Simon N. (GM):GM: After delivering a diseased adventurer to St Cecilia's Abbey for healing, for the past 10 days Rip Tear & Qiviel have been resting & Qiviel training.
Riptear:still sorting gp, will get it done during the game
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel now Pal-2 - Keelia select your memorised Pally spells.
Qiviel:Already done - Bless, Cure Wounds, Divine Favour, and Shield of Faith
Simon N. (GM):(thx) You two and your new friend Quagg are in the Frogsmouth Inn, Chaney Manor one afternoon when the Jenson family arrive with honey cakes for Quagg & Qiviel.
Chris T.:"Yum! Thank you."
Simon N. (GM):Mrs Jenson
curtsies "These are for rescuing Jenny from that horrible skeleton!"
Qiviel:"This is most kind."
Q bows back.
Simon N. (GM):Jenny smiles at Quagg and offers her cake, Mrs Jenson offers hers to Qiviel. "It's not much milady but it's my old ma's special honey oat recipe, Ilmater bless her soul!"
Chris T.:Quagg's bow is low and florid
Simon N. (GM):The cakes are round and brown with nuts on top. They do look tasty.
Chris T.:Quagg offers to share his with the Orc, Riptear.
Qiviel:"I have no doubt that these will be delicious!"
Riptear:Rip sniffs the cake
Chris T.:Quagg imagines the ugly fellow hasn't had many gifts of cake in his life..
Riptear:"I'd prefer meat but beggers acan't be choosers
Simon N. (GM):Mr Jenson: "I can attest, the Jenson cakes are most tasty!" At the end of the bar a grizzled, muscular miner sits drinking. He eyes the scene.
Riptear:He eats a cake without chewing
Simon N. (GM):The cake smells strongly of honey and oats. Tastes pretty good - very sweet.
Chris T.:"Next time I'm home, Mrs. Jenson I shall bring you some Swamp Bee honey."
"The exotic blooms of the swamp give it a unique flavour."
Simon N. (GM):The Jensons beam happily, only slightly disconcerted at the thought of exotic swamp blooms. Jenny: "Any time you need anything, just ask!" The miner leans forward: "Would you be some of those adventurers I been hearing of?"
Riptear:"Maybe, What f it?"
Chris T.:Quagg blesses the miner with another extravagant bow. "At your service."
Qiviel:Q bows again to Jenny and her family and turns to the miner.
Simon N. (GM):Miner: "I'm Den, of Den's mine. Need some good men - folks - to clear my mine. Damn thing's infested with Kobolds! My men have all run off. I got 500 silvers for you, if you're up for the job?"
Qiviel:Q looks to her companions to see if there is any reason why they shouldn't.
Simon N. (GM):The Jensons nod and take a step back so as not to interrupt. Mrs Jenson: "Bless you, milady Qiviel!"
Riptear:"Hmm, 500s not alot, how many Kolbods are we talking about?"
Chris T.:"Nasty little beggars, Kobolds. If you have an infestation they'll take some shifting."
Simon N. (GM):Den shrugs. "I only seen a couple. Damn things are tricky buggers, though. Wounded two of my men with sling-shots in the dark. They ain't adventurers - not even soldiers."
Qiviel:Q turns back to the family quickly to see them off. "May your path be safe. If you have any other such problems, you send a message to us."
Riptear:"Quick coin I guess, I'm in if you guys are"
Qiviel:She then returns to the group
Riptear:he says turning back to the group
Simon N. (GM):The Jensons nod gratefully. Mr Jenson: "Thank you again milady! You're always in our hearts - both of you!"
Chris T.:"Bye, Jenny! Mr. and Mrs. Jenson. Thanks again for the cakes!"
Qiviel:"I see no reason we cannot investigate," Q muses.
Riptear:"Lead the way then Den!"
Rip takes a last swing of his Ale
Chris T.:"I'm assuming you don't supply tasty, honey based snacks with your job, Mr. Den?"
Chris T.:Quagg tries to hide his disappointment.
Qiviel:Q slips Quagg a piece of cake she had not started to eat yet.
Simon N. (GM):Den: "Mine's out beyond Hommlet - if we set out now can stay the night at the Welcome Wench, reach the mine tomorrow morn. I'll pay for your beds."
Chris T.:Then follows his big friends. It's good to have big friends when you're not very big at all.
Qiviel:"Then we will follow you."
Riptear:ooc what race are you Chris?
Riptear:ah,m k, lost trrack
Simon N. (GM):The stablemaster brings Qiviel's fine new horse and you set out...
Chris T.:Quagg dreams of flying high above on a Pterodactyl or racing along on a Giant Weasel..
Riptear:Rip will take the dirtest looking horse
Simon N. (GM):Hiking & riding 22 miles through afternoon and evening, you reach Hommlet and the busy Inn of the Welcome Wench around 9pm that night, very tired. Den pays for your rooms and you pass a restful night.
Qiviel:(I think I'm going to call my lovely horse Rocco)
Riptear:I'm thinking of calling mine Roach
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Riptear:an then the next one Roach, etc
Qiviel:(I thought about that for mine @James :D )
Simon N. (GM):Next morning you wake to thunderous rain.
Den: "With any luck this rain will drown the buggers!"
Chris T.:"Fingers crossed."
Simon N. (GM):OOC d6 was a weather check, 1 = worst result :)
Shouldn't have been a snow storm then?
Qiviel:Q pins her hair tightly back before donning her helmet. Her cloak should be somewhat waterproof at least.
Riptear:well that would be a worse result!
Chris T.:Quagg's swamp boots won't worry about a bit of rain
Riptear:Rip pulls his bear hood over his head
Simon N. (GM):With cloak cowls pulled up against the rain you take the north road out of Hommlet. A mile out of town, Den leads you down a side track towards the jagged heights of Goblyn Ridge, looming over the pines.
The journey is tough going, especially in the rain - the 6 miles takes nearly 6 hours, and it's close to 2pm when the trees open up ahead and you see the mine-cave entry ahead.
Chris T.:Q looks wistfull northeast towards the Gnomarsh but presses onwards.
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel needs to dismount the last fifty yards or so. Den: "Cave's full of Silver... guess the damn kobolds want it, too."
Chris T.:"Shall I have a sneak around?"
"Orshall we just follow Rip in and collect the silver?"
Riptear:"You sneak ahead, see if you can spot any of the little bastardss"
Qiviel:(Sorry, internet dropped for a moment but i'm back)
Simon N. (GM):@Keelia - I've made Rocco a Character under your control, you should see her Character & stat block in Journal now.
Chris T.:The funny little fellow scoots off into the darkness on silent feet.
Simon N. (GM):OK roll Stealth & Perception Chris
Chris T.:in that order...
Qiviel:Q draws her shield and sword after settling Rocco. She approaches the edge of the cave but goes no further for the moment
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Simon N. (GM):Quagg creeps down the cave... he sees the little head of a kobold sentry peeking round the corner! It doesn't seem to have spotted him.
Riptear:Rip draws his Axe ready
Chris T.:He will try to sneak closer, near enough to get a surprise shot off at it.
Riptear:(that was meant to come after Keelias comment, not the roll)
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Stealth again
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+7
Simon N. (GM):Quagg creeps unseen along the north wall... roll Perception again.
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
Simon N. (GM):There's a tripwire about 3" from his right boot.
Drawn tight across the cave.
Chris T.:Taking a deep breath he inches backwards then (hopefully with surprise fires at the Kobold.
Simon N. (GM):ok it has superior cover but you have advtg as it didn't see you
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1 +5
Simon N. (GM):(for a trap laying race, Kobolds have terrible perception!) Still it notices the arrow bounce off the cave wall. "Yip!"
ok everyone roll init
Chris T.:He scoots back swiftly towards his pals to warn them of the trip wire
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+3
Riptear:rolling 1d20+1
Simon N. (GM):#23 Quagg your go
Chris T.:with a muffled curse he sprints back behind his friends. Warning them of the Kobold and the trip wire. Done.
Simon N. (GM):suggest using arrow keys to move
Move + Dash?
Chris T.:50' I think there?
Simon N. (GM):OK Quagg comes shooting out of the cave, yelling a warning.
#17 Rip
does he see the Kolbold?
13 pp
Chris T.:(OOC Is Garl Glittergold the Gnome God in the Realms? )
Simon N. (GM):move your token?
OOC yes Chris
Simon N. (GM):no kobold visible
You can roll Perception Rip
Riptear:rolling 1d20+3
Simon N. (GM):Rip spots the trip wire ok - and the small blue patches on the cave ground beyond it - Cobalt!
Riptear:No sign of the Kolbold?
Simon N. (GM):No sign of the kobold, but you can hear Yipping sounds from deeper in the caves.
Riptear:Rip moves forward jumping over the wire
Simon N. (GM):rolling token
Riptear:how do you do the arrow thing btw?
Simon N. (GM):cursor keys
Riptear:ooc i meant the distance arrow, eitherway end turn
Simon N. (GM):the Yipping is coming from ahead/west - just one voice
distance arrow uses the 'snap' icon on the left bar.
circle w comb
Den moves in cautiously, pickaxe Readied.
#3 Qiviel
Qiviel:Q moves into the cave follwowing Den
She lights a torch and tosses it ahead of her so she can see
Simon N. (GM):about there?
Simon N. (GM):OK in the torchlight the tripwire is obvious enough (only need PP 10+)
#23 Quagg
Chris T.:Quagg follows Qiviel 25' readies a bow shot if a target shows itself. Done.
Simon N. (GM):#22 You hear a lot more Yipping now.
A wet looking fire beetle comes round the corner, its light glands glowing redly
Simon N. (GM):It ignores Rip, heading for the exit. Den raises his pickaxe.
Riptear:rolling 1d20+5
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 - hit
Simon N. (GM):You slay the beast!
Chris T.:Quagg uses his reaction to fire if it comesinto line of sight
Riptear:Rip continues through the cave
Simon N. (GM):Den: "Damn beetles - at least their glow-glands are good for lightin'."
Riptear:Rip listens for the yipping trying to work out which direction it is coming from
Qiviel:"How so?" Q asks, wondering if she can strap some to her shield for a more portable torch
Simon N. (GM):Rip heads into the mine. To the left/south east he can hear running water.
Den: "They glow for days - longer if kept damp."
"I'll rip em out..."
The loudest yipping seems to be down the west tunnel, a good ways off
Riptear:Rip heads that way
end turn
Den rips out the fire beetles fire glands...
and hands one to Qiviel
Qiviel:Q ties it to the top of her shield :)
Simon N. (GM):OK Qiviel can pin it to her shield as her action. plus 30' move as usual
Qiviel:(she's moved as far as she can go, so end turn)
Chris T.:Quagg moves the 25' up to the tripwire then uses his thieve's tools (?) to try and disarm the trap
Simon N. (GM):OK DC 5 so you untie the wire - it was attached to a bell, plus designed to trip the unwary into the toxic cobalt.
He pockets the wire and lkittle bell. Done
Simon N. (GM):#22 The kobold yipping seems to have quieted down
#17 Rip
Riptear:Rip moves forward and peers around the corner concerned about the quieting
he checks the grounds for track to work out how many Koldbods there are
Simon N. (GM):Two slingstones come his way up the tunnel...
(readied actions)
disad though
both go over his head
Rip steps back around the corner
Simon N. (GM):Two kobold slingers down the tunnel hurriedly reload.
Riptear:"there are at least 2 of those slinging bastards!"
Simon N. (GM):Den: "Bastards!"
Riptear:can I check for tracks?
Rip finds his own footsteps....
end turn#
Simon N. (GM):The place is obviously well traversed, there are human tracks & more recent kobold tracks
#3 Qiviel
Qiviel:She'll move up and ready an attack if something comes near
Chris T.:Quagg moves 25'. Done.
Can he run a finger over the 'wet' beetle as he passes? Oil?
Simon N. (GM):Looks like it had been wading through water
& being dripped on :)
Riptear:Rip runs down the corridor towards the Kolbold
Simon N. (GM):readied shots
Simon N. (GM):rolling d4+2
Simon N. (GM):5 bludgeoning
Simon N. (GM):Have you taken an action?
You know you can bonus action Rage & throw a javelin or hand axe?
Riptear:o, right only 1 rage but what the hell :P
Simon N. (GM):I don't normally give advice but it IS the newbie game
Simon N. (GM):You have 2 Rages
per long rest
Riptear:I used one last seesion
Simon N. (GM):You just rested 10 days as I said in the intro
Riptear:ah, k, was lagging,
Simon N. (GM):A kobold goes flying back, impaled
Qiviel:She hurries after them
Double move to catch up so end turn
Chris T.:and Quagg hurries 25' after her.
Hide action
Against the south wall
(Hisd dark vision seems unable to give him a clear picture...)
Simon N. (GM):Kobold to right of Rip slings a stone
miss pathetically
#22 kobold turn
Kobolds to right are Readying slingshots
Kobold in front slings at Rip
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
5/2 rage = 2 dmg
#17 Rip
Riptear:this is going to hurt
Rip turns the corner
1 hit
1 dmg :)
Riptear:He runs up between them and attack one
tap & hold on target
Riptear:rolling 1d20+5
Simon N. (GM):diced kobold!
Riptear:He turns to the other Kobolds with an evil gran
end turn
Simon N. (GM):Den swings his pickaxe
Chris T.:I liked gran better :D
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8+2
#3 Qiviel
Qiviel:She moves in and readies an attack with her sword if anything comes near since she doesn't have quite enough distance
Simon N. (GM):Quagg your PP is 14? On a 14+ you hear a sound behind you like flapping wings...
Chris T.:Quagg holds his position, keeping an eye on the passage to the south east just in case anything comes behind us. He will use his reaction to shoot them if they do. Done
fromthe SE?
He intends a surprise bow shot if possible?
(He was hidden on an 18?)
Simon N. (GM):yup you can shoot the Winged Kobold w advtg as it flaps round the corner
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+5
Riptear:ooc A winged Kolbold O.o
Simon N. (GM):ac 13 - miss - it sqawks a warning!
Rip's last enemy Disengages so no opp att & falls back
Riptear:Rip gives chase (he really hasn't learnt anythiong by now)
Riptear:i think thats my max move
Simon N. (GM):you can reach it w 30' move
as it moved 30'
& you were beside it
Riptear:rolling 1d12+5
Simon N. (GM):2 kobolds launch Readied slingshots
AC 19 & 16 but they have advtg
17 & 19 - 1 hit
2 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Rip's axe connects - roll dmg
Riptear:slowly chipping away....
Simon N. (GM):Two kobold halves go flying back
#3 Qiviel
Rip on 5 hp BTW
Riptear:Tanking it like only a Half orc can :P
Qiviel:(hm, now I'm going to have to change my plan. I was going to go back and check on the noise and our littlest companion)
Riptear:Rip will be fine, he's not dead yet :P
Qiviel:"Don't run ahead, I need to check on Quagg then I'll catch up," she says
(oh for some reason I can't move Q's token now)
(ah, my bad! I sorted it)
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel hears the yipping sqawks of the winged kobold
Qiviel:She readies an action in case of attack
Simon N. (GM):A sword strike?
Chris T.:Quagg once more tries a shot from his bow. He's starting to wonder if one of his pranking kinsman have replaced his arrows with rubber ones..
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+5
Chris T.:cutting it fine..
Simon N. (GM):no sneak though
Simon N. (GM):urk it staggers (on 1 hp)
Chris T.:he moves back 25' (towardsQ) done
Simon N. (GM):#22 2 kobolds sling stones at Rip
1 hit
1 dmg
Simon N. (GM):Then they fall back
Simon N. (GM):Winged kobolds flap round the corner then stop, as if waiting for something...
Their wings flap noisily. They scowl at Quagg & Qiviel, yipping angrily.
Quite a breeze in the tunnel. #17 Rip
Riptear:Rip turns and realises the others are gone
"Den pull back!
He double moves towards the entrance
end turn
#6 Den
#3 Qiviel
GM: the wounded kobold took Dodge action
the one in front not
Simon N. (GM):9 is a miss
AC 13
#23 Quagg. Quite a breeze here, your hair ruffles, seems like the flapping of the kobolds is v strong...
In fact you can hear flapping, only right behind you?!
Chris T.:Can Quagg fit in bweside Qiviel as he's size S?
Simon N. (GM):you'd still be Squeezing
so disad on attack
Chris T.:Okay, no worries,he turns to search for the source of the flapping. Swapping bow forswordand dagger.Done
Simon N. (GM):roll perception
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+4
Simon N. (GM):Something small is flapping in the air above Rip's head.
Simon N. (GM):A hideous little Demon Imp appears above Rip as it drives its poison tail stinger at the back of his neck (advtg)
Simon N. (GM):got a 17 - hit
3 piercing
and poison save DC 11
Riptear:1hp, still standing:P
Simon N. (GM):CON save please yup
thats me down
Half Orc thingie to 1HP?
Simon N. (GM):fail. If I roll 16+ on poison damage you are killed instantly.
Riptear:Self inflicted running so far ahead :(
Riptear:so i'm dead? joy. grabbing food, sec
Simon N. (GM):The stinher hits an artery, pumping poison into Rip's bloodstream for maximum damage... he keels over dead (first dead PC in this campaign).
Chris T.:relentless endurance?
Simon N. (GM):only works if not insta killed afaik
Simon N. (GM):>>Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.<<
Simon N. (GM):Imp: "Their leader has fallen! Onward, my brothers! To VICTORY!"
Qiviel:Would RE not have kicked in when he hit 0 therefore brining him back to 1 then when stung, it wouldn't be insta-kill?
Just checking because I don't know how it works :)
Simon N. (GM):(no Keelia, he was on 1 hp then took 18 dmg so killed outright) Winged kobold flaps over Qiviel & both attack her
Simon N. (GM):they have advtg for Pack Tactics
24 & 16 - 1 hit
7 dmg!
Riptear:relentless endurence when reducd to 0 hp instead goest o 1 hp
Qiviel:Divine Favor
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Until the spell ends, your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit.
Simon N. (GM):Relentless Endurance:
When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
Qiviel:Sorry, wrong area of sheet - was trying to look at my spells
Simon N. (GM):#6 Den curses and swings his pick at the demon imp
#3 Qiviel
Qiviel:She'll attack the nearest one
which one?
wounded one best?
Qiviel:The one at the top of the sceen? Is that the wounded one?
Simon N. (GM):then Quagg can att the other
it drops
#23 Quagg
Chris T.:Can Quagg see the imp?
Simon N. (GM):yup, but he'd have to jump to reach it - disad on melee I guess
or athletics DC 12
Chris T.:Acrobatics to avoid disadvantage?
run up wall DC 12
Chris T.:and Den is within 5'of the imp?
Chris T.:Cool. Acrobatics first
Simon N. (GM):you can attack but w disad so no sneak dmg
Chris T.:okay,worth a try
sword first
Simon N. (GM):AC 13, both blades
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kl1 +5
dagger as a bonus action
3 piercing. Done
Simon N. (GM):it has resistance so 1 dmg :)
Chris T.:This should be an interesting fight :)
Simon N. (GM):Imp: "Pathetic Gnome! Who can save you now?!"
Ming the MercilImp!
Riptear:Sorry for playing the reckless barbaian, guys :(
Chris T.:Played it well, James.. Can't help 18 on 3d6 :(
Simon N. (GM):The outraged Imp flies down to attack Quagg with its deadly stinger
Qiviel:(Barbarians = reckless, it's fact of life )
Riptear:I did split the party really badly so its my fault
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
Simon N. (GM):Imps are supposedly Challenge 1 BTW
Simon N. (GM):Nit OP I think
4 piercing
(or -5)
Simon N. (GM):6 - 11 poison = -5, so alive at 0 yup
Winged kobold attacks Quiviel
Den: "Silver... these things fear silver!" draws sock full of silver
attacks with sock
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+4
5 dmg
The imp staggers. "Agh! You pay for that!"
Qiviel:(HA! I saw a comic that was exactly that a few days ago! Sock full of silver LOL)
Simon N. (GM):He is the owner of a silver mine, so seemed reasonable when he saw Quagg's dagger resisted
#3 Qiviel
Your Radiant dmg would do full vs the Imp btw
(you could duck under the kobold w/out an opp att as not leaving threat range)
Qiviel:Is the Imp within range?
Simon N. (GM):yes if you duck under kobold and stand over Quagg
Qiviel:Yes, will duck out and attack Imp (quagg luckily is small enough to stand over without stepping on) and she'll whack the Imp and use Divine Smite
Riptear:Rip's ghost floats over your shoulder: "kill the Imp, Avaenger us!"
Simon N. (GM):10 is a miss :(
Good effort,Keelia
Simon N. (GM):#23 Quagg death save
Qiviel:(Dice have not favoured me recently)
Simon N. (GM):Your Smite is not expended Q
Simon N. (GM):Quagg slips nearer death.
Qiviel:(awesome then will call forth the holy powers on the next move)
Simon N. (GM):Winged kobold attacks Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):rolling d4+3
Q on 8/20
Imp attacks Den
Simon N. (GM):Den: "GRR!"
The sock connects!
:-( 1 hp left!
Killit Qiviel!
Simon N. (GM):The imp shakes its little fist. "You may have won this one miner, but the world shall hear of me again!"
Simon N. (GM):#3 Qiviel - the Imp is starting to fade from view again...
Simon N. (GM):Q swings, misses again!
Qiviel:(I swear, the dice gods are not happy. I can't even put them in time out!)
Simon N. (GM):#23 Quagg death save
The Imp turns Invisible & buggers off
The last kobold Disengages and flaps away
Den drops to one knee and tries to stabilise Quagg
Qiviel:Q bends down Lays Her Hands on Quagg
She gives him 5 hp
5/10HP "Urgghhh what bit me?"
"Oh no?! Rip's dead?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Is Q healing herself too?
Riptear:I was just asking for this naming him Rip :P
Qiviel:Yes, she'll use the other 5hp of Lay on Hands herself
Riptear:No looting my corpse :P
Simon N. (GM):Den: "So, reckon you got most of 'em... but the demon bugger's still out there. What now?"
Chris T.:As if we would....
Qiviel:She goes to check Rip's body to see if there is any way to save him.
Simon N. (GM):Rip looks very dead, and has turned a nasty greenish colour.
"I think Rip would want us to continue?"
Qiviel:"Keep an eye out for now," she says to Dan. "The Imp will come back but not in the near future. When you suspect it has returned, send word to me."
Simon N. (GM):The demon imp poison seems to have partially liquefied his insides. green ichor drips from his eyeballs
Qiviel:"I will find a silver sword specifically for it."
Riptear:did you really need to rub it in that much smn?
Simon N. (GM):Den: "Still ain't safe here with that thing about - it took out your two men with one sting each."
Den nods. "Then I'll pay ye once ye've killed it. And the rest of the kobolds."
Chris T.:"We can at least rid you of the Kobolds? Without its minions it may choose to go elsewhere?"
Qiviel:"We'll retreat for the moment and regroup, see if our friend can be resurrected or not first."
Chris T.:"Resurrected? He's melting out of his own eyeballs..."
Simon N. (GM):OOC: GM I need to stop shortly, are you retreating to Hommlet for a short overnight rest?
Qiviel:"Yes, I think a retreat is in order for the moment."
Chris T.:eek who'sthat red chap?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you take the muddy track back to Hommlet with Rip's body.
At the local Church of St Sollars Canon Terjon sadly informs you that nothing can be done for Rip, save for a good Ilmarite burial that will protect his soul from Myrkul's clawed embrace.
Chris T.:"Can we loot his corpsenow? Or is the memory of his loss still too painful, Qiviel?"
Chris T.:soz, It's the gnome in me :)
Simon N. (GM):Q & Q get 120 XP each
Qiviel:"I'll wrap his personal possessions and return them to his family when I return that way."
Chris T.:185+120 = 305 :)
2nd level
Riptear:Right so nothing for Rip and I have to roll a new level 1 right?
Simon N. (GM):OK if Quagg rests & trains (25 gp & 10 days) can reach 2nd level.
Chris T.:Are we waiting 10 days for Q to return Rip'sloin cloth to his clan?
Qiviel:If Quagg wants to wait at the Inn, Q will take RT's body back and return then they can have a look around for the Imp again?
Chris T.:Quagg has 87GP left so can affordtotrain.
Simon N. (GM):OK will be a long rest then + level up for Quagg. And James can bring in a new PC
Chris T.:Cool and Jame's new character can join us?
Qiviel:Q can pick him up on the road or they can meet him at the Inn
Chris T.:an exciting game! Soz foryour loss,James.
Qiviel:Great Game as usual Simon!
Chris T.:My halforc Warlock in the Sunday game has an Imp familiar. It'sproved deadlymore than once..
Simon N. (GM):Cheers guys. GM: Feel free to seek out NPC allies if you think you need them BTW - will affect XP tally of course.
Chris T.:Thanks for another good game. We play tomorrow?
Simon N. (GM):The first FA group fought an Imp too - killed Dawn the cute NPC wizard :\
Yup finale of Everflame tomorrow!
So back to Jack!
11 days earlier...
Chris T.:Who's will race past 3rd if he survives.
Qiviel:I'm not sure I'll be able to play before next Friday. I've got a crap work week this week.
Chris T.:What timetomorrowplease?
Simon N. (GM):No problem Keelia
6pm Chris
Chris T.:Sorry to hear that Keelia
Simon N. (GM):must go now
Qiviel:But James' new character could possibly play since it's 11 days in the past - could be how Q meets him
Chris T.:See youat 6PM tomorrow. G'night all
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