Simon N. (GM):Hi Tim & Christian :)
Simon N. (GM):So you had a short rest, Tim if Erasmus spends a hit die he can add d6 for Syrus' Song of Rest.
Christian is Percy using his lantern?
Christian L.:ye he will be using a lantern
Simon N. (GM):So Erasmus roll d8+2+d6 for hp recovery
OK the light settings are right then :)
Christian L.:he will have a lantern in his left hand and his rapier in the right
Erasmus:rolling d8+2+d6
Jelly:Oh are we supposed to be in pitch black?
Simon N. (GM):You should be able to see Mirabelle if you scroll out
Your vision is turned on
Jelly:I see her but nobody else!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK, end of last session you rested for an hour then descended into the goblin caves where Lothrin was killed a Tenday ago.
Erasmus:Is my Bar 3 representing my Ki?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn looks nervous as she raises her 'light' staff over her head. "These Goblins need Slaying..."
Christian L.:OOC did lothrin actually die or was it just because he had to leave?
Simon N. (GM):Using the red one for Hit Dice
Erasmus:OOC Lothrin was NPC
Simon N. (GM):As an NPC he definitely died!
Tenho:"So... north or south?"
Erasmus:Ah, ok. I've set up my character sheet on here, too if that's any use.
Percy:OOC is kenny joining?
Erasmus:"North heads to the waterfall where we met Mirabelle, while south leads to a network of tunnels we didn't fully investigate."
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Mirabelle starts to fall behind... are thos sounds behind her in the darkness? :0
Erasmus:"There's a croc living in the river. We should be quiet."
Jelly:OOC Sorry, I'll never get used to these virtual minis lol
Tenho:"Unless it's blind, it'll see our light."
GM: You hear a splash ahead,,,
Erasmus:"Is Syrus the only one that can see in the dark?"
Jelly:I can cast Light so I'm assuming Mirabelle is using that.
Erasmus:"Perhaps he should scout ahead without the light"
Simon N. (GM):(yup) The croc bursts round the corner!
ok you may roll init :)
d20+DEX mod
Jelly:Is that the same one as before? Drat!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
I don't fancy rolling for umpteen NPCs so I'll do them together.
#23 Percy #12 NPCs #11 Mirabelle #10 Erasmus #3 Croc
#23 Percy your go
Percy:@simon you should be able to open a tab at the side of your scree(little clock) which you can put the intiv in and cycle through them as well
Simon N. (GM):that'll take even longer though :\
Percy:i will place the lantern on the floor and draw my bow
or can i only do one?
Simon N. (GM):(you can do both as object interaction + action) #12 NPCs - Dawn shoots a firebolt from her staff.
Percy:i will also hide behind dawn
8 :(
Simon N. (GM):Percy is kinda obvious :)
Tenho raises his hand x-bow as Jyrdani raises her sword and steps forward...
Tenhp shoots
#11 Mirabelle
Jelly:Have I got line of sight?
Or would I have to move up a bit?
Simon N. (GM):it has superior cover currently from you
move to beside Dawn for a clear shot
Jelly:Ok, I'll firebolt as well!
Simon N. (GM):You shoot a stalagtite :)
Simon N. (GM):#10 Erasmus
Jelly:OOC sorry if internet is a bit laggy, very thick walls in the new place, getting sorted this week.
Simon N. (GM):yes 25' to there
Erasmus:Dashes up and leaps past the croc to take up a flanking position, then strikes with the quarterstaff Simon N. (GM):30' to there, still good
Percy:OOC for next combat me and tim and jelly can select our tokens and press initiative on our character sheets to automatically put to total in the tab after you open it
Simon N. (GM):You're not directly behind it - and it could turn as a Reaction anyway
Quarterstaff (One-Handed) (+5)
max damage crit!!
Erasmus:Hmm... Looks like it doubled my modifier for the crit.
Simon N. (GM):It's extremely dead!
no you rolled 2 sixes!
Simon N. (GM):It only had 9 left after Dawn shot it for 9 anyway :)
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Well done, Erasmus, Dawn!"
Erasmus:"That's called karma!"
Jelly:Fantastic! Now, is there anything I can harvest for Aretha, I wonder......?
Percy:i will pick my lantern back up, sheath my rapier and hold my bow at my side
Dawn Wintersmorn:"The evil crocodile shall trouble us no more!"
grins & blows smoke from staff tip Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani surveys the pool.
Erasmus:"Let's see if those apes are still holed up."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:shrugs and wades into pool Dawn Wintersmorn:"
brrr cold!"
Percy:can we just walk through or check needed
Tenho:You can just wade, or swim in Percy's case
Simon N. (GM):Percy's lantern will go out
Jelly:GM can I harvest anything from croc?
Percy:i will attempt to jump
Simon N. (GM):ok DC 15 Athletics
Erasmus:taking a short run-up, Erasmus leaps across the pool in two bounds Simon N. (GM):Percy gets his feet & ankles wet but lantern still lit
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Team!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC OMG we are going for the Demon!!
Simon N. (GM):this time land waist deep, but lantern still alight!
Percy:"uhh i am all wet now"
Jelly:OOC Simon still just want to check if I can harvest anything before moving?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
Simon N. (GM):roll Medicine Mirabelle DC 11
Kenny - Syrus:OOC my comment was OOC! :-P
Percy:percy's face just turns to shock at the wor demon "i thought those things were just stories!"
Too late now!
Simon N. (GM):Mirabele harvests medicinal mushrooms, enough for 3 healing potions.
Jelly:Oh I meant from the croc? Since it's an albino one?
But that's brilliant, thanks GM!
I assume the mushrooms have to be made into potions first?
Simon N. (GM):She could tell it was a very healthy croc due to its diet of mushrooms :p
Kenny - Syrus:@Team: "remember Dawn listened to the Gobbos last time and asked us to leave ASAP last time as it sounded like there was a demon coming...." @Dawn "is that correct?"
Simon N. (GM):Yes still takes 5 days per potion, or 1 day at level 3+.
Jelly:Athletics or Acrobatics to cross the pool?
Erasmus:"That was right, Syrus. But we're level 2 now!" ;P
Tenho:"A mighty demon that hides behind goblins?"
Simon N. (GM):You can wade the pool without a roll Mirabelle
Erasmus:Erasmus assists Mirabelle as far as possible. Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle I would sing you a song of encouragement but its best we keep quieter down here!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Stinks up here..."
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Don't antagonise the apes! I want to save my Sleep spells for the goblins!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Team: Steathy Stealth - Albino Apes ahead, but if we keep right they will not approach us too much
Erasmus:"This is where the apes were. Perhaps they won't be adversarial if we're not."
Dawn Wintersmorn:Ape: "Ooga!" it beats its chest in warning.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"*Ooga!"
Jelly:That's very gallant of you Syrus, but I'm quite capable! I pride myself on being able to advenure in a dress!
Kenny - Syrus:@Team: Keep to the right wall and follow it around to the right turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Kenny - Syrus:@Team - remember cling to the right wall and following it bend around!
Simon N. (GM):The apes are suitably impressed as Jyrdani beats her chest in best Tarzan impression (made Intimidate check) - they let you past!
Percy you (only) spot a goblin drawing back its bow...
Erasmus:OOC - Did Syrus get to heal up, too?
Kenny - Syrus:Ohhhh when did we have heals??
Simon N. (GM):Percy (only) roll init
Syrus yes roll your hit die for short rest
want to bring up init tab?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC I keep reading Simon's abreviation for Initiative as "innit"
Simon N. (GM):w +d6 for Song of Rest
Kenny - Syrus:rolling d6
Thanks - 2 points!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Also roll d8+2 Syrus :)
Kenny - Syrus:rolling d8+2
Whoop another 4 HPs!
Percy:OOC are you going to bring up init tab?
Simon N. (GM):Syrus on 9+6 = 15
goblin on 18
Simon N. (GM):The goblin shoots at Jyrdani before Percy can react
Jyrdani: "Ow!" The goblin cackles and slips away.
Percy you can chase it if you like, others are suprised
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani: "That Gobbo could sense you power, M'Lady and feels threathened!"
Percy:move, bonus action dash, shoot
Simon N. (GM):hit - it staggers.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Yays PERCY!
Simon N. (GM):ok everyone roll init]
except Percy
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesInitiative(+3) | {9} |
Simon N. (GM):#18 The wounded goblin shoots at Percy.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+1
ouch, 7 dmg
It retreats, yelling. You hear answering goblin yells.
#13 Erasmus.
Looks like firelight from round the tunnel bend.
Erasmus:Can I hold an action until something comes in range?
Jelly:Those goblins are small, but deadly with their bows!
Simon N. (GM):You can Ready an action - it uses your Reaction to release it.
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn are you ready for your Sleep spell?
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Aye aye, captain!"
Erasmus:Readies a dart in case something enters his vision Dawn Wintersmorn:#11 Percy
Percy:coul i shoot the beetal?
Simon N. (GM):To the north a fire beetle amiably munches fungus. You may shoot at it.
Percy:if it is not aggrasive i will leave it
why have the lights changed?
Jelly:Poor thing, if it's not aggressive best to leave it!
Simon N. (GM):You had to put your lantern down to shoot at the goblib
Simon N. (GM):Percy hugs the cavern wall.
Percy:can i then shoot goblin
Simon N. (GM):want to ready a shot? Goblin has superior cover +5 AC as nearly hidden
Percy:ok will ready if becomes easier to hit
(then #5 Mirabelle & #5 NPCs)
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will move up behind Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):ok, ready an action too?
Kenny - Syrus:Yes - @Mirabelle - do you have Sleep or similar spell to use against the Gobbos?
Syrus will inspire Dawn (hopefully this comes in use when she casts "Sleep"...!)
Simon N. (GM):OOC not sure how, Sleep is fixed 5d8 hp
Kenny - Syrus:OOC does she need to roll for spell to have effect?
Jelly:OOC hang on I'm confused, so you mean it won't have an effect?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:readies attack Kenny - Syrus:Ah OK I will not use inspiration then
Erasmus:OOC it's an auto-hit.
Kenny - Syrus:I just move and draw my 2x weapons to get ready
Dawn Wintersmorn:readies fire bolt Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus and GM Thanks for clarifcation on Sleep! :)
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle do you Ready too?
Jelly:Yes I'll ready Sleep spell if everyone agreed?
Simon N. (GM):ok but you have to actually cast it & hold Concentration, it's lost if not used. OK?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC never in our lives have we been so ready??!!! :-P
Jelly:That's why I'm checking everyone else is happy with the plan lol
Erasmus:OOC only hold a cantrip
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Jelly DO IT!!!!!! :-D
Jelly:OOC lol ok, loving the enthusiasm of the group!
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle readies Sleep
Percy:OOC not going to comment because i can see round corner
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Jelly seriously, it was a near FPK (Full Party Kill) last time we got to this point!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Goblins' go...
Kenny - Syrus:WOW! @Percy
Jelly:OOC Yup I remember it well!
Simon N. (GM):The lead goblin drops!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Whoooop!
Simon N. (GM):The tunnel seems full of onrushing goblins...
They know where Percy is now
#13 Erasmus - still readying?
Kenny - Syrus:OOC This is the bit I imagine in LOTR "They Are Coming"
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus moves up...
Erasmus:Runs into an alcove and throws a dart at the goblin in full view Simon N. (GM):ok, it has a shield, AC 14
Kenny - Syrus:Is it my turn now?
Simon N. (GM):#11 Percy then #9 Syrus
no i wil shoot,move hide
Simon N. (GM):Percy squeezes against the wall...
#9 Syrus your go
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will use Vicious Mockery on this Gobbo
Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Enchantment Cantrip |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 4 |
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20-1
fail, it feels very bad
Kenny - Syrus:"Your mother will be ashamed of you - ALL of YOU for being SO UGLY!!!!"
Then Syrus moves a bit further
Simon N. (GM):marked it to help remember it's on disad
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Thanks!
Simon N. (GM):#5 Mirabelle & NPCs
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:drinks healing potion Percy:i will move, scatter ball bearings and then dash as bonus action
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Tenho sneaks...
Simon N. (GM):long way to go before Percy's next turn
everything much slower w init :p
Jelly:But also a lot more tense!
Tenho:Tenho targets sad goblin, advtg cancelled by range sadly
Dawn Wintersmorn:Dawn steps forward. "Eat Sleep, Goblin scum!"
Behind the leading goblins, two large goblins keel over.
Simon N. (GM):(bad luck Dawn)
#5 Mirabelle your go
Jelly:OOC what's the D2 for?
Simon N. (GM):I was checking which goblin was Sleeped
rolled east not north
of centre point
Here we go, another Sleep!
Simon N. (GM):ok move up first!
Jelly:Sorry I keep forgetting!
Jelly:Do I need to see all of them?
You could centre it behind the first 2 to maybe get more
GM: 3 more goblins go down in a jumbled slumbering heap...
Jelly:Well that's a good start!
Simon N. (GM):Round 3 #18 - goblins
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle - WHooop!!!! But remember this spell only lasts 1 minute game time!!
Jelly:True, we need to kill the others quickly!
Simon N. (GM):You hear panicked cries from the goblins as their front rank collapses, and a deep infernal voice cries: "KHALGAZ! URUK NUR TOK_KHALGAX!"
Heartened by their master's voice, the goblins come on...
Percy:OOC is there an actual translation from English or just gibberish
Jelly:Oh dear, not him again!
Simon N. (GM):The bow armed goblin appears and shoots at Erasmus (cover, +2 AC)
Jelly:I think there is but none of us speak goblin.......
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy last time Dawn casted a spell and understood what the demon said?
Simon N. (GM):OOC yeah
I know what he's saying :)
Simon N. (GM):Goblins are shaking awake sleeping goblins, with a sounder grasp of tactics than goblins usually manage...
#13 Erasmus
Erasmus:Hearing the voice, and seeing the swarm of goblins, Erasmus strides up and swings the quarterstaff at the leading goblin... Quarterstaff (Two-Handed) (+5)
Simon N. (GM):splat - dead
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy remember you can move diagonally!
OOC @Erasmus YAYS!
Erasmus:Moves back to cover Erasmus:"Thin the crowd, people!"
Percy:i will move, scatter ball bearings and then dash as bonus action: As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Percy - NOICE!!
Kenny - Syrus:OK Syrus moves
Whats the green square pls?
Simon N. (GM):ball bearings
Are all gobbos now awake apart from the dead ones?
Simon N. (GM):they had just enough to wake everyone
(REally need to pickup a bow somewhere!)
Another Vicious Mockery to this Gobbo
Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Enchantment Cantrip |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 1 |
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20-1
Kenny - Syrus:"Wakey Wake, un-Pretty One!"
Syrus moves back
Simon N. (GM):#5 NPCs & Mirabelle
Simon N. (GM):(yes, whenever you're ready Jelly) Jyrdani sheathes sword, moves up and throws a javelin at right goblin.
Jelly:OOC everyone should I use up my last spell slot and cast Thunderwave?
Simon N. (GM):pinning it to the wall.
Erasmus:"Save it, there's something bigger around the corner"
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Thunderwave only works when you are 5 foot away from them, and if they don't die, then they all get you - I would not!
Simon N. (GM):GM: these are not OOC conversatiions Jelly :p OOC is "How about Man U last night?" :D
Jelly:Alright, in that case I'll just roast them one by one! My excitement is getting the better of me again!
Oh I see sorry GM, noted!
I'll cast a Firebolt at the closest one:
Simon N. (GM):Firebolt at leading goblin
AC 15
Simon N. (GM):catches it on his shield
Dawn does the same
Tenho steps out & shoots
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6+2
not quite dead...
Round 4, goblins...
goblins carefully pick their way through the marbles...
Kenny - Syrus:If I had all my spell slots these Gobbos would be roasted! :-P
Simon N. (GM):sad gobbo on Erasmus
got a 9, miss
goblin minion
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus parries
Kenny - Syrus:I have an idea!!!
We learned that the Apes hate the Gobbos, right?
Percy:the goblins need to do DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone
Erasmus:What are these guy's movement speeds?!
Simon N. (GM):The goblin horde pick their way over the marbles... not getting any attacks this turn...
Kenny - Syrus:We should lead them to the Apes and they will help us to kill them!!!!!
Simon N. (GM):as they reach you.
Kenny - Syrus:@Team what do you think??!!!
Simon N. (GM):suddenly, a hideous flying demon imp appears in the air behind Dawn & Mirabelle as its stinger lashes out 1 Dawn 2 Mirabelle...
attacks Mirabelle w advtg
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Jelly:And yes Syrus, that's a marvellous idea! Handsome and clever!
Simon N. (GM):got 17 - hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling d4+3
sting 6 dmg
roll poison save DC 11
Jelly:Is that a Con save?
Simon N. (GM):use INspiration igf you have t
Simon N. (GM):oh, rolled low!
thought you were dead meat!
ok roll CON
Oh dear :-(
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle drops at 0 hp
Jelly:What was the 3d6 for?
Simon N. (GM):The demon imp cackles joyfully as Dawn screams.
d4+3 piercing & 3d6 poison. I expected 16+ dmg which would have killed you outright.
Instead you're just Dying.
Simon N. (GM):#13 Erasmus
Erasmus:Being surrounded, and seeing how injured the goblin in front of him is, Erasmus takes a swing to thin the horde Quarterstaff (Two-Handed) (+5)
maybe bonus attack? Or ki dodge?
Erasmus:Step of the Wind to disengage Simon N. (GM):you can't disengage THROUGH them
disengage just means no opp atts
patient defence or flurry of blows
are advisable :)
Patient Defence Simon N. (GM):ok, they have disad to hit you
#11 Percy
Percy:i will move possibly disengaging as bonus action when i am were tenho is
Percy:and then shoot devil/demon
Simon N. (GM):that was 30' so back 1
occupied squares are +1, 2nd diagonal is +1
Simon N. (GM):you can be 10' away I reckon
Simon N. (GM):miss anyway
Simon N. (GM):Percy runs through Dawn's skirts... #9 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:OK - Syrus will move
Simon N. (GM):opp att from demon then?
rem you are not a Rogue :)
Kenny - Syrus:Does he get 3 attacks or 1?
Simon N. (GM):very wise, it averages 16 dmg per hit
Kenny - Syrus:Can I muscle through to here?
Simon N. (GM):you can Disengage and move there
or take an opp att
that's why it moved adjacent to you >:)
Kenny - Syrus:Can I disengage and move to here instead?
occupied squares are +1, ie 10'
I will disengage and move to where I am now as movement
Simon N. (GM):GM: the demon is about 2' tall, flying on leathery wings.
Kenny - Syrus:Then cast Thunderclap (Sorry Tenho)
Thunderclap (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Evocation Cantrip |
Range | 5ft. |
Components: | S |
Save | Constitution DC 13 |
Thunder Damage | 2 |
Simon N. (GM):Disengage is an action
so you only have Bonus Action left if anything
So I moved, then I will inspire Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):#5 Mirabelle roll death save
Kenny - Syrus:as bonus action
Erasmus:"Sing me a song, Bard!" ;)
Simon N. (GM):should prob have inspired Mirabelle...
Kenny - Syrus:"We will you will KILL THEM" (as in Queen)
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle roll d20 death save
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(pass) Jyrdani goes into RAGE and attacks goblin.
Tenho drops hand x-bow, draws shortsword & dagger, attacks goblins
Simon N. (GM):goblin: "ow!"
Kenny - Syrus:"Good work Tenho!!!"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn grits her teeth and uses her last Sleep spell on the goblin rear rank...
Jelly:Tenho's fighting skills are impressive, I must say! I thought most lords simply stayed at home, getting soft on sweet-rolls.
Kenny - Syrus:Is ERasmus skipping on a rope?
Erasmus:"It's what I do in the heat of battle"
Simon N. (GM):Around Erasmus the goblin horde collsapses...
Only the goblin in front of Jyrdani is left standing.
Kenny - Syrus:Just one not sleeping - in front of Jyrdani?
Simon N. (GM):Demon: "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, WITCH!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn "Think you may have spared my life, dear Lady!!"
Simon N. (GM):Round 5 (I think)
The last goblin attacks Jyrdani.
Simon N. (GM):6/2 raging = 3 dmg
The demon's stinger lashes out at Dawn
Dawn looks to Syrus as the stinger plunges into her chest. "I'm sorry..."
Simon N. (GM):CON save DC 11
Dawn staggers back and collapses, dead.
Kenny - Syrus:"DAWN!!!!!"
Simon N. (GM):She just took 18 dmg off 8 hp, instant death. :(
She could have run for it but she saved you lot from the goblins.
Kenny - Syrus:She certainly did!!
Simon N. (GM):Percy you shot so no melee weapon for opp att?
Percy:do i get opportunity attack as it goes by?
Simon N. (GM):you could make an unarmed attack against it but don't expect much
Kenny - Syrus:Are we going after the Demon? And running away from this sleeping horde?
Simon N. (GM):It takes 1/2 = 0 dmg
#13 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:Who next? is it Erasmus?
Erasmus:Can I pick my way through without waking any of these goblins and get up to Mirabelle?
Erasmus:Erasmus kneels next to the fallen form of Mirabelle and attempts to stem the flow of the bleeding #11 Percy
Erasmus:"Dammit, come on!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus hopefully I can help when its my turn
Kenny - Syrus:Percy is Killing it TONIGHT!!!
LOL @"Ow!"
Simon N. (GM):It takes 6/2 = 3 dmg
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy - when using the ruler, how do you turn corners??!!
Percy:while holding left right click
Kenny - Syrus:OOC I am using the trackpad on my Mac, so cannot use!
#9 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:OK I move to here
Uses "Scroll of Healing Word" on Mirabelle
Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Healing | 7 |
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle hears the Good Word and wakes up on 7 hp
Kenny - Syrus:"My last scroll from your mentor, Aretha"
Simon N. (GM):#5 Mirabelle & NPCs
Erasmus:"Thanks Syrus. I'm not prepared to lose anyone else today."
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani attacks goblin
Kenny - Syrus:"Hopefully, this may help with a good word with her for not killing the ghost of the child..."
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
goblin is smeared across the walls.
Kenny - Syrus:@Team - the Gobbos will wake soon - lets all move towards the Apes!
Jelly:Mirabelle wakes up looking into the handsome face of Syrus........has she died and gone to heaven?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: drops blades, picks up x-bow, bonus action hide...
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle "My lady, good to have you back" *nods to Erasmus "yes, no more are to die tonight"
Simon N. (GM):Imp PP 11, baf liuck
Kenny - Syrus:WOWWWWWW!!!
Jelly:He must be touched by the gods of battle!
Tenho:The demon imp looks down at the tiny quarrel sprouting from its chest. Its body begins to collapse... Imp: "Wha...? How...?"
Tenho: "Silver quarrel. Very handy."
The demon imp collapses in on itself and vanishes in a puff of foul smoke.
Kenny - Syrus:@Tenho "you hide silver from us!!! ;)"
Tenho:GM: You're out of combat. The magically slumbering goblins won't wake naturally and can be put to death safely.
Erasmus:"A wise hunter, carrying such tools."
Nods to Tenho Kenny - Syrus:"Nevertheless, I bow to your bravery tonight, Tenho!"
Tenho:Tenho recovers his silver bolt. "Indeed." He nods in Dawn's direction. "Bow to hers."
Percy:can Percy go and collect the ball bearings
Kenny - Syrus:"Now let's slay these foul Gobbos and avenge our dear Dawn!!!"
Erasmus:Do we assume we can just execute the goblins in their sleep?
Percy:all 1000 or shall i roll like 100d10
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy LOL!!
Kenny - Syrus:@GM can I rob the light crossbow off one of the goblins please, and arrows?
Erasmus:"Let's see what these creatures were carrying..."
Simon N. (GM):It had a shortbow on it, but...
Percy:can i also collect some arrow off goblins (have i now got 1000 ball bearings or 600
Simon N. (GM):Their lair has piles of loot as well as many bloody bones in the charnel cave to the north
Loot loot LOOOOOT!!!!
Erasmus:Do we see Lothrin's corpse?
Kenny - Syrus:He still wants the sword!
Simon N. (GM):Just lots of well gnawed bones... but you find his sword among the weapons
Skulnar Demon Imp's Hoard: 160 cp, 150 sp, 275 gp, Carnelian (40 gp), Jasper (70 gp), Moonstone (70 gp), 2 x Onyx (60 gp), Quartz (50 gp), 2 x Star rose quartz (20 gp), Cloak of Billowing (common, XGTE), 2 x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)
Also a couple dozen weapons - swords, light x-bows, axes, spears, shortbows etc.
Kenny - Syrus:is light X-bow or shortbows better?
Simon N. (GM):Syrus can take a light x-bow (does more dmg)
Percy:what is the Cloak of Billowing
Simon N. (GM):There's also Lothrin's longbow, which I doubt Syrus can use.
Cloak of Billowing
Wondrous item, minor tier, common
While wearing this cloak, you can use a bonus action to make it billow dramatically.
Source: XGE, page 136
Jelly:Mirabelle would be happy to learn archery from Percy or Syrus in the downtime.
Simon N. (GM):well I just gave you the text :)
Kenny - Syrus:Tenho is the one to learn archery I think, from tonight's actions!
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus would love the cloak, being a dramatic bard!
Percy:what does dramatic billowing do (mechanically)?
Kenny - Syrus:It has no abilities other than making the wearer a bit of a ponce! ;)
Jelly:I agree, it would suit him very well!
Simon N. (GM):Monster XP 92 + quest XP 50 = 142 XP each
Erasmus:OOC Coin gives equivalent of 47gp 16sp
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks @Erasmus, will add coin-age now!
Simon N. (GM):Dramatic billowing could conceivably affect Performance or Persuasion check DC
or even Intimidate
Erasmus:Gems equal 390gp in total
Simon N. (GM):one way or another :)
Jelly:Do we have a group Treasurer?
Percy:26 cp 25 sp and 45 gp each
Erasmus:65gp each, but no way to split.
(in gems)
Simon N. (GM):OOC very tired - long day! Will need to stop now. You can return to Fulscarp & sell your loot for splitting.
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy do you still fancy the cloak, following from Simon's explanation?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho wants Syrus to give Mirabelle the moonsword to give back to Aretha so she hopefully doesn't come hunting you...
Erasmus:Erasmus scoops up the gems and puts them in his pack to sell later. Percy:you will probably get better use out of it
Jelly:That was a brilliant game! Thank you very much Simon! See everyone on the 27th.
Simon N. (GM):Prob start w that discussion back in Fulscarp next time. You take Dawn back for proper burial?
Percy:can i drink a potion of healing?
Jelly:Got to go all but see you next time!
Erasmus:Absolutely re Dawn.
Thanks all. G'night.
Jelly:And Mirabelle is extremely upset to see the young wizard dead, despite her initial jealousy. She feels very silly about it now.
Kenny - Syrus:@Mirabelle: "Dear Lady, please return this beautiful Moon Sword to your mentor Aretha, and send my apologies for our decision to lay the ghost to rest - if she lets me keep hold of the sword, I swear I will use it to slay evil Ghosts on her behalf - hopefully, using her last scroll to whisper life back to your bosy will help me in my stead"
Percy:is minor healing potion just 1d8?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus hands Moon Sword to Mirabelle Kenny - Syrus:Thanks SImon!
Jelly:Thank you Syrus! I will explain everything, I'm sure she'll understand.
OOC night night everyone!
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy Thanks for Cloak!
Percy:bye see all next Wednesday?
next game next Wed
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy! Yes, see you nexy Wednesday - GREAT fighting tonight!!!
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