Simon N. (GM):Anyway if I miss/overlook something just let me know :)
GM: The orc right flank has broken and they're fleeing, but the Orog and the orcs with him are still fighting.
#22 Malied your turn
Malied:Firebotl on the pig beneath Vicy
moving to hide
Simon N. (GM):#21 Erasmus
Erasmus:Having no-one threatening currently, Erasmus heads toward the sounds of combat Seeing the Orog, he moves withing range to release a couple of darts...
Simon N. (GM):1 bounces off, 1 misses
Erasmus:and fails miserably, hoping no-one noticed Battle Sister Bronda:moves to the front and cast sacred flame on the savage orc
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):luck is changing XD
Qiviel:She'll head towards the noise
Double move, end turn
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin will continue hacking pieces off of the orog.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):The Orog staggers.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:throws javelin at Orc hit!
Orc staggers on 1 hp :)
Chris T.:Jack tries to brake his duck with a strike on the orc in front of him.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#11 Jack
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#7 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):worried for the villagers who havent escaped yet Strohm check the huts to make sure everyone is safe
double move and end turn
Simon N. (GM):#5 Krasdar attacks w greataxe
Battle Sister Praetoria:sacred flame The orc dodges it
Orog:The Orog tries to pull Victoria off her horse.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Athletics The Orog tries to mount her horse...
DC 15 Animal Handling
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh shit hes running for it
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d20+1
Vicoria's horse Golden rears up, fending him off.
Norrin & Qiviel can take opportunity attacks
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
The rest of the orcs flee
Jack you may take an opp att
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+5
better :)
Krasdar opp att
had 4 hp :)
Victoria of the Golden Cup:stands up chases after Orog
#22 Malied
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc damn how did youg guys get +5 or +7 to your damage rolls cause damn im lucky to be on your side XD
Malied:steps pout, firebolt on Orog
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Duelist style is good :)
Chris T.:(Gauntlets ofOgre Popwer and +1 sword)
end turn
Simon N. (GM):#21 Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc Nice
Erasmus:Erasmus is 'inspired' and attempts to trip the orog with his Flurry of Blows (Taking advabtage)
Simon N. (GM):Like hitting an iron pot :)
Erasmus:Frustrated, he brings the axe round to the back of the orog's knee Battle Sister Bronda:nice
Simon N. (GM):The axe finds the weak spot... the Orog's leg flies off and he falls, dark blood spurting.
Erasmus:Erasmus nurses his stubbed toe... Battle Sister Bronda:seeing everyone defeated the orcs she went and follow strohm
& #13 Norrin
Qiviel:Q glance around for any other enemies
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin will start chasing after the savage orcs who fled....
Qiviel:She readies an action in case any enemies get near.
Simon N. (GM):GM: The orcs are fleeing south-east towards the Darkwood. There's a bridge over a stream some way out of the village, if they get across the bridge they can hide in the woods.
#11 Jack
Chris T.:Jack too gives chase
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):double moves to the huts
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Remaining orcs flee - Norrin you can take a free attack
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 7
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):right or left orc?
Simon N. (GM):You cut it down
Simon N. (GM):The remaining orcs (6) flee out of sight for now through the vineyards heading for the bridge out of town.
Do you want to chase them or let them go?
Erasmus:"Let them go. We'll catch up with them soon enough. We must make sure the villagers are safe."
Kenny - Syrus:Hello EVeryone! :)
Kenny - Syrus:Good to see you all :)
Muiz:just finish dealing with the orcs
Chris T.:"They could get up to mischief but Idoubt they would want to return here."
Norrin (Geoff):nods "Orcs aren't stupid, but they need strong leadership to organize them."
Chris T.:"I can track them down if you wish. They won't get far."
Erasmus:Erasmus starts turning over the orog Simon N. (GM):hi Kenny :)
Chris T.:(Forest for themis half move I think, full for Jack and I stick to Orcsin woodslike glue.)
Syrus (Kenny):"Sorry I have been singing tales of our victory in the next village, when a drunk told me a group were approaching this week so I guessed it would be you guys!"
(Hello Simon!!)
Chris T.:OOC - Orcs or on to the Chaos Shrine, guys?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK the orcs flee, you're out of combat. :)
It looks like all the villagers are safe.
Smith Brocas and several others thank you for your aid and offer to buy you drinks at the Inn. :)
Syrus (Kenny):@Simin: Can I have my token back when you have a chance :)
Simon N. (GM):You should be able to move it? on street
Chris T.:"We have work to do. I would suggest leaving our horses here though..."
Erasmus:What does Erasmus find on the corpse of the orog?
Qiviel:(Shrine, the orcs are no longer a threat for the moment anyway)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Seeing the villagrs are safe the orcs are nowhere to be seen Strohm went back to the group
Simon N. (GM):Those who fought (not Syrus) get 165 XP for the battle +25 bonus saving village = 190 each.
Syrus (Kenny)::-P Late to the party (liertally)
Simon N. (GM):You killed 14 orcs & the orog, 6 orcs escaped.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):level 3 Nice
Simon N. (GM):The orog has 12gp, plate armour, a flail, a holy symbol of Tsathoggua the toad demon-god, and a shield.
Rem you need to train to level
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):but wait for training week to gain any benefit
Chris T.:Congrats,Muiz :)
Erasmus:"Norrin, any of this any good for you?
Battle Sister Bronda:"Guess we press on while we still have the Aid spell?"
Erasmus:Erasmus hands the 12gp to Norrin Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"plate armor is wasted on this orc mind that i keep it everyone?"
Norrin (Geoff):rapping his knuckles on his breastplate "No, I'm good."
grins Chris T.:Jack urges that we do press on but leave outr mounts here.
Battle Sister Bronda:The Orog plate will need refitting to fit Strohm - Brocas the smith offers to do that for you.
Qiviel:"onwards," Q agrees. "As soon as I check that Rocco will be stabled safely."
Norrin (Geoff):"I think the orcs are defeated for now. Let's get to the shrine."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i'll take that offer smith Brocas"
Simon N. (GM):Villagers: "Hail the heroes! Praise them with much praise!"
Erasmus:To Norrin: "at least this one didn't get away."
Kick the corpse Chris T.:"Aye, Horse too." Jack goes with Q tomfind safe stabling
Simon N. (GM):Brocas nods: "In the circumstances, no charge!" he grins.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus is very happy to be reunited with friends Erasmus:"Hey Syrus. You missed all the fun."
Norrin (Geoff):"A tough fight, to be sure."
Erasmus:"I still expect you to sing of this one though!"
Syrus (Kenny):"Her Ras! I was actually being very fashionably late!"
winks "Where's Jyrdani??"
Erasmus:Erasmus cocks his head toward Jyrdani's direction. Simon N. (GM):(Jyrdani is w Praetoria on the south side) GM: Move your tokens to the south edge of the village by Jyrdani when ready to leave
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Hi Syrus."
Syrus (Kenny):"Hey M'lady - glad you are back to your heroic fighting self!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Better late than never!"
grins "Aye, feeling fine. Erasmus seems to be avoiding me though..."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani "You can tell me all about this battle with Orcs as we move on!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"how long will it take for you to refit the orcs plate armour for me Brocas if not now i will come back for it later"
Erasmus:"We should move these corpses at least out of the vineyards."
Simon N. (GM):Brocas: "I don't normally work on Plate... not this kind, anyway. Be a few days. And I'll need to measure you for the fitting."
Erasmus:"We should also check the rest of these things' pockets."
Syrus (Kenny):@Jyrdani "So 'Ras is still in a funny modd then, he needa snap outta it and have fun with us like before! He's such a nerdy sulk!"
rolls eyes Simon N. (GM):rolling 32d6
You find 102 silvers on the dead orcs.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"a later date keep the armour safe for me i will come back for it"
Chris T.:Jack shouts over to the others. "C'mon! We're burning daylight!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm left Brocas with the plate armour and return to the group with Bronda Chris T.:"The vfillagers can move thew
Erasmus:"10sp for everyone. Syrus, you can just have the two!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The villagers can deal with the orc corpses ok (& loot their weapons)
Norrin (Geoff):makes a face "I heard that orcs make good fertilizer."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"doubt it
Erasmus:"Orcs don't make good
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus throws the 2x sp around in palm "So you are moody AND stingey now!"
Simon N. (GM):Heading out of town you soon reach the bridge.
Chris T.:Jack looks for tracks to see which way the Orcs went.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):OOC damn were like a small army
Simon N. (GM):Jack can see clear signs that the orcs fled over the bridge, into the woods ahead.
Syrus (Kenny):whispers to Erasmus "Ras, what we doing here again??"
Erasmus:"If you'd been here for the fight, you'd have got more."
Winks at Syrus with a grin Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +8
"We better watch out for them, let's go."
Simon N. (GM):There is a pretty obvious trail that leads into the woods that they took, not difficult terrain
The trail that leads past Everflame Crypt to the Shrine of Chaos.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"wait were searching for the orcs i thought we would go to the chaos shrine"
Chris T.:Jack leads them at a pace but still able to watch for danger.
Erasmus:"Lead on, Ser Jack."
Chris T.:(We are heading for the shrine.)
Simon N. (GM):You're on the direct route to the Shrine
Syrus (Kenny):"Do you guys need a rest before we do anything dangerous??"
Chris T.:(We have temp HP at the moment..)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc cool
Erasmus:GM how long do we have left on Aid, by the way?
Syrus (Kenny):Whats just happened to the map?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head into the Darkwood, you have several hours of Aid left - if you don't rest you should reach the Shrine with over an hour of Aid left
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is 36/40 hp
Chris T.:The dark shadow that Jack has become flits silently from tree to tree, stillkeeping up a punishing pace.
Syrus (Kenny):@Praetoria "My song about you and your usual nun outfits were a hit at the taverns"
Battle Sister Praetoria:looks at Syrus Syrus (Kenny):shuts mouth Battle Sister Praetoria:GM: You have been travelling about 5 miles since Chaney Manor and are a little ways past Everflame Crypt.
Chris T.:any noticable tracks?
Simon N. (GM):Dusk is drawing in as you enter the deep woods.
Syrus (Kenny):"ohhhh split path ahead! Which way Jack?"
Simon N. (GM):The track seems well trodden, orcs men and other things - Ogres?
Chris T.:(Jack can't getlost in this terrain so I'm hoping he knows even if I don't :D )
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly you hear tinkling laughter through the trees!
(right fork, Jack reckons)
Qiviel:Q raises her shield warily
Chris T.:"Easy friends..."
Fiorina:"Greetings, adventurers!" comes a disembodied female voice.
Chris T.:"Those voices sound like the wee folk of the forest.."
Norrin (Geoff):"What is that, Jack?" Norrin asks cautiously.
Erasmus:"Hey, when you've gotta go, you've gotta go."
Chris T.:Jack falls to one knee as the legendary forest mistress approaches
Syrus (Kenny):"Ohhhhh!!! It's the fair maiden who helped us when we were on donkeys a while back!!"
Chris T.:"Lady of the Woods we greet you."
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus waves and jumps with joy "Woo Hoooo!!!"
Fiorina:The Lady of the Forest steps out of the trees.
She seems to have antlers now.
Malied:Malied looks on with interest
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin relaxes slightly, since Jack doesn't seem alarmed at the presence of the Lady.
Syrus (Kenny):To Fiorina "M'lady! Are you feeling horny??"
"...because you now have horns on your head!!"
Erasmus:"An honour to see you again."
Fiorina:Fiorina inclines her head at Syrus & Erasmus, and Jack.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"blessed by the spirits of the wild it seems"
Malied:xan Malied nake a roll to see if he knows who/what she is?
Fiorina:sure Malied - Nature
Chris T.:"We are in great haste my lady. We go untoperil at the Shrine of Chaos."
Fiorina:A Nymph perhaps? Not quite leafy enough for a Dryad.
Syrus (Kenny):whispers to Praetoria "what is it with ladies and funny outfits??"
Fiorina:to Jack "I come to warn you!"
"The enemy have laid an ambush upon the trail - orcs, ogres in great numbers, dark priests. If you stay on this path, I fear you will never reach your goal."
Norrin (Geoff):"Ohhh, that's not good," Norrin whispers under his breath.
Chris T.:"Then I shalllead my friends around them.. or perhaps to ambush the ambushers?"
Erasmus:"Can the forest grant us aid in avoiding the ambush, perhaps?"
Malied:"If the ambush is as dangerous as she says, its probably better to just go around"
Chris T.:Jack nods at the wizard's wise words
Fiorina:Fiorina nods to Erasmus. "If you will have my advice, I beseech you to let me lead you by hidden paths to the Temple of the Toad. They are preparing a sacrifice, to summon a powerful Demon. If you are quick, you may interrupt them and save lives."
Chris T.:"That seems the best course?"
Fiorina:"I cannot approach the Cursed shrine itself - but I can lead you there."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then what are we waiting for lead the way Lady of the woods"
Erasmus:"Please, lead the way, milady."
Fiorina:leads you down the left hand path, away from the orc trail Syrus (Kenny):To Fiorina: "M'Lady!!!"
"I was given a big book by some monk that said I can cast a ritual spell to foil the summoning...!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Guided by the Lady you make swift progress through the woods, that seem to part before you (though Jack could lead you at a good speed anyway) :)
Syrus (Kenny):"Do I just read what it says in the book, or do I need anything else, like a new outfit or wave my hands??"
Malied:"i think thats called your fists"
Erasmus:"I took that back before we left, remember. Just in case you weren't able to join us in time."
Syrus (Kenny):OOC @Erasmus! OK you have it! ;)
Syrus (Kenny):@Malied LOL!! ;)
Fiorina:About an hour later, dusk has fallen and the evening stars wink overhead when the trees thin out and ahead you see jumbled crags and the remains of a great temple on a ridge line.
Erasmus:GM How's my vision, as a human?
Fiorina:"I can go no further. I bid you farewell."
GM: In the open it's ok; in the woods or ruins would be dim light.
Chris T.:(Jack's eyes seem to glow eerily within his hood as darkness falls..)
Jack bows low to the Lady of the Wood. "You have our thanks."
Qiviel:Q waves to the Lady in thanks
Fiorina:GM: ok turning Dynamic Lighting off...
Erasmus:Erasmus bows again Syrus (Kenny):Syrus jumps up and down saying Bye Simon N. (GM):Fiorina departs.
Syrus (Kenny):Did anyone take the frog symblo/statue off Olog's bosy?
Erasmus:I took everything but the plate
Syrus (Kenny):"What now friends?"
Chris T.:Do we know the way ion?
Erasmus:"Let's get a closer look at what we're dealing with."
Syrus (Kenny):I can see a broken door ahead!
Malied:ooc are our tokens misaligned on the grid?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Approaching the ruins from the SW.
Chris T.:(I just see a black screen :( )
Simon N. (GM):if you move them they snap to grid
Simon N. (GM):SW = bottom left :)
Syrus (Kenny):"Lets move quitely!! Shhhh!!"
Chris T.:ah, shrunk it, I'm good.)
Erasmus:"Quietly is sensible."
Syrus (Kenny):@DM shall I do perception check
To see if theres any movement
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"where do we gp north or west?"
Syrus (Kenny):(other than us!)
Qiviel:Q looks down at her armour and shrugs, "I can but try"
"Towards the broken door?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: The west side is badly damaged, looks like likely ingress there.
Chris T.:Jack does the same :)
Erasmus:"I doubt we want to use the front door."
Chris T.:"The broken door, but let's keep watch. Looks toomeasy."
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i see lets go the broken door then"
Simon N. (GM):There is a well used track heading SE from the temple/
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"All together?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sword and shield at the ready Malied:"I can mage hand the door to see if it even opens?
Syrus (Kenny):@Jack "Shall we Stealth ahead"?
Erasmus:"I think we should do a perimiter check first. Just to make sure there's no more opportune way in."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Half the broken door is on the ground.
Chris T.:Jack looks a bit embarassed at his new gleaming black armour but nods.
"I'm with you Erasmus."
Norrin (Geoff):nods in agreement Chris T.:Jack wonders where the monk is heading?
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus Syrus roll Stealth pls
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kl1 +3
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus Syrus Jack you can hear Orcs talking to the north, 30' maybe?
Jack is quite noisy....
Chris T.:"Soz. It's new."
Simon N. (GM):But they don't seem to have heard you.
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus signals back to the rest of the party by making a monster face and points 30' North Chris T.:With a 16PP can Jack make a good guess at numbers?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we follow them?"
Erasmus:"Syrus, can you go ahead and see if you can see more?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Only a few orcs - three?
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus sure!
Syrus stealths ahead
Syrus (Kenny):listens to the opening to his right
Simon N. (GM):Syrus roll Stealth.
Kenny - Syrus:Stealth(+4)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Malied:Malied points his finger to wherre he know Kenny is nd casts Message "how many are there?"
Syrus (Kenny):His luscious cloak may have caught between his legs a little Simon N. (GM):Through a gap in the door to his right, Syrus' nightvision can see a ruined chamber and two orcs guarding a scantily clad captive maiden.
Malied:(You can return the message :P
Syrus (Kenny):@Malied (in my head) "I see a ruined chamber and two orcs guarding a scantily clad captive maiden"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Syrus roll perception
Syrus (Kenny):Syrus signals to Erasmus the below whisper to the others
Syrus (Kenny):Makes a Monster face, holds up 2 fingers Chris T.:Jack follows Erasmus, ready to pounce at any moment.
Malied:*he seeing 2 orcs guarding two captives
Syrus (Kenny):Then makes a pose like Venus statue, then holds up 1 finger Simon N. (GM):Syrus roll perception
Chris T.:(Does the Venus have arms/fingers? :D )
Syrus (Kenny):Then shrugs his shoulder Erasmus:Whispers "Two orcs, 1 female captive."
Kenny - Syrus:Perception(+3)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):All seems quiet... Malied roll stealth
Syrus (Kenny):Stealths back to Erasmus/Jack & co
Chris T.:Jack stealths towards the door.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Erasmus:"We probably won't be able to deal with this pair quietly enough to not raise an alarm."
Malied:me not you smn >.<
I guess that's ambush time?
Simon N. (GM):Jack is approaching the door when an orc sentry comes round the corner...
Jack roll init
Chris T.:He leaps fromthe shadows at it.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5
Simon N. (GM):Jack leaps from the shadows at it...
can attack
Simon N. (GM):It has sword & shield - crit!
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:rolling 2d8+5
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):this is bad
Simon N. (GM):Jack's sword takes its throat & it dies silently, before it can shout an alarm.
Chris T.:His shadowy form doesn't miss a step
as he continues tothe door.
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Erasmus:Would Erasmus have seen where the orc came from?
Syrus (Kenny):@Erasmus and Malied "want me to create a distraction to draw them out?"
Simon N. (GM):Jack sees the two orcs through the door gap, they look a bit edgy and are looking left/west.
Erasmus:"No noise just yet."
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus didn't see the orc
Chris T.:He prepares to pounce again if needed..
Simon N. (GM):An orc moves west out of sight and calls out: "Gyar!"
Erasmus:Ok, well he's peeking round the corner to keep tabs on Jack.
Simon N. (GM):Jack hears the orc moving over rubble.
Chris T.:Jack signals for others to join him while the Orcs talk.
(and disguise the sound of movement)
Erasmus you see the orc emerge from the building and spot the dead orc.
Erasmus:As soon as Erasmus sees the orc, he rushes it Orc:I think better all roll init now
Erasmus:"Jack, get the door"
Kenny - Syrus:Initiative(+3.15)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Syrus (Kenny):I just wasted a nat 20 :-P
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d20 + 2
Erasmus:Initiative (+3.16)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc can strohm see the orc from here?
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling d20+2
Erasmus:Can I move up to the orc as I called it before initiative?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(hold up)
Malied:does anyone else see Kennys in at 23.15? looks bugged or something :/
Erasmus:ok. Worth a try! :p
Erasmus:@Malied it's a tiebreak
Chris T.:(Tim and Kenny have weird numbers..)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Erasmus if you roll 10+ on Stealth I'll let you move up before init
Simon N. (GM):(ie the orc toook a moment to spot you)
Erasmus:(It's so we know who goes first in the case of a tie. We both have +3, but my DEX is 16 while Syrus's is 15)
Syrus (Kenny):@Chris and @Malied - our settings for initative is set for "Tiebreaker" on Roll20, so just in case 2x players roll the same number the initative, then the decimals determine who will go first
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin rolled a 9, Simon
Whoops,nevermind. :)
Simon N. (GM):OK I think I have everyone on turn tracker?
#23 Syrus
Syrus (Kenny):1)Syrus moves
Chris T.:(Thanks Kenny :) )
Syrus (Kenny):2) Fires Bow at this Orc
Kenny - Syrus:80ft./320ft.
Crossbow, Light ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):AC 18 w cover is a deffo miss :)
Syrus (Kenny):3) Moves back to cover, End Turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:throws javelin crit!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:rolling 2d6+3
Javelin flies over Erasmus as he ducks & hits the orc in the chest; it staggers, squealing.
#16 Jack
Chris T.:Jack uses his object interaction to hopefully open the door. Then leaps from the shadows onto the Orc within.
Providing the door opens...
Bonus action, hunters mark, move 10' then strike.
first attack
second attack
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The door is stiff but opens.
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Simon N. (GM):The orc shield parries first blow, second goes under it. up through scale mail into its heart.
Chris T.:16from second attack,moves to stand over the woman. End turn
Simon N. (GM):The girl is blindfolded and shivering in terror.
Chris T.:"Don't worry lass, we're here for you."
Simon N. (GM):You hear shouts of alarm from within the temple.
#15 Malied
Malied:"need to finish this one off"
Simon N. (GM):hits its armour
#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus stands from his duck and bring the axe up under the orc's chin Erasmus:then kick him in the groin Simon N. (GM):bounces off :)
Erasmus:and stubs his toe again.:(*
Battle Sister Bronda:moves forward and cast sacred flame at the orc
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Simon N. (GM):The flame of Ilmater descends on the unfortunate orc, enveloping its head.
It screams and dies.
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin will go and help Jack with the fair maiden....
Chris T.:Jack nods at his old friend.
Simon N. (GM):You hear a deep inhuman roar from within the temple - too deep for an orc.
Chris T.:"Glad to have you besideme."
Erasmus:*Erasmus makes a mental note to pick up some spare clothes next time he's near a store..."
Norrin (Geoff):"This fight's far from over," Norrin replies.
Simon N. (GM):You hear a deep inhuman roar from within the temple - too deep for an orc.
Chris T.:"Let us hope we fall forth from initiative and recharge my ambush talent." :D
Simon N. (GM):You hear several pairs of footsteps
Chris T.:"Someone get this lass out of here.."
Simon N. (GM):#7 Victoria & Praetoria move up
#5 Qiviel
& #4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm moves forward
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Syrus (Kenny):1) Syrus bows to Jyrdani "M'Lady, let's shed some Orc blood tonight!!", then moves through doors to join Jack & Sir Norrin
2) @Jack "Nice moves Young Sir, looks like someone learned some new skillz since we last spoke!"
3) @DM can I ready an action to prepare my Bow, trigger is when an Enemy comes through the door?
Chris T.:Jack gives a rare grin to the Bard.
Syrus (Kenny):Thank You - end turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:readies javelin winks at Syrus
Jack (Chris):#16 Jack - the girl is tightly bound, gagged & blindfolded, sobbing in fear but doesn't seem otherwise harmed.
Chris T.:Jack tries to help the lady back out of the line of fire then awaits his prey,dodging from foot to foot
(No probs,maybe she can roll?)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
GM: OK I'll let you cit her bonds as an object interaction :)
Simon N. (GM):she hides behind Jack
#15 Malied
Malied:move upm to the doorway and hold firebolt
end turn
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:GM is the door opposite open?
It looks quite jammed askew in its frame, too.
Would need Athletics to open
Erasmus:Ok. Erasmus runs pst the opening, hoping to draw something out further.
And readies the axe
Simon N. (GM):ok, nothing emerges
you glimpsed a pillar through the doorway
#11 Bronda
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dash forward
Battle Sister Bronda:dash forward
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin slow leads the way through the opening...
Erasmus:Did you mark where we heard the footsteps from? If you did,I didn't see it. Possibly because your ping is black
2 orcs have x-bows trained on Norrin
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
1 misses, 1 bolt clatters off his armour (19)
A massive ogre stands atop a wide flight of stairs, hefting greatclub & javelin.
It roars at Norrin.
Norrin are you doing anything else?
Norrin (Geoff):Retreating....
Simon N. (GM):more running sounds from within...
An orc shoots through the doorway at Erasmus.
+2 AC for cover
Simon N. (GM):hit the doorframe :)
You hear a man's voice from within the temple.
"What fools dare challenge the power of Khaos? Rush in and die, dogs!"
#5 Qiviel
then #4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dash forward
end turn
Qiviel:Q will move up by E and ready her sword to hit anything that comes close
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll do 1 more round then dinner :)
#23 Syrus
Kenny - Syrus:1) Syrus takes off his Cloak of Billowing and pass it to Captive lady, saying “Please keep this luscious cloak clean M’Lady, as I would like it back”
2) Syrus inspires his pal Erasmus with “I am still available to officiate weddings” winks at Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):The girl nods gratefully and wraps the billowing cloak round her.
Kenny - Syrus:3) Dashes (moves 12 squares to here)
Erasmus:Rolls eyes, then nods to Syrus. Simon N. (GM):Bardic Inspiration to E?
Kenny - Syrus:@DM yes pls!
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Here goes..."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Come on boys! Who wants to live forever?!"
#16 Jack
Chris T.:Jack moves 30' and dodges.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:in the corner?
Erasmus:move through the door
Simon N. (GM):that's about 60'?
Chris T.:Taking cover behind the debris and dodging
end turn
Simon N. (GM):can you move that far & dodge?
Simon N. (GM):that's still well over 30'
Cool, dodging in cover,done
Simon N. (GM):that's 30' there ok
#15 Malied
Chris T.:(I make thaT 20' BUT FINE BY ME)
Oops caps lock
Simon N. (GM):(it's 30' round the corner)
Chris T.:(Must be my eyes but no matter. All done)
Malied:can i hit this orc?
Chris T.:(Ah! It is my eyes then. Soz!)
Simon N. (GM):yup, 60' range Malied
AC 14 ringmail
end turn
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Malied:I haven't even hit once tonight -.-
Erasmus:Erasmus dashes to the pillar across the way. Chris T.:(That was me last week, James. Awful isn't it? :()
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves over to dead orc and ends trun
Simon N. (GM):then #9 Norrin
Simon N. (GM):BTW you can move your tokens w the cursors, just count every 2nd diagonal as 2
Simon N. (GM):#9 Orcs & co
orc swings clumsily at Jyrdani
Simon N. (GM):Hooded cultists move forward
Jyrdani fends them off (AC 18) as they attack w scimitars.
Orc:comes round column at Erasmus, sword raised miss
Erasmus:Erasus leans away Simon N. (GM):cultist slashes at Erasmus
Simon N. (GM):The ogre heads down the steps.
It throws its javelin at Erasmus
hits the column :)
Ogre: "Duh"
Simon N. (GM):A cultist dashes up
There's chanting.
A dark-robed cleric appears atop the stairs.
Purple radiance descends on Jyrdani
Kenny - Syrus:Components: V, S, M(a chip of mica)
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):DEX save w advtg - 13 - she dodges it
Erasmus a hidden hooded figure shoots a crossbow bolt through the dooway at you (advtg)
hits AC 21
Erasmus:Deflect missiles?
Simon N. (GM):you didn't see him so I guess not?
Stealth 17 vs your PP
15 dmg w sneak attack
Simon N. (GM):on 12 hp I think
Erasmus:Doesn't say anything about seeing the shooter, but it makes sense. 12/34HP
Qiviel:She'll move forward and ready an attack for anything that gets close
#4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Dash Forward
end turn
Simon N. (GM):(Originally the assasssin was planning to come round behind you & get your rear PCs, but Erasmus through the doorway was too tempting) :)
GM: OK must stop there for now
Kenny - Syrus:Ooooo TENSE!!!
Malied:k, thanks for the game :)
Chris T.:Good to see everyone again. Thanks Simon :)
Norrin (Geoff):Great game everyone
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thanks for the game Simon
Kenny - Syrus:Thanks Everyone! Have a lovely rest of the weekend! :)
Erasmus:Cool. Good game, Simon! Very tense - not sure how this is going to pan out yet!
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