Simon N. (GM):Hi guys - it's individual XP, 2 PCs hit level 2 last week
Jelly:Wow that's a crowded tavern!
Simon N. (GM):Player Characters
1. Erasmus Bos (Tim), Human male Monk-2 XP: 363/900 AC 15 HD: 2/2 HP 17 PP 12
2. Syrus (Kenny), Half-Elf male Bard-2 XP: 338/900 HD: 2/2 AC 14 HP 17 PP 11
MI: Moontouched shortsword, Scroll of Healing Word
3. Percy Hollowwood (Christian) Halfling male Rogue-1 XP 253/300 HD: 1/1 AC 14 HP 9 PP 16
4. Mirabelle Cumin (Jelly) Human female Wizard-1 XP 185/300 HD 1/1 AC 11/14 HP 8 PP 9
Simon N. (GM):All your XP tallies on D&D Beyond are accurate
Christian L.:how much does upkeep cost?
Simon N. (GM):>>Wow that's a crowded tavern!<< The whole village is there tonight to hear Syrus play :)
The 10 days at poor inn is 5 gp
Lemme know when we are starting
Jelly:Mirabelle makes sure she's in the front row!
With a very large carafe of the best elvish red.
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle takes her seat :)
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus is now half way into his solo-show. taking the audience through an emotional journey of excitement from going on an adventure with new friends, and winning over the Bandit Queen, to the uncertainly of meeting Aretha, and meeting and fighting Gobbos...
Simon N. (GM):Newly levelled Syrus roll Perform please - you have good material so DC 5 (Very Easy) to do a decent job in this rural tavern.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPerformance(+5) | {15} |
Simon N. (GM):The crowd are loving it.
Syrus (Kenny):Approaching now a heart-renching ballad about loss of a brave handsome warrior (Lothrin)
Jelly:Mirabelle wipes away some tears.....
Erasmus:Erasmus reaches over and puts a hand on Mirabelle's shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze. Simon N. (GM):The farmers' wives are particularly keen on handsome Syrus. Lyssa Brown the teenage daughter of Farmer Brown seems particularly smitten. Dawn Wintersmorn of course is entranced. Even Birk the stablemaster wipes a tear from grizzled cheek.
Syrus (Kenny):(Tonight we will be missing out the bit where we ran away from our adventure at the sound of a Demon possibly ruling over the Gobbos)
Erasmus:Erasmus gives Syrus a knowing nod in recognition of the omission Syrus (Kenny):Syrus suggests we now have an interval as this song ends as he needs a refreshment (and a pee)...
Simon N. (GM):As the song ends the doors open and in comes Tenho Isotalo, 'merchant extraordinaire'. He's accompanied by a fierce looking Nar barbarian woman.
Tenho joins the applause: "Bravo! Bravo!"
Syrus (Kenny):"Let's all now have an interval to refresh our glasses and our spirits, in celebration of the brave handsome Lothrin... CHEERS!!!"
Simon N. (GM):The crowd are clapping loudly and tossing copper pieces - and a couple silver - into Syrus' hat.
add 8 cp & 2 sp Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Oooooo! THANK YOU, you are most generous!!
secret eyeroll as he knows he deserves WAY more than that
Jelly:Mirabelle blows a kiss from the front row.
Simon N. (GM):Mrs Meg Brown blows Syrus a kiss. Tenho smiles at the assembled adventurers. "Good evening my friends. All in good health, I trust?"
Jelly:(lol simultaneous!)
Erasmus:To Tenho: "After our rest, I believe we are refreshed."
Percy (Christian):i sure am and how have you been?
Simon N. (GM):Meg Brown has a baby on her lap she holds firmly in one hand while blowing kiss with the other :)
Erasmus:"What have you been up to this past week?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho nods. "Excellent, excellent. May I introduce my friend Jyrdani of Jiyyd, an accomplished warrior. We met in Ravensburg a few days ago - I offered her a position adding some 'muscle' to our band, as it were."
Jyrdani looks you all over and nods. "Hello there." She is unarmoured, but bears longsword, shield and a brace of javelins.
Syrus (Kenny):@Rosana "M'Lady - more ale for me and my party please, hopefully these coins will suffice?"
hands over 8cp & 2sp he just earned "How have you been since we were away, and how has the village been?"
"What is the latest news?"
Simon N. (GM):Rosana sighs sadly. "No one else dares brave the dark depths of that evil fortress."
She takes the coins and rustles up more drinks, including wine for Mirabelle.
Jelly:(OOC which inn are we at Simon?)
(would Mirabelle know it?)
Syrus (Kenny):@Rosana - "M'Lady, please know we have not given up on your family - we made progress - just needed to refresh and re-group ourselves because it is dangerous in those depths"
Simon N. (GM):You're at the Fulscarp Tavern in Fulscarp as per top of page. :) Tenho: "Talking of the evil fortress, I would very much like to assay another venture. I stopped off with Aretha and acquired a couple more healing potions..."
Fulscarp is 10 miles west of Aretha's Jagged Tower.
Jelly:(thankyou, didn't scroll up!)
Simon N. (GM):sorry 4 miles west
Jelly:Mirabelle is very probably a regular :-)
Erasmus:To Tenho: "What venture do you propose?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus puts a new round of drinks on table for everyone @Tenho "Good to see you again friend, I see you have brought another friend too!
*Fulscarp Manor
This wealthy manor is ruled by strong-willed Lady Aryn Blackthorn. She is a widow with three adult sons, rarely home these days; her eldest son Sir Jorah Blackthorn is himself a capable Ranger of the Golden Thorns. There is occasional conflict with the grasping Baron Solkar of Grimstead. The jagged tower of the hag Aretha is visible on a ridgeline east of the manor; the villagers prefer to ignore it, but it's said that sometimes a villager in dire need will visit Aretha to seek a boon - for a price. Some even say that once, years ago, Lady Aryn did so herself.
Fulscarp has one tavern, the Silver Spoon, with common boarding available in the taproom. The Silver Spoon is run by young Rosana Irkell since both her father & brother, Manlius & Verden Irkell, disappeared recently on a provisioning trip to Ravensburg. Some say they must have become victims of the evil emanating from within Fort Skulnar, former hold of the Ironwolf family, now often known as the Shadowed Keep.*
Tenho nods. "Excellent show, Syrus! Yes, Jyrdani's a lady of few words, but her fighting skills are second to few."
Jelly:Hmmmm, wonder if this new venture has something to do with my mistress' whims again.......
Simon N. (GM):Tenho turns to Erasmus: "I would like to complete our exploration of Fort Skulnar, before entering the caverns below."
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "Good to meet you, dear lady!"
bows to Jyrdani "What are our next plans to rescue Rosana's family - are we going back to the fortress?"
Percy (Christian):(OOC could some one give me and idea of how far we look around in the dungeon or just what happened)
Jyrdani nods respectfully to Syrus. "You sing well."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC ....Oh the same!!!! But it was near a Full Party Kill... :-P
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Mother Aretha was very keen for us to explore the Fort upper works, and said something about a ghost she needed slaying?"
Erasmus:"If Rosana's family were indeed taken to Skulnar, I doubt very much they are now as they were. I learned a little of demons at the monastery, humans are taken for a few reasons, all of which either leave them dead, or altered. Death is very much the lesser fate. If that was indeed a demon we fled from, we did well to escape with our lives."
Jelly:GM does Mirabelle know something about this?
Simon N. (GM):He looks to Syrus. "You have the sword she gave you?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho - yes that would be the reason why she game me this sword
points at Moon-touched Sword Jelly:OOC thanks and apologies, house move this week so no chance to catch up on messages!
Simon N. (GM):Tenho nods. "The gods know why this is so important to her. But I didn't care to argue."
Tenho: "I suggest we head for the Fort tomorrow morning, if that suits you all?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho: "Just to be clear, is this Ghost in the same areas that we fled from at the Fortress, or somewhere else"?
Percy (Christian):yes sounds like a plan
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Aretha expects it's likely in the upper works."
"Which is also where a hope to find clues to the lost Dwarf Hold of Hadramkath."
("I hope")
Jelly:(OOC congrats on the hearing Simon!)
Erasmus:"As long as we are not required to head back to those caverns until we are stronger, I could go along with this."
Simon N. (GM):(thx Jelly- was traumatic!) :)
Syrus (Kenny):"Sounds like a Great plan - let's leave in the morning for Ortress and explore the upper grounds. Lemme now wrap up tonight with one more song for the tavern"
Erasmus:OOC as long as you don't tpk it out on us! ;)
Syrus (Kenny):"Maybe I need not do another song! Everyone is leaving already"
Simon N. (GM):The locals are beginning to drift off...
Lyssa Brown: "Oh, one more song!"
Syrus (Kenny):"TBH I can do with resting my voice"
Simon N. (GM):Meg Brown: "Shush child and come on! There's cows to milk in the morning!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Lyssa "M'Lady I would love to offer one more song, but when we next come back with our next victory - I hear Ghosts are afoot for us!"
Simon N. (GM):Lyssa smiles, wide eyed. "I look forward to it!"
Syrus (Kenny):"Have a lovely evening and sweet dreams"
@Team "I dunno why, but theres a man next to Rosana that looks dodgy to me"
Simon N. (GM):Lyssa waves to Syrus as she's dragged off by her mother...
Syrus (Kenny):@Birk "Friend, are you from around here"?
Simon N. (GM):Birk the stablemaster nods to Syrus. "Mighty fine voice you got there! Me? No, I was born on the South Moors."
Erasmus:Erasmus's ear prick up at the mention of the South Moors. Syrus (Kenny):Syrus begs Erasmus over Erasmus:"South Moors, you say?"
Syrus (Kenny):"AH! South Moors, I have a friend who knows this area too!"
gestures to Erasmus "Meet my friend Erasmus"
Simon N. (GM):Birk looks at Erasmus. "Hey, you look familiar- Isawyn's husband, right?"
Jelly:Mirabelle has run out of wine and heads up to the bar for another carafe. She notices the strange man too...........
Simon N. (GM):Birk: "Ain't been back there in over ten years - heard there was an orc raid five years back..."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Jelly move your token up to the bar if wanna hear the goss ;)
Erasmus:Erasmus's eyes darken at hearing his wife's name Simon N. (GM):Erasmus vaguely recognises Birk, he and his brother were farm labourers and cattle drovers but both left when the war broke out 12 years ago to join the call.
Erasmus:"I am. Was. A lot has happened since then."
Simon N. (GM):Birk nods. "Aye. Ten years of war..."
He brightens. "Still, war's over now and there's a shortage of skilled men like you and me. Some to hunt goblins, some to tend horses, like."
Syrus (Kenny):@Birk "Do you still have family there - any news from them about these Orcs?"
Jelly:Simon does Mirabelle notice anything about the man in the corner? Is it someone she's seen before?
Erasmus:"War was not for me. I was not a fighter."
Simon N. (GM):Birk: "You heard about my brother Will? Floor manager at Gurzun's Festhall! Boy sure done good!"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus thinks: Orc Raids = Treasure + Nice Loot" Erasmus:Erasmus returns to his seat, mournfully. Simon N. (GM):@Mirabelle - Birk has been stablemaster here for over a year now.
Birk shakes his head to Syrus. "I hear the orc raids are getting worse all across the west."
Jelly:OOC I didn't see the name at first, sorry!
Mirabelle is clearly getting a bit tipsy at this point!
Syrus (Kenny):@Birk "Sorry to hear this. What is this Gurzun's Festhall?"
Simon N. (GM):Birk: "Gurzun's? Only the second greatest Festhall in all western Damara!"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC whats a Festhall?
Simon N. (GM):OOC basically a brothel/inn/tavern in roughly that order :)
Syrus blushes
Jelly:Mirabelle will introduce herself to Percy, as don't think they've met properly?
Simon N. (GM):Birk: "Better get back to me horses..."
Jelly:It was all a bit hectic with those goblins, wasn't it! Now that we've time for a drink, may I ask what brought you to join this group of adventurers?
Simon N. (GM):The last of the locals head out.
Percy (Christian):i have been looking to find a new route to life after quite e regrettable past and yourself?
Erasmus:@GM what time is it roughly, please?
Rosana: "Any last orders before I lock up?"
Syrus (Kenny):Shall we call it a night?
Erasmus:To Rosana: "Before you lock up, I would like to get some air. I will be back presently, if you don't mind?"
Simon N. (GM):She nods. "Certainly."
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho "What is in Blackthorn manor"?
Jelly:@ Percy: That sounds intriguing! And admirable! I do regrettable things most days so I'm not sure there's any hope for me :-)
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Lady Aryn's residence."
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho: "Tell me more about Lady Aryn"
Simon N. (GM):The priest looks up as Erasmus appears in the shrine doorway. "Welcome, my son."
Jelly:I want to hone my magical skills, visit as many taverns as I can along the way, find my true know, the usual adventuring goals!
Erasmus:"Father? Brother? How does one address a priest of St Sollars?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho shrugs: "Another one of these widow-ladies so common nowadays. Husband long dead, before the war I believe. Her sons are all away, though some say the eldest Sir Jorah will be returning soon."
"Father" the priest smiles. "Father Bolius."
Erasmus:"Father Bolius."
Erasmus bows "May I spend a moment?"
Percy (Christian):@mirabelle "not a bad idea. tell me more a bout your magic i am not an expert but magic does interest me."
Jelly:Well...what would you like to know?
Simon N. (GM):Bolius: "Of course, my son."
Erasmus:"Thank you, Father."
Jelly:My specialism is in the School of Enchantment: the most powerful school, in my opinion, although it often gets a bad press...
Simon N. (GM):The image of St Sollars the Twice Martyred hangs above the altar, expression of both agony and peace.
Percy (Christian):@mirabelle "were you born with magic?"
Jelly:Ah, no. Those born with magic are known as sorcerers. I had an aptitiude for learning it growing up, but that's not really the same as being born with it.
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus you can roll Religion
Simon N. (GM):A little of the Peace of St Sollars enters into Erasmus' heart (advantage on next WIS save)
Erasmus:*Erasmus kneels before the shrine and closes his eyes. Breathing the incense deeply, he focuses on the memory of his wife; her eyes, her hair, her smile. A small smile touches his lips, before the vision is marred with blood. Anger creeps into his heart, and fear, then anguish.
Percy (Christian):@mirabelle "i take it you learnt from your parents?"
Jelly:I must say, I can't remember the last time I saw a halfling, if you don't mind me saying! I'm sorry if I'm just being nosy, but as far as I know most halflings don't leave their villages, and lead a simple and happy rural life. So it's rare and interesting to see one adventuring.
I'd be so interested to hear a bit more about your past.......
Mirabelle rolls persuasion.
Simon N. (GM):Bolius sees Erasmus' troubled expression and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "The Peace of Sollars be with you."
@ Percy and no, haha, no one in my family knew the first thing about magic, it took ages to persuade them that being a wizard was a future I could pursue.
Simon N. (GM):Tenho yawns: "Well, it's been a long day. If you'll excuse me, I'll be sleeping over there."
Erasmus:Erasmus opens his eyes and looks up to the visage of St Sollars. He takes a moment and takes hold of peace in the way shown to him by the monks of the Yellow Rose. He rests a moment longer before bowing to the effigy and getting back to his feet. Percy (Christian):@mirabelle "well my mother left when i was young and a couple years later my dad lost all his money so we went to live in forests and hoped from town to town and we eventually settled and a was quite rebellious and got mixed up with the wrong people and next thing i know i am in prison for the next ten years"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho unfurls a luxurious fur-lined bedroll and settles down.
Erasmus:"Thanks you, Father. I needed that."
Jelly:@ Percy. Gosh! I can see why you were reluctant to talk about things at first.
Simon N. (GM):Bolius smiles: "The Monks of the Yellow Rose are a fine example to us all."
Jelly:We all have a past. It's the future that counts. Can I get you a drink?
Simon N. (GM):Rosana Irkell pours out more ales. "Last tonight."
Jelly:Let's drink to our futures as adventurers, our glorious destiny!
Percy (Christian):"yes that would be nice one more to sooth the dreams"
Erasmus:"They taught me to find inner peace. Sometimes it is a little more elusive than at others. Goodnight, Father."
Simon N. (GM):Bolius nods. "Goodnight."
Percy (Christian):"To our futures!"
Erasmus:Erasmus returns to the inn and beds dtraight down in silence. Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani just beds down on her fur cloak.
Rosana: "Milady Mirabelle, I have the clean silk bedroll for you, the one with the pink ribbons?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus too beds down, secretly excited on another adventure ahead: more materials for new songs! At this rate an album will be ready by Christmas Jelly:oooh yes, I'd forgotten about that one! My thanks, Rosana!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn seems to have subsided beneath the table and is already snoozing. Rosana smiles. "Don't mention it milady. Nothing but the best for our best customer!"
GM: Rosana shuts up the Inn and beds down on her cot behind the counter.
You settle down in the cosy inn and are soon sleeping...
Percy (Christian):Percy will climb onto one of the tables and fall to sleep
Simon N. (GM):going on to morning...
Morning dawns bright, a little chilly.
You awake refreshed well enough, though the taproom is not the most luxurious residence.
Rosana serves breakfast porridge with bacon chunks.
Tenho: "Yawn - everyone ready to be off?"
Percy (Christian):"as ready as i will ever be"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus picks up a piece of bacon from his porridge and throws it at Tenho to wake him up Erasmus:Erasmus stretches, puts his holy symbol on the floor in front of him and meditates for 10 minutes before joining the rest of the group Simon N. (GM):After breakfast you ready.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus notices Erasmus' diligence with his faith and is very impressed @Team "LET'S DO THIS!!"
Simon N. (GM):Leaving Fulscarp you take the road east...
Syrus (Kenny):@Team this is where we slayed the Bandit Queen and took her sword!
Simon N. (GM):3 miles east - Tenho: "Ah yes, the site of our first great victory over the bandit queen Firaen!"
Dawn: "Wow!"
Jelly:Mirabelle has her usual bad hangover, but hopes that thumping a few gobs will cure it!
Percy (Christian):"and her last loss"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "You must have been very brave, Syrus!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Team: "This is also where we discovered our friend Percy is an under-rated Cleric" *winks at Percy
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Does anyone wish to seek out Aretha? Or shall we head straight for Ft Skulnar?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn "Well, it is really Thanks to Percy that I am still here"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn looks at Percy. "Wow!"
Percy (Christian):"i think we should go straight on"
Syrus (Kenny):"I agree, stright on!"
Erasmus:As long as we have sufficient potions, let's not dawdle."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly "I hear you have a connection with Aretha the Hag?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho nods. "In that case... here, I have these for you." He hands Erasmus & Syrus potions of healing.
Jelly:Yes, she's my mentor!
Jelly:Extremely talented and quite mad, a classic combination!
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho: "Wow, Thank You - is that a potion of Greater Healing, or Superior Healing??" ;)
Erasmus:@GM single stndard potion each, yeah?
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus: Surely they look more than that ;)
Simon N. (GM):(yup) GM: You head east into the woods, passing the Jagged Tower visible close by to the south, then take the familiar north road. After 3 hours hike you see Skulnar in the distance and head off the road...
The woods here are dark and a little sinister...
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly: "I have the feeling Aretha is very gifted at what she does! Happy to hear you don't smell like the swamp like she does though..."
Simon N. (GM):Then you see the dark shapes moving towards you through the trees...
Jyrdani: "Ware! Wolves! Ready your blades!"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC where are we heading? I thought we were going back to the Fotress?
Percy (Christian) draws short bow
Simon N. (GM):You are about 1/4 mile from the fortress
@TEam Let's get us some wolf pelts!!
Simon N. (GM):In the woods between the road to Cumin Manor and Ft Skulnar
Erasmus:I'd probably have been a bit nearer the front of the marching order
Simon N. (GM):GM: You spotted the wolves in time & can act first
Simon N. (GM):I'll take your actions, then wolves' turn
Syrus (Kenny):Do we need an initative order?
Simon N. (GM):you can post in any order, eg those nearest front first is good
Jelly:I don't plan to cast any Area Affect spells so all good.
Syrus (Kenny):OK I will go!
Syrus uses Vicious Mokery at this wolf
Percy (Christian):OOC no fireballs?
Jelly:Fire bolt on the one right in front of me:
Syrus (Kenny):"Who let the dogs out - Who who who WHO!!!"
Simon N. (GM):Syrus mocks wolf...
Kenny - Syrus:Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Enchantment Cantrip |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 4 |
Simon N. (GM):got 10 on WIS, looks befuddled
Mirabelle fire bolts the leftmost, hits, roll d10 for dmg
Simon N. (GM):Dawn also shoots a firebolt at it
Percy (Christian):Percy moves
Syrus (Kenny):(and disadvantage on his next attack! whooop!)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 25 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 6 | |
I do 6 damage | |
Sneak attack? 3 | |
that is far right wolf
Erasmus:Erasmus rushes toward the closest wolf, puts a foot on the rock nearby and leaps up, bringing the quarterstaff down at its head Simon N. (GM):no sneak so 6 dmg
Percy (Christian):rolling 1d6
for crit
Erasmus also attacks it...
AC 13
Erasmus:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):He kills it!
Jyrdani moves up and readies an attack. "Rush in and die, dog!"
Tenho moves up, draws hand x-bow and shoots the leftmost
Simon N. (GM):hits it in the throat - it goes down
Jyrdani swings as a wolf lunges at her...
two wolves la
leap on her - pack tactics so advtg
1 bites her
7 damage and str save
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
she goes down!
And evil GM has house rule that standing provokes opportunity attacks
OOC should have Raged :\
Syrus (Kenny):Back to me? Syrus use Vicious Mockery again on the same wolf from before "You ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time"
Kenny - Syrus:Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Enchantment Cantrip |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 4 |
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "aah!"
Erasmus:Erasmus dashes up and golf-swings at the nearest wolf*
Jelly:Mirabelle will move up and aim another fire bolt:
Erasmus:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
wolf saves vs vicious mockery
Percy (Christian):i will attempt to hide
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle misses
Percy uses an action to hide
in a bush
Percy (Christian):an then shoot with shot bow
Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 8 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 12 | |
I do 6 damage | |
Sneak attack? 6 | |
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus misses staff attack - do you want to bonus action Erasmus?
Percy you cannot hide + shoot until level 2
Percy (Christian):but hiding is one action?
Simon N. (GM):you only get 1 action
Erasmus:As the staff misses, Erasmus uses the momentum to give it a kick Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Unarmed Strike (+5)
Erasmus Bos
(Sorry - only one)
Simon N. (GM):(would have missed anyway Percy vs AC 13)
ok - Erasmus rem you can now spend 1 Ki to make 2 attacks on bonus action. & Ki returns on a short rest.
Dawn shoots a fire bolt at the unwounded wolf
Erasmus:(I only have 2 ki points and reckon I'm going to need them for the fight later)
Simon N. (GM):well rem you can rest 1 hr to recover them
The wounded wolf yowls
Tenho can Bonus Action hide as he sneaks round the boulder...
fail, no advtg on shot
shoots , sneak att as wolf in melee
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
miss :(
Jyrdani: "RAAAH!" bonus action - Rage
She swings w disadvantage as prone
Simon N. (GM):The bloodthirsty wolves savage her...
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus uses Vicious Mockery again!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
Kenny - Syrus:Vicious Mockery (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Enchantment Cantrip |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 3 |
Erasmus:Erasmus jumps over the blade so as not to lose a foot Jelly:Another firebolt from Mirabelle:
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 16 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 24 | |
I do 8 damage | |
Sneak attack? 4 | |
Percy (Christian):i am also hided
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d4+2
9/2 = 4 dmg to Jyrdani
(OOC next time wait until I do the enemy turn before doing next round pls!)
Syrus (Kenny):OOC ooops :-P
Jelly:I thought wolves had gone.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Syrus (Kenny):We are all too excited!
Simon N. (GM):wolf fails vs vicious mockery
Syrus (Kenny):3 points psychic damage, whoooop!
Simon N. (GM):Percy shoots from hiding and drops the right hand wolf
Mirabelle you need to move to have line of sight on wolf
Syrus you should move to have clear line on wolf tpp
OOC maybe I'll use Dyanmic Lighting next time to block your vision :)
Jelly:Oh sorry I can't see the terrain very clearly.
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle moves through some nasty scratchy bramvles and shoots the last wolf with a fire bolt
Mirabelle roll dmg
Simon N. (GM):"Yaroo!" says wolf.
Dawn shoots it w fire bolt...
The wolf takes 17 damage and is smoked... bits of scorched fur rain down on the party.
Simon N. (GM):Dawn looks at her staff in some surprise.
Erasmus:Erasmus reaches down to help Jyrdani to her feet Syrus (Kenny):@Team: "Well done Everyone!" :)
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "Thanks" - she gets up, her Rage cooling.
Tenho: "Indeed - well done!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy
whispers no need for your handy medic skills this time ;)
Simon N. (GM):"A little less reckless perhaps Jyrdani, hm? We don't want to lose another warrior!"
Jyrdani: "I need to patch myself up."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani "We need to get you some armour at the earliest opportunity!"
Dawn Wintersmorn:"We did great!"
Erasmus:To Dawn: "If only Sergor were here. I think that display would have put him in his place."
winks Jelly:Fantastic, Dawn! You're learning fast!
Syrus (Kenny):OOC what is Jyrdani's hp currently pls?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I'm a bare-sark, Syrus - we fight unarmoured. It gives us strength."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani: "Wow, AMAZING!!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Not so amazing, today..." she begins bandaging her bloody thigh.
Tenho:"Wolves are often underestimated."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus gives healing potion to Jyrdani "Here friend, in case of need"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Keep it - I have one Tenho gave me. Use yours on me if I fall."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani: "Will do"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:GM: You take a short rest to catch breath & bind wounds
Syrus can you do song of rest?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d12+2
Erasmus:Can we skin any of the wolves?
Simon N. (GM):She recovers full hp w just the hit die :)
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus joyfully jovially sings "who let the dogs out" in celebration of killing the wolves
Simon N. (GM):You can skin the wolves, apart from the exploded one the pelts are damaged but useable.
Erasmus:(not the charcoal one, obviously)
Syrus (Kenny):2x Pelts!!!
Erasmus:"Does anyone have a dagger I can use, please?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus hands over his dagger to Erasmus Percy (Christian):percy will pass erasmus a dagger
Seta about skinning the wolves
Simon N. (GM):GM: You skin the 3 wolves. An hour later it's about 10.30 am as you set out again and soon approach the Fort walls.... OOC as I said, need to end at 8.30 but next game Sunday 6.30
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus watches as Erasmus skins both wolves with daggers in each hand!! OOC Sure, Thanks Simon!
Simon N. (GM):No sign of life in the ruined fort.
Erasmus:GM No rolls needed to skin? Awesome!! :)
Syrus (Kenny):Shall we end here tonight?
Simon N. (GM):No, you have the pelts :) GM: ok will stop there until Sunday
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus I assume you gave daggers back to me and Percy?
Erasmus:Thanks. How much do the pelts weigh?
Syrus, I did. I just don't have anything with a blade.
Jelly:OOC just posted on the roll20 forum, I won't be able to attend on Wednesdays for the time being but looking forward to seeing everyone fortnightly on Sundays!
Simon N. (GM):(say 5 lb each?) XP: wolves are worth a total 200/7 = 28 XP, +25 for Inn antics = 53 each.
Syrus (Kenny):@GM quick question before we finish - I have armour with hoster with 2x daggers - does this give me any extra abilities?
Percy (Christian):LEVEL 2!!!
Simon N. (GM):You can draw both daggers as part of attack action without using Object Interaction Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):Nice! Do I get 2x attacks then? :)
Simon N. (GM):I'll be kind to Percy and if you can spend 20gp for training we'll say you did it over the past 10 days
Percy (Christian):thanks!
Simon N. (GM):You can attack with a dagger off hand as your bonus action Syrus - thrown or melee, d4 dmg no DEX bonus
Syrus (Kenny):Thanks!! @Percy you can now go hide AND shoot!! :-D
Christian L.:we are playing next Sunday right?
Simon N. (GM):Sunday 6.30pm yup
Syrus (Kenny):THIS sunday! Whoooop! :)
Simon N. (GM):I can do Wednesday weekly & Sunday fortnightly, inc this Sunday
ok must go!
Erasmus:Awesome. Thanks everyone.
Syrus (Kenny):@Jelly you will be missed on Wednesdays!!
Erasmus:G'night Simon , and well done for today.
Syrus (Kenny):Bye everyone! See y'all Sunday
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