Simon N. (GM):GM: Syrus yells a Healing Word at Erasmus
Erasmus feels 6 hp better :)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#22 Jyrdani attacks orc.
Simon N. (GM):#16 Jack your go Chris
Chris T.:From his hidden position behind the pillar, Jack casts Disguise Self to look like an Orc then move closer to the Ogre..
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK, an orc now stands beside the cultists attacking Jyrdani.
#15 Malied your go James
Malied:move forward and firbolt ocr
top orc?
move to cover
Simon N. (GM):woomph fire splashes across its chest, it squeals
Malied:hehe, anyone for some pork >:)
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus Disengages
#11 Sister Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:move and cast sacred flame on a cultist
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+1
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin steps forward and attacks the cultist beside Jack the Orc.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):killed even without crit :)
Battle Sister Bronda:Nice
Orc vs Jyrdani
cultist vs Jyrdani
AC 18, parried
Simon N. (GM):orc vs Victoria
2 cultists vs Victoria
all miss
The dark cleric steps into view and purple flame descends on Norrin.
Simon N. (GM):DEX save please
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 2d20 + 2
Simon N. (GM):why 2 dice?
Norrin (Geoff):Because I forgot to change it back.
Simon N. (GM):sorry, going w 1st roll (4) so fail, d8 radiant dmg
8 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Norrin on 28 hp
Ogre to Jack-Orc: "Kill dat one!" (Norrin) "Me kill girlies!"
Ogre swings at Victoria
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
misses her
Chris T.:aod as he passes
(Maybe not, clutching at straws)
Simon N. (GM):I don't think it would have passed within 5'
Simon N. (GM):Assassin shoots from the doorway at Victoria (unseen, advtg, cover from orc > AC 22)
15, bounces off her armour
Chris T.:Another clutch but does Jack with his PP16 spot the assassin?
Simon N. (GM):I'd say yes after he shoots & before he retreats back round the corner
Simon N. (GM):#7 Victoria attacks cultist
Praetoria attacks ogre with halberd
Battle Sister Praetoria:jab "Take that!"
Ogre: "Girl-thing die now!"
#5 Qiviel
Qiviel:She'll move up beside the others and attack the orc
#4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Moves and attack the Ogre
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):Ogre: "Nuther girl thing! Clumsy!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):(he's quite the comedian) :p
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):indeeed XD
Simon N. (GM):#23 Syrus uses vicious mockery on orc
Syrus makes vicious pig noises, orc feels bad about himself.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:attacks orc miss
#16 Jack-Orc
Chris T.:Jack sees the assassin as a greater threat than the Ogre so double moves around the fights to get as close as he can..
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:that was 30' by my count
Simon N. (GM):move again?
The Chaos things ignore Jack-orc
Simon N. (GM):Jack spots the assassin (PP 16 vs roll of 11)
#15 Malied
Malied:move out, firebolt on the same orc
I want my sausaugaes damnit :P
Simon N. (GM):AC 18 w cover
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):do it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):orc staggers
the hell just happed there?
move behond pillar end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lagging possibly
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus attacks orc w staff
& kick
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the kick never fails
Simon N. (GM):High kick to the face... The orc finally goes down.
#11 Bronda
Battle Sister Bronda:moves and attack the ogre with the halberd
Simon N. (GM):Ogre: "agh! hurts!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):Ogre: "Priest-man heal ogre!"
#9 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin has his sights set on the dark cleric, but doesn't want to expose his flank to the cultist. so he'll attack the cultist first.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):You cut him down
Norrin (Geoff):Toward the dark cleric
Can he dash?
Simon N. (GM):I don't think you have your action surge as no short rest since the village fight?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Norrin reaches the foot of the stairs
Dark Cleric: "Be healed, brave Ogre!"
Ogre: "Yum! Better!"
Cleric: "Now, hold off these defilers until I return with aid!"
Ogre: "Eh? Wut?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(oh shit)
Simon N. (GM):orc vs Victoria
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):While wielding a shield and a creature you can see attacks a target other than you within 5 ft., you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
Simon N. (GM):cultist vs Victoria
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Hello Tim
Simon N. (GM):Hm, suggest you save that for the Ogre, Strohm!
Chris T.:Nice move, Muiz!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(gotin Simon)
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
cultists miss
ogre (w disad)
misses (8+6 = 14)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Assassin steps out & shoots x bow at Vicky
crit!! :-O
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Shit
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d8
6+11+3 = 20 dmg
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Ah!" she staggers as the bolt lodges in her flank.
#7 NPCs
Lay on Hands self for +10 hp
Battle Sister Praetoria:halberds ogre hit
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Battke sisters doing work on the ogre
Battle Sister Praetoria:#5 Qiviel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice Q
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel deals the ogre a nasty slash to thigh
#4 Strohm
Ogre: "Too many bad girlies! Me hurt!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dont want the girls to show up on Strohm slahes at the ogre
Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Simon N. (GM):Ogre: "Ow!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):finally XD
Simon N. (GM):@Tim I've given you control of Syrus so you can play him until Kenny shows up. He used a level 1 healing word on you at the start tonight.
#23 Syrus
Syrus steps forward and inspires Jyrdani with a little song.
Simon N. (GM):+d6 on roll?
Erasmus:(Don't expect me to actually sing, I'm no bard!)
Simon N. (GM):#22 Jyrdani
OOC Bugger. I forgot he had a bow! facepalm
Simon N. (GM):You can shoot if you like
as that was a bonus action
Ogre: "No! Bad girly! Ow!"
Chris T.:Orc-Jack makes like a fleeing Orc then at the last moment pounces on the assassin, hoping to get advantage from surprise?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#16 Jack
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(the ogre is tanky as hell lol)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:hm, ok you can roll Deception vs his passive Insight
Simon N. (GM):fail - (DC 13) he senses something's amiss as you move to strike
regular attacl
Chris T.:Regardless, bonus action toswap Hunter's mark to the assassin then clobber him.
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 - hit
Chris T.:rolling 1d8+1d6+4
after all that fuss :D
Simon N. (GM):The assassin grunts as you wing him :)
#15 Malied
Malied:stepping around the pillar
can I see the Dark cleric from where i am?
Simon N. (GM):The stairs give 10' elevation over 20' BTW
Simon N. (GM):due to the stairs, he's 10' higher up
Malied:firebolt on the remaining orc
Malied:man I am kicking ass at these hit tonight
Simon N. (GM):"No! Bad girly!"
Malied:shame the damage is so pants :P
end turn
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:How injured is the ogre looking?
Erasmus:Erasmus runs up to the ogre, runs up the front of its hulking form, slams the handaxe into its shoulder then knees it in the face Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):had 4 hp - goes down!
Simon N. (GM):#11 Sister Bronda
Erasmus:Erasmus is both surprised, and relieved, that that worked! Battle Sister Bronda:moves and attack the cultist with her Halberd
Battle Sister Bronda:end turn
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is torn between joining in the battle against the remaining cultists, and chasing after the dark cleric -- and possibly into an ambush. He will attack the cultists.
Norrin (Geoff):rolling 1d8 + 7
Simon N. (GM):Norrin's powerful blows well nigh cleave the wretches in twain!
#9 enemy
Cleric escapes down the stairs
Assassin Bonus Action Disengage, move + dash
Orc swings axe at Bronda
Cultist attacks Victoria
Victoria attacks cultist
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
She smiles through the carnage at Norrin as the cultists fall.
Battle Sister Praetoria:sacred flame on Orc dodges
Qiviel:Q is going to pick her way over the dead baddies to attack the last orc
#4 Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):did i see the rogue running away?
Simon N. (GM):I'd say yes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves and cast fire bolt on the Rogue
Simon N. (GM):GM: The stairs are too shallow to be difficult terrain but they are 10' high
so no line of sight sorry
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):is the cultist alive?
Simon N. (GM):the orc is yes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Longsword (One-Handed) (+4)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Malied:(ooc what class is Muiz btw)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fighter
Simon N. (GM):OOC @Chris does Jack get Disguise Self as a Gloomstalker power? As not on Ranger spell list.
Chris T.:It's on the Gloomstalker list.
Malied:? I thorught we had to use only PHB classes, etc?
Erasmus:Syrus moves over, then shoots at the remaining orc Simon N. (GM):It says "Characters: Level 1, created using 5e Player's Handbook or Basic Rules, no Feats or Multiclassing", but I will allow XGTE if not too overpowered :)
AC 18+ from there at least so miss
#16 Jack
Chris T.:Jack gives chase, relying on his Hunter's Mark to reveal his prey if it hides..
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:You should be able to stay in contact w him as 60' each
oh, I though it was short?
If it will reach, cool.
Simon N. (GM):he went round the other way :)
Chris T.:Whatever you wish then
Simon N. (GM):Looks like I moved him 1 too far?!
actually yes going round the corner costs you 1 extra
Chris T.:I'm good, assumed it was difficult terrain that was so chose what I thought was quickest. My fault.
Malied:firebolt again on the orc then move towars the stairs
boom baby
Malied:and now for some crappy damage...
Simon N. (GM):1st hit on him!
Chris T.:(also, just for the record, James. Jack was imported from the play-by-post game in this setting.)
Simon N. (GM):#14 Erasmus
Erasmus:Seeing the orcs and cultists being dealt with, Erasmus makes after the assasin that messed him up! Step of the Wind
Erasmus:Then strikes with the axe Simon N. (GM):The fleeing assassin's eyes widen in surprise as the Monk appears out of nowhere!
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 - hit
He staggers back.
Badly wounded
Battle Sister Bronda:cast cure wounds on Victoria
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Thank you, goodly Sister!"
#9 Norrin
Norrin (Geoff):Seeing the remaining orc surrounded by competent fighters, Norrin will disengage and climb the stairs.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:#9 Enemy
Simon N. (GM):The Assassin Disengages (bonus action) & slips between Norrin & Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):Escaping down the stairs
Orc:The Orc Disengages. "OK, you win this one!"
Erasmus:Erasmus tries tripping the rogue as he goes, but he's too slippery Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Come back here, Orc!"
Battle Sister Praetoria:"Sacred Flame!"
Orc ducks
#5 Qiviel
Qiviel:Q runs after the Orc
Orc:"Two Paladins is cheating! Agh!"
Orc:Qiviel's blase finds its black heart & it dies.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Dash
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):GM: No enemies in sight - go out of combat?
Chris T.:Jack identifies himself
Erasmus:Syrus want's to loot EVERYTHING! Simon N. (GM):GM: You stand victorious for now amid the piled bodies of the Chaos forces.
Malied:Malied will sit down for 10 mins and Rit cast detect magic
he is interested in the alter
Simon N. (GM):There doesn't seem to be much loot in the shattered temple.
Chris T.:"I have the assassin markewd for now, he can't escape but it won't last forever!"
Erasmus:"How long will that last?"
Chris T.:"A little under an hour now."
"We can loot later?"
Erasmus:"So not enough time to rest up. Very well, perhaps we should gather ourselves and pursue?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"should we continue the chase then?"
Norrin (Geoff):"That dark cleric and I will have words," Norrin growls.
Victoria of the Golden Cup:casts cure on self Malied:@mn does my detect agic wind anything after 10 mins?
Chris T.:Jack nods his agreement. "Let's get them."
Erasmus:OOC I can't move Syrus's token
Victoria of the Golden Cup:rolling d8+3
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"did we unbind the cptive girl?"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Maybe try reloading Erasmus?
Chris T.:We cut her bonds I think?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:yup
Simon N. (GM):She's currently hiding under a table in the orc guard room
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"alright lets hope she can take care of herself until we retur"
Victoria of the Golden Cup:"Does anyone need healing?"
Malied:k, so we're not waiting for my detect magic to cast, k
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin is down to almost half
Chris T.:"Fetch the torches. Hold them high and I'll find this bugger."
Erasmus:@GM how far are we from Chaney Manor, and how long do we have left on the additional HP?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:You have about 80 minutes on the extra hp
casts cure on Norrin
Norrin 39/40
Chris T.:(Remember the big ambushing force waiting between here and the manor...)
Norrin (Geoff):Nice.
Norrin nods his thanks to Vicky. Erasmus:@Malied - I presumed the ritual had completed before we trundle off
Victoria of the Golden Cup:You're about 10 miles from Chaney Manor
Malied:@anything toticable around us? anything around the alter maybe?
Victoria of the Golden Cup:Malied finds a bag of incense blocks behind the altar.
Simon N. (GM):Black lotus incense - mind altering, worth 29 gp
Erasmus:Is there any iconography that Erasmus would recognise from the tome regarding the cult?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"anyone have healing potions?"
Simon N. (GM):The unshattered stained glass windows depict the great toad Tsathoggua devouring victims.
Malied:"Nothing mogical s such here, but a nbag of insence, anyone one who wants it is free to have it"
Chris T.:"Do we give chase?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"dangerous on the wrong hands should we dispose of it?"
Erasmus:"Strohm - I have a couple I had forgotten about."
Erasmus drinks one of his potions of healing Chris T.:"Or give them time to arrange nasty surprises for us?"
Erasmus:Potion of Healing (2d4 + 2)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Jyrndani youre bringing her with us?"
Norrin (Geoff):"We're in good shape. I say let's go down the stairs."
Malied:ok, if we are all healthy now, its probably better to proceed
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani brings the rescued girl over. "She says more captives were taken below. She thinks the main temple is downstairs and they're doing a ritual tonight - a human sacrifice."
Erasmus:"In that case, lead on, Ser Jack."
Chris T.:"Then we will stop them."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then no time to lose we gotta go before any more victims"
Chris T.:PP16/21 for the assassin
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani: "She's probably in more danger up here alone than tagging along with us?"
Chris T.:Jack searches for the assassins tracks
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:He definitely went downstairs.
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +6
Erasmus:"There are probably enough of us to keep her safe."
Syrus (Kenny):"Sure, I'll look after her!"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:GM: I can do another 30 mins. Let me do your XP for the fight now
Simon N. (GM):The girl looks gratefully at Syrus. :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"true"
passes the capture girl a light crossbow "can you use a cross bow?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: 110 XP each
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"also can i ask your name?"
Malied:huzzah! lv 2 once we get a long rest
Simon N. (GM):The girl looks fearfully at the x-bow and shakes her head.
Syrus (Kenny):"I can use a crossbow. I'll stay with her."
Chris T.:(Soz, lost Jack's total)
Simon N. (GM):Girl: "I'm Mary - my wagon was attacked on the King's Road. They killed my family...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"alright Syrus i leave hMary to you then"
Chris T.:with a crit on tracking I hope we can catch him :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we are ready"
Erasmus:"I know they know we're here, but is it worth treading lightly?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: What's your light source(s)?
Erasmus:Oh, I forgot about light.
facepalm Malied:I can cast light for someone
I've got Darkvision up to 60'
Simon N. (GM):lots of you can see in dark but some can't
Malied:o, wait, i never too light :P
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani lights a torch and gives it to Mary
Qiviel:(Good plan with the torch :) )
Erasmus:"I'm blind in the dark. let's see what light there is once we get down there. The cultists looked human and they would need to be able to see."
Simon N. (GM):OOC: Please vote yes/no for Dynamic Lighting :)
Malied:I'll light up the enemies for you ;)
Erasmus:If it works, yes.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yes
Norrin (Geoff):shakes his head. "I can't see in the dark either."
Qiviel:my pref is no, but I'm fine if you choose yes
Malied:"You can hold my hand if you can't see ;)"
Simon N. (GM):3-2 will give it a try. There is one room it looks really cool to the GM at any rate :D
of course now the Chrome freezes :)
Erasmus:Erasmus reminds both Syrus and Malied that the tome containing the ritual to shut down the shrine is in his pack, just in case he goes down. Simon N. (GM):GM: Descending the steps you find yourselves in a rubble strewn pillared antechamber.
Can you see your tokens?
Erasmus:I'm still upstairs...
Chris T.:upstairs here too
Simon N. (GM):ok should be loading now...
Qiviel:Now I'm downstairs
Chris T.:That's dynamic :D
Simon N. (GM):Anyone else can't see?
Norrin (Geoff):I'm okay here.
Chris T.:just a black screen
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(oh its laggy a bit but i can see so its all good)
Malied:True dynamic would be a corridor lighting up as my firebolt travels down it :P
Simon N. (GM):GM: Through open gates to the west is a rough cavern; an enormous Worg and an Ogre are heading in your direction.
and black
Erasmus:Maybe it's too laggy with this many of us.
Simon N. (GM):A door down the corridor to the south opens as a priest steps out. In the distance you hear shouts.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):go north west of the map
Chris T.:screen not responding to moving at all
Simon N. (GM):OK I have updated that Orc token with your vision Chris
Anyone else?
Chris T.:Ah! In business. Just laggy
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(its laggy alright but managable on my side)
Erasmus:If it's this laggy, just turn it off. it's a shame, but it's better to be playable than having the lighting.
Simon N. (GM):Should we roll init now or wait to next week?
ok will turn it off & see if helps
now you see everyything! :-O
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(yup not laggy anymore)
Malied:The dark cleric is just at the edge of my darkvision, nice :)
probably better to waittill next week to start this fight
Simon N. (GM):I feel like disabling my charged account, the only thing I get from it that's useful is more storage - don't think they delete files if you unsubscribe?
There is light from the doorway behind him.
Erasmus:I don't think they delete stuff, just don't think you can add anything more.
Simon N. (GM):Cool, thanks Tim
Erasmus:But don't quote me!
Simon N. (GM):I haven't needed to add anything for weeks
GM: OK you can all move 1 move (30' for most) then we'll roll init next week
Muiz:cool i dont mind next week to do intitiative
Chris T.:"Help!" In Orcish
Simon N. (GM):not sure where Jyrdani went!
Erasmus:She didn't join us on the stairs.
Muiz:she still up i beleive
Erasmus:I thought it might have been something I said.
Norrin (Geoff):Norrin makes as if he's chasing Jack the Orc.
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Jack roll Deception please
Chris T.:(and just a note that Jack is PP21 v the assassin)
Simon N. (GM):The Cleric ignores Jack and yells into the room behind him: "Intruders! Get them!"
GM: OK will stop there/
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