Chris T.:Still in Dubai, Keelia?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Early Highsun, a month since the fall of the Temple of Chaos. You're gathered at the Frogsmouth Inn, Chaney Shire.
Qiviel:(yes, Chris :) Not sure how long for, but I'm here at least another two months)
Matt:swats dusty boots with floppy old hat Malied:Malied is reviewing the kids writing by the fire
Simon N. (GM):Malied is teaching a gaggle of local kids to read. Strohm & some half elf merc called Eldred are flirting with Kelli the bar. Jenny Jenson has come to thank Lady Qiviel again for rescuing her, bringing a basket of red apples.
Eldred (Matt):swigs ale Thank you ma'am, thank you very much
Erasmus:"Tenho! Good to see you again. What news do you have? You look concerned."
Simon N. (GM):Jenny turns to her younger brother at Malied's table. "Teatime, Luke! Time to go home!"
Luke: "Aww... "
Qiviel:Q waves Jenny off, happy to see her alive and well
Malied:Malied hands him some homework
Tenho Isotalo:"Greetings, Erasmus my old friend. Yes, my quest for the Fallen Halls has new urgency - a captive merchant princess! A thousand gold reward!"
Eldred (Matt):Did you say reward?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):turns to the new face "captured princess say no more im in"
Tenho Isotalo:Luke: "Homework! Aw, thanks Mr Edicast!"
waves goodbye Erasmus:"Another captive? What is it with this place?! That is indeed worrying."
Malied:oc First kid to ever thank their teacher for homework :P
Tenho Isotalo:Tenho: "I hear you lot have quite the speciality rescuing damsels in distress!" He orders some wine from the bar for everyone.
Eldred (Matt):Eldred stands and bows lazily Anything I can do help ya'll? names Eldred i'm new in town
Tenho Isotalo:turns to Eldred "On this mission, the more the merrier I think!"
Qiviel:Q looks up, attentively.
Eldred (Matt):Why thank you sir, thank you very much
Chris T.:Jack, quietly watches all fromthe shadows.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):*grimaces when he remember the failure with the slave girl at the cultist base "i wont fail this time" sTROHM SAYS UNDER HIS BREATH
Malied:Malied is listening to the conversation as he looks over the kids work
Erasmus:"You have put me in a quandary, Tenho. On one hand, the party seem to have a knack for this sort of thing, while on the other, Master Temminische requested that I look into the rumours of the Crimson Monks returning."
Barbara D'Ashe:Barbara has been sitting quietly close to her protector/lover Norrin. Now she stands up. "Excuse me good sirs, ladies... I have a favour to beseech thee. My Manor house is still occupied by the vile usurper Gurzun. Aid me to retake it and I shall reward you to the best of my ability."
Chris T.:Jack nods thoughtfully at the mention of the menace that is the Crimson Monks.
Barbara D'Ashe:Jyrdani: "Typical - no quests for a month then three come along at once!"
Geoff:Norrin nods at Barbara's words. "Aye, I have rescued Lady D'Ashe from the clutches of slavers, and it's only right that she is restored to her rightful place. I cannot do it alone."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"it seem our reunion is cut short Miss Kelli but no fear when i return we shall be intimate once again"
Qiviel:Q glances around, eyes narrowed in thought. "We rescue the maiden, stop by the D'Ashe manor on the way to investigate the monks?"
Erasmus:"How far are these 'Fallen Halls', Tenho? And where is your home, Lady D'Ashe?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i agree with Qiviel three birds with one stone"
Chris T.:Jack studies his maps to fathom a route that will take each of these quests in turn. Nearest first..
Simon N. (GM):Kelli blows Strohm a kiss :)
GM: I'll move you to map page
Tenho unfurls a map :)
Erasmus:"I believe we are but a days trek to the Roadside Inn, where my Master suggested we would gain the best intelligence regarding the Crimson Monks."
Qiviel:"I cannot in good conscience leave anyone kidnapped, and I have a strong dislike of slavers, and if these monks warrent Erasmus' intervention, my weapons will be sharp and ready to aid my comrade."
Tenho Isotalo:"So we're about twelve miles south of the abbey of the Crimson Monks in the Frogmarsh. We're two or three days travel to the Fallen Halls..."
"D'Ashe manor is not far from the Fallen Halls"
Eldred (Matt):hefts bulging backpack onto shoulders with a grunt How fars this walk friends?
Tenho Isotalo:Tenho nods to Erasmus, pointing out the Roadhouse Inn "Yes, here"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"my map reading is poor where is he captured pirncess again?"
Qiviel:(fallen hills, lower left. D'ashe, just slightly up and right of it)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the opposite of the monks this is difucult"
Chris T.:"We have some long and fast travel ahead of us."
Tenho Isotalo:"I suggest we go for Sumata Mercellin before the ogres eat her, then swing by the D'Ashe Manor and free it on our way back to the Roadhouse Inn?" he grins.
Chris T.:"If this lady is in imminent danger, it leaves us little choice?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"They may have eaten her already. Anyway, are we up to fighting ogres?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i agree with Tenho sugeestion the most sensible plan"
Eldred (Matt):Ogres you say?
Chris T.:OOC So Fallen Halls, D'Ash then Crimson Monks?
Geoff:Norrin waves dismissively. "Ogres are no problem. Unless you face more than one."
Tenho Isotalo:grins "Ah, but you see, I have located the secret entrance! We shall take them by surprise! And legends tell of a great cache of enchanted dwarven weapons..."
Eldred (Matt):mutters the reward seems less attractive now
Erasmus:"Well, I suppose the monks will still around in a week or so. I am worried that their numbers may be bolstered if we wait too long. What is the value of a single life compared to many that may be taken by the murderous monks?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):summoning Excruciator "we wont know until we try "
Tenho Isotalo:The mighty greatsword shines in Strohm's hands.
Erasmus:"We have faced ogres before."
Chris T.:"I hear you friend, Erasmus. My head tells me the same. But my heart will not abide this poor woman's plight."
Qiviel:"If there are more monks, we will take them as a group. And if we ride hard and rest little, we should minimise the time spent away."
Erasmus:"I don't know whether I would rush to face a cave-full, however."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"than evil will gathered and be dealt with one clean blow"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Sumata Mercellin is very wealthy, and well connected... the Mercellin coster control all the gold mines in Hiddenglen... a useful friend to have."
Malied:"it would seem prudent to proceed quickly eitherway"
Chris T.:"Indeed. Let's ride."
Eldred (Matt):Treasure and reward two of my favourite things.
Erasmus:"Three days travelling could be too late, in which case we are jeopardising ourselves foolhardily."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Most of you don't have horses, but you can hike up to about 30 miles/day.
Chris T.:Walking it is then :)
Qiviel:Q stands and gathers her things in preparation for a decision either way.
Erasmus:"If I know anything about ogres, they tend not to play with their food. They don't have the imagination for it."
Tenho Isotalo:"I'm hoping they will hold her for ransom and eat her companions first..."
Eldred (Matt):its about 60 miles on the trail i reckon
Chris T.:"Dare we takre that chance?"
Malied:"sigh, more walking"
Qiviel:She saves the apples to give to Rocco
Malied:"lets get started then"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"when did that ever stop us against the cultist now we have the element of surprise with the opputunity to be armed with dwarven gear when we come back to deal with the crimson monks"
Malied:Malied turns to the children, and puts a small stack of papers on the table
"here's some homewpork to do until I get back"
Chris T.:Jack leaves a couple of gold behind the bar to look after the horses until our return.
Malied:"I'll be grading you when I return"
Tenho Isotalo:GM: Any preference on route? You could head south to Ramvira Tower where the lord Einar is a friend of Norrin & Jack, then to Torag's hold?
Chris T.:Thyat was going to be my suggestion
check out Ramvira as we pass through
Simon N. (GM):The kids cheer at all the homework they're getting.
Geoff:"Lord Einar is a mage of no small power, and a good man. He's a friend of mine. I'm sure he will assist us in any way he can."
Malied:ooc strange children in this world....
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc "anything to escape work i guess?"
Malied:"A mage you say? we may have something to discuss then!"
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK, those w horses (Norrin, Jack, Barbara, Qiviel) mount up, the rest of you are walking I guess?
Chris T.:"A powerful wizard."
Malied:unless there are any to rent?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc "unless they sell horeses here for cheap price yeah"
(From Erasmus): Could someone try to persuade me, please? Erasmus is torn. DC10 :)
Chris T.:Probably wiser to all walk? Keeping the horsessafe fromOgres may be difficult?
(And our journey will be no swifter)
Or maybe leave the horses at Rasmvira?
Tenho Isotalo:to Erasmus "Come on old man - I'll owe you a favour!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"speed is always important it is wise to buy horses when we have enough gold for everyone"
Tenho Isotalo:Got 24 persuasion vs Erasmus
Erasmus:"Very well. If you are convinced that we are not embarking on a fool's errand here, I will have to hope the monks do not bolster their numbers too much before we return."
Simon N. (GM):Ramvira has good stables yup
GM: It's about 4pm when you set out...
Erasmus:"And less of the 'old', if you will. Haha"
Eldred (Matt):By the look of ya'lls map the ogres lair is a days hike from ya'lls friend's in Ramvira
Chris T.:"2222222222222222222222222222222222222222I have never travelled those mountains but know the road as far as lady D'Ash's old place."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"its on the way my friend and taking a path with friendly faces will less likely to hinder us"
Chris T.:That's a lot of 2's for noreason..
Geoff:Norrin smiles, happy that he'll have the chance to visit his friends at Ramivra again.
Simon N. (GM):GM: 8 hours later it's midnight & you've travelled some 24 miles through forested hills when you reach Ramvira Tower.
The elf archeress Dara opens the gates on your arrival and Mage Einar is roused from his bed to greet you. "Hail all! Hello old friend (to Norrin)."
Eldred (Matt):Can I help ya'll stable the horses?
Chris T.:Jack notices that Elmo's horse is not in the stable?
Erasmus:On the way, Erasmus will hold Tenho back a few paces "You brought Jyrdani to the party, did you not? I have been wondering, but I know it is impolite to ask directly - do you have any idea of how
old she actually is?"
Chris T.:Jack wouldlike to find out his whereabouts before weleave.
Simon N. (GM):The meeting hall is very full :)
Geoff:Grinning broadly, Norrin replies, "Hail and well met, all! I have brought friends! How fairs Milord Einar?"
Simon N. (GM):Einar: "All is good here - myself and Zuzanna Blackraven have grown close, even since my charm on her wore off!"
"Kade the Druid says young Viola Chaney is making good progress as a Druid."
"And Ameiko's cooking continues to be excellent."
Malied:"Sire Einar when you have a moment i'd like to discuss any knowledge that you might be willing to pass onto a fellow weaer of the arcane
Simon N. (GM):"Narcissa's Inn is doing a decent trade, too."
Geoff:Laughing, Norrin says, "Aye, after looking at your ugly mug for so many weeks, I'm sure she almost needed the enchantment on her again. All is well with Duchess Malla? And how is Narcissa?"
Simon N. (GM):Einar pats the slight paunch he's developed in recent months. He nods to Malied. "Certainly."
"Narcissa seems to be enjoying the Inn, mortals fascinate her it seems..."
Simon N. (GM):"As for the Duchess, well the situation is still unstable. But at least the Duke of Arcata remains cooped up in Valls..."
Einar nods to Erasmus. "Aye, she's a quarter-demon! "
Erasmus:"Ah! And she's accepted here? I hear their kind are shunned wherever they go?"
Geoff:"But she's one of the good ones. I trust her with my life. And have in the past, I must say." He pats the ancient longsword hanging at his side. "This was hers at one time."
Simon N. (GM):Einar: "We freed her from a stasis vault beneath the Hommlet Moathouse - nearly killed her, but glad enough we didn't. She can use magic to appear human."
Erasmus:"Interesting. I have never met anyone with demonic blood."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"interesting but i will inquire later but shoulde we rest for the night its already late"
Erasmus:"At least, I don't believe I have."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Ameiko the Shou serving maid brings in some tasty looking snacks & wine.
Geoff:"She's a little... odd. But A good asset in a fight."
Simon N. (GM):Einar: "Ah, excellent!"
Chris T.:Jack nods. Discreetly leaving his enquieries about Elmo with the wizard.
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani yawns.
Erasmus:"Strohm is right. We should sleep."
Malied:Keelia's having some computer probs
Simon N. (GM):GM: You ready for bed - Einar tells Jack that Ranger Elmo has returned to Hommlet to protect the region from the growing dangers emanating from Stoneheart Vale.
Eldred (Matt):I could use some shut sure
yawns Geoff:"Narcissa is now the innkeeper here in Ramvira. We can stay at the inn if she has rooms."
Chris T.:Jack thanks him for the information. "It's good to seeyoulooking so happy, Einor."
Simon N. (GM):GM: The Inn looks to be shut up for the night, but Einar offers you sleeping quarters at the tower.
Erasmus:"If I weren't so tired, I might try to have a conversation!"
Eldred (Matt):mutters Always wanted to o to Hommlet
Simon N. (GM):Einar nods to Eldred: "The Inn of the Welcome Wench is a fine place!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh i thought we stayed in the tower my apoligies Mage Einor"
Malied:"Before we part ways, could we have our arcane conversation now? I understand if not, it is rather late
Simon N. (GM):GM: Moving on... you rest overnight at Ramvira Tower then breakfast next morning with Einar and two of his henchmen, the elf Ranger Dara and the Druid Kade. He seems rather short on men at arms though.
Malied takes Einar aside.
Eldred (Matt):Why thank you Einar, thank you very much. Do you recommend anythang in particular?
Simon N. (GM):Einar to Malied: "Yes my friend, how can I help you?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"how much is for a horse Sir Einar?"
Malied:I'm looking to expand my spell range, I'd like to have learn some spells to bolseer my fellow team mates"
Simon N. (GM):Roll Persuasion Malied
Simon N. (GM):75gp for a riding horse + 25gp for saddle & tack Strohm
Einar: "Hm, well, perhaps you could seek me out for training at a suitable time, I could teach you a few things?"
OOC he's definitely not handing over his spell book :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm grimaces "maybe after rescuing the princess we buy horses for everyone"
Malied:"Ah, i understand, I'll be sure to do so"
MAlied bows to him
Eldred (Matt):Sadly I am without funds, but should Live I will return and buy one of your fine mounts sir
Malied:"Thank you for your time"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we should continue to our destination then"
Malied:I'm in the same boat as you Eldred
Chris T.:Leaving the horses here I'd suggest..
Simon N. (GM):GM: You bid Einar farewell. Leaving horses stabled here you head out of Ramvira.
Eldred (Matt):waves goodbye Erasmus:On the way, Erasmus will hold Tenho back a few paces "You brought Jyrdani to the party, did you not? I have been wondering, but I know it is impolite to ask directly - do you have any idea of how old she actually is?"
Geoff:Einar and his followers will keep them safe. Before leaving, Norrin will take Einar aside and brief him on the recent events regarding the Cult of Chaos.
Chris T.:Jack looks at Norrin as we head out on the same path as so long ago.
Eldred (Matt):they were real nice, real good manors in the here in the south
and keeps
Malied:Keelia is still sorting out her machine, should only be a few mins
Simon N. (GM):Einar thanks Norrin for the news.
Tenho looks over at Erasmus. "Her age? About twenty, I think, maybe twenty one. Why?"
Erasmus:"Hmm... Thanks. No real reason, I guess."
Simon N. (GM):You cross the Stone Stream and emerge from the woods west of Forestedge.
Barbara D'Ashe:"It may be wise to skirt my Manor - Gurzun may have worked out by now that I'm free - I should not be seen."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"fear sir Eramus? i mean im over a hundred years old but that never stopped me courting with human woman?"
Chris T.:Jack will help with a detour through the woods.
Geoff:"Aye, indeed. And Gurzun is probably not too happy about what happened with Malla."
Barbara D'Ashe:GM: Jack roll survival (w advtg if woods are favoured)
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc (nice)
Eldred (Matt):Jack knows what hes doin' fer sure
Simon N. (GM):GM: Jack works out that you can head west into the west woods to the old elven tower of Solanna Bael, still sealed tight against the ages, then follow a stream south to Torag's Hold, staying well away from Gurzun's.
Chris T.:"That tower has a tale to tell, one day..."
Simon N. (GM):You reach the heath cross roads - south to Gurzun's, west to Solanna Bael
Malied:If we go p[ast the tower i'd like to take a quick "look at it..."
Simon N. (GM):Heading west you have travelled 14 miles, about 5 hours, when you see the the ancient elven tower rising over the treetops ahead.
Chris T.:"Be swift my friend. We have lkittle time to loose."
Malied:can I investigate the tower?
Simon N. (GM):All seems quiet - eerily quiet.
Chris T.:"And the place has a sinister reputation..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i roll history to know about the tower?
Simon N. (GM):Its concave base
seems too slender to support the grand, domed upper
level, which resembles a stylized flower blooming atop
a tall stem. Despite its age, the tower’s white stone and
metal supports still gleam and shine in the sun. There
is only one visible entrance at the tower’s base and no
Simon N. (GM):windows can be seen in its narrow column.
OK Strohm roll History
Simon N. (GM):It's definitely an old elven tower, abandoned for millennia.
Malied:Does it seem magical in any way (besides the archtecture)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"this is outside of Leth so this is outside my knoledge"
Simon N. (GM):The bronze double doors at the base seem unweathered, though there are slight dents where someone has tried to batter them down.
Eldred (Matt):the construction is definitely arcane
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lets leave it alone Malied we can learn more of it later"
Malied:"Hmm, fair enough"
Simon N. (GM):It is surmounted by a white stone
dome in the center of crenellated battlements with no
clear entrance. The crenellations are scalloped bronze
projections that resemble the petals of a giant flower.
Jack locates the near-hidden stream that leads upstream south and south-west, emerging from the forest a little west of the dwarf village Torag's Hold.
Simon N. (GM):2 hours travel through the hilly woods brings you out onto the mining road.
It's now about 2pm.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i forgotto ask Tenho itis a human princess right?"
Eldred (Matt):Should we rest at the Torags and ask if they know anything that might help us?
Simon N. (GM):Ahead looms grim Fang Mountain, the Fallen Halls are on the southern slopes.
Tenho Isotalo:"Some rumours say the Mercellin have elven blood - but she looks human enough to me."
Chris T.:Can't hurt, Matt
Eldred (Matt):I speak a little Dwarf if it helps?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):phew "my worst fear is the princess be a dwarf"
Erasmus:"Eldred speaks wisely. Perhaps we can approach under the cover of darkness?"
Barbara D'Ashe:"The Torag dwarves are too friendly with Gurzun - I fear we may be betrayed."
Geoff:"It would be a good chance to rest and restock, before setting out."
Chris T.:well bang goes that one then :D
Geoff:"Alright, let's bypass the village, then."
Eldred (Matt):I like Erasmus idea, from what I heard of ogres theyre real lazy and could be drunk asleep at night
Chris T.:"We do not want Gurzon waiting for us when we return this way..."
Jack is all for going in the dark
Eldred (Matt):This Gurzon is a real pain in the ass
Barbara D'Ashe:Tenho: "We're ten miles off, I'd say. If we take it easy the rest of the hike, dusk should be falling when we approach the Fallen Halls. Hopefully we can find the hidden entry in the dark..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"so we camp for thday and strike at night?"
Chris T.:Jack nods at Tenho's plan. Does he seem relaxed and genuine?
Erasmus:Is it worth a small party going ahead to find the entrance before dusk?
Malied:Can I make a quick nature check on Ogres? I'm not convinced that they aren't noturnal
Geoff:Norrin grimaces. "Some of us don't see very well in the dark...."
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani looks up and down the trail: "We can camp for lunch here."
@Malied sure roll Nature
Eldred (Matt):if the dwarves talk to your villan Gurzon we should camp of the trail darlin
Simon N. (GM):GM: Yes, Ogres are mostly nocturnal. more likely to be sleeping in the day.
Eldred (Matt):uhuh, well I'll be
Simon N. (GM):They're sleepiest around an hour before dusk.
Malied:"We should definity NOT strike at night"
Eldred (Matt):should ever trust those outlaws
Chris T.:Can we reach there an hour before dusk?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh than we strike during dusk then"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
a raven crows in the trees.
You eat lunch
Yes, sunset around 7pm or so, you can be there in 4 hours
Erasmus:GM: Are there many ravens around?
Chris T.:Then we head up for the hour before duskand strike while they are drowsy?
Eldred (Matt):is there somewhere good/concealed to hide our night camp?
Chris T.:(And hope the raven is nothing sinister...)
Simon N. (GM):GM: After lunch you head west to a three-way fork in the road, taking the little used left fork around the sunny southern slopes of Fang Mount.
There are plenty of places you could camp & be well hidden, yes.
The high pine woodlands here grow scrubby and sparse.
Chris T.:Jack to Eldred "I'd hope to get us down off this hill before we need to camp.."
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Erasmus:"Okay. What's the plan here? Are we trying to get in, get the princess and get out, or are we trying to rid the caves of ogres?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Here and there on the trail Jack spots orc and ogre tracks, some only a week or two old
Eldred (Matt):ok Jack, youre the boss
Malied:"I think it might be wisest to draw them out"
Chris T.:Our guide can show us to the secret entrance?
Malied:"we don't know their numbers"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"preferably get the princess out but tenho says theres ac cahe of dwaven weapons hiiden here"
Chris T.:Jack keeping an eye out for warning signs in the tracks.
Simon N. (GM):6pm: Evening - you see a dark mountain lake east of a striking promontory.
Erasmus:"I'll admit to not being too bothered by the weapons, I'm more concerned about getting back out safely."
Chris T.:"And by slaying the Ogres, here. We remove a substantial threat to the lowlands."
Malied:"killing the Ogres it is then
lets make some noise and get them out
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"and the threat to mises Manor"
Chris T.:(And Lady D'Ash's Hall when we get it back? Ogres are not good neighbours..)
Malied:(Have we found the entrance?"
Chris T.:"I sayy we cree[p in and take addvantage whilke they are drowsy/"
Simon N. (GM):sorry need to reload
Chris T.:"No point informing them we are here and waiting?"
Geoff:"I suggest the hidden entrance, and try a stealthy approach."
Chris T.:"We may also have a better chance of spiriting away the poor wretch they hold?"
Erasmus:"Quietly is best, I think. There is little benefit to alerting
all of the denizens. There will be plenty of noise once the fighting starts."
Malied:the longerr we wait the more alert and dangerous they will be"
Chris T.:"Then let's creep in?"
Malied:"creeping in sounds best"
"its ballsy but our best bet to wipe the out"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "A frontal assault is suicide - we need to find a brush-covered tunnel on the north side. This way..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lead the way Tenho"
Malied:lets us move quickly then, lead the way
Geoff:"Ogres are savvy tacticians. If we alert them, then they can prepare impenetrable defenses, and we'll have failed before we even start."
Eldred (Matt):checks weapons and creeps along Simon N. (GM):GM: Skirting the lack you climb the northern mossy slopes of the rocky promontory.
Malied:"...I'm not sure you understand the avarage intelligence of an ogre"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "A few hundred yards from the Mountain Door, the orc army burrowed into the hillside to circumvent the dwarven defenses. The tunnel is still passable, but its entrance is choked with brush and debris..."
Geoff:"Probably not, but I'd still rather face them one at a time, than a score of them all at once."
Chris T.:Jack checks the ground for fresh Orc tracks.
Simon N. (GM):Jack soon spots the hidden tunnel, clearly of artificial make. No sign of orc tracks here on the north side of the crags.
Eldred (Matt):Eldred covers Jack with a long bow Simon N. (GM):No ogre tracks either. You're in a dim dank defile between the crag to the south and the main bulk of Troll Mount rising to the north.
Chris T.:He gestures everyone forward
Erasmus:"I feel like Tenho should lead the way."
Simon N. (GM):Tenho lights up a lantern and looks to Erasmus. "Thanks for that vote of confidence, old friend."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"may the gods watch over us"
Erasmus:"Sorry, but I feel like you're the sneakiest of us"
Eldred (Matt):Er..wont the lantern give us away?
Tenho Isotalo:"I may be sneaky, but I can't see in the dark."
Chris T.:and can't be seen..
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Summon Excruciator Chris T.:But wears armour
Qiviel:(i'm still seeing the overall map?)
Eldred (Matt):want me to try?
Erasmus:"Can we fashion a hood for the lantern?"
Eldred (Matt):if there is a look out maybe we can sneak up on them take em out then turn the light on?
Malied:I can see 60" ahead, I can lead the way, obviously i'm not as stealthy as Jack
Eldred (Matt):if there isnt we can turn the light on. But we should check first, right?
Chris T.:jack is a bit rattly in his armour but happy to give it a go in the dark
Malied:We don't have a choice, lets push forward
Chris T.:time is important
So we gomin together?
Erasmus:Erasmus mutters under his breath "Where's Syrus when we need him?"
Malied starts moving forward
Erasmus:Erasmus puts his hand on Jack's shoulder Simon N. (GM):GM: are you all going down together?
Malied:"Qiviel are you coming?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "This tunnel should run 500 feet to natural caverns known as the Glitterhame..."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc yeah strike while the iron is hot
Eldred (Matt):I'll scout a few years ahead keeping watch for bushwacker's and traps
OOC yards not years
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head into the tunnel, Eldred ahead.
Eldred (Matt):swap the bow for me sword
Chris T.:just seeing black. Anyone else?
Simon N. (GM):After 500' the tunnell ahead opens into natural caves... Several passages branch away from this large, high-ceilinged cavern. To the north, the carved, square-mouthed tunnel. A gate of rough-hewn timber blocks a small passage to the northeast. Three other passageways wind off toward the south. A heavy animal smell lingers in the air.
Erasmus:Zoom out to find the bit of the map. I can't see any token yet...
Qiviel:(scroll over chris, faint map in the middle
middle of the top)
Chris T.:ah! Thanks Keelia
Does Jack recognise the smell?
(survival maybe?)
Trogloydytes... one rises up beside Eldred - he spots it just in time to yell a warning.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn who has high pasive perception?
Erasmus:14PP but it's dark.
Simon N. (GM):A second, unseen, rushes to the eastern gate and yanks it open.
Eldred (Matt):Trogs! look out!
Simon N. (GM):You're not surprised as a trog got 9 on its stealth roll to ambush Eldred
roll init please (after clicking on your token) :)
Chris T.:(I can't see any tokens on the map)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn Jack should always be at front next time XD
Malied:just drag a box over the whole area :P
Erasmus:I can't see my token. You may need to give me vision (just not darkvision)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):i dont see our tokens?
Qiviel:(Q rolled 17 but no token?)
Erasmus:Initiative (+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):You hear a roar from the east...
Malied:The tokens aren't shown at the mo, just drag select over the map
Chris T.:14 but no token in sight
Malied:we're up at the top
just can't see us
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah my token is incible?
Simon N. (GM):everyone found your tokens?
Eldred (Matt):no cant see any?
Chris T.:I can't see anyone's tokens
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):token still invisible i rloading my roll20
Eldred (Matt):oh there they are
Chris T.:shall we reroll init?
Simon N. (GM):There was some 'advanced fog of war' setting still on :\
keep your initzs
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):now i can see
Simon N. (GM):nice & bright now :D
Malied:Ah! excellent, there is a vast amount of meat shield to keep me safe ^^
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yup
Simon N. (GM):roll inits if you're not on the chart
Simon N. (GM):select PC then roll by clicking Initiative on your sheet
Chris T.:I rolled 14 but not on the chart
Qiviel:(same for me, rolled 17 but not om chart. Should I roll again?)
Chris T.:only dropped 9mplaces :D
Simon N. (GM):roll again]
first roll on chart counts
Well then
Malied:because of the -1 you go through the bottom to the top !
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):u think Qiviel init is 17 before right?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):just type on the turn order 17
Qiviel:It's fine :) It got the bad roll out of the way :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):then everyone is ready then
I'm house ruling that you can move through ally square at full speed BTW
ok #20 Eldred!
Eldred (Matt):lashes right with greatsword Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc knock them out of the park Matt
Eldred (Matt):rolling d6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc holy shit
Eldred (Matt):7 DMG total
Malied:ooc....I'm, staying back here behind you meat shields until the bad thing is dead
Eldred (Matt):Great weaponstyle got to reroll the 1
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):Trog hisses in pain
Eldred (Matt):Shit whats that on the left?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thats the holy shit just noe i think its a bear
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice full damage
Eldred (Matt):Come on you bastard!
Simon N. (GM):It goes down, near cleft in twain!
Eldred (Matt):Thank you Norrin
Geoff:All in a day's work, Eldred.
Malied:cast Flaming sphere here
Simon N. (GM):Malied sees the bear.
Looks hungry.
And angry. Hangry.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Hangry Giant Bear
Malied:@smn can you please pput a token down for the sphere?
awesome, thanks
that bear is in for some pain at the start of its turn >:)
end turn
Simon N. (GM):put it under your control Malied
I did
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):moves and attack the trolodyte
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+6)
Simon N. (GM):It staggers back, bleeding, claws raised
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):Tenho shoots light x-bow over Strohm's shoulder at the trog
It goes down
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
"good shot Tenho"
Simon N. (GM):The bear roars and charges...
It also burns...
the damage is actual;l;y at the end of its turn, I misread
Erasmus:OOC What is it with the d6 today?!
Simon N. (GM):yeah but you should have had a n attack on your turn so will do now
3 fire?
Simon N. (GM):bites & claws at Strohm
Eldred (Matt):eyes widen at the flaming bear Look out!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Claw smashes the Orog plate
10 dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Grit his teeth but still standing Simon N. (GM):Barbara Dodges
#6 Erasmus
oh the bear has to eot save
Erasmus:Erasmus can only see by the light of the flaming sphere so heads in that direction... fail, roll 2d6 fire Malied
Simon N. (GM):Bear: "OWWW!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
"wait when does a bear sream OWWW?"
Malied:Dr Malied has discovered Bear Ass Burn
Erasmus:Erasmus steps behind Strohm and throws two darts at the singed bear Simon N. (GM):The bear is mad with rage and pain
Malied:He will be writing a paper on it and achieve world wide fame
Simon N. (GM):2 hits, 2nd is off hand so no DEX bonus
on dmg
Eldred (Matt):That bear may be the guard dawg!
total dmg?
Erasmus:Erasmus than backs up...
Simon N. (GM):on 2 rolls?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):2 hits tho?
Erasmus:Sorry, I read 2nd hits
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):Bear is looking like he has a sore head.
What with the darts in it.
#5 Jack
Chris T.:Just a point first, Simon. Jack needs to add his wisdom bonus to initiative as a class skill.
Malied:A sore head, and a burning arse
Chris T.:(next time of course)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Go Javj go
Simon N. (GM):(ok Chris - hm, not sure how to do that unless you use Charactermancer to build PC)
Chris T.:He has 40' move in his first turn so will try attack the bear if there's room. Plenty of move, just not sure if he'll fit? If not he hangs back 15' south
Simon N. (GM):there's a gap yup
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Chris T.:and bonus attack for ambusher in round 1
Chris T.:rolling 3d8+10
Bear very dead
Simon N. (GM):Poor Qiviel no attack :(
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice Jack
Eldred (Matt):Damn you move fast Jack
Simon N. (GM):Silence falls.
Malied:all in ix secoonds....
Qiviel:(That's no worries for Q. It's time for me to log - I've got to get to bed - see you next week!)
Chris T.:(He's all 1st round Matt! :D )
Malied:Malied will move the sphere to the east since it still has time left on it a lights up the place
Geoff:"Hopefully that was fast and quiet enough that no one heard it," Norrin whispers.
Chris T.:Laters Keelia! Stay safe
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):taking his breath Strohm use second wind Simon N. (GM):Bear Pen. A sturdy timber gate, latched on the outside, seals a smaller cave to the east.
Qiviel:(stay safe everyone! and thanks!)
Eldred (Matt):Good night :-D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):(see you next time Qiviel)
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel guards Babs & the rear :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm backs to full health Eldred (Matt):I can hear rushing water to the west
search the trog ewurh
Simon N. (GM):The trogs have no clothes or gear & smell really foul.
Geoff:Anything noteworthy in the bear cave?
Simon N. (GM):Lots of bear poo
Erasmus:"Which way should we head?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Tenho how big is the cave network?"
Erasmus:Erasmus will try listening at each of the passageways for any suggestion of where to go Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "The records say it's quite extensive. I believe the way to the upper levels is to the west, and the lower levels to the south east. I think."
Malied:Malied will take a quick look to the south and see if there are any passages that way
Simon N. (GM):Rushing water to the west
Nothing to the soouth
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"where do you think the princess is then? the lower levels?"
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "The ogres only hold the uppermost level, or at least that was the case twenty years ago."
Malied:"we should head down then which way did you say?"
Simon N. (GM):"If there are still dwarf weapons here though they'll likely be on the lower levels, the Foundry."
Erasmus:"If that's the best lead we have, we should head up."
Eldred (Matt):Tenho, you have been here before?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "No, but I have records of people who have."
Geoff:"We can only assume they've expanded their occupation in that time, then."
Simon N. (GM):"Recovered from Fort Skulnar with the help of Brother Erasmus here."
Eldred (Matt):interesting
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then to the upper levels where the ogres are then unless we want to raid the treasury first?
Erasmus:"Is this the place you were searching for details of when last we met?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "Unless they're working with troglodytes, I'd say they're not down here."
Tenho nods to Erasmus "Aye"
Erasmus:"The foundry can wait."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Then west it is"
Chris T.:It's a long shot but Jack searches for a solitary set of human footprints among the many he's sure are here abouts..
Eldred (Matt):wary of bushwackers and traps
Simon N. (GM):To the west is a very high cavern, its ceiling easily forty feet or more overhead. A stairway winds up along a ledge that follows the north wall of the chamber. A fast-moving stream about five feet wide runs across the floor of the chamber from the north and disappears under a low stone overhang to the south, and larger passageways exit to the southeast and the northeast (where you are).
Chris T.:(The pickled onion flavour Monster Munch have made him reckless!)
Eldred (Matt):There's away up here
Simon N. (GM):Tenho nods to Eldred. "Aye. Those stairs look likely."
Jack you can roll Survival (no disad)
Eldred (Matt):skips across the stream
Erasmus:Erasmus sticks behind Jack as he still can't see. Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Simon N. (GM):No human footprints
Eldred (Matt):how safe are these stairs?
Chris T.:"I have you my friend."
OOC Luck be my lady tonight!
Simon N. (GM):Lots of trog paw prints along the stream. It exits to the south, cave head clearance just a couple feet above the water level there.
Eldred (Matt):Ive got a torch, want me to fir it up?
Simon N. (GM):The stone stairs look very solid, natural limestone shelves reworked by dwarves.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
Eldred (Matt):lite torch The stairs look solid, like dwarves work them.
worked the
cant see any traps
Chris T.:That can't be good..
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d8
Geoff:Norrin keeps an eye out to the rear, in case there's more trogs lurking about.
Simon N. (GM):unbeknownst you, several stirges have settled on your backs and now seek to drain your blood...
(they got 23 on Stealth)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Damn indeed
Eldred (Matt):the torch spooked em!
Chris T.:Nice, that's how to use Stirges..
Erasmus:Erasmus was literally right behind Jack
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d20
Malied:Malied ire a fire bolt at each one
"close your cleyes mate"
Simon N. (GM):15 & 14 vs Jack - can't get through armour
Eldred (Matt):Eldred wonders what is best to remove a strige with - burning torch or greatsword? Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
24 on Tenho, suck suck
24 on Norrin, right in the neck
Simon N. (GM):You become aware that bloated parasites are sucking your blood
~little bit of politics :p
Malied:Mage hand, try to pull one off
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init
Erasmus Bos
Eldred (Matt):ooc from the highs to the lows
all done?
Simon N. (GM):I'll add +4 Chris
#24 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus sees the ones on Jack and he'll grab one in each hand and rip them off. Erasmus:Unarmed strike, I guess? or something else?
Simon N. (GM):unarmed strike
6Bludgeoning Damage
1Bludgeoning Critical Damage
Unarmed Strike
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:"There's another one there."
Simon N. (GM):Stirges suck suck
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Jack's one finds a gap in his armour
5 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Norrin's keeps sucking
Simon N. (GM):Bloated with blood, it detaches & flaps away before Norrin can kill it.
Geoff:shaking his fist "Revenge shall be mine!"
Malied:no opp astt? brutal
Simon N. (GM):Likewise Tenho's one is full of tasty blood, it detaches to fly off
Erasmus you can opp att it
(I'm not giving opp atts till your turn)
It flaps away
Erasmus:"Damn. too small"
Eldred (Matt):sheaths sword, brandishes torch Hold still Jack, but you might wanna look away! sorry
Simon N. (GM):The stirges rolled great on stealth & init
Erasmus:"Sorry Tenho. I was being carefull not to hit you, too!"
Simon N. (GM):(will stop at 8pm)
Eldred (Matt):*grimaces and attacks the stirge attached to Jack
Malied:glad they didn#t get me, I would have been down and dead on the second suck
Eldred (Matt):rolling d20
Simon N. (GM):Eldred plunges a torch to the stirge. It crisps.
It curls up and drops off (at 1 hp) on the ground
Chris T.:"Thanks Eldred. I owe you one."
Eldred (Matt):21 to hit is it 1 dm + 2 str?
Eldred (Matt):with a torch?
Simon N. (GM):torch is 1 fire dmg, I rule it auto-removes stirge
Chris T.:Jack, seeing that no one else is in peril, stomps the horridthing.
Simon N. (GM):Jack has advtg to hit (AC 14, unarmed)
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+6
Eldred (Matt):points fingers and wiggles hips to jack Chris T.:"Who is wounded? Let me help."
Simon N. (GM):You are out of combat, bloodied but unbowed
Geoff:Norrin is down 10 hp
Erasmus:"I have a couple of potions, if anyone needs them?"
Eldred (Matt):sorry i didnt seem them until i lit the torch
Simon N. (GM):Barbara: "Oh, Norrin! You're bleeding!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lets climb up stairs before calling a night?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho holds his bleeding neck. "Urgh"
Geoff:Norrin grins when he sees the beautiful woman. "I'm much better now."
Chris T.:I had hoped tokeep spells for the Ogres, but rather than blow potions, Jack has 3 cure spells if needed?
Simon N. (GM):Barbara smiles: "Let me bandage that..."
Eldred (Matt):Is tenho ok?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani: "OK, enough flirting. Let's move..."
He's down 11
Geoff:"Many thanks, Jack. I owe you."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):sigh "wish bronda is here could have used a cleric"
Eldred (Matt):you look hurt
Simon N. (GM):Norrin is healed
Eldred (Matt):Good to go?
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "Much better! My thanks."
Erasmus:"Yes, let's move."
Chris T.:1 spellleftfor the week. Good to go :)
Eldred (Matt):claps tenho on the back, does the elvis finger wuiggle and skips forward Simon N. (GM):You head up the broad stone steps...
Geoff:Norrin will bring up the rear, watching for more trogs.
I'll watch you back Norrin
Erasmus:"Keep your eyes peeled for any more of those bloodsuckers, too."
Simon N. (GM):Ahead the stairs leave the cavern wall and enter a tunnel; a stream crosses the tunnel about 15' in
Eldred (Matt):holds torch up illuminating the shadowy casm Simon N. (GM):a rushing stream spills from a narrow crack to the south and crosses the stairway, disappearing into a narrow, winding tunnel to the north. The rill is only two or three feet wide.
Erasmus:Is the water clear?
Simon N. (GM):Jyrd jumps the stream. It's crystal clear
Simon N. (GM):Ahead the stairs wind up and up - you are approaching the uppper level, the Mountain Door...
GM: OK good place to stop and calc XP :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool
Eldred (Matt):Thank you very much DM
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cant wait for next week
Chris T.:Great to be back!
Chris T.:Thanks Simon, guys, and good tomeet youMatt :)
Erasmus:Thanks Simon. Good to be back on the crawl!
Geoff:Great way to start the new year. Thanks everyone!
Erasmus:Happy New Year (again) to you all. :D
Eldred (Matt):Lovely game, lovely stuff guys, thank you for having me X
Simon N. (GM):100 stirges 100 trogs 200 bear = 400/8 = 50 + 50 travel & exploration = 100 each
Malied:cool, thanks all, night
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cool thanks Simon for running the session
Geoff:Good stuff, guys. See you next week.
Simon N. (GM):cheers all :)
Chris T.:2,675! 25 XP short! :D
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