dagny (Kimberly):25 metres
still in aoe
Simon N. (GM):stopping there
Seraphus Oldblood:bill draw where should i go
Seraphus Oldblood:wait why back into broken earth
sharatu:one blovk back from wwhere you were originally
Seraphus Oldblood:shiratu thats you
youre red\
sharatu:its for the aoe of cloudkill prefectly planned
yes im red
Alani (Phil):Djeesus! How am I gonna wait until next time! Too much cliffhanger!
Seraphus Oldblood:do you want me to go left
sharatu:no just beside me
Seraphus Oldblood:should i go to my left
how about this
Alani (Phil):Bye bye! Thanks a lot Simon!
Seraphus Oldblood:see you everyone
Simon N. (GM):thanks guys!
Kasumi:Great game Simon, thank you!
Simon N. (GM):Looking forward to next time!
Dagny (Kimberly):Thanks! Bye!
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