Tony:An extra damage die on a 20
An extra damage die on a 20
Wolf. While you're raging, you can use a bonus action on your turn to knock a Large or smaller creature prone when you hit it with melee weapon attack.
If we level up, I take the Wolf totemic attunement
I'd also like to try to figure out my axe a bit more. I feel there are things I do not know.
Dagny (Kimberly):Hey Simon!
Simon N. (GM):>>I'd also like to try to figure out my axe a bit more. I feel there are things I do not know.<< What stats do you currently have for it?
Simon N. (GM):OK Ralf draws Uthgar's power from the axe, increasing its bonus to +2
Simon N. (GM):So +2 to hit and damage, d12 slashing d6 cold
Phil is still in a meeting, should be out soon
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelena :0
Is Jelly away this week?
Tony:Dagny can I get some healing potions?
I lik ethis wolf atunement
Simon N. (GM):Healing potions - a PC with Herbalist Kit prof can make 6 for 25gp each. Or you can buy from merchants for 50gp each.
Tony:Are there greater healing potions?
Tony:twice the price for twice the benefit?
Simon N. (GM):You can make 1 greater + 1 normal instead of 6 normal. 100gp to make or 200gp to buy
Rhennya:Ah, Dagny and I were working on potions together for half the price - or double the quantity?
Simon N. (GM):greater heals 4d4+4 yup
Simon N. (GM):double quantity
cost 4 times & time 5 times yup
Tony:I'll buy 2 normal ones from Dagny
Simon N. (GM):GM: Kasumi has been summoned to Feathergale Spire by the Grand Master Thurl Merosska, to command the spire while Thurl goes 'on a journey' to meet 'the great lord'.
Tony:we need to unfreeeze her
Simon N. (GM):The weather has been mostly dry, but gale force winds whip dust down from the dry Sumber hills while lightning storms crackle across the sky.
Dagny (Kimberly):Yes, I studied up and learned Greater Restoration
Simon N. (GM):Dagny tick off a spell slot for that :)
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, of the 6 new potions, 3 are going with Rhennya, and 1 to Sharatu and 2 to Ralph
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi has been de-stoned.
Dagny (Kimberly):Will do, lvl 5!
Rhennya:Rhennya has been flying up to the spire to visit Kasumi
sharatu:i think we should all compare max HP to know whos the tankiest
Rhennya:I'm so ethereal...
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Dagny (Kimberly):This is why I always cast Aid on you
sharatu:hey max whats your con
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya roll Perception please
Simon N. (GM):GM: Rhennya as you are flying towards the Feathergale Spire you see several figures come flying out of a gully to the east.
Dagny (Kimberly):Flying on what? Hippogriffs or....?
the Spire
Simon N. (GM):They're roughly following the river
Seraphus:have we killed black earth leader??
Seraphus:what about the pickaxe then
sharatu:we did that last session max
Simon N. (GM):In the stormy weather they don't seem to have noticed you as they pass behind the Dead Rocks & out of your sight
sharatu:oh yeah who gets the pickaxe
Not me
Dagny (Kimberly):Who does it make the most sense to have that?
Tony:we can't see the map any more
Rhennya:Could it be used instead of a quarterstaff?
Great, the map is back
Simon N. (GM):It's a Martial 1-handed weapon so nothing like a staff :)
GM: Do you want to assemble the group somewhere?
Rhennya:OOC I can't see Dead Rocks on the map, sorry?
sharatu:i think we should go to the spire
Simon N. (GM):sorry it just goes black when I go to Sighing Valley map
Rhennya:I agree with sharatu
lets meet there
sharatu:they're obviously the last cult and must be destroyed
Seraphus:lets kick their uh... GLuetemus maximux/
Rhennya:But we are somewhat friendly with them as well.. we must be crafty!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is your page black?
Seraphus:instead of being crafty id prefer alive
Simon N. (GM):I'm going to try logging out & on again
Dagny (Kimberly):When we go, whoever is holding the pickaxe should hide it
Seraphus:BRb i dont have a dribk
sharatu:they'll love the story about how i got my wings after defeating the earth cult
Simon N. (GM):OK it was the Dynamic Lighting :)
Dagny (Kimberly):the spire, bottom floor at the bottom?
Just trying to update my sheet. :-)
Rhennya:If Kasumi is in charge ATM, we can't just charge in...
well organise a feast
Dagny (Kimberly):As I put Edna in a stall, Do I see anything in the stall area that indicates anything going underground?
sharatu:for defeating the earth cult then strike as their gathered toghether
Rhennya:Or maybe we should just try to sneak underground...
that's where the cult centre should be?
Alani (Phil):Sorry to be late to the [party Simon. Is it possible to have bought some magical arrows beforehand?
Dagny (Kimberly):I have my one friend on the inside...
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dagny there seems no way down from the stalls level
sharatu:they're all evil cultists that will bring ruin upon the land
Dagny (Kimberly):Or did he go to my temple?
Simon N. (GM):Hi Philippe!
Dagny (Kimberly):My elven friend that likes 'em on the short side
Tony:we need to find the air node
Rhennya:You can say "boyfriend" Dagny!
sharatu:i walk to the gates with my new wings unfurled
Simon N. (GM):Magic +1 arrows 125gp each
Alani (Phil):I can buy 4 arrows! Thanks!
Simon N. (GM):Two Initiates open the gates and bow. "Hail Lord Sharatu!"
salute Dagny (Kimberly):(to everyone else) I was wondering if I could convince my friend to take some people and go somewhere
sharatu:"after defeating the earth cult i was granted these wings"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Where is Dagny?
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll come out from the stables
Simon N. (GM):"The Great Lord blesses you with Wings!"
Dagny (Kimberly):and join everyone else, if I can't find my friend
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dagny comes flying up.
Dagny (Kimberly):(it has been so long since I've seen him, I don't remember my friends name)
The tall drink of water
Simon N. (GM):GM: His name is in my hardback copy that is still at Philippe & Jelena's since lockdown!
Yes, we still have your backpack!!!!!
Rhennya:Completely forgot....
Dagny (Kimberly):haha Okay, let's say I have a pet name for him. Dagny: "Is Longlegs around?"
Alani (Phil):Are you ok if we check in your backpack, Simon?
Simon N. (GM):GM: He doesn't seem to be around, but the Initiates offer to escort you to the feast hall.
(sure Philippe)
Rhennya:The feast hall is always a good place to visit
Dagny (Kimberly):Given my knowledge of the tower, do I see anyone around that is a higher up, or are they all initiates?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Up in the Feast Hall you are greeted by Kasumi and several Feathergale Knights. They seem excited.
"Soon the Great Lord will come!"
Dagny (Kimberly):(oh, before I left Edna, I told her to screech if she sees anything suspicious)
Rhennya:(to others: Who is this Great Lord?)
Simon N. (GM):Can you see your tokens in the feast hall ok?
Dagny (Kimberly):I knock on Kasumi's head to make sure it doesn't thunk like stone ;-)
Feathergale Knight:"The Lord of Air! Patron of our Order!"
Feathergale Knight:"Now that the false prophets have fallen, the Great Lord is coming to reward His faithful!"
Tony:what do we do with the tokens
hp, ac, and what?
Feathergale Knight:hp green AC blue is good
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi is glad you're here, but seems a bit dazed still from her recent de-petrification.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Lightning flashes and thunder rolls across the darkening sky. The knight cheer.
Dagny (Kimberly):I pour her a stiff drink and pass it to her. And one for Alani too.
Can we see out a window?
Tony:I think we need to stop this..
who is doing the summoning
Simon N. (GM):The Initiates bring platters of food, lots of cured meats from Waterdeep, and fine wine.
Rhennya:Tasting a slice of cured meat here and there
Dagny (Kimberly):Did you say before there were any higher ups? Or is it all initiates?
Simon N. (GM):Yes you can see out the windows over the valley.
sharatu:"after defeating the earth cult i was granted these wings" sharatu excalims loudly to the knights
Feathergale Knight:"Hail the Winged Dragonborn!"
cheers Dagny (Kimberly):I raise my glass in a toast (but don't drink any myself)
Feathergale Knight:There's 7 knights here
Dagny (Kimberly):And say something suitably "Yay, air cult" so that they drink
Rhennya:I follow Dagny's action
Dagny (Kimberly):(I wouldn't mind if they got drunk, I whisper to Rhennya)
Rhennya:but chew on nice prosciutto slice
Feathergale Knight:The knights eat and drink freely.
Tony:where is the lord to arive
I ask
yoda speak
Feathergale Knight:"Grand Master Thurl has been invited by the Prophet to personally witness the Great Lord's arrival in our realm!"
Feathergale Knight:"The Omens are clear - this very night!"
Rhennya:invited by the Prophet... to...?
Dagny (Kimberly):But I thought Thurl had traveled somewhere?
sharatu:"we did destroy your greatest enenmy"
Rhennya:(to others: it was probably that group I saw flying past Dead Rocks)
Feathergale Knight:The knights laugh. "No, but you shall witness the Lord's coming! Soon he shall come with the Wind Host, to purge the unbelievers!"
sharatu:"but we personally defeated ogramoch and his puppets"
Dagny (Kimberly):(I'm going to continue giving toasts in an effort to get the knights drunk)
(but not drinking myself)
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi explains that Thurl and a small cadre of knights were invited by the Prophet (Aerisi Kalinoth) to witness the Lord of Air's arrival on this plane.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dagny roll Deception w advtg
Alani (Phil):They don't need too much encouragement to tip over? :-)
Simon N. (GM):The knights drink and boast merrily and are soon very drunk.
Dagny (Kimberly):I send a barrel down to whoever might be in the barracks
Simon N. (GM):anyone got +5 Insight?
Tony:Lets leave and go to the Dead Rocks
Simon N. (GM):Dagny you notice that one man is not drinking, but regarding you suspiciously.
Dagny (Kimberly):Do I know him?
Simon N. (GM):You think he's a kitchen chef?
Alani (Phil):A bit paranoid for a kitchen chef...
Simon N. (GM):But he's been hanging around in the Hall keeping an eye on you.
Dagny (Kimberly):I take Rhennya with me, babbling about how much I miss Longlegs and go near him, pretending to be drunker than I am.
sharatu:that makes sense we are not even members of the cult
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm a member though OOC
sharatu:if someone came to my place id have someone watch them
Rhennya:I ask him if he's the genius behind tonight's tasty delights
(also acting a bit tipsy)
Dagny (Kimberly):"Oh yes, Longlegs speaks so highly of your mutton stew! Says it doesn't even slow him down flying!"
Simon N. (GM):For a chef he has a very lean, ascetic look.
Alani (Phil):... on the pother hand, the beans make me fly faster...
Dagny (Kimberly):"Have you seen him, by the way? What was your name again?"
Simon N. (GM):The chef nods curtly to Dagny, arms crossed. "Yes, milady."
"I am Hurricos."
Rhennya:"hurri..hic...cos! Cheers!"
Dagny (Kimberly):I burp as gently as a dwarf can burp. "Ah, yes, that was it! Well met, Hurricos!" I grab two mugs from a passing tray and give one to him and raise mine in a toast
"To Hurricos!"
Simon N. (GM):"Longlegs? Your half elf friend was honoured to join the Grand Master's honour guard."
"Thank you. I do not imbibe."
Dagny (Kimberly):"Oh, that must have been the news he spoke of. Well done him!"
(is he human? elven?)
A huge lightning flash outside is accompanied by a massive thunder roll.
Drunken knights cheer. "Huzzah!"
Dagny (Kimberly):I clink his glass, sloshing a good deal of mine over him (not so) accidentally. "We dwarfs do not have that problem!"
"Right, Rhennya!? Oh, my, I'm sorry about that!"
Simon N. (GM):He looks down, but doesn't seem perturbed by the wet.
Dagny (Kimberly):I take a bit of my cloak and dab at him.
Rhennya:"Right, nor wood elves!"
Simon N. (GM):Hurricos: "Enjoy the party. Very soon the Lord of Air will come to sort the faithful from the ...unworthy."
Dagny (Kimberly):(how long would it take to get to the Dead Wood?)
Rhennya:"Yes, we'd love to assist with his arrival
Dagny (Kimberly):(Dagny ponders how flammable ale might be)
Feathergale Knight:"From the Howling Caves, Yan-C-Bin shall arise! Once the Great Aerial Host is summoned, none shall stand against us!"
Dagny (Kimberly):I would love to surprise Longlegs!
And see him in his glory in the guard!
Rhennya:(Howling Caves... trying to remember maps)
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll move you to the map
Dagny (Kimberly):I pull Rhennya back over to the others, making sure to stumble a bit. Whispering: Should we take mounts and go?
Tony:can I see anything with my eagle vision
Rhennya:(could the Howling Caves be in that natural bridge over the river?)
Dagny (Kimberly):"But we should avoid the gaze of that one. He doesn't seem to much like us."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Dead Rocks are just to the south-east. Rhennya saw fliers emerge from Knife Point Gulley to the east across the valley.
Ralf you can see up the gulley well.
V3. Knifepoint Gully
A narrow fissure in the canyon wall leads through a gully choked with pale brush and shrubs. A swift breeze passes through the fissure. At the end, a dark, jagged crevice awaits.
Tony:Can we scan to see if we can see the flyers
Dagny (Kimberly):Any thoughts, anyone? Did anyone else learn anything from those drunken fly boys?
(I am sure to say this so that only my friends can hear)
Rhennya:I go back to Hurricos "can you bring out some more of that tasty cured meat , please?"
Simon N. (GM):>>Rhennya:(could the Howling Caves be in that natural bridge over the river?)<< You can roll History or Investigaton DC 12
Rhennya:(as soon as he leaves the room, we can go)
Simon N. (GM):>>Can we scan to see if we can see the flyers<< Ralf roll Perception
Simon N. (GM):>>I go back to Hurricos "can you bring out some more of that tasty cured meat , please?"<< Hurricos snaps his fingers to a servant for more meat.
Ralph in a lightning flash you spot three human sized figures in the gulley, guarding the pit at the far end.
To the three
Dagny (Kimberly):I grab the most drunk appearing knight I can find and hiccup loudly. "Which window will afford the best view of their approach! I don't want to miss a minute!"
sharatu:i now have actual wings
Dagny (Kimberly):I've got Edna. Someone could borrow Kasumi's mount too probably...
Rhennya:Let's go! Great Eagle Wild Shape
Feathergale Knight:"This window is good - look you can see Knifepoint Gulley! The Lord will emerge from there with his Mighty Host!"
Dagny (Kimberly):"Thank you! Mayhap I should go to my room to change into something more appropriate!" I hasten down to Edna, using that as my excuse to leave
in case Hurricos is watching
(since I have a room there somewhere)
Feathergale Knight:"The Lord will arise from the Howling Caves, passing through the Fane of the Eye and the Temple of Elemental Air, to at last emerge here, in Sighing Valley! And we are honoured to witness it!"
Alani (Phil):I also find an excuse to leave the room "These beers are going right through me"
Simon N. (GM):Hurricos
Rhennya:(I hope you guys are just tearing off your normal attire, to show winged suits underneath, Clark Kent style)
Dagny (Kimberly):(hopefully everyone else is dreadfully drunk)
Alani (Phil):I check as we leave the room that Hurricos will not follow us...
Simon N. (GM):GM: Hurricos remains with the knights in the feast hall as you leave.
Alani (Phil):(I take a sagger in each hand)
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can all roll Survival or Investigation
aw, man
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 1
Simon N. (GM):Rhennya - the knight described an ascent from the Air Node below the Fane of the Eye up through the Air Temple to the surface.
Oh geez
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus - fighting down that way will likely take hours, but if you were able to get to Sharatu's water temple you could descend directy to the Fane from there
Rhennya:(Is the air node underground?
Seraphus:ill go to w temple
Rhennya:Lets fly to the Water temple!
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok! On the way out, if I see another initiate, I'll send them down to get more barrels to keep everyone happy...
Simon N. (GM):That's 12 miles away, about half an hour's flight.
Dagny (Kimberly):Can I use my insight to see if our timing seems reasonable or is it likely we'd miss the summoning based on when Kasumi said they'd left?
Simon N. (GM):GM: This ought to be the quickest way, and give you 90 minutes or so... :) Apparently Chauntea is with you as the storm calms as you head east to Rivergard, Alani's fort.
Tony:lets do it....quickly
Simon N. (GM):From there you take the stream west upriver to Sharatu's water temple, then down to the Fane...
Alani (Phil):Home sweet home! :-)
Dagny (Kimberly):Edna, get a wing on! I'll give you extra treats!
(I had pocketed some of the's a bad habit, I know, but I am a dwarf)
I toss her a sausage as she flies
in front of her, of course
Alani (Phil):(music of the Witcher) Toss a sausage to Edna...
Dagny (Kimberly):I don't trust that Hurricos.
Tony:notice, I ate nothing
Dagny (Kimberly):I just pocketed stuff and spilled a lot of ale
Rhennya:That's a shame, Ralph, the cured meats were incredible! Almost as good as my own, dried on tree tops...
Dagny (Kimberly):I just see myself on a big black square?
Tony:I can see now, zoom out
Dagny (Kimberly):There's two of me, now I see the bottom corner
Simon N. (GM):GM: You descend once more into the Fane...
Tony:we had a map to go down to the air node
Simon N. (GM):can you all see ok & see your tokens?
Dagny (Kimberly):We follow Sharatu, as he should well know the way now :-)
Rhennya:not the whole map
Tony:can we follow our map?
Rhennya:Is that one of Sharatu's minions?
Simon N. (GM):A low, thin mist clings to the floor of this cave, and the walls glisten with moisture. Several sets of crude bronze manacles are anchored to the walls, and three hold human corpses. .
A steady breeze blows toward a passage to the west, while from the east comes the distant sound of running water.
Dagny (Kimberly):Do they appear to be NEW corpses?
I give Sharatu the side eye
Simon N. (GM):past couple weeks, yes
Alani (Phil):Friends of yours, Sheratu? ;-)
sharatu:its a rust monster
Simon N. (GM):A rust monster emerges from the pit...
just a bug
Simon N. (GM):Waggling its antennae
sharatu:so no not a freind
Tony:shall we follow the breeze
Alani (Phil):Beware your metal objects!
sharatu:it might be a freind
i don't know
Simon N. (GM):It seems interested in the Icy Axe of Uthgar
kill it , rage
sharatu:don't rage its a waist
Simon N. (GM):Ralf roll init
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
hand axe time
Rust Monster:rolling d20+1
OK Ralf you can attack
Hand Axe x2 (+10)
Hand Axe x2 (+10)
axe corrodes
Rust Monster:it takes 14 damage
Alani (Phil):Can I roll init?
Rust Monster:Your hand axe is now -2 to hit & damage
Dagny (Kimberly):I will shoot it with sacred flame
Rust Monster:It reaches for the hand axe
Rust Monster:rolling d20+3
It tries to touch the hand axe w antennae
but misses
Rust Monster:ok rest of you can attack
Dagny (Kimberly):Should I roll that again ?
Rust Monster:no, Dagny's flame blasts ut
11 dmg
Alani (Phil):I shoot at it...
Alani (Phil):150/600
Rust Monster:Alani killed it
Alani (Phil):150/600
sharatu:rolling 3d10 + 5
Tony:hold fire sharatu, not your turn just yet
Alani (Phil):Thanks! It was pretty damaged when I started.... ;-)
Rust Monster:The wind comes from the west
sharatu:the ammo you shot it with is destroyed
Simon N. (GM):GM: you can move your tokens
Alani (Phil):Fair enough.
Rhennya:Unless it was a wooden arrow...?
but arrows are metal tipped
Simon N. (GM):A stone pedestal in the middle of this cavern holds a glassy sphere about eight inches in diameter. The sphere seems to contain swirling smoke. Battered armor, damaged weapons, and tattered clothing are strewn around the chamber, but the floor within ten feet of the sphere is free of such debris. Several weapons on the ground seem like they might still be serviceable, although all are badly worn. Four swords hover overhead.
Dagny (Kimberly):What is the condition of the hovering swords?
Sharatu, do you know anything of this from your minions?
Simon N. (GM):The hovering swords are in good condition
Dagny (Kimberly):Anyone wanna toss a stone in there and see what happens?
Alani (Phil):I can shoot one of my worn out arrows...
Alani (Phil):One on one of the swords and the other at the glassy sphere...
Simon N. (GM):ok roll to hit
What happens to the sword?
Simon N. (GM):you missed the sword
Simon N. (GM):It seemed to move aside as you shot :)
To the others, shall I try the glassy sphere?
Burst the abses?
on the sword
Simon N. (GM):ok Shaaratu
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
sharatu:rolling 3d10 + 5
Simon N. (GM):The sword shatters!
A sword lunges at Sharatu
Dagny (Kimberly):What does the sphere do?
sharatu:"pathetic sword do you know who i am"
Simon N. (GM):A sword comes at Alani
The sphere is just sitting on the pedestal.
Flying Sword:rolling d20+2
ok roll init
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Flying Sword:ok the swords attack
1 on Alani
2 on Seraphus
Rhennya:Can't you just grab them?
Flying Sword:ok the last one goes for Dagny then
sharatu:we sword of have a problem here
Flying Sword:they lunge down stabbing at you, not very effectively
#22 Ralph
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Flying Sword:AC 17 - dodges
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Simon N. (GM):#15 Seraphus
Simon N. (GM):first blow shatters the sword!
Seraphus:How many attacks do i get
1 more
20-16-13, 1 hit
#14 Rhennya
Rhennya:If I cast Heat Metal, would they melt?
Dagny (Kimberly):(I'm not gonna do it, but I have this wonderful image of Dagny making a running leap and grabbing a handle and then hanging in the air)
Simon N. (GM):You can try :)
That would look aweome!
Rhennya:Or I could go to one of them and try to grab it?
Alani (Phil):Like a medieval Mary Poppins!
Dagny (Kimberly):(I'm Mary Poppins, ya'll!)
Rhennya:So, it woul glow red hot but not be damaged
Rhennya:OK, what about Dispel Magic
Simon N. (GM):you can try
Are you using Dispel Magic?
Rhennya:Dispel Magic
Abjuration 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Target: One creature, object, or magical effect within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell's level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.
Simon N. (GM):Antimagic Susceptibility. The sword is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the sword must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious...
Sadly it saves!
Alani (Phil):OK, I drop my bow and get my daggers. I have dual weilder so I should be able to do that super fast.
Simon N. (GM):The sword shatters at Tinderstrike's touch!
Alani (Phil):Can I get my two other attacks at the next one?
Simon N. (GM):& the last one shattters too
Simon N. (GM):out of combat
Rhennya:Are we picking up the sphere?
Alani (Phil):Shalll I pop that sphere with an arrow?
Dagny (Kimberly):Are any of the weapons on the floor something nice enough that we should pick up? (I have Mending)
Tony:let's just leave it unless we still have the box to put it in
Rhennya:can we examine it somehow?
Dagny (Kimberly):I have the box
Dagny (Kimberly):you mean the one for the devastation orb?
Simon N. (GM):The sphere sits enticingly on its pedestal, smoke within swirling alluringly.
Dagny (Kimberly):I do no like enticing smoke.
Tony:where is the wind coming from
Dagny (Kimberly):Yeah, looking at the ground, anything there I want to pick up and mend? I make a wide berth around sphere.
Simon N. (GM):A stone pedestal in the middle of this cavern holds a glassy sphere about eight inches in diameter. The sphere seems to contain swirling smoke. Battered armor, damaged weapons, and tattered clothing are strewn around the chamber, but the floor within ten feet of the sphere is free of such debris. Several weapons on the ground seem like they might still be serviceable, although all are badly worn.
you can take a warhammer Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, I scoop it up as I walk through and pop it in my bag
Simon N. (GM):GM: hold on
F1. Worm's Stair
The skeleton of a giant worm is fused to the sides of this long tunnel, disappearing into a nearly vertical tunnel fifty feet above the floor. Wooden steps have been lashed to the bones, creating a makeshift staircase. Several odd backpacks lie in a pile on the floor at the foot of the stairs.
Dagny (Kimberly):What is odd about them?
Alani (Phil):HELP! My token is freakin' stuck!
Simon N. (GM):They appear to be Balloon Packs
Dagny (Kimberly):How many are there?
The wind is coming up the worm stair from the NW
Simon N. (GM):ok you can move :)
Rhennya:are the backpacks used up?
Dagny (Kimberly):Are the spirits in them "fresh" or used up?
Simon N. (GM):they're charged
Dagny (Kimberly):I take a backpack
Alani (Phil):I'll take a pack if there is one left
Simon N. (GM):As you descend the worm stair you see it ends at a dark pit. Wind howls as it climbs this dark shaft.
Chaotic gusts blow up the shaft...
Dagny (Kimberly):what is above the shaft?
Simon N. (GM):Roll DC 10 Athletics
Rhennya:Is that the Howling Cave?
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 1
Simon N. (GM):you're above the shaft
it angles steeply SE
then plunges down in a pit
Dagny (Kimberly):Right, but I meant is the ceiling right there or does it also go up?
Tony:can we use the packs to descend?
Simon N. (GM):ceiling is about 20' above the pit
GM: You all avoid being sucked into the pit by the chaotic gusts :)
sharatu:i cast firebolt into the pit
Simon N. (GM):well done :)
Sharatu firebolts the darkness
Simon N. (GM):nothing happens
Rhennya:Can we somehow find out if the "great Lord has already ascended from there?
Simon N. (GM):You could presumably descend w the packs
Tony:where the wind coming from
Simon N. (GM):The wind comes from the howling pit
with packs of course
sharatu:that holes a last resort lets follow the path for now
Dagny (Kimberly):If the howling pit is trying to suck us in, do we want to go there??
Simon N. (GM):ok you can move
A bronze torch glowing with a magical light lies next to the corpse of a bare-chested man with a shield in the shape of a crab shell and a broken shark-toothed sword. Several other corpses are scattered on the floor. Some have been picked down to bone, their clothing and armor discarded nearby, while others have hardly been touched.
The walls are uneven, with small ledges and fissures on all sides. The ceiling is about a hundred feet high.
You recognise the tattered remains of some harpies you killed a while ago :)
Dagny (Kimberly):"They smell even worse dead."
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
You hear distant chanting.
Dagny (Kimberly):North, ho!
Simon N. (GM):steps go down to misty veil7
you go through!!
This is where you killed an air myrmidon & Seraphus got his armour
ok roll init
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
bad guys
Howling Hatred Initiate:rolling d20+2
shoots xbow at Ralph
Howling Hatred Initiate:rolling d8+2
6 dmg
#18 Alani
Alani (Phil):Do I have line of sight?
Howling Hatred Initiate:you can check it yourself w the comb & circle token
looks like no
#18 Alani
then #17 Sharatu
Howling Hatred Initiate:boom
sharatu:rolling 8d6 + 5
Howling Hatred Initiate:screams The fireball subsides
Alani you can move if you want
Howling Hatred Initiate:A readied Xbow at Sharatu
Alani (Phil):I shoot at the one I can see
Actuallly I can see 2
I shoot at the one closer to me.
Howling Hatred Initiate:looks like only LOS on top one - you hit & drop him
Howling Hatred Initiate:#16 Ralf
Alani (Phil):Can I just wait until the other one is visible to shoot my two other attacks?
Howling Hatred Initiate:(no) There are a lot of burning corpses on the Pyramid of the Eye
#15 Seraphus
Howling Hatred Initiate:The cultist has studded leather, mask, xbow & shortsword
thats my turn
Howling Hatred Initiate:#9 Dagny
oh, readied xbow on Ralf
Dagny (Kimberly):I move and then cast Aid
Howling Hatred Initiate:rolling d20+4
Dagny (Kimberly):on Rhennya, Sharatu and Alani
Howling Hatred Initiate:misses Ralf
Dagny (Kimberly):Your hitpoints increase by +5
Howling Hatred Initiate:You hear laughter from behind the pyramid/
Dagny (Kimberly):immediately for the next 8 hours
Howling Hatred Initiate:#5 Rhennya
sharatu:i think this is a diversion
there litteraly made out of paper
Dagny (Kimberly):I like evil laughter as little as I like smoking orbs
Rhennya:OK,I moved, that's me for now
sharatu:some of the enemys died in my fireball without needing to roll a save becuase their hp is below 16
Howling Hatred Initiate:Ralph's cultist draws shortsword & stabs
4 dmg!
Howling Hatred Initiate:2nd shoots at Seraphus
Tony:thanks or my rage would have neded
Howling Hatred Initiate:rolling d20+4
A mad eyed cultist comes running and screaming at Ralph
Howling Hatred Initiate:he throws his open hands forward and a Thunderwave blasts out, catching Ralph.
Howling Hatred Initiate:rolling 3d8
12 thunder dmg, DC 11 CON save for half
Howling Hatred Initiate:Close! :D
6 dmg
Howling Hatred Initiate:Another xbow at Ralph
#18 Alani
Alani (Phil):I move and shoot.
Tony:they are soft like butter
Hurricane:"We live for Yan C Bin! We die for Yan C Bin! Hurray!"
Alani (Phil):First arow on the paper guard.
Rhennya:"Where is your Yancee Bin now?
Alani (Phil):OK the rest on the hurricane
Hurricane:"He's coming! You fools! You are already too late!"
#17 Sharatu
sharatu:fire bolt on xbow
Howling Hatred Initiate:"Agh!" drops, head mostly burned off.
#16 Ralph
sharatu:ralph leave your guy alive
keep him hostage
Tony:is the one next to me still alive
Howling Hatred Initiate:"You'll never take me alive!"
sharatu:we need to know where there actual seromony is
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Dagny (Kimberly):He's a minion, would they care if he's a hostage? They were cannon fodder
Howling Hatred Initiate:CHUNK sharatu:not for barganing to tell us where the real summoning is
Howling Hatred Initiate:#15 Seraphus
Howling Hatred Initiate:yup
Howling Hatred Initiate:yup
sharatu:don't kill the last guy
make him tell us where the rest are
Dagny (Kimberly):Doesn't the summoning have to take place at the node?
sharatu:these were 9 hp guys this isnt the real summoning
Howling Hatred Initiate:laughs manically sharatu:there are several nodes like the last place we fought at
Thats my tuen
Howling Hatred Initiate:Action Surge Seraphus?
Howling Hatred Initiate:#9 Dagny
Seraphus:Ill action surge
Howling Hatred Initiate:ok
sharatu:we need him to tell us the real location
Tony:you are such a pacifist
Howling Hatred Initiate:Pieces of cultist rain down
Dagny (Kimberly):he can't; he's dead
sharatu:im not a pacifist im a planner
Howling Hatred Initiate:out of combat
Simon N. (GM):(need to stop shortly(
Tony:well that was a waste
sharatu:now we have no sembalance of an idea where the real summoning is
Simon N. (GM):The sinister pyramid is thrumming gently
Dagny (Kimberly):Are all sounds of chanting gone?
Rhennya:It's somewhere around here
can we glean any info from the pyramid?
Simon N. (GM):A stone ziggurat capped by a huge altar of black granite stands in the middle of this cavern. At the foot of the altar lies a bound and gagged figure. Fresh rivulets of blood stain the altar and trickle down the steps of the ziggurat. On all sides of the cavern, guttering flames dance atop sluggish pools of oily water. Gusts of wind moan and howl from fissures high in the cavern walls.
Sorry ignore gagged figure, you rescued him :)
There are a lot of burned cultists on the pyramid though
Dagny (Kimberly):Are there any tracks leading north?
sharatu:oops did i do that
Simon N. (GM):no recent tracks north
Rhennya:any other paths , behind the water maybe?
Dagny (Kimberly):how much blood upon the altar?
I want to pour some holy water on it to cleanse it
sharatu:we don't have time to s
Simon N. (GM):F18. Drow Tomb
Flame dances above a pool of murky water to the south, lighting the room. A sarcophagus carved from glassy black stone stands atop a natural pedestal toward the north. The sarcophagus has fluted embellishments, delicate ribs, and friezes that show groveling demons.
sharatu:we need to hurry to the air prophet
Simon N. (GM):In the center of the sarcophagus lid is a symbol that combines those of the four elemental cults—the symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye.
Dagny (Kimberly):With my stonecunning, what do I know about the black stone?
Tony:Can I gain anything by commune with nature
Rhennya:Is that a path to the north as well?
Tony:Like to trsack the airt cultist
Simon N. (GM):@Dagny it looks like an old drow tomb dedicated to the Elder Elemental Eye
just a crevice to north
sharatu:thats a blood pit
Simon N. (GM):You see a lot of minotaurs
Emberhorn Minotaur:"GRRR"
Alani (Phil):GRRR yourself!
Dagny (Kimberly):(wouldn't they be more Earthy?)
Emberhorn Minotaur:These are fire cult minotaurs
Sharatu roll Persuasion
Dagny (Kimberly):Show them your daggers, Alani! :-)
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 10
ill use my inspiration
Emberhorn Minotaur:waves axe menacingly sharatu:"sorry wrong turn ill back off"
Dagny (Kimberly):Make way for the bearer of the Dagger!
Alani (Phil):My dagger gives me the power to dominate monster of fire elementals
sharatu:i don't think thats how it works
Alani (Phil):"Obey me! For I am the bearer of Tinderstrike the mighty dagger!"
sharatu:im pretty sure its elementals of fire
Emberhorn Minotaur:The minotaurs look unimpressed.
"Nice dagger. Give!"
sharatu:based on the stats of the pick axe who only works on earth elementals
Alani (Phil):Come and take it!
sharatu:"stop alani there possible freind"
Emberhorn Minotaur:Alani roll Intimidate DC 15
Emberhorn Minotaur:The minotaurs laugh and move to attack...
sharatu:"may good bovine fellows i currently already have two of you helping me"
Emberhorn Minotaur:OK stopping there
Thanks Simon
Rhennya:OK, thanks Simon!
Alani (Phil):Thanks a lot Simon!
Dagny (Kimberly):(OOC Next time: "Your mother was a milk cow!")
sharatu:"he meant no harm"
Dagny (Kimberly):Thanks, Simon :-)
Emberhorn Minotaur:Thanks guys :)
sharatu:"my good fellows don't be rash about this"
Dagny (Kimberly):(OOC: "And your father pulled a wagon!")
Alani (Phil):Your uncle was making cheddars!
Dagny (Kimberly):Good night all :-)
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