"Everyone, while you were busy with your brews, I've found us a couple possible options for new income. One, Ostler's got a rat problem..."
When Bryn pronounced these words, over our table at the Cummin Inn, we were so far from imagining the fate that was hanging over our heads or more precisely, creeping under our feet...
She pounded her fist on the table rhythmically while mincing her words, as if to clench the deal: "Big rats!... Ginormous rats!"
Torgin, our new companion and sometimes a dwarf of few words, waved his axe towards the cellar’s door.
A bit skeptical, I chanced: “And what about the cat? Too well fed or scared by the size of the rodents?”
Bryn stared at me, knowingly: "Thibault, I think the rats may be bigger than the cat..."
Mistle had also a good point: “Well I for one feel duty-bound to help, the Cumin is like a second home to me! And the thought of those rats nibbling away with their nasty yellow teeth at the food stores just turns my stomach!”
Besides, Ostler the Innkeeper promised us some free booze for a couple of weeks, so it suddenly became a very seductive business proposition.
Soon enough, Greeba, Gorlock, Eamond and Xarius acquiesced one by one.
We took our weapons and without a moment's hesitation, we opened the cellar door and walked down the stairs in the darkness.
“Well then”, said Mistle, “there's no time to lose. We had best go down there during the day, the rats will be more sluggish and possibly sleeping, so we can take them off guard.”
As a precaution, I paused for a moment, and tried to feel any impure emanation from around me… Reassuringly, none of the patrons were a cause for concern but, almost expectedly, something under the Inn was emanating with undead energy. Ginormous Rats?… and maybe more than we bargained for, as well.
Stepping down in the darkness, the smell of fermenting beer from the brew vat downstairs assaulted our nostrils.
But more worrying was the red glinting eyes of a pack of enormous rats, looking up at us in the darkness… and squeaking angrily.
Torgin quickly lit a torch and made contact with the menacing rodents, swinging his axe and screaming “Come here yer wee beasties, say hello to Torgins AXE!”
His axe fell on the back of one of the rodents and almost split it in two.
But the Rats soon counter attacked as a pack and their tactic paid off: 3 times over, Torgin gasped in pain as the sharp teeth of the rodents who attacked him from all sides took bites of flesh off his legs.
Bryn, still in the stairs, waiting for the group to attack, exclaimed: "I do hope that dwarf has a tough hide."
Unfortunately, a tough hide was not enough to curtail the frenzy of these starved monsters. Their ravenous attacks left our new companion within a sliver of his life... blood pouring out of his shredded legs.
With the surprise of the rodent-ambush subsiding at last, Eamon was the first to react. He immediately jumped over the bar in an impressive acrobatic figure and rushed down the steps to help the poor Torgin. Once down the steps, he delivered a flurry of blows to the rat closest to him, sending the giant vermin flying off against a chest with a sinister noise of ribs cracking.
“Its chest got crushed on a chest… oh the irony!” Zinged Mistle, feeling obviously upbeat about the impending scuffle.
More angry squeaking could be heard from the storerooms down the hall, where their doors looked meticulously chewed off at the bottom by a respectable gap.
Gorlock, seeing the brave dwarf falling so quickly, decided to make sure he doesn’t suffer the same fate and after a brief abjuration, a bright, metallic glow surrounded his limbs and torso.
Assessing the situation, it was now urgent that I’d jump in and distract the pack of rodents until the spell casters and ranged attackers could clean up the place. I leapt into the fray and let my trusted longsword fall on one of these vermins with the expected toll.
Almost at the same time, Mistle promptly nocked an arrow on her bow and, with a swift and elegant gesture, aimed at the rodent still menacing Torgin, which was mostly concealed. But Mistle looked determined and sharply focused to score a bullseye, and the arrow buried itself deep in the rat with a clean “thump” noise, pinning it to the dirt and killing it instantly.
Gorlock, still glowing from his magical armour, was now ready to strike with more sorcery! :-)
He pronounced a short incantation and gestured until an intense blast of light and energy came out of his palms. The shockwave, although fearsome, missed the rat he was aiming at and crashed against the door right behind it, taking a whole chunk of the wooden panels with it.
Meanwhile, Torgin was taking stock of his initial assault and, in the true spirit of his ancestors, decided that this offensive was dynamising him, rather than putting him down. He gathered all his combativity and his energy to reach his second wind and counter attack, dwarf-style!
Swinging his battleaxe vengefully, he shouted “Take that ye Sasnack!” and a giant rat fell with a long agonising ”SQUEEEEAK!”
The rats, attracted by this juicy, blood-covered, dinner-on-legs that was now Torgin, closed-in around him and let their gnashers land on his poor embattled legs.
In a grimacing smile, and through bloodied teeth, Torgin finally fell, vanquished by the vermins.
Seeing this tragedy, Bryn ran down the stairs after Torgin who was by now in the throes of a semi-comatose red mist.
Limping acrobatically upon a table on the way to her target, she shot an arrow to a rat in the corridor and hit it enough to make it turn around and flee through a hole in one of the storage room doors.
High up on the staircase, Greeba, the impressive half-orc, was visibly pining for a good ol’ slash and bash!
She grabbed one of her hand axes and threw it at one of the remaining rats, more than 30 feet away!
With a worryingly satisfied smile exposing two cute orc-fangs, she looked at the axe flying and the business end of it landing straight on the head of her target, splitting its skull in two clean halves.
It was now Xarius' turn to stand up and be counted!
Seeing him, Bryn stomped a beat on the table and started to chant: "Dead rat, dead rat, dead rat dead rat dead rat!"
Still in his delirium, Torgin was mumbling…
- “Mother, your eyes are red and beady, have you been kissin elves again?”
Xarius was now fully invigorated by the encouragement and let a fire bolt propel itself out of his hands. The bolt flew across the room but missed the rat it was meant to hit. Damn!
Back to Eamon, for more monkish demonstration of pure deadly acrobatics!
"Worry not, Dwarf, i am here to rescue you!"
“Oh mother your voice is deeper than i recall…” replied Torgin
We are losing the dwarf, I reckoned….
Eamon, crushed a rat instantly. So far, 100% success for our monk!
We were now surging in the corridor and moving to the main door at its end.
A rat was hiding in a corner of a side storage room but we didn’t bother as I could feel again the same undead presence that I felt when we started this mission.
I warned my comrades-in-arms of the undead presence.
Anchoring the string of her bow and aiming at the main door, Mistle was ready to shoot at anything that could burst from that room when I would open it.
Meanwhile, Gorlock joined his hands and started a discrete chant for himself. A beam of light seemed to come from the above shone onto Torgin and his wounds stopped bleeding instantly. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and asked: “Wha, what happened?”
As Torgin found refuge in one of the store rooms, the last rat who laid cornered in the other room finally mustered the courage to jump at my throat. Luckily, my sword was at the ready for this eventuality… and didn’t miss.
The dead rat slid off the blade and thunked to the cold dusty floor.
Taking advantage of that short break in combat, we dusted each other off and I healed the dwarf a little more.
Once that was done, we had to decide to pursue the exploration or come back later. Almost out of a premonition, Bryn suggested we have the possibility to come back later now that we might have “lucked out”. But neither her, nor the rest of my companions, nor myself were willing to let Evil stay there one more day. My family got slain by leaving these sort of tasks to tomorrow and I made it my life purpose from then on, to seek Evil and destroy it wherever it crawls.
Greeba was already looking at the last door with a mix of expertise and lust for destruction. She reached at her belt and brandished a ridiculously oversized warhammer.
Torgin checked out the tool with an admirative glance:
“Never goes out of fashion, a good warhammer…” and paused.
“... and multipurpose too!” he hinted, maybe hoping to give the hammer a try on that door.
Greeba, feeling equally like-minded, replied in Dwarvish:
And without fault, in a couple of deafening blows, she pulverised the locks, the heavy door’s panels and took the rest off its hinges.
Bryn turned towards the rest of the group and mouthed with an admirative face: “Orc-Smash!!!”
The room past the threshold was pitch dark, so Gorlock created a bright light on Eamon’s sword, glowing in turn all around the party and lighting up a flight of stairs descending into darkness. At the end of the stairs, we could see the shimmers of water and blood-smears on flagstones. Some daylight was coming from a well-shaft above one of the pools, and two enchanted torches were giving out a dim light around them.
Once landed in the room, we could see that the water shimmerings were of a large rectangular pool. The edges of the room were rough as were the ground itself. Some half-finished job, it seemed. Quite unusual but crude and human-made, added Torgin.
As we were pondering on the meaning of all this, some repellant-looking creatures suddenly creeped out from the shadows and took us completely by surprise!
Hissing, malodorous Ghouls emerged from the shadows, crawling towards us and reaching me first. Fortunately, the first bite ripped on my chainmail with a disturbing noise of broken rotten teeth.
Always pragmatic, Bryn shouted: “Heh, if we don't manage to kill them, the door's unbarred now. Ostler'll find out soon enough what was below…”
The Ghouls were in position around me and Torgin. But their weak speed meant we could now counter attack.
Torgin slashed a big chunk off one of his, but didn’t slay it.
Mistle did the same on another ghoul with her shortbow.
And I missed mine… not the best start but it could have been worse…
Fortunately, when the ghouls attacked us again, they were not much more successful than us: Torgin got some bitemarks and was a bit weakened but resisted their foul poison. And all the bites destined to hurt me ripped again on my trusted chainmail.
Meanwhile, Xarius loaded his crossbow and shot across the room to superbly hit one of the ghouls and wounded it quite seriously!
Bryn positioned herself on the platform in order to have a better defensive advantage, and slashed one of the undead abominations with her rapier. Next to her, Greeba planted her warhammer in the ghoul on her right.
Eamon also distributed a flurry of blows on another ghoul. But even if these attacks made them sway, the monsters managed to hold on tight nevertheless.
The status quo lasted for a short time until some ghouls finally fell: First from Xarius and followed by Eamon.
Then I got blessed when I landed a devastating blow on the ghoul in front of me.
But more worrying was when Gorlock saw a Ghast leaving the shadows from the back of the room and, taking a wide berth from me, engaged Bryn.
The Ghast lunged at her and attacked Bryn with its poisonous claws. Even though she resisted the poison, the Ghast dealt some devastating wounds to her and she collapsed on the ground.
All I could scream while seeing her falling was:"Hold on Bryn, we'll save you!"
Then, like in a nightmare battle, it was Torgin’s turn to be mercilessly slain.
Seeing this tragedy unfold, Xarius prepared a fire bolt between his hands and blasted it towards the nearest ghoul. It went up in flames and collapsed.
Bryn was struggling not to die at that point… and was putting a brave fight at this!
Meanwhile, another Ghoul got slain by Eamon. Gorlock healed Torgin right before he got up and slayed the last ghoul with a swing of his battleaxe.
From then on, it became a race: we all concentrated our efforts on putting the ghast out of combat before it could give Bryn the “coup de grace”... and failed all our attacks, including myself.
Out of desperation, I lunged on top of Bryn to try to provide cover, and maybe distract the merciless ghast.
In a terrible moment of bad luck and brutality, the monster ripped out Bryn’s throat in the most gory manner.
In unison, everyone in the party screamed in despair!
Greeba, blinded by the most visceral rage, swung her warhammer with all her strength towards the grimacing head of the ghast, its mouth still chewing the windpipe of the poor Bryn. Upon impact, the head of the undead got crushed like a watermelon and bits of skull got dispatched all across the room.
Greeba let out an inhumane scream that only ended when the warhammer fell at her side, having finally avenged her friend.
Everyone rushed at the side of Bryn and first in disbelief, then in resignation, we had to admit that the healing powers that could be her salvation were by far out of our reach.
So, we carefully carried her corpse towards the surface, Myrtle dressed her with the noble clothes that she had in her backpack. I gave her the last rites and while singing her favourite songs, we all carried her to her last resting place: the tallest Hemlock tree in a beautiful clearing in the nearby forest.
Simon N. (GM):From the chat thread >>Barcat the Bar Cat gives Torgin a very offended look and finds solace in the arms of Thibault's servant Estie Longossip, who is chatting animatedly with a King's Road trader. Linda & Variette giggle, stuffing their winnings- several of Torgin's gold coins - down their ample cleavages.
Wench Mary looks up from serving Tyvin Hess's party and takes a step over to Bryn and Torgin.
"Oh, you heard about our rat problem? They're gigantic!"
Simon N. (GM):She casts a worried look over to the cellar trap door.
"There's a door at the back of the cellar, Ostler always keeps it locked. But now there's a big rat-hole at the bottom - they've chewed their way through! And they seem half-mad - one chased me up the stairs last night! Lucky Ostler was there with a rolling-pin to chase it back down, or it could've been the death of me!" She shudders.<<
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin crouches looking under tables Bryn (Kimberly):In honour of Burns night, I rather feel like we should have a virtual haggis ;-)
Jelly:Oh dear, oh dear, that's terrible news about the rats! I wonder where they came from? We never used to have a problem......
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin low, almost on all fours scampers toward the cellar, sniffing like a hound Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe a new gallery has been dug under the Inn?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mary nods to Bryn: "You'd better speak to Ostler if you'd like to help with the rats..."
Hillsafar Torgin:sniff, sniff Bryn (Kimberly):"Everyone, while you were busy with your brews, I've found us a couple possible options for new income. One, Ostler's got a rat problem."
Hillsafar Torgin:I think the rats are comin from down ere
Bryn (Kimberly):"Big rats. Ginormous rats."
Hillsafar Torgin:waves axe at the cellar Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And what about the cat? Too well fed or scared by the size of the rodents?
Bryn (Kimberly):"But, remember that man I saw carried away by the ravenfolk? There's a possibility of 500 gold if we can safely retrieve him."
"Thibault, I think the rats may be bigger than the cat..."
Gorlock (Tony):Are we feeling brave?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Well I for one feel duty-bound to help, the Cumin is like a second home to me! And the thought of those rats nibbling away with their nasty yellow teeth at the food stores just turns my stomach!
Bryn (Kimberly):"Perhaps we should do one job, and then the other? Though I've not yet had a chat with Ostler on the...er...monetary compensation possible..."
Greeba (Jelena):(turns head towards the cat, raises eyebrows
Eamon (Bill):500 gold is steal that's a lot of money
Simon N. (GM):The cat regards Greeba.
Greeba (Jelena):"I'm up for smashing a few rats before a bigger job!
Bryn (Kimberly):"So, mayhap we should have a chat with Ostler first? After the tower, I can't say I want to tangle with rats again for no reward..."
Gorlock (Tony):Kill the rats
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'm sure I can put a good word in to get us a reward: if not money, then at least free bed and board for a while?
Bryn (Kimberly):"Eamon, indeed it is a good deal of money."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We could have an exterminator contract: we can sleep for free as long as there are no pests in the Inn.
Bryn (Kimberly):"Mistle, as you've got a good relationship with Ostler already, perhaps you could have a word with him?"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):laughs good idea, Thibault!
Of course!
Hillsafar Torgin:Innkeep how much ta rid yee of yer rats?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle walks over to Ostler Bryn (Kimberly):OOC btw, I introduced all of you guys to Torgin on the board
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC thanks Kim :-)
Hillsafar Torgin:winks at Bryn Simon N. (GM):Ostler glares at Torgin with annoyance, then turns to Mistle with a smile. "Hello, little one."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hello Ostler! It's so good to be spending a little mroe time her recently, my heart and stomach are happy :-)
Bryn (Kimberly):"Torgin, did you get your axe back? You might be needing that."
Hillsafar Torgin:mutters something dark in dwarf Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):But I've heard there are rats whose stomachs are also pretty satisfied at the moment, is that right?
Hillsafar Torgin:Aye its right here
chops the air Simon N. (GM):Ostler frowns. He looks down, speaking quietly.
"We... we have a problem, Mistle."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):That bad?
Simon N. (GM):"Door at back of cellar's been barred for years, since before my time. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out... 'cept, now they have. Giant rats - whole pack of 'em. And they're mad - vicious!"
Gorlock (Tony):OOC..rat busters. we need a theme song
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Greeba (Jelena):OOC who you gonna call?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC lol
Hmmmm.....very strange.....
GM can I do a nature check to see what might have brought the rats?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +2
Simon N. (GM):Prob just hungry?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):If there's nothing in there for them to eat......
Simon N. (GM):Ostler: "My brewing supplies are down there - great sacks of grain!"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ahhhhh!
Simon N. (GM):"Doubt they've been at the wine bottles yet..."
Bryn (Kimberly):That we definitely need to protect!
Bryn nods towards Cratch Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Well, in that case they really aren't going to go away by themselves.
Hillsafar Torgin:Aye, the beer must be saved
Simon N. (GM):Ostler nods. He kneels and unlocks the trap door. "Be my guest."
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Well then, I say there's no time to lose. We had best go down there during the day, the rats will be more sluggish and possibly sleeping, so we can take them off guard.
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn elbows Mistle and whispers About the fee...
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin scamper through he trap door Simon N. (GM):Torgin opens the trap door and heads down
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, Before I go in, I'd like to cast a Divine Sense to check if there is Evil under that Inn but also to check the status of the guests (you never know, right?).
Bryn (Kimberly):"He's fast, for a dwarf."
Hillsafar Torgin:Positively nimble
comes a shout from the cellar Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ostler, I'd like to check how my friends will be compensated for this? I'm happy with free meals and a bed when I need it as you know, but my companions here are seasoned adventurers.......
Simon N. (GM):OK, Thibault you detect nothing from the patrons, but you detect Undead emanations from somewhere under the Inn!
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC If there are undead rodents of unusual size....Oi!
Hillsafar Torgin:is the cellar lit?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Torgin scroll down to see cellar.
It's lit by the kitchen above you.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, "My friends, some emanations similar to what we saw in the tower last time came to me and they come fomr below this Inn".
Simon N. (GM):In the darkness you smell fermenting beer from the brew vat. Several enormous rats look up at you, eyes glinting redly, and squeak angrily.
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin checks the cellar floor for signs of rats and other tracks...
(oh its dark) lite a torch first
Simon N. (GM):Mistle roll Persuasion
have you found the cellar Matt?
rem you have darkvision
Hillsafar Torgin:Oooh you wee beasties! Yup
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 -1
Simon N. (GM):also you have axe & shield so...
Hillsafar Torgin:understood.
Simon N. (GM):Ostler: "Pint of beer all round for each rat tail?"
Hillsafar Torgin:(found the rats no need to check for their tracks)
Simon N. (GM):GM: everyone roll init, but only Torgin is not 'surprised' as he starts aware of the rats
Simon N. (GM):(& scroll down to see cellar)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly): Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 3
Simon N. (GM):Rem to click on token before rolling
Gorlock (Tony):Ican't select a token
Hillsafar Torgin:Off blood foot missed a rung
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly): Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC think I did it right this time?
Simon N. (GM):try now Tony
yes you're on 13 Jelly
Simon N. (GM):Matt have you rolled init?
oh sorry didnt clicj the token
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC I just noticed Mirabelle's token :-)
She'll be my backup if the worst should happen to Mistle.
Simon N. (GM):you can't move yet Thibault as surprised
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry. Back to my position.
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you hear squeakings from below, #7 Torgin your turn
Hillsafar Torgin:Come here yer wee beasties
say hello to Torgins AXE!
Hillsafar Torgin:Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
Simon N. (GM):aw, min dmg, 1 hp left
Hillsafar Torgin:aw did i hurt ya, yer tails hanging orf
(end turn)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC are there rat tokens, I can't seem to see any?
Simon N. (GM):#6 Rats close in on the dwarf
Greeba (Jelena):OOC scroll down
Simon N. (GM):Have you scrolled down to the cellar?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC thank you!
Hillsafar Torgin:Wehee you southern sasnacks
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Youch!
Simon N. (GM):hm, seems to have advtg turned off
they use Pack Tactics
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn, above, hearing all the squealing "I do hope that dwarf has a tough hide."
ok 12-6, 24 (crit), and 23-9, 2 hits
1 hp left Torgin :)
OK you are all recovered from surprise. Torgin is in a furball of biting squeaking fury.
Hillsafar Torgin:If you could see Torgin you would be able to under the rats
Simon N. (GM):It's dim light in the cellar
Eamon hops over the bar and heads for the steps
Hillsafar Torgin:incoherent mumble wee bastards urgh
Simon N. (GM):heading down he sees the mass of rats on Torgin
Simon N. (GM):jumps off steps and at the nearest rat
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 5
ki point spend
flurry of blows
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d4 + 3
Simon N. (GM):Rat goes flying back into a large chest.
Its chest crushed.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):The irony!
Simon N. (GM):More angry squeaking from the storerooms down the hall, their doors chewed through.
Gorlock (Tony):Mage Armor
Abjuration 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A willing creature who isn't wearing armor
Components: V, S, M (A piece of cured leather)
Duration: 8 hours
You touch a willing creature who isn’t wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
Simon N. (GM):The door at the far end is massive & barred, but with a large chew hole at the base
you have it at will Tony? So I assume it's running already
Simon N. (GM):AC w mage armour?
Simon N. (GM):#21 Thibault
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Run down the stairs
Simon N. (GM):Thibault leaps into the fray!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):and try to hit the one on the left to protect messire dwarf!
Simon N. (GM):it's badly wounded
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Longsword: damage
Thibault of Brandiar
end turn?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I push the dwarf away?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK so end turn.
Hillsafar Torgin:thank yee
grumbles an embarrassed did you just try to push me?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Can I crawl down after Torgin?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):And is there enough space to use my longbow, or stick with short swords?
Simon N. (GM):you can shoot from the stairs but the rat has 3/4 cover from table & PCs so +5 AC
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll give it a shot, especially as I don't think I can get to that rat in one move anyway.
Simon N. (GM):30' to rat, you have 25'?
anyway nice shot!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I only have 15 since I'm ickle!
Unless there's an error on D&D beyond.
Simon N. (GM):will be 25' unless you're Encumbered
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ok I'll take a proper look shortly.
Simon N. (GM):Remove gear on D&D Beyond to get your move up
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d8+3
Simon N. (GM):pinned to the dirt!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Nice! Glad I took archery as my speciality!
Simon N. (GM):#12 Gorlock
Gorlock (Tony):move downstairs
Simon N. (GM):15' to there
Simon N. (GM):You see a rat down the tunnel but the blasr just tears a chunk from the door behind it.
#7 Torgin
Hillsafar Torgin:Bonus Action second wind
Torgin gnashes his bloody teeth charges and swings the axe down Attack choppy chop
You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Gorlock (Tony):ok i stop here
Simon N. (GM):rats are dead around you Torgin
Hillsafar Torgin:rolling d10
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC Inspiration....?
Hillsafar Torgin:OOC oh thats a good idea
Simon N. (GM):Torgin charges down the corridor
Simon N. (GM):insp is d20s only
Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
take that ye sasnack
oh sh
Giant Rat:"SQUEAAAKKK!!!"
Simon N. (GM):The rats close in...
Hillsafar Torgin:grimaces through bloody teeth 1 bite
Torgin goes down
Bryn (Kimberly):Alrighty, I shall descend
Hillsafar Torgin:mother is that you? your whiskers have shrunk
Bryn (Kimberly):And take a shot at the rat down the hall. Is that a table?
Simon N. (GM):that's a table
Bryn (Kimberly):That I can leap upon nimbly :-)
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics pls
Bryn (Kimberly):Ok, and I shall shoot
& sneak?
Bryn (Kimberly):Why is it doing advantage on everything??
Bryn (Kimberly):rolling 1d6
Simon N. (GM):no sneak as Torgin dying
Simon N. (GM):ignore 2nd roll unless you have advtg/disad
Wounded rat turns, squeaking angrily.
#3 Greeba
Bryn (Kimberly):That's me
Greeba (Jelena):Moving down
Simon N. (GM):20' to there
Greeba (Jelena):Ok,can i throw battleaxe on rat from there or has it got cover?
sorry, handaxw
Simon N. (GM):hand axe, disad for long range but no cover
Greeba (Jelena):and from here?
(30 speed)
Greeba (Jelena):Yes! done
#3 Xarius
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn stomps a beat on the table. "Dead rat, dead rat, dead rat dead rat dead rat!"
Hillsafar Torgin:taps foot Hillsafar Torgin:Mother, your eyes are red and beady, have you been kissin elves again?
i fire bolt at the rat
Gorlock (Tony):we cant hit the broad side of a barn
Eamon (Bill):"worry not dwarf i am here to rescue you"
Hillsafar Torgin:Oh mother your voice is deeper than i recall
Eamon (Bill):i attack the rats
Gorlock (Tony):Well done sir
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d8 + 3
Eamon (Bill):"the dwarf is saved hussar"
Simon N. (GM):there's a rat in a store to NE, 10' away,
Hillsafar Torgin:thank you mother i love you too
Simon N. (GM):doing ratty kung fu moves (readied action)
Simon N. (GM):#21 thibault
Hillsafar Torgin:groans a delirious Torgin Gorlock (Tony):kung fu rat
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If I can pass Bill and the dwarf, I attack.
Simon N. (GM):30' to there
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I wait until he attacks.
Simon N. (GM):(I'm not using the extra move through other PCs in this game)
Ready Thibault?
Mexican Rat standoff
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Harmonica music in th ebackground...
Simon N. (GM):Thibault you sense the foulness through the damaged door to your right
something evil
#13 Mistle
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Comrades! There is an evil presence behind the main door"
Hillsafar Torgin:sorry about that
mumbles Torgin Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll ready an action to shoot if any other rats burst though and overwhelm Thibault.
Simon N. (GM):BTW Jelly halflings can't use longbows - make it a d6 shortbow
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, maybe it's time I smash the door then?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Oh, does that change my damage dice?
Simon N. (GM):(longbow is Heavy, small can't use 2h heavy)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):And ok will do.
#12 Gorlock
last rat is through a door N of Thibault
Gorlock (Tony):Can I get to Torgin?
Simon N. (GM):w table in way it's 35'
Hillsafar Torgin:(nice to see adventures not thinking they are special and queuing politely)
Gorlock (Tony):Ok I do Healing light
Healing Light
Evocation Cantrip
At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your warlock level.
As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total.
Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Simon N. (GM):Torgin wakes on 3hp?
Simon N. (GM):Torgin you wake from ratty dreams
Hillsafar Torgin:Wha, what happened? * Torgin sits up and rubs his eyes
#7 Torgin
Hillsafar Torgin:who this astride me?
Eamon (Bill):"me your savor"
Hillsafar Torgin:can i crawl out from underneath my savor
Torgin crawls into a store through a destroyed door
Brew grain & rat poo
Hillsafar Torgin:stand up dust him self down thank you thank you all
Rat flings itself at Thibault...
Thibault sword raised...
(can roll attack T)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Clash of the smelly titans!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Longsword: damage
Thibault of Brandiar
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Simon N. (GM):The dead rat slides off the blade and thunks to the floor.
Bryn (Kimberly):"How poorly is the dwarf?"
Hillsafar Torgin:Och its just a scratch
stumbles to one knee Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If nobody objects, I will lay hands on him?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And giive him 5HP
Hillsafar Torgin:Wait wait I'm not like that...oh thank you mister
Gorlock (Tony):so upstairs to get the reward?
Bryn (Kimberly):"Where was it you detected the evil from, Thibault?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"t'was from the door, mylady..."
Bryn (Kimberly):"ah, for that we need the tails. But are we going to just leave whatever evil is festering down here for later then?"
Greeba (Jelena):"yes, we need to get rid of the evil! *eyes flashing
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Absolutely agree with Greeba!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Evil must be slain! especially so close to people we hold dear.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Whilst our blood's up, let's continue?
Hillsafar Torgin:looks at Gorlock nodding Bryn (Kimberly):I do agree. I don't want to be sleeping above evil...but will the kidnapped man keep?
OOC Simon?
hes getting tea
Hillsafar Torgin:We cant let the beer turn
Eamon (Bill):and chocolate
Gorlock (Tony):OOC, leave the DM in peace...
If the DM ain't hapy , aint nobody happy
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC I am! I'm eating cake! I meant the question for when he's back! :-P
OOC May he eat ALL the chocolate
Simon N. (GM):(catching up)
Eamon (Bill):hey kimbly that implies i dont get any choclate
Simon N. (GM):Brynn roll Insight
Bryn (Kimberly):haha, May YOU get ALL the bread!
Simon N. (GM):Hess seemed to think the captive would keep awhile
The Ravenfolk are holding him for ransom
Gorlock (Tony):No good killing him then
Bryn (Kimberly):"Let's have at this evil!"
Greeba (Jelena):"Let's attack! The evil is just on the other side of the door, right, Thibault?
Bryn (Kimberly):"And save the beer!"
Simon N. (GM):No short rest?
Hillsafar Torgin:Aye save the beer
fist pump Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Not for me.
Greeba (Jelena):I just pick up my handaxe
Bryn (Kimberly):Does Torgin need a wee little rest? Or anyone else?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You'll need to break off the bar that holds the door, although Mistle could actually get through the rat hole.
Hillsafar Torgin:I'll be fine, thanks to my friends
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):You mean go in and unbar from the other side?
Greeba (Jelena):I'm happy to ram it with the warhammer
Simon N. (GM):no it's barred on your side
Gorlock (Tony):Yes please
Hillsafar Torgin:oh nice a warhammer
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Oh I see.
Hillsafar Torgin:never goes out a fashion a warhammer
Gorlock (Tony):Keeping it in...
Simon N. (GM):Greeba could break the holders in a few rounds
Hillsafar Torgin:multipurpose too
Simon N. (GM):w her hammer
Greeba (Jelena):"I like how you think, friend" in dwarfish
Simon N. (GM):crunch smash
Greeba (Jelena):OOC do I roll?
Simon N. (GM):Greeba expertly breaks the door open (no roll)
Bryn (Kimberly):Orc Smash!
Simon N. (GM):it's v dark
Hillsafar Torgin:Och yee speak the lingo hen
in thick highland dwarf very nice to meet ya
bows Simon N. (GM):Mistle & Eamon need light
Gorlock (Tony):Cantrip light
Gorlock (Tony):Light
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.
If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
Simon N. (GM):Stairs descend into darkness
Greeba (Jelena):"Same here" bows low, but not as low as a dwarf
Bryn (Kimberly):Mistle, how long has this Inn been here? I'm wondering how long this door has been barred.
Gorlock (Tony):I'm making Eamon's sword glow...
Simon N. (GM):Looks like they go down 20' then open out
Hillsafar Torgin:i can check for tracks if you like?
Greeba (Jelena):I have darkvision anyway
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ummm, would Mistle know? Can I do a history check?
Simon N. (GM):you can see water.... and bloody smears on flagstones
OK Mistle
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20
Greeba (Jelena):"Blood was spilled here!
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn calls: Does it look fresh?
Simon N. (GM):Some daylight comes from a well-shaft above one of the pools, and two enchanted torches burn dimly (dim light)
Hillsafar Torgin:right behind ya darlin
Greeba (Jelena):Not really, judging by the colour
Simon N. (GM):Broad steps lead down to a rough cavern floor
Greeba (Jelena):OOC what is the black strip?
Hillsafar Torgin:whats this the tavern spa?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
black is solid rock
Hillsafar Torgin:(can i check for tracks and then examine the stone work DM)
Simon N. (GM):One at a time Torgin
Survival for tracks
hmm rats but thats it
Simon N. (GM):some rat paw prints in the blood
OK History w Stonecunning for stone
Hillsafar Torgin:this stone work is unusual.
Simon N. (GM):Mistle the Inn has been here at least a century
You never heard of any chamber below it
Torgin the stonework looks crude - human.
Greeba (Jelena):The inn keeper said that door had always been barred
Bryn (Kimberly):Seems strange. Was no one ever curious?
Greeba (Jelena):Do i see mushrooms or minerals in the rocks?
Hillsafar Torgin:poor work, look at those points
tuts Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d20
bad luck
Bryn (Kimberly):Yes, was wondering that myself. Are those mushrooms?? Are they poisonous??
Simon N. (GM):your stalkers got 17 & 18 on stealth & have Surprise on you...
Hillsafar Torgin:hands on hips mold everywhere, shameful
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Well, we all thought it was just another old storeroom. Had no idea it would open out into some sort of....temple?
OOC eeep!
Simon N. (GM):no more move now please
Bryn (Kimberly):Ah darn, my passive is 15 :-(
But I was looking at the mushrooms...
Simon N. (GM):ok roll init but you are all surprised
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar
Hillsafar Torgin:looking up at the ceiling Ostler will have to get that subsidence seen too.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly): Max:when i clicked, my screen scrolled up
it keeps doing that
Simon N. (GM):Ghouls emerge from the shadows, hissing
Bryn (Kimberly):Mine did that earlier. I refreshed and it was ok
Hillsafar Torgin:Bloody hell!
Bryn (Kimberly):Bloody undead, more like!
Simon N. (GM):1 ghoul reaches Thibault and leaps!
Hillsafar Torgin:this is gonna cost Ostler extra
Simon N. (GM):2 run up to Torgin but can't attack
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Too slow! :-D
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):issed
Simon N. (GM):Thibault fends it off
Hillsafar Torgin:drops into dwarf infantry stance 1. Bryn (Kimberly):Heh, if we don't manage to kill them, the door's unbarred now. Ostler'll find out soon enough what was below...
Simon N. (GM):your surprise passes
#20 Torgin
Hillsafar Torgin:Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin holds ground, heels skittering on the pool edge (end tunr)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll shoot the one to Mistle's right (above Torgin)
Hillsafar Torgin:(aye DM left one)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +7
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d6 +3
Simon N. (GM):(rem you have Ranger spells too now BTW)
#13 Thibault
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):True, probably a good time to use them!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sword lands on the Ghoul's head!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That's me done.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC poor Torgin is really taking a beating this session :-(
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 CON save or paralysed
Hillsafar Torgin:Comon' yee shriveled old ghoolies
yells Torgin then grits teetch Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Thrown in at the deep end!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d4+2
3/13 & roll CON save
Hillsafar Torgin:CONSTITUTION SAVE (5)
Simon N. (GM):on Thibault
Bryn (Kimberly):Dwarf fortitude!
Hillsafar Torgin:Watch oot for the claws
A bigger stinkier ghoul advances...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am a bit worried by this tongue...
Max:where should i mve guys
Greeba (Jelena):It's a snakey hiss
Bryn (Kimberly):I'd stay as far away as you can and still attack
Max:if i dont move I cant do damage
Gorlock (Tony):where ever you can attack
Bryn (Kimberly):I think you can hit a ghoul from there
Bryn (Kimberly):from the stairs, I mean. Remember you are squishy
Simon N. (GM):moved you back to not be beside a ghoul
Xarius shoots
Bryn (Kimberly):Could he not have shot from the stairs?
Bryn (Kimberly):Oh nvm, I see. Black stone there.
Hillsafar Torgin:Nice shot
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC is this sort of a platform? If I disengage and move down, do I still have a decent shot or would I have disadvantage?
Simon N. (GM):It would have cover +2 AC as the stairs are about 6' down
Bryn (Kimberly):Ok, then I'll stay where I am and use my rapier
Simon N. (GM):it is a platform yes
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn grimaces.
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
Greeba (Jelena):one to the right
Eamon (Bill):"worry not ill save you once more from peril"
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC Monk punch!
Eamon (Bill):rolling d20+5
Eamon (Bill):ill use flurry of blows
Hillsafar Torgin:go Eamon get inta him
Eamon (Bill):rolling d4+3
Simon N. (GM):It rocks back, but still stands
Gorlock (Tony):can I see the Ghast
rock in the way
black is rock
Gorlock (Tony):The one next to the dwarf
Hillsafar Torgin:(even lower than usual now)
Gorlock (Tony):healing light on dwarf
Hillsafar Torgin:Thanks pal!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good job!
Gorlock (Tony):staying alive
Hillsafar Torgin:sweeps shield then swings axe up Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
It screams, black blood gurgling
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Is the one Torgin just hit dead yet?
Hillsafar Torgin:It bleeds Mistle you can kill it!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ok, in that case I shall cast Hunter's mark on it, and then shoot.
Simon N. (GM):AC 14 w cover
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ok
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Darn
That's turn.
Hillsafar Torgin:Sorry Mistle I should have ducked
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Attacking the one that Xarius had hit?
you are nowhere near it
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry, I meant the one west of me.
Simon N. (GM):it's up w Eamon
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil): Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Noooo
Simon N. (GM):The Ghast roars then comes in at Bryn
Bryn (Kimberly):Bryn braces herself
Simon N. (GM):swipes left :)
Bryn (Kimberly):And flicks his tongue out of her face
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Not on the first date!
Simon N. (GM):Its foul stench threatens to overwhelm Bryn & Greeba (CON save at start of turn for you both)
Bryn (Kimberly):"Never without my permission!"
Simon N. (GM):ghoul vs Torgib
Hillsafar Torgin:trys to fend the fiend off with shield on Eamon
Dragonking1million :ac 15
get wrecked
On Thibault
well done PCs!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Just as incompetent as me right now...
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin starts singing a dwarven battle song the one in front of bill
IK im rolling
Simon N. (GM):It spins & drops!
Simon N. (GM):first blood :)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Phew!
Bryn (Kimberly):On the ghastly ghast
and a measly one for the sneak attack.
11 dmg
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
same one to my right
Simon N. (GM):badly wounded
Eamon (Bill):"i shall save you dwarf"
Hillsafar Torgin:Ghouls to the left of me,
Ghasts to the right,
Here I am stuck in the middle of pools
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Hillsafar Torgin:Get him Master Eamon aim for the ghoolies
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d4 + 3
Simon N. (GM):Its neck snaps like a rotten twig
Eamon (Bill):"don't worry dwarf i saved you"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yes!!
Hillsafar Torgin:nice punch
Gorlock (Tony):can I move to the left of Xarius
Gorlock (Tony):Attack ghoul next to phil
Gorlock (Tony):I can't roll better than 3
Hillsafar Torgin:(I can move through PCS ok ya?)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::'-(
Hillsafar Torgin:come to daddy
Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
Eamon (Bill):matt this is why you need saving
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Ok I'm going to put my hunter's mark on the Ghast (I think that's possible as bonus action?)
Hillsafar Torgin:Sasnack ghoolie
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):And attack with shortbow
Simon N. (GM):has 3/4 cover
2 ghouls in way
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Oh ok I didn't realise, thought I could see under them!
May I attack the one in front instead?
Simon N. (GM):legs are in way :p
Hillsafar Torgin:Shoot this one Mistle
points axe Simon N. (GM):w hunter mark?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yes
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 1d20 +7
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 2d6+3
Simon N. (GM):It screeches
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC Woot!
Hillsafar Torgin:right in the ghoolies, nice shot Mistle
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I swing my sword at the one South of me.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):
Longsword: damage
Thibault of Brandiar
And I use divine Smite 3d8
Simon N. (GM):full health to dead in 1 blow!
Nice one
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I thank the heavens for this strike...
Hillsafar Torgin:(by the power of greyskull)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I move 5ft towards the south
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):WOW!1
Simon N. (GM):Ghast lunges at Bryn
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):(OOC GM are we finishing after this fight?)
Simon N. (GM):Ghast paralysis works on elves..,
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Oh dear....:-(
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 CON save Brynn
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Come on Brynn!!
I come from hardy stock
Hillsafar Torgin:Hang in there Bryn
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul on wounded Bryn...
Hillsafar Torgin:duck and weave duck and weave
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d4+2
Bryn (Kimberly):I collapse
Simon N. (GM):not quite insta kill
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Hold on Bryn, we'll save you!"
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul on dwarf
Bryn (Kimberly):If I could hear you over the sound of the blood pounding in my ears, I would be heartened.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):That could have been a lot worse on the damage though!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d4+2
Hillsafar Torgin:ooch not again ...
Simon N. (GM):Torgin goes down
also Torgin DC 10 CON save
Hillsafar Torgin:CONSTITUTION SAVE (5)
Eamon (Bill):" i must save him once more"
Bryn (Kimberly):our glassy eyes stare at each other as blood slowly pools beneath us...
Hillsafar Torgin:(lol) (at least Eamon's getting a good workout)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC oh god this is like an episode of Xena I remember!
OOC brb
Max:im going to use firebolt on the nearest ghoul
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Beautiful!
Simon N. (GM):It goes up in flames and falls
Simon N. (GM):Had 10 hp BTW!
Simon N. (GM):#Bryn death save
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Perfect!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Woop!
Bryn (Kimberly):Yay for firebolt Xarius!
Simon N. (GM):Any creature that starts its turn within 5 ft. of the ghast must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the ghast's Stench for 24 hours.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Things are looking up!
Simon N. (GM):DC 10 CON save Greeba
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hmmmm, no wonder I have such a hardy stomach. I've been eating the food here for years...........
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
Gorlock (Tony):nice one Mistle
Rats on the menu this week
Eamon (Bill):"dwarf im coming"
Hillsafar Torgin:mother ...is that you?
Simon N. (GM):(Bill & me arguing if I can kill Torgin)
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Spoilers!!
Bryn (Kimberly):Technically, you've killed him twice already
Eamon (Bill):"you can take my freedom but you can never take my torgin"
Bryn (Kimberly):or dropped him at least
Simon N. (GM):kill dead-dead not mostly-dead
Simon N. (GM):Ghoul spins & drops
Eamon (Bill):"for torgin"
Hillsafar Torgin:i missed you mother
mumbles the delierious dwarf Simon N. (GM):looks like Bill was right
Gorlock (Tony):Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Simon N. (GM):range touch
heals Torgin
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d8+5
Gorlock (Tony):spell bonus
CHA +3 right?
So +3
Gorlock (Tony):you are right
Simon N. (GM):never add PB
Eamon (Bill):"hurrah torgin is back"
Gorlock (Tony):3 times...
Hillsafar Torgin:(cheers dude, youve kept me in this)
Simon N. (GM):#20 Torgin!
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin stands bows to Gorlock mumbles once, twice, three times ...
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Are you sure Torgin isn't a tabaxi (cat person) lol
Hillsafar Torgin:Die Die Die! Erm again or undie, what ever it is undead
Battleaxe (One-Handed) (+5)
Bryn (Kimberly):I hope you have more of those. Or someone can pour my healing potion down my throat.
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 - it staggers back
Eamon (Bill):"great job torgin"
Hillsafar Torgin:Can Torgin push it away from Bryn?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Should I move up for a better shot?
Simon N. (GM):move to above Greeba Mistle so it has no cover
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):(thanks)
And Hunter'r mark transferred to Ghast.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):rolling 2d6 +3
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Hmmmm........
Gorlock (Tony):we need to upgrade to pro
Hillsafar Torgin:snake eyes
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Hit the Ghast
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil): Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I will move around next to Bryn
Simon N. (GM):The ghast stoops down over Bryn to tear out her throat
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Trying toattract the ghast attention
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Noooooooooooooo
Simon N. (GM):AC 11 w/out DEX bonus?
Bryn (Kimberly):You'll be down below there. You can step on me. I won't feel it.
Gorlock (Tony):OOC to get better dice rolls
Bryn (Kimberly):Dex is +3 so yep, think so
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I step on Bryn to shield her?
Simon N. (GM):OK, +2 for cover from Thib = 13
you're dead
Bryn (Kimberly):Oh no, I shall never avenge my mother!
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Arrrhhhhgggghh!!!!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d8+3
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Holy sh*&t!!!!
Bryn (Kimberly):Oh for heaven's sake, that's just overkill
Like, literally
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):D&D can be GRIM sometimes :-(
Simon N. (GM):Bryn's throat is ripped out
Hillsafar Torgin:(sorry but what you wrote was really funny Kimberly)
Greeba (Jelena):Noooooooooo, friend!
Bryn (Kimberly):I'd tell another joke, but I have no mouth and I must scream...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Ghastly monster, you will pay dearly for this!"
Hillsafar Torgin:You'll pay for that you ghastly beast
Bryn (Kimberly):Avenge your mom, dude
You can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again. Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. You then regain the use of this feature.
if you want to i can roll the table
Max:do you want me to rol the table?
Ghast:roll on wild table next time you cast a level 1+ spell before a LR
Ghast is now DMing >:)
Bryn (Kimberly):Ya had to go and kill me for my birthday, didn't ya
Greeba (Jelena):Warhammer (One-Handed) (+5)
It staggers back, ribs smashed
Eamon (Bill):" worry not torgin ill kill this beast"
Bryn (Kimberly):The monk has a lot of love for the dwarf
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 5
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d8 + 3
Eamon (Bill):"torgin are you hurt"
Simon N. (GM):You win - but at a cost.
Eamon (Bill):"i dont have any healing but it'd be good if you were not hurt"
Greeba (Jelena):"Is there anything we can do for our friend Bryn?
Hillsafar Torgin:OCh dont worry about me, its Bryn she's lost her throat
is there a healer in the tavern?
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Well that was depressing
Gorlock (Tony):I have cure wounds
Hillsafar Torgin:someone run up and ask
Greeba (Jelena):"A priest, maybe?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I have a cure light wound and a lay on hands left
Hillsafar Torgin:someone fast
Simon N. (GM):She is dead-dead :\
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'm really not sure that was worth just a few beers, when it cost a life....
Bryn (Kimberly):I think I'm past healing, aren't I?
gurgle Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):This is all my fault for suggesting we do this...I am so sorry...
Gorlock (Tony):Nice knowin ya
Bryn (Kimberly):If anyone wants to loot my poor dead body, I have a healing potion that I lovingly handcrafted
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Mistle, don't beat yourself up.
Bryn (Kimberly):and a chess set and my mother's amulet
Greeba (Jelena):No resurrecting in this game?
Simon N. (GM):Revivify works
Hillsafar Torgin:Maybe Oslter has sumthing like that?
Simon N. (GM):Raise Dead is possible in theory, but Old Boney enacts a high price from those who seek to take souls from Myrkul's grasp.
Greeba (Jelena):We'll give anything!
Simon N. (GM):OOC: There are 2 NPCs within 50 miles who can cast Revivify, none can raise dead
Gorlock (Tony):Revivify it is
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Above our pay grade, I imagine...
Bryn (Kimberly):I don't think we have enough coin for it?
Hillsafar Torgin:(50 miles aint gonna work it has to be within a min of death)
Simon N. (GM):Revivify must be w/in 1 minute
Greeba (Jelena):oh then :(
Bryn (Kimberly):I be dead. Bury me well, beneath a tree.
Simon N. (GM):GM: ok on a 20 the visiting Friar has a revify scroll on him
no, bad luck
Bryn (Kimberly):Can I use my double stack inspiration from beyond the grave for another roll?
you can roll 2d20
Bryn (Kimberly):oh no pressure
Hillsafar Torgin:has Torgin heard of anyone who has brought the dead back to life
Bryn (Kimberly):rolling 1d20
Bryn (Kimberly):Okay, please bury me beneath a Hemlock tree. And send my mother's amulet to my hateful father....
Simon N. (GM):for your 2 insps
Bryn (Kimberly):rolling 1d20
haha five closer each time
Hillsafar Torgin:you can have my inspiration also
Eamon (Bill):one more roll and its a 20
Simon N. (GM):OK I think she's staying dead
Bryn (Kimberly):You guys looting my corpse?
Hillsafar Torgin:but i can give my ispiration away
Simon N. (GM):@Torgin roll DC 15 Religion
Greeba (Jelena):Has Bryn got a cousin or something...?
Bryn (Kimberly):my poor dead squishy body
beats me
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK finishing up
Bryn (Kimberly):I disowned all my family
Gorlock (Tony):loot the room
Simon N. (GM):no obvious treasure here
Simon N. (GM):if you're searching move your tokens
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I know a beautfiul spot in the forest near the Inn, where hemlocks grow....
Greeba (Jelena):we'll be true to our friend's last wishes, and share her gold amongst us too
Bryn (Kimberly):I have 42 gp 9s 71c, a healing potion, and a chess set
Hillsafar Torgin:i dont think much of the staff at this spa. very aggressive.
Greeba (Jelena):what are those things here?
Bryn (Kimberly):poisoner's kit, herbalist kit...
Simon N. (GM):Greeba finds some mushrooms
Bryn (Kimberly):Give my 100 ball bearings to Jonny Canton so he can cause trouble around town
Simon N. (GM):prob poisonous
Bryn (Kimberly):I would know, but I'm DEAD
Greeba (Jelena):I don't know anything about mushrooms, who wants them? Anyone who's into shrooms?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):When you are done with looting, I will carry the torn body of Bryn in my arms and will bring her upstairs. Can someone give a heads up to the people in the Inn so they don't get shocked?
Bryn (Kimberly):Once you clean me up, you can dress me in the noble clothes you find in my pack. ;-)
Hillsafar Torgin:This last will Bryn had stuffed in her tunic with all these requests, it seems like it was on her mind
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sure.
Bryn (Kimberly):As it should be on the mind of any adventurer who thinks they're just going up against some rats
Greeba (Jelena):Some kind of skeleton here?
Simon N. (GM):Greeba finds Rat remains, a lime encrusted skeleton, and coins between its legs.
Eamon (Bill):"citizens don't be alarmed when a corpse passes threw one of our compatriots was struck down"
Simon N. (GM):silver & gold, quite a lot.
The Inn hang their heads sadly at the news.
Bryn (Kimberly):OOC Simon, do I roll up a level 2 or a level 1 character for next time?
Simon N. (GM):level 1 Kim, 0 XP
Greeba (Jelena):how much? now we share amongst a smaller number
swallows a sob Bryn (Kimberly):So squishy
Greeba (Jelena):Actually , the resilient dwarf should get a share too!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 18d6
61gp in coin
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC Simon I think I might like to re-roll a character as well. Mistle has been extremely traumatised by what has happened :-(
Simon N. (GM):By the stench, the ghast laired here
Hillsafar Torgin:why thank you Greeba
bows Simon N. (GM):@Jelly or play Mirabelle?
Bryn (Kimberly):Aw, I like Mistle. She's sweet.
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yup one or the other, I'll have a think over next couple of days if that's OK?
Gorlock (Tony):what was the reward
Simon N. (GM):GM: You sadly bring Bryn's body upstairs. A gaggle of kids who had already grown to love her cry bitter tears
Bryn (Kimberly):I don't know what I'll do yet
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Yeah she's a bit too sweet for this game, alas!
Simon N. (GM):Not just because no more silver for weeds
Greeba (Jelena):(61+42)/7=67 gp each i believe
Gorlock (Tony):plus for the rats?
Simon N. (GM):OK Jelly new PC is finw
Bryn (Kimberly):You gotta get their tails
103/7 is not 67
Greeba (Jelena):who has a choppy weapon?
Bryn (Kimberly):But, methinks Ostler should take my poor dead body as proof enough
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):OOC thanks Simon. It'll either be Mirabelle or I'm toying with the idea of a mad cleric.
Bryn (Kimberly):Oh, yeah, i have a rapier, 2 daggers and a shortbow too if anyone needs
Greeba (Jelena):sorry, didn't think!
Greeba (Jelena):15 gp each
Simon N. (GM):Ostler gives you all free drinks for a week.
Simon N. (GM):Eamon gets sparkling mineral water :p
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That will be the most bitter beers ever...
Eamon (Bill):"whoopdie doo i can't drink"
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Mistle starts to drown her sorrows.
Hillsafar Torgin:Torgin chops ups some lemons for Eamons sparkly elf water (with his axe)
Bryn (Kimberly):What do we feel like we're lacking? If I don't do another thief?
Gorlock (Tony):decent rolls
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I'll stay here, start to cook at the Inn again, watch over dear Bryn's grave. OOC Mistle was falling in love with Bryn you see......
Bryn (Kimberly):ain't that the truth
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):I think you could choose anything you like Kim?
Bryn (Kimberly):you can plant snowdrops on my grave
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Think we've got all bases covered since we're a large group?
Greeba (Jelena):Greeba packs Bryn's amulet carefully and sends it to her father
Bryn (Kimberly):(where it will hopefully make him feel guilty)
Greeba (Jelena):wishing I knew where my own father was... Simon N. (GM):OK will work out your XP...
Gorlock (Tony):thanks Simon
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The next day, I come down again and cast divine sense to make sure all evil is gone from this place...
Bryn (Kimberly):Someone else should write up this session, since I died :-(
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'll do it.
Gorlock (Tony):Night folks
Bryn (Kimberly):Good night!
Gorlock (Tony):Thanks guys
Eamon (Bill):thats all folks
Mistle Thorngage (Jelly):Night everyone! Great but harrowing game, gotta love D&D!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good night everyone! Thanks for the Game Simon!
Bryn (Kimberly):Can't believe you killed me for my birthday, Simon :-P
Night everyone!!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good night Kim!
Simon N. (GM):Happy birthday Kim :)
Hillsafar Torgin:Ghastly, DM, ghastly
Greeba (Jelena):Bye everyone, thanks for the game! or not... ;)
Hillsafar Torgin:Happy Birthday Kimberly
Bryn (Kimberly):Thanks :-) Have a good week, everyone!
Hillsafar Torgin:thank you for having me.
hope im not bad luck...
Greeba (Jelena):Pleasure, do join us again!
good night
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks Torgin! Same to you!
Simon N. (GM):combat XP 203
+25 mission = 228 each
>>The next day, I come down again and cast divine sense to make sure all evil is gone from this place...<< Thibault no longer senses the undead.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Great! Thanks Simon!
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Bryn Lethyr. She was the best of us, we shall not see her like again." - Friar Tooley Beriwether, 15/8/1359 DR. |
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