N18 A powerful wind roars through this small cave, causing bits of debris to ricochet off the walls, exploding into dust from the impact. In the middle of the cavern a stone brazier is lit with a steady green flame. Blocking the tunnel to the north are four thin figures in billowing cult robes. The wind doesn't seem to impede them at all.
Their eyes bulge from cavernous sockets, and skin stretches across jutting bone.
Dagny (Kimberly):How is everyone's health?
Simon N. (GM):Suggest roll init now
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+3
Tony:rolling 2d20kh1+2
Rhennya:Hi Simon, Phil's pc is still starting up
I did his init
Hi Jelly
We're rolling init
Not that it makes much difference!
Hi Simon!
Rhennya:Simon, Phil asked if you could play his turn as he's still not on
Dagny (Kimberly):Tony's going to switch computers as well
he's having trouble too
Simon N. (GM):Surely the men can pass on orders to their better equipped significant others? >:)
Simon N. (GM):GM: north of the purple wind line each square north costs 2 squares and you have to make DC 10 STR saves at start of turn or be pushed 10' back
#28 Alani
Simon N. (GM):SHIELD - miss
Simon N. (GM):bounces off shield
I'll be more careful next time!
Dagny (Kimberly):Aim well, Ranger!
Howling Hatred Priest:#19 Ralph - hope you're tracking your rages :)
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
11 + 3Slashing
2 + 1Slashing
Howling Hatred Priest:crit - rem extra brutal crit dice
Howling Hatred Priest:Total?
second attack if he's still up
Howling Hatred Priest:still up
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Howling Hatred Priest:miss
Howling Hatred Priest:#17 Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, do I know what spell they used for the wind?
Seems to be an Elemental effect.
Dagny (Kimberly):I'm going to cast Dispel Magic on it
at Level 4
Dispel Magic
Abjuration 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Target: One creature, object, or magical effect within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell's level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.
Simon N. (GM):OK roll a spell attack
WIS+Prof (+10?_)
Dagny (Kimberly):so was the spell higher than level 4?
Simon N. (GM):roll d20+10, you need a 15
Dagny (Kimberly):rolling 1d20+4+5+10
Simon N. (GM):GM: The wind dies down.
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, that's me
I already moved
Simon N. (GM):#12 Sharatu
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +5
Simon N. (GM):? You're not +5 to hit
Kasumi:Sorry half dead today!
Simon N. (GM):1st roll counts 12+9 = 21, you needed 20 so hit
second attack
Simon N. (GM):He staggers as you slash him
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Just hit!
Simon N. (GM):He had 3 hp left goes down
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Not using your bonus attack?
Tony:I think weve lost her
Kasumi:Doesn't that require ki points?
Don't want to use any as only a few left.
Sorry brain not working well today.
Simon N. (GM):nope. It requires Ki to make 2 attacks. 1 is free.
Kasumi:Is it an unarmed attack?
Kasumi:9 damage and my AC is up by 2 (Agile Parry).
Rhennya:Casting insect plague between the 2 cultists on the right
Simon N. (GM):level 5 slot?
Simon N. (GM):ok, feel free to draw the sphere
Seraphus:brb dinner has arrived
Simon N. (GM):The i on the task bar leads to the drawing area
Both fail save and scream as biting insects crawl over them
Simon N. (GM):#8 Seraphus
Simon N. (GM):GM: I'll let you reach the nearest priest
Simon N. (GM):He goes down, cut to pieces
Seraphus:with all attacks?
Simon N. (GM):took 1 attack
Seraphus:i throw an axe at the man i am about to circle
Seraphus:and then use a bonus action to take it back
Seraphus:(bound to me or whatever th4e term is)
so ac 11
thts my turn
Howling Hatred Priest:Priest lightning bolts Kasumi & Seraphus
Howling Hatred Priest:26 dmg, DEX DC 12 for half
i am a blue dragorn borne any resistance??
Kasumi:That hits even with my boosted AC :-(
Howling Hatred Priest:Roll a DEX save Jelly
Kasumi:Oh sorry it's insta hit.
just making sure
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
sharatu:max you take quarter damage
thats nioce
Howling Hatred Priest:OK Seraphus takes 26/4
sharatu:kasumi you take no damage
Howling Hatred Priest:rolling 8d6
sharatu:if you fail you take half damage and if you pass you take no damage from dex only
Howling Hatred Priest:Alani & Rhennya you take 25 lightning, DEX save DC 12 for half
Kasumi:But that just halves it again? So quarter damage?
sharatu:it completely nullifys damage
Howling Hatred Priest:Evasion
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an Effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Kasumi:Thaks Sharatu, I don't think I wrote that point down on my sheet!
Rhennya:also resistance from Absorb Elements, so quarter for me?
6 dmg then Rhennya, 13 Alani
#28 Alani
Alani (Phil):I shoot at the shieding one
Dagny (Kimberly):Simon, what are the colours again?
Green for HP or red?
Howling Hatred Priest:Alani move up so you can shoot at a living target
Here I go.
I guess all my shots are misses? unless they have lower AC than their friend?
Howling Hatred Priest:I accidentally deleted the insect plague, if you wanted to keep it you'd need a DC 10 CON save Rhennya. It ought to be 40' across BTW!
Howling Hatred Priest:GM: He Shields
Rhennya:I thought it was 20!
Howling Hatred Priest:Rolls were 19 14 19
#19 Ralph
Tony:5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Howling Hatred Priest:hit
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
13 dmg
Howling Hatred Priest:hit
Howling Hatred Priest:#17 Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):ok, how is everyone feeling?
Alani (Phil):A bit tired but I can wait...
Dagny (Kimberly):Ok, I shall sacred flame the one I can see, telling Kasumi to duck
Howling Hatred Priest:rolling d20+3
He screams & falls!
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny lets out a discreet Huzzah!
Dagny (Kimberly):and that's me done
Howling Hatred Priest:#12 Dagny
#12 Sharatu
Howling Hatred Priest:#8 Kasumi
Howling Hatred Priest:hit - he had 3 hp & goes down
Kasumi:In that case I'll move around the corner.
Howling Hatred Priest:You stand triumphant. In the sudden silence you can hear chanting from down the corridor, nearing a crescendo.
Kasumi:The dark bit isn't moving?
Howling Hatred Priest:In the middle of this cavern, spikes of stone jut upward like three immense claws. Between them, a churning thundercloud thrashes with lightning. Thunder cracks, and cascades of tiny rocks tumble from above. Beneath the thunderhead stands a raised area splattered with the blood of many sacrifices.
A silvery window is sometimes visible in the center of the cloud. It opens onto clouds in an endless sky.
Kasumi:I suppose romance burns away in my life, just like everything else.....Kasumi sighs.
Howling Hatred Priest:The beautiful winged elf Aerisi Kalinoth holds Windvane aloft and cries, "With this key, I call forth my lord and master!" The moon elf then bows as Yan-C-Bin flies through the portal. The Prince of Evil Air appears as a gaunt, dark-gray man with white hair and glowing eyes. In this form Yan-C-Bin smiles, and his eyes flash with lightning.
Dagny (Kimberly):"Longlegs! How could you!"
Howling Hatred Priest:Standing between you and the Elemental Prince are a coterie of Feathergale Knights, among them Thurl Merosska, Dagny's friend Elian. Sabra Balabranta and two others.
Kasumi:Only swords are loyal........
Howling Hatred Priest:Thurl turns as Kasumi approaches. "My love!"
Thurl Merosska:"Why are you here?!"
Kasumi:I found the letter........
Alani (Phil):Looks like Kasumi is gonna ask for a divorce... with a katana!
sharatu:to welcome your great lord of course
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Intruders! You are forbidden here!"
Kasumi:You've used me and used my loyal companions as mere pawns in your game!
sharatu:"we'll be on our way then"
Aerisi Kalinoth:turns to Yan-C-Bin "Oh great lord! Let these fools be our first sacrifice!"
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny glares in righteous Dwarven anger at Elian.
Aerisi Kalinoth:Thurl looks shocked: "The letter?!"
Alani (Phil):The only sacrifice will be your own lives, cultist fools!
Kasumi:Where I trained, we learned that balance is EVERYTHING! Summoning this demon prince of air is destroying that balance in such a way that I can't stand by and simply watch.
sharatu:"why are you shocked we all knew they were cultists from the beginning right"
Rhennya:Right, Sharatu! "sneering at cultists
Kasumi:OOC Bill true but Kasumi didn't think that the air cult would stoop as low as the others in terms of trying to dominate the world.
Simon N. (GM):Elian gives Dagny an abashed look.
Dagny (Kimberly):As he should.
My mother warned me about elves.
Dagny holds out her hand to Elian
"I know this is not you -- not this wanton destruction. Join us, Elian! Help us right these wrongs!"
Kasumi:Kasumi tears off any air cult trapping she may be wearing and flings them at the air demon.
Simon N. (GM):Dagny roll persuasion
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Enough! Destroy them!"
Dagny (Kimberly):Her hand hovers near her throat, where the clasp of her cloak is -- the one that matches the one she gave him.
Kasumi:You will be the first to die!! Kasumi points her katana at the annoying elf.
Aerisi Kalinoth:GM: OK if we stick w your current inits? :)
How is Elian looking?
Thurl Merosska:"I'm sorry, my love...."
Simon N. (GM):Elian looks pretty unsteady.
Kasumi:If you are sorry, then help us to send your demon master back where he belongs!
Thurl Merosska:rolling d20+2
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny tears off the clasp and holds it up in the air. "Elian, they have lied to you! It is only power for themselves that they seek!"
sharatu:"if its any consolation thurl and elian i see you no differently now i always thought you would summon your elemental prince we left you for last because you're weak"
Kasumi:Just because my order worship a fearsome red dragon, does not mean we wish it rampaging on the world! Surely you understand this?
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling d20+3
Kasumi:Simon can I roll persuasion as well?
sharatu:"technically the air cult hasn't destroyed anything yet"
Kasumi:Whose side exactly are you on??
Rhennya:OOC how high is the ceiling of the cave? and if we're continuing with the init, are we continuing the turn?
Yan-C-Bin:rolling d20+7
sharatu:"ours just pointing out they havent done anything yet"
Kasumi:Look at that demon!! His hair is too magnificent for him not to be evil!
Dagny (Kimberly):"Elian, remember what we talked of that night -- of your dreams and hopes. Do you think this will bring you closer to what you desire?"
sharatu:"they'll be destroyed but you're talking like he already blew up a town he probably will but hasn't yet"
Kasumi:Kasumi will try to persuade Merosska out of this madness:
Rhennya:*coughs at Kasumi's words
Oh dear
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK the enemy are attacking...
#28 Alani
Alani (Phil):Anyone looks like a potential spellcaster in my line of sight?
Simon N. (GM):The central rise conceals those behind it
Dagny (Kimberly):Hey, isn't Savra the one I saved once?
Simon N. (GM):Priests, prophet, Yan C Bin...
You Raised her
Alani (Phil):OK, I'll shoot at Yan C bin just to get a feel of things...
sharatu:"Aerisi Kalinoth props for being the only prophet to summon your prince"
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny gives Savra a very hard look, like the ones that her Mam gave her when she was young. "You owe me," she says darkly.
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):150/600
Alani (Phil):I will now action point!
Simon N. (GM):53 dmg so far!
Alani (Phil):150/600
Dagny (Kimberly):(Savra better be looking guilty)
Kasumi:Ha! Even little gods like you can be killed! Kasumi smirks at YCB.
#19 Ralph
Alani (Phil):That's me done
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
Simon N. (GM):hit (AC 20)
21 dmg?
5 feet
Axe of Uthgar the Icy Axe (+12)
10 + 3Slashing
1 + 5Slashing
Simon N. (GM):he staggers
You chop him in two
Dagny (Kimberly):"I shall not be raising you again." Dagny bows her head.
Dagny (Kimberly):I'll heal Alani
Alani (Phil):Thank you Dagny! I feel so much better!
Dagny (Kimberly):And then I move closer and hold out a hand to Elian, looking as beseeching as a dwarf can look.
"You know what is right, Elian,"
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Persuasion again Elian
Dagny (Kimberly):(OOC apparently I looked fairly beguiling for a dwarf)
Simon N. (GM):Elian gives a little squeak and dashes for your lines
Alani (Phil):Brilliant! That's an action well spent!
Dagny (Kimberly):"You made the right choice, Longlegs."
Simon N. (GM):Savra snarls and attacks Dagny.
Dagny (Kimberly):Who did Ralph kill? I thought it was Savra?
his evil twin
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, ok. Dagny glares daggers at Savra. "I should have left you to bleed upon the stone."
Simon N. (GM):savra is a girl
8 dmg
Knight vs Ralph
16 & 15 - 2 hits?
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny doesn't even stagger as she stares Savra in the eye
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d8+4
Ralph takes 9
Simon N. (GM):Thurl raises his mighty greatsword...
3 attacks on Ralph
2 hits
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d6+12
19 dmg
Kasumi:I see you've made your choice!
Kasumi:Thurl, if you do not desist I WILL cut you down! You still have a chance to stop this madness!
Aerisi Kalinoth:"UNLIMITED POWER!!!"
Aerisi draws power fro Yan C Bin and maximised Chain Lightning rakes across the chamber...
Chain Lightning 80 lightning damage on Ralph, Dagny, Kasumi, & Rhennya. DC 14 DEX save for half.
Aerisi Kalinoth:80/4 = 20 to Ralph then
Rhennya:but absorb Elements for half
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Dagny (Kimberly):I am a dwarf, after all
Kasumi:Can I use inspiration to reroll?
Aerisi Kalinoth:80 to Rhennya Dagny & Kasumi - ok Jelly
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Aerisi Kalinoth:Kasumi ducks :)
Kasumi:I can use Evasion?
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny rocks back on her heels, but steadies herself on the wall, maintaining eye contact with Savra.
Aerisi Kalinoth:Rhennya you can use Absorb Elements as a Reaction yes
Rhennya:great, so am only down to 59 hp
Aerisi Kalinoth:Ralph & Kasumi lightning bolt DEX save DC 12
26 dmg
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Feathergale Knight:rolling d20+2
Feathergale Knight:screams crispy Dagny Alani Sharatu lightning bolt
27 dmg DEX DC 12
Feathergale Knight:Sharatu +2 for cover
sharatu:rolling 1d20 + 2
Feathergale Knight:13 dmg on pass
Sabra save
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny dances out of the way, using a move Elian taught her, so she is only slightly singed
Feathergale Knight:rolling d20+2
Dagny (Kimberly):Those elves know how to dance
Feathergale Knight:Sabra: "Ow!"
Dagny (Kimberly):"You see," says Dagny, "They don't care about you!"
Feathergale Knight:Dagny & Kasumi DEX save DC 12
Dagny (Kimberly):"They don't care whether you live or die!"
Feathergale Knight:rolling 8d6
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +10
Feathergale Knight:Sabra is hit by a 2nd lightning bolt & incinerated
27 dmg to Dagny
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny hopes Sabra considers her life choices in her final moments.
Thurl Merosska:"No! You're killing your own men!"
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Silence, fool! They die for a greater cause!"
Aerisi flits around on her black wings.
#12 Sharatu
Kasumi:OOC I just realised Aerisi is the cover girl for POTA?
Dagny (Kimberly):Especially burn the flying witch, pelase
Kasumi:I think Kasumi will prob have to make a pyrrophobia save!
sharatu:i use heightened spell and empowered spell
Dagny (Kimberly):YOu were cured!
Dagny raises a slightly singed fist in the air. "Burn them, Sharatu!"
sharatu:rolling 7d10 + 5
i reroll the 2
Rhennya:it is what it is...
Howling Hatred Priest:priest DEX saves
Alani (Phil):Dropping ike flies! :-D
Howling Hatred Priest:The priests scream and die
sharatu:"burn in the sacred fires of Tiamat"
Dagny (Kimberly):crispy flies
Thurl Merosska:rolling 2d20
sharatu:"sorry thurl you're just in the aoe"
Thurl Merosska:"I understand, dragonborn"
Air Elemental Myrmidon:rolling 4d20
Aerisi Kalinoth:rolling 2d20
legendary resistance saves
Yan-C-Bin:rolling 2d20
Alani (Phil):That cleaned up the area quite nicely... Thanks great Sharatu!
Yan-C-Bin:looks angry as Sharatu runs away Looks at Dagny "YOUR BREATH IS MINE"
Dagny feels the air being sucked from her lungs
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny clutches her holy symbol
Dagny (Kimberly):And uses the last bit of air in her lungs to say "Moradin, Save us"
Yan-C-Bin:DC 21 CON save or fall to 0 hp (dying)
Dagny (Kimberly):She falls to her knees and slimps against the wall
are we good to save her soon
Yan-C-Bin:#11 The Prince draws his terrible blade and strides forth.
Kasumi:Kasumi has to admit, the sword is impressive!
Dagny (Kimberly):OOC It's the hair
Kasumi:At last, a worthy opponent!
Dagny (Kimberly):Elian better be looking on in utter horror
Yan-C-Bin:1 attack on Dagny
Yan-C-Bin:27 hits, 2 failed death saves
Seraphus:well thats not cool
Kasumi:Wait can't I opp attack?
Yan-C-Bin:rolling 2d20
Dagny is killed
Alani (Phil):We will avenge you by Moradin!
Dagny (Kimberly):OOC Marley is crying
Yan-C-Bin:2 attacks on Rhennya
Yan-C-Bin:rolling d20+14
sharatu:"use save spells against him"
33 force damage + 23 lightning damage
Rhennya:"sharatu what do you mean?
"blow his resistance"
Yan-C-Bin:So 33 + 23/2 = 44 total
sharatu:"use your lightning breath"
Rhennya:I cast Blight on him
level 7
13NecroticHigher Level Cast
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
fail save - Legendary Resistance to pass
Seraphus:Beter than nothing
Alani (Phil):Sharatu, when you are tired, you can break combat and I'll take your place.
Dagny (Kimberly):(Elian better be feeling it or is he just running?)
Yan-C-Bin:Rhennya runs off before Yan C Bin can take her breath, so he takes Ralph's breath instead
sharatu:you mean seraphus alani
Yan-C-Bin:Ralph DC 21 CON save or fall to 0 hp
Alani (Phil):Sorry I meant Serafus and Kasumi .
sharatu:do you have inspiration?
Rhennya:is it a reaction? taking the breath?
Kasumi:OOC is YCB's power a reaction?
Tony:I have some Barbarian feature. can't go to zero if ragiung?
Kasumi:How is he taking actions not on his turn?
Yan-C-Bin:It's a Legendary Action
Kasumi:What does that mean?
sharatu:hey ralph what is your con
Yan-C-Bin:Suffocate (Costs 3 Actions). Yan-C-Bin steals the air of one breathing creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The target must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target drops to 0 hit points and is dying. On a successful save, the target can't breathe or speak until the start of its next turn.
Legendary Actions
The yan-c-bin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. The yan-c-bin regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
sharatu:is your con 16 or 18
Tony:I can do a dc10 con save to stay at 1 hp
Yan-C-Bin:Relentless Rage
Starting at 11th level, your rage can keep you fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 Hit Points while you're raging and don't die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or Long Rest, the DC resets to 10.
Kasumi:Simon are Legendary Actions immune to Stun?
Yan-C-Bin:Bill thinks you might have forgot to update your sheet at level 13. Is your CON 16 Ralph?
Seraphus:well thats not good
Yan-C-Bin:>>Simon are Legendary Actions immune to Stun?<< No
Seraphus:man i can do anytype of spell but earth
Yan-C-Bin:OK Ralph drops, at 0 hp, rage ends
sharatu:"kasumi he's weak to attacks of the body try and stun him"
Seraphus:unless you count slash
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Time to face me, coward!!
second attack:
Yan-C-Bin:Are you Stunning him?
Kasumi:Yup after second attack
Kasumi:Thought it had to be at end of all other attacks?
Yan-C-Bin:You know you get advtg vs stunned
No you can do it every attack!
Kasumi:Ok if I can do it now, I will!
Using ki point to do stunning strike
DC save 16
Yan-C-Bin:Stunning Strike
Starting at 5th Level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent's body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon Attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a Stunning Strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of your next turn.
Yan-C-Bin:fail - uses last Legendary Res to pass
Kasumi:Kasumi takes a deep breath and strikes again......
Kasumi:Another stunning strike.
Yan-C-Bin:rolling d20+7
Flurry of Blows?
Kasumi:Yes I'll try that.
Yan-C-Bin:you can bonus action for 1 more attack, or 2 more w 1 Ki
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
Kasumi:Ok I'll do another ki and another attack.
Kasumi:Can i stunning strike again or is that only with a melee weapon/
Kasumi:Ok let's hope YCB rolls low!
Yan-C-Bin:rolling d20+7
pass bad luck
roll dmg
Slowly chipping away!
End turn
sharatu:kasumi can you move out way
Kasumi:I can't without breaking contact?
Alani (Phil):I'm gonna move back a bit to be in front of Rhennya. Kasumi and Seraphus, feel free to ask for backup if you need to take a breather.
Yan-C-Bin:he has 10' reach so you can move 5' back Kasumi
Kasumi:Ok and thanks Alani!
Simon N. (GM):Alani that gives Yan an op att on you
hits AC 30 on Alani
Alani (Phil):But I was not at 10'
Simon N. (GM):behind Seraphus
Alani (Phil):OK can I change my mind. I didn't know that...
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d8+7
Kasumi:True we didn't know about the 10ft reach
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d6
16 force + 5 lightning = 21 to Alani
suggest you shoot him Alani
Simon N. (GM):If you'd stay in his reach you'd have been at disad so worth moving
Alani (Phil):150/600
Simon N. (GM):2 hits, & he's down to double digit hp :)
Simon N. (GM):Ralph death save
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny is burning with furious vengeance. She is totally gonna haunt someone.
sharatu:"nice to see you thurl"
Thurl Merosska:"I'm sorry my love, I cannot allow this"
attacks Kasumi
Kasumi:You mean allow a Demon Prince of air to be let loose on the world? You truly are mad!!
Thurl Merosska:Kasumi AC?
20 at the moment
17 dmg to Kasumi
Kasumi:Blades it is, then? Very well.
Thurl Merosska:Aerisi recasts Fly
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Myrmidons! Finish the fallen!"
Air Elemental Myrmidon:Attacks Ralph
Air Elemental Myrmidon:Ralph is extremely killed
Air Elemental Myrmidon:#12 Sharatu
sharatu:"thurl as you must fight you lover in a battle i advise you to duck so its fair"
i cast sunbeam
i use heightend and empowerd
Yan-C-Bin:CON save w disad
Yan-C-Bin:definitely failed - blinded!
Yan-C-Bin:Being blinded he can't steal breath.
Kasumi:Because he can't target?
Yan-C-Bin:"Agh! You'll die for that, mortal!"
Dagny (Kimberly):Dagny's spirit whispers into Elian's ear: "ARe you not going to avenge me??"
Yan-C-Bin:Attacks Seraphus (w disadvantage)
sharatu:"its very noble to defend the caster"
Yan-C-Bin:19, 16, 16, 19 - all miss?!
Dagny (Kimberly):all miss
he's at 20
Simon N. (GM):#8 Seraphus
Yan C Bin is blind so you have advtg vs him
Seraphus Oldblood:hang on, this is Kimberly rolling for Max in the toilet
Simon N. (GM):Roll 3 attacks w advtg
Kasumi:Ha! Even little gods can bleed, it seems!
Seraphus Oldblood:yes, I think so
Simon N. (GM):Yan C Bin staggers
Alani (Phil):Se-Ra-Phus!... Se-Ra-Phus!
sharatu:use breath attack seraphus
Seraphus Oldblood:(OOC "You killed my mother, prepare to die")
Kasumi:Is breath attack bonus action for Seraphus?
Simon N. (GM):He's immune to lightning so no effect
Seraphus Oldblood:How does he does his breath attack? He's still in the loo
#8 Rhennya
Rhennya:I cast Blight again, level 5
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Rhennya:4NecroticHigher Level Cast
Simon N. (GM):Yan C Bin screams as his body disintegrates and he's forced back to his home plane to reform over the next century or so.
Alani (Phil):Rhennya for the coup de grace!
Seraphus Oldblood:(Dagny is having a word with Moradin)
Rhennya:Now we clean the others and save our fallen comrades!
Simon N. (GM):The ash blows away on the wind
Aerisi Kalinoth:speechless sharatu:"i recognize if you want to fight till the end thurl"
Kasumi:Legendary speechlessness......
Kasumi:I'm giving you a chance, Thurl! Now that your prince is dead, can't you see this could be a new life for both of us?
Simon N. (GM):Roll Persuasion Kasumi
Kasumi:She's better at Intimidate?
Alani (Phil):Don't take him back! Once a cheater always a cheater!!!
Seraphus Oldblood:(OOC Kill him in his sleep, Kasumi, at some point in the future...)
sharatu:ooc i want him as head of my guard
sharatu:"thurl surrender become my head of guard"
Kasumi:Or just become a head?
Your choice.
Thurl Merosska:"It's too late for me now."
sharatu:"i respect that decision"
Kasumi:No head of guard I'm afraid Sharatu, but I can give you a head.
sharatu:"you are a noble man die with grace"
"and honour"
Kasumi:Kasumi will attack
Thurl Merosska:AC 18 - hit
Kasumi:rolling 1d20 +9
15 damage
He's still up
Kasumi:Ki point for flurry of blows
Thurl Merosska:last attack
Thurl Merosska:Thurl staggers, but still stands
Kasumi:There are tears in Kasumi's eyes
sharatu:"live with honor die with glory"
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK I want to finish there tonight
Kasumi:Take this chance, start a new life without me if you have to!
Thurl Merosska:glances up at Aerisi "I have been living a lie!"
Aerisi Kalinoth:"Oh shut up, you idiot!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK, see you next week for what looks like the final session.
Tony:awesome. Thanks Simon
Rhennya:Thanks Simon, see you!
Kasumi:So intense!!! Thank you Simon!
Seraphus Oldblood:Thanks for the game!
Rhennya:Enjoy limbo, Dagny & Ralph...
Dagny (Kimberly):Oh, oops was still on Max. Thanks for the game!
Dagny (Kimberly):goodnight goodnight
Alani (Phil):Thanks a lt everyone . Thanks SOmin!
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