Qiviel:are we rolling init?
Simon N. (GM):GM: The door Jack is barricading judders under repeated axe blows. One orc axe splits through the wood, and Jack sees a glimmer of firelight through the crack.
No I rolled init for everyone
Eldred :(Are you gonna put some tunes on DMDJ?)
Simon N. (GM):From the NW tunnel, Erasmus hears the roars of advancing Orcs, met by wolf howls and then a much deeper roar - the Great Ulfe?
Kenny - Syrus:Nice music!
Simon N. (GM):#22 Jack you're up - looks like the door won't hold too much longer.
Chris T.:Seeing the doors start to fail and given his own poor state of health after fighting the Ogre; Jack dashes off in search of healing. "Syrus! Help me!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc lets go Jackie
Eldred :Orcs coming from the west
Simon N. (GM):#20 Erasmus
Eldred :Weapons!
Eldred takes a deep breath and checks his weapons are ready and to hand Erasmus:Hearing the approaching orcs, Erasmus glances around for somewhere to hide. Hoping the nearby detritus will provide sufficient cover, he ducks behind the pile of broken crates and barrels. Simon N. (GM):ok roll Stealth pls
Simon N. (GM):Something massive strikes the west door...
Eldred :eyes widen, jaw drops Simon N. (GM):A great rent appears in the door where it's been struck by an axe head the size of a man's torso... beyond you see silhouetted against firelight the massive builk of an enormous two-headed Ettin!
(door on 6/27 hp BTW)
"Norrin, I'd better just see to Lady D'Ashe..."
Eldred :Tymora's holy tits
Geoff:"Yes, get her out of here."
Eldred :look at the size of that ettin
Simon N. (GM):Burdurg buries deeper into his pile of crates & detritus.
Malied you had a fire bolt readied, you could shoot it through a crack in the door at orc or ettin? Then still get your regular turn now
They'd have +5 AC
Malied:Question, is the brack in the door wide enough to cast a spell through?
Erasmus:Music stopped, by the way.
Erasmus:Yeah! Stick it on loop!!
Malied:ah, k, firebolt on the ettin then my go?
Eldred :Hell yeah keep the vide going DMDJ
Simon N. (GM):ok, need 17 to hit Malied, go for it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):hit right in the chops!
Malied:so I can cast through the gap?
Flaming sphere on the ettinright behind the orcs so it cataches all of them :)
2d6 save at yhe end of their turns
Simon N. (GM):ok - it will drop out of sight though so you won't be able to control it AFAIK
until the door goes
Malied:good enough for me
Eldred :Good shot Malied
says Eldred in an unusually high voice Malied:move back as far as I can
is the bed difficult terain?
Eldred :get over here, dive over the barricade man
Simon N. (GM):(no) you'll need to drop sphere behind the ettin as must be an unoccupied space
Malied:k, bonus action move around the ettin and hit an orc
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Simon N. (GM):Orc dodges sphere
k, running around the corner
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):at least it takes half
Geoff:Should be 30' right there.
Simon N. (GM):ready an attack?
Geoff:take up a guard position. If we have to flee, he'll guard the rear.
Simon N. (GM):I'll assume that's Ready sword attack :)
Kenny - Syrus:1) On seeing Jack’s poor heath as he approaches, Syrus runs up to him while putting away his crossbow and getting out a scroll, saying “I got you!!”
2) He approaches, grabs Jack by his whole face - face palm style ;) - and casts “Cure Wounds” from the scroll
Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Chris T.:"Thanks Syrus! That Ogre nearly did for me."
Kenny - Syrus:3) Then throws the empty scroll on the floor and continues forward with remaining movement, reaching back for his weapons… END TURN
"Hello Sir Norrin!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):looking at the two buxom maidens "my ladies please follow this southern corridor until you reach a room with two dead orcs stay there and remain safe until my return as i go slay some orcs and ogres"
Simon N. (GM):Roll Persuasion DC 8 Strohm
(or Intimidate if yelling)
ooc crap
Simon N. (GM):The captives just look confused
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"nevermind follow me"
Simon N. (GM):The slimmer redhead whimpers: "I don't know where we are! It's dark!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn Simon N. (GM):The weeping wenches follow Strohm, the boy bringing up the rear.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc forgot its pitch black for them XD
Simon N. (GM):(there's some torch & lantern light from the human PCs & fires, but it's dim) To the north a door slams open and you hear ogre Karens demanding to speak to the manager (sorry) :p
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holly chungus
Simon N. (GM):One passes Erasmus heading down the SW tunnel with club hefted.
Simon N. (GM):You hear a shriek of fear - not sure if it's Barbara or Tenho :)
Erasmus:OOC Jeez! These chicks are
Chris T.:"Time to get the heck out of here...If we can!"
Geoff:gritting his teeth "Yup."
Simon N. (GM):The enormous dire wolves sniff the air... one looks in Erasmus' direction, and growls... (DC 18 stealth to beat their doggy noses)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fucking hell
Erasmus:Shit. That was so nearly a 19 on DDB!!
Great Ulfe, Ogre:"What is it, Vak? What you smellin' um? Summat tasy, I bet!" (Great Ulfe has a Yorkshire accent) :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh no XD
Great Ulfe, Ogre:The massive ogre war-chief looms over the crates behind which Erasmus is hiding
Eldred :(Gary the Ogre, are the wolves white?)
Simon N. (GM):Orcs advance behind the dire wolves, great axes Ready.
Orcs continue to hack at the weakening door.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck
Simon N. (GM):The door exolodes inwrards, fragments scattering over the bed blocker.
Qiviel:(Might I suggest that everyone retreat to room 7 where we have a narrow mouth to defend?)
Simon N. (GM):Malied roll Deception please to pretend to be a lovely orc-maid
Eldred :Good idea, looks we can use the chimney as an escape route.
Chris T.:(Maybe call it Tomb 7?)
Simon N. (GM):pass - the orc ignores Malied and orc-charges Norrin, who has steel ready for it...
Norrin can roll to hit
Geoff:Let's see if this works now
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):A single mighty blow cuts the Orc down before it can strike (had 15 hp, so exactly!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fucking hell more orcs XD
Eldred :Holy Chungus More Orcs lol
Simon N. (GM):Orc archers lit by flaming braziers are yell in Orc at the Ettin: "Oi! Ya big lug! Get out of the way!"
They ready their bows for when they get a clear shot.
Simon N. (GM):brb need to heat my tea
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
okay Simon
Internet seems to be slow tho...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Welcome Keelia :D yeah thats nothing you could do about that
Qiviel:"Down this way", she hisses to her companions, "It's defensible."
She readies her sword in case any of the enemies get near but otherwise, stands to defend them.
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani moves up with Q, sword Ready
#2 Eldred
Eldred :Nods to Q & J then steps forward and shoots at the orc coming from the passage Simon N. (GM):hit - it staggers
already burned by the sphere
Malied:is that the one that had already take 3 damand from the sphere?
Eldred :steps back, grits teeth, nocks arrow end.
Jack sees that his friends aren't for running...
Qiviel:(more that we're all trying to cover each other and therefore no one moves :D )
Eldred :nods again feeling more confident with Q's brave wisdom Chris T.:Drawing his bow, he moves 5' forward and (if he can?) takes a shot at the wounded Orc before resuming his current posituion.
Simon N. (GM):I have you w sword & shield, would take an action to switch to bow
(Eldred uses 2hw which works easier w bow)
Chris T.:Okay, resumes current position now with bow.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc get out of there Eramus
Simon N. (GM):#20 Erasmus
Erasmus:Seeing the looming form of Ulfe, the matted fur and elongated canines of the wolves and the hulking ogre-wives, Erasmus re-evaluates his life choices and flees through the tunnel to the south. As he approaches the ogre in the tunnel, he slides between her legs and dashes until he finds his friends. Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Damn brave man
Simon N. (GM):Acrobatics? Or do you have a Monk power to do that?
Kenny - Syrus:LOL @ "Re-evaluates his life choices" ;)
Eldred :That is some dungeon parkour dude
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holyshit first natural 20
Simon N. (GM):OK you did it :)
Simon N. (GM):That was an Action but you could spend Ki to dash if going more than your move
Eldred :Eldred takes his hit of to Erasmus Erasmus:The slide was an action? Surely that's just part of movement?
Simon N. (GM):The Ulfew-wife looks down as something comes between her legs
Erasmus:If you say so. You're the boss.
Simon N. (GM):No you can't pass through enemy spaces per RAW
Malied:Only halflings can P
Erasmus:Fair enough. I'll mark of the Ki.
Malied:cos they are little shits
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the smell alone should have made you roll a constitution save
Eldred :lol waft of chungus
Erasmus:“I think Ulfe is here. He has wolves, a buch of orcs and more ogres. This is not a good position.”
Simon N. (GM):Talking of smell, the ettin sniffs Malied - Malied roll Deception again
Chris T.:(Ithink weshouldhave run last round)
Simon N. (GM):The ettin decides Malied is a harmless orc-wife
Eldred :We gotta take that ettin down fast
Simon N. (GM):It advances, glaring down at Qiviel as she stands w readied blade, and steps forward
Qiviel gets ready attack
Chris T.:Good luck everyone!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):and we gonna need it
Simon N. (GM):Q roll your attack when lag allows :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):come on Qiviel
11 dmg
Tenho Isotalo:"With me, dear Lady D'Ashe..."
Simon N. (GM):Q pokes the Ettin
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hit or miss?
Malied:An so, Tenho ran like hell
Qiviel:(I feel like an armored mouse against a very large cat :D )
Simon N. (GM):Tenho gallantly escorts Babs towards safety :D
Malied:'Beware the wrath of dragons, for you are crunhy and taste good with Ketchup'
Simon N. (GM):(ettin was hit)
Geoff:Norrin feared more for her safety than his own. As a follower of Tempus, he fully expects to die in battle.
Malied:Can I see my sphere of flame from here?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):better move that flaming sphere
Malied:I move it to the nearest orc and ram it into his
Simon N. (GM):30' exactly
The orc screams and burns as the fear envelops it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Malied:k, can i get i a burning hands off at this angle without hitting the others?
Simon N. (GM):15' range right? sure
Eldred :shield's eyes damn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol nice
Simon N. (GM):Ettin roars in pain and one head glares angrily at Malied. "You!"
16 from Malied then 9 from Norrin = 25
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Kenny - Syrus:1) (Hope this works!!!) ...Syrus whispers
“Ettin you STOOPID CRETIN” and casts Dissonant Whisper at it!!
(WIS 14 saving throw)
Components: V
Dissonant Whispers
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hloy shit
Kenny - Syrus:OPPORTUNITY ATTACK for me, Norrin, Erasmus and Q!!!!
Simon N. (GM):despite 2-head advtg it still feels bad
"Me sad now!"
Kenny - Syrus:"it needs to move as far as its speed allows away from you."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Simon is the room lit?
Eldred :That was incredible
You guys are pros
Simon N. (GM):OK it turns & flees
Kenny - Syrus:Dissonant Whisper makes the target moves away from me ASAP if fail saving throw ;)
Simon N. (GM):who has not used their reaction?
Chris T.:Cracking bit of spell play from Mailed anfd Syrus!
Kenny - Syrus:And hence opportunity attacks from me, Norrin, Q and Erasmus :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):so norrin and eramus can attack now
Simon N. (GM):I think only Q has?
Kenny - Syrus:Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Erasmus roll dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Erams Damage?
Qiviel:yeah, Q had 11 dmg for the opportunity attack
Darkwood Staff: damage
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):takes 33 dmg as it flees... on 1 hp...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):if the ogre survive then he is very tanky
Malied:do I get an oop attack :x
Simon N. (GM):Malied can opp att!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dont miss
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Eldred :does the ettin run into the flaming sphere as well?
Simon N. (GM):what do you hit it with? fist?
Kenny - Syrus:It runs into the flaming sphere?? ;)
Simon N. (GM):OK it staggers and falls onto the Sphere
Malied:"right, we have a VERY small window to retreat, I suggest we take it"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):The smell of burning Ettin fills the air
The orc archers Loose...
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus:
"NICE WORK FRIENDS!!! ...Are we now running??" Malied:killed by a wizard with a staff, the worst death every...
Chris T.:(Now I think we're in with a chance)
Simon N. (GM):3 shots at Norrin
Geoff:"Let's get out of here!"
Eldred :nods, pulling a diniro face, very impressed You took the Ettin down real fast.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 3d20
2 miss, 1 bounces off
Orcs are not great archers
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Simon is the room lit?
Geoff:There's a burning orc i the corner....
Qiviel:"Everyone head up the tunnel behind back towards the secret door and the stairs hall!" Q barks
"And stay together!"
Chris T.:"Now youwant to run?!" Jack is confused.
Simon N. (GM):there is a fire in the room ahead Strohm
it's well lit
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon - Sorry I did not finish my movement.... Can I move into the tunnel please?
Qiviel:"Need to regroup."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"ladies follow the light and you will reach a safe room stay there as i go help my friends"
Simon N. (GM):roll persuasion Strohm
Eldred :We can hold em up in the narrow tunnels
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fucking hell my roll XD
Kenny - Syrus:*Syrus turns around and moves into the tunnel for some cover - and throws some glitter confetti up between Erasmus and Jyrani as he passes them both ;)
Simon N. (GM):Tenho: "I'll look after them! You go, Sir Strohm!"
LOL @Syrus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"thank you Sir Tenho"
Erasmus:Erasmus rolls his eyes at Syrus's perpetual attempts at matchmaking, but then casts a glance to Jyrdani and tries to smother a small smirk. Ogre Female:"Ooo, look at the Elf! Tasty!"
hefts club Eldred :what I meant was you can hold them in the tunnels
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dashing to guard the intersection
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani gives Erasmus a small smile
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck hit
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d8+4
40' to there
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):reaction cast shield
oh parried?
don't have advtg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh it hought advantage phew
Simon N. (GM):Ogre-Wife clambers over boxes to swing at Norrin.
Kenny - Syrus:@MUIZ cannot see your HP bar as Karen is sat on top of it - what health you on?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):im on 18 hp now
Simon N. (GM):Norrin's stout full plate saves him from smashed ribs.
Eldred :(monsters always have advantage toggle switched on, clicking the gear wheel gives the option to turn it off and auto dmg)
Simon N. (GM):Ulfe's kids are coming out to play too - it's a family hootenanny!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fucking hell
Simon N. (GM):(yup just did that)
Kenny - Syrus:This is actually hilarious!
Malied:Someone slap him on the butt and give him a heal
the hell?
Simon N. (GM):Wolf leaps through the gap beside Strohm...
Malied:did that wolf just teleport?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn the wolf slip in?
Erasmus:@Kenny: Your sense of humour is... um... questionable!!
Simon N. (GM):yeah there was enough space & it has speed 50'
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fair enough
Malied:ok, tha cuts our escape
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 10 piercingIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
It ravages Strohm - roll STR save
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah even with shield it wont be enough
Simon N. (GM):You see why Tenho wanted you behind him!
Simon N. (GM):Malied roll deception
as it has good scent ability and you smell like an elf
Simon N. (GM):It leaps at Malied
no advtg
Damage: 10 piercingIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):these rolls man XD
Simon N. (GM):10 dmg & STR save
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):did we lose somebody
Simon N. (GM):just need Malied back
doesn't matter anyway
totally dead before the roll
no, like 15
Simon N. (GM):ok still up
eh? only 10m dagae
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck did i just see an ogre go past me?
Malied:time to roll another character
Eldred :hang in there Malied
Simon N. (GM):Great Ulfe looks to be heading for the Stirge Gate
Chris T.:Yeah, we're not in an Ogre's belly yet.
Malied:...I'm not sure that you are seeing the sam ebattle field as me
Chris T.:(Looks a lot healthier than with the Ettin. I think we have this now)
Qiviel:Q goes to stand over Malied. and attacks the beast
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nope Malied i have my own mess
Simon N. (GM):Malied is vertical
hit for 8?
Qiviel:ah, still standing, excellent :)
yes 8
Simon N. (GM):Rem you can smite too
Saving it?
Qiviel:It eats up a spell slot - healing is probably more important
Eldred :(sorry a little confused Malied is down or just very low on hp?)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"You made me angry. You won't like me angry."
Malied:don't worry i'll shortly be in the ground
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc question can i use reaction on my turn?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay tying to plan my next action
Simon N. (GM):Jyrdani attacks wolf
Qiviel:(James on your turn get behind Q)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+6
#2 Eldred
Malied:that means an oop attack from the wolf but thank you .
Simon N. (GM):has cover, +2 AC
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice does it finish it?
Simon N. (GM):AC 14 > 16 hit
9 dmg, it staggers
Qiviel:(not if you disengage, James?)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn the wolf still live
Chris T.:Dropping his bow, Jack shouts at the others to keep any light out of the narrow passage passage. Then drawing his sword, rushes up into the darkness ,hoping to draw the dire wolf attack from Muiz.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thanks Chris
Simon N. (GM):30'? You could attack, or ready shield?
Chris T.:Oh, he'll give the bad doggie a slap then
Simon N. (GM):I reckon that tunnel is fulll dark so you are 'invis' so have advtg
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Simon N. (GM):so can roll again
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Chris T.:rolling 1d10+5
Simon N. (GM):nearest lantern is Tenho's
wolf snarls in pain
Chris T.:done now, that should grab it's attention.
Simon N. (GM):#20 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus is torn between fleeing and supporting at the rear. Normally, given these odds, he would run, but that would mean leaving Jyrdani behind. Leaping onto the boxes, he strikes at the ogre-wife with his staff. Erasmus:
Darkwood Staff: damage
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):bonus action?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay i presume thunk and thump means it hit?
Erasmus:Getting her attention, he then tries punching her in the eye. Erasmus:
Unarmed Strike: damage
Erasmus Bos
Tenho Isotalo:"This way, ladies & gentleman..."
Eldred :your dungeon parkour style is effective
strokes moustache Tenho Isotalo:There are the distant sounds of slamming doors
Malied:just what we need, more
Eldred :from which direction?
Malied:I was going to do something really awesome...nvm
Eldred :ah the secret passageway
Tencho and the hostsages
Simon N. (GM):(yes) #17 Malied
Malied:move the Flaming Sphere into the wolf
3 dmg
Fur singes, the battered wolf howls.
#11 Norrin
Geoff:"I am the manager," Norrin says to Karen the Ogre-wife. "What seems to be the problem?" He then attacks.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):11 dmg (no advtg)
Kenny - Syrus:1) BONUS ACTION: Syrus shouts some Healing Words down the tunnel to Strohm
Components: V
Healing Word
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):Strohm 16/28
Kenny - Syrus:2) Runs up to the Wolf’s butt and do Stabby-Stab (2 weapon fighting)
Shortsword, +1 ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
5 +Piercing Damage
5 +Piercing Critical Damage
Kenny - Syrus:Dagger ()
Syrus, Bard of Many Guises
Simon N. (GM):no bonus attack obvs
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):hearing a familliar tune Storhm mutter under his breath "Thank you Friend Syrus"
Kenny - Syrus:Yes 10 dmg - END TURN
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm disengage and move in deeper into th tunnel
end turn
Simon N. (GM):#10 ogre wives decide to throw javelins at Strohm
Erasmus:brb. Ac16 if you need it.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):cast shield
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Abjuration 1
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by the magic missile spell
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.
Simon N. (GM):bounces off Shield
Ogre wife swings at Erasmus.
E on 17/31
Simon N. (GM):dire wolf attacks Jyrdani
Damage: 11 piercingIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
she fends it off.
2nd dire wolf Disengages
Scampering back to its master
Scampering back to its master
Simon N. (GM):A grizzled Orog comes at Strohm, great axe raised
9 miss & 25 hit
12 dmg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yup
really wish i hadnt use up my second wind
Simon N. (GM):Strohm on 4/28
Simon N. (GM):Orc Charge on Strohm
AC 24
Orc attacks Erasmus as he looks squishy
& another
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck running away really looking good right about now lol
hit for 8
Erasmus on 9/31
Simon N. (GM):Orcs are making their way over the swaying rope bridge
#3 Qiviel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):my poor choices is the cause of this but it still hurts
Qiviel:She'll continue to defend her team mates, striking out at the beast
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):come on kill that damn wold
Qiviel:was hoping for more...
Chris T.:(Get clearifyoucan,Muiz.Jack should be okay to hold them here in the darkness)
Simon N. (GM):wolfy on 2hp
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn wolf still lives
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Get away from Erasmus you scum! Attack ME!!"
reckless on wolf
hit, kills it
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Qiviel:(sorry, it's 11 - I need to hand Q over)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:she's deliberately granting advtg to try to draw them off Erasmus
Chris T.:G'night, Keelia. Stay safe.
Simon N. (GM):ok bye Keelia!
Erasmus:Erasmus is proud of Jyrdani's passion, but fearful for her recklessness Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc im thinking of casting burning hands is that okay Kenny and Chris?
Eldred :well played Keelia
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):see you again next week Keelia
Qiviel:Night everyone, see you next week :)
Chris T.:The light from the spell could illuminate Jack? He needs totaldarkness to function well.
Eldred :DM can I clamber up on the the boxes to get a better shot?
Simon N. (GM):E has a clear shot on the orc already
Simon N. (GM):hit (just)!
It grunts in pain
Eldred :Orcs on the rope bridge to the west!
Simon N. (GM):#22 Jack, still in darkness
Chris T.:Hearing Strohm shout that he is going to cast his cone of flames, Jack hefts his shield into place. Done.
J: "Fall back Erasmus!"
Erasmus:Erasmus weighs his options, choosing to preserve himself to fight another round. He strikes the ogre-wife with his staff, then disengages and slides off the boxes to put distance between himself and the orcs. Erasmus:
Darkwood Staff: damage
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Ogre: "Ah!"
Malied:whats everyones HP at the mo? I'm driving Q
Simon N. (GM):It's pitch black in that tunnel
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Simon N. (GM):Unless E has a belt lantern in which case he'll light up Jack
Erasmus:Is there a little bit of light at the edge?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):4 hp
Simon N. (GM):(Jack wants it full dark)
Erasmus:E will stay on the edge of the darkness.
Malied:(i'm I just dim, or has Eldred not moved?)
Simon N. (GM):Tenho is hiding & readying his x bow
Eldred :Eldred hasnt moved much and your not dim
Eldred :moving out of cover shooting, returning to cover shaking
Aganiazzar's Socrcher
Simon N. (GM):draw the 30' line pls
ok gets all 3
Eldred :like a flamethrower
Eldred :haha burn bitches
Simon N. (GM):Orcs scream, one falls
Malied:slame Flaming Sphere into the ogre
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Nice
Chris T.:Great round,James!
Simon N. (GM):The ogre wife is burnt black & looks very unhappy
behind meat shield
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn the oger is still alive?
Malied:btw no more spell slots guys
Simon N. (GM):#11 Norrin - 2 near-dead foes
Geoff:"Sorry, no refunds. All sales final!" Norrin taunts the ogress.
Erasmus:Damn. That ogre is a tank!
Simon N. (GM):have Inspiration Norrin. You cut Karen down to size.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Kenny - Syrus:1) (Hope this works guys…..!!) Syrus casts Suggestion on the OLOG -
”You now want to defend me and my friends - because we are YOUR only friends now!!” WIS DC14 save
Simon N. (GM):The orog looks at the loyal orc standing beside him...
Simon N. (GM):I'm giving him advtg on save as that's not very reasonable (though different similar wording could have been)
Eldred :Syrus is very convincing
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):but i cant burning hands now
Kenny - Syrus:2) Moves back into the tunnel a bit
3) BONUS ACTION: Bardic Inspo to Strohm (you can add D6 to any attack rolls/Saving Throws)
Simon N. (GM):The Orog cries out in Orcish: "Orcs! Rise up against the Ogres! This is our chance to reclaim our Ancient Destiny!"
Kenny - Syrus:YESSSS!!!!!
Simon N. (GM):"The Halls of Khundrakar are OURS!"
Chris T.:That went well :)
Simon N. (GM):The Ulfe-wives, who don't speak Orc very well, look confused.
Kenny - Syrus:Syrus to all his pals
"QUICK EVERYONE!!! TIME TO GET OUT!!!!" Simon N. (GM):LOL - the yell echoes through the fastness. The Orcs look indecisive for a second, then raise their axes in a great cheer. "Kill the Ogres! Kill them all!"
Eldred :What about Summata?
Chris T.:"Get out? We need to help the Orcs!"
Simon N. (GM):The orcs let Strohm past
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can i use burning hands from here?
Simon N. (GM):sure - on who?
on the ogre?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the boxes and on the ogre
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Burning Hands
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Target: Self (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Chris T.:(That will light the place up|!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Self (15-foot cone)
Burning Hands
Ogre: "OWW!"
end turn Strohm?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yes
Simon N. (GM):She steps forward and swings angrily at Strohm
Kenny - Syrus:@Simon - handing Syrus over to Tim as I have to go now. SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK - STAY ALIVE!!!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the boxes are not set ablaze?
Simon N. (GM):they're a bit burny, not enough to harm her
Chris T.:G'night Kenny, have a great week
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn
Eldred :Cheers dude, good night, well played
Syrus (Kenny):Give me two secs
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d8+4
Simon N. (GM):Strohm goes flying
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):fuck im down
Syrus (Kenny):Cutting Words on the Ogre attack
Sorry - had to find it!
Malied:Did Q hear that? if she did then it will determine her next action
Syrus (Kenny):rolling d6
Oh well. Worth a shot.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):MEDIC!!!
2nd ogress looks worried and falls back
"Back in your room, little ones! There is danger!" (glares at orc sentry)
Eldred :Lets take the kids hostage
work the ole switcheroo on Ulfegary
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+7
You hear loud banging
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the room with Tenho
Eldred :from the door tencho locked yeah
Simon N. (GM):Orcs attack Ogres...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):okay we have orcs on our side now things looking good
hit for 10
Old Yarrack the Orog
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn we have a hero
Malied:I suggest we finish before we engage the big one so that Keelia can join us for the battle
Simon N. (GM):The orcs cross the bridge and hear Yarrack's anti-ogre yells. Anyone speak orc like to encourage them to choose the right side?
Geoff:Norrin speaks orcish.
Chris T.:Jackshouts encouragment
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Mailied?
Malied:I don't speak it, a bit of an irony
Simon N. (GM):roll Persuasion Norrin
Eldred :eldred puts on a hi viz and points Malied:i'll assit with mime
Simon N. (GM):ok, advtg then
Simon N. (GM):Norrin points the orcs north?
Eldred :continues pointing Geoff:Yes. "Kill the ogres!" he shouts.
Simon N. (GM):Norrin points the orcs north?
They circle warily round the burning sphere
Simon N. (GM):Oh Malied did you roll concentration for dmg?
Eldred :Eldred adopts Elvis handys pointing wiggle Simon N. (GM):DC 10 CON save
Simon N. (GM):Orc to Norrin: "We kill Ogres together?"
Geoff:Norrin nods emphatically. "I'm behind you! Hurry!"
Simon N. (GM):The sphere burns brightly :)
#3 Qiviel
Malied:Qiviel double moves to Strom to get him on his feet next round
end turn
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):better to drag me away from the ogress first
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:sighs, very tempted to attack the friendly orcs to keep her Rage up :p
Malied:had to double move, can't do anymore
end her turn next to the fire :P
o, nvm then :P
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:J heads down the north tunnel, yelling "Follow me, orcs!" in Common
Eldred :stops wiggling his hips, clambers over the (trusty) impromptu barricade and scouts out the rope bridge to the west wots down ere then?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The Rift Hall
The great door opens into a large hall. A narrow ledge overlooks a deep, dark crevasse that cuts the room in two. A dangerous-looking rope bridge, frayed and thin, spans the gap. Water gurgles and rushes somewhere far below. Two copper braziers burn brightly on either side of the far door, illuminating the western half of the room.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:The Ettin had a big pile of smelly straw for his bed here
Eldred :phew i can smell it
Syrus (Kenny):GM ruling please: Healing potions for oneself - Action or bonus Action?
Chris T.:Jack, despairing of ever been left in the comforting darkness, grabs Strohm by his feet and drags him back away from the Ogre.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Thank you Chris
Simon N. (GM):drinking a potion is an action. Nothing is a bonus action unless specifically described as such, eg a Thief PC has a power to do srtuff like drink potion as a BA
Chris T.:if he can he will then try and stop the bleeding
Simon N. (GM):I guess grab & drag 10' is object interaction + move so ok you can roll Medicine to stabilise him
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
Malied:I think the bedding would have been set aflame by the ball, it does ignite objects
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy shit
Simon N. (GM):The ball was off to one side but some stray straw is burning
Geoff:Good time for a natural 20
Chris T.:Jack grins at the elf warrior.
Simon N. (GM):OK Jack puts Malied in the recovery position & clears his airway, Malied is stable
Still unconscious at 0 though!
Eldred :holy chungus and tymora are both on your side Strohm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):you mean Strohm is stable
Malied:(not malied, i'm somehow still standing)
You elves all look alike :p
Simon N. (GM):#20 Erasmus
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Simon keep mistaking Malies for strohm second time now XD
Erasmus:Syrus tells Erasmus to get out but he looks over his shoulder at the half-elf, "I'm sorry, Syrus, I'm not leaving her."
Erasmus pops a potion of healing as he makes his way after Jyrdani
Potion of Healing(2d4 + 2)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Burdurg rises majestically from his pile of boxes. "Orcs! Countrymen! Lend me your ears! I have brought these human-things here to FREE OUR LAND! ATTACK!!"
casts spiritual weapon
"Watch as the Spear of Gruumsh smites our oppressors!"
Eldred :lets do a deal with orcs. help them over throw the wicked and quite frankly incompetent ogres for the hostages and the ogres loot
Simon N. (GM):(this is all in Orc so sounds like grunting to most of you)
Malied:If you we're trying to say that you thiink Malied is female then you are about to get a firebolt but the butt :P
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 7 forceThe orc, as a bonus action, creates a floating, spectral weapon within 60 feet that lasts for one minute or until the orc casts this spell again. When the orc casts the spell, it can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. As a bonus action on the orc's turn, it can move the weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.
Chris T.:(Or kill them all once their work is done?)
Eldred :and then kill them after they have done our work
Simon N. (GM):The spirt spear stabs the ogre wife. Burdurg follows up with a real spear taken from among the stuff-pile. She staggers and falls. The other orcs cheer.
Simon N. (GM):Burdurg: "Old Yarrack! My brother! Let us cleanse the Ogre filth - together!"
more cheering
OOC Burdurg has been waiting 3 hours to get a turn :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):aww now i font wanna kill them
Eldred :Yes brothers! Pull down the chains that have bound you!
Malied:double move east as far as I go
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Yarrack grins at the sight of the beautiful orc-maid.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Eldred :Burdug is a girl!?
Simon N. (GM):Burdurg is male. Malied is an orc girl
Eldred :oh yes of course#
Simon N. (GM):A very fetching one :)
#11 Norrin
Eldred :sorry its the ettin nest stench its quite and intoxicating smell
Simon N. (GM):(gonna finish out this round then stop for the night)
Geoff:Norrin points excitedly down the tunnel to the north. "Kill the leader!" he shouts at the orcs. "Kill Ulfe!" He will then lead the way, continuously looking behind him in case some orc gets a nasty idea.
Malied:o, Malied also moved up the firing sphere
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):can Syrus heal Strohm?
Simon N. (GM):does he have heal magic or a potion?
Syrus (Kenny):1) Scroll of Cure wounds on Strohm.
Syrus (Kenny):rolling d8+4
Simon N. (GM):Strohm wakes up (prone) on 7 hp
Syrus (Kenny):2) mutter under his breath something about Erasmus and Jyrdani.
3) Move to the east.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):gasping fro air "the leader ogre left to the east probably attacking Tenho group"
he dash to the ladies end turn
Simon N. (GM):#10 The last ogre female Disengages and heads into the Nursery, where the kids help barricade the door.
There's the crash of a door being destroyed
Malied:I'd almost feel bad about that female ogre if she hadn't TRIED TO KILL US!
Simon N. (GM):You hear screams of terror
Damage: 7 piercingIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Tenho didnt get a shot?
Tenho Isotalo:"Get off me, you furry brute!"
he missed even w advtg
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damned
Tenho Isotalo:rolled 10+9 vs AC 14
Yarrack: "To me!"
Simon N. (GM):The three orcs hurry east to join Yarrack, getting mixed up w Qiviel etc
They see lovely Malied-orc and leer
Yarrack: "Get the captive! The one Ulfe likes!"
Chris T.:Jack silently curses as the crowd gathers that can only slow him down.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"wait what?"
Malied:I'd drop the illusion but its too much good rp fun ;)
Eldred :I'm quite attracted to Malied myself, green suits her
Malied:she double movers up to try and save the ladies
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:follows an orc Malied:(I assume we can pass each other uin corridors?)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I found her!"
(yes, house rule no extra move in allied space)
end turn
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:#2 Eldred (last turn)
Eldred :peer over down into the dark chasm and impressed whistle, then search the Ettin's stinking sleeping arrangements ooh what a deep chasm you have Ulfe
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):Eldred finds several coin pouches secreted in the straw - 210 sp, 70 gp
Simon N. (GM):they smell luvverly
Simon N. (GM):ok stopping there for tonight
You'll get XP at end of battle if you survive
Chris T.:Thanks Simon! Exciting session. Well done everyone!
Muiz:damn that was a tough fight
Erasmus:Malied and Syrus get MotM for tonight, I think!
Erasmus:That was intense!!
Simon N. (GM):I'll prob reroll init start of next session, I think it works well & Qiviel might get above 3 one day!
Muiz:Thanks everyone and extra thanks to Chris and Tim And Kenny for the heal"
Erasmus:Thank you Simon - edge of the seat stuff as usual!
Geoff:I won't be able to join next weekend. This working for a living is cutting into my gaming time. :(
Eldred :Definitely and great team 'you guys' win and the spell choices were great.
Chris T.:G'night all! Stay safe. Geoff, look forward to some pbp this week :)
great game
Geoff:Goo night! And Good luck next week!
Simon N. (GM):You seem to be doing ok. Shame if you lose Tenho Barbara & the prisoners though
Eldred :Thank you for letting me tag along guys.
night all
Simon N. (GM):I guess you should get there before Ulfe & doggy kill
all of them >:)
Muiz:i will do everything in my power to save the courana sister next week
I wonder why >:)
Muiz:all noble intentions have sinister motives >:)
Eldred :nite. thanks again
Night DungeonParKuar ;-D
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