Simon N. (GM):will start shortly. Your PCs have recently arrived at the Cumin Inn for various reasons esp treasure & glory :)
Bryn (Kimberly):And stickin' it to the man
It's a hot summer evening in early Highsun (August)
I suggest you introduce your PCs - do any of you know each other already?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Jelly say sthg to check for echo please
Bryn (Kimberly):I know no one, but I look around the bar and see a dog, a bunch of half elves, and an orc. I toss a scrap of meat to the dog with a nod to the owner, and go to sit next to the orc.
Oh, Simon, I can't seem to move my token
But I can move Tony's
And Max's
Tony P.:I go up to the half elf. ... Looking for adventure?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am actually frozen, trying to choose which waitress is the most gorgeous to place my order. :-)
Greeba (Jelena):Nursing my ale, I observe silently (for now)
Tony P.:I don't think you can go wrong..
Simon N. (GM):try now Kim
Bryn (Kimberly):"Greetings, half orc. You look as new to this area as I." I hold out my hand.
Yep, thanks, Simon!
"I'm Bryn. Just Bryn."
Greeba (Jelena):"greetings back at you, noble elf!
Tony P.:Are orcs common in these parts. Just watched the Hobbit...
Greeba (Jelena):I'm Greeba the Smith
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn grimaces. "Just Bryn will suffice."
"A smith? That's excellent. Are you handy with that weapon as well?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I raise my almost empty ale pint to you, Tony with a knowing smile. To the ladies in this beautiful pub!
Greeba (Jelena):OK Bryn, and what brings you here?
Gorlock (Tony):Here, here!
Bryn (Kimberly):"What brings anyone to an unknown pub in these parts? Ale, rumours, and the chance to earn some coin."
Xarius Jaunesse:Hi I'm Xarius, just wondering what does 90iq mean?
Greeba (Jelena):"Handy? You may see for yourself one day
Gorlock (Tony):I go over to Thibault to introduce. How are you kind sir?
Simon N. (GM):It's a busy night at the Cumin Inn. In the SW corner two dangerous fellows are roistering with two ladies of easy virtue. To the NW the famous Bards Joriun & Margrethe are warming up for their night's performance. To the NE are two Moravin friars, a merchant and his men. Over to the east a noble couple are relaxing by the fire, attended by a maid and two guards.
Greeba is a half orc, Soravian Nar barbarian by the look of her tribal markings.
Bryn (Kimberly):I glance over at the noble couple, assessing whether they seem to have any bodyguards around them.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am very good, Sir! I am Thibault of Brandiar. My pint is almost empty, would you let me get one for you as well? Mister... ?
Bryn (Kimberly):While staying mostly behind the bulk of Greeba :-)
Simon N. (GM):Hi Jelly :)
Tony P.:Yessir, I go by Gorlock
Greeba (Jelena):I also glance at the noble couple, attracted by the fine features of the young Sir
Simon N. (GM):Just east of the door a roguish looking woman drinks alone, eyeing you lot.
Bryn (Kimberly):Er, which roguish looking woman?
Margretha? or Caella?
Jelly:Hello! Sorry, not having a good day today (bad anxiety so brain very scrambled :-(
Gorlock (Tony):No worries Jelly.
Bryn (Kimberly):Hugs, Jelly
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Hi Jelly, we're just meeting each other...
Bryn (Kimberly):Do I notice Vrena looking at me? If so, I'd like to take a closer look at her.
Simon N. (GM):Mistle you have recently returned to Cumin after completing your Ranger training under Elmo, and are chatting with fellow barmaids Mary and Becca.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):HI Jelly, you can relax now. You're with your friends. :-)
Greeba (Jelena):To Bryn "That halfling looks familiar, as if I've seen her before
Simon N. (GM):Bryn roll Insight
Simon N. (GM):Becca to Mistle: "Now look at you! a hero!"
Bryn you see her looking at you appraisingly. She raises her tankard and beckons you over.
Tony P.:Thibault, are you up for adventure?
Bryn (Kimberly):I raise an eyebrow, but walk over, motioning behind my back at the orc to see if she joins me. I like the look of her.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle blushes. Oh Becca, I wouldn't say that! I'm still the same Mistle who cooked in this kitchen, you know!
Simon N. (GM):Mary to Mistle: "Lots of adventurers in tonight, Mistle - maybe you can join up, form a party?!"
Tony P.:Can I overhear them
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I call a wench and throw her a silver. "Please, dear helpful lady of this Inn, could you get my new friend here and myself a pint of your best Ale?" huummm ? (I wink at her)
Greeba (Jelena):I saunter after Bryn nonchalantly
Simon N. (GM):Mary giggles. "Your knives look a lot bigger now, Mistle!"
GM: You can overhear each other ok (unless you whisper)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ha ha, that's true! I'll need another big drink to go with them!
Bryn (Kimberly):I clank my tankard against that of Vrena.
"Well met," I say.
Simon N. (GM):Becca winks back at Thibault. "Certainly sir! Here y'are!" (serves beer)
Vrena grins. "Vrena Kell's the name. Have a seat."
Gorlock (Tony):Thibault...I hear talk of adventure amongst the ladies, shall we join the conversation?
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OOC what is the red and blue circle
Greeba (Jelena):Greeting Vrena! I'm Greeba
Bryn (Kimberly):I take a seat next to her so that my back isn't to the room. "And this is Greeba."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think we should.... what's the worse that could happen? ;-)
Ignore them
Simon N. (GM):(I don't see a red & blue circle)
Xarius Janeusse (Max):(left click a character simon)
Gorlock (Tony):I mosey on over with my new friend Thibault
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC I see red circles around a few tokens, is that what you mean?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):As you can see, Thibault is more handsome than clever.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OOC i meant on my character mom
Bryn (Kimberly):I glance at the Friar to take a look at him
Gorlock (Tony):They are your ac and hp
Simon N. (GM):Vrena nods to the others as they approach: "Hi there. I'm looking for some brave adventurers to help me recover the treasure of Marblehead Tower. You up for it?"
Bryn (Kimberly):And I look up as the boys join us. "But these fellows I don't know."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):My apologies, fair lady. My name is Thibault... Thibault of Brandiar
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle notices the tall, handsome bunch of adventurers gathering at the back of the Inn and decides to cautiously head over, smoothing down her unruly, frizzy chestnut hair.
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "They say the tower's haunted by the ghost of its last watchman... they also say the treasure he amassed is still in there..."
Gorlock (Tony):ah come on, we could be of great me (17 CHA)
Greeba (Jelena):I glance through my lashes down at Thibault and his friend
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And here is my new companions of table, Gorlok the magnificient
Greeba (Jelena):"Treasure? I like the sound of that!
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn buries a snort at the boys in her tankard, but raises it to the sound of treasure.
Eamon (Bill):"wouldn't that be grave robbing"
Gorlock (Tony):What kind of adventure do you have in mind/
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mistle you catch Vrena's spiel - you know the old watch tower a few miles out of town on the king's road. It was abandoned years ago, but rumour has it people who pass by after dark often go missing.
Bryn (Kimberly):"Certainly the dead wouldn't miss any coin."
Bryn (Kimberly):"And it's a tower, not a gravesite."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh that's the old haunted tower people have been talking about, right?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I couldn't help overhearing.....I'm a local here; and if you're going to head to the Watchtower I'd be careful: people heading down the Kingsroad at night have gone missing near that place..........
Gorlock (Tony):Maybe we could clear the place out to make it safer for everyone....
Greeba (Jelena):"I thought I've seen you here before! Name is Greeba
Simon N. (GM):>>"wouldn't that be grave robbing"<< Vrena shakes her head. "They say old Brocas amassed war-loot smuggled south... ill gotten gains. Anyway, the dead won't miss it. But there's likely something dangerous in there - the locals won't go near."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC Simon have I seen Greeba before?
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn looks around the table. She's not too sure of a lot of them, but there is safety in numbers. "Surely there are enough of us to handle anything a ghost can throw at us. Besides, who's to say it's really a ghost?"
Gorlock (Tony):My mother always said I had more guts than brains...
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can decide if your PCs have met each other.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Grave robbing is very much NOT on the menu!
But if it is really haunted, that means Evil is present: we need to find out if it's true.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC as I've visited the inn before, and you used to be a waitress?
Simon N. (GM):>>istle Thorngage (Jelly):I couldn't help overhearing.....I'm a local here; and if you're going to head to the Watchtower I'd be careful: people heading down the Kingsroad at night have gone missing near that place..........<< Vrena nods. "That's why I prefer strength in numbers!"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ah yes! Greeba! I remember you know: you had good things to say about my chicken stew?
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OOC who should i meet before this occasion
might aswelll just know most
Gorlock (Tony):Join in Xarius
Simon N. (GM):There's a stir as Jorian Whitefeather gets up on a table and begins to sing a stirring ballad, of Gareth Dragonsbane and his victory over the Witch-King.
Greeba (Jelena):"It was the food of the gods! Like a stew should be
Gorlock (Tony):My noble kinsman, join in
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I still love cooking, but I'm slicing up more monsters than potatoes, these days! And Mistle points at a scar down one cheek.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):Iknow im just unable to think of anything to add to this conversation
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn raises her chin at the human monk. "Is fighting an evil spirit that endangers the locals reason enough for you? I'm good with treasure, but that's surely a bonus."
Gorlock (Tony):I've not sen many other half-elves in this joint
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):To Mistle: I never had the pleasure to meet you, I would have certainly remembered. :-)
Gorlock (Tony):I'm all for wiping out evil, my mistress commands it...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle blushes beet red.
Gorlock (Tony):er, did I say that
Greeba (Jelena):"So where is this tower, then?
Eamon (Bill):im not much a combat monk at this point maybe one day ill become strong
Bryn (Kimberly):"Your mistress? She must be an interesting one."
Gorlock (Tony):Eamon, I've got your back buddy
Bryn (Kimberly):"The only way to become strong is to fight, young monk."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):That's very kind of you to say, Sir?
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "About four miles out of town, west on the King's Road, up on Marblehead rise."
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn turns to the half-elf sorcerer hovering nearby. "What of you, brightly coloured sir? Are you in for a bit of treasure hunting?"
OOC that would be you, Max
Simon N. (GM):Joriun finishes his song to applause and stands down;
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):To Mistle: Thibault of Brandiar, at your service, fair lady!
(I applaud Joriun)
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe takes his place and begins a sad love long of an Impilturan princess and her prince, lost at sea.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):Sure I'm in for any treasure as long as theres absolutely ANYTHING to observe or analyse as I'm getting rather bored of sitting idly in my study
Greeba (Jelena):I clap my hands and drain my tankard. "I am willing to investigate the tower. Who is with me?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle Thorngage! It's really such a pleasure and an honour to meet a Knight, I can't imagine what you're doing out here in the sticks! I long for more adventures..........
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Goblin-slaying and lost pilgrims are all very well, but......
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
Bryn (Kimberly):I look at Xarius' ink-stained fingers. "Yes, you look due for some adventure."
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe seems to have a bit of flu (8 on Perform) vs Joriun's 18, he definitely wins the ballad duel; :)
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn doesn't clap.
"So, Vrena, what's in it for us, exactly? A share of the treasure? Payment?"
Gorlock (Tony):I go over to margrethe to console her...
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba enjoys rougher tones more than dulcet ones
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Replying to Mistle. Yes, I also long for some more glorious adventures. I have decided to stop waiting for the evil to pick us up and counter attack these horrors that lurk around our realm.
Simon N. (GM):The barmaids cluster around handsome Joriun, cooing over him.
Gorlock (Tony):Lass some ale for the lady
Greeba (Jelena):Looking at Vrena too
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Thibault: I like your initiative! Tell me, do you believe in destiny?
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe looks up bleary eyed. "
sniffle Sorry 'bout that..."
Gorlock (Tony):It was beautiful, reallly...
Simon N. (GM):Rosey brings ale (5 cp)
Gorlock (Tony):OOC, going to need some coin soon...
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe: "Usually I can hit the notes,must have picked up something at the Roadhouse last night..."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think we make our own destiny, Miss Thorngage,... but I believe that forces of good can help us accomplish it.
Gorlock (Tony):I haven't been there in ages. Anything new happening?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yes, there does seem to be a mysterious illness sweeping the land at the moment.........
Tony P.:Are you feeling ok?
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe: "At the Roadhouse? Patrick the owner beat up some Crimson Monks there a few weeks back - I hear they were trying to recruit him. Since then they've been lurking around, causing trouble. I hear they're based at an old ruin in the Frog marshes."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Thibault: Yes, and we must grab it with both hands! We do not know entirely where the arrow might land, but it is enough to aim....
Tony P.:Thibault....ever hear of the Crimson Monks?
They seem to be causing a lot of problems of late...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):(Thibault face becomes suddenly sombre)
Tony P.:what is it good sir
Eamon (Bill):"i know of them"
Bryn (Kimberly):"Good or ill?"
Tony P.:Tell mus what you know
Eamon (Bill):"well there's some baseless rumors that my great and magnificent brother is affiliated with them after he left our order"
Tony P.:Have you heard from him lately?
Eamon (Bill):"i know my noble brother would not stoop to joining heathens and infadels"
"no sadly"
If they are indeed bad, would he come to you raid?
Eamon (Bill):"i am certain he tought me everything i know hes a good man"
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe is eyeing Eamon with a surprised look.
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn prods Vrena with an elbow. "So, about that it a cut we'd be getting or flat payment for our trouble?"
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe to Eamon: "Brother Monk, you have a familiar look. Would you be any relation to Patrick, the master of Roadhouse Inn?"
Eamon (Bill):"what is it margrethe you look troubled"
Tony P.:Back off mister, we were having a conversation
Eamon (Bill):"yes hes my brother but running an inn seems so unlike him"
Simon N. (GM):Vrena to Bryn: "Half for me, half for the rest of you to share."
Greeba (Jelena):I look at Vrena "Half? We would be doing all the work!"
Bryn (Kimberly):"Half and half? That hardly seems fair when there's this many of us and only one of you and you not coming along."
Tony P.:Vrena, sounds almost fair. 1/3 for you and we share the rest
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe blinks: "You're Patrick's brother? Ah, right. Well you better be careful - if the Scarlet Monks know you're in these parts, they may seek to use you to get to him."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC does Mistle know Vrena?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, are these crimson monks related to Zhengyi and the destruction of my family?
Simon N. (GM):Mistle roll History
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC The Cumin Inn is owned by a monk?
Simon N. (GM):(no, the Roadhouse Inn to the NW is owned by an ex-Monk)
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC ah, sorry!
Simon N. (GM):@Mistle - you remember her, local peasant girl, always getting in trouble, ran off to Ravensburg years ago.
Rumour she joined the Thieves' Guild.
Tony P.:Thibault, I'm running low on coin. If we are going to keep buying drinks I could really use the loot.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Vrena: I agree with Lady Bryn, half for you seems awfully greedy, Vrena!
Bryn (Kimberly):I look Vrena up and down and mutter something only she can hear in Thieve's Cant to see if I can ascertain if she's a member of my guild
Simon N. (GM):@Thibault no, the Crimson Monks are lawful evil & revere Loviatar Lady of Pain, Zhengyi was CE and followed Orcus
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):And to think of all those times I gave you a free meal!
Bryn (Kimberly):I nodded at Mistle. "Not lady, just Bryn, but thank you for the sentiment."
Simon N. (GM):Vrena to Bryn: "Aitch is a stitch for Nine" - a Guild greeting.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OOC whats everyones persuasion
mines 5
Simon N. (GM):GM: Gorlock roll Persuasion vs Vrena, w advtg from Mistle
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):5
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC you guys are the charismatic ones. I'm more stabby
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Especailly as you're not coming along.....what makes you think you'll get anything at all, eh?
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OOC i also have 5 deception
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC I'm pretty stabby too lol
Simon N. (GM):Vrena sighs: "Kay, third for me, two thirds for you lot. Deal?"
Tony P.:OOC warlocks need lots of Charisma...
Xarius Janeusse (Max):so do sorceres
Greeba (Jelena):OOC I'm smashy!
Xarius Janeusse (Max):sorcerers*
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "I'll be coming along, of course."
Bryn (Kimberly):I respond back in Thieve's Cant in grudging agreement, but add something along the lines of if she crosses us, there'll be trouble.
Tony P.:That works for me, everyone this is a fine deal, she brought it to us...
Xarius Janeusse (Max):ATK spells FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEVER
Greeba (Jelena):Nods grudgingly
Bryn (Kimberly):And by "us" I mean "me" because I don't stand for backstabbers.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):@Grolock: Yes, we should go for it. There are too many innocent people getting slain these days. This has to stop and we might as well start seomewhere.
Bryn (Kimberly):"I don't know that it's a fine deal, but a deal it is. Shall we go at dawn?"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle is quite taken with Bryn's confidence!
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "Dawn's good."
Greeba (Jelena):"To get there during the day"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Agreed. You really don't want to be heading there after dark. My arrows can't pierce ghosts, you know!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm afraid of no ghosts!
Simon N. (GM):GM: The night goes on. If Gorlock is getting friendly with Margrethe he can roll Persuasion
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Now: I'm going to go and rustle up something in the kitchen, for a little celebration!
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn takes another look at the nobles enjoying themselves and leans closer to Vrena and asks her in Cant if she knows anything of them
Bryn (Kimberly):Undercover of the flirtatious warlock
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC Tony I think you pulled lol
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe is definitely charmed!
Simon N. (GM):There is a lot of sniffily smooching... Margrethe invites Gorlock to hear her arias in private...
Tony P.:I take my face mask
and sanitiser
Simon N. (GM):OK Gorlock can have advtg on the CON save :D
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC May you not need that nat 20 next session ;-)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Nat 20 again??
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock's sanitatation stands him in good stead
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle comes back with the food, offering all around.
Simon N. (GM):Joriun sings some more songs
Tony P.:Do I manage any sweet nothings?
Greeba (Jelena):Any chicken legs?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Of course!
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn claps Mistle on the back. "You are definitely a handy friend to have indeed!"
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba tucks in
Simon N. (GM):>>:Do I manage any sweet nothings?<< You ~fade to black~ :p
Xarius Janeusse (Max):Can I roll performance to attempt to put on a 10 second performance using my magic
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ah! Food! Delicious food! Thank you for your generosity, Mistle. A rare and precious quality!
Tony P.:Your magics a bit shite
Xarius Janeusse (Max):EVEN if that was a no that would NOT be good
Simon N. (GM):Everyone looks sadly at Xarius' poor display.
Greeba (Jelena):"Delicious! Thanks, Mistle!" Wiping mouth with the back of my hand.
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn claps half-heartedly and holds out a cup of ale to the half-elf.
"Drink this, it will sting less."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Bryn: well, I do love cooking; and it's nice to see some more female adventurers around here!
Xarius Janeusse (Max):falls over again Bryn (Kimberly):"Well, I do love anyone who loves to cook, so we will surely be friends."
Simon N. (GM):GM: Eventually you retire to bed... apart from Gorlock who gets one of the luxury rooms for free, it's 5sp each for the common rooms or 1 sp for bedroll in the taproom.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Thibault and Greeba: you are both most welcome! Dying on an empty stomach will not happen on my watch!
Well, hopefully no dying at all!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Miss Greeba! You seem to have an healthy appetite! How many wings you think you can eat tonight?
Xarius Janeusse (Max):can I roll deception to say that that display was a joke abd thhen do performance to do a better one
Gorlock (Tony):Ahhhh....i feel so rested
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):To Bryn: I would very much like that!
Greeba (Jelena):"I don't count anything smaller than drumsticks, good Sir!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ah! maybe we can have a great meal later on when we find something to hunt that will be worth our appetite!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Now now, don't go too crazy, you two: there's blackberry crumble still to come!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Like a bear or something!
Crumble? Oh I'm in!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Bear is a bit....tough! There's good hunting for venison in the woods nearby, though!
Perhaps we can go on a little outing tomorrow, Sir Thibault?
Bryn (Kimberly):I don't need sleep -- just 4 hours of quiet while I go into a trance. So the taproom is fine for me.
Greeba (Jelena):I usually prefer tearing pieces of meat with my fingers, but this... crumble... is GOOD!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good to know. I used to hunt the Stag with my father a long time ago. I'll never forget the roasts on the spit!
i didnt mean toi click
Simon N. (GM):GM: Moving on... After a slap up meal and a peaceful night (an entertaining night in Gorlock's case) next morning you breakfast before dawn. Gorlock is a bit bleary eyed (Margrethe still fast asleep) but at least he's dodged the flu.
Gorlock (Tony):give up, still no good :)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle has cooked breakfast for all again.
Simon N. (GM):After breakfast you assemble outside & ready your gear for the trek to the old watchtower...
Gorlock (Tony):Xarius, later on I'll show you proper magic...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC she's desparate to impress the glamorous new adventurers!
Gorlock (Tony):Good bye my lady!!!
Simon N. (GM):Margrethe: "
Bryn (Kimberly):Any breakfast Bryn couldn't finish, she sneaks into a doggie bag and puts in her backpack.
Also in case she sees the doggie from the night before again.
Gorlock (Tony):I have that effect...
Simon N. (GM):The doggie scarfs down all proffered offerings.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):Xarius constantly practicing a performance as he messed up this time and doesnt want to be another failurte Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "All good? Then let's be off!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Superb breakfast! (chomping on more)
Gorlock (Tony):I've been called "off" a few times before :0
Shall we
Simon N. (GM):You head up to the King's Road and head west.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm sure it was stage fright. As your practicig is very good, Sir Xarius!
Simon N. (GM):The sky is cloudless, looks like being another hot day.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):why thank y-
OW sorry I mean thank you
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn jogs to keep up with Greeba. "If this goes well, I've heard a few rumours of other possible treasures around here."
Greeba (Jelena):"What kind? "eyes flashig
Simon N. (GM):Four miles down the road you see the tower rising on a white crag to the right.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC are we on a different page?
Gorlock (Tony):That's some big tower
Bryn (Kimberly):"Old relics, maybe some magic artifacts."
Simon N. (GM):Off the main road and at the end of a rutted, overgrown track stands
the old watch tower atop its crag. Walls of fitted granite blocks rise
some sixty feet above the cliff face; they are worn
but appear solid and stand defiant of the elements.
Some of the narrow windows on the higher floors are
unshuttered, but dark. An old wooden door blocks
Simon N. (GM):entry. A weathered platform sits on the western side
securing old ropes that extend upwards to pulleys
affixed to the very top of the tower. Aside from the
wind, all is quiet.
Gorlock (Tony):Shall we apprach?
#approach..can't type
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):GM can I roll perception to check for any lurking dangers?
Bryn (Kimberly):I can try the door and look for traps
Simon N. (GM):GM: Sure Mistle
Greeba (Jelena):Or I can bash the food with my warhammer
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +4
Greeba (Jelena):the food, the DOOR!
Gorlock (Tony):You on the watch tower...I fart in your general direction
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hmmm, it's quiet careful.
Bryn (Kimberly):I pull out my bag with thieve's tools and wave them about
I can try a quieter approach, if you like."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ohhh!
Simon N. (GM):The place seems deserted.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I think that would be sensible, Bryn.
Gorlock (Tony):Thank god no on eon the watch tower...
Bryn (Kimberly):"Though I am anxious to see the half-orc bash something down."
Gorlock (Tony):All along the watch tower...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):From the stories I've heard, there'll be plenty of opportuniteis for that!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):She bashed the crumble allright last night! (wink)
Simon N. (GM):The old door looks swollen with moisture & starting to rot.
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba laughs and slaps Thibault on the back
Simon N. (GM):There is a lock, it looks badly rusted
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault stumbles from the shock!
Bryn (Kimberly):Can I try with the tools, just to see?
I've been off in the woods for a bit, so it would be nice to pull them out.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ahem.that floor is so slippery...
Simon N. (GM):You can try to open it with Thieves Tools Bryn
Gorlock (Tony):I have a bit of a magic tick, shall we give it a go?
Bryn (Kimberly):Eh, looks like bashing time.
I step away from the door and wave at Greeba. "My good lady orc, it's all yours."
Tony P.:ok, go ahead good lady
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (Two-Handed) (+5)
Simon N. (GM):Greeba bashes the door
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Rage is always there
Simon N. (GM):Chunks tear out of the rotten wood - should have it open in a minute
Xarius Janeusse (Max):oh wait
hold up
I use
Simon N. (GM):The firebolt scorches the damp wood.
Tony P.:Greeba...once again
Simon N. (GM):Eventually the lock is bashed out of the door and it swings open lop-sided, one hinge cracked.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):OPEN SALAMI
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba laughs and slaps Xarius on the back too
Tony P.:Xarius loses 5 ho
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh Barrels!
Simon N. (GM):This room smells of damp and mold. A spiral staircase
rises in the center of the room to the floor above. Two
doors block access to other parts of the ground floor. A
pile of rotten wood, collapsing crates, and old barrels
sits piled against the wall between the northern door
and the staircase.
shal we
Greeba (Jelena):Check what's in the boxes
Simon N. (GM):Greeba head over to check the boxes.
Something wriggles by her foot.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle will check the other doors to see if they are locked.
Simon N. (GM):Giant centpedes come crawling out of the detritus...
Looks like it was concealing a trap door BTW
Greeba (Jelena):They squelch
Bryn (Kimberly):"You are alone in that sentiment."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Careful, I think these are poisonous!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +3
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of BrandiarInitiative(+1.12) | {13.12} |
Bryn (Kimberly):Aw, man, come on! My initiative still sucks!
It was the bugs.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yeah. Don't ask me why I have decimal nubers intead of integers I have no idea how I got that.
Bryn (Kimberly):I hate bugs
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 3
Tony P.:Friggin metric system
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-)
Tony P.:everything must be d100
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
anyone not on the init count?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'm just really low down!
Simon N. (GM):Ok got everyone
Gorlock (Tony):Yay, the face goes first
Simon N. (GM):#16 Gorlock, you can have advtg on your first roll for success w Margrethe :D
Gorlock (Tony):ok eldritch balst
Greeba (Jelena):OOC As she's similar to the centipedes?
Simon N. (GM):The centipedes are around 3' long and as thick as a man's wrist.
Bryn (Kimberly):He's feeling good about himself
Simon N. (GM):They are wriggly like Margrethe yup
Simon N. (GM):I assume you moved in & shot eldritch blast at a centipede
Gorlock (Tony):closest one
Simon N. (GM):it bleeds a little
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Use a ranged attack as much as you can. The poison is quite dangerous.
And I can heal not that many people.
Gorlock (Tony):bonus action shalailigh
can't spell
Simon N. (GM):Vrena shoots her hand x-bow at a centipede menacing Greeba
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC so glad I took Stout Halfling (resistance to Poison!)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
2 go for Greeba
Greeba (Jelena):Yippee, not all!
did they miss?
OOC Sorry, just understood
Simon N. (GM):1 goes for Thibault, 1for Vrena & 1 for Gorlock
@Mistle you are just opening the door into old bedchambers when the commotion behind you makes you look back :)
vs Greeba
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
4 piercing & roll a DC 11 CON save
Simon N. (GM):Poison courses through your veins - 10 poison dmg
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly)::-(
Simon N. (GM):Puts you at 0 hp - you keel over, paralysed (but stable, not dying - special centipede poison effect)
Greeba (Jelena):0 HP? Can I not be raging yet?
1 vs Thibault
1 vs Vrena
CON save
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
pass - no dmg
1 vs Gorlock
Simon N. (GM):rolling d4+2
6 dmg & DC 11 CON save
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC I will have to laugh if it's a TPK by Giant Centipedes.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC exactly!
Simon N. (GM):0 hp & paralysed
I was meant to be the healer
Simon N. (GM):2 down, 6 to go...
Greeba (Jelena):In limbo: Hi Gorlock, nice to see you
Simon N. (GM):#13 Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Feeling the pressure a bit suddenly...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, did you hit me?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Cool! I attack mine with a longsowrd
The one that is in front of me
Bryn (Kimberly):"Go, paladin! Show your worth!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of BrandiarLongsword | {16} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Tony P.:i hate first level....
Longsword (Thibault of Brandiar)Slashing(One-Handed) Damage | 6 |
Slashing(Two-Handed) Damage | 9 |
Totals | |
Total One-Handed Damage | 6 |
Total Two-Handed Damage | 9 |
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm one handed (shield)
Bryn (Kimberly):"Well done, O blonde one."
Tony P.:here comes some wild magiv
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thank you, Lady Brun!
Xarius Janeusse (Max):hmm
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC That's no lady, she's your wife
thats my turn
Bryn (Kimberly):Which one?
Xarius Janeusse (Max):the closest one
the one next to vrena
Bryn (Kimberly):You'll need to roll a 1d20 for your wild magic
Simon N. (GM):wild magic only for level 1+ spells
Xarius Janeusse (Max):rolling 1d10
Simon N. (GM):not cantrips
Bryn (Kimberly):oh, yeah, didn't realise it was a cantrip
Tony P.:if max rolls a 1
Simon N. (GM):OK you spray insect killer over the nearest one, but it seems ok
Bryn (Kimberly):Is it poison resistant being a centipede?
(you don't know Bryn)
Bryn (Kimberly):Ok, I take aim with my short bow at one of the ones that brought down Greeba
Bryn (Kimberly):And miss dreadfully
Simon N. (GM):hit the box
Bryn (Kimberly):And back away, but remain in the room
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle looks sympathetic: a difficult shot!
Bryn (Kimberly):I didn't like the look of that box...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Will aim for the one on Greeba with my longbow.
Tony P.:Hope there's a scale missing
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d8+3
Greeba (Jelena):OOC yesss!
Simon N. (GM):pinned to box!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):6 damage
Eamon (Bill):i walk up to the closest centipede then wack it with my "quarterstaff " then bonus action punch it
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Lucky, I suppose! Mistle winks at Bryn.
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC heee, I like the bonus punch.
Simon N. (GM):staff misses
Eamon (Bill):bonus action
Bryn (Kimberly):He punches it into oblivion!
Eamon (Bill):rolling 2d4 + 3
Simon N. (GM):Centipede explodes
Bryn (Kimberly):...and gets covered in centipede guts
Simon N. (GM):One punch man :p
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Well done good Sir!
Bryn (Kimberly):haha Saitama FTW
Eamon (Bill):am i in attack range of any centipede
Simon N. (GM):R2 - Vrena drops x-bow, draws shortsword & dagger
nicks the last centipded
Greeba (Jelena):just made it angry!
Simon N. (GM):It bites at her!
#13 Thibault
Greeba (Jelena):finish it!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I move there?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of BrandiarLongsword | {6} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):1 on the dice. :-(
Bryn (Kimberly):I think we all hate bugs now.
Xarius Janeusse (Max):yay
Simon N. (GM):I can only see a to-hit roll
roll a d10
Xarius Janeusse (Max):rolling 1d10
Simon N. (GM):It goes belly up, legs curling in the air
Xarius Janeusse (Max):I thought it rolled
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Vrena grins: "See, I knew you lot would come in useful!"
Bryn (Kimberly):"Anyone know what to do about poison?"
Simon N. (GM):If you have Medicine trained you can roll (DC 10)
Bryn (Kimberly):I know nothing of such things.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Can I roll nature Simon to see if there's a natural antidote?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can cure on person but not two. Not beofre a long rest.
Simon N. (GM):DC 15 Nature
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +2
Tony P.:i can cure another...
Bryn (Kimberly):Ah, so if Thibault cures Gorlock, then he can do Greeba?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Imma get some Kingsfoil right now!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Centipede venom paralyses, but is not lethal (though the bites can be) & it wears off after an hour.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC so you just have to carry me around for 1 hour...
Bryn (Kimberly):They'll still be at 0 hp?
Simon N. (GM):Short of a remove paralysis spell/potion, best bet is to make them comfy & wait.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh good! Let's wait if that's ok with you. I can save my healing pwoers for later.?
Simon N. (GM):they'll be at 1 hp when they wake up, plus any healing
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I think I saw a bedchamber back there, if we could lift them onto the beds to rest?
Bryn (Kimberly):Ok, can I carefully inspect the boxes around the area and the trap door that Greeba uncovered while we wait?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Great idea.
Simon N. (GM):If any had Medicine I'd allow a check to let them short rest while paralysed
Tony P.:I can do 1d6 twice healing
Bryn (Kimberly):Any of you guys have medicine?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I have medecine +2
Tony P.:plus cure light wounds
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of BrandiarMedicine(+2) | {22} |
Simon N. (GM):The boxes are empty, the trapdoor was concealed under a mouldering rug, it looks too filthy and holey to be sellable
Bryn (Kimberly):Can I see anything below the trapdoor?
Simon N. (GM):OK Thibault makes them comfy and warms them up so they can Short Rest (spend healing dice)
Are you hauling the trap door open?
Bryn (Kimberly):I thought it bust?
when Greeba stepped on it?
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "Wait while I patch up this bite..."
No, it's intact
Bryn (Kimberly):Oh, then I'll inspect the door that Mistle was by. Is it open?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle will take a look as well.
Bryn (Kimberly):Anything in there?
Bryn (Kimberly):And do I hear anything from above after all the noise we've made?
Simon N. (GM):Nothing from above
and a small table holding a stoneware basin and ewer.
Gorlock (Tony):shall we go up any ways!
Simon N. (GM):1B This small room holds a bunk bed, a pair of chests,
and a small table holding a stoneware basin and ewer.
Gorlock (Tony):or look for a way below
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):@simon: While I keep an eye on the wounded, I would like to cast Divine Sense to check for Evil creatures around us...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC I have to go at 8.30
Simon N. (GM):The chest in 1B is unlocked & empty
OK will wrap up at 8.20
Bryn (Kimberly):Shall we open the trap door or go up?
Simon N. (GM):GM: An hour passes (you may Short Rest)
The paralysed ones wake up slowly
Greeba (Jelena):"Thanks for saving my life, friends!"
Bryn (Kimberly):I can attempt to sneak up the stairs
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll guard the rear.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is Gorlock cure wounds on Greeba?
Bryn (Kimberly):I wordlessly hand Greeba that last bit of leftover breakfast in my bag.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+2
Bryn (Kimberly):Can anything be gathered from the centipede caracasses?
Greeba (Jelena):I chomp it, nodding gratefully at Bryn
Bryn (Kimberly):Like poison sacks?
(I have an interest in poisons)
Simon N. (GM):If you have a herbalism kit or similar I'd allow a check
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, did my Divine Sense returned anythng Evil in the area?
Bryn (Kimberly):Ah, shoot. I meant to add one, but only put it in my background
Simon N. (GM):@Philippe - you sense something evil below you, and a ghostly presence above you.
Bryn (Kimberly):If you'll allow it -- it's because she thinks her mother was poisoned
Simon N. (GM):(if you have the money or background grant Kim then yes)
Bryn (Kimberly):Yes, thanks
Simon N. (GM):DC 11 (INT + Herb Kit prof) to gather venom safely
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I tell my comrades about it... Evil is under us and a Ghostly presence is above us!
Simon N. (GM):Vrena: "Do you sense any treasure?"
Gorlock (Tony):I vote for up
darn it
Greeba (Jelena):"Evil!? I hate evil!"
Simon N. (GM):Bryn makes a mess & at least doesn't paralyse herself :)
Bryn (Kimberly):"I hate bugs," she says sulkily as she puts away her herbalism kit.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):To Vrena. I can only sense Evil, I'm afraid (looking at Vrena like it was a weird question).
Gorlock (Tony):alrighty then ...up it is
Bryn (Kimberly):"Why not? Evil can wait."
Gorlock (Tony):lets do this
Greeba (Jelena):"I suppose it can wait... for a little while"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Who's going first?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Bryn first?
Gorlock (Tony):shiny paladin
Bryn (Kimberly):I'll sneak
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Better for Bryn to sneak and check for traps?
or not
I will clumsily attempt to sneak up the steps
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I climb the stairs in front.
Or next to Bryn :-)
Bryn (Kimberly):I wave the paladin on after tripping over my own feet on the 2nd step
staircase continues up the center to the next level.
Small, round windows pierce each wall in the cardinal
directions. A sagging bed covered with mildewed
blankets sits beneath one window, a chest peeking
out under one end. A rusted iron stove stands between
Simon N. (GM):the bed and a small desk. A short wardrobe is next
to the desk, and the pieces of a broken chair are
scattered across the floor.
Bryn (Kimberly):I'd like to inspect the chest
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll check the stove for any cooking implements.
Simon N. (GM):The sea chest is unlocked and contains an old pair
of boots, a hand-carved wooden chess set, and spare
Bryn (Kimberly):Someone check the wardrobe as well?
I'll take the chess set, if no one else wants it.
I check the wardrobe
Simon N. (GM):The wardrobe contains an old oilskin
coat, a black woolen cap, and a wooden cane, all
hanging from hooks on the back of the cabinet.
Mistle finds a copper ladle on the stove.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll take the black woollen cap and copper ladle.
Greeba (Jelena):Anything of interest on the desk? No hidden drawers?
Simon N. (GM):MIstle roll Investigation please
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):(if nobody else wants the cap)
Bryn (Kimberly):All yours, Mistle. It suits you.
Simon N. (GM):The desk drawers are filled with moldering
paper and crawling with silverfish. A spilled container of
ink, long dry, has left a broad, black stain across its top.
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba seems bored with the lack of treasure or at least steel implements
Simon N. (GM):Mistle you notice some food detritus on the ladle - it looks weeks or a few months old, yet this place seems abandoned for years.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):This is really weird.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hmmm, perhaps some unfortunate fellows using this place as a home?
Bryn (Kimberly):"I can't imagine they're sleeping here," says Bryn, gesturing to the mouldy bed.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe some very posh centipede?
Bryn (Kimberly):She looks at the windows. Do they look clean or are they covered in dust?
Greeba (Jelena):"Yuck, the centipedes can't cook, surely!?
Bryn (Kimberly):"Perhaps a hungry ghost? Though I've not heard of the like."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC only in Japan ;-)
Simon N. (GM):The glass is quite good quality, you have a decent view out over the King's Road.
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC Hungry Yokai!
Do I see anyone on the road?
Greeba (Jelena):Any interesting tracks?
Bryn (Kimberly):It's amazing the glass is still intact after all this time.
Simon N. (GM):GM: Looks like a good time to stop for now?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC sounds good. Fantastic first game :-)
Simon N. (GM):The glass is about 2" thick
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Wow!
Bryn (Kimberly):Yep! Thanks, Simon! That was a good start! Nearly killing us with centipedes!
Simon N. (GM):You see a man on a horse riding west.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Really great game, Simoon! Thanks! Love the athmosphere!
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Simon! Great fun, even though I was already thinking about a replacement PC... :D
Bryn (Kimberly):Ooooh, can I make out any details of him? Have I seen him before?
Simon N. (GM):He looks finely dressed, a well-born type w breastplate & sword at his belt. You don't recognise him. OK you got 31 XP each for the centipedes + 25 for inn & investigations = 56 each
Bryn (Kimberly):...and Boris says we're in full lockdown again.
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks Simon!
Bryn (Kimberly):"I don't like the look of him."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Bon Courage for the lockdown, everyone!
Greeba (Jelena):At least we can continue to meet here!
Simon N. (GM):Assuming they ban swimming, hope I'll stay well enough to GM]
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yes, this is so crucail for me right now, and I'm sure for all of us xx
Simon N. (GM):Good for next Monday anyway
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Awesome!
Bryn (Kimberly):Hopefully you can find a place
Good luck!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hugs to everyone and yes fingers crossed Simon you can find somewhere.
Greeba (Jelena):If it's open air, they have to keep it!
Simon N. (GM):I think if they ban all swimming I'll get a back garden pool
Greeba (Jelena):Take care everyone! Bye!
Simon N. (GM):Thanks for fun game everyone,I love level 1!
Bryn (Kimberly):Have a good week!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):See everyone next time! xx
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