Simon N. (GM):ok roll initiative please
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Tony:max is trying to get in. on sec
Dagny (Kimberly):I've got -1 on Initiative
Simon N. (GM):thanks Max]
Dagny:Oh, I did it for him. His is still loading
Simon N. (GM):Philippe & Jelena thanks again for the lovely card & presents!
Alani (Phil):Awww bless! Glad you liked them! :-)
Simon N. (GM):GM: The minotaurs advance with axes raised. #22 Seraphus your go.
OOC I finished the biltong today!
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus charges an Emberhorn minotaur
Kasumi:Sorry I'm late! My character sheet went walkies :-(
Dagny:Sorry, forgot to switch name. Max is still loading
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi roll init please
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Dagny:He said to charge in and attack it 3 times with his flamey death sword
Kasumi:Hi Simon! And what a rubbish roll!
Dagny:lol still more than me!
Kasumi:OOC my screen is still black?
Tony:roll20 is really slow loading today
all i canb do is type
and even that is laggy
Alani (Phil):Zoom out Kasumi and it will appear
Seraphus:i sent these mesages like 2 minutes ago
Seraphus:"Your connection to the server is interrupted"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Kasumi you slipped away from Feathergale Spire where Thurl Merosska left you in charge & you find your friends facing minotaurs in the Fane of the Eye
Tony:we need to build a roll20 competitor...
sharatu:"i think we should just leave these Minotaurs alone because were obviously in fire cult territory meaning were going the wrong way and we don't have time for another fight"
Simon N. (GM):I hear Foundry is good :)
Tony:I agree sharatu... how?
Kasumi:Just in the nick of time! I'm sure minotaur horns must be worth something!
sharatu:walk out? im not sure
Simon N. (GM):GM: Sharatu you attack the minotaur?
Alani (Phil):Foundry looks excellent but hard work it seems...
Simon N. (GM):Seraphus you attack the minotaur?
I think one of those was a hit, definitely not the other, but not sure on the third
It was a 13, 29, and a 18
Simon N. (GM):AC 14, 2 hits
ok, he's done
Tony:I can't move my character..., attacking the sames as max
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Dagny:Do you want me to try and move you?
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
21 dmg
That's me done
Simon N. (GM):Should be moveable by Tony & Kimberly it says
Seraphus:I might be able to play now
Tony:cool, I can move now
Dagny:They are both on the same minitaur now
Simon N. (GM):It staggers back, badly wounded.
Alani (Phil):I shoot at the Minotaur... one arrow at a time to make sure I don;t overkill
Dagny:ha minotaur, not mini-taur...
Simon N. (GM):It drops dead!
Alani (Phil):The two ther ones go to the other horned beast
Alani (Phil):OK I just want to threaten them instead. Dagny just advised me to do that and we might change their mind
Seeing his friend being killed might make him think twice?
Simon N. (GM):You already got 6 on Intimidate
They don't seem scared
Rhennya:We don't want more trouble, we just want to find the Air node
Simon N. (GM):Alani are you done?
Alani (Phil):OK, so I just shoot instead.
I am done now. Thanks
roars and swings axe at Sharatu.
Minotaur:rolling d20+6
axe bounces off.
breathes fire
sharatu:since fire is to the north and waters to the south and earth is to the east that means airs to the west so we must have missed something back the way we came
Alani (Phil):Well observed, Messire Sharatu.
Rhennya:Singed the tip of my plait!
Minotaur:Alani Ralph & Seraphus roll DEX saves DC 14
Kasumi:That's a lot of fire........
Kasumi:Composure save for Kasumi?
Minotaur:22 fire, half if save
Alani (Phil):Tinderstrike gives me Fire Resistance.
attacks Sharatu AC 20
Dagny:OOC: "He ain't got no beef wit you..."
Kasumi:I didn't know minotaurs could type!
Minotaur:You hear heavy hoof steps and the roar of an enormous minotaur.
sharatu:thats probably a cue to leave
Kasumi:Simon do I need to make a Willpower save due to Kasum's pyrrophobia?
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +3
Ok if I can get through, I'll attack the nearest minotaur.
Simon N. (GM):ok have Inspiration Kasumi & I think your pyrophobia is gone now
at least for now
Kasumi:Brilliant thank you!
Ok first attack:
Simon N. (GM):hit (AC 14)
Kasumi:I'll use Deft Strike and a Ki point to do an extra 1d8 damage.
17 total
Second attack:
Dagny:OOC Simon, are minotaurs considered humanoid?
Simon N. (GM):monstrosity
Kasumi:I'll use another Ki point to bonus action flurry of blows.
Both hit.
21 total damage.
Simon N. (GM):It's bloodied
sharatu:i disengage and run back
Kasumi:Hopefully some blood sprays on Kasumi's kimono :-)
Dagny:Are you going to talk to them Sharatu?
Simon N. (GM):BTW there are ancient demon summoning runes on the floor here, badly corroded.
sharatu:i tried but it failed
Alani (Phil):Demonic? No elemental?
Dagny:Can I read the runes?
Simon N. (GM):They look Elven
Dagny:so primordial or abyssal wouldn't help then
Rhennya:I speak both Elvish and Sylvan
Simon N. (GM):Yes. Rhennya this looks like ancient Drow runes to summon demonic forces, but they are too corroded to use.
Dagny:oh, actually Rhennya should be above me anyway
since I'm -1 init
Simon N. (GM):Not a rule in 5e :)
Is anyone badly injured? As I look around
Simon N. (GM):only minotaurs!
"I am Dagny Glintshield, healer and I pledge that we do not seek your destruction, but only that of the cultists attempting to take down the entire valley!"
My voice booms in the cavern
Dagny:OOC I've got Common, Dwarvish, Primordial and Abyssal...with my knowledge, what would I think would be best to use?)
Simon N. (GM):roll INT (Nature)
DC 10
Simon N. (GM):You have no idea :)
Dagny:I have no idea. So I say it in Common
And repeat it in Primoridal
sharatu:would i know since i have two serving me
i think its abyssal
Dagny:Then I say "As proof of this, I offer to heal your wounded brother"
"If you let us go on our way so that we can defeat the ones that threaten us all!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dagny what Sharatu says sounds right - they speak Abyssal as their native tongue
Dagny:Can I use persuasion
I'll be happy to repeat my grandiose speech in Abyssal as well
making sure to roll the R's
Simon N. (GM):OK you can roll Persuasion or Intimidate
Wait, am gonna use my insp
Simon N. (GM):They don't seem impressed... until Dagny repeats in Abyssal. They flinch and take a step back.
GM: If you allow it, the worried minotaurs fall back.... go out of combat?
Dagny:I wave a hand to them in salute
Rhennya:Let's run to the west to find the Air node!
Dagny:If I know any minotaur proverbs, I call it out after them
Kasumi:Kasumi is disappointed but I'm definitey not!
sharatu:we need to retrace our steps because air should be west and were currently north coming from the west
Alani (Phil):I pick up my arrows from the dead minotaur...
Dagny:OOC: Obviously, I sound taller in Abyssal
Simon N. (GM):You see a big minotaur watching you warily from the east cave, but doesn't seem inclined to attack.
Rhennya:OOC or deeper, Dagny
Dagny:OOC what would a minotaur proverb be? May your mother's milk be sweet and the your horns always gore true?
Simon N. (GM):sounds good :)
Kasumi:Dynamic lighting always does my head in!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Are you returning to the howling pit?
Alani (Phil):To the group:Shall we jump in the howling pit?
sharatu:sure sounds like a good point
I'm lost lol
Simon N. (GM):Sharatu finds the pit!
Dagny:Dagny pants, hey, I've got stumpy legs!
Kasumi:Can you move my token please Simon I'm totally lost.
Simon N. (GM):Wind howls as it climbs this dark shaft.
Rhennya:I'll take a backpack too, saving my Wild Shape
Dagny:I'd picked one up previously
Simon N. (GM):GM: the shaft is rough and could be climbed down with lots of DC 10 Athletics checks
Kasumi:How about Acrobatics?
Dagny:What about the backpacks?
Simon N. (GM):Or you could fly, or float down with the balloon packs
Seraphus:ill fly down when they go
Tony:I can use my wings, kasumi can have my pack
Dagny:I should very much like to float. I have always dreamed of being a butterfly.
Simon N. (GM):Acrobatics ok Kasumi, DC 10
Kasumi:Oh in that case I don't need the pack, but thank you Tony.
Simon N. (GM):It's 80' down
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Tony:she can't get less than 10
Kasumi:I've got a +9 on Acrobatics so I don't htink I can fail.
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi can't fail a DC 10 so can basically walk down the shaft wall :)
Kasumi:Like incy wincy spider!
Simon N. (GM):GM: You all descend into the Deep Dark Pit...
Tony:the jaws close around us...
Alani (Phil):I get my backpack on and float... emitting a silly "whhoosh" noise with my mouth...
Dagny:Dagny mutters a prayer to Moradin the whole way down
Alani (Phil):It feels like I am playing that old arcade game "Gauntlet" when you move to another level by running in a small pit...
Simon N. (GM):Roll20 being bad
Dagny:I can only see something if I zoom out all the way
Tony:blinded by the...dark...
Rhennya:I see nothing, and I have Darkvision
Alani (Phil):Nice "Blue oyster cult" reference, Tony! ;-)
Simon N. (GM):it lost tokens
I've turned off dynamic lighting
Dagny:Dagny has her eyes closed
Tony:y are starting to appear. We are materialising
Simon N. (GM):are you able to change your token sizes?
Kasumi:It's just like Alice in Wonderland!
Tony:feels like Alice in Wonderland
Rhennya:No biscuits, though
Simon N. (GM):Very Alice in Wonderland yes :)
You feel bigger again...
A subterranean wind blows north, up the tunnel, carrying distant screams from the south.
Dagny:Is everyone feeling okay?
Do you need anything before we go on?
(like a hEAL?)
Kasumi:That was.....interesting!
Alani (Phil):I am good thanks!
Dagny:Do you want a heal now?
sharatu:"hey kasumi and dagny can you remind me what your "friends" look like so i can avoid blasting them
Tony:how long does commune with nature take
Dagny:You are my friends.
sharatu:no the guys in the air cult
you like
Simon N. (GM):N4. Storm Chasm
A chasm divides the subterranean passageway, which continues on the other side ten feet away. Fog obscures the chasm's depths.
Dagny:Oh, you mean Longlegs? He is elven and quite fair of face.
Simon N. (GM):N6. Breathless Cave
Giant spiders are seized in death among dead cave lizards, giant bats, a carrion crawler, and a female drow decked in fine chain mail, with ruby-pommeled knives at her hips. No injuries are apparent, and the smell of death is fainter than one would expect. At the back of the cave, within ten feet of the drow, a breeze whistles through three tiny fissures in the rock.
Longlegs' name is Elian BTW :)
sharatu:a bit more description dagny there could be more than one elf and there all fair of face
To be fair, Sharatu, I confess they all look the same to me. Unbearded lads, all of them.
Simon N. (GM):The chasm depths are obscured by fog.
Dagny:rolling 1d6+4+14
Kasumi:And don't forget Thurl Merroska!
Simon N. (GM):Alani & Seraphus see lightning flash in the depths
Kasumi:That's a good point, that letter was a bit suspicious.....
Dagny:Any farther than we can throw him? Elian is a bit...simple. I do not think he knows what is really going on.
sharatu:what does thurl look like so i can not kill him
Kasumi:Ah, never mind Sharatu, kill away!
That's always been my motto anyway!
Rhennya:Where is the wind coming from?
Simon N. (GM):The NW passage is icy
Winds howl through the caverns
Dagny:CAn we hear anything?
other than wind?
N2. Deadly Pool
The temperature plunges in this cave, which is dominated by a frozen pool. Ice crystals glitter on the walls, floor, and other rock formations. Snow whirls about on strong gusts.
Dagny:Is that a chasm I see before me?
Rhennya:Have our balloon backpacks been used up?
Dagny:Go back across the chasm or go past the deadly icy water to the NE?
Rhennya:Is the ice solid enough to take our weight?
Simon N. (GM):The balloon packs are still good (last 10 minutes)
Alani (Phil):Maybe Sharatu can melt the ice?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d10
Dagny:Isn't that a path along the side?
sharatu:or we could just go round on the stone path
Simon N. (GM):You could edge round the frozen pool of liquid ice
Rhennya:OK, so some sort of magical ice
I'm happy to go around then
after some of you!
Kasumi:My unarmoured movement grants me ability to move along liquids without falling.
Simon N. (GM):Suddenly, the air grows very warm. Water rains from above. The ice cracks, and thick waves of steam rise from the pool. Bobbing among the breaking ice, the bloated bodies of small humanoids stare up with wide, dead eyes.
sharatu:do we hear any chanting at this point
Simon N. (GM):It's very hot now
The water bubbles, boiling. Boiled dead gnomes float inthe water
Dagny:Oh great, zombie soup
Simon N. (GM):GM: You carefully edge round the boiling pool
Dagny:very, very carefully
Rhennya:Still no chanting?
Simon N. (GM):N3. Oubliette
Gore spatters the floor and walls of this windy cave, and the floor is strewn with dismembered humanoid corpses. A windy cyclone moves among the remains. A shaft in the ceiling leads up farther than you can see.
No chanting over the howling wind, no
Dagny:This is not a pleasant place
Simon N. (GM):A red cyclone circles the shaft, spattering gore everywhere
Alani (Phil):This looks like the exit once we'll be done...
Rhennya:Is the shaft wide enough for us to fly through?
Simon N. (GM):A very bloody air elemental!
sharatu:not the right way evidently so lets not get caught up with it
Simon N. (GM):You see a human head wih the air symbol cut into it.
Simon N. (GM):The elemental is currently ignoring you.
Dagny:Anyone we recognise?
Kasumi:May I do a religion check Simon?
Male w droopy black moustache
Dagny:I tiptoe quickly away
So, dead hipster elemental
Simon N. (GM):N8. Wind Chorus
Wind rushes through this curving natural passage and off into the darkness beyond, howling in a changing pitch as it feeds through the alcoves and fissures of faraway caves.
everyone roll a d6 please
Dagny:Any melody to it, or discordant howling?
Simon N. (GM):Dagny you seem to hear voices
Alani (Phil):rolling d6
Simon N. (GM):Dagny you hear Serka's voice. "You're so useless, Dagny! You're going to fail!"
Oh dear. Is 6 bad?
Dagny:I take a step back and shake my head. Serka would never use that tone with me!
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi you hear Vanifer the dead Fire Prophet''s voice. "You fool! You're going to burn!"
sharatu:"whats wrong dagny why are you shaking your head?"
Dagny:Serka never talked of failure, only of hard-faught battles. Dagny shook her head again.
"There are voices in the wind, Sharatu, but I do not trust them."'re dead....I saw....your head hewn from your body........
sharatu:"i don't hear them you might have to run some tests"
Kasumi:Kasumi's Stillness of Mind penetrates the fear and allows her to shake off the voice.
Vanifer:"Soon you'll be dead too, fool! You think that Dragonborn will keep you around? He's going to feed you to Tiamat to become her high priest!"
Dagny:Dagny clutches Ralphs jerkin (?) and holds on, willing herself to not listen to the voices.
She follows along behind
Vanifer:N10. Stalagmite Garden
Wind blows through this weird stalagmite garden. The rock formations are smooth and contorted, their natural forms weathered to be chaotic and abstract.
Dagny:Ah, much like dwarven art
Kasumi:I was reborn in fire........I know that it can never hurt me now. My patron is a red dragon, if I am Tiamat's chosen then so be it!
Vanifer:Supernatural air has weathered the stalagmites such that they form weird images as one moves through the cavern. You seem to see a line of figures struggling to walk against the wind, faces of the dead...
Rhennya:Rhennya frowns at the unnatural formations
Dagny:Using my stonecunning, do I know anything?
about the stalagmites?
Vanifer:You see light ahead beyond a chasm.
Kasumi:May I do a Religion check?
To see if I can identify the figures (are they lost souls?)
Alani (Phil):Can I walk along the edge of the chasm?
Rhennya:We still can (float)
Simon N. (GM):@Dagny the weathering is clearly supernatural, a result of powerfil elemental forces
Dagny:"This is an unholy place."
Simon N. (GM):Several windy tunnels meet at a chasm. Ledges along the cavern walls create natural footpaths above the abyss.
Tony:walk carefully with pack on
Simon N. (GM):Would be DC 10 Acrobatics to edge round the chasm without falling
Alani (Phil):Same as Tony.
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Dagny:Can athletics work?
Oh dear, what are those?
Rhennya:I slide and float with the backpack
Simon N. (GM):Lots of air cultists turn in your direction...
Simon N. (GM):A warm wind swirls through this smooth cave, seemingly changing course at random. Nine cultists wearing feathered cloaks stand here with arms outstretched, as though waiting for the wind's embrace or, perhaps, waiting for the wind to carry them somewhere far, far away.
Simon N. (GM):One who looks like a priest beckons you to be silent.
Kasumi:It seems we have interrupted a ritual! (Religion check now please?)
sharatu:can i use my wings to push them against either wall to stabalise my self
Alani (Phil):It's time to shoot some birds!!!
Simon N. (GM):@Jelly let me know what you are trying to work out then I can know if you get a check
Kasumi:I want to see if the Air Cultists are attempting to summon something.....
Dagny:and how far along they are?
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 Religion
Yikes! Can I use my inspiration?
Tony:let's interrupt some chanting]
Dagny:Sigh. Religion has failed me.
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +3
Simon N. (GM):GM: They are engaged in a harmless Windhugging ritual
Kasumi:(well that was a waste of an Insp lol!)
Dagny:I wave a hand in the air in a windy gesture
Tony:we are late for the sum?
Simon N. (GM):The cultists return to their ritual, ignoring you.
Tony:moning can you point us in the righ tdirection?
north east?
Simon N. (GM):Roll Persuasion Ralph
Simon N. (GM):The priest nods to Ralph looking slightly annoyed.
Dagny:Dagny mutters to herself "Freaking windhuggers." but very quietly, so no one can hear.
(and after she's out of the room)
Simon N. (GM):At an intersection of four tunnels, a mighty gale blows from the northern way, making a constant howl. Two braziers burn with green flame, lighting the area. Numerous rock columns join the floor to the ceiling. Severed silk ropes, darkly sodden with blood, sit at the base of three gore-spattered columns. Tied to two other columns are two women, each with a symbol cut into her forehead.
As you step in, the two huge ape beasts vanish.
Kasumi:Symbols again.......
still alive?
Simon N. (GM):human, just about alive
Kasumi:This looks like a sacrifice to some demon!
Rhennya:"who are you? What happened here?"
Dagny:Should I do a Mass Healing Word?
And get them and whoever among us is wounded?
sharatu:watch out the apes are probably invisible
Simon N. (GM):GM: The invisible apes howl and attack! ok better do init (last encounter today!)
sharatu:you know like the air
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Dagny:Invisible Apes are the worst.
Dagny:Can't you smell them?
Kasumi:OOC lol when you said they disappear I thought you meant literally went away somewhere!
Kasumi:OOC Simon when you say last encounter do you mean session will finish after this?
Barlgura:rolling d20+2
OOC thanks just checking.
Barlgura:OK the apes attack Ralph w advtg as invisible
Dagny:Would I have been able to get off that healing spell I was going to cast?
8 to hit, not raging yet...
Barlgura:rolling 12d20
Barlgura:6 hits inc 1 crit
biting and clawing
Barlgura:6 atts w advtg - 2 claws & a bite
Barlgura:rolling 14d6+24
80 dmg to Ralph
Rhennya:Ralph, try to bleed on them so we can see them!
Barlgura:They appear now they've attacked
Tony:I'm going to kill some ape
Simon N. (GM):#20 Seraphus
man horrible hit rolls
Simon N. (GM):3 hits, but it's fire resistant
Simon N. (GM):38-4 = 34 dmg
Dagny:I lay my eyes upon Ralph, seeing one mightily wounded Barbarian
and cast Heal
A surge of energy courses through him
He regains 70 hit points
And gets rid of any lice
#18 Rhennya
Dagny:(it ends blindness, deafness and any diseases, so if he pickedup anything else, its gone now)
Rhennya:I move to cast Sunbeam on the two apes, without catching Ralph (is that possible?0
Simon N. (GM):if you're ok to zap Seraphus yes :)
Rhennya:from here looks better?
Simon N. (GM):The red tokens are the hanging captives
ok from there :)
Dagny:I had moved next to Nerise, can I look at her and see anything?
Rhennya:Self (60-foot line)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Rhennya:save for half damage and blinding
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
sorry +6 CON save
so 19 & 17
Rhennya:so one is blinded and 30 dmg
Simon N. (GM):The apes scream, the rear ape blinded
Simon N. (GM):both are burned
Rhennya:I step back and that's me
Simon N. (GM):#18 Sharatu
sharatu:i cast fireball on the initiates
Dagny:The dude's behind us being all wind huggers?
sharatu:rolling 8d6 + 5
Simon N. (GM):priest save
The priest screams
Howling Hatred Priest:rolling d20+3
"Die, blasphemer!
sharatu:"hey that's my line"
Howling Hatred Priest:Initiates shoot x-bows at Sharatu
Howling Hatred Priest:4 dmg
Tony:about time someone else took dmg
Kasumi:That is rather cute!
Tony:what does ape taste like?
sharatu:probably course and not very nice]
sharatu:also their demons so their bodys will desolve i belive
Howling Hatred Priest:The Priest casts Lightning Bolt at Sharatu & Alani
37 damage DEX save DC 12 for half
Kasumi:That's a lot of sixes!
Howling Hatred Priest:37 dmg Alani :)
Alani (Phil):I use indomitable to reroll.
Howling Hatred Priest:18 then
#14 Alani
sharatu:"your magic compared to mine is like a soft summer breeze to a hurricane and i'm surely the hurricane"
Tony:Get the priest, I'll get the monkey
Alani (Phil):I shhoot at the monkey
Dagny:But take the cannolis
Alani (Phil):Monkey it is!
Simon N. (GM):CRIT - it drops!
Kasumi:Wooow!! Well done!
Alani (Phil):OK, I use my two arrows for the priest now.
Kasumi:Not sure how I can follow that up!
Alani (Phil):150/600
#14 Kasumi
Simon N. (GM):you have advtg as it's blinded
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Simon N. (GM):yes but you ha advtg
Kasumi:Ok I'll try for some crits.
Kasumi:rolling 1d10 +5
I'll use a Ki point to add a d8
Simon N. (GM):It staggers, slashed badly
Kasumi:And flurry of blows again.
Rhennya:Finish him, Kasumi!
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Simon N. (GM):crack its neck breaks!
Kasumi:It's like a scene out of mortal kombat!
Tony:I wanted to hit it.... :(
Simon N. (GM):#11 Poor Ralph!
Kasumi:Kasumi sticks the monkey head on her own head and does a dance.
Dagny:You are SO gonna need a bath after this
Go towards priest?
Kasumi:Yup the priest is left.
and javelin
Hand Axe x2 (+10)
no rage
Simon N. (GM):where are you?
should be in the corridor in front of the priest
sharatu:i think you'd hit me since im directly in front of the priest
Alani (Phil):Weird our tokens have moved...
NOw back
Simon N. (GM):I'll assume that was a javelin so short range, hit for 10
Javelin x3 (+10)
no rage
That's me done
Simon N. (GM):second javelin hits too, priest staggers w 2 javelins sticking out of him.
Round 2
#20 Seraphus
sharatu:you don't ever get rage damage on a ranged attack i belive
Seraphus:i dash abnd that is my turn
Dagny:No one needs a heal, right?
On Sharatu
Tony:oh, i forgot he took 2hp
Dagny:rolling 1d6+4+14+2
Take back 23 HP Sharatu
Dagny:I shake my finger at the priest
and that's me done
Simon N. (GM):#18 rhennya
sharatu:back to full with one hp over
Howling Hatred Priest:"The Great Lord Comes! You Blasphemers shall all perish!"
Rhennya:is anybody I see wearing any metal?
Howling Hatred Priest:priest has studded leather, so not really
Kasumi:It's not Rob Halford?
Rhennya:I cast Moonbeam on the priest
5RadiantHigher Level Cast
Howling Hatred Priest:#18 Sharatu
Rhennya:at level 3, so total 16
Howling Hatred Priest:(ok)
sharatu:i cast aganars scorcher and bonus action breath attack
Howling Hatred Priest:rolling d20+2
Howling Hatred Priest:rolling d20+2
The battle ends among burning corpses
Tony:cut down the victims
Alani (Phil):I pickup my arrows in the monkey...
Dagny:Yes, are they alive-ish?
Rhennya:We still haven't managed to speak to the barely alive sacrifices
Kasumi:Kasumi decides she's going to try what Ape tastes like. Slices off a sliver with her katana.
It's a bit chewy!
Dagny:"You should cook that first, Kasumi. It's not sashimi."
Howling Hatred Priest:They're alive - a peasant woman on 2 hp & an aristocrat on 4 hp
Dagny:I pour a healing potion down the throat of each one
Tony:blue bloods get more hp
Simon N. (GM):GM: Dagny frees the captives and gives them healing potions
Deseyna Majarra:"Thank you, milady! I am Deseyna Majarra, a diplomat of Waterdeep."
Nerise Gladham:"And I am Nerise Gladham, of Gladham farm."
Dagny:Dagny is quite angry. It is one thing to perform your rituals; another entirely to involve peasants who have no choice. "How did you come here?"
sharatu:"a diplomat i hear"
Kasumi:Hmmm, perhaps you're right.
goes to Sharatu to see if he can do her an ape kebab Nerise Gladham:"My farm was attacked! They kidnapped me and brought me here.I hope my family still live."
Dagny:(there's bound to be some still flaming cultist you can use as a fire)
Kasumi:Great idea, thank you Dagny!
Dagny:OOC Wasn't that the farm we helped a long time ago?
Deseyna Majarra:"I was with a delegation from Mirabar accompanying the dwarf sage Brundelthar. we were attacked... it's a long story."
sharatu:sorry to burst your bubble kasumi but demons bodys disappear after dying going back to reform in the abyss
Dagny:I am glad to tell you that Brundelthar lives.
Deseyna Majarra:Different farm you think
Rhennya:"Do you know if there are more prisoners frm your delegation? Or others?
Dagny:Do you know anything of a ritual being performed near by? Perhaps the name Thurl strikes a bell?
Deseyna Majarra:"He lives! Excellent news! We were captured by the Earth cult, but then these Air Cultists attacked and took me..."
points to the NE tunnel "That way! They are summoning Yan C Bin, Elemental Prince of Evil!"
Dagny:If Dagny is still wearing the emblem of the Air cult on her cape, she will rip it off and stomp on it.
Kasumi:sigh there might be a snack on the way.......
Dagny:"Do you think you will be okay here? We must hurry."
Rhennya:"No time to lose!
Deseyna Majarra:"A group of knights passed by some hours ago."
Howling Hatred Priest:"Going somewhere?"
GM: ok, stopping there for tonight
Dagny:Dagny whips around, looking for the voice
Kasumi:Thanks Simon, fab game as always!
Rhennya:Thanks Simon! Great game
Have a great rest of the week
Kasumi:Night night everyone!! xxxxx
Alani (Phil):Thanks for the game, Simon!
Kasumi:See you next time xx
Howling Hatred Priest:thanks guys :)
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