The year is 1507 DR – the Year of the Glowing Onyx
The Realms has always been a place where good has fought evil and the forces of civilisation have fought the forces of chaos. Over centuries, despite setbacks, the forces of good and civilisation have spread throughout the continent, but it has always been a struggle.
In 1385 DR the Spellplague swept the Realms along with many other worlds and dimensions. Arcane magic became unreliable and spells frequently went awry. Previously unseen races appeared in the Realms as realities collided. The gates to the Feywild and the Shadowfell reopened after millennia allowing Eladrin and Shadar-Kai access to the Realms. Other races appeared such as the Dragonborn and Goliaths as part of a diaspora after their homelands were obliterated. Shades, Vryloka, Deva and others who had once been human appeared as the Spellplague changed them into new races.
In 1451 DR Mount Hotenow near Neverwinter erupted when adventurers exploring caves below the mountain accidentally awakened Maegera, an ancient primordial (whom some say was a rival of Imix). The power released by Maegera’s escape triggered the eruption of the long extinct Supervolcano, destroying the immediate region and throwing ash and poisonous gas into the atmosphere.
In the years that followed famine and disease decimated populations. Religious cults sprung up wherever a cleric was able to call upon divine power to create food and clean water. Desperate humans retreated underground to become morlocks, learning how to forage and hunt for food in cave systems that had been less affected by the volcano.
Humanoid hordes that had descended to cannibalism started to raid once-safe towns and farms. Within a generation the human and demi-human population had dropped by more than half. Eventually the climate started to stabilise and agriculture began to recover, aided by the nutrient rich volcanic ash...
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King's Wall South Terminus. |
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Artist's depiction of Silverymoon ca 1367 DR |
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High Lady Alustriel, Last Queen of Silverymoon |
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Silverymoon, 1507 DR |
The Moonbridge
Moonstair District
In this era the part of Silverymoon south of the river is known as Moonstair, named for its gate to the Feywild that since the Spellplague has opened on moonlit nights, to a spot a few days journey from the Eladrin citadel of Celduilon. Moonstair's current population is believed to be a little over two thousand souls.
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Celduilon |
Moonstair NPCs 1507 DR
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Kelana Dhoram |
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Ezekiel Dhoram |
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Marissa |
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Etheran |
Cham, portly Halfling male Trickster (Lurker-3, MV pg 169): talkative proprietor of the Cloudwatch Inn.
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Rualiss of Celduilon |
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Bax |
Priestess Lin Dhoram (Human female Noble, Ritual caster 4/8, born 1481 DR, age 25): The niece of Ezekiel Dhoram via his baby brother Sir Ruthin Dhoram (RIP 1498 DR, killed by Trolls). Lin recently succeeded her half-elf mother Avandara (RIP 1506 DR, murdered by the Orcus cult) as the Priestess of Selune, the religious leader at Moonstair's Moon Temple. In conjunction with her fellow Priestesses Sharess of Sune (Human female Lackey/ritualist 4) and Sylvana of Mielikki (Wood Elf female Lackey/ritualist 4), within the Temple precinct Lin can employ Religious & Healing Rituals of up to the 8th Level, including Cure Disease and Raise Dead. Alone, each Priestess can employ Religious & Healing Rituals of up to 4th level. Lin is good friends with her older cousin Mayor Kelana Dhoram, of whom she is slightly in awe, and is very fond of the heroic Sir Etheran Drysdale.
Sir Sirondar Dhoram (Human male, PC): Younger brother (by 2 years, born 1483 DR, age 23) of Priestess Lin Dhoram of Selune. Recently knighted for his services to Moonstair, Sirondar is the younger child and only son of Sir Ruthin Dhoram & Avandara of Selune (both RIP). His uncle is the Transmuter Ezekiel Dhoram; Mayor Khelana Dhoram is his first cousin. He is currently aiding Lord Drysdale of Restormel with threats emanating from the Chaos Scar.
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Priestess Lin Dhoram of Selune |
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Priestess Sharess of Sune |
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Priestess Sylvana of Mielikki |
Much of Silverymoon north of the river and east of the Market Square remains in ruins, haunted by monsters including kobold gangs, dark creepers, and worse things. Just as Moonstair lies close to the Feywild, the barriers between the World and the Shadowfell are not thick here. Travellers and treasure seekers are particularly advised to avoid the Law Courts especially after dark, lest they risk falling prey to the hordes of rapacious ghouls. The overgrown bramble-wood of Silverglen, once a sacred grove of Silvanus, is said to be one of the less dangerous areas, despite the presence of hostile dryads. Among the ruins of Alustriel's Palace, a lone shining tower known as the Spellguard Tower or the Lady's Tower still stands intact. Some say it is protected by the ghost of the Lady Alustriel herself, the last queen of Silverymoon, one of the fabled Seven Sisters. Others say that dark forces now control the Lady's Tower.
The Spellguard
The Spellguard was established in 1255 DR as a personal bodyguard for Alustriel herself, but over the intervening years grew to a city-wide force, spreading their duties between the High Palace and the rest of Silverymoon. By 1372 DR the Spellguard numbered 32 members, 7 of which were Warders that oversaw the activities of the rest. The Spellguard survived the Spellplague, though much diminished in numbers. The last members were believed to have perished in the chaos following the eruption of Mount Hotenow in 1451 DR.
The Midway Inn lies on the road midway between Restormel and Silverymoon, in rolling meadowlands just south of the River Rauvin. It is run by Gunder Black, a fat, cigar-chewing fellow, rumoured to be a former Pirate (Skirmisher-9), who still keeps a narrow-boat moored on the river. He runs the inn with two pretty barmaids Milly (brunette) & Villy (ginger) (both 'Human Rabble', min-2), and his burly teenage son Ronson Black ('Human Guard', Soldier-3), who keeps the stable.
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Gunder Black and the Midway Inn crew |
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Villy the barmaid, Midway Inn |
Southern King's Wall:
Broderick of Restormel ('Bandit' Skirmisher 2) a human Forester for the Lord Drysdale of Restormel. He prefers to avoid fights. Guided the heroes to the towers of the southern King's Wall.
Helga Breakrock ('Hammerer' Soldier 5) the young leader of the Dwarf miners at Dwarf Cut silver mine. A skilled Dwarf Hammerer, she is wielder of the Defender Hammer of Breakrock.
Thorin Breakrock ('Bolter' Artillery 4) Helga's older cousin, a skilled Dwarf Bolter and armourer, he commands the Dwarf Cut mine guards.
Michael Darano: Plump, halfling-sized Wererat. Thoughtful, keeps a diary.
Franco Darano: Slightly crazed Wererat, with a knack for training fire beetles and other vermin.
Jib-Jib, A Goblin Hexer, and chief of the Redfang Goblins. His horde defeated a party of adventurers including Rinn Laransy (RIP) at the Battle of Redfang Cave; Ravka-Shi was the lone survivor.
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Chaos Scar to Moonstair. 1 hex = 9 miles. |
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Helga & Thorin of Dwarf Cut |
Dwarf Cut: An old dwarf silver mine by the Southern King's Wall, recently reopened by the Breakrock Dwarves. A score of dwarf civilian miners are protected by a squad of Clan Guard (Soldier 1), led by Thorin the Bolter (Artillery 4) and Helga the Hammerer (Soldier 5).
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Dwarf Cut Mine Entry |
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Arkos Brankari, Captain of Zhentarim forces at Nesme. |
+1 AC Magic
Armour (any) L1 360gp
Cleansing +1
AC (any) L3 680gp - +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage
Sylvan +1 AC
Cloth, Leather or Hide L3 680gp - +1 bonus to Athletics & Stealth checks
Black Iron
+1 AC Scale or Plate L4 840gp - resist 5 fire & necrotic
+1 AC Scale or Plate L4 840gp - when a critical hit is scored against you roll
d20, on a 16-20 it becomes a normal hit
+1 Magic
Weapon (any), L1 360gp - critical hit +1d6
Distance +1
Weapon (any ranged) L1 360gp - normal range +5 squares, long range +10 squares
Defensive +1
Weapon (any), L2 520gp - critical hit +1d6, total defence or second wind action
gives +1 to all defences to start of next turn
Vicious +1 Weapon (any), L2 520gp - critical hit +1d12
+1 Magic Orb L1 360gp - critical hit +1d6
+1 Magic Staff L1 360gp - critical hit +1d6
+1 Magic
Wand L1 360gp - critical hit +1d6
+1 Magic Rod L1 360gp - critical hit +1d6
Bracers of
Mighty Striking L2 520gp - +2 damage with melee basic attack
Shield of
Deflection L2 520gp - resist 2 to damage from all ranged and area attacks
Gloves L1 360gp - +1 bonus to Thievery checks
Gloves of
Agility L5 1000gp - +1 bonus to Acrobatics, Stealth & Dexterity Ability checks
Headband of
Perception L1 360gp - +1 bonus to Perception checks
Amulet of
Protection L1 360gp - +1 to NADs
Amulet L3 680gp - +1 to NADs, reduce fall distance by 10', always land on feet
after a fall
Amulet of
Health L3 680gp - +1 to NADs, gain poison resistance 2
Belt of
Vigor L2 520gp - +1 hp to healing surge value
Potion of
healing L5 50gp - minor action drink potion, spend healing surge & regain 10
Alchemical Items Commonly Available in Moonstair/Silverymoon
Common Magic Items
These items may be created by any ritual caster of sufficient level with Enchant Item and access to suitable mundane materials:
Black Iron Armor, Magic Armor, Sylvan Armor, Veteran’s Armor, Defensive Weapon, Magic Weapon, Vicious Weapon, Magic Orb, Magic Staff, Utility Staff, Defensive Staff, Magic Wand, Magic Tome, Magic Rod, Rod of Dark Reward, Rod of Hope Triumphant, Magic Holy Symbol, Symbol of the Holy Nimbus, Symbol of Vigor, Magic Totem, Autumn Harvest Totem, Pure Spirit Totem, Bracers of Mighty Striking, Bracelet of the Radiant Storm, Shield of the Barrier, Sentinels Shield of Deflection, Boots of Striding, Boots of Stealth, Boots of Surging, Speed Boots of Quickness, Parry Gauntlets, Gloves of Grace, Gloves of Agility, Diadem of Acuity, Goggles of Night, Helm of Battle, Circlet of Indomitability, Headband of Perception, Amulet of Protection, Elven Cloak, Safewing Amulet, Collar of Recovery, Belt of Vigor, Belt of Vim, Girdle of the Oxen, Belt of Blood, Potion of Healing, Potion of Life, Potion of Recovery, Potion of Vitality.
Rats in the Wall (Spring 1507 DR)
Let it be heard! The Lord Drysdale of Restormel doth offer a thousand gold coin for the defeat of the foul Wererat brigands who lair in the southern towers of the King's Wall, and the killing or capturing of their leader!
Session 1 11/8/21 (Level 3, 480 XP, 3060 XP total): The ruins of Khezed Manor were cleared of skeleton horde animated by the dark fane of Tsathoggua the Devourer (180 XP). And that was just the first encounter - the heroes went on to defeat the evil Necromancer Nerius & his zombie minions in his lair at Wolfskull Cave (200 XP), then after resting overnight at Dwarf Cut they assaulted the ancient wererat-ruled towers of the King's Wall, defeating powerful forces of bestial and human guardians (300 XP). And the elf Rogue had time to flirt with Helga Breakrock, leader of the local dwarf miners at Dwarf Cut, and get some free silver arrows for the wererats lurking in the towers...
Day 1 - Khezed Manor & Wolfskull Cave
1. Nerius, a young Necromancer from Silverymoon lairing at Wolfskull Cave, he had stolen his old master's magic wand (+2 wand) and activated the undead-animating statue of Tsathoggua at Khezed Manor. The statue itself would need at least Paragon Tier weapons/magic to destroy.
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Ruins of Khezed Manor, the dark statue of Tsathoggua now deactivated once more. |
1. Kalmo Darano, wererat commander of the north tower Gravehounds.
2. Borlem Darano, wererat commander of the north tower Spitting Drakes, Zhent mercenaries, & Shadowhunter Bat.
Session 2 16/8/21 (Level 3, 333 XP, 3393 XP total): Find prisoners Ravka-Shi and Monty the Bard in the North Tower guard room. Ravk-Shi feeds the Zhent soldier Vot Rendir to some starving gray wolves beneath the tower after he is incapacitated by wererat ambushers. Defeat more wererats, the Goblin Hexer Jib, and the Rat King Ephram Darano, a powerful sorcerer, along with his brood of minions. Deeper in the dungeon Ux presents the Rat King's head to four Iron Defender hounds, trying to gain psychic control of them - and fails miserably, fleeing in terror.
Deceased NPCs, session 2
2. Jib, goblin Hexer, 'rightful chief' of the Red Fang goblins, and brother of the usurper Jib-Jib.
3. Ephram Darano, wererat Sorcerer & Rat King of the Towers.
Session 3 18/8/21 (Level 3>4, 507 XP, 3900 XP total): Meet Bark, a hairy vampire hunter. Defeat four Iron Defenders and persuade little Malcolm Darano and the other Wererats of the South Tower to flee and not return. Back to Restormel with the head of Ephram Darano, Ux having arrived ahead of them. Party formally thanked and rewarded 1000gp by Lord Drysdale. Next day travel east on Drysdale's loaned horses. On the road they defeat a terrible Troll (who almost kills Ardun) and his four Goblin allies, then lunch at the Midway Inn, and reach Silverymoon's Moonstair District at nightfall. At the Temple of the Moon, the three temple priestesses Lin Dhoram, Sharess & Sylvana ritually cure Ardun of the Wererat Filth Fever. Night at Cloudwatch Inn, Rinn & Ravka-Shi share a room. Visit the wizard Ezekiel Dhoram at his tower, return his wand in return for 200gp and ritual training for Qetesh. Rinn hits on Ezekiel's redhead maidservant Marissa.
After shopping, crafting, resting and training, the reinvigorated party return to Restormel, thence on once more to the Towers, now in search of the Vampire...
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The King's Wall - South Tower entry |
The Catacombs
Session 4 25/8/21 (Level 4, 645 XP, 4,545 XP total): Feed and free the hungry wolves in north tower cellar. Party follows a 600' tunnel east from the dungeon of the King's Wall, into catacombs laced by water channels that drain water from the Evermoors. Battle boneshard skeletons and a shadow bat in the Commoners' Crypt, go west to the Nobles' Crypt and deal with a water pit trap & swarms of rats. South, and Ravka-Shi chases a Deathlock Wight sorcerer over the rooftops of the Arcane Crypts to his doom while her companions battle his skeleton and zombie minions; Qetesh obtains five ritual books from those crypts (suffering only one embarrassing explosion). Backtrack east and trash a mob of decrepit skeletons, and their Spectre leader. Exploring south then west and south, approach a nexus chamber, again defended by the Dead.
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Hungry Wolves |
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The Spectre's Lair |
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Commoners' Vault |
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Vampire Lord Barthus, Priest of Bane, atop his throne. |
Session 6 (Level 4>5, 600 XP, 5697 XP total):
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Ravka-Shi of Tree Ghost |
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Rinn Laransy, RIP |
Just wondering if Nerius had any journal or papers on him telling how he came to be in Wolfskull Cave - if we are able to find anything out about him we might do better returning the Wand +2 to the master he stole it from (in return for a finders' fee or other useful favour...)
ReplyDeleteYes, Nerius had a diary which detailed his growing angst and desire to exact revenge upon a world that failed to recognise his great talents. and his experiments with drawing upon the power of the Tsathoggua idol. His master is referred to in the diary only as 'The Old Fool' and similar derogatory terms, but he appears to be a powerful human male Wizard with a tower in the ruins of Silverymoon.