Simon N. (GM):OOC I'm hoping your new meat shield Jyrdani lasts longer than Lothrin!
Kenny - Syrus:Hello Tim! :)
OOC I do feel we prob didn't make full use of Lothrin when he was with us.... :-P
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Hopefully Jelly will be joining us?
Tenho:"I suggest we proceed immediately to the Keep, and explore the upper chambers?"
Erasmus:"A good plan. Let's go."
Kenny - Syrus:@Team "Let's do this - slay that Ghost!"
Percy (Christian):on we go
Kenny - Syrus:"It is in the old tower, right?"
Tenho:"The main Keep or Donjon, I think..."
Kenny - Syrus:@Tenho: "Certainly there are upper levels that we have yet to explore...
Tenho:Dawn casts
Light on her staff as you enter the Keep.
Simon N. (GM):sorry was GM saying that :)
Kenny - Syrus:*Syrus pulls out moon sword to shed light for whole party
Erasmus:OOC Good point. I probably can't see and yet I'm rushing off!!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC But Erasmus is super Confident!!
Simon N. (GM):There is some light coming in the narrow windows, it's full daylight outside.
The dead husks lie of the wolf spiders lie where they fell.
(I've PM'd Jelly)
Erasmus:"Shall I lead the way?"
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani shrugs.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"If you like, Monk."
Percy (Christian):i can sneak ahaed if you wish
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus "I will follow directly behind you with the sword to light the way"
@Percy "Great idea, friend!"
Percy (Christian):if i see anything i will come back
Erasmus:"OK, You go first Percy, O'll follow behind you."
Percy (Christian):before engaging
@gm stealth check?
Erasmus:To GM - I'd like to follow, but stay far enough behind as to not actually go into the room.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Percy creeps upstairs moderately quietly - the upper floor landing is empty, 3 doors off it. The stairs continue up to the battlements.
(I'll move you all up now)
GM: You all come out onto the landing of the Keep donjon.
(SW part of VTT)
Syrus (Kenny):Did we listen to these doors before?
Erasmus:"Pick a door, Percy"
Simon N. (GM):There is an air of sadness here. The doors show clear signs of battle damage, of having been broken through, smashed locks and splintered wood.
Percy (Christian):can we see through any of the doors (without opening them?
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
You can see a little through the NW and S doors. Through NW door you see what looks like a table. Through a gap in S door you see a bed and bones lying on it.
Percy (Christian):"i thing we should go through this door" gesturing to the south door
"i want to know what these bones are"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus makes sure his moon sword is ready on hearing bones on bed Simon N. (GM):Jelly PM'd me, she got mixed up on dates - MIrabelle is drinking too much to be any use tonight :)
Erasmus:"Do we think it's worth sneaking? There's not much space in any of these rooms, and Syrus has perhaps the only weapon that can actually hurt ghosts..."
Percy (Christian):"you are probably wright because as soon as we start fighting everything else is going to hear us"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC if we are not stealthing, shall we are meat shield, erm Jyrdani to lead the way?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani shrugs and boots the door open!
What was once an opulent bedchamber is now a shattered
wreck. Dust lies thickly and scorched, broken furniture is
scattered about. A skeleton lies on the bed and several more
blackened skeletons lie by the door.
The body on the bed wears the remains of a nobles' dress.
Simon N. (GM):Her skull is caved in.
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus will go in and inspect the other skelts
Simon N. (GM):There are 3 burned skeletons near the door - looks like 2 goblins and a stocky tusked humanoid - an orc?
There is a trapdoor against the east wall.
It was locked, but appears to have been crowbarred open.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team "These are foes probs from the basement - the noble lady may have burnt them?"
Percy (Christian):*percy will attempt to determine how the goblins and "orc " died
Simon N. (GM):Medicine DC 10
Simon N. (GM):Definitely burnt to death, blast from the front?
Erasmus:Stepping gingerly over the skeletons as not to disturb them, Erasmus enters the room Dawn Wintersmorn:"Oo! Could be a Burning Hands spell - very powerful magic!"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus would like to go through the noble dress Dawn Wintersmorn:The skeleton's robes are mouldering and spattered in long dried blood.
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn (maybe OOC?) is Burning hands a cantrip?"
Erasmus:"Let's not go defiling this corpse - it could be the tether for the ghost we seek."
Dawn Wintersmorn:"A 1st order spell!"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus eyerolls Syrus would like to check the bed and under the bad
Tenho:Tenho looks at the trapdoor. "Hmm... wonder where this leads."
Syrus roll Investigation or Survival
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesSurvival(+2) | {16} |
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesSurvival(+2) | {16} |
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesSurvival(+2) | {21} |
Syrus (Kenny):Soz! Thought something went wrong!
Tenho:There's nothing under the bed but dust, but scrape marks indicate the bed once lay against the east wall, over the trapdoor.
Simon N. (GM):Sorry that was GM :)
Erasmus:To Tenho: "Shall we have a look?"
Tenho:Tenho: "Sure - help me lift it."
Erasmus:Assists Tenho open the trapdoor Percy (Christian):"possibly the bed was moved to gain assess to the trapdoor after this little scuffle"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus nods at Percy Simon N. (GM):Together Erasmus & Tenho lift the heavy trapdoor. You see a dark and narrow spiral stair leading down, steps are only 2' wide, you'll need to squeeze - except Percy.
Syrus (Kenny):@Team shall we finish looking at this floor before looking down the trapdoor?"
Percy (Christian):"probably the best idea"
Erasmus:"Okay. Let's close this for now.
Simon N. (GM):You close the trapdoor.
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy "your pick on the next door!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani: "This one?"
Percy (Christian):"north west?"
Simon N. (GM):The old door bursts open...
A large table and four chairs stand in this chamber.
Against another wall stands a dusty desk, its drawers pulled out
and smashed on the floor. Mouldering paper surrounds the desk.
Erasmus:I'd like to check the papers
Simon N. (GM):Tenho sees the papers and his eyes light up. "Aha!"
Percy (Christian):"someone has already searched this room"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus would like to check the large table and chairs Simon N. (GM):Tenho & Erasmus start going through the papers.
Syris roll Perception or Investigation
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPerception(+2) | {9} |
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus finds a lot of tattered notes, something about 'Hadramkath'. Lots of stuff about orc and goblin tribes. Roll Investigation Erasmus.
Erasmus:Investigation (+3)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Dawn assists Percy.
Erasmus:"Oo look. aper." :)
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho "you still looking for info on the drawven city?"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Just an old table..."
Tenho nods. "Why yes, Brother Erasmus."
Erasmus:Hands the papers to Tenho and sets about examining the desk Syrus (Kenny):OOC: @Tim we are not very perceptive in this room LOL
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani lifts up a loose flagstone beneath the desk, revealing a secret cache.
Erasmus:OOC Huh? Who said that?!
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani kneels down and picks up a pouch from the hole under the desk.
Weighing it.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hm. Coins."
Percy (Christian):"what about coins?"
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy you are missing out! Staying out there, theres LOOT!!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+5
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus would like to be nosey and look at Erasmus' papers as well Tenho:Tenho is going through the notes. "Aha! So Valentin Ironwolf believed that Hadramkath was in fact Khundrakar! Not an uncommon view... but these schematics show a secret orc tunnel into the Fallen Halls, bypassing the Ogre clan that dwells above!"
"Excellent!" he beams.
Syrus (Kenny):@tenho does all this gibberish mean that you have now a route to that dwarven city you spoke of?"
Tenho:Tenho shows Syrus the notes. Lots of stuff about the Fallen Halls - Khundrakar, the dwarf warlord Durgeddin, his smithing of the legendary Dwarven Weapons of Power...
"Well, sort of Syrus. Yes! This will need much more investigation, but all indications are that Valentin Ironwolf had discovered a potentially unguarded access to the weapons forges of Hadramkath."
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy "I think Tenho means theres a lot of good loot ahead" *winks
Percy (Christian):Percy smiles
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho "NICE!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jydani counts out 25gp from the pouch, and a small vial. She sniffs it. "Oil."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC so is Tenho going over the notes that Erasmus is holding?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Tenho grins at Syrus. "Indeed!"
Erasmus:OOC I gave the papers to Tenho
Syrus (Kenny):OOC I see! Missed that bit :-P
Erasmus:OOC What was that you were saying about not being very perceptive? lol
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani hands out 4gp to each of you (can add to PC sheet), taking 5 herself.
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus touché!! LOL ;)
Simon N. (GM):Dawn sniffs the vial.
Dawn Wintersmorn:rolling d20+4
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani "Thank You Ma'am"
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Aha! Oil of Magic Weapon! This will turn a mundane blade enchanted and razor sharp for a full hour!"
Jyrdani: "Handy..." she stoppers the vial.
Syrus (Kenny):@Dawn this will be good to help slay the Ghost! Maybe this one is for you Erasmus?
Percy (Christian):"thanks for the gold"
Dawn Wintersmorn:Jyrdani: "If a ghost needs killing, I'll kill it."
Erasmus:"Thank you Jyrdani. That oil will come in useful. Any of us without a magic weapon would benefit, but it doesn't look like there is enough for more than a single application."
Syrus (Kenny):@Team ...anything else to do in this room, or shall we look at the last room?
Percy (Christian):"i think we should go to the last room"
Syrus (Kenny):OOC THERE IT IS!
Simon N. (GM):Dust shrouds this obviously looted bedchamber. The small
skeleton of a child lies sprawled among the ruin. Above the
skeleton hovers the translucent figure of a young boy, his
spectral face streaked with tears.
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani - you seem hesitated - whats there?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Ghost!"
Syrus (Kenny):@Ghost: "Young Boy, what is your name?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"
Einar sob"
Simon N. (GM):said the ghost :)
"Einar Ironwolf"
Syrus (Kenny):"Einar, How is it that you are not at rest - is that your body here"
"What is keeping you from crossing over"
Simon N. (GM):Gaping, ragged wounds (including a slashed throat) pierce this
spectral child’s bloodstained nightshirt and body. Tears roll
down its cheeks as it regards you with red eyes filled with a
mixture of fear and loathing.
Syrus (Kenny):"We are not here to cause pain, we are investigating - what happened to you?"
Simon N. (GM):Illumination: Windows framed by open shutters allow bright
light into this chamber.
Bed: The moulding sheets and bedspread have obviously
been slashed. A large dried bloodstain covers much of the bed.
Skeleton: The skeleton is of a young human child of about
10‐years‐old. Deep gashes in his
Simon N. (GM):vertebrae that suggest someone sawed at this throat with a
jagged blade.
Syrus roll Persuasion w advtg
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPersuasion(+4) | {23} |
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesPersuasion(+4) | {6} |
Simon N. (GM):Einar wipes away a spectral tear, sniffling, and gives Syrus a wan smile. "I want to rest beside mummy and daddy. Bury us together?"
"Daddy died in the Great Hall. Mummy is closer."
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus
whispering "The lady next door mum be his mum - can you recall where his dad is?"
@Percy Do you remember too?
Simon N. (GM):GM: There were a lot of bones in the Great Hall where you killed the spiders.
Syrus (Kenny):@Ghost "We can certainly try to bury you all together"
Percy (Christian):ye i remember
Simon N. (GM):Einar nods gratefully.
Syrus (Kenny):"Are you able to follow us to show us where your mum and dad are?"
Simon N. (GM):Einar looks thoughtful. "OK." He wafts through the east wall...
Erasmus:"I'm sure the woman in the bed next door would be this boy's mother. We should gather the remains."
Tenho:Tenho coughs and mutters. "The Moonsword?"
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus now feel guilty for going through Einor mum's robes "Is this your mother?"
Simon N. (GM):Einar: "Kaarina - my mummy."
Syrus (Kenny):@Tenho "shhhhh!"
Simon N. (GM):"She was very brave. Look, she killed three monsters!"
Tenho shrugs and falls silent.
"I'm sure if you bury us, she'd want you to have the Treasure."
Syrus (Kenny):"Will carrying your mum's remain help to move her with you?"
Erasmus:"Syrus, as if we are safe to collect the remains of the three of them."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC balls I have to start my Zoom call now for 30/45mins - can you guys take over?
Simon N. (GM):Einar: "Take my bones too. Bury us under the trees? I always liked the trees."
GM: I fancy a 15 minute break now - resume 7.40 ok?
Syrus (Kenny):*Syrus hands moon sword to Erasumus, in case the party needs it
Erasmus:*Collects the remains of Einar."
Percy (Christian):ok i am fine with a break
Syrus (Kenny):@Percy @Erasmus: Let's try to resolve this without violence
Percy (Christian):"good idea"
Syrus (Kenny):Be right back! :)
Simon N. (GM):With Einar's bones he is able to go downstairs with you and point out his father's remains near the east end of the great hall.
(ok back in 15)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Are you collecting the three sets of bones and burying them in the woods?
Erasmus:I believe that is the preferred course of action. Unless anyone else has any specific objections?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Sounds good to me."
Dawn Wintersmorn:"It's for the best."
Tenho:"Aretha won't be happy - but do as you think best."
Erasmus:"What is Aretha's connection here?"
Simon N. (GM):It's not too hard to scrape out the loose soil beneath the trees and dig down fairly deep.
Percy (Christian):"i think it is the best path of action"
Erasmus:"Why would she object?"
Tenho:"She wanted the moonsword used to kill the ghost... I think she wanted to harvest the boy's soul for some magic."
"Or to trade, perhaps."
Dawn Wintersmorn:"That's horrible, Tenho!"
Percy (Christian):"souls are valuable because no one wants to give theirs up"
Erasmus:"This child's soul must be allowed to pass on. If Aretha is in need of a soul, let us find one that is not so innocent."
Dawn Wintersmorn:"I agree!"
Percy (Christian):"screw that hag"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I'm inclined to agree, also."
Erasmus:"Mmm... I doubt Syrus would agree to going that far with her..."
Tenho:Tenho looks nervous. "You do understand... Aretha is
extremely powerful? Those who cross her tend not to live long and happy lives."
Erasmus:"This child did not live a long and happy life. I cannot, by the light of St Sollars, condone the harvesting of this child's soul."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"We all have to die sometime, Tenho. I'm with Erasmus."
Percy (Christian):"we should but the child to rest"
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Me too! St Sollars teaches us to protect the innocent - not give them to a
Erasmus:"If she wishes to sent us on some other errand, perhaps to assist Mirabelle, we can consider that at that time."
Dawn Wintersmorn:Tenho nods resignedly. "As you will. I suggest we avoid the Jagged Tower for the foreseeable future. Mirabelle can take her back the Moonsword."
Simon N. (GM):sorry was Tenho :)
Erasmus:"That we can do."
Percy (Christian):"i think that will be best"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You get to work, and soon the three skeletons are buried well enough no casual wildlife are likely to dig them up.
Erasmus:In the absence of a cleric, Erasmus says some words as the remains are committed to the ground. Simon N. (GM):Einar smiles at Erasmus as he fades away...
GM: OK you all get Inspiration!
Erasmus:Erasmus also spills some holy water over the graves to ward off evil. Percy (Christian):OOC can you get more than one inspiration
Simon N. (GM):It's about 1pm now and you're hot from your work and quite hungry.
ooc no sadly
best to spend it every session
Erasmus:"Shall we head back and check that trapdoor?"
Tenho:Tenho munches on some jerky. "Good idea."
Percy (Christian):"i think yes"
Erasmus:OOC have a holy water flask. Would that be a single use thing, or can it be more for sprinkling?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head back up to the keep's upper floor, Percy's little legs causing him to fall behind. :)
OOC: I'd say 3/5 of a vial for the 3 skeletons.
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani and Erasmus get the trapdoor back open.
The narrow spiral winds down for 20' to ground level, then widens as it descends into the ground...
Erasmus:As Syrus is the only one that can see in the dark, he should lead.
Simon N. (GM):Dawn uses Light
Syrus can too
Simon N. (GM):10' below ground the stairs end at the west end of a low ceilinged stone corridor.
At the east end of the corridor, stout wooden doors bar
further progress. Above the door, a horrible carving of a demon
leers down at you.
Erasmus:"Percy - any chance you check for traps?"
Simon N. (GM):Ceiing here is only 7'.
Percy (Christian):what skill is trap checking?
Simon N. (GM):Perception usually
Simon N. (GM):depends what you're doing though
The doors are firm shut and have no visible lock. There seems to be a small rock(?) inside the leering demon face's mouth, above the door.
Percy (Christian):can i grab it
Simon N. (GM):It's too high for you to grab.
Percy (Christian):embarrassed i will ask erasmus to grab it
Simon N. (GM):Inspecting it, it looks like a small raised protuberance in the back of the mouth, not loose.
Erasmus:"Not to worry, Percy."
Checks if there appears to be any sign that this is the trigger for something
Simon N. (GM):Roll Investigation Erasmus
Percy (Christian):OOC can percy roll/ assist
Simon N. (GM):OK Percy roll Investigation
Dawn Wintersmorn:"I don't like this..."
Percy (Christian):skill checkInvestigation 0 | |
OOC i have gone blind
Simon N. (GM):Percy, the demon maw's lower jaw appears to be hinged (that's from your Passive Per).
Erasmus:To GM: Would we have any sense of where this door may be in relation to where we got to in the tunnels beneath the keep?
Simon N. (GM):No way to tell if the rock is a trigger.
You were near the east wall of the keep. You should now be under the courtyard.
The caves were much further down.
Or further south?
Percy (Christian):"i geuss so"
Simon N. (GM):The stairs down to the caves went down much further yes.
Erasmus:"Tenho, Jyrdani, what are your thoughts?"
Simon N. (GM):The roofs of the caves would be about 20' below your current position.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I can boot the doors?"
Simon N. (GM):Percy - looks like the doors swing open towards you, so that wouldn't work well.
Percy (Christian):"i wouldn't advise that"
Erasmus:"Hmm... Dawn - do you perhaps have the means to manipulat the stone from a distance?"
Tenho:"This is likely the famous Ironwolf treasure vault."
Dawn Wintersmorn:thinks hard "Yes! I can!"
squints at demon mouth "I can summon an Unseen Servant and have it push the button!"
Erasmus:"Then I think that would be the safest option. let us back up in case of... consequenses."
Percy (Christian) backs up
Simon N. (GM):Looking past Percy, Dawn mutters an incantation.
There's a loud click from the door.
Suddenly the demon mouth's jaws slam shut.
Percy - you think the doors are now slightly ajar.
Hi Kenny!
Simon N. (GM):nothing obvious
Kenny - Syrus:Just finished my call - longer than expected!! Just need the loo quickly!
Tenho:"I think the doors just opened. Jyrdani, be a dear and..."
Erasmus:Is there any light inside?
Tenho:Erasmus goes to the doors. As he steps up they swing open!
Tenho:This dusty chamber has a low ceiling – barely eight‐feet high and shield.
several niches pierce the walls. Against one wall rests a black
shield and a longsword of obviously fine make. In front of you a
sinuous snake skeleton topped with a fanged human skull rises
gracefully from the floor...
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus I'll do you first, then the monster, then everyone
Erasmus:Tosses the Moon touched sword to Syrus Kenny - Syrus:OOC Yikes - this looks like a boss battle??!
Simon N. (GM):There are chests in the alcoves, and a shining longsword & shield against the far wall.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus catches the sword, nods to Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):Are you moving too Erasmus?
Erasmus:OOC I can't get in
Actually, I don't have any attacks now because of throwing the sword?
Simon N. (GM):yup - object interaction + action
The skull-snake (Necrophidius) moves forward, writhing in a hypnotic dance (Charm effect)
Kenny - Syrus:OOC OMG A Dead saucy snake!!!
Simon N. (GM):Roll DC 12 WIS save or Charmed & Stunned (Syrus has advtg I believe?)
Kenny - Syrus:OOC yes as Syrus is half-elven
Simon N. (GM):effects everyone but Jyrdani round the corner]
Percy (Christian):{{name=Saving throw}}{{ Wisdom check
Kenny - Syrus:So everyone Wisdom save?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesWisdom Save(+1) | {17} |
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Dawn: "ooo..."
Simon N. (GM):ok you all passed?
Simon N. (GM):You can act now, I suggest Erasmus last as he already acted
Kenny - Syrus:Yes - Lemme know when it is my turn
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani moves up readying sword & shield
post your actions please
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus casts Dissonant Whispers at the saucy snake
Dissonant Whispers (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Enchantment |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Save | Wisdom DC 13 |
Psychic Damage | 11 |
Simon N. (GM):No effect Syrus
Tenho shoots his hand x-bow at it.
Percy (Christian):move, hide, draw short bow
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Simon N. (GM):bounces off door post
OK Percy you hide behind Tenho
you can do all that & also shoot now!
It has cover from your location
so +2 to its AC
Percy (Christian):but i thoght drawing bow was an action
Simon N. (GM):you have advtg as hidden
Kenny - Syrus:OOC did my spell not work because I cannot see the snake??
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 7 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 23 | |
I do 8 damage | |
Sneak attack? 1 | |
Simon N. (GM):>>ut i thoght drawing bow was an action<< appears to be an object interaction
Percy (Christian):so no attack?
Simon N. (GM):@Syrus no it appears to be immune to mind magic
You can do an object interaction + an action so Percy can shoot
Erasmus:Moves around the creature and strikes with the quarterstaff Simon N. (GM):23 - Percy hits, sneak attack
Erasmus:OOC Still can't get in the room
Percy (Christian):so 23 to hit and 9 damage
Kenny - Syrus:OOC why can Erasmus not get in room?
ok I see why - Dynamic lighting!
Erasmus:Might have something to do with the lighting on the page?
Simon N. (GM):I've removed the block
Percy (Christian):everything has gone black
Kenny - Syrus:Ahhhh no light :-O
OOC BTW how did the ghost scenario work out?
Erasmus:Quarterstaff (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Percy (Christian):no combat we burried the parents
Simon N. (GM):ok I've turned on Dynamic Lighting. It always blinds the PCs for some reason!
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy so peace prevailed?
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus whacks the monster for 5 - his blunt staff seems more effective than Percy's arrow.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Percy Whoooop! :-D
Simon N. (GM):Have all PCs acted?
Erasmus:OOC But you've got to "Screw the hag". Take one for the team, buddy!
Simon N. (GM):Dawn WIS save
Erasmus:BA Flurry of Blows
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
Dawn Wintersmorn:still Charmed
Erasmus:Flurry of Blows (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:OOC @Erasmus o_O
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 - hit for 5 blunt
Erasmus:Flurry of Blows (+5)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):GM: It seems resistant to arrows (half dmg) but is taking full dmg from the staff & fists of Erasmus.
Simon N. (GM):OK, Necrophidius' turn...
It bites at Erasmus.
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus' skin blackens where it bites his arm...
Simon N. (GM):9 Necrotic damage and make a DC 12 CON save
Erasmus:Constitution Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus goes rigid!
OK your goes (not Erasmus or Dawn)
Erasmus Erasmus Bos is : Paralyzed
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 23 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 20 | |
I do 6 damage | |
Sneak attack? 4 | |
do i get sneak attack?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani applies the magic oil to her sword & moves up.
yes - SA as Jyrdani adjacent - Percy hits for 10/2 = 5 dmg
Tenho also shoots (clear shot)
Percy (Christian):can i then hide behind tenho
roll stealth
Syrus to go
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will do 2 Weapon fighting with Moon sword and Rapier
Erasmus Bos (Tim):OOC Could I have used my inspiration after rolling the save?
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesRapier | {18} |
Piercing Damage | 9 |
Simon N. (GM):you declare insp ahead of roll to get advtg on it
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Ok. No worries.
Kenny - Syrus:@Eramus - do you already have inspiration for your next roll?
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus Good!
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 - Syrus hits w rapier. NB can't two weapon fight w rapier unless you have that Fighting Style, which only Fighters & Rangers can get.
Syrus hits for 9/2 = 4 dmg
Kenny - Syrus:OOC can Healing word help with Erasmus being paralysed?
Simon N. (GM):Dawn WIS save
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Uh... where am I?"
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus what is your HP now
Kenny - Syrus:Do you need healing?
Kenny - Syrus:OK for Syrus Bonus action, can I cast healing word
Dawn Wintersmorn:Syrus you can Bous Action HW
Kenny - Syrus:for Erasmus
Healing Word (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | 1st Level Evocation |
Range | 60ft. |
Components: | V |
Healing | 4 |
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus recovers 4 hp
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus roll your DC 12 CON save vs paralysed. If you use Inspiration you have advtg - must say b4 roll
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Defo using.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):rolling 2d20+2
Simon N. (GM):OK Erasmus recovers just in time... snake's turn
Kenny - Syrus:OOC WOW!!!!
Simon N. (GM):The snake does its Hypnotic Dance again... everyone roll DC 12 WIS save, Syrus w advtg
Erasmus:Wisdom Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesWisdom Save(+1) | {8} |
Erasmus Erasmus Bos has no active condition
Percy (Christian):rolling 1d20+2
Erasmus Erasmus Bos is : Charmed
Erasmus Erasmus Bos is : Charmed, Stunned
Percy (Christian):nat 20!!!
Dawn Wintersmorn:Syrus roll your 2nd save
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesWisdom Save(+1) | {14} |
OOC Phew!
Dawn Wintersmorn:roll d20+4
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling 1d20 + 1
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy: Nice roll!!
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy could be just you me and Dawn this next turn!!
Tenho:Erasmus Tenho & Jyrdani are Charmed & Stunned
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn "What is your most effect spell M'Lady??"
Tenho:Dawn: "Sleep I don't think it'll work!"
Kenny - Syrus:OOC is it my go?
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Fire bolt!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn YASSS!
Dawn Wintersmorn:Dawn shoots an FB, misses
Dawn Wintersmorn:Syrus & Percy can go
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus casts Thunderclap
Percy (Christian):am i hiden?
Kenny - Syrus:Thunderclap (Syrus, Bard of Many Guises)Source | Evocation Cantrip |
Range | 5ft. |
Components: | S |
Save | Constitution DC 13 |
Thunder Damage | 3 |
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 13 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 12 | |
I do 8 damage | |
Sneak attack? 5 | |
Kenny - Syrus:OOC I know - its 5' radius!
Dawn Wintersmorn:Percy misses (as it is AC 15 w cover)
Dawn save
3 dmg
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn - Soz M'Lady - does Fire Bolt work from 5 feet further away?
Tenho grunts manfully.
Dawn Wintersmorn:Dawn: "I moved up to shoot cos you were in the way!"
(was avoiding the cover penalty)
Kenny - Syrus:@Dawn "Ah OK!"
Dawn Wintersmorn:(should have moved back after firing) :)
OK Jyrdani Erasmus & Tenho can roll their WIS saves to recover, before snake goes
Erasmus:Wisdom Save (+2)
Erasmus Bos
DC 12
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+1
Snake 1-3 Jyrdani 4-6 Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):The snake bites Erasmus, w advtg as he's Stunned
got 18 - hit
Erasmus takes 9 Necrotic & DC 12 CON save or paralysed
Erasmus Bos (Tim):rolling d20+2
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus on 3 hp?
Simon N. (GM):Snake is feeling vulnerable so ducks out of the doorway
still adjacent to Syrus so no opp att
Can I go next!
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Syrus & Percy can act
Kenny - Syrus:Can I do 2x weapon fighting with dagger & shortsword?
Percy (Christian):i use inspiration to get advantage on attack and sneak attack
Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 17 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 6 | |
I do 6 damage | |
Sneak attack? 6 | |
Simon N. (GM):if you drop rapier yes. Rem off hand attack is bonus action
Percy shoots it for 12/2 = 6 dmg
Percy (Christian):you can sneak attack with a ranged weapon
it takes 1/2 dmg from Piercing
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus will moven, then do 2-weapon attack with short sword and dagger
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesShortsword | {14} |
Piercing Damage | 6 |
Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesDagger | {11} |
Piercing Damage | 5 |
Simon N. (GM):The Moonsword cuts through it, bones clatter to the ground (full dmg). The dagger plunges into its skull and pins it to the wall.
It writhes a bit then stops moving - you win!
Kenny - Syrus:OOC That was pure LUCK!!! :-O
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani & Erasmus slowly awake.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Hnghh..."
dagger technically missed...
The snake starts moving again...
Kenny - Syrus:OK I finish taking movement
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "Die! Die! Die!"
Tenho shoots
miss :(
Simon N. (GM):Syrus you know it gets an opp att if you move away from it?
Simon N. (GM):ok just stay there
Erasmus Bos (Tim):(And it'll leave little ol' me with 3 HP it's only target...)
Simon N. (GM):snake 1-3 Syrus 4-6 Erasmus
Kenny - Syrus:Taking one for the team!
Simon N. (GM):it bites Syrus
8 Necrotic & DC 12 CON save
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus, Bard of Many GuisesConstitution Save(+2) | {15} |
Simon N. (GM):ok your turns...
Kenny - Syrus:Can I do 2-weapon fighting with 2x moon sword
Simon N. (GM):This is a bit of a horror film :)
Percy (Christian):Short bow attackI attack with my short bow 22 Vs AC | |
Advantage or disadvantage 6 | |
I do 8 damage | |
Sneak attack? 3 | |
Erasmus Bos (Tim):When do we get to roll our saves?
Simon N. (GM):Percy' arrow nails it to the wall for 11/2 = 5 dmg, it stops movinf
Kenny - Syrus:YES PERCY!!!
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus & Jyrdani recover
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Oh. Ok.
Kenny - Syrus:OOC Loot Loot LOOT!!!
Simon N. (GM):The bones clatter to the ground.
There's a Darkwood shield emblazoned with sunburst, a longsword emblazoned with a snarling wolf on the pommel.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Any chance of some healing, please?"
Simon N. (GM):4 mone chests...
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus - there may be potions in chests!!
Tenho:Tenho: "I did give you a healing potion earlier, Brother Bos."
Kenny - Syrus:Let's open all chests!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"I don't want anything blowing up in my face."
Percy (Christian) opens a chest
Kenny - Syrus:"Perhaps Erasmus would be best with the new sword and shield?"
Percy (Christian) but check for traps first:)
Erasmus Bos (Tim):To Tenho: "So you did. Thank you."
Kenny - Syrus:@Erasmus, here, have my healing potion
Gives it to Erasmus Tenho:Percy's chest holds a black leather spellbook and 4 black fletched x-bow bolts.
Erasmus Bos (Tim):To Percy: "I prefer the simplicity of my staff, but thank you."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus' chest holds 378 gp.
Syrus' chest holds 427 sp.
Tenho:Tenho sighs. "1,287 cp"
Erasmus Bos (Tim):rolling 2d4+2
Tenho:Jyrdani goes to take the sword & shield, grinnning. "Magic!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Team "So here is 71 sp for each person in this room!" (Syrus keeps 72sp)
@Percy Whats in your spell book?
Tenho:Tenho hands out 214 cp to each of you.
Percy (Christian):i will flip through the pages of the spellbook
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"63 gold apiece."
Tenho:It seems to be wizard spells.
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus hands out 63 gp each?
Kenny - Syrus:@Teho @Erasmus "Thank You!"
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy: "can you cast those spells?"
Simon N. (GM):Dawn: "We're rich! Let me see that spell book..."
Percy (Christian):no but misareble might
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani nods thanks to Erasmus.
Dawn Wintersmorn:"Hm... 1st—disguise self, hold portal,
hypnotism; 2nd—darkvision, false life and invisibility"
Percy (Christian):OOC sorry for the shoddy spelling
Simon N. (GM):Mirabelle :)
GM: going to wrap up shortly & give XP
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Perfect.
Kenny - Syrus:@GM - OK! Did you give XP after Thurs session? Not sure if I added!
Percy (Christian):"does anyone want these black fletched x-bow bolts or shall i keep them"
Kenny - Syrus:@Percy you keep them, as I cannot use
Erasmus Bos (Tim):"Tenho has a crossbow, right?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho has a hand x-bow w teeny darts
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @"Teeny"
Percy (Christian):OOC when you say x-bow do you mean crossbow?
Jyrdani: "None of you use longsword & shield, right? Best I keep and use these."
Percy (Christian):could we rap up because i need to go now
Kenny - Syrus:@Jyrdani - "All Yours!"
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani grins broadly and raises her sword to salute Syrus.
OK stopping there
Kenny - Syrus:Can you update us on XPs in the thread? :-D
Simon N. (GM):XP each: Necrophidius 116, laying ghost 50, getting treasure 50, exploration 25. Total 241 each!
Kenny - Syrus:Whooop! Did you give us XP after Thurs session?
Percy (Christian):next session is Wesnesday 6:30 right?
Simon N. (GM):After Thursday was Player Characters
1. Erasmus Bos (Tim), Human male Monk-2 XP: 416/900 AC 15 HD: 2/2 HP 17 PP 12
2. Syrus (Kenny), Half-Elf male Bard-2 XP: 391/900 HD: 2/2 AC 14 HP 17 PP 11
MI: Moontouched shortsword, Scroll of Healing Word
3. Percy Hollowwood (Christian) Halfling male Rogue-2 XP 306/900 HD: 2/2 AC 14 HP 15 PP 16
4. Mirabelle Cumin (Jelly) Human female Wizard-1 XP 238/300 HD 1/1 AC 11/14 HP 8 PP 9
Simon N. (GM):Yup Wed 6.30
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon Can you check what XP I should be at pleeeeease? :-P
Simon N. (GM):likely a short session
Erasmus Bos (Tim):Thanks Simon. Great session tonight (I didn't die, and I managed to hit something!!)
Kenny - Syrus:Oh you just did! :)
Kenny - Syrus:Byr Everyone!
Erasmus Bos (Tim):G'Night All. See you Weds.
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon - Just double checking - after tonight, I should be 391+241 XP?
Really enjoyed tonight - happy we didn't have to slay Einor!
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