15/10: To Raganni's Tower, explore, kill mummy Raganni and cat priestess
16/10: Back to D'Ashe Hall (7am), to Moravin Friary
17/10: To Karvolia & the Red Mausoleum
XP 2nd session: 150 explore. Combat 4 skels 200 + 2 spectres 400 + pass ogre zombie 225 = 825/7= 117. Total 267 each.
Gorlock (Tony):We were going to head that way with some cow bits?
for the dragon?
Eamon (Bill):Eamon has officially payed for the construction of housing/farmsteads around the fort
how much is left?
Gorlock (Tony):there goes the treasury...
Eamon (Bill):1500gp of the allocated 2500gp is left
10 farmsteads are being built
Gorlock (Tony):do we get rent/tax
Eamon (Bill):which was the recommended amount
eventually but the houses haven't been built yet
they're paid for and under construction
Gorlock (Tony):bloody peasants
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):file your taxes you little peasants
Arian:this is why Eamon is managing them
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks a lot, Eamon!
Eamon (Bill):there's currently no peasants there that's why i'm building the houses
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Aha
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK so after spending the night at D'Ashe Manor/Festhall you head west along a forest trail towards the mountain peaks; bringing a haunch of beef from the manor kitchen.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Hummm Beef!
Simon N. (GM):rolling d8
Greeba (Jelena):I'm happily carrying the beef over my shoulder
Simon N. (GM):I can see your scribbles Max :)
Jelly:Sorry that was me!!
Arian:It wasn't Max this time ;-)
Jelly:I don't know how to undo it :-(
Arian:Jelly was practicing :-)
Jelly:I was trying to point at things and it didn't work.
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):As long as it's not a pentagram, I'm cool with it....
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
You pass by an abandoned farm, the roof caved in by a great weight
Jelly:Phil I'm sure Jelena will tell you the pentagram is actually a symbol of life :-)
Simon N. (GM):After 6 miles, about an hour, you pass the fortified dwarf hold of Torag's Hold
Arian:Who speaks draconic by the way?
Simon N. (GM):a small stockaded fort/village
Trystan:Hmmmm, a storm perhaps, or possibly the dragon?
Gorlock (Tony):No dragonborn this time
Wisteria of Skullspire:I speak it!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):I dont speak draconic but I do speak primordial
Gorlock (Tony):shall we investigate
Simon N. (GM):Another 4 miles on you reach a branch in the hill trail and take the north fork along the eastern slopes of Fang Mount
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):I also speak celestial
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
You can see the high peak of Fang Mount rising craggily above the treetops, but nothing interrupts your progress
Arian:So we made it past the dragon?
Greeba (Jelena):Well, if the dragon doesn't turn up, I'd ba happy with a BBQ
Arian:Might need it on the way back though...
Simon N. (GM):Around lunchtime you leave the treeline as you head over a high saddle between Fang Mount to the south and Troll Mount to the north.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Me too, that meat does look delicious, wasted on a scaly one!
Simon N. (GM):Whoever is in charge of navigation roll Survival - w advtg if anyone is helping
Gorlock (Tony):I'm helping
Gorlock (Tony):never mind
Arian:Arian doesn't want to be permanently in charge, but as an Outlander, she's happy to lead while traveling
Simon N. (GM):OK Arian nearly leads you up the wrong trail but Gorlock's helpful back seat driving points her right :D
Arian:That is too like real life, thank you very much
Gorlock (Tony):so true :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, thanks Arian. I am not very good with oreinteering so I will gladly let the most competent lead the way.
Simon N. (GM):You find the little used track leading up into an isolated and rather desolate mountain glen
Arian:"But please do any talking, Thibault!"
Gorlock (Tony):That's a big giant
Simon N. (GM):That afternoon as the sun begins to lower in the west you see ahead of you at the top of the glen a high three-sided tower rising against the skyline. A steep and narrow path winds up the bluffs to the north side of the tower.
Arian:"What a curious design for a tower!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Indeed!
Wisteria of Skullspire:(OOC I'm off voice chat for the moment as cooking). But still here!)
Arian:Do I see any tracks?
Xarius:I have +6 persuasion
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):if you need it
Gorlock (Tony):who are you persuading?
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):idk anyone we need to
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That is good to know.
Simon N. (GM):Arian you can roll Survival
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):i just wanted to say-
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We have a good batch of persuaders now!
Simon N. (GM):No sign of any tracks - you are pretty sure no one has been here recently
Arian:OOC I will Survive!
"It looks like it has been deserted for some time."
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC uh oh change of map = encounter?
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - I was told last week that I gave a masterclass in manipulation...
Arian:Shall we place our tokens on the road?
Gorlock (Tony):persuation by naother name
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC loving the music!
Simon N. (GM):If you are heading up to the tower place your tokens on the road north of the tower entry
Arian:I don't hear any music!
Greeba (Jelena):but north is south... ?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Kim it's on the jukebox playing, although sometimes doesn't work for me either........
Wisteria of Skullspire:It's a but temperemental
Simon N. (GM):The four-story tower has no visible windows or
entrances other than bronze double doors on the south
side. The walls are carved with magical glyphs and sigils,
which are inlaid with some mineral that glistens in the afternoon
Arian:OOC oh that's okay. I probably have a setting off somewhere
Gorlock (Tony):I have no game sound but do have Messenger sound
Just checked settings...weird
Arian:Can we examine the sigils?
Gorlock (Tony):knock knock
Simon N. (GM):sure, roll Arcana
Simon N. (GM):The glyphs prevent creatures outside the
tower from magically traveling into the tower. They
prevent spells such as dimension door, teleport, and
similar forms of magical travel. A creature that uses
such magic to attempt to enter the tower willl run into the
magical barrier, and take a lot of damage.
Gorlock (Tony):Interesting, messenger kills the music
knock, knock?
Arian:"Ah, Gorlock, I would not attempt Misty Step here."
Arian:Is Tiffany with us?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm, this place guards its secrets, it seems............
Gorlock (Tony):is there a way in for her?
Greeba (Jelena):"Shall I knock on the door with the hammer?"
Arian:"Not unless there is something on top of the tower, it seems."
Simon N. (GM):You don't see any Sprite gate
Arian:"As there are no windows."
Gorlock (Tony):knock knnock it seems
Arian:Can we examine the door?
Simon N. (GM):sure, move up to it & you can roll Arcana again
Simon N. (GM):Looks like a pair of bronze double doors... Wisteria senses they are under an
Arcane Lock.
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Mellon?
Arian:"Hm, unless we can guess the password, or someone knows "knock" I suppose we will need to break it."
Gorlock (Tony):anyone have dispell magic?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC aargh I almost took Knock when I levelled up :-(
Arian:"I do not, though I do have Heat Metal."
what is that 20?
Simon N. (GM):The doors remain shut
Arian:"Do we know anything of the wizard that dwelled here?"
Simon N. (GM):Roll History if you like
Arian:I've never heard of him...
Simon N. (GM):no you don't :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):History(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Wow I did better than someone
Simon N. (GM):Raganni. Xaarius & Thibault heard a rumour he was from Mulhorand
Arian:"Raganni the Great!"
Simon N. (GM):The door stays shut.
Arian:"It appears we will have to break in..."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):What kind of roof is it? Is it a spire or a flat roof?
Arian:"or, at least, attempt to."
Gorlock (Tony):shall we try smashing the door, I guess AC 25+...
Greeba (Jelena):"Happy to try!"
Simon N. (GM):It has a peaked triangular roof
Arian:Arian steps back so Greeba can have a go
Simon N. (GM):Greeba's hammer rings off the bronze doors
Trystan:Having had to flee several jealous lords' castles over the years, it seems to me there might be another way in?
Simon N. (GM):Making a tiny dent.
Greeba (Jelena):"Open, damn you!"
Trystan:Perhaps at the back of the castle?
Arian:Can I take a walk around the tower?
Arian:Looking for any cracks in the foundation or ways that it might be possible to climb?
Come back with knock
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):There is probably a secret passage but for all we know it could end up a mile away from here...
Arian:I don't suppose we can see the hinges?
Simon N. (GM):GM: There appear to be some small glass skylight windows high up on the roof. The walls are pretty smooth mortared yellow-grey stone.
Trystan:Glass can be broken, no?
Gorlock (Tony):can Tiff smash a window?
Arian:What if I shapeshifted into a giant spider and climbed up?
Simon N. (GM):The tower juts out over the bluffs so you can't walk round it.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The problem is to manage to climb up there...
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I can fly up there and look in the windows?"
Arian:Or, Greeba did dent the door. We could keep whacking on it for a while..
Gorlock (Tony):yes please Tiff
Greeba (Jelena):like this...
Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Target: The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding
Components: V, S, M (Mistletoe, a shamrock leaf, and a club or quarterstaff)
Duration: 1 minute
The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature’s power. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon’s damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn’t already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:You can't see the hinges.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:turns invisible and flies up Wisteria of Skullspire:I fear the spells will trigger if we break the door down. though.........
Arian:OOC if I was Dagny, I'd shape the stone and make a hole in the wall ;-)
Gorlock (Tony):are the windows big enough to fit through
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Mirabelle could help, pretty sure she has knock!
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:reappears "Well that was fun! I could see three rooms!"
"Anything of interest in them? How big are the windows?"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I think the one on the left was big enough to fit through! It's above a dining room."
Gorlock (Tony):anything to tie a rope to up there?
Arian:"I could try to turn into a Giant Wolf Spider?"
Greeba (Jelena):*At the mention of a dining room, Greeba starts thinking about cooking the beef"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"The one on the right is too little, it's over a bathroom. And there's one on the far side, I could see a big couch!"
Arian:Or just a Giant Spider
Wisteria of Skullspire:Good thinking, Arian.
Gorlock (Tony):yes Giant wolf spider, spin a web down for us
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"If you give me a looped rope I could hang it round the peak of the tower!"
Gorlock (Tony):here you go, all looped
"Should we tie two together?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I'm having flashbacks of the kenku!
yes tie together
Arian:Arian feels a sudden sense of dread and a shiver goes down her spine Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:It looks like you'll need
two ropes - it's about 60' up to the tower peak
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I get my rope too
Gorlock (Tony):we have mine and Arian's
Arian:"Will you be able to carry all that weight, Tiffany?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:brb
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:nods Arian:"Okay! Though I am happy to try out a new shape! I've often wondered what the world looks like through a spider's eyes."
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Tiffany takes the end of the rope and flies up to the tower top. Flying around she loops the rope around the tower's peaked spire, giving you a way to climb up. though the roof is very steep.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):8 times better! :-)
Arian:(And I've seen them, so I should be able to turn into one)
"Who's going first?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can go first!
Gorlock (Tony):spider first
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If I go first, I can drag people.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: The top floor is below where it says Third Floor, the skylight is the blue square around "12"
Arian:How many athletics checks will it take?
Greeba (Jelena):Is there a strength DC?
Simon N. (GM):You need +2 Athletics to climb up safely
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I have +3, I go!
Arian:I have +2 in Athletics
Or I can be a spider, but that would require Simon making a quick character sheet
Greeba (Jelena):With +6, can I carry someone? (if under +2)
Gorlock (Tony):I'm deadweight
Trystan:I am athletic in the bedroom, but elsewhere, alas........
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Trystan has +0 on Str
Simon N. (GM):Spiders can auto climb
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'll assist Gorlock if he wants to climb now?
Arian:Would we be able to haul anyone else up once someone is up there?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm, I'm not that used to climbing.....
Gorlock (Tony):yes please
Simon N. (GM):Greeba can piggyback someone
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Wisteria has +1
Trystan:*Trystan thinks it's his lucky day
Arian:Well, Simon, if you let me turn into a Giant Spider, I can web someone to Greeba's back
Or maybe construct a web sling that could be lifted up?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Thibault starts climbing.... 50' & a few minutes later he reaches the skylight and looks in
Greeba (Jelena):reluctantly dropping the side of beef OK, who needs a ride?
Trystan:OOC Simon can the ones who've reached the top pull the others up to help?
Trystan winks at Greeba.
Trystan:Trystan will gladly accept Greeba's offer :-)
Gorlock (Tony):upsydaisey
Wisteria of Skullspire:And Wisteria will smile sweetly at Thibault!
A table and matching chairs stand in the middle of the
room. An overstuffed couch sits against the wall near
a glowing circle, and a cabinet sits at the far
end of the table. A pair of tapestries cover the walls,
both featuring the same bald man with long,
Simon N. (GM):braided beard wearing a red and gold robe. In one, he
is battling a blue dragon. In the other, he stands with his arms around a beautiful woman. Her long, black
hair is held in place by a golden circlet that bears the
symbol of a cat head with a solar disk above it.
Gorlock (Tony):goldilocks
Arian:If we've got the required athletics, ok to join Thib?
Gorlock (Tony):are we all up now?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You clamber up onto the roof, looking into the room.
Gorlock (Tony):I've lost my token?
Greeba (Jelena):We can lift up Gorlock and the others
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm, an odd couple.........
Simon N. (GM):The glass looks like Greeba
's hammer could shatter it
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria makes a Religion check on the painting.
Trystan:Do I recognise that cat-woman? Hmmmmmm
Trystan:Trystan will make a History check
Gorlock (Tony):I was going to say, that's some scary glass
(Sorry he doesn't have history trained on the sheet but that seems crazy for a bard?)
Simon N. (GM):Greeba balances on the roof - a couple good swings and the glass shatters. raining down onto the dining table 8
8' below
Greeba (Jelena):"Yes, but I'm almost as tall"
Arian:"I wonder what that glowing circle is."
Gorlock (Tony):or lower the rope, less noise
Greeba (Jelena):dropping down on the table Simon N. (GM):Most of you are hanging on the rope
Wisteria of Skullspire:The less noise the better, who knows what arcane traps abound......
Greeba (Jelena):"Oh, I hope this is not another trap..."
Simon N. (GM):Greeba thunks lightly down onto the table
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Gorlock joins her
Trystan:As graceful as any elven dancer, beautiful Greeba!
Greeba (Jelena):OOC is the floor lava?
Trystan:OOC do we need to make a check to get down?
Greeba (Jelena):growls at Trystan in a flirty manner Trystan:Trystan growls back :-)
Catch me if you can! He flings himself toward Greeba.
Simon N. (GM):@Trystan the cat head symbol on the tapestry woman’s circlet
is the holy symbol of the Mulhorandi cat goddess Bastet.
Arian:OOC Max's PC locked up, so I'm moving him while he reloads
Simon N. (GM):One by one you drop through the skylight into the dining room.
Trystan:Ah, yes!! There is a wonderful ladies' establishment of the same name!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I try to reach the door and listen for any noise...
Simon N. (GM):There are a couple doors
Greeba (Jelena):what is the green orb thingy?
next to the sofa
Simon N. (GM):That's the glowy magic circle
Gorlock (Tony):Check out the greeny
Simon N. (GM):can roll Arcana
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'd like to listen to the door that is next tothe soa, please.
Gorlock (Tony):alrightythen
Trystan:Sorry I pressed that on Wisteria, so it's her check!
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria recognises it as a short range teleport circle
Wisteria of Skullspire:Out of the way, Trystan, you know precious little of magic!!
Simon N. (GM):Thibault can roll Perception
Gorlock (Tony):bottom, north door. Bets not to get teleported
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Perception(+2)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Simon N. (GM):Thib hears nothing
Gorlock (Tony):I wear my sunglasses at night...
Simon N. (GM):You only hear each other :)
Greeba (Jelena):Let's just go through...
Trystan:Sorry keep forgetting to swap my charas!
Arian:the door or the teleport?
bottom , next to Thib
Greeba (Jelena):the door! Greeba's not interested in magic circles
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think it best if we move on.....
Gorlock (Tony):avoid teleport
Simon N. (GM):Greeba opens the door... the undead wizard waiting by the door tries to grab her... ok everyone roll Init but you are Surprised by the waiting enemies
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Wisteria of Skullspire:12 for Trystan
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+2
That second one was on Xarius' sheet
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Arian:I thought Raganni was the wizard??
He's undead!
A giant, patterned rug lies near a leather couch and
teak end table. A table and a pair of chairs take up
one corner. A large bed fills an alcove, a bronze-bound
chest at its foot. An odd, lilting chant comes from near
the bed.
Greeba (Jelena):Hm, a chest...
Simon N. (GM)::) Greeba sees the feline woman from the portrait. She looks kinda angry
Coy Purr. Asenath purrs at one target within 20 feet, who
must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be
charmed for 1 minute. A charmed creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw
Simon N. (GM):is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
immune to Asenath’s Coy Purr for the next 24 hours.
Arian:OOC Perhaps we should apologise for breaking in ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):"Er, hey there! Don't be angry..."
Simon N. (GM):She purrs at Greeba - roll CHA save
Simon N. (GM):Greeba is Charmed.
Asenath: "Help me! Slay the intruders!"
Greeba (Jelena):"what's going on? Where did these kittens come from?"
Gorlock (Tony):The rest of us, remember who has Fey Ancestry
resistance to charm
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yep!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Greeba can roll save again, if she fails she decides to help the nice lady and her undead boyfriend
Can I yell at her (and give inspiration) to help her?
Arian:So she knows who her friends are
ah well, worth a shot
Simon N. (GM):Greeba shrugs it off
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I breathe again!
Greeba (Jelena):no more furballs in my head!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I was really thinking that Greeba would break me in two!
Simon N. (GM):The mummified wizard & the cat priestess are ready to attack
Eamon (Bill):i go towards the guy at the door and attack
dash ki point
Simon N. (GM):The dead wizard slams Eamon with its rotting fist. Eamon slashes it
Arian:OOC "rotting fist" ewwwww
Eamon (Bill):-MQbIZ-M5MvvfOiFhMtB|repeating_npcaction_-MQbIZOABe0M2rCwvXE4_npc_dmg
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 14 bludgeoning + 7 necroticIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10, 3d6, for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic
Eamon takes 21 dmg
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d10 + 4
Simon N. (GM):DC 12 CON save
Arian:OOC I'm guessing antitoxin wouldn't help?
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d20 + 1
Trystan:OOC Simon although Grave clerics do not routinely get Turn Undead, would Wisteria be an exception as a finger-bone of Myrkul?
Simon N. (GM):Eamon starts to rot
Simon N. (GM):mummy takes 4 dmg from non magic sword
Arian:"Don't let the mummy touch you!"
Simon N. (GM):Max you don't have line of sight on anyone from there
Xarius:whoops I cant hit him
Simon N. (GM):OK Xarous sets the mummy on fire
It takes 16 dmg before it can beat out the flames
Arian:Can I move through Greeba?
Simon N. (GM):You bash it w the magic club
Greeba (Jelena):Nice hit!
Arian:that's me done then
Trystan:Simon may Wisteria use Turn Undead? It seems to be a generic channel divinity power for all domains in the PHB/
Wisteria of Skullspire:Beginning at 2nd level?
Simon N. (GM):Yes "Channel Divinity
At 2nd Level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical Effects. You start with two such effects: Turn Undead and an Effect determined by your domain."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Great
Can I turn him from where I am?
Simon N. (GM):no, you need to climb back onto the table :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Lol ok!
Wisdom saving throw DC 13 please.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Grrrr!
Simon N. (GM):Raganni moans horribly, resists the Turn
Arian:Does Eamon need any healing?
Eamon cannot be healed
Gorlock (Tony):BA misty step
Arian:oh, at all? NOt until the curse is off?
Greeba (Jelena):Potions won't help either?
Gorlock (Tony):EB the mummy
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe the curse will stop if the mummy gets defeated?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I wonder what 'or other magic' means in relation to removing Eamon's curse? We must have a think.........the answer may be within these walls.
Trystan:Try not to worry, Eamon, I've had worse diseases in my time!
Trystan will Taunt the raggy mummy.
The bard can use a bonus action on its turn to target one creature within 30 feet of it. If the target can hear the bard, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of the bard’s next turn.
Trystan:And will cast Vicious Mockery as a double whammy.
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Arian:He's quite the charming mummy
Trystan:Blast these undead intelligencia!
End turn
Simon N. (GM):Asenath purrs coyly at Gorlock. "Aid me my love, and we shall be together!" DC 14 CHA save
Arian:OOC Does anyone have Cure Disease?
Trystan:Trystan has some promising looking cream that he swears by.
Simon N. (GM):Multiattack. Asenath uses her Coy Purr. She then makes
two feline strike attacks. If both attacks hit the same
target, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or take an extra 9 (2d8) slashing damage.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If it can cure trystan's diseases,... :-D
Simon N. (GM):Asenath slashes at Greeba with her cat clawed hands
Gorlock (Tony):tough critters these
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Feline Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
slashing damage.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ouchy
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d6+2d8+4
14 dmg & DC 14 CON save Arian
Arian:Was the second attack on me?
Simon N. (GM):I rolled dmg for both
Simon N. (GM):rolling 2d8
another 4 dmg
Arian:Hm, can I use inspiration for that?
Gorlock (Tony):confused, who got attacked?
Simon N. (GM):Arian on 13
sorry I meant Arian & typed Greeba :(
Arian:Oh, did Greeba not get clawed at all then?
Sorry, confused
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am in line of sight with the mummy for a Turn the Unholy?
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock has a glassy-eyed look
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK I do that then. DC14 to resist.
Asenath: "Pathetic creatures! Your gods can't save you now!"
Gorlock (Tony):why am I glassy eyed? I rolled a 25, had advantage
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That's ne done.
Greeba (Jelena):raging, with frenzy
on mummy
Simon N. (GM):oh bcause you're elfy
Simon N. (GM):You didn't say at the time AFAIK
Trystan:Most of us are elfy :-)
Gorlock (Tony):Sorry, I mentioned it for all of us
most are elfy
Simon N. (GM):You did not say "I save" or "made it" etc
Yeah I know
Simon N. (GM):Greeba hits mummy for 9
Gorlock (Tony):I can't wait to be in person :)
The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare and makes one attack with its rotting fist. The mummy targets one creature it can see within 60 ft. of it. If the target can see the mummy, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened until the end of the mummy's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies, but not mummy lords, for the next 24 hours. It glares at Greeba - DC 11 WIS save Greeba
It grabs for Arian
Greeba (Jelena):raises eyebrow OOC like Mrs Doyle in Father Ted
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 11 bludgeoning + 14 necroticIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10, 3d6, for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic
Misses Arian (12)
Eamon (Bill):i'm going to pray to my god to save me from my wretched wounds
Gorlock (Tony):fester fester fester rot rot rot
Eamon (Bill):i'll ready an attack if anyone comes near me with intent to harm
Simon N. (GM):Roll Religion Eamon
Wisteria of Skullspire:If you wish to convert to Myrkul, now is an optimal time...........
Simon N. (GM):Eamon has a vision of Prior Mordrin at Moravin Friary
Simon N. (GM):Smiling benevolently
Eamon (Bill):"i will stay steadfast in my faith"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Myrkul will welcome you, either way :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Hold on Sir Eamon! This is just a challenge to your faith, you will stay steady!"
Arian:How is the mummy looking?
Eamon (Bill):"i know i will not waver"
Gorlock (Tony):he fell into a burning ring of fire
Arian:I'd like to do Moonbeam and get the two of them
I think I can position it behind them
Evocation 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Target: A 5-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range
Components: V, S, M (Several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent feldspar)
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
A silvery beam of pale light shines down in a 5-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range. Until the spell ends, dim light fills the cylinder. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed in ghostly flames that cause searing pain, and it must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A shapechanger makes its saving throw with disadvantage. If it fails, it also instantly reverts to its original form and can’t assume a different form until it leaves the spell’s light. On each of your turns after you cast this spell, you can use an action to move the beam up to 60 feet in any direction.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd.
Simon N. (GM):Moonlight shines down. Asenath snarls
Arian:And I'd like to do a bonus action healing on myself
Simon N. (GM):well you can't do 2 spells in 1 turn
unless 1 is cantrip
Arian:oh yeah! nvm, it's a level 1
Gorlock (Tony):do you do 2d10?
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A creature you touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Cure wounds on Arian.
Arian:It goes on their turn
Simon N. (GM):um you takw 2 opp atts Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8+3
Simon N. (GM):as you go through the door
Damage: 12 + 7 bludgeoning + 15 + 14 necroticIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10, 3d6, for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic
Wisteria of Skullspire:But didn't I go round the back?
Gorlock (Tony):missed the door
Greeba (Jelena):on the other side of me?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry I didn't see the wall ,eyesight not so good :-(
Simon N. (GM):I'm not sure what you mean by round the back
Wisteria of Skullspire:That's Ok it's my mistake so I'll take the hit!
Simon N. (GM):The mummy did 19+29= 48 dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh dear so dead dead :-(
Greeba (Jelena):"Nooooooo!"
Arian wails "No! The healing wasn't worth it!"
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
Asenath missed
Arian:bares teeth at mummy Simon N. (GM):You didn't even get healed Arian
Wisteria of Skullspire:31 HP - 48 +?
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria is on 0 & dying
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh phew, thought I was fully toast.
Simon N. (GM):Also DC 12 CON save Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:Silver lining at least!
Simon N. (GM):at least you're not rotting
Arian:OOC Well, we know where our next stop is gonna be
Wisteria of Skullspire:Myrkul looks after his own ;-)
Gorlock (Tony):BA healing light on Wisteria
EB on cat woman
Simon N. (GM):W awakes on 3 hp
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 - hit for 12
Gorlock (Tony):move far away
Simon N. (GM):"I'll get you next!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Healing Word on Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Simon N. (GM):you can't see W
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry I keep not seeing that bloody grey line!
Simon N. (GM):try moving onto the couch
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff! I need you to annoy her
Arian:Asenath's about to have to save against the moonbeam at least
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can I cast it on Arian instead?
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Trystan:7HP back Arian, and a blown kiss from Trystan!
Simon N. (GM):Asenath CON save vs Moonbeam
Arian:I forget, did it roll the 2d10 already ?
Simon N. (GM):no roll now
Radiant damage, so I hope her evil soul feels all sparkly
Simon N. (GM):Asenath Coy Purrs at Thibault (save vs Charm, advtg DC 14 CHA)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Charisma Save(+6)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Say whaaat?
Greeba (Jelena):good job!
Simon N. (GM):She heads for Gorlock giving Greeba & Arian opp atts
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Girl power!
Simon N. (GM):24 dmg between you, well done :)
She leaps at Gorlock...
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+5
1 hit
Arian:He only likes to be leapt upon when he wants to be
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):No means no!
Simon N. (GM):rolling 1d6+1d8+2
scratch for 10
Trystan:Hashtag NotAllCats
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Can I attack the mummy with my sword?
Simon N. (GM):yup it has +2 AC from door
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
The shining sword slashes its bindings
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Longsword, +1
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Magic weapon!
Full dmg, please! ;-)
and frenzy
Simon N. (GM):It breaks apart
Greeba (Jelena):oh, so can I move to the cat lady?
Gorlock (Tony):does the curse end?
Greeba (Jelena):for frenzy purposes
Simon N. (GM):Hit for 15!
Arian:Greeba is very, very angry now
Greeba (Jelena):Rage power!
Gorlock (Tony):You won't like her when she is angry
Trystan:You've smashed the cat into kibble!
Simon N. (GM):move to LOS
Xarius:sorry I just automatically roll damage every turn sometimes I just forget we killed something
Gorlock (Tony):Is she slowing down or still spritely?
Simon N. (GM):She's looking pretty battered
She seems a bit crazy :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I get up and cast Cure Wounds on myself.
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A creature you touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
At 2nd level
Gorlock (Tony):kill the witch heal later...
Simon N. (GM):roll hp pls
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 2d8+3
Gorlock (Tony):Persuade the cat woman to stop and heal Eamon or die
Simon N. (GM):Roll Intimidate Gorlock
they are the same
Simon N. (GM):DC 17 so fail
Wisteria of Skullspire:Trystan will attempt to beat Asenath at her own game, and charm the pants off her!
Gorlock (Tony):hang on BA misty step
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Charm Person
Enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Target: A humanoid you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Gorlock (Tony):never mind
Simon N. (GM):WIS save Asenath
Trystan:Well, I shouldn't be throwing my pearls at swine, anyway........
Simon N. (GM):Asenath casts Hold Person on Greeba Trystan & Xarius
DC 14 WIS save Greeba Trystan & Xarius
Simon N. (GM):Greeba is paralysed
Trystan:No lady can hold me for long, I'm afraid my dear........
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Trystan:Come, my attractive brother in arms! Let us smite this vicious harridan!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am too far for normal move so I will dash to her
I'm convinced now that we're related........
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Quick is my middle name between the witresses at the inn.
Simon N. (GM):Greeba's Rage ends, she takes a level of Exhaustion due to Frenzy
tough foes
Simon N. (GM):No but DC 14 WIS save at end of turn to end Hold Person
Greeba (Jelena):Is there anything I can do before the end of turn?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):WOOO!
Eamon (Bill):i'll stay vigilant and avoid damage cause i know i can't be brought back by healing if i am removed from combat forcefully
Ok no wild magic
thats it for me
Gorlock (Tony):fried kitty
Arian:whack-a-doodle on the cat lady
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Wisteria of Skullspire:I mean, yes!
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d12
Simon N. (GM):Asenath screams, blood bubbling from her mouth (on 1 hp)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Muahahahhahah! Myrkul will have you, little pussy cat!
Simon N. (GM):miss (also you had disad)
"Trystan, you can do it!"
Gorlock (Tony):BA misty step
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+6
Trystan:I tell Asenath that if she were the only girl in teh world.....I still wouldn't!
Simon N. (GM):Asenath dies of shame
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
I can't help but laugh while she dies
Arian:That was truly some vicious mockery
Greeba (Jelena):What's in the chest?
Arian:lol Greeba has a one track mind
Trystan:Even with magic, she couldn't charm any of us, she's that unatttractive, no?
Arian:I will search the body
Trystan:What a horrible woman! And I don't think I've ever uttered that phrase before........
Greeba (Jelena):Always interested in loot, as I cannot heal anyone
Simon N. (GM):She had some skimpy Luis Royo style armour (as chain shirt) and a Bastet holy symbol on her
Wisteria of Skullspire:I would be interested in that holy symbol..........
Simon N. (GM):Greeba opens the chest - it holds silk clothes m & f, silk sheets, and several coin pouches
Arian:How about Mr. Mummy?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oooh and the silk clothes, how luxurious.....
Greeba (Jelena):also a silk negligee is a secret wish
Trystan:Did someone say silk clothes and sheets?? Let me through!
Simon N. (GM):The undead wizard has largely disintegrated into foul black goop & ragged bandages
There are luxurious m & f clothes
Wisteria of Skullspire:Undeath is truly vile........
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh a bit sad for the wizard and who he used to be... :-(
Arian:"Well, if nothing else, we may perhaps want to take some rugs or other furnishings..."
Gorlock (Tony):Finery, yes please
Wisteria of Skullspire:Greeba and Trystan start burrowing through like mums at a jumble sale Arian:(I'd like to take the rug; Shaggy would like it) ;-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Any coins left in the fold of the sofa? :-D
Arian:What was in the coin pouches?
Simon N. (GM):Greeba finds a pink silk negligee :)
Arian:"Eamon, how are you feeling?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Pink and green! Suits you maaam!
Trystan:I bet you'd look gorgeous in that Greeba! And out of it ;-)
Simon N. (GM):The pouches hold 750 gp. in coin
Greeba (Jelena):stuffs negligee in backpack Gorlock (Tony):I quietly don the Luis Royo gear
Greeba (Jelena):what about the tapestries, are they valuable?
Arian:G -- it was a chair shirt, can you wear that?
Eamon (Bill):"extremely not well"
Arian:"Let us hurry -- how far is it to the Priory?"
Gorlock (Tony):fest fester fester rot rot rot
Trystan:Simon does Trystan find a nice silk shirt or two for himself by any chance?
Arian:(OOC can we take the rug for the fort?)
Trystan:OOC Yikes that long link shocked me! For a second i thought we were in a Call of Chthulu game!
Simon N. (GM):I can't see you getting the rug out the skylight easily
Gorlock (Tony):what about the rest of the tower
Arian:Are we going out the way we came?
Gorlock (Tony):teleport spell...
Greeba (Jelena):CAn anyone of the spellcasters check where the teleportation ends?
Arian:Can Tiff go invisible and go through teleport?
And see where it goes to?
Gorlock (Tony):Tiff, do you mind trying it out? It could be oogy
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Er, I guess so"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If she is not too happy, I can try , I'm at full health.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Worse case I get crumply-dumply, right..."
uncertainly Arian:carefully hands Eamon a bit of tea cake but from far enough away that she doesn't touch any rotting bits
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will drink a healing potion
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Steps into circle & vanishes
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:reappears Wisteria of Skullspire:Unless can get some healing please?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Who needs ealing? Wisteria?
Arian:I'm at 20 out of 31
Gorlock (Tony):you are back
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes please!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Components: V, S
Cure Wounds
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thank you!
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Just a room with four doors... magic light"
Gorlock (Tony):did you loop the loop?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Anybody else needing a couple of points to get to max?
Greeba (Jelena):Short rest? How long can Eamon hold?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Will we short rest here or everyone happy to crack on?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can top up just the right amount of HPs
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:GM: You can Short Rest
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d8
Arian:oooh 10 back for me
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d8
Arian:It won't let me edit it, Simon -- do you have to?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Gorlock, I heal you the last point you need!
Eamon (Bill):"i'm going to have to attempt to a place of cureing otherwise i fear i may die and wither to dust"
Simon N. (GM):Eamon has 24 hours b4 he loses another 3d6 hp
Damage: 12 bludgeoning + 8 necroticIf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10, 3d6, for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic
Greeba (Jelena):Let us go to heal brother Eamon!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Do not worry, Eamon, Myrkul and I will watch over you and get you to a temple as quickly as possible.
Arian:How long is it to get to the Priory? I know we passed it
Would antitoxin help him at all by staving off the effects?
Greeba (Jelena):Is the Nun's place closer?
Eamon (Bill):"unless any of you can remove curses i must go to the priory"
Arian:I think I've heard that there's a gem that can halt the rot, though not sure it...
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'm afraid not at this stage in my training.......
Simon N. (GM):Most of a day's ride
Eamon (Bill):the priorys about 60 miles by road
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, let's be hasty then!
Gorlock (Tony):shouold some stay to defend?
Greeba (Jelena):Let's go then, and return to the tower later to search it fully
Arian:Can Thib do a detect to see if there's any further evil about or would it just do this floor?
Simon N. (GM):58 miles I count
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC could perhaps Wisteria escort Eamon there and the rest of us stay here and explore?
Simon N. (GM):It's getting dark now
Wisteria of Skullspire:Or is that a crazy plan?
Simon N. (GM):seems fairly crazy :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria isn't the most hinged of folk....:-)
Simon N. (GM):5 min break
Arian:We can always come back. I imagine they were the big bads?
"Eamon, do you know if there are any closer temples or is that our best bet?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, I'd like to detect evil downstairs...
Wisteria of Skullspire:The Abbey of St Cecila, perhaps?
Eamon (Bill):"not that i remember"
Simon N. (GM):Thibault detects strong evil emanating up from below
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):So yeah, we're going through the top...
Arian:"Another day, another undead. We must get Eamon to help."
Gorlock (Tony):down's easier than up
Greeba (Jelena):As it's 24 hrs Eamon has, and the Abbey is not that far, don't we have time to clear this place first?
Gorlock (Tony):It is a full day to get there
Eamon (Bill):"i am unable to be healed and i am weak i'll surely die"
Simon N. (GM):You have tonight, who needs tomorrow...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We are no even sure we can get out from the main door once we are down
Arian:I guess that's the question -- what is the latest we can leave?
Did Tiffany have any sense what floor she was on when she came out in the teleport?
Eamon (Bill):"i would personally like to leave immediatly"
Simon N. (GM):If you leave at dawn w the horses rested overnight you should get there in time if you push it
Eamon (Bill):"if you do not want to accompany me i ask you to at least help me get down"
Simon N. (GM):You won't get too far tonight, maybe to one of the nearby mining camps
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Eamon, I will get you out and accompany you.
Gorlock (Tony):In the morning
Arian:If the evil is that great down below, we'll need all of us to fight it, won't we?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We need to get out tonight to take care of the gorses.
Gorlock (Tony):Come on folks, clear the building
Eamon (Bill):"thank you and if i can not ride properly at night i atleast need a place to sleep"
"that isn't a stone floor"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We should camp at night outside and get out in the morning.
Eamon (Bill):"that sounds like a good idea"
Wisteria of Skullspire:There's the bed in the corner.........
Greeba (Jelena):"Sleep in the sorceress' bed?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We need to take care of the horses outside: if they die, Eamon is dead!
Eamon (Bill):"correct and i'm the one who knows where the fort funds are and made the deal with the builders"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I grab Eamon to support him out of the window.
Eamon (Bill):"it's diadvisable to let me die"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Never fear Eamon, Myrkul does not have need of you just yet.
Eamon (Bill):no i got it right the first time
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Double negative!
Wisteria of Skullspire:inadvisadle
Simon N. (GM):GM: So you plan to climb up out the window, back down the rope, camp in the valley?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, with the horses so they don't get attacked or at least we can defend them. I will guard the camp.
Wisteria of Skullspire:I don't see why we can't stay here, with all this perfectly good furniture.....
Gorlock (Tony):so our brave adventurers....leave
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, do I know if the horses are safe there without us?
Simon N. (GM):they could be in danger
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, so yes. You guys sleep in the tower, but I'll stand guard with the horses tonight.
Greeba (Jelena):Are we breaking the group, or are we all leaving ad coming back later?
I'd be happy to ride overnight
Gorlock (Tony):I can't imagine staying here alone
Wisteria of Skullspire:If we can see well enough and the road isn't treacherous, perhaps that is the best idea Greeba.
Gorlock (Tony):away we go. 1xp
The yellow party
Eamon (Bill):"aren't you supposed to be a celestial warlock"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Bill if you're happy to shall we just clear the rest of this tower and then get help?
Gorlock (Tony):we have time to save you and stop being so wimpish
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC it seems like we do have a bit of time/lee way
Greeba (Jelena):"maybe we clear the tower quickly and then go with Eamon"
Eamon (Bill):if anything attacks me i'll certainly die i'd rather get somewhere safe first
Gorlock (Tony):find some loot, fill the coffers, save Eamon
Greeba (Jelena):OOC can I go around the teleporting circle?
Wisteria of Skullspire:This room seems safe now?
Greeba (Jelena):to get to the other door
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am happy clearing the twoer quickly but we have no guarantee the main door will open, so we might have to come by the top anyway.
Simon N. (GM):yes you can step round the circle
Greeba (Jelena):OK, we'll come back up then
readying my hammer
opening the door]
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I open the door...
Greeba (Jelena):That's not the staircase!
Eamon (Bill):"i'm going to wait in the bed"
Arian:It must be just the teleports to get around the tower
Simon N. (GM):13. BATHROOM
A large copper tub sits on a raised dais, taking up
most of this room. A shelf on one wall contains
various bathing implements. One corner of the room
is curtained off.
The shelf holds various soaps, oils, sponges, brushes,
Simon N. (GM):and towels.
Greeba (Jelena):"yes, brother Eamon, rest and conserve your strength"
Simon N. (GM):A privy sits behind the curtain.
Arian:Arian eyes the bath stuffs (do I have time to grab them?)
Gorlock (Tony):So...Tiff somewhere else
Greeba (Jelena):"A nice horn brush? I won't say no"
Arian:We'll have to take the teleport
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The teleport circle was really their safety gate
Simon N. (GM):You may grab unguents Arian
Arian:gathers the lovely smelling bath stuffs Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Could there be an ungent for Eamon in there?
Gorlock (Tony):very safe room, no way in but teleport
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):yep
Arian:Can I use herbalism to examine them and see if there would be anything useful?
for Eamon?
sorry did wis
hang on
Wisteria of Skullspire:brb
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We can all teleport together as the destination is safe.
Simon N. (GM):You can make him nice & clean & well scented but you won't stop mummy rot; it is not a natural disease
Arian:Ok, worth a shot ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):OK, teleport it is!
Xarius:yay my roll20 is back
Simon N. (GM):GM: 4 of you can squeeze onto the teleport circle at a time
Greeba (Jelena):I'm in the first group
Greeba (Jelena):Thibault too
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes I'll go with group 1
Arian:I'll go with Xarius, and Trystan
in group 2
Gorlock (Tony):Bowels of dispair
dum dum dum duuuum
Simon N. (GM):You 4 & Tiff arrive in a cramped room with doors on each wall
Greeba (Jelena):hammer readied Simon N. (GM):(to upper right)
Gorlock (Tony):eeny meeny miny mo
Greeba (Jelena):Can Thib check for evil?
This small room is empty save for the teleportation
circle at its center. Each of the four walls contains a
wooden door.
A single continual flame illuminates the room.
Arian:Can we fit in there?
Greeba (Jelena):If not, I open the door between Thib and me
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmmm........
Wisteria will do an Arcana check
Simon N. (GM):Greeba gets a door open
Wisteria of Skullspire:Crit arcana check on the flame for Wisteria please.
Simon N. (GM):9. TROPHY ROOM
A number of pedestals stand in this room, each
holding an unusual object. Shelves and glass-fronted
display cases around the room hold a variety of items.
The head of a blue dragon is mounted on one wall, its
mouth open wide. A suit of full plate armor stands in
Simon N. (GM):one corner. One wall is covered by a tapestry depicting
a bald man with a long, braided beard wearing a red
and gold robe. He stands on a hill of skulls, holding a
staff over his head.
Greeba (Jelena):Trophies? Good.
Simon N. (GM):It's a magical illumination Wisteria
Arian:Hmmm, what's that armor?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Impressive!
Gorlock (Tony):Cast light on a piece of kindling and pass to Tiff.
Can you scout around and find a way
Simon N. (GM):The armour turns to look at you.
Wisteria of Skullspire:This Raggy was definitely more admirable in life than in his foul undeath.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OOOPS!
Greeba (Jelena):waving warhammer at the armour Arian:curtsies politely to the armour Simon N. (GM):It's not moving towards you, but it seems to be regarding you.
Greeba (Jelena):Shall we check out the other rooms and collect the loot after?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yep
Gorlock (Tony):Back away from the armour
Greeba (Jelena):I want to see the shelves, but it can wait
Arian:Shall we open another door and close this one?
Gorlock (Tony):yes please
Greeba (Jelena):Next one, up
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):It's like a rugby scrum in there!
Greeba (Jelena):also readied weapon
Simon N. (GM):Greeba tries the top door. There's an ominous click...
Arian:ready to jump back into teleport Simon N. (GM):Then the entire door slams out and smashes you into the far wall
Simon N. (GM):rolling 4d10
You all take 22 bludgeoning damage
Greeba (Jelena):some were not behind the door?
Arian:well, good thing I'd rolled a hit die
Simon N. (GM):You all seem to be squeezed into the room in front of the door
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will drink her health potion
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, my friends, it looks like this whole floor is just a bunch of traps aimed at protecting the penthouse of the wizsard. Let's not waste our time here.
Greeba (Jelena):is the room now open?
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 2d4+2
Simon N. (GM):Before the trap resets you can see it's just a blank wall behind it with springs holding the door. GM: Feeling tired so will stop there tonight & let yousort out your hp for next time
Gorlock (Tony):cure wounds on self
5HealingHigher Level Cast
Greeba (Jelena):OK, thanks Simon (short rest for hit dice?)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Trystan forgot to do Song of Rest during the last short rest
Simon N. (GM):could you all deduct the 22 hp
Wisteria of Skullspire:The bard can perform a song while taking a short rest. Any ally who hears the song regains an extra 1d6 hit points if it spends any Hit Dice to regain hit points at the end of that rest. The bard can confer this benefit on itself as well.
Simon N. (GM):You all get a ping in your heads asking if you want to go up or down
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Done. Thanks Simon! Great old scholl dungeon! Love it!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Extra 3HP for anyone who used hit die last short rest.
or down
Wisteria of Skullspire:And thanks Simon for another great game, lots of fun and games this week!
Simon N. (GM):OK you are teleported back upstairs where you may rest/short rest
Gorlock (Tony):ok cure wounds first then rest
Wisteria of Skullspire:Second song of rest
Gorlock (Tony):3HealingHigher Level Cast
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8
Simon N. (GM):cheers everyone :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8
Gorlock (Tony):I'm back to full hp
Wisteria of Skullspire:2 off, just because of terrible hit dice rolls :-(
oh geez
Gorlock (Tony):now will need to save Eamon
Wisteria of Skullspire:Bye everyone, see you next time!
Greeba (Jelena):I'm back to full, let's go take Eamon to be healed!
Bye all, see you next week!
Gorlock (Tony):night! Save Eamon!
Thanks Simon
Xarius:good night, have a good week
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Hit Dice
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Hit Dice
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Hit Dice
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):how is your day(s)
Arian:Hiya Maximus Totallis
Gorlock (Tony):So, we killed the bad guys, nearly died and now need to save Eamon, right
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):wait thats not grammatically correct
Jelly:Hi everyone! Finally connected!
Arian:It took me a while too
Gorlock (Tony):too many assets
Arian:Well, we got slammed by the door
Arian:But, yeah, need to go save Eamon
Jelly:Kim I can't remember what XP we're at now? Did we get any extra for the write-up?
Arian:Yep, he did 100 for it
I think his blog has the current totals
That says we're at 3895
Jelly:Oh great thank you!
Arian:Hiya Phil and Jelena!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good evening, good companions of adventure! :-)
Hopefully the session will be suitably dramatic tonight to match the storm!
Hi Simon!
Arian:Time to save Eamon!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes!
Poor Eamon is really needing us right now!
Gorlock (Tony):abseil down the walls?
Greeba (Jelena):Yes, I can carry Eamon
Jelly:Will the door front door work from the inside?
Arian:Is Bill coming tonight?
We'd have to fight our way down
Gorlock (Tony):not sure, we can't get to it can we?
Jelly:Oh yes forgot more baddies below!
Simon N. (GM):No Bill tonight
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-(
Gorlock (Tony):let Eamon die then :)
Arian:No, we're not gonna do that plllbbbtt
Jelly:I was just about to say, no-show players are always fair game if you're going old-school!
Greeba (Jelena):LOL, terrible!
Arian:How is everyone's health?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):You are the worst type of peeerson!
I am at full H
but, we really shouldn't let him die...
Arian:I am just a couple down and have only used one spell
Jelly:3HP off full for Wisteria.
Arian:No, we can't let him die
Greeba (Jelena):Let's take him to the monastery and come back again...
Arian:Simon, can I use my survival skill to check on the relative likelihood of it being ok to fight our way down... vs. abseiling?
Jelly:I think we need to either get back to the Priory or the Abbey?
Arian:The Priory, I think
Jelly:Not sure which is closer, can't remember?
Arian:He had a vision of the Priory, so likely we need to go there
Simon N. (GM):>>Arian:Simon, can I use my survival skill to check on the relative likelihood of it being ok to fight our way down... vs. abseiling?<< Not really, but you should be able to take the rope down again from the tower top.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I shall go first on my own to protect Greeba abseiling with Eamon
Arian:Let's strap Eamon to Greeba's back (after wrapping him in a sheet or something so he doesn't come into contact with her in case he's catching...)
GM: OK so you use the rope to climb down
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes please
Simon N. (GM):30 minutes later you are all assembled safely beneath the tower. A cold night wind blows down from the mountain peaks.
Arian:Do we still have the slab of beef just in case?
Greeba (Jelena):Our horses? Including mine carrying the side of beef
Simon N. (GM):It's well after dark. I take it the beef is with the horses.
Greeba (Jelena):I think we should travel at night, on the road, to get Eamon to safety asap
Simon N. (GM):You rendezvous with the horses where you left them a little down the valley.
Gorlock (Tony):agreed, away we go
Arian:I give Shirley a carrot
(my horse)
Simon N. (GM):It's a mostly clear cold night with a good bit of moonlight, you can walk the horses fairly safely though they are still quite tired from the day's ride.
Arian:And check to see if she's feeling skittish or well
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Great!
Simon N. (GM):Shirley is a bit skittish but seems pleased to see you. :) You begin heading back down the narrow valley.
Arian:Arian would like to be on high alert as we travel at night
Jelly:OOC ah my fave tune!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):MY EARS
let em quickly turn down the volume
Greeba (Jelena):I have darkvision, but low PP
Arian:OOC Still no sound on mine. Sigh. But I'm getting it through the call. And I have Marley's atmospheric whines
Jelly:OOC awww Marley! I can't wait to see him again!! xxxx
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Loved the pic of Marley on FB. :-)
Arian:He's pretending he's a troll, I think. A hungry troll who wants pizza crust
Greeba (Jelena):OOC he was so cute on FB!
Jelly:OOC Kim have you got the messenger alert on? I remember Tony said that usually cancelled out the music for some reason?
Simon N. (GM):About 8 miles & 4 hours down the mountains later, you reach the main trail running west down to Hiddenglen and east over a saddle pass into Damara. A mining trail to the left leads up to William's Claim mine.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That sounds where a dragon could be living?
Greeba (Jelena):Never mind now, we have to save our monk
Arian:Well, we want to take the shortest (but safest) route to the Priory
Simon N. (GM):Keep heading east? It's not particularly safe or fast travelling at night & you'll take an Exhaustion level if you don't rest at some point.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes, better spend a few hours riding than half a day fighting and resting
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Let's find a safe campment place?
Trystan:Yes, the sooner we get to a warm, civilised place, the better!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, do we see anything that looks like a good place to sleep for a couple fo hours?
Arian:Can I use Nature or Survival to look?
Simon N. (GM):are about 22 miles from D'Ashe Manor, could be there late morning and get a few hours sleep there hopefully. Or you can camp in the lee of some rocks for a chilly night.
OK Arian roll Survival
Trystan:D'Ashe Manor sounds far more suitable!
Er, I thin D'Ashe sounds good
Gorlock (Tony):manor please
Greeba (Jelena):Everything seems to be pointing us to the mannor!
Simon N. (GM):Looks like staying up here in the cold is a death sentence!
Arian:"I don't like the feel of this place!"
Simon N. (GM):OK you head over the rocky bare saddle and down towards the forested eastern slopes.
At one point you think you glimpse something very large and white flying afar off in the moonlight, but it doesn't come in your direction and you reach the trees.
Trystan:OOC Marley sounds like he's rapping!
OOC it's very rhythmic!
Simon N. (GM):7 hours later as the sun is rising you and the horses (suffering 1 level of Exhaustion now) reach D'Ashe Manor/Festhall and are welcomed in.
Arian says a prayer of thanks to the Forest Father, for surely a diseased monk would be an easy meal for a dragon
Trystan:Ah, praise the gods! Wine and warmth at last!
Barbara D'Ashe:Lady D'Ashe invites you upstairs for breakfast. "How did your quest go?"
Greeba (Jelena):maybe somebody on site can heal Eamon... anyone suitably religious?
Arian:points to Eamon "Not well, I'm afraid."
Gorlock (Tony):Lady d'Ashe we are in need of a healer
Gorlock (Tony):our friend is dying
Arian:"Needs must we get him to someone who can cure him, unless you have any potent elixirs on hand."
Gorlock (Tony):he has been poisoned
or cursed
Barbara D'Ashe:"I'm afraid my Cleric is away at present."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-(
Barbara D'Ashe:"I don't think I can help you. You could try Prior Mordrin, or Abbess Mara."
Arian:"Then, we would like to take a quick rest and then we must be away. Which is closest?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Well, it was worth asking........Myrkul's embrace is near.....we should leave again as soon as we are able.
Gorlock (Tony):We need to get some rest and then we must rush to the priory
Greeba (Jelena):Maybe we can borrow your spare horses and let ours rest?
Trystan:Trystan looks crest-fallen. He was hoping to stay for second breakfast, at least!
Gorlock (Tony):we need to rest as well
Simon N. (GM):Greeba roll Persuasion.
Greeba (Jelena):My heart's not in it...
Simon N. (GM):You'll need 8 hours rest to dispel the Exhaustion level.
Arian:We don't have time right now though, right?
Gorlock (Tony):how long can he last?
Greeba (Jelena):it was 36 hrs, so how far are we?
Trystan:OOC I believe he loses 3d6 HP every 24 hours?
Barbara D'Ashe:"I'm sorry, the horses belong to Norrin and his Companions, not me. They can't be spared. But I can see your horses are rested and fed."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think we should push on through the exhaustion but it would be nice for our horses to be exchanged for fresh one. Lady d'Ashe, is ther e a suitable arrangement that would please you regarding the horses?
Barbara D'Ashe:His hp maximum goes down every 24 hours, he doesn't lose hp.
Gorlock (Tony):what's he at now?
exhaustion keeps stacking, anything could disturb us and it just gets worse
Simon N. (GM):5/26, tonight it goes to 5/16, tomorrow night 5/6, after that he dies.
Gorlock (Tony):we have time to rest
Arian:But once he's cured, he gets his HP max back? Yes?
Trystan:Agreed, we'll have a better chance of saving him rested.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Fair enough.
Greeba (Jelena):OK, 8 hours rest it is. Would that be enough for our horses too?
Gorlock (Tony):Lady, we are in desperate need of rest, can you spare some space?
Simon N. (GM):"Of course" GM: OK you & the horses rest 8 hours (Trystan is too tired even for nookie!), the horses are ok to press on at a reasonable pace.
Trystan:Trystan puts on his winning smile
yup, Trystan is out like a light
Gorlock (Tony):I can see the sparkle from here
Arian:"Next time, we hope to visit in better circumstances. Thank you, Lady D'Ashe."
Gorlock (Tony):Which way to the priory?
Simon N. (GM):"You are welcome." Lady D'Ashe directs you east to Egilmont, north to Blackraven & east from there to Moravin Priory,
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"your help in this time of need will not be forgotten. Many thanks my Lady"
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):thank you my lady
Simon N. (GM):It's about 32 miles, best to push the horses fast in the remaining daylight then walk the rest of the way.
Trystan:I will be sure to be of service as bard of your manor at any time, my Lady.
Arian:"You can do it, Shirley!"
Gorlock (Tony):stop calling me shirley
Simon N. (GM):Barbara smiles graciously at Xarius and at Trystan. "That would be lovely! I'm sure my Bard Syrus would love to compare notes."
Arian:looks askance at Gorlock Gorlock (Tony):ooc - airlpane
Simon N. (GM):GM: You head east again...
Arian:"Surely, you jest, Warlock. I was but encouraging my horse."
Trystan:brb just heading to a warmer room
Gorlock (Tony):nearly summer...
Simon N. (GM):It's a lovely sunny afternoon and you make good time through more civilised lands.
You pass some travellers but nothing threatens your passage (where have all my 6s gone?!) and that night you reach Moravin Priory.
Gorlock (Tony):follow the yellow brick roads
Greeba (Jelena):Excellent!
Gorlock (Tony):I paid for the pro plan, no 6s for you :)
Arian:OOC We're on a mission of mercy
"Prior!! Help!"
Simon N. (GM):Friar Tooley escorts you to meet the Prior.
Trystan:OOC we got the black market patch, GM.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I suppose Eamon is visibly wearing his monk attire or did we have to cover him because of the disease?
Arian:carefully peels back sheet Trystan:OOC yes good point, does he literally look like bits are falling off now?
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "Welcome all! Brother Eamon, you like quite the worse for wear!" (Eamon on 5/16)
Trystan:Is it a sort of extreme leprosy?
Arian:"Can you help him, please?"
Simon N. (GM):He's looking pretty rotted.
Greeba (Jelena):averts eyes Trystan:Yes, please take a look! If even my cure-all cream couldn't help, it must be serious!
Greeba (Jelena):It was a curse of a mummy that did this to Eamon
Wisteria of Skullspire:Some sort of curse, I'm afraid Father. My healing skills are beyond this.
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin: "Mummy Rot - it won't respond to normal disease cures, for it is a magical curse. Fortunately I recently received a premonition from St Sollars, and prepared the Remove Curse spell - now I see why..."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Most fortunate!
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin puts a hand on Eamon's shoulder. "Be healed."
Arian:OOC I was expecting a choir of angels... ;-)
Simon N. (GM):Eamon's rotted look swiftly fades
Gorlock (Tony):help me jesus
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Well you have me Arian!"
claps Wisteria of Skullspire:I must agree, that was rather an anti-climax!
Greeba (Jelena):you mean sollars
Wisteria of Skullspire:Now, I think a glass of that excellent wine would go down well!
How have you been since we last spoke, Father?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Well, I am so glad he is cured! Thank you gentle Friars.
Arian:pats Tiff on the head Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:OOC Bil was also sick today! Seems better now. I need to break 15 mins to get him some food. The Friars put you up comfortably for the night.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC awww poor Bill :-( Please give him love from all of us
Gorlock (Tony):tell him we didn't kill Eamon
Greeba (Jelena):OOC Get better soon, Bill!
Arian:Aw, poor Bill. Hugs to him. Tell him we saved him!
Gorlock (Tony):Jelly, you would have felt terrible...
Tiff's description says that sprite brew poisons, antidotes, etc. WE should take advantage..
Arian:OOC I wonder what the Friar's all think of Wisteria's armour ;-)
you call that armour
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):There will be some serious self-flagellation tonight...
Gorlock (Tony):If Elia were along as well...
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC take advantage Tony? To poison someone??
Arian:OOC Oh Lordy, I don't think they could handle Elia
Gorlock (Tony):get poisons and antidotes
Arian:Did you guys ever read her backstory?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Lol it's true, I mean it's very humid in the south, where Wisteria is from!
Gorlock (Tony):no, where is it
Wisteria of Skullspire:I didn't, is it on Simon's blog?
From Athens, but was living in New York as an aspiring artist & model. In the year 2020 her world is currently undergoing a (fast, plague) zombie apocalypse. Always strangely talented, when about to perish to the zombie horde in an underground parking garage, she saw the Grim Reaper beckoning to her, and somehow slipped through the Shadows to a new world - a new reality. Sometimes she thinks she's dead and in Hell. But it seems Death has plans for her. When captured and chained by the half-orc brigand Velzz, she had a strong premonition that Death's Handmaid would come for her - then she saw Wisteria.
Arian:12/9/59: Elia approaches Wisteria in a private corner. "When I left my own world, it was having a pretty bad zombie apocalypse - I think it's dying. I don't think I can go back."
"Death - Myrkul - showed me a vision of you in the darkness. I think He wants me to protect you or serve you or something." She shrugs. "If that's alright."
She glances over at Gorlock. "Who's the cute warlock with the angel sprite?"
Arian:Elia's tale: she was travelling on the King's Road from Ravensburg, having a sense she needed to find someone (she now thinks that was Wisteria). She was staying overnight at the Sanguine Inn, where she first saw Velzz, and exchanged a few words with him. He or someone must have drugged her drink - she remembers going to bed, waking up blindfold in a dark cave or cellar, then being marched cross-country by three men, including Velzz, to Fort Skulnar. The other two - both human she thinks - then left. She had the impression Velzz was planning to sell her to someone very nasty, and needed her unharmed, aside from the mental anguish caused by his terrible poetry. She suspects the Sanguine Inn is running a kidnapping operation.
She thinks you're cute, Gorlock ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):Terrible poetry, I remember now! A veritable vogon!
Arian:But she's since met Sirondar, so...
OOC lol Vogon poetry is terrible indeed!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes that story does sound super disturbing!
I suppose that's a side-quest we can look into at some point, the kidnapping ring?
Kidnappers are bad
Greeba (Jelena):Are we going back to the wizard tower now?
Arian:Arian wanders around the Garden of Peace looking for interesting plants Gorlock (Tony):OOC, lips taste like bugspray, what causes that...other than bugspray
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I have no idea I'm afraid!
Gorlock (Tony):back to the tower?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC have you eaten anything recently?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC pesticides in wine?
Gorlock (Tony):yuck, hop enot
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmmm, the only one I know is pear-drop breath. That's a sign of ketosis (which can point to diabetes)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):The second best thing about stopping a kidnapping ring is that they must have shitloads of money. If we can make them talk before we give them to the authorities, we could get some good money for our good causes.
Gorlock (Tony):hmmm, loot
Wisteria of Skullspire:That's a good point Thib!
Gorlock (Tony):I love loot
Arian:I wonder if any of the other rumours were near here
Wisteria of Skullspire:We can check with Simon when he comes back?
Arian:Yep! Arian wants to have a chat with Friar about his garden too -- maybe they'll have some plants for our plot... ;-)
Greeba (Jelena):Shall we go back to raid the tower, though? Oro do we need a long rest?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Is the moonfog hills near? There's a rumor about raiding giants and orcs?
Wisteria of Skullspire:1. Dust Goblins from Feycircle Tor have been stealing livestock from Spurs' Edge.
2. Raiding giants and orcs have made the Moonfog Hills a dangerous place. Many farms around Malthlyn have been abandoned.
3. Prospectors in Hiddenglen report that the wizard's tower known as Raganni's Redoubt appears abandoned.
4. The priests of Talos at Stormcaller Tor have been sending fierce autumn storms across central Arcata.
5. A powerful band of veteran mercenaries, the Sons of the Dragon, have taken up residence at Rough Run tower. They have been demanding tribute from the local villages. Some say their leaders are in fact dragons!
Those are the latest rumours everyone.
Arian:Simon, Arian wants to have a brief word with Friar Tooley about the Garden of Peace ;-)
Simon N. (GM):Bill says thanks for the good wishes :)
Arian:Hope he feels better soon
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes do hope he feels better soon!
Arian:waxes poetic to Friar Tooley about lemon verbena and asks if he has any interesting herbs Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Catnip!
Oh, for Barcat?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Is there a catnip for Dragons, asks Thibault that is clearly clueless about them?
Simon N. (GM):Arian gets chatting with Friar Tooley about herbs. He points out some interesting ones in the garden they mostly use for healing potions.
Arian:"I would most appreciate an exchange, if you would allow me to take some clippings, Friar. I am just establishing a garden of my own."
Simon N. (GM):GM: You can load up on potion ingredients here but it would be polite to make a donation, ca half the usual cost (so 12.5gp for enough to make a healing potion)
Gorlock (Tony):we just did a long rest, right?
Simon N. (GM):No you just had an overnight rest, you can have 4 hp back
Need 6 more nights for a LR
Gorlock (Tony):ah, sorry, wrong game
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I also ask The Father is he would like a donation for saving our friend from this dreadful disease?
Simon N. (GM):If you're going to LR suggest you go back to the fort
Arian:I'm at full and have all but one spell, so I'm ok
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin smiles: "Donations are always welcome!"
Trystan:Trystan will strum his lute in the garden, a song to honour the healing of Eamon.
Gorlock (Tony):how much is fair guys?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):50 to 100GP?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I believe a few GP, at least! 5 or 10 each perhaps?
Wisteria of Skullspire:That sounds a suitable donation to me.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think we should take that from the group treasury
Gorlock (Tony):I can't find the loot from last time..
Greeba (Jelena):It was 750 gp total, I believe
Arian:Yep. We haven't split that yet
Simon N. (GM):Thibault is right, spell level squared x10 is typical, or 90gp (unless you are too poor to afford it)
Arian:Let's take it out of the 750
and then split the rest
Gorlock (Tony):90 from the treasury then
Gorlock (Tony):ok, out of the llot
Simon N. (GM):Mordrin smiles: "Most kind of you."
Arian:We're 8 right now, so everyone take 82.5
Gorlock (Tony):94GP 2SP, 9 CP each is what's left
Simon N. (GM):He looks thoughtful. "If you are looking for something to do, I recently heard a dark rumour from across the border, in Ostel..."
Gorlock (Tony):8, soory did 7
tell us more
Simon N. (GM):"Yes, from Karvolia. The local priestess-ruler Sister Alkava has been demanding a blood tribute from among the peasantry, to be chosen by lot. Supposedly the youths will return 'unharmed', but I fear the worst. The Church in Ostel has always been ...different."
Wisteria of Skullspire:brb
Arian:"I don't like the sound of that -- a blood tribute?"
"That does not sound like something that you return unharmed from."
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Sounds absolutely immoral and evil"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmm, the Church in Ostel...
Greeba (Jelena):"Really? We shed a lot of blood"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will do a religion check please Simon to find out more?
Simon N. (GM):"If you were to make enquiries, please be discrete. Our Duchess cannot afford a diplomatic incident with Ostel."
Gorlock (Tony):understood
Arian:"We do, Greeba, but wouldn't you agree it's generally in a very final way? I am certain the youth tribute does not want to contribute in such a final way..."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sending youths to Myrkul to please another god is massive sacrilege. We should investigate!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Wisteria you recall rumours that the cult of Loviatar, the dark shadow of Ilmatar, is still powerful in Ostel. Many still see Loviatar & Ilmatar as two sides of the same dual deity.
Arian:OOC What is Greeba's deity, by the way?
Greeba (Jelena):"I meant our own too, and there's nothing wrong with us, is there?"
OOC Gruumsh, but she's not really religious
Gorlock (Tony):Shall we be off to Ostel
Simon N. (GM):Ilmatar is god of suffering and endurance, Loviatar the goddess of pain and blood, but their portfolios can intertwine.
Greeba (Jelena):Just feels the rage!
Arian:"It sounds a worthy cause to me. And, I suppose Eamon still needs to convalesce."
Wisteria of Skullspire:If this blood sacrifice is going on, it is a huge insult to me as a fingerbone of Myrkul. I cannot stand idly by.
Arian:"Will we be able to leave him in your care?"
Simon N. (GM):"Certainly. He should be able to return home in a few days."
Arian:"We thank you for your kindness."
Wisteria of Skullspire:And the always delicious wine!
Arian:Wisteria has her priorities ;-)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Of course :-)
I think she'll be rather a regular at the Priory, when all this is over!
Simon N. (GM):GM: Mordrin bids you farewell. Travelling eastwards, a long day's ride brings you across the Duchy of Carmathan to Ostel and the small town of Karvolia, huddled beneath imposing cliffs atop which stands a huge and grim edifice - the Red Mausoleum.
Gorlock (Tony):Ostel is far north east
Simon N. (GM):A few enquiries brings you to a local tavern. The back room of the Bleeding Crow Tavern smells of stale beer and old smoke. Lanterns hung at intervals along the walls provide muddy illumination, as there are no windows to let in either light or fresh air. Three ancient villagers study you from across a large wooden table—two men nursing tankards of ale and a woman who occasionally sips from a goblet of wine.
Wisteria of Skullspire:sigh no more delicious wine for a while, I can see........
Arian:OOC Perhaps someone charismatic could buy a round for them...
Gorlock (Tony):Good folks, fancy a pint
Trystan:My dear fellows, who in this tavern would like to hear a rousing song of adventure!
Trystan starts playing an upbeat tune on his lute.
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - Kim sounds like the pub from our movies recently
the pub!
Greeba (Jelena):"I'll have an ale too, thanks"
Simon N. (GM):Trystan gives a rousing performance. "Welcome - I'm Tanner Grim." "I'm Olan Forn, owner of this tavern." "And I'm Lady Bestin... Would you be the adventurers we sent for?"
Gorlock (Tony):drinks for our party and these fine folks
we are indeed
Arian:Brewer's Supplies (2+0+2)
Arian tries to use her ability to see what is the best on offer
Simon N. (GM):Olan serves you all drinks, Arian picks out the good stuff.
Gorlock (Tony):What kind of adventuring did you have in mind
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'll have what she's having! ;-)
Gorlock (Tony):there goes the coin
last time I buy a round :)
Arian:"If you're going to drink, you might as well drink the best!"
Gorlock (Tony):pappy van winkle around
OOC - my personal fav
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'm in great debt to your elven sensibilities, Arian! Myrkul knows what pigs' swill I'd be drinking, otherwise!
Simon N. (GM):"Our children have been taken! The first twelve a week ago - none returned. Then the red priestess demanded twelve more, chosen by lot. They were taken up there just today."
"We will help you!"
Gorlock (Tony):Indeed you will
Arian:"This is worse than what we heard."
Greeba (Jelena):"They haven't come back...?"
Arian:"What can you tell us of the red priestess?"
Simon N. (GM):They shake their heads. Bestin: "Save our young men and women and we will reward you, as we can."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Appalling! This red priestess shall answer to Myrkul, never fear!
Greeba (Jelena):"Where is this red priestess?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"The reward will be in destroying that evil cult! and their terrible practices!"
Gorlock (Tony):We will rescue your children and end this blight
Greeba (Jelena):".. and in money, Thibault!"
Gorlock (Tony):The red mausoleum?
Simon N. (GM):"Her name is Sister Alkava. She is a senior priestess of the Church, and a favourite of the Baroness. She has required blood before, as part of her rites, but this time the tribute did not return."
Greeba (Jelena):"... or jewels..."
Wisteria of Skullspire:Certainly not in wine :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):(smiles at Greeba!)
Arian:OOC Thib is too pure for this world
Simon N. (GM):"She took them to the Red Mausoleum, up there on the cliffs."
Arian:"Is she human? Elf? Something else?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Looks like she is getting more powerful and her tributes are more... higher stakes.
Arian:"Does she have followers who assist her?"
Greeba (Jelena):"Can we speak to anyone who has returned from the rites in the past?"
Simon N. (GM):"She has ...things... that serve her, yes. She may be human, but they are not."
Arian:"Has she ever shown any weakness? A taste for wine, even?"
OOC ooh, good thought Greeba
Simon N. (GM):They shrug at Arian's question. "She never comes down here."
Gorlock (Tony):can anyone determine what the things are from the description?
"Can you describe the things for us?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Some sort of abominations or constructs, I am sure. I have heard whispers of such things occurring among the more outlandish cults.........
May Wisteria make a Religion check please Simon?
Simon N. (GM):They describe what sounds like undead, as well as a bugbear. ok Wisteria
A crit?
Gorlock (Tony):Time for the cleric to shine...and then that
Simon N. (GM):Sounds like skeletons and a zombie ogre
Gorlock (Tony):zombie ogre...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Undead filth!!!!!!!! Worse and worse!
Gorlock (Tony):doesn't sound fun
Arian:"Sounds like something that needs to be removed from this world."
Gorlock (Tony):I love the sell of zombie in the morning
Greeba (Jelena):OOC zombie ogre killed my first ever PC!
Simon N. (GM):And something made of iron you don't recognise, some kind of construct perhaps.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ugh, I need another glass of wine, however disappointing it is!
Gorlock (Tony):yikes, how do we kill that?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC wow I called it! I haven't read the adventure Simon, I swear!
Gorlock (Tony):who has water
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC just too many years gaming lol
Simon N. (GM):GM: The elders summon three youths who were called to give blood previously. They describe an entry hall and steps up to a central vault where they were hooked up to tubes that drained blood from them.
Arian:OOC Arian has heat metal now!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC sounds like the NHS blood donation service!
Greeba (Jelena):OOC or Mad Max!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC lol true!
perhaps both?
OOC nice that'll come in handy Kim!
Simon N. (GM):Olan Forn: "My son is among those taken there this morn..."
Gorlock (Tony):Is there a way in perhaps?
I'm guessing we can't pass as tributes
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Do not worry Sir Olan. We will do anything we can to find your son".
Arian:"Do any go in and out there freely? Delivery people, perhaps? Or robed figures?"
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - hand sanitiser, on my lips
Simon N. (GM):Bestin: "And my niece, Mirna!"
Gorlock (Tony):just figured it out
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmmm, that is a good idea. I wonder if I can pass our group off as tribute and pretend to be a priestess from the same cult?
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC phew, at least that solves the mystery!
Arian:"We shall bring them all back."
Arian bows solemnly Gorlock (Tony):good plan Wisteria
Simon N. (GM):GM: They explain the layout - Sister Alkava has a small villa beside the Mausoleum.
Arian:"The manor looks such a normal place, for such foul goings on."
Simon N. (GM):A narrow track winds up the cliffs from the town below.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hiding in plain sight, I am sure.....
Greeba (Jelena):Straight to the mausoleum, then?
Gorlock (Tony):As tributes
Wisteria of Skullspire:I don't suppose there's a spare red cloak around anywhere?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):But we are not very young enough to be blood donors. It seems she is interested by youth only, right?
We could pass a work-slaves, maybe?
Simon N. (GM):Tanner: "Watch out for the stony Goblin - it seems smarter than her other servants."
Arian:We did take those toad cloaks, didn't we? 3 I think
Wisteria of Skullspire:No matter, I can still pay trbute as a priestess of Myrkul, I believe.
Oh yes, good point.
Gorlock (Tony):salves it is
Simon N. (GM):The Path to the Blood Vaults.
A well-traveled path leads from Karvolia up the hill to the cliffs overlooking the village. There, a looming edifice of stone that resembles a huge mausoleum seems to watch the village like a malevolent gargoyle...
Gorlock (Tony):Trystan has the salves
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We also need to conceal our weapons and be able to v=bring them inside the temple.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC guys I reckon it's better if Wisteria is just herself, it will sound more convincing than trying to be from a cult she knows little about.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):agreed
Gorlock (Tony):the terrain looks tretcherous
Arian:OOC though I suspect it'll come to the whole "kill 'em all and let Myrkul sort it out later"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ha! Very likely!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We still need a plan of approach: where are our weapns and how do we keep them handy in case the shit hits the fan?
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK so you put on cloaks and conceal your weapons before heading up the trail.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC what was the name of that goddess again? Loviatar? The willing whip?
Gorlock (Tony):somehow this feels like the 300
Arian:whispers "Let us enter this foul place and cleanse it..."
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I keep thinking of walnut whips :-)
Simon N. (GM):The cobblestone path leads up to a massive set of stone doors set into the walls of a massive stone structure. Gothic flourishes decorate the walls.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-)
Greeba (Jelena):We're not riding...
Wisteria of Skullspire:I must say, they do know how to decorate. Could do with a few more skulls, but....I'm impressed!
Simon N. (GM):From what you were told the youths were taken into the Mausoleum. If you are approaching you can move your tokens forward up to 12 squares
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):More skulls and ... more spires? ;-)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Had we better tie a pretend rope around everyone (as in it looks like you're tied but are secretly just holidng it?)
Gorlock (Tony):do we search the house first?
2 fronts
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):We need Wisteria to lead us...
Wisteria of Skullspire:Or everyone at least look like their two front hands are tied, please. And heads bowed.
Simon N. (GM):Thibault & Greeba you see a huge ogre zombie guarding the doors.
Wisteria of Skullspire:If you go in a crocodile (line of twos)
OOC you know like you see the schoolchildren doing :-)
Simon N. (GM):At the sight of you it steps forward and roars, waving its club at you.
Simon N. (GM):Yes, the small villa seems dark and deserted.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Halt! I am come with tribute for the Willing Whip!
Simon N. (GM):The Ogre Zombie isn't attacking, but it continues to make threatening gestures.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC Thib and Greeba can you move up please in to the line?
Greeba (Jelena):Which line? I thought we were going to the mausoleum
not the manor
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh sorry I got them mixed up.
(Coudln't see the titles at first!)
Wisteria of Skullspire:To the ogre: Where is your mistress, the Red Priestess?
Simon N. (GM):"GRRR!"
waves club Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can translate in Orc and Undercommon if necessary...
Wisteria of Skullspire:sigh Arian:I speak giant, but I don't imagine that helps
Wisteria of Skullspire:bloody crazy cults under her breath
Gorlock (Tony):OOC - I see C3PO
Simon N. (GM):It doesn't seem intelligent enough to converse with.
Gorlock (Tony):A little closer then
Arian:whispers who leaves someone to greet you that can't even talk?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I guess there is a language he should be able to grasp...
Arian:whispers I don't think they like guests...
Gorlock (Tony):someone who doesn't want to talk
Wisteria of Skullspire:Under breath: I wonder if we should try the manor house?
Greeba (Jelena):"the language of pain?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:The stone golem is apparently more intelligent?
Simon N. (GM):GM: They said stone goblin
Arian:whispers you want Xarius to blast him? So, our subterfuge is over?
Greeba (Jelena):OOC yes, maybe there is a secret passage from the manor to the mausoleum
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC oops sorry goblin"
Ok let's make the line this way then
Gorlock (Tony):Kim can you get max to pay attention
Wisteria of Skullspire:Once all are assembled, Wisteria will move up to the manor door and knock.
Gorlock (Tony):knock knock
Simon N. (GM):No answer comes - the manor seems deserted.
Wisteria of Skullspire:And the door is locked?
Simon N. (GM):The ogre zombie watches you, club lowered now.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Would you like to hear the message of our lord Mirkul?"
Greeba (Jelena):is the door unlocked?
Arian:Did the ogre do anything?
Wisteria of Skullspire:LOL
Simon N. (GM):You try the door - it's locked tight.
Gorlock (Tony):Can I shoot the zombie, please
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Go on!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Under breath: I think we should try to break in and see what we can find before facing that zombie head on.
There could be a passage through.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes
Wisteria of Skullspire:It doesn't seem to move past its alloted space to guard.
Gorlock (Tony):why is he moving back?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Anybody fancy trying to unlock the door or shall we "release the Greeba?"
Arian:"'Tis a pity none of us are good with thieve's tools..."
Greeba (Jelena):lifting warhammer Wisteria of Skullspire:Even heading round hte back of the manor to the mausoleum to find another entrance might work, out of sight of the zombie?
Trystan:I have just such a spell to scout around as well...........
OOC Trystan has Invisibility
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Me too!"
Greeba (Jelena):"Ah, alright then"
lowers weapon Trystan:OOC but up to you guys what you'd like to do?
Gorlock (Tony):if the zombie can't move, can we just shoot it to death
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, I will try to "Divine Sense" any traces of Evil in the Manor, please?
Gorlock (Tony):killl, killl
Wisteria of Skullspire:We could, but it may run to warn its mistress, and then our disguise is blown.
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:Thibault you sense the zombie is undead, and general evil from the Mausoleum. Nothing from the manor.
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'm not sure she'd take kindly to her minions being slaughtered, although it's truly tempting, I agree.
Trystan:As always, I definitely advocate sneaking round the back of the main building!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Agree with Trystan. Let see what we can do around.
Arian:Didn't Tiff take a look?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I'll go too!"
goes invisible Trystan:Yes, if the little sprite could go on ahead and see if there's antoher way in...........
Simon N. (GM):GM: The walls of the vast mausoleum are carved with many gargoyles. To the rear heavy undergrowth looks to make progress difficult.
Gorlock (Tony):Take a look tiff
Wisteria of Skullspire:No access through the windows perhaps?
Could tie a rope to a gargyole?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:After a few minutes you hear Tiff's voice again. "I went all the way round! I didn't see any other way in!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I keep the Ogre distracted by making faces at him!
Arian:"Then the front it is."
Gorlock (Tony):Kiil the wabbit
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"No windows or anything! It's like a mausoleum!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Alright. Let's try to break into the Manor, that's the ogre's last chance!
Gorlock (Tony):hence the name :)
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:reappears "And it made me feel yucky!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Greeba, would you do the honours, please?
The stench of undeath is foul and unrelenting, You did well little sprite!
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:smiles "Thanks Wisteria!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ha! A solid blow, well done!
Simon N. (GM):A single blow of Greeba's warhammer smashes the lock and opens the manor door.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Checking the Ogre to see if he has a fit of intelligence?
Wisteria of Skullspire:LOL
Simon N. (GM):The Ogre just stands there glaring at you as you break the door
Greeba (Jelena):that was (suspiciously) easy
Wisteria of Skullspire:brb
Simon N. (GM):Inside. the manor is very sparsely furnished, there is a nearly empty kitchen and a single bed upstairs. It does not look like anyone spent much time here.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Do we have some spell to block or ward the entrance once we are in the manor?
(if we decide to explore further)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC like some abandoned Airbnb!
OOC beautiful view of the palace of undeath
No secret trap doors?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Close to blood amenities.
Arian:"Let us approach the masoleum and see what the ogre does. The world will not mourn his passing. Er, again."
Simon N. (GM):You find no secret doors. By the bed you find a desk with some sheafs of parchment with strange writing.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Well, I gave the poor beast all the chances I could. Come then, let us send him to Myrkul, where he can be put to better use.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):It;s scholar's time!
Arian:Can I decipher the parchment?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Strange writing......do any of us recongnise it?
Greeba (Jelena):CAn anyone read the writing?
Arian:I speak Celestial, Druidic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant
Simon N. (GM):You can roll Investigation re the writing
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC guys I totally forgot Wisteria has Turn Undead! We could just make him run away and still try our original plan.
Gorlock (Tony):switched spells
Greeba (Jelena):Oooh, excellent!
Arian:"Hmmm, it looks passing strange."
Gorlock (Tony):great idea
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think it's worth a try. If we can get in without fighting tooth and nail, so much the better.
Arian:HEY, I think ogre zombies can understand Giant. But not speak.
I can say something to him if you want
Simon N. (GM):Arian has no idea re the writing.
Arian:holds parchment upside down Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes Arian, good idea, we can try that and if still no response I shall use Turn Undead.
Arian:"What would you have me say?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:If you could explain that I bring tribute to the Mistress of Pain.
Gorlock (Tony):Coomon, elvish, dwravish and halfling
Simon N. (GM):None of you recognise the writing
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok. let's get in line agian.
Arian:I call over to the ogre zombie in giant "This cleric brings tribute to the Mistress of Pain. Let us through!"
Gorlock (Tony):used to have comprehend languages...
Simon N. (GM):The Ogre growls and waves its club same as before
Arian:"Blood for the Mistress!"
Simon N. (GM):Arian you can roll Insight
Wisteria of Skullspire:I wonder if the poor beast is deaf?
Simon N. (GM):You might as well be arguing with a wagon cart.
Arian:whispers I'm afraid he's dumb as...well, an undead ogre.
Gorlock (Tony):Eldritch blast time
Wisteria of Skullspire:No no, Turn Undead first!
Simon N. (GM):GM You can roll init
Wisteria of Skullspire:If he moves away, we'll go straight inside.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Initiative(+1)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Arian:Thib is off his game! ;-)
Gorlock (Tony):I mean Thib
Wisteria of Skullspire:(GM can Wisteria swap with Trystan by any chance?0
He's right at the back lol
Simon N. (GM):(@Jelly please switch to Trystan b4 rolling his init, that just over wrote Wisteria init. I can input it manually)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh darn sorry
Simon N. (GM):OK #Trystan #Greeba #Gorlock
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC evryone if I do manage to turn the ogre are we agreed we go straight into the mausoleum?
(what else?)
Trystan:Double move, end turn.
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock EB?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):What else? We kill it so that he doesn't wait for us at the exit when we'll be tired?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I would say keep moving up until it attacks.
But the aim is to get past it and into mausoluem. Its mistress may call it off if we explain who we are.
Simon N. (GM):#Greeba #Gorlock #Xarius
Greeba (Jelena):Do we have to follow the path?
Arian:Looks like a cliff?
Wisteria of Skullspire:No we don't, I'd say get as close to entrance as you can without engaging it.
Simon N. (GM):There's open ground at the top of the cliff
Greeba (Jelena):Can I go there?
Simon N. (GM):Well there's 1 square rough ground (+5')
Xarius:what would be my preferable move
Wisteria of Skullspire:If I manage to turn the ogre we have one minute to get inside, which is basically one round.
Arian:You could ready a fire bolt, I suppose
In case it attacks
Simon N. (GM):1 minute is 10 rounds
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh sorry Simon! plenty of time then!
Sorry I mixed up 6 and 60 lol
Greeba (Jelena):readying weapon end turn
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ha! So it's not as stupid as it looks!
Gorlock (Tony):what about Gorlock and Xarius
Wisteria of Skullspire:(OOC shouldn't have told GM our plan)
Simon N. (GM):The ogre gets tired of waiting, moves back to the door (out of sight of those below) and readies its club.
#Wisteria #Arian #Thibault please
Gorlock (Tony):what about gorlock and xarius, we were skipped
Simon N. (GM):I asked for your turns twice
# means your go
Gorlock (Tony):it was greebas turn
Arian:I think we had a Roll20 hiccup
Simon N. (GM):OK all of you do your turns then it's the ogre
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes i agree there was a hiccup, it wasn't clear.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria next?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm done.
Simon N. (GM):The ogre isn't doing anything
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):COne on my firnds, let's not be coy about a big sad monster who needs to be freed.
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think I'm just out of reach of Turn Undead Simon?
Gorlock (Tony):he's not doing anything
Wisteria of Skullspire:My move is 30
Simon N. (GM):30' isn't it
Wisteria of Skullspire:Darn, well let's hope it just stays there.
Simon N. (GM):Ogre stands there
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think everyone move up again in readiness.
Gorlock (Tony):I'm close enough :)
thank you very much
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry forgot to move Trystan last round.
Ok I'll cast Turn Undead on the zombie
Simon N. (GM):The ogre waves its club at you
Gorlock (Tony):Xarius, what's your range?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I wave my symbol of Myrkul back at it!
Xarius:whoops didnt mean to hit enter
Simon N. (GM):OK everyone happy w location?
Xarius:120 ft with firebolt
Wisteria of Skullspire:Last chance to move up guys??
wait for it....
Simon N. (GM):#8 Wisteria tries to Turn Undead
save DC?
Wisteria of Skullspire:13 Wisdom please Simon
Gorlock (Tony):wise Ogre?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes!!!
Simon N. (GM):The Ogre is Turned
Arian:Nobody hit it, or it'll wake up
Wisteria of Skullspire:*Wisteria is secretly happy, she was growing strangely fond of the idiot.
Just let it go and let's get inside as quickly as possible, remember to keep the line again and look like hands are tied.
Simon N. (GM):As Wisteria is a Myrkul priestess, rather than scream and run it steps back from the trail and bows, acknowledging Myrkul's dominion over the dead.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Excellent, even better!
Wisteria bows back to the ogre.
Simon N. (GM):GM: It's currently safe
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ok, places everyone please, Wisteria whispers.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes please
Gorlock (Tony):xarius, arian
Simon N. (GM):The bas relief of Loviatar the Red Goddess carved into the doors strikes anyone who views it as both impressive and disturbing in its details.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will slowly and reverently push open the mausoluem doors if possible.
Greeba (Jelena):I'll be next to Thib, swap with Trystan
Simon N. (GM):There is a large keyhole. The stone doors look very solid.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Praise to she of the Nine-barbed truth, Maiden of Pain!
Wisteria will knock on the door and make this announcement.
Simon N. (GM):OK Wisteria roll CHA (Religion) :)
19 total
Simon N. (GM):Well I said use CHA bonus - but you pass anyway.
Simon N. (GM):You hear a clicking sound then a key turns in the lock.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I assume my slave position and demure.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC oh sorry I thought it was either or!
Simon N. (GM):The doors swing open, opened by two grinning skeletons.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will stride through, head high, and motion the others to follow looking as meek as they can.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ah yes, the union between Myrkul and the Willing Whip is a beautiful thing.
Simon N. (GM):1. Entry Chamber
A small vestibule leads up into the main portion of the Entry Chamber, a 20-foot-tall room with three arched openings that provide access into the facility.
Tall statues on the right and left walls portray different aspects of the Red Goddess. The statue on the right depicts Loviatar as the goddess of sex and childbirth, showing an alluring temptress clearly pregnant beneath her filmy gown. The statue on the left represents the goddess as the patron of the realm of death, a wicked dagger in one hand and a decanter of blood in the other, firmly in control of death and suffering. On the far wall, two small archways stand to each side of a wider and taller archway, revealing corridors that lead deeper into the Blood Vaults. Piles of bones lie scattered between the two aspects of Loviatar.
Gorlock (Tony):who is going crazy with the arrows
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria's eye will twitch a lttle as she sees the statue on the left, but keep her demeanour.
Greeba (Jelena):and 4 skeletons?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Come, glorious tribute!
Simon N. (GM):2. The Blood Procession
The central, 10-foot-wide corridor beneath the 15-foot high arch leads to a set of double doors made of stone. Smaller stone doors separate the wide corridor from the eastern and western passages.
Carvings on the double doors show the Red Goddess at the head of a blood procession, arms outstretched, welcoming supplicants and donors ripe with rich, warm blood. Lifelike paintings of even more donors, packed tightly together and marching toward the doors, decorate every inch of the walls, floor, and arched ceiling using perspectives that make everything seem to flow to the north.
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC this reminds me of when I went to get the vaccine!
Just kidding
Simon N. (GM):Without a sound, two undead forms rise out the walls and slide toward you...
Greeba (Jelena):LOL Jelly
Simon N. (GM):Before you can react the Spectres attack
Wisteria of Skullspire::-(
And we were doing so well!
Wisteria (AC 17) fends them off!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Back! I am here with tribute for your mistress!
OOC Simon can I try to persuade them in any way, or are they non-sentient?
I only have one Turn Undead per long rest I'm afraid everyone :-(
Simon N. (GM):You'd prob need to Channel Divinity on them
per short rest surely?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I think?
I'm not sure it wasn't clear in the journal?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can do it.
#22 Trystan
The Skeletons' eyes glow red
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thinking........
Simon N. (GM):(I can come back to you) #21 Greeba
one right in front of me
magic weapon
did it do anything?
Simon N. (GM):hit for 7? Yup you smush its ectoplasm
Greeba (Jelena):oop,s forghot to add rage +2
Greeba (Jelena):Apologies for spelling
Gorlock (Tony):the same one
Simon N. (GM):Gorlock blasts it
Gorlock (Tony):can I do now?
Gorlock (Tony):then "come on lads, why the fight..."
Greeba (Jelena):good, dead spectre!
Simon N. (GM):It evaporates
Gorlock (Tony):got a bone to pick?
A skeleton reaches for Xarius
Gorlock (Tony):nice dead spectre
shall I shit
Arian:There's one right next to you
Simon N. (GM):the one beside you
Arian:If you move, you'll get an opp attack
Simon N. (GM):it gets opp att as you broke contact
Gorlock (Tony):strength for the ability score
Xarius:wait Ican I not move
Simon N. (GM):it missed you, you shoot it for 1 dmg
thats me done
Gorlock (Tony):wait doesn't matter, dead
Simon N. (GM):2 skels attack Arian
Simon N. (GM):AC 16, 1 hit for 5
1 attacks Gorlock
hit for 3
Simon N. (GM):1 attacks Xarius
hit for 7
Gorlock (Tony):I wish my other PC was here
Trystan:Simon can I cast spells in melee or will take opp attack?
Simon N. (GM):You can cast spells ok. Ranged spells have disad.
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Word of Radiance
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Target: Each creaature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V, M (A holy symbol)
Duration: Instantaneous
You utter a divine word, and burning radiance erupts from you. Each creature of your choice that you can see within range must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage. The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Ok I'll try this, it's a new one for level 4
On the specre
spectre please
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d6
Wisteria of Skullspire:2 damage
Wisteria of Skullspire:are they vulnerable to radiant?
Simon N. (GM):No, it takes 2 radiant dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:Skellies prob are, will try on them next time.
Simon N. (GM):I think only Shadows are vulnerable
Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Target: The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding
Components: V, S, M (Mistletoe, a shamrock leaf, and a club or quarterstaff)
Duration: 1 minute
The wood of a club or quarterstaff you are holding is imbued with nature’s power. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon’s damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn’t already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.
Then hit a skeleton with it...
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC ah ok thanks Simon
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nice!
Simon N. (GM):10 dmg, bones break
that's me done
Simon N. (GM):One on right is dmged
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I move next to Arian and smash the skeleton with my longsword (magic)
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Longsword, +1
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
The remaining Spectre reaches for Wisteria
Damage: 12 necroticThe target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0
miss again
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Myrkul protects me against your pathetic attempts!
On the one below Xarius
Simon N. (GM):You pierce it - still up
Gorlock (Tony):I'm going for the annoying bugger next to me
Simon N. (GM):disad adjacent or move away take opp att
It explodes
bits of bone rain down
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Simon N. (GM):disad as adjacent, roll again
Arian:you need to roll again dude
Gorlock (Tony):is your damge right
Arian:a spell has disadvantage when you're adjacent
Arian:Your wild magic has gone rogue
Simon N. (GM):miss (AC 13)
Skeleton attacks Trystan as Xarius clearly no threat :p
Arian:Xarius pouting in the corner, muttering to himself Simon N. (GM):& 2nd one attacks Arian
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):"Hit me next time, skeletor!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:OK I'll cast Toll the Dead on the spectre (it counts as a touch spell I believe?)#
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Arian:point right at it's nose ;-)
Wisteria of Skullspire:It's just ranged ability for grave clerics? But if not can roll disad GM?
Simon N. (GM):It ignores the Necrotic attack
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh darn :-(
Simon N. (GM):(no disad on Saving Throws)
on the skeleton
then will move up
Simon N. (GM):Shattered in one mighty bludgeon
Arian:"I do not like thee, undead! Get thee to the grave where you belong!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Spoken like a true Fingrbone of Myrkul, sister elf :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I smash the last skeleton left.
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Longsword, +1
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry.
Arian:I bashed in the brains of the other one. Er, skull. Probably no brains left.
Simon N. (GM):Spectre vs Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:That ogre's brain has definitely rotted!
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 13 necroticThe target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0
Myrkul protects his own!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Always :-)
Trystan:Trystan will attempt to mock the spectre for its weak ectoplasm and inefficient attacks!
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Simon N. (GM):It's heard better
Gorlock (Tony):brought up in the hood
Simon N. (GM):Greeba whacks it for 11
Gorlock (Tony):lost my character sheet. one sec
Gorlock (Tony):what has happened...
Gorlock (Tony):our gods have abandoned us
Arian:Get the spectre! :-)
which type of spell is the best
Sacred Flame
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature that you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Arian:Whatever god Xarius worships needs to be prayed to
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry I mean me!
Gorlock (Tony):the tides have turned
Wisteria of Skullspire:Praise be to Myrkul!
Simon N. (GM):you can't attack fr Wisteria
Am I on the Greeba that I can't see?
oh there?
Simon N. (GM):You are underneath Wisteria
Arian:Something is weird, for me, Wisteria was on top of Greeba!
But now I think it is sorted
Simon N. (GM):OK you move up and whack the ghosty w magic club
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yeah sometimes, the tokens locations are different between screens.
Simon N. (GM):I see you N of Greeba
Arian:I'd been wondering where Greeba was
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I can see that between my screen and Jelena's
Gorlock (Tony):by the pwer of greyskull
you hit
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I move north of the spectre
Gorlock (Tony):or okthars hammer
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC you know they're making a new He-Man series?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Longsword, +1
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen
Simon N. (GM):30' to there. You slice it in two & it evaporates
Arian:OOC live action or cartoon?
Yay, Thib!!
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC cartoon
Gorlock (Tony):Call it a night?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nice hit!
Simon N. (GM):(yup) Silence descends. Then you hear a female voice from the east tunnel. "They've come to rescue us! You're in for it now, you big rug!"
OK stopping there tonight
Greeba (Jelena):Great, thanks Simon!
Wisteria of Skullspire:So tense, but we did really well I think! very lucky dice too :-)
Gorlock (Tony):perfect, I love smashing bones....
Arian:Must be the bugbear
Greeba (Jelena):Thanks everyone, see you next week
Wisteria of Skullspire:Thanks Simon for another fab game!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks a lot Simon! Great adventure against some nasty evil!
Arian:Xarius would beg to differ on the dice
Thanks Simon!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Poor Xaruius! :-(
Arian:waves staff in the air Gorlock (Tony):he needs to pray more
Simon N. (GM):thanks all :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Live by the sword, live a good, long life! (Minsc, Baldur's Gate II)
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