Simon N. (GM):"In the middle of this cavern, spikes of stone jut upward like three immense claws. Between them, a churning thundercloud thrashes with lightning. Thunder cracks, and cascades of tiny rocks tumble from above. Beneath the thunderhead stands a raised area splattered with the blood of many sacrifices.
A silvery window is sometimes visible in the center of the cloud. It opens onto clouds in an endless sky."
Sounds good Rhennya :)
Rhennya:OOC which cavern? Can't see us
Dagny (Kimberly):We did kill whathisnamethebigbad last time, right?
Simon N. (GM):Is Philippe there Jelena?
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny's spirit, hovering over the scene, thinking KILL THEM ALL
Rhennya:He's starting up his laptop
Simon N. (GM):GM: Aerisi is flying over the Air Portal; she seems to be drawing energy from it. She laughs. "I SEE IT NOW!
Dagny (Kimberly):Definitely kill her.
Rhennya:He wants to shoot at her
Simon N. (GM):Aerisi brings up a Shield spell and the arrow bounces off.
Hi Jelly!
Aerisi Kalinoth:"TIS BUT A SCRATCH!"
Dagny (Kimberly):(If you guys need to raid my body for potions or anything, go for it)
Kasumi:Hi all! Sorry I'm a bit late
Dagny (Kimberly):Hey Jelly
Seraphus:(my game is a white screen)
Reloaded page it works now)
Aerisi Kalinoth:(top right of page Max - it may not have loaded though) #20 Lair Action - Aerisi draws lightning from the Portal and Lightning Bolts Seraphus & Alani.
Aerisi Kalinoth:48 lightning damage DEX DC 15 for half Seraphus & Alani
Rolle a 2 ! Great! I stumble on my shoelaces...
made of electric wire.
I'm at 48 HP! Squeek!
Thurl Merosska:"You are no god, Aerisi! Just a fool!"
Rhennya:Yes Merosska, tell her!
Thurl Merosska:Thurl turns and charges the advancing Elemental Myrmidons that have killed Ralph,
Thurl Merosska:Kasumi & Seraphus could opp att him if they like :)
Thurl Merosska:rolling 3d20
2 hits
sharatu:"get out of there thurl they'l kill you
Thurl Merosska:rolling 4d6+12
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Myrmidons! Kill the fool!"
Aerisi Kalinoth:#13 Aerisi swoops down
She casts Ice Storm over Seraphus Kasumi & Alani
Aerisi Kalinoth:24 bludgeoning + 24 cold, DC 15 DEX save for half
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Alani (Phil):I'm at zero... :-(
Kasumi:I think Kasumi gets no damage due to Evasion?
Alani (Phil):I have one INDOMITABLE left!!!!
Seraphus:My character sheet isnt loading
Seraphus:im trying to open it
Dagny (Kimberly):I have your character sheet here if you need it
Aerisi Kalinoth:Monk Evasion
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an Effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
I have two imdomitavles at 14th level
i cant type
Aerisi Kalinoth:OK 24 dmg if you save Seraphus
flaps around 20' up
Air Elemental Myrmidon:attacks Thurl sharatu:hey max you can't use two indomitables
Air Elemental Myrmidon:rolling d20+7
sharatu:you have two but you can't use both on the same roll
Air Elemental Myrmidon:lightning strike sharatu:it says you must take what you roll on the indomitable
Air Elemental Myrmidon:rolling 1d8+4+4d8
Thurl goes down
Air Elemental Myrmidon:coup de gras
Alani (Phil):I sit time to retreat?
Air Elemental Myrmidon:rolling 2d20
2 failed death saves
coup de gras
Thurl is killed
Kasumi:Kasumi's eyes start to boil with rage!
Air Elemental Myrmidon:2nd Myrmidon attacks Seraphus
AC 20?
All miss, looks like!
Air Elemental Myrmidon:#12 Sharatu
sharatu:sunbeam blasts out followed by a 5th level quickend empowerd fireball
Air Elemental Myrmidon:at the left myrmidon
Air Elemental Myrmidon:CON save
sharatu:rolling 10d6 + 5
sharatu:i reroll the ones
Air Elemental Myrmidon:DEX save
Air Elemental Myrmidon:rolling d20+2
54 dmg
The Myrmidon is incinerated
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling d20+3
uses Legendary Resistance to save
"You'll pay for that!"
Kasumi:OOC is that her last one?
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, I really want her to die
Alani (Phil):It was the big boss who was spending them like there is no tomorrow.
Dagny (Kimberly):And for him, there wasn't
Rhennya:We all do, Dagny!
Aerisi Kalinoth:#8 Seraphus
Kasumi:Aeerisi is definitely more annoying, on balance!
Seraphus:yo guys who is top priority near me
(to kill)
blue man?
Air Elemental Myrmidon:AC 18, 2 hits for 28 total
It rocks back
Air Elemental Myrmidon:2 hits for 20,
thatll be my turn
Air Elemental Myrmidon:#8 Rhennya
Rhennya:I cast ice Storm on Aerisi
Kasumi:A taste of her own medicine!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Simon N. (GM):She'll take the 14 dmg :)
#8 Kasumi
Kasumi:Attack the remaining Myrm
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Kasumi:rolling 2d10 +5
Simon N. (GM):still up (just)
Alani (Phil):He's been Kasumi-ed!
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
unarmed strike?
Kasumi:I'll unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Simon N. (GM):Kasumi's kick crumples its silvered breastplate and it collapses in a gust of wind.
Dagny (Kimberly):Go Kasumi!
Kasumi:Kasumi moves up and grins madly at Aerisi........
Alani (Phil):I shoot at the lady!
Dagny (Kimberly):That's no lady...
Aerisi Kalinoth:(to Kasumi) "You'll die like your boyfriend, fool!"
hit shield hit* "Ow!"
Takes 24 dmg
Alani (Phil):I retreat now
Aerisi Kalinoth:lightning bolt Kasumi:I'll tear those pretty wings of yours off, bitch!
48 lightning Kasumi & Seraphus, DC 15 DEX for half
Aerisi Kalinoth:(& Seraphus halved again for lightning resistance)
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
No damage again!
Kasumi:I'm faster than lightning, you pathetic fairy!
Aerisi Kalinoth:Kasumi ducks :) Seraphus takes net 24 dmg
How's Seraphus hp?
Dagny (Kimberly):oh you're doing pretty good still
Seraphus:i have second wind aswell for hp
Kasumi:Kasumi is bloodied (isn't she always?) but fine.
Aerisi Kalinoth:Flies down the tunnel and Ice Storms Alani Sharatu Rhennya & Elian
Alani (Phil):The suspense is killing me... not literally
Aerisi Kalinoth:16 bludgeoning & 24 cold damage DC 15 DEX for half
Aerisi Kalinoth:40 dmg, 20 if save
Rhennya:have old inspiration, also absorb element for cold dmg
Alani (Phil):I'm at 4 hp!
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling d20+2
Elian saves!
Dagny (Kimberly):Ah, longlegs
Aerisi Kalinoth:unconscious at 0 hp Rhennya?
Kasumi:OOC brb, delivery at the door.
Aerisi Kalinoth:no negatives in 5e
Rhennya:so I can roll death saves?
Simon N. (GM):#12 Sharatu
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling d20+1
legendary resist 14 radiant
sharatu:then iuse quickend spell to cast wall of fire on her
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling d20+3
Uses LR takes 7
Simon N. (GM):Elian heroically runs forward and casts a ray of frost at Aerisi.
Dagny (Kimberly):Go Longlegs! Avenge Me!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8
Rhennya:Zombie cheering from Rhennya
Simon N. (GM):Slows her by 10'
Kasumi:Zombie cheering lol
Simon N. (GM):#8 Seraphus
She's 20' up in the air
oh wait
shes in the air
handaxes time
Seraphus:how do i do breath again i forgot the numbers
its ? d6s
sharatu:you already used it
I guess i did?
so handaxesa
oh wait
AC 21
#8 Rhennya death save
#8 Kasumi
Tony:HBInstead, you may use your breath weapon a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier.
Kasumi:Can I draw my bow as a bonus action and do x2 attacks as usual?
Simon N. (GM):I'd say it takes an attack to draw longbow so 1 shot
Kasumi:Ok, I'll use 3 ki points to augment the weapon as a bonus action beforehand.
AC 21 w her Shield up
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +12
#28 Alani
Kasumi:darn. Lasts one minute though so hopefully next time...........
Alani (Phil):So I start by having my second wind...
Alani (Phil):Second wind!
Alani (Phil):150/600
And I now retreat more...
Aerisi Kalinoth:Arrows thunk into Aerisi's chest. With a final scream she collapses into a swirling whirlwind.
Aerisi Kalinoth:After a moment it dissipates harmlessly - the Princess of Elemental Evil is dead.
Kasumi:Yesss!! Kasumi will promptly go up and slice her wings off as a trophy.
Zombie cheers around
Simon N. (GM):Her spear Windvane lies on the cave floor.
Alani (Phil):OK, I go and try to rescue Rennya
Dagny (Kimberly):Thank Moradin
sharatu:i try and capture some of the gas before it fully disipates
Alani (Phil):I have a potion in case she can drink it?
Simon N. (GM):Anyone got a potion of healing for Rhennya?
Rhennya:I do, but am currently life-impaired
on me
Dagny (Kimberly):I've got loads on my cold dead body
if you need one
Simon N. (GM):Yes Alani you can adminster potion bringing Rhennya back to consciousness
Alani (Phil):rolling 2d4+2
Rhennya:Shaking head "Thanks, friend!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: You have defeated the Prophets and saved the Sword Coast from a lot of trouble. You also reach 15th level.
Rhennya:Oooh, nice spear? can I have it?
Alani (Phil):15TH !!!! Sweet!
sharatu:rhenya can use reincarnate so yeah
Alani (Phil):I feel the POWAHHH!
Tony:Nice, if I weren't dead :(
Rhennya:I assume the shape of a Great Eagle and take our fallen comrades in my claws to a healer
Dagny (Kimberly):We just need some reincarnation or a trip to see the Green Regent
Simon N. (GM):imple weapon (spear), melee weapon, legendary (requires attunement)
3 lb. 1d6 piercing - finesse, thrown (20/60 ft.), versatile (1d8)
A silver spear, Windvane has dark sapphires on the filigreed surface of its polished head. Held by its shining haft, the weapon feels insubstantial, as if clutching a cool, gently flowing breeze. The spear contains a spark of Yan-C-Bin, the Prince of Evil Air.
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse weapon property. When you hit with it, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
Simon N. (GM):Air Mastery. You gain the following benefits while you hold Windvane:
You can speak Auran fluently.
You have resistance to lightning damage.
You can cast dominate monster (save DC 17) on an air elemental. Once you have done so, Windvane can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
Song of the Four Winds. While inside an air node, you can perform a ritual called the Song of the Four Winds, using Windvane to create a devastation orb of air. Once you perform the ritual, Windvane can't be used to perform the ritual again until the next dawn.
Flaw. Windvane makes its wielder mercurial and unreliable. While attuned to the weapon, you gain the following flaw: "I break my vows and plans. Duty and honor mean nothing to me."
Simon N. (GM):Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.
Versatile. This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee attack.
Finesse. When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Source: PotA, page 224
Alani (Phil):I prepare a large bonfire to perform the last rites as barbarians requires... ? :-)
Dagny (Kimberly):Did Elian live?
Tony:don't burn the barbarian just yet
Dagny (Kimberly):He better be crying over Dagny ;-)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Rhennya flies the fallen Ralph & Dagny back to Loudwater territory where the kindly Green Regent Halvath restores them to life.
Simon N. (GM):Elian did survive yup
Rhennya:I've got both Ralph and Dagny safely flying to the Great Regent
Alani (Phil):I can exchange the spear for the dagger if somebody wants it as I have 20 in DEX.
Kasumi:Kasumi sheds tears over Thurl, but is mostly relieved that at least he died with honour.
sharatu:ill take the dagger since the campaigns over
it will help in my ceremonious
Rhennya:I thought I had the spear...
Kasumi:Kasumi will ask Sharatu's help to burn Thurl on a makeshift funeral pyre.
sharatu:can't we revive him
Dagny (Kimberly):I can, with a diamond if you want
Kasumi:I thought he was coup de gras'd?
sharatu:that means he's dead
not unrevivable
Kasumi:Oh I thought for some reason it did!
Dagny (Kimberly):I can Raise Dead
Simon N. (GM):GM: When Dagny checks Thurl's soul he's not keen on returning to life
Kasumi:Ok if Dagny doesn't mind using the diamond?
Dagny (Kimberly):with a 500 gp diamond
Perhaps he wants to atone for his sins
Simon N. (GM):He deliberately got himself killed attacking that Myrmidon :)
Rhennya:He sacrificed his life in payment for his errors
Simon N. (GM):GM: The remaining Feathergale Knights look to Kasumi to lead them in Thurl's memory. :)
Kasumi:In that case Kasumi will carry on with asking Sharatu's help in buidling a pyre, so that his soul can fly freely on the winds that he worshipped.
Everything seems to begin and end in fire, when it comes to Kasumi!
Simon N. (GM):(have inspiration Kasumi) :)
a week to prepare i need
Kasumi:Kasumi will agreet to the responsibility, on the condition that she can also teach them the ways of her long-lost monastery.
Kasumi:'Let the mighty red dragon soar on the winds of Feathergale'
sharatu:more red dragon followers
Simon N. (GM):Oh, Aerisi left some treasure behind! She wears a platinum torc (worth 1,600 gp), gold and sapphire rings (four, each worth 1,000 gp), and a diadem (6,400 gp) from Evereska
Only treasure in the campaign!
Kasumi:Super bling, how did she fly with all that on!
Simon N. (GM):The Knights are happy to agree with Kasumi's condition
sharatu:since i got no magic weapons at all can i have the diadem
Dagny (Kimberly):If there are any diamonds on the diadem, I'd pluck them out to save for raising the dead
Kasumi will take one of the rings to wear in memory of Thurl.
A sapphire.
Kasumi:Matches his eyes :-(
Now closed forever.
Simon N. (GM):Eventually you all have a big celebratory feast at the Swinging Sword Inn, Red Larch. The ale flows freely as the locals listen to your tales of derring do.
Rhennya:shall we melt the rest and divide?
sharatu:i guess ill take the torc if you're removing the gems of the diadem
Dagny (Kimberly):I'd only need the diamonds, if there are any
Kasumi:I think the torc would suit Sharatu!
Dagny (Kimberly):the rest can stay / be split, whatever
Kasumi:Might need to get it adjusted though?#
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK will stop there; that's the Princes of the Apocalypse done. :)
Kasumi:Amazing!!! Thank you so much Simon!
Alani (Phil):Oh nooo! It was agreat campaign! Thanks Simon!
What's next?
Dagny (Kimberly):We rid the land of EV-IL!
Rhennya:It was fantastic, even though almost TPK at th end
Kasumi:I really did feel like a true hero by the end, not something I say much!
Tony:I was sure about TPK
Dagny (Kimberly):half TPK
Rhennya:or perhaps because of that!
Simon N. (GM):I'm planning to take a break over December and look to start new game in the new year.
Rhennya:CAn we continue into a new adventure?
Dagny (Kimberly):Eat lots of mince pies and drink lots of scotch
Kasumi:Can't wait to see what's in store!
Simon N. (GM):I think new PCS yup. 7 14th+ level PCs is quite arduous to GM :)
Rhennya:Shame, I like the power ;-)
Alani (Phil):It doesn't show, Simon!
Dagny (Kimberly):Hmmm, maybe I'll try something different!
Rhennya:Thanks for this and have a great break, Simon
Kasumi:Have a wonderful Christmas Simon, if lockdown is over beforehand, would be lovely to pop round for a mince pie!
Simon N. (GM):Thanks everyone! That sounds good Jelly! :D
Alani (Phil):I could do a Cleric if Kim wants a break from religious duties. :-)
Dagny (Kimberly):lol there definitely needs to be a healer with this group
Kasumi:I'd be interested in a ranger I think!
Dagny (Kimberly):I've never played a fighter type or a big magic user, so that might be fun
Tony:Night guys and gals.
Dagny (Kimberly):Have a good night. Thanks Simon!
Kasumi:Bye all, night night!
Dagny (Kimberly):Bye! Talk to you soon!
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